, , m -. poetic V MHrt:N fr !' KMl'Wi, Viwsj the thniknm lAlrtmry Juuruul. " I"OETRY OF NATURE. Nature bath eeboe that may fill' 11 heart with aadneaa, or may thrill With fcwiM of Urf ; rb brM That wanton 'mid tit whispering tree, Htirring liteir leave; TUl passes with a lightsome winy 0"t laughing brook and purling spring, Or lighily weave lit ptb 0t rly flow r among, . Corn Udea to m 7 tart with ig. Bo balh iL eaU and stilly boor Hweot Powy ' bewitching power, When Meditation from her evil, Ttta arnaiv otusingt of her eliell ' Ateveiwaket; And with intls sympathy Couvs o'er the fount of memory, Or aoftly break 'Neetb IWy s quickening control la shad or sunshine a'er ibe auul. Nor etiiwtwlsy io air a Ion ; Ksrtb baltt her oorda of silvery lane, Tint to lb brightly glancing eye Of Oenluf wait la melody, ..lo the BbM buh Of Summer woods and shsding bowers, Or dewy eupe of bursting flowers; And in Uie g uah - Of purling Mroauta who cadwnc thrill -' The ear among her breezy bill. And Ocean balb Iter lyre of da-p Or genii tone, ae tempest sweep It be "ins bnenn into torge, . And o'er Uiejwrk iu Uillowa urge Oreolier wing - Of Summer trphyrs gently wek , The silver created wsvrs that break. - And playful spring la dtllianct on tit sounding atrand, And murmur o'er the polished aand. But loftier strains than breathe on eartli Among tit dreamy atar have birth, And softer than the aephyr' play lit .cadence of lb beavonly ley ; .1 Warmed by Uteepell That from eecb etarry lyre awake, Enraptured f'ba-bue blushing break Ilia voieele ehell; While Contemplation sit and ainga HUT auul away to uewleaa strings. II. SCItJl P s Ah American Jwlgt.Tn be not, with hia hat on, a cigar in hia mouth, hi arm folded, and hi fool over the tail, looking aa aour aa an unripe k'uvxw u Bring up tbera culprit;" aaid be, and wlicn they were brought up, bo told 'em it waa acandaloua, and only lit for English ami ignorant foreignera, that ail in the outer porch of darkneee, and not high uiihM, intelligent Americana. f Too are a tliagrace," aaid be, " to our great nation and 1 hope 1 ehall not bear lite like of it again. If I do. Ill put you on your trial aa ure aa yu are )oni " 1 hope may be akiuned alive by wild cat if I don I. nam aiiek. Proof ikat a t it drad. A anbecrilier to one ofllid tatern'pperTnuw yoara ago, being aaJ y in arreara (or the Nine, promiaed the editor that if hia life waa apared to a certain day, be wuuld, without fail, discharge hia bill. The day pained and Ibe bill waa not paid. . i be natural concluaion therefore waa, that the man waa dead abenlutely oVfunct. Proceeding oo thi conclusion, the edi tor, in the neit paper, placed the, name of the de -- linquent under the obituary head, with the attend . m . aa era.. ing circumstance oi nine ana piece, i reity m after thia announcement, the aubitct of it appeared to Ibe editpr J out with the pale and ghastly coun tenance usually ascribed lo apparitions but with face aa red a acartet. Neither did it, like other .. apparitions, wait to be first spoken to, but broke si tence with ' What the devil, air, did you mean by publuhing roy death V Why," air, the aame that I meaa wheu I publish the death of any other per son, via: to let the world know that you were dead.' WeR, but II! bo c-a-d if I am dead ! ' Not dead i then (t'a your own fault, (or you told me you would positively pay your bill by auch a day, if you I: I .11 iL.i 'Pi.. J-- A .1 kill II TQM llll lust num. a ur aj tm pvavm, iiiq uiii i not paid, and you positively must be dead for will not believe you would forfeit your word t 0 -no'--I aee ytm have gtitarounJ wvwM niEdtiet - . but aay do more about it here a the, money. And, ; harkee, you wag, just contradict m death next - - week, will you I' O certainly, air, just to please oo though, upon my word, 1 can't help thinking you died at the time spcci6ed, and that you have merely come back to pay thia bill, on account of your triendahip to ate.' The appearance of Victoria,-or Vic, aa aha is farmmarly termed in England, la not remarkably prepoMMeing, though he ia by no mean ugly. bit ia quite email io stature, light completion, blue eyee, wear her hair a la Grtcqut, and dree- ae with great aimplicity. Her form i spu re, and lace rather distinguished for want of animation than otherwise. Owing to a slight dt foct, her up per lip ia contracted, o aa to expose her teeth, even when not smiling or talking thia delect, however, j but little not ic4, as U ha been adopted, of course in compliment to Victoria, by all the ladies at Court, aud indeed by Lnghsh femalea generally, Arabians and Antiquities. During (lie emise of tbe Constitution along the Mediterranean, for the object of improving the breed of animate al home, lom. fclliot procured a small slock of supe rinr Arabian and AndulusiaQ horses, and extru si led jennies and jacka of marked beauty, and of the beat blood of the country, They were obtained with great difficulty and brought home at much hnzaftl; but all thia yielded to the benefit which the country would derive by their introduction in lethe United Stales. The commodore has also brought with bim a few of the broad tailed Syrian eheep, valued for their quality of mutton .and their quantity of fleece. In addition to these, he haa orr.e valuable wheat and grass seed, tho introduc tion of which wil( doubtless turn Out of important X use to the (arming interests at home. The antiquarian aocietie will feel obliged lo the Commodore for the rare antiquitie and oumeroua ancient coin which he ha been at the trouble of collecting abroad, and intended for the different public institution a.t home. Boston TravtUer. VHslJ.rut.i.- JuU," u4 a ratffol MUr,! oWl iv coo.m r.innW borer too n.aoy ooe-1 . . .......... .i you know they Imve hay." "icto, mur, iu imi giii-iiMi.v r . - - - , John, moving toward the Urn, And hark Commenced r.o-cking the , litre k,d..,of na John don"! aire them to iimrh kaf i )ou k..w tore, rKeiabl, a.ii.iwl aiJ imnrra . ainl, Mh the they he ou'i. I'amiil Anlmntlla li i Lnnwn ilia f 'miili 1U ..... ' '"i ' .. m .urn., -...-".") eimniM-ef and that Ilia enmity WJ lo lit a. lioi-U.. ,M.tr.ef ill. Uflrr, bv the former, of the nnnciixi eliruHiffh e fuw miiwtr rvwMiona mill LrUniceil to lh Maclfan. Of their rancor lowanie (he aup plarrier of I heir race, the following anecdote aflorde an imrfeor I A emreUe Macb-an wne, hj rlun dav aeeoinff, aitiing io bia alltow rhair, aiiU Imar ing In grandeon read the UiAe. I It buy roaa ol lh proixniy of Job in hi latter day a. mIm bad hiortoen IhouMnd aheep, aeeen Hum. aand onto, and two tbouaarKi camel. M bliow me lh bible, buy !" eaid Maclean, at lit Ut word, which waa pronounced emctly a tliey prrmouncta the name f th Campbell. Tbn bibla waa ebrtwn bim. t, a, m, a, I, a Cawmele! the deil laha lh printer ! Ibat could never be in the bible j f..r gin ba had lb balf o' that cawmele, lh never an oi or a eheep they'd k-ft bim." Tkt Colonist. CIRCULAR. Tl article publiehed below, concerning the new and popular doctrine adrauced by lit illmrtriou (Joelicke of Germany,' cannot fail of eiciting a deep and thrilling interval thriHigliout our country ITrawlated Iroin lite Genua n LOUIS OFFO.N GOELICKK, or acaMRV TSe greatest of human lienejactun. Cilittiu of Sorik and Svutk 'A'eMrifa. To Loi-ia Orro.i Uoklickb, M. I)., (Eur,) llMiira the iinueruhabla honor of adduiff a kcw and Mu ion ixatbinb to the Hcience of Mtli cine a doctrine which, though vehemently op poaed by many ol the faculty, (of which Iw i a aluable member,) he prov to be aa well lounued in truth a any doctrine of Holy Vii d.ictnitf poo the verily of which ar aumJemlod lh live . . . ... ol milium of our raca, and whicb he boldly cnai tengre hia oppoaera lo refute, vli i Loniumjrtton u ditto always of rationed by a disordered Hate of Vis Vila (or Lift Principle) of tkt kuman bod : OZT often tecrttlji lurking in the system for years before then it, tkt least complaint of Ike tungiStund which may be as certainly, though not to quickly, cured, as a common cola or a simple radache. An invaluably precious doctrine this, aa it imarts sn important lesson lo the apiarently keatky of both aexea, teaching them that this in- aidioua foe may be an unobserved inmate of then clayey houses even while they imagine them- fives secure from it attacks, teaching lliein that TI1K IJREAT IN TIIK ART Or 'RESERVING HEALTH 13 to PLUCK OUT THE DISEASE WHILE IN TIIK IILADE, AND NOT WAIT till tiik FULL GROWN EAR. Thi illustrious benefactor of man is also entitled lo your unfuigned gratitude, a ltd the grotitudo of a world, for lite luvenlioo ot his alA I LIIL1.S3 BA NATIVE, whoae heulmg fut may justly cluim for it auch a title, since it has so eigually triumph ed ovr 'our great juramon cnuiiy yjLO.N SUMf'TfON', both in tlio first aitd iast atngesT a inedicinu which has thoroughly filh d the vacuum in the Materia Medica, ami thereby proved itMilf the CoKuctiaoi or riivsiciAns a medicine, lor which all mankind will have ahunduni cause lo hloss tho bonelicent hand of a kind Providence, medi cine, whose wondrous virtues have bcuu so glow ingly portrayed even by some of our clergy, in their pastoral visits to the aick chamber ; by which mean they olleo become the happy instrument ol cuanuinff dt'sitoudency into hoiie, sic kites into health, and sadness ot friends into jo) fulness. GOEUCKFTS MATCHLESS SANATIVE, medicine of. more value to tnan than the vaat mine of Austria, or even the united treasures of our glube, a medicine, which t obtained equally ftom the vegetable, animal and mineral kingdoms, and thu posse site a thbee-fold power, a niodi cirter which, though designed aa a remedy for con sumption solely, ia possessed of a mysterious influ ence over many disease of the human system, a medicine which begin lo be valued by Physicians, who are daily witnessing its aalomshiug cures ol nmny whom they had- resigned loth grasp of the INSATIABLE OBAVB. DOSE of the Sanative, for adults, one drop ; for children, a Half drop; and for infant, a quarter drop ; the direction explaining the inuuner of ta king a ball or quarter drop. raica I lire anuoue-tniru nx dollar (ev.ou; I mi I . I ' t aa as, s r m n per HALTOVMCI. A brief history of the immortal Experimenter, who ha ancrifced a large property and nearly six years of mental and bodily toil upon the altar of human benevolence, must be fraught with thrilling interest lo Ihe Western aa well aa hastern World, He i a kinsman of Dr. Andhkw Offoh Gok lickk, the well known author of the "Hisioria Medicinie Universalis," who gained a great reitu tatioo throughout Germany, in the commencement of the last century, by zealously advocating the doctrines of the ercenrrio Dr. St a it l. Having lost hia father by Consumption, Goelicke was left with a large estate, fortunate for us, and fortu nate fur generations yet unborn, hia polar atar was tho good of hi follow men, and he " vowed, m the name of the Being who made him, that he would spend hi last shilling end hie life with it, ere he would atop abort of the discovery of the Caen and Craa of that dreadful disease whicb had torn from him a beloved parent.1 The. lofty spirit of Goelicke was chafed by ihe too just reproach cast upou the healing art, lhat M it imbecility and ignorance serve but to court and foster disease," and his aspiring soul would not permit him to grovel on with the great mass of physiciune, in the dim twilight of medical knowl edge. M What P said he, baa the God of nature been more provident for the earthly reptile that crawl at our feet, than for Ihe noblest of hi crea tion, Man I Haa he not kindly provided an anti dot to the maladiea even of the kateful toad, in the very leaf that waa designed as its shelter from f Ka atfhrmf Dnnt w thn. iinrvliUlalw rh.in nil . ker wilh a yA or FoieirT I Heaven forbid! " " I A Germao coin, value 75 eent. J .. f .!. iJ Miill.wvrveworiiuitoil a blil eiilmikca Bring fully of tUe aaUunc d i reign remedy hr C.-MWii.ptM.n, ll.cn uiNliscoverml, " . ..i..l.,.,l,r biuI enter nienter key ctH-Mtmiry in nana, tiut ol (Mir Iruite l.iit..-, llu lUi cbemwl 1 i it ... ...i.. iI.m iin.i-r 1'i.nrli I ai.u . Utere, duectrd bv the U.e.t i.ijrmiei . v.-. ver, obtained fr.m.NaTt.1.'. ilioiuaCMT i j - . . . . .i !. . I bia MmIcIiUmu) Hariative Dr. IUaa!i Ethvllh, and two other of our mol einineot physician (wb-e lesliiiHsiial will be f.tumi annexed la this pro-clu) puhlii'ly knowledge its mighiy ehVscy in curing out only Cotwimpti.in,bul miter 6-arful maladies which lltey have berelofore believed inrurable. Tltey fiankly CiHifi s,ihat It is tbe most unaccountable in its aclio of any ndwin ever yet piepred by human haml. both ia the demand for this mighty health re torer in Germany, that Mr. Anthony S'rumrr, on if our booksellers, aolil, in one month, 1 17 phials, ling more (ban six packages Mr. E. I. Manhattan, 124 ; Mr. James Sevier, inn kee,s:r, 1 03 : and hot a sioul aireul, who baa made return i f money lo lh diHwitiry, ha sold less ll'in 100 per month, since he receive: hi appointment. Ao jUMitialKio ot geollemen, Willi .nr. puunm- tan at it liead, and comprising twenty agents, recent. Iv oflered Gorlicke eiO.OOOf.r the osioi.oaL um irit for preparing lit tinalive, but litis wss rrfuta d. Mr. Maiihullan Ims cause lo priau tin mcnirine, since on of bis daughter, whom Dr. Van Gsutl , attended iu a long aickness, and whom he arktiowl. I dued to be in a "confirmed ciMisiimpiioii, lis ! been iMufi'cllv cured bv usinf only " three quarter of a phial." Also, a yitung man, who was lor roe r ly a clerk in hi store, and who had, lor several vears. been sohiwt to fits, was restored to uuinler rupltd health, oo Isking leu than kalf o phial. Keveral other very important cuir have been die- interestedly reported to the public by the berore named physicians, sinre their conversion lo the Vis Vita; doctrine, aa will be seen by their annexed les- Uimonial. Of OMiet medicinea before the public, the patient is directed to M take five or ux boltl, and if these do not cure, persevere in the use of ten, or even fifteen ;" but not so with the Matchles Kar jlive. ll is here worthy of remark, that in almost eve. ry instance where cure have been wrought by thu remedy, lets than a phial ha removed the disease and, in no caee, whether resulting fatally or suc cessfully, haa a patient used two whole phials. The Sanative is above all estimate, as a general preventive of contaciois piseasm, and by many it is said to be a never-failing antidote, though the luvrntor does not clothe it with auch infallibility. Masters of vessels, who may worn lo furnish themselves and their crews, each with a phial ol it, can obtain lh article of my agent ; at per cent, discount by the package. All persons who live in unhealthy climates, whether hot or cold, all opernlivesand other coo nected with manufactories, and all who lead seden tary and inactive live, are exposed lo various in aidioua maladiea, which msy be silently preying upon meir coimiiiiiikki wnue tneir couiiieuance .j f Matchles Sanative ia indeed what tl proles, wear the glow of health, aud while tltey " suspect e , b81 efWtual and valuable medicine, wor no danger nigh" maladies which an occasional i (IV , w.rjou.i attention of every cousumplive per- use of the &tualive would check in the bud. The patient, while using ibis medicine, ahotild eat and drink (in kind, not quantity) whatever the AfrxjiTK Uirlutea. ami iMl-uej:Qiupcuca lu-iorcu -...DAVID-S. ROWLAND, (M Geoeral Amert dowu, against nature, every medley which tho ton- can Agent for this mighiy medicine, (invented by derest Iriends aud kindest nurses often imprudeutly ,h i,n(nortal (ioelicke of Germany,) ha great recommend. j pleasure in publishing the following highly impor- NATURE IS TIIK GREAT PHYSICIAN, j taut letter from a respectable gentleman in New (the doctor and nurse only her servant;) and il ; York, which he hat received, with many other we would profit by her advice, we must adhere strictly to her infallible) recipe. If she order for the patient water, porter, or ecV, obey ker ; if she direct fih, fow l, eggs, or a beef steak, regard ker voice, la other words, the patient should eat and drum whatever nis appetite crates, tm loriieitins to be " temperate in all things." in burning fevers, mock not the patient s instinc- live call for cooling drink, by simpfy moistening (!) hi .are hod lips ; but place tty his bed-side a ve. sel of water, put into hi hind a cup, end let him slake his thirst at pleasure. "This is reason ; this is common sense ; this i nature. TO AGENTS. The General Agent for the Matchless Sanative, in the Western Hemisphere, ia Dr. DAVID S. ROWLAND, Boston, in the an cient Stale of Massachisbtts, Nokth Ambbica. To prevent any attempt hi counterfeiting, the direc- lions accompanying each package will contain a private check mark, made known to the general agent ia Oust on, who ia duly authorized lo employ an inspecting agent, at the expense of the deposi tory, to visit occasionally the aub-agmit in the de ferent sections of the country. , It waa deemed absolutely necessary by the in ventor, that the general agent in America, should be a gentleman acquainted wilh medicine; but whilu aaid agent ha power to create additional agencies, in any town or city whenever he shall think proper, he ha it in charge not to appoint ei titer druggists or apothecaries aa agents, and con sequently thia n ediciue will not be for sale at their store. A Goelicke doe not wish tho reputation of this remedy in America to depend upon the canes here in reported, but. upon its own merit alone, he is perfectly willing, nay, he asks it as a fator, that publishers nf newpptipers, throughout the whole country, will throw open their column lo PHYSI CIANS, for the free admission of alt their argu mentative communications (over real names) which they niajLpller against the validity of the new doc trine. Lo-iegaid probably prefer to make actual trial of its worth, m'her than rely upon what may be aaid of it, ei ther by il Iriend or ita foe. Not being at all de sirous of a certificate reputation abroad, the in ventor would not have consented that lh following case should have been published, had not the an., ncxed testimonial, which corroborates the facts, have been so kindly and unsoliciledly presented to him, by three of our most distinguished physician, who were, till very recently, his bitterest oppo ses. Having designed hia medicine aa an aoti dote to only one disease, he could not have believed that it poesetwea auch a controlling power over the human system, were not the cases nere given, at tested tq by gentlemen, who were individually knowing to tbe facts, and whose veracity no one will presume to call in question, via : .28 of Incipi ent and Confirmed Consumption; 6 Paiaey; 13 Fits; 21 Venereal; 5 Dropsy; 3 Insanity ; 1 Emaciation ; 15 Indigestion ; 7 Pleuriay ; 3 Gout ; 14 Pilea; 0 Dysentery ;' 6 Gravel and Stranguary ; 5 Kheunutlieint 5 Fii (.'omi'laiot I '.' IVihrlr J 7 lUkelat 12 1......!!.! 1 rartial lrliie- i rpti' bun. t 19 Veri-KoanJ llradwh 12 Umt S?- burnt s aH'K K.ilo imI iK-UiUiy ; A Ijeer Complaint .uiion ' i . . . n.. f Iha Kv I 0 f - Anily Fir- 10 D.elurbed kL Jd Wa.chini! I Cairw I 1 1 Kmgworrru. nll 0 Wind in rilmnach ami M I M.r.ul I i'Vl'r sole I - , Jrilie , !0 Night barala $ I J- I M",U ' Jj 4 c.rb. 0 rutin. '"i . . . t - i :.i and I'.ii.itled r 'act I kTy fl Tie l- hMin.ut 11'oia.Htedj 4H.ckisa in I'reg.-iicy a Tun and many dimcult (emab coinainl $ Usides numerics easee of Humora, Fevers, W. in --.a .h.Mii the Huitalive shall save from lhreale..in2 d.aease, are particularly desired to coiiiu.unicie their eaatt (post PJ) tory. , t t t t.t ft AferlifMi from three mem be re of I he MEDL CAL PROFUSION, iu (Jermany.io Europe. We. lb undersigned, practitiooer of medicine in Germany, are well aware that, by our course, we may forh-il lha friendship of ome of lite btcul iv hut not of its benevolent member, who are uiiinll'M'iieed by wluh oiotive. Iliough w shall rrtram frimi an exitreasioo of our opinion, either ol the aoondne or unsouitdnew of Dr. Goolicke' nr doctrine, w are hapjiy to aay thai we deem Ins Smiiniiv loo valuaLU not lo be geneully known for what our ejee behokl and our ears (tear, we . , udieve. y fon-Uv sinte, that when Dr. Louia OfKni (Jotlicke first came before the German public, as ,1.-,1,,.,l discoverer of a new doctrine and a M.W imdiciiie. we held hi in in tire highest contempt believing and openly pronouncing bun to be base i.npostur ami the prince of quacks Hut, oo bear ing i much said uhout the Hanative, against it and fur it, we were induced, from motive of curiosity merely, to muke trial of it reputed virtue upon a number of our most hopeless patient; and we now deem il our bounden duty (even at the expense of our st'lf-interf-! ) publicly to acknowledge it efhra rv in ruiinz not only consumption, but other fear ful malndie, which we have heretofore believed tt be incurable. Our conteuitt for the discoverer of this medicine was at once swallowed up iu our ut ler astonishment al then unexpected result ; and as amend for our abuse of him, we do-frankly cop fi-as to the world, thai we believe him a philanthro pist, who doea honor to the profession and to our country, which save him birth The recent adoption of this medicine inlo some of our European hoepilal ia a aullitienl guaranty ihnl it performs all it promise. II needed not ou testimony, for wherever it is used, it is it own best witness. HERMAN ETMULLF.R, M. D. WALTER VAN GAULT, M. D. ADOLPHUS WERNER, M. D. Qormany, Due. 10, lb30. tTTTTTTTT It appeara by the following information given 0 tie public by Dr. Rowland, lhat the much talk' on and the aiclr generally.) Mntrlilra KAiialhr. f a limilar character alw very interesting intel ligence from several of hi Agent, a will be aeen below which, together with the certificate Iroro three eminent German physicians, must forever e lablib the character of the Sanative a being with out a parallel in the hictory nf medicine. Testimony No. 1. A Letter from II. F. Shtncood, Esq., of Sew York. t t t t t t t New Ton, OcU 9,1837. Da. D. S. Rowland, Sir : About the middle of July last, I accidenlly noticed io a newspaper Ihe advertisement of the" Matchless Sanalive, lor which I perceived you were agent, and which pro fessed to be a sovereign remedv fur Consumntion. As my wfe was then fast wasting away with thi dreadiul disease, and a our lamily physician waa daily and anxiously endeavoring In restore ber to heahh without success, 1 atepped over lo hie bouse, and asked him if he had any object ions to her taking thia medicine. He replied Ibat M he was perfectly willimr Mrs. Sherwood should take lhat a, iiw other medicine the might chooee, but be thought it could do ber no good, aa ker lungs were rapidly consuming, and no kuman means could saoe ker. Still, the Sanative, being recommended by three physicians who had used it io their practice, ahe concluded to give it a trial. I eent and porchaaed a phial, which she commenced taking three time a day, giving free indulgence to her appetite ac cording to the direction. By pursuing thi course, she suffered considerably for Ike first eight or tea days, but waa shortly able to eat and drink freely, withoul the least inconvenience.. Within four weeki from her firt usjng the me. dicine, her feeble health and wasted form began' to put on new strength, and she haa been gaining from day lo day until the "present moment, to the utter astonishment of our family physician and friend. She is now enjoying a comfortable (though not oer. feet) state of health, is able to be about house aod attend church. Mr. Sherwood aod myself are both fully of opin- I. ami ar Mr- all v Ihj-. Lnif ha an - iatwL ill I " "' w BtiPBj ut,) aJIIIRI IIUItI tz ILWWTi mat sne owes her life to the Sanative alone and as there are probably many consumptive persons in the United States, who have not yet heard of mi medicine, measures ought speedily to be adopt ed to have it more generally known. . A number of person in our neighborhood, I un derstand, are taking it for other aerious complaints, with very great benefit. . I think of going to the South, with my family, sometime this fall, and incase I do, I will proclaim the virtue of the Sanative io that quarter ; for al though anme of the Phyaiciana here are actively opposed to it, I do aincerely believe it aaved my wife from an npenine grave. Il you think thi letter will aerve the public good, jini io ail liuiiy IO puoilSO It. Reepeclfully, H. F. SHERWOOD. ; Testtmost No. 2. Prrnn the Brunswick AdgertiserA V ' u One person in our village, who waa cooskiered y his ih)ii inn to Ut in (iuiiii,4ak, . , lit Sanutirt, ami m now wolL, Aootln, pu" solgwt bt epilell0 fil, has betm grri L,y by a short tour 4 Ibis medicine. Theis .'.' . .. i ... .!.:- i...: i r . no nuesiKHi oui tow iuixih-uiw iuw pr-riortittj . or Jul cure in Ikm of cases, and t!i ,i u . . thy of generul attention. j I rsriMoay jo. 3. Tit MaickUss Sanative. Uy an irtkCi 1 Ciper lo-dy, it will be en that Ibis mediciu, t none of it virtue by crossing tU AtUw, lor it appear to i woramg aimuarcure ia nca to IbuM which have astonished FimM. llosto Morning FOHTiVlUVTl WAttl WAttll WAttlll arrwkca PHYSICIANS 4 tU MATCHLES3 HANATlVf 1.' Why are mm of the American PnvitruJ making auch troojf efforta to PUT DOW.M Matchlcsa Hanaiive 4 . lite public answer, t 3. Why did the Germao Physicians at fir: n POSE Dr. Goelicke, and afterwards ackaowkMr' him lo bo great bem factor lo mankind t I the public answer. I 3. ultnt ntedicitto IMS cured, 19 curuiv.tw WILL cure! Let fuel anawer 4. What kind of apple tree are STONED aw CLl'RREDf Jx;t tinner aner. i 8. Why are ohyncian cooatanlly PELTIXC? ibe Sanative and saying iKMhing against 0THE1 medicine T Lei their day-book eMMTer. ' 0. How did Dr. Adam attempt lo Convior k, Webster, who bad bought a phial of the Ssnaim for a member of hi dimly, that it waa DANCfJ ROUS medicine T Iet one of lite daily p,' answer. ' I ho rrcein experimeni which vt. AW Iriod with lha Matchli at Banative in giving ikv.! dose lo a dog without killing km, clearly am that the Sanative waa made lo CURE and ft ,t KILL.' 7. Why do some physician SECRETLY hp' the Sanative and MIX il with their owq mediriaali which they use in their daily practice T Aa.; that the may have the CREDIT of lha Cl'D : 8. V hy ia a sick young man belonging Is of the first fsmilie in Boston, now using the lutl tive without letting the attending physiciaa KXOt , it T The recovery of hia HEALTH will aUcV answer. 0. Why are nhyiiciana trying to perwadaieeti lo give up SELLING the Sanative? Aartw-i they known, if it should be for aate io every ton in America, thev would be obliged to resort )MK trrilEK BUSINESS or else STAIVL! 10. Why will the Malchleea Sanative aooak' the ONLY medicine used throughout the work"! Let PHYSICIANS answer. 11. Why did a certain physician IrytoLTllI' an Editor nf a paper to write against tbe SaosnV Let hi CONSCIENCE anawer. Tbe above precious meoVine (the original aW v kin tni trn very ol Dr. L.UU13 u. uucL.it.Ki!., oi uerat ny.i is for sale, wholesale and retail, io Bota,k . D. S. ROWLAND, General American Agota.r llie discoverer, where numerous letters, eertifjinj the good elfoct of the modicine, may be see, Also, for sale by retail, io roost ol the lowau' America. . . , j CCT In placea where there ia oo Agent, the Ptaj master or any Storekeeper who ehall writ talk I fetter! Agent at Boston, will immediately be pointed aa agent. 1 Washington Street. TO Tllli P13H11C THERE cam inlo thi neighborhood aome (oar live year since, a colored man, who call kiasi' WALKEM uUADELOPEAN, says he is a Ire a a Spaniard by birth, and thai be was bora and iaisii Mauilla; that he left Manilla while young; UmIb went on board an American Merchantman, Ut mU la from II -too, commanded by CapL Cbarle Tijlor, a cabin boy, that he made several voyage ia tk la bells, that the vessel was ultimately told ia rioilul thai CapL Taylor then purchased or cbartired t Wif io whicb he came to America. That be wti iftemii employed io different vessels engaged io lh eowu! trade ; That at length he left that employment la made his way through the country, from I'hiladeipU lo Tennessee, and from Tennessee to thi place. Such i bis narrative u well aa I can undarslioJ lia lie speaks or pronounce the English laof uft W! particularly name with which he ia not farad-r. ia aa uncommoniv small man, being barely nor a 10 inehe high, lie ia of a Very dark copper cok with fin dark hair, except that which has becom rm He appear to be between 40 and 60 year of age. Hi cheek-bone are wide and hi huso rather short, W leelh are somewhst long, large, and anond. Ha oat commonly peacasble, guiet. and orderlr in hi top Uoo." For (he lat two yer, lie Laa Wo ntoK of a time, ia mv emolovment as a common laborer. U destitute of education, bul'appear to be possfwr good natural sense. It mat be, lhat be Is a ! ' is mereiore, insi i maae una puDllcaiion. CO" Tbe Richmond Enquirer, Nashville Banner, aw Milledieville Journal, will please insert this thre tiaw once a week, and forward their respective account! ine ut-criDer, lor payment, together wito a copy in paper conuintng lha advertisement. WM. AiJJKRSPi, r. Silver Glade, Anderson DiaL 8. C , June 17, 1 lift T'HE aubscriber. aa Executor of Mra. Saril Stone, late of Raleigh, deceased, will as" public auction on M miay and Tuesday the 29tk and 30th dave of October nii. t ker olaDtiti about ten miles Eaat of Raleigh, all the ero' Wheat, Corn and Fodder, and all the stock of E ses, Cuttle, and Hogs, and the Plantation Vlentk coniting of Carts, Waggons, Plougks,et.m on Wedueaday tb 31st of October, at thasuw rnrA aa. Il ig iVa-ar-OnM k1 sssw -ssasw is tamiA V-J'-l f,,,,l 9UW IWrWV tWNIflKlllS W HIIU Mmm forty-aix io number consisting of men, woewi boy, girls, and children, will be offered for eilt Tbe negroes will be sold in families, pursuant the directions of the Witt, - - r Terms The crop and plantation utensil be sold on a credit of six month for all eum f 10 for $10 and under, cash. A part of lb' groes, to the amount of about f5,000, will b on a credit of 6 months, for notes negotiable payable at tbe Bank of the State of North Carok in Raleigh ; aud the balance will be ld oo a ere' of twelve months, with interest from the date" 03"Rond and satisfactory security will be requii for the purchase money, before the property changed. v I). W. ST0N& Raleiijh, N. C. Sent. 3. 1838. - 1 GocIicke? Jllatchlef SanaUvc The above medicine is for sabj at the Post OS Cotton Gtove, Davidson County, ' By JAS. WISEMAN, Agent lh I 1. T i.a ri MitSMI lute k the fenx rrUi jsbe trr Letti 11 I ma s hoi Jlbi fUtl to fsdki (vrita uen htli Vans efth hI lan c T Mtt (j Brie hk nci f row