lid 7 IT,. I'lJ-i 0 T ,4 .th rowiaa to Tu fiitvKii irm. mr rut i ..rm T.o,, , mom. Wei r ir t th ,ru, ar.ra.rp to tub mt ba-raiTivetV, on wtti ranrta.-4 -..-,,. r. ( ?, -ii, if jr. rr- i ? a- - ., :jar.anS.,JBI :BSCt;BK,r tstasar ?Ecw?sr.atni paeaesnas3jaE73atasrs- ll),' AUSTIN tVO. lVFSj!HIt 1 ' EDITOR ASD MOPMWTOUS..' ) XVI, OF VOL. XIX. BAr.ISIJURY, N. C, SEPTE31BI:;it 27r 1838. Ml (SO. IKU.It V()VMi:XLTJ!t:.T Mi.) "1 rNf ' No, ' ! ior 1 ii i i, TlXcf nirr i riJ Net! iW JBQl asa1 aVl soi; rt-j tort k aora"! Bill tthV iw otkt to Hi fowr Ml tMi dMtB lab tbel oJlwt ml nt w IdpU IP) JJ. cr.uW itio" M. 83d it Sarii eH at i29d :tk reftf ns otnra, 'Ml JDt :iwS olini credit ite-r- X' et re..'' XSce, tebVih or.CAnor.iNfA.v. I The W'ftttn Cr Iiniid is published "very Fit- ' Twn DJIare net tniWlftt, if piJ IU Bv8l, Pt fit DiJwra no j-my vjiim u i-Ji J ikfaa anlhs. v f hum will B diaeontiMiJ until til arrearar 1.7 I huImm It she dwefrtion tf -die EJjUjMi ttuj f " " . .1.. IM.... .T . udtk I.. Mia th mm oi I wui J f-Jtum-iTcii ww ICfUMniMUW Will I-' U -"T- . . 1 1 L M I. v . J IV tail i l I f ri i .1 A flkfl . wrtfhr jrkxM Will V to Jr'jf idrirtifcrU," PIIC tuLtcnvor: it hntftrtor rr Jlr. aarfcli ill SiXk iltT of October ntit, f Mritditrtiiif, MliiH( ft.Crt$, iYufgont, i'lovfl, ion. abd B VitAutmky ti Slit vf Ueuittor, lh mm xct, til l Xtgrof Jli'Big In twd Li. szirBw ukI cbilJren, J0 fcflvfed to mo, fbt'M-jron will b. J J )i oiii, jjuc.maut.lo t (JlffClWO Ol Hit ill,. , . , TV-- Tl crop or fhcjliujun ulcuvO will wAi oo t rit!U ofi ovxafli all awim ovjj IO-St flO lod umlcr, rdiA. A part pl tlm we nt, to (tie iiKHint 6f kUiut 43,0O, will La ul4 credit of 0 month,', for" nite "wotjublo, ii'td tiM ! the Hunk of the Btatp of Norcli Curoliua. i RaleiAj and the baltint win he rTl nh i ctrdij f iwehw nHmtltf, with nirreal ftohf tlB (fat?. rlUodtud MiMlactory reorlty will bb rrtftd the purcbsio dhjiV, befure the prnrwtrty U Jeijk, N. C Sf pi. 3. ' " . 1 4 : 6U I 11 pernn indebted to Ue t4te cl;CwKU 1 'lldNIOE. ccceawHL aitlirt by !Nte or bunk ac- Ml iri rwpMtnd utealt rfnd r ff tafno-without bMnj all tliowi tuHHii 4ti aaulGijivv UnriK, r'J iiw indebted, art miuorti'd to pfcu'nt their a. Unta witbie tm' time pnKriborl by t. WIJy hfwtwaM,grUtiiioUc will tarpiea4J m Uf aatnt liCBLlt Notice h bfrthy riren.'flial ni.lica. L wttl la Wtwila toHi JUtjf ar ilwfaly oris CanNinavtt ila Deal Bcwmn, rr an ? act to honfforatttheTriiBteawor;.! eahMbur) J mala (ml. will mike application to Lbf neit Lrcwlatiire. (ic atf Ait (6 iocurporate' a man,ulacliirint ctHnjiany by aaaraf tlM-Yaflkin iVaQufttHfennpCon.pany, or ty rVpttmW A," tW. ti'nl. NOTICC . " " fpflU iefibr,'l'bainlr taken oUt 7Mtrt,of "Ad-U- tnMartratioo oil tlioltavt Mary Briw, 4c& f the Mt Couaiy Cpeti tr .Ri AttMlA aH-ix-ttxMtfed toaaid Mvy Brim, due'd., to make Jy twat Wirhovit delay fad '"thttto hain claim ajuffutt ma la praaml them Klitnrtbe im pfeaeribod ft hw properly authenticated. tirme Due autioe ui ae pieaiied io Jr of Uunr recovery. ti3-WrV-5,m. klj;Z : SjOTICE U hereby given, thalTwili appy 'tothe M General AasemWy of Ju StaU of Nafih Car- fnikiarifer, near HalTe thill iOtJEPIt jrAti-' KOTlr,K,ir- A. VOTICE, ia boraty piverr, ;lia apptiaaftpil will be f Buda it the next jCTiwral AS'etnbljr, to abolish firiwCOie Comity Ceurtof Rawa - ' utn nLsrriyctt ' (PAyii);;aAiJijr. Tnil 1 l'llTIIM!f rpOB Subscribers, AdrmnUtratora of tM lvs?6te ' L of oAn Ftiry, dec 4- iu fW9H to ('"Uon lT oedV. the 2d. dv of Octhei. nexi. at fbc lute Midenci of the ifecd.,: WHlCSfoe pnaaand ais chiWren the asfn f beiiitf "property f f dee'd., and aold Tora drvision 'amojr! igMcee. r,easorublo credit wilt bo.gio . 'ALLISON' VRVi AdmVfc- Gwnrke'at ITIatrblNS Sanaliic. W iboTD mtftrina Cir aula ! -Sa J'nut fKIire. Mon GrMe, PavidHoa Count -,f ' V 1- - wBawjB,aww "if, anaw av,avjf III iU POrcitue. i ainoiml of old CtmOT bat: iU-mlf ' Klro'?,'t to.J; auph aa old eottwn acrewa. rt- veni nsr (yuiiuf. If j ' "roteaaional Servicea to the Cifiiena wjbtobory tad ita viciuTty. He Secbpfei the VflkeoT the lateDrvMitehek - - I'UB SICK are IklFtakin? thia wonderfufWe. Alhlii.l 1-r teas .it"i i',,iL t '. j k.t wioerucb ia astonishing; Eurdie, arid Atrie- ill . 4. a . - l . ,ii i h ci j l i; a n i : UH rr. fXtVKIt TOO OUJ Tt U.A1LV. Ve etf'riel tHo f.fVtwinj from MartitU whir apjrudMna'.Hoinha.ii.cain iha Portlaml OrKUT, wjmcu wruuiy JiiitMraifa, by rrfr,wnr (a woll. rtorraUrf, al ap extctiw nbl a, b an to pUf Oil Miuwi al tiitiruiiM lili. Thia would fuuk nduiu. taiffor auhibW thtf nth Mmr'n Ut wi itv.fHi. cinJly if they abould laheTtMnld Vu V'lwnjTa V, III rum a uilr urrrlir a JarfyV iud-w. arhWh tfc. CHUee aUd iH)rdf);bfl tnly h-arnf rfi ifMn kon INNNipf reawtHii thfl-waatiodluaiof UJaaa .-r. CjflV, at enihij peara ,f aj(o, hialil wroi K ktcn al thirty awl forty U Tir'UNien aym lli al. phahfl of a tanjftMj;o', tf ItKiwUlg of wlifcb Woa ri nmt IWIfHrf.. A fuwcanuitetM yiibn thoir tote tf IvtMra, ictily. ; . t ' '': . CUtarckr ruHi lUora af vii jid tL'htv youiitf l.4w;er. ix) birty : yeafvf Ihiiik 4lui hiA prlit, icfa futiht, Ar.'ara e'tnrta alotirf aM If ta tefl'lrwirf fhA' f kniwrf.'de t.f tha iia wwiM hrthe heipl ajrar MTile nVire rwaoecablain ibetr bftdMatotv thrr rll-rT-4rhl tbnr ul,olJ U ihiiik fJoandujt laiio--- ivliiced hia artidiea ii ifuln'e tifcniliwe' Vtt he be- cafW vne af tfle ftrt-! rrrmt inn-lora i-f ibe 1 War; dialect, Dante and Pel r arch U injf trw olftff trs I here r aiaiiy mmg Ira ytara ynari.-r (km Boecaai, witoavo aVif of etuuti o4 rvM that tliey were aot educated fy a Utjt;iiaeraturD,ut 5Jr UtiirySixtman 'mleeled the aciencea intii yfrtrOi, Wt cotttiiftiticiM 'fho Viu(lf"Xt tbf?fn'wheo td waa bulween Alty ami aiaty veafa fcr'ajrw. ''Artaf ibM-limr aebeaauiaa atoat4aTfivJ atiliouartna a'ud bswyar. JJur yj wkxi bepjia to ihntk of .Uwn thoiMiuurajiMI tbe ebelf .wlkeii Mmy hara reftcad laly." year of ane. . I!uw'dlrrnl -ihe prevent catimhtp (Mil Ujkju exuenvheo Irqui that .winch charaneriicd a''ceta(u period of trie Urecinn re- rxibtic, whert-a mtMi waa 'iiot allowed to ojen bin aaowrti wi etfieuaara r rioliirat meeriti" who auk ooter rrty'7earaef age '.'.. ColUrt,lho famuua Freneh, Miaiater, al ixty yeara nljn reluruwl to bia f iitand law aiaJittik U;w 'm(iy of wtr (cvilrt hfriU men b looked ffilo their cTafetca ainoe lliefr arpiV hte (pier graikionori f Dr. "JohnfM apllid tiinWU' lo tbe Dutch lun- gftflge bul 4 lew yeairf before to death-. Mwf of wf Wiercbahta tfnd) fawVijrirof twrnt.flre, ibfrly, teachrj to trapalutw a iwiainraa leitef ar.rilmn in I lie Ficnch lancimijo. which, miolit bo leuriiL iu tlx tedth 'parrf the timti required for the 'ndy m wen .ana an V'cainte mey are too ma to irnrn. Laiotico Honahlctivl at tlie Tfreafairn df oiJe ruiodred and afieen. wte the nnniioira of hin ttmeav- stnguiaa exerliita, notieed by' Voltaim, who waa hiinaelf ime.of la4rHiot rttnaTJiaWii In 4tance of ihp prvgreaaof ajm iniw aiudTv Ogilbf, the translator of Uymer Ind Virgil, wna gruicqua"tvdrwU,,JUu. ayd.,'ty wk, lillia jraa nam iiiiw. cranku pin t.oi iuiiv Torrruen nia pnuuwn. phkar plirnWilr till tie hrtd teaVhedliia'Crtiethyear. iLiw-ananj aihong'tM nfihiriy ifbrly, ai,d fifty, wfw read nothing but -newspaper for (he want af a laaie Crj-ni jilkijeaophji j j: I14. ihey.jra (pa J lo y4w,a great ty w ye being inkerf why pebe gan llic etuJJr of ryw'JatetBnaered tKat, indeed, heta'gin irfcte burKB'abouhHhercfcra lh Thia agreea with our theory thiil healthy uki Age givoa a inan tie power of nccorW pHMngV diflwiilt atndyrrt ihuxtr rfejia 1iinhhn w ou Id. -be mtau mry t onw ef imlf bar yeara- -: , , ibii'ltin bwaiajyiycNMmenceal-llrt traaaialiua It the. Liiud i jndilia iwrt ploasirupro- We could eo on-and cite tbonin!u of f xitmnlca f inn ra coAniehcr'aeW"anirly, ani itrm lj fMjt-'irrion CTiiirely'neva porarMCcifTiSy foriefT hood rtwtfWmeni: tf in a'dtilB'reaVasrr'r''iUt rytitw fiinifwr jththebiBrnhyofphrinrutslR'tl itft!jJb trfrhli'. h)W hiHrVhtrt rujHtr tiJ SiioTt amTTndnlfvlfl f ' -ICUADOD -AND TIIR BULU -' ' "TIe jlfowirig account of Miater IcJiakvMj Winjr'a K"ew Engluud, m cMTw'jsecl fwin.,a myt fliitbeiic staiemtnt 'f 'he jpopflregatiori pjct, iwij.jbe ntueiiog.hpuw waa filled, but the'iftiniater jti", it off terribly. The bell keft tolfirigTanA tollincr and'the 'peoide I bought it neer wculd be 'JJmio. .They yawned and. atred uWit arikepi pevpiiidut lliewJndywa jiial a'ir4h exftecteiheB-ould eoma? aooner rw thai. yRs-g'ttp,awt ajKHt'to -gmre liarUsiLCorij .4 i- -' i? ' Squire, wheraxia the ynjaiatet V v f Really, Dcacort dou't fcrpw, He came out of fay ouw- jiwt aftet Ibe. Jut ha walked aor slow I got out of ' aiiit4f liim, .4.:;.: -U. : lt'e'veyy atranje he don t come, ... Very.tknjre- "TV ; vTkit!, il'ut lleborth Prrpaboeit, an elderly !rf8y, wha luild th:eiiHirf Paid frn kfrnt (hewptril iff ieqaiOTiiaJbe J?al cliaraetemmk aafalw aigeia which we live ana who ana khi a parMfmiif ay w mifliv in the fate of alt uWarried. men, tlfnwt her jjorgjufe Jt ween, the Deacon pridjtSqireef nd kflw.aTne) ' ' t ; .. ? t k taw rte !f I!ipriuli1i-why '3dnff '.the f minister comeT " Then Miaa Martha- nusyIKl,'rin''" tha lh' con, the Squire and Alia Peepiibout, eogaged in . ?.i " .... ked tbe aarne rjuertwii 'Tbrfti'iattheriinil anotlnr arid amnha i rlltowed tbe eiaiiijk and tht r a fjnn kl) a lf tTpeo. file (tmhered round tbe K ron aUd ilia aVirijol'fti.KabichrK.IiMl)c)ul.laiitr. The hile coiirajsiioa waa In p b-jzs butung. i'ra. rya waa akiSg where the minini'er waa, alttHMh rrerj una anew mai an i ua real were rum u igruk ram hlm-tlf. ; " - ' " Bill "lujjyi, Hie? cJ; tifin'j awaf at flid bell roct till he had l'dled 'the t.le out of fiftJotiri J but w moat leave the bi 11 tu!ihj,"aird I tit) arxlud'freiiiiig.aiid ihe U aculi arid'the Ijuir int tha old 4uaid, and all the rfM of tha Idugrfc. gatidn on the leniei'.txM.ka i aun(ene, and go bad to a wrwf bail beculne vl bur ff ien-I lclmbnd. Ufuood rTuJ alackeiied hia naca alter lviofhe ...J b. rf ir' .... -... f . m- aim iihu iuiiuo mm a eui oi rerrrir. r inn- Mg"hinUeir raflicf hie "!eforeTie faelf the ctiureli, he ri-lved to make a'abixft cut 'acruat, a r.,i ji.- i - i r . iw i j ncr iii.i riwq nia.Mi a'l ancm I Bi Mlliumr ?r' I It'Mie'wari, be alee red direefl fur church, wit IjKI nut oruceeAjed mativ pace when hf wal atalrti'd l.avauijia auduJuwicarUwliiio. ing auuVd m a tone of the dm( 4baa be ever beard, letting up bia i" liar &ila;I a'Suruti ntiTl Willi.' at bim"wirh aD nrd and trll..wiii! like aud. (t ia iM.fle'aa to ?i'y tftiif hv iiiolt tali bifllf the tMjII it'.ad afrrr e. ip, Bmf Ii-haliod nut on Wiiq all lhi flcotiaa he c.''uld ekert. Four If ga are uetter than two, and it waa aumi evulent that tlWoiudro-ieit would Win Ilia r!e." Icuabtxl f-und b fWd turf reach tU. wall UTr the boll woubl M pp with hini. 'Now,' tliooghrlir, 'it ia all over wild mar Ilia shore (low ..(T; bul j1m boll ariflbn. ll drotined k a hat. but the atratareia d.u tike : tne bull waa not to be made a fciol oi. us turrnr bla aerMnia behind him, but Witrj tm bet ter tucceaa ; the bull waa n to be reamed with no gaje uie niuguiript a wnwa wua bia ui acmtered rt'lo'the fr witida'. " r. - Tm gone T I'm gone f- aaiJ IchaLiid, fu ty(l waa cloe1)elu;Ij hirn-al tbil inatnnt be i be gaje ilia niugurip a 'whiak wuh bia tail and fur tle i eioie! an anjiUTtiee clifie ai la'oJ ami aunimoliiiig all ma ueiiii nrqiig'o no nuuo a uweraie iri,anu waa fitituMla aaougb' to airiii2.ibto'the tbe monient llio bull a a al bia btU' Mere waa an uiilked for oVjIiVe ranee, but .ua lurkily the bull waa ,ru-t,eo eau'ily gtt nd of. Tliiriigh diaappoinled vf hja jrey he kept about the ireo wiin euca a pteoacin uiMrxauii'm una bKl urod hot doacepd. It aeoined aa if tlo jna)i he eiuck An te apot With auch' portinnrUy. ' For twn' mortn boora .tfiX jho, uolucky lchabud ait iKirplied upon the troa in ainhl of liter Lurch, . Ere ry iirtnute aeemfd an age to hiirw. Ho beard the bell foil, anil, I full, agleftcb tilys acfju-cdllwifa. I ueral ltnff tp boptW. "' .. . it ' ,; ' l4 pictured to hiaTajiey a erwtfed cir;auon wailing jn knxinua.aiwjieniw; and foal in uidrr nrt ninuzvnicnt at hia nun-anpcruuie. 'Alaal aa'rd he to binteelf ; - . W , -'Itieara fuioe you cannot hoar ;. ". Which bula ii h Uumi delay; ( ... r ace the hnrna y ou cm not aeo . . Which krce rbe here to atay. ,LIo aaw the regsiinn ceme out of the church and rentier hither and thither like alieep without a bf (lkf rl, yui. ho dur4 Not jcate Uievapide traebe. cttusr) tUrw waa, 1114 a Uim, but a ball in (Ha ,ny. ilie congrogatMMi were at Inat fairly Kred otfU Two UtuKB hud they waited and oo pirraoM eaoro. The ieiuiij left oil InilHug the belt and indeed it waa quite nine, lor ne nau nearly wuru iaeroe offi Tt yf ilie -ckurcb, bavuig, ailer two houra debating an the mottrr, oirm Mt Ibe cu(iclukBt that Xlejre would be naeruton, iud that thore.wat good ground f. ajarai aato the rate luitejrjiii4Je eeni yu Lpaf tija eaaf, arw. rtortltj-igd eoutli, to. explore tbe country, and pre aeuUy 4habnd dweuvered -a crowd tlurtbe road headed by the Deaaonpnd the Stitwaw eta hod muateredall. the atmngthof hn luugsand atiwlnd nut tw I new like aaeu. watcbinen upon-a tower. Tbe wbokpatty aame la tall nd gaxfid around wuh aouuduuent aw tear; at. Jaualb tbey awad utnettrmg wiurly aooatad iu.tlio,juipl)ree they took it at Braa, ftt n Uuitfi WaeH lutkey-cork, but 00 nearer apprrack they found it to be no other ihn vA" tbe bulf, just at itwu jnoroaat, henrTyJ to bf pwu'g BideiuilP$.with, hie bonw eo Ida other J WU-PLy!i JiT?! that Jiu waa likldenirotrr the party by tlwrn buah aFrtoiut The people aee ing lojiabod parched on high in the antiie laanlH'r, wera atruck dumb witMautseiniit t fbw -nienta. Wa the poor man buwitrhcdt brluid tie ruli nad, of what bad pwsetwed bur'tvajiid.lhe aAertKiantlangliup like. ar are-craw Jo ih4 bovgh of an appla t roe, rut nme iriouvrtta an ena-tkred aoVanee a alep furtheor apvah-a aingiu word. ' At lust Bill Mugga plucked up courage and advanced totlbe alone wall.- .lie vww an'W anilor.-wlioi wUhi. ft w year, had lakan ia ki! laoka aboard and scored himself upjtrthe" buah i; bo took up .he trade of a aextoir becauaa-it conaiated in pulling -a ioper Oa) thia eocaaion he iMulertook to be apokea. hnan, of the party; tor. fhri- Deacon tf m abavlutely frubunad. . jhu put bia head orer infl wait, claapCd b band uji to too co rnorW but itioaUi, and aulig ni Halloo, alior-' i..a Ichabod: lilted p.fc'oicr like an ,owl in -ihc-l deeert, aud exclaimed H Come arorg I come along, avm.ra'-; ,f,';- K .Blast yoorcye-blb,' eatd Bll,bjiwmga huge quid ef tobacfw eafl oT bia- mouh-and throwing it Uip upon the purid:dwrdHr,yiuaave yourselff -M can't, I eaiA,'"'-aWd-4utH)d.' 'Drive him wayrrVa hnuvawy. - . " j -,k By tbi lim eorowof "tljierty, andtlje Deacon among 4hw- rest, rriv gW over the wall, and were advacing"4uward tha areeatarihg and wornlerg to hens- the nan talk in such'aa unaccountable maitV nerav.--:, " - X'- -"vt' Kiime.doWBVeAaedvn said the Deacon, What have voU been doina all the aAeruoon iu I CM. Bhote'e orchard . v:-e..-.'--.i-.'-'u'.s I Atay,idBdlrirare aK.ft alibrjt hat and auoraf looking fir' alt theiljdet in a Biiuuia.r two. (ha buiK wll (- iia oi. world like half aiarrud monkey siUliig in a tef"iMia laaie and arutil tU lU tftJ s t Ucn barkaiayr " : , - ". At lliia'inoinrnt h party bad got nearly op to rhe Ire. Lnok out, louk. out crn-d lebaood, he 'a rrunirjg f They had no tim t ak' trie it waa thai Was taming, fur brf ra tbd worJa were turly aul of hU innMlU, tUy beard far mo bellow tl Qouuce 1 in an ioelaiii (ba bull aaaa am-tag tbera Uvaieoa, what a scampering ,'l be whido aqOad toog to flight quicker lhaa a fl ick of wild ducke on hearing a alioi, Tha Duacou ImbI hia bat piwl wig, and aptam Dfurberry raa out of kl biru which were a little too Urra fur him. - Ihrcta other aeciaVntv ka'priened. The grtatewt eaiaattophea were tboeer of SejUinT Bnakerot Ind IJeutanant iMfliflg, 11m r)tiite being pure end fhort-wtrtd d,-waa ovanekew by the bull, eod received a tre mnwd 00a twit rrr the-rear which diaabtod bira an that he-eould wot ail rJuwn wrthoat vdguble caabioa tore fortnlaht. ' The bull, afler knockina lira aver, ran rB aflr the (Hhera,' arxl tbe bquire made a abirt to cbiub up lit tree bik take enh-w with lcriabod. Tba Lieutraarrt'a waa i mora frighfful ca. Ho waa boM,1uf,1nlck-, lucli4egged fclhrw, and happebedlo M drraeed in a pejrot rtoart, old- faahiuned leather breeches. Tbe Urfl hdiiug fljor ed the HjiMre,came, fn the twinkling of a bed poet, upoa the laetnehanf w1o wn waUUliflg ua fa dou ble meek time. The; ball hit 'hirri a link behind. intending' to aerte blm be did tba 6qptn, bttt one uf hia horna Catching in '(be waiatband of the LieutetMitil a lAeiprf a&iblea, he waa' taken oa his legs ratrl instant lad wbiaked et? upon thtf bull's bonul. Away weal tba' bul? aoouriiig aflar tit In. gitiVei, with the inlbrteaat Laeutenaiir ajaogting by the waiatband, and fairly out of fair wit wiitt termr. - Ilia capers iu tbe-eirwwre odly brough to ' 11 fw vr.i ,ii iuwiwvii uu viiii .w ! by the bull's bringing Bp butt tgaioHt (be atul, awl pitching the Lieut Cono! eoioj.reb.-ty an end atone over toto (be road. Tbo rest of the party got ' over ibe Wall without any help, and escaped the fury ef the animal.' ' And now commenced a reguTaf aet-tnt' The' party armed trreiMwdroa with atonea and clubs and begun a pitched buttle with the bull fof (lie deuieraAce ef Ichabod. Tliiimps, bangs, pokea, and onaailea of every description, were alibwered rjpnn thdsideaef. the beast, who shook his reMltatJ norn, flour inhej-tiis tail, an) ran bun dug and bellowing here and there, wliererer the'atlack waa hottest. . Ichav ImmJ and the Squire meantime shouting from tlreir citadet in' the apple tree, "cliot ring on the aasailanta, and attacking tbe rear of tile bul "bX.poItu'Z bHe with small shot m the shape of winter prppuist This hofy "war hated fr" "three nuartsre or aji hwr, ami the bulf stymied Ti!A)lv'fd wiu .tbe dwrl Uchabod (anoied, himself alreadylredued o thAA. cewity caj taking' up hi qaartars In trre free tor the night t but hickily at this muraent a reinrorcement arrived, and the bull btganalowly 'td retreat the assailants, beaded by Bul Mui-jpi, pressed their ld vantage, carried tha atone amUbyxardiauc.ivrOel e ard id column, and in a 'short limb the bull was Inven frutw tho field without the' kM of single A' . . '. . ' i - . - . . man. 'And thus tbe victory being achieved, lens. bod came ftwn from tha Ire.' " .'Y' " Out itVaa all over' with bim. '' flia sermon aa gone, the afternoon was" gone papd Jte'ioon fajoj that hia fjnpee irt a flulpit,' were 'pmt,' The boll waa never duf'of'hii ailnd. "11k. nerer had' the courage to attempt another sermon, and at rhe very liiuugm ua iwagnH,'iu tins uy, 11a uoais a ww boo ing and evee 4 pair of hornai"'"" "V jf CTTV " AI.TKft M AN. A N U WlC BiiiviXi i One of oauCitytAWermwi arae " bTOewerd bound " (he otlwn evanuig. Aa he turned rhe wee tera corner ,bf Washingiim aqiiaro, a goolleman oaenook bim, end ioaortiog hi arm boheih the t n . t .l it.:, ' - 1: I. -l. - suu niiui Hie wmhmbi, very piinijr rviuswnu,. U ploaaanl evening, Akk-rman how are yaait". v.; - - 'J .'v; '.-.', i."; tiuite well, nrhow are you i", -v. ... a. ; Yary well, Alderman, huw'e your.fomily f " . fThey are alt well, air, I thank you. , , ' ( . (Had. o her ft, Alderman j yogr heallh (oo'ia much improved by your trip to New lorkvf lou luoit vary much uiendoaV-1 vary inucn uienuua. - may aay Aiocunaa, I . - p ..its you're fat.". . , , f . v. ,fVWelL, I don't know how that ia but, really, I have not tba chance of returning the compliment, aaTcannirt nowrecolloctrwhere'L'bBve had the ploaai'iae.oC krwwyig you befurer" Well, that's quite likelyr Yea 'know, Alderw nan, weong follows havfi the advantage of r collecting thMe who are well known as the olXci. ty.atandarda. . ( . " "t - " Yes, yea, I dare aay t have seen you many a time." ' . ....... ' . ' -. M.W fty Aldermap, my' name' ia Snail h William 8m'itli 1 and t last aaw you at tha wedding pJrtiae irrJ-- w'.?':.f ".;-' -H OtT, I recollect now, I think r that was a doa aant party indtied." , .. ' ' . . , . -x-, ",J waa. ao, Alderman, arii I. waa glad to see you enjoy yourself aof but,! must wish you a good night (withdrawing, hia,iarro,- and turning round xlh arect." The AlJermsn wrmdod' bis. way home, ponder. ing over inhia mind who alr. -Hinitli waaVlie reached hia parlor, and.'as is bis wont, bo went to take out diir watcb- to place u up or (ho night, whori be discovered tluulBr, Smith, Mr- William Smillh had cuf a ribbond by" wtfioh' twolariro seals. 1 weto suspended, and, walked off, perhaps to firm another acquaimnnce-wiia bhut viuariiy j.ucr man, who caVriea eu. ardttj tfaiiuwr. J Persona who cannot get aweet butter, and are more particular about their butter (ban their bread, will do .well Id attend to the inforntotioa cmrtained in the flowing scrap, communicated by a learned professor of natural philosophy at Caen, in Nor. mandy it being the valuable result o( many la- borioul experiments. ' r Lei Ibe'lwUer-be molted nd akimmed, and route on every Ciid." ' '; lGiJ from U 'mk.y C ' , V . tLal (lf rp n il.! uu tba iiWiMruee labowr (bat kae ' Uim bestuwod w (h tJoutheen atataa, in tbe bust, aces of raising great Ji(li abuwl IimUq 9r ka bow acknuwiedged, wilk good rwaeoa, bf kway f lu beat plauters, that U ia ajlogwtkcr waokva to pr ' looting rti gruWtO ef Jbe earn 1 bat aav tbev. at is . ' abauluiely neceaaary le ratat eavall but, topeaveQt tbe oora from uUmg, by aUrnai of wind and ra.a : Lwt ualry Ihe wasuuea of Ibis in.provad swede trery one wm baa paid attantiaM ihe nmiLiJ curis iiwal bar wbeerved, thai bafum, or abe the Uwat U armee at lb etat of aW'ir. , le rur In stud out t cirtjlo of strong root ju4 at ef a little above tbe awr Ao flies ar to supports of Bator ' ' and eo well are Ibejr adapted te b purpoa, th4 : w widow so t Mailt tore up by ihs ruota, aoept . where tbe earth ie prvviouaty washed from botA tbum. If WA alooo, (her danger t ' be anprahmxlod than Irom UM'Ueeiiiur of ike eulka. ' . which moW aooetnaW kaaawxat. and wkich.hJI- trig doe jiuj prevent. ' If it ia ban! aWw bf via! and rain, wha Ibe wind eeaaee end the blade are roloaaod from their punka of moisture, it will a course rise.' .'; But ihe oOWioua plauler must dp so 100. ' minf iv eaatfi aatur.,. Ue awcordingty raise bill 1 bow due it aiGaot lb ptant f Let bua observf ' . it soiKj alter, ami be wui daioevar be bai miataiet bis am ( that nature, foeuui beraolf thwarted, ir ' eodeavounag to repair- Ibe tnjurf, by retaiig part ef tbe tevtiitiM jtdcrt provided for Ibe support ' of lb aitoot wbovw, lt the purpuee of acnJins? out- new srf of eracr abuse the faral roTW A Jt itira takoa Owe, and frequently before th4 ae at rodii have taken bold uf lhi eartL rn4"6t Wiui fhi rain cornea on jibe ctseq'uent of which U, (bai . the bU pfjoa betjorneji soAened by the aia, aad lh ' wind t the eajoe Unas preeaing the aUlk agaiaat K ' . it givee way and leavce an onocunf, behind tbeaj!k Ibis opening Is inslatuljr filled by lb rain boating r ' the earth uto it, and lie atalh aecured m Ut al 4 ha gone I auotherblast furees U add kiwar, end tbe aauw eifect iwoewad behind it whoa the etorra it over, we, Ind the etalk fixed precisely at that point of dopfesrton, at srbidh the iardeat blaat ef wind Joft 11, ailer Ibe Thill bocaaie wU ' Tbi i the preeV etit ijnpraptd mode tf hilling worn, .-."., rZ 1' ' , Let tbonruac-oa ihe rtresoat medeof awport ing their afodr, which Is pjiikcipally from tb'txra. . kaae, Cy eoteetiAf the eulturw of graiu-t", lb : . stoflt f nwiptairied (if, eoy mBintiuiedi e fryre , . (haa doublt lb"' tipitut that il might be by prop. T - '. er atteutiori to graea ; and the land at (be saiue lime reduced lb pvreriy, that other W (te be Bfi fJUd by ' suca-atteitboB. ' -.''.'. Now mf fr leaTVurw rourselvea irapariiaTIf in . tie jnTrror (In bblefjiip te you, end I beljoe you " will ceaan to wonder, that yon have-wot long aiuct) diecuvered the adVaittairei of dree tJovekinir, Hitherto I have treated of Ibe benebdai eil-cui derived (rwa4tp luVeg etrrWy, and no further thao ibumlan( corroborating prool'a will tub ' ataoUalei but boJwnng aa 1 do, thai if aver a ruato. ml reformation takea place in Amrird a grieil lurt, (hat thie wilf be the bntit j I am Induced to of , for a few hints fotcotiaidor8ruai,reeoti(igthe prob' " able advantage that derived from the prac V lice, wheo combined witp other necessary impruvol. . ' raeiib) aucb as a due altontiee (ojnatiureSj totatoa ' . of crop, &. Acr ", " -t-?By ajiroper aUe-ntioo lo these tbinf may w'rjot: ' -; rcaionaLly pope' for the speady fartirisatioe of ibou. Kibdaof acrea of ethauautd old fielda, tbat nosy will not pay. for wicloeoing I , To efTuct which 1 would . propo,.- (he tj$tcm by which they bave been re duccd to their prewnd atate "of poverty, be in all Cunt rr rrr ard, ? They have been nduced by alia), w 'ploughing, an till ckotei, rotation of crops and a tout uegtect of asanas-. Let'them be recruited '; by dorp ploughing, ufttonbU rotation, and all tk '-' nanrt which tbe best management Will alTord Ibem My plan would be thia; break up the ground in tbe fall, piytyhing a( least eight inches deep j if level . . throw it tnto ridge, if hilly : begin at tbe base and surround the bill, if the situation will admit if not, 1 turn furrow down tbe bill and let (he plough return light ; fir if the furrows are attempted to be. turood against the' hill, it wilt not bo effectually done, and the whold buiiiuesa will be thereby marred. In tbe t prirfg, plough and harrow as oflea as convenient, or the stato'of the ground eeem to require J alwaye keeping. tu the kiiroe depth t If a sudicient qdantity of manure is io readines, the last ploughing ahould turn in from (wenty-five to thirty large cart-load per acre then plant with potatoes ; alter they are . dug id (he fall, either sow down in wheat, eod bar ly 111 the spring red clover-seed or lot it lie over winter, and sow in the spring, barley or oauiiud , clover. . ' v. ; ';: .'. , 'Ar-r: .' J ' V PRESERVATION OP APPLES. -..Tbe following practical cbveraations, contained toilet from Ikoah uebaUir, I mi. ; hara bena ,", published io the Massachusetts Agricultural lie- ' poaitory. c'-& v'x.?) . It is the practice with some persons te pick ap ple in October, and spread them en the floor of an upper room. Tbi practice ia aaid to render ap plea more durable, by drying thorn. But I cao af firm thia lo be a mistake. Applea, after remaining on the trees a long as safety from the frost will admit, ahould be taken directly from tree to close, casks, ami kept drv and cool, as poaaible,r If suf. fered to lie on the door for wooeka, they wither and lose their flavor, without acquiring any additional durability The beat mode of preserving applet for spring use, 1 have found (o be, the putting them in dry sand aa oott as picked. Fur tin purpose, dry sand io (tie heat of summer, and late in Octo ber, put itotvn the apples in layers, with covering of sand upon each layer, , The singular advantage of tl.ia tnodo of treatment are these 1 1st, (he na r: -'S.JB. waW'-.''wS.Jat':

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