0 l! if ytf iMn. i' I. "J . 1 ' 1 1 ,' i i r" . . - i 1 1 . . . ny O. lute )kU4 - I I . tl. , .', J ...... ;, . L 1 m kLautk.) ea J by Ibe mifi an h lU f- t ere k'l- aVy, ed , lH !! iniMttttTM pri,t-.d. ; la ie My k4 , w, tree fie.h ea h (w4 kJ ibeiaheiil- evittWrwe yt aUy !) .y iWl odaof Ibe st"4 ib ifntf ewpareied fi l1 every lhf lb pe-nUk aroowrit. Tek , irereef th awe" a-deewu, end iU buore end t, 1 1 . 1 dU'.r w,3 lake reaf ihvualrw. lUwkokera mo hal DurAJiTMtrrr. aider1, m wB U iwy rg4 d v-iu- of:., M iaV'"'" to rtigigj ha HOCMMMI ea4e Maul tU 4r U hi iii(mM t4 M Mytaw W lo kkli lUy r Mrfr, wtivt, ! wry fewnliiif wit la kiMi tl j i&, m vr4 i4li fit UmciomU p(riUiinM. ifii ktvi, )a lh MiM lpxi, ppr Io'mim M ItM m l fern, kd, (iipiiiif lU ferfc 4 rinpi ktm M iW tart f mTffj, , ; , 1 wftl KIWAtV 4 4 amrtr.-v ., firat ata u Uaa amaataraa, tUa a'a At adaf 71a aoata 4 kuip q4 ftmpcftfl w tvar atM aa : v - lama, , no (ftt tu auta uit pyrM, aa im Mi tka au pfiwatti, aawkrd. tmmui, Uif wanh at4 auU Ita Tka rianx mi oSU a 3a thee, u thy WrU fnaa kalofa, 4 the awi that aaudahjie Umms k tU lWUerf caiaraav jo,- TleUiahiatovrUrorUaUaraBvart k aaaad wllk waaea of eowka ftjiai.aad aaray JhatharyaVwf - IVtiik) Vwcaof ika Wibiaat Maria feel o'er taie , . ample ah . . - 4 64 rre utahew lata Ha gargaoija feme ia trihaat at Tlj taio W Iraat tka aaaiaat a ya thy tfre worn okih; . . . yb; Wtk a m a hr ux flr lit tr gtew. . tag aly : . , - . tV Pup, tha Mom, aad: a!) the orU lat Aia oaoa . ' Uiaeauw. . ' Mf U 8rt wraatk of glory that eMviuea' ihj tofut .'. Now, .. . .. , Ai froi thai hoar U Ala, ia which 1 gaa apua hj Fro ayatatg a WlotBf'f (hat Of SwcaxT'i aaluy &V 9 'IrMt vrtkoat a piaM, thy wiva kh hm a w' rownda kaTV etilj arwcWunuJ (he gnal fat whether ea thy Ireat ktnks the Ift4af wvO. J ainot k day, the red ' fca oo hM taibrf Mad . a ahwa. . j . . bo ar kaa.aaea (h,iaw incaaae riaa, at heard thy aw - " . reat'a roar. Unatak0iit keibraldCiidord!l ta wornaad Aafiept, th, O aaWy Qaafh O IeAtel OGUl " i tie kwulile huiaap that ibt aoul a grautda wmmU ar " T Tkea, whOM ekkld kaa parted aja k aQ mj waa- iwrinf we . ,'Sar i the OtCM Wu warfd id tla juRov ef (U 4 ! ka'nd; ' , - 4 And the aura af the Wight finaanret ia Mij W&ww inmw.wMi ' . .' , .Jf Kiagtn rvlluig fioni turn great la a who kah!y how.i . i . till greet Uaatpr of the wWe, bow jweuaj great n f , -.. Et thdagk thy power ti ht nan vaA Una Aaita anh -vV , Cult gfpar thy orey ahoW to weak dryaaikat W kjia thOtt,f bthWtSe ferula gU witk fcarta, aad v . ,i fruit, iM aard,.-.- - - - ' fill bin tba aeaa, the Ukaa, the aUeajna, aapply k "otj'j a .. . . , Around, oa hiah, or Ikr.or aoar, tka walreratl whW riocUlm thy glory, aa. the uU ia their Ind ooance And from Crealtoq'a gnU-ful voice ba bynta naca YM Uve re-ocboaa back Earth the ebon "Mla)Ual". ,.r- a t - w - - - e-i . .. - - ' 1 - . t n OnrW A'nfaiiir.N-Tb cebbr1ad Talley . rend ia mid to nave adopted ia early Uo the abov aeniimcnt aa kit device, and lo bav atrictly adhered to it througottt hla long and erentful puUid career. And eurely no tftan, whoaa nkme hiatory baa given, .baa more fully nd atrikingly than bimwlf, yertfied lb remark ofanotber of hi diatinguwhod eouotrx roen lbt tbero U bo miwbaaoa which a cievor nwntnay not turn to hie own advantage. TJley- rand alwaye kel hi eye open, turned every tbingS tq I he beat account, aod contrived witk aincuUr aa- gacity aod aucceat, to make every breeya wall bin - onward, and every event, however untoward, eqo Inbute.to hie advancement. And are caoqat help thinking that lb pweasxw or want of a habit ol accurate oboervalion ad Jf. f4 pvrpoH "to ewrrook aolliqr, aTarrmjrfj tdltrtd lo,eaion net a raw tbe great di&r encea which we notice between dideretit individuak. gome meq aaeni to go through tba world with tbeir Level iiiut-oirur keep, thare alnav latter, at every etep, ar addinrr to tbeir etock of knowledge, and correcting and improving their wdgment by experionon and observation. They - keep their minda ever awake, and active, and on the alert gathering instruct ion from, every occur- rence,i eyatehing lor mvorablc opportunitie, and peeking if poeaible, to turn oven their failure and tniachance to tbeir adnntijo. Sytk ftntuu will rarely have occaaioq to ar, have kjet a day LT To weep o'er koura that new . .' ' More idly lbaa the uminer'e wind. T'y fill mabeevery event ibeoccaMonofiroprorc V pent, amf will find 1 ." " Bwlii in the ruoaiag broiika. Sermon in itonee, and good in everything. " . To the aUentir obaerver, even Nature itaelf will appear a van! acroll, written el over by the finger oil . aa, who uwrvciivo mougn aomeiiniea myticrioua chararJor while to the carcfees, it wilt aorraat peat but a fhak, or 9 acetje of eoofusioa," without l' :! ! u it f 4- kUl efclaaaitj sfj ttUaltal.o. Wwi'd ... - I Lam mrUiM-i'A l 4 erHe WMh dy 'l tk.nj 1 ! to (art lb ure ti-aa )y hat lb mmj yl reare u M rth. . ' - . ' hni m - kt hm lU wirkM iu ttartfc. A4 b rrt- 4miWWK twv ML" I rOinCS MIUTAtY inteluuencs, J.W larra, aa! f.yihwa ijtrvi Pmtr. -Tka aarf aV Aaaara 3tdUri gttaa Ik MWwiaf iafttraaitaf anicia, ar alaiiatkal ra aarrn a tka ypliiway away, itrwaaa, aod ob of lha VSctai aUtoa,iUi Cr aaaaa, TW Caraaa caafaJawliaaj aa a laU M at tkt aa cf 1 91 1. ttk lk ooo-ol U FraiiM. Cagbaal, ial tka Holt ACiaaca. It ta af tka tmmtf at Aaatna, (ha luariua w rraM, Caaaha- UAaaa. lluafVT. lUaarar, aW Walaatr a IWa graa4 akiaa af 8aaooj, Badam.laclaiaiaa Ysmm aaJ aWaf arnciaaittiaai UaUrf. Tki May to aaa4afa4 lha gfa4 bmU- Ur, tJUnimm U ito aOrth a E-iU. a eiiowda W powo waef lha LniUvdo Teeetiaa autta and lha whole of Italy, wader the yoke uf Aaatna. It M bo allonre af theee atataa whiak ia tba grant abacs, to tkt naklmwa flew and dnpo Uamnf Kawna, Tba taapuw af AwMria amy be coanlrrad the aaoat imponaaa. U m oompuJ af 13 oiatae, vtx; lb erendocky af Jkwm,Ulyrta, Illyrin, Tyrol, CohewHa, blararia, and &bwa, Gallic in, llimgary, Croatia, Sckweni. TranayWanin, Iklnjalin, and Laanbftfwa ewatu. It conprieca HJO. Ion on, tUIT Urra, aad VJM tdlagtw. Ila popatatioii ia Id wmUmm af aWUM. ary, 771.40A aaawaa ; rrvanua, am nttuioiw mnt , pwwio oeoi, 1 uitioa 70w rUunt banca. - - IUirpUm. 40)00 inUktaeta, arwty. na. revenue, 00,733,000 fwj dbLWOOO,000 franca. 4)0 waw franca; puUtedebt,! bilkon my, an rarmoe, 34 auUiuoa; deU, amy. 11 MlIlMtM U Al,nnv-rvpulalinn, 3C0,00 inhabitaoia; amy, iVAJ ami; revmie, uw nuUKMM ; oew, JZaW-PwanlaUon, iJiflOO inbaktaata; arvoy, tfitO mm revenue, ullmna ; debt 3 LtUwna 13d ewUnjoa franc. Annrwaoandatiun, 1,00,000 inhahitinla ; army, IT.UW bm; rrvctjie, B,3W,uuu Iranca; dotrf, S7 WrUina franca. $iriV.riTWtian, 8Cfl,000 iubaklanta ar. my, 43.301 mm; reranue, 43300,000 frauca; debt, l mtffiona frnnoa. ,Va, Populnliun, 1 .tOOjDOO inhnbitanU; ar ny, U.000 men ; reveqiH, 'ft OuUkim; debt, 70 mUbooe franca. . Sritztrliid.-Pbpiiiauo, 1 90,00t idbabitanta; ar.Tv 33.7M mi ; revemM 40,4 lOjm franca. TTaHrAWr t . 10,000 inkabt- Uaii; army. U.J nWa; ravenoe, ?0 imHwoa, debt, SO auUIooa tf franca. The Kingdooa af rrwwia ia the aaoaod miUury power aacKidrd in Ibo Gerwiaa Curdwderatiuo, and krepa tba reirJ.knani of the north. Pupulatiuo, 13,4&'M)00innakUnU army, 199,43d wee; rev. eswe, 313 mUKona; deU, 7i,lW0,000 franca. Kanna. Thta grand nnlitary ompiro, ailuaied in Cttmpo and Am, cwmpriaea lha ninth part of tba trrraatial glob, In part of lb a now world. Ita military coluniea oa the banka of lb Llevaeo, Dariprr Ik: C"TJS Ugoul, Novomirgo. rod, end the auutn eigne mnl to 7B,000 men. on a mntdar pUa to the eoloniea of A aatria. Thiide acitntrow of nulitnrj ariculumi Oc ia aoauallr lutiomamg, end tbreateoe Mater or latrrto invade Gronania and Tnrkey, wbicb will eventwally form prwnntoof ihia ever-growing empire. Alihoagh ao extensive, Ron te br Inn bemg ao pnpulated with) Franc, and Eozkod. and other ui cwoKarMua part of Lar Ita innautanta or ho rue are aratlered ia email towaa or deeett tilbvee. It army and band of Cuaaacke or irregular cavalry are diawminalwd aQ over tb empire from north to aoul broach IWaMng a aort of military aeteeracy of a a t . . a . a aa 1 inernauvea, or an luorwanaeoj rare i nouea auo Uvcvoer whsa the Caar aiamelt ha a km Ibe power of life aod death bat, ntwithtaoRpg, be ' . I . 1 .1 . ' A fcM. lawaiiiwiT anuer inwir wui or nmwncw iBiano. aacricaJ atreogtb, in cane of war, would be eoticeo t rated in any particular point, but with lb grealee) didicully, aa tba atrungeat aatrpaiby eiwta between Iheaw noraaroaa hordra and tboer of an opponle part of tba apir. - la Austria, Prueaia, and tba power forming lb Ueraua CVnfederalion, the hw uf Cooacrlption, aitnitar to (hat of France (ei ceping noblea,) k adopted for tb recruiting of th army 1 but ia Roaaia every aoaaant ar aerf k eon idered the property of the nolle, and can ba called upon to eerve aa a aeldier. whenever lb emperor may think proper of comnvutding bid). Tbk dee. potie power k too often abuead by tba genera I-in- chief, who. ehow moto partiality towirde one pro. vine or gommmanl than aooiber, from whence araaoUto etata of hatred and revolt which -ex ate among many of tb corpa, and only kept down by lb anoat or aevera floftzkg, aad other eevcr cor. awAal' .a . ft.-. a-iia- rif iriftim rtffiaiainwi mil I mvamwwaaw -nawwwaBmnaawawwwarammF wanraewwyavaj wjwvwwarraaavw. anrwITw 1 whom ara wobiea. , fopulatwo, 80,500,000, 10. habitant; army, 710,000 man (regular troop;) revenue, 434 millinna j debt, 1,475,000,1)00. - I Vanrr, next to Roaaia, may be conaideTed the atrongeet military power on tba contrneni of Eu rope, iu army- wU eniaed,'ae,.welf aa Ibe aa tional eaurda. . Sine the revolulian of .1830. man Nnt imnmHihMia kkM t.k nt ; ti. poMlioo, and th cooqieet af Algkr and Conatan. Una, baa again raked that military aniril of glory whkb &4inmikh4Ml auimM dr NanniMw, U Qra.nd. Ae yet. Franc baa not establiahed milita. ry euloniea, aimilar la her altiee of Roaaia knd Aua. Uu, ae a reward k bea brav veterana but' the wbect k onoVY th special ennaide'ratioa of-hi Mijeaty aad the Mioiatar of War, according to the plan proposed by Marshall Valce, th Cmman-der-ta Cb ief of our proiaiaiuii in Kort hern Africa, wbicb country, once tb retreat of piratea and aavi aga Arab, wiO abortly become civUiaed by Franca and bet deaervinj warmra. Franc k divided in a - a am- ' lo 20 military division, the bead Quarters (Chief- milt -Hi' itiul)l U if, til '. pih, Uf.rm 7th, I.yoa Hth, Wr i:u- M((r!;Mr 10th. rw4tut llih, To!. Iftih, CU.rmxi( JrrifH lixl 20th, Vi.ut. kwii Kua4roMfV4 fl, art iMitjr M.iri im IK nrwriM Karp. TU lf.nc.44 nor r, lKwkwnw. Ll, 8. OMf, Arw, iWi, U.Wii, VU- I ... ft t . .. ... 1 4. I 1. fcl tl L. f I I f I ft- rtrptCMa, IMlMlirtM, DaWAUia, w Vrui, tftj IUjobm. Tba Mnary porta ana' duck-jaflJa art Urmrf, Touhnk H ) t, Ubf krf , an4 Lorat. trfatlaa aw! brigt of af ara alao totMttti4 M IWywmai Nanlea, u4 th. Snrtaa. Tha army la ni-a" lha laar af lha conarnpttoo, vbicb oUia aack earrfMi ta funUh aaoaally lha coalinjraa af Yavng , of lha aga of ooa aod-lvwry, raquirtd by gotaramani, watca Mcbar ia Ull4le4 for ky lha rkk profa. tor'a wm aa wall aa I hat of lha fwaatat ami, o aitaiUaJ, ikav ara axil called apcjfl to draw agaio. Tba jimgik ofaric ia fcr meo yaara, at lU e ptratioa of wkich thy can continua ia lha amy, or demand their diarkarga la mln hxne. Tba oOkara ria gradually from lha raoka, aeoonCng u their bravery aad merit, or ara unwl kjr lha Kiag frwa Ika Kcola PulytKknique, af rafia, and 7 ' CLTTTZT. P- eocp-Kal wni.hweot ia ffn. htWled by the military eode. PwioUtioo, SSW, iahabitaotat arm, 530,000 men. 389,000 ia. dairy, and C1.000 cwvaky and artillery. Thie ia the Pear oetabliahojeot the War ia 040,000 men. Rack iaaotry rgiae( ia cotwvoeed of I or 4 bat. UliuM, amawfiting frerti (50 to 1800 per ballaliori; ahipaof war, 117, of ariooa ratea J revomte 1,075,. 000,000 fraiwai dept. 1,020,000,000 riaoea. Prance ia divided Into SO department, 801 arrooa dUerxa, 3831 eanlooa, and 27,831 onivraftee. Crroi flrima. Allbnogh it wtay bo ctoaaMl inf """"T ,M "n " fcred mora manUma power, the a.raatet m unra . "-'T- 1 ,;'.. . r ffT,P'e' BO,Uoai r ,l oommaoa Tba poaotMion. ia JJV f l". 14Vrf inhekUle, and a arwry ti mtfS m, jncMing bereoloniea. The Briiiak army ea wall m lb navy, ia raiaad by voluntary aolietment, the taw of eonecriplioa not being eeuUiahed aa' ia rranoa, Aumrta, oto. 1 ne oommienooa in ar 7 ar parckaaad by tba tiu of lb nriatocracy, few men ever becoming efiicara, however Uavar from tba ranka, aa in thie eountry. I the navy, the 0 flicera rie gradually (rom the rank of rnio ehipmaa, aipirmni it veiMraa, by merit or favor, the eoramieaione not being purchasable, aa well ea in the Rnyal Marino Corna, Anillrnr, and Engi- awn A . am ' ana iaa neera. I ne pnpuletKHi ureal liniain ia j,uu, 000 inkabiunta, vig 1 Ireland, 7,&O0,OO0 kihabi Untt and Sootknd, 3,300,000 lohabtthnra; army 120,000 mm; navy 30,000: marines 10,000; ahipa of war, 029, of virioue rate; reraaoe, 13,000,000 j debt, 30,343.000,000 frvica. foi'a PtpkWoo, 13,000 O0 inhnbitanr;ar my. 73,000 ; aevnnoc, no oflWial return i debt, do. PortvraPopulation, 3,430,000 inhabitant! ; 1 revenue. M,OWJ,000; deU, 100.000.000 franca. Roma it fkalei Population, 3,500.000 inhnhi- tanu; army, 0.400 men; reveouo 40,000,000; debt 350,000,000 franca. Atrdiein. riftHlaliin, 3,300,000 inhabitant; army, 40.37 men revenue 70,000,000 ; debt, 100 000,000 franca. Siriy. PofHjIarton, 7,430,000 inhahitanta, ar. my, 81,810 men; leveou, 110,000,000; debt, 500,000,000 franca. Cwe.--Pou1nior), 700,000 iarnbrianta; ar my, 6,000 menj revenue, 0,000,000; debt, 163, 000.000 franca. Twley Population lOOOjOOO iohabitaatf ; amy, 03,000. - Prrti. Porwhitinrt, 0,000,000 bhabiUnta ; ar. my. 80,000 men revenue, RO.000,000 franc. itfrtr PVipoklion, 0,000,000 innnhitanta; I 23,000 men 1 revenue, 33,000,000 franc. i4wv4a.-lonuUtiAn, 89,000.000 InbabitaDts, via 1 14.009,000 while. 10,000,000 Indkna, 7, 400,000 blacka, and 7,000.000 other caete. raifcaT Saie.Popnlarion; 11,800,000 inhabi tant; army, 6,779 men revenue, 136,490,000 franca; debt, none. ' JJra 1 lj.'--Popilalion, B00,000 tnkahiranli ; army, 30,000 men j ' revenue, 0,000,000 1 debt, 233.000)00 Afxice, Pppulatioo, 7,500,000 inhabitaoia; ar my, .33.730 men reverme, 78,753,000 franca ; debt, 008,500,000 franca t compnaed of 34 Btataa. rlaraewaji. Population, 330,000 inhabitant j army, 5,000 men,; revenue, 5.000,000 franca. frr Population, 1,700,000 inhahitanta f an my", 7000 men ; re venue 30,000,000 j debt, 147,. 498,000 franc. CiaPeaAilation, 170,000,000 inliabitanU; array, 014J)OOmen ; revenue, 080,000 franc. iairw Population, 890,000 inbabitama ; army, 43,000 men r revenue 13,000,000; debt, 150,000,. 600 franca. . ndia-Population, . 139,000,000 inhabitant ; 10,000 men Hon, Eaat India Company, revenue, oK,w 1 ranee. A CKUCt Afeetiom for m JCtoea- Under our eadii recotced the death, hytrowMiuvof: a young chikl of Mr. Alexander Rice, reatding at 6aiwm. Tba circumstance under wbicb tbia aU naual inlhnt (bemg only four year of age) mat it tile, are bothaingulAr and alfecting. vbhe bad ml lowed a email boy o the river, weeping bitterly be cause he waa about io drawn a kitten (Ur. which he had formed a etroag attachment j and no eooo t f waa it tbrowt into th wawr. than the aironined tMli lowk c .W '' ,u He, waJked iht dotermioed P toward the objoceef bar darina hnd aSaetioa ; bul f0" waobing it, ahe anddenly aank into aWp water, and her gentle'. epirit returned to the God wfca gavS it. . J ho tear will noma, to think there waa none near to rcn th UtUw sufferer, whd eo farksaly perilled nod merifioed her otrnliw to nave that of a comparatively valueless one, but ap on which ahe nad set bar youoaloctioul--f. 9Mtf Tticgrapk, The nearer man- Mffiwa Nature, and adhere to her km in all respect, th longer will he live. THE WESTERN CAROLINIAN. M nna, bF.KTKMDF.R 27, IW. filittavlxM! i"p I iln race 1 rvd.kaN.Y- lna Oa. Ikmilwri, of .CL,ute ihit be kaa aaeceaded ia EngUad lad. r-ul of one m.nn U the But euk (to rbald CbarlaeloajatiperaeaC v Tna Soerw Caaouma. Tb ablibrnol of tn 14 Time and Giafltta," in fJUumbia, f . C, baa bee frurckaead by Maear. A. ILaV W, F. rtnatlTva, (urmerly of lb Angwet " 4VbroniU." Tnnaw gwutkn-ni bav ekenged lb Wm of He aaner to lb " MuaOi Ceruliniaa tH tbef 'itUt'h tbeir new career wiih muck epint and ability The ProapecJoe" baa been berelufute pubnaked ia lb W eater terohotee. Oatvm er twb 8t.T.itAtay. It baebeea mad a qotation of dtaput aa lo who waa the ori- cinntor. and Aral prepoaer of the I roaeury pkn 1 it will be recollected thai a abort lime eiore, at a dinner give to Mr. UUhnun ra tareenviu Pi.trict. 8. C, Mr. Thoropeun. lb RrpraeanU live fruot thai Piatfo n0 preeeo' io1,i"' lion, in Ina ouuraa of a apoaok mod on lb ooea won, atiribuiod I Mr Benton, the autborabip of th ecbem ia lS3o, at leant ao ht ea rafalee I lb apeciclaol. M r. Calhoun, than, put lU que-4ign, aod obtaiaerfTrorn bin an aekoowledavMoout (hat lha proooaitioa bad boo previaoaiy adaaaoed ia Coo- grwaa ia 1B34, and aa a matter of ouraa Mr. Botk Ion would not have broogM II forward Brat in 1 B36. It aeem, however, that none of Ibf ae dpuUat oa th aubjwet bav got back far enough lor tfi data of iU birth. . Tba paodleloa Moaaenger give th W lowing tracl af a leUer written by Mr. JeAnNoa lo Mr Gallatin in ibe yr 1)03. By tbia it u perfectly pkia thai Ma. JrrrctaoH waa ta reality tba Brat eufgaalor of tbja j'Un. Oer ia th dilraol s . But ia order to be ebt lo meet a general eowv bination of lb hank againat wa, in a critical M emergency; could we not make a beginning .to " ward an iodnpendent tut of oer own money, 10 " warda holding our ewa bank in alt lb depoaiu " where it ie recejyed, and lolling lb Treasurer " giv bit draA or note lor payment at any panico. - lar place, which, ia a Well coothicted government ought to have ai muck credit, a any private u draft, or bant note, or bill, end would give oa the 44 earn facilities which we derive from lb Banka." Dbath or Gbm. Wn.pi4tta. Weobaerv io a late paper, ao account ef the death of General TJkrke; to many oia naroe'u tcnowaVend trill be reoognised ea thai of the companion of Lewis, in th pioneer expedition which they falroea ibe Rocky Mountama, to the aborea of (he . Paciftc in 1803. He baa aubeequanlly filled Ike office, of Gov, Mieaouri Territory, lod of Superintendent lodkn AQair ia the Weet. Tb latter office be held at the time of hia death. TEXAS. . By the late'accoonis from tbia Country wa lean that the electiooe were going 00; aa far aa the re aults had been aacerfaioed tmar. for Preaideot and Burnt for.Viee Preeidimt werwiar. ahead, af their eoropaiiton. . . .v ! Several ineuratona made by partlce oj Indiana on tba Frontier, bad been promptly aad easily repell ed" : no ipprebensiooa were ctitiirtainad by tbelo- habitaaU, aa the ludkna are said to bo very cow. ardly. ... . rov. Taevr or Gsoaeu.-From tbk late Geor. gia papara. wa- kara that-tbk gentleman baa dev clarod himself opposed I a National Bank and in favor af the Bub-Treeturyi Th Aaguata Geo.) VWUMituilvaxi may mi " We have aeeoj Ictier from Goveran Troun, verv raceatlv written, in which the vkwa nf lhi diatHtgwMhed citisen VV troogly. and .axplrcitly given in regard to Sub-treasury and a National Bank. Governor Troup owiaidara the rrueationa of an lodepeadeat Traaaury ajid a .National Bank a of paramount importaacje In tea people, and about wnica iner etiouia oa no diuereoce ot nentuneat. lie take the affirmative aide af the question at is sue, contend that there sauuld.be ia the South but a united voice for aa Independent . Treasury and againat a national Calm, atis looks upon, the quoa tiona at preafnt agitated at (undaraeulaJ principle of the Govarnment" The Yellow-Ftver is prevailing in NewOrleansI and Mobtte though not extensively. , A public dinner waa grvea ejo. the Director of the Cbarleatoo & C4ocinnHi Baibrqad Company. by the citiaaoa of Lexington, Knfycky, on tho 30th ulu The Comnany adjourned lo meet' again at Aehvule, m this state , - . It k stated in a New York paper, that a 'nlgo tiatino has been made there by which S Bank in Akbama, baa bean authorised to draw oa mm of! Ibo Baeks ta Wall street, at aigkt lor $1,500,000. Soot hem fboda eontinu lo improve and ara ia do mand; Carolina 1 to 1) dxicount, and Georgk at lldiactmni;' V'f ; ' MJlrfci--Tha electiooa in Main have resulted in favor of Iba Adminiat ration narfv bv mninritv of dOOvoteaio the contest for Governor, aod also by rnajoritie kv th Vgwktura, ; Lakaccoostsatafa that the Yellow Fern eon. tinges its ravages h) Charleston, and is tmraw hart thai it haaevpr been knowoin thai city before. tl hra Ut', I h ri .v . lil :,:.., - pulitkitn r k-etiu. Tl Atii," tl WttaUT, U Ut! out ttitQ generally acted yo ky lb nikj of iff. , will entirely derfroy lit, CUy 'a Uhr 4 dency. The rcnl Uwiiipii of Ux Va lj.Jf ' ia ilifva. k aaMgaad a the rea (1 u. tiun ef the Bun pulittctaiii, and Ui b tnm in aim ejiengoa aa laa cauee of in y big " a wal yrejjr ariiMCa (a frimfi,, j la apaokiag of Air. CUy, lb All afi: ' " ported hita one lur th Preudvory, ioj " again, were we not, ia ao duing, tluuM OBfurf - kal Bui Mr. CUy k deficient la ppUr ' again, Mr, CUi'i Influence nailed lo aaauia Ll Adam jo lha Preputial chair. Witki!ltUrf made to okct Mt. CUy hiin-e!l,a 1S32, bt nu-, " ad k oMaialag oii!arfy-aoM rkctota ro , k the elect km at 130; kwaealf aad kia ftieaaj ao well aatded of bk debaienry k aopahw t that they did not attampt to ran kiaj t it, 1 thie doeanv evkteno a to Mr. Clay a fynUti, lo apeakkg of Mb Webeter, he am; IU.'i 'VVaUrarkaoaJlydenckotwiik Mr. CUy hi th auaiiei joquiwlaa of popularity ? aad lib H-r he kokbotkue lo a krg number of kvetera p jodkea, wbtch bav koaa Ibr year aeakwi. and awterod, by the diligent envy had bttrai w -who did not dare Waamilblm k aay ether nvy the wIt of the kt Preeideatkl election, ba. more final MMioMion, rumen eontluaiv tta, ta awr minda that Mb Wahatay ia nut a tnv caadidaU." ' ' . 1 II Ikm tekaa ep OenL Ikrrkoa, aad aay 7 i " tberte aleeidedly avow eoraelva in favor of C, " IUhmmi aa Ibe Whig eaodiaal fat Prtridm,j., precke gvennd, that while be eoeveaae every rejiriiu loan aak and patriotic idni'uiiatrttk . Government, i fmr ntrfmt kit tikf tm "lUer$ ra tt lJU tfaenraW fwelc(ien ef pow. ry. 11 m ia paopier eanautau." j Bine eatraoting the above, we obam that iit toy of the AUu 1 a wbwqoent data, etalaa, V , bad. In writing tba article, made as iprioftf own amtimenu, witboet the authority of aaga. Tit lag Uient Uiinga together, we conclade Ikta ara premonitory kdicatioaaef the etataof aflkjriR. will prevail, H Mr. Webtter ahould be witMtvn- rbaeontert then being 'between lit Cky, and U Utrrtaon, Mr. Wobatare friend will go J In,' OenX Uarriaoa. i Latb Foitws NswaRuaiM BiBAaSrt By the Ute Foreiga arrwak news has kaa 1 eeived of lb very uafavortbT proepeoVef Ua n' Ihrougboat Kngtaod, tod Ireland id eon: of tba heavy rain, aod Viod etpariaoord V th aeaaon. Buch wras the e(ct of this. 1 kt gene 00 our markets that in New YoraTuaxr and Itiehmood, flour advanced in price star fromt937b9fc9 13; wbeatiaNrsTr tl'b5toi3 InUichmondll; ooraMlotlt Tba London Courier, referring to ibe short cr 10 that country, aod as t Coneenueoce of h,tbeS eemaitjr of importing to make, up the mya : . J bal ai all eveuu, there will be I a t importation of foreign cora, Ooea not admit 4 u doubt, and we know, front past experieocijt a krg and snddea ecporatioa of ors im " rkbly mads I a aorreapoodiDg imnorhiioil " apeck, and eooaeeweatly lo a evrtMlioeot a i "curreney, th Bank tbea withheld theiti "count, bankruptcies follow, and the coaobvf 11 once more involved lo all tba horrors of l at " mercial panic." . .' f The anival of tb Great Waatera, wbick sv from Bristol, and was look ad lor io-Naa I about the 83d, was awaited with miick mnxieft,- th market was uncertain and doubtful, lai accauoU were wfifiyombk, H waa ei peeled thai 1 1 market would take a spriog still higher. . The number of 8trangera in New York Cilj aaid te be so great that they cannot all gate luruble accommodations' st (he Hotel. A couple of the Abolition, brethren weraV detected in tlw neighborhood t?f St. Louk, Ita" n an kttercpto inveigle away two negroes, sor!V j doce thnrn to Veal thearm, andhoraci of tli W ten ; the wegroee informed "Vreir master, t I urpriaod Ibe genriemery look them,' rjJ tk nanas oenioa toeir aa-sk, aad aurted them towj el, themselves sou be itbgfwee following, andif. plying the ksh, as a kind af stimubja, ttx , a - .a t ' i a ' miles iodine nrasiaaippi river, whera toe; A mallgnnt leVer baa lately beea'prevaillnf a districts of Lndoq," U originated in, and e0"" coadned to the part of the City yraera the VetS- snasuan tout, a.Dd claaa. , . , , ; Fiat Paaaengera ia the last Wastera 8,Ufcef iutormalion of the destroctioa br fire of the krv eeublkbrnent t tie Warm Spring, ia Sae the fire, it t suled," wu eoromhnkated bf t M j mg on the roof. ' ' " "V r ; j ' Prntielial Feat. Tresbyft j cTiurcb of Kldlef, Delaware co., Pa., which j dor the paetoral careoT lha Rev. Alvin H hj waa recently lb scene of 'an extraordinary ,E alarming occurTeoce. It had been thoroutti'j "j paired and farakhed with new ceiling, pc. pulpit, and had been only occupied d abort tin' (bra lb disaster occured, whfch might bavs fatal to many of tba worahippar, . A large t;l gregation had been, aasembled on the SabbthV had not retired more than thirl miriutei,' conaequance of soma defect, in the" workiMftst j the ere beam gave way and tba wholec'', with the exceptioa of a portioo inimediallf " the pulpit, waa pmcipitated on th pew V'0'! In examining th,rujne, we were led lo eoor j that had the eataatropbe occurred while th i gregalioB were in lb bouan, nearly every ual would have been lulled or seriously Tb providence was remarkable aod ptf gratefolry recognkad by those for whoa dvfit ance if waa aipially interposed. , : . " ,-;! ."tt". ' . 9m , -.-' '- The sap of ibe red oak make excalfeot in? .ill lb tt .b I t I f t t I 'A

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