.1 i ! 1 1 1 1 I .T" rat - ma t ansa sratt. sr nninnn. a rax.iitt hhii t ikuu, ass ituiiu tki rrt iiriiTtiir,i ro ras rsorta. 4 ewJw (ells CWcriuias, AmVs X.- ( NO 7 I (so. mm NO XVIf.OF V0L.X1X. SALISBURY, N. C, OCTOISKIl 1, JB33. v con.vr.scr.Mr.yT ms.) ' . I pERyi Of CAIOUMAN. 1 Itm IkJ!. p "' Jf as re ore. t rr.r .n u .! w t t edsrr. uiiirJJ W"" ia ill CM- ha M13CKI.LANK0UH. fjtrtHW buikls loo few who buiUi k hope JZTim vVh. Lt thB be chiefly BUIIuOS ljl tb press Ihit wt ray bo. le (T4byK. 4 rpeciig tha fcturt only a ' J7rM with our interest in another world bb lb nn Ml'""'' cc"r " "f 4 M we proceed in mii wtlk. L 4 at 1 Mlk bctl Uld brfiT m ml il U hrf M ljj,tljlJiui4rjhindtftryUxm. Mark 'Ikt bjW bkt is from tbotf ,nd how it Inm ' jMtaoci Wc Luwni t tb 4 lb U mA. li di1n lolui of lU tUW, W4 ubrit lb Ich Jf. Iluw Uauttful, Jhjw 1 kfl It wrlB cHntttWe. Th yrlt-fW I.Miaaui b( lre7 beno t4Woior tb 'm! ibi wumu will pedily Ur iboM leave ib 1,41 1 m4 lb wtxa bo of Bwlurt will anon l (yjjg tk imiwy maw 4 wioiar, All im jotnawlaiic, lhrtluf, all lbx cUngretroalo fcjlin uf a M. 'glt la be rcivJ by ua a a7 waromf im to real in pnnntt aceora, dui viMbrwariJ lowanw im wntcn are eieroau y alibougb thrra ia nolhin In thia aentimcat rWi Wu bem ropaated a trMwaarxl imf, yet 1 Wn kaowA 5e luo often repeated or loo kp I n iai Gftik and Roma 7ai- The JtfaaeafaHaaM tbaiiol of itMBocieataMikat 'it twVrM -U tery airiking. Tho aocicol '".kmiU Rumaoa umi Da aVeubvlu: bqaor, rt wkooea to lkJ f C"fljo nor k-a nor uu Htfainr.iKir even butler I Calen 'mmUM aen buttai bX ai U" .ytertpuraBl uflbe f raaiur number ( our yul tp, aa Jue, nutroej, -niece, pnger. ,'iaua acppert curry, itiaxmta. ' Tbey BMed ' wb)db(l, Frebch beans, nor aruoaach, mmfs lapiara, aalaa "arrow-root awr poUlo, w M aarietiea tv4 even I he ooenmon, but a anrt 'aaiaS growa bae j nur manj of ear fruita, aa ifmaga, or lawn rind, nor America fnJi4u ''iilUher band, I bey ate aubaUnoee wbick we .eiergtcrtilie mallow, lb barb or os-fcpi. attel acorn, tbe lupin. Tboy uead radiali, kl l,Wrel, Tbejr ikd the 6rb of wild Biaea, ikliPi,orh oVvinoeie. the ki, ol Uip r. Tbe He lU 8rb of parrpqueta, and other -vi irit, and uf fisirda. Tbey wero food of ',t euiny nb, and abetl 6h, which we aow bold .amwwio, Tliey em ploy od aa aeoMoinfre, rue MmiMiir-Dr,1hck'$ Diet Krgima. 1 4yUy4 mm- wod )Mir aervaol to mAh to Uf a ad U brMifbt ywa Ihmm b 1i ao lt, I obrjd ywr ortk ia, (LAayrr.) Uu j to ft t a , ) tn.BJy w a.4 awTM an 4v4 at im imcmw 4 ita awAbvr ,lbe U oaadlwi laara &-, U k a bma. Ui Ml 4 aW U M Wkot M few Bd fact. H 11 Hf M tlaal be ia a d4 uU llw (UajUtr.) I W arje loe mm m bnW, fWo lie rW ftae Vmutu. RK4JARD IlUtUS: or ta mmrt EW. A Tale r AlaoteM. RuWb4, H L. UT a4 A-JUrt.- - . A Coe, aaaanil'ioe anL Wr eiaaa kaU, mi 14 bo b peronawf cinwferalae eew ocw. wi w mm, m 0ic1uwjmJ, aral4 BMkt rie estowai cr eoiaiiaa) o tbo vwHu &H km mmm m witkWU U9 fmymmk cwaiaaralauaw. TW otwry la aaa adl ruoa b4 UmdtKed, Mroaad a beta i4 toej re. tmte. Bid onciowiijt f Btcata of mfy our ooo euwoiry. i a ootM hoe ana! altUtf tit oaralite ad Tbe at orr a B Mpte oh, Bad tbe awrraW we etraigbt Lrward letoe tucUiaia, wnW4 aaaW fi U4 reoJci'a Utemt to ig dwan beiaoeo o fad. 1b order to gito oar rredrra a faal caoreatwaj ofi Ike wntera) poo era aa eVorriptoei aarf ckaracW, we a til eeleel a ckaptee. To cawyhkiwdi at ftOr, Ike leader aoawt wadwraWad dwt Df IVkett boa Lrre birrd by iVa lUewo to 0W4 be keotbe. Birbard llerdta, the amrraior. lie baa teea ia aaa- buk, ood abut Wi?laaa Crrohai, RjcbaWe trarciluif coovpeot-a, by eaWuke, aad rttaraed la hie empWjer, aukal oWoeeriaf the errue, le elaiat bia reward. Tbe aeoao b4oee tbeea wil bear eowtpariaoa a i(b Sbakapeare'e W-twaaa Uobeet aod Kmg Jul, ia ateaiior iiiroiaafra. " Tka wm rooter of H tUieea fey efeea en thicket bAc( be bad owe the deed. Too aeorde. er waa Dew IVkett, nod, oe tbo reader aaay hare divined already, hie vidua had arrwhid tkraofb otewake. TVa fetal rooae wf tke vm aa bat ew Ciij oirot of ay buraa a cirrooiaiaaca fcrred oene) m by tbo awceoartieo et feefrgW. rWtheftkorw lb kxtrae ood VouUd mm farther. It waa a Img abut, from a riaiag grewod above, wbero the aw. brace waa tbieh aad at each a diHace Urn tf- loree were aui dearly oaUopNahabie. Tbe eVree uf William wnfortaoately helped tbo drloaiaa. 1 1 waa aiaxMCrotirrly like aioe. We ha4 aei eo eowipietely aoaoeaioi tMMoer ar yrora, inai owr tiabita aod toateo M eaooy reifica hod hienaia oo aimilated. , Tbe orderee, bevwg aaie6ed feo eelf-wbidi be did r'awce taot the hone wee mine, it waa tbe prompt cocwawa 01 hie bmooV thai I waa tbo rvfcr. Cnaae a eel&jea ocUherale I be mere act I mraa - tbe detereMeaitoa eaaj be deltbrratery eooub aoade; but tbo How kaaoat Hy pvea in haaan, na u the enooaot Area am that be might shrink froea an act already reaolvod anon, rickettdid oot Irwat hiaaseif to look a eo- cuod lime brAro pullioe trirrer. Had he eoiferod the rider to advance lea pacee taoro. ao owU hare withdrawatbeeicbt. ' 1 be coo rare Ua eortain bet when be ia doing what he bebeee to be rit M. Tbe wrone doer aaay we deporrate aa fa kel be baa no ctxapoord Uautas fickret waa of ibia anrt. . lie ah 4 ajnoat BOUmUr after aemnv ilta hone. lie waa abuat to cooee ferwerd a ao aa when heeaw tbo nor tamue J wa tae vthM ap proach of the pontorra, skoae ferana had been eua rtaM by the orr w auJ to&umi "WLadw ibraaigk 1 I ' From tke Cktrltiltn Courier. 1 " TUB NOBIJt snnxcE OP LAW. I atkoiB of the profusion, now nq tnpra,'of tbe Patera Circuit, 'C-'ndcd a client fur (192 Healing, Wwiiho'indioif hi eflurta a convictioo waa bad jiwact of Aaeeealdy in describing (hi cifleoce, jWlfiny person sbutt ba indicted and fHtnl ,;TJiy af aifaling toy sher-p, goBU or hogs, halie -jjawfakall be dbiect to fltW Vf huauMflXVit IHrling, for each and every, iheep goat pr :U nwlinjf of which, h h,o or Ihpy niay be '' wted u ifureraid.n The neit eectioq iraposse Pf" ia default pf payment of tbe fip Tp the trial it came out in evidence, thut the "tolea vu a pig. Amies the other irrounds, ima (judgment, and for a bew trial, waa one Wt tent to the ir-erita of the rase, viz i "That ,'lw6ro.liitit. m fumid guilty of stealing a loy, ib euk-qce only eslabliabed tha be stole a t'i, vbkb waa no nirmice under the statute. Nptt, who was the presiding Justice, naked plumed advocate; if he inteode Jo.prees tint kiwii Ortnin'.r I shall press lho4 groupd, I-pw) caiei reliance .in , the . . t t-. StiV(tftYott then say a pig is wA a hg j lawtijj. Certainly. What would yourhojior HrAg. A Jamb.' v . ' ? (, fW. ', What ia a young fioatl' , 1"" ".. A KI'U ... it.,-, , IW'esWllbaroliU Ura U a Uaky mU-r RocWd Uavdtf 10 eWd yoa aaf T aad be lanMwd Carwofd la tht rir w4h a e.a4ance ia Ut fear oad eagoeawoa eeee ao WMOgtad a ta iwidata mm w it atmoluag wvwa ia tWfeawnaof I'aa aail at. "Seoww, aad H soy it egi ta saw ewe. 1 hod afeod Bias as) has U4W o4 br, (ha load hoi head aa boa baooai) aid aaw mmSm mi om dea aO aa a haop has a lag as feoraore. TVaeo'e aa d4ora ea aV kas yo-ai aow.laeflye. Ile'e bud o ao thot they woal feaa eVMOi or e oabiaiy. TaW Cao g to TV gaiajMt Lfeaaf lha twoakraoh back aahe wucife, mmi aord haa fees h ha lie aaeaWd araree sAfe to atoad Bad laaaa I ogwaat tha paaai as the fsos fee bia enpport. A limrwf cbj or hioa, aad whoa taat paeard aaf, he bghad brohewJy oa af with a alight too eonwre of hu laooth wore totUd wnfd tbo Score startod ia bio eyae. To hot partuwiar fewLog. whether of roooirae or eat. adattaa, ha wwed thooe oaardjaaa, ja mM bo d&- ewlt fee aaa ta soy, bo ii woo cwrtaialy Nne-o-Wie fee few eairadi to eoacotva. racket! boUtf oa atfe wawferior. aad waa half iacfuwd to aVaibt whetbee has aoaajroraor waa aos oat af be wits. bias as Juha llordie were aauot oav bdoed. whoa U sd asthMig aaore of he hie Bote few agaaa The sras of Mb flwd fell m the arch TatkeHa fetroe at these w..rd4, and bie eyea, with a vaoftt ir, wrr Cnd nuja I be rider AAet a hi irf pauao, ho ilu prucooded in a aawiuirod so bloouy. ratbor than Ba sddroos to bia hearer I If R ir bard would bare fooo ofi quiHly, nod fet too time f U4 where I be net to ulk of Ibat ow r lle.powaod,bot agsia fe'gaa ia similar looee aad B bke spirit. lie wee too rsah tooly. raaokaL Kkoh sod blood eouid aot bor with biis, Hca. He wimiUJ bare mastered all areuad hint if be roii 4raW uptai ell-r-oufleiod l0 life to soy -wf-srvd ao f -eling. US' was Cfweb crud to yon, and to bjp, and loatlj and then to drag ma from my boras and Uke mo kit own brother by tke ibroat I Cut it's alt over sow. He has paid fee it. Boo I wih be bade! done it, though it tboa bm mm (Hatter thia Ulk's all tery use teea now.' , , Hare ha recovered kiraoetf, and in more direct sad calmer Isegwsfe, thus exit mood, while giving bis sgot part vf too mooey wkicb ho bad pro awond bieu - . ... . , .' . - G now, Pickett, to your own boroe. , Let as ant ha eroa laretber inoch. Tabs this inooey Wi all I tors a la give yoa. I will bring yon fere-ord. lias tlMOHrh et.U MVMatvJ kwafla ftafatalfi J6f I parhaaai.a dweft Taw heo tatd oa. Ew rarkott, feat I am Rachaad llordm was strnetg man he fjwoLVI di asmly. Ho wewld 6gkl-rho vwold trtke so lha I04. How eouSd yea stead agsmet hamf Why. kVw, he wmttd crwati too wile a Uuw of ha fee. Ho woe Bsoaatrowe aUooe. Whr, gymum, wkal aro y Ulk'iog abmstT IXrh llordas wMStfwaf.l bjaow.Baatowtrlod. lie awU UU est tR bee tooth ssot, for there wae ao erase ea bias. Dot that's amhtcg Dnha saotter aar. tvaiaM lU WM mm Sakl Ol bIL The rifle 0d the amain 1 m shot aod a 4v aim r - J mK ..S . .. . yS Aott, A DIIDDV. .... .. . . . ..,-1 tonie. The young oorocstic icn '" w. i cluckno., . -a . t . -;7wll'-..The4oan2 of tiw gaudy butterfly iaawiah. . t . 1 .:ti nxwt ample ancl irreaistible juf"cc, and in OXlreof mv arttimJ.i.t I will l'aljA fullv In j?7 1 Court on the poinU ..Tlta lcdroc(l ccn- jprocepdwj in the case. .:. w; , , - I y please your honors.-",My Mnfortjinate cli 'fcy. 95"liclci f bog stealing against the testimony- All the witnesses for the whkhtbfT paeveA eesapetted him to pnoiiioa and remain ejoiet. : lie at them tak charge of tbo body, bwt had Mile idV that their aim, liko hie ova, had bora ewbaroae. He eaw them btwy about lbs prey, which. his blow had Struck down, but epnc bided that ibey arero fnewde eecking to succor aad ta save. 'Coder aay careaav ataoces,bis hope of pUwdrr was bow cwtcsT,aad he silentlr withdrew mt tbe forest where Bai korae biibafn hiiltlnn. and rairbedly.ii waswiiag, mm menced bis return to llareag. But aa eye wo upon bim that peser laat eight of bias. . The keew . ... ware . a a . B - .) hunter that Matthew weboer aaa setapaa ets dwm. had found his track, aod porsoed at wsth the mm errinr ecent of the blood-heuod. More thaaaaos iho purseer cowid have ohot 0W0 tbo fajrrtivo wuh weapon as Ultl anticipated, aad aa aaemng ao thai which he himself bad empkryed J bat we ted t purnoee of this sort m view, lie siH-miy tot- lowed 00 ieeptng cl-we w-atch apoa every amve- meot. Vet never' euffcnne bwaseU. to bo aeea. Wben4ba nwrderer paoaea oy 100 wayw. mm halted alao whea he oped ferwaraV, be too retaTe4 hU reins 1 and ba drew tbeoa op ioaBy ooly, whea be beheld tbe former, with u audacity wbaca be never shoaed while I dwelt ta Marmrn, oreseot hi'iwelfat the entrance of my UtUrt a pfeatatom, gndeqiiealed to see my brother. Tbe pursuer paused also at this" amneaf,aaa eexeeiag a wm imt demai wood 00 oaa aids of lha road, awietry tt amat Ha iA fram hia hoteo which be tarfenod tai tha doeneat thicket, and. under eoeer of the aoJer . . -briwli, crept forwsrd os rworiy bo eoot-i, oioo lace wliere IVkett availed, wrtbout tDComog anj tm, e saO, ail fee etrragib weat fee anrbing Rat bow cowJd ho bt yoa trap bim. Boa Pick ett t Rarhord wee a ii arums mm! alweye 00 the wwtrh. lie wWJa.1 fefl eaaily iota traa. There mmm be eeoaw mi e ike. Boa aa me milako. You're owJy ttkiag with ate, Coa yoa bare m4 f amd him f ho wee km asoch ahead af yea, ami got o& wen n'i 'fmu ae n9 too M htm go I oVm'l rare, is eWai'm abaxa (led yoa eWl rvwch bim. I la', aa thoNatm,l soppoae. by thia time Col I dad roach htm, Vooire, replied lha ether, aotsnactly kaowmxhow Uaoooaui for the pur. pnerlaaiSfweaf JMaaHiiTdeiswejcBtBad wonder, sag mach ft the amUakod fer raioatiaf of parpnaa whKh it senpued. TWro wsa oonwihiax io this Ualfrwtenc which aaaoyed Pickett aa avnch as at awrpriaed fees. It semrd to iwwJy that bis Bnv plyr asigHt sn4 ba sligbe satatood with bim wh-o ho feesepereaaJrd the truth of what be aeid. He haataed llaereforo to roiiersta his story. Ilel arm gn( aearor to lha ' Netioa' ibaa bo ia aaw. I ar3 mm. 5Jro. I come enna him 00 e by .rood teaJmg oat frnos Toorofeneo,thel rwa abmg aeanog I nmgm mf hills where I kept. There was a'sVmbM hiO cloaw by, aod the rood ma thma(h H kwseaaluL rooJ. I IracbW bin aod D.II Coriartoatairaoeer tborroood. They had ba- aiaeea farther eWa with a ama aassed Webber, sod thee stnpt aR eight with m Coloaet Grafloo, I 4 una ewe of ba wvroee au aana n. . o ... . . " . . I watrbea wbea bo wae to cawas aaca. nam 1 heard them soaking tracks. I pat aryaelf iatho bfoh, clear ahead, ia e pfeee where they ronUat eomo on mm tiB I waa eleoa out of roach. Sooa ho r r ... T . . . . ...... naming hko ssoa, tboa I pia h aim, aoa ho caese, I IrB yoa, like a mtller'e beg Struck aO io a heea. But that aMal bul bia I Its wse eoiy own 1 You're aot sora, Cn, that ke'e drod ? Teadoial feoh at bim tloarly r The wiling fellow pocketed tbe prW of blood, aad ssade kis ackitoolrmmetila. ibanu too were gives by lha murderer, as if the balance of C red tt fey with bins who paid ia money (uf lbs Mo of hi fellow creature. I will coma to yoa tonight, continued llurdis 1 I would bear all of Ibia buoioees. I would know 6U I V hal ia that I Soma 00a comes 1 bear yea nothing. Boa T . . . . aaa a aaa litult bad mooa ray retched brother Oouwy a ward. The big aweal came out and stood a poo kis fc'sbeed, aad hat eye wore the irresolute ei premina of oaa about to fly. The eompusurn with whjch hiscompojuoo tooted round, bslf ra-asaurod bios. No there's nobody,' said the other 'a squir. rel lumped m tka wood, perhspa.' Well III eooM fo-oighlf lion in meet you allho WiHowfc , Wun ymt coma to lbs house, 'Squire T No f was the abrupt reply. The speaker re collected bis 1st interview with the atera wife of hie colleague, and had ao deoira Io encounter -her egeia No Ben, 111 be at tbo Willows. Whst lime, 'dquiraT ) rau't ssr, now but you 11 bear my signal. Thrre be it and a bxtg bsrju Vary goJ-l'U be sure. J.iha Ilurdi remained at the guts a long time after Ivkait rode awa v. He watched bia retreat ing ferm ahile it continued in sight, Uiea.eramd himself on the ground where be had been standing ; snd uocooecioujy, with a little stick, began to draw cbsrsdere in the sand.. To the- labors of his fin gers bia mind seemed to be utterly heedless, until aroused to a sense of what ha was doing snd where bo eat, by the approach of oome of the field) ne groes returning from tka labors of the days, lie started Io hia feet ao he beard their voices, hut bow did his guilty brt tremble, wheo bis eve took in the letters that b". had unwittingly traced upon the ssnd. The wC murderer' wae distinctly written ia larre characters befera bis eyea. With a dee- aerate hut trembW baste as if be dreaded hat utber eve should behold it too, he daabed his fort over the letters, hoc eteyed bia efforts even when they were perfetll oblitersted. t ool that he was of wk it avail .was "nILhti.loill-Mn gbt erase the auiliv fetters from lbs sand, but they were writ a . . . . . . . 1 1 u tea uooa hu soul ia cat racier inu no nana ooyiu reach, and ao labors obliterate. ; The fiend Wl there ia fob po wesaioo, and bia tortures worn only aw B,m,.' There are other aceoes in the poeel not Inferior to thia. It is needless to say hal the writer is a aretrata haotL . t oVcUred the ani,n-l taken to be a pig. 2 ;b can ke no hog., AVhea a umn says he " l W? kogt britlle$ and mil, he cannot at Talir. KajSl Win tasaallaaS a.J ia k.l tka i bog, ,J"ghter. If your honor was 14 Na dirkoas they were too hard opoo me fer that. Bat I saw where I hat bua, aad I saw aim tumble. . ''.,-. Who were epoa yoa demanifed narma. Why, CiS Carriogtoa, aod the maa V went ta e. I eaooeae. 1 eMal arna to took, lor, just as 1 swrawied kirn ai, they ran from the mad behind bim, and I aaw aa ohm, ioa didai leu am iiui Rjl Carriagtoa eras fp'm wUhhua. No 1 woWt certain. I didat know. But didat Carrioflua coasa after yoa, wbea yoa shot Richard T ! recleahe waa tea swath frighteoed he jump ed fee Waida the bode, sad thai was all 1 slopped tasea. I arnda ofll and fetched a compass through tha woods ttut brae;M mo out with dry feet ialo eaathor read. ' Tboa I kept oa without etoppmg mmA iKml'a aB I rmm leQ VOU. It wae stranga Bill Carrington didn take after yna . basmw a ataa K be tngnwoea easily 1. - lbeWt.tboasih- h ' " H- But Toa'ra aot save. Bea, aAer all! IVrheps rn'sa m1v hrt him t - Tew nr'I'MJ'L'n.i t 'tamk! rtiVaThard thin to ahoot certain at great eStfaeea yoa ware fer off yoa say r f ' A Imadred yards or ao, and that's nothing be- kif dowe hiO too. . - Rtrhardwmsa tongh feflow.' Toah ar aot, I tea yoa, Toinre, ban aeeer trooUeyooagMO., lt'e aB over with bim. They've got hiss aatfer rrooad befere thai time I know by tbo sort of fell he gw that ba hadn't any life leu ae eion 1 snow wm wr Joha Hurdis sreaied coovioced at loat. "And yef ta think, Bea, that a awn so strong at RU-hrd ahouU die ao sodJeo. It was only fear , . - - a 1 a a. J ' m.m lLa.w.t laat llTsH6iSrSqire. The aaiTe elinchedU ud mm Wa apo. the ground-be slKwhWlike ' LZTJLa .tu .n. nleme. mat . feather-aad he oooke with a voice that went I00CM -T , - - - , , . :..r.. I. K.- tinA, d , 1 inroasa am. a h mm " rink of detection. ' v ' " 7 It waa not long before John Ilunfis came Io the gate, and his can ard soul made its appearance U Kia f.. the moment that ha saw hia confederate. Ilia lips grew livid and qui vr red hia cheeks were whiter tfcan his shirt, aod bia voire so feeWe,wbea he attempted to apeak, that be could only arhea late at all by ottering himself with vehemeacy and haste. j v h Pu ke!?, that you ! well ! what T Tha murderer had not alighted from bis horse. and he now ermpty heat fcrward to tbe other as ha ej l inn van.'. - ,.: . : ' , . ..; Ilsl but you do T not me., it, B, T-It is not , I felt the! he co-Id have tore mo. a wo. Ana .s vot .vT-Yott hare not done it? Are voe ,t maw. you my, he eot bft sa arm to help binwelfT "re? DidWr .,--- .Nsuw,veoa.buxfrobi.c.rrK)o,' - It's dons I tellyWasreire'aagan.' Iwasthereply. 1 -; 1 ; " ' Fjawnaticm is Lam aaa fifftic Our men felU, u rtiey can't get tbroogh a ooeation bow beau, lifuily they can get round it, can't they t Nothing over steps ibetn. I had two brothers, Joseph and Eldad, one was a lawyer and tbe other a doctor. They were talking about their examinstioa one writ st a buskin Iroiie, up to tno woverow wu big stone bare at Slickville.' Says Jemy, when 1 vu eaamincdjljvjudge naked me about real estate; and, me be J.aepn, says be, that's a fee 1 Why, says I, Judge, a depends on the matter 01 tne case. Ia a commoo roe, says I, I call sis dollsrs a pretty fair one hot Lawyer Webater ban got afore now, I k.e heard lelL 1000 dollars, that 1 no can a lee. Wei!, the Judge he larfed nearly to split his sides, 'ihinka I. old chan. voull burst like b stsam byler if vou bav'ot got a safety valve somewhere or sooth or) and, says he, I sow that's superfine I'll endorse ,i a alu.tk a,. kae other jode yoa io kindness, so do you ei tend le Uem Iho Same cooeideralion. AGmarLS" " IS EVRr TIHXO RIGHT I , ' This is B e'lestioa whkk svery f4rmer should put to himsnlf m be aomniencea his labor of lha fedd 1 fer if there is a defect in the begmuing, M ia pusMble U may labor a ihrougb the whole aeasoq . toLttteor noruVt. . - - II ie eeaoaiial le ouecaat In ferming thai lbre should be a plast Bod equally so, that the plea should be a good one. arming at random is seU dora prvfualls. ' Every thing should be done by a sy aem Die diviaon and arrangement of the Hd; the rotaiioa of ths crops, lbs adaption of the culture ' and the crops to lbs soil) sod I base pleas should . be right at first or all wiU continue to grow wrong, Are your farming tools m order T and are Ibey all of good qoality f iXw'l imagiae that you are going tu aave ny Iking in the sod, by using wors out, ill-conatructsd implemenU of busUedry, A good plough, harrow, hoe er scythe will pay fet , IbemsslvtB in B season by goouoees and sees af working, ever a clumsy inferior article. Are all Iheef things right t . How are your fences T None of ear Uwinee. some may reply but it will be the business of youf animals, bud those of your neighbors le eismint there thoroughly befere the summer comes round 1 and if ao( right ibey will be sure, to find it out, 4' the report will be accordingly. If any wall has fellee aowa let at ba eerstully. replaced t if fails have boon blown off by the winter wiad, aee that Ibey are all laid ia their place j have atahef been fronen out, drive them ever ; and remember thai most of the neighborhood bird feeeling thai e. iata, might be pre rented by a few hours eiamina. lion sod repair of outside feoces- Look le it Ibea that these are all right. ' . , . Have you made proper provwoa fer the mora. and intellectual culture of yourself and faraify 1 -It is all irnportsnt that every thing abould be right eo Ibis point, for on no one would a mistake be ao ta tolas on Ibis. . Newspapers, books, schools and the religious institutions of society, should be at com mand aod enjoyed fer iwdotooce and inaction ie as falsi to the mind sa to. the body, and without a Mind morale, and general knowledge, no maa caa be adequately prepared to act. bis part in a tree country and popular government hke ours. Be careful that all is right here t and begrudge not the trifling sinenses the attainment of such good may required TU Ctmvts Fmtmmr, TTZ - " : " Cri for IT srt. A subscriber in Canada says - Whea I was a school boy, I bad a large wart upon my thumb. My teacher told me to rub the wart against my (root teeth as soon as I awoke iu the morning, for a number of mornings, and it would soon disappear. I obeyed him, and my wart diaappearrd in leas than two weeks, without pain, eicept in the act of rubbing. 4 may add that 1 have had warts s tiisesaince, (being now fifty, (our years of age.) and tbe same means applied fer short time alw ays removed Ibem. . your certificates for you, young roan 5 there's no fear of you, young man there's no fear of youiy bull pass the inspection brand, any how : Well soys Eldid, I hope I may be shot iflhe 81IEEP. WORM. - There is B fix thitdeposiies iu egga U tbe nos tril of sheep, usually io August and September, where it hatches, and then makes its way top Into the heed and often causes death. The frequent a p plication of tar to the nose of sheep, is considered the best preventive.- Tut tar on boards and strew on salt, and tbe sheep will smear their noses with tar in eating the salt. Tbe following method is recommended by some sheep matters. Take a email log, drees it a little upon the upper side, bore holes into it with a large auger at short intervals, about two or three inches deep, fill these holes with sail, end with a brush apply tar a often sconce a week around the boles, and give the sheep daily access to the salt' A email quantity of tar fre quently given to sheep ia considered conducive to their health. Alexander Reed, Esq., of Washing. Ion county, Pan observes, "we have long been satisfied that the use of tar aa a medicine or condi ment fir sheep has not been duly appreciated. ' The cough 1 and foul nose, 1 am disposed to think, are both produced from the earns disease. When we notice them we lose no time in removing them from tbe lock, aad stale a free vte of tar. It rarely fails to effect a core in a few days, unless tbe animal is old er unsound." Form, djr Gurdr, IMPROVEMENT OP CORN. - - " ! We are happy Io notice in the patent office some beautiful samples of corn, deposited by Thomas N. uaden, who resides near Nottingham, Pnnce George county, Maryland. Tbe stalks have 6, 1 and 8 ears on them respectively. Mr. Baden hu raised this kind of corn to its present stale of per fectiMiby.24 years' .careful examination. Many . timnll pared were Urt year Jintrihiitnn be the cum"' mis-uouers of patents, (the Hon. H. L. Ellsworth,) snd in this way the corn has been happily intra- diiced into the southern end western states. .' 100 bushels can be rawed to aa acre of rich land, and and it is said 125 have been raised to an acre in I he Wabash vslley. Gfoee. tiu:-ul'il-,.'ti . Mc Baden has made this corn thut productive by carefully selecting tbe seed fir twenty.feur years, lie took the best, and from stalk that had the most earn upon them. Every crop a firmer raises can. be improved by the same process. , But nnfortn-' naiely loo many hiuk " any. thing will do fur wed,", and therefore send the best of ev& thing they raise to market. As long as this 1s practised, no ircproTement will be made. But by following Mr. Baden's exirnplc, great results may be produced. A exceiUni tickle for Butterl pail of wator, m thinr didut even almost happen to me at my mwiiatiofl. TheynkWo'TBl'p't ite ofquea tions ; some on 'em I could answer, and some on Vm do soul could, riffhl ott the real ata woro, wun out a little eypherin;;Al last they axed mc, -How would you calculate to poi a paucm uno nrai, modes wouldn't do, howr " Why," says I, Yi do a Doctor Comfort Payne served fa ther." And how was thot," said tliey. , 44 Why," says I, "'he put him in such a sweat as 1 never seed him in afore, in all my born days, since I was raie. t -,n,!inr in his bill, and if that didn't sweat "J . 9 , 1 . . . . ; ajii A dAoa wM mitf fu. ' . 1 ' . t ' L.. ...i L'.a A.ia lollt pcod. " I guess that ere cnap ooscui umvjm iotih, aid the Preaidcnl, " let him oass as approbated.1 Sam Slick. - .': ;rl',?- FactOcmt iUeiccNever attribute sinister mo tives to a person because yoa do not understand hia k II r!i Iwurf nvnlivML and VOU Will fcTrishtin a Uree majority of cases and, even , 8 qts. fine salt, t lb. Uf sugar, 2 0. aakpetre, well Vivwoa err it wiU ta oa the aide of charity, tbe boiled and skimmed. Cover the butter entirely with freatesl virtue that man pcaeeesc Af you would thia pkUe, and it will keep sweet the year round. 4 . v e

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