AL H; ; i ir. f '!! l' i ' (I tx-nluard ! Jf ijvi. ti! ai..J or4m ! era IfouiuJ l m llitl tl tu,! I 111 OuUnt Iu4 tlt pirrxMM. We blllg not into corejiari srith tins ike (df kmm eon ligl.l, l'tf lha In t u. ..-in L U is p.irej (.,itb timn ll.s Wi)f!iM i f lb earth. iHtvgb eiat, to r p Vita cuuijwifMotMittip wub ongrla. U UUe if tha 6arcl..petnrntif ntau't iaiMltjly,tlt (uxk vbicb li.far.ii tint how h may moa ofl triumphantly from cXitrxtal ixj I an. pot try rM, iJ grap deaUmea ol hUwikUm) spUnd. eternity bit if. Iim, ami infinity U kMMu ll is the record, too, whkb tells thai lh rUUtgt artliot of (Jad'e so li mi uvl ompirt ia ixX sxcluded from oar Maker's eoaipaaaina but t hit the createra who move spot ila surface, though ihy hats baavly sepukhrsd m la sirifulnees and currupiM) iht mg'uAcact of Ihsir Balurs, art )4 so daar ia iheir ruin to Him who formad Ibem, that b buarad sWs the beatta ia order to Open lhir f rare. Of ynu bavt only la think what a chanie would pass oa thai aonci of our race, if tba BiUe vara suddenly wuhJrawa, ad all remembrance of it swept BWBy, and yon orrivt at some faint aotim of tht worth of the vol. am. Tski ffoui Christendom Itia bible, and yot hart takea tbt moral chart by which a Km ila pop. elation cV b guided. Ignorant of th Iraih of 4.; 2"t 7 CMalntf immortality, lbs lens of thousands woulJ b mariners pawed out eofitpaaa by mhkk to wUmt. Tba blua lighta of th atorm-rWtKl would bum ater ia tba abroad tad whea tba tornado ntha aero lha walara, I bar would ba beard nothinf but tba ahriak of tba larnrtod. and lb f roan of Ik aVpartinf . II wwrt la iMittlw tba carta with ovxa thao Egy ptiaa dark, ana 1 it war to dry ap lb ftmntaia of hamaa bap. Cai it werw U ukt lif Uma imf Water, bid a tbern atagnaol. and I ha atir from our boar, ana and loavt them ia oacktluth, and lha vtrdurt from our vallovw and Hf a lhm ia barrmwaa it .' wara la maka tba prtmrot all rackleaaniHai tha fa- lor all hopleaanaa, tlta manUo'a revelry, and lha tirad'a delight, if you eouldaimihilata thai prtcioua ..m.m w mm w w 1 w vill 'W WW 'failaimmnrtality, and ift4rvct ioduty aod wou to (lory. Bach ia tba Bibla. f riM it, ya youth, and atody H mora and mora. Prita it, ya agrj, fbr it lod lotb Now Jaruaalem. Pritt it ovary ona t( ya, a yoa art intalligonl, im mortal bainfi fir it givetb aodnrataiidinf to lha Mmpbt. Duhfp Iltbrr, , ' fin M T I ( r 1!. ly l.u f I'l.. . , I u!.. i.. 1 1, . . . u , If lft-'- !,. A wlinl . aiirt4tj a f. i .t .r i H(.r4 ,y t. f.-4a Otrltring 7V-ir .Nothing ahowa a grrater abjoctuoaa of aptril ihaa aa ovarboarmg jatmper atparing in a ptraoo'e behaviour to infa riora. ' 1 o hault or Imo tboat who dart oot an aarigain, ia a Mrt a mark If eowarJica aa i would ba lo attack with a drawn aword t mart or ft ahild. And wheravnr you art per. in lo inaull hit inferior, ou mav aaaura youraolf be will trtf)p lo bia anpariaja ft r lb a mo btaaneae of mind will lead hiro q act lha part of a bully to Ihoeo who cannot roaiat, and oft coward to thoae who can. Cut though wrvaoia and other oVpen. bent ma,y oot bava it ia their puwer lo reforl ia . 1 . ... - - . " from ibair euporion, they art aort lo bo even with tbembjriua commpt lby thenwlrra have for them, and tha character they apread abroad of I be m through tba world. - Upon tha whttlo, tha pro per bahavour lo Mtfcriore la, to treat them with geo roatty and humility) hut by nn mean with (amiliari ty oo tbo ona band, or Imolftnct oa tba obler. " ' BrntvoUtct. Tru benevolence inapirea with the lovo of juvtice, and pmmpt him in whaot bo om U (Iowa, naitber 4o opprwa the weak, to im poao no lha ignorant, trnr lo overreach lha anwa ry i but to give every trait hit due, and with eteady and undeviating atepa to walk iu the hallowed path of canity. Dnceit and diaaimulatina, fraud and faleehood, art far from the humble, worahipperjnf uod. Integrity io enlhroned in bia heart, truth dwella on bia line, and an enlightened ren-w of duty regulate the w tuna ot ma conduct, lie taitniiHiy perfurmo every prorntee, and fulfil a very engage. mrnt. Otbera rvapect and truat bia word, becauae " ha reepecta and bold it aacred bimaelf. Ilia life hi characterized by the eimplicity of truth, and the dignity of virtue and in dealing with hint, they who have an opportunity of knowing hie character place unbounded confidence in bia juetice tod fkilhfuloeaa. . We pity tha man who haa no religion in bia heart hw high and irreetetibieyarntng aner better and bolter aswlence who 1 contented with ika wiaiu iln mn r mmrih WIUMW aniflt never r vol U at tha darknes of ita priaon-houae, nor exuTle at the thoazht of ita Anal emancipation. , W pity him becauae he OarJa no evidence of hia liirh origin, nn tnaiiifedation of that intellectual prerogative, which remlor him the delegate lord of the visible creation. He can rank no higher than animal aalure tKe epiritual could never atonp eo low. To aeek f r beastly eicitementa to minia- ter with a bountiful band to depraved and atrong oppetitea era the attribute of the animal alone. To limit our hunee and aapirationa to lhia life, and the world, in lika remaining forever in the place of our birth without ever lining the veil of lha vuuble L.UjuiTHik!.k kanl nm.jiiip inlnru- ' ' UVI ll W HtVM There ie religion in everything around ue; calm and holy religion in the unbreathing things of oa .lure, which man would do well to imitate. ' It ia a - meek and bletaed influence, atealing in as it were, uKo the heart. It cornea quietly and without ei. citement. ll ha no terror no gloom in ita ap- . . . . .A. . ' untrammelled by the creed and unshadowed by the euperatitiooe of men. It ia from the hnnrta or the Author, and growing from the immediate presence of tha great spirit, which pervadea and quicaena. h ia written on the arched aky. ' It looks from very star. It ia 00 the Bailing cKkiJ and lo the 'invisible wind. It i among the hills and valleys of the earth where theahrubleas mountain pierces the thin atmoephere of the eternal winter or where the mighty forest fluctuate before the strong wind, with its dark wavea of green foliage. It is apread out like a legible language upon the broad face of the unsleeping ocean. It is the poetry of nature. It is that which lifts the spirit within us, until it is tall enough to overlook the shadows of our place of probation which breaks, link after link, the chin which bind us to materiality, and opens loour imagination a world of spiritual beau ty and holiaess. .. G. WUttur , - : , , 5 j Female Jlathnet.r circ'umtane occarred at Newport (wtys corrcpondoDtof a BQstcJ paper,) K'a ( if. U'wf.l U t?,d bw !,Mff h but br biwl-iil o'.j'' 1, 1 fo-unl l Ut MMlrci m Irig rrq npr-l at bunm, pt I.m b ! 4tnd, ll U !..( t4 t! br It ' WijuIJ iwirMtliklely tbpod bar 6 gi-r. 1 ! tbreM WMofcnyrt lr-t-ad wtiW cMilwipt, but Mranga to aav, ) carrtrd be r KrtfMiima into edirt, and im uuMr one aT Ihaa a erxood altered lU him tUn, wuh tba tmM eilraordinary perreratM, alt eic UinW,fcllr' I go at lb baiuL" The hU M for that Wa lb kMlrurnenl ward, immediaiely (VII bluw lb rial, and evered lb whole of the Ian., but without injnnng ban. Mr. Harry Fry, aurgeoo, waa aeot for, and lbs Udy was dtmnit4 le andarge a eeeond infltdioa, by havteg UmH the etump auv putalad, and bar aautilatad bad was dreeaad. line aWlarod ia the preeaica of that femleaaa,alihiab Ha rgrettd tba loss ot bor foift, aha would du tha earn thing agaia rather ihaa any reetrHtt boo Id y pel upwa br rsaaooabla iuciuialioua. Aea (F.g.) awraai. - Wat' ti ayaaaa. WEW RUSSIAN mKtM FOR WORXI.NU CR . TAW COLD OHEjI ' Several Oot ice of a tew and anocb vaunted pr ceaa for working goid or, Utely tried in tba ommm of Siberia, have beea gtvws m our paper, but they bavo all beo very bnaf, and utterly anintelligibla. The following, translated from a Kueeua Uawtla, arnt by our mimetar, Mt iMiiaa, la a rrieoa at rnt tadelphia. Is foil and stpticit, and omt be found la bars oa important bearing apna our Americas mi' aing operation. Many of our ore, probably tbt greater part of them, cooUia quarts and eynte, and might, 00 doubt, be aucceaafolly tatei by the method deacrtbed ia (hi paper, oomo wbal aaotlinad. The p redaction nf tba area would aodaubtadly be rreaiiy increased by this proceaa, bat whether tbia tncreaa would compeoaat for tbt eooeumptioa of luei and of Ouor spar, la a queatma whkh can be aa swervd ooly by practical aiperiiaotl oa Urge eeala. - " la our IrtiMlallon, wa bava givea Iba weights of the ore ia Avoirdupuia pououa, aod of Aa gad w grains and penny weight, Troy and on lha autno. nty of Kelley's Cambyst, have suppmwd the ZJat aic 85M f rains M lolotnicksaai sm R$tUn fomnd, mm O.tKTZd lb. avoirdiois ; 40 Buouaa pounds mm Petod a. 80.1054 lbs. u. a m. TruntUlgd frvm IA A. Ptitrtkwrg Jonrnmi Sfft ZU, 137. ' Auriferous aands bar been worked, ia diflereot parts of tba world, from lha moat distant periode. out the mean of a pa rating I be gold has twea sv ry where confined to tbt aimpla otetbod of Wish ing. It was Dot imagined that other means could be found thai would present teeulis for mora advan tageous, la Russia, where tba working of auriferous sand ores become of treat importance, th attention of govaroioeot baa been naturally directed lo giving, to the rout bode in general use, til the perfociwo of which they arc ouecepiaUe, and accordingly tba es tablishment at tba foot of tba Oural mountains and ia 8ibris kavt acquired a marked superiority over tboat lo Transylvania and ia South America. Still there was reason to believe, that, in spite of every core, a considerable portion of the gold cootaioed ia tba sand was lost ia the proceao. The bed of auriferoua oanda art composed nf pebbles ot different sites enveloped lo a kind of very fine yellowish earth. It ia evident, therefore, thai washing could titract only the gold contained io Ibis earth. If the pebbles contained any, it would remain undisturbed J and Lesides, tliere was rea ana lo fear that lha water, while carrying tba earthy portions over tba inclined plane,' would also carry with them the finest and lightest particles of gold. These evils di4 not escape tha attention of gov. eminent t and, being informed that in llangary and the Tyrol, auriferous vanrfs, reduced to powder ano moistened with water, bad beea worked by the method of amalgamation, orders were immediately issued to try the tame process at the Oural mines. At Zalooet, Col. Anowtf waa instructed to make a series of eiperiments, upoa a large scale, for the purpose of determining the I rot proportion of gold contained in the auriferous oanda, and tha relative advantage of tha different methods of working them. v This officer baa esecuted his commission with great success, and bit researches have led to tba most interest ins and important results. .dk maaa of 361,000 lbs of tend, comparatively- poor, waa act apart for tha purpose of tba axpei ments, and was thoroughly mixed, to is. to diatri bute tba gold as equally oa possible in every part of it. From ibis quantity 252,700 lbs were alterwsrds worked by tbt common proceso used in the shops of lha. OuraL namely, by washing over inclined planra. The product did not exceed 68 dwta of gold, corresponding lo little more than ball a grain to 100 tba. Eighteen thousaud pnunda of Band, worked by band, with the greatest care, on t small washing table, produced 0 dwta of gold or 8 lOibs Ot a cram to tht hundred pounds. - A man con listing of 80,978 lbs was then worked by the meth ods of washing aria amalgamation combined, and produced more than 137 dwta, or 3 grain to the 100 Iba, a result oeveo ttniea greater tbaa by , the ordinary proceoeV- -n .1 , 1! . ' , Having ihua made trial of lha different means of working, Col. Anosofl determined to extend bis re searches: ktill further, lie began by taking 361 lbs. of sand, already worked by the process of wasliinff, aod rejrnrded without value, and from it 1TIie etrciri2 dwte. of gold, by amalgamation; corresponding to 80 grains 10 100 Iba. r rm 002, 000 lbs of pebbles, pounded fine and mixed with water, ho obtained, by amalgamation, 6 grains of gold, being .0007 of a gram in 100 lbs. , Jt follow, from these experiments, not only that the pebbles, on which the washing cannot operate, contain a sensible quantity of gold, but that the greater part of the metal, in the finest sand, is car. ried of! by the action of the water, instead of re maining on the inclined planes.! V ' , After all these cxperiiueuta, it waa important to determine, by oome more efftcient and certain means, tht true quantity of gold contained in the auriferous aands. For thia pnrpose 0 lbs of aand, which produced by washing 0,8 graina in 100 lbs, was digested in nitro-muriatit acidr and tha gold was precipitated bv sulphate f iroo. The result of repeated experiments was always the same : 9 lbs. of sand produced, by this moons, 7) grains of told ; which is 83 frams to tht 100 lbs, or more than 100. times tbt quantity separatud by tha ordii oarj proceaa. Tl.ia i! fuitij i t'.t .! , ' 1,0 !, T . B") ix.. I.. J 1 !rj I'.a Mi.- i-f I!. Oural tm.ll I m r U. It Bp. (. frij iltru ly dil'n ull Ui lliixl li.i trufS by f truly B')iutaa.AiS ltrtltiKl, To rrpr u S grval aiai, tlxmx al (fialHi Iik b had fluf4 B4 SutCAaaful, Ut liiamAf tl.S fftft OXUl f 'Milaioct m aa.rrnMM Mia S M IT vneana 4 ir J, was svnicMily Mtitifarin U. Ila tb bruraas of Bttlirltiu Waa loo casly to b gso rally said, and a.t w.ver il bad U proved ihtt lU nwrxili abaorbed but B aaJ1 ffifttfiW of lbs gold 0Mtaiufd M lb Band. 1 Cut. Aansf.IL Ibartfora, detertniord to try lbs sf- foci of etnrlUng sufifaroM aanda. He fopd that tba and of iua. which lby 00U1, would ba Convened mto cast irt by lit action of lha are. and would absorb, at Iba same lime, a largs part of tbt gold contained it lha send. It sppawrsd easy to attract, afterward, tht told from Ibt trot, by moons of sulphurous acid. All Ihest ojierstioos euoceedad pat focily, and Ibt following art iht rs wlts of Ibt si penman Is anadt, Brat 00 1 ttnall, aod afterwards oa a larrs acale I 1. Nine pounds of asad, miisd with sow dared charcoal and AW apar, and mstiod Is crucible, predwad t.U grains of gold 100 lbs, laervlurv, would product 76 grama, being nearly 94 limes as much as bv tht ordinary process. 7. Tbt fosMW of 101,744 Iba of mod, performd iaairfofMr,Malaotomiaactory rseuiia. Frool this BMaa, wbicb would bsvt y wldtd, by washing, only tt dsis. lbs re wsrt sxlrsrtsd 1804 lbs of csat irua,eonUiiung lMOi dwla of gold t quantity X7 limes gtstter Ihaa would have best obtained by ibt old arvctaa. . 8Ad weighing 23Jl lbs, and 3489 lbs of floor spar, moiled in t forooet destined for fluxing topper, produced 720 lb of iron, containing U94 d wis of gold. Submitted to Ibt act wo of water ever inrlinedpiaoe, this mod would bavt produced but 111 dwts told. 87 times leas. ll is sway to perceive the imporUnet of I beea dis coveries, aod bow stuck this may be mid to increase tht value of Ibt auriforouo aands of Oural and iba Altai. Al first sight, indeed, wt might be led to suppose lbs! it would bo easy to add annually to Iht imperial treasure twenty or thirty limes more gold Ihaa bad beea heretofore produced m Ibt mines of Siberia. Wa must bat, however, count apna ouch aa increase of product 100. Vast as art tbt forests of tht Oural, 1 bey could oot long furnish tbt chsr coal eceaaary for fluxing tbt ooornous quantities of mod worked every year by washiot. But it is probable that bereaiier a greater quantity of met al may ba extracted, with t lost consumption of sand ao that Russia need never apprehend tht failure of this aourcwsf riches. Tbt bods of auriferous mod discovered daily it Iht Oural atououina and tbt Al tai art 00 numerous tad extensive, that it waa diffi cult to foresee a lima at which even the present mode of working would exhaust theis; but (bis let m will be still further extended if Iht new process shall be adopted. Te obtain 631,814 dwts of gold, by tht method of washing, mora than 480 millions of pndnds of aand were oeooeaary 1 by tba method of fluxing, 87 millions would bt aufficieot Heoct wt may regard Iht mineral wealth of 8ibrria aa inexhaustible, especially aa Ibt mod already Irorfc ed by the old method, tod atanding ia heaps around tha laboratories, msy1 bt subjected to Ibt process 01 fluxing with great advantage. 'Vest lis iVns Ymrh Cwmitr 4 Caevirer. A eorrrepondeuct bad taken place, which will bt found between Mr. OVonoell aod Nr. Steven ana ia reference lo certaia odensiva expressions al leged to bare beet Deed by tht former gtotlemaa touching tba slavt-holding relations of tbt Ameri cao minister. ' Loxdow, Aagost IS. THE AMERICAN MINISTER ANO UR. O'OON ' t NELL ' ' ' . 23 Pobtlas Pises, Aog. 9. 811 1 My attentioo has beea called to tbt publi- cation ia iht but Spectator of a speech wbicb pur ports to Uve Mw.debvard-yyww wuWw meeting in Birmingbsm,io which you art reported to hsve used tbt following Unguage in relatioa to myjeiri ' , - " believe their very A aibserador here is a slave- breeder, oot of tbost bsiogs who rear p slave for toe purpose ot trattic is it possible that America would send here a msa who trafficka in blood, tod who ia a disgract to human nature r I desire to know from yoa whether lhia is a cor. reel report of what you mid on that occasion-, and with that view add rem lo you thia communication. I am, Sir, very respectfully, your ob't. servant, A. STEVENSON. To Daniel O'Coooell, Eaq; 6t T T . - 16 Pall-Mail, Aug. 10. . Sit: loconsrquencs of your letter of yeaterday's date I examined the report of my speech at Bir mingham in tbt Spectator of tht 4th inat., and have no hesitation io saying that the paragraph vou hare selected ia not a correct report of what i mid 00 Inat occasion. . . ; . The very next sentence, does, to my mind, show that the report could oot be correct, and having ex amined another report since, aa well as from dis tinct recollection-1 repeat, thai tba report is not correct. ,, -, . , : I bavt tbt honor to be, Sir, your very ob't- servt. '. . DANIEL O'CONNELL ; 83 PoiTtARD Place, Aug. li, 1338. Si z I have Iht honor to acknowledge tht re. ceipt of your note of last evening, in answer to the oot from myself of the preceding day, - PrenTTmirig that you iuteJooTyour reply aa a Hit avowal of the ofTeosiva expressions contained in that part of your reported speech which had allu sion to myself, nnd to which yosr attention was cauea, 1 am satiatiua with tht answer you nave given. - .' :..-,.;, 1 v Aa an incorrect report of your speech has been made public, through the press, I beg to inform you that I deem it due to myself that the correspon dence which ba taken place should also be pub liahed. '',:'- ' .; j'':;.--, I am, sir, very respectfully, your oh'dt. eert, .a ', A. STEVENSON. : To a O'ConneU, Rsj, dtc. . e t', ?. X". The Temperance Festival at Liverpoool, in Ju. ly la t, according to the Liverpool papers, was a glorious aff iir. All the various aocietHw accom panied with a band of music, appeared in proces. sioo, with banners, on which various mottos, die were inscribed. Tht Jordoa atreet Bonefit Sori. ety, bad a banner 14 feet 6 inches in depth, and hung on poles 19 feet long on it was painted . I .I . W i a tJ K. iu. t. ... r.i.Mwt L Ua n.riL. 1 ba prra.ifl f . . w w - - . f . I all lha prinrii-al s!fti, Br4 UrrS m,r b-ifs ail b!f on t!ir foMts, t bsr p tyA tbaa est probauiy or cupoo y soy p w" i la tb, tea partis wars glvae to various .J ,.m al mm elawe, ball sad da waa. TbaS war slaw several puUie meatmi. oral nf tharb was IS lb Op0 Sir ojJwBie ina rau-. lt. i f ; (ll on' i. J.'urUims l.ata, aiihin a ft il.ja j-. , n4C tm (r(rf Jl Bffl MifJ latKj, th rrillf,:, WS bVS 0-4, A fotllaa, fvrr,,,J J(Jt I bay tolauO in I,rfiii.)liua.N itttrj , la New Tsfh the foat mtJy 1 NgM:j that ia I t weVi St tl.all ba alia U, , t ' Lira il lbs alata taf Bartma tbruuiiki iL . Jamas K. Polk, ia Tsnweaaws, Ut ierUr, self a csmliUls Ir Ihs offioe of Ooerwr, THE WESTERN CAROLINIAN. Tavaaesv Evamiw. Ocrftaat 4,4iar A wake ya thai slumber, and ariso. Il ia ee ly wseessary ibsl our people should awaka from thsir fetbargy, and exert tbsmaelvas aow to securt to Iheffouth Ibst degree of prosperity which ber inv menat rsaourcst would at 000 snsurs, ander a bealiby otataofaclium The people of Georgia am moving with energy ia lha greet cause they set pUioly thai nw is the time for action wa muet M do or dt rpracraslinatioa ia oot only M ibt thief of tims," but not sMifrsqiieolly Ibt aoM causa of de foal ia great objects f-deUy to this matter wiU oot bt injurious, but foul r our only hops of rtdeoie. 1 too ia It move al once and unitedly, and tbt result will crows ut with a state of prosperity beyood our anticipation. FayetleviDc baa moved in tbt causa, as wiU bt oeeo by the proceeding of ber meeting it another column wa bop , oooa to set every couoty in Ibt Stat doing tikswist Alabaia. Tbs relative strength of parties in tba next Legislators of tbia Bute ia ttstod by lbs pspers to ba oa joint ballot, 84 ia favor of tbt Ad ministration, and 40 opposed to it. Iluxois It has now been certainly ascertain. ed that Carlin, lbs administration candidate, is elected Governor of ibis Butt. -'Agonal Nami. The Bank met ia New York for aomt lime past bavo bees io tha practice of calling their opponents, M tbt glorious demoora ey," by tht musical name of tht Lor-oc pari ty. Tba M democracy," aeosibla of tba honor of this new appellation, bavo beea racking their wita to find out ooe of corresponding eupbool, and beau ty for thsir opponents, and bavo tt last succeeded in selecting oot wbicb, for music, rivals lbs oilier j they now call tbt Bank men, tht M ioco-poce" par ty.' Hence forth wt may expect to set I boss beau tiful names, M loofocot, aod koco-pocot," flawing aida by side w their party warfare. What tbt people bavt to do is lo take cart that neither party plays tha game of locaj-pocss on I hem. Gen. Hamilton baa succeeded ia tht object of hismiamoa to England, having effected a loan of fWo millions for tba Charleston aod Cincinnati Rail Road Company, "on tha moat advantageous forms,' as ba Bays; this gratifying intelligence leave no room for doubt that tht grand, aod oobl tnterpriet for wbieb thw Company was fortnedwitl be accom plished without fort ber delay or difficulty. Io our Ut wVb paper was inanrttd .. ling ktler ia relation to (be CbrrAa t,,,, ( Um Bt ate j 4bt let ter S a 1 1 reeled from i) - drd "it was writuatoOov, Dlly ji j i.. t. ...j 1 I King H was BBJMliou aj pihm. 1 Il It ttBted lo Florida paper that lU i4 1 toast of thai Ttrrilory, from Mevjuiie la rj table, it it tbt quiel piaMeaaioti of tbt lui, art recruiting Ibair forest, and prsparui ions for tbt winter campaign, A duel bat beet fought io Paris by with pistobj, charged with bad aAsr tb Iwict axe banged Boots unauecsaafully, th ' into rfe red, and forced them oflj-(b tti course, lots, and t joung geotlemea. Tbt Great Wtstero" it estimated it Un, by ber last trip 13740. MicKxasovat CoBiTtMa. Oao, if Irstioe, bat beam elected, without efpeeitk,a uodersland, w this Cuunfy It fill Ibt vaci , casiooed by tbt death of Mr. IIctvbiimx. Col. Vf. LurDSAT.oflbt U.S. Arey.aV, Huotavilte, Alabama, oa tht lfttb ah. No otw esans of Yellow-Fsvsr bavt ectsmi'. Mobile si act tbt I wt first reported -Hht besJA of Iba city is atatsd to bt good. ueo. Lamer bat oeeo elected rrestoeotr aod Judge fiuroet Vm rresideot of.Tcxu by large majoritiea. ,, Tht Banks of Nsw Orleans bava unanimously fixed upon tht let of January next, as a period for tht rteumptioa of specie payments. : - SvuAiT or iati Fomotr IrrtutoincBW The Steam packet Great Western arrived io New York as expected o ibt 24th ult having made tbt pasts ge out io 13) days, bringing tbt large oumber of 143 cabin pa mongers. The Great Western experienced very severe weather on ber passagewhich fully tewted her good qualities, and goes far to prove tht safety of Atlan tic Steam Navigation tbt accounts which the brings in relatioa to tht crops art of a much more favorable character Ihaa bad been anticipated. The papers represent the west her si having been glorious" for harvesting, and from tbeir aggre gated atatementa it waa concluded that tbt crop would bt nearly if not quite an average' one. This news bad occasioned t declension of 25 cents to the price of flour io New York. Tbt atatt of ibt Cotton market wit about the same as at the Uat advices,--prices had remained firm. ThcJFrench Government baa formally demand. a. ed the expulsion of Prince Louie Bonaparte from Iheawiss territory. France. An expedition consittinir of three men of war vessels hav been despatched from Brest, to proceed to Mexico; and aid ia tha blockade of I that country. Russia. Aq ordinance has been lately israed bv I a .i n, ; . . . w w- wnicn me roles are forbidden to wei.7 the Polish costume, and art commanded to assume tht Bus. siao ;-r-they Ore told that it is mora wnnnmu-al I I Talk of beauty I says the Mobile Examiner." Thoae eyea are most beautifuljwhich beam uuceaa ing iweetoBBt; those lips are most luacioua which speak the softest aod kindest words; and that form which is busy in doing kind action it the lightest. tod most pleasing, - ; of IlydrepboW Jaialy occur aW y lersburg, Va. a ywg man, 19 yean of a-t,i in all tbt agooitt of thai dreadful disstsa. Tbt follow ing description of Natanl ttc ty ia TsxAa, is sxtractsd from tbt llooska Tu ' ; graph,- C - j , Tbia singular mounuio or bill is aitutUt a ! bead waters of tbt 8andy t omall tributart fA I CoioraJo, about 80 mile from Bastrop, k 1 w westerly directioo. It is about three bunaVai bigh, and appears to bt tt tuoroous era 1 partly tmbeded ia Ibt earth. W bee I be tut a - tht light it re floe ted from ita polished tuifaa I from ta immenso mirror, and tbt thai mom 1 glows with such dauhag radiaora, tbsl mi: bolder who via we it tveo from tba distance a k or five milet, bt onalle Id gate upon jf witkat r perieocing t BeJnful sefaw.uan, simitar te (he tL ia felt when looking opoo tbt rising sun. fx cent of ibis bill is so very gradual, that pr tstily walk up to the lop; but the rprh is aod alippary, that thots who maks the aiuv, com palled to wear moccaaina or atockingt t ofabota. Tbia tact, together with the oaou a. ptooo, Holy Moootain, remind tht visitaot U of tbt commaod made to Motet at Mount fL H Put off thy aboct from ofl thy feet," 4c. T. Comoaiocbet regard tbia bill with religwwt ration, and Iodwa Pilgnnto frequently aar- . from tbt remotest borders nf tbia tribe, It prl tbeir Payoim.ritet:fponjtaiummit. j g At t meeting of tbt eiitxeoe of tht Tm . ? Fayttleville, bold ia tht Tow H.l, 00 f September 24th, 1838, to takt into wnitrr tbt object of tmrwwtwflptale Internal lr ir meot Convention, to be held ia Raleigh ia ukx ft ber next, The. H Cameron, Esq., was aW . it Iba Chair, tod Arch,d A. T. Smith appotuwi M eretary. , t ThI-njUrtiwroduceJ Uafobwk( amble and Resolutions which were aotnua Q adopted 1 ) Z Wmereat, At t Uonventioo held la tbsl" Greeoaborough, oo tbt 4th of July hut, il ts n commended to tbt people of North Ctrolt' bold Bute Coovtntioo tt tht City of RaK tlit month of December next, to consider toi some effective plan for improving lbs evi; the State and developing ber reeoutcee. 1 whereas, tha eitisena of tha Tuara of FaveCii- bavt ever foil a deep interest ia works of IfflnmtamMr a rwt ,m anliyilnaia fit aaa (Kft t .' secuted with energy and spirit t Therefore, j i Resotved, Thst wt approve the meelinjF, posed to beheld in Raleigh, and wVUfffat Z galea thereto.' - - lib Resolved, That it bt recommended to our I" ' ai citixent .nf tht County of Cumberland ts W S Jot meeting at some early period, to appoint d,'1' . j tr. iii rnMU : , . I lot IV wil VHniTniltloll. . Resolved, Thnt it be recommended toooti" citizena of the State generalfy to bold n'1"1? ineir respectiva counties, and appoiul oe"1 mid Convention to meet tt tha City of RakiM the 3d Mondav in December oext. it )(' : 'ta ' 4 Ml Resolved, further, That tha Chirm" meeting appoint t committee of five, lo , our fellow citizena of the County t to iRw meeting for tba purpose of selecting iBf ' ttirwid Cotivei)tion7iorihanfief" hsco,W" , i I meeting to be held duriog the week of tbt Court. - , . Tht followint cenllemen were nBnwW11 Committee t -- Tbo. N. Cameron,' George McNeill' "'J . vw, aivu u .li. aim - bart. .... - TIIO. N. CAMERON, A. A. T. Sattm, Sec'y. "l f 1 1 SBjaBMajaBBa ' ' '"' " Some years aim a noted warrior of tba P tamie. tribe Dreaented himself to the Indin Chicago, as one of the chief men of the vilbf " serving, with the customary simplicity of tb' i ana that he waa a very good man, and J , to tha Americans, and concluding with "1" for a dram of whiskey. The agent wP'''l, wst not his nrartica ta e-iva arhinkev to tow 1 w - j " j n that good men never asked for whiskey, w drank it when voluntarily offered. That it In1 1 anal tfnlar aarhVii sArriti nlAf ' aarKiuBlVa ' " aisuaaavaaapu vmy w aav uuiubiiudu ww aiawn r . . roplied the Indian quickly, in broken tnj!)" d nraacaj." at a Ai k lei A! CI ft m he " at ol aS ef it h til fa

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