t pV "l jk a. MM I! Jr' T. w i- i!W US lit i r j i UK tIK' iff". U IE! !;..' II. ... I 1! ( X I ii 1 1: i). u" ! ,. il .!.! of lb 5-tib Vvp- ! UJTiir WI 1 1 ALL BWAlU. In lb 5H yaar af ' i ... a wutthy IWMnhtf Of tf Isltoi4 J r Mr. ( ks lft widow aad ' T. . - .- . fc, IK. loss of a kiod ku.Url 71a !ifcrt-w f.uW; M tbay -f Wt,.W VL rtfWi. Ui eve UeUeg gnu. tfl EkabMd fi- W, IU Mpl7 v ksd ba J-r "f"-d LLOfi, m r p- hd be par. UuHf rr' to" ad hfiutd'Of "rra I - U m.m anna M f T. M..d la lb BtalUMOri f kliat. illTlIA A .11 HCKf'tH mmvuvun aauwa n. a.v- i ii ii LMit nfl1?-killiuoe kt rr.on Tharani, ' 7J bast. .Vet!, A. Mr MARTHA Tu 1 1 Vfc AtuU A. IUIL N-v.fr.M44 iai nUiitm o iH Uu Mra. Mit4 1 ,tui, ten W fcorJ f ih ltm, with k ! fja brwff U U mi lil if i nt. fL. UiU la 4rtrtM bmtiI, lb fcrmi, o their b ..iJ Bilk iaAt .... . . J Hall U I Mil M TVamiPgUM, I I. IM air l - t m - ...It Imi htbr. todalf r ra ll lbo MMMMt (MMHdand inaoMnt by Ik world, bat p. r4 m rl) wbic ber voUtiU dwrnwUna Ud ber wttbc ffclhOT, to frueura a iiPrai vamiiai T mml NOod'M l CaaoMUrf , that ka Lai i nil auaarlT c lb bcililiea which JelTerwa uJm iSid Toonr a- Thara, U l, bin. IL UVtdCbc tuad kthtf l dattfi, whb aiada V im amooa aad laMinf imprawM apoa bar jroutb. klbawi Pha ana Imly awakwwd. Ml df toafio U af ayiril, aad aarwwtly aooghl iftrr tba tkinf kbc Wloarvd b bar atareal pa. Mba wa ao rv tibia mi bar nnM ana acuuoa, wai h in am u vriJ an bar la btliat a tku U kd tralr ra itdL aalil by Iba faithful mUiiaterial biatructiona of " " . a . a .a. . . ' Brava, rtkMW UMWiara tarcn, infauMr wiui .ntmri of blra. Brown, aha becama aatiaflcd that rwal Ud Ward Wwoma a prwiooa 8inar lo ker. I la 14t aW attackad krrwlf U lha Co)!? Churtk. Lttoaffc aba kad baaa amwrtarad a huibiul laacbar ia it CVft Itoaday Scbuol, et abaaow commancad idk raiuublad anarfy tbw Cbriatiaa labora, in which id antiaaad with mora or feat foal aotil death. I n aMrtad a aowarful in flue oca ia br OMthara U1I7. h vhich aha via altitoat aola rovoroaaa, antil U Wl of 1933, wbaa aba narriad aad aat out iaim jatatr far North Carolina, ha amat but a faw wacka ktkraMdacaofkrPrania,keluraariaa(aia baca inrioar toderjiU btz Uteuti aod aequiramertta to bMia x iba kanlM of Una Huta, Coatrary lo bar aipcta laadM u raqneotad bj lha eitiiaua of Lincolutoo, WakleUrraof a lotnala achool in tbit placa. ?ut wHt eoomtml tod conliooed two taara, viirinc jan mutfuttum to bar aanftrooa aatruoa. Wbaa aba lM bar ialaolio lo loavo thaoa, the ajtBifeated ,f rtfrft it parting Ron bar, and aoticiUd bar atay fiU Imii of 1 riot Tba atit year aha labored ia smmMiiDO, wbera uo gtra all tba aatwractioii mat luald ka einected. barinc ondar bar immediate can hi kwpactiua ia the eoaraa af Uta year about 90 f Vaica. Tkii arorad loo freat tak for ooe i auck Sable itaia of kaailh, and aba waa pereueded by ker imam m eira op taadunf for awhile, at leeat antii Mrbttltk became reetored. Bba yielded with relue- kata, tad reoMioed fur a aLort lime ia this etate of re- I bnxia, when aba became nx anxioea to e(r?a in ' p c)tioa fix akicli Mlura aeerod lo hate formod Wwata. -.1 I If inriutiob aha oooeented to take charve of Wilkee rijl) Acideffnaon)uch-U.bccvtu(;.an lnjilruc-1 ira. ma Aeatiemy.aa lo give nor coimudi lonuence t bibilf of femlo odueatMO, Bhe anticipated, ale :i tka alented climate, lo bare enjoyed baiter etate J bathk thaa bad beee ber lot lor eeteral yaera put. I I Aa Ulrael fmm a Utlar iililrnaaml la bar MOila m ' i pMM4iaitdofMerdiMrr4rrtyirirtk; ' jUtbtrfardtoe, after aha eima to WUkeeborough, will ' Oat tba waa actuated by the pureet cnoiiveo'ia I eaiag la tbia placa : I oonaider it poaitit daty , 1 eht I ou, where ao muck ia Beceawry to be done, " d k a air aiacero belief that I eaa do more here Haiti Iba kleatiot of kearen) la adraocing the iatereeti eiaatioa, and of God,ihaa in any villaga I hive y,ia the Bute." - (0M ou doubt but that aha diacbargrd her duty to , pepiltwitk the traaiaat fidelity. They, ia their aberiak ker ia their reenrmbraoc with muck af ' Uty tbey nerar forget the pkwa iaatructioaa ."boifirea them from time to lime, f ckeathepuUikborof lira. Hall, and it ia for (ha gratihcalioa of ker dietant friend, that we few remarka ia regard to IheaUte of ber mind : I Iwira entertained humiliating viewa of her "Jntaal attainment! 1 and wu ar reajl ta eonfeaa J J-fcal berahortminga, and ber aflwortbineaa to , i"11 a child of God. la the commeacemeat of her 7 ner epirita were nooaaity depreead, anu ene that darkoeea had eorao over ber mind. Tbia (Uributed to ber ontaithtuliwa in tlie perfarmanca btr aecret davoliona. She deaired ber fiienda o fT wai aba might be resigned to the will of God in uinga.tDd that her ifilictiona might be tanctihed. obwrred that aba waa not afraid lo die, but at that e(oa acconntofher little ana,) aha would rather live. uftVringa locreaaed (wbwb were ery great.) 7 igua were axercwed opon death, aod in coo "pUung that net that remaink for the people of God. m i j naabaeiprcewd heraeH willing and anxioua to die. ,a i. j iked frequeaily by her friend if he could give :r '-i wsaaaa aa4 aAthVjLer5'oel they are " v Mod of the Lord." Whilst conversing with! craning aba aeemed anmewhat Impatient to be fnd mid it would be better for her a well aa her i wha nsst bare become weary of attending opon w I lokt ber the Lord knew beat yea," alie ;, "; 1 wish thai He Would teach me what I want, di alT? rifrhU" I ttked her if it waa die will m Lord to rawe ber np to future ueelulneea, would 2V 1'ng to live. She heeitated aa ir ihe prospect Tw inviting thaa that of life ; but then warned, "Oh! you do not kWw howl ill e I think of thi pltry world." She wi perfectly corweiou of her VT00 Btd the laet, and alwaya expreaeed a peace j, "Wwo to the divine will She kpoke frequent. ir B:tkmiely of her (piritual guidea, Dr. and Za . BeM1T M l the Utter wa. she . nd 1 chall aoon be with her." It JlZ 'ineceaary ia t communication of thi kind, merate all that waa taid by our departed friend. bum l? V' o'clock on Thuraday morn fcfnln' rf Attgu ,n f' Pce, leaving fcHtu t,ve d frienda to mourn over their irre- Peetina t We eD,ert,m t1 trongeat hope of Min .75 7 rw eicltncm and Borrow, P"ind death, are felt and feared no more -nBrowa died laat Spring.' " " A.iJ Ut ..Tl-j f out " f!-n'l .--i4 f lrn rl r.J, 1'l.tl f 11 1. tu..l 'I ba bM in a rri " An J'aicnraN U ariil.d i hr cb.-k. TU.- U f t,ea If I,,,,!,, Asd ij'iru irfd " It til (lit W-ammg (vrrliiraa 1 kf " W nml.ngj,ej anil t i, ,um-m A kwiar fn iitta tf.a r.14, a-iHra ft.i " ll. Uka to (( ft. Trua krtaliiwa, Cirr.ijMi, r.nm-t rch. V liklmf kn " W i4 a4 il way al.rra bm buly da!. Tt pur la In-art, bu U:uniib ka lh-j d. " lata U Mara ntth nf tla gria au J-H-d -" The ling of lerrwa Mi4-hf oa Im U.iwk " The a Ail. tUl batiar part, livca ia hij hr .Jra, Ckbea" with enaanulr baaal, lud of tij, Aad fnaoi Uie nre of baj alaaaura, dnuk Immnrul bya. Redmrnod myribda, " Who bare reached the eyeing cMirta of bearaa, Aad kiitad i eartating ai"td.ea, Are ber eouipeauoa to L high aj.urn." t'aat waaradL T1IK MAKKETSi AT SALI30USY Heptember A, IXJfl. Baco-, .... 0 131 Brandy, apple, . M a (, Mofaaaea,, , Naila, , . , WU, . ... Fork, . . . Bugar.browB, loaf, . Halt, . . . Tallow, , . 5 a 00 . 10 ju a ?iw .11 11 (acarea)pck, , Kit W Butter, , . . 10 a 121 Cotlom, in d, . a 2 cUan. 7a D lit tw Coffee,. . . ra, . . . lia H . 00 .Mas?, 600 7tw ISO .10 1' rrathara,. . ITour, . , , Tobacco, WWiat,(bualia).iaOaO(m Plaiaeed,. Wblakey,. 45 a Ml Liaeeed Oil, or. gal 1 ?J .-Egg, pr. doa. 7 a AT FAYrTTEVIUJlBrptembrr 19, Bacon,. , . . Ut 14 I row, . . . , fl a 6 Draady, peach, . a 100 MoUaaea,. . . 3i a it - apple, n NtiltjCal,".-, 71 Bmwwu, . . 24 Bogar, krowo, , 7 11 CrdTre,, , . .12, 181 , lumrv . 16 Cotton, ... tit i loai; , . lfl a JfO 3nra... . . . 100 Hah, ... ,70 a 7ft flaiaaed,. . , 100 Wbat,MW,. 41all;i IToar, . . , .$7 a Wbiakey,. . . iS feathera , 40 Wool.. . . . 20 a 23 AT CIICRAWM..Aeguet 20, 1KH ' Ibeno, lb. . . 11 a 17) Niila. cut, . . 71 Butter, . .Id a 25 wrought, . . Id a 1 Reeewii, , , . 20 a 23 Oata, . . . . 44 a 50 Coflee,. . . .121 15 Rice, . . . ,4V) a COO Cotton, 7T; 10 a 101 Buger,. . 10 a 121 Cora, . . . .75 a ml Baft, . . . J.VlalKlO floor, country, .650 a VA Bteel, Amrrkaa, 10 a 12 Iron, . . . , Se6, Kagliah, . ,0014 Lard lllilil Uerman, . .13 a 14 Leather, aula, . 24 a 25 Tallow, . . . 10 1 121 Idotaaaee, . . . 87 60 Tea, . . . .100 a 137 Orleans . . 41 a 56 Tobaroo, ma'ful. 10 1 60 Look al milB 8ubarriber wmld hv JL form biafrienda and the pub , lie, that be bat removed bia CABINET MAKING SHOP, to the bouaa furmerlr orcupied bv Mr. A. Bileaaaa Tailor ahon. oo Maio atreet, directly opposite the Salisbury NoUil, where b ia prepared to obey all order ia bia line, with promptne, mj eiocute with improvement every varie ty of Cabinet Work. PUnk or eouniry prndnre taken in evchange for wort. DAVID WATSON. N. JL All aemme indebted to lha Bu been ber are rcepecliully inform that bo oeede money, and wtiral of 1U money ha maal tare. U. W. Hlibury, October 4. 103a 8t Laud for Sac . vjw- rpilfi Butiecritier oiler lor- rale, one . fi a JL hundred acre of LAND. Ivinr Eaet of the Yadkia river, between Btokea ferry and Bur rage'a Uilla, In the County of Montgomery. Attached to it M ooe of the Boeet mull mu$ ia Iba Htato. During the lata div apell and low water, there waa a aufficieot Quantity of water to drive two or three aet of Bulla, or lJOO Bpiodlea. lr r i EUIIARRia WindHill.N.C,OcL4,183l. Notice. n TinTBuhacrlber Wera'fer'SateT opoowaoriabla -Term, bia valuable Milleoa Hunting Crvsik, ia Iredell Count?, ft rmerly owned by Caut W. Brow a. Tbey are ailuatod on never failing atreatn, with great falla, and bava ma during all the aevereet droaht well Mitad lor Faetotieaofalinnat toy kind. - Tbey re now la goad repair; rh Saw mill newfv built nd Griet n. I...I. : i .1... :.k o'ji iPDi-a nv IAii u, wun auiuoia Bouea. abodi acrra ov ma . .1 . T. . . . . MA . Land ia cleared, the balance ia wooda-aituatod ia healthy region, eleven mile from Mockaville, Peraona deeirinr aoch property would do well to call and view tba preinieea and bear the leroie, which are accommodating. -, UALtfl r. KXHrua. Oct 4, 185U"" ' ' '": Qt "' NEW WITCHES, 7SOT113P,7 tf D . OITTLSHTa JOHN a PALMER bu jtMt returned from 'Philadel phia, with a very . Fine ARsortmcnf av tkak m iwata m rl ilaaaa dif alA aaaortnienl of ' Superior RAZORS and KNIVES. He can aafely aay that bit aaaortmenf ia auperior to any ia tbe weatern part of the State. Call and ae. 03" Watche and Clock impaired aa ueual, and warranted for twelve month. J ' . - 4 : ' Salbory, Nov. 3; 1837. ' . ' tf CIRCULAR. e article published below, concerning the new and Donular doctrine advanced by the illustrioua Goelicke of Germany, canoot fail of exciting a deep and thrilling intereat throughout our country. ; GOELICKETff MATCHLESS SANATIVE, a medicine of more value to man than the vaat minea of Austria, .or even the united IreaiHirea of our globe.iHa medicine, which ia obtained tqvall$ fiom the vegetable, animal and mineral kingdom, and thua poaseeeee a thkke-foio power, a wedi cine, which, though designed a a emedy for con aumption olely, ia poweiwed of a myterioua infhi ence over many diseaeea of the human eyatem, a medicine which begin lo be valued by Fkyricians, ho are daily witnessing ita astonishing cure of many whom they had resigned to the graap of Ihe Ibiattablb Gbavb. ; , , ' - , DOSE of the Sanative, for adult, one drop fat children, a half drops and lor miunta, a quanor drop ; the direction explaining Ilia manner of ta king a hall or a uuarter drop. . , : Paic Three andooo third ril dollar ($20) per haip orCE. -mm I V S 711 ax j l in r.u:,;:viw nr.i.iLi; acaij:;iy. If r , V ' 0 ,' .0. IIL'TCIIIMOM II VXIS bve to htCirr ber frwrJ. tod if, a.,lli aarally, IU( t)i tioft tan of Una laHiliiiaai will, ky diviM parwkaMM, ravotnuwaca t Ut link if (A ivr mn. Wttk the hope of radruig iba Nw PeaMle Ata damy of HaliOmry, wortliv lb librratily of ita (wadrra, and nf ffa1b Carotiua, ahe baa aanciatad With krrwl. toacliera, Ut wboa talvata and ciiiraineit, a wall aa atapmuona ana priacipiaa, al.a lrl it bigbrat roaft daoca, and thaa aba ia aawUed to iMwMaral Umib lo tba patnoaga of a daaarvmg putlie, and to eegaga ia br owa a ua aod their', that every wii alull ka poraued, aad every eiortma itavd, wkicb aroniiM to promote tbe !, manul aad primnal impryveiiMfa of an wno may m eatroaUd to uir etra. Hhe balirvM the avaaura puraoH to ber rkbaol ILmm, bappiiy raU culaiad to form Iba fe!e cbaraeUr tor buImm of krh aawfulaea ia ancM, Hlta appaala h living eaampto m toa muiiiiudaa 4 aer ecboiar widoly acatb-rad ftvaf lb Boothera aad Watrn Hiatoa, aba. aba vaiu, will beto bar Hcbool, aunViani leltor of Reeurameajdatiua. Tb lAtfry DrMrtment will be andor kef owa aranrial cbraw,tha Ornnunltl andar that of bar aieee. Ma ttaata Loevaa Nva, of Naw York. To Mm . I. Baaaa eommiUad lb Drtmett of Untie. Tb high qoalincatinrN of Ibw young lady, aa a teacher aa iba l'J aad Guitar, plaoa bar amung tba moat aueeaaatul toacbere af tb areaeot dv. Ta lha R , 8. Paoama, wboaa ebretor to too wall eaUbladied to aaed reoaaameajdatioo, and wboaa warrior ta Urate a aa iaatractor ia Ut Preach langaago, (hie aativ toegoa,) are aiurariy aaowa, wui M aauuataa tba (lea rar4. Estalkml board eaa ka ebulsed 17 tba Puoila. aithar at CuL Lamly' with lha teacher, or ia otitaf highly respectable familiea, wbera every proper care wu be uia to promote inair improvamral aad eomfon. ; Ternu of Admlulon : nairr ctaaa. Iliatory. BoUay. Arithmetic. Aleabra. kf.lta.Rraa Geography, (with lb aaa of the Giubaa.) AaUuaomy, kwopby, kbetoric, Logw, Com pow lion, ac., lie,, par Baaaioo, . ... ... ... $15 60 bbcobb ctaaa. Raadinr, BpeUiar. WriUor. and Arithmetie. flower Role,) with 0loeyra Geography, per Baaaioo, $10 60 EXTRA CRANC1IE4 . latia, per Seaaioa, . . . $5 00 Preocb, do. . . . . 10 00 ' Drawing and Painting ia Water Color, 6 00' Wax Work, pel Courae, . $ 00 Embroidering and Bilk aad Chenille, ' per Courae, . . . 5 00 -lamp-Mat aad Wonted Work, do. 6 00 Miuie on Piano or Guitar, per Semion. 25 00 Fchnlare will be charred from the time of entering but no deduction, made for tteeoce, aicept ia caaeof. protractea aickBeaa. : N. R Parent and Guardiaoa are reapoctfuTly re- qneated to apeeify what Church, tbey Wtoh their chil aren loaiiena. balUmry, September 27, 1838L tf V Tba IUieiifh Refialer will aleaaa inaert tbe above four.lMNea, aad forward the account to Beliabary for payment Oolite. WILL expnae to Pablie Sale, at the la! dwelling boua of blra. NANCY AN.M DKNT ia Rowaa county, oanba 16VI day a Octafrrr aejrl, la following property, via : lioraea, Latue, Iiifc, Dbeep, f arming loouof an iimia, wtggoa and Uoar, Uirn, rodder, Wheat, Mta, Houaebold and Kitonen rurniture. and other article of peraonal propeity: A likely Neirre Boy, will a 10 M aired unt.l the Drat day of January next At the earn time and plce,tll th peraonal pro- , af r balaajemg aatbw We Tbomat Dent; Witt be diepoaad of al puolte mle. Two decriped aad dia- abla oegroea of tbe acid Estate, will be let out tor up- pon ouruig in to ta iowat Didder. All peron indebted to theaeid ?incy Ann Dent, are reoueated to come forward aad mika oavmenL aad all thuae hiring demaoda, to present them for amiemcat.. Sept 27, 1838. 8t "DUBLIC Notice if hereby given that anplica - lion will ba made to lha Geueral -AaeemUy of INorth Carolina, al it next Seaaion, for an M acf to incorporate lha Trwetee of Ihe "Salisbury Femalo Academy." . . u . -. Aagtial 30, 1838. . ' tml. " NOTICE. VfOTICE is hereby aiven. that I will apply to the -L - next ueneral Assembly of the HUte of North Car olina, for an Act to chatter a Bridge over the South Yadkin river, near Hall' milL JOSEPH HALL. Sept. 20, 1888. ' ' tml NOTICE. Vf OTICE Ib hereby given, that application will be 1 made at the next General Aavembly. Ja abolish June of Ui County Court of Rowan J GOODMAN, v DAVUJ FRALEY, September 20, 183a tml (aoeliike't Iflatchleai Sanative. The above medicine iafor sale at the Poat Oifice, Cotloo Grove, Da videon County, By JAS. WISEMAN, Agent. -.OLD CASTINGS WANTED. llfE will purchase, any amount of old Caetinga that v v may be arouirhi to ua: nicti a old cotton acrew. old mill-gearing, old pot, oven, mortara, Ve., and will pay on cent per pound. - - , , ... . . ,, :- rnrca . iwv-rn - Salisbury. Srpt 6, 1P38. -' - ' ? tf ' IJUBL1C NOTICE ia hr-reby given that application will be made to the next General Assembly of N. Carolina, for an Act to incorporate tbe Lexington Manu- mcio'ii'if Axnmnv, i . ? September 27, IKfti. tml Dr. PIcaK.int llrndcrson, ' OFFERS hi Profession I Servicca to the Citixena of Salisburr ud iu vicinity. He occupies th Brick office of the late Dr. MitcheL Salmhury, May 18,183a . tf ; . (.OrXICIiTS SAIVATIVK. 'TH1E SICK kre all taking thi wonderful Me. dicine which is aatonithtng Lurope, and Ame rica wun ua migniy curra. , For Sale at Ihe Poat Office, Falldmcn, Urtdell county, N. C. By JNO. YOUNG, Agent. August 17,1839. 8ra TllU V V ltil Ca vuipj; m mii i! . walkLm t.u.ti ruii , r.---, .at.V4 l tf a " i ii a, .i lii.iw!! i.A.N, m; t MS fia linn. a r(Bif if InrtH, t'l il t ba U tnd rH ia W.uiiUj H..t ka bit il.mii. olola yuig ll.t ha rtil tm i4 it Am"nn Mrf lnt ., t., a ra a-7, l.t b tarrral vr.f la ll.a l-a blli, lUl U.a imirl ata aliinatly mM la l4liMlj thai () Tb tU purcl.aad at cbirtixl a tof, ia wbit h be i.k An-txa. 1 Ut be efterwaH m.t..;.d .a ditTt rtal Ma Itatif.f rd M) tt. tiaalor tr4 TUl l Ufiftb b kit laal employ ajMNit aad hJ k-a way lhmub Ow a.utrr. friwa 'lula.UIti, to Tranaaai a, ad raa Twnia to IbM plf a. Hocb iabiaMrrtivaawlllrBnlrraUndklai, Ha aprtk or pruouuiteaa Ut English Uttjuga bad! particularly wub wliitk be la But huailiar. I diy, lie la aa uenmool amall en, baing baraty four t-cl, 10 iochrt kiab. Il ka of a vary dark etprr aotour, with lo dark hair.eirepl tnal which ka brcot. gray. Ha appiwre lo be bMwava 40 and 60 ytr ay a. I In cbaak-buaaa r wide and hi fao rthr at-Kt, bw leetk are auuaewhet lonr, larea, aad auund llia- eooiUHxi'iy pajMaabla, ui, aad oruerlr to kw dawaa tma. Fur the leal two years, ba Ua atoat of but lim, ia my aauU-jatant aa a eUMaua Isbnrer. II U (Wilute of educaUoo, but ppr to b raw id af good aatural amae, Ir may be, that b Is stive. It m therefore, IImI BMk Una publiealioa. CGr I ba Kichmohd Loqairrr. NaWivill Baaaar.aad Miltodgevill Journal, will aWaa ioaert Ihaj tbraaj time one a work, aud forward their raapaetiv aecuunU to the aubatriber, for payoMnt, logvOter wiifc a Oopy U lb Ul paprr eouUiaiBg the advartiaMnant. . WM. AXDERHON. P. M. SJver Glade, Anderaoa Diet & Jua 17. KH 14 04 . fV paWiia fa UnhmntfOiumbU, & C.,iuw AW HWif and WtUt Arwrper, to tnJuU TIIK SOUTH CAROLINIAN. BY A. IL PEMDERTON. Eocouragad and stimulated by the kind and fatter ing aoliciuiion af political ftiaada and aa ill-abaorbing interest la tbe rrt euaatkia of Ut day, the aodar signed (formerly editor el tbe Asgaara tara4rf,) pro. oar o publaak a aew paper, ia Lvlambia, and raaewct tolly aubmito to tbe couetdareUoa f tb publw, the anuciptoa aad opuiioa by whica a wui aa goveraed. Fumly coavmcod Ibat tue futar liberty, bappuM, m- depandenc and prosperity of tbe Sou lima Mate, tad indeed of the whole Confederacy, are vitally Involved ia the Bjomentou baatioa now eeadinf, betweea a gtgantie NatiooaJ Beak, ted tbe xMuiuuoneJ carrea cy of lb eououy, tbe ataia object of tb South Co liaua will be to diacuaa that quoslioa treaty aad tboN oughly throw all il light fairly aad fully be the people; aad abew tbarairoa, that a rtauuoaJ Bank w utterly anoonatitutioaal and expedient, tad violently inimical to free trad tad industry, ihe libntiea of th country, and especially tbe trade, eommerea, and pros perity of the Soulhera Bute that their direct import and export trade, one ao flourishing, aad conducive to their general wealth aad prosperity, wa destroyed by tb overwhelming power and in Que oca of iu capital, aided ky the immense credit and mouroaa of the Go vernmcBLaod a kindred system of partial aad encoo- titutiunal legialition Uial aa employment of the Bute IMDka, aa bcai agenta of the Government, ia any abase, must b evca more dangeroua and corrupting thaa a Na tional one, and aeceannly productive of the earn ef fect oa our Southera eoromrca, since th great credit and resource of Ike Government would aeceaaarily be tbaorbed aod mooouoiitad by the Northera Banks, aad defy all chance of Ut eompetltioo oa th part of the Soulhera ooea, or Boulbere mercbanta end that Uie only effectual and permanent remedy for these evils, snd the commercial ambarraamenta aad distresses Uie couotry, iaa nfir Dioaca pf tkt GovaaaaaMT rem mu tLmaa. Stala ar t tier ml, and retura to tbe true eoaatiiuiioaal eurrency aad system, now termed "th Sub-Trsary System," evidently designed by th framere of lb UMistitutioa, and Orst ia operatioa after ita adoption, till the combined power of the Fede ral party, and Bank wealtk and aristocracy of Ihe coun try, triumphed over the wis and salutary provieione of that sacred instrument, and the great right and inte reat of the people it was framed to protect that this eyatoui is ihm an experiment," but aa old and safe y are Head !orcnlun,y tMvrwat ulighlened and civiiiied nalionaof the earth, till Uie rapidly growing power of tbe Bank, (thro ia " experi ment, ) enabled them to draw wiuua their eon trot, and wield to their owa individual pronta, the immense end- and finance of Uoreromeol that, ao hr from ta- ertmaing the power and patronage of the Presidont it cannot mil, under any rational or prubabl organisation f the douils, to accreas them, to a very grvat extent ; nd wbiie the future Intereat and character of ita advo cates ia Corurreae ar deeply involved in renderiair those details a perfect aa practicable, and tbe whole system aa ', efficient, and salutary a human wisdom aad foresight can devise, the ooutinual and entire power over it oa the part of Congress, and th people, (so wholly unlike en arbitrarily independent national Bank.) would elwiys afford the opportunity of rectifying what ever might be found ermneoua, and improving opon all that should be beneficial yea, eveo of aboliahine- the whole, if it should disappoint the expectation of the eouniry : thus happily and, proper! v. keeping the great money-power or me uovernment, ,a me nanus of tne people and their representatives, instead of madly and unnecessarily aurrendering it into the band of a few ureponnible prwate individual, to be directed, wholly beyond all popular or legislative control, according to their owa aelfinh money -mi king and power-seeking in terests that Instead of derantrmir the currency, it will of all thinga render it settled and stable, and secure from future "experiment, since it will separate it and it commercial relation from politic, and deprive' fu ture President of all power of interference with it ; while, from that deeply-rooted hostility to a National Bank, which is co-extensive with tlie Republican party of the Confederacy, and, eomniehcing with tlie exie- tence of Uie present Uovernment, muni continue, In all probability, to ita end, there can ba no bop of an or ganisation of the eurrency, br such a Bank, but what must be greatly deranged and broken up, aa at present. whenever the period ot ita dissolution srrivesj to aay ihmgef itolwmg arfi-ieeese.ri ,. . ' , r .1 fortunes and speculations of private individuals that the Sub-Treasury system doea not aim at the establudv men! of "an exclusive motullic currency," but one of only aDout frn million of gold and silver, to about our hundred uiillions of Bunk paper, since the receipts and disbursements of the Government will require only about the former sum, while the Bank paper in circulation mount fully to the lat'er.snd probably near one-fourth mora that it will effectually restrain the alarminc and juinou tendency of the Banks to over-issue cohsirain tbem to keep their paper up to the standard value of the specie eurrency ; insure their immense influence every, where, in behalf of low Tariff dutiea, a limited revenue, and economy in tbe expenses of the Government; aod thereby completely settle the Tariff and other distract ing sections I questions, and promote the harmony and perpetuity of tlie Union that tba principle of this system have formed an essential portion ntthose of the Republican or State Right Party, from the idoption of uie uonniioiion, w ina present ume ana mat inn pre sent Northera M Whig " party, which ia now laboring for the establishment of a gigantic and overshadowing National Bank, ia nothing more thin the old Ftdermi party, under a new name; that party which ha alwaya struggled against the right, welfare, and principle of i the South, and ia now a plain and odioua combination of Jnnkilea, Tarif&tea, National Internal Improvement TO ! A" l', rjf i'' iimi t t' i t .i t, sx4 a ; . r tif r i m f. 1 1 a, ('.,!. I'l'J !, , K, , i4 ,, ,f ; n iy, at ti- a f lUnk an-J i' ", - yM-.n, lha ((.mill t "ai'.litb.a Wi.l t ' ' suiai,t, auk i !. la l, i,J i l'fa miniif .jrifl ttf all -.al e aaUlad IMiuim, n4 f Ir to tnd t Ti" '-t a i' j if , ta i i -i i,l Si . -t- ( if urn r t baiMbf MUwahia to '! ft sc-xd -ib rt r-. aa(iw.ly b-laMg " tin graal ttiaaMra af d litrrim a ud liUtU," la all Ua ia iwitwljr uie 4 Vitally las aurta at BolitM-ilaadeocial rUiHoato! Uifr-oiavaca-mant of ooa (4 lit grratMl and axl-ai, aivl alhiiMlrly aaiast Utumpliiiit pnaraful air;r !r 1 the grl priu tipla of Hutu a libany aad hapyiaaaa, Ita h l. baatW IfHiwa, (aMina, a iifc ker sceunoiaH ibitaW roue dv4ae I liberty, ka throw a brnlf im tb front raak of tits cuotcai; tnd bare, priaciiiaMy, mu4 ll o4 be Wagad. The Sfaauf all bar s.atarrtUla will be I lad lipua bar With Ue deapnat inters. Much, vary murk almost evatytiiing must aVpatid apua Ue inSaiibi eoaraga tad virtu, iatntraattna ind pa IrautisiM, of bar galls at paopl for ea sftiU ut Mea' are sparad, sf will bo, U IMnct and divala tln-m, and allure thew frma Ihsir tru and triad faith. But lac- oi ly a rastdeot of (lit Male, to.Hijb anifurmly a aeeluu sad aatkaataene aoadjutor, in br etrUf glaa for Sooth, era miaraaisiud prmcipt tba aadrgiid ktinaiwitli bua Iba bigbaat rrgird tor, aad euoUdanca ia tn-r cbivaU rie p"la, but none of lb prrmnsl fweJmgsstd buaiili. ! wbirk batf aukapptiy ma i kad lb prrsjrot ditr. ecsba;waa old political friewds; aad bia dearest ob yrrt, Mil to lb aurceas af the great aaaaa ia wkieb k i engtgad, will k to aumha those eaomtie, tad aw. coMrag foriatfulasas af all peranaal foaimgs at eouat-is-rstioaa, ia arueat dsvotata to the great principle tiv volrad treating that oar rvsp3Ctad bieaUaof to at. wdl agna keeurne saaucalc at sum early pariod of Ue futur,ad earaeslly suiting la guard (gains! if , diaguatlBg aod deganeratiBg prriaasf ceotssinl f-ir. Ii, fria lha Vp disgrace aad earae of which, thi Siato kaa, krtofor, base aa peealiarly, aappdy, and honorably exempt Fully eoneurrmf lad ao-oparatiog with tba Carolina people, karetoiore, to the aobto, dipioed, and aaif-re spactful averwoa tbey have aiemlMUd toward ega gmg ia aay partisaa coo test for lb Prsstdeory, tbe ed itor will spare aa patoe to tocalcate the propriety of pursuing a similar emirse bareafler. Duty to bl pria ... Ciplea, kowever, will aoeatraia kirn to datarsitoaialy and anenesromiaingly or tbe jaretoMton of on of the erasr-at eandslaUM, bvwever be may be dipnwad to avoad all advocacy af lb eUier. 11 caaaot bat leuk ' apoa Mr. Clay, bulk ia kis prmciplre tnd practice, aow, aad ever aiuoa bu abandoouMut of Ut RepuUicea par ty ia a the Moat deadly, dangerous, and soretaw ' rul aoemy of la South, ami tbe Use Interest! af the whole Coafaderary, Uiat either bae ever known. Al the bead of the eld Federal party- aa epaa aad avow ad BsakrU, Tinifiita. Coloaiuuoaiat tad adrocito af tb Proclamalioa and Foroe-bill and aew toe plainly aasncMtod with tbe in famous epiaiuoa aad pvuteipla af toe Abolitionist bia eteriuoo, a a alave-iiolder, and frota a slave Slate, to tbe Executive chair of lb Con federacy, would ba one of tbe moat deadly and deatrue tire blows af tbe South, and Ib stability of ibeUatoa, Ibat eoald possibly be raflietod apoa ibeaa from ant quarter. BMweea kira and kw ariasnt opponent, or ai. atost aay ether, th Sou lb Carolinian could act kemUte to choose for a motaaat; and if Ihe la tier, aad kia prus eipla tad Basure to wkwk they are opecly and thor ouKhly pledgsd, M the Ut extraordinary and admira ble " Address " of their Cottreasiooal lteprsseautivea, It will ke very far from desiring that be ahon Id have other opponent, aa if the preaent owe were to w un draw. Jto ri remembered, tiewever, toat all titwai qual ified by important 'if? and tba Una, and only tnajrse of tbe SouUiera But aad paople ao aaatler who may baa candidate! to deal with all aiea acourding to their mas sure keep the control of their owa interests. principles, and deetiniaa, ia their ewa handa stand aha from all peraonal contest, or entangling lliaoeee nd become the partitsna of a ma. Ia other reepeeta, it will aaaloualy aad anequivaeally advoeato, tbe doclrme of tbe Republioaa and Bute Righto eohonl, aa aat fortk ia the Virginia and Kentack Rasxdutioaa Geaeral Educaiioa, public order, virtue, and morality ua Uoioa of the Bute, aa esublislicd ky the Coostitutioa, for the etrengUieoing and securing, aot destroying or weakning, of the inaUtuliooa, librr tie, right, interest, tnd uxlependenee, of lha arveral Slates snd our inestimable domestic institution, so decidedly a hUuing, both to the master and the alive, and forming, ia jwmexioa with our political ones, a ' com Iw nation, the winst and best for the promotion of Eublic liberty, order, vutue, and morality, that the world ti ver maaiteatad. It will dalermiiiately oprnsa all iatriru. deception. or indirectioa la polUka, and advocate and encourage mrra hoaeaty, aa always Uie best policy will frerleealy uphold tb rig hi, evee though in opponeat or enemiee, and oppose the wrong, Uiougb ia political ar personal friends will be toverned by prtncipltt not aara" principle being alwaya the ohjrrt, and men the mreM and aesloosly advocate and support all whoBtipnort na principle, n4 oppos all wno oppoae raem, ao mat ter who will deaire aad enconnir the frieadlv adsace of aft, but aubmit to U dirlaftoa of aoa. and bold lur Oidumna alwaya open, freely and cordially, to those who differ from it tnd, relying oa a just sppreeation of ita motives and intentions, will learlossly and unheiiiayng ly declare it honest opinion, however unpopular, on II proper aubjecta of discussion, and fairly lay before it reader the trinimcnt urged aninal them boMina no preference or regard for its owe opinions, bey d Uie boaeat conviction tost they are correct, end being al way ready to aubmit them to the fullest acrutiny, and abandon and oppos tbem aa freely aa thus of others, when proved to be erroneous: la abort, it will be, it ihall be, i Free fVess, Uwotifhly snd unequivocally. out yet rationally and temperately t and (in til that an earnest and aincere desire and effort may be lnwd to ' . triumph over bumaa weakness,) aa far removed from fKiiofMfaa, on the ooe band, aa a timid or selfish timeserving subserviency oa th other. - . ir Uii ba promising much, it is not without a delib erate and conscientious determination to perform it. come what may ; nor ia it more than heretofore perform ed, aa be fee la assured bia former reader will readily admit; and aa ha h had every reaaoa to be eatiafied wun tne result of such a course, neretomrs, he will scarcely ke likely to deviate front H hereafter. Fully oneciou of bia hurnbl capacity, aad making ao pre tention to ulento or litorary acquirement, be will spare aoeoorta. Hereafter, aa heretofore, to make amends, a far aa possible, in his own plain, blunt way, by untiring farms fiiilh in flnA anil a anvui .mm t. il. lering fiiilh in God and a good cause, for the want of abilities more enlarged and powerful, and talent of a higher and brighter order. Ilia undivided attention will be devoted to lha psper.and nothing will be wan tiny, that bia utmost capacity, mental, pliyaical, or pe cuniary, may elTect to mike it all tint be miy humbly hope from it himself, or that may reasonably be expect ed from U by its friend. .-r v.. . TERP.I3. : -ytr:;zz THE SOUTH CAROLINIAN will be published Srini-wekly and Wttkly, on sucb daya aa may be found most suitable to the Mails with entire new type, and on p.. per of large Imperial aixe (very nearly aa large a the Charleston Mercury or Courier ) and of the best quality at Tare Dollar per annum, Wetkty, in .advance, or Four Dollara at Uie expiration of Uie year-rend Five Dollari per annum, Si mi-werkly, in ad vance, or fit Dollar at Uie end of the year. The publication will commence as early a tlie new materiaia can ba procured from the North. Peraoni dis posed tosubacrib. who do not meet with sobacriplion papers in the neighborhood, will pleaae forward their names by mail to Columbia; tnd those kindly disposed to aid in procuring ubscribera, will pleaea write him to that effect, and be will send Uie SutMcnntion piper, A. H. TEMBEItTON. . - Colombia, & C August L 1833. 1 ' ' . r 4 .

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