J VIST: ;1. MliH if MDlhl IMI.M 71U Li;.MMi WISH. l ! MIL! l'f t)i-, (Ji, H uJiilig kkJ) IImmi (,( tutu i f u.r Nuw Uf iij n tl.y u.i-t.ty mjij,! from l I Mi til J ft, AiJ toai.y a.;H fiuiu cdaing flower (p lliy truth totast; , " TImb l.t. r m, M iHiiif wind, d H) Ui tb.ni bust J!. 'fWrt wirdrring front tj sunny Houll, wbrr jmUs TT ptN la Vr 11 li IJ of r, where ticlory U wn wen ; Tb bills ttt Wen thy winding y, the rude ra iumi i.ei if. u, The .';'l.t..iiij KHiH thy i4itrJ course, yet nothing but IJmmi tort i ,, ,,. , ... - . , . . fhyt tree emid iUot.rgt flue,t; laj'f lofMj firoui li .Nonfc IWmi UU lU fuKnj i flora, , . . , ' 7 !. cI.i.h ti tb ptanar WO Ut Iii4 Un r la ib, , , I and ImJj ait il tuiiMla l4b Um 4ta4 l4tig lu lur. ? ' !fr ll' Ui piilt; wait;! tp (2iroub Uit I byu'il Lva tba l... ,J .1 . U'-i .l ... .;,.,J i cnMlitf; fbf mifujlmK v4' tbf ii;lii; ilrvau q ont deep II , j UlfU-Ot-.. ,.,m,., - - . ' io4 !' gfn-t) caitb llinll It tte-.t! wi'h wan V. i .. "tbfig U. ., , Jlv'fl brinjluj oo Ji Kctitt-d brtath th lort;-'1'!1' Ing aiHMit , Of the IikIwo In bUnrijtn(tli, Leo the UtUacaU .Tfl itMJaiifug aounda of p!n, iim! fwr fYxo mbrro Hit ' ' fk!la .' " A ftatlul tbica Umi Lail.nh wind I at birb ll living w. n . . . .. . i VH acf (r m, oK M for n tboa 14 mmnd t4 fur, 1 ligb mi lb fwet b many luti, U arar aikt " ia Uar -.'-i .''' . . " ' Kor ptj Ui taretnt i II bean f ot of fifoliaf Wbb rlvaatoibj uw wbipurt lack iubi-dm bar. f . . . , ' . . . . 1 " - - . . i . Aoj) tbotj bttt mtlt tbj wraty wa 1 ruin of U1 ; .. 'I'aat. t;.. . - , s, ' ! (uick, anJ Bttaew, vlif cb dp tonll of WiieW fpd mo Ult of o)ik-B Ufi ind niu dacp tpU . wrought . . . . -1 r. - , ... mIi to tba mouuliina ttd lb tUwaia, bu boua what i . .. Ikm Ijart brmiUU Tbuu'ft mliinjcring mo , fl wind! oh, would . .JI I iiybifli-. . .... ... Q'tif tr UiUi, auJ auun wbvro tltou but trud, ViHh tbre. '. .-,, Jv giUu-r ia LufiV poller tiiingt, each gtntlur flower . to bu4 . , Ti Twin 1 m tut boar, th oi!, deep fuJjinj;, i unt"7 w.ui . . . . - ; ' i "1'rom thtfltltn. The part! whaCW il but o gl.uin " Which Alontort Ibinily throwa? " -i ; i4 ' ' t p fuluref 'tit Hi. but dream , ; ' A i 'l1'1 1 ''if ,od t'w eovipuao. - N "Pi jKracnt If tha liflitning'aglanci ,. V j,g Co(m ail(t duhiaprarw-- ' '" '. ho lira m but a Rioimnt' Iranrt Uf iniior wa, borx-a, and fear. - SCJlU'S Jit Jn'rinja 'Cuaabwiaa,' and an anltidtl .anr to cm who w. driv.n? ot . furiou. rile l.awiicer io cm wno w prirmz tvcr otto uf the uit mouutniriiut road in lha north of Eul'IuihI.' have vou ut coiisi.b ruii'm ht our live jiid liuiba , nybal rw )our liv- tpd luul to n V wa. tl) reply j tl am twbti4 qi tiiil' ' Vanlrr "Arnrrfarr. fllif 0 evrr the ff- ' fun gallon luw.Wt uuilcrnioud thai previou to 'lie ivwiiai .Miwtor'at IVHllmrn, ywCcnlay, a . ahfewd Ot-t lilt UUUU IQO bJIu' HIV HQVtU (DlpcOlOnl . to evada tba licui-M Uw. . Ho 4i-aatplicaiiun to tha Selectman fr a lioeru w aiibil a itriftd pij during tbe parade fJn, wnicU-wiui granted. : lie jpceonlingt roturfOvfyig, and with a brush point. rd mrue nriica 6n hie buck,' and ywrterday ' nHiro ' jivgJie liaJ a tjnt cf-.l'-4 to tiiei Rubt, with duo no- Ih-oq llxriir, ihl alVriW pig wa to be ,tvxn willuu; price of udmiwiuu and A quarter . cent t. 1 'I'tio -rate being ao w, nuineroua viwlera ' word indued to call upon In kwinmh nmjftty. and every one cotiiin mt, apian-d highly gratified w ith tho bind and criwrtcou rfcciilon tie met with from ' the k'rrcthcrcniHrkablepig,fireQch.coiioiwa ' treated to a iawi of brniwfy and ntd'r, V gin, or ; fftl chnrge,' bon worn ao well oleiwed lht they ; wrro induced to take a tocntid Iouk at the animal, nml were nt kindly and liberally trt-atedaiat their prst wit.."' At the tout cchhiiiI th exhihiter waa ' drivinjj a brink binine, arid w tik'fty to make a ; jrofilfbIa day jh mythiliilhgkifiriip4 'jf IiuUin iicw.".''Ft.V m- -( ,?'-Y,'v . - - Ji n Arabia having bruaht a 1!hU to a bibhIcii'h t:liH'k by I li ourneioetui id hi gi'N id lo bor My jip have ptacod row in jwir chwkt why "orMil in ' 'fcnilif:r ""thViT Tht law pcrmita him sown to rcBj) the buirvf st.-': yi'- -:t At a late Tempnrance Co'ienlion ia rme of our tdtfiw, the hotel bViig imnewhat crtm drd, a uppte (Lif, fiont)!iiica c!led at a' prjirati dwelling to get ptiMniiHJaied fur the night. ,r j -f s rs a The mn uf tbfl Imimho coming in eoon alirr they , fiad dejmrtfid itiquiredoThia active awl listling help, mate the rause of nuctr Unusual bustle and pronara. t l?yfhi for r-'1in! , (jiin't'ynu think we're 'gon tf hove aoMj)le,-C (ul.'aitfaHittt AJegatora wro lo anppr n4r- - 'n-'-g ,-'.yr,U:i. ,:.? ' Alcpator I psdaimcd the o!d man, why you i mean dQlegnlca, don't yotoV J ' i n m 0, ye, ti A lcgate, replied ah, btit no nmt . tr-r ii 'iimguifc tlie sarrw metinin,' you kr)Qv," if hi' I rt r TU fMbiwuig it aa extract from a tWlheornier work 4 Dr. I'riWf, (lit dMrovercrof Ih Celt-11 Ud Vsge- UU. Ai.ii IIiUmji I'iIIi." "HcHTN, wraith, end pr)irnt, are lh lhr prin lAikcu tf I.I. The two e-mr ere only BMtuht a mi to obtain the Ulu-r. Alan seeks f . wsalib J a metr or en'jment IhJt sm m Both pumirt without Uiaei of health. Without twlily vigor tnd strength, iwUh1 tbe physical Cm eienUine,. tber it inner nor ibe outwsrd ne espsble of achievement, whether of wi-al'h or rt.)"yiitent. Mr$ Una in tor- i mm Bound ni irv m wnd urta Af ,iM M .Uolutt rfaai..t(4 Tbt ,, u 4e1( f k, fiT(j$-t ,. i lUt mind tclut to lull Wifpnaa. M if i( ik,.,., n,. finmj mlA mwd .tu. by Ilia ibttlcrH condilMO i ptir pnemeti of clay. I'.jt (aytitata run cnuUJcLtain aealih ll.al bacuokl tcquir tlttf f'Jd of Ojihir, and bilnf Imm all lha lr-a-nun tba nim- of lolciK!a. t( wiilxiul bpHh, wl'rt mi Id ba bia bippiuaM ! Jla aiovUI b nnacra- IJ. i - .1 I . t L .1 - J I 1- A . I - ..II Wlr nl"1" awoiuiiiw, www airUiia lib tb ayiaa man uf ala, M All M au.ly and trxtma of pifar.ll u-uia iri ickad iUi paim and I canmA rr4 l.ia ippatita w anna, aoJ ba luatiiva bia luul; bia atutuacb it c.tfrawa ;lb banana, tud ba lurrtM:krnifigimttl U btal m of mufiifici-iii 1'rv tklwrfw. I la uubj vi til ba m aorlb mj, all II wurbl.ifbebaii ll-fif Jiapouf.bul bea'thman'tappctita. " I'laaaf give me," aai I baagry reuli,tol wealthy, (t-cbla iiuNMJle givt ma antx-nca to bti n a UMrn of (d j I am alinnrt irM V " I wouU giv ItMiuatoJ d.4Ura dr jour apprti'," aid tl ikb nn, 4a b baiwlod (be buojrt mi a dollar. Uf ao Uiucli iinpia-Uoca i blitt to I' trypan til ufliftl Ujt .brrctv mclbnik I hor lb rdr ttk, aub. r-a tbi bomily oo to plain ind hacknw-d mtytrt t Du A all aii tbe rtlut of bralib ! Ho m II a (lend lo it m4 of tba chief, tf not tba rhirfrtt concert of our ni"flal exutooea 1 Uu Dot ru.plHr Ill meat to aiiaij and prrta hi ! we 1x4 Uj f... i ...j r.. ki... ...... .1.. -.j L.ll.. ilmir ailvrt (Ju M taUiw tbt-if iirifriplNw! 7rtJa.Dia-ltrua-gi'0t(are4dr,tlMiid(talMliinp jtra aiy. aud more. 'Hi ill, wa canrwit Ulwta oor bjonlv on health to be altrvr.-tiic r oiinMeMary. A m nMiralaw in phytic I it riipiwita to bate "line i poo line, and precept upoo prtcr." Men in bralib Cirget thai they may ba attk 5 and men in aickneta do not al w vi employ tba mot judicioui nua to attain health Very true, IVxtof uieo do w4 a yoa , alway ptirMie tl right road to health. N-w, I kn.iw of ton people who are alwayt ibaing tbmnwlve with pbj ic, auj running to tba iPclor and aindircariit every dy of (heir jut 'JVy Uke, I verily bel.cve, a cart kd of drug in a year, aod jet Uy are oot well after all Jki you k'low tna reamo I . Why, ye, in uy opinion, there arc two reaanna. Ia tl Ant place, they take too much medicine, and in the eecotid, they do nut take the riht kind. I vted to nke tba aame'faiiaiake. Pot lately that U to iwy dw two or three year pant le bit upa a better plan. I take Dr. I'lter Vegetable Uiuou I'iiik, and t otrue more benefit IViho one dollar laid out la thoin, than I uud in pijing Bit in any Ur'ner ptirnuit of herlth,beidetaa. king a world of oauaea arufdiu! inkwatlowipganen oruioutipiaiitity of medicine IA yoa know Dr. Pelert! Yet well . 14 And htvw yon ever taken bw medicine V -1 have; ( were a Lluckhd elae." , They tell ino be t none of your quack, who un dertake to mend and regulate the human machine, without an much a knowing of hM part it eonMi, and bow they are put tojrolher. TIkJ f be under ttand anaiwtiT and pbjaudogy, I think y rail them; and ia.atfiniiliar with botm. and chemistry at I am .:.(. i.. . . .1 ...;lt - - '. " ' - "V-""-tt' ' if..-m TW J,rfalaaiwmnrrer ' ! ht b- d.. not '-u.- MIC MV W Vll lie reirularlr bred to the bealina art lie hat anent voura in the kcouiition of kn-iwledce; be l(lo- voled hiiiuelt to the aludy of the bmnap frame, and U diatfitca to which it M tutyttt, and now I w applying bia acquisition to the relief of auflering humanity, dmi flut pUkUihaaburLciun ao jillcaad- vanced by the inventoraor paieni aoairuina nameiy, that nf ourinir all di kernel with a aincla pteacriution I Such a pretenca tie would deem about at difficult to awalluw, at to take me nomruma imwc wno pin h fiirih. There ia DO nich medicine. Tln re i mil, and ncvor wTui, a panacea for jJI dueaaea. Tbe trmrrvaui ttijova fiixa pretend to no uch mirtele. But what it inflni'oij better, they eflectwhatever they undertake. Tbey bCKUia word ol promiM io u tioniacn, ana we fiiea ie which they make to the ear and eve. And that indeed ia no alight recommendation. Nor are the complaint to which theae TilU are adapted few nor far beUeen". The Jiwnlert ariung from a morbid ttit of tbe Bile, pre, unlortuntinly, many, dittreaeing and TaUL A Urge proportion of air the fcvert, espe cially ,at the South and in the marahy diUict, are owing to tlii ckiiie, fVmn the dwtreawng aifi ami fe vrer, which alunvl hke tmindcr lifu and hmh, to the foarfhl " Vellow Jack," which eeblorn quit bin rictim w iilwut awindering whi! and budy a he uke biaieate. Cnnvewanl from bi prevtom practice, with dineaae, In all ita furini which oriirinale of the dionlnr of tbe Rile, Dr. I'eler Wat firt Ted tq einulpy hi knowledge And experience in tbe preparation of a medicine whiph thould prove efticaeiou iu thi large elate of dieeaaca, which ibould Hbould relieve the aching and diity head, and restore the aauaeated and loathing stomach, al tl 8nme time thai it prevented thoae mpra fatal etTecU w h:ch are oipt to (bllow trom tneir impruneni neglect Ftir thi Diirnose he prepared, with much ere and a hist ednptatkm to the purpoee, tho Vegetable Biliou rill, which he i happy to wy, from long expirienca am) (healwnflnni !WMlHtny Ql imiac wno iiiiyb rmpi-rjra TITem have a ne w e red, morelliai ancwered biainoelaan- rnine expectation. , It 1 not hit own mere assertion thit rou are called Upon to believe. It i not the. dixit of any kindle inn-i-thDm?h he wat at Preat k Galen or Ilinpocrate that von are lo pin four faith upon. Neither-)-! thutirh il itrtid iu the wcred volume that "by rhe mouth of two or three witneise tlmll all thin" be e la4Ti4itxIn are you to believe in ao aniall a number onlv f " A flood of .witnd3un i before you. They are too numerous to he easily overlooked i they arc too intelligent to be carvlcswly heard; tbey are too respec- lU'lie.ving' the kponlnncmm teMimony of tha?e whe.se experience i the beat of the truth tliey aeert Ir, Peiera ha thrown' together irt ihe fi.ltowinj page, a few of the many hnndiedk of tektiiiioiitala received from everv ouarter w hen bis pills have come intouoe. They are left lo speak for thentselven. Tlrey are tha word I of thfs who speak what they do know, a 04 tesUry what they have seen and experienced." ' " " CO" Be caref ut and enquire for Peters' Y'getnble Pills; theyareolilinliliury by John Murnhy; in lexington by J. P, Alkbry ; aud in Cb&rlutte by William & Ik.yd, of whom tlisy c,n be bad at lha ,N. n holosf price M.w i.v. i;i,. 1 1 : i :i!:!Mi & iiMJ'.nt. I r. '1 1 .It iioxmm: n. i:::n:t ijr 1 1 ci i ri.Lv ii.r..fn. bu ruriH.i ii. l!.l . siill tarrtra on the TAIMHt I N t J l;t'.JMl al la olJ Maiid on mmn t;eet, it-it dimr Id lb Apoibrrary tiore. I In Meter Ita ly iu ri-ru'e !tfl unieff i4 bit cuoluiner iu a atyl and n.i.wr tA mt'il by any workpian tern iiarl i Mill id tba ! polar rwMpi U the Ulf4 ImmI and New 1 ora FAHiilUN, nJ prruared lo arr.nriruoJjta tl ttktc uf ba 4hirtliie at all time. try fulling garmniil t4 all kind allnnled lo pn mjitly j and ibn Ideal raslii.Mii fjrniplied al all limr fa country Uili.rs, and iiytruelmr giro ia fulling. (Sdludiury, Jan. 1, 31. TO TilAVKLI.KUS. fVUE Hobaeriber take ibi metbod of bifiming bis A friritdt od b firmer f utuiieri and lb puMic goner!!, thai ba baa returned to Im old stand to the Town of ZJocolaton. II return bia Iftanki k lha liberal patnmaire bereto- Ut ei'endrd to bwS and bupe by a rooiiiiueikra of lit tt-rmer attention, to bw bwuueas, to merit ita eontia uance. ' YM. RUDE. Hepfembai fj, lfV, Ot 35 DOLMItS niVAIM). UVS AWAY from the tubcr.ber bi maa UUHI.N, who aktcondod about tl2bof leal enontb without aaeaaaa whatever, and it m believed ba will eo deavortoBMke bi way utba ttuta uf Uaio. Ilubia w a tolevabla Wight aw latto, about ail fawt kiirb a atout mua rular man, d about 4'd jr ; baanaa fcira tooth nhatef , r a wide anarw batwaan b fbre tovtbt has l star an ao ut bw cheek knot, oceaainnad by a burn hew ymeg, and lha mark of a set are cut oa out of fat thumb; beta very fimd uf spirit, aod whea drunk, ia very auira-jtoo. Kubm I worked ia a Tea yard UI) year, and is a very fund Tanner and Cur rier. II i ala rWeoarsa Hlioa llakof.aud carrk'd away hi tool w lib bun. y I will five tba above reward f U arbefwinaaitd eoonfM-weot ia jail of Roam, so laal I get bua again. Any persua appreloding mmJ IM'jjru, will pie see a4 dre to M at UCd, Nurih t'arulma. J.NO. R 1JTTLEJOIIN. ;Oir.Hd,6hHept,'W. ' lllf tows rnoruuTV AND LAND ttjli TOR BALK. 'VllZ Subacriber offers U bale ibe ulkwinr valua- I ble property, lying iathetowaof trrATtsYlLLK, North (. srolma. five sduning lAi in said town, oo which i the EMilX litlTKl" Also, directly op piaute ki Hotel a Town 14, containing one and halt Acre, oa which there i a good liiai ksuutb bhop. 100 Ctti.H good Land adjoining tbe Town; twi-nty-four Acre id wbieh are under gond cullivatuKi, and seten Acres of excellent mfJom. The arable and meadow Lands are ercloted, Ibe rest is in limber. Alas four Acre conlim. n to tbe Methodist Cbruch. The four Acre incellter with the above lut of one and half, are the property M Jamea F llitbm. I Sir leims (r applr to William Ihrbin. Eq , at the - V.llsge ltotl,N K W. Jones, al tha -Kagle Holer or lo Jamea V. lUrUn, oppusiU Eigl lioiol, ia the Town of Htftlenvillft. Keptember 8, Ot NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS!! Cheap, Cheap, very Cbrap! OnO Piece Calicoea, ei W auu lleCM j,rowo DomeMic, 2 I da Kentucky Jsoee, 4i do.' Northern Liiiseye, SIX) Negro Blsnkett, ISc-'-se FurllaU, Si) dot. Heal skin Ca pa, Ifr) H. Ilemkick Ijeather, fl do, fine Calf tik in, 2.VI pair core'and fine Bropana, 40 do. Heal and Calf akiqda. ''l ili i riiijnIHIiini; 0 hhda. Molaatea, ' 10 da Hogar, 60 bsg Conee, together wilh a general assortment of all kinds of GOODS, just received and for Hale low. w bolesal or retail, by J.&.W. MURPHY. fialiabory, Bept fl, 18.H tit VmaVo .lnUtVammeui. PWl INFORMS hia friend and tha pub- lllnl ',c-thlt b h taken the House for iff I' l merlv occuoicd bv Cid. Win. F. Kef. Iv , in the lown of Mocksville, Davie county, with the view of keeping PRIVATE EN TERTAINMKNT.' The llooee ia roomy and comfortable and in the bueines part of the vi'llnge. The tukierilier pledge hi best exertions lo ren der Mtintnclion lo all who rjujy call on him, JIi TABLE will at all time be supplied wilh the best the country aflord, and his B A R Blocked wilh tha choiceet Liquors. - Hie Stable are exten sive and safe, will be well supplied with good Pro ender, and attended by a first rate Hualler. ' Mochvie,rb,3,18aLJ ' tf -S GULPT U UIIVG. J. HOVLDS1IOUSER RESPECTFULLY informe hi friend and the public, thai he ia atill at hi old busineaa of .;','..,., STOXE-( UTTING, aeven mile South of Salisbury, and, about mile from the tild Chartpsloo Rond, w here he ia prepnr ed lo aecpmrnodntf- th" ffjhing ff'irk " hW li-i" He now ha on band and for sale, a good supply uf MILL-STONES, of various aixea and prices, from twenty-five 1 thirty dollar a pair, of the beat grit and workirirnship j aim U IN DOW Si LI.8, from 12 to 82.50; DOOR-SI LLS frooi 82 to 83; DOOR STEPS $1.50 ; ROUtiM BPlLDlNG ROCKS from Sfty to aeverity-fivo cenli TOMB STONES from tlU lo tl GOLD (up ahaO) GRINDERS t it), a piecn. .-d-:,4; ..... The Suiwcribrr hora by close attention to bust- ness, and bia dctermiiiafion la fumixh none but the best article, and no-reduepd. lerpw, lo merit and receive a liberal portion of public patronage. Rowan County , April 13, 1833. 12m " jt,, i i"iii'" "Mill ia awtrr iHT" i;t pTrii'nM-' "If Hat' aai ' i ' y - (OPAL Varninh, English Patent Japan Varninh, h Cabinet Sizing, Japan used for painting, Var. iiinh for Pitintinga aod Drawings upon jwper, dec.' madfl, p.nd wjtl he kept CQiiaiaiUly oq band for aalo, wholesale or retail, by ; - - , C, C. HARRISON, Statcsvillo, Iredell co., N. Ct , J2:3t r f nl lit i!,ihidi!j-t'i't Saturday Cvuikr. Tim family M:vfpArwi. Tb Dnpn!h't-d paliomge, ff"" ' ertti.ni if (UfHiMtr-', is It brt fvnJM- of Ms sppnivsL I' ! riolf' o-er TMrty Tb.sind Hgtecriir 1 1 Lib-a ling ff" lb I1" to ik '"lU'mnt all il. f..l. snd (U1 of the fni.pl Mif H'-JHiblic. Il is tl Vf 'd J nirtial in tb World ! Tl genrfal (Ufarter M 1 1 Courier Wrll knoan. Its column CtHiUia Tales, Nsfrlii, lJijrspliir, l Mts: i!-:lo on Ho!, Merhanies, gncultole, Kiweiff rvsws, llorslifj, nrs i'umirai, iti, .ip-, . TUm li.'k f..liur. lk.nMlU: lnlrlllirenc. Ilntltll. Mil- t irw t -i m -.- - - m T rstmn, Amuasaietit, The Drama, City Msttera, Ama- il. . ...I .11 nil.n m.llxra duriMard ia Mai'seTSaJ m ia. i iiaii. i na aisrseia. iiu.wii.nw i u--mi w famttf Journal-arawbiug kltogetber SS Vist. Snd W believe, a Hitrel0f sarnnj esq m iwuiim im other Journal issued ia tl World. ' Our arrangement enaU a to draw irua ir wnpie .J t jianiuM J Kjirmtfi. sad miv Cut. rMpnodenU at borne rwbrace ma ny of lb beat Writer Tbipprovd Family paper is strictly a&atnlia poll, lie and relif mo, aad tba aooompromuting oppwaiit J all Quackery. C3-"0R ATOaYllXfl , Desirous to add M treat to tba eoluain of U Cou rier, we offer a arranisM uf SOt) lUUr$ U lb Wl tory tlt wy be sent a belbr lJ first of Koveenber aeat, to be submit li to It t ma or u auowwg refills men. well koowaia lha Lluralureof oarerainUy. Joseph R. Cbsndler, Robert Morris Urenvil Meltoa, Abbal Urean, Jr. To lle-ae writer who m J send a Tsle, which my not like the prisa, but which we may wish to publtob. we shall send an entire art of Ibe 1 ir of tkUadtU by tl celebrated Wild, embracing Twenty of ' . . i 1 1 . . r i if prommem auuaipfs in oar cny, nonMenn vj letter press description aud Poetical Illustralmos. - Tba pnee nf the tWter at only fi, tnrtudhg tha View of Fairawmnt snd (iirsrd Col legs, fbr PAR MO NEY AND NO POSTAGE. MM AKIN at IIOLDEN, 1 Aa. 70 Dork (rl, Opposito tb Kiebange, PbiUd. TO CLUBS. For 20 we send tea copies of tbe Courier, far a tear, and It Works of Capt MarryaU and Mr. lioU war, embricing tigktttn ,atfs Ik meat fnjtUr For a $10 Bill we tend Fie rrfif$ of Ibe Courier, wilh lb Works either of Cspt. Marry s tt or Mr.Bulwer. For a 1 Note, w send to en aubseribar Ibe Cow rwt.ur a prar aud lha Tweai'p (tries o I'ktUJtlykiM, by Wild, eotire. Editors with wbnra we exchange, a well a other, will place us under obligatino by copy in f Ibe above. To all who do an, we aba!l not only feel gratified to end tbe Courier, but we will, oa their acodiug a copy of their paper containing H, iinmediataly tward them, by return mail. Tree ikt most kmuliul Hews, of f tr mount and Utrnti Unto re, thai have ever been gut up. To those Editor to whom w prorouod the Small lws, which we published ia th Courier, on tbeir rKxicina the fact on co:v of their Daner. we will end tboee of Fair mount mni Utrard Votltgt Mislead, s Inning regard tor their poliie compliance wiib our winliea. iCnglon Ycraac StVoo. rTtUE Patrooa of tha Fema'e School at Islington, have ibe pleasur to inform the public thai they have secured Ibe service of Mis Sabam A. STBAaaa, tor tha next year. Hia or eight advanced Pupil cao oa uxew inio tna BCttooi. I M superior eiialifica- lion of Maw- Hiearr. and ber popularity aa aa Inst rue tfba m the higher branebca of aa Academic course, re- romuwaileda ber School ia the (trongeat sjiaaner to those who wiab their daughter, instructed in a tliomagb course. The School will conimeace oo U 1st of Oc tober, snd it is very desirable thai entrance kbould be made it that 'line or very area after. Tbe Tern will be aocs as are common in fastilulior of tha kind. September 20, 1834.. . j 3t Police. ' IIIR Subscriber baa boen eugajred for ppwardsof tea year in the improved plan of HUSHING MILLS, and other Machinery , when worn, or heated. By hi utetbod. Iron of either opright, nr horimjital Gudgeuna, a also lha busb fir. the Hpmdl and Ink, rua amcb lighter and eteadier than Uioj oo the old plsa. T. great trouble ot wedgiag and repairing tbe Spiadle, ('rank, ami (ltAmym sm mmJ ..1.. HM " ' " V VH.VV WI.VU I uu UU, m 111 these Bubhe. and Ink. Any person winking to procure machinery of this kind can be auppliad by making application to the Subscri- I.... L . ,1 .i " M r 17 ioiier, at aiucisviiie, UWVM county, w. u - . . - JUk W. U11UIA1. September 20, 1939.'' iVT" The S..WriKir .,M ,f. .:.t.:. x - -...v . vuiu .v.ci i. j uim wia.lllia, lit- formation on Ihe subject, ro Dm. At'BTta.wie of tliaEdi- il.. un uji m ,no - (.aruiinian. YuVAU 8ao. 'IlIE Subscriber will aeU at H.Mi. K.U . UU A, . - r " - v -' xm sldftHA . I 1 1: t Tt a . veuve uu main mo ivauing ironi lruWD rer rr. to tSdtlenL on Mondav thdi l.Vh ffeinlw j w ' ' j wwv a n i"wi or five hundred bushel Corn, Sjxty bead Hoes, Cows no tvsires, raiming utcnsiu, Household and Kitchen furniture, together with many other article too tedious 10 mention, i erroa maae ibqwo on the day or Sale. JOHN S.HT1L September 20, 163 4 " liViy Mills lcyatA. v "A,AWAYtrom tiie Subscriber on the 19th of Au gust last, an indented apprentice to the Tannine RitpineM. named if)IIV FflU I Vrt Tl. ;j i .. about 20 year and six month old, kbout five feet thiee Inche hiph, and had on, when he left, a blue jen coat, blue panUibnns, and a black hat with a email rim. The public is hereby iurewarned from harboring or employ- T'" ""'""V" WIW MW -BIMH. all WOO do ao. . An berwA brinalna tl.a u .k.ii receive the above reward, but no thank. JAMES GOODMAN. Rowan, Sept 20, 1-53& 3t ;:;:;; Ynei4 aiA Voc. ; 4 LL peranq indebted to the Subscriber are respect. I fully requested to come forward, pn or before the 24' "Va mf October mejeL and make payment, Tbe Sub-riber will feci gratified if thw notice i heeded, but mifct inform atl those whom it may concern, thai f ter the day above mention they most settle With John IJ, Hardie, Esq., or Mr. David Kern ' JEREMI.MI M,J?ROWN. Salbbury, Sept. 20, 183d . & . t : i ' . S-- j riiitp 1- ItJii Mtimi I'mtHtti AtmftWmat m,. It aa " ' '"a tft i L U-ittai 8al..liry,N. C. a' ft' NoveuiUrr nrt, wl.n lb fuilowu.g futmn i run ft. k "irs J).A P.t Ful 3 jear U.L t ilcripiin t Te eh the diy pri fc Usee. Oo lh nan dsy 3 year oW,-hu,U k'. srr.plioa: 100,X). Terla tldsy pr. k Rare. 24 Ja. Two Oiile beat. Pun : '0m 3id.,-M.be.U. Pun: ty.VUM, 4 a daf .liM 3, in 5 mils hcata, I'ur-e; g; r , And tl aplriBca Dioney of lha pr . itatl M . BY THE I'ROMUjnXiil BIUbu7, Pept. 13ih. ICH . TO HUNT, mill House and LoM Mtualad oa Mala n t E twsaa the rvaidarwa ot Mr, Crswlurd. . Fwber, will ba rwtod until tba U January mi. For teraw spply at thwnflloa. f JUST MXXJVEI awl lbBatwlp4aJM tbftollowinf rttciea,mt ton lb. Buck Ixffwood, , I oeooaIiW(, V bU. Dntcb m X li ar. H..UW W) U. Trac CU, 40 pweaa cwttaa fc, 100daanow,2.4: , . SO ooilt B.hl ham, J. It W. MUWUI. L-.V) lb, bar ttogar, KK) aackl Liv'pC bait, MR) 11 Hja-mg-HtocI, fitaj lb, blister, da. 44 keg whua Ld, 47 ita. Ns.ls aad Bd. 4AaoaetGU,tb10, and ill ay j KalOary, 8e4. 8, lia To c Vu)Vc. U ANA WAY from Us Bubscribsv aa lt2Niai two indentod pprentiee to Ike Iilacksamaj V inasa. aamad MYR1CK MJLUIR and ALUs MILLER. I wdl give on bud of Caal fa u pralianioj and delivery of said boys to eta, at aw a bualiol tor sit) of ibem ; but wdl pay no atbat it.' nor offer ibj thank to those who assy da k . A p sow are beseby tWewsraed aniavt Mrbotwiatwa pluygtiaiid boys, aa I im aatomiaad to aaZroi i law against aj who may da to. . XJLEIJJS Dvi eonnty, Sept, 2A 1838. , ... . 1 ,-. It hCLIJM LKING. ,. , mm i 'pilE Subacriber wishei to iiifuTai Lh) eustotri A and lha nub.lii atniaralla. lk-1 ka asDI 00 b istone Ciilllnf Baainf at, and ia ever ready to execute, m t very aerer. manner, atl deacriptiofiao work in bis line. Gold- Grinder$t mU Stonrgndonj and Die tilU, Door-ttrpt and Tomb mlonet, n airnttt! i a verv rare tvUi. Hi rril tor Mill-SuMMak-- good. . Mr. Philip aUo beg to infom tba sal; that he eaa execute Engraving of tarinua kvds He will Engrave marbto-sUtai neatly, and gnw lomb-ktooes can bo well executed if desired, H charge thajl alwaya Lo rcaaunable, and u vx mudaiing as powMb'a., . . , Person wialung to liavt work dor ia the i!-" line, will do well lo call al th residence at 1 Philip, aovea mile south of Salisbury. ' ENOCH E. PIULIiW Aognst 84, 1938, tf fPHE aubecriber. aa Executor of Mr, fc Btone, late of Raleigh, doceaaed, will wl i public auctioo on M mday and Twsdsy lb ftl and 30th day of October next, at her plinti' t about tep piileo Eat if RaWgh, a I the cwiii Wkrnt, (Va mnd Fodder, and all the alack ofifr r, Cottle, and Jlogt, and the Plantation Vuvu eoiMsisting of Carta, U'avgvMi, PUmgki,kc;tk on vveoiieaaay ine 'ist ot uciouer, arfnewa (dace, all the Nrgnje bflopginj to said E-tftr-iirty-aii in number onfjs(ing of mmi "w hoys, girls, and chiUron, will bo'oifered for aa Tho negroes will bo aold in fymlicf, purtuaul th direction ol" list Will. , , -u. i -, - 7rat..Tbo erop and plantation utokiilivl be aolJ on a rredit of aii montk for all aumt m 10for 110 and onder, MfA.' 1 A part of tbt groe, to the amount of about 83,000, will on a credit of 0 moritbs, for ooiea pegotiabb payable at the Bank of tho State of North Pro!n& in tUloigh aud tho balance will bo atJdoa (vat of twclvo month, with interest from lha ev" OCTflond and aalisfactory aacurily will b rqil for the purchase monev, beforo tho prnpertT i changed. , ; iJ 1 D. W. 8TON5. Raleigh; N. C Pepl- 5. ! M': 'piIE Subscriber bega leave to inform the cilitf' oaii.Tuary inn lis rieinuy, insi ne nss conii.""-f'',X!".l,""-f the Butcherinc bositw", in. V7 i1 be fiiund at the MsrkelT Him1 k-.i.. ur.j.,i.. ..J rn oay morning, with a good N . aa tha Mountains can afford, . I HV. U.T. OVIICBU.. ---- - . I ill .n k. .n'! -.:.' . .,1 .Ifii fui ar.. iuv iiiiivwiiis- privca 1 iurtJ-(iua(M.-i, . pieces, 4 1 ; hiHd-eiiarter.clioic piece. SI by the tW quarter, 4 aud 5 eepla. ,V ' 1,1 A. C MCU-LLA Salisbnry, SepL 20, 1934 1,1 v ' Si. , 4 LL persona indebted to the Estate of GEOECI il MONROE, deceased, aitlier bv i'L or bo-t rniinf tlka roniioatosi tt 1J m.tA iKai auaiivta m illi-C' treteyrirntltl those" to whoiinb aalffCaorge o-fff. dee'd. are iiidehted, ara fequested to present UV,r ' cmiuls within the tune prescribed by Law, t-gil'j inenucaieo, or muj pouca Wiu ae piwk-04 (0 ' Uiiricovry-r-t.r':-'. ; r ..' . .-- . i. . '- i, JAMES PVVSs.11 Sept 18, 1934 .:; t 'W-'-v-jj. -;- v, t'ifrr -1 . . , .'. -;,;r.tv"t-il A tt. rivjijt; tM;rlllc,l having taken out t jetirra i I it -I1...,, i Il.nn. decJ. I iuil.viaiivii JPI ft.., imhuiws fl ilttnj V"", I at the laid Coumy Cpurf for Rowaa, reayefU H P :.. l..i.. i ... : i it. T.:. ' J u B1' ! mum iuiiv-uivu ui rain Djfii j urifii, iu r . . .i. .. I .1. . I . TSUI! iiiutii wiuiuuiafiay aim yutmv ..usvjng twiii" the same to prenept them within the time prori j by law properly suiiienticited, oiberwise laia j wm oe picaocu in dax of. lueir recovery. Salisbury; N. C Sept. J3, 1S39. . X w ill hrnkA annliiiirinn tn (he neit I'irialatur I 1. , I I T-" . - - n an Act to inwrporato a manufacturing cofnw"- tbe name of the Yadkin Manufacturing Compinji on other name. - " CIIARI13 FlSi- Scutcmber fl. 1833. . ticb ii . a . ' ' : : .KJ'.S kit.

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