irjiD r j" pi a Mi r.J . ' ' -i a - - v ,M"B " "mB " "mrto, waaiem .t it to ..., aa. .n.t... t mvaa .T,.t,, ea ta MHM.iW, ilr CWuW), A,i, I, J. n. austin & c nsiunu I DtfOtl asd rRortir.TGR. NO XVIII, or VOL XIX. (AO. mom v&.) SALISDUIIY, N. C, OCTOIlKIt 11, 183a TCaMS OF CAtOLIMA.f. I TU tit' Column puU-W r.fy Tat aa- J ; 1 rv4 IkJLart par sans, if pan aanoa, er rJ-tLfUrtaad lfty Casta, Urn paid before the m. MMif will B dooontiaond nl3 til inwtiw 1. Ll elsas ftnuom ef tii Editor aad Um t "t. iw aadet jeer, VkU k CIMMJr4 M M tS- I LtpMMuU will b tafkwm&j ted eortweUy LtaA u on eVJUr per sqo the erst bwwrUos, Tmmii Lr sarh cooUotuor. Own and Judicaj IftMMMU will ht eUrfm4 per cant mart tbaa . r.laT jnCSB Will BJ mwmmm w itkii TawiwmB "S" . A .1. , . 1 - . .. t MISCELLANEOUS. DAXCEUOUa ADVJLNTUim - tV imhW timet i Ukca & Hpr k Ui m th NrU WMt Tfri(onf." It m Uk deienirfKM omm( IQnlltni tctn S AAsrrMulinf wy J"' tow of tt bkm juaI pad of NoHIi WmI Cwnptnj, tod tjItft--f Um (br trfc thrf I trp to look rwv4 U mr retuni to HootrvaL I wiW villi C rmlaat imMliMKC (of tb trrivtl of ibtt M wtick wu to UrniMt muimidam and re- U m to mcMrfy 1 u man tare tbOMM Uet diiU. from u MttleawaU, M By only ' KiaAj mm lara tnuif nil. r Urka ut iha tuMtfhaeot, boM barKtcra and limited te prtomii naAend ihem ttty uoiolftinx -tale. -Tbi Ul Jiicbrgw ItMlf by moaoa l nkt into another of ouch greater diiaonwooa, u thick fcreata eoverM every part of the ocjgb loot eouotrTt ( Out aiWnioaa, I mJ( ny fun, and ftnJIed out 1 mrck otfanM. Tbouffh it wu aow Ibe br 10. ttaf ipfiflf, tbe lake wae ron)4elly froceo naa. lb cold of the preceding winter keviny w err bieoae. 1 eoon fell ia with a flock of !M diKU, but brfore I got a ebot at them,' they pa to ly toward tbe middle of the lake kdw. er, 1 kUowed then (barleaely over the ice, la the ipirtotioa that ibey would toon alight. Tbe (br wti aiild, though rather blowy. Peteched ftei ckmU atoved raptJIy along the lace of Ilea, fca ia Unneoae maim, and the euo bl iaed fifth id Ueacared epltodor at eoe momant, and waa eoo ietdy ahrouded from aie the neit. I wai ao in al ea tbe purtuU of ry game, that I baweoed (mrarda alrnoat uneooacionalr, my progreaa being sk Ikilitaiad kr a tkia nrer of enow, which utered the ice and rendered the looting tolerably car. At but I fired at tbe dacka,aad killed ooo A waaaded another. 1 immediately picked op fire), but ill eompaojoa baring only been winged, pa U leaf away before 1 caught bold of iU I iwed, but bad not advanced more tbaa twenty uaV, wbea, to any aatooiabinenl, I (buod that the a vat ia many place covered with tbe water to eeVpth of aeveral iocbea. I etopped abort, lull If alarm, and irreaokite what to do. It waa evi rat that a thaw bad already eofnearoced, and aa I Id knew with what rapidity tbe ioe broke op wbea m iSscted by a chaoM of UMnnerature, becaaM it to the danger of my aituatioo and elmoat lut "M rooriog iron ia apoi oa wrnca I auoa The weather bad f rowa calm and batv, and tbe j waa very black and loweriog. Large iLtkee of of auoa aeno to ua lannullv and Mroeodkcu- rtj through the air, and after a little time tbeee WVlCCOdl Denied b aihirk ihowarof alMtv rain. , , - -t . . 1 r fvu gradually became ao deoae that I could not I xera the ahore. I atraioed my eye to catch a kac of aome living object, but a drear and mo Ueiem expanse at retched oa every aide; and tbe pptlling silence wu eomotimee iotermpted by tbe pfrJiag crieaof the wounded bird. -AU nature jwmed 10 M lerfullj awaiting aome terrible event, luteoed ia fearful oorprue to her. I eooo distin phed a diatant thundering noiae, which gradually tronprTand appeared to approach the i :k where I atood. Repeated eiploaiona and hoi. BQrmuri of irregular loudnee were aucceeded W I tremendoue Bound like that of rockt bunting oder. The ice trembled beiwath my feet, and h moment it wu diaunited by a raat chasm, h opened itself within a few yarda'of me 1 w vater of the lake rushed upward through the ? jih foaming fury, and begaa to fljod the eur. B around.! "V-.v, ; Jfl backward, and ran aa I conceived, to 'Ww the shore but my progreaa was eooo stopped !u i0" we,k Prtof the ke caHed ai "r While walking cautiously around it, my tw wimewhat compoeed, and I resolved not otfranco any farther, uutil ! had fixed anme way I reguintioar mv course, hut I ihia in h im. IW. vainly endeavored to discern land, and a tircula eptiMog im the ice, ad aoaMlimea Mp- Mg ecrow irignuMi Ch.wa IJ tbe wl mm etmn of baviog any tt U ate w. The ioe every Where creaked Wttkr any (mc, a4 I kaew (hat aWh aweilod aa, wUikar I iW ea-ay ee raaaiid on ine op.. imium( mml4 4, if breed by aom peneeutwg tmmi to range ever ibe surface f a lUtk and aWU ca and aarv, thai whaav ever hi lor mumutf withdrew bie auataiatng wr, be would eik oVwa, aad be aMffireied tmmg the mhows ihi airugiM eoneata nim. At laa aigM ceaw ea, and eikaoeW by fcilgoe and mmoUI eiciieaMMt, I wrapped mywU U mj cloak, aad lay down epoa tbe ice. !i waa dark I cw44 aot bava aauvad ea atew. wkbaut rannin the riak of tailing into the Uka. J almost wOad that the drowttosM, pfoJueed by intMMO tUi, w.U begin 1 aftVt m j bw I ed aaK tael la tbe alight eel degrw chilled, aad the temperaier ff the air wai ia reality abova freezing. I bad Win eoly a few minute wbea) I beard tWe bawl of a wl(U Th urd wu btdrecribabiy eVtightfiil w aay ear, and I started wp with lb inlealioa of kaateng I ine spm iroaa wnwoca It Beeeno4 toproced awl buoekw a my attuaUai tbna waa, my boart abrunh wtibta ma wbea I cuntemplated ibe dangwre I would encounter ia makkit auch aa attempt, Mr courage fuled, and I reawaaed nay fermer pwaiUna, and listened lu the wndulatinna td the water ae they undermined, and boat agaiaat tbe kiwer part of tb ice oa whrb I lay.. About nuJoighl the atoraa ecaaed, and moat of the cloud gradually forwuk the ekv. wbOa the rv eiog moon dtapelled tbe darkneee that bad previowa. Mr OretaiMd. llowr. a lawk kaaa mammrmd Ik bcaveoa, and reodered her lirbt dim and ehaatlr. ana eimiiar to mat anea during aneclipae. , A auc ceoMoa of woiaee bed cootinued with btile ifiderrup. i mi tut aeveral avmra, and ai mat tne ace beweatb ma begaa to awe. I eUrted , and. ea lookiaa around, aaw that the whole wrCaca of the lake wu in a state of agitation. My eye became dim, aad I atretclMd out my arm to catch bold of boom ob feet, and felt a if all created things war paa ' n. t: 'It ! 1" i. mm niMn , gnaamw, ana crwaiung, mtoouom ay the difbreoi aaaaeea of ice ettmins iuin coUiatji. mt tndicaleJTBartnure wu any at all near "roe. w1 lmu!r ' jeanty,aod bewildering my atepe with malignant woeas, I sometimea fancied 1 eaw the epot lu? 0ur P M iluated.and evuo the tree and 7fiTge?.uI00 i bul the next moment a guatof Wt j n,rl ,W,T ,na haped log i bM produced the agreeable illusion, and re 10 "onlea deaparr. - f fired my gun aeanatr. - f Hrad mr mn ra. . I----,- 'it w ine nnnn ihnt th mi knm. C to my aseistaoce ; however, the ehorea acknowledged, bjr fwblo echoes, that the f5d reached them. , . ' , , Iha ilS0'? 'y w Violence, and at interval f "ood of the ice breaking op, rolled upm my Ut . a m thunder ,nd 8em' "wtfr .p. Q 7,1 'ige mad medizz, . Mftrew down my gun, and rushed forward in 7 were now ; to aflect my respiration. 1 eoon lost all were . tremeoooaa. lArrt fraxmanta aooMti got wedged together, and impeded the prograae of thou behind tnem, wbtca, bewf eamhed kmrard by othrr atill further back, were furred epos tbe toe .L . at i I a . ' 0i ion urw, in laniaaiw snapea pyramia ana tow er could be distinctly eeea rioing amoag the aniat of night, and anomeatarily changing their aWma, and filially diaorganiiing tbemscTvea with aaagiral rapioity and leertul tumult. At ot ber timee,aa im menu maaa of ice arould atari ap tuto a aerpeodica- lar poaitioi and eooliou gleaounx ia tba aaooa bin for a littl period, and tbaa vaniah like a epm Ira amoag tba.abyasof water bearwth it. The piece of ice, oa whieh I bad first Ukaa aay po tioo, happened to be very large and thick, but other fragmeou were aooa forced abova k, aad f aaed a mound ail or aeveej fwt high, a) lb top of which I atood, coetetepUtio the awful aewne about me. aad feeling a if I ao longer bad tbe leaat conaei ioa with world, or retained aay thing boaaaa or earthly ia my composition. . . i a wind, which waa pretty atmnr, grow tba ice down tba Uka very fkai. My alarm aad hi ietie bad gradually become lee Men, aad I wu aeveral time overcome by a eort of etupor; da ring (be eoutiouanca of which imagmatioa and re ality combined theirdiatracting mnWncee. At on time 1 fancied that tba enow still drilled a violent ly u ever, and that I diatinguiabed through ita bo ay medium, a band of India chiefa walking peat roe, upon the surface of the bake. Their atep were noise leaa, .and they went along with a waa and dejected look and downcast aye, and paid ao attention to my exclamation aad entreaties Utt re lief. At another 1 thought 1 waa Hunting ia the middle of the ocean, and that a biasing aua flamed in the rloudleaa ky.-'and made the) ice which oup ported me melt ao foot, that I beard etreame of wa ter pouring from ita aide, and felt myself every moment dearending toward the eurface of Ibe bit. low. I wu usually wakened from auch dream by em noiae or violent eoncuaaion, but alwaya ra lapsed into them whenever the cause of disturbance ceased to operate. . , . The longest and last of tbeee alumhem wae' bro ken by a terrible ahock, which my ice island re ceived, and which threw me from my eeat, and nearly precipitated me into the lake.7 Oa regain ing my former pomtioa, and looking round, I per. ceived to my joy and aston'Mhroent, that I wae ia a river. Tba water between ma and tbe shore waa atill frnsnn ever, and was about thirty yard wide, conaeqiieolly the fragment en which I stood, could not approach any Dearer than this.' After a mo ment uf irresolution, I leaped upon the froze ear (ace, and began to run toward the bank of tbe ra ver. . My met seemed scarcely to ioucb ine ice, ao ASTtOLUGr. A CcWWalad writer, trawling aw tVri aatd it wu rvaMrisUe lb4 aswxg the nasty prsdtcliuM wkkb bae bersj aaed by aatrO gr from ins ta Um, a few them have bewa vwrifird. Iltatwry, besaar, rwrwrda avawy kmnam i -her lb pvwdictMaw f atrOogw be be luUJied. aUepmaiatarwluaarhevwauea oar.nM-y ar awraly awsidiirvd raoarkaU esaav The Duk et AtWd. a-rl ei Jamre L aa'Scwt. land, bed bsee assured by a bvtWwsW t lUercwal iwrwa, that be would hae le be beed wld be crowned pwUHv ia frasseca as a ktrr aasetnUy U the pv4. lis pa Cskh ia lhl prw. diction, aad N basum the foUUaw-wt af the pwjh ry, caawad bio aeybaw le be asaasiaalad. &at be anal the pewally baa enme aad was lad leeae. rwU aa, ia eej a the ptU ewware of rJsaWxb. lie wu taunt sal aai rvviM by the anoJace who plaeed ea bia bawd aa iron rrwww, aw which wu aa- nWd " Tb Kieg nf Trartawa." The fete of bybaa, tbe Grwr4 inraa, b weHkaewa. It bs prraWlsd thai he wvaij be kdled by the feW af kaaao. Owe dev. bile be wu walkta: aa the fiilla. at a Tnjacs from any basaea habnaituav se eaft. wbtch bad tarried adj a tortoise M bi taiosa, Wat coaii not disrraga the aaral from tbe eawQ, pcircaavwd lb bald hoed of the ps, aed pvUUy takmg at for a mck, lot the tortoise A wpoa it from a grew) heijrbU JEsrhyU bad tbe won! wf k-for bie tkvll wa frsctsrsd, aad U dsd aw ika apoi. Aa AatroVwer at the Court of Lewis XI. Franca, prodacied aa adding evewt, which to paaa. The Kwg aeot Ce the eg, b-vrng pre vionaty ordered has sautUlee to be rpared at a givwa aigwal a arise bun and tbrww him out ef the wanoow. In Vmm eaal t ham. ae aa eaaraace. Toe, who pretoad le LA the wn sf futerify, can yoa fbrrtetl the etect boar of ywor www aVetb V " no, Bir, aa4 tb wary AstrOorer, wtb a4a- raUe prewenro of aaiod, ewpectiug the design af tbe tyrant, I eoly know tbat I aeall mtt atartly Ikraw days before your Majesty ! " The ki vm Ibamder-etrwrk at this answer, and refrained from giving the MrnaL 8ir Wnltrr Scott baa awry iav raioaelv ieterwovea that aaocdiae iats thaj taie afj Qweotoa Purward. Cardan, a enothaayer, who aValt eateawirely ie boroacopea, wae wot particwUrty (art swale is baa prwdtdiooa. Ia ewe mats as, kewwvwr. be snad ae of a vwrv cfioctwal aaeane le award arsiwat aay mirake. lis predictrd the day taf bat aVoib eod wbea Ibe lima drew wear, aad bie hrahh, aaanb la hie aaortincalpm, contiwaed, be abeav lutaly aH'ioed frwa food, and eVI f( bwaxer, wa the day prribcrcd, that ha augW But dW bia predict. . . " That aracto nf mortal aw4 wouiiraJ wtslnsa. Lard Bacoia hi chapter wpoa ProcaWira, apankmg of aandcra aredjctjoos aae nroeheciea, aaral "My judiwewt ia, that tWy sxt nil le be ewawiavi; for bey bare done much saatchtnl. I see assay nevwre law made, t awppreu them. Tba which balk rive them aome wrac and soaae CTAi,caaaistafb ia three things. First that noa eanrk whoa I hey ait, but never mark whea they eaeaa, m they eo ruv. Tbe eecooj M tbat avows Me conjoc- lure or obveure traditions away Uaau tor thom- vee out aropliociee. The third and last (which ia the groat awe) ia, that alaaoat all mt them, being Miboite ia wain ber, have beoa laapoatwrea, and by idle aad crafty bratn anerrly contrived and feigned Iter tbe event reaeed. MU1UWK AT A LOMW.N BALL !urMg hi atay ia Laamhaa, a graod fancy ball ae man uradi was pA sp wah r"l afJeodor, and aataarrowWy attwwded by lb aubiUiv aad rotry. Captaja Crsat, at the iostance ef aVlnrt Mir, waa ak peeorwt, dressed ia the aoatwiwe af hi nation, woamg ae aaaah, hot pointing ana half of hi face. Urn iUiasa ajodJed M pfawdly ia bia rap a tbor tba blsod ef a bwndred rercw cmurd lhrouh bat eae,aad bteleaaahawk gtwtered ia hat girdle Ik twrnsahs sdver. TLwr waa, It in In gay ned rDsn tferoav a atatct Turkish diploma of big roak, aecoitipssUd by two boons, whose atiee- taoa wu partirwUrly a (tract ad by hi singular and, u be wpfod, fantastic attire. Tee pigment waa brOlma u the imagmalum could aVeir, but among ibe whole aaody throng el pilgrim and warrior, bermea and nbepbaroV, amgbta, aanwela, and gip. aite, thor wu le tbe eve of the Mussulman, ao character a patterese, and atnkieg aa that of Ibe tat a a a'a a.' a. i al Hwaawa, watca, aetng waiurai, appsaran ie aw in beat eaede aw. II eerwt tatted tba chief vary cloaefy, and aaaataking bi rouge at aolr eamplei ta for oaiwlad viaur, the Tark took tb liberty ef attaaaptinf te handle hi noes. Brant bad, of coawan, walarhod the working of bia eWrvatioa, aod fell ia the Imsm ef a Utile aporU Neaoaoer, laeiwfare, bad lliaaaa touched bat fecial point of honor, anew the mutate idea that at waa of ae better material tbaa the parchmawt ansa of tbe Stroabarg rrapetr, tbaa lb ChiaAaia mad the bal retimed with the appalling war whoop, aad at tbe am iawtaet the tomahawk leaped from his .HrirJU, aod taihad aroawd the aatoouhoj MawauJ. I . a a. a a . a . a- a . maa aae at lauaisa ni fona mnaier, im Duiian, ia a miawia . would b relieved from any for. thor UwaU la tb mntmr f takmg it & Buch a pamhag aod frightfoj cry bad never before rung Ibrwarh that aalooa of lasbirja, and breaking aod- donly, aad with etartUay wiUnaos, apoalba rare of the merry throng, ita rfloct wu proJigiooa. in Tark AimeeH trembled with terror f while the le. aaale meikare the gt!e hepardeawM and fortune leCiog cream, Terka, Jew, and gipsiea, bear load, are and their bsara, Falatafla, friara, and fortuo teOora, Sultana, aerate, and CuwmMuea, abriehed, ae ran sited, aod arwioad away ar thoufh the Me bewka bed bnAee iwt lb foative bad ia a bodv. Tba aaatter, however, wu Bona ipleiqed and tne incident wae accounted a happy a the end u it wu adrietly eanrted by the good humored Mo. hawkvUrr' lift fBrvU." ... yTURAL, moaning of the wind mo.,bedSnt AjreMj! great waa my terror leat it abould give way beoosih i-mt mdicaliMr n.iriKT-.Tr'triii ZZZ lTt me : but I readied the snore ia uMv aod drooped me : but I readied the Hore ia aafety and dropped down completely eibaueted by fatigue." 'jt Smalled Ambition fbat we ever ace die played ie that of tome young men whoa highest avpinttion appears to be that they may be recog nized a celebrated ia their small circle a accom pliahed bullies and rowdies. Tbe boot black who can turn out a pair of trackers with an nociception, able polish tb street aweeper who can challenge competition in the mysterioui fancy work of brush tag round a pet, have each a eomelhing of which they may reason ibly be proud. "Honor and thame,L the poet uye every body remembers tbe quotation. But the man who. willingly fore goes respectability, and turn hi back upon oppor. tunitie to become a decent and respectable ciiisen, for the pleasure and fame of brawl and gutter ec eeotpcitiet, i just fit for the low erale he occupiea. There can be no lowers JV. Y. Sum. IViaa men mine le .iiioocenl mirth with their mm iff WWII HJH IMI y.t fip, HKU "'ft'"- " ' d.t!IT 01 'i "d beaan to feel a eort of frantic . can, aa a bob either to foriret them or to over. J lA":." ""ggling against the caruring blasts, come them. But to be iotempnrata for the eaaa of F a iuj (mo fnAsnss..... a a. a 1 LIM H.J..U ' -iMwiua running a long to bnok ot one t miad, is to cure ineuncnuiy vj nwuuoav Rom in tit (liw CrwmryAQ I knew ia what wiiaeeaed toward tbe and nf the snort. Never before did I behold auch a form, nor each feats ef strenrtb I lie waa another llerrale. It wu rw- mored be wuCrwm the fotvwte of Cerwooy. If you will believe it, whet I eearce can, though I asar it, ha fought aocreoaively wUh oil af Sosm's beat men, and one after another, bid thorn all aprasi mf. A aeventh wa the -t apoa bit, he having ao line la breatbe, or eve drink. Many, bowev- er, cried out against this. Bjt Roumns, yoa know. like aut to have their fun epoilei, aw the aaveatb wu taken off. A every one foresaw, this wu loo much, by joat awe, for the her hot befoht de. perately, and at m believed Soma a mmn got pwane be will never recover from. Jle wu son, bowev r, oa hi knee, aad tbea oa bia back. Urn word of hi anUgnoiat nt bi throat, be lying kke a gasping bah, at hie mercy wno waited tbe plea sure of tbe apocUtor n mainont bdor h struck. Tbea wu there a groat aborning aB over the the, ire ia hie behalf, besklea aaaking the aign le spare him. But just at tbe aaoment, u for bim iO for tune would have it.eom poltroo cried out, with a voice that went all over the theatre, The dog i a Christ ia f Whereupon kke fcghtuing every Ibunth up, ana dowa plunged trie nwora ime tn nec twrwiterrinon aeeax wua i v,:i iaee eta- ry day, there ie email virtu ia being a Christian. It ia every way dangerous. If a thief runt through tbe etreete, the enr at, A Christina I CVriatisu f II a man ia murdered, tbey who did at acrau aom neighboring Christian, and be die for it. If a Cbriatiaa fell into tb Tiber, anea look ea him u oa a drowning dog. If be slip or fell ia a crowd. they will iaeln to trample him I death. If be at aick Of poor, none hot bia ewa tribe will help bin. Even the Jaw deapwe bim, and apita wpow lu gown aa be peaem. What rot the love of contempt and death can make eoe a Chrietiaa, t bard to Had that captive bee other tba a Christ inn, iWS he would not have folic u be did. Lttttrt from Rom. Iiliukig.-ku Irish drummer, whoa and rosy cheek gave notice tbat be aow aad the indulired a amczia of right food voters, waa ac costed by tbe mspecting general. , " What awake your foe aa red, eirl "ITase yoor honor,' re plied Fat. " I ajwaya blusbee wbea 1 apak to a general MaceM ' " - fram tit Jfijiturt &twtlj Atoa. TUE LOAFEI A SOLILOQUY. a :. trLM I, I. .l.f.rltil aod it pimmita m ef atModaoce, but I caa'l aay 1 kke l hose hooka, ihev are a annoyance to tbe cov- erwf ef the beads anine, however, I a shocking a. . a a a bad bat. Irene at ine weeki w b ica Mve nung nere w BaTW aao. wall d reward (I eat't nv ae murh af myself) I would wave ioviutin and fell to I bat cwreawoy. 1 feel rather chilly I wiQ make a pWosnpnical etpenmewt, and see if I ber it any heal i aaaoajmwe; there certainly abould be, for ebe borrowe ber b'rhl from the sun, and It would be a pity af ah didn't got a little beat along with il I Tbey aay Ibe mnoa ie mnaoiieo, I wonoer u nnr Mir. lowlv. aliaeooaoial Oevii I nere, una mm, is looking at Ihia dark colored planet There ia aaore Mat arareciatioa of merit in the moon, or any other plsoat than oa ibie uo. I have aeea a more loaler-loohin eatlemaa tbaa I am, clothe and all, s . a ta at the bar before aow, and our irgteiativ nan ar full af them. . There i ae coming at merit from outside appearance. Now I. f if inaunce, look aa ragged u a abeH-Urk hickory bet I bava a ami u hag u tbe urkt house. ' Troubl and love, and whisker, if it new, will deprave a man no matter where be graduate; but I am ion proua to peg, ana a ktth) torn laty to pound atone. There i no chance for the daaplay of genius in any thing Mr. Mc Adam bsa left fisr hai suoceaoir it ie eerviie imilalion be wonli eioect of as. 1 would try poetry if I could borrow a garret aa a(tie I abould say, to be clae-tc for tne social qualities my heart. I would imitate Cincinnalua and go to agri culture, hut IU wuit until worn of-4bao agrariaiia are eetnnted with Ibe dhtfributioa of he auhdivi. none nf the publicdofnatn. I wish 1 bad been a Matt wbea lb awrpkm-wu distributed. I thou Id have bee rich now. aod unembarrateed with poor kin. I cannot account for Ibe bad taste of ibe muwquitoo, for if 'bey were to go a little farther tbey would Cr betir. and tun on the rich blood of a well fed gentleman . he would never mist a quart, I bava aooa to spare Inue n ie ine wnow worm ia pit ing at me ! and the coroner will, in all probability, pay m ibe bat V wit. The dread of hi oppress ively p Jite aitentlona will drive me to reformation M spite of my vagrant habit. Ml will abjnremek, bra cleau, take phveie twice a weh," and become a temperance lecturer, and then I hall make a afATnfeiraXBr have nrfcrre m iociudine a converted Jew. There is only one atep from the ridtculoua to tbe sublime ; converted, mvcrted eubverted." .' i aat 'lWira-EnElBnd ia Leginning to be unea- ty about her East India poowasion. Kusma has ca phi red tb important city of Teheran, ia Persia, nod it may not be long before tbe Buajan Army aaay be permitted to marcu to ine connnr oi inai Empire. England, in reference to these gigantic strides of tbe A itocral, bu induced .Mehemet Afi to eettle bi diSerence with Turkey. A rail road will be made from Cairo to tbe Red Sea, which will be navigated by Bteamboata to Bb!mawM and aeroaa tbe Indian Ocean, ao that with eamer from England to Etrypt, tba British can throw in troopa Indta ia blty oay. . , , : .. ; w ITr snaT fe The diflereoce between war sad Bone bu bee wall defined by one of the an- cMsiii-" In tba tuna of peace the aun bury their fathers; ta tbe tiro ef war the talbera bury their ' IMrk'OVEilL'VT Of LANft, Bafore wa pruouad lu duUiI lb lew aaodva of im proving land, per bap M will first be proper le ins, las tnuu practice which kavw eocnbtord to nro. eoe Ut dewtructiuw ta avoer that fenwar may Sore clearly see the propriety of abiadooing Ihem, and of adopting tbe aaado to to propMad for it rvuovatioa and Wiptuvemoat. ? The first csum, or to fowwLtiua af all ike pra. lieu which bav avideatly toaded le the impovrr ' iabmeol of mr lands, kaa aria from a aoiacimccp. lioaia farmer u to tbe true suatneM (agriculture, ll enuuld Mver be forguitoa, that it ia the office ot agriculture, u aa art, to improve, instead o im. . . L i IV . t . t purarM tan. i u Ui principw duly imnreawHl oa mmd and properly attondod to, it would ow change the face of the country, from wtertihty to fruitUiocaa, and bestow apo it culuvaiora pbwty tod hppoass, iostasd of misery aod eanU "Ana improv the work of nature. W hea tbey iniur it. . I hay are wot art, but barbarous cuatueu. It ia tb boat net J arricultur. aa an art. not to immiv. rith, but to fertihu tb ami, aad make it mora aanful than ia its naUraJ slats. - I'mm iki. mm Aim. ouvr thai farmer bava for two centuriu pant been pursuing agriculture, but u aa art, but a bariarou cuaUxa for it ia a foct, that land ia their natural tut,r for mora valuabl, than tboa which have andcrgooe tba habit of agriculture, tf which mi graliun ar completa wouta." Vahm tartner are fully impressed with tb ae. mity of atteodinf to the priacipbs tbat M it ia the boaiiatwj of arncujiur to improv. btattatdof im- povarwh land,' it will be aeedloa. to point out aay aaodu of improving land, u tkey would be diaiw gardod aad aeflected, u Ihey bava bervtofore been. It ia high lim for former to rearue their profetv aioa from that deebne and degradatioa ander which it bu ao long languished and to Conatder aod pur euo it m aa art Capable of ibe bigUeat improvement, aod not only worthy of their attention, but of the talant and attainment of our widest ine. . Tbe system uf Ullage, which ha generally been pursued under the aame of the three-shift ayetem, nu awo tenon greauy io ine fleat ruction of our' landa. Thi B) steal ia ladiaa corn, wheat pasture under it, the gteat bodv of the farm receive no manure, and ne ret and lb result it, that tiu phraaa M tba land ia billed and must he'luroed out," liu become commoa ever a groat portion of th United ckalee. ll will be granted by every reader, that Loth In diae eora and wheat are eihausting croa; there tnnrjwf course, reruaia no dou'ot. hot that ihm av- tern impoveruiliee ud two year in ibiee. Ibe only question Ibe is, whether this boa will be coiiipenaated, by grating the field bare during the third fur. From wbeoce ie thie recompense to com f Tb ground being lone and ojmii by re cent tillage, and unprotected by a atrong award, U iiioaed to all the injury the tooth and the boocan inflict. The stick are turned ia 11 vegetal km it eat ofT, and the ground it M Hod to ileath,' b which it pores are closed to all refreahmeott from the at. mosphere, and it naked wirface et posed to the heat ef a summer a Bun, which it able to pierce aod et pel from itself. The aame land ia again put in corn, and andergou the aame ayatam of ullage, by which it i eoon destroyed. Thia tbree-shili mstero bu only on merit honesty. Ia theory il prorniar? to kill our Ian!! In practice it fulfils its nromiee.' ' Tb neglect of inanuret. Nothing has more be Irayed a want either of industry r of sirriculturar tkiil among far mora, than their great neglect of ma.' nure. Instead of pursuing th ouly rational mod for bavins a flourishing system of agriculture, that nf giving to tb earth a much or more than they Uk from it they hiv, on tin contrary, coo linued to citracl eihautting crone from the earth almost every year, without bestowing upon it hardly one dust of mauure in return. Under auch a ay, torn aa this, the richest ground in the world would fin-illy be impoverished and tendered unproductive.' Injudiciwie culture. A much land bu been more speedily deatroyed by wsahing, arising from injud'r ciou culture, a perliapa lixim any oilier cause whatever. If we cast our eye over the conntry, we a ball find tbat all hilly land that bava been any lime ia cultivation, are sterile, not ao much by the crope cultivated thereon, aa by the aoil itaelf beins removed by washing. 1 his evil ha principally arisen from th practice of (hallow ploughing. " If ever a material reformation take pluce in our sy tern ofagriculiure, it will cbieQy be fiwoded on deep and horizontal ploughing. Id North Carolina, it ua been found that the ef fect of shallow ploughing on billy lands terminate in the deal ruction of the toil. lu the i proved die- tiict of Virginia, it is found from experience, that ' when deep and horizontal ploughing ar combined tiSey-effrct ually, pre rent laud Lan kahiiig,audavil. which had heretofore been so much dreaded. la fine, tocQect the improvement of our lands, I. would propose, that the svafeia by which they have bee reduced to their present state of poverty, be in all point revereed. -.,-.,', , They have been reduced principally by shallow ploughing, au ill ctrisen rotation of cropland a to- tal neglect of manures. Let them be recruited by deep and hornxilal ploughing, a favorable rotation of crops, and all the manure whieh the moat skilful aod industnou management will aUord. , ' THE MAIN OBJECTS Of (arming ire, or should be, two fold, vizi let. The greatest nett profit, with reforctice, however, SJly, to Ihe improvement, or at leant to the prefer, vaiion of the fertility, of the toil, lie that wear out hi laud, by a parsimonious stinting of manure and labor, and close croping, with a vie to pre aent gain, may be compared to tha intemperatn man who part with his last cow, that fed hie fami ly, to gratify intemperate indulgem-i. While good land pay alwaya a liberal reward to labor, poor load often begstr it proprietor. Th fia't .

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