Willi klum.ls l-yrratf Lay ( .' !(, t U wU sprii.lM '!, Uv t. i ,j lift ir. ,,uli.rfi, jug will f,,, !lt Ih i ftliMi wMi-l t -J Will ha foully ant.aixnl, (! thai yimr ralll sal i.Vm m (l.Ijr s llioy d'tilnir !., ! if llfjf be i4 a eulriU.!, thry i I U (ri U, J if J, si rJi, Subafsniial winter f.xl, irri!UI) OP AKT.JTTAlM.Vrj TUB tVPUIIT Of CATTIX VVJIII.B IJVI.NU This is of ih Mllui4 Otd.ly til Ihtrn whose ot sip)rienrd pidg-s by lit eye, and by the M. Jawing dirxlurfw IU t-ihl be rrrii within or If ,ft. Taka a Hung, pol II vmnW Ua Wnarf, t.atx1in( aa'tara, m4 U hind lH Iimj.I.t Mada ( utaamra im iA iu',f lha f -H sod i(irlta tha lomial la i'eitainft!rw ilua la rlW ilia flrlb iIxmi itli lk alf ir fr'mi h Ua IV iKa Uil ahkh bluma lrn tin ith lto hirdrf fl iU Mii I 4ti !) alin ih Iwrk Mi iha irprl a Iba kiiMiMnr-MaiM J la U.a dt tnaiMfixia mi lha f4 rla u Ud-rr, which if IM bnifltt, and avorh 11 r'ura in lit fll.iinj man. nari firib of lha Lulloik.a f r I inchf j (vtigili, A tV( 3 inehaa liirb mulnplil logriUr, mnka 8 aquara ttfick Ui ilm jii uk(1(IiIhnI fcy 33 (ilia BnaUar of pounda- all-d la aarli aopaf. fkial fjo4 of all catila mtaaniinf Iraa (hurt aan and morv than 15 a P in firth,) nk 713 Ha, ndallttiAf 14 lU. tolltaatiKia, i6Ua1uit 131', Whra Iba aninial nvaaiin'a iaa than nina a ad tnrtr ihan Mm fH in tirth, 31 k ll.a aumlir f pnuttda to aarli auprrfW Ul tA. A tin, auppaM or any ainafl Vl l"uM mriiiB t IW ia ginb and lo frv( along Iba Uck, h b noliiJtrd lKf)ber, makra tvt mttt Cnrl J lhal mulitlid by cbivan, lha fiumbar of pounda allowed for rub iir luof of rani nitaaitrint; Iimm than ibrM in girth, make 41 H which dii l. d by M. lrioy il 10 a'w ia Ihra Uooa lo pouiHla. Ajin, nip $ calf, abfYtVe aho il-l maaur fur f't an jnehea in glnh, and Ihrra fcel oua inrUa in kmgih, which multiilied Ingribar, makaa aiilaan and half 3'ra Iret thai Riulliptiad by aiilrao, lha Dumber pound allowed In all eaiila maaauring (ea I Kan fjva P!. and morf than Ihrm in girth, iMkn VP 4 pounds which divided by fxirti-rn, In bring it iirfo tUnyt, ia igliiars att pa iMKinda. jm di monalmrt of lha girth and length of btark calilr, ahap, calrea, or bnga, inay ha aa aaaxly Ukmi ihia way, aa la at all neraaaarjr fofjiriy cxnpuUtKr ar viluilioo of Hock, and will anawar aiafllv !i the Pwr quarter, ainking lha oflal, attd which ererv mil arkn ran ! irm IJl iJt rtulk ma aaail Mrfurm. ' A'cTndiKiioo miat t rmiHa fur a half ii(um ocaai, w ona atone in twenty, Pom inai or a (at ona ; and ff a ew thai had Calvea, ona adma muat h fclUwd,aJd am4W (uf M being properly a . a at . at MORAL' DEPARTMENT. AS EXEMPLIFICATION bP TRUE C1IRWTIAN Tha PrfbHirini line of Pnpa, w ' ." - Aa hooeet eian'a Iba bobleet work of God" baa bfen pronounced unworthy of lhal celebrated poet, foreatnucb aa hooeet y ia but a vulgar, virtue, aa common ta tha roeaneej aa In Iba gieateat abili Ilea. . Itoueaty, though commendable, ia g far frixe being ona of Iba noUbt of human quuliliee, thai tha horwat oian may , neverlheleaa, bo but a plain aimple man, of contracted intellect, of fory litlle OiKicatKm, am) of a low fonJition. 71 lha no bleat work of God Fy upon euch umenee f Now, to adjii ihia mutter between Ihe poet and I :.!. . -il L - . . i iim criiMi, win ue ik' rr wary in iahe a rurenry view or IM tiiuererrl ataniarla of buneaty, accor ding In. on or other of whirh, reputedly hHMal nien.tquara their conduct. and adjiiat tho di(F rrut briraiiilc bf which thev are owrned. f" ' - len adinolnnr act Imtieatly frum licy, rnther than from a princjle ut probity. Ttiey blteve, ana believe aright, Hml Mlioneaty ia lha bet pli cy." Accordiug to t Hi aooiid inaxim, they niean to act, and Ihey greatly niHl Ihtir nronint iii it. In aliort, none are wiaer in their generation than thoaa who are hnnnat alloffeiher fmrn policy. IV hi la eamfullu iniiuliu Ia kiwn haiwanl' within ...... n i i. the heda of llie law, they, without jnerey or pity, tnha rvrry advantage tout lha law will let Ihein. rlioev are ymir hard honest men, who am honnal merely for Ibeir own enrol y and profit, and are jut a aeltiih in their bonealy aa in evry tlnog clue. True enmigh, ihe port ia worthy of reprrheiiaion if be meant the in. But ifwxiph ihe fear id diagrace or puniahmerrt, and the desire of a fnir chnradrr, may gie utnn to a creditable but font meted and apuxioua kind of hnncely, which haa in it nothing of the dignity of virtue ; ytt lha lruly,.boneat man, however low in circuiiiMunrca or mcaji in porta, i one of Virtue a nobility. . - - The truly tioneat man wnutd be Just aa hmeat without law a ilh il. Qukled by the pannnmint authority of conscience, he neither withholds aught nor eaacls aught on the mere plea that civij biw ia on hia aule. The Irulv honed man (a he who makes it a ear. dinal point 1 do 10 others aa be would be done un to and who uecid- with justice, when eelf-into real and joatioo are in opplle ecalfe, , , w. . The truly honest mail e never oalmitatinus of hia hont'nty.. Ostentation of it isalwayaan ill sign! it look like pntlin; on a natch to hue a blotch. . Hut enough of definition. O.io goodXarnple is worth a sooroof dchintions nnq the (illowitig ex ample all will allow to be a god uoeTho aocc. dote is given in el,, 'ierre a Muiiu s or nture t. . t .i.- i :' r - r cavalry waa ordered out on a foraging ptrtv. ld put hiinaelf at the head of bis trnos, ami iunrt:heil lo the quarter aliened him, It was a aohtqry l try in which hardly any Uting but wihmU could be. eeen. In the midst if it slocxl a lutlo counsel on perceiving il, he went up and kn-kfJ al ihe dnr; out cornea an ancient (lernouten, with a beard t-il vered by age. Father, . aaya the ouiee, ilinw me field where I Can set my trop a'.f mgiuit Presently replied the-Ileirnonteti. r Tiie good old man walked before, and conducted theiil out of Ihe valley, AlW a quarter of an hour's rfiarch, (hey found k fine field of barley i TTere ia the rery thing we want," any the captain.1 'Mlnvf putionce for a few miniitfta," rept)' his guide, " and you shell be salisfied.! They went on, and at the distance of ajxiut. a quarter of a league farther, they arrived at another ftnld of barley, Tha troop immediately dismounted, cut down the grain, trui cd it up, arid ra mounted. ' Tha officer, upou this, soya to. hia couduclor, Father, yot have, given Of tha Monvian aVst dbmntonly called the United brethren, . . ll) I (Jr.fi. tjuf jr fm,! !f ', f , .( (V I ! ti. t.h b rll.au !i.i4." Very ii, Hif," fej.!,J !), 'k J u' I Umii, " Uil il n I ton." fa b sn r nii.j '. id h "i-'y, 1 f'(l, U 'fth art ejf ll. JrfS we (Hit (1 b- nHi rfi ol IxMMctjr, til il as H wr niUaltnL . Ilrs we rtwM ih ipreaa firm end tM( f rruirMi irlisa Kxrly, acting cm ti principle of lovii'J !' teRlibuf at fx' rt. And what though ilia MrnpUr wsssAoWuresttd lowly Own, diaiinjuiahad M-H Ur fW parts 'in lft"J f Is It rt'fil frame id bis nood lUra l ,Ui.rsif b-sriilv rijinj a notjaueas fr "nuf te an warn! natural put, which Ulonj r1'!?. - ,0 tn4 ,h ?"r Compare Ihia hnUa llarttmiten, of Mnrafiaa, nb Iba illuat rvma ebiaftama wht ltt4 ha lhal lie rme war, and whaM bbtody dtde are emUa pmm4 tm lha peg of hteury Compara hiadiain lereeenee with ibeir anlAaKoe bie philanthro py with tbt-ir greedy atartce and frll aniUtHm hia leoder and arrupubaM regard to Iba HgbU of hia neighbor with their unfeeling epinl of plurwW and raitei -anj j'idjja which party ia etmitod (o at and higher on the teak of ganuifM mutr lb of lha beat eeligtnoe cotifMiune ailanl, la lhal of Zaehe a rich publican, who probable had beet wA a little dieboA4 and eiirtionue i M LnH, ona half of my gooda I glra to lha poor, and if I have lakra any thing from any mail by falea tttif ealinn, 1 reetora him tMr tuld.M Tbla ia pntrtieml ofth"daiy( ' - I " " ' 1 '1 MISCELLANEOUS LNTTiXIQENCE. Um Of T1JRKE 8TEAMB0ATA - llsarnu, Oct 3. The Bteambuala RoJIi, Csar, and Governor Dmlge, are lying within a lew yards el each other, abuot 1 10 Miles above Memphis, al Need ham' cut oil, the ItolU and Uudge aotirwly lost with Ibeir esr. goes, aad the Caar with but faint prospect of be mg raised. They each struck the saw enag. The IM i Ddge and Csar are awnod by tha aame eonv r, and the ra aeema to ha remarkabla) coinci paay deuce U their histories. They were launched within twu days of each' other, left port within we daya of each other, sunk within two day of each ether, and now lie abmrt Ihe aame distance apart aa when building. The Governor IMge as a new and elegant boat of the flrvt rlaaa, freight, ed with lend. The Cur waa from Ixoiavilla. The psjaaengera on the Kolla kwt their trunks and every thing but what they stood in, the boat sunk so soon. One life waa lost. Tbe Governor Dodge broke in two. 8he waa M last rriday or Satur day, the Rolla about ten daya since, and the Csar but a lew daya since. irrf. Ckrrokte F.migfatim.1f Hairs Buaby bead, Iliina, and lUtnjns dulacbments, conaiating of one thousand each, are on I lie road lo their new home, t'oteman's dulaelinieul will start from Candy's Creek on nest Monday. Brown's and Taylor's do. UchiHriils recently encamped tr-r this place, have rendevnuxed al Venn preparatory to their depar ture in Ihe course of nest week There remains (our other dotarhments, which il ia thought will getofl by Ihe 19ih. W are inC Mined thai Ihe health and condition of the Indiana ia much Improved from llie circunv slanre of lha whooping cough and meaalea having passed through them, and lha relation ol Ihe aum titer eoiiiplainie by lle approach of ihe lull season. Our JN'arji. The United State are Ihe second among commerrial nations, and will soon he ihe first. Their tonnage exceeds lhal of any other na tion, exorpting Great Britain, and will, io less than twenty years, perhaps teneseoed that. This ton nage is senile red over Ihe whole world for not a port rsn be found where an American ve is not seen in the courso of a year and in all the princi pal porta they are lo be eeen al al limes. Vet lo protect this great commerce, our navy is the small- em in the world I h very nation that professes to be maratime, even little IV-nnwrk, with half of the natural rewureea of Massachusetts, and little. Hol land with a tenth of the natural of Penn sylvania, baa a more powerful navy llian the Vailed oiutes, j'Aiiaariyiaia iragtr. FURIOUS ATTACK O.V MR. VAN AM BURGH, ,Or ASTXEY'd AJiPUlTllKATttE BY ONE OF Since Wedneaibiy lost the' principal lopic of eon- versalroii iu the theatrical world has been the fun ous attack made on Mr. Van A tn burgh, whose ei hibition at Aslley's Royal Amphitheatre of lions, tigers, leopards and and other animal of the (Wrest, in I lis grand aookigienl speclaclo entitled the M Lion Conqueror of Pompeii," has excited within these few d'V past so much public atlviniioq. Mr. Van Aniburg ha been styled by Ihe pkilogti of Ihe above equestrian establishment a Ihe brute tamer, ml certainly the appellation ia well applied aa ihe fal lowing daring feat will prove, for norar waa 'the eourage or the presence of mind of mnn put to a pneverer teat. rrero the informalion obtained by our reporter yeaterdny, fVnru an authentic source it appear that ou Wednesdnv Inst a rehearml was goinj on in the circn o I lie theatre; when M f yen Ainhurh, wiahing one or bi ttgera to pcrlorm a cnitnin leal, which the aniinnl waa utterly unable or unwilling lo accomplish, had recourse to severe corporeal nuniiihmenl, which chnstieement he in Dieted with a large horsewhip. Smarting' under the pain of (he laah, (lie animal became in-en- ul, and aiiildenly aerangnpnn MrrVaji- who instantly wnahurlod with violence to the- grouno from the streiiglh and weight of his incensed aasai Innl. Mr Van Amhurgh w!io is of Herculean ease and pofseesing extraordinary muscular power, in staiitly perceived the intention of the animal, which was that of tearing him to piece, and with tha courage and presence of mind which few men pos ess, eis"d hia foe by tho tip of the lower ;tw, and thus pinioned him a a bull dog would an ox at a Unit. A long and fearful struggle now ensued, in the course of which both Ihe man end the tiger rol- lod ovar several lime. At length Mr. Van Amborg got the hotter of hia foe by throwing him on bis bark, atthe same time kneeling oh his atumnch, ami, with bis other hnnd, which was till nowun engaged, commenced, striking the postrate animal with hi clenched Gut, the blows following in 0'iick succeMion, over the head, face and parlioolrtrl v the nose, until the blood (lowed from the subdued ani mal who here quivered nnder the graap of hi con- queror. At length nr. Van Amourgi perceiving that he hnd eowplelelv overcome him, rektased his hold, and the animal finding himself at liberty, re. tired a short distance front his master, and crouched rnj froll lt.l fh . ' "I it Irf-r I " iiir l n.:it ha Lait r nvrtl, II I . . . . Ilttfordiwt Hi mrmlkt. The siu-nlar r- pa i In t La h'rawara a future utiMin lwlwrVn le aotsa l,te, in awni instances, beam aurprMtng. Tle Mowing, which cams wnbia) my kwllg", is isrbapsiNte of lha rrx singular Mr. , a briabar olhcer of mios. wan a na of laeilurn and letirvd habit seldom frequented publie place of amusement, and whm there, b it any thing imi grai. location. One evening after "rfi b bw. ever, prevailed upoa lo go to ball. We bad not been hmg in the room, whm, lo my utter surprise, he expressed great admiration of a young lady who waa dancing ( and what si ill mora amaxed ua, be engaged hr to dine. Buch an act of apparent levity on kia part ttrurk ua as a siugulstity, which might have been attributed in aa unusual indulgence al table, hod not lb contrary been the ra, Ut be waareinarkaUy (balamiou. The dance wasaearce ly' over when be came to me, and lold me wih a look of aWg dMpnndency thai hi bwely partner was a married woman. The tone of sadness in which be addressed me waa truly Microns. A lew minute after he left ihe bell room. The strange neas of bis conduct hid n to fnar lhal his mind was but altogether in a suund stale; but I was confirmed in my si'prebeneion when lie told me ihe pillowing morning that be wa convinced lie should he mar ried lo lb object of bi adiniralion, wboae husband was a young ami healthy clergyman in lh neigh borhood. Here mailers rested, sod we polk weol sbrosd. VV did not nieet until three year after, when, to my surprise, I found that bis prediction bad beeq verified. 1 ' j 11 . I Tb Lady's husband bad died from a fall from hia bdrae, and the par lie were married' Bui, what rendered ibis circumstance) still more strange ia, that a aimilar preacotimenl was experienced by ihe young lady, who, on returning from Ihe ball, men tioned lo her sister with much emotion, thai she had dnnced with a stranger to whom she foil con vinced that she wa destined M be married. Tbe conviction embtttarad every momeut of ber life, as, despite of her most strenuous endeavors, ah eould not dismiss I Le atmngor from ber constant thoughts, rebicilaiilly yiebhng to the hope of seeing bim gain. it!inlon't MtJiral Expert. For the purpose of giving our distsnt friends some idea of the importance of New Orleans in a commercial point of view, we have made a synop sis from M. Levy's annual statement," by whtrh il appeata lhat there was received in this city from, Ihe interior, during Ihe last jeer. , 730.0OU bales of Cotton. 40.000 hogs heads of tobacco. .. 810,000 barreUTloor. ; , 60,000 hngiheads Bugar. 40,000 hogaheads Molasse. , 150,000 barrel Pork. , . 12,000 hogsheads Bjcoo. 6,&O0 hogsheads Hams. fiO.OOO cut bulk Pork. CVI.OOO kegs Lard. , 50,000 pieces Bagging. ' 60,000 coil Rope. ' 70,000 barrel Corn. " 400,000 bushels do. 410,000 barrel Beef. .310,000 pig Lead. . 50,000 barrel Whiskey. 0,000 barrels Hum. 100.000 barrels Coal. . ' 8.000 bale Buffalo Robes, 50.000 boles Hay. l3t,WW Hides,- ; ' ' 3,000 pack deer Skins. 2,000 kegs Shot. ' ", ' 600 UlesFurs. ' 3,000 ton pig Iron. 500 csak Max -seed. 400 barrel linseed Oil . 300 bartela castor Oil. '8,000 bale Spanish Mow. 300,000 Staves. - - " ' 33,000 Iwrel' Apples,' . 3.000 bbliCorn Meal, 1 1,500 cfluk Cheese. 1,600 barrel Cider, ' ; ; It 800 boxes Candles.": " ' : 23,000 barralli Oats. " " ; -J5.000 barsul Potatoes. The above list contain only the leading arti cle, and such too, thai arrived in steam and Oat boats lhat madq their manifests public. Id many instance, large amounts, arrived, of which no ac count i taken. . We have enumerated enough, however lo proiluce, at prdinary prices, Ihe enor. moua sum of seventy-five millions of dollars, and Iu convince Ihe nvol incredulous that ? the country u not quttt ruined.. V. O. jJuluh,,, Y'l rVeasVa MlnM UrnM?" extsact or LrrTExrxon ota corsmpodiSt. 1'anrrtaW U profit a man if he eatm f Ae whole trorld and e A oips ion,", was the text of a ser mon preached ia Alexandria, nbout the first of May last, by the Rev. Bishop Meade, of Virginia. The sermon was on the suhjeel of dAlling, ami was, as several' who have heard it assure me, a rongh one. Directly in front of the speaker an I a tall pah) man, of most singular aspect he had one of t hose kind of face that one would remark any where hi age probably did not exceed thirty, but a certain hag gard Joolrproclaimed him one upon whose brow ei ther difippation or the indulgence bf violent pas. siona had planted the premature wrinkle, : It was, as yoil will recollect, anon after the mtir der of Ihe undirturwte Cilley, ami that man was Ilenrw A- Wiie, of Virginia t the maii who, what. ever hie guilt may have been, has certainly had to near a great portion ne oniutn m tnei norrible transaction.1 rh contortions Of this unforninale person, under the lash of Ihe speaker, was truly dreadful. ' It was in vain. Mutt he writhed and turn. ed, Ihe relentless preacher pursued him, into every nookeiKt comer -ho opened every secret apart. ment tn the sinner's heart, and thundered forth the he most apalling dennunciations, not only against dua a if arverlv a lii..iiuapr.,ra-raijwai.M.. o.mm.w.-, ,rftu... t)M b ll man An-maa elave boia-r, ami lr,r, iu k,r, , . pay any aiinii.m la lU r..h .mg tUI c.u,trm U II- J''" ' ,UvM ,h- aM dtr.uhU ,4 kmMi U.t, . A r.hr.lifi'-fitiibepUlfdiaG-da-uredb.m ""5 , .U el4 n.Hy wtn that al,. h.4.Ur isa fcl," lU evening, uot.ll tbry a bun ed ,....-!, lb . liy son-'-fe! ,7;, mhlUt .Ji eg of (red-in, ak-miinj ,. U I.U ,n evre iba-isr--,- a- Ufore J-nW .;. ly lr. b,s eyM fro... H J'' derl.r,ng. the th.MC,of b..l,Ur. j,.,,,, I r.rd and H r.l.,ri.,o e,H Mr. V-fffllK wrt "-H ' "1 A-burh lo rebra- b b-4,1. This e.-.u.er dd e.a.K-.. WWd - Z Zf Itd filial Hy-r vj ' H 0.4 a. all idslh. W.rU.nnW,,sof,l-i.vr,,,,S. lining JkriiU,L vlL. -aT.uu :. .in ifetfa . y ,1 ,h . i),ia saitb ba lo boalow, I would or MarriJa. , . . . lnrsometl.inghalwi!lrUihaMWand ' J"" ' lh wilB which thai " My aolJot j-ct in ry .'k at" CI,.,; ; , aai Kii.h lU meal . 5 Li .jr-iUU,-JlixL and my prawrvit l.jl, i. to ruuaa ffi tnat?,,-. ,t .im:f. I t V'.A std crniH !,e l-! S'vl ahrlt'lfl in.l-y lun.a, ll.a roi- ....i :.ra, lit iuraa tri ' lis did not ehAllsnge IM IJiawop, I retired end wrote not t ktm, to know what b mnl by Is-hmg htm in Bwrhj an iotempersle maimer, end drswmg lbs eye of lias wbole cgre. gain upon klml and IT ke Ib'Wgbl il k" 4J inaull se piUidy in Ibsl manner.r The Bmh. , to whom Wise waa a stronger, snd bo did not knew lhat be was in church, sent kin bis sermon, which wss dated fifteen yr brforsl Biahop Meade, who unite laWrtit of high order with in sbnoat infantile simpUiiy of manner, re. marked afterwards, thai it was n most anfortunale sermon l thai be never kad preached it without oo-Mbody taking it to themselvee that juat after, Henry Clay had t-JCht duel, be look U to hi self. Verily," said a good old man wbe eat by, H the wicked foe when ne man pursuslb." MR. frCONXKLL AND MR. rrrEVK-NfiOX. Tela FJUor of tki Marmag CkromrUt 01 s I A fief my depsnere froen London, yon pub. I if lied, si llie ioaiaoeeof Mr. Bteveeson, lb Ameri cas ambassador, S species of almost oiw-eidd cor. repsoanre which took place bet wee a us- I have bees prevented by other more important mailers from sooner making a few oterv-aions opon that pubheation and now, as you gavs it circulation, I ihmk I may rly upon your courtesy lo insert any remarke. la Ihe first place, there bad snpesrsd in 71 asu'arr report.of a speech of enine si the greet Birmingham meeting en lh first af August, which contained the hilowiog paragradi I " believe Ibeir very ambassador ber ia a la ve breeder one of those being who rear up slsves f it ihe purpose of traffic. Nil pnesiblalhal Ameri. ca would send here man Wbe traffics in blood, and who is a di.grace lo human natural. 1 kopt tkt iurrium it a arue, tut if is rigkt to ipttk out." , In Ihe next place. Mr. StsvenwMt, on Ihe 9th of j August, wrote to me 4 letter containing part of the above paragraph that is, be omitted the words which I have put in ilslica, and which manifestly show that the report could not be accurate, as these words made it involve t direct contradiction. And thus, having ascertained lhal the report eould not be correct, he, with the gravity of a diplomatist, put lo me ihe single question, vis : whether the re port wss correct or not! it being thus impossible lhat he should gel any other reply to that question than lhal tbe report was not correct. Of course, I answered his question accordingly, namely, lhat the report was not correct but I re ferred expressly in my reply tn another report of the speech in my possession, imagining that he would, upon such reference, call tor the accurate version. . Thus far it is quite clear that no apology had been required or made. I am no duellist and should therefore, if asked, have staled what 1 really did say, abiding by it only as far aa it waa true, and abandoning it in any particular Hi which it might appear lhat I wa mistakeu. But as I made Mr. Stevenson no apology, be de termined on making on 10 himself, end accordingly he wrote a second letter, and in it primmed that I And SMf a diaweotenf ef ofnutt tiprtuitma. Now, this waa either fancy or diplomacy, I care not which but was aa gratuitous a presumption upon kit part, aa tb reality would have been unne. cesasry upon nunc. However, as my speech iii contain an important passage respecting the horrible traffic, which it is asserted (I hope most omruly) Mf. Sieveneiin parti cipates in, I will stale Ihe paragraph as it was accu rately reported in the Emancipation fiewtpaper. I do Ihia the rather lo aflbrd Mr. Stevenson, whn seem a anxious about offensive words, an opportu nity of disavowing, if he pleases, n lAisr moat of Tensive in the sight of man and io the presence ef iaOd. ; The reel paragraph ia ihii t . . .' " It ia asserted that their very ambassador here ie a elave breeder I one of those beings whn rest and breed up slaves merely lor the purpose of traf fic 1 il possible that America would send a man here who traffics in blood, and who, if be do, would be a disgrace to human nature T I hope the asser tion is untrue but- it is right to spent out." 4 Much was the real passage in my speech. '. I de spse duelling, and mean nothing of what is called personality but I do hope that, as Mr. Stevenson has already rushed into print, he will give the re port which I have above alluded to a "distinct con tradiction.. V ""'.if"':''! '; It is utterly impossible that anything should ei ist more horriblo than the American slave-breeding. The history of it is, The Americontabol. slied the foreign slave trade earlier t han England, but with this consolation no small comf. irt to so money.bving race as the slave holder that by euch abolition they enhanced the price of the slave's tnen in Americn, by stopping the competition in L"5JCTUE-inarani m inn suppty-er- slsves, ' t Why, otherwise, was not home trad stopped as well as Ihejljfreign t The reply is obvious. To supply the hnmeslave-lrade, an abominable, S most hideoua, most crimtrmt, and most" revoltitiB- prwciicew oreemmg negroes exclusively for' tale has sprung up, and especially, we are told, in Vir ginia.- There are breeding plantations for produ cing negroes, ee there are with us breeding farms for producing calves and lambs. And a our calf and lamb bleeders calculate the number of males to the flock or females, similar calculations are made by the traffickera in human flesh One in. stance wo made tn me of inhuman breeding farm in America whkh'was supplied with IwcTmen and twelve women.1 Whv should I nolloi m'n.- ilh a description of all that is immoral and ihf. mous in such praclicesf But only think of the wretched mothers which -l:u. ... 1 "t- .ir ciin-iren cmiaren lorn Irom them for ever just at the period that they could rquite (heir tnotlieralove ! The wretched, wretched mother 1 Who can depict the mother's distraction, her mad nessj !"Buf their maternal feelings," says a Inncfert write!-, treated with a much contemp tuous indifference as tho of the cows and ewes j t li i'"' ' . it,rfPi. . MM i - i aiMrim man - " i ai.l l I!,, J marktt, Thl it I 1 nil wants ma chanci.. . .i-.-j ...r ,".ll ik. I l- i und in svsry sen bf the wrj, irafaawaia, a 4 Zstem of negro slavery in rnii America, i liberste conviction is, lhat until that , , abolished, Arnerkan slave-h4dr nugM M received on a footing of qMlity by any uf II, 6 ilisd iiiliabilanl of l!urope. ,t 1 have lle honor lo be. sir, your oWih DASir.L OmNNtU. Dnrrylane Abbey, Bept. 13, 1SH , THE WESTKIIN CAROLIMW saBBawaaBasBSBaaaBBBaawaHssssaawaw TirvaiOAr Erinun, Ocroan 2 Dji ' Wa observe in Isle number of tb NeVf Spectator, no inquiry addressed lo those Edifa! the state who Attended tho Kditorial Coatsaua r aassntsd to tho revolutions adojited by that baN although w did neither, having becoa 4 necled with lb fraUrnity sine tbe Coovoliai,y u the former ditor of ibe Carolim'to; tioned them by subscribing, w hd com k determination to do the ssme. V vnamlj k done so heretofore sny how, wirpvop xeeptia,ia that, an instance of ihe same character a tbt mentioned by several of our coteinporaries,U cured without due consideration, and from 1 nwi seolalion lhat several other papers in tha stank advsrtissd si a certain price, supposing, at lb pam kkal tbe deductioo hnd been made in eonsre of ihe length of tbe adveiiisemecU Sines) tkjrn currence, thinking 00 tha subject, we bad f jss the determuialion, to adhere strictly to lh letters' Ihe resolutions. However, as wa are 01 lb a ject, we will asy briber, lhat we have not bans particular in arriving al a conclusion, as tokol to these rule, as wa otherwise should ban km because we did not conceive them to be either oi ficienlly ccNnprahenaive,orriptkUiorlbobjea igned to be accomplished by their adoption, tin ra,w suppose,taaeeure le Editors saaas apas lion for their services, and to regulate Ihe Mtn. f 1 entirely agree with our cotemporary of tho "Spern- lor in his views io general j aa lo hi propositi to adopt the regulation of the Mobile pre, w 11 not sure lEat they art exactly euch a wosli b suited to the establiahrneota in our Stale, beinr s hsps rather strict in some points. One thir(,l any rate, it certain, that without some regulati of .the kind, we are subject to constant Inssu, i i absolutely necessary in self defence, thai sonsnn sure should bo adopted for our eecuritv. We will most henr lily concur injptnd strictly Ai to, any that may promise to correct tbe evil skid now exist. Some persons really suppose, flora their cWucf, that Kitw poieWwn rrf eamgon-lik properties, or are at least, a ax' men having most unlimited resource .jand credt; never uking into consideration,the matter of fcet, and what ia more, matter of Cask business, of an ing a newspaper, or jobs. , Wo will wail, and aeejlhe opinions of lb p throughout the State, we hope they will com boldly in favor of a reform, and let us more was- mously. 8odt Cabouka EuctioivV By furtU turns, received since our last of the result of tbt Elections in this State, we learn that Cto1 WaiJy Tkompsom has been re-elected froa tw Greenville Congressional District over Gr. HI' arr his opponent,, by , a majority of ,103.' Thompson was one of the Nullifiors nf 183S,- not only opposed to the Sub-Treasury, but Ihe establishment of National Bank; whick believes io be unconstitutional.' ' He has declH himself decidedly opposed to Mr. Clay's prte sions to the Presidency. j 'Wsj believe'lie vor of Special depoait Sysleej.'ia) PickeaiW' Anderson, (wo of tho districts forming pari ft Congressional District, and in both of which, To roaeived docided' inaiiiritiCT.wi'8tibTrew members were elected to the " Legislature if"1 would indicate that the Congressional Et1"',""1"' not turn altogether on politic. In the Georgetosm District, CoU auti-Sub-Treasury haa beeq re elected by a wj ty of about 300 voice over bis opponent. In the York District, Jamet Roger, ha i elected in the place of Col. Clowiief, who decB! a re-election. - vy ---r- 'y Ma. Rogers is in fuvor of I he SubTreas'1 , 1 -. .1 r ih. r'mmerfi w4x.ki.iaii vu.. . a .1 1 ivj.i Alto vvii Convention. appoinled( to be held io Aogof Fall, has convened ; the last M Sentinel " 'eooW' I m,- f sniril is abroad, and mav it effect an awokenifl throughout the South Virginia is moving " good cause t where is North Carolina, is shs to1 reproached as eld Rip oa ibis subject too! 0 neighbors are all pushing boldly forward toll" shall aa ' 'j c a aiJ I back, and be the last to move T we will see.

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