(" I THE I.STKKN CAROLINIAN'. rtinl Evie, Noat l 11. fc-rtvii MitftwM aaeTatBe. We jtrrrt a, ctMif kit eiohanga, Male mart, f , aaf iMituUcloff WW j a heavy ortUr firoua the North f flne er. i , , uptf 1 fakf mi in conn-xi wiib. t (jyij bug quniii of Cot'oa ym bar bee ,4 ruod Ire tbia Bute to the North, ami taind , ready M pftfarvtx. lo Ihet W their owe i . in . j 1 1 &. earri-""" I 1 Wuira ,eU t k MiSkiill; clnnnj lo ihoae who are (La-ward the AftlopemrtH of Bowl her re ..a,, -d suck u tn i uOri( aeawer lo k nr ! ihe KWiijp of e being all m aiiirl'" B4i.utebl, end Imfowadrtil trad 'ikaerh w oa tpur(fc Let lk Sowtk to S . - . m a , pa,nl, (and UN, ta fariiCular.) only aal ike wooer exertion, and .rnprovt Ike great 'eJUlkeiKopar I fjtaaugee wkick Niture, ia kef bounty, kaa eon. ' ';ww.-eed hH m loafer our Citiee life 'i aa ika CiMtatrj keiag rapidly oVwerted. and f iUi ia more important, we ekatl m longer M '.ere! trtoactlW by a etait of dependewo. b I aiuiui kL avila. iipi p"-" - LiiefJufie oi Taa Muaiaeirrt la cooaa. of 4be Wv etage of water, during ika aea. ',- aaatker of alklra kara Ukaa pU a tba 'itmrnpp riTi kaak aoM lima atoe, Kxi I ',(1 1 ika kio4 totvmi ia N. Orlraaa, and 'Taofi tod rtctxnlj ia Katcket aod ' iMrjr- tocroackaieola of tba rim ikrea I vtrj aarioaa eooaenefieea la Towaa ailaatad wmtimuAj oa ha baaka. Xiw Toif-Tka ElactioM ia tkia State rake "i -. L m UwulaB Itnitl'al jriate aru wwmt "-"-" -- - i . J lj . Mla t t4L ika hiIm talk ! avaww, m . v i lotaiaily af aueecaa. Tka but Graeoaborn' Patriot eonlaine Notice, w aaalirAtiflii will be made lo ike -wait Leviela. j rr Nn ta rbarter a Dank, to be totaled at Fayette. la, a ilk a kranck at Creembore'. . FusnmKU.The new Conatitutioa ia ikia Sun kaa keea ratified by majority of 3.111 ttea. rnav-& Ire baa occurred at Harribarg tate 'y wWach aWreyed property lo the amouot of 125,. oot. - - ' - tUck Hawk, ike celebrated Indiao warrior kaa it aiea. Kiw JuiktIi waa atated ia our laet paper, ial tkia 8ata kad elected the Admiu'wtration Coo reeiuoal ticket by a email p.j'rity,- it waa ao iriitftd at that lime, but il baa aioce leen aacer iiiatd that the caee ia juat reTerard owing lo i rrjectioa of aotoe returoa, the Whig Congrea met ticket kaa beeo elected, iba Wbiga alao, w majority la tba LegiJatura, - UNITED STATES AND TEXAS. Tkt blowing paragraph copied from the Wash foe Globe of the 17ih ult., abowa that the tei Jiiniaterbu lately ma do formal withdrawal f the propqaitioo made by Teiae, fot adiniasion iolbeCnion. - . . We understand 'that Iho Teiian Miniater, oo 'b occasion of eichancim the ralificatiom of the JMxlary coo mention lately publiahed, delivered to Acting secretary of State a note, in which, al r Haling in friendly terma thai although, eince 'ks aola of Mr. Fmimt, declining the propwitioa mbrttitted by Texaa for her admin-ion into tha oo the queation of annciatioo had been cnid "i bt tha CnitAil SlalM nvrnnMnl aa fimllv of; yet, inaamuch aa the impreaaion ap Fwl Mill to remain upon the public mind in both f"riee that the proposition waa at ill pending, ha been instructed by hia Government lo conimu- rt lo that of lha ITniiftd Rinlna ila formal end a i v ...lw w - - - t- ! dwe withdrawal of that prorKwitioo." The Charleston " Mercury," eub-treesury pa. PMyaki as fillows, as regards ita preaent posi ' relatioo to the Whig, and Van Buren partiea Wriimr7elTiaWhiga 4drfes, we long; 'p, lig before the Bank failed and the Conatitu. mI treasury was broached, told them we did not 'i them, and conjectured, lAcn that aelf 'interest wild dictate to the Administration a policy friend. 'J'otlm 8outh. SuWqiient eventa have proved wisdom of the distrut and the aagacity of the Nietion. Tha Vhis have proved themaelves j6- as much a spoil party as those they denoun fi ind we assure them that we value their angry jciaiione now, as much aa we did formerly !' insincere eulogies and empty professions Bv bitter reaonlrnent at losing nafDiir" apwtacy'" t!P ler 0 t,,ey tut show bow mlaerably they pedge ou (selves to iha'Adminirtration now wriher than tn mipport tham aa long aa they go W W rishu We ask them not fir aii'win.i or "7 '. We ejpect tht there will exist no fee t or ,mH',,e confidence between old oly recently united on an important trwasare fi ttv i fto, co,,, crouching to thorn, as . gsaiate Kighta Tnenda dt-claro that they i T ,0 ,he l"'Kny Mr. Clay, begging par- tkt mtn of Kent viik bought in thtir .Nut I.iiu4f lk -l , teilt,f l. '''' " ' I UP,,,,! Va..,rfJ lU 'I "' k-t. UI wll.fti U.r.ft.m-a .: cm ur.f. ,1 !-uf , ,Wt m ry In i-fi.r.l poltt la U alr4 on. Tha f-ii.iufarwWiha U.t.tnd thj h fca iini4 ia ! Vul., it gM.i l(-.tti, a fc. iberf..f, Krr t,: U no trity t,( undo Hit fril. HI Ihkl 11 K.ll k. ,rt,. J i.. m(a lwnjr.fi U,ef.r, al Uffa ika k of of aliannj U C'MfitiitJ, ti . . t .... u. tu cuiia Hia ailmiiton frem ika I-j..Ulurr, n ajif..pfialM cm buift-d arJ ftlty, of l kundrd Ikound d.,!!n ill ba quired cW4Ha il. Tha tfk, . qiMMimaU, MgM i ka con4eitd in lha mjk ia ki k it kaa af..grewd, Urf if ka!f lU chh. H unit aa to Iba foainar ia vktch it )ua kawi com. dueled, ara In, nd lKy (Waivl eooWdra. (iijfti, ilia IglWfufa oajhl lo appoinl m attua 1kif buildinf it rtMl iba Eiala al Inti liOO,, 000, brfxa l i (SaUid. If ifMitad W aipwding 1500,000 oa Ika Hia ll .ip,, w CM ing only 12 or 100.000 kad bra bu,l, and Iba UUnca of $200,000 tuanad oul oa ud mxurity to Compoiaa In aid ia buiUing op t4im, woolen, and bf mantifactnrira j bch vwutd Hra adj. d mod praanrriljf lo lha people, aaj Loouf to ika Waia I Ml iba pmla anaaar. A ranrroiTiiiTll baa Uen aacraied Ibal poiWjf Ika bail Lrgialalara may uka p lha uea lioa of a reoiuotiarjr, and aalaUiak ooa. It it lo ba Uped, tkjr itl do ao artrr iba aiorrirMa of our Biter Blataa oa Ika auKj-I, i eruial ned fto argumfitl to prcwa Ika avpartor erticncr, and kumaailjr of iba panileauary iyUm oar ika barba rwaa puoitbatrola of our paoal cnoV, rrxt of obit h, ara only worthy vi Ika Unnltl ira,or modt ro lynck law under tkia preaant tjdtm rojuea, and liana ara puoiabed by auck modea aa lend to ntidur I kern dcaperala, and utterly JtafcJ To ckaracttr, ao, they ara turned kmee, upua atxiety ta commit oa oVpreJatioo f wa think il trill ba bHter to put tbem to votk al aon goud trade ia a Tonneo tiaryio tkia tray they oot only aland chance .of being r for rood, wbick aa a cnoral eooatdera Uoo ought to ba weighty, but I bey will al Iraet, pay ilir oa aiaeaeMj, and relief a the public of J f ill ll . r I. I . wwaimii w uuiiaia enouauj ) .r II 14 a omonoua i.t ...J ,k.i . .1 . i . mu, mm ww wnhmin, mil inuat U lua cnarTea W evary eouoly, arue from the trial and pport of eucu aa t loUte the law, and being unable to pay aipenace, art t burdea to the County. OUR UMVEStHTlT. We have received, through the polilfDraa of a friend, a Catalogue of the Uoiverait, lately printed, from wbick we are pteaaed la leara, that lha preaent aUte of the laetitutiua ia auch, aa muat ba highly gratifying to ita frienda J the oumber of Btudeota ia larger than it bai been jt more tbao 10 yeara, and attgether, lha College eeeme la be ia a pro greaaive and fl iuriabing atate the aubjoined table abowa the number of reatdeitt atudeuta, annually, for laenty ycara paat t Vbab. . BTcaairra. IUL areolars. 1919 118 13 61 1?0 . 127 1130 . ai 1U ,111 mi ' . 107 lii 105 1SC1 - 104 Ita , 173 1833 1LW 1821 I 157 1834 ., 104 Ittii Iti 1833 101 iwa in.. . ii8 . w i-snr IH37 Ha 18-9 83 183i "164 , A very ipirittd excitement ia now prevailing ia Manclitnette, and Rhode lalaod J it seems that the legislature of these Blatee al the last Seaeioo pasaed a law forbidding the good people to drink any kind of liquor or wines, in less quantiliea than 13 gallons, or what n the same, forbidding its sale without a license, in le quantiliea ; lha sovereign voters, are, however, determined not to submit lo auch wholesale guxzling, wishing, nmat probably to take it in smaller and more temperate allowance; they are moving every thing to huve the law re pealed at the next Sceaion, ao that they may buy and drink just aa little aa they please. : roe tub w -arras a CasoluuIj J -The Cabarrus Volunteer Artillery, having arrived safely at home, would now uke the opportunity of re turning their sincere od heartfelt tbanks to the officers of the Saliabury iWimenl, snd especially to tba cili sens of tba Town, fur their hnapitibla atteotion lo tba Company during thoir late visit to them. Salisbury has ever been noted fur tha hospitality of its citiaens, but the Company of Volunteers from l abarru bse, on their lata visit, received more than even common hos pitality ; they have enjoyed tha commendation of her citizens in such manner, si will long be held in remem brance by every member of the Corp, an4 they would now preaent their reapocts to Msi. Gen. Thus. G. Poik, Col. It W. Ing, the Saliabury Jauaiciana, snd all the nffiH.m ami ttotdiera belonsrinp to the Kegirnepi. z. VM. M. HENDERSON, Cap. v In behalf of the Co. " From oar tmyHlettU Vorrttponicnct. - r Fatittxvillb, Oct 27, 1838. - Th boainea of our olace. during the present week. hat not been very liely for the season: our mercbsnU have all received, ana sre receiving, uieir wmiw aup ply of gooda, groceries, &.C, of which there sre good atneks now in market snd can be bad at very reasona ble prices, when compared with the price country pro duce command Flourrduriiig the week, has sold from 7 a 61. from wKa ; Corn 75 a i ; Wheal but liUle coming in) $1.25 a 1 30 ; Coll. 10 s 11, : Beea wax 25 Fentijpw 45; Tallow 12J ; Butter 15 a 20, all ,.ir.B rnitilv at ratea euoted 1 ft load eood mountain Butter oll tolsy for 20 cent yr lb. ;) Flaxe(l $1 10 a 1.13, and U redy sale ; Bacon, the market is pretty weil supplied with-wsfgon price 12 J a 13J. store price 14 a 10 ; Lrd 12J a 14, not plenty : Our market ta well supplied with Rood beef, sold to-day at 41 a fij ; Pork flt 71 ; Saur, fair 9 a 10, prim 10$ all; Cof feO 121 a 131 ; Halt, aaek t2.75. bushel 05 alum 70 a 75 ; Molaaaes 31 1 a ; iron, roi.ea i b o.. Ditto, awedes 51 a 6, Bin and Hoop 8 a 10; Sol leather t Nei.e 7 . Le8i T!. .ifi0 S Powder, Duponta $.o0; Cheeae, cask 10J a 111, 4c There hive been a number of wsggona in, during Hull J I I I . - - , , , ..... arrn min-dll.ihi. V ptr-t I r, 1,1 '" I' I E I), r!uJrn!y, (a M,lw,U, Omntf. wi T,(if ij n.H.(i IM vva .lt, Mr MAM VOt;.(j, 'W T. i. Vuung. 4 ilk d.ujl.iuf Ttim,,, Wr.N-!r, .t.isj H yc.r. Ta lha rrMtie aj irdnciifa Hiin ltia la ! wwnrtbiiij pamfull; liwkmr h'0 a arwrtf ukra p'aee Maa lU .nl and lit oJr. llna amrafial rrrinif niaj m Kwwg of liwrrawj rirruinda nrr. . ... wwm, mmt ww ri mi irtaj atMirilif la Whr WilnraMnf lha last i b pair, slfrtcln-J U ar.y pmlWuTct airsw. ia wmitt tnuJ IUi il a..ll ..J . I I . i . . larea, ha lb tipinn Urn of aaiuia am hIIh cmwim m in arruM t Maibers of lim areaL tha .gm4 ,.. hrn th (t m ru.if uodI h-a n 4inrl ita. tri4 ami WMiiaraaj ay Iba atin uf fnli,rr, at lena-fc Urp. pi aowawa lhe aipenette mt Imrerma muHiMaur regret U h I hi iKi.U ird 4-tl-a m airf aa la Mricka lo tba duat, ktat s th gm of d(inrliwi ia M bjjM abea kw aoU .mmg ara alilM si lb vry fcr4 mb hia kaxKa la lhr Um( with hp al lvrir ".aliMitun hr ,,a rm Ml hi leas Jua( be w abfil atretcbin It firth tn m ilu. rrUnd that ara ta dcinla ka) lamp! i Urn, ion, kunwalty ivi bar prerof ativ snd elaiin th tribute a tear. But wbea the yimni-, lU amiable, snd th waaoTifu! 4m lo ar tba ibutMand eord whtck kind there lo earth, auddeoly err-red, and the soul Uka win;, Oh a k onurh to bmH ava iJt anrvlotinf krt of Hiotciani itaalC Tha u Wi of Ihi aenlt ao sVv'v. Ilrf ir. loe ara enrravnd oa lha heart J all who tw her. And if snv thin could rive ttnaulalna la a Wraawd kiMdnd snd her nanHiMn reUtani and frieail, M la rflecln4i thai kef apirrt tVd Wt M bxam UrarwW ky the ima, or embiiierxad ky th mw of tba world, and is now nyywg lha anapeas.al raa-ar.li of a We spent in tha leva and practice of every chrtua virtaa. "Tk rsaatiful i vaaiahed lad retoni iva." taai. fa Dvidoa County, near liinrton, oa ih I7tk all, l th iidc uf her Bwther. )im EUZADE I'll WLTIIRU.acd lOyaara. t . at. . a. la Mteavtle-MU22ndorfleiMnker. ItABTtt EUZAIiLTIt, dauehtrr of Thauobdae W. HtlqMon, aged two yeara, Oa th Hb of tkaaama month, jiai a week laier. sod ia (J.a same kote, Mr. JJt'fiUARD 8TIMSON, krolherlo'ba bareavtd father neotiooed abov. afad 1L And S daps later, oa tk Sid uUian, Mr. LILViMUS ttTIMSON, another brother, a;ed Zi years. Thus bar three member keea acatcbed a was, from Ik asm ft mil, it abuoi 10 day. The were kiybly re-pert hi young men, snd leave behind them a widowed mother, sad several brulbcra, and other reUlive to lament their early death. The long proeeaatoa that lUlowad them lo th grave, evince bow much tbia oouiotiinilt roeeird th da- eeaaed, sad bow Buck they sympaikiaed wilk tha ke rearad. Th death of lha latter, Mr. Erasmoa Btiiwon. is the more eAVctiaf from tba fact thai b waa to kV been married oa the evvninf of th dav on which b waa enoairaed to the tomb. The adotwiiliba of our Havwr, " be y alao ready," i poarrtuily iKd by lliea d penaaiKMMM Uinn rrovwenc. Loif. In Morkavilla, Davie Coar.ty. oa lite 2Hih ultimo, WI.N'CIIEN 8IIEEKS.aoe of Chriatiaa and Catbarin Sheek, aged 14 years, a very promising youth. ff75S WL ere authorized to aay that the 8i 1 "ijJ lisbury Races are poatpmed until Spring at which lima due notice will be tiveo. Salisbury, Noa. 1, 183 FOIt SALE. THE Subscriber offer fc Sale TWO FIRST-RATE IVorUi'rn narouclin made lo order ynrtexji itjwrLfyt One ia calcuUtod for two or lour borsea, and ia a moat Splendid Establishment. The other ia lighter, yet equally well made, and cal culaled for a close or opea , "Abw, two pair of raa Northern mtchi orse. fdriwa together or eparate,) tnd two excellent single Northern Horace fast trotters. Any pcraoa wiahtn to aurchtae either of the above n lined property would do well lo call and ae them. C& WHEELER. Salisbury, Nov. 1, 1938. 4t A Gun taken by luIstaLe or de algn. rpilE Subscriber atepped into Michael JL Brown's Store on the day of the Ge neral Mukter, ami set his Rifle down near Ilia door to purchaae some articles, and oo turning to go out, he discovered his cun bad been taken away, but aa old ene Ufl Handing in Hi ttrud The Subscriber's gun was a plain well made atock and moun ting, and can be known by the breach piece being of two peicea and braxed to rether, and on the tallow box piece were engraved two bawl. The one left in the Mom ot it ia an old Kifle, witn lha stocx traciureo in eeverai piacea, and tacked oo with nails, and the ramrod stained with Anua Fortia, in twisted rtripra. The oerson. whoever he msv be, that made the ex change, willhavjeoolnejiJol where lie found t, and Uke Hie own ; u so, no qiieauons wilibeaked. JNO. RICE. November 1, 1838. 25x3t lOPAL' Varnish, Engliah patent Ja a . pan Varniah, Cabioot Suing, Black Varnwh for Harness Makers, Copal Vsr nitdi for Carriaca makers, Japan used for painting -ftrCabinet maker, Sixing for Cabinet maker, made and eold, whole tale or retail, V By C C. HARRISON. Ststeville, Nov. 1, 1838. .' Gm Itnr rail and Wiiiter Coodt. THE Subscriber invites all hiseostomera and friend. twCra the onrchasc elsewhere, to come snd ex- B i .......mm i3 r l4.. . l -1 1.1 7 , v i4 1 Jj UVAl'O, lor rear mJ antiuiu a?eTiBniiaa the beat of bariraina ever sold in the . ICountv of Iredell. lie flatters himself Athat he can please the fancy of both old All kinds of produce will be Uken in exchange, and tha mod I b.-ral prices allowed for tba same. A. ROBY. . OakForct,Oct23,193a " - 3t A 3 Stop thr. ThufUl ' ft I. LI ,. . , t-l r srw. IMVIIi I ,: n. day n, U.t. 7 1, Ir.i m U. .1 1 1 tti U d" p i4 i f, lm f,ll,f irtrf V tt l-'if. Oilh ll.e l :l,-f tM.rl,ft t.wa fnnn lU U.. It f.il',-. I olfla pfi(wr1jf i4 ,lftnfi f. f..,inf f. w c l.M affsl i, tlaaaftrfilailHltNiilklrf, htnilno, i'fj J '"k l lf.llii f K,il,wr(t i t, ri , m,t tl iljr. Hm.a 11k ert-cba .; . .4 lo tt.e IWf, M tie lUcrrfi i t.f.t. A rl",, ". oi'H !fk Uri eiUr, H Ali-rum i'ki (Vraa Aiif r,, Ufa awl " ' A-elm, HiVrmae Bnuf4r(ii(. d (Ti r , "I '""' f!'lf fifa 0lf lnA la It. rw ) Tbaowtwr ia (K''"l to .NitiTy an of lha r "7 ft'r funtcuta tif Ha I ruua. air. r. n a aintirf u fair ltn'va In4 fMima, im itna cKcomftiKa Itnpma a 4wUe bitiaixai ll !) tiiui.na Ui ijn ao prufr locant U a'trlvrtiaf lha Thirl OCT KJiUm mi k4k i.lra of riail!a, f.jwr i!t; In CrvTiW!Kih, MlMbury and LyrnrhUirf, m, U 4 wtf ta an a cnaritk to m Ui adrrtirmn and 4). rrl puMte attnia to tt. nlrmaitu may be ami to t4 iv, rriw, iapt Wataer, of Mr. Cot ire of U I ingham, or to in oSka. Vor Sale. rmt Bobatrtbrr w.ll .'ll a Tract of land a ennatatinf of lit Aerea, Nitif oa lha eiate mail Ldif from HaUHary to Wil.ii.o, II milea tVw Klwtury. AktaU 'JO Aaraatd ll-a land m rn In ordrr tn culUtalino, Ih kalanc Is wordUad, and I wall lutibefad ss any land M the Country. j krr tree lew Imamvemvata. Any aa Wialilitff lo purchaa will plaa ctll tm lb premiaae, lUua Iwa Of three week. JAUE3 WATSON. On l-UK 21: at ior(h Cnrolin.1 Mate Court?. (BBAB.BiUriau.) THE Brat meeting of th North Carolina But Joe. key Club will commence oa th 84 TueaJay ('JOlU) nf Novawiber, and eootinae It day. Vf da -Jockey Ouk Puree, 30U: 2 aaile beat : antra or tU dollars. erad da. -Jockey Ouk Puraa. SMOl 8 mil keel ealraaee 30 dollar, Third dmw -J.key Club Purse. ftlJOOO i Lor mil keats) eotraoca 60 eullsra. f awn W llandic Pur t2IX)i anile keete. beat three in av j eutraoce 13 dollars. tSflk day -A tUt Puchtr. worth tlOOi mile kau otraee 20 dollara, la V 1(Jd. Tba jutkey Club I'arac aubjeCt to lb usual diacouot OCT Tha following Sweepatakea are opet tut lb Fall Meeting, via: , 1. A 8weepatakea lake rna ImmedUlely after the firat day' rar, for three year old Colt and Fill tea, i-VJO anUaooe, fJilO forfait 2 mil koala, lo tame and clo by lb 10;h day of Nuvamber. Three or more to make a race. , , . .. . . - 2. A 8wepattke to k rea on 2d day of the meeting a UIU sift ! illie S years old, $AIU autraace, f 1U0 forfeit mile beat, S or more to make a race, to name and cloe a above. " . A 8weepiskea to ka'ru'a oa the 4th day. (or Colt and FiIIm 2 year old, cJ00 entrance. $100 forfeit, on mil out three or auor lo make a race, to earn od cloaa a above. A Sweepstake to be run oa th last day of the meeting, lor Colt and Fillie 2 yeara old, $100 en trance, $30 forfeit, ooa mil out 9 or awe lo make a race, to name and close as above. 5. A Sweepstake to b run on tha same day, t Colt and r uliee 3 yeara old, $100 en trance, $ 41 forfeit mile beats, 3 or more lo make a race, lo aaoie and close ae above. (tThe rule of lb New Market Course ha vbcea adopted for tha government ot tbia Club, HlmbUt and lUter will t amia Wor Ara orar gratis, rnni rvery rxftlto unit I tued y la t'rifri tlor tn git $mt ia faction. feraoiu wishing tm aaal rntritt cmn mnhi arafice. lima f A Srerttmry e the Ctub mt Kmlrigk. WALTER L. OTEV. Proprietor. GOING GOINO !! GONE J!I " ritllE ubscriber hive iut received ind nfli-r Utr aale, HihiJpAla or ratlaiL lha Clliitftrinff arlinhia? ' V 10 bh.de. Fuirar. 2 da Molaaae. 100 mcks Liverpool tSalt, ; , 55 keg wbit lead, i 1041 bar 1 1, 1 1, and 1 Tiro Iron, 10 pair Smith' Bullow, . , 31 keg Nail, , . 10 do. Powder, COO lbs. Sol Leslhcr, . 10 boxee Tin Plate, 50 busbul beid a rasa eed. . v J. 4 W. MURPHY. Slisbu7, Oct 23, 183a . ' fffT-a OST on th day of th General Muster, KiJ Li either in Salisbury, or between Salia. - VUlj rtu Uio eiiaiuv ;iimiiu, vaiv f1' Sleeve Button, marked B. A. If found, a ntirtaclory T mm U..mmr miuA ika DaMwla frhftiind Miati (V. .14 reward shall be made to the finder by leaving word at this Otfjce. aw : .NOTICE.- fl will MitHUfplicatioa to the" next LcgiaUture'for I JL an Act to incorporate a manufacturing company by the name of the Yadkin JlaoutactunngLompanj.or by aonie other name. ' ' !.....,:r CHARTS FISHER. - September 6, 1833. " tmL vnTinp - NOTICE hereby 'given, tbal 1 will apply to the next General Asaernbly of the State of North Car- -W. 11UIIVUI ..,-.--. olina, for an Act to charter a Bridge over the Soutb Yadkin river, near Hall I mill. juat.ru ihu- -Bept20, 1333. , tml V : OLD CASTINGS WANTED. WE will purchase, any amount of old Castings that may be brought to un; ucb as old cotton acre, old mill-gearing, old pota, oven, mortar, 4c, and will pay on, cent per pound. t ; csaVBOGER. Salinbury. S'Pt C, 183a tf : ; NOTICE. NOTICE i hereby iriven, that application will be mde at the next General Awtoinbly, to abolish Juries of the County Court of Rowi ' .,, JACOB HOLDSIIOISER, J GOODMAN. DAVID FRALEY. September 20, 183& tml' rl!!;: ..!.,. . r ' "! . ('. i j i i -.. iin i. in i i - i . I J L i f4 g ! "".'., ' I Hi' I .' J. I.rf ! f j'.' HI I I I , i, ', I I fwn1, Ui-7 ara n.:. I i.t (,nn .H ( U 'rfk at 14 '.'.tl. ! -!,. .1. I " T l.v 11 a q -ft it.'f i.r f-.'f n. ! lU-Jt ; . f ' f !l. ''I .''Hjf q;Ulf, tk'J, t '' i dr Mil !- I Ii, I.. : f 4 riff f tM.fll. I M. & Noli cc. f PIJ?. HgUflilrfl k kwa ruy.r'J l"f narJar 1 years In Ih fcnprmed ptaa U f-VMIIMJ .VII.IA 4 and 4ttef Ur' inrry !iru bf n, . h'l.-l ly h a rvrtlj-"!, If.ni.t4 ailli. f B !.(;!,(, i u(iila timlvma, M Sla th biMft $4 lit . (i.'mJ. snd Ink, rua maa lifbter ind ! rr lha liw oa lha ia-! pUa. T 0 ffrat trouU of wa.tilnf and repairing ll rptn-ih, t'rank, snd (Jtft'M sr aaird Bhra Ida an, i lhe 11oIm and l.ikt. Any per wiahliig lo pmcor lltarbiaery id thia kind ran k uppld ky makinjr epttcaiae lo lha KuUcri. her by kxiar, at Mock iU, ! CMMy, N. V. L M. GIUIRT. Bepten.ber 20, tr, ' (ft" The K.iUrnhei w, I rfi say ow wUnnf i. Hinalioa t Ih aulij-rt, lo Ua. AlTl t.on of tit Edl lora of th laroJmia." A Nollcc. i WILL k 4d SI l!. CoartHonae it v r Hli.hury, o ToeaiUy lb IH day ol .Viuruiuef oeit BiKlr deere of h t rt of fuiia C Rnsa (Umnty.a TRACT OF LAM), beUfng le lha Hen t I4IW of J.J'B Wah.io, dee'd., eonlammf 2U0 acre, adaoin lb 11 of William II Puw ud others, oa Crane Crtek ( au'.i-rt to lit wnlow Dover. A credit of Iwelv month will k allowed, and hoed with ft aocarrty fur tlx fmrchsa awoey, reouired oa th day of sal. SAUL. blLUMA.N, e au a. OcloUrllia.lSSa M; Ci THE NORTH CAROLINA JUSTICE. Wf' rereet axeaedingly that tba ipjrince of thi ' " ' Work ha keen w lifj deliyad J and wa ar.ta laaur th potdtC thai every ertioa b( bea Band ta eooiptet il ky th lira ll wt expected. Th plan af tba work, sine Il waa (Irat advertieed, ba he a im proved al la enat anni limv Ih quantity of (hen anticipated. And keatde, aatlera mater iala bad to be procured, which could not k kmoht ot Ml lb late rain had swelled Ih water. W ka no hei'ilxa it aaearinf our patron Ind Ih public, Ibal Ih printinf ' sad kirwlinf will b rornpleted al IU)irh,od Ilia Book ready fur delivery, juat a w prsrtieahle. Hit. I'llUrKlETUR. October l,im for 8ac. Wv' riHE Subscribe ofTrr f fla, roe safi -L knndred acre of LAND, Ijm Iwut 4 th Yadkia river, between Siokea' fnrry and Bur rafrr ' Mill, ia th County of Montgomery. Attachnd lo it M on of lb flneat mill trmtt ia the Bute. During tha lata diy apell and low water, ther waa a auSicient Ioantity of water to drive two of three set of mills, or ,000 Spindlce. fcU II A Kill Wind Hill N. C, Oct 4. 1W & Look ut This. I LL peron Indebted lo lb Subscriber kf Not or il Account of twelv month' standing, ar reaprct fully requeaied to call and make payment The Sub scriber wilt fuel graliiied if Uii oottc ia heeded, ss ee further mdulkreiK-a ea ke gnen. K.ELLiOrT. October IH, ISH. tf Nolkc. rpiIE Scbaeriber obit 's Sale, upon reasonable n. Terma, hi valuable Million lluntins Crwk, m Iredell Count?, (a-merly owned by Capt W. Broaa. They ara situated on a never tailing stream, with great bit, and kave run aunnf HI lha evereat dmuLiita well uited for 1 acloiie of almost ny kind. They are wow in good repair; thSaw mill nely built and Gnat mills lately repaired, together with 2o0 ACRLS OF lAiu, whb atmaote nnuaea" Aomn ou sere or iaa lknd ia cleared, th balanc in wooda-ituated ia a healthy region, elov,en mile from Morkaville. Person dewing auch property would do wtll lo call nd view the priuie ahd bear the term, which are iccommtxlitinj. CALEB F. KEKFU3. oct4,im .i Ymalo lnlcrlainmcnl. INFORMS hi friend and the pub n wV-Ubaa I i l A lie, that be haa taken the House for merlv occupied bv Col. Wm. K. Kel y, in the Iowa of Mocksville, Davie county, with the view of keeping PRIVATE F.N -. f, 'ft. 1 I VT U L 'rt.. II - !. J I i Ai.t .n r.n . nig iiuuaa ia ruoniv biki comfortable and in the busineea part ff tlifl villuge. The aubacriber pledges hi best exertions to ran dor aatiiitaction to all who may cnll on him. Ilia TABLE will at ail times be supplied with the best the country affonlH, and his It A ll s! ked with the choicest Liquor. Ilia Ftul lrs are extco jve and aafe, will be well supplied with good Pro lender, and attended by afu&t raid Hostler. Muckaville.Ffb.3.1433. tf imitu'I'. -, ntw aa a a - aj IIUHLIC Notice u hereby given that applica li..n wilt I.A ln An tn lliA (Ztttt ot A aai.r.tl.ltf rtf North Carolina, at it next Session, for an "act to . incorporate the trustee ot the Salisbury l emaie Academy." 1 ' , T. . - Ao-et 80,1 3-l. ' lint." IIUBLIC NOTICE i hereby given that ipplieatioa Mf.ll Urn mmAm A lliA !. I.nnnr.1 Asamitfi'v t f .V Carolina, toran Act to incorporate the Lexington J.iia- r. inclosing vAninmni'. TVnleiiilier V7, IKIf. tml NOTICE. ' rHE Subscriber, havinjr Uken out Letter of Ad- -iii.lalp.linH ah tlic. I. . 1 rtl Hl.rir ft-im llffM . I.IIIIIP" i Binni WI. I... V, " . J ' v.. w -, al the last County Court for Rowan, requeuta all per aon indebted to raid Mary Brim, dee'd., to make pay ment without delay ; and tboxe hamg claim aeainat . . . .1 i ; .l inasatnoio present tnem wnnin me nme prcM-riiwu by law propt'rly authenticated, otherwise tbia nul.ee will be pleaded ia Bar of their recovery. R. W. LONG, Adm'r. Salisbury, N. C, Sepl 13, 113, ciiri ifrriM j "4i a Tf i" r liuiiiiivnii n nuiiikii i 'HUE SICK are all Inking tlna womlcrful Me ditine which -ia aatonislung Europe, and Anie rica wiih ita mighty curea. ( For Sale at tba rMt-Ofllce, Fultstown, trticU ' tountv, V. C. Augual 17, 1838. 8m- - " ' W&rranls tor Sale Here.