1 4 -a- -tit r tT Mi t t t I snaa stts mt i -aj i?i run, me iitiu m it fn rn a r t . i fa it ttarav ri is.r, ta y tae V ri . J f j (I f u. ai'stin & e. r. ns!ii:ij, c no x:;ii,()fych.:;i::. aval r-To my late Patrons. . r MiU r kfl U Ike hsade af M MS" . . . ' . . l I 4 ) MvPf, U!hn ( M txUaCVjaf U i to I aw-w '' " - - hot (US i U-atd I la trsaeait ht4 Uwf ewe by aeil V AeaUe of v. is n; last cm y bum JO:i W, HAMPTON, V- I i. I V- P.rA a- jnici:iXA!i:oi. OaCU SLT-NKr-A FAMILY JICTUEE. ... 'WM WflU-af' ' ' 1 t asm aptra-rib few) ton fried korooey. sfkaot.tolp WiUnm. - sWhetaeyo van Abraham r ' J ratloe Mid Jut amiUag, he'd lilt a LiUa JaU Uhit votjfMUl lit' ka M&r iM mmJuom to Mwltt tnd U If tUl KWL ' fi km.' AtnlM 'Mm Um-gnry, wul,l.J,,lM, ', nl 0UiiJg, t (MM pr rtt i mm r I ' i ,. , ' feUt i imun VhtU4ayMl Mtr I t v( M rir. 1 ipr- r M lt um i;-- " i". '. . f-" ' '- ' 11 . , k, WtB I'M lu! iwk vp fmtf ptini preti; a. t 1i ao yr fcfemUoi, ill tell to.,1 Aui rotfi u to tanuliiwJ U Uy loog aa four mu. iUf vUl tori vast and kavt 4ua wilk U. ,, vaalaMMtoai grtrj aii aoroa atJj, and .pMaalmMiy. f,- V 'J :?;' (IMabiia Mfc' t v.- i ' : liJti Wifa4 ki lo about a taapoonful frws " . t NW , jiat look at UmI Ma ) Ha kVa1! ' ajaaaly y taaM Ibra laUa tau e'Uta.' iuea. iff oa can't keep (roof tantalizing tbfl yjia, tod aa ao, arxJ 1 will nm trouUa yom ta , k ! Umoi aoy more. I COjfri that I am at a luaa ta ar kat Wara ooa of y our aga at take ja teuidf your younger fcrothera.' : , f Krkaoca kat da Tim waoU ; - t M 1 vaal aiy pit tail aw'!.-. -j - . Ctaaa mj mI aad kWjr, hav'nt fx'P4 I" , pi-tail jrtU .ll'a buret long ago 1 kopa. Lmk Iwkaad asa, and if it U'ul, ga it ta bar. : I wwh k my krart tkrra aarar waa a pig tail upon tha ' t aftba eartb,. '.i T t . .v ' Bob produced tka Ulfckarrail pig taJ aod laid jlM Hm Rebecca'a piata.'i.. .-..'..! ' ;' 'TWerm,' contiaacd bar moihr, I tkopa aow fm koan'i at aaaa. A beautiful diab it ia truly, lm any nortai ta taka a fcacy lo?- ; v " ' . Ma, 1 oWl waul thia pic-lait. . i .a i - Takt it away 1 knew yoa diiTot waat k, you kul pnrrtrae brat, 1 knew you did'nt want it aod I dual know what got iota bm lo lot you bava it. ' Id rrally ( am ao tormented out of ay lfc, tkat fcalf the une ( hardly know whether I'm aUoding as aty bead or my beela.' , ; vit i U Ma'ea,' aid Chancy, aunt Dorcaa aay a pteaaa '. aula lm Luu'm coma out of lha kiicbeo y if 1" ow't make her come out q1 the fira ahe'U git jrnt up prfally-ay every time aba tell bar to out o (ha bra ahe nuke noutb at her. . . ' Why wra enough, where ia Louiaal ,G aod kl Her to coma into bar breakiaet tbiw inataou'-. , ' 'I did HI her aia'ana s aod aha aay aba wool . jm. till ahe gNi dme bakio her cake.' v. Mr. Butler fcft the room, and aowi ra-appearod fi'k Unim aubbing, and cryinjr : ' Aoot Prcaa frked ma jwt aa bar4 aa aver abe could jerk, lore id any thing hall ta her.' . , . ; .1 -. 'Hold your tone J 6ha: aeriredl you. light ' nouph i you'd no buuiucsi in there. Jea're a pret 7 ttung i be making moutha at a aeraoo old wugh be your grandmother. If I'd thought flan ( pva you that little lump inf dough, that the We plantation" wae to be 'turned upida down I'd have let you do aitboul it.', a ; j 1 Wise Loui, fter a little Bobbing and pouting, drew frDM her ,prtot a. amull diny, aahey, black, ' "nkled, burnt biscuit, warm (fora.lhe kitchen '""H ahicli would bare, beea juat preciaoly the fnjr accompanimeitl to Miaa RebtycaVhjj nponuiw, w prefcrenre o every tbiag .oo, the ih commenced her repeat. V-VVf-' V .- 'foil Lout aaid U0 mother with a laugh. aa a o carter eye iooa the unkiKnUf bUcutt, you ; ftily nve a itrWe taata f, vi, , - J.V.,' .tery body knowa, thaa the 'mother'a .laugh l '"yt renpoodcd ,tp with pomrKKind interest by all j"" children. So waa it in thia instance and good r?r Ifiled round tha table. . ,, r:i l f korrv ' imici AhmKum. for Lonisa'if bi-f. kit, wta..,- .. . .;;v:,W7v iel really.' aid Mra, B,1 you ara a 1anA speller, Is that the way you spelt biscuit? i can ma r baU4 out Isaac ,, ; WII spell iu, ; " a iu' "--;(: we thai' rvht.)-h- Ah ij.: . that'll do, you ncedn'i ga any farther ycij'ye ' u larinor thatfyour brother V Vllit W.liiani.V . ' , V " Jlliatn spelled it correctly." 7 ' -V ,a'(' George, 'J what Ta oicutl derived . 'I rehy do not know.'iwid Itfra. C, 1 and yet I , somewherwread an efntaoatioo of it. t joltn jU"-n-"1'. a J Fur, to tattle iba .ihuMtwr.M I mit a. re ssr. Ibee tariad mVf eotil e aaaesMllea bee batata im . ... Um at um I re lul trssilr r Uk4. ' i mitaab Why wa, yai d w Iwb liaaaft .ikraisav. Tea eaa d nnrtn . Astyaai XlMiur, Sml auaN.aw sin w wmi anta, wh-a I kaa tiasa M anaba 1fw4i aawn, ae Uka t taa twiaa. Dmllrr. Tbw wwra fcm awfh cwr-was -' and tbwy ware lh 1 Ukwd awaaa wr aw. I li ilwua ee biacwit atiU arw. - ' mm. Ma Ws hrrmUuM stm4 frwaa" ATirr. fr'J H aud yi aw 1 laawe. aW-4. LfJk. f l. wU4S.) Jfrtirr. WcB Ika, am a grwjS wjsHlaao-. Prawk-toat, al tba ward j awa Iwaukhwa. AWmlsak 1 kwww wUkt it Xlrr. Klmil AaVwJkaav Yea) kaow erkjwa wwa mB aai Uirw to vrwakbat, wa ail krroi fl aaa? awa awaTaaw eaa eptit. - Xkr. Wfl that ia a awillaawl jiiiiwartaaBja ly. . Urn yaw etaawawa tkwaa m yoa cbiUraa warw worwl AkrwAaak Col asa,wery Wtj hmChb. ' alra. Cutler eipUiaad tkw anrajb - Jtaaa. Ma 1 know what mumuhn AfaUw. WW-lT - ..ma Vsww la yW w aa at. . WeM Osara, ttsara. laaw.I e fat wmw tf. yw daneatinoa wnlrw rky aaaw awaaac. mX H Ibewa tbtflra wa fan rrvm Ue. io4 kerw, Um bmnk, U bad saw WLkav ad at a atdeUbla, waa anawi with a anrnauat wa aaet what vea oa rto iNwmkwaa aabea. i , t Aceordiafty, k BiwUnai aa dkaww aawwal aa la i enavenieflt rlenrtasa wiiaaaiiawdbdb-- liar aautker arraaied warjt aa aaae aa aaaaa Cup, and pushed her woa wtb a gfwwttewiiaasa lioa. .Tbia aM awl abate tWfkiwAwauwaaiw i lha (past, aad aba notumrmami W ller ax bar rawswawd War a liule eaaii rauiaYianl If this time. Tlaaaa JntkaiaMtwaasawatw IW:' kiiaj Sarab'a seal j and atorenh wnunuoa; aa tfiw-j dharra with reAigbled wwwrgT, wWa kraaM wrj check ajraioat tba palai of unr anolWa liauitl wuu. a rubif&ciati urc. atty atie went aa rr jtwniiowwuB?. ewiaf w GravraM, ma wbipp'd yiur ji rut saws IbrtWangM babyA-, ; ."rf '- - Dtd aha dit darlinrt TlasB ctwdw1sliwjiwMi durlina anrei baby CAuat !ba od aihil antf eaav r BMMi't wkia it aura.' - 1 - Well I will be a doud cbne." Will thea motW wont hip Jt amj Jaw"-; Aad thia coaareaaa waa knw-ppwtfaia 4a etiwa i a fetter oa either aula. MaiJ i tber daemed it expndient la awanre Saw. aa adjoiuiog room, teat the mNrtunr wwadul uooo I be inimediata fulCilmeal ufbw irrmum Ma ittst Wok at Abe fccriod mat WUilan. lr taw Baafoiiif latakea iwit,auul lae aaattiftiid: aa tba weY aaa I araa ksokuTan." Ukie,' awd tbc aaatbe, 1 d S eny'tf asBfl-( you quit nickNawin each a4baranse I wuJa aanwr Ihat I oeeer aet yna tbeanijle jwt dbawa tflar biscuit air, and take amtibec' j- Abraham retumrd the bwouiUand WiTUsna BwJk it wp with a aiy, aa tnawjihaUJ an JLira aaaw V v -,... - - - Ua iaaid AbrmlaaB,Ilin aaiaaMaSaaJ, fawmni tw aaev w, what a atory 3 JIa4 dudaaelaaaaswajjaiisCaaaXB no aoch thinif ." , Tm aa did. and llianrT ShujO wna. i Witliain'aJnaiitmame iatojeiliatiiW siUnaiiJItfiat'! k:. - v.4 k. rM). Wl!taelMlU wk onaa aow with a am, wafl oaa t .k.i t.;ntr imnHad m.ih aa saaaa cadeaA. BW inotber ewwwcied be waa fcmgiiig sjiwaiaBriini.rhrarmBB.JjB amus, Isawlteawawdjtar j -L- . .k. Mi,iilK'iiII aht! lirrjia! airr wb at wkschI aimaa.st mm caw tea ana aw i in unm. . . vou aay V I aaid, I be tetu'tiy w vra.- - A.-mI that's iwat a bad. - lit. lUiOm. wwa tisoty wiO bate ta taka tbk!sny nSsaaa. aOrmnv a . nmnmaifT ta arniaae wanannus. avWCi, if not corrected wniuetluuelj. wall wane vernHble. . " " , Whenever r cant auuare 3uiiw mu SUHkr, as before, 'just tan bia oeer too-iil aatju' ea aajs lMaa,- --T-4-t When did be aay it T Sao-Biirhn.BB-! . tfK.-i. . Yu knn that lime voo anm mm m icuiu. nu m tba new ground to pick fc-T ; . . a w v ... i l -t -.-ji,. umJT - ,.1... .rtt. i. sg q and youve juai iwouSwow i: I t 1 II II ii I..H nf nlli Ulin 11 qaiwsamiuxi Ij aCtUIO. !,.! r. , iSr- : M.,'amid Hill, AbelaVt asuliuajntwraitur - . f I 311 VJOatliii UHlr wFaaT- 1 11 mmmm man three oignuv - 5, 2r"lW wtiw. bia aAata- jaawwaWai aat a&aa,la Abe and aum a-r-T 1 ar r a..fi i isa mm ruaar aeeau ja aaui iiiaaBaw-aa. i.asassa naer n... - j- - rf of your profanrty. -; , v d:WnW- a. g---1- A -aaa! . J I know better flrajgeo mn Annuoinuw tl, mimm hmmdhg www sc a to William., : , rjtjii. AdL But tie W fiaae'k SanaAaif at aw- ; Abraham,' aaJ tna enotimr w.enn. kneel down wbeayoa -.75 i Yea ma'aoCaatd Abraham wrtgnannig a -Tea ma. aontiaucd Bill -tedw- up esery sugm ami -T- - " H , .r (1,-WhWwaw dirnsHi tM rwrik rawtiftf aa afoaw ttid hi, Prayara. and imW.ia-i TSL aitrf. a prayer. '. , . ; H dss lioa ; be w &e inanJ ww ksa During th LiaU. tahltoiaUwaamlaarsM. k laaaal; ering underthe edfst I.ow ,.T , , . W tolk Est 1.1 be transformed biu am locjmij . How many prayer. tone." i.'d I said one, and here JburuLam jwueu One aad what? - . . v. . - - ' One and piece oT f otWr whs. 1 .... . trt.M u.fl I"""-- .. . , ,, . .ii. i W'h ma. he could'tfl iu mno n JJC l4u" mmUmmd 1 .i..twi s'l a f3wt ftw afl I ra b," law wiiai aw w ; IM irrf WT ftbW oaari tk4 (awwowdiJ - aT w-f U a anawina m aajwi waU .fl.ur; t T-m lisaba w dbw tl twtiw. fT-r aw m a warrTai I WMMsi'at gw aa aawaa d I a wsat at a gwsl asa at av.r tf 'Calkafai Kha Bsaiar is eawcAJT aW ILW&uaawKa-siaWw-wst. Jna Tip iiinaiid 'twa tela eeajlsiaiil Am aaa a n ilil 1 Taw itsaA BlaawtawaaBwaaaarway eaaalaawaad eaa waa rafaaw ' Ja tftatatgte. Tgwawwjaal tt & SataHwatdaw aaE anaawd ili.w pluibeaBm. aneE JWtw bwaranf Lm a aBamianaur: Ob FSi aaiaa, C-d.' I welrfu.a? -J) IIaiia-r. r anaW! Isww atruck. asf Aakawrrj 'anabf bawa awHeel aa um ao ttnaiwa ta aauia Uia rswaa ad awwckai- ana ladW aWsaasl; tbw aawa waaaa I sad. iiawaial Sur aaa auiua nasi fa a. nSm I bail awe Ummm wbaaw enaaw wa at lie w-aia gniaa af gnwng way ws law atiasM.sa anw wa ta aW nw. arwtmw Utw aaattaf sasa aa mmtXmmM eraarujwSsByladia aawas wiasa.Jyanr saatw mow wirnsiimd hr&r as -. aaal Ua anwry asa E wwaid aw afi'ianul ftawaww. T -farf n mmuv oult I aUuia'a eaa af tha uur af aueTwat "Tbwfflfa af 'tba da asaa fiaa-w Wk. wW da !lu itusW a wstli a woar wad a laaaal l&af 1 ' B asm. unawi A niai ua he m ' (iirMtninnaw Tba isa, wa af 6 Shwywl arwa .Stiuuua. md asada ianaa aw liar minaitof annIIi'tMaa BawaaicsesaMalaaafaa wff ha pwyv jf I. IV . av I m ww an'.Ha wiiwt, flal I awa itjaify aa a -14 atW anStfig wwA atmvwwa atw yaw aj, Jim tlammmif F saw dirtyaWwWpawywwaa if MkatsailWawU.' !) w Mafffp gajay I awwAf awkj tte aaa irtitw aaaH ywwfcaa BBiwiw, wuih pmtfy aawwaaifwuT a&r, i 1 Wla.wJyrawMWU.lM jaaT aaSLA iZ a!awV . a. '. V a.aaalla;waaiMaaaav ywawdanwikO, asaTataal ctTaf aaV lawW aWsaa A&aaa at aasl aawii as ktav . Cat asy am'sa t!mwm4 Bk duwaaa mszl aW feet af Sea; iiasj sniV. sasVa-1' - aaaAw - - wnga-lafmwij k u a. . - " " wmimi wwmd. ttet thai wsttMaa wa srrwwsr?uavadi Coiiatauttua wa Sonp wpa aa? 4"iiaar a" ajW burtwsr aang arawad Tiwaa-yaaOfc XI wrggya waa aaw aia j Widower ac& meym mmfm b.a Huufi tean,an ws rawAjaff waeta awiwna umbw ."";.- - , . . i a a - -. -arw. waaw aa waa.a anm. uwic "- - ! " I 1,1 mrrJflw. Tim fefl agaaa. asaaaa waa aflaal aaa rf , ,!!.. . vi w-,". iajt 1- Tl MaaaL ?;. j -rr7r - - taM&Waldawkwa ZZTT Aa rt www auJlfu. ..-r".-,- Z, ' r ,TlrtHL.Ud a. iutrea- ws Sm S la .u- rcKoJ tU Isarjr ia ca.0 at",. OTMtHimai ia th waat maaro'it - t ass wKmniei. .ace jmiaiwmuirfi eauifi f,r a.-L jitiwi ar.nsii.:BM!2 will UuSsr-; fc . a- ,i". "lattt cijiiKirs al ti-.i n.itr-4 C-J . ... j. i. . . . ..1 , " t . . r CI ii ibiiiW um IsawgyawaawaV aueaui nk wa aa war a iW aacrtSca a Lia, wr srowj ta kant trara Ta fu4 f raaead tbwir arasa, a4 Wt d f a wn Croat Ua iLaparae. ' at ISsra g ar ... . Wapas Use waiaaa'a (aed, It aaa Ha- aaaaa ! I avrMg Wpaaj aay fart f I c'M bar by IrtcUiig al aaftarw a y ra tbal f at dwata, at twa) ha aay araas, to tbsaA wf tba aguaww mt S.I tiuU twa bar. , Sik ka-t rma4 lb kaJ af Caaataatiwa a Ur iaawk awd wa wiyssg tba awia aawga waxb bat basr. Al lb aawas! af ay ac sa kxAaai aa, ad eab ry caatatg back lb lurka fr-aa baa tWbad. lard U saaapaw saw. ab slul kartl aa kd aa-p-aWas lb brad, aub tba at bar aba anaotad I H, a hwa only aaa a sr. I agaaa a(d ber. Tber a wlraa af eVajh aawasg tba ikia inli eat. A Are ftsabad ia bar ayaa bst ckrk Ea bf baa ana ea mr af auaerb I eaa aaaaa la eW aba wtUwrwd ia a luy too. TW kW.n; kudy ws wy kwatwad. baaa foba. Tba wosid axsataaaa to as bat tit clay a wf atria; . Ta. awd an kjasrd tba aaby kpa kw bsabtf. 'Tat pa CanaTaatasa, it wa to sa I bat awbwr tkat aaa siaarsat baart skiwd ika at-ral af abas kaaar. Ii wwa torwJara. biw Ira a tb baad af rsd tbat ywa sNaa.li wad year eaart liiai ? yw. crwrl iwuW. kfw ha tb uU kaaag tbat tbrew wow yea duagwoav tbat fed ywa sas lbrg tb caadni-araws, ibat to tb laat sweat af ksa kaarty, aafy ttsaagtu) kaw b wn-bl sraarn aad protact ywa. Taata at kwgtb CcU m lUb fma bet rye. EfsaMf sb fas a Sue wf wild power, b waa bwrrwyad. a4 asay lb powrr wboa ibaodVra aaaas eb raoaa af ba panpt, p"r dwaa fmA retrv lueaaa apast tb baad tbat dared -f I ksaaJ say bwa cadmnatiosi about to 1 pre aa!by rba Spaaf say ekdd. Waaadaptotbe laat aVgva at auiSmag, I lor spy hair, leaped sea tb ban twfare Baa, aod stuffd iota tba area ay bwvahAs. The batrt araanad asa ; lartarad a (rw aaaaaaaatAnV' Tba taaiia rearaad apraag ap aaa. I fary balplwas aader btav 1 Akkiabrry aaairib -I saw kia kscid ay gUrieg; beard lbs saaikiasx af las abtaa toaga aba aaa. "A esWtioa abnaf aaaaa. I saw baa. reel aa if atswrk ; pre Lias) has yawa. Aaatbar awrVy biaw awdrnw to ki kaert. JI sprang lub ia tka war wida bawl. U daappad b wa dead. IWawpubiatrw tbaadtrad wttb ccliaaaliaaa Wktlw Saioos wa rlmraw to my baans, Cam- wiafiue raiasd aa froa tha swiaad. TV rear af A buw bad eu ass I baas trass kk wwaoa, wad twa ktow aawwd saoa TV bleb) wa broka ia tb baact af rV asoaater. .Tba ahoia saafirwda atood aps suppHcattas; Lt war htea aa tb aaaaa af AUal parry aast ksrnisaa. Piatw, dewil aa b wwa, dared eat i wist dtoatranrkaf si-palar feeing. Ua wared a signal to rba guaiw ; tb portal waa eprnrd ; aad ary r&iiaraa, auanmwag say ftd ssrpa aad abow. caw wwa garbmua aaa sraiawiU trum winawerw be aaaalka slowly bed aa (rut tb arroa-5aZa T25 HSAKTS f3T IDOL' iwawa.a.aj.aeaui.. Ota Cad I Itiaiadsada aWJato Uu'ag to east aad iod ft ftaagfet ! IWbt afier a a y true astna aaa joy, aaa gay aailikaafirthaa iirTa. tTThimr-r -"jn'-' t- gaar bom ttocuU star, aad awdily bwet tb prat. a tasBmaia af a angoabrd aoat and werp! r, Lafl aad knar btara, eucb a showU acUwa atam t&w caeck af yat aad womaaUuud. Oh, there saw skasata wbarb reek a koaam heart bey aod coo ttafc tbaaihat that to Baaae, were poaMbly anhaw awenarws an ms It as a blewsad tbing to to j balhaad by any kamsai baart - pur aad Uci tfjaaa ( Li ait due fiJae and pasauij; wnrtd, ah, give asabaaf My aeuf eaa well rcpsj?, mj beiag an, tost toaaa tor r,iiL" '. - . j' f. f. - f ms?'mi V . Teas ma topaf lawaa af Bmo. awacetol aad a kafpy bam f 1 trwaaar ImBowed kiadaasa wnius my suuL I bet era wow, tbat Ky ewewt- aataadl kanghta! day ar apa awa. aad beUwrs bar cam to o waraa aa iiCTer, aiaer M prosaaaxe, at - ..'-'' .'.',-""' " J - - Alblowadeaa,fcray wetL' . , " Trt, fa yttmw tha wwioea that atflj throosh child, aawd aaal ymrnh kaa total aear aar aad kiad, I arrow far that whack but yesterday" era aa aafa- wflTsMaiaanil rrasa the Ccea af kindred and friends I waatd tow totaed alua to ane, wberwoa waa arsaaamai bast tot pawaaf aia af tomaa ahVctwav Oft, tiaaatiint. and waraa, and pare, abould to tba hse a wbacb a wsiaaa tnssts 1 A bVw abort words. t& rsciuwa adarieg to aa, aawng asairy, of lU aatfaat bmnagp; beat aad ato all, tbc -JmjI SiBajaagw af tb kin' it eyee r Ibia eaaaut to a BSa 'W BJ art -mat these sbnuiii wtmmi wa imf aur atrja torn! Thwy aaU aa it ia au twtbiak of tb bh aadtopwy paatl I H tber Maocae tb bto wf an. wtottviaoar a but far a hour ar a day, Uop aauling wears her fluw ery erwa, aad bappiaewa. andimoaed aa toarea, saaaa wuA a and about aa. . lUxerly, and per Jkanew 99 tbew unlock tba boauca'a ahriae, to of landineawsesJIaeawlyaadfragranc, war shiomita a w tohoU. and trtuawbta aa we me surw thamc ani whew thea ear rat felicitiea af aasrbtl birta bar aH their mortsJ red; whea wa fiei ttotdbiag& atber joya may beguile, they eaa antJkUctltajny toatb gone; why tbixli we art bur alone to memory, which knwweih aeither death aa aVerptioaf I ba uatened to- a voice that aiwmerf Siitdeet aad awst bieseed a earth, od bat repaid i pcuSiawem with th deepest and kulnl tUkvnm ef ary aatur. I bare watchrd aomng ma ay. that an dear ennlr, wbrb to aromaa auoa hnmawa aerecios! I Cat it ia all past aad aaer! The- day mwt eotn,wbea be will look bia Biar nym. t?) beia? he to wooed and lured' whe 'l t:..a ha f& U'tweea ua, will ba aa though it neer waa doe or tpukea. It woaid I aisJom fthaps, now to atrira with, the teskbeasthat go- rrr.s Si. J ! is . ?,, tra lU ci,k t c iaa. t.lj it b mm t f lxw, t an I day, I krac!.- I aa etf' ' f - :' ; ia lie preaaac ttet awtraw ar s'-iw c. J e' r savcearMa, aad at sU abacrtre rtoi!t..U-rir f tbat at sbotlJ f .ta apfaar ket-ra ij ersu ry. ' r4 a at Wa laid 1W kar I j '. '.-4 ep aoy I. Wulwa; aar baa I d(atad tti happy inmmm t pare aad wea-lfaal to; aad WW agt Wilt ihf asHrttUiJl to pUa tbat era ware Ut to La ser erad. I ka kaowatbraasb kiaisocaatMfuw kourti b4 a3 at bv 3 an.!; aad aUat eaattvra u, la tie gra,bwtbr Ibry abaskirpbeasaib war '14. aad to tbnr brra cam (rgH, but any sn. ary sbajl k aaaa liwas to wtbara. f. r.! al wtab aaa wtS, aad toffy, aLail mm r.a aW r tolaad pj. , - ITkat I wesLi af thnsilt tnJ trla li p. rauar U kttera? tl bat kM dj we r 1 ii tb a aal af tbeta aad M e!iri, w'.-t I '7, a hat tksreaa, wkl aa;x ilj wrtts t . ia krwf mLawfcfiriitt Cut it u t.-.-f . ' I Abr,ew1reianattdth,lL4 t;r, r'"' " BMI BSurUI lire, Wsrt Bp to l.rt.4 t 4 . TWlrtterawf tbaa aha ared. J, kw jktr '! . Utavalslix aad kr4ib ia l!ir lis writrr asaa, prrbapa, LJ wk a ii f.e .r -eaa af Irawdibia, ia tha tmte af p aMoa, t ll.a barf of ptoawar, i lb asm carver, be short, 1 art hi joye, aartbfy end tar.L'y kJlrautiiw. W aeaaa aga I rrfrar I brer pat be tPj'iW j bwt tra sadleaiy mated ky tha knowl..' -t t' .t tbara baa a free! bHaaaa ttl and limiX 1 ta baada which traced ihoes c Hat sclera ar asoU ,.Vr af sa tba tto, aate ky wtos, ar a.' ea-'j tur - todast. . .., , .. , . Lruara Craaa tbaaa w once loraJ, bo, prrl. 1, ar atj bsiag. bat a laager b wg ft aa il a- be, w gtww tuvd af tbrra ar tba srparatua at tore anefioB saatuai unrtrr.'ecti.jcs of c!iarart r. Sufl tba Irttore trcaj Um and scaaoRS, wbca it waa asbarww, d wa ajubapo eur ! owt tf awiwlrra, M war, wtib awseb bk's 'r ltJ. sc Tbat asVcaur af tb per, hud tut ra traereaarat af lb sprit. ho eaa paint il f " - Tber m at J aautbar t'a af o! J k!'-n, ea kick tba toart aVrhutoetpatiaie ; thoae of i!.a atdl tii0?. bat abaaat. (J'j I what do Ihry wot f karddthhtt They baa tUa ahUe wiichery af bear, kwe, aad Irwtb ia tbet. ithout aa t, . k r Caw to lower tba to af that ewcbatitmect thry ccetaiaw , ; . Vaas tir Hem 1VI rarasrr." 'T TATTZSViG UOQS UTTU CO! LCD rOGD. Tba rrrearis af Air. Coel o t!ie t Jranf-f f f caokiag fbud Lr fkiieiung bogi, ia lha nun.r vf year Juaraal tor lA-cetnUr, certait 7 verua mora atieatM tbaa tb au' 't w;i to to rrrrira. 3a lung since aa in l-Ci ar 'I, kJ practuJ sriewca af iLia rthud af fetteiung what wjs tbea caHed a very mammoth of a bog, the e-t wrijht of tL encat about ait kuuJred aad C f Alier asiuii su.a my stork U pork fort f-.r.a , lata sa Deceraber, oa twiuij by a aei'hhof'a, tlirtw . mi asue Iraaa iooi. m tha eastern cart of CnlnaAia caoary, diacovered a vary kre f.amc ba-j capanag aboat tba fields, kit hai a!ok, ttil f cnoc'itded to tod juet escaped from tb aty. Oa giving ant ice, tb awwer told asa tba atory A that hag, which waa tbat that bad beta tha eecond af torapt to hftm baa,ad that tba bur would sn.'i grata, aaf sttr." lur wbsdb reaaoa aa lad roocld. ded to gira bias aaothef wintering, and bad just , tanted torn eat af tb ety, kavthg aone to the fall to fare. V Oa going to enratna kia other bogt I A-rnd tbat they had bee supplied with plenty of ear ia tba can, aad water front a ruonio bri k. t I triad to puraaaan tha owner to adopt my j' .i . with tbia tog, aad feed bit ea extra anas I hoi:. !, bwt b ana araek ap bia neaa at lha kiea of " n.a. king haety pwdJtag tor bia ho-i T A try tZott la pwraaaiU bias waa ineCetual, he Cualiy maJo aw aa mC t af kia hog to try the p'att myself, coo gjeaa. ha ba aaiJ, ftat I would LA it thothcr , aaacocsfaL' . - -. . T asaka th atory short aa poa-i'Je. - I bought tha hog, tor to tbaa tba wwaer called tha vahra of tba car to bad eaura, pat bint iuto a warm aty, partitioaed from a boraa stable, and tha next day eomaaeaeed feeding kira with haty puJJ.n j, aamy aeighbor eailed it, md of cor meal and a mix tar of boiled potatoc with aow and then aoma ; ManpVia. - Tbie waa dun ia a laf" kettle aet ia .auriSa' W-bcZaj otwhicA-iJJ UJ'ttm A week. - Tb bog eno begaa to Citten very fast, aad to aatiefy my acighbor arha railed lo see him, I krpt a arcewat rarrrwf of bia tood. II Citt- y. Ua lha laat of June, tav. kept bias eery cwol ar aight, and without fo- i righJrca bwrs, I bad bias slaughtered before e'iw nae, and after aangtng aim ep a little time l a ateat colored by throwing aa cold water, cut up aad throw into pick! with tb hama and ahouU , dera.' Oa the Srd el July, I aeat the meat to Al. baay by a careful aaa just aa it waa bud dowa in a half Is-fsbewi. II awl! tha aval readily and broeSbt aw back o th 4;h of July, 49 o!d York; . shitting. Ait aa assay p4mdt af meat froea thia tog, eoid oat af tb pickle. Thia malted sua to chwe aay account cartret, the result of which waa a ehatr parofif wf about, one-third of tba sum he p f disced aaev The fact were all perfectly eofort oua at th time. Thia was a tnooster af a pork, er," aa they my ia Kentucky ?' and I think aaa-, published m soma at tha newspapers 5 tut I do not kaow that any ana except myself, has petaevcred .' ia tbia pita of kedtag, cr that the experiment 1. 1 any peraaaAeateSxt oa other. The Urmcrs t Lava cnamdrrtd tha pet .rcciw cf for mulin ie- "jTUliAL." i "0UderiTedrfomT: .; . for ha hatTot tiota - . y 4 . V

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