0 1 jrurrrrt, .x.. 1 a tar h4im l"r tie IS .rr' D'rr. , . . , . tii.. in m Miss itjunv - Kit , Tlx etrangaf' Urr f)b, WouaJ 4 fcU I A yearning xfavkli a it t4 U Ik f in 141 Jl ihy Tb Bifaagaf luds M real WKb Ibe. " TV tljwk'rf U iVe S" rwatUg h-aie. - Clad ornate rowftd Uiy huweehwld , T him lhal auood hb ' tow Tb stranger' art otlb ba, : ' ' Thoelkink'sf thy ch.Wisii' lsugfug ptoy A tovaly at IklJ uf day TW aa tb mnngmt uWitbi apprwd 11m uWr'i uos mm u'r h breast, TV Uib4 ft f bj friend I wtood, f-.-ib mm rout m prayer may bU4 1 Tba ik lb tia;r r g row d . Fe tr art UtuM who pray wnb bias. Thy hrt, thy bom, thy iluiiri toad TW Ihy kixlrd Ua) Oh, 'nxU lbm ft baa U4 Up art, Dral f ily ft Kb tba ((( barl t c iianoi:. , Lk satur throuyb 1 ! revotutioo itl : All c'tanjrta drain. Day follow ati.Mil, aod aiM "I be dying dy j Ur rw, sod m(, and ra ( Earth toko Utf leoiote. Be U HrfnMftrf, gy, Wub kr grew ahapltt tinixu? Cow, Droop mu Bellid AuImuio. Wnir, gray, , , , Ifusry witb float, sad turbulent with storm,. t , ; lllwws Autumn, Bod bis goUa fruits, SWsy J Ybea mIU inl the Hprinf. Ii4t Bpfinf tilt Uftlb t'ltuaicii, foni wirra elwDrr IN Ikjutb kr!la th ftrft r All l rt dmftJs Mm; At m bMil, ll wkk to r-tomi- u , Vmi ( Stmthtr Liter tr Journal. ' Wbt wt a'aluvf T rU f irl auajMrt, . " . T f ol nnj " b IbiftJ ; SCHAPH. , 8TIIEET ETIQUETTE. Xb N Y b Juurnal U Coromerca girs d U lullmriiif decMiiua cNicraiiK lit umuntn of henod eititcfM T ll!im, Milled bj lit llirb L'uuri jf Too. W ibmk it crrci. of fcuur, if lU UJiw m (bciJe, for thr w t ipfwiil iu vuck . W ba beo of ooiui-, ttuerrr, Ibal ' nothing attiiulJ delf a fcntUnn from "lootbin Jiia beat if" lo trerjr laiV ha ntccla, eiccpt lb fpar f 1 in viknee. To refrain Irum lit draad or a "cut ta atord, for ft My baa rig hi lo Mrut auv andeverv ivuilrnit i aneaa aho pleaw ' 71a High of HVairaJ Wo Malnt aumo tiina am lhal Mlrd of Ihcra wring any gmurtd of com plaint on 1 1 part of 1 1 Ud., lltallkir riftiU mm inlriiigfo, thero wai uuca 10 iiar mat Im iurriaatiiornl waa quia uq Iho other, aide, bikJ wt stitcJ tmrti (mnicuurt in wntcn inc men tr III vllf mi W Mill J w aaa T r.tat mhbIiIii. Ua Imb rtt tlAitf I hail tber an alarininf 10 road baa recently beco mad ou IiMt rignit which iviimhmi i ii hkik i wm arlileU in high loa, aa otidcrrtnod, that 00 gen. .1 I . L' L 1 I 1 1 L . - llflinan bo mafia a lady m liroadway abnll be al L..aJ Ia IiuitIi UIm Imim r nr tna L jl mv ! rn nf m. cosiiiiion. iiukaa tha lady f ie liberty by nral nod dmir her prrlly head, and lhal aAer roeognition kat Ibua paaied, tha gentleman alia II not be at lib rrtj to riieiid bia hand unieaa the way Drat eitend i.sm H.iMnMtltfMiriihil iitifvr IhrAM ffirrUtn. alanc, Uh4 awfut to.kinf fetjowa ho carry a ahue bruah on their wpper lip, or iboao atill more iiunatT, vno are ao ungeniieieaniy aa 10 oaa uroaa . M-.tM r . aiBiL!. hum will LlnrA trft tirMirl In inftk boy. - c-' (. , -a . . . - . i ... .... , . UMerml LamrubmluwL 1 1ml "all kVtD M f mi a it 1 1 . 11 eraaa. wivit only meiapnorwauy oui iiierany true; f r ad thMe crralure we behold, art but the herba i-flhe Ikld. diiratod inta pfh in tbem,"or mora remotely raniihed iu ooraelvea. JSay, we are bal we all abhor, antliropophani atxl cannibal, , tlevourert not only of men, but ouraelretj and lhal not in an alleirorr, but poaitivo truth : lor all tbia fnasa ol llcan wnicn we nenoia.came in ai our nioulha tbia frame wa look up hath been upon our trenc.beraf in brief, we hare devoured our aulvea, ' y, '. V A vat to malt Candlrn of Dura (U Nature. 'To ten ouiM-ea of mutton tallow1, add one quarter of nn ounce of aamphor, four ouncea hf beea was and Iwoiiuncea of alum, melt I hem all tocelher. Rnd llion nmkn your candlea ( (he? will be very hard. and they will burn wilft clear blaze.,-, t v , , .A1 AV Alimtnack." Bend the Brut and Jhi'rd finpera of llio Icil hand, and commence counting ..with March St the thumb, the bunt finder iu. nicnie mo ii"uui iiu vwwiu viy ' The Slir'$ Prayer. Amooa variety of cu J a. I.. .Kw.k ..!... u. u L.aa riona pnnora ofJohn Ward, of llarknev.Esq., M. P , . . '. ' . r .' .." 11 I Wm(j Dring rortTtcteo of iorjery was eayietrett the IIiu8c,hikI in the year 1727,aiood in tha pillory,) there waa found few day a ago ft paper in hia own tiHii'l writing, which we think may be ?ery proper. Iy cntitlod the MiaorV Prayer. 'Pf"'? M Oh Lord, thou knowest thai 1 have nine houaeg in the city of London, likewise lhal I have lalnlv pur r Imscd an estate in fi-eirnple, iu the County of Eex; I bencech thee In preserve I ha cjtunties of M Jcllesei nud Imcx from fire and earthquake; and as J have ft mortgage in Hertfordshire, I beg i.f thee likewiae have an eye of compwioo on lhal country, and for the rest of the count iee, thov mayeat deal with them aa ihouart pleuaed I Oh Lord, enable Iho bank to answer all their bill, and mnke all my debtors good jnen. Give proBperou voyage and return to the Mermaid aloop, because 1 have insured it ; and aa fhou hast aaid that the rjaya of the wi".ked are but abort, I trust in thee that thou wilt not forget thy promise, ai I have purchased an estata in reter aion, which will be nnna on Iho death of llml moet profligaiS'yoiiing man SirJ-i-r- !--- ,. JLwtpmy friend froni linking, and preaerre nia from theives and oouee-brealr nl nko all my aervant eo hooetft nd fiiiihful, that tliy may attend to my in toresit, and never client irm out of my property night irrfiiv.' ''' 1 a ; Stop the TltUfll! A iMfttna .iirtl. Wit l(t 1 Wli.4 l . ,wijj, b- ( Cwl. W, Vim't 4. '.'! , e T- w. n uf U4. Tltt If'it'k it WimI It h ! 6rrf tf4 '!, ai rhf ftfer 3 f'H b.Iu ilt Itaifff k (I ! Um U U I, l f.i..(. I Bvarlf U uiiit U iia0iMf,aufiiinf ut a fw cLKra, arkrj I), ti ai4 artrra artKUa i4 lrrr i.ivJi, oith hi t iraftlliBtf Kil.wr.t, W k.b uul hoa (4 bM) fe n llf . &t4 ba ft ea BM V4 M lb a4utio4 tlia TWf, aid are Ili'ftlrf B.i.l. A L! (Itilb lial, WHb bUct taltd Buliar, H Wcfiro MktU,H "f Utemtm Htlne la'j a4 ull, tod I Ate"Jxjoa, ((irrmaa Bauff1af, dilT-f-atic CuftahlrraWy frota tboe aweally b u4 ia Ibw ra (mo ) Tbawwr ia ftrrparad to aJarif U lb a ante r ay ofbr awla a lb Trunk. . Mr. Lai 4ieff lo oar biagottf aad cu.t-t, a4 Una rucen(iire bworem a 4lla vLUfUm on all f) iiIiitm la apar 00 aropaf aaoaM tut datocUng Ih Tbirl. (ft- rVlitore oa bh bJm of Dae ill, fBcially in Urwaabumuh, IWlJUiryand Lfacbbaff, will be dw Mf B act f cbaril) to ogf fbaa Bdvavtwooatal aad df rtw( awM aitcwiBJo.iwat.Jiikjraiaiaai may be arot lo Col. W. IVw, Caat Waioaf, or air. Ooaiea of Rutb. if Ua, ar to tbw Cca. ' "" . ,1 Ciuii talirn by mlaUte or dralgn 'IMIE HvUcf baf etapoaa) Mo Mbal A Bfowa'e Hrra 00 ibe dy of lit lia banl Meat, a4 aa fcw KtnV aowa ar ll 4uu to pwrebaa ot iriicira, bimJ oa turning to ti out, ha darorxd bia t" aaa Bra uaaa ajr. bui aa m fji HmmJmg to Uf ittmd Tb huUrnUi'i g wa waa plate wall bade el.iek and aaoun. liBva, aad caa be bauwn by lh Wat.'b otrce being of lo Baicaa sad bretad to f alltar, and oa Ibe UlloW boa aieca war ngraa (. ia. 1 be ana Irfl la tb rm ut it, ia aa old wnb ibe abick liMlured ia ertaral olacoa. aad larked oa witb Mila, and Ibe rot-rud aUinad wtlb Aa rurlaxie lud HritK, fbe p, wbufr be ay be, ihat ml tb chaai, ll fcve Ibe gnuimm to relara Ibe Kr1 where be Miaxl M, Bud lake bal B ; it an, kmiiimUhi will be a.k4. J.XO. Kitr; Moaan.brr 1. 13 1 VM HCULPTUJIIAG. .. J. JIOVLDMIOVXER I J-L'TFCTU'LLV at hia frimd. .ihI iU 1 " public, lhal ho ia Mill al bia old Imjmmm ul . 8Tommutti.no, arveo mileRuutb of SaJiabury, an4 abuui a mile Iron) the old Cnarleatoa Road, where be 1 prepar ad lo accommodate iboao wiabing work ift hi line lie now baa oa hand and tor tale, ft good eupply of ILLforU tS, of varHMia aisea and pncea, uxko Iweoly-hve l thirty doHara a pair, of thai boat grit andworkmtoebip; aten WINDOW SILLS, from U to HA tXX)R Hi LLS from 92 In 13; DOOR 8TPd31.S(); ItOl'GH JU'ILDINO ROCKS from f.lty Iu eveHiy.nVe ceou; TOMB 8TON W fro n $10 to tIS; GOLD (up ahaA) URIXDElltf f JO a pieee. The dubecriber hopa by clone attention to buei or, and hia dHtrmuiio to furniah none hut the beat article, and on redoerd trrma, to merit and receive a liberal portion 1 public patronage. lUwao County, April 13, 18118. Vim CIRCULAR. The article puUiahect,belnw, concerning the new and popular doctrine advanced by Ihe illuatriow Uoelicke of Germany, cannot fail of eiciting a deep and thrilling Intereat throughout our country. COEUCKETS? MATCHLESS SANATIVE, medicine w mora value 10 man than toe vaat minea of Auatria, or even Ihe lioited Ireaaurea of our globe, medicine, which ia obtained reuary bom the vegetable, animal and mineral kuiauoma, and thua puBeaea a TaatB roto power, a medi cine, which, iHowh neeigtied aa a remeily Hf cmi aumptioo aolt'ly, ia poeeoaaed of a mvateriou inllu enceover many diauaaeaof the human ay ale 111, a medicine which begin to be valued by Physician, who are daily witueaaing ila alonihiug cure of many whom Ibey bad remguod lo the graap of the INBATf BLB (jIAVK. JSi DOSE of Iho Sanative, (or adulla, one drop; fur children, half drop ; and for inlunla, a oarler drop Ih direct lona explaining the manner of ta king hall or a quarter drop. , , . . I'aicKlHree and one-third nx dollar" 92fi0) per uur otrxec NEW FASHIONS, FOR FALL 64 WINTER. . 1230. - ' II0R.1CC II. DEARD, H ESPECTFULLY ir.forma bia fneno and the public, that he atill carne ou the TAILOR INC BUSINESS at hia old aland oq mainatreet, next door lo the Apothecary Store. He ia ever ready lo execute the order of hia customer in a style and manner not aurpnsaed by any workman in the western part of the Nate. He is 111 ih re gular receipt of .the latest London and Now-York FASHIONS, and prepared to accommodate, tbi tame of the Inshionatb at all timea. 00"". Cutting garment of all kinds attended to promptly J and Ihe latest, fashions frrinahod at all time to country tailor, and instruction given in cutting. ,, . , , Salisbury, Jan. I, 18.JS, IIIU Subscriber wishea to inform bia customers I a .a ib . 1 .a .i aim me puuue geueraiiy, inai ne ami carries CMUIIC VIIIIIIIb liUHUCSS) and i ever ready to' execute, in a very superior manner, all descriptions of work in his line. UoIiuniulrs,Mill-btonei, If two and Door till. Door-ft rp and 7ono-onra, aro executed in ft very ore s'yle. His prit (ar Mill-Slonea ia very good. Mr. J hilips also beg to inform Ipe public llul he can execute Engraving of various kii'd le wil Ln:rave mnrhlt)-slnla neatlv, and granite tomb-stone cun be well executed if desired. . His charge shall always be reasonable, and as accoin nHHiuimg as possible. ? ," t "? ? - rursons wish ma to have work dona in tha above ine, will dn well to cull al th residence of Mr. hilips, aevea miles south of Salislmr. ';; , ENOCH E. PHILLIPS. ' August 84," 1SV - ' " if Ilr, ricasant Hendcwoii,; ; 3 fTlFFERS his Proleeatooal Services to the Cituena " ' of Salisbury and it vicinity. Ha occupied the Brick t.lBce of Ih late Dr. Milchef. Salisbury, Msy IM.J?. t . At me mt mrrmm t mrrnm J T ' j u a h iIiI-!b f. t, ('itl wU.U tt.r.trn l ll UmI tiiKl; f M Iritt, k, MhiB a la ;'. imtjr.'j mtltp4, tlmre a a4 etwt oa u, Hwriraa ctifrt a ' friulxal wbuM '.(, M ,u iiBitta, rpl !a atuiki iJ , M aar tt r'iiwa wbxb ailid ... iaJ Mk cjtcri.iin( k. A "a la w Uvt au4 Hmwif nMt Ut atla alrrad aa rimi hd di!t est -i ., wiib rnhmk to enr-ch ) S puulicanua, ar a two. loeibauaiiU. Tb aew-wt of odd! baa M oroprad ibrotifb abiab to aroaat to tba ftMMua sad to ' du all U aw Ut wbrb oreur, sad U lb aaw Ibaorir wbirk ar adtucstod aa tb varajos iMituliuaa uf dicl arwnc lhrvuySil lb woU; sod II w par lhai H atsild b w Tm aamd I Uw aaf lb Mbw Ulintf prMna,o( bie.anddi'm'i;. lb artwi'b atandiag the pbilU4 baerMgB wbwb finmlt know ibair atwnee to baa oa ataJicin, and divinity, and law. lhf at ae pabliaalioa Ibruatfb ftbb, a lb aoBfwprwto abanoal, Ibua bar toga Bm; be Botnlad awt It t Ue Ibal anoa Mwapanata, sad ala one or lw ork of a Urn epbjnwaral cbaractof, do ocoomomII aJuul arUrbw l Bit oor of pbraaviugy I bt lb do s4 Bt4 Ibe prearal Bawlf. A sra)iel wbiab hi avowadfy paraaaaiif leml , ftbua paa aUll omv bUImI a BPfBtaaawt aWaMtur of OicU, ami anail b opaa bar Ibe aftiB of ooiMUMa and lb rnrd 4 priaciple ciiaowud wub Uxw Bcts ia a aowlad: aad a airuog toahag of Uii aeeraMiy, bajeibor witb a Ulud Ibal aucb wutk is aatoonitaly iaioaisifd. and will awl wnb ncourafo Blind au pjft baa Mtduaod lb pub'labnr to prewnl Uia Bfuaprclu of Tb Aomv torn I'lircnobigical Jiaaraal and IdiacelUay." Tb object of liita work will a to Braarrv Imra ob liniua lb ana: iniercwliag et lb vary aaweruo Ucu, OBSnnalury aad illuairalir of lb trutb ol phremJo gy yla aim tb true bearing a of Ibu) aciruc no ad. caiuM : (pbyakal. Htialle'taal, sad nal ;) 00 lb bla dict TrmlaMttl ol tb Irvaaoa; oa Jrworu4nc; on Tbeoliigy, and oa Mawul Bod blxal I'kiUipliy ta all then subject ibrr is anemiragsneBl to b"p b euotr ibotjuM Irtxa trl-bl proa 1 wail U ivaour- era uf lit aditor bbnanll will awl, it i bopwl, b tjiiod lueuntidwrabl. Tb rlig mua eharscter of tb wurb will b dWUrJ- If rawagrur luf one ptmnioral object to gtvifif It auiK ia, to ar I'itf.ni I sjf out of Ik baml ol uSua', bi la ifooranc of iu trw Baler Bad IwvJae- en, aopoiwe Ual tLt y lod ia it an inatrineal by which lo anbaart tb Irulhaof revavled ralif wo, and kmr u bimmI uf Imuias areoaotabitity, sad arI otlifatino. A Irequmi aotct of diacuaaioa ia oar paif will Ihrre- Mt be. Tar rrvf aaaf Ikawe of fkrtmuiu ruligiuos brannc of oor acieace w reaoscifully auliclt tb inquiruw aad otorcliopt, aot et eaviliera. Dot of um irulv candid. Bod lb OAaciroliowaJT fcarML Suck tut- reapuadent w ahaJI alwaya waloome to our page, and Ibey wdl slaiya a tiud with k'odor: aa, a Us will honest Bad reapoctlul objocuv to Pbrwiilogy. But UmJ raptmoa and cavillers will etwur to IbeoweUe our av wot conteapt ,' and lh ignorant (.relntrlrr, who art-k to overthrow a science which be will not a at Ihe paiua to mveatiaie, mar exprct a merited retake. As our object m tba estabjajltmrnt ', w oiii. eil iba.cofnauaicat ol lac la which are aupiaaa'd to militate atiinsl Pbreauluoy ; and we plvrlire ourw-lra 10 publaab thata, ia all ea ia which w bar anfc- tury vouchers inr their geiiuinenesa; and in which all Ibe bet ia Ibe several caaea ar futnuihrd lo ua. But a w aiuat furaa uur own judgment ol the cerebral de velopment in all caaea on which we eiprraaouropMiuae, il ieobvinoe lhal we cannot receive, in Ihrae inatancea, lh opiniMiof iion-plM'enologH-al or anti-phrenohigioal wriU-ra, a In the degree 1 which ihe eeveral orirana ar developed : we muat in every aucb case, ate ibe ktnJ ar stuff, or rl of tl, properly certified to be true lo nature, 1 Oneinal Eamvt m ItirenoWicil autnects will htm pan oil the Journal; as tlan, Keviewa of Phrenologies I and anti-Phrenologieal works; por aba II we fad to pre sent to our readt-ra aucb ma tiara of intereat and impor tant a my be round in loreiL'n Phrenological work ol atandard excellence, and which ar not generally eceea whl to thn American publie. Our fitHi we pledge nuraelve ahall be Boaofdc such ; and aa olieaas pracli- ble, we aha II accompany oar description wiib illiMtra- Uv cul : indeed, we intend Band expect scarcely a number will bo iaaued without two or more aucb cut. To encourage Phreoukiffiat of talent (and especially pruleaaMMul uea who ar Pbranobieisls,) to enrich lb work with their cootrioutioo, wooOor lor vscrfttd waU- Itr, aa liberal a coropefMititMX per priarr fge, as i usually aniaiM by the very Drat periodica I aa uur coun try : bill the editor doe not prmnawlo eaaWe all which his correspondents may eommuolcate ; nor all which h may admrt into ihe work. To error, if serious, and es pecially if 11 affect tb intereat uf morality and religion, he claim the right f correction, in the form of reply, or of the atippraaaion of the objectionable matter: and communicatKine for which compensation i expected, meat a an prepare aa to be bt lor the public eye. In eoncliiMou wa may b so allowed to aay, that the pecuniary vain of each number will depend much on the extent to which the work ta pttreniaed. It is not With the deair or expectation of gain that K ia oflured lo the community, but from moral consideration: from 1 desire lo know and to promulgate truth. x Hence should large subscription Iwt be obtained, a consider ble pro portion of the pm6t will be devoted to Ih enlargement and improvement of ihe work, without a a ineirase 01 x- pen to tha subscriber. More frequent illustration ml embellivhinenta will, in that case, be inserted, and tb attraclione uf the work be thua multiplied. ' TERMS i - 1. The American Plirenohwrical Journal and Miscl (any will be issued mooliily.coiuiiicpcing on the 2d of Oc tuber next. . ' 2. Ejch nuniht-r will contain at lean ft' octavo pn. ges, makiug a volume of not leea than iWJ pages; cor responding in point of mechanical execution with jthe best periodicals of the ov, 3. Ihe work will. be lurmshed to subscribers st f2 per anum fi a ainele copy; ma (current in Pluladelphi or IVew lor 6) lor thbbb copies, or IU (current aa bovej for bbver copies sent to one sdilresa. - To Llsb- ovmbb and Thbolosicai. Stddbnt8, ainvle copies will be furuiabed at U3U oar annum ; and to companies of eight or more of such, il will be reduced 10 tzb per copy, if aeot to one sddreav and the aubecription for warded to the pobliabcr fre of expense. ., - N. B. As funds are already deposited for sustaining the work one fror, subscribers will inearbo risk of loss by paying in advance; and for the same reason, will b invariably required in advance. ' " .' Money sent by mail, if enclosed ia the presence of the pnat-masMv will be al the risk of the publisher; but postage must, in every ease, be paid. : To editors who. will give this Prospectus one or two insertions, and forward a paper containing1 it to the publisher, the work wjll be vent for one year. " - Subsciptionaand letters of business, may be addressed tn the publisher, Aoam Waloib, 40 Carpenter street. Philadelphia, and eommunicationa for the work to the Enrroa of the An. Phren. Jour, care of A. WAtnix. Poatmai4era throaghout the country will please to act aa egente for thie Jimmal. -v Blanlis! Blanks!! WE would inform our friends in public business , , thai we have just completed ihe Printing of a large and splendid slock of Blanks, of almost every dc scriptiun now in use. JSV"fl hand-bilL .... Tb tJbwieg U aa aUracI fW-a furthcoming wort of Ir. Pie, lb diarot am of tb Cakbrtd Vf Ubto Ali-Buuoa Pilta," Miaraj, waaltb, and imit, are tb Ibrea prim opnti of lift. Tb two Uroat are only boI4 bi a BMan to obUia tb Ultrr. Maa erwk O wwlib b moan 1 etijnyMent, But aia aucb puraurt wrthnttiMpaaMiaofboalib. Withooi bodily tip aad atrwigib, BnHf tb pbyeKa! aor the mootol-awb tbrr tb moat Bur lb outward bib Is capable oi ay lrbtirr', wbalboj of wealth Of of oeJiBatot Mnt una tn fiT awind a.ind ia a auoad bndy-aj tb 11 u fa a tb atooluU rwsual-B any atfkwot etLtt ia lb atummenl ol aoaaaa nda. Tb mind aaay b activ. but if lb WJy b tobl. Iheo ia tb aural activ to llUl parpnas. l)oymiit Is aot lh.ru sad lb lloeat Uid Btans ar rraderd sborti by tb abattred eoadiiioo of our lewemeoi of clay. Hut aay Uaal s sue aouU abtaia woatib ibal be eould scquir lb gold of Opbir, and la tag bow aU lb Iraa. aure of lb mioa of Uutoooda, tat witlioul kealtb, wboouldbbiabppinaf II would b nuarra. bltolUidufbMroldsod bi4iaaood; b oauld pin aoay in wrvlcbedoaa and deapair; Bod be would aelain wiib tb wow man of old, - AH to vaarty and veiatasiolapiritr Hi limb are rackod witb pain, aod b canout roat l bia sppeUU f un. Bad be kalba bwluud; bj abJtaack ia opprasaed wiib auOTa,ndb lurnaaickeoiiig Bay si lb atmniaaaof I uni5ciil Pie vatooca. II would i all h I worth oey, all lb world, if be bad ilfiiba poor, but boa' thy ajiBa'aappetit. "Pl'-aar givem," aaid a bongr wretch, loa wealthy, (nebl man Plraa give tut Mxpeoe to buy ta aaoraal of luud j am aluwat atarted r " I woaU iv a Inuaaaad dollar b yr appetiv," id lb fB inaa, aatx banded lb hungry oo a dollar. Of a tuucb unpurunce m boa lib to Ue eeiyaieot of l.fot Bui whereto, awthiak I bear tlx rdr k, aub aaarvea Ihw homJy oa ao plain aad barknwd a aubjed ! Do w But all kauw lb vaiu of BcaKri 1 Uo w aoi all atteed to it a oo of lb chief, if But lb cbiefVwl if not lb cbiefawt Do w aot employ csscera ut our awrtal axoAeoc I lb mean to alia in and preserve itl Do ws not lay oct money do we not fee physiciaaa do w not follow Iheir advice do wa aot swallow tbvir evwacriptnn I Trto most trw - grail raider, thou dost all thing, w dr y, and mora. Still, w cannot boliets our homily oa haaltb to b altogether anoecossarv. As ia moral, so in physic w it requisite to hav -line apoa line, and precept upon precept." Men ia bealib kepi that Ibey may o sick; and men hi sick new do not all ways employ tb most judicious means to sttaia bealib. Very tni. Doctor mea do aot a yoa Bay, alwaya purv Die right road to health. Nw, I know of aoma pHool who ars alwaya doaing tbaaasalve wiib physM, and running lo tb dociiar and spuihecario r day of their live. Tbey Uke, I verily believe, a cart load of druga ia a year, and yet they ar out well after all Do you know tb re sua I Why, ye, in my opinion, ther are two reasons. In the first place, tbey laks loo much medicine, aad ia the eecond, ihey donUUkaiharihtkind. lusedtomak the aaiiM mistake. Hut lately that ta lo aay lor two or three yeaia past I've hit upon a butler plan. I lake Dr. Peters' Vegelsbfo Bilious Pdls, and I derive mar benefit from one dolUr Uid out ia them, than I used ia paying fitly in any former pursuit of heelih, besides sa vinir a world of aauaea and dwvustia swallowing an en ormous quantity of medicioe. Doyuu know Dr. I'etera Vety well. " And have yoa ever taken hia medicin 1" " I bae; 1 were a bluckhoad eU." " Tbey toll m b is Bona of your quack, who un dertake to mend and regulate the human machine, without so much as knowing of what parts H consists, and bow uiey are put logemer. iney say oe under stand anatomy and prr awlor y, I think you call them and ia aa familiar witb botany aad ehenjiatry I am with Ibe road lo milL M You are right informed. Dr Peters i do empiric He does not undertake what be does not understand. He vu regularly bred to the healing art. Ha baa anent veer in the acuuisition of knowledge: he band voted himself to tbe study of the human frame, aod the dweaaea to which it is aubjeet, and now he as applying bia acquieition lo the re Iwt or sunoruig humauiiy. He does not put forth lb absurd claim bo ofteo ad vaneed by Die inventors of patent nostrums namely, that of curing all diaeases with a eingl preacriptioa ! Such a pretenew he would deem about aa difficult to awallow, a to take tbe nostrum of those who pot It forth Tber i no such modicioe. There i not, and never waa, a panacea for all disease. Tb Mat tax Biuoia mix prtend to no such miracle. But what is infinitely belter, diey effect whatever they undertake. They keep the word of promise to the stomach, and tb prt via which tbey make lo the ear ind eve. And that indeed la no alight recommendation, nor are the complaint to which these Pills ar adapted fuw nor far between.. I be disorder arising from a morbid state of the Bile are, unfortunately, many, distressing ami fatal. .,.A large proportion of all U.a fevers, espe cially at the South and in the marshy districts, are owing to ihi eauae, (Torn the distressing ague and fe ver, wnicn annual ana xi inuer ine ana limn, 10 in ftwtful " retiow JackJ which eeldom quit bi victim witlwut asuodering smil and body aa he lake hi leave. Con vr want from bis previous practice, with disuses. in all its formi, which originate of jhe disorder of the Bile, Dr. Peters was fir.-t led la employ bis knowledge and experience in the preparation of a medicine which abould prove efficacious in this larg class of diaeases, which should should relieve the aching and dixxv bead. Ind restor tbe nauseated and loathing stomach, st the sain loua that it pressalud thnse woes aolot effect which are so spt to follow from iheir imnrudeat nesrlecL For this purpose be prepared, with much care and a just adaptation to the purpose, the Vegetable Bilmu ruis, wnicn ne is nappy 10 aay, Jrmn Jonir exoerienca and theabundant tostimony of those who bsve employed them have anawered, more than answered hia most an guine expectations, n :rt1 at .:.:h- II is not hw owb mere assertion that vou are ealled upon to believe. It knot tbe ipsa- dixit of any sing! man though he waa aa great aa Galen or Hippocralea that you are to pin your faith upon. Neither al though it is said in the sacred volume that "by tba mouth of two or three witnesses whall bN things be es toblished" are you to believe in ao email a number only t A cloud of witnees" i before yoa. 'They are too numerous to be easily overlooked ; tboy are too intelligent to be carelessly beard; tbey ar too respeo table to be slightly regardud. , . I ,.. , , ;t , Believing t'ie spoouneous testimony of those whose experience is the best of the truth ihey asserV Dr Pstera has thrown toffetber in the Cllowin imdm. few of the maay handled uf teetiinoeiala received from every quarter whea bisnillsbave coma intooa Th. are left to apeak for themaelves. They in th words of those jIh "speak what thev do know, and leaiif. whst Ihey have aeen and experienced." SGrBectremlandenaiiiroforPeuira' VnoptaMoPliC Uieyareaold in Salisbury by John Murphy; m Lexini-um by J. p. Uabry ; aad ia Clwrloite by W illUms & Riyd, ' of whom they can be bad ti the N. York wboJossJe price. 'l!.rt i I la IVt'iUh (unit I fur .. Ja4 tiitnrr4, I (iff m !,t' f , lnjM, .4tAt4 to tl, n ti attfy I , dfned l 'agtU Bit mmU m4 f, ' OMlto Ourg lb grMi e I tilala. mt itUd) . THE AMPUCAN tiX CKOWU aaa tiaata' aaiai Ebrllii4 Wrth firtrtl IjijTannjx ' U l WARD au:Xt:t 4 I HdTIIilut - -WrliWsX j tad puUwbad by CHARJJ-1 ALOAMU t, PbiUd. TV I'at liuoiWf of lii bigdly ioiput t,4 bl work, i wow ready fut dalnary to aut, b( Uv roapsctfuily to cU lb atuuu f m ' I a to tb praianrthy o jcU ft has to w,M . lb pfooxSmo r4 ftblcb 4 ba baa pot tat 1Vr has aot BfobaUy htidi Bewa t to , tb BltoolMMia lb pwopto of IboBMMtfry rJ wggd oa lb Mbtxt of lb Milk Colutr , JZ aval ; but t tin wba thuw who hav alraady d as tbuj bwsiaewj bit sock oath a&d, M Ibal I.Ural pro At Buy be aWnvad fiaj a, tot J tlMriUlity to peodae M good Silk a caa U a to Bay part of lb world. Il to aalwvd ibst ill uj, wow waauag le fully establishing tbi gi auarc, Ibe ouniry, wnb ail Ha vast adteotag, kat wa Boaaioatiag of plaia practical iodrvtauua anwaaa. tad to convtnee our citiaen of what w kasw a w trw, vi? that tber Is a) snors difficulty abuatrut t rop of Silk, lbs lbf as I Crapef grai. Tkaai2 tal tbu kuwd ywlds ft r groairr fetor lit, Z b obuina rrom aay otnr Brancs of fiuvtoadry. 7, editor bate ion fed teoft aiigiged id U Bilk and to Lend homftat to give at ibew eatir HimjuZl Tbey have mad atoaiv s'iofmtiUi fur kw. tb silk arorm, and cultiatins that tovtlaaki w, of motbary trot, th Mora MalUeaoli. Aa ln ibetr long xsrie m lb oseupa'toa aad at, eorraapiindencs with silk growers, tbey bsbet tto may as w about beaiUlsm, that tbey aba II k iiiT make lb Americat Bilk ti rower, aaefu! sad ow. tog, and to comiaeaimle throagb it page bratj t value U respocliag every branch of lb silk baa a waa b slaswbor obtamed ia lb fJoitod Hut'. portioa of tbe work will be davotoi to aotiaf ibt b bWw Improvemoot of g ricwlrwr, tad aock awtiang ar garally WU to tb euttmator of lbs asj, Tb prwprii4w repnetully solicit onrtrib(na Agneultaral sobjecia gvnmlly tad also lb KliO, ing Boeine ia partKmUr. AdJr a lb Editor. Wad Cbeoey it Bn4.hers, Burlington. Tbe work will b publuaSed monthly every ti eompriainf ,twenty-Mir larg gctavo page, anrk sddmoa of a cover for adfrtnnsia, tYt tad gj eod of each volnm. t eoropJeto Ubl of eosUww b furnnsSed to ubacnber. Tsrms, On Dollar yaa. psytbi la Bdvanc. lor aingi mtbsnibera. - Tans ! wbarriptiooa will a saoplied for a wbol year by k warding a current toft dollar bilLfra of BoaUf,. All orders for th work, pustlg paid, will to wow, ly attended to, if sddrMMd lothPoblieber,CAWo der. AdiMiaa Bmldiaga, Frank Ua Piaoa, rbibsMato Cititena, Silk Grower, Agricukaraliato, tad stisw, who wih lo procurf tbi work from tb prert Um will pteaa ft-ward ibeir mom tad tb aondntaf s acripUon immediately. . ,- LIBERAL PREMfUM. i Any Agent forwarding 100 ubsenber for see ytt, and a W current hank bill will b atitled I To Tbouatnd Silk Worm Egg, eleetcd froaa tb ataw a proved varietioa whieb can b (awarded b aaJ b say parte th United Bute, tit UilJiBgexpsss,ta) which, if properly aliendad 10, according lo to untrw lion which are promulgated ia lb work, will ywUt profit eooatdereaJy ueosding tlw amouat of tb pet of Bubarriptino for no hundred eupie ' SALISBURY FEMALE ACADEMY. MRS. HUTCHISON BEGS Uv to inform her friends aasTtk public nerally, that th exercueaof Ibi Inrtituuoa adl by divine pur miss ion, reconMuenc on the 1UU tf Of tobrr nest. With th hope of rendering the New Femal Aa demy of Saliabury, wortby tb liberality of its fbosean. and of North Carolina, ah ha associated with BNwJf, teachers, in whose talent and acquirement, as eell dispoatUon and priaciple. she feels tbe highest CohV denee, and Ibna n ia enabled to recomraend Ibaa ft tbe pelronag ot a deserving public, and to aogifs a bcr own name and theirs, tlisi every measart atoll a) pursued, and every exertion uaed, ubicb prouuBl promote tbe moral, mental aod personal Bmpruveiaeal a all who may be entrusted to their car. She Where) tbe measure purraed in her School Room, bappil rv culated lo form the female character for station of bp oaefulm in aucietv. Sh anoeaui for living sumpl to the multitode of ber scholar widely scaltcrtd v the Souihern and Western Slates, who, she trusts. be to ber School, a sufficient letter of RecommenCiW Tbe Ltternrw Department will be under ber en personal charge.the Ornasaeiiof under that of her tut UoM Sabam Louisa Nta, of New York. ',T Rsjma J. BtkEB ui committed the Uenartmentof W" The high qualifications of this voung lady, as I bscl1 on the Pian j end Guitar, place h.;f among tbe " anceesaful teacher of the present day. To tha S. Faoima, whose character ia too well estaMistiMt need recommend at ion, and whose superior latent u instructor in the French lantruace. fhis native lorsJ re extensively known,' will be entrusted Ihe tl Excellent hoard can be obtained for the Pbpns, eitsev at CoL Lemly'a with ilie teachers, b ia other IH iwapectable families, where every proper car " Ukea to promote their 4mpfovwnieol and oaifori. . ' Temi or AcuxuBsion r . ' . ; '. fiT,ctaa. , ., .,;J . - TlWlorV. Botanrl Arkhoiotie. Alsebra. Mallt-Br) Geograpliy,' (wiib (b ua of the uLboa.) A"00? Chemistry, Natural Philosophy, Mental and Moral f losophy, lthotoric, Logic, Coioposition, eVb, 4, Sosaioo,- 1 j.r .......''- ,...t'.. : ,wm cuawi: j, rj-t " Reading, Spelling, Writing, and Arithmetic ff Rules,) wub Olneyr Geography, per Session, Vm - EXTRA BRANCHES. .. Iatinpcr Seaston, i . 1 ' French,,- do. .lU t ' . ' ' iaS ' Drawing and Painting in Water Colors, " Wag Work, per Course," . . ; . P ' ' Einbro'f rwrng and B.Ik and Chenille, M ' - per Course, . 4 Lamp-Mal and Worsted Work, do ". m ... Music on Piano or Guitar, per Session, 23 Ot) Scholar will be dialed from the time of eOtem?' but no deduction made for aoser.ee, except in cawe protracted aicknes. ' , 1 , T """ , ' "' N. B. Parents ami Guardisos ire respectrunj quested to specify what Church, Ihey wish, tneir dren to attend. "'. . , - - .. Salisbury, September T,1 W ".j..,. TIip Ral..wrh Hp.t;,ib, w,:i nee insert tnsi fiiur times, nd'forwfd Uie account lo Sal? paym.cn. ( . '

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