fc t . V- . .All- v J . V-,.,.44Vyj i I H r t -i . ; ' .r : J.J. lift ' I rixyi-'lnrt. ',,., . ' . . f I ' ' """ I I J rr- 'II ,i I'A.UXyi'..-1 '. ' ' ' fl wbeire ei.j,d the,Ure ah a. t'iMot'M- kU4-llUiME(lttU'r!.tbfr-!n'if.kl , ' .'. '- -'-- .V . piaj ia the apartmanl Ibta. ber mwtir.' Tnebel bfil bgt the ,b-n r tf b li , ho, If . , V . i . !.- r . . . . . i . . . . . . ! . .i . ..i I i .. . i. I ... .i fiXtt AND Til : I "It'll CUkS.1 , '. wfk bird II.' ,Wle.i(iel, -aim, tool! aet-a, era the t t " la'," . , V ErfieatU, U ktl Wen aery lid,V , , fyy u ,u we,' thoa m., . The fffml wee etwed ,,! ihejUo I.M. . .Wrally iu.reeiHyj low, t i ta.iu4 , juj a y -i.pp.tte4, m turn ber Uck la Ik . ccdmpt ftrtj f tbt ri!f rt, vt " ' ! ;. i i6(lMtMi,rii'"'a pr, . m iIihim h Itti AawlMt rJol Uiroa- ' m' lh fiftyik-.lf fwd lmlvr ' ; 4t lItt W ?Tf kuJ (. 4,HiUrj!r f f W. UUlnv Twin!," Il Ikf ml wi pnrt mo-if.Uis, l.rr . ' V - ; i T Hutfi r. "" ."c' h' Ih(.r0 pLi k.ve Wtn, U .11 pr6uus.tr, br rk.' J !'-r t' ''- ' , ' - fuct-uK-pcB uJ twyim, M U fcrmrf u wkl , pepuMi tl it lb ro"t W f mrrltioo'i iJ." ti4 ttf irud l)po lUt irwiiJ, lb' . ' jf" rurny iil eoii-rt. . TM liaJ of r 'y drtrwao-Mork.ly lr .M njtUHf M to ju -np off t a -mU-r f rot k, ol ia , -'-fleeium M ibl tf r gli'- .W,- per c1u oo lU ,!!, imm-Jiiulj ofpwt 1 bMKM,ierltKr ibom. No ibjr U-a ' 4 . . ,-,toM,rt ot iewrf,l(-f hwtirMa ", fcof MTifp,hKb fol!4 ber lo .iinr ewy. ;lorMM ib-a tusr-I wjur.-iln to or is ri ' , t - ,i-fcetuiaulrvoiM cw.wuof bcr Imrtrtiica, ff . j ,g 9aM i,k hcli ''V t0m' timn u 'f,r. r"l lbwt-M'l W- " , ;'enwM Uo4y, Bneo.CKnj cf Uho b-4 ,),, migM kMUM H U4 H fci brkM Urlf,-.. Kk Iwn tU B.o.trf-nl iKry eWJ U W. . , u i ." W N pilf ItMt will Sour W . k.; hJv- Lit- .1 kJuImI fai-m.fe.CJi -rim. WilJ tk Mint la n'A Vsm r " t ' minnia. d1 trm ! - firt Tour f vr i ouf iiifc. " ..l:. i... i . .... ' it.... k.,i it, i,t,-, ii,....h f J, piefMil tbfn' ina ittntaiumlunj I uMtontui ? nimmii 4 Wd IL, ! keli.1.1; '-.kick k hsJif lhta I wuM ( ; .; , ' 'tijKM m rin lfeo(iife lwy.tKiJ Kib ftettmne rfify gBofttte ttwi i by w M U of M tfcfl lb rwk hmjkrn trkn' IiiilclKoor Ml of your ftwn,bicli imyur ' thtftd k-wVa pltc bt bt4 ia biV down by b wijbl i4 1 bumitt fl ibfw, iUtA' Muttcubf - cewwj ftor tb f 4bi ' Cot( pkpt. 4ra tWffw k triled btw.'tnd -'il b-td Wen toca an4 lii;rl Irwtr4 (rum Hr ' .wow. wvf w '- -- ---i. w, tuoauii iiuriKtr.ii'iy tola br tve, felulO Y T" UMO":i " w " ,M r" 1 r " 1 1. '. 'Lord iuJ My U. bl !yl been frettj oo4 'i,ie,md,-bwfirMlbfe. Udy It- -r ' f" iU!)i ,he,I Jry w'' l' i ' "fiwlltrtb, lh furil)T of b.cb pf Wi art i f,It fcf bart jmf kHo br letk', and .b ' bei lr,! '-i tn, ra brA, end tr-i t' 4.-' v ',p.rtu( lb in - t d.a.-wi.hej M.Wre. Bub, , kj,w ,U mm kiM kittoa it 'um feinUrry In J-N bbau bid . . ji Ul Kd tuHfeia hd jwj ewne wry tfe. e4ilUd in lh Vwer cvotioj kcr (,,u dn;r-J t-cr lh f k. rtmovej r I vcJ th t v; , lifblful awiwut.. w cir company 4 iba JWmef henamm ba ck- la 4.iv;l MtLiJi ,uiJ -k-i fIn tb rr.io i'al ih-y a a i" f!f . j - r . 1 ,1. (baUiyattprriOKattnU.vMrcouftMy ooiba. . hl, lw;iiw. HiU eanart'of ih- bD aaia wf.r eU,. !1 iln',an J fr- pirf eery f o oaftnn; tai oojiU woe feorMNMimJ, it4 ibey fiwtatfeka ""-J ' " ; ! '"? ' . , t 100 Wj-wlly Pi4 ia OHr bvortW ia Ibf ',jm tBetrf ajijlbin ia iba bapa of Ibnrtdef 1 it bat, anr J it lie f.4 f lU a-.n'sla f -., .; ; - . V ' . VeoadiiaNla a JM bttto U-a ia Ibt ltd ad biin.-; ao4 li(btnia briu toannfc1r4 ikt kmcn f fbj, wbera Ibfl If ' k wr ra o'.-, be I 'ut . "I ; .. , ' .Ikii4liii)i "f, jrh.cii, ,altbiW4jh 0 a Ipae. , bdya, rW Iba eW(b a'ral aniubibtkNi' f, f. tkal ikt tfwrcy era ai ia au.i.r from . t '.',. ; "ttwnpwh"' pow Ib4 otber aurrura vt bajrt aaaba ibmt, ht abMband.t f , . i. b frihnr. t-r fia fii frinti, ba cudflu ! I that . " ,ynetukoe4; bad jirea lum,duj iba proeata of ( .My Jer,! obttrrrd lord i!v after tW Ui Ibr? mu.nl hna ancaoipt.d at r. ' s v. . v ,ahifmf,aOooaterbl pw;hliufo cbo revil prrrw, W on five minatriOn tbur Journey bpnar ! ' Tb pwfd ia bo Iba atari tru'li; lt, , r p.'t. ; ! . , -aneHl lat owfe -aml Cbia-fraturcrbK;h,'aa ' ward, dtrrfng'vbtcb aerind ayit Unbb bad paaa4 "i ll,a emim-oca n ibo olb'r ..! f I' " ! py, ' , - ' . t ,-. . Ird IL'Tary jiwtly barrH-r bM Id ft uteba. ; kpe of enbar. I nl eniiKH y dear, "tba Indiana were a-rn fnramr I, rn.a h - ? ol. - ,' V..1 , tMfirgn vix 1M on (ho more xlwiJed, f joa will rd.iO n br feolaHn; tn ftak rbt 4f to !cec b. nt.e ra ura l. ... .J v 1 - wrfaca of adrawiog-rooriiBJirrori' .TbaWyiiiW' eermiion I am wbovi'to Bronuu1ir, but netrr ln - J"g."ff bnr b-pins f lf, aamo p .q . a, 4 ? ' . ' . dead, caedw deep di-U of rattlod tOlaaaea,eoa.' mj fifr, bowaaer, yocvill aayikaatoi bar ba aealpa lltey bad laken a era bnnn p to dry,' -V ''V-'' ' I' v- aewu aaabt,WUlbal it aiber keaury which ob.', ;$tn oo on, baa if bWUf blli la my bi tmt "rai4 Ukr II i!UnJ, lo b a,t itW.H com. - ; ; " ;eed bar tb aflbeitoa nd .baod.of ihi miabla.- - bebold ia ymir turn iireumprabeaia eoncaa).'.'' pba, ibara h Iba enemy I mil nf my oauon, -- ' "L Halaiaod,-aaJlbj and tdaHraJ M U., aod;eoiK tiaa'alT afory diaaifroeabla tiprceaioa Ibat il ia ' Mu'oea, aa I truly Md ).hi. . They arawour; ' -" h f. aiocod bcr thai iglaaa bad been Iba mekoe of etbU poiWo to ftaicflivy. . rt m. , pweyi-m let tbaa biilf bo htKjr, !ry will be CiM' ; -' . tv- , ;.; Wbltbat beauty )r.oel apprflpWatefy, adortJed ao , yefy bkelj,"; wae ber Wvhip'a aenientiooa' . a4aey,.; We aed w fira a gwt, but ip and t . J; .; .. -fto,te'aiolbn:bao(fpeci. ebile Iba. aaialeowo,- ' rrply ' TMir want 'of. feelia&'t ab. added.afte '. lomhk themj yo are) warly taa to one.ani ' v'' "''. ' wbia anuabla frailty it a'locoaaider btajiaajf ehnrlaaaa,' " la mo4 wrolita?" . f ' "d .appreba'nd 'w danff.' -lUtm on, and yon ',v , ' . . aaurpaekio any way by any of bta fulloaj crwi- "y, l Lorllt i on .(KnJlj perp!erL ill 4 . wi!l kaa ywr full r HT- r C-ittba a b.t,';- -f JVl . ' " " .(urL a!a hold vbaaM id niirk eiiMiJoratiML a. ttui . r.-i.-. 1 ...1 -,.1... ..-i..t..:- nvprriim. fiv fi-ar. d. J n c'io'o la CdLj lf In ' ' ' ' . - m - .... a Willi iwiHj( 11a mm inp-i wh mi uih pHH uisrw . - ' ..,!' ! apprectatara of lie parauna pra-eminenca.-.' nol he did aot aen ei6ilr"a-f a'deficie'ner Jo"- ",diaaVadWce, and rH '"' ' uk ! 1 " : - '" , , ah y a pter ia wae w pe me reuse u jnewaf .-fc, mnral binir,, the et.stcnre (,f whicbhe politely v tba oearcat aa I bt ay. lie did a)am.r' . ;.,. 1, ijuarrel bciaaes buroetf Imlbia hdr. bA bf Ibt 'intimaiJ 1.. Ix.r la.fv.Kia.- A a .A ur fr. . and wken thy anvndal bmii. late at r 1 !,t y ..'." ,. .-. X ' iH 4.uco rt nelined to if ..; j,er bdyabip'a bcaatiful ayra pal t at.p jo .fooVef ' ' reporuvl .rba wmber of , Irtju-ia (a bn Ix-ra aa . i : . . 4 s' ' , rarratoua,,,,. - :kaiMt(lM,DMmaul,aiid,aa' oo.'Jadyahip rT- .Iwt.iMiwy wwairi.iwiui.iinrm, . - IStJ.fe 'lllHl.ll'l .MIVD l"U I IV . VUVtl wtif linn - . , . , H, bcaij eent from Puubargh, by a eoaa ko jpd tip- , , ' J ' . ; . - V ; , and bt tl in he oW, abnut 6lly piiira from ' . , . ofaeo la wbbrk be waa earn ini ii. - Duke IIihV'-" . -' - . ' ' r-. 1 a went tn aartB 4 11, opa aaHig oincorcroa r t , . ira "."tl auwn-r qi icraais Beaotr-- rt, f, heraeir-epoa ber anft iBlhf drtfiny. f afiicl f which her ladyship had f on ma Je plrav" room. Bad fbeo want into hlaerina. the mreriwte' f atflfly avara by bta cli -u e of I f to moderate"-, tatwo of ber mw.tpl phvatrtlindUfoailioB vaa Sol, ; f I - . . uiuwtl I if I w Kiim 1 1 m. wiior. ' ' . , are mock io the labit of duing, alwaya en'need nd now', my lo.eaid wrj II, imVi'rjncfy, . -a-Uiroog dew'ra ta monopolise ber Jraebaod'e admira- w whaf fa tbawiwa-of all 4bltpi .my.homr, I ii Jrarka of the man to h"m it bj'l been cik. y,-,'. :..',,. '. t lloa ae teM aa altentiooawM ftoeioaaly ftleaaed, 'how of oothin hichj caaltnaKtaa' raa btlraated,.be ponmed tkam umil be Cutod tba loot ar. , ;-. ):.-"'t . , la fccf, to permit turn a Waiira. female beauif ..'.Wen riee lmich "anwer fl iw of enniimenC,! lieb. whic h bo deltrerad ta tba ovM.Apfi , ,( . ' ' . A , VI M S wnfined, bia leard ! Ir tentald beaa. Wyabip euddrnly nfdeeds. to make bar cfMnpbtiol '(? ) ft J , fo ;'U ' ' , ty' -Wktillc0ikin, Aliie, who waa Ikia .'. Mweabily, but tlrmly VJ4 v--?'- ;.,";; " ' ' ' ' ' r. , . fifttloro, pretty and "teninj, Aner Jiltiol bim, eawynugi Aliaia ib'al lotfcr. ' Tba pter" T7r '.77'"-' .' ., - . .;T1.. . ".' a--: ' ; bad, tra reara beor oar etory. eomnieucei,and at (rlaaa 0ipoat.ia inet fltfloaatrfy' for lity fitttira hailpi. ?Jl;'7f '" L,Jtl '-.' "!(-' 'v'- "'i JtT " : 1 . toe ne of atenten,1naiTied rich countrr aauin. iti tn Aj u ,r .ti.n Mtnia hir '. AGRICuL 'fTUIlAL.i, ? v v.. " K our, af 6ry coromncea, bad ju dibd, J band I aaw 9air fmd and piercm look into bar' 'X 7 '.; 7- .' 1 ,, r J it; t . - . JearinbiJ widaw'a cbildreo to tba guardianship of eyea. .. Ilcr ladvabip fcll mmo'o. peBiiym id ioara, ; ' n r- 1 . " V - 1.14 i . w w " v qcr wntio loro ii, nsri" atimirniy w 01 taproom, jmn 'ilfol iiu.uiixj (tuiuci,i,it,ju , ; citildreo a uirdinn ahe ppneared aomewha? aa if .the "ceil minute Weaborabnck,llom7aay7V7-V ' ' J ' v -' r -.' J rirfht to ba prH,yParti,.,l.rly a. aha ,he bm'IS8 at . rata that tuigU ha. beea ad-,' . A tfwn. f T . t..waaawaiwil..i.ui.i i..r,t iivkL i.Twij!.i i.-L ... , .e . . . .. i caaaarv. ia order to been the ami io ood beart ood J. B? 'gnt Dm been tus spnu .p rfh. had aotUkeq ti mho oer buaaio b the opou-o t f uome on ,elet. .H'hat are- your angagemettta thia morninj, . 7 lord JJ.f" Inquired-her ladvtihinfcnO' breakout. v with i totieimnlying'tbat aba wae perfectly fwtra ' xif thd answer bcr'questia'n would give rise to," V" , 7 " Aliiifaa, my love, if you recollect, eeru'lo iu yesioroay to L I would be wis! vsaearfy as po,l,!cv Do you vi lhe pjiiton ? I think I ahail Y Kenaiaanu.uaily Hue and jryfreshi w "Oh. no. rnv dear. Jiv fin meiiiii.' ma i u iituiiiu aw an M 1 1 i ii rr aarniiiii nivat maw - w . -- j - - j . r -. ,. -i M.ta,m au . . n , . a m., u ... .ar . M r W v - - JBW T-w-. w Bk aja'W t-- - T iZ. t.i -J .C.-i'- l TIl'ltTB- in It 1 BW Wlt-f la I IB B I i tJ I ' 1 1 1 v i t Ii UK I IJLu I II JI1 III. W ..- greater p!easure,r and that lady thought, ai .khq l'X Wrf Uteaa difTflmnt and io ebaractara, ia ' -V 7 -r 7; --v'-ywwww.wvi, 1.. h ioiu u waa ,,... :i.v u f,.' J ' Vi rv oecewary to proltiaiiia tta;e ana to ma prenerva. v v I . V, .V - ' ' tf, . .w-Mp tra ta .,.ani,ho,iw vv- .:,:. ' : in':. bo f-rlong.bowcter.; h another hour and a hajf . "V'r , 7 T :ir;7 T , i iVd 11. ye?. Wipanied.by Al.aia, who f ''K 1 'hal ' rotM.ouof cn pa , ' . ' . .ilyfwbia rta had ioTerod ihi .partme,;, F''Pr'ch ' r p roached her emtain', Myinp, fTbarw ja the letter-,, W5 W " - 7 ' ' " -Lura, which tmiaaw W lfWeme A. mora. 7 crprtrf mora i.ni ihaa Dthertj tba aom, ; , ... . f t , 7. i t ! '. l ' abbouah ta tatt impoaenabiM oalure. yet ben? ' ' 7 .' ' nonorea paa now, twi my . . ' tK. ' M, , ,7l ,u - ' i . . i ber ttuf aaornlaff -' " onda.ma nw desire, jtu anouto not auow, f. : u.f,.M 1- r; ,, ' --.. - . . . 4. - l.'j u, Vs.'.-'.---. .duduoM from it and pmnnpa area more: that - . bh the carnage or; V? - z' J.- " ' aouw admit of profitable tiHasa tod accurate clean.' ; V talk, the oomt'nr f v .JT 1U weak, was a tjeneroua foniaivv-.'lT.r-.K ;u i., mIi. ,.. i! ' ' - . . n?.w7 " and, fe tea fmlcH'ahattje that she lihoud have roe. ' , J ' 77 -.1 . " " ' WiX 'AC piec ed the ZL of cither AlUt.u. or lord II.' " W H b' -b lh"us,0,, "! .ho"1 i . - ' ' . Fumewnat ii,.,concerted at the t-ifirmalton. :-j Iii:.- gtrLt IbP fllU tXDlASI3!ri iTaAW lv?MViha tail.? UoIcm t!.w practice be well an. v 7V . -.rVf7u. v, ij tk- eroer .of the rwr J?.W,-a.m etra. t-Ths n r ...-r.rr r -.irt.aif r f -s. i . . " " 7 r ,. - ifP'"gt'.Vlf9'' -dfalad and attend lo, l the -iTirtB "niie f irmo ia ell others witl prove auortiva and wm far from itboustinj; crnfia of tobacco, corn asid wheat, havt t B-annlnnK. Kair tiAn ,Iia t.K. I .. 1 1 . t --".t . '..1 ' ' .. wux . in, .lauff .kiio -irr.Mi?FiiBn - ninfinmn in mi in mnwi nnri",. -anil wtia iiii ,riru, ere tented with tint, ftfapinniin tjutii I. - i.:.tr:'. t. ;' if- mmm '4 iroi . i;.IIiwftJ in euch 'ranid aucceasioa. Kidiout'irivinf ... . ' ' '" w.vjvw iU III:,, lllH'Klli IIIH9i:l 111 BUI im'i i. . j.. ' , . T I - r v ' , PoojJir. t -..J-t.. . rrit-nd to ihe whiles, wot loved and esieemed by " inf tbtng in returd by am dinrn'ir rrnpa, manur- ; "i H.' wanner, w !tch bia lady Wry'aarroir.' ' them, and in' testimony of Iheir. rejardhad re- or rest, aa to hava produced the R-..-ral imparer,- ,'. w:,!p,i wn, ! r, certainly rery con coied froth ihe'm be bame of Puke Ilidlaotb' Sat.'".v,lVhmenl of the best Ino.-la of our c;m,lry. ..There -V . It oexurrej t her that both biscounia -" iified that hia nation wni ipenpahle of committinff , , it hardly a farm in llie t'.uteof ir-iuia or North V 7 . ..,.; WUUUI wouiu cave uceaiouiutoljr belter arch a foul murder, bi a time ot proiouna ptacn, vonmna tu ,wi ina 1. .-" j, . i ' ' , . . -." ' '7. ' v' 7 ' - , ' 7 . 7 ' . 7 ": ' . J t ;ia.",.. ! r . : .fj-f; a . ,