I ;:' ! (,' ( - ' I 7 I : i !, a to II -J t '") 111 IM , ... At II' Ml WimiIM I MUM, -Urn f tin, ' lit WB ' I, r,, In 1 1 1 .n, all ruii4 ear JUt fil I'.o.f (Wjfjf aa), Tbs !.! c t i) f fa (Lot frS ll. f oj.ffad tiwtara f.xjtul, It a irMii gt kii m paip'a d g"J, , I tba (! U ifnll Tf up!ad, hrf It tarn'M .lmdoea '' W ba a 0 fy Company M Uo luuk 4f Oa Ui ft, IqlU beWw. Wjf StpSS wot sktf letVaf U'(l Wa.ka; lUaweH -- l play, I'l hts, ruat) a,, a- jr tb pa ioUd bw vt eis liv , Akig the wioduig y. t , AkJ Ut U hvrn, lb wlnts, Tbe Mb, tost c4s tuet gals to warmer I'M uuluo fcif ftnh, Im ul iiU, ' . TbesvtostU'Utycr. What- n Uts o4e sUd, . Verdsrs ud gluua ! ksaocliea nrij m j f fill Iwa Ike ttwas of Bummer roads Tbe vslb-js sxk wiUl beat J rialbtrsngrsv ths torti-;Jharelrlj(il; . 4 s-ir inny cvursa iwavs M i: wccse . v Tui,ius id Winuf lkt , ' Tb rivulrt Isle nttwim. When bttkmug ibruo,- tk annth Its waters re a. Mime wan the um or lis iUa scrwaa, ' And lMiimfiftpf U aua, . ' Ba( 'botlA o0 CfMttfud Iff. ' a Ut Iwtaainf mum! migKl I tik iUfK1. . ZSut cur , iitna ii rami rtouj, . JUr Wuklk (St Bml- atiu. - ' - -- ' Oh,Aatnm! vlijr mmm 1 fVpart tht tint Im U; Tk grotl wind fijr Air uitoy town, Aod ! IW w.U i4 d. Ah. Hwf r U luo tk fufer iff lit ruiurni abt'lM lo Krajr ; 19 fo Ib4 drai R ; Ad Wot U roia l ttrif TUt nkt own BMI-Ut luf to ehh tmJ power, To pttttuna im Um car thai witlx) life, Aad uu lu tittle bouf. ) 4 WAIUj NtKAiH. " AbmrdUiti if llama Lift. To ns early oa a told moruuiir U4i luu iuiva nlhiiiif lo cu. ". To ak advica of a mao who h ala) muiiuo ajrH liia own ailuira. Y To desiro the Chambf rataHl of aa inn to air ywr , atiefia, or I ha boatlcr too eea yuur bure. - , To feud yoar aoo lo Irarol into ttnia cooiitri-ii igtKiraiit cf the bilory, uiauoeiiaiui Uuguaga ol To thioV wry ooe t man of ajuril arKo Phtt a . diMl. " , ,,' To tinecf poociuaJity from aa Ut man. ' ' ' To imlule iit all fliauiier of ecca and vice, and Imagino )imrlfcuorilrignouti to conceal it from ma ftona. ' , . ' - i , : To eipect to fct citarried without mry btx?)' ftltOWIIIH IU , ' . ' 5ad aa J Mittrf were tbe wnrda adi!romed to a Uilor traveller on fuol; by a hichwayrrmn wKtwa braWof oiatola looked ralberdaneroua than i ' ' I'll do that with ploaaure, waa tbo rrply, at Ilia : Mine lioio banding over to tba outalrelclted hiuid . of tba rubbwr a purae apiMreuOy prrtlv writ Mora r ad, bJTeoiitiniKxl he, 'aoiipoae you do me i favor in returu. My rriemia wnuld laugh at nw wen-1 " to go home aod trll them I waa robbed with al much paiieoce aa lamb,) a e you fire your two bu dog right through the crowa.of my hat, it will - look eomellnrif like a ahow of reaialance. c ; f Ilia request waa acceeded lo J but hardly had the moke from the discharge of the weapons paaed away, when the loilor pulled out a ruaty old home - pwtiH, and to bia turn polilely rrjuertiHl the Ihui. " der-alruck highwayman to shell out every thing ol , value, hi pistole not omitted, about him. L V Wail 'for the Applaue.At a country festival, whore w i oe Menus h waa performed, the gentle man to whom tbe aria w 0 thou thai telle " had been aamgned, aniicipjling a favorable appreciation of his talents, wrote at theeodof tbe song (the cfo rm fillowingimmedialy) the words M wait for the applause. I his he endorsed not only In the lead - er's copy-, but ia every ooe in the orchestra. A I . tbe conclusion of the song the leader pauned, and there was a dead atop. Why do yod not go on !" said the sioger, In an agony of diipKuited vanity I am wailing for the applause was the calm re ' ply of the aarcastic cooauctor. . v s : Conjugal J3wojfi.i Husband, do you be Iieve in the special judgments of Providence upon . individuale in this life IN-" Yoa, my .dear."--'? Do you, indeed 1 pid one these judgments ever hap - pen ; to -you 1 Yes, my - love."" And when ' walit," huaband!" When I married you my dear. '-'' ' 1 ' 'J''"li-Z . Retort Connvbialk termagant told herpoo - that ahe believed he was related to the devil " on ly by marriage " was the reply. V ' lo the days of the blue laws, a shoe-maker waa condemned tw be hung Cr aome crime ; but on I be day of execution, it was discovered that be was the only person of that trade in the town, and could not psilly be spared., A weaver waa bung in I, bis place, aa'tbev hid. a. plenty of lbm. , ; . Xn Irish soldier, who came over with General f .Moore, being "asked if be met with much JtospilsN ity in Ilolland t 0 yes," replied he, "too much 1 I was in the hospital almost all the time I was I - there." - -': '-"Z-k--" -.' The Muesloman writers speal'of an ignorant Arab, who, being asked how he knew anything c about the exieteoce of a GodT replied;. Just as I know by the tracks in the and whether a man or beast haa passed there, 10, wtikff atirvey the hea. ven with its productions, do 1 feejhe existence . nn'd power of God 1 Addison. . -, Vv The prisoners for debt in .England were to have Keen all released ea the lat of October. .... in;: a1:! n 1 :i k 1 U iltlil j liji-.rtw, N. J. IMH 4 r I Mm llrtilHi 4 Ml ! tru to t! i h; .J.j-.U a h tk,nl ( liters !, rA iMutaU hnid.9 im a In' )um uS lUftiMi iiM muJe i!t nimnitj s m u1) ! 4 tm It vtUftritf ib H, Ooitgf l ffr- ni j an s lnu - 1 ttua it lw U In .f y ntifk. mi M Itiia tawM- ihm k atif ,&tritc, ixi vti'jf iImI sfofl't axf k 4-f fiie 11. tot lUa m ItKrir 14 srwtw m f flilk S rn W- 1 r.u't M Srti4 IM wt 11 is triirl hl III Dxt w IMW warning, bi fu ratb:Wui I hi. f r l lbtrr4 IS l e-wirr. ah tl( 11 f ut 4i.'-s ia Kit lb I wHinnitinuf jirsctievl itif."iii'iti fwwtg it, ftd W Mlt Dbf tllltrMuf, ni wt kiw t Im tr, ViSt lkl IbrfS IS M tnufp d ul' f -Urf.l i.jn a cruerfiiilk, iba tl.f ts a rfwp f rm, Tw ; i C,u4 Um rUs a fr f rr(ff fHura Ibaa ra c''! frua so othr-r Uiwk i hi!fy. T !ilnM bM -m bra ijfi'"l la the i!l iuUur, nj tut AbJ hrrtwjWf la f it it Hi ir enure stnn.Ut IVy Mil 4 etmie srrvowtifs f fiiff lbs nil wurni, i4 CbHittlnif IMI IOrU L! ;-" $4" niii!!!fy f. lbs Mu MuNi'sglis. Al, ffw4 Ui httig rap fimts iit Ut arcip'Ka 4 sxU-nw tirrj tkkiM with .! P-wrr, try brt tlx uiv at Without In Ulrfi, Uiat uVr tt', be sUs lu mIs tli A .'( a HJk Crurr, rul n4 eolrtsif ir.y, soil lo fwiniiaicaU tkrruf'i lis Pfs Mitomtii taluiL'.a rrmpKctmj "7 bnnth f lbs lk boworas, ro h"!rSrr iUsind is tbe L'sSe-l Ht4U A (viMin of UiS wuk will k !eiuj lo txKinf lb Whp 4i.ra inprufmoui 0 irnctjlisrc, sn4 nrh mailers a re f tra!i fcCil ti lh ca)uUir of lb ' 1 ! fpfiHitr rMpfctfullr au!ic t mninbulinfM oa JTvru!tu'al iolrtla roefalljf lklaU)tjTi;C)r... iiij B.i in prtwuUr. AUix 1) LI.lu, VM Ct.rne & tVctliers, Uuriuii'o. - Tli work w 41 as sttMiahva) wait H? eery tnmtk r-wnprnTf twsnty-i itir lje ueuto pafns wHb tfte Mi! 100 of a civnv to adfrtitmnU, V sad al tba end of Sf S volume, s tmiuM UWa ut CnrUraU Will be fjmia'.cJ tnswbarribers. Tfa,ne Uullars tear. patiurs in emnct air sinjis uiarrtorrs. , Tweoijr iij-riHoo win as suppiMKl to a whole yrar by M wamiBf a rurreni tua oi;r biiurraw pMrfs. All orders to tbe work. i:fff eawl. will b w.Tmnl ly aOta-led to, if aJdrMawd lo lbs I'uWishrt . C AUiin. drr, Athenian kiklma. i naklia I'lifo, PtuUaVlnliie. , Citiseo. Hi!k Umwrr. A;rinil'aralf ted rtbera. rw wiab to pmrura tins wurk frwa lite prex-nl lif, will plea towirJ ibeir aaotes aad tba aoMMiitof sua- CJIptioO MDIIiedwIely, IJBI:RAL PtlEMIDM. Any Ajreat towinlmf ltKJ nhacrihers to one year. 11 a ai eerreni tank Mil wui be entitled to Tea ThtiOaiad Hilk Wort Ei'. w hirted frma lbs mr4 tp- pmved vnrtH-s wbirh can be towrdVt hy mail to ity part or Uie Uaiu-4 HUlea, at a tritlinff eipere. and which, if properly attended to, according 10 the inatrtio- lions wbicb srt promuleated 10 lh work, will vie Id a profit eonaideraMy aiceeding tlie amount of tba price 01 tustcnptiofl nr nna aundred copies. vvr,, 1! ir-t r a n r -v - ' as ,Urv,f 4- .v. .-y. t, i'avl !..; l-'.o laj ili la I. ,. il. ' i f 1 . . L a i, (,nai w . iril Ida alUika ..' - F au..aa l.ra '' r! 1 il il..' J ,a ArtK-f !' ' .. ... i,.r.nl U mk uyett . j d.iy 11 w S a feLi-alaai, f .i lkalaifa Tl'CHweol ad.M M M pl"V, aval H iw aw M ftJ !1 ,H I'.va- r 4 M vtr-us In.lal.aM , timi, rr bf. lbs w.j.W, n4 W Is ..,M.r f lbs cUb..bal - Vrr r-f Wrtl rl I "-7 U.iaJ.n- wirUM k-afiefs bb piraol.M : A A . rr ic w .i' i" J j -m-i:c;tl'." i : .r.' v:f. : -a it j, I t . U AH J .! it., If.- I rUrf auac!klr al a , aa . . 4 l, l'rs lb J ilinra. irt''b, tnfwnl. ... I ikm H . ..,. t' e , . i!., kato -'.A Ml Uw. Ibefe rW1! la. jieSsIl t S mai is ee.r.er.1. Bit V.-n t a4b pwf.il .ppe.ip-ls tl Llb.a- k-fr P"" tnJ e.l I'M. fb-etl M IS .U wks of a lea. ap. -.1 tSarafW. b.!b-r 4 asalm w r.TvH - aeM lh psai aeeeaedf. A pefvJ.! wkjta w it A ... a ,l .. a uiJ iMal kr, -M-Wke Mfea abatl tw. GOING! GOUfGII-GO!!! 11112 suhatribers have joal reeeired and nfter ibrsale, m-luilaaal nr .4ail lha C.fljiiM .Ut' iH "T roteo, ' ' f a . ovI0 hb-la, Su?ar. 9 do. Molaaaea, - . 1WI aacka LiverpurJ K!t, ; W kfg Wh'le Inad, , ... 180 bars I J,tf..dlJ Tire Iron, . !. .i. 10 pair 8n.itla Oelivwa, SI ktf Nails, , , ', . 10 da Powder, , r ' 6(K) b Sol fatber, ' . 10 brwea Tie Tlste, ' , 60 buahels herd gmsvsned. ' " ' - J. it VV. MURPHY. - Slibury, Oct 23, im - iends and the business of SCULPTURIAG. f ESPECTFULLY informs his fr Hib!iet that he ia si ill at his old .. lSTONI UTTIXO, . . seven miles South of Balinbary, and about a mile from the old Charleston Road, where he ia prepar ed to accommodate those wishing work in his line. lie now naa on hand and hr aale, a good supplv ol MILL-STONES, of various sizes arid prices, (rom twenty-five fi thirty dollars a pair, of the best rnl and workmr onhip also VV I X IX) W SI LLS, fnwo v! to $2.50; IKJOR SILLS fr.im 92 lo M; DOOR STEPS tfi.50; R0UGI1 BI ILDING ROCKS from filly lo sevenly-five cents j TOMB 8TON ES from 1 10 lo 115 GOLD (up shaft) GRINDERS 820 a piece. . . - " ; The Subscriber hopes by close attention to bus. ness, and his determination to TurniNh none but the best article, and on reduced terms, lo merit and receive a liberal portion of public patronage. Kuwan County, April 13, 2m CIRCULAR. The article published bolow, concerning the new nd popular doctrine advanced by the illustriui loehcke of Germany, cannot fuit iif exciting a deep and thrilling iuti-rr at llir.oiliout our oouniry, b-'f m lb' im fas imtH abmi'tii's rnal -to f etfravflt rCill S lbs ilUinwo. ul Mwl awla. Tt mimt my a4ciie,l.j if lbs s.t k f.-Ai, Ibea ia lirfi m,i4 r Ins lo . 'U -ir?m, K k.HMn M S4 Here! and v ft rM U4 tr mJ.-ral ahts-tits by tt. .i"cf.-J t.!,tn4 of Our t aefiKBt of Clsy. Fgt ea is t mn ttliiAt tm weasm Uai wrwn rt'lir t.'i- jrld uf Oi.bif. tt,i bli I burnt all IIm If-aii'i-a l Wiftet l4 tliCHla. nt WrtlJt keallh, wae ,M Us hf bajftf t l!s Would k aawefa bl la lbs in.'at "ft J aid be wouU pins sty ift r'UW.n.-w 't J J;'i'J h he would n' .m wt'b I'ts v man u, - A l is vanor aos H-ta'!.-! of ,rtir It I'fnbs ars rscked with pi. iel he cann-4 rea bia sjp-tit u fuoe, sol be kiathfa ba p.. I: hi atfanatb IS muretawl WHO Bioaea, and BS tnn ik kewif way al lbs b-mniieaof aiuniBteni pro VHJttx-e. lis w.ailj is ail bs IS worth ly, !1 w W.lfkt bad it-toUieiwr.bulbes'liiy man apt! its. Pleaa sirvme. said s biMi?fy wn-tfh,US waal:hy. ; GOELlCKfiTg MATCHLESS 8ANAT.VE, ! medicine of more value lifaTnthari the vast mines of Austria, or even' the uniuJreauivs' of our globe, a mediciueu hich is obUiaed equally fiom the vegetable, animal and mineral kingdoms, and thus powtessea a thbkk f.ild power, a mwli- cine, which, lboui;h deigned as a remndy liircm sumption solely, is possrmiefi of a mysterious influ ence over many diseases of the human system, a medicine which begins lo Devalued bv Physiciaht,' who a re. daily wiinesning itsasionieh.ing cures of many whom ihey had resigned to1 the grasp of he ! 1X)SE of the Sanative, for adult 9,-one drop ; for hildren, a half dmp; and for infants, a quarter drop ; the directions explaining the manner of ta king a halt or a quarter dnp. Paira Three and one-tbird rix dollars ($2,50) per HALF OFNCK. ' , (run" I'traao f i Ml SlXBrtVOS Id )Uf BS S ! tt ttA 1 I tin Wad atarrdr ' -J W.wUI c Vmmund dAUn $ your sppMi, aai-1 rb 'two, aa be bindrd !! bnnjjrj mm d"llr. iX an twice naporuota b bMb to ti,e et'jyioeul uf lifbl - . Bit wbefrtu, metliuils I bear lbs res-ler k, sub eres Ibis Imm.ly on an pUa snd Mrknd sot'jeil I I)u we out ! kanw t! vaiiMinf ktnlhf ! w ft II sttrsd to it a one r Um chief, if ait the cbit-C-at i-cems ol oar -!! sxwtenee t IXj ws m4 employ the means to sttsin snd peeaerrs HI ! ws n lay ikI artnnef tlo rs f'-e jilitaKiai do WS Out fiilUi Ibeir advice tin w il awfkw Ibeir rcrtnl sms 1 Tnv B;art trus - foils wader, IIkki IiM ail lliinfa. wt dare ay, and eve. Hull, ws canmA bfliete our bwa ly on health lo be a)taetlief annetwry. As m mnrils eo in ptvie at it rjuls to hae "line ipoa line, anf pTfCeii apoo paecel." Men III health t 'Hal tbey may be awk; ad men ia mckuena do ot ail wv employ the iml judiCMMis mrn In attain heahh Very trwe, Ik?tfir an. n do not u ymi ssy, always porwje Ibe njltl Mad to hs!lh. N , I knuw ii arxite people who re always dialing lliemaes with pbyaie, nd ruanmj to Hie drtirs and spishm-snes evr) day U their Urra. TLey take, I verily U-licrc, a wrt toad of drugs ia a yesr, and yet they are out will after alL Do you know the reason 1 Why, yea, in my opinion, there re two reaanoa. Ia the Brat place, the ake tm pinch medicine, and ia the second, ibey do not In k the rich! k ind 1 U-d to nia ke t!e tame nuattks. rut Istelr thai w lo ssy bar two or three years pat I've hit upun a butter plan. 1'ake Ur. IVters s V ujretsbii liilinua 1'illa, and I dme no's benefit from one dulltr laid out in them, Ibao I iimsI in paying fifty in any to-ier poramt ut aeelth, beaiibs in ' t world of nausea and divual inswtlkiwiiiginen urmuoa quantity of medicine. Doyud know Ur. ltters! Very well. ' " - ; " And hve yon ever tak"! bis medicine 1 " I he; I were a ll.:kli.-ad e bw." V Tliey tnll ma he la none of your quacks, who un dertake lo m. nd snd regulate the human mnchins. without so much as knowing or w!ni parts it constats, 1 nd how tbev are out together. Tbev sax. ha under , tamla ansUsny and ph)siilogy, I th ink yiu call them; nd ia asfinnliir with botany and chemistry aa I am will) the toad m nun. . M Yu are ntrM mlorined. . Dr. Petera ia rw empiric. I He does not andertake what hi doci not understtnd. ' lis wa regularly bred to the healing art. He has pent years 10 the acquisition of knuwlodge; he bsatls voted In ma?!! to I be study of tba human Irame, and the diseases to wbicb it is subject, and now bo applying his scqiiuntuitis to tne relitT of suliering humanity. ' II does not put firth the absurd claim an often ad vanced by the inventors or paUnt nostrums namely, that uf curing all dteases with a aiiu'la piexriolion I Such a pretrnc he wotild deem (hoot a difficult to Wallow, as to Uku the nottramsof those who put it tnrtn. 1 here is no such medicine. I Here 1 not, snd never was, a ptnace fr all (Iimd'S. I he VkoctibUI Bii.ioi a rtixe pretend to on ucb miracln. But what is infi ntult tMilter.thevelloct whatever they undertake. They keep the word cf protni to lit srhmsch, tod tlie prima ia hien tney make to the ear and e e. And Hut indeed is no slight recommerHlation. Nor re the complaints In which these rills are adapted few nor far between. The dieurilers arising from a morbid stflteof the Dile sr, unfortunaicly, maitydistressing nd fatal." A lrje pMportion of all the letert, expe cmlly at the Wont!) and In the marshy dwtrtctK, are owing to thtscsjT, foih the ttmtroeing aTie nd fe ver, whirh almost shakes (fiindcr life snd limb, lo the fenrful Yello-v Jack," which seldom quits bis victim without ssundering soul snd bndy as he lakun Lis leave. tonvermnt from ins pmvioiis practice, with disease. in all us firms which originates of Uiedworilerot the Uile. Dr. Peter was hM led o emulny his ktiowledt nd experience in the preparation uf a medicine which, should pnve efficacious in this lare clans of diseases, which should should relieve tbe aching and iliizy head, and restore the oauseated snd loathing stomach, st tlie same, time that it prevented three mure fatal efl'ett which arosoapl hfiilbw from'iheirfmprthlentTtyl'ft ; . .. ..a i 11 l. alimlS erssioewt m awia, wwm "' e Sfa ka? lb StpfaaW f oP'SWnS anal lb rard (4 principles tvtfHKCtaal wub lbat hrit la "is ied: ad a si rung lerlinjf of Ibis neceawlf, berths Wilt a btImI that sock work at eatsmitsly aWaaaW, sad will avwi waft aitcnqragiMnsot and soppnrt, bai tpdursal lbs pubJiaOer lu prsawoi IM pniaaectos Tbs Ai mb l'bfcvJ.jriral J.wriul rJ MaarelUnrV - - . .11 Tbe uWt a latis w-Kl will M ia petww raa o avlra iwparl -al faa 4 na-UB4 u , l4 atiiixja lit. ral yt'mit !. ((- , au.Ua'a aa;a, tal.a ItiM.tfxIUa, ..., U.U .. .!, S-l tlaaU;. t ad prixalx.al Oiok Mi bi,. mi m U aumM riirs as im 4j. Tb kiaftltftS Si.J OtKiUia (r-, ax on-sfs as fcas, by Uir U . . Arayaaaraa Ltralr 1 baai M a . k SiaaJ bf f 1riU sf lbs alb.ia, srr-aH4 Ib4 kwa Stta4. Tbe WW k.WOl ba bn. . witk m type ap ! fpt. tad mm a SKk year.sf aturs l"as Ui ftaf,k Atmm wul k cssUaa4 la U M srrasfaataeats atade toaWUtsf lit atfl Uf. AS lb sinaruia bt priotaal a , t-h.( W,a-. lbs big-bost awu?s lUl y , any part s Us euaauy, to tmm yar, w ( fseauns daueaa Of stif as Sfeela, f suai paid. 7f aaS. $, par tmmm. aai. . sry of tle Im awbr I wp $;t WATIU.N t . i , iJaWf sW tr, CsaVtawe, Of. a, ICT1 "ii;y rAuino.MJ, ixjii tau vT - aono. iiomti: u. nutnD 1 1 nSPIXTF V LLY M.tori k ml puUir, thai U still carries sa lbs T I N U VXf l S al kts 6ld ataad a. Iik lb sa murestM id lbs very ao-aemws Ua, I,,, f , b Apoahawary Uiora, R t,mSnmut CnUf of ll- trata U swso , n A.n ,J k.. .. s :ln sl lbs trus U anrjt uf Una arioc rm edit. saisie ! (pl.yaical, miolltual, sad nel ;) vm the Al deal Trawuocnl 4 ta I -Man I oa Jgrairocfeoc; on I'lMciiof V. and on 11 ratal aad Moral Phikwrrpe.y On ail tbnas suhierts there ts eenoragvant to hv to Cprttr.bu'asia Irtaa avaertl sbb) sa-os I while tbe leauur. era U Vf editor klma!l wUl ao rt U bnpsu, be bund InrimttJertUa. . The rrtipwiw meter X lbs work will be JreUrd. It tMHB'Utali to on priMiioeol tijeet In ruing rt rXMteare la, to area Pbren.y out of the bands of IK,-. a)ho la Irtvirsnee of its Uos aaturs and letj len- sies, supt thai lly find la tl aa tuatr! by wbick to sobavrt lbs irtlesM rosea il rHigmn, and us baads iaTbuina ceoohttbility. and aewal oblaetlMk A Irsnoenl aiWct of deareas'ua tl 00 pag "S I I UMrw ton b, T If irmonf aeravra m m'M tfRwunum ad laos mf l4rlaf. And on Uie sul 1 the Mifious bearings 1 oor science we rpctru"j Wi'lcil the imitrnes snd otijeelmoa, led ot cavillers, bal of ths iraly enluLsndttiee-sMcintioaiy fradut mtraror rel3deaui shall always wsleume to our pages, aad they will alwiy bs tratd with toidrMw; as, als wil buiiiwt and raapatrifulol-cUirs to Pbremikyy. Cat ths captious and earillm ayill enaure to lliemseltes our si lent conte-tipt; snd the ignorant retorxlr, who seek to overthrow a science winch be will not be at the pduis to inveaiijfale, mif expect a merited rebuke. As our x a ike eaiabiatbuieol M Irv'A, we ami. tit the coaniuaicsitoi vt facto which sre euppawd to militate sfratnat Phrsmikary ; sod we plej oursrlres to (Kiblish them, in all caves in which, ws harsaaWac tisy vtHKthera to their genuineness; tod in winch all tbe farts in th several rsa re furr.taLed to cs. Ibit s we m ist firm our o vrr judgment of las eorebrai da valnxnent ta all raaeaoo winch ws express our opinions, it is obvMsjs that we cannot receive, ia these (Balances, the opinsiM of eon phreookiral r sntHbronulogtcal developed we mud in every su h caa, see lis iead r alaiU, or a cast a if, prcperly cartiScd lo be true to aatoea, - - , llneinal rwirson Itirenokijtcal sumects will Tormina tit 0..1 l " part of the Juiiro.lasali..UeviewsU'PbreiKibal iZr'T,- ,? . . P ami nii-ITirenntucnsi works; nor anal we nil to prv ready la Mcoe the orders of bis cw si) W and manner Ik aurpaaaed tr 1 , , in IIm western part of the fiats. J, , t gu!f mceit of the UlM Lood n4 KAHlHO.NS, and prepared to eecr lasts of tba UalndoaLU at all limes, CO" Cutting garmonia of all kia.li r prtnrrMly and tla ltet raafibm f, iimra to Country tailore, and liiatrort ;t, cutting. . . .Ralubury, U - roit st THH ftilsrtilwBf j two rim t JVorlh'rn Car: rrui'h In ordcr-umJtr hit crt One is calsuUlsd C rea sr (oor bofars,!- Ppleadld EtabIlsliat:J. Tbe other is lighter, yet c.oaL'j wall , , cuiaiau a chaweropra , T ft fw. T a )! a, a 4iaJ aSaaWaa .aJaW. Also, two pair of amM SortLerm mttdJ (driven togetoef or a.-(rale,) aad two tfiu rSortiie ra Uorsca fut trotUra. Aay person wiskipg to purchsst sithw : osmed property would do well to call ind Salisbury, Nov. 1, &. ' ' k 1 CULPUKI.G"' Goclicke's iTIafrlilrsii analivf. pilE above Medicine is tor Sale at WPosTOffice E Cotton Grove, Davidson county,' - By 4AME3 WISEMAN, Agent .ii 11 ' 1 1 . 1 r 1 1 nr mis purjiueo ne prepared, wall mncu care and a iut adaptaUon to the purpose, the Vegetable' BiIkmii Pills, which be is happy to ssy, from Jotig expermnre and the abundaul tcstimuny of tlioso who have employed them have answered, more than anrwered hisinosfasii. gume expee toiiorovj-s ';:--,, ' It is not his owo mere assertion that you are culled upon to believe,; It is not the ips dixit of any single (nan though he ws as groat sa Galea or tlippocratos that you are to pin 'your faith upon. Neither al thoosli it iasaid 11) the sacred volume that "by the ntouth of two or three witnenses shall all thincs be es labliiaSed" sre you to believe in so smell a nutnb.!r only! A cloud of witnesses" is bemfeouyriiey are'lpri numerous to fe easily overlnuked 5 thoy are fo intelligent to be carelessly beard; they are too respec teuieto be slightly regarded, s' s' v ' 1 '. 4 : ; : Believing the spontaneous testimony of those whose experience is the best of the truth they atart Dr. Peters has thrown together in the filln'ing jwgea, a few of the many h indies of teetiiiionials received trom every quarter wbea bi pills haveciwie into oeeZ, They are left to speak for thuniselvos. " Tby are the worda of those who " speak what tbey do know, and, testify aent to our reader suck matutrs of interest and Impor lane as may be fbusd ia Ksein Phrenological wurks ol alsndard excllerr-.-e, snd which re aol generally acces sible lo tbe American public. Ojr far it we pledjro siraeives snail oe eons Jut such ; and as often as prarti bis, ws shall accompiny our dcscnptiooa with illustra tive ruts; indeed, we intend aaod expect scarcely a number will be weoed without two or store surh cuts. To eoooorsge Phrenobif tst of talent (and especially profsssiomil meo who are Phrcnoloif arts,) to en neb the work with the if contributions, ws oiler to mctrpiri sjs- Irr, sa liberal a compensation per printrd fge, aa is wusiiy suoMed oy ins very nrl periodicals ia our coun try ; out we MiorioesBoi promise 10 esuorss an winch am ciirrospondcnts may com monies te ; nor ill which he msy umil into the work. 1 0 error, tr seraius, and es pecially it H a.Tect the interests of morality and religion, be claims ibe right cf correction, in the form of reply, or or the suppression of the opjvltonabie matter: and cnmintmicationa to which compensation is expected, must be so prepared is lo bo fit for the public ere. la conclusion we may be so allowed to aay, that the pecuniary value or each number will depend much on the extent to which the work it patronised. It is not with lbs desire or expectation of gain that it is offered lo the community, but from moral comndursiioos: from desire to know and to promuknte trulk. Hence abould a large subscription lint be obtained, a considerable pro pinion oi me pnot win oe aevmeo u tne enlargement nd improvement of the w7rk, without ao increavo ofex perise to the subscrib-rs. More frequoul tlliMrations ntt cmDeiiirhmerrts will, in thst.caee, be inserted, and uie attractions or tbe work be thus multiplied,, V TERMS: - ac 1. The Amerbao Pbrenuloffical Journal and Miacel- lany will bs issued iuontlily,commcDcingua ths 2d of Cc loiier nexi, - r. s 'i. Ivch number will contain al fessf 'i octavo pe Wful the mil.tiM wnnr tlw ,tt.l It. " . I M 1 1 1 1 lu W - ha tba a . ateac ivUiiic xiartcrti, a a --. na ia ever rearfy lo eiei-uie, m a vm manner, all description of work in k:l; bald on mieri, MM-SiontM, II j f.r a iilU, Door steps and Ttmh.stonri, areu a very rare aula.' Ilia cnl lor UillA. good. Mr. rhtlips also begs lo itifir.i :'. that be enn execute Engraving of virt ue win Jwigravo marbio-sUhs occly, 1. . . tomb-stones can bt well executed if der. charges shall always be iraennable, ad r modating u possible. ' , J'urvuns wishing to have work done w t. line, will do well to cull at the rrsidrtm Philip, seven miles south of JMnbtirf. - r . ENOCH E. PHIL' August 24, 1833. . ' i er haa K.n mmMil Inr viw years m the improved Dkn of Ct'SIILMi nd other Machinery when worn, or h'i. mctliod. Irons of either upright, or Iwririiiu! C also tbe bubh for the Fpindle'ind Ink, lighter and atedier than those cn the eld f great trouble of wedging and rrpiirirj u ' Cranks, and Gudgeons ere saved wbca rtw these Bushes and Inks,- Any person wishing to procure micliiDerrrf' can be supplied by making application to ti ' ber by letter, al Uocksville, Davie coun'y. . la 41. U.- September 20, ie38. (ttr The Shibscriber would refer lot one ges, making a volume of not less than pagea; cor. j formation oa the aubjoet, to Da. AcsTlx,ifi responumg in point 01 mecnamcai execution wttli IUcIujtsoi tne "t :rolinian." bwt penwlicala uf the day. 3. I dm work will bs turmhed to aubscrtbera at ' per atiiim tor a sniffle copy: (current in Philadclohi a or New York) for thrkM eopies, or ftlO f current a .1. ... V a- . . . . ;... .. anove; jf ssvca copies sent 10 one aqiireiM. l olaa ovk and TaixMoiCat TDDESTa, aiiij-le copies will be luntished at ffXix per annuia : and to companies of eight or more of such, it will be reduced to (Jil.lij per M f-..l I I 1 . .1... 1 . fcii(ij), 11 im im miiii aiiionMi, aim nia aiisn.i ipuuil in' 11' warded to the publiaber free of t'XDense. ' N, A As funds are alreadv deposited tosuatiinin . 4 . w tie wnrx one y nr, subscribers will incur no risk of hx , ny paying in auvance;and tor tbe same rcosuiv Will Im invariablv required in bdvsneev Money s'ttt by mail, if .enc'wed in the presence of tne post-master- will be at the ik ot lle publisher; but pae'!.' muit, in every 'coiw, be paid. - To eilitnrs who will give tins Prospectus one or two insertions, and forward a pier containing it to ihe pnhlisher, the work will be wnl for one year. Siilwcipt ions and letter of bu;uesa, may be adJ reused to l ie publi-her, Aoxa Waloib, 43 I'arpenter streit, Philadelphia, and cominunications for th work lo the Editor of Un Am. Phren. Jour care of A. Wai.dib. , Postmasters llirmiylmut the country will pleas to act as'sgenia foe thai Jisirnal.' ' ' , lNi I ICK7 PIIE Suliwriber, having taken, out Lettersof Ad. mitustnttion on the Rta e of Mnrv Brim, dee'd.. ,l. r ,L . r . . .. ... .11 I a. tor .am w j viHiri or immn, rM,,,,. ail per n.-ha. .no amniinl sons rndebted to said Marv Brim, dec d.. to make oas- l I W . V , ' ..L u TinE KICK are all lnking this oaA T dieine whicb ia asttoislunv Europe, nea wiih its mighty cures. For Sale at too Porf-Olfce. Tfl.W touatf, V. C. ' ByrtrWwMf August 17, 1838. ; ., . 3 OPAL Vsriiia.' -Euglifk f" V. p Varnish, Cabinet Varnish fir Harness Maker, & Dish forCarriage rakepsJiFB t painting flir Cabinet isfakerav S i vuiaiyiitJw iiiaKCioa uwu '- aaleorreUil,"-; , ;".;.'::' Sutesvillc, Nov, 1, ISOa Hi. I'Ip.i Hani Ilfiificrw" vice lo lb l J occopiea 1 rVFFEItS his Professional Service lo tne t a 9 Salisbury and its vicinitv. OfR' of ttie late Dr. Mitchell. S.lisbury, May 18,1833.; OLD CASTINGS WANTKf 1 amount o( Cestui what they bave seen sod experienced." ' .1 . j the same to present them within lbs lime prescribed (JBeearefularKlenqiiirerorl'eterrV-getable Pills; by law. properly" autbentiratod, otherwise tins notice .1 11 ' ci i . i. i.ai 1 a I 1 a a . t . . V.'" . . uieyaresoiu in oansoury oywonn aiurpny;w La?xinffton , wuj ae pleaded in Ihr or their recovery. JbyJ.P.Mabry; and in Charlotte by IVilltainadtlliyd.fe - R. VV. LONG, Adm'r. i of whom they can be had at the N. York wholesale price, j Salisbury, N. C, Sept 13, IKK mem without delay mf tho-e. baing claims aitamst ' ld mil, 'ft,ril lir mU ' ni. ro(rftar, pay one cent ppr pound. CRliSS 4 Salisbury, Kept 6, 138. .- l.

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