r 4 v7v Jiikj u. JiiJj:a.il vuVUjuIjl ALU 4 6 rMi rowat cr trtmtro to ra tsn t if th t -urm ns, as Moment sv If ro sr., aiim tu rut arafM wrt riktv, o v im rri.t. 4awWct ! (Vs, a, i-rj. J.- austin A: c. r. ri8iu:ut) gniToni ami rkorftinrou. ) no xxv, or voi. xix. I (so. r rom votstr.ci:ui:sT t3) h.imsiiuhy, i. a, ii:ci:.MHi:it j, iy:w. TP lao-iixiiH , or tni " Mullirru Mlrr.iry Mr aariigrr. diar sad Prpr trior. Tllli BWtMy MfH',iAr4 cUh 6f u Ijr asanas, fed au-aialfy i4iiif raaa kU C sr. OclrSlMl UU Witfci ll triiy t KlIXII IM 1x4 tnfrw eartif ddti ef Isatclul ro-rMa,lb'f b attu m Wtn, m M will e4itii w M, U Sum, aciis-l. Wig i'UitirO tni rontrtxsiu.l 7"Wf y. ' u.W, tf "!oo!; ikImM, TVy srs wmxilimea an akled wlb dwui " at litvrtUo or 1 virl lM m! f iuur IimU mtib 10 Iim b ltr tat i Mt fnr. Tbfjf tr df.at, toIrU m f krti K ftttl U Wftte4 Uvn lit HPf'.tnf UtiJ Umci ,Noim orcifpy liif 4al m Im tndrtMiM liitr'f Ua ibr; i b' tiiTfi,'d lfvlrtx J (0 tmfj, in I on 4mmI fcri V)NbU Iruilit lntrfriiti(f inch jtuu' rmbad4 m lh iwk rviiwJ. U dt Cl h rndaf'l ttoiiUu lu biokt UmI drwil to U J,b4 la wtrabiiat?in4 liiut n4 f ( lb! Ur out'bff. wbiclt Btcnt only U W) Wm4. I thit of public (ion ilxt t; Ihfif i rf ii4 Biu!iitt4 didrict iiW trflrlrii tery on icrimiMUn( fdMlcut, lr urui rit h im. goternrd lU f )'( neniiunl, u cnm of lh uM iami tkl tiMl ioiK)rnabl of tuliiiaitr, ki biin wUoVurf t4 to dierWiinU. t . tl, loJ TaU, fuvinf in tkm Htiliiy or inue Mt,r butb-lIiToii-L nTt ! Rimui- (taM Of BU too miltUl fur UmHXJ, JH t(Mnl m Lnwpf Om tUflv of the wvrk. And uf HMligm'xju parti I, tnoiifh M pol!M!l nmtnivr of no mrta niclo Maifaal and to eullil lh ixwnj pucO ol "4 ialetU of oar eoonijy .Dm U'ttai ppcr, fuf meret rtwnillo drmnd ouch ufk tnd not on kluiM. but many. Th pntilie tiiad foerh tod imtitrd aitll, from rt)t H'U-I UitraiTb nurt, aKiai influence of Liimluro k lai, to IUjr tbal forcr, tnJ mvii thai ImtatHin, Vm and (4ly at riulf triad i TVy annuld be dmta, by MxJifnant rebuke, ot 'ab(d by nJtcule, into Ibttr biuflf tuunia. Jrooranca fcirda h over kn mom prfrwtiuo ol our ooople: Ettry aprinjr aliould It art m anuUin, t trouae I ha aolichtenN, and lo nv art tbeir naaiber ; ao that lha rwl enemy of pnpu Jar tuemmrnt mar do lunger brood, lika a portenUiua doJl, oter tha dilmieaoT uor country. . And U ao ompliah all Uieaa and, what mora powerful Knt can bt ampJnyed, titan a pefioJxil. oo the plaa ol lit Ma ararer; II uiai pian a mil oarrwo oui ia yrmKwi The Huvtm peculiarly rwinirea aoch aa agent In II the Union, South of Wasliiogtoo, tbera ar but two htenrj periulicaU! Northward of thai city, there art probable at lea! twenty-five or thirty ! la thtacinv tnat Juat.bed by tha wealth, Iht leisure, the native talent, or lha ncntal literary luate, of lh Nouthern peo pie, frxnpercd with lln of the Northern I So: fit ia-wraith, ulenu, and Uate, wa may jiwtly claim at MMea uptnlilf with our bretliren; and a donieotic bxtitutiofl exeluirly our own, beyond all doob'.,al foma if w cliooae, Uice lha loiaura R.-rreadinand KTitiaK, shicb they etijny. It waa from dix-p aenee of Uiia heal want,thaV.the word BoBtaraa waa aiutrarted oo Um nam of tblt p radical: a iid not with ant deaiiro tonourudi local pre- jodieeor to advocate aupuoaed local lirloreat Far IroM any ruch Uiought. it u the Editw'a fertenl wWi, lo aea thaJMtJ aod South huond aadamely loeotUcr rorarer, in the rtlkm band of mutual klndneaa and af fiction. Far from medilatinf Aoii bt the Nunh, he bat already drawn, and ha bopon hereaHer lo draw, asocb of bia ehoiceat matter theoca : and bapiy indeed ill be deem himeelf, ahoald his paj", mng each region know lha othor bettor, contriouta in any een Ual deprea lo dnpel lha lowering elouda that nn Ihreatrn the poace or both, ami to bnghioa ana aircnyiu eplheaacrod tie of fraternal W. . r . Tha SouTuea LiraaABi Mmmmm baa now eonv plclcd id rostra volume. ' IIuw Gir il baa acted out tha Uea hera uttered, is not for the Editurloeay. He belierea, however, that it falla no! farther ahort id" them. thaa bDmaq weakncaautuaily ruakua i'rurttct laiunon rf Tarary. Uocembcr, ' 3IISUKL.fi AN J M US. INTERVIEW WITH A. tSIIARK. IVinj; in L Gunyrt during Ihe month ftf June, I waa tempted by Ihe Itent ol Iho lowlHim i twine in Ihe aea. ,1 awam .nut to eome rocln which Uy quarter of mile from th ahora, and liter died lo oick un soma beautiful ahella. Aa I cot near lha hot lorn I balanced mvsclf in mid water, lo ob acrvea most beautiful phenomenon. It Icing noon, and Ihe aun croaking the equator, near which Binndo JLaUuavia.hta beams were re Heeled witn eurpasa- Ljnf apleodor on rlie surface ol ihe water, which wefe2"!tnion into nuDlini! wavea by lhe til any breeze: theae little wave were reflected cmi ihe jnndy bed of the tea, which reflection ahowed like k Wiving and ahifling net of burnished silver. , I aw lha net with pleasure,- at retched aa far aa my y$e" .could pacb,'aiva my owd aiiailow, an il were, Wiercepled iu ; Suddenly Ihia waa oversnnuowen bythenKM ternfio obiwt. I itvwantiy caw my eves unwa Irighl above H nalu. w w - Vl,i:ah in those aeas. un- .1, dor tbe kppetUtinn or ehovel-noSttd shark, least e itm gWrioa aloft, and observed hit g "? W that iJUed at once stupidly dull, and fright fully .-r..... , Tk;.unm ken waa uirecitu .IMIIWII',11,,, - 1,1. " - n . L., uponme; its greedy mouth was oprtmnj and hut. liuff; aa if iu anticipation of awallowmg me.. 1 awam atill under water, to-another place im could observo, by the ahndow' of Ihe rnmwter, lhal M atill followed, me f upwards I dared Ht loK. but in vain tried to dodu my lormenlor, whore J .topped,ho itoppcd. and Ro where I yruld,till ht shadow fell uiKin mci W lial was to be done r y atrength and" broalhere Jo ;gg ',? r"?'t era ion. to comei 1..- ..LP. was mno3 hie 1 and toi.lr nenerwiuu . .ui. 11.1.1 lltll " " 1 I ri warn In mulia fiir lh i lWt )f nerditioll. ? - I aauk i. ih l.d f the bav to arm myself vme cotkh ahelU: these might hive been ot son . J. " - --- -- Uw.'cMild I have .vained the surtnee 01 ina wi k.M in which 1 might have hu.Vd iliear at; . ;' wwrmmia bead. But no, Ihe alia ju retl,at I could not long remain below, or.d be oVier'iiind lo rai( It itm I ri-. ri(.'ily a ray of bU'Mi tfw thui acr m Unughtd uun-l I wa Uaul rk Ht tta l a anult rU-( through Hi film, wliHb iir lU had of (H Uf had a lxfinifalji4' diulliarlM I had .fln gni i Ail id wt-f a)i)i drara f.r aJrniua ail l ha chan I awam, ami wan Ufi aot drU.J into Ihi rMriaMiiu pari iif il ! I did lhi, 11k btJMH Bh beeamaj. I' late. war of my nxi.anjrr J ami from tit preir if ! water, i iirauM aeo.iiiia Unit n tunk down Inwards ) but lha ! uf ,fa trunk ma l' quu li lur bun, even in bia own rtemffnt. 1 iavd throujjh lit ImriS'mtal ptMae, and in a iiwtafil I wa Ui)d up ihrnujgh lha irriical cavity of lha ruck, and u ti lha aortam i,f iho wamr, kIummI aurf-atM), lo inliiU th birswd air. Hull ih pjr euiojf e.drril T.illowwJ il bud alo (ntr ltalf lhruujh tU apmura of the rra b.M wlther Ihia waa Ion ainaH eaa ly in admit it enormous h-ad, I know 4 ( rerttii, I am that Ida hark di I n-.t m Hmi ch ft ft KHne uimuloa alter ma, lly line I in I aloud vpHghl upon tha Mrk,oa which there were Iwu or Hirer f..r of water, and a few rapid atepa bfrnilii iihi out of immediai dnnirrr. 1 bud Hl:d pan of tha rik which raa out of ihs water, al tboogli (rdiric bul bad f -itinjj, it being as sharp M Ilia b ade of bt oar. O.e Ihia, bowaver, I o4,aa lha nMiaiar amerifd from ihe paaMjte.anll puhwiuj na a mad ruh toward when I M'iuf, Ihi I wraa out of He element j it raNn. iia huge bead, as if to aatertain lie re I waa, and in Ibis Instant, I burled ona of I lie conch shrlla, which I atill brld in my Immla, at bia head, with torn rf. (etas to a on lh fUh. It txtw lay nnHmn ayq.uieni'i aasti I, j threat ih edgea of lha rocka Irom cultinf my teH, was ourrfw l kneel, aiui partly toaoppirl myaelf with mi hands. I now erreived the fUb pUliint lha water upon Ihe robe, till ihey wera in a foam, Ihe (art waa. rt as high ImIo when wa both came up, and aa Iho water was f( receding, il could rwd get off for want of depth. Home minutes bad elapaed era 1 perceived iia predicameni, for my attention waa di reeled lowa.rda the ahor, In which dac I called for eucceas, using; every erUmaiiNi of dialrvaa thai I rvrolleclrxl. At length tha flh became Com pletely hiijh and dry. and I perceived lha danger of my Into mortal foe, but fell on generous pity fr htm. I now fcarlowily changed my unwaay posi tion, and atood upright on Hie flat parte Ihe rock. I waa loo much eihnusted by my late adventure, In essay swimming ashore and saw, with joy, a ea one, approaching me. - One of three mn in her proved lp be) my old friend, Joae Garcia, who be ing inrormed of my lata ecpe, railed out "EMiita Maria I it ia rf capita art mrrta. m harbor master) thai is on the mck t" 1 mutt inform Ihe reader thai I hove he.irdof a large and well known shovel-noeed shark, called rf capita drt putrio, hn, in the lu of A duayra, was a well known a Tort ItnvalTtMii waa i Jamaica. Whether my late fin vaa the identical tl capita del purrto, I cannot lake upon myaelf la any, bl J.ne and Ihe two nien in ihecnnoe, treated him with littlo cere mnny; lliey beat the helpleaa ahark'a head with their puddles until ho was again stunned, and fin ished him by cutting oil Ma I ui, and running a matcbeli ihmoglt bis bruin. rVarwT J4rnoV.7' v" . - ; ' ; . -; RRMARiCABIJC PROPHECY OF TilE EMPEROl napdij:om, - . v;f Aa regarJe CnglawU France, Roeaia, and olher Eur " pean Stales, (frung a suppreaed namige from bilb ' French and Luglian edilKMia of Uuut Lai Cars' i Journal.) n' ' ' ' ' ' " In lea ibnn Iwenty five years from ibe preienl time, anid the E-nperor Napoleon to me, one sy, as we atood viewing the eea from a rock witch overhung iho rond , . " - " J " The tchiJe European tyriem will It clantrd : Revolution vill iucrrcd rtudution ; until ever! tin. "tion bocomea irq'tninied with its individual rights. IK'peiid upon it, ihe eople or r.urope win nit long submit lo be govermd by these bands of petty aovereiLMiathcae Aristocratic rabiivta. ,'. ' " avis arron ia ,ee ttb!iking the onler of noblt in Franrr, but I did il to Rive splen(tur lo the ihroim, and refincinoiil In the nrannereof the' people who were fat ainkinj; into barbnriti aiore the revolution. The remiiiis of the feuial sys tern will aiith before the sun of knowledge. " The people haw on'y to laow thai all. potctr emanates from thrmsttva, in order Id assfert iheir righta to a ehure in their rcspcetivif governments. Thia will l th ense rven with the bomra of Uus sia yea, Las Cases1, you mny live la see the lime -but I shall be cold in my jrrave when I hat col. loasnl but ill-cemented enipk will l plil into aa m:iny aovereigntios perliup Uepuklic as there are hordea or trihea which compoiaJl it : , Altcr a. few more rcfl -ctimia on tlie future pros. mwl l" Kurone. bis ll.iuwtv tr.u cHSiuueo ; I ' i . v. , , JWeee will a a-fO more arirniiw rrvrrn vvrr u mM'im than that korrihh dell trhick enpetopri the 0 ..... ka ! ih'it nnm time.'inw 111 any couimy "" ' " . ". " snred as ninny fust ami pfiwonm 1r1e.no 10 me vernmen,a'the,re are individuals who receive in terest for that money, so cxtrnva nntlv squandered to crush li'ocrty in other cmintri.'t.; But. eren that mutt hnve an end ; aome acciaenmi miTK - ignite tktf eomhuntihle muss, and blow the vhole system to the dtcil . If this mighty debt were due to foreigners, these ctmning island-irs would, not bear the I burden en hnurj but would, on some pre i ot other, break with their "editors, and lauh hi their credulity 5 but they owe ibe money to 111 i.',uli inionii themselves; nnd are, therefore, likely to enjoy ihe pleasure of paying; the iiitorest tia trt a debt: These Bourbons ;:,k'ihink to innintain themsnlwa on my .throne, by ; .rvAuitnT tnrtt!iv m ..i-.j.- - -v ' !, Ill VI ' , , . ,. 1 . u.i'ii IfinciiM m ni'Si uiiii i'hiit; ours. . ' i.Vaon the nest and futo i" . , Iimlhi, wf,!l in aunnose I ... ..... .. i, it I w ,(4(,ri),(()i , j knpir - h Mal fltc,-(,n fuf (hdr 1 ia nurt' fiprtxf la tnluil vpm iktm IUU hki Ikatt f i'.?Jaiul boveiar anfully orurrei. No, oo I my euhp-ri b Iki sharp aiM-d to pr rmil the prooeriy asiiivUiJ fuf ihnrrhildren tuba nrl. ggd hi pay Im Huawaoaaod foghh for ioia ling tlioi, and it lha irctxfeiiooof lh Yitlle rvr 4a m I 'IV sri'aiffa r j tpaw F t W a vwr w . imbfctti, k new Intuit tkrmf Tly will.altera' . i time, maika ccMopartarms Uirri (hsirt aod n tiK-y wiU rollt, thai the aipnws of my gotrm. miil wera d- ffiV"d It impa4 during ibe year that mi wart roaf t'rmnct aiiar that I b ft ber n4 mm Nbih.Ui in debt but that I ettricbrd every corner of ber territory. Boch compliant will no4 be vary favorable lo the l-iUoaj ikt Frrnrh will raf first tnd thrif dtbtl ftp thur unmLltrt,t my Aralxii steed wuld any atranftr bo aboubl dare m imiunl him. 'IVn, if my aun be in r iixeiica, be will l4 aea tad on lha Ibnma amid the arclamalimi if the peoide if ha U n4, Inner trill go ck to lltpubUe fof en ter hand witt dare It mh a aceplr which il camM wo Id. TU OrUam branch, though amiable, rt loo trtnk, hate loo mtuh of the other Rovrbont, tnd will ttrt f ie aoaar fate, if they 00 not cmMaai lo live aa wui4 cinteos uudr whale var change takaa place." Mere Ilia Emperor pained a fe momenta, iliea waving his bawl, be esclaimed in aa animated tune, bis dark rye braining with Ibe to:ban of iw pi ra I ion - Franca one rnor KepuWi. oilier muni nee ..... . ... . will h.ilow her twniia 1 uermana, imaMiw, Pol, iMiMna, Danea, Hwixles, and Koaaiana, will JTt'iin in Ibe eroaade tr liberty I Tbey will arm garnet I heir aovereipia, who will be glad a make cotirewiiona of some of trwtlr ria-hu, la order In preeerve a minor authority over them aa tuhjeetif they will gTUt them representative cbambera, and al)e lltemaelvea I torwuitutHaial kings. ing a limited porer. Thus the C-udal nttem will re ceive its death blw 1 like the ihkk mist on that ocean, it will diaaipete at ihe first appearance of the sun or liberty ( lha) wheel of revolution will not stand at ill al Ihia poll, ibe impetus will be in. creased in tin-fold ratio, and tha root ion will be accelerated in proportion. IVtra a peopU rerorrr a port of their righlt, m$ men, tkty keeom elated wuk the tie'org thro hare ochiered 1 and, Waving lasted Ihe eweets of freedom, they become elamo roud for larger p-rtMo. Tbua will tlm Stales ml principalities id Europe be in a Continual elate of turmoil and ferment, perhaps for ame years Ike the earth, heaving in all directions, pre vim lo the occurrence of an earthquake 1 al leigtti ihe roitiburiUo matter will bavttvutj trtmembnia evploainn will take place ' '" M The luon tf EnglamTi ktnknptry vill wfr. tfrtod the European world. Overwhelming Kingt ijnd Ariotorrvoet, but cemriling the Democrutie inlerette at 1 jfWa. .Trust me, Lm Taaes, that, aa from ih iiri planted in the eil which eocnwi the aides ol Etna and Vesuviui, Ihe most delicious wine i obtained so shall the lavs, of which I npenk, prove lo be the rmly soilin which Ihe Tree d Lib. erV will take firm and permanent root. May' it 11 Hiriah f r aei I Yru, perhaps conaider Ibeae snntimenU wmngH and nnnsuan 'hey are mine, however. t tent Remibliean bul fate, tnd the oppotilion ef Eornjte, madrnit in' Emprrvr ff! I am now a spectator of the future 1 ' . , From Dockingkon't Leeturet. t ' V . C. THE "SIMOON. ? ; ' W.: I have anid lhal during two months of the year, the South winda prevail. The ordinary nnme of this formidable wind la Si woo. : It it Called in Arnhic 8umyed, the wind of lb desert, and by an oilier litle. which sicnirH-a the wind of fifty dnys. It is remarkible fir its suft'c.itin heat, and no lens an for its enervating efll'eta 00 the constitution. No inhabitant of a northern clime, who has never travelled in these count r tea, can form any adequate idea id Ihe power of tfHmoon in completely on airinging Ihe bnmafi ayrem anTTtpprewing Ihe frame with a painful ene of lanjimr and latitude. It nrodurea a state of fnPttnwhich evplains pro. verb common amonir the Hindoos, u it ia better Id nil than to stand it it letter to lie than to sit j but to sleep ia lies! id all f a saying which very well PKemplinee the grammarian a degress or eomrmri son f powtive, comparative and superlative. ; lur. ilia the pre vain ore of Ibis visitation, Ihe chief ob ject with every body is to wear away Ihe lime These qualities in the southern wind are occasion nd 1 ita ttaaeimr over the vast deserts which lie south of Eevitand Nubia. 80 great in Ihe heat which it contrnrtt while naming ever these bum in wastes, that it feels upon your chwk like a blast from the mmithof a furnace. It affix;) alike, nil animal life. Both man and beast wither under iU power. Those who can afford to live without inVTcfTver employ ment , sTitirtTieniae vi up tnd ro lip" within the mrart aocret wtrts of iheir houses ) while the poorer clnsaes, whose necessity obliges them lo labor, do" 1! m such a retnetanl arot siiij- wish manner, that I do not believe there is aa much work done through all Egypt 'daring the two months in wliicb these winds prevail, as in accomplished (n mm week at adiffcrent season of Iho year. 'In crossing the Mediterr lieaii flea, the Simoon loses a portion of its heat, in conseqiH-nce ot wiucn 11s dburioiia effects are in some dee ree mitiamted when.it reaches the shores of Sicily rind Italy, where it is known bv th name of the Riroeco, or South Ivmt windv. .The 'Italinna.jind Sicilians nre . n(T.rted bv its nrevnlenre. that they are disabled from doing-any thing with the accustomed spirit of surcpus ; and an well is this facl.understoiri, thai the prevalence of-the Sirocco Inrntsnes n mana. iiivetrutie forefaiiiires nnd i "defect of all kinds, If a poem prove flxtt. if a plV Jms no plot, a picture no composition, s"ntunriferace. nn amt'ry epis il no ipndprness: live rmthr ehrti tliiiir slioul- ,W mi,! nsh. "what would toil have il was done in ihe Sirocco. -Ifamoiiff tlie vivid and cnlhusi aiic Imlinns. and nfler traversins half the length ortho Mediterranean Si'B, this wind is still able 10 produce such effects, you may jurtje what it must bo ia I'ypl, aliera it cornea fieab fnm lU fs of 1 d-il And (fam, if in lvpt f a elfUts be h aa I Uata oWnbed, what mol Ibis whhJ be wUft anc'Hioicrvd on 1H4 eWrta iliiwlir! I his myarlf, 00 threat uccao'rfw, Wo aiHd In tf- Acta in MM h a iiain 1 aod so trnfid did Ibay - T " " - rm aa---w ' w - fWf, that, ahligH in tailv I.C 1 haw 'u a . . fa ...aa .a g'r in eliooat every shapa, I ba beheld IhMIiio latir so appallmg, , . I was vvr1akes) by tU 'K"oxiO when cring the desert in a caravan. Tb firvt ay axpioma uf Uf aijiruwth waa a udJaa and ippreave bal ia Ibe air. Tbe iusUM ihia wa f li, my compauion loo well uoderatoud wlul waanredicUd by II, turn, ad their eye with 01 axurd toward lb airier fiom whence tbe wind arwcdd, when weperceiv. td lurid aircak of reddtah light upon tb boitzon and wow, nut only ib Arab were struck wiib ler rur, bul tlie ainmata wtiKk acorfn pamrd ua appear, ed equally csrkoa of the tppruacbiiig daiigi-r,ir. ing auWltiif signs of wrrasioeaa and diairvas. A ball was utsiamly aoaiodod, and under lb order 4 Ibe pruice, as be is callod, or kwdor, as thuuld Irnn bim, tbe raravaa fufd in bow. Tb math od i4ccomplisbiru Hit arrangemeot waa singular and imprtv, rcwsmUing very much th man. iimo volutions of Beet of Irsoaports, when threat' enrd by aa enemy. All lh camel wcr imme diately unloaoW, Ihe riders of the dmnicdarra dia mooiUod the women tnd children wtr fathered into Ihe centre, th camtl wer then moored (I kniw no ter-n to tetter describe lb operation) in lines cMMHsting ol a bund red each, brad lo tail, hav ing their two UC lejra bent aid bovnd with a lbo and lliotr bodies placed aidewat lo the wiikJ. As lb wind approacbed, tbeamaals, by a ting uUr in- atincl.burHsj ibeir Duatrila ia th sand. The peo ple placed Ihemselve udder tbrir te, and all llf arrangcioeiit having been ibwa in4 ted, w r- cnained lu our place vjrlulaj tb dreadful Mast Me ed over us, - Tbma in lb company who were 1 weak beallh, became faint, almost to nuSalion. iho atmuspber al ImirtaVcame perfocll v opaque, and ao filled viib send that yow could not srs tbe length of a cameL Nay, at limes, a man could no: se biaowa band. Il was then that I rcatiad for the first lime, th full force of the Scriptural phra darknewi that may 1 folu" -Tb darkneaa of tb moat pitchy night I tver passed at ava waa not lo b compared with il. The son wat utterly ob scured and when Ihe darkness related, a vellow bate, filled lb atmoapber in every direction. i ber were many Women, and children in lb car. avea, wttote terror waa iiidtacriUui. ' J lie irxsH dob-ful shriek t and groans, mingled with prayer for mercy, lillod our asart. ' n wer every awmonl apprehenaiv tb it the sand would accumulate, until, bnoomiiig higher than the camels backs, il would shelve over and bury lb persons of Ihe Mjde who had tskeo aMirr behind I hem. ben Ibis lake place, every body rises,-aud lb camels must b moved further to the windward, wher Ihey are moored again.- Bul Ihia ia a ledious operation, and rattewpted during Ihe intensity of th storm, must be fMlul Jo beasts and men. On th irciiin I hav iteacnbed, Ihe blast continued fnfTut eight lo ton hour. .id H lasted two hour iuoer, We must all without doubt, have perished, aa a convoy would pmnder al tear-" ".. " " . t . V h lt I wa at Damascus, a caravan from Mec ca, containing fifty thousand souls, was thus over whelmed, and only aittecn oerson. who were on horseback, escaped ibe catastrophe. Tlie Pacha immodintely despatched a large detachmeot of troop to Ihe spot, to av ibe goods from depredn- tion, who, arriving at the melancholy scene, found th face of Ihe desert encumbered with, heap of the dead. ' ' ' , . ... .; .-.- I consider these storms of the deseit much worse than storms nt sea ; and wer there printed jour nals in those countries, as ther are in our a, we should hear more frequent accounts of their terri ble consequences." Aa it ia, the intelligonce does hot reach Europe, but is well known, in the Coun tries adjacent. ithout doubt it must have been in this manner lhal the expeditions ol lamuytoa and of Alexander, fof Ihe discovery of the aource of Ihe Nile, perished in the deserts through which thowere prosecuting their march,; . -, The proprietor of a email hn'ia in iho Itue da Haul Moulin, in th Cite, occupierithe u.iper part, and let the two lower stories to d iff.-rent tunnuta. Having from time In time lost various valuable ar tide belonging to him, he began to fear lhal he waa unfortunate jn the choice of tenants, and even atlength entertained eiitmicinn of hie own brother, who was one ol them. ' I o lee.nse ni relative who- ad oroof, would, he inatly felt, bring disgrace upon himself, and be therefore lri'y gave bim notice, not many days since, lo 01111.10 the meantime he act a tp'-'" " lrip '" lnn f Mt plate, ao contrived, that any band wntcn rnifjni at temnt lo aleal it." would he caught in the act, nnd the Ihiof held fat-" The 'night before the brother wa lo remove, he waa awakened by the cries ot the" suspicious proprietor! and hastening up lo bis npartmetit, found him caught by his own snare, his hand grasping a silver fork and spoon. On" inves tigation it was ascertained lhal the proprietor wa the pnly perpetrator ol Ihe w-vcrai roownes upon himself, which ho had committed in a stale of som nambulism; for, on beingaflerward watched by his brother, he wa seen while in bia sleep, to got up, tiike his own watch, and go with il lo the common newer, into which he threw it. " On searching Ihe following day for the watch.'sll the missing articles Were found in the same receptacle, r Ao Irish cemlcman of the name of Man, resi ding near a private mad house, met one of its poor inhabitants, who bad broken' from hi keeper, Th nmniae snddenlv stooped, end renting upon s large stick, exclaimed, "Who are you. Sir! The gentleman' was rather alanned, bul thinking o divert hi attention by a pun, replied j "I am a double man, I am man by namo and man oy nmure "Are vt)u bo," n joined th6 dthcr "why I am n an br.,U m)lf, an s ! i!l flM, tao. i lla lUu ki a.d Mr. Man d..waaidraa ini ffr dtsi. Two pffia i.f frv'l"rt a; hav died withi a Wf in d uf It nt.rr, at Cheltenham, of intaroal bkry Lfn(l,t oe, 111 lLa ihoi of an enitutttii drf al prcti!tMir, l y l!,n leeafcivsai of cijjifs. I .' 11 ' 11 " .'ii i "1 ' -I TUnAU AGRICUL t . fir ,lk (liuritl. Ill.VM UN FIXM.NU I lOtLSK In f tiding horses Hxii groin, th proper qua' , tiiy of ' reMlivt kiml w regnlsted by weight, for id this proportion r h diu rent kindtcudaid. red nutritioiM. At (if eianij.U, wa giv to a boia r day half a Usbel of oala. tb we.jhl of whicti m 17IU., od if wa wiab, to ehnnga to uhcr grtm, as brlcy, rv, or Indian coro, the nrn weight mSI auffktf and lb ris sr niutU besvier than us Is, 1 proportional rs quantity, by measure will sufi. Anoiber ruk, dvetoed imMrianl, is this, that wbeoetrr heavier grain it suUtituied for oala, a quantity of fio rut straw should be addad, at a ubatitut for Ihe busk of ll oala. Tbi indiicu a mrrw perfrdigp4ioa of th grain. 1 0 prartic of giving dry grain lo borse wl.sa palurd, or fed wi:h irren cut cr. i ccudemn- ed for ill gram tbua given, is never perfectly di gesiJ, 00 account of lb rfktl of lb watery juice , of grass Ujd digeatiin. Wk-m dry grata and gree-o feed are given, a much interval should b allowed brtweeQ tb dry and grt-n food as circum stsucr will permit. . , . Vo Tbar consider ft lb. ( meadow hay equal in nourishment to 9 11, of oatt tht bay improro by age, if well kept, and is ovust outriwut Air bur- sr wbeo a year old 1 that ihe ond growth iant sijoall nounaliing and thai bay should not b rily eiwared jo fiiaku r, th frOkbrna f HI ' sciHil bring peculiarly graTify hiJh tc and cattle. In Ilollsod and t landers, fkrm hore are uuu formly wmW during summer. A bone iaoic4 to cotum from 81 lo 100 lbs. of green food per : day Mb occavtooal grain. . Ao acr of cluvsr, t two cutting, will giv iwrlv Ion of green food l sod bene half an acr of clover, fed green, will suitic fr a bor Kiur mouth. - , - It is also a general practice in FlarvJcrt, and ia ilensivcly adojHed iuUrvat Iirilian, loconvsrt tb entira food into autarr nni, that it, to mil the . cut straw and hay, the graiu and lb roola, or what. ver is l' constitute th prvvcntler for lb day, aod lo feed altogeiber in Ibe manger, in regular sue. sea. ' Tb veto ef thia mod of fording 1 alh grd to eooaH : . . . t , , "1. In requiring a trxre tborotgh mastication -of tlie fiiod than v. ben it is given in lh common wsy thereby aiaitting diceaiion, and consequently " promoting the nutrition of the animal for il it ml ; only true that old borve lose much id" the power of mastication, and that young and greedy cattle era apt lo devour a eoimidcrable part of their corn en- r lire, when it it given alone, which pasting through them in the s.ime stale aflorda no kind d nourish ment, but all animata are known lo derive nourish ' ment from Iheir solid f'lod, in a certain degree, in proportion lo tlie care with which it is chewed, M 9. It is consumed lo less time. t , ' " S. Uy 1L0 mixture of Ihe materials, aome pro portion ef which, at damaged Lay, or c?raw, ntighf , be refused if given ecnamti-ly, aa eoual contiiouii lion of lb whole is secured. . ; , , "4. By its admi.ting of being mora resJUr" weighed, or meatured, than whengivn separately il cao be mora accurately distributed lo each homfi , on which ii may be observed, that more injury is. often done to horsea bv allowing them an unlimited quantity of tack-meal (uncut hay iu the rack.) than even by sitting them to a scanty allowance t for the will not only pas whole mght in eating, wbeo real -would do them more service, bul, by thia extra or dinary distention of the stomach, its poarert ar weakened, and their general health ia injured. "a II prevents waste, and consequent y roe fcrther." , ; ' " Mr. Wbgiiia, whose dail vbut ineaa extends I tbe feeding of three hundred horses, estimate the se ving by tbe feeding entirely ia ihia way, ia th manger, at one stxtb. ; Rye i considerably emidoyed al horse fved 111 America, particularly in Pennsylvania. It gen erally coarsely ground, and mixed with cut straw or chaff, snd moistened, by which lh tnasi 1 is in corporated. - ;.'-'.'"' Barley i extensively used in the south of Europe, 'j. in Asia Minor and fn Persia, for fording horses, for the reason, prolmldy, thitt jVXf, being jndigea-. oua 10 colder cliti atet, do not grow well in these countries. In the first of theae countries it is nm ' formlv fed withdraw, 8ii bushels have U-en found.' nn trial, to be equal to eight bushels of oat. Bar- - ley contatiiH twetity per cent, more starch than oats, 5 percent, more saccharine matter, and Tl percent. less husk. . VI: - ' - '' ; ' British writers have furnished aa with fslinialc of the annual expense of keeping farm horses. One ' of these before ur, gives the aggregnla expense of s two-horse team and driver a about 00'. ($100.) . This include the interest on the cost of the leant . and implements, 13701. and 1Q per cent, for repairs and deierioratifTnNWe statd this fuel fof tbe pur. puss of calling UiejcaderY attention to it. It im ; porta, lluit allowing for Ihe days when iho team cannot labor, and assuming 200 working days in a year, that a team and driver should earn more than f. $1 50 a day for 200 days in a vtdr, to pay cost j ' aiid that all they fall short in doing this, is absolute., ' ly loss Mi, Ibe owner. - The keeping, in Hritain, is , p'ropably ""higher however, than it it with us. T Vet we are persuaded lhal a few among us duly reflect, , upon the cowl of maintaining a horse-team in a plight t ' requisite for doing good service. . In Britain leant of good horses is considered adequate to (ks) cylfi . vtttott of 40 to 60 aoT in ItUag r.rorr ' : 3x: