I u ..( i ; ' 4 1 . .1 1 1 Li I ' .lU f" ('! US' " i' t 'lJ.ru. , ll : f TAII.OlU.Nd IIIMMISS. f i,t r ..i. t, a firm .J' t ..." . I .4 IIH.II .r l, 1 . 4 to I-., f ivwii i.., .1 ut i t ll t'i , Mil tW t l t. !. Wl.rl" I. 'i' r,'i V. !.. a (!. m '4 St-wotl trar-s, Al li lltl f'l k'W 1 Ti.m. 1 . j i ! r1' a'd gl'in"g A t'l i .rf dy , J i d js f,.j ll,? U' Ixant.ng, ; . i, i.ii'.; 1 '! .4 y.j J. U I i t1:'- .'J so I '.'O i fa Imp, V.I.J Ifsi..;.t t.-iA tm tytm r, '.- U'n y,t f ii,ie stalm,', lM J D -'! ft !'' T !.r, ' ll.p f.int, ar (Mitl and ll ( a, I ) I tli .1 lull f" u.n ek' .o y lo 1 h I lu (I.-. ;i k dai k'timg f ri f I . , I'm l afs, art fit !y pituif, rrouipt li t t duly la jf.rf1 T.l Um g.-t ie f tr h'towni; . hfwlrtj Krari, tftd lirfl l), fllluli' M. p(.-'-f i !liirs. riihlrr, , J'-, tf -I'f of-fs If. tt lat I Mviwarin cfrk, I1 brsnl Wv)l)Ct J- u tnttl'ttl. Mim-fir 4 d"-p rnmotr, , . , i !). nl of Cul (0i S kit t'w' (M'ltnhMi tr ttld t Jii-iUnf lhy li.d fcjfr, - Wffui'd with lftt trM kbuk, - -' lrmrrrr futm b'"rt dMfkif njr, A4 Cwhmoi, ia Jt If i'liful ruktM9 r,fMri(i;, Ati4 oi i.J lrw toi triu ; H Wnfijl out ! of tn : Utf MnitiuItrn MrfMinf Ki:ieAis. 7 it food tf ranting AW. A wn bo kid l.ir lniUr t.a cannot fJiuw ihj, but ttirn ,s etniwA bt pukitl it into ereft tlMoff !! -niHit Uow ins novo, Uil tbwi I packet lnii. .f-rtlurfi. lie cahiwH be alufled up mi tha t , tji tbiM t cattuot taki anuJf, winch ta, ! e-r rn4!xr m!mag. .If tw fwa lu-Ui.'cp, yutt -f,Mu4 tickle hia noM- anj wlxm h ta aaVr, ha r fun lua 19 ait'i4 at Ifl iriik JirJ, Ik- till iwr have t4 iHe, tl P-?r Ue il'wy l tn tha nickname tXwmry ai4 let him be imrtiont aa h will, li may -fy yoa tw fwll fci nw. " yir," Mii man to aofHlwr with a bkw io?t "III puM jour rwe. MRr" M, wit my w to my pncki't ; , SiA Umz iiw , in KngUrnl. a Urgt (t man m 'rirU iU(.'wt ifilWtTita. IItailutip,ff Fal ia(1 propxrli m, iilareil hitnarlf, trucbew in hand Ki tl tri fr th imrpoefl of ovaoiMtiinjf !. txJt it with'lmwn ami h alowlr (NtmhW Im diwipprarcd, but hi rtmnd corporatiwt at tijj'cciua, anJ ho aiuck fiif W ttio niJ. !' -tio 'jiHjiirtg or drawing in ofbia bIly Would rrrniii u( hia rxit, ard there be remained fur aomo j. tlm twwMi cmvuld in InuEhtur, tlie gndaup- r-Mfi.'tH. and the actora ervlrairorii.a to Airre htm i!.r.-v'i tli aprturl II. waa tt fength hAed rut ty the atago tttendrra.' ' VuUie . v in A ,V.w -A ruMi hnvin p "if 1 1 the Caltm Hill 0!sratory to get a aight if ihn ti.iH.ii, nn.l atter Imvmi cot a cliince a I. u he die away Li brad to wifie hia rjea, ind in the uitnval the tn l vf the tnlracope miiaelranlr ft-H duwn, ao a iitrad of poinlii'? to the heavena, to pf.irvi Jown upon tlm csrlh. J'bo ruiica urprine waa unui'cratp, ln h a jmn looked thnnigh and lit id the aisn tf a iulltc houo at t luirt rfutwe, with tho cmtomitrr dccla ration, ' Edin turgh Ale, iVc With a 1U more easily con ciivoi limn dttfribed, ho started I tuck and el rl nu.cd. M Kduiburch Ale in the hwwhi I ; Gude prcucrre u, that beat aT--ivfiniiV-i off. . ' A young preceptor in Vermont lately etuutiaed icn:uie pupil nearly aa oio aa ninwcii, io wnum ha waa under an ennnient of marnage. II told her that though he k iter J her aa rover, he raoat lick hf r aa her tutor. Wei hope shq will piy bint well tor lui mins, who she gets mm. Moavy Ifoon." Though ihla word ia in com mon one, ita denralion ia little i;nnwn, aa noiiiin rcsprCtioE it ia found in lite dtctiannriea, or nicy cloiiodias. Ita oris'in ia from a cuatomof theTuo , looea, an ancient people. ot urrmany, wno ran meed, or ttMthegtiiL befera maue with honey ,. foi thirty dayawuer erery wediling. , - " Jack Bannider'9Witaien Avction.Vliiin er boinj at an auction in the Strand, where the auctioneer, who it appeared wm wllinff hia own goods, eai.l, " ladies and gonilcinen, 1 am not wll u,g goods,. 1 am sttiriff innni away. " l lien. bbi i;.irmi.itcr, " I will thank you fat llmt tea-urn you have to your hand, ,. . ' ' ' . .' Qit MomrntX whit on cfffcl it nrodurea np j;rari vne iuh.hcuii vinur, crinw-, jis'jry, n;ini. wtvc, rapture, rest upon it l . I-ath Hwll ia hut inommit yet eternity ia ita aucccaaorj f . . Ckriuu Cate of A filiation Mr... Lonii'sn harms diulins'juihed hunmslfin aome clever wuy newnnam r inuirmed the public, that he waa the ' jion rf Longman, Rtttw,' Oriue, Rrowo, and Green, of rulcrnoster row, . .. , ."' . .i. 0.etif our Minister, " eaya the Journal oV Tari. " has the aintutttr Imbit of venttng.hi ill . . & . . i j .. ouinur y iuitjwhi hi nm vn hid uruuitu, mm Jus irritation incre-s, the unoirendmcr calor i;et kicked a!l round the room. The affair of Prince Xiouis Napoleon had already coot hia Utct'llenry three halr , - ' . ' .. ; Neat Pvn.-yi. de Narittchkin 'waa one duy at rmirt wlien tho conversation turned upon tha war 'which Russia had then declared agaiuat Turkey. The I!irinrrM.mother wa verv animated onlhesub- jeel, hot being fiequently iutrrmp'cd by Ihe noine of - a door, winch creaked upon na hinL'",Bue inquired of M- Ju N 'at lt ""o'd I f He immediately rvplicJ. " C'e-it ta Portl, qii dcmaiide dear ee JaA pretty girl of eighteen, recently drowned her i in tho Wiio. tu diaappointdd lovo. 1 I jk( , Armm4t U, ! ! ! rwIW( Ml I lf iirft, llii'iirfy tuMniJi, V JwW Sm tt lVta.brr fttrig, a r Uf 4 tlr, tnl, i ni4 Ibf ) l M I KiU Iwmi I'araitMi a lrjr ij'"'1' l'a, ti, f. J..r, .y , r.rM.nf Tw . TM r-J'C'M III, l ii l'W. rt tU mnd hitm tU Tlx l"fii nf Male, r4 ka !h iaf h.lc htrin rtanna, a fijtl to frnt lhm U M-iiitnrfii. 4ti Mtitriicul. iiJiua itw li'e i ra- r,V4 t-v U. T) iaMH to Uhi Utate.aie e- 'UMI IMDAM MltMllt. N0,i.,brr l. IfeU la ...: -1 I- J' L . . HI. ! J . I.' ' m:w fall ami wivrr.u now. I.llclifora U Olhrr, RE hOW OfK.MSQ el the Hu.wW tww ilj Cape tW Jbna, la tf8nt aa-Ttuwul U .jrula iQ tlMtr la. .waeiri tToi.a, l Ammmie, ami Vii!jr. of ry foUir aiMi s"1'1' f liKU p iwiik onkmm aaant R 8 Green, , l)rak rk GraCB. (ii.-itirrtrn, CLOTH Kufretrfo. -MimIMiimI, Hu.o 1y. lUrrmibJii an4 r Mar eriK-l fif )r""ia. KupMKir tVoul lyl Dxcl, Due pikin, Hiuckturt, Rtl'd do. IM.aB ije. . I t,AliUua, Kih'd , t'n;urd Victoria, 'lialrk, Hi ripe d ttiipnmr piio black aivie iain, l viral, Tifr J -do. Kigured . do. do, XVoiilefl Ou. , d 'ijareJ Falio, 'lain do. . ' Vik-iKie, li r .l.uuii. of READY MADE CUmilNGt flannel and Ifcwk akin Hbirta and Draw- era; Ijnrn Bn-umaand Uiliara, romoaeuupi-'ni iMrt k 8o.pemler ; I lk in, Bockfk m and iwrnn utovea. Black Hilk and Vteioria v-ravaia, a pn" Stona8uieka; rUUa; Rmhajine, and Velvet Jen aant'a eelebratrd Huicka, of every kind and In fccl ev err Uunf that no be tound ia any aunilaf a-ublibmeut N'.--ih Suuth. Tb exjoda bava been aeleeUxl by Hie junior partner in penon, wbotpaied neitder exp.-n nor parna in their wieciion, ana w iu.'nri i v uki i.i ia b litU(.; n it nn" ia roix'") irtiii.ir J. r' A t; JTi trf, tft be ill U t"J t all l.w , rriy lu l ui, itnLf or l-ircutr, ,f mI la bi . Ilkjirfa ia tU IVi k'm, tt a km ttm m a-r ukr ' I'1 '" ftiHI li.(i 'li,ll !f-li and .Nrw York, rtWi-a tn tu lUt I' Wuk al kw blx-o, ''I be i4 Ui xoi la'A-j xt i own Dcit Workminship. M. B Hp wdl l irb ( Arat) lU ug b a- pf.vrd Mi ttf T. Olurf U llnll lp.a, to any one mint tUrt mruf Im la bie )! w tutting, Concuril, ,"W. ill, IM. t'tl,l:ulM4 . 'l'HE rwilwribrr wihc to inform Li riMimverf and lh public generally, that ho at ill carrioe m Hi ... 1 1 ... i and it ever ready to txrruie, in a very aujieriKr iiMnner, all deerip(intauf Work In liia Imm. Vol J Unmtrt, MMMomb. II idiw and Uoor. tilt, poof tttft and TMai aTenrt, are aiecatvd in very tare. auk, lit grit fur Mill.pioneaievery Mid. Mr. rhilipa alx Ijev tu inirm I tie puMie thai he can eui f!nKmvti.ga of.varKm kind lie will Ntgrav nunblelarei neelly, and granite iotib ttmiee ran be well rkcutrd if dt-airwl. Ilia fbarj(ft ahull alwavt ba reaauuabbt, and at atom itv4l.iiii.ir aa twnMet4e, IVrxMia wing to have work done in tha above 'w will itn ell to call at l Iks rewdMcat4 Mr. I l'ilip,.vra ittik Hitb of Jfelihir. " . , K.NOCII E. 1'HILLirS. Aeyit 24, !". if a re i he beet aavor tnient of guide ever opened InihePWiei U the truth of winch call and and riamine k ycturaelve. We hie in our employ flrat rate Northern worawea, and avail oureelvea of all the ehanfee ia lb" "' tbey Uke placa at Hie Worth, v umtcki have ao bewution in warrant ma every tning we nwn to be aa well and aa MiKwubly eu" nd mmle aa can be, Nh or Houth. Memb. r .d the Irgww ore eu fHhrt. vi-iting the tfiiv durmg theataaon, would do well to rail and evammeour atock oetore purco-aing. . furairninif their oy n goode my rely upon hl' work aa well ejiwruted aa I bough we lurnuhed the ma teriala. Ordeiatrmn a diataeee promptly attended to. Tliaekhil fi pant fvora wa rwpcetfully lolieit a coo- of iwbltroMie Bakigh. Nov.' 7, im. ' IA 4t. .:lli.;.U:,0Vc0. - IiniX be aold. by order of Court, at tha late reai f f dunce of Jolm Adderton, dee'd., on tho lllh ot December ext, v ' , - . ' - THIRTEEN LIKElV YOUNG . : NEGROES; .monmt iliftn re men women and children, belonging to the Mtate or jour Aouerioo, u., lion amooeet the heirtkt law. (CT l ermamane anown on the dav ot aalo. ' JAMES AUUf.K I OA, Adifir. Wov.l3th, IfSKJ. 24.1. WILL bo eoid on Thuraday the 13th of December next, at tlie late a welling ot John Turner, dee'd. .11 the oonwnal wopertv bekmeinir la aaid deceaaed t conoiating ot llormn, Cattle, llta, oT Wagon and Cwr.uua apt of liUckamilh Toola : and a variety ol other article usMally kept on k tiirt but too tedious to mention, AIh iweive iiaeiy eouaUIng of one man, two women and children. A credit of twelve montlia wilt DC given, the purcha ... niciiin It. nut with anorocd Becuriliea.' - All those indebt.d to the aaid Estate, by Note or nil.nf Li. will avtlle the aame wttliout delat. a no iu- dulironcu can be given. All thoau havmjf claim atiauurt aaid tato will preeeni them legally atitlieuti cak-d within the time prescribed by law, or olherwwe ... i .... i ..i ......... . thl notice Will OO DUX! IU lI Ol im-ir irvui , , ' f,A(RNi:K,iAdm'ra. RowanCo.,No.2a,18di. - . im - " . -' - or The ' '' 'I Wlli AMEIUCAM MOEUM OF IJlLlUt'RE A- AN L Hit; Alt! , will couihiue Uienoliuiiy tra review with tlie licluer mixccUany of a lUBgaiiiie; be- ai'lea uiHwrlial review ol important work and ahort no tice ot iiiuior iturary produciionaby iiictditmB, iiw tii embrace eM, Uk-a, lustorivtle. poetry, literary and acieuiitle intutliL'cnce, and tranalatiotiii inan utauuurd and pt-'iiodical work m other language, contributed by una ol the abhwl writer ol tlie duy. - The Magagine will aleo contain a aencaof review ol such writer a have, by thoir tuleuts, Wied luatre u'Hia American literature. 'iVe review Will be accompa nied by portraits of tho author, engraved on etcel by the beat a r tint The work will be beautilully printed, with new type-upon fine wp:r, and will make two vol uoio ach vear. of more t'liin 0(H) pafrea each, " Agonciea will bo ea'ahlnJiod in the principle cities, and arrangement n'1- o iloliver the work tree ot poe L,ne. A the Museum i. printed on a mediii'u ami a-half-sJiWt, the highevt pnbMge that ct be clwrgod to any part ol the couulry, lorono year, will be i.twcoiiw. I'enwns deinm of nctinc H airenle, will i!iae apply k4 nahb Tt rms. fft PT anutu. pnyahle ort the deliv ery of the first ouiiiUtr In cupn .-.'l I. . , -s, NATIJAN V. IliiOOKS, ' ' Jailors uhH 1'r- j'rti tor BdlimoTt, Oct. 2. im r HUE Hob-eribnr baa ba rotrrl h uewardVo, I of m nitK.b MnBort.oca ia beallb 1 era ia Uieinipned plan of HUSHING MILLS, la-.ii LfLutlAOir it fnr4 In ' y(' t i . - ' i ! j ii a:.. "... t j l.'.e i . t t: I ttrt, rn i! ir'l Uu; AMJ.uii'AN i :i i. (,: i iB ItllU I I kW!!lod Will ),i'TII,. !.!..- r tt'AKI) t lli;.M.V 4 1.; Oil; t m tJliMiiii tt an rltrao fffarn a f ttainief WMk of I lit I'rter the di-r'rtrrrr uf M. e!rWt-d Vg- i.l.l. AMtLlliliuua I'i la. "HaaLiM. wealth, aa4 en"mw, r to !' ari.ee ob-t of lite. Tw te r lt wW aaaaaraoatoobUia ti Ultrr. MM anrUk a.ltb a. a au J M.vwMwaL But via pir. without lb - idMwlib. n niiMW oouur and xrrn-ih, n-nlwr the phyal Our te mwiul-nrt- iher Ihe wMr mm urn eiiwi r"- - , acbievtmefH, wbHber of wealth of ta '"M"" -J .Mra ia crpr miwt mmd m a Pmd bo,lv-t the km t" ab-'lu'a rnia-K aaaOUtral Stt ia lb .tumment U ftnmaa Tl mind my be etiv. but if tha bl; be tWW, titea m the mmd active to nui purp"- i.n7"7" - " Uer$ and the Unret laid pUna kra rvadered abttrtiv b the abattarrd coodiiMi vf ewr tenowaot of a lay. ' Bui a. Uutt ma eoukl ohtaia weallb that b eoold acquire the gold of t(if. od biing bom all lbtiev orra of the mine tt umemw. vi wwwm where wouWbebwIuippiriw! II would be anwrv bit m the mMii vf b.agidaid b dtanadl ka would pin away in wrc Indite and drepatri and b would ..rt.i a,ih ike wine man of tdd. "Allkt vanity aud vfiatloa ot iMrr Ilia limb era racked with pain, tad be cannot ret hw app-ut w r', nd b k-nka bwload: hi atimuwh i cmPTcw-d wrtb aaiu,and be tarn aickeniiig away at the lnoniie of a memneent w videnee. He would give all be i ih-oy, all tM WMltl.irhclMuliUfiaTlhemor.but hHhviM'aiptit, Plreae (iteme," a id a bangr wretch. tea wellky, nVble man riea five m atipme to euy me e morsi-i of lout I tia anno eurco i " I would e:iv t llKNiaaod dollar i your tppet',tf y the rich man. a he handed the buttery on a dollar. , . , . w .1 li lo tot eniyment and otbrf Machue ry when wore, or Ixeted. By but IM r ,t m-r lM mnvri, aub. mHhoil. Imoeof i.ibcr epr ifh,or borti.tal Cedge.J-wvwtfrU)o.ly on ao pluo and backntrd a aubject I aa a he the bub it the Hpmdl and Ink, rupticb lighter and ateadierthan the oi tluJold Plan. T.. grt uuuble d wedging and pairing lb Hpidl, Crtnkar "d llodfeeiie env aawd wbea lua on, at ia lite Duehea and Ink. . " - '. , Anv nrrwm wediins to irrure machinery o) tha kind can be euppticd by ntakmf pylicaiioej tolbeHibtcri. ber by tetter, al JHuckavlke, Utm coumy. jv. rVttembcr 00. ' 1 , I (rrThe .ibribr would refer ant one wW.b in formation on Ihe eoty-ct, lo Da. AcTi,ooof 1 Mi. torauf theaCarmian.M , T oorxicuir.H M.tvtTiviq f HUE SICK are all Inking Una wonderrul.Me. - dicin which i aatonit htng Euroe, and iroe. riea with ita mighty core. . For 8l the rut-Ulnce, fall Je roeary, .v. L. - ny J.yu. iuu.u,A(rni A.t.uai 17. Ifl.'lfi. , " : 3m . 1 tOPAL Varniab, Englieb patent JCTV . V.rniJi. Cabinet Siiinsr. Bla a . r-" ' . - " f,l Vareinb (trlltrrteM Maker, Copal Va . . - m - maker, Japan ueed 7 ;JA r-udi for Carnage P"in,i" u uk ;;l f J. "tiji Cabinet ntakew, w " i' i H aale or -Mail. tvvfkLV By C. a HARRISON. " Stateaville, Nov. L '6m lb. wa not all know the value of health! Do we nut all attend to it a on of th ebief, if not the chief! ooneern ol our aweta! eikrtene 1 l)u w not employ the mean to attaiq and preaerve it I Do w not lay out money do we not fee phvaiciane do not follow I heir advice do w md awafkiw their preacrintionel True moat true - genii reader, tlio dott all Uiing, w dare aty, aud mure. Hull, we cannot believe our bomily on boallh tu be altogether onnecewwry. A la nvirala, o in phyaie b it rrUiaif lo hav " line epoa line, and precept tipon precept. Ale la art Kb torget that they may be an k and wen ia ticknoe do not all way employ th moat iodic iou mean to attain health. . Very true. Doctor men do not a yon aay,alwaya pnreue the right road In hoalto. N.W, I know ot torn people who are alwaya duainf tbeoMelve with phyaie, and running to the doctor an tpotberartet every day of their live. Tbey take, I verily believe, a cart load ot drug ia a year, and yet they are not well after all. iwyou know the roaauaT Why, yea, ia my opinion, there art two reaaona. Ia th fir place, they take too much medicine, and in the aecond, they do not Uke (be right kind. I uaed to make Ihe aam miattke. Bui lately that ia to aay ft two or three year peat I've hit upon a better plan, I take W, I'etera'a Vegelabio Ifcliou fill, and I derive mora benefit from en dollar laid out in them, than I oaed ia paying fifty in any former porno it of health, brikio ta kin' a wnrbl nt ba I iiaa "a nA Aimnut in mvallntaiinir an an. Cabinet maker, Siting foormouaquantityof medicine. DoyouknowDr.l'eteraf mad and aold, whole, very wen. ,4. , , A "And have yon ever taken hi medicmer. ..' J , iwnii uiwaiiuau rim, . . , " They tell me be ia hone of your" quack, who un RTiake to mend and regulate the human machine. it Bout ao uiiich aa knowing of what part It eonatata, vj bow they are put Uyether. They aay be under ndi anitmny and ph;iulogy, f think yov cattthem; i aa familiar with botany and chemistry aa 1 am wb th road to mill," - , . ,1,. tIVou are right inlormcd. Dr. Pulcrt it no empiric. I Moo not undertak what hi doe not undcrataod. Hojrki regularly bred to the healing art. II baa "-'yearn in the tcqinoitHtn of knowMge; be beetle ottJ)inMeIt to the etuily of the human Frame, and the dlMa tn which it l aubioit. and now ha la anolvir.e b kqieftiona to th relief of euflering homanity. - r . nviee not put lorlh the abaurd claim to often ed vanctby the inventor of patent nostrum namely, that O-urinir all dipeaur with a einirle nrwcriotioo ! Such jtretence be would deem about a difficult to waiiuaa lo Uke. the nostrum or thoae who put it forth, ICTa it no gnch medicine. There i not, and never y a panacea for all diaeae. The vrarrtaLa Mi.Hi'tt44 pretend to no wtch miracle. , But what i tnfiiiiy belter, they eflect whatever they undertake. Tbry ki the ward of pmmwo to ti e atomach, and the prima vyiuch they make to tho ear and eye. ; . And lliindecd it no alight recommendation. Nor rc the oininu, w which ttuttq Pill are adapbd few nor far b,en , The diaorder ariaing from a morbid 'ttate of tltjita are, nnrnrtiinately, many, distressing nd fatal Urge proportion of all tl.e feverf, espe cially at South and in the marahy districts, are owing to trhause, from the dwtrensing ague and fc er, wbwb W shake asunder life and Innh, to the fearful ." Yeyr J&ck," which seldom quit hi victim without asutring amil and body a he taken hia leave. Lot! versa Ooin hit ornvutua nrnrtino. with ilix.au.. '". !! l fomvvhich o'itfinate of the diaonler of the I)r. riratanl IlriidrrMMi. OrfEltS hbi Protrtwional Service to th Cim o Salt-bury and ita vicinity. II occopie th Ikick Offlcof the late Dr, Mitchell. r ,.; 8alibury, May IH, IS. , - . - - , OLD CASTINGS WANTED. , WE will purcliiae, any amount of old Caattngt that may be brought lo us ; such aa old cotton screws, old mtll.gnaritig, old pole, ovens, moriara, eVe., and will pay one cent pr pound. - v" CRESS di. COCEK. ; tSaii-hury, Mopt. , 1:W. . .- tf new Fashions, for fall t winter, : iioim i: ii. imtttD, HKSrECTFULLY ir.lorm hit friemia and tho public, that be mill carnc mi the TAILOR 1X0 BUSI NESS st hi tld stand on main wtreet, in tt door to tb AMtthucnry Store. ; He ia ever ready In execute the order of hin 'cuidomcr in a alyle and manner not aurpnoeed by any workman in th western part of tlm Main II" i i 'he re Ciilar reeeid of tlm latent Lnnd. and New Voi k FASHIONS, and prepared U accomimidute the Inntea of tho fashionable at ell liiiwa .CP . . Cr Culling gnrmenlof all. kind attended to pnmplly and the Infill r indiums r,irtiuhed at all limes to country InilorM, end iimtrucl unit given in cutting. " " Stilislmry, Jan. 1, IMS. . NDTICE. .. ' 'fHE SuWrilieri linvin tkin out Ijetterenf Ad. , A. miiiiKtration on the E-tt'e Ot Mary Brim, ilrc'd., t thelsKi tMinry"Coiirt t!-r Rowan, mini! all per eomrmdt'bteir to sen! ftUry-ftrimi dt d.j'to nske-py-- "ma "Ttinfl' tltirrenfeirtfi ment without delay; and tho-e hiving claim j?anst w,,cn are to alo follow from Hi lilt? mil IQ UI JfU'VNI tflt-'lfl WIllilM UlllC pi CTt. r tircxn by law pmpcr!f iiithennpnUMt. othnrwica thin notice ....ii ..i.i... i., j . n..m r ti..,i mhaua' : -f lift WW UlUii'liU ll VM I V ii.vwn ij. fc R. V. LONG, Atlnt'r. - Salisbury, N.'C. Sept 13, 1S:IS. Vmato YnVe,vtanmct. ; .J1, INFORMS hit fncnd nnd tho pub T fiirtf) ltc-thiit he h, ttikrn the llmise for f t iiieity occuptrd by Cul. Win. F. Kel ".h, in the town of Morkaville, Dnvie county, with the view of keeping PRIVATE EN and j-i'.!..l...l ,f CllAULLt ALI.AA.Mii ,t. I t. (- , Th mat PU'wU'r of tin In,,'.! ti. i I , klr emk, u nuw r '! i)-l.ry i.i iw , i, W( kat fei-"1r!!y nt rat) 1H t'fiiiq t4 , . IvnS to III pfaii'l'7 ' ll ' I .!,. Ih ifun)iliai f Wlmh A ha 11 p it iut,,r.. Itic'l a 1x4 pt.ihaMy lnffi-Mufn tn , the tli'iitHio ff Wm pencil ll" r'i tiri t, ,, refsgid on Ihe aobt of ih Ml Cnr i r mnt t a Ika worn lb tsh have lfJ aat ia tin luMa tVli tuck entire t ft:. i., i,. that liberal profl't atay b dfi4 f"a n, , . tvwtr abiliiy to aruiiw a g nua t y , m any part of the world. It hi ,!iived tlm a J auW waeung n full awtabliMiing Mm ri t k.t. thv aoMhtr;, w., U ,u vast iditr.tagra, m bit " pflttnatmg 4pliM prrtl inf.'Tinatitia eora-i , and to ton iiw our rnni, what kw Use, vu I that ttr m no umv 4rful' aU.t i , a rrop of thlk, titan Uwt k t tr-p of an Ul thu ktowd yield far greater iris,. , b obuloed froct any other branch ol ba.ban.lr,. - . editor base beiHI ba ngged in the I :. k ' d Intend here fur to giv it ihnr etir ttri., . . Tbey nav mad eiteomv arnngeoHmi (e (,, . tli atlk worm, and culttutinf that uvaluil:a . of mulbury trvr, Ih Morn Mlt"tulta. Afl, f larir long eiprrvrte la the occupe'iun sad ti , , cif reiKi l.nr with dk gr.wT, they brtw. i . mar say wrthoot bmiatifo, that they shall k i . mak the A !" u Wilk Cirwwrr, uaiful tad ..., J ing, and to ci inimical thxiugh its oags n,f, . a aluaMf repeeiin ever r.rtwhj of tl adk k . a ran b" elsewhere UttiriViMit Uaiitd kortHW of Ute work will b drrotnd to Butinj i. dera hnprovemenbt of tgricullurv, and jrh s' tre (rn rally Uaxl'ol to Iba cultivator of lit a. ,i Tli aoprWw rMpeclfully eulieit etrilrr, A grteeltural ulkcl generally and alas the i- . Ing Business m particular. JJrc th LdiUm, V. Ch'ney V Rri'tli rB, Oorlmrion. : . The work will be published aveilhie eterv r- . . !) !; twturyew -atrre octavo pari eit'i s. add it too of a cover for advertisement, Ac., tad m : ... end of each rolume, complete ubl ol cuntroti .. b furnished to aobacribera. Term. One Dollar , payable ia advance, lor eingl aubaenbera. ,Tst Mibscripliun will b summed for a w bole year fey i warding a cerrent ten dollar bilt,fre uf pusurs. All order he; t'i work, poctago paid, will btp-- ly attended to, if aldreased to lite I'ubliahet.C. Al aW, AuVmwn UuiMinir. Fnaklin Place, !1dJ. , 4. Ciliten. rdtlk Grower, Aricultoralista, and - ho wish to procure thit work from th prevrnt i will please forwtrd their a ate tod th aiuoajit 4 , ecrlptioo immedaitely, -.. r- K LIBERAL PREMIUM. ! . Any Aeent forwarding HW wibacriher Ceeoe t . , tnd t al current bank bill will be entitled to T Tboonnd Silk Worm Yft, eretd from the mm t proved virietiee which can be warded bt ex,, n any part of the United tftalee, at trifling pee. 1 4 wmcn, it property attendee; to, according lo th to lion which are promuleated k tit Work, will profit considerabl exceedine tk iont utthtt - of tubriptioa lor one hundred eopiee, . GOING I GOING !!-G0NE!!. fllHE tubacribert bar iuat received tod offii Ki d wbulcsalaor retail Ui foU-iwing krudwij ouI0 hhda. HUlfr. v ; 2 , da: aloW I Oil aacb Liverpool Salt, , .- 55 kga white lead. ' ' letlbartlKll.smllJTirtlrM. 10 pair Hmith.' Bellow, . . l , 31 keg Ntil. ' 10 , do. Powder, &00 Iba. Bote Leather. r- ' . -IQ kojuwT PUt,. . 00 bushel herd graseeed. Hafiabory, Oct 25, IM , llile. Dr. PotW fiM l to employ his knowledge ud extienene the preparation of t medicine which SCULIfrURIIVG J." IIOULDSJIOUSER T ESPECTFULLY inform hit friend tml 1! t public, that ha i atill at but old biuiac of STONIf UTTINO; teven mibt South of Salisbury, and about 1 1 rs from the old ClmrleMton Road, where beiap-r-ed lo accommmlnle Ihoee wwhtng work in hi !. He now hut on hand and for tale, a good tupS'H t MILL-STONES, of vnriout aize aud prices, i . t tweniy-five) t r thirty dollar a pair, of the bwr ; 1 ami workninnship 5 also WINIX)W SILLS, fi li lo e3.5; DOOR-SILLS from t'2 to 9 IKH.'S STEPS '4l.H0 1- ROUGH DUILDINO R' from fdiy to aeveniy.five cet.U ; TOMB STOX from 910 to I5? COLD (up eltafl) URLW. 920 a piece, " .J'he Sulwcriber borwt bv close attention In t ' nees, and bit determination lo furnish none but l' best article, and on reduced terms, to merit f receive a liberal norlion of nnhlin nntrnnai. Rowan County, April 13, 1838. ' K'm prove iiciout In thit large clas of disease, andr The article publt.hed ...ow, concerning ,1, twma 'iltni itiu ..:..r.ni:i":.?r-",-. 'tm' CI It CUL A II. is me more fatal pilltte p. .1.:. . . " " cuftf pb nniparevi. with mucli care nd a latcJ tkal'MMi tjkai I la nnrikaia tlan 11 " w.a. JMIs, which be ia hsppy to aay, from long experience andlheabitndant testimony of those who have employed them have answered, mure than aJoverwd his most san guine expectftttona. - 1 '. ,. ' It is not hi own more assertion tltu von a,ii..i upon to bt?heie, It is not the ipse dixf any sincle man though he was as great aa Uabm w llippocraiee that you are to pin your fiiith uxm." Veither al- tnoiiftn 11 means in ine tecrea vnmme ui nv .1 1iiuliVfhctnntr-ndvnnTPd 1iv the il utr" Ooehcke of Germany, cannot fail of exciting 1 1' nnd thrilling interest thnnigliout our country. mouth of two or thwe witnesses nhalfall tli.. pg B,,l"l labliahel"--are you to believe in so iiU numbjr ' W,C? GOEUCKfrniAlCm.: medicine of ,re value Ionian than ' ' TS'Vu 'm' nrcvm united irea-t. our g nhe,-a mHicine, which i ohlmnrd tiom the VeceiahlH. nni,.,,.! .,j 1 1 ... ' ,1- won luiiirini ni'v (nna ihu poSse8sfis iTUHU.m. .-,.- ' which, Ihouirh tiemiriiiwl tta a riitviitv liif f cimv I tumpnon anluly, ia (wssesaed of a mysterious you to kelieve m so sniMI umber ? er ma"" iuseof (he hurnnn ivsh I of witnesses H it before von. qt. : meaicine whirh h.,ii 1 1 it.. m.., are too nitmerou to be eaerty overlooked t they u 'f who are ditilv witnessiii g IIS BNfOlllUllllff tit-' TtllTAlN 31 ' M . Tho lloutw is roomv nnd '"'"" w , 7 ' ' "'m ty hud rcsiifnod to the irai-n ! ' con.li.Habl,. ami in tl.e bu.im'M part of the villnge. 'ft11' tcT,M' ,. . , ,t h sK 10 , , , , .. . -' . . v Betiev 1112 the epnntaououa testimony ot those wh, iMup r.7 . I Ilmaulnerilirriileilgea hut bett exertions ro reti- nvnimttmm t10 best of the truth (l.ey astert f. . "-'f ihe Amative, for ndolis, one-rlnfif der Mlflnrttnii lo all who may fall on him.' Im Vierh,-i thrown tojethfr in,'the following pajjea, 1 """"n, a hnlf drop; end for inftinv, T A It L E will 8t all timrs lie eunplied with the M,.w of the mnnv hundntlHof terfiinoniaUrrcfivpd trmii"r"l; 'he directions einliiiirino the minuter k.3" Irf't-t the emuitry airnrds, and Ins 11 A R stocked with the rlnu-e,.t Liipiors. ; Hin taliresnreexten ive nnd sHl'e, will be well supplied with good Pro vender, nnd niu-ndml hv a fir.-,f rato Ilosiler. . Morkiviile, Feb. 2.131 . tf very ouarter w hen Ins pills have Cimie into use.- '1'hey are left, tniiek fiir thfiiiHclvik Tln'V are tlm word of thovewho uKjH'k wh'it thfy do know, and testify what they have wen and i xjwriynoed." CO"Ib"Can-ful anil enquire for Pelfra' V"Ctallel,ills; they aresuld inSiiln.lj0iy by John Murphy; 111 Lexington try ; am in C harlotte ny vv nii;tiiip M ij.yo, 1 can behad.attnc. xorkw-hoiesule pneea. 1 ... .. 1 V'K lour or a mi.,,-,..- I'ru k Three andono-fi ird fix dollars ("i" ' 1 dy"lp. Medicine ii for Sa;t t the M ' Vi'' r. ......... . . . .- .... ... . Jiyj.lMLM tISHIMi,'' -

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