v '.U I ul ..... f.J .;.. -I fif f.( I sa "r . I I ' 1 1 II TO Till! II l I n ff 1 1 ft V TMK ( ni 1 1 ri 1 1 'it. Hum rsi.ti'ihiTt 11 fev i ...... ... ., - t-.-., -.-4-..,,-ja-.i. . r, . . . ... , ....... ..... h Af.sriN a c . v. fi.siii;k. ) - . , .,M ....... n., " . j .SALISBURY, i. C, DKCUMBHIl 1 1KB. . j lZ TLJIM.H OP iMflOIJMAN. 1 Tha Wntl t VMi iss ribhMd "very Till ... ai Twa lJk.:tra sf aomiia, if Mid In advanes, or T iJUr and Fifty lUiuls, if not psid l(U th ci . i.: lb' t 1 f pr' d"ewitiwJ !! arresrarns ;- it u,i rnn-fl o iiw riiu " a r Li sotifv Ui Editor of a wwb to sWontmue, .i uk eadof a iHf. ill bo lered at a h tn p., - i.irrtiamfntwiilaC!nricw! aivl corwt,.' IwivrtAj, al on dollar per ! ' B'4 t'" riioa, 14 ') tu rh cml U'Wir. Court and Judirtal .rrUK'wnia iil eUrfsd 5J1 y-r eot asm than . . j-i... .. Hi r.M iijiMf wire, a iwmwiwi w v-ii p-r p in ij MMultr will b mlo to yearly advert.?. LnraiMr4 ui U Mum, must la all tssrs to PJow Goods. cm;ss - aV " , BOGEH. 1? J t m i"""1' tUti "M7 " r reiv4 iimi. wp at f AM. A WIN TKK 0M)HH, inp(u.inr tU rtrry artI imuI! kr,4 in ihia at-ctxia of eooo- iff, Into wf om-r npxi i' oimai ifiii, chrp ur CtJt, or to (Mitdutl dnali-ra upon crlil of talre mail Jut received ctut acleeiioa ul tin Ul Uct AnVvtt ciVwg oVs,v with tgooi wpply of, ' ttl f wnica Uxy will rfvpoca erf pa tta im4 favora. k irmc C. at & Unlf IImiit Unnka to Uirtf friandf ,ni eailutnert, and bofi by atnet ltiitioa to buanxw, u iwrTit a eootinuanc m th aama. KalHburj, lh. 1, . , t tf . 3IISCrI2Lf.AM30UN. , -. .. RIIKUMAT1SM. A eorrtprtiul,itt of iIk I'lttnUirf Admcale, who aVxntoa Imnatlf luodical iiraciilioncr of twauty ycara ttandin, furailita lit (ullowing taluabie, if wcQ r.iiiinl. information I . Al lh ( of about wfeolccn, I waa Cr4 at tacked villi ihfl InlLimmatiirj Bhcumntiam, lien after lha prompt oaa of th laueal, calliartica, btia Irra, arid dixaplwrotira, I waa rMoradL From llial period until about twinitjr yaara ago, I bad ail or ama aiiuilar atiarka, generally rco'iirma veiioacc " tkm. purfuliov. Llitf ra, and diaanhorotica, txT.ira I could recover. ' In iheM attack my eitremitiea ould ha ao infliniciWint I could aearcoly war to . La trnybed. About the year 1919. 1 had auxsrat- ed lo dm llifl Ua of Colt on, inatead (if lha woollen, wlikb I had word nckl to tbe ikia in form of hirt id draweia. ' I imnHHlintcly onfurincd lo (ha aajeation, ibondiined lbs woollen, hara ever aince worn lha 'cuMmi, and now fir aliit Iwrnly ynara have never been cnnlinrd one day wilh rbauiuaiiam. My ob mrntion alio in an extensive 'practice, have fur ftUbed Unwjui vocal cotifirmation of the facta, thai vcoliea wora nest the akin ia utttcrly incompftti b'e with rlteumalie connlitulioo ami that cotton ia moat decidedly advautageoua. ' A My who I al Iixla4 during very acvere tttnek of rheumatiam, found, while in t state of convalcncence, thai her finf r were becoming rigidly cHilracted, I rccom oicmled to her the ue of cotton, and oow for many ytn ihe haa been free from the cnmplnint. ; lining had occiuton, whilo nurauing my profi.-a-liunal vocation in Philadelphia lo protect my ban I, when driving my gig. agninsl iho told, thai ' aoulJ hnve h;ndond thorn both unpleaxant lo my 'flf and unauid'd lo the (trials of a patient,' I pro. cured I ho fur liimJ gloves, but lhcM I could nnl on dure by reason of returning rheumatiam, and had my ghivci lined wilh Canton (lamx-l. - . A to the thcrapculic principle on which lo ac count for the salutnry cfleel of the cotton dress, we ire, porliaps, not prepared It give I 'io entire ratio wile; but onecircusiancoduscrteaparticularno. lice. When woollen is yyorn neil to llio akin Ihe perspiration not being ahsorhed by the flannel be coinca in$pinsittd, and, of course, obstructs both enatble nnd insensililo perspiration Thi objection, it is known, does nol lie against the" cotton dress, ns it ahiro Iho pepi ration, leaving the skin clean and Iho pores free, . : s .i j, From the CiiicnJioa, . ,; v'" , a - j;' TE StLVEft MIXE,"; ; v";. ', :' In days gone by"llcro lived in iho far-famed ' Queon'.a silver gunsmith, who hud accumulated a large fortune, by u cans tmhich Wet known only himsefand the dov.l. lie waa n regulnr built tl,,i. ii . k.. yWvTTOrcnCTp1eT hrin inja at i, ii - . .i. I i . ' bringing a ball in 'contact with his bow wjiidow, and breaking a pano tof fnm ; for which juvenile i'idicrc:jon wo received from hiiri q'flne trouncing, flnd boinj o'llifrnil, by a writ of tcolatlurvni, lo shell ot a real MeyieHn an articfe, in iliosdays, that ould keep a man from starving at l. at a month. But to our yarn. : Tlw silver grinder vaxed old Sad rich, nnd nol a chick W chil l had ho.vq Ifavo bis speher tor when he ehojild M nhuflja off the mor d coil," and prepare to seitlu a standing nccounl no had with Ihe other world ; wilh which wo have billing to do at present. - One day whilo the codger was reclining in Ins maple bottomed chair, looking over his spectacles, and dreaming lanbtlos of a chemical procesa by "bich bi could, like 'alchyinista' vf.. old, convert e'ry liung ho t.mcld into gold, alow lap at hi oor aroiued him Ocofn'lti lutlinrgy, nnd, expect ' lflZ fat cuHtomeri her' quickly rose and opened it, ii'n in Hta kerf a i IihiI Ilnf Lciou iih a linwid brimmed wool hat, and a certain kne se aim in liWi fnanner, which told that he was a'b.iekwoodsmaB.f and k new no moro r.bout the worh! nnd the things ia it, than n Malay Indian." After surveying Fhy. hk fr a niiiiuie, and the gl((tiiiig coe ltLn " Huangrr, are ywi lha &,llr whai iw,t ht,e aiUrr I" M IWlamly, Mr, if linly five vara working il caa jiv n any krxjlr.!p .,f . Well, a I lb ought, lit ao evry Uxlv ttJ me and lhal'a lb ranee I'm cotno fortvfive miU-e Ihroogh lh miKj and rain lo are yog," be aid, al the aama lime Wing doaa biUver and binding hi naudil boify In l.iteo.licuLr manner In a chair. YM knowa thai I have lioyM, filly ae rea d iwwhi in iiuiwr eooniv.airfl live on H.wka Cretk. J"M ftlirfit;i.le ihe fork el, a-uiw of ih gntund wii gram, anq wme in i, ai ul mte'a ao poor lhal il wouldn't raiae tallur lateral well, ono dv m od oneof our peotde enl a fi.hin in Snake ererk, and Ufuraj we wi-nt, e wenl lo die aorne wor me bait, wbeo Hill lilarb aaid Ha turn over this log, and I found ihia hero pirce', which the minister aav U-k like ailver." Tbe eve of the old man briihlenttd. and eitod. inj hie hand ho lo-k Ilia uneouih lump and wiping bis sprcks, eiamined il aiih a Irenihlmi hand i quickly roae, and without Dotimn ' hi ru!.' walk. rd into another room, and returned in about five minute. M You aay vi f Kjnd ihia on vonr rrtaind t" Vcs, Uiere'e plenty more U i. fof I have duff up aocn lump ainrc j" .. rlenly of it, yog aay r Yea.krfaof.Mr t Tbe old roan remained in f no for some ii.u", sncn an iue appearea to strike bun, ne saio , " My dar friend this resemUea ailver l and you will ahow me the ground you get it out win accuse upon it. - WcJI, if jfou will gel into that wagon onl ihcre i u flnve you there in a aiiort lime. . - . MThaitk you. 111 a' art immedialely, Cr I wanl lo know for your aalniuclwo oflM quuliiyand e lent of Ihia ore." In I hey wcol and nil Ihey drove, and early Ihe neat morning Ibey arrived al Snake creek, and Ihe silver smith waa aoon ihown ibe identical apot where the lump waa found when after carefully exauiiMng lUe ground, ha said t ' I on aay that you dug more of (In BtulT hem T "Berlin j jiat wail (ill I git a pick axe and I'll ahow you."- - - . - I no clod-hopper brought Ihe nick, and com rrHTVoed digging, apparently w iimxil eaating hi eye on any particukr eiiot I when lit, and behold I an other lump of a larger site comet up, and Ibe old man iremUed al Ibe indubitable evidence of a mine f pure silver. "That's not half i u's all alioul lie re," said his aompanion, moving off in another direction, and commenced digging again. Tho nlvenmiih fol lowed with a quick step, and Ihe wooiliman, after awinging his pick a ahurt lime, brought forth an- Olhef lump I and still ami! her 1 1 and look Ihe old man amund Ihe held and dug up Ihe same stuff in every direction I This waa enough lo have eati bed Uld Nick himself tod the old man at length said I ; ; -.' , H Young man, this stuff mis hi be made of some value, by a man who undenuanda amtlling it, but il i of no value to you and I would advise you lo aell il." - v ' ; Yes, but il's so poor ground that nobody will buy il." What did you originally give fur it I said the Id man. -: J ' " .' ' ' . "Fifiv doHara." " " ''".' " ' , Well,! lell you whal, I'll give you ono liuo. red dollar in silver I, Well, now, that's lair I think and I'll iust ro ani! anil the old woman," ' "-.'- " ; - T -- lie went into his cabin and returned in a minute, saying! ... , .; . . Stranger, I giHiSS I won t sell out now, for here's no more ground aboul here for sale, nnd the old woman wvs she won't move away from her pooplo," . - . v The silver-smith was fired with the proipoct he ad of graijiing the rich treasure, and went on of fering the countryman a higher nnd higher price until be reached a thousand dollars. --This ap peared lo work the fellow, and he walked lo his cabin again, nnd shortly roturnndt ' .'r . , ' Cau l atnnd it stranger Ihe old woman won I say yes, and tlinro'a no use in trying lo make her." 1 his only mado (he avarieirio silvor-smith more furious, and after expostulating for, some lime with to oountrymnn, lie sulU: .. ; : V " Go and tell vnur wife I wMlgivo herlwollioti- aaud dollara for Ihis tract." . ? ; r, ' la wenl again nnd soon relumnd wilh a smile upon his phiz, which plainly told Iho old man's auccesa. . 4 ';.' " Well, alranger, I'll lell ye what; the bid wo- wlilcra down and tut us Irvo here until wo cun move, she'll lake it." , ; "... . ':; Agreed sajd tho voraelou silvrr ami'lunnd n contract was nl oneomadej n. bill of al..wa drawn up by the '(Squire gnd n check on Nick Diddlo given for the amount, which tho country, man sold for ihe ready, and they parted the silver-stnith to I ho city, and tlu cloJ.'iopjicr lo his cabin. Two days 'nfterrilMT silver siniili iretutneoYiml4When he cntcrotl among-lhe groiip, they crouched, with a hoet of minors commenced nncrntionaon a grand aciiltf, but after digging for some hours with-. out linuing moro lumps, n reeling ot npprcnenmon began lo lake hold of them, and the silversmith grew pule, and 'trembling' wilh fear-and suspense, he walked straight lo the woodHman's cabin, and inquiring for tho countryman, found him seated quit contentedly" by a large fire amoking a pipo. Good morning, 'sir I have come, sir I hnvo hud mv'men at work five, hours, sir nnd have fwind none of that ore you showed me !" " Well, now lell us "said ihe countryman, "there must be two more lumps about fir 1 know J planted seven in oil, and we; only dug up fivo!" Tho rmuaimk-r may U Uticr cooceivd lhn oeaenwd. VAV AUilUftUII TIIK UD.t TAMES. Tlo remarkable mun, who ta now exilmln hi . i. . - - wonut-riul entire i urn of I mor animal to !4viMi. m nilireoflhetiiaieiNew loik, in Ihe foiled mat's. II . born al lulikill a beautiful town on the North or Indian Itivnr, about 30 ntibw from ew Turk, lie ia ora- eiHlrd from one of Ibe on gioal Dutch sMtlr4 of that Hia'e, better koowe un dr Ihe lille of M Knot kabokkere," a nanw whcb wa given Ihem wor ihe early work of Wahing Irsmg were published. When about l & year ofase. with a fine eonli lulion and gol leuijier, Van Amburgh h;ft the lil. lie tillage of I'wIikill.arKl vuiied New Yoik. 11 breaine there Wr eevrral years a clerk in the ware hoiMKt of a rehttive. Hut I hi kind of hie nM ling b.a anlernnwrg pint, I.e packed nn. and net out on hi travel, a evsry adventurous YaiAreor I ankce Dutchman doe. In the up and don of Mm lie iircame connerled wnh a caravan or living aoimale lhal belonged lo conumny ia Iho (Jnilcd Siaiea. Uy Una time young Van Amburgh bad reached his 30ili year Ilia lh fiure. iron frame. and Herculean atrength, filled him admirably for hi new voeatmn. Al Ihi prearnt writing, Van Amburgh ia probably about VO year of age, and one of the moat athletic men of hi site in lit world. I le ia singula rly made. 1 1 1 Uly u per fectly round, but rniber thicker Iban broad. Ilia bomw laree and firmly eel, and his flih almit muacle. Yet, from the peculiar coolormatnm i Lie body, h anema to bare all the grace and lightness of a M eirji Ilia nrat Intercourse with lions, cVc. was acciden tal. Al a little Iowa in New Jersey, near New York, a caravan o( living animal wa exibiied. Tba lion wa uncommonly good tempered, and ooe of ihe keepers wa ia Ibe habit of going into the cage a a pari of the exhibition. On a certain oe can ion ibia person wss absent, llie audience imp lioiit, no one lo enter Ibe lion's cage, and a icrri We row in prospect. In ihe extremity of distress, Van A mho rah had charily. M I'll 'g into the cage," aaid be to lb managers. ' lie look a cane entered Ih cage, walked up lo Iho lion, talked lo nun and ia a lew second Ihey became quite im male. " In approaching wild animal," aay a Van Amburgh, " courage is every thing. , : After Ihis sMccea be went briber. -Tho liim soon died, and Ibe company broke up. lie then !... ..aa.s war a ! I pnuca a caravan, cauno ine Zoological instiiuie, m New York, which contained worn of tho choice! animate ever exhibited. He there prosecuted hta favorite pursuit studied Ibe temper of Ibe animal, and proceeded step by ten till he brought them alt into a singular stale of civilisation. . Hi Brat a "social Km, In Ihe anine case, of a li-m aim tiger, presented mnarltable scene. - J beat two animal would fight whole months, and some time he would give over one of them for dead. On auch occasion Van Amlwrgh, after they had exhaueted each other, would cuter Ihe cage, ami begin his course f discipline to control both Gradually ha added animal to animal, till he got a tar a ten animal in one cage. On many occa sion he had severe Conflicts, with Ihe tiger par. ticularly. but nothing dunaerous. . When he tslks of lheo animal, he i highly interesting.' N The liger," aaya Van Amburgh, M ia like a reckk, good-for-nothing, drunken raacal who spend his lime carelessly at taverns, and rights in a moment. Tigers all have spiteful tempera. Tho lion i nol ao irraarible ; ho ia alowcr and Coollor, but there ia not the generous feeling about him which he ha been cracked up fori Tho leopard arelike cat playful, but easily provoked." . : Ttisre ia nothing more interesting than ta hear Vsn Amburgh give a history of bis intercourse with iheae animal. t" " V " ' " "7- ; Van Amburgh' has a novel and practical theory to account for his power over them."- From the first moment of hi intercourm with Ihem, he talk ed to them a ho would lo a human being. ' M They believe, say he, " that I have power to tear them in piecna if Ihey do not act na I say. I lell litem so, and have frequently enforced it with a heavy crow bar. The personal treiigth, the peculiar cant of hia eye, the rapidity of his movements, Ihe lone of his voice, all lend to present to those nnim.ila an idea of superior power, which in sudden burst of his passion makes them crouch in Ihe comer of the cage. Van A mburgh' eye u peculiar ; ono of Ihem has a remarkable cast, which lather height ens the eff ct of his rxpresrivo lace, as is said of the " terrible eye ofCuliph Vatheck." On ono oc casion in New York the liger became forocious. Van Amburgh very coolly took his crow bar, nnd gave him a. tremendous blow over the head. Ho then said lo him, in good Kngliah, a if he wis a human creature. ;. Y,,u big scoundrel, if you ahow mo any more of your pranks, I'll knock your brains noltM-nccoomnnving il with loud mennticca anil strong geslicujalion. After Ihic, the ligef be liavcd like a gentleman for a couple of months. , In coming over to this fcotintry, Yaq Amburgh was wpcratol from lhee luiiinuls for several wei:ks. They arrjved in Lfindon, he in Liverpool. 'As soon us he reached London, ho went to see (liotn. On his npiearanco ootsidu the cngn, One of the atrang est scenes was presented thai ever was beheld. Tim tiifis, tigers, nnd nil recognised him at once. ihcv crawled, the?, lashed their tail. Wilh evcrv demonstration of delight nt "beholtfing him again. He scratched iho ncek of ihe big lion, and his inn ji:ty growled forth hi pleasure jn Jones like !he tbui'id of distant thunder, In ancient and modern history wo havo heqrd of allempts mado to lame single animals but till the prew.'nlera we Imvo never seen such a miifhly ex hihition of human, over animal power, as Mr. Van Amburgh present.". "The lion and tho Ininh liter ally lie down together, Yet Ihe fi ats of familiar ity performed nightly at As'ley's are 'nothing, it is said, lo those ho performed u X.'Yori.-London Tiiiifs, ' ' 1 t'tam Ik Avgst'e Mtnef, in Isugli at kr ' low ud l.idir, And men kJ twiirr do ile sstn. A friend of mine ha rer colly ri iorn d from an excursion into ihe circuit of this HuicN le . .1 & .i i .i e l . t nm inai wiiimi in 1 1 to couuiy m iiw airsyro iiho Iho Court (louse, and wa present at lb arraign rwunt of a, man by Iho nam of Henry Ii;, who aa cuaiged wuh attempting lo kill In wilo. Day waa a pale liiiU man, iid Ihe wiW, who wa prescol, was prrhel II'bunii. (be uxiuitmenl being read, tho prisoner wa asked In aay, whwli cr he wa M liuiity or not Uuilty." II anawared Mlber' a mighty chance of lawyer' lie in Ih paper, but aorne pari i true, . I did strike Ihe old Isdy, but she fit me ao powerfully first. t$he can (wear tqual lo a hula of any thing, aud her kicks aro awfuL I reckon whal vrai any ab-sil ih diivil moving me, i tolerable crrct. weiug a how she moved me. 1 hav told you all I know 1mm iho eircumraoe. Mister. I sin Pquire Jones lb re, a five dollar Ull, and I allow N'U talk it out lor me." Squirt Joor thereupon roan, and said he bad a law point lo raise in ihia case, which lis thought conclusive. It waa n eslsWclnnl rule of lw, thai man and wif.i wera bul on ami b aliould lika lo know how a man eold bo puwished P whipping himself h should he glad lo bear what the tMtctlor Usocral could any to lhal. i he Solicilof (ieoeral answered, that he DwNiglil his brother Jone had carried Ihe maxim a Info loo fart men bad often been punished fr healing lltrir w. vos. If a man should kill hi wile, il would not be suicide. Hero Sqoira June uiti rrxseb I and lied Hi Holicrtof General lo produce an author. I lo that e(Ict. Tlss Solicibir deneral looked over G rreu'a and Lumpkiu' Georgia Justice for soma minute, and I hen observed, that he coul I not find aa autliority j-tst tlien, but he waa euro he had seen the principle soma where, and lie called on the judge lo sustain him. In the enthusiasm of ihe counsel on Ibia point, ihey forgot in offer any evidence aa lo ih guilt or inneoce of Day in the premise. Tbe judge being likewise oblivious of this fact, proceeded to charge lb jury, lie told ihem, that man and wirb war one, and were two. If ih wif ran in debt or abused a neighbor, or knocked down or dragged out a fellow citicen, (hen man and wife were one. . If Ihe husband did any of the tilings, then, man and wifd wer two. He remarked, that in either event, the man waa le gally bound lo ufk-r, and l here fore come it a ihey would,' Day wa undoubtedly guilty He aid, he would not decide Ihe question, w hot her if a man kill his wife, il waa murder or suicide. He waa pot prepared to express an npimon upon that EhiiL It waa a very delicate one, and he bad no oa of eommUtlng himself. (Some onenrr tbe room hero observed, that ha waa mighty tond of committing other.) II then calico up the hmlifT, tremendous looking cracker, wearing a brood brim white hat with crape, (I nevor saw a man South of latitude ?3, that did not wear a whit hat with ciapo) and proceeded to admonish lum, lhat the jury were very much in Ihe habit of coming in drunk, with their verdicts, and that if it happened in this case, he would discharge Ihe prisoner, am. Eut hi punishment upon him, (the bailiff.) The ailiff, giving a significant glance at Ihe judge, re plied, lhat other people beside ihe jury camo into court drunk, that otpo people thought other peo ple drunk, when some people were drunk Ihem solves. ' The jury theu retired and o did my friend. The next day he returned and found matters, in tlatu fwc, except that Day and hi wife bad mado up, and were discussing together Iho reerit of cod fowl, and a quart of beer, and now and then interchanging kisses, despite of the frowns and becks of the officers. Tho judge, clerk and sher iff had been up all night, and looked wolfish, and Ihe bailiff was seated on bis whito hat at Iho door of Ihe jury room, and his countenance expressed lhal he bad swallowed tho concentrated venom ol thousand wild cats. The moat awlul curses, oalha and sounds proceeded from Ihe jury room aomo were roarmir like lions tome crying liko children mewing like cats neighing like horses, cVc. Al last, a short Consultation was held at tho door of the jury room between the foreman and the bailiff, whereupon, thn lattor putting hia white hat one-aided on hi head, cam into the court room and addressed the judge ih'j ; Mister, Tom Jakns says the jnry con'i agree about this hero mnn, and t you Keep nim ii. c. toin as.t-j irnnoui grog any more, tie il iick you "on signi. - I ne juoge appealed to the bar, it this was not a contempt ol court, and "ureon and X.unipkin's Georgia Jus lice" having been consuiled, it was fiuntly decided, lhat as it wjs a threat addressed to the judge as a private individual, and was, to whip him " on sight," and not on the bench, it was hoi, runurc me iroe, enlightened and democratic principles ol Georgia legislation,) a contempt of court. This being set. it,,,! i.ilo JlriwlAit llin Imitiir in an v in Tnm JalrhriwtnwnTlhnr " . . . ' -. . rri l. vrr HW?TTA?r:W,ffl? tired, and so did my friend ' but ho givea'it as his opinion, from the framo of mind in w hich be left ull jartics that Iho jurors obd bailiff. are still iherc. IV. m. V Correcting children U griper. There is nnnltt 6r commoif error that ol correcting a chMd hat- lily and harshly, and then, leeling that injustice ha been done, to compensate him by some oo)h iiiir su-rar-tilumb or honeyed apology. It is nol es. y lo conceive of nnyihing morn likely lo degrade the parent "in the eyes uf Ins olPpring than such in,. confident folly i nothing more sure to destroy hi influence over the mind, lo harden the young heart in rebellion, nnd muke it grow hold in sin. In pro. portion as the parent finks in his esteem, clf-com n it grows up it) tho mind of ihoundutiful ch'ld Young people as well asoM pay great renpeciio consistency, and, on me comrary, oospiso mow whose conduct i marked with caprice. i ne'sa- cred relation of parent is no protection against Ibis contempt. Those thcrclore wno would preserve their K 'e vrf ih' if i In! In o, w l.o ,' ! ; bo!J of iS'i r'i(ii ttiiit t !' ii ly ( !! i'. i ifi n tHfU of Jtii r, an i iv lliin Inofi j r .' ' i ( mut ink r-iic nol lo f i'.,i Unon !...- , - d by piion or whim, railo r lUn .v. I j r, elli pie i j.i.iu n and dui v. .... I 7 l IhmtraUi tmt-!f nf S'tlk Cut' LOHllHUtl ft I'llt .Hi Kflt Til U of iimilar km iiM'Srwl Oil i ii ii -i I', only from lb pfim-(il IUi.k w,J nn(.n -m tin m tm ih Inetniirjr rinJcr llnl !'iKtiirr (.-u, rlisracter of I In bills it wo! kna t,., ,. r. U Uuitid Male tls.ik and thus fsuhtste lli'.ireiicilatwa, d diinioiJi (lie clisnrr i,r 't-d' TBSeeivslililof II (li'liurslOotfrnmisit, tlircHslxil Ih I'm ni, .,u! J r. i. dif illis iiili-rnt of I'is lliuk lu kv ; t -lJm i,;s at ftirrslns-to preirnt llie rotlf-ejrio and i' um... !i.,n I 'r l ' ', li of lin'ir wHce ia Itre nnwi i j-..( m, i in iMiJi'Ocjr lo convi.'iitrtte, tnd tiio ;':! . c.-.j i m statute (is lbs ss4 i4 c.i t,v..,) i r riost wver iswss. Indrrd, thO !. iof r-i ... , d Iher bo any sood in if, will ouiv bo i n',it- 4. SUJStl ol III scvrnl U4iik of tl.u mhio U'n t . With, and hsrrawins rli otb r, I'.r ninlry ill I U - twren I bo flaiika of iho difl'.rsut Koi'i ! ',t y n ,;! sks-s effuctually and un.trn,lj keep rtrb oilier in i i.v, k ami order, wbildal boo w will l e liie IM coocentraiH vgorot all oor capital. !Ul A aeriooa objoclion ured ii'ima t En,k of (! n Vn led Huie wss tbe Ur?e snicuiit of mom v h ii : i d 1 r on art of men, rniblmg tbern lo con'rut f.r r.v .t,j Ui currency, and llKtn Uix-nte owi U.o t politic ol Ih eoualry. Tin obji ui in, in n er.t o.a twn, bold anucb mor strongly sgsma ilie .,:'; . !'i InstitutsM wow Uxjoouiij coiiiiixm tt li N i ; , j free ol Ihe rentrsial 1 bsv prop-d. The j: t ' tt the Vailed citate wss ropMib!e to and rontr!..J 1 Congres Jo hr act ia all Ih Biat s. Jt it il. -j m. stilulions holilmg charter frota lwni.iin :l,( l,o eoulrulled by lbs power fiom wbs-h tin y ). rn' I i' r r being, and Uii power will never bn an-iti d tic , t U act injurious to their own citicn snd ii'ijir- ; r i their own limit. Ocyond ibeir l ini', in i,i.M-r u-y they sii almost IrrtujxsKiLIc, and tlmr ri.iv.iH I I marked by tlia wtotoa abuw-a ol Hi iot imr. : , ,J dipdiMn. II you reijuir illu'riitii.n,tiirn tr ihi. J'. ylvsnia llank of Ui t'liitrd Htnti; il. .iln ; in r n tad local Bank stccklpnlrltMn; slnHt rxclu - Ihe trade of tba great stifcof the cmjritiv. Trim sylvsai sitlirrcoolJ not, or would nl c-.ii'r.i 1,-r ; .. I without soma furiher restraint ibaa llial id th t m'u a, w will gio se th lejiUuisie buain of our mer chant wreatod from thorn sad the country driven to deal in di'preciaU'd coerenry, and lha of m.n'i. n tbe merchaota uM-rccde4 by llie sont of tho 1', ir k. If (acta wera neceswry to don onuat to you our argent need of mor iiank cspiml, I would d.rrct yosr aiivntion to tho Kuropesit nurk' ts, overrun r!i our pplicstiisis for lusns. I would auk you t j comunro I I.e aimaint profitably employed by our sinter Htatrs, p.v sessutg natural sdvtntacs ruirm, inipiotrim nt, io flnilcly inferior to our own, wub llie snimini m .'.. by as. New York a little abort of our Turntoi ul c tent in 171Xlhsdlswnumberufiiihatii(Kiit,ha.! ; vd iho uw of Il.i uka, aud wadid not, lor a mmri r I r ir. In 10 she surpassed ns in pwmlttion, 'is i:wii.n, J Lor Iknk comincr.furstely lo hrr wants and to , r vc mcDUs w did not, ano alio now nuinUr tio.t) c mi) our pupulstkm. Dosidc older an.l vsliuhl i in provav meats she lias fluianed commencod snd cuaiteri J c nal and Rail Koad 3.KUI mile cit nariy ninety - millionaof Dollar, for s m.iri oarticulir ejinsitton of the sdvsnts;oi derived by tlitt Xwti Inmi let a p. prointKin lor internal linprovr-inrnts 1 an- .nt I you Ibe documents markod C, and I)., Hi'i-irtjof r'-miuU lee to the legislator i"f that tjtate, cooimuiiiciU-d tt ras in my Executive capacity. For ihe benufit and prokvlion ' injur from Uio Htate, it sWiM m Vkhu.li tliia r.ai.k will fiko a auW riptioi t tho Yadkin and I'v i(. iiJlo l!.il lioad s;: of a half million of Dollar. " ' ". ; terest is tho mo.it imprtanf, sod locnts your most do liberate ennsiderstiun. Tim l ni.li J pmpeity of .our ' Slate k hold in too . M rs' im i i.ri, i-.d oi.rstlacbmenU to the oil hnnratoo bwely nhmrt ns. 'J he plice!-' AEfricuiiure as inu u ini. sou hif.' Miun m uuit:i w. . i. .i i... ....i . r .it .ii. i r our birth and early lecollcctioii tV" tin aires of our manly struggles, and mature a . ti:; ti;e very grave yard of our intiicrs ni-i.no no tiUi.liiig attach- . inents, but arc sold auj transb-rrcd wmi ie eiooxion -than Oie the brutes ll algrnzo njxn t'letu. I'rsnialurt " Iv worn out bv a l(K) and roinou t y4cn of culture, . our land re'p.irliH1 from, without regret, and cldom' descend to llie llurd gi'iicration.' . - J'hie inilitrerence ansct, no douW, in part, iron in abiimlancn of eur land and temptation presented by richer soils in climates more congenial lo the CiveriU production of tbe day, UottoO. Hut in a greater de grea lo our laws, aftording to ihia' primary and oar, mounl luteresi,iiopreforeticesorldvnt!;eoverolher. ; It is vnur duty as Lrffielators to investiite the causo and to provide Ihe remedies if in your power. . Might not Ihis end bo attained, (in p irt at least) by f ecuring ta every family in proporiion to their anmber . certain oortiona of land immediately sround and Inclo- - ding their dwellings against all claims subject during the life of the owner, widow or unmarried daughter, to ihoir control and support, and afterwards to descend to the eldest married child, who ha oIli.prin.T, and ao on - . .iii.ii.: I . L forever. Liable, nowevcr, in oe sow siu umrs or iuw proprietor with Ihe consent of his wifo. this means 50 'vry ntirjency for t io fsinilvi Sildwido sua ornnani', ' 1 from Z ToirtZnVld suffering..1 want. Oimot. of estate would her find indncrMnciits for systematic aud permanent, improvement emistti'ls to purchase and locate amonr na. flllinsr enourtoosnarbfl iwipulutionaod enhancing th value of Our too depreciated noil. Much may doubtless be effected by an improved ysy tem of husbandry, under proper siiinnlantsand induce ments; if-we turn for a moment to tho improvnnent '' snccessfully achieved in Massachusetts wilh decidedly inferior climat and oil, our doubts will bW removed. She greatly outstrip u in our. peculiar interesls. In proof of which, allow mo to refer you lo sn ariculln ral survey recently mado in Hint Mute, marked B and to valuable, in my estimation, a to induce mo toreconi mend that a similar survey no auinor.ectt in our ."laic. . But. irenllemrn, it isonly lo a liber.,1 t.ml well df gestrsl aysteni of. Internal Itnproven erf iht we can look tor the regulation bd permanent ; . -perity of onr State. Onr town re amstl, nr markets distant and difficult of access our water courses tr purpose of. navigation, nalorslly indilitrcnt and wanting improve-' ment, whilst our infant manufactories are struggling for existence against the matured and -mighir work shops of' Europe and New; England. Wo. hav n branch of Cnterpriso ufjuciently advanced snd power- ' ful to render aauancd to another. H is in trwh (Tie

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