! itn I I ; k I i r I : t, I:,1 I ii., ,, r i"-'.'f i' i a J, f , I if;l. !ii Uji-.O n. W I'l.'-iil .h i it- 'l sUiaore, oor dirml: ivj. U j.fi. 'I I-y r- r '4 j I I' f. .! 4 f f-'if nt,. ii . l rt . r ff-.j- ct. 4, l t ! srO fi"n t i I" .- -,r M h limn ili", mi i I'nl - -k To l!tH fli I" ' '1 'l'"" 'T 'iir Ii .'tliilimm, i f.J'ot? ntr'fiil, owe. llul iim f-.iMd hi' i !,mtut lo I'i' in liwh i 'iHf4 llin iimt cL-r , t ckiblfi'4i 4 p-fliUr prf.llnii fif, um Wlil roo , ,f ,e4 a'-lltt, li f t C IU'1", Bgint ff r if don 'ic enj!t. Tlinrw 4 ( Mi!u nf mr intiiiiiinn, for li'f tt ntuty, wil'toot riming ajiiril of vain ! b!:iiin buM arrve to impn u lli grc.it prtB'i'l ft"" whatb llwy bnvo aprung crwmUul I J diWl JX'rrf HI'MI hf tUtr prultln WH-f everv iVV mwjr dlfwl orbr-aiain) no tlm part (rrriniwiit from r xereimrig ay duibtful or i!., juried p.rseij n. cautiuu alHiiKUire from ill lfiri- itb concern which properly h. lg, lfcJ f8 best bA 10 tilltlj regulation and hi JiimKmI eowryrnaw - - . Full tnf-MrwitMKi of the ttate tf our f m-fgn f. fairs luring rm rrmty, imi dill'-rntl orfiuMxti, MiUtMiicd to HJrin it iKcoMary ti It k m 14 jrour n(ic iljr urti rvruti hatq i -ro(ly ufcurmJ or ro nf H;h ijnpitance hi Th miculilu diwlKvi continue In l tllllUlM M M lh lli il!l In nil tl (u ersTeo n4 ciliemi of llm t'niti d fciitr tinM an Ulattiat 'iirhrc'Hirnr. Al llm duti of my tual an pul mt'cMffO, Mvxica wan lhi on!y nitii'in whic fiU hot bt incluIH in x gratifying a r'A rtiM.-i' to our ("Teigfj rclaiioo. I in T to b now tM o indrm you ih it an kJiine b bocn made lnwar! Urn B'tj iMiiiirnt f mir itutcunmt Hh lhal K'-pjMir, aid lha rralor iikm'of lha eiwlomorf rtml filjn brtariMi the lo Mtipiia. Tliia iujjx'iUn! rhun hi Imti cf. iir4 by conciliatnrv nr-rrHialiorw, lhal have re jIimI la tho concluainn of a Irenfv U (rcq lli tao Gotrnmnla( aluch, whrn rnii&Mj will irfur V ih irUlramrtil of a firtrndly pnwrr all lha auh rtiof eoolrrtrery U-1 rcn oi jrowinf not imli ttdoila. Tbrra i, at pn-anl, alo, ronton In lielicta Dial la equilaMa amlrm-nt of all dipu(rd potntt illwittatMd witbuul lortlirr diiTiruIiyoruiiiK'CPa wry (klay.and thua lulhoriza llta frca faumpiton of diplomatic mtercouree vith mir aiter unmiblio. Willi respect to lh rKtrthnaitrn boundary nf m tmiM Dtatna, nn rtiinul cornrnndonrQ bo twaea Ihia Govenunertt ami that of Grrat Driiain hu paated aincii that communicated to Congreaa towirda lha cloao of their lat aemion. TImi oflrr to oefotiata a coovenlioa ff tha appointment of wot commiaMon of aurrey and ttwantum, I am. aovercr, aaMird will bo met by her MajcalaV Dtiwnmeni in a eonciliatorr awl fnendlr irptrit, tai lodrucliona to enable the Driiiah Minialer kera lo com ludo aueh an arrnngeinent will lie tnnimitled to him without oeedlea dvlar. Jt ia Sipedaod expected thatthet? inairoetiona will he I bbrral character, and thai tbia negotiation, if eC earfiil,wilj prove lobe an important itrp toward the atiCictory and Coal adjiatment of the eontroreray. I hid hoped that tho teapoct for ihn lawa and re. prd f r the peace and honor of their own country, vhirb hue ever characteriiwd lha ciiixriia of ihe I'oited Statea, would have prevented ilny. portion flf ihem from nring any mean to promote inur reetion in' the Territory of a power with hich we ire it peace, and with which tho United Flute are aVtiroui of maintaining the niot friendly rdntimi. I regret deeply, however, to bo obliged to inform Jou that this fins not been the case. Information a leea given lo me, derived from offiViHl and etber aourcca, thntroany citizena of the United Bttei hate anaociatod together lo make hostile in- eursiona from oiir Territory into Canada, and lo lid and abet insurrection there, in violulion of tlie oUigntwni and law of the United 8tatef nrtd.tn pea dUregnrd of ihcir own dutiea na citiaenm Tbn Hifonnation hue been in part .confirmed, br a Kwlile invasion actually made by citizen of ihe United Butt, m coniunctiim with Ciiraidinna and then, and occomanied by a fiircililo aeiziirn of ine property or oiir citizi-ni, and nn application thereof to the prosecution of military, opvratiooa garnat lb authorities and people of Canada. Tharemiltaof lhee rriminal aaniilt upon the fice aad-oJur of a .neighboring country havo heea, ai was to be expected, filially doftructive to tha misguided or deluded pcnoni engaged in them, ind highly injurious lo those h who brhalfthey ire profesed to hnve been 'ondertaken. - The an- r ( rp ; ft- ' Ihn t , nt t ( j.' ,:. i :t I III .III' ll ,,'.1 f ti , in r lib fiiifc (",, I. r-illrtl r I Oil . I. 1. t I ' i I", ul ( ii- f r m - "' i i l!i fr, ! fa.lU !!.-; ,. -j t t tlx if . fij . li, f k, f f (,,t, - I .HI if ilM.l.f f, J t) -..... ii rr.,r, .fi v.i-tf i,,tit v,, .'?. .'if 1, 1 t l) i l.iiiny I f .J m ) 4 (, tiy t'.Mjy w i: 11 hv.ln r. , .. , i, .1 la I .M iliirfllrkltft--M II .1 h I il... il . . . i . ' it- ' 'rw tfm Ulll If ! I I - - . I ti'xnif ih iiio i i,iie.j r)(ir ini i,. n,i ty fi'. In in It a fx My l arty , H ff;g, II, : I. I I! f t-i I ' l l fcjt 11 I't Ili'jM'l .''4 I I' t -! m r I t -1 Ii t 4 I hi iititin-r llil i;', of, I Ini, III k . .1 t;i ' J '" i ' f -lrf I I l iMill, t4 ttt Ml , ! e jmt .f t ih j. ,, . m j .irr ii.in iri? ! , i ' ' ' - li,,.!,, , ,.u Ui. M ii,iii'iir, , . -I-'-"-. i - i r,ii . ( i-a w a Wi-, io iu -f i;. .h- h, fc .4,, Vm)Um ,, (jf i,, ,u ,.,.1 t-.41-tiMii.tn. ia i- ly . 0 l tWrr..! .! f .... -i i- I. i . .. . . . . . . . . .... , '" ' i, "y airJy n rnmwal io nor riti'i.a l ro.UrrM or anttripatt illk dn. ain, by nMiiiL)rijHl ni!ilry rrnitK im i(y(f pari. Oil -of. a , ! tl,rnctrr, U additKi lo Iheir rriiiiirwitiiy a n4ii.-i tha hatiuur rounlry, hut ,rr teodny draw da . on our on cHieiil lrga tU miiliii4ed ei!U r..i ... i . . i ,f u, 4 I M t .. . .., u, t44 luai it. " foreign war, aiidapoiiiiijuritiiiiiriititi'oib g'od fmib and ltof.r t,t harMntrr A xx-li tU, dcarrttf to be pil down aiih pfoptiiujn and d. r Nion, . I canoot ba ruilien. I am cmfi li ot. in V.-a. k U f4 m, t5jr!in, Ll, t!Mtr, Ifr. (JnUt fry, (rHJ A-f). liou-if. or coyjiox t Mr.c,..fiucooar,,M..r.1;JTi!KVi;STi:itNCAn fffiMl t- tII lo neorila ! 1 tvlklo Mw. fM liirin foint-iny, M !" lodirM-H 11, .V f ..r i? It m t it ' .d j l it! read lb rd lirw, ad m ww4 i! Mr. (J at Im aettodod by aWig tU ('Il"i -. lio mi - AJ U U fvrilrr tarlrt. That tk prifita coonling on ibo cordial and gT-ner.lcnriirrioc r-f ! P"fff nf Ihe mAiklmik k-4 lert halt Im ha. our ll'iw ritiritt In lhi arolimenl. A coo of llui jrorlmatiin wWh I hire fII it ny duty t U-e, ia berr with communrated. I ranmii'bni iKtpr lhal lha g'd wnae and irkjiint,ili regard (of lha honor tml reMtiaiiu iif ihir cuintfy, ilW reap-rt dr tlm laa whirh Kry ba'eihemarvrin aciij Ar their own government, and Ihe b.ve of nr. Art for which ibo man of oor people have lirrti ki Inn and ao Joatly ditioguilid, will deter lha fun paralivcly frw who are enCTaad in ll.eni from a further proaocutioq nf aueh aVnerala eoferprifa. ! In Ihe mean tin, (La ni-iing U have burn, and will coniinof lo he, Cjithfully aiecned t end every eiirt will imi trade to carry Ihem cut in their loll extent, Hbelhrlber arevnflkienlorrMif.loineri the artual afata of ihlnr on the Canadian frontier it M for Longrra In uVtn!e. ' coNmrs op southkrn ixtzhmx wes. KEXCLfl Dec Na - . Oriental Vajwri Thwuhta on Slavtry. Ry Muihron. Ad Iremeil lo the lion. HucH 8. Lo gare I noutu larojioa. Maintaining the proptwi lumat lit, That Hlavery in eo-etal with aocMy neceasary f r it formation and gmwlh, and araa in he primitive aea a mtoral rnoliiiin of a lare port loo of tue liiiman familr. 7d, That it ia an trrral, and haa ex tiled in all ae. 3,1. That it i neither probiiMled by the moral nor Ihe aiwa law. 4ih, I hat LTinatiamty alone, by iia exalunf mfla euro, and ty ita peaceful and gradual, operation. ran abolih H. 5ih. Tliat ita MKblen abolition by any peojle, eiilier by fanatical perveraion of Ihe mild priociplea of chrittjanity, or by any intempo. rate agency, anuat be nrceanarilr attended with frightful eoeiol and political reruUona, deatrueiive like lo the Uawf and Iran. New view of the Twiea. ThHt. the in throwing the planet, and the planeta lUir aatellitea. aa one mag not throw off another. Tbitt Ihia miaUnea brtmn the ann and Ihe earth. and the earth nod the mo n, givea ne or rather produce that phenomenon we call the tiJri. Thnl the windado not attract Ihe water. Tint the moon rainr liileai in tha aadie war lhal ihe winda do, by depreiwing the convex aurCtee of Ihe water vndor Iter. Isvnerolence and modralv. AnVt-ty. Dy he author of M Adventures of a Bachelor." A Pn wilh a venifonace, liUcile A Noveletto. I5v the amhoreaa of tha M Corae. Cbaptera All, vi viir w f-r .... .J aii i, Ai, avs (lyonciuoeo.;--urawuoo iia power In a heart of aenxibilitr ; ita coincidence itli the inclination, and ita rharma. (Snlected.)- A Uiyiurae on the Ueniuot Ihn rederativa rva- tern of the United Stair By Prof-aanr Beverley TuckerT of - U'iHiam and-Marv CoIlrge;-CiMi eience. (Sclocled.) Now View of the Folar System. Thnl mathematiciana are not only in er ror at lo the ilittancea of the planet from the Son, hot that they are mot aregiouiily an a to Ihn dif ferent relocilina they have given them in their p.itha.. Tlmt Vn earth la not more than five mil liono of mile from the aim, nor ia Jupiter more than filly five million, and thnt ni one planet haa a crenter 'velocity in ita orbit iban another. Bono- fiia of Knowledge on Moral. A contimmtion of. I lie reply In tho nmlmr of tho eiwnya on N7he lu fliionre of Moral." By a Native of Goochland, V. Fame. (Selected.) Letter from Malta, lo Ihe Editor of the M Meener.w Malta ita fiiiit Tattitnar l!telu, )rraia IK U (at alt oVbta, tMiirxlt, and bMni- a fv raiKKU" On motmn of Mr. CraalUd, 4 bitl n laid a lha lU. - J .. Tb IbmaeattiiuniM ail n.motir Oacl rk. ld Kaiaori, tmm i4 Hie anrmWra krrl (nm'i r 4 altinf frnm tut IM tnofri nr m I" Ir U Urn al lonjiii, f ,, a km ilo : i 1 s ' the Co.M.1 of Nr-thntno a,d ..wt M,""M - l4 Imm p4. q-.at,ned aceodi lo .-. j Tb Wl N faJ-aj Idl fcrJge . Ibe Knitb On toolMM of Mr. II 4 lb IUm rroo,idrred ir4m R,v- tb HI la Uy offaaJ cub: .a a I Um ,( ( atiMM mi Tai Tin 1.1! t Mi.V J, J 1U JaV , ji , .. lL enun'y 4 1 C tm, pax4 iu Ibud r4it.f, T T t . " wlffpj ! W i'jnjd. U? a 1 i.. i W f .!iri!f,l4 Sial, 'rMv4 b-tla tt- iJie utltnr Cw'r ' u A rkaiMM fc-v 1 1l luaUnr wv .um Itmriticain Canada, from jwclligeiieo rereivcd.of JJ, i-ii nueniieu. movements among oor citizen, have ftl! thcmaelvea oldiged to Iske precnutionnry mi'.i rtt. "psinst them; have actually embodied the ilitia, and anumcd an ailitude to irpol lha inva. um lo which I hey bolicvcd the eolonio were ex. Pd from Ihe United Slates. .A Hate of fueling on both aide of Ihe frontier Im thua been pro duced, which called for prompt and vigorous inter furence. If n insurrection exi;td in CrtiiBda. iIhj settlement by tlw Plirtmici;ina afterward by ihe Phrcfiicinns, (Jreel;, Carthngeniana, Roman. Van. dulARiidGiillia, Aralw, Normnn, Ormnn. French, and Spaniords ceded by Charle V. to the Knight takenposaeiwion of bv the order. &e. Seioiillnj Miscellanea. No. V. Tenilenciea. No. VI. So priority confi'rred by Seizure. Duly of Mothers. By Mrs. Sigourney. M Utiles women are brought on with industrious and religious hntiitu, it ia in vain thnt we educate the ment for they are Ihe ones wli keep tho tharacter of men in ita proper elevation." I'dlktand bv K- L. Btilwer.' Ro marks upon B;lwer' Falkltnd, written several year aince, and now edered fr publication from a belief in tho mind of thf wri'er, that animdue ap plmisu has been awarded to the imaginary nrodiio lions oi thftflislio"iit!hel novelist. xlm'inali Al micnble dipnositinna of the United State toward , """at Britain, as well n their duty to themselves, would lead them to maintain n strict neutrality, od to restrain their citizen from all vinlntiona of (lie law fthieh have been passed for. it rnforco Jreri I'ut Ihia Government "recognizes a still i mlinn Irk mma,a nil ollii,i iitM I !j - Hrt of -H crtiTrmManrrnhtrrof n rjmw i "T ,"f"XRnflncr JJUiL v where order prevails, or has Wen reestablished- College. Ix.njfto a. delivered in the PFdatimw by our cilizene upon nutioimnt peace ChnHrf -ft c"orcmei . ll,a Uniled Stat.,, or coil.binaiion- f,r con,. 2S,1. 183S Pu dished by m,rl : nf the 'in? them, have at u',1 lime bci n regards ,v 1 wm! midiloryvTI Last Tree Article ; American Uoyerntnent and people with the iv"i" - t i-aii n w iti'.m.'i"uj m lha tola of yraterdav ui Mr. Haloaj's nvitinw In in. aVftnib ly awipfo Mr. CriofUaf and Mr. V,. iarn' reioliMi on lha Granf nfVfrnvmt eom. municalKm, and nTnred rJutrn, twn oaj mo. lofl of Mr. CraCrd the k de $nWyri wa root, milled le abjct C Hwmittr) mni'in of Mar. ICoUnU. IUf, r.i.-i, and (II- II. Mr, BriMain ralld up tut cnnaideratutA ihe Bill la Uy ofl and eataUii a C"oiy bv :be nam of Ilcodrrann, b) aaid Bill waa rrad be aoiod tie and paaard, yeas 79 nay 37, and en hi mo tion it wa read I ho third lime and pad by a tita of70 to 3A, ; Mr. II. C. Jone fulled np fat eonideration the Bill t tfabliJi a Toll Brilc or Ihe tooth Yi kin river cr Hair Mill io'Davi I'oooty which wa rd ilia iicmmI and third lime, paamd and ordered in he eotrowd. ' Tbe llou ai'urnd over la Moodiy mormng lea o'clock. - ' aew (utrnl kf tue Uttu J Id nli ran. !(.(' (4nnvM. TWbHUtexalMMliaiH-wi if a lb lrtr Ia Kemt, fM T'mrty, Prw:r4 f Ur. li H.a . ", C-m T .1 T ri bwsa iwrtHL Tm .. I HI lo Of -puri tU JVimgvm MtumUlmn jCMm- 'jty rr paoy, id pd llif Ir4 rJinf. Tt eagfa-rd Mil I Uy ef aad eauUb a sm-w eooot ay Ui nam of IlraJarwm (trot a part of Bua eoqiW) n r4 ta areoad da a1 cja4. , I.N EEXATE, , . MvnJajj, fit, 8, AmenJmnt of tit CwafuVfaai Mr. Kdwrd preaented Ihe (dbiwiog reanlution, which, mi hi ohhioo, were ordered lo be laid on Ibe lable and printed i " HtKHttd by Jbn Own! Aaarmbly i orth Carolina, Tbtl ft ia expedMinl an lo amend lb nrt and aecond aertione i4 Ihe ft rat articles taf Ibe a mend meet In Ihn (imatiiuiion, aa In restore to Imi nonrrts im rtgm Of enooainf mnmnatlf Itis inera bar of lb 8nate and nf the Houan of Common. Retattti, Thai erleet committee of nmm bera be appointed lo report a bill ageaeahly In lha provision of the Constitution, lo carry into eflbcl lha foregoing re. Jut ions. , - Oo inotiow M Mr, Moody, Rttdtfd, That A committee be appointed lo wail upon bia excellonrv the Governor, ren'ieatina lum to lay before I In Legmlature, at a early a day convenient, Ibe resolution of Ihe lust I.egi. lature t.id all papers relative to (roe acliwd in ibis Stale.1 ; 1 - ' . Cvrrrney Hunt. ' Ir. Shepard presehled the following resolutions which, on bi motion, were ordered lo lie on lb table and be prin'.ed. . hercaa, Ihe exchaniwi of the currency or Ihe country are much deranged, and rt i indipenable, for the sencral prosperity, lhal tbia inta of thing should be speedily eorrected, and Ibe industry of Ihe country placed upon that steady and permanent footing, thai hereafter It exorliooa nwy not be pe. riodicalty paralyzed in any way by. the action of the Federal Government ; and wheren; lliere are conflicting opinion among the people of Ihe Stale of North Carolina upon the u!jel of a national bank, and upon tha policy of in independent trc . . a . t .i I I I 1.- nry, under me exclusive toniroi oi liiorcufrai eculivei lherenre. IUnaar .Mibr . U-.v ui aw. , NfMvla Ws p, i'J tf. U4at. tS 3mftr S.r U. . '. BMiiimai ffymMi. aniirrwar ZZ . mm r:;pry&. Tll J"1? iui.i.. . m ;. '. W'lgfc Jft t'.ir TCtUuwiMi Cimnvsa The se-rnd bill la tar aS aoJ aatitiiiJi a km tlm'wtamw' L X X 3. n . OMoiy a ux biti' or i D Ttoa.fwai ft rtaiuranrj a read U lrt tim o' Iloo of IVbioh, tbe .1 is Uy o.T and aU new Cusnty ay mm of Mtanly, paaaMl it time1 i reading, SuJ ld?rd to b togwwpnd. In Senile, Ffflay, tit 0ogrom4 VII, Is 4U.Ji a 'toll briitg,orr tlx Huulb Yolkia liver, paaaas it y.iti' rnJin;, and wJertJ lo as rngruad. Iluua of Commons, lbs btil lo iarorpnrat th Trot ters of Pa ii Cullrre, aaared ita siwuad and titui , bu.lci a fcinf m - readin-iaod wu erderad U be enzr aavd. , r 1 watmunk mm,. Hoot of CotsmoiM, the bill lo eUUiah ClevelatJ Coooiy, pwcd it aeoood reading, la .Morale, baturdy, U bill to eaUlwk !!ifoa county, ptaaoj Its Cial rsMliug, and was srderad t be 'enrolled, , . . , Tbe jainrfJ! atO'.I.i new ( ' CONGRESS . Mcton M.kI.,U Jrd Invuot ' ; la the llnass of Reyreseaut'ves, after smal bV luliag. H igh A. Grla4, af Virginia, araa wlnetoJ 1I4h CU fc wmmmm,f, Wl iilwurti aooMTMC mm tm . i i-i. m. . . . . ' Prnvnt va l mj. W t r -,... triwaas im mrrirmmf t m!' nf liW .? ,..". ;nw "' , 1 andmrl nw irmiaiu m .. . ' . !nnr 1Ur rru.im. m-m m rr " IlW VuKTTHn tK Hf ;.- U 'ML.' T Wiitora ai ii it- i i',"wi' au m dimrliiHi; amC Uw auiui W.t far wa llir anr ! 0 an.it a :tv aaal taoC atrU) Sar irr'r stw. . ... Mtiibnr calf lilwat wn nw" v - latvs swr'lrf wwwoin "ft- m jrmniat snl. tl.m fik to Dtkiir tixxr iuinari . .n ..r run fufluor cnmiuwiC. Tiie SrmiiuiC u;v-m ' leg wad aa mni'? !... wiMinni4. a "",.! ' Conf res, ocCanionr by the lie :h of Walt or 8. rr.U.n ()a Tuetutf the Mrsg of Ibe P . . . i .. -,t , ... i SHioicaiea tolxwigrnas -aa our rcaorr win ae busmmw . ararHnnii an.i -ivv to ee it, w stake mors lur part aJits wwl. by ilnei- n. &mum -n? ;i-r .l.n i all rinat.BJ n.i.rl, nllir aMllr- - -ill Wmur a i: "V U It is littl nnri lhaa a plaia d-tad Jt t)t pfesetri state of our relation al bom am) abroad. The recoiumeodatioa si i!e Bub-Treawry ia rmrw cd, recant etpnt, av lbs MeaMg, bav ttrmgUiewnl lbs ronvicti 4ia heretofors sxprcsted on th uuhjna th currency. The tite of the Country in it Foreign relation ia very liappji at pcaee milh all lb wwlilV we isvc full lewire, and opportunity a&rdcd fur tbs perf.tian j ol oor ewa )teioa, and lbs aWeJopeweBl ti Um mt- mense rstource of a vaat Trrrilory. .. Our limiud rpice will admit iT no furtbor notice ot u. .1 . i , ;ll I :..- t ilKi i t in H I lIO uiH.lH'.fvil will M Jfl.vo muv4 nv- i - , i oT a It i(it gre has lrnacted no buainea of jmportaec a yet, 4- c- . .. f,.w , v.-.,- ' i - j 4 a lUrritborg, tbo Cyito of Pennsylvania, ba lt4T t fi!!. i!i ri,i. kw.n tliAlliMtr nfMwiiintlrtHirttrfiil anil iariw-til. . lo2. i4 . . " 1 j . able acenea. It ace ma, apon the mectiiij ut ih Aaat'ni'ly ; on th 4th inaUnt, i Iloue diKTwuif tm (be sub- jriasaasMir f r '" ..'.) t jr ki itre awiiiMf ui fl I l" trJ J0af1 - i ! ' iijiumur ajuuiui't .ua r r- a ; .: Cm In m HH ll" , a . . . - 2 enin i a!.uiuli,.f ; i i joct ol Ui I'hiladelpbia reiuru a diviM(4 ttA i'nwi, ' injiii i.... f"u- ch party having n acting Sjieaki-r, after nmr Arrmnn m, - m. ll...r. ... ,!i...,r...n. Tl... !s,.i,! I.tMh itk h . firuwd by ' the General Assembly of North t - . . , ,,,.,. tlall,M . .,. a ; 'i f " : ui I If" U .1.1 o titizen into countries so FilititeJ.oiid !lie enmmu i n ot acts of violence' on the incmljers thereof, ln erdcr to cfllct a change in lis government, or Ul"!'r any pretext whatever, have, from te om nwncement of oar Governinenft been held equally ennnn ti on the pat of tltogfl engaged in Ihem, , 89 much deserving of puniiliment ns would be 'ie disturbance of the pihlic peace by tho perpe riition of similar act? within our own territory. country or person Iiave these invaluablo prrociplcs of iiiieriji,ti ml bw principlos, JLbe rict oWvanco of which U ''iudi.jens:ihl to preiarvatjoji of social order in tha world Ueu nre earnestly., cherished o"r sacredly resjiectcd l.ian bv thono n,i ...! ,.."i n... i.. t . - - tlf'.ll Willi III -t flf """' nM onaliy etublwhed, the i,idi-)end.f,ce ,.'7 country. 'I hey. promulgal.-d and nnin.) ---'V j iurrr na . -- at. Bv J. F, On. I? itnnical Notices of In'ernsting Plant. " HiotuM Muiipula, ot enws' FI v Trap Ilex Vomitori.i.or Sjtlj Sea Tea. By a Rnck woodsman Botojjist BjptUt Vincenl La valt. An Inquiry.:' r'-'-v v-v ' r- - " ' ' - Vriziml iiry. 'Biaiiate. IVom a LadyV Port Folio, " Sic 'Tronnit Gloria 5Iundi.MPart ino Song."., By B. W. II. Musings of .Napoleon. Greece n Sinnef. (Selected.) ; , ,y UXITlil) IN VEDIXCK, . In Rndo!ph Count v en the ."3rd of Otohor. Mr. JOHN I.OFI.I.V, nf JJaviJron County, to Mim MAR. GARCT STRIDEK- .. . yi ti'-eymerctufj an early and rriurat riivi in our DEPARTED ,TI US I.IV . S i it.:, r.riintv on Sum'iiv eveninj ihe Oih imi, af. f t-r a ..rtiilne, Mr EUZAUKTU BROV.V.wifu ; of Mr. -Mien lirown, Jatc of t'umlier'.aml County. f-'everal Ohituary Notice Bn8roi.ib!y crowded on', Carolina, That it would muinentlv conduce lo (flu prosperity oflhe ppleofihe U. State, and tend ranch, Cr the future, to withdraw Ihn binino- of the cottntr)1 from those enlnnj;ling nllmnees with national p)liiie which have lieen found injurious in both, that ihe Congre nf the Umfed Slate hould charter three separate uiMinel and uiorpeu- dent bank, lo Im lorated, wilh their branches, in the three great sections or Ihe Umon, XSoiln, pouUi and West. ' ' -y-' v ' ..'.:"'' - .dad be it further retolml. That in the opinion oflhi Assembly, iho united cipituls of those banks should not exceed fifty million of dollars, to lie distributed in such portions, lo tho different mc lions of tho Union, as to Congress might seem just and pmer. ' : . 1 ; Mr, Bi'l'H" presented a resolution irWrurting iorTTtrittrrnnnhtrJttriicnwr in retwift n-4iU- ... . .i .l .1..' .: ..e f ... ameiidiog tne law respecung mo rnicnon m on- t - Laify i I A ensued winch fesulle! M a moM taking pnaaewuoa S ; r!)im w . ..-,,, . , .,,, asaiaigl astk. tha cbambcr, and driving the inember Irom tlat Uooaa. ! itim m i hi i.-o..; oi.MMHwisyiliia awtur- , at,.. Inn, .i..iiinl. , u Ii,k a in a s'ntp 1 (.rifi? im ' : -.i:.Uiai 3ft. aSsanwar I of confusion,-mob law prcuiimg-il.e ZMe au:b.ri. m - .ct- TtJ , ., , . , , i . . , i I . i ' mr nil oi , altv si isisaaw wfi t -i ami ty dcfiodand blondahed boked a. meviUbia. , j-a, t..-. r. Our statements are all one sm1cV sod aa sucli, we j j';rwrt.rtiiuan,as. mike HoWnce for patv slmJc.and coloring. I ubt-1 ; lur 21m Saw was S ffoan !i? l-.-aMj taisaf Irss there Is much of blame due Urtb pw'icx, be it wa j wLinh lull Hit 'imt Sim V- .tinay-wbHyictureiahorerreUdf, .-...li;,i n I in ntn,f nf a fm irolTTIimlltt t I Hhm ... . .. .. r -- rMWM A VOUr rrj'uiimaiiipuii wj iuvj uji. w mi.., brut force prevailing.- . - i . A few niors sucb prartieol ill ufI ration, and s iJI Ji be strange tint our republicanism should inem lirtdio ovor of inobocrary 1 stables, which, on motion of Mr Wilson, was or dered to lio on ihe labiO. ' ."-' "V- V .' I Mr. Jonui presented lha jpclition of J. Gilrcath. llea.l and referred. "r '.' v house op commons. ;'-- Mr, Trollinger presented the petition of Citizen of Omngo, praying lh.it said county be 'not divi ded.' .'.The bill toe-ttitliliidi lha comity nf Jnffi son was llicn taken im. Mr. Hill moved fur it itidefiuito postponement, but I ho motion wa negatived 04 to 43. 'r'.XA .. i. iT.adwi anrl itiBorlintr liliiiu'lc. v iC-1 j Oil IHtlt inn ail 1,1.1IB " fn' p The IIwHton Telegraph, of Hovemhn "Srd, ssysi I ('Sweet pfiUitoe are nnw willing in tliiaeitya budiel t cliiiikeiw $2 u pair ; b'ltter &1 a jioond; eorn rneel $1 buslnl, end other article of thi deacTmlksi proporlionably liigli." T " : ' ' . letter from t'ooston, r.y tha New Orloans pspcr. iatc t.'it th Cairanch'esliave cuiiocted ia larpe tuimj bersneur Snn Antonio, they have sent a niessage fftm their Camp lo the inhabitant of that region, thai bey : were at lili-rty lo depart in Mfty within a given time. biittlml-all wlio remained atier, wouia bs ii.omcnm- j . . . i . . . j.it;ni... Mr. Kol.ar.til rnoveit to nmeno mo ." ..,.- ;,;,, ,.(l ,a sas ar awt. The 1 1, .... j i sews liaa ercatu a creji f h-hhw, gatived 60 to 50. The bill then jia5Cl rnndlnrr. 'i Mr.lsiler Fubniilted a Resolution directing tho invaders. Secretary of Stale to issue grants f'r land sold at the Lite ol Cherokee Land. Hcforred to the Com-, initlen on Cherokee Lands. ' ' ' ; Mr. Hi ke, froin the Select Committee to whom was rtfjrred tho' memorial of sundry citsVn of the counties of Lincoln and Rutherford, rpporieja. n;:i in pSt:i1.1ih a new county, by the nam of were arming ia every H i . i n it proceed against tne Cleave.Nod. which pacdl ita lirst reading. Tt&r Rnjes, made of aire, me now ia successful use on the ' Western wati-r, the inventor Is Mr. J. McCor.l,of Ohio. Th.sc !jo Imvs mads ihe tr is! pre fer them to hemp, or fra ri-4, fl several reasons, Ba Lr-in. alLo-cihifr a pliable, more lasting, not suhwn lo ;,iry-from fire, sod water, abd not slretebing Sess..in.-o'3! Cen. f'vit.j in the nnnigement of the boat .-.laCciralTl- THE SifbumibfrWcaaU; snlra L.s giutilie.tb.-f Utrliaai iri iini -i ! - f tT 0 1 be fcsusc f.Jrnwf aawriroM t Uv Umj), wikast itii) m arr-we-: ' m . with jimnistwaaa sur t TOi- 1 .imaiaiiu rutiiL- isnsii.iinr .' - :lsMigeiswaBl,rat?Iai FfcJ, "I -.ce a ex- WE asinisjHl 3Muoit TK18T.iB,V'",''" "' ' '-- ' MwuXitOi'iiwii " i--1"---and pftTH ,tlar ww amsamsemir-' anet tiie nmtda fin- ' A Jnmix, P mtwrnwe wilier .a li4t- , rfT' v -.I tisanes. t& V&i- uently cmh-Mhed in u t-tii

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