t t , I . s ' , i t ! s , ' : t .1 I I . . t ( 1 1 5 1 I.- -i I 1 4 ? I I ' I 111 r I t , , ' - i - f . .'IIt, I ; -J I I I. . ml ;t.f I ., I t i 1 ( ' i- it;, v-. II 'i --I .f ytrmr- i i . r.. hilt f ''' ' ' l" "I I "Mi.nnjr a 1 (f.l.Of.lo uth'f awiittj th 11 (4 April, l','?7 i i ii 1 I ni i,f it ; I ti-i Ur ' MJ, ! i ' . t . I . i i i , . , ! 1 r ' ? t i i i ( : t - , -. I- , t , I .., ', i J H .- I i. Ii I. i.' i " t I i T' I. I I, i'. i ii ; i , i !, .i i, ,' t1 III" I'f i i ii t..M M 1 ' .1, l.rlj rH ,'ft i L ' .' ft. .a In U, el f t ' (; i ! 1 J t! .(,'!- r l I b.!?l ar a"'J i lht U lib hl if cur f i f n.! a t tin it, I'jjMui hi U TU m tn.! ln'.ii..it (' laud thai bl 1 !. In I rj w ii i,( y rare !.u!4 be bu grsi.ud in t Ii coiiy 14 i;,s Mnis, dvwu in I,. . Ti,i; tr Iwei.ly. j In ruu el llna, rf rsnrw s bad In for. ( sl . trtVr svee t)-f rrixii, iiiJ fr Uit4'(r by Ur. M '. f i.;. .f IW'i.if, . iJ Crti WwwtJ lit ffgular IMI hKH l lKJ lb fwfxWH pi tr ! mi mmu l I Cwrr4 tjn!! TU fofuij i4 'f rmiM in lU Jiit, M m lb lntiM.in fklriri!i f,: put m ainmll iw U toa Ihirs, M t lb jm1 A4 w.liHNn( ub INI, Im ''! ''' U rti iU Ut, tn4 U kijtf4 1 twl j nMilief tU( ht Ut (urJ ! k g rilH &( tf Ufrf )wrii4 lluwiLU, lU lhtcloM f h i frimi HI pmtwd to IN lt f April, J3T. TU f r'r;4 fitting, I cvwifig )(aio in tk rf, i than n bUmM da iWn if nfa (bin I n'!, U iltmiU U rrtira.U!r(Hi IUI lit gfal !rt liftfe mtUmi4ti A4 raiuwtill Uta a t,.t i.fl nn, i mi! t nclutk air andj J lb lhai, at Ida mmmp ! at btcb lWf mn J fc' t, af4 tretr Urm (una raia cr wfavable'! viluod, tfl4f ika acl of Congr in HIS, mftxk :.W, arui Ua( cvvtring U tU ( t l r ''f tpfM at a (air ataadanl, Tba faJuattu ' mUMtct aftimt tb rMf. Jf iharouUiM JCI7, lalla Uiu what it abouU havt beet by r aii j)(i;-l inwn4iattlff'wi(b(iot ttfifteeaw Mry j;--r, aixJ iT O rruM and lb focaa t(i?r m ftronrrlv akrld and tmttnmM,i - ' . . .. 7 I..': I'liuim co nut M 11m Bfftnjr, M airab b i4 mikr, railf impfvtfd (Un etcriutatej by l!.fir Wititff'a lafniitf, .. I r oil-fa vim ir m lit Jb;i malinf tferir r f"' frfitiM, r fi-i-Jins- them ttuttmj U wn, uiKHiuHMiyr an in proprMty Ifai tr iffrot high pnrf.ur flirty llwir fu4 C4faijy tlaa tUy bat liiilarto in iroi r io arji, of reerv, w rttajtv aa auawibiav iM rehimdrd acartity of tbia tout arill alau f rofiijd t th ouraa mi alioubi iodac aJl kt J it Iho Uat attd nioal tSctOal enaaanraa to ur. arnra ibmicb lb Wintaf 0ftiigtipe4,if,if poavbit J i.-nj-rorao, una rout a "bird m many faljr lu aua leitanrn., . ; .' . , , i: ,-in. i. m i ii 1 1, n. i in. mmmmmivwmmmmmmmm ' tITlACT riTOM TJIB UIVRT -Of t?.a PuUa Tmimr,M tba atakt ef tH flMvt or Aorta troitoa. 7 nawiiiud, aemdinf la AM ol Aawailviy.oa Uif 3xlaibrf 1C ,t RECATITUUT10N. TU trgo5n aUUnfiu btfw a bakae of caab on Lajxl, oa tl 2U of Oct., il, aa Llva. f Amwet m Hib!i Tmmw ' fcrTV) 37 Diiui. aa Tfwauw if tha Litmrr io4 778) 11 , . i aa Traaruar uf U.a ro4 lalat al lnj;rovcmeata 3,73a1 20 ilabinf ao arrta of j aVHOM V'Ui m hu U Ui I'ublie Traaaurrt aa aurk. a&l Trwwrer wf tl literary vA imaml Iropwvaoieat 1 unU, auixia cWfW oo tua Bookaof tiita Dvparuuaot ; anU (r hick, ba m iWtilura acetwotabla oa Ua lat iy of Nwilrp l&M. t i'hia aioount ai dMpoaed of (aa dincUj bj law) ia , th (ilk ing manners '. Ixtwaiua m ttia llauk of lh Sia'cf Nortb Carol 101 '. at lUki'b, and reBiaiaing at tha , . rrnJit U tha Public Traaawafa ' Uia Slat of OcioW, l9i D id Uia Caoliof Capa i'aaat R- . leifb, on tba aama day . . W'ffl TrtmMiry Nutw,ailer cbaofa, t-c ia tha taull uf Uia Ttvtmuj I1O070S8 , SOfil 19 1.C12 43 Bt tbil 6 oitilioAa of tjutlara, ia4 tba nett ravanao. (torn ttawaabtiMld baa beaa bncraaa. r4 by about tbrat ihamod eWlara. la, lbt tabJt 00 ntfemica la madai I Iba tddaioiial raturva a tat, from tha diflkalty f t4taiifo wraci Jala. particblaHj ia la Iba ournbrr td" a fa bifb lby ara 14 it ia appamrt, r, ibal ib; uubJ ary tbaa reauMa but vary JiUbi. . Irap(araaUoliSat arbila our tbaa g milli afhl a half of acrra bava bq grantad mm 1 toll that tba f aluatiuti poar, la teaa tbaA tbat 4 1815, by nearly two and Mf millnma of oUUra, m wrfin to lHa MaMamant of 1 837, ' la onkr to taccrtam wbetbet all tba fuuoiia bad takea tlas wry atpa Id carry cut tha pft ftaiooa of Ibia ad, a circular latter a addrewrd t tba CWrka of tba arvtral Cownly Court from tbia caTice, tipoii tba aubjocU Auaacra if om nearly all of Ibeoa.batf beca rciva4 frwn arbtch it appeara, tbat tba euuntim of Cltowao, Duplin, Co bjiubua, IWnia, Crtvro, Ondw,afMl tS)iinpin,did not aaecuta iba laar ia 137,M coja-iuM.a ol the acta of ll laat lyslaiora au raatbiug tfaeia iti Uroa l oo ao, i ba moat of tMaa, boer, aa Baaed tbeu koda la IBZijuxutdwi la. tba pro tMoaa of Ihia act . Having tbua praaaotM tb autaWt in aucb oflta beanu;a aa arcoiad obfiuuaiy to (all .within tba prvtioc pt tbia IVpartmenl, it may Dot ba imprv per ttpuo diauiiaaing i( la taniark.Uwl tba roual gaoaralotiicUoe arged agaioat tba laar by tbvcuia. Minity , apuear la be, tba waul of uniformity of valuation mulct it, m4 only in tba aama county but very frequently ia iba aaru ocighborbijud. Hbicb raaulta horn tba fact, that iba aaanaaora appoiutfld r each tax diatnet, act at at cry atara of ilieir pro ccadinga, wilboul any concert with tboiaappututed Kl lna otcer dtatneta to tba aaioa cutinty. it ia, tberefufa, respectfully uf imrfed, that tba inequality Aeceawanly growing nut of tbia at a la of thiiia, anouhi bo corrnctad by auosa tnbuuaJ aatab lialied by fatw fur tbat purpoaa. In parauauca of tha act i tba laat Leialalura, proviQing tor tha radt mptioa of tba aenn laaued by tha 8t4te, 1 trauaJorrcd oa tba let day of february, 1637, to the Truaira of the Univeraity of North Carolina, one tbouaaud aharca f alucb blooging to Iba Bute, in tba Bank of Iho Stata of North Carolina, and luok up tba acrip of tba Stata, for one) hundred ttyuaand dollar. 8ubfqunt to tb trmnsfer, a queatioa aroae, vhether tbia Stuck, ba vuig ccaaed to be iba property'of lb State, waatwt like all otber atuck hob! by indiriduala io tba Banka of thil Stata, aubjt to ail anoual tat of 35 ceoU oo each aha re; or whether it waa out the wih of the Ifiahture, that it ahiuld be eiempted from tat ; aa by an act of 1769, all the property of the Univeraity waa eiewpted from taxation, to aay aotbing of the c matitutional itijunctKMi ep the Lrgialature, to fuater auch an ioatitutkio and con acqueuUy, of tbe aeejiiiogly idle eereinoov of the Sut, gi ving to it in one breath, and taking back ia the ahape of Uxea, ia tho neiu A tbe que, tioo eeemed to addrcat itself more properly to the Legislature, it waa deemed beat to bring it at onca before you. Io tbe mean time tbe Truateea have eiecuted their obligation to the Public Treasurer, to pay the tai, ehuubj the Legislature indicate a preference for that eourae. The other Stat Scrip which bad been suld to tbe Secretary of tha Trea ury of the Uuittd States, for the benefit of the Cberokea .ladiaos, amounting to three hundred thousand dollars, baa been redeemed, by the pay mrofof the principal, and inlcrest of ft per cent, from tbe lat of August, ISiit, to tbe 6ih of March, 1837, inclusive. This Scrip m well as that re deued from the University, ia deposited io tins office. , . 1 have received from the Secretary of the Trea sury of the United Statea, the three first I natal monta of tha Surplua Revenue, allotted to North Carolina, under the act of Congress ol June, 1830, amounting together, to the sura of Fourteen bun dred and thirty-three thousand, seven hundred and fifty seren dollar, and thirty-nine cenla, (1,433,. 757 39.) The diapoaition of which, in eccuiaiauce with the dutectioiia of the bat Geueral Assembly, ia ehowo,hy tho tabular atatemenU . " Such of the bonds civen for Cherokee, Lands, It will thus be perceived, that theniimber of acres aa were required to be put in miit, have been placed . . . . . . . ,1.. . r - 1 r .1 . - il h.-ivJ lliniugUuut in1; state tu in.j.exoccca me m ran mnaam, nirornrp wnnni jwrnwnira number listed ift 1B30, by three, mtllioue five nun. net withstanding some emDarraamnmu waa expert 1 l 1 i . j i ''t it l ) i ! i.t a 4 .i -iii ( il.a ' j n.i .hi t',o ( j.'!ia' i. in I ; ,(! I. .! i f l!.n .1 I.J, brn r ii - i anf, l.f i l ' i I t' I S.I " 1M )t II I I 1 r ' J i ' . i j r "it (;.i in I, a i!.if.l l Uiiifj t ne m iiu'th m i ' u wurt. lt. yal-i (ma 1 f hanj'J i u ll it' rr"t -f '! j- ( ,! fr U'tia auonsl lo U' cnial i4 l!a Ixr;i;!ur, V"- U twBiiM rx. Al 't i ti !)., t m r J if L'.'.i u ttia uut the f.-iiiiajw tnin- Li i k m!i!in tha It m tUal ii i!i rTiva ll.a h , ...... . ... i i - i j h lh art sag pM(J. . paling aa aregata amonot of - $fMjaOi 94 ll will be seen from the ruregoingatatrniefit.tbat at tbe dote of the flacal year euding lha aiat of wooer, jSvU, tne rublio rood waa entirely et haunted, and had, ia (act, become debtor to the Fand for Internal Improvements, for the sum of two thounand, til hundred and seventy dollars and thirty-eight cents, (SJ.670 89) aa waa shows by the la.it report of tba hit Publio Treasurer, f You will discover ales, that, under tbe authority 'giveo me by the Laat Legislature, I appropriated to the purtMnea of the Public Fund, one hundred thou. sand dollars of the Surplua Keveoae, received from 'the Untied Stales. I did not, however, exercise ' the further authority given me to borrow fifty thou. enno uwitus irom tne panice ot tne (Mate to meet the dibbunsementa from tbia Fund. But preferred Using, aa I did for that purpose, the money belong ing to the Literary and Iutenta! Improvement Fumla,' to paying interest oa the amount it thus be eom necessary to use. ,The proper amounta were restored to these Fundi respectively when upon lha coming in of the Revenue,' tbe Public Fund were sufficiently replenished to do so. , ", t , A i this u your first aeaatoo, atnee tbe enactment of the present law providing a new mode of aasuea. ing tbe lands in this Bute from taxation, 1 have with the view of ahowing the operation of the law "and that yu may judge of the extent to which it has accomplished the purpose for which it was de. signed, annexed the accompanying table. ' " , s Tbia Table exbibitf , the. number of acre listed for taxation io each county, in 1633, which was the lost year of the operation of the late law, the ag gtegate valuation, and the average value per acre, and aim, the number si acres listed in each county in 1S37, when the present law was in operation, the aggregate valuation, and the average value per acre, aawtill as the number of acres listed throughout the State, at each period., r- ,. s A conif aruon ol these two years as indicated by this table, will show, It ia believed, with sufficient distinctness, what change tha present law has .ctcs". rL-ed and for ihouad, two hundred and ixtyoe acres. And, that tbia great difference is , owing more to the atiiicy of the present law, than to the additional number of acres that was granted in the . ; i- . .i - i ... ..e a ana a- . l t Ctaie irom me UiSi oi apru, icjju, vo iuo umi ui , April, U 37 ; winch would have been the difference l.uJ all the lands thitt were subject to tax in both tiiuw j ears bcea liated as the law required ia shown ty llic fir.t, thiit from a careful examination, it has l,fvn aM-prtiitu-d. tfu't the number of acna granted ,r . ' . m. I . . a . a a . 1 ' a" between those perKd-s was only one hundred anU.at this otlice. And, it ia believed, mat wnn a tew twchfy-oiitj tlioudund and sixty-live. And tbe ag -re; ., v;i!u4liun thruUifhoiit the b'l.ilu jti 1637, id 1" I i exceed Hint f 1836, by eleven milhon, ii;.- i.ii irt'f and sixteen thoiwund, four hundred an 1 8. VLUty-e'ht dI!ars. . . w . It'muy I proper t remiirJi, that tbe tax on lands lit dt-crean-d every jear mew Sd-'O, the tmrs at finch the lato law went iuio oT;iti.jn, until 1533, 'ttlit;al!if.ri wis an yicreHsr t" a Cw hundred .dol lisr over thit of the preceding jearj and anin,in l"P",'a swhir increiv' over tiniftf IsSG. The ftm-H.it r- t ived this tr froni; tiiis jiaurce, which k the r'ol und-ir tlio premt lavsrj shows an mcrcaso of a'Oiitiiv thousiti-J dollars. encod upon the geueral aospeusioa of the Banks, as to the proper course to be pursued, growing out of the implied restrictKHi of the resolution w the lust Legislature upon this office, a to ibe receipt of the notes of noiHiecie paying Bunks out of the Stale, aa the circulation of tbut section of the Siatc, consisted aliuiat entirely, at that time, of the pa per currency of South Carolina and Georgia; yef, a considerable sum has been collected in funds, that have been so managed as to be rendered available exceptions,' the whole of this description, of bonds, will be collected during the ensuing Winter and Spring... , Tbe amount waa received in gross aums; from one of the two gentlemen charged with the collec tion of these bonds, without having wiih'him at the lime, the meiins of distingsiihin the precise amount received from each debtor. ' Thiseviituncw will be furnished in a few day, when a detailed statement of the whole, shotting tho sum received from eath individual, will be immediately present ed to tho Legislature. 1 . t , . " The net of 17'i l,reguwfinr tho payment f pen siont out of tbeTreaury.of tbu ?tat, requires eve. I uio tlar hmiiiii iif hs bmika if auWriiHiiia fif ai lurres1 of capital aiutk wll. Hat.lt of t - I rar w im uxM'i a if April, 137, I Sub arnht-d, uifWr lU act of tba last Ixulaiurenti. ikd As Ad eutrarut'ig the Hank ui Cap Faar," M thras h.Maan4 abae of adark, ms batialf of Iba literary Fund payiog tbr, ihra Inindrsd tttottsaud dutUra, sod la AprJ la recsivsd fra lbs Uiuk, the auiaj af ai Ibuoaaad, arvon kuodrsd and Ay aUlars, as iutanrat oa tha sJveoord pay. swot. , ' - ' " t Is the avxitti ofCM'r, 1937, Dr. I. f. F liar dy, who baj bM f-t mm time lbs Bal Director M th Bsocewb Tsrttpik vosipatty, rssilo thai epptsolanrKH. Aad uailer Ik prwiflott of lb charter of lb Cimpany, giving Iba adtboriiy to lb Publio Treasurer lu fill auch vacaneiea, I jsued commutaion lit JanK-a , W, Fstta f Banc oIa who bad b-mj-biflhly roromBnded,.af a suitable egtwrt I reprsaetit lbs iirtsresia of lh State. Pine inn last report from tbia win r, one half of M IP2, as dea)itnaisd is lb elsa of lb ciy of Kalsigh, bebsigmg to lh Sisis, has lmn aM 10 tM Buk of ID iale. M fiv hundred duflara, as shows by llta , tabular as-ilemeat. And lota lSm. Iti aol 1 09, Kara been m by my prednorsaur, to Usofge Little, fr lb auni rsf sevea hundred dJ. Ura, fa which, b e teemed thro Um4 now oa Ll in this ouVe,fr 133 33) each, with arrurily, besiiiig data lh,17tb January, 1837, payaljj on lb 17ih of JsJiur;, 1 634 39 and 4(1 resptfUtdy I bsv roceivsd sUo (roin N. tdmooaio, Cmmis aiouer Ix lit sal of CUsmke Lands in 30, a bood for Id 12), aoMWIly omitted to bit settk metit. , . Much credit is again du the SbsriSt, tot lb punctuality with wbich they bav accounted lor lb public tax of tba two hist year. Copies of such Bank exhibits, a bav been re ceived at this oflka, sine tbe last araatnn, are here la annexiid, and such otbsrsaamay bsrscstvsddu nutf ins eeaatiNi, will m imrwidiately p reunited. 1 lis aceompsoynui stals.-nenU marked from A. to J. -inclusive, give such informal ion on tU sub jects to which I hey relate, aa lbs bnoke of tbia Da psrtrosnt furnish, and contain, it is believvd, all that tbe act regulating lha Treasury Departmeul requirss. AU which is repectfully submitted, DANIEL W, COURTS, Pub. Trtai. oli.li.lt Koral.la allriilia U llui l.'-i'fl tiut rnm'sj a. a hatal aiatiiiO. Shah WouM iri-.UV V4.nrs !f valo U Iba P-lalS. Your Commiltns wmn.ntiif rtrmnnmud thras works tb aid and patrtxaar of lb Hiala, and Uliar that Si Imat l-ur CnU U iltwir cat would bar to U dWravtd by tb Public Treasury. , , V I reviewing lb work which, compared with these, roust b cnaaadarfd aMsw wurka, sod wbxh bav bea rfVrrsd to thsoi, your cotnrtutts wouid rrrorniiwiid the (ttWiajr. Tb rsvival rif lb cbartr of lb Favsttsvill and Rakijb Kail Rusd, aad a public aid of to fifiht of lb ettxk. l Tb tncorpnralioa of a company to cssSrect a road from lb WitrsmrUai sod RaWiab Rati Rd, from point near WstDoaborouga, t KaWifc, and an ad of two- fifths. Ts survey of .Naoas rirsr, whk view l lit sdsptaiioa In steara savigation, front Nswbsra ts the brad of bw4 asvigatKi. - Yajr eomraite bav tbua eooVavored dia chart lb duty imsfand wpoa Ibanv Tky can bartlly hop to bav fives geeral aattatsciioai they eoubi wish that every sectum aad Beighbor. ! buod of tha Stale abooid partitipat aa thw adraa. i tagea if a liberal aM bwfrem tvetera of iotsmal tmprayiii hot Ibsy baliev ibst tbts wtua U tha work ef time ad of rradoal dipeinwU-- They wdl aatttratly h throws ol Iruoa tb targsr trunks as lb branrbs ef fig'iroiM oak, wbds a hasty and furred culture might bring with it a sick ly siistencs and prematura decay. Ia eoncluaion, yvar Committaa recronwud that a select coramitie ks appointed to cawsswotcat these views In lbs Legislature either by Manorial or otherwise, as may bs asost accepts bl to that booorabl body. ' JOHN II. CRY AS, Clsu-swa. r.i. j'.If,.!, J.lr it llufl! .a C'.ij ,"f.)r, f 1 a I 1 I ". . I.NTEOAL ISIPROVEilENT CONVENTION. Tb General Comraitte to whom, wer referred tha various KesutuHuna nwa tb sulgevt ui lutersal Im ptusviMiul, reapecUully REPORT : That they bare givea to those propositions at much C4Miaidtralionaa their very limited lime would uermtt and have beee extremely desiroua, if pos sible, to blend them together, so as to form a bar- j Ft Ik Bo Afarsiaf ssst THE THEORY OF AMERICAN POUTICS."" We avail ourselves if a pause io which tba po litical atorm is ao tar lulled that our fuse asay be b-ard, to say a word or two on lb general theory of American politics. Let out practical msa be alarmed. W e want ia ilua world theory and prac tice conjoined. We most ibeonaa, in order to reach general principle. If men wer aoor dia-piaa-d than they are, to theories rightly st the out. set, and thus start with aound principles, are should see more constetetiey and ariadocs m human con duct. But it ia always caster to lake results aa they turn up, than to seek lor causes, The iodif ferency of a machine is to many preferable Io tbe toils and pains of a conscious, thinking, rc agent. The merely practical man ia the moot vistuoary man in the world, fur be steers without cpeopass, M Abstraction," taid Mr. Calhoun, ia reply to a taunt from a purblind opponent, "is lbs gentleman aware tbat the 'most important revthiuois which monious whole. Before, however, they express i V" ' . ''7 ,.V-V any opinion upon the merits of any of thae hemes, I ?r,'0 ,0 " f,0? U.X M,,0 T ,h'i a jT. .k- Mi... .i i Justly. 1 be absolutely true is always to be sought WUVJ UCIII I, um hi iiiv isiiV v Mrv uclviaiulO, and to the Unnvetition, to stale, that they regard a discussion of tbe merits of any system of improve ment premature and idle, before the ways and mesne are provided for earn ins the aama into ef. Your Committee, therefore, consider it of indispensable importance that this questioo shwld be at once met and settled by tb competent u tlwrily. If the State of N,onb Carolina contem plates, and inteuda to parsue, with earnestness and efficiency, t syatem of Internal Improvement com soeuaurat with tbe wanta and wishes of her peo ple, the State of North Carolina must do as her sister Slates who hare achieved success io this no ble pursuit have done ; she must borrow money, or ia some mode pledge her faith and credit to pro mote the enterprise. Those worke which would redound ao greatly to her wealth and power, we believe, cannot tie effect ed by lunr individual cuutribuiions t tbey requite the impress of Slate power, patronage and influence. W have been deliberating long enough the time fur action, for prompt, vigorous and united action, has come. Money is the great lever by which the huge mass must be moved s we have science and skill to guide anddirect the motion. It see ma to your Com mitto that with regard to works now in progress, inasmuch as the State has the strongest assurance of their utility, and as the property of her citizens has been largely invested therein, a claim atrongly founded in enlightened policy requires that they should be aided and sustained. Among the most prominent works of this description are tha Wil mington and Raleigh and Gaston Rail Roads. The State has already, with a wise and liberal policy, made a large investment in the Wil mingtoo road ; and your Coiomittee unanimously concur to ojiiuinn with our Governor, that the re maining instalment of State subscription should be at once paid, without waiting for the corresponding payment by the individual corporators. Tour Com mittee have learned that a memorial ia now before the Legislature, in which the Raleigh and Gaston " " 1 asi 1 1 aim ill ass liaiaw itmm asii I lias, al" IVTVBRf IIH9V WWtWTOl'1 fas awswlPSBj iituu liiu sjfal an VUW State) and they would respectfully recommend in like manner that the prayer of tbe pelitiwwrs be grauted. ' These objects may be accoipplished hy the State without resort to any extraordinary taxa tion, and without Ibe burden being fclt by her citi en. , . There are other great -contemplated improve ments which interest large aeciionaof the State, and are ao magnificent and costly as to be beyond the reach of individual enterprise. We allude to the FayeUeville and Western Rail Road, the pro tected Inlet at Ibe foot of Albemarle Sound, and the construction of a Rail-Road' from the Port of Beaufort to unite with the, Wilmington and Rukiigh Rail Road. Your Committee need not, to show the iiiiNirlance of the first mentioned, advert to the great natural "resources of tbe region which it would penetrate, abounding in all the materials of . . '- . ....... ii ii. .i national wealth, I rum tne ruauy goia to me mure useful iron ; and nl ahundintly provided wikh ail the means for bringing in'.o action a vast mectiani cal power. Tlie Inlet at tjie finit of Allieuuirle Sound has been repeatedly aiirvejed aiid examined, both by scipnlific and practical men, who unite in opinion that it is prncticab'tVand that it would l of such great o'ili'y as to-curt avHid itself strongly H h a;.J (;is K I I: - 1 f, v!-a .r nirreantij t!i c; .! : , j, j riifir.i.g the cit l.ttj t!, t a!, tiJ ,i , f rruU it Id faiao that knuojut. J j la lis uj U table aiid bs fnuwi. Tb mgroaaad ImQ Is iacorporals tU t Davidaon ColU-js, waa arod4, r4 1! t and pMasd, sod sent to lb Cemmm T( rsoea. TLs U3 Is incorporal tb Leikjt, wring Compasy ao-1 tb Ull to comp-l wviw.i aiawa, wers Srtrr.' third time, tha first emijonti awu! sd to bs tigress d. " , UOUSJS 0FtC0aiMa9L BOts frvarsrsU-Cr Mr. Cra. . i wad " set to sstablMk th (, ny by Mr, W. A. CUot, abJIts , sectton f a act of 1832, lih t. Ifst of lbs aulttia of IWufurl ceawty j by 5; , t mm, liU to amend aa actcoocsruig mu'j, , lertt ilo,tUa to prvvent tb haahn. or obstrweting tba paaaar of fiak oa ear.. M PerquiossM rivet t Mr. R. Josea. a k.'i k vent lb apt esdtnf of diasasn $ and by Mr. ( lord a till to attach a prt m of tAmUm to C Uadcminty, TVraa ball psaasd tbar firvt : On asotMNt ef Mr. Crawford, the eoois. , the JuJsrary were bstrscted to inquire r' lU , psdwory oC inerasaing lbs tax so pedlira. Mr. Wihoe introduced a rvsolutioa Is mJ. t . aag to th Snoats, proprtetng to tdjours a a o th Hat bat-; which was adopted. 0 mmtm ef Mr. Nys, th lluoas real. . bold vswig ssssians from and after Mitel; s IN BENATt t Stw4f, DtA i: TV kill to alter th tim of hotding the Courts for Stules and Guilford, passed i'i -, iradtog, and was ordered to ba engrossed. Mr. Dsvidwax, Oora tb committee ar-p. wait on th Governor, and ascertain at wUi -it would suit his cooveaieoc to takf the e ofTice, rseorted, that L wuld appear befbr u ilooafs, for that purpuae, on Satotday. i.t : IrifHit. .. - ' . ' HOUSE OF COMMONS. av ' .... The eegroaaed resolution ia favor of T Wmklsr and Others, Benjamin llkun,i specting entries of kads paid for aad &t ia W Ukea, were adopted, aad ordered to bs t: Mr. Winston, from th commit te on tb ciary, to wkoui wer referred tb bill re Ike aiainteoaoc of bastard children, the k directing tbera to inqolre into th propria;; of . king insulting kuguar jificatioo lor aaJ: t battery i an mocb ot the Governor a iw relate to Executive right of pardon adiU lotion rsapsctinf trsspassss and afjtesriors I. -ens of other States sod Indiana, mads report vers to any legislative action oo th ereai t ject referred to t which wer concurred in. , Mr, UiH, trots th eommitte oa loteru! ! Drovaeaoots. to whom was referred the oettut ' 1 s , . in contemplation. A man of sense, however, will tumetime find himself obliged in practice to ap ! a rail road from Favetteville to Madiaos,wilk proximate to tb absolute through tbe relative, and ing privileges, reported unfavorably tbereoa. C by slow degrees. The practical man, therefore, jeurred ia. , ' s ? ,'. . as .a as . a a a I . . ' . in trie true use ot toe worn, is w oe wno general' iaes, but he who makes allowance for tb rube and impediments incident to human aHairs, and seek to enforce his general principles by practical means. Having premised thus much, ws go on to aay, that looking at American politics, not in referenc to persons, but principles, there have, properly apeak ing, been but two great parties in the country. Tbe ooe aeeka tostrengthen the Union by centralising the actum of the General Government th otber seeks tbe same result, by curbing that eetion, and confining the Government within a limited and nar row sphere. The first in order that it may carry its point, require a broad coostructioo of the Con stitution ; the last insists upon a strict one. The first strives to twist the American into a forced re semblance to the English Government tb last cpurna the English yoke, and, like tb father in the Revolution, ia determined to be free. Tbe first distrusts, lb last confides in, tba capacity .of tb people to govern themselves. , The first seek for political at ability in a strong head, the last in healthful and harmonious numbers. The first cre ates supporters of the Government by means of fa vors conferred by raising up large classes who lean upon the Government for support, by artificial dis tinction and unjust monopolies ; the last regards the good of the few by taking car of the whole, and by mean ol equal laws founded upon equal rights, aims to lay the foundations of the Government where alone they can securely rest, in the afiectiona and t he confidence of the popular heart. Tbe first tliua placing the extremes of society in opposition, ii the revolutionary and destructive ; the last, bind ing these extremes together, is the truly eooverva tive party. ' The first, in fine, ia the National ; the last ia the Republican and State Rights party. Such ia the true and logical division of paries in this country. Men may at times, for temporary purposes, divide on temp arary qusstious, but the" distinctions which we hive stated are abiding. They grow out of the peculiarities of our confede rated system, and ao long as tbat system lasts will endure. ,i ' . , Do Tocqueville is the first foreigner who seems to have understood aright the theory of our iostitu tiona on these points. When he aaid that the chief danger in this country was from the centralization of the General Government, he ottered a profound truth, of more practical worth than every thing else which has been written about Una .tountry. - Capital Conviction. kl the last term of the Cir cuit Court of Pope county Arkansas a man named William Brown ara tried on an indictment, charg ing him with the murder of his wife, Mary M.Browu, on the 1 4th June last. The principal witness against the prisoner waa his" daughter, i girl of about 14 years old, whm tes'imony was however so con clusi ve that the jury wre out but a few minutes ere they returned with a verdict of Guilty. 'Sentence of death waa pronounced ujhhi the convict, in ac cordance with which he was hung on the 19th f October. Tbs crimiivit in thi cae was originally from this Bill VraraiL By Mr. Blalock, itli pointing commissioners to sy off a puLU r. from BurnsvUle, ia Yancy county, to th Ter lin ; by Mr. Brittain, bill to iocorporji Buncombe Warm Spring Company. , ' Tba bill to incorporate th Cap Fsar as!1 tera steam boat company, waa taken op 5 questioo recurring oo tba amendment to ml: property of individual stockholders liable f. debt a, was decided in th negative, yeas 81, 57. The bill waa then araeoded oa motiue Reid ; and Mr. Whitaker moved farther to i it, ao aa to mak individual corporator Ii double tho amount of their stock. Peol. ; -queUion, the bill era, on motion, postpood . Tiiesdaf.-.r"V.",rrr.'". """'." " The House then resolved itself mto com of the whole, Mr. Hill in the Chair, oe '-: '- ner'a resolutions j when Mr. Rayner cone' : remark ; and tbe eommitte rose, repor.. ' ; gress, and obtained leave to ait again. . ;M . 'w;senatr'"; ' . k ,Moiitltct Mr. Moody, from the committee oa Afp- -reported against Ibe expediency of encou tbe culture of silk by premiums. Concur r. i Mr. Allison presented a reaolutioo, -' adopted, instructing tbe Judicary commit! ! quire into tbe expediency of authorising t! ' ' mooing of ill instead of 35 Jurors. : On motion of Mr. Wilson, the Judi7c , tee were instructed to inquire info tbe f of declaring hy law, fcow vacancies shall occasioned by the resignation of Clerks, I 6te nd also if passing a law (ratirying th Sutulea aa published by the coinini.' On motion of Mr. Myres, the same e wertioiitmtcdlujnquiro..btojhe.e requiring greater publicity to b giveo to -aoces in trust Tor ecurmg : debU n BiUpnteHted.-Bf Mr. Wilson, at ... the law in relation to tbe aale of lands c t debtors; by Mr. Morehesd, bill to pr ting oo elect ions; by Mr. Exum,abi!lrr-" Knsslioo to th warden of ll poor l( ? ; t ickery, a bill to amend an act to 'f 't erary and manual labor institution ia v acj " bills were read th first time and refcrr . On motion of Mr. Fox, tlie committee c'. dicary were instructed to inquire into t.. ency of so amending tbe law relative f with slaves, as to rt?quir the articles, q i to be accurately described. . On motion of Mr. Carson, the Judicary c tee were in? true ted to inquire into the of legislating further relative to the mi;, cords f court destroj ed by fire or ol.if ' The propition of the CommoDs to . the 31 t" instant, was laid on the tah o- f The ennwsed bill to emancipate Csr and her children to incorporate t.e PIca!aiit Grove Academy ; 'd ""V T frrBnl(W. wefB Cch r'a ' ' passed, and ordered to be enrolled.