i (. 9 .' - . i ( . J i.i ! -4 ! , - -i ., It jt I , t'.a i , ! !i. I i;ii i!. i i - .i . . i I ..',. i 's-J ..'i. If I .- 'i I- t; 1 ' 1 S M 'I ! 1 1 I y 1 1- i ill Jj1 ,U,,,flt' f0 I. . if. I' 'H ( i'.- p., J V.r. ! 1 M W. 't f:- ( I sdrw j 111 I h tl.il fnuu'y. Ordered l I WC-a tht ulk , vIL.ll ! im-.,rr.rat the TruJwe t ficrti-rtil IO VI nri(ifij. rtilrt) n.rm'nt I rot ft llt i: I'm '4 tod l,rcl..fi i ' li"h 4Cv Fr. l iBmmol of tbatr charter. Referred 4 Irrt j,,uil eomnn it e oe B uks. 11 A p reacted memnri! from lb Pres i rfihi Mrn Rd Rd Bsi.V, pnving r..!':tx of th ckartsf. Rad sod Uid oa o.bl JIE WESTERN CAROLINIAN jfuuuf Eviio, DstsisM 81. IBM. in II i ii ir 'TnrTT-rT" I rjoNURm-ABOLITION. I I x sf rsejetwo m Um agitating subject of Abs kad introduced iototf IlouucBeprescB. by Me. ArstaToe, of Nsw Ilsmpahire. r f a ths Isedeact ef thing keretofoie k Congress, J est, w Uvo inclined to the spin" that Um Mfr j of AboiiUo would bvs lo be etet, at hauled usl by Um Suuth Mgle-lie4oV- rtjee lo bj4 'jj i h Mt n, m4 ooofTiUklo l2e Boat m hk, Um MckU tridme hkk havt that thrfl lit oi lobW, to4 fttrtcU'iptrita it Um orth bo tn j Mtrt Um rtfbu fvinaio lo ill bjr lh CouUUt ,wca itllfcMrof fnearrtof thonunt inraftj krjeU tetrt noting tttry lhin lo mcoov A tb onWJj totfM - It m W otidoiil lo o? ory jo wW koi kicked vpc Um count of It to tvtoU, aiiafclkrwiof tiii fcaaUcal doctrino, ao fu Iboj H twmngta, are bow iwawj ep wiw noro eow lnt tbaa Umt eter kara kekre Umj bate asarked, .jtiraaetntTry exeruoa aeiaeapan,aeopporw' if liLrded kj Ibejtu and praaent floleot aftUtioa pttical parUea la beraaM Uieir power, dearly fbre ae - tbU if tbet eaa attack lo either party, they auy rVd roth as iafloeace aa will be exerted hr Um auia 4 mij proinotioa of UmiI eaoae-Uify will inaka a biat harfiia poaaibla, and Uirow Umit weifht ia Um ri'e abere ft will torn Um bait nee ; there baa aJ. ml Wea Icapinf of this kind, and Utert will be mora. Vk is alliance cbanta the character of Abolition, d aataad of ezialinf aa a dialioct and bideooa fcnati abnaiiooa to aiacy of all partioa, we aball aee it t pita eeCemity, aa aa iaoidioue featora ia Um or ;aUoo of a powerful political party. . i I'm aiflareoee ia loo obvKne to raonire eanlanetMia. . - t Ukatlha eonfident beann of Um Aatt-81aery broth, 'fbood ia the late New Yurk elecUone; aoch wae tbeir nrtk (aambertBf it ia amid boom 1UXX) vetee ia Um (bat ioqairiea were sddreaaad to Um eeodidatee, -uhsf u tzpoaitios of their opiniona oa Um AtnlW j-jteaaetioa. Aad they wore aneweree.and tbat ilh a little earefnloeaa, The Lieutenant Goteroor elect i that ftate, ia aa a towed and UrcgVfoinf Aboli jo-iat- Art tbeee not aifna " tfiinga of aufficieol siocat to opes oor eyeo to tketa, aaj make oa to re a that there are tome patrtota ia Um aidat of Uieae biueaToiadman who wi3 take care tbatUio Republic U3 aot be endiBftred ky their eonepireeiee t 'Then Tsilotiooi come trna the right quarter to put dowa Um -'jmrv they are, ia their1 Bentimeota, every Uiing the Booth could expect, at preaent, from that wea afflrming, w ith marked diatindneaa, principlee ifenaioe Repnblicaa character declaring that Corftat ku so jariadictioa whatever ever alavery in ' wraral 8tatce either directly or indirectly they ti, ia our view, emphaUcally ooncluaiva oa the pointa 4 "we, and ought to hive commanded the approbation ' rmy Southern member; the AbolilioBirta, it nuat V imabered, have always openly avowed that their ti-Ji bjoct in petitioning fi Um Abolition of Slavery , i i Daitrict of Columbia, waa lo operate indirectly Ibe 8tatee'; this point is ckarjy met, and aa clearly j itsded by the reaolutkaja. One word m to the co-op. :'ji of the South ia auch meaaurae tot cbeckiaf Ab 'a'r-there ia a vide difference between fropoting ( U iMtuming a awana; Um Soma atanda aloof from , "1 propoaitiona, utterly denying any right on the Mof Congreaa or the North to interfere with her do i innUtutiooa. The JVbrt motes practically, to ; the prograat of a great evil, and preaenrt the j itutkm. Soutbenr membcra are Baking no coov ite of their rigbta by an approval of thewi patrio. motementa. Wa of the South are far from deeiring b couiend against the evil i at emu, by force alone, ; ""tiermeana can avail The Southcra people wiU j bM!y he dupej D the counsel of those, who, from j fWf iniotoiitieii, would reject the aid of such aa are Reppmg forward to etrike dowa the. hydra. . We j vita gratification, that there were many of ad- ' pamica from Um mover, uninfluenced by party ... d I i j J!(tej and aufficieotly biglMninded aod paUiotie to4s.- Stotas fmmjlt-xr . rthia roeiture their cordial aupporU- .t"4-;' j i:'.:. K" " ; ' allowing are the reaolutiona which were finally , M by larw votes, after eeDerate eonaidefmtion. macb oppnakkm, from aoroe Souihertr Biemben T3..:-g4 the rest i v c- r.; --.-.s'Vn .VmV.'- ; , & That this Government is a government of i Mliilcd DOWera.anil th.fhfhr.nattnlUi fifth 1?UL Staiej it hu no jariadictioa whatever over the iimti oo -of slavery in the several States of the Coofede. 7 ia the District of Columbia and Um Territories of ! Vmted S'ea, and sgainst the removal of slaves . w eswie to snotner, are a part or a plan of ope na aet on foot to affect the institution of ! in jit?1 States, and thus ind irecUrttr destroy tliat 1 I tubject of alatcry io the District of Colombia, j ,, temtoriw, aa a meana, and with the View of ti, ' "'" r overthrowing: that institution in theacve j." ' ites, ia ajainst the true apirit and meaning of the "t'tntlon. tn infrinm mpnt fj-Ilia rirrhf.ofiKo ttn. -ea.and a broach of the public raitb ttivm which eatered into the ConrlcrMy. . .. v . .1 i ' 1 (if I . f Crff'tutum. 4irtti Hi' runltoflUt prtrx.ptr (41 (, h U Ukt i ltr0 Bltr MA nJ brym4 irtiaufitl, rr.lutm, n3Util)oa, M Pr, lmCl4lf frUiinf t tn y,o fc)ny ilol Ulafr,U if CrJ, w lUib.JiiMJUrf'i, Wit my f-ir. im mimm UierauM, ko ki4 M th UM, wtilMMl Uii ocUtrd, prute4, or twfrmi. , UTATE IXUJSUTURt Wo tnm kut trk'i MwowUr of Um Ufi Utora, fuck itMtf m will ko ktiltrwdiif lo oor rwdnra M 8m(o, Tburvla; 19ik, Mr. Hpnutl prnl4 kiU lo tmoo4 Um k otctigo of Um Rot two HutoU eooeoniini Um Gtoml AjomuU wkk u id Um fir, lioo. . U Um Hoom, Ur. 8tior hra Um Coaaouttot oa CU fokoo Ufxit, nrfurteo1 roauiutiaa, bkk ko Irat rJiBf, lUiMnnf 8 pf conl, p oil k1hocJ menu ot CWuko kuodc lo BtMU, Wodaeay. TU kill lo ouUkb Ctto kt oiwbij if rrxl4. Tko kU w ttatai Um 7k rVcliuo of Um Rotiwd SuULm, oootrDnr Um Gootnl Anlf, u rt elo4. ,. ' . . - It IIom of CoatBoM. TN ktll lo ortablMB I Coast kf tbo mom of Urnkm, nU trtuni Vn. Tbo CovmiOoi oa Fumoco wUniitod Um Ulowbf " Tb CommittM ca rtoaoca Into earrfult tuot bad ibo BuJu ami Aooounu of Um PoUto TioMuror tod Cgoj roller, from Um lUt Ocluber 130, lo 3U October 13S, aod Uko Biw-b oloioaro ra mjng Uial tornmpmi rvimiy with tho UleoMnu flvet la Um printed Rjori of koUt Tmmm and CooArollcf, u funiMhed to U Ueooral Aavatbl; by thorn. Thojr kato, aUo, exifTiiDd with aroca car Um iMOtbly ae oooBt of Um Ttmmrf with Bni oVpaataa, ad tnd tbai tiny art la at rid eonfurmitf 0 Um Act of Um Ocscral Aawaiblr. Your Cooinitteo eanaot Ibrrfo Um Mprcojaoa of Um ikmC eutirt amijMctioaal Um ablo, booaot, and kaMww-Uko manntr io which Uieir Buoia aod AcooooU art If pC" ' Oa Tbandar, I maiuorial from thalolrmtl Improro- awot Coovawtioa vaa lakl bea Um Ilooat i it wa to iih a pfn..tk that H be Herred CuamiUre of each llooot oa Liteml fmBfof - wienL, " Br Um Ofiatar, of Um 17ib ioauat, wo kara Um paaMgf of Ifr. tiwt rcaolutioM ia Um ILjow-ol Lbia wt kava aot now tioM toaaak mora koraaAer. CONGRESS. " lata froewdiap omhraco IrUle of fraoral iotemt. A bill baa kora rvportod Iroro Um ConmiCU of Tv a oca, by Ur. W riftit, to prorido proper aocaritj Cjt Um aon7 ol Government ia Um haade ot collecting offi cer, aod tot Um puniabment of ddkultoni ' A kill vaa alao reported from Um tame CoomiiUee, kj Mr. Wrif bt, lo wtpwM indefinitely Um payajfotof Um roorth raauloieot ot Uia Burplu to the Uuiwv Um kJI baa Miacd Uta 8enate. ' A bill pfopoeinf lo fraduaU and reduce Um price of Um Public laoda ia brlure Uta Senate. TJasaicaTtosev The recent developmeots of Um an- fcithfulneas of public officers ia different departmenta of Government, call loudly fur reform ia our Bneoclaya tern. Hmn'L Swm-twout, Colloctor of Cawtoma for the port of New York, baa gooe to Europe, a defaulter to Um amount of one millioa and a quarter; according to Um report of Um Secretary of Um Treasury, ao soapi cioa bad been entertained of this front his official re turns lo the Department, aod yet it ia now ascertained that the fact has dieted for ait or aevea years; coo meneed while the United States Bask wss the Got em inent depository, and carried oa with the 8iate Bank system aa long aa it coolanoed. Mora recently, IVaa. AL Pric; late United States Attorney, for the South ern District of New York, proved a dcibolter, and fol lowing Um example of hi r. Saartwoct, has gooe oa a visit to foreign parts. ' It is evident from there thinge, that Um present syetem is defective, the people look to Congress for efficient action oa the tubject, a radi cal reform, and the adoption of such a plsa as will en sure the aafe-keepinr of the public money.' '. Our, syetem ot Finance ia too complicated j Um Co vernment has departed from iti original simplicity, sod instead of its accounts being plain enough for the corn. prebenaioa of plain men, aoch u the mass of the people, they require the hborioas mveetijatioo of learned arilh. meticiana we want reform such a system aa will be clear and efficient ia ha operation, and ia strict accor dance with the plain letter of the Conetitatioa. .. REPORT OF THE SECRETARY OP THE TREA SURY, TO CONGRESS. The following view of the state of the U S. Treasury, , ta condensed from the report of the Secretary for -1338; showing the receipt, or meana, expenditure. and unavailable funds with the available balance in i, Um Treeenry. :s v . v . , v Receipt! or 5feeM, v '-; , i Amount. Balance oa the 1st of January, 1833 - $37,1(16.251 99 Receipts from Coatoraa, , 17.478.770 M Receipts from Linda, "-" . . , 3,l:W3!8 54 Miaeellaneous.. ': - 253,431 85 Second and third bonda of Bank United - 442,102 22 Civil and miaceJlaneousfiret Uiree uar ' - ten, ... . I . . $4,029,fi74 1.1 Military, first three qnartera, ' , I5,73f23 62 Naval, first three quarters, ' 4,32463 21 Eatanatt of above expenditures for 4tb V ' ' enarten -;' -?v.- 849,000 00 Public debt for the year, - V ' , 2v217 ,06 Kedemntioo of Treaaurt Botes for Um - year, v . ,- , ' rB.060,440 64 Balance on the Slat of Dec. 1838, " - 34,b0fl7 34 r?;$MaiUbk Fundi in 1839. i1 Deporet.witb the States; $28,101644 97 Due from immlvent Banks before 1837, I.IOO.OUO 00 Due from Banks that suspended pay- ;. : ' ' menf in 1837; In Bof parable till s. - - - 1833, ; .. , v . 2,400,000 00 Part of money in the mint : v 500,000 00 -i-t'ir.TotI,::;.::;.;.f32I10l)&14,S7 Protrt balance on the 3ut December, 1 ' 133, being, .-. p - - - frnwwjifj kj Deduct total unavailable as above, 35,101644 97 Att!b! balenco rerrm t;r,j I S3.7C512 35 !( Ill t:jm, t J I,'' 'I hi i-1 I n oi.'y . t j i.v , !. of l Mn4i tt wui rkU ima, tn4 in Aw f tH .iV(rgry, Jr, MrCSunf, u, H. k-r u( Im llmf W4 lo NijU1 IS!)!, tixj in 6 or Um cat dil jJtn. I jouaa. Tm Hon. A. b. Wsrra, (Whig.) on U Um members of Um 1 louts of RrruUve fm lav daa, ku kaa elected U. ft. Beaalur froaa that HUls, for ais yean feuta Um 4th March seat, eMawaaaW----wMMaMMMawjawaaaBMBBwaw' The Bank of the Rule has t'eclared dltUeal of 3 per smL oa IU capital etock. V Tie Diratort of Um Brandno Saab (Mv)kats late ly committed lo Um names, twslts heedred UMwandaVJ Isrs of thair paper ama, a torjat aocepUbie burnt ftSrruig, W sboald think, to the people of Um 8 11. Gbomu Leuurut cae TU following rrwJutiooa bate paewd Um House as RrprssroUtitas of Um Geor gis 1 .eg -datura, ky a vote of 90 to 0723 majority I IfreWaaaf, That a atrkt OHMtructiua iUm CoMitu Uoa of the Unite rkatea, is the great principle of di iincuusj aetweea jupuUicanKai sod raderaluan, aad that, thavefore, the omoik ketwesa Uie Govi-rnewni and Um Banks, bather Bute or National, ia Pnicnl, bMaaas Umt is ae grant of power ia that iaatrvmeat. waica SHiBarisas sucb eooneiiea. . JUtotmd, That the UUWot of s FsderaJ Baak. ia say form, ia aocooatitut, inexpedient, sad eas gemu lo Um liberties of the ampk. kfolttd. Thai any neeaure for the collect i and dMbummeot of lbs public mooey, deriving lUaiMcnce troni a eoraursuaf pvwer. la ascowaututMiiL KrmJ4, That Um eetakliabroenl of an InJeptnUnl TVawary, aader prupsr gsarua and reatrictwoa, is lb beet satens by ehich Um grrst object f a ditorca of Basks sod Bute, tea be sflmlad. snd UmI M m ant ool Cooatitutineal, kut it k Um bwt, if aot lbs oalr kgu mats system, by which Um Government cas sollocl sad siAerae Um reveooe. JtrsoiWdL That we war not with ear Bats Banke. ao long a they eoounoe to 'confine tbeauaeltea to Um oh- jci for which I hey were created, and are content to revoite wiini ue pruper sprMrea, mat loey are Cor pnratiooa ctaLnd for mere (ummercial purpraps snd ahould aot attempt to graap pilitical power, which they saoat aaaureoiy so whea tbey tints to link Iheiueuivee wiio lds uoverameoL , . ' Tie Asaerfceaj Uutntm tf Lilrrttwr nd (is Fun iris. The November Bomber, the Uurd of Ibis periudW eal, baa been received J aot kiting bad leisure to ei amine it, we copy the following notice from Um Lynch- burg VSriniaa ? i "Tbia perkidirat, pub'auSed monthly ia Ballunare,bf Meawa, Brooks & Suedgraaa, thouch ii baa only readied its third Bomber, ba acquired e very entwble rrpute tios, "The Atlanturaaerrtainl nee of the best Mag sine article, if aot the boat, that we have reed for years, and ia, of itaeIC eufficmt to rive character to the work. Aa article in the lat somber, entities' Oeulo gy snd Revelation,w ahowing the eoneiwtenry between the fccta demoort rated by gaolngical reavwrchfs sud UM aacred Scriptares, will meet with s cordial raceptiuw LMfar A. Pos furnsdje an article, I Jtewiae, keenly ar caatic aad exqaiwUily h4imorKM, tuxtor the quaint title of -the Paycbe Zaobta." Ws Cordially recommend that periodical to the patronage of Um reading commu nity. - A very destructive fire has recently occurred at Wythe, CL IL, Virginian-one third of Um Towa he been reduced to sahee. Dva'u W. Codbts baa been re-elected Pablie Trea surer, and Wuxua F. Counta Comptroller of the State. Genl Gratiot, Chief of Um Engineer Department, has keen disaieeed froaa office ky Um President, for al leged defklcaiioaa, and Genl Tot ten appointed ia hie place, . ; ' "' A direct trade hu bees commenced between Eorooe. and Texas, veseel from England bound to Galveetoo, will take a load of cotton from that port oa her return voyage. Sorra Caaotwa. The Legialature adjourned on Wednesday tho 19th fneUot, after fkaaioa of 21 dsys, and ths paaaage of 26 acta, aaya Um Carolinian. ' ' Msxrco. The Prencb Squadron hats taken the 'Ca's Us of St Jusa ds Ulloa, which eoomaods Um entrance to the port of Vera Crux, with a loaa of only 6 men killed and thirty three wounded ou Uieir side, the Mex icans bad not leas than f ve or aix hundred killed and wounded. Tb account further stats, that Um port of Vera Cms hu been thrown open to foreign commerce while the other Mexican porta remain in a state of blockade. The Bank of Cape Fear hu declared a dividend of 5 per cent for the last nine mootlia, payable on and af- tef the 7tu January aexL . , ; . ? "7 , Cajab. Another Inroad hu been made from De troit on our frontier, into Canada ; Um valorous invaders, about 290 atrong pawed over, fared a few houses and burnt a steamboat ; Uieir further victorious prorres was arretted by the opposition of a company of 75 militis, and on an engagement they were all killed snd diaper eed. These patriots " must sympathize ffrcatlv Jiilh the oppresaed Canadians, to allow Uiemaelvu to be kil led, and driven about by them, io to summary a manner rpHE small boose sitneted on the corner of Main str. directly opposite Wm. Chambers, Esq., and nearly oppoait the branch of the Cape Fear Bank inthisTown, heretofore known U (Cabinet maEiW Khnn. tn aiill be known as sucb Sod the Subscriber takes pleasure in announcing to Die mend snd the puWic, that he m prepared to execute every variety of work in hie line at a Verv reduced nric. . The auhHrriber will keen constantiy on band, ready made, a amal) supply ot ifZ.Bcdfteads, Bureau, Tablet; tfc; f and will, wheu it is convenienttike Country produce, Plank and ScanUia ia exchange for work. ' ' " WARREN GHEEN. - Dec. 27, 183a' r ;. ?; " 3t I WILL sell st the Courthouse, (if not previously di powd of,) to Uie highest bidder, on TuewJay tho 1st day of January next,s fine young Mare. ' Terms, 'hine. months credit with note snd approved security. joil klackweLdeh: D. ST, FT . . . ' , It . , . I r t t j; Va.i I' if 'i'a J .i.i:. f. .rfii 11, n (,i (, (!, .1 fi ' rmt !,a 4if' e Nm, i'ii ih.'v ei'! 1. 1 1' . .. 1 1 I I f 1 liu iU a , 1 1 i , I m if I'm t' ; I' '' -"'j i.r I I ' (K it ' I ' ' . - nl i.ii l.i.!i tUo J(,Uiu ii, r-HiM atk ths ; ui -tita irit, I" r.' '"' Id ujii Mr. V ait Ujisn, t, rut t the Mi-r ' ly B't'-a il!i the fiferr io i.f(iug Mr. tn fura'a tlectum, llwre ia ceUinly niitv w prinruili-s bHwern a Hut Kif Kit n.n and a l rlii, or mKlra Whigj the e.iirarr, ih i)-niily un DkmiiIuikhoiI q'iinin i Uts'cii priginul Jaikftrfl Van Bureo iei and the Kl! Right oiro. ' I lat ever U ip(K.d l i Mr, V. Burea f.r bU conduct in debiting Ge. Jck'a drat CaUnet, hi ifltngwin for lb Prlwy, aod ih mawirr of bis ultimate sk-r.lino j it is rertaiidy lbs fct mow, that lbs majority of lit Vsa Bureii parlf in Ohio, MarytafMf, rsuiwyltania and New York, ar) State Right bmo, dir ij.U of lbs true Jflnriin stamp end I may aay the earn partially of North Caroline. At a recent celehratkio, ia Bt. Mary a eourrty Mar) I yd, of lb lata edmlm ration vicbry ia thai tkata, the following were Regular Tueat i 71 OaWiratea Ms Vniui Statu I A eemMd butweee the Kmrtif Btate, atwl (U Ruck on which ia built the pJmcal failb of the Ra publican party the powers not oVIegated to ihe I'oited Btstes by the Cunatitstioa out prolabitad by it to lbs Bute, are reserved to ths Btalow re spectively, or to Ihe f enple." " Tit Priori pUt of UU Rrpublif Portj r Equal rights, equal privilrts t equal lawa, and equal justice f the liberty of speecb J the liberty of lb press the liberty of conerMsc) ao mors tax s thaa ar aeeeaeary a atricl conetructioa of the Federal CMwtUution, and I rigid accountability of publie servants to their master, the People." Buck sentiments aa thee were never given ia a National Repubiicaa Crowd. That the detnocraer of Penney Itania are Stale Rights, tea the ejeero of Mr. Buchanan, tboir leader, oo the Divorce, made tbrpast winter. I could, sod probably may, gather and submit ,to your readers, further foe's oo this tubject ; the preseut is done ooly to elicit Um refrctiuo and ar rest the ailenlioa of Bute Bights men. ? " , . ... - x REPUBLICAN. -, Nov. 24, 1M9.- Names of Delegate ia the lata Internal !. pmvemeiit Coovenlios). Froon Iba county of XasoewJoba A. McRas, James U. .WaduVI, Calvia Myers. ' . " Aim 4r Jriurs Wmund Juoes, Wiroe N. Nye. ' ' ' '-. " Turl Alexander F. Gaston, W; W. Avery. J. J. Erwin. ' . " ' Blddrn Richsrd GillespM," Iaao Wright, II vara fiicbardaoo.' : - ' ' ' ' "' ' gssrstfte Thomas L. Clingman, Philip Brit tain, M. Pstion. -'" ; Zm-wrifi-W.' R. Hall, F. J. Hill, Joha IT. UilL . - i Besaort Willi A. Blount, Joabua Tayloe, David C Freeman, John J. Ilawka, Henry J. To-1e, J. Me Williams, J.O. K. WilUams, Wiliiara A. BlouoU v 4- . JerrMW. W. Cherry, George & Holly, James A tleo. - Csierm Dr. M. V. Orr, Joaepk a Farr, A. J. Bhankle. ' ' Curterrf James W. Bryan, Bridge Aruodul, James Rumley. . CiwcI N. J Pslroer, L. A. Gwioo, Xamea Kerr, Levi Walker. data sat It Faucett, Jonathan Haralaoo, WiL Uam Albright, M. Q. Waddeli, J. & Gutbrie.Iaaac Clegg, Joha II. Ilaughtoo, Root. Brnilh, Beujamiq House ' - ' Ooree Col. 8. B. Diddle, 5. Hy nun, W. WaaV worth, T. P, Burgwiiu -' i v.;7 . t7uVrIsd L. D. Henrv, E. L Winslow, E. J. Hale, Joha Huske, C P. Msllett, E. W. W.lk ings, J4io Winslow, J. W. Bsndford, Jooethan Evana, Dr. Jobs McKsv, Dr. T. N. Cameron, Col. A. Murchieon, Dr. John McKay. -- DaoidmJ, W. Thomas, Joseph 8purgen, William Harna. ...w- JJwri Gen. James Cool, ' 1 - ' 6'atff R. K. Speed, Whit rod Bulling. . GrantdU Dr. Jolio R. Hemdua, Dr. J. T. Gilliam, Jaates Cooper, II. G. Putard, Samuol 8. Downey, J. T. Downey, Thomas U. Willie, Rus sel Kingsbury, Patrick Hamilton. ' . . Guilford Dr. John A. Foulkes, Andrew Lind say, Eli Smith, James Brannock; M. McLean, J. II. Lifiduy, Abram Clapp. ' ' . ' "' ' Hrrtford -Kenneth Rayner, James Grirwe. iae-Riley Murray, II. W. Gihba, Ttlman Fsrrsr. .,....,,,: '.i. ,ry JoAaaos Aahly Sanders, John Atkinson, James T. Leach, J iah O. Watson, II. W. Hasted. ; .:. mm-.William Huggimv -" , - . , LewotV Jnhn C. Washington, Henry F. Bond, Jaino B. Whitfield, James W. Coxe. ' Monitmer-l)u John (I. Montgomery, Tbo m. ss Pemberton, William Harris, Edward McCallura. AToore William Murchiaon. f ,.- r JWie Hanover L. II. Marateller, Jer?mtah Lip pilW WH. Haywood, Jr., A. J. De Rosset, Tbo. II. ,W right, A. A. Brown, r. C UiR ll.v" nuui, n. at uruwiii I inn. . . n t l tu . . a rj ; Prrroa John Barner, Benjamin Summer, Ed- win G. Read,: William Beard. . . , , Randolph ictwe .Walker, Jonathan Worth, Ben: Swaim, J. E. Leach, Geo. Uoover, J. M. A. Drake:, Jesse Harper, Jonatbaa Redding, Zebedee Rush, W, B Lane.,:)- y.. v.;";,. v.. . JZoioaa Col. Robert MacNamara, Dr. Pleasant Ilouderson, J. MyMcConnauffhey, Charlee Partee. C. K. Wheeler, Dr. B. Austin, Dr. Samuel Kerr, JZocwnaaia Col. P. Scales, w 1 i . . KuiWord-W. E. Mills. J. II. Bedford. W. J.T. Miller. v-v'- k ' m , it r a ..;tt . i IFaie William Boylan, W. R Gales, Gf'Se E. Badger, Alfred Joiies, R. M. Saunders, Willis Whitaker, John W. Harris, James B- Shepard, Thorns Lorin, Thomas J. Lemsy, John II. Dry- an, C. F. M. Garner, Johnson Busbee, Allen tto gers, Richard Smith.1 , ? Wathinzton David C. Guyther, John D. Ben- j iict, J.hn B. Chcs8tn, Taylor II. WalkeNH . I ;'jryneWilli Hall, James Grwwolil, 1r. S. ' A, Andrews, A. Brdn John W, Saeje Joscph ceawcli Jone,Oeo. l. DriMCOle, Uenrge tt, lol- lior, John E. Doctor!, John A. Green, David B. fvcrott. (. f ,1 t J 1 t n .Ml 4 4 i a Li I I ,o - r I a U t' 1 1 .it . ,(.,.,.. ; kilir Willi l!.n .:p i' a :, i s 1 1 i . i ds b.l pf.TiK.b-J ib j 1 1 y i, t!, i j i i j eia i!m Ai," U A br a I i.. 'i I r i t ww.4 .!.i. Al " ''ie ' ' I ' '"! . i fir or fi cord jf wol, an.) ins',: .j ( t other, whea tfM iil4, e"ii.J W-me f.-.. 1... - r aVad, rung ! UU l'i ai p I . n n. "I ! r gin ,it a'i;.;d uiidl fi ! pj 1, 1 " it bit agun ruhg aa tl s.;.al I i c ' i'i-f- 7 ' -1 giiKwr bo I tsi'vri4 St.at Im rr,'.'.s .i at 1,1 0ed point. Slid Im lliitryltatrty fan ti k I ) t irti l! . Ur, but, Ufure be hail tae tj rdum, t' t: i .; .I eilmui tdk plx. TIm Aa'i iaooenf Ihe rmt fi.'. f.-;. ments of uVatrvctMM we bat tvrr f:i. I .. bHlor and wbol macliitmrv sr rent w.U tn ,'!." piece the BuCial llaU ard ita afpuifnaiKca irs hatured into stoma, snd eearly iha antir n.i.n caUa Is swept sway, s wry sWl portum it, r it to tli ladioe" cabin, U-tn all (hat 1 b f, InJ f' if ia sucb a split op cioditM ss to U!l nj '.u ii dreadTuJ Slteot of lM tdrn'l. The name of roust of lh peasenj' d.ad a tj ni sing srs o4 yet knnwa Ih Au'iia was, I. j-r. sr, nut very full bf pa risers. Wtih o r j informatioo, wt (r-ber rMiiti'mirig ths lane of BfMiM who are thonghl to be on board h'it on t' i Augusta coming duwa this muraing, in lw ,f a Hail Columbia, we found there were'fur f mere more or 1st wounded, of whom the the ft ! ical gentle me whom we coovultaj thinks O at n 4 nture Ibaa three or four ill mrover wim a re r t. peered to die ia lbs course of to-day. The Captain ia aliasing, aad lbs CU rk rl' iJ. TwefttvMight deck bands and fireirx-n wrr cu boardnd whea they called tl.em logMhcr tui.e after th Slploawo, only sijht could be niut-rf d. .The pilot at Ihe wheel (with his pi' A Is ) wt blowa Upward of fuly feet, SoJ cotilrittd to r-t sahora by ong one side of the piU Ui. 'i ls btalies of tboee oad and wounded ar mu h J. "! eted end disfigured, preeenting a be srt -rewJ.: ficctscle. There were oo ladies on board. ; rrs eer FynclU l'vrrtpmW.J ' rismvru.B,D. 2i,la Wa quota last wk prke oa all srticks of pre doe sacept fUsaeed and cotton. Of flaxseed a h're quantity baa bcea ia market this watt, all of w..b sold readily si tmea $1 65 to t t: per i'-l t r i o U toaaa advaaee of to 1 eeotoala week 'iq ngtl.o oa, say for good $1! ud $11 50 Bur Snd ordirt ry f." lionsbly lower. Ws quots good pressed leaf uUtco it 7; Wheat aslee tba) week $1 35 s 1 4'); Of a 7.1 a HU; Oats 50; flour $4 50 7 50; Ttliow. 1 ; Butter 15 a 50 cents, A very sairoated bu.ria d ,s Lbi week. Several sale st auctioQ siostiy dry r-'s ons kit groceries yesterdiy. llxchaare oa the N-nli 1 per sent. SuuUi Carotins goes Kt Bank all but iliuf kurgbaad Georgetown, aod they gi io payment tx soy goods la Com mo businc iraaMcikKia Our river i ia good bosuog order. Arrived a'rtcs our last, oa Sunday, ths ltjib, t earner I Uqneua.tapt. RoMi, with boat Post-B.-y aad Messenger la tow, and ow Fridiy, the 21st, steaaier Ilenrietu with boat Dili gence ia tow, sod steamer Cotton Plant Uh bat G'.is riw ia low, bringing Dry Good, groceries, lime, iron, e At; for saerchant her and in lb country ntoog which were about 1'JO hojpilicaui nwUa for thw market. , ' Among the merchint of the interior, we ro!.oe Cosies i Wilmot, Chngman 6i Putmlrxtcf, Whrrlur & Buma, and other hating good per llcnrw'u ) Wieay. v , r, DeirtdoaTeedy,taaierII.nrietta5 onThur. day, PueX-Boy ; eo Unlsy, boat Mesaenjfer aiih fie bl cot too, asaeVd, flour, cotloa pro, (ftuw tkctones trs) wheal, tt, Ve. . Kbw Psrsa.' Propuaal hat beta issued by lit. Ass A. Brown, for publinhing is UisTuwaot Wilmia- ton, a new w Vy paper. The Prospectus is gitaa below. ' . ' - WILMINGTON WEEKLY C11I10MCLE.- IT conhdently' believed, that Wilmington has passed it lowest potut of depression, snd tint lU pre greet henceforth must be upward, and on ward, to pros perity unknown in ita former history. It imjwtauc, a connected with Ui work of a public character now nearly completed, and Une projected with a onct of ultimate accomplishment, ia certainly U turning Uaily mors aod mors sppareot. Ths tffuru too, which are making to improte Ihe port and its vtriou pasagca, u. well u to make known its present great tdtaiuagea, must tend to increase ths consequence of Wilmuunoa ss commercial mart It ia therefore Uionght thai t wo papers ahould, and will be sustained here. . t As regard ths principles which will govern tba tub. srribor in ths performance ot bis editorial duties, it will of course be expected tint he should make them publio io the most explicit manner. ' ' ; 1 '' ' In Um first place then, u that may be by many deem ed of Uie most importance, his political principle coin cide with thee entertained generally by the Whiff par ty of the Union. F narhea, he profesfctw to hav little reverence, further than Uie individual who txr thcut evince a devotion to, snd a willingncai to make sacrifices for their country, u lis will not however, under any ciroumaunces, become Ut mere partita. He will not consent to ad vocal measures, adverse to the dictates of his deliberate judgment, no matter by whom proposed, or by whom sustained.. Believing that the present ctues of ths Whiff party is the cause of truth, ttie tm of Mtrint'Mm. the cause of rood covernment, he will adro r 7 ... " " , , ... , , ... I seal, but with proper uctcrence to the opinio J t i t. - ; ' . M ti J-iiiU The great interest of Internal Improremetit of IWtij Carolina, claim and alia 11 receive trom the aubscribcr a wsnn snd hearty support, " In ttriving to uph-.ld and advance these intereata, he will not be governed by wo tional feelings Ot circuniscribed notion The eix-a'y of bis pnrpoee, snfl the labor of his eCoctions, shall be given to raise high ttie prosptirily of North Urolinri, "one and indivisible." ; , Education, Common Scliool Cdueat.on, aa bu.. "r cl ement of vaat imporunce lo the well being of the t:ate, wal also find in Uie Editor of the Chronicle an rnnnt co-laborer with others, for the general diflii-i m ( f its benefits, and anuntiring agtmt for thespredol i'Sm'f. influence.;, ' , - ' m 1 . , V; Tbe CbronicW will H st alt ttmeaa t r i fihe supremacy of the laws of good morals-n 1 t :janl ly endeavor to inculcate on tha public n, curiect ideas on all subjects which it discusses. It will likewise be 'a vehicle of cororacrcl, r rvm tile, local and rniwcllnneous intelliprenco, to all !i tii shall bogivncli(:attCDtio9a w fnena and iccuracy " The tennaof thn pp are fiei at f 'J 60 p'r aa num,ybl Upon the delivery oAhe first numkr The publication will commence so soon M the peccassj ry trranffements csn be made. , . ' . : ! It will be of the super royal size, or tbouttlat of thi .Wvcrttwr, snd printed on jood paper, ii 'lift I ,1 1 I ! , I, . 'i l ;, 14 t- if 1 I ,s I , f ;: The An. i

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