i ,i" 1 t i. suit iiil(v i'"' d '' lira i;t! ' t 1W A , " .ill f 'iiiveyi:t. i the Trne' i d ad 1 1 1 . ' , to a rt'i'iM tii of fx. .) i " s of t tri'irn speedy cimvev r t'iua tliu whole char". ; . t:m.v S'lvn-if can never , a-, Ly t'luj ua of rait wiiv ... v .!' rich o lvantaff's, wh?!'li nf -3 " 7 ton grest a portion of tha people. . i'", ly im-aiisof (he projt mod root. Tin 0 first t hit brought Id Fayeitevitle, who .. t witf ir.cn'ahf, a cii'ls may be had for it . m lit. . W here prices may ba now conxid . i v, they will rise, by demand and competition l.iglu.-it rates, , Ii ia then to descend to Wd. , .i by means if Steam Boats, whe.se num- , v :l hWo multiply n bus been the ce m the i h i From thence il find it to for")"!! markets. through Cane Fear Inlet, r ? '.Li" Ji'?JtAJ!31JU-veu34t.J.lb...:.l an .ifixe:!, ahri the LMinage emplove-1 in tbq ' 4 ;ti trad'.', ntcrfjj and cleared al Wiu,inori I Octobcr, It'M, to Octo!r, 137 mUi, tke: . eiitpb'ed in the foroi trade A thjior! -:fo!ii,- i'.Vtii(if- s-f.i' ttff-liiniiml.'-Wf 'thu"r : lime, a t iloyt finn the lt"jiort of the ecre- of th Tft l.'lliry. ; ', roin w,tt talv.tjijppfnrs..thit-inl,ilii..jfef. 7, the tonrnj.(", ffittcrcj and cbiarcd in the frr tiol from W iln.ioirtrni exceeded llwt of Nor i;,, 1 tiKK.and exen-nnd both th" porta of Rich- , ! and IVursiiur; to:thr 17.69i loim. Wo i foriiH'd, on hifi authority, thai the eutilin't;-:; of Viliiiiii.o crtiplny "greater immagH i lior fircin traJo. U'i? have not tho'ineaiw -r f ijrt iitiiti il actual amount, na it la not re- I. Jf Hits be truft, and we behove ii ti lic,. '"i!y on the ln'h authority f(ui wluVh we rc ' 1 it, but bfcnuif! w know (lit maritime trade irth ("ari'lifia, i principally a eoasK'uig-trade ..; i!d ( 'djo, that the tonnage employed in the . ') u( the ort of Wilni!njtii ia tirfator than the ; t ports of Virgirua, JS'srfoIk, Richmond, and : .i.urtr x . ...l '. io! i ho Port of VVilmiri;ton posseii twi advan- over tiiMxt of the jthor jorta in tjifl United " m, which ennnot 'fail lo be highly estimated It 'a H'fffti ttntir jori,iind veittare exempl" i t!io deatrticiiiHi to their bottomsunhftit cop- J) occaiioimd by tbo anil tfatermina.- 2.- J.r the most mi:eUaiieoua cargoof domestic ! icts of ruiy port in the Union... AH kind of U hi atut4,rit:e included tmv.ilMArcarif every j I and of 'ho bent miality J luinhrr, the Wfry bent '(j world; atavca arid heading cottony wbiflh , b:.- Ac.rA-e; JHi thot tcspIi! ran aiintily i.t i.a w(ft a cargo Jrm that port, that can r.i? to auir aome nmrkt and mnke a profitable ' i". A?ain llml hteamlionti have been ply. on the C;ne Fear nn lugb i FayeUevjlla for i Knit 'JU yum; and ? arti anured that no ae. accidi iii baevr ocmrred rfurinj the time. ' other rivg mjlieSort, fta paviyatioti ia aua. 7'd in tlio fjmnwr mmitha j and au ia the preat ). VVa loarn that tlie ntivjation of Ihq Ohio, ' i ire anil droujht.ia aujorth;d, mi an average, iumih in the ywrj hil,t' tl;at of the Cape ' tr h Miip".;tdi:d not moro' thartf nir and a half ittiH, and that at a teuton when the crop ia not' ly for tnitrk'!,:, Sin.-harE tliiiadvaiUaaea ofiha'-: rj it lolft, under circuiwtHuceaat they uoar . .,(.' , v.. ; : . :. W'y Lave takl l!e policy tif b(!ildinj thit Rail -.id has" been aanctiiaii'd hi the Lgialature and -f people. We h'lvp only to advert to the fact of incorporation of ihe company nnd a tulMcriplion ' i Ainfih under the authority of a law of your hat wirim" "tlaa i" iiij;'(ii "mKntler been oiiHed of hi rp ii) consctpiciu'e of. I ho. vote thus given I ' At ta we know, or b.ivn re-Montg b?liitre,1lot 0n9t., jioscd chunfroa the aiibrriptinrt by the State, a", Uo-Cftha 4laT-nTfiitirriilbfrrirhy:rtliia..': "P"? Tlm nycf'L it J' )w i found. ia the iact,: oirvey ami enimato h ive been madeunder the , ction of the twwt exorionced Fny;tiieer in the ntcd Stalea North Cuioliuian, feelinjf fur hit ;ive State all the ardor and fat of a Wwrdevo.' laon from which it pKara, to construct the td iHhe be-rt ptihlernodeTnitl(f the wify whTcn tt hii Siinotion, would, coat two mil'hnt of dol- i. - To r;ii t o-fifihs nf thM i tuna, "by tiiea'ii if ,' vute iuhs:rl4ion, ha b"enfnuml impracticable, -t khiMild the auh-tcription oj'tlie SlatO bechanjed, propoaiHl, we are wf II aiwired the amount wjll rooal certainly taken by indiridoafa. Thia it Mmuindd not only from the magnitude et tb rk, iti accoitimodatiou fur auch a large prtiou !',. State, but from tbo further fact, it i to coo ae one of the couuecled links, the great trunk which others are hiinuiflrtra'irt. Tlwuewilh ('nuveiitiuu were hold collusive factt an ! rea- " s to imtilV the chiii!!. , o. The incorji'ir.iii'.a of a Conipiny fir the ope- " in nil lul'-t ill t ;3 loot 01 llmmurle h.iijiiil, ; .t Na.'head, and a auWription bv the State 4if A rv f i Hit of it capital dork. Thia. tvork waa -iii'.d by tlio convention of the higlouiJjniportnnoa- tlio-fUet of-wmanr-nf thgmmrteilnhB - t:li East part of the. Si a to IxTn' dia-c.ily ititnr J in iti succc.i J from H.e ipianfify. an4jiwtt iie" produoa wlucd w'.i.;: wi11 jiotl-a market'H fwjli it ; and from tl.'s f-t it h.w bien lonsr pre-. : i upon tbo notice ! : i of t!.-j.Na!ilwl ad-lStro t!-ituf-C" A!'' : k'c rf.i:i I runs in adirectioii lei.n tne t ;'n . f jis Ik ad waters, the di : .I m : i' iiv iiiiu mm at ii" cacicrn ex. 'V- i - 1 ik, a nue hundred yards in widtl). it mi four or five uitlesof the ocean, ' wp iraie iuto lh-K'iuoleand " Hi hi ; ,"'1 , and chu'i'Ki ii direction- nearly neiku 11 in I is u.-tt-f:i loom. J Ii-ihb Ian U uai'e a-; iiii, uu-I in-t'etity-five luilos i'.f. .i .-.it w here tl;a fii-T'-iJ f (he Albemarle - ti 0 V !,:,' r V ' '! I V , r..-. O . 1 1 i 1 ) I , - "H '; iit its f joi I ly i .,' , i . f no r.ist to m-iutv S South !'HI rse, r i ip!'"''! S.io-id.n Froui tiiri'N iritis j . f '. I i tut'Crt i, fifty nides ! ,'-(, the only iavianle one ;!.!, c.K'itig trade. It is pr. i : ,t r other c ms rucfioa ( cross i.: , ',, , I t'lHs fnCi lite waters id' ti In .ik ih.'ir pai'-i'i ll.fo'nh the :to tho Att tittic ) -e,i-i. It is e icrit st-air'-n ecciiNtoiu-e I Ut the s c 'int, in.it liirooh the propped ii.i,!.r of vi'V-ig" nw. t' maib ;h that ct v-rMftike.- " Il has been i are i- -:r tifi; ,;.;J ly a I Mill' . m .:.;!,H..r ("oiiveutioii, thai lb . Hi. I (' . : l, It arty n.l t io pr- e of which c ks its ri", rXHMl II' I ' '!'ir ou.i . "I i 1 1 Let tlirou fi t! hi I fr inl f . ir 10 IK en il ;,! ; ! iC cinii-s' uf torn, n't I ml io-,mi'tirt Hueulot i . T - f nil s ant . , , i I.,.. it. .4 t: li.tf IIO- .-,,. fit ll.il lioiil that s Wirli bus . u-idiT the t..'. , u t aillrjo (ilolst" I I s' Ciioa of' tin; T In llll II ill i.t,.; J. - iii-io i iTi ex iiiii'M-i I HlllJ --tllll itf !llil!e aiiili'iri'v of an K.iicer of the rftato an I of llio I'uiO il Siaies. 'I'b'-v diil'-r greatly as to the rust, which may he nw;' to (he 'material mi l til? man. tier of i nn-tr Hi -w-z the Work. Dal,' however, en. certain this n.tiy be, the people in Hint section of .Side, it iii ail, are witling to risk their own capital in i; siicccm, ami. thir,k a Hiiti.-icriiiii)ii not exceeding 500,000 dollar by the Stale, would ren der it certain. If so, i bo Convention wa of opi nion it hhou'bi Ue grtuttciK , ? '. 4. Tim payment by thn ttat of the' balance, 15u,0(jl dollars, of it itbacriiliun to tt,e,Vilmifii. ton nn'l l'uln;ii Rai liimd, ought at ouch to be rriiide. The Convrntion came tathifi opinion m an act of justice l thw :rv. Iilieral ituJ spirited eur j tiona of the private anWribcrs.in having rukcd m , lunch oa their pnrt for m great public work, and (mm the certainty at well from the progreM made. a 11m. bih prohia exiH!CU:il, that thu wurk mi and will be fininhwl. . The prmpul paytitfiit lannot injure the State, and will greatly aid a spirited por- tiott of her ciliztuia. 3 ' ' 5 The-4iurvv4f-rNeuae-and'r!i' riwera, with j ffie4! Ic H "Toiituai tMrnaij;ati(inir"iid tfuynd ; practicable that the J3oard of Intenal Improve, menta be authoriz'id to contract for efiuotingit.-V T!.ivora ie the properly of .tb Stale, tlie.li chanera granted for' their improvement having leii long aitice forfeited. It it pMier then that the aurveyt ahould Iw had at tbe expense of the. . state, at due to bar citizens, who will mho tfhrm for their produce, a well at from the fact that one of these rivore Uao directly cooncted wi(h the prof-, parity of one of ite market, Wathington, which iiat heretofore boen auatoined with eo much (tpirit, but which batTeccntly aufferrd oevert:y by fire 1 whiUt tlm other lends to an old town, which hat lonny claim on the liberality of the State, bcaidet ita direct connection with the great rail road in. which the State bat in deep an interrat. ; ' ; 0. A aurvcv fiom Ualoith, pi'u IlilUborourjIi, to j-Oreeiialaire', with the view to a UcAdamued Turn - LikiULaiilai umfmyJUKlbswipt fill ht by the State. This route is recommended from tie fact tiat it ia to lake the main line of travel from the sat of Government to the Western (jirtios in the State";; that it passes through two among tho Jarg"at and (mart productive Connect in tlia State, whiee people are fiirner-, rjeal prtnei. pally in the necessaries of lifo.nwn their own vehi clesv accustomed to thir Use, and without this road can. share bu little inWie direct. advantages of In teriml Improvement. Resides, it is tor thejiresent fo termiitate Ht otm fif "the moat flourishing inland lahmg schools, lis steam mills, eottof) factories, and in every way its population it both active and enter prising. kA cheap ao) speedy mode of reaching a market, at we learn, would .often enable the enter pricing proprietor iifJ)er r.otronaetory to aetid the prodyct of bis eetablibhtueut to the cit of New lorlt, ami realize a. joJU-iOwtLOjLibraajerjlajBn. the pound. ' This pMtit would not operate to hii advantage alone, but to that of the grower of the raw itioteriut. . The pmiMMMd survey wiHild coat but little; and the road, if McAdumizeJ, "would not likhly exceed, according to the estimate of the B'jard of Internal Iuipriivemnls,$3,000 per milo,v and a part of it, pomnbry jouchallV uouhl iM.ah orCL dinary turnpike, the cost of which would not ex-V coed tiOO to .800 (air mile., The road injustice v ought iu behmg la the oSiato, jexcepl. ibat ji'iperi- eticp bt! shnwri, to ciaistnict and keep up such wor&YcaWioT hidrvidu-it tuterest aa'3 aifettmtrrr " otherwise they conMitute a continnal drain on ihe public treasury, and eod in ruin. From this line . 1 branch ''ffi7ghTTiereiifleTt propriety, to some elgible point on the Uun river; and thus give to tfie pnoplo'in that fertile region the their own Stole, . , ' , . T Suxh. a rlieojjMiii jilacpJ! Ji'lhe, Jirt .etas of (hq pan"pr(iposedby' ine fOl.; tlw . that binlv in recommending them. If any one stotild object, that this work ought to be placed on equally favorable ground with tho nviet favored class, he should pa ise. consult the loeans of the Stale, and thou ask liimselj) ;jJf jiictnJuu hndbeen adopted A but five years ago, would not wishes now be grati fied?" Tiroe marches rapidly; andatfew year!, as we tnixt, will serve to bring into eperation the -' whole scheme, ami other, if their claim, and ad vantages shall hereafter be disclosed and properly pressed. --v,- r--- SECOND CL.S3.-Ti.ee7 as Will "oVn7 " conteniplaie a eminerlion with the two great rail " roads now in progress, as well at with the proposed road from Favctteville (o the Vadkin. - The Ileau- fort Road, leading iron Ihe tine harbor at that a place, is the nxwt importanl from that fact, as am -other outlet will be thus opened tn the nrean, and the produce of Ihe upr country will then find ad ditional means of tx-irej shipped tn sny portion of the coinnicrcial world. The inlet at Ueaufort is said to bi) not only the beat in our own State, for its depth of water, having from 'Si to 24 feet on ita - bar, but it w) not to twi surpassed bv any other from . Ch1 ' Ti'miacola. Wfryrihcn,n m fbo asked, was nol ils irail road ptaccd'Tii thefirst class Lil he aiwwer, to a mapinty of tho Jonvcn- . Tioil.'vrai' praiirSmT .'MtiifaUay'ITTl'Twa" iW"'pYo doce, no capital hejirr niisL he .brooglit-from a T distance. One great trunk in connecting ihe east and west, was deened sulliciunt." Av road froin Ileaufort to Kateigh, and iheoce to the west, had beou authorized, and if' totally failed. The Con- it would prove jmre" wiccesKful at present. Two " connecting roads were loo expensive to be under-' taken at the ame time by Ihe State, and br true policy forbade it. Hence, I lie one from Fayette- ' vitts i waV linjjeclej aslmifTiVelylii siicceeir aiTre. qui ltd by the prstting demand of our Western ' tciiiz ms as b ailing to markets ia whjch capital is f already empbted, and as having aa outlet that might answer pressor deinmid. Again, when the - j etJtra road ahull reach l-aywtievillrt, you are mill Jon the desremliog line, autf Irmn iheoce may be I carried to 1 nof irl. Such, il ia believed, will be the quantity of produce frmM llie upjier eountry as , wilt lit-rcafisr frce itself to llm best market. In this way. what the friends T Pcanfort cannot do for themselves, will bo done by others, , i 'VfaV tAKLti of Ihrtt millions to it eoitiracted by 'the Suite. , It has been already hown,.in eslima i linjf the funds of the State, he has upwards of two i million iiivetd in a way. whilst ihejr will prove ! pr.Hhictive, aro not Itkeiv to be embarrassed or. ' t ono tei-il. I'v Ihe srs'ctti nmnosed. thit fund is lnoi to be touched, but to lie held as a guaraatoe lo u-tiiiii lite credit of the Suite in the negotiation of '. M l"aii, in. t a irt ty fo her own ciiiens against any contingency winch may aiim. The maximum, of (!.. I ,-i i t'-r.-c oiil'inos i. and tho money, when I i ri.-.'. ', w i i la' iro'lly 1!en(led amongst .our- ' r r '' ' l-ohl rr'.ificute of , , ' ' Mi- u;..!i I;, r i. a i t:V -.!.;. time ho l.roM'.t o.t n.: i'MiUi uz oust any po-- eolelit will b ltostpiind Tl: r ,ii it .. y rrii'-ve tV) iiii'nt. Tl t, a tun ; l tl.ii ,irr i-i- to a lol'ire p!- 1 bllt)u:ll will nod : ton workil ill pior-' !e divided b'twe'ii posK-rity anil imr lves ; ami in this way the relate, which our children are to in herit will Iws improved, our own condition 'relieved, , and im-jna provided for them to meet the claim which bai bocu Miuiled in order o it improve." inent. Thia (rds with the most rigid principles of justice, prudence, forf-niht, Riid Mouoiny,,;,. 1 be, ealale ia fast going 1o decay ; Our people are not in a condition to' make the iK.cciary repairi and to improve it, without a retort to hana. Tbia atate of thing hat not been brought about from any want ol frugality in twr expenditurea; of lorbear- . ' are in contracting dbhts, or from any extravagance or want of system in the projier and judicious man ageineut oi our dotneatic isoncerna.' At no formefj, period in tlio pecuniary airairt of the State, baa there been less pxtravagaiice, and yet at w priod haatt been found more difficult to keep free from ; embariiuament. The evil ia t lie found iiot in any pawing events, btit in thrr warn of a pmtier rmmir -aiiement to the. productaof our aoiljnd itle fact , that our mHweu(thy and enterprising citi-Tw are, dricn to more cuia climee. " . , - . . ' sJf.JkMjlulajWI will be louna in the march ot improvemmit, ami tlioir citizen contented end happy. Vet, they have riartod to loan; and exK)rience nrovea to far from ending in injury to the )eople-j tiiey have the more rapidly advanced to wealthjind prosjieri-' ty. And this too, without any regard to taxes; the protitM from the work having been quite turn cieM to meet the intereat and provide a tund for the payment or the principal. South Laroliua hat but recently aubitcnbud one tiiillioo. to tier great rail road, guaranteed the loAn of two millions more, and by way of relief to her favorite city from a heavy cabimity, aildixl two millions more to her del)!, Hut we forbear to press thia matter further,' at it it idle to lnik of emlwrraasiiig the State by contracting a df:bt of thive millioiia of dollar. If our forcfathera, with not half of our meana, limited at they are, when 'difcaension, faction, and.. treason lurked in every neighliorhooor whetrthe the citiiw waa ImhW to aeizure liy the enemy and to wanted destruction by Ihe traitor, when the assusem belcagued bis path by day and threatened hi repose by night ; if, at such a time, and under snch circumstances, that band of patri ots could bear up for a period of seven years, un der debt of eeventy-fiv mltli'tts, lot us not talk of pnibarrassment bv the sum proosed, having, as the State hot, the ability to raise it without preju dice to her citizens, but whether the, iq her sov- reign, capacity m shall engagn, jn syf!em 'ofjthit.- kind af all. And can we, at inch a period at this. jvjib.ail UWjJight afexparusnca .beioj4arde---'4- oualy called upm to diacusa such a question T VVill yoq leave' tliese "matters' lo individual enterprise, when every State in the Union has undertaken the System with o much auccewa 7 - At the close of the memorable struggle to which we have just referr ed, North Carolina had her territory and her popu liilian..,. 1 letlcrjutojy jtUlLreinauia-rr Mccklcnhurgy Moor's Creek, King's Mountain, and Ouilford are landmarks which time cannot raze frum the page of history. Hut where is her population t Whore the' monument of her improvement 1 - Her popu lation is fa.st leaving her, and her monuments, we four, ar 'only .to tw tiuml ui the record of things pawl." 'r ' '' i " LL. -' " V" ' ' J thia state of ihmgs lo continue T Or are we ever to be roused tn action T it is much to be fear el, if you aJiali tieparate wUliuul doing any thing, the cause of .Ioterniil Improvement will have sna tained a shock froin which it will bs difficult to re- .... - k . . . Cover. : I he patriotic Iceling which now warms and animates the citizen, will become chilled by you apathyr It Ts o'u spectacle portion of the people, to advise ; it is for you to art.J Ity jejectitigthe plan propiised, and 4iutui.fc!llotgyou.:roaealilm..itt Improvements. By acting, vou incur no rik that ca in any-MuKlib prol - -- ". . . ...... atay ibe tide of emigration, now drajntng. the 4ita-bluod of the coihiwio wualtTi y ou . stimulate I tie larmer lo new exertion ami improve. men! ; you invite the capitalist to open the rich bowels of the earth and to- bring forth ita hidden treasury of iron, copper, and coal ; you every whore encourage the mechanic a nd llie man of ent e rprise ; you open new atreama of wealth, running in difTor ent dirccdoo?, in different dimensions, and at dif ferent heights but watering, adorning, and fertil izing the held and meadows through which their courses are tl. Again, we ask, can you-hesitate! We. till you. ths spirit for improveiucut js abroad in the land that it invites you to awaken to tho true iuterost of tho Shite to burst the shackles of a jealous and short-sighted policy to rise trium phant over physical obstacles and still stronger mounds of local prejudice and by your action, to elevate our U: loved tftate lo her proper rank as one of the political members of this greut confederacy, and let her shine with a new light amid the stars of our national galaxy. ... T - - : , R. M. SAUNDERS, CAaW . JNO. II. URYANi -- I)UH D HENRY; ' . HI GH McQl'F.KN, ' WE3ATLlEN7 lWmlipr9fl . IMS. " ' " '.' ." -..--.-.,-; From (ke W'ilmiflg torn A'lvrtitet. . , , ' ' TI1S CAPE FWR R1VEIL Why is it that a portion of' mankind are apt to depreciate the tilings with which ilietf"am f.i.oIL art to dociy those benefits which they have al ways enjoyed and lo iuveat w nh imaginary value the advantages isfutheist M.mv lln're are who fore. go (lie tdoiuMngs which they might enjnr.by useless -rjiiilirtg ftir tiatthey will iwver uti iiii " Tliis feel-" ing we fear, picvails to siKh an extent in North Carolina, that il might almost be termed a State characteristic. We are apt to dej reciate our diatiu tiugutshtd men," isif iiwlitutidiis, "aiideven 'our'.cb male ami our il Is this patriotic I Is it ration al ? I not Mich a course calculated to produce I'st Icto.p.ss and.inactinq at home, and contempt and ridicule abroad I Look at New England, and lesrn w isdom from her policy. With an inhospitable ah rigorous clima'e, a barren and broken soil, she blooms and bkoins" like the rose. Tbe whole country U (locsi.-d with lier production, every sea is whitened with her Mils, and her enter prisinjj otT-. ispring may I Caind intlie reipotetl portions of llie ghbe. Iler domestic institutions tru fostered and her em'.rgy and morvd inftaeuco are li lt throughout the most dot.mt orli.nig of t!i republic. . We haviv cpo ilrawu into tinstS" rcinnrksTiy an iilorial whiVh receiillv appear.Hl in the tvilistturv ' 1 W!rl iiH'lona n jwiii the Miltjeci of tiie Cape Fear Riv. rn-r 4tn rtm ) Wr II. It t 11 cohi. I ti';.' ( il .oh the Conte'-eiient and llie II !!... n: - i .t 01 we l;.-i. r by, Hut djii, i .ix v !'!. s l-.n.-t r .ti ari avem ifliHI IS A! ..,iii:i, ; : . , , '.t l!C Tl' : - ' 0 . l.. 0 i i, tl.f ('ii'.m-'.l'i.l . ,' f.un ..tnl.iuttt rrtrn rin r in I Ii l-.m ii il.iv or tvvo fiiiii'C, I. iat ' si a .stai- llm denlli of water 'ii thrt clialimd of tho O'-iio at ritibiirg : and wlmt do our readers tliintc it wa t J our Jut and a half. Nor is this a sin .'ular inMance cd the want of water in that atrcam., ft occur year after year '.And the very next new which reaches ua tnuy oo that tho Ohio Irozca vr.- I!u ia the navittalion of the fath'T of rjvert .,..tr iduvftiM'rit We will answer thia question .by introducing here'an extract from the New Or- IVdll yuillllii iviiii t t V can hear from steamers, ol boat" rn tneir way, between this and the mouth of the Ohio, float ing down but the lowness of the water requires great caution in the navigation? In consequetteff, the progress of these ark to our city is retarded, , and many areehtiroly stofiped on their way, by run- tuns on shoals and being teft by the tall ot me riv- er oo nakel aand bare, there to wait (ill a ri.se sweeps -them off to pursue their voyage to Orleans,-' When we are to have another noo I is hard to conjecture.. Rftmmrt of bety ahowers of ram, wet falling weath- , errnnrr swent i itie Tiver,- Breorwf-t-iis rrmn mn- North by every lilpress mail but we hve waited in vain for the happy results predicted.' In ajiite of ever? favorable prognostic, the. Ohio remains low, ; . i i .i ..! I I nnyigatiauiraflpiici aodnomuituifl all kinds scarce, and cdmmanding high prices., s ' Thus we see thai twoollhe largest streams south - and south west afturd tXC present insufficient water : for the purposes of commerce a-irj that Jc, wlietl:! the navigation of the .Cape tW .has been oiwV- . .. .. . . 1 1 . . . t rue ted for months, to the head ofboat navigation, 150 miles above its month. And at Una very mo ment, while deeply loaded boats are propelled upon the waters of Cajw Fear, the farmer of the North in locked up by ice, and the planter at the South- west affled by drought from carrj ing the results f hit industry to a ready mamei. Sous of North Carolina, cease your inurmuriogs and should a fueling of dissatisfaction sometimes 1 steal over you, let it prompt, auch action ae will im-" ; prove the advantages by f Inch you are surrounded. ' ' - ' . '. ' CAPTIONS OF .TliE LAWS EanctF&trtke-VenernhAmmblrvf-tyrthiar'- Una Hessian l39-'39. -; r " ' : ";. PUBLIC ACTS. , 1, An Act concrning the election and qualifica- ' lion of constables iiTccrtain cise f Amends the former law so at to authonan-those counties in which the County Court shall happen on the 4th or last 'Monday iu DccembeTr,-' or 1st of January, to elect constables wjthin thirty days before the term f 1 ... -.- . - . ' - "L.WIIU VtBJIU--e--- 2. l o amend an Act, passed in 1921, to iocor-. pojaleaka4io-i commissioners, anu extenu8,.tiie.ninf; wiuua.wuicu work shall be completed ten years Jonger.J o, lo establish a toll bridge over the South 1 ad- kin- River, ear. Hall's Milt in Davie county' Au - thorizes Jotephr-Hall to erect Said bridge.) ' 4. 1 0 lay oil and establish a county by the name w tl'Hucxaooout.ot a portuHi at lkiricomuexounit 5. Supplemeotul to an Aet of the present ses sion to establish the county of Henderson. Pro. vides for the organization of Courts and county of ficers. Buncombe and Henderwai both tqbe repre sented as one county until otherwise provided. 0. Lxtendins; the time fur rcmstennir grants. mesow wvey nco, powers? of attorney,. bills" of - sale and deeds of gift. Extends time to two vear.' 7. To compel owners of bridges to construct 5 draws.. . Upou failing lo constrict draws- for the paasage-pf boats, within tbreelmonlhJafler notict" owners to be subject to a fine of SO dollars, for eve ry three months neglected. Owners of boats may construct draws in public bridges at their own ex- ' ponser"-"''"" -T- - ' -r.- 8. Appointing commissioners to lay off a pub lic road from Bumsyille, injncyj:nuoty to the , . X enncaseajiue.- Cuminiwaionera shall be-aHowed two dollars per day. Btatutea, entitled an act concerning curt.f iua iieipracticev trea- and proc- no action, other than on penal statute, shall be brought in any county court, except in the county in which defendant resides." : . 10. 'Toameml an act fitr the relief of auclv per sons as have been disabled by wounds, eVc'. Pro. vides for the paymeut of, peusions during those years when the Legislature dues not aiu. Certifl- 1 cute t be countersigned by Governor. 11. To extend the time for paying in entry mo- : ney-" Extends the time on entrios since January, . 1 937, to. January. 151841- - ,.r r -12 To amend and supply the defects of an act of the present session lo extend the time for pay.; 7 mg in entry money, rrovuies that all enterers of . laud, for all money due for entries made tince Jan. uary, and all entries hereafter made shall have until the 15th January, 1941, to pay for tbe . same... ... 13. To alter the m'Je of electing constables in this Slate, so far aa relate to the county of Mir- in. Vests Ihe right to eltfct in the county coutt. j, 14. Compelling the jailor of Stoke county to" live in the jail, and for other purposes. -.'V,, 15. Allowing cumpensntioit to the wardens of The poor in the count v of -Wavrtv : ' ' J 6-,To Amend the charter of the Pink of Cape J &Tt fi'JjfajMM,9lfe. tfjktfMwymiA 1 suWnfVrt. - , , , - , , i - I . m . ..... . .... io 10 improve a pan 01 xne Btate road leading from the town of Franklin, in Macon county, across tho Nantabala and Vallry river Mountain, to Ihe new town site called Murphy, f Authorizes the t.iovernor lo aimoint a commissioner lo examine and lay off the rrut't Iiii nais, and makes an ap propriation nf $J,000j(icomiilet the road. 18. For tbe relief of the Raleigh and Gaston' Rail Road Company. . (luaraiitess the credit of I JoLtH-CWDtHtoy. iutJt, baftiit.fe50QJ10fl..ircliminenciMl ia 4.yearw provided the stockholders agree lo pledge Iheir pri. fate property for 'the deU to the amount of stuck. owned by each Individually. ''. , . . r ' 1 , L..lJAutbiirM)'if the justioes uf the peaee tnrcer- lam counties o rtass themselves for h'ddiug the. Courts of Pies and Quarter Sessions. Embraces the counties of Ceaufort, Rowan, Uranville,'llert- f.rd, Craven; Wayne, (jreone, Yancy, Datidaon, Macon; the magistrates of which mav form them. ' selves into classes of 5'or 6, to be drawn in tho same manner as jurors. ', : - r ' ' -- 20. To amend an act to incorporate the Favetto. villa and Western Rail Road Company.. Provides that on tbe subscriotion of two-fifths of $ 1 ,2"0,000 of the stiK-k of an id company by iudividual,a sub scription of Ihree-fifths saail be made by the State,, to be paid.'ene f Mirth when the wank shall be com oneed, and onerfourth every ix-montbs-st!iereaf-tr. on the payment of an equal proportion of tbo , private wih-cripttun ; .tlie niuuev received on tlio bond f.ir (Jherokee Jini!, in the first place, to be applied to mi l payments, ami Recnmllyhut eristng froip the f u-.uh ie';,l i,ent of the surplus, if j,J over lo the Stti-; ami if n..t paid in lot., to U r ' 1 by !. : a e-r fate of ftat-j scrip, hi at r. ( the ,f j th.it j.Lu e. ..- Vl. Changing tl time ol holding lfl i;v Courts of Wilkes. 2'i. Concerning the County Courts of If4.,t, . 2:1. To repeal ' the act of IS35, allnwi,, c.".',. pensalioii to tho jurors in Yancy county. il l. Empowering the County Court of RunC0( i , to draw jurors for each week of the SiiH)rior Cu of said county,.'., ' .. . 2r). To alter the times of holding the S,ijirj t CiHirts for the catiuties of S okes nnd CJuillhrd.. Ciairt for Stokes lo be held 2nd Monday n6er i' ., 4th.Mondy in March and September, and contji, ue i weeks at bjth terms in 1S3!) ; Guilford 4 -M011d.1v after 4tb Monday in March ami fcleh't,. ' ber. .,-';"';;';?."-.'. .' """ 20. For the better regOllalion of the Cwn,- Courts of Rutherford ', . . - 27. 'Limiting tho time in which " title to I :i heretofore entered and paid for may be purfecttd Allows until 1st January, 1841.- - - . . : . .23- Cfmcerning the militia of the county 0f Deaiimrt.;;-;;T7'-.-";.X, 'v:':- ? ' . --29rTo fcpnoini toamieaionerff tff'faf 01T : of the great Slate road from Prealoy Shepard'i t0 Fredorick Soaverts. Commissioners to report to county courta of Wilkes and Ashe, which cuun j , 30. To prevent tho maliciois obstruction of rail roaas. Mahee it luiouv. , , - 31. An aet to lay oil and establish a county , , the name 'of Clierpkee,outuf apart of Macon: 82.: To amend the revenue" laws of this State. in - 1 iucquires coumy couria, ar application, to value j lands which may not have been valued and return. cd by board,. of valuation f makes valid acts of boards appointed aubseqiieut to the tune rcouiri'd by law, aud where eeveral persons are liable' f,r tax on lands; requires court, with two freeholder, on application, to apportion valuation among SK H)rsons, and makes each person liable for hi own share of tax and no more, Court may receive re turns of taxables at any time before 1st of April and may release persons from double tax. Wlms courts have not appointed boards, extend the time for their apjKrtitttnetit until firit jourl afW lt May next and makes the nascseftient of th junti ccsr whuce they .wttre appimiteil, inatoad of a Ward, -binding. ."' ,r.',"'V :f 'Jit,..-y" "t -..,. , 33.. Making- an appropriation of soventy-fi.ii thousand dollurt for carrying on and cotupistii the Capitol, and also directing the payment Jf $30,300 borrowed by the commissioners. '-;.,. ; 31. To give effect to the RevisedStatutes, V the tame have been published by the coipmissiuar -era appunted for the purpose. -' ' .'"(' ; 35. Changing the time'of holding the twuty courtaof person to. third Monday of March, luoc, ' September and December. - - line pontic p noting 01 tnootato. aucretary to H out printing- as heretofore, but price, of 'printin - not to exceed. 94 per octavo nacre for laws.tnd ' - tl St) per page Tor Jciurhala and printing for te. sion" ': r-T:j '"' 37. To amend the inspection lawa. Appoints n in.spe ctot lot aach ttoam mill in W irrrrrmrtoov - and limits them to the inspection of lumber wily. Keguiates the tecs to 30 cents for lumber and 15 for timber per 1000 feet ; and places the river lum ber on same footing with the ateaiq lumber. 38. Vesting 10 tbe United States of America jurisdiction over a certain tract of land in (ha towa - of .Faytevil!er oahich; erected. 89. To incorporate the Wefdon Rail Road Com- parry. Ftir th purposo "ofconstructing a raif road Irotn tome point on the Raleigh and G-utoa . road between -Littleton and the Roanoke to the termination of the Port mouth road,, at Weldot Capital S200.000. in shares of 100 dollars each. V I -iff. To authorise the i laying otTaiid esfabliii'liiiig ' a turnpiKe roaa irom uove creek, in Kathertord county r tot Joaephr fiamaystlT.'BuiiiM lajr eerpersilei ty'paiijrwitli TginWif-tlOttr-in sliaret of.SQ dullara each, which may bs orjss- Tzed-rherr 09,000- shalt httv beeffldtrihcd.'-" 41To authorise the JjWtlOfil' 21' ompany once every three months, h k 'r , -42. Relative to-childrrof Authorisecurtranting divorce ta place dren wuh" mother pr falhwf aa their. interest rosy require, ie..".t"Cvv. .,vi i. :;"2:;:. 43. To change the time of holding the County Courts of Rowan, to 1st Monday in Febroar)-, Mayi August and November, " 44. Supplemental to an act, paasod at the pre- ' sent session, for establishing the ounty of Chew keef Organizing cwrts,cVcr-'-"'. '"' r"-'--, 45. Directing oflicera 87th - regiment of DavU son county to hold twq and not more than four drill musters a year. ' ' , O - ' 40. Authorising Ihe county courts of Duplin to appoint overseers and hands to clear out Rockfisa creek in said county. V 'f ' . '47.; Making compensation to jurors of Columbst county of tl per day.-.; ' - . . . . ; " 49. Appointing county trustee and treasurer of public buildings for the county of Columbus. . 40. To incorporate the Iliwessee Turnpike Company.- Road ronr-Murphy tO-Tennessee bat, : capital tt be $3,000, tn shores of twotity dulUr each. .. - ,. I - 80.- 'Supplementat to arf acT of WoTircsfenT tr-"- .it 1 --w ta-srasets awwt-iacwrptltwtilrgillfray , and Western Rail Road Compmnv.-"f Provides i-t . ' 1 the representation of the State in nmuortion to llCf stock; for the appointment of en agent by th State lo examine the Books t for the sulifcnpi" of three-fiftbaf of a loss turn than fl, 230,009. the Board of Internal ImprTrement phnll be fied it can be done for less) ppescribes the ownmf of making iho loan authorises the banks to d-a in the State stuck or acrin ; and requires the yidiwl subscriptions to U made, and the wotk to bf , J 51. To ameml the several acts heretofore p i ed in relation ta the burning of the Cuurt ho'- and reconla of Hartford coutity.r . 52. CbfiCrhlitg" the Rahging of hogs," bowc 0. cattle in Currituck County, 10 cwtain cas- , 53. To prevent free persons from gnmhling j'J alavcs. Every white person convicted of a viola tion of this lav shall be fined and iiiiprisone'i tf the discretion of the court iiupriinto';Ut ii"1 exceed six months. 1 ,'; x. , ."51. Concerning" weights and measures ad.'j by resolution of Congn-ss as standards through" the U. States. Adopts as tho Standard of (' ' State that recoginz-d by Congress. . 5a. To amend the 27ih wctitm of an act c corning courts of justice, practice, pleas a'vl rr ' cess. Authorises county ctajrts to draw A for the Hucccciliag terni. CO. A'lthorising s'lerJ and coroners tfl deeii, U c iv'i waere ih-.-ir pre.lt-c.-.-i r ma ' failed to do ..- - - - . - ' 57; llcl t'iej M the ri h!ic road in tueceii-'V P.utirjon.' such a! it" !s r iniiiii'i )'Mi-i'i to la"' ins tin ! aim 'iii if nts a may I"! -..IKv! f c- r litiu f