.1 I - ;' f. . t'. i r i i t ( M.N If ' "i '":ti!.r.-t bsve, rrif srj and play, . ( ; I p-avej and mill. . r i .- t t-: c thi time-worn lute away, . An ! I ri-nr one freshly strung. (VI I'-ick the limeheo I'lfriiiicf sigh J'i- t hreMhtd among the btruig; A nt time himself, in Jjittinjj by, Mi.io mukic with In ititn" . yTLr, take, tho, worn-out fiite away. And bring one newly strung, , "If titoo wouIJVt have uie sing and play Aa cnte 1 played and sung. But how is this! though new the lute, And hining fresh th chorda, . " Jj n(,n'h jliia hind thy slumber mute, Or W(ak but dreamy word. In vain i seek llur ftoul that dwelt, ' Within that once weet dIipII,' ' Which told so warmly fflht it foil, And felt, what nought could tell, ' j Oh! ajik not then', Pr potaion'a ly-, i'-. ... ..in- . . - . , With this 1 ne'er can smg Of phy As once 1 played and sung. : ,W bring that long ttved tutfl again,' L '.'". Though thillcd by year it be, " If thou -wilt till the slumbering strain . Twill v.i again A,r thee. .... Though time has frozen the tuneful stream Of thoughts that piiirfi along, i One look Irointhee, like Summer' beany , Will thaw them into aonjr.-:- Then i'ive, oh give that wakening ray, And, onco more blithe and yonng, Ti;y bird afiin' ill sing and play v. 1', A' once Le played ana tun. - THE TIIREH CIFTS. to my Ihtighter by Mr. C. ti. Witnn, of I- in-ion, 'J'li ii) hurt. the gift of genius! fatal ilowrr J .' 1 flrne' tf.nruy wreath is budding on tfiy brow j , A id thine will be tbe poet'a nmgie power J.i,rli;iri'm:iit'a t'lain round other mind to throw ; VvotiM- that my wntcfifirf cere crmld fccplVoiyi Ttifff" t'o sad a lot no dark a destiny ! ' TI.' U li ii-l t!ie gift of bennty ! fatal Kpell! I () iii n a lure, to woman but a nwrt' A many a broken, bruised flower can ftijl, Jr'K-ping and blii'hted in tlto world's parterre; . -J't'ij'tof M earthly Tragrance;-.tlmt dotli lie,' -.- A nun amid weed, to wake llie gaer's tgh V---- . Th.iU Imtt thfli gift of goodiiem! ohf my child: " MuyVt iIhmi reinin thin pear!, fbuv1 til prlccv To ,'iiUIe thy 'foolstf lliron(.'h lite'a ilnngcrotia wild, ' Where rotea hne the treach'roiw thorns of viccl A fuiotlet 'twixt thinn eyea, may it lie bound, T An amulet 'giiridt il! that gird eauh's-pilgrtmi musical rtoMi'osmw.. Iladyn whon ho mi down to compose, always Vcssi'd himself witti-the utmost care; lind his hair', i ly powdered, and put on his best suit. Fred. ric II. bad given him a diamond ring, and'IIa. i?vn declared, 1 hat if he huppetied t(4 begin with. f iit it he could not sumnioit. singlo Jdea U - j im'J write oidy on the finent pflperi ami was "a -; nrtirnlur in firming his.notes as if bo hadbnenen r-ravms mem ;otl, coppertete. ; Alter .all tneae - ' rpm 5?ub:riber Harteen wgajfed tor unwardirof lea, .mite prt f-araiions, he. boa4 by clioiiwng'tlwf't erne of his subject, and fixing into what keya he i and ofhfr Machinery when-worn, or boated. Uyhis i -.bed to modulate it; and he, as j werefc variod 1 j method, Irons of either apright, or boriwntal Uudgeon t,e nction of hls subjt, by imagining to himself 'w the bush for thff Spindle and Ink, run much t'.io incidents f.fs-fme little adventure or romnnre. I lifi'r fyl ntciulwr thi.n Uk-j on tlieold plan -T; Cluck, hc;U, Wf.-:httrr-? win j" '311', jmu inn 'i.iii. i hi i it y huh n vcuuuiui ... ; tncadow, ami with a bottle of chunipaigne on each j- side of bim, trannpnrtfd his imagination to rJywnm.; "'-t5.1"ftr,"riilnh orgTitomv irnHgui'ition, preUred .t f:0"oiemo.BUuHtii i a snncipu :.,, i v.. . :..i i room, ilimtr- - CitiiftriMflelirhttdVrino flnd m rtlir f J by a prty of friendx, he composed his operai end as the idea presented ttieirnelve, ho seized pnd embodied them. In thi& way he planned the !eautiful opera, Jl MtUrimnriio Stcrefo.. ;i 1' ' " raslell6"cb'm'piiae4Vw7r' Saiiglfi!' and Ia Moliomrt, in bed. , if .. .1 . 'urchini declared that be never had" momenta r f itifpiration,' f icept bia two favorite cats were . i.Uiiig one ort each shoulder. ; t ' Ytry '6W Tin Now York Whig iquibt in 1 thie wiani. a.w. -w-..'.-v-f v-.af-r?; Hiinlind, mrallg and grammatically. Man- ; ' 'nd may be divided into throe distinct cluw;si !;erlutiv!!y honest men confirmed acoundreU, . .! no nmn at all." ' ' . N - ,. - -To ! i'h the Fbilndetphia Time adds1 lh fo. ' i::g CP';'il hit.. r--3 . '" 1'iMt person Weore. -- ; ; .1 ' cond do. Vk or Yop ere. ' -v . , A liJy'i secrecy bus been complimented in r!i) rre ShrHtccret an V- r-voT allow." r I do I cann-t i!.,nbt it : ' : 1 B'i 'tis a-rravr .tu tomWtrtnca t)iti-e-'to'TrTr : That tcL y i ;i;t tikmt U r '','': ' ; '1 he C':ar and . ili soldier) tl .t v i :r! wv, th" em:-: T i ,'); n'.'.r rerifie. They it;-, 1 i t n "every 'division i; r i : ( I. .-in Willi tlH aeciWWtnr I : . i;i, j s, my children J? to which ', ' . ' rnr, We th ink you, '1 f " cr;' I vd:z il fi'i'd, the eiuue. I ' - la tt I.. bltTtHnn:?r3'Ti''. " rs ;" and tiien walking from .the v ! liiod, I am sti-fW with your r ( ..y ri.i'ilren." - We'll do b"ttcr i ri iu cry from the bnttliotis." . ',y !c-criMii! n-' flephnnt, remarked oi ''ii nniriKil loolt c;iro never to be . l ' ..i s uirrii il his tronkH'Sife hiiii. - ' i Wire. V"7. well reinniljtth.it i ti.-iy I'" of great aitanee to. by wenriujj n rlieerful ! ,er cnHoit K-e.; A innn's ,..' ure iueri ii'M'J a bundred ! ( li,tTn!"H i iiioiit with a cumin- : r ! v. A!ra-f;f, fiieerlul - 1 i , r-.f -U v. ii 'ii ! r ii '-l' iod's i . ' i ... 1 1 leiii," .'-i ; 'nil a dn !. . ,",! " '; i.t the l.i.ur d Irmili'i; i ; di l.i !,t J i t..iiuii Uff i;."inr:i!ii i il ili-li a pimple, t'O'il- 'j tit k ilx:Vir .in try ii.g t iie:n ji't tr Ty destroyed heriiose, rendi red unseemly, hhc hi II i.' r vi-v'f? !e -UI2 t'ltis (I to Dr. W'uncii'f'ir t.inee, ,chc bore liit- rhiilAplai'if! operation itlr)nt Iliiichir'St whit h 'ti p'-rlorincd on fh; 1 1 III nit. Kvery thin h4 W(rk"I kiqllv, lh! nose knit by the firit iutonlion, end the nostrils niul wint are well turned, and prfHn'iMj to e1 n irn proving in appearamojV. 1'. Cour, Vmj. ' TAILORING BUSINESS. c. UKSI'IXJTFl'LLY take this method to inform bi friends and custoincru in (xwicord and iU vicinity, tlml be atill cootinuea Ut carry on the above branch of Hun ne m at hn old utand in Concord, Koirtb of the etore rd Mtwn. . F. &i C. I'hiler, wiifere be will bo (wind at til time, ready to .. - - ..-'.....; it -v ,; V v Cut, iii:ike or Execute, i any work in hi? lt. Hi long experifnee in the BnL tm, tiifl paint he ia now taking to receive the fartirnt ttthtmt Iroml'biradeTjdiia andlMew Vurk, eiwErvat un to my, that the work dime at hie iSlw;p, ihill be ot Uie nil mmjmxmir- ' . Dest WorkmanBhlp.' . J N, B,' He will a!ao teach (aa Aent) the mncb ap. t.i .i....... . em ii -i ' pinvru pyeien, 0i i . wiivrr n i-riiiaiRipnm, to any one who wiaitea iiwtructwn in bit r'yatem ot euttinf. ' tlI,IHJKING. fPHE 8ubirriler wishes lo inform his customers ' ami tbe public generally, that ho still carries - 00 .,,,e Slone 'iittin IliuineMii. and is ever ready to execute, m very "irimnr -manneroll description of work in his line. . Uuid Urindert, MiU-Stonri, Wind and Door sills, Door-stsjH and Tomb-stones, tru executed in . a very rare frivle. - His erit for Mill-StonesisverT : good Mr. Philip also brjfs to inform the public J mm ins unii crtui ,ornTiiijj 01 various kioom . lie will Ktigrave niarblo-slalw netiily, ami granite tomb-stones can be well executed if desired. His phargei sliutf i!ayb'1ie';reaonwblrM'ee modating a posHible. ) Peiwiim wwbing fo hnve work done in the above line, will An well t call at the residence nf Mr. I'liilifM, seven miles south of SHliahnrr. ' - knock k. rui ufra: MZA 24, lUWi'- ':' :; -'- tf guo cVittirH,ie a 'iwwji.im ww-w-w -nww vwanrsmrii i t v-ogMnK jxaiKjy, nnw I - cognac Jtfamlv. nnw aualitv. m t ii i . r . . i . . i tin: I a . "t vv m vym'eyjiery,iupw4oryiiitfaHofrt. Madeira W me, . .. , Iaf and brown Sugar, ot different qnalities, CVitleo of Hftrt Miy, ;;; v , ' -r "T1 KpanMi Begars," i- J'iIi Bread, r '-: : ,V ; Hoila Biscuit, and . , . ' Crackens - ,:- ."'"" ' ' IUain8llad OiL& , - S ' C-.'. All of which he iifTrra Cr ante upon verr reamnable terms. Boeswax taken In'exchange tor eoodm or the : niarkctpricepaidinca.b. x. ANLUlK MATUIKU. "JJjWwryy JW-e. i.t. .r: ' :. r;. tf-" t))( lliinhes s.m1 Inks. . Any person wiahmg to procnre'msVhinery rjf thii kind can be suppjieij jrjiJtijrtjc.tarlLTiaitirL it..Unft Rnbrtr. bur by teller, WJJu ockavUie, L)-ve eoonWiN.-', " "rTT KM- Gl LBI KTz jn-uk letm4- 4. jwr:isw;ij5m.iirrwtani vtiM rcler an? one wishing tn. j formation on Uie subject, to Da. A urn, one of the Edi tors ot llie "Carolinisn. . roiirlli and lat Vail t THE underxigned egsin appeals to those indebted to Jbim oriaCcouhrort!i6V way, to come forward and pay. It ia out ot the que. -tion for him to wait or be put off nr longer : his oecet allies art prssing : he has waited years, with a great many, and further indulgence other than lh Isw will allow, cannot be given, if settlement is not made in the " present or vnmiing ruoutu. ' . V, HAMPTON. ,:J.Dl a, isua , ,w:.,,tfv,;-..: riOI'Al. Varnish, English patent Ja.. . Pn Varniidi, Cabinet Kiaing, Dlack Varnish for I In mess Makers, Copal Var-' Diali Cjt Carriage makers, Japan used for pointing fiir Cobinef makers, Sizing fo Cabinet makers, made arid Bold, whole sale or retail, ; . - " ' ... . By C. C. HARRISON'. , Sia leeville, N'o. 1, l&ia -, ' ' 6rn f OLD CASTINGS WANTED.- VE will purchase, arivamonnt of old Ca-'tingsihot; t ? hiay bo brongnt to us ; such as old cotton screwv old mill-gnarmg, old pots, oens, mortars, &e., and wilt pityheceht'perp"a''- CRESS Si, miGEK. ... SSalisbury H.)pt ti, tf - l " Div Plcaaanl liejyIerun, V . OFFERS his Pmfessional Service to tbe Citizens of Salisbury and its vicinity. He occupies the Brick OflVe "f the Me IV -Milrhell, - V ' "T5abbury; May iCl'SK . , - I nsPIXmU LLY biforiiw bis rnVnds'arltl'tne public, that he nj still at bia old busino of SiOXIX UTTIXCJ, . -. .. w'ven mile Siiuth nf Salisbury, arid about a mile from the old Cbarlenton Road, where hehrprep;r: i'l to aocoiiiiinKliiiiUhie wishing work in hu hue. lie now has on hand nnd Cot .sale, a good supply of j Mi LIj-STONE, of various aiie and prices, from j tweuiy-Ave I thirty dollar a 'pair, of the best grit , ami worknirnliip : fil WINDOW SILLS, from f l to S-'.5.i; IHKIK.SI f.LSfmm 91 f.i$:i; DOOR ! 8ii;i.s ii.-xt; uoi r.ii iu'ILding rocks ; from t'- to -vviit-liv ciU; TOMB 8TOXF.S i fro ii sfli) to ; COLD (up shaft) (JRINDIUIS 6 a im re. . ; ' ' - I ie S;;!H-riU-r h nnd fi:s deterin h' by cuwe attention lo bui. itin to furnish none but the Ml . , ', H t.'l t.i' ' . 'I I ,.(). , . ( 1 ! 'u w. .y.tau';:, : T.Jittir ami l'rnprietur, rpiU3 : mimihly Mgii7.ine. devoted chiet!y to Lit- ; I i. uuTiur., hut c-ctt-'ioiwJiy li inn ro. m nirto i..r r i ticlen tiiHt tail Killiin the 'in-opeof l.sKi and not pro!i Miin an entire diMluui of usicful tUctiun, tliui;h j its matter ha been, as it will continue to be, in toe ! main, original, - , : i 'r(y J'ulttirt and controvert!" Tlu nhtgy, as Ut at possible, are jealwfcdy excluded. 'J'hey are orjn.c-tnnrt '; m) Ulenoeu wiui aineussionn in iiifraiure or in inoiai (t' . ence, otherwise iwobjectiouable, an to gain admittance " for the aake of more valuable matter to which tliey ad here but wtVn eser that happen, thry are incidfnaJ only not primary. They are tlrmw, tolerated only be cau-ie it cannot well be severed iom tbe alerting pre wherewith it w incorporated.-' REvmwa andCan iciL NoticM, occupy their due anace in the work: and li i the tditor'a aim that Uiey , ahould bavfl a threefold tendency to convey,' in a am j denied form, ancb valuable truiln or intoreMing irici l denta as are embodied in the work reviewed, to di- 1 reel the reader'a attention to book that deserve to be i . t . ,.. . - ' j . . '. : J reao, ano to warn nun againm warning ume ana iwm- . ti noon that larce ouruber. which merit onlr to be rturned.: In thieage,of"pubiicati()na tht by their va riety and multitude diatract and overwhelm every un (liHcriiniuntiDgeiudenU ikpah iU. CaiTU iim. governed JI Iba,?)CW. juH tufiiUojitdJ n'iilni oiatjle and indirpcnible of-auxiliariet, to hun who doe wjik to discriminate. ' . l'tn, and TalM, having' in view utility or amose mnnt, or both HnrroRicat. aiiirrcnEa and Kcainia ciww of events too minute for Hitrtory, yet elucida ting it, and heigbteniog its interei, may be regarded as forming the stnple of the work. : And of indigenous Porrav, enough m publwhed autnetimes of no mean . strain to maoifcet and to cultivate the growing poeit cai taote and talents or our onnyy. The time appear, for several reasons, to demijurJLLI M JiecaanoIieat;.Jispp4ite-tfei end be hmthee i y s -- r- ---cr-i-- r TL . fu.-i. .:... i. :L -. A ...;.l. ..Jk. "work and" not one" alone," but many. The public mind m fnveripb and trritated still, train recent political rtntea; The sort, aneuaaive loflutnc of Literature te - need!, to sllay that fever, and soothe that irritation. ; Vice and follv ae rkitine abroad: Thev should be driven, by indignant rebuke, or lshd by ridicule, into . uieir uiung bsuiiis. . ignorance torus ii over an im loenee proportion ot our people: Kvery spring ehotild be set in motion, to arouse tbe enlightened, and to in rreaw their number j so that the great enemy of popu." bir government may no longer brood, like a portentous cloud, over the destinies of iiur country. And to ao eorrrrdfidr air trne endav wlia tTtwrr powerfuragent can-" be employed, than a periodical, on the plan ot the Me. - senior ; ir that plan be but earned out in practice! - llie South poculwrlv rennires lurh 8A agent In, ... all the.. Union, Honth of Wastilngton, there are but two Literary perualicals! .Jorthward of that city, there are ptobably at least twenty-five or thirty Is tbiston- ' In A jurt.fled by the wealth, tlie leisure, the native 1 talent, or the actual literary taste, of the Houtbern poo. ' pie, compared with loose of the JV.fflhef.nJLJVoiJbr., lTelth; ttfehW, arid 'bjsterwe may justly claim a- loam an tqHtuitf wild our Dretnren; and a domestic .. intitution excTiuuvely our own, Wyund aij. doubt, aM- fords un if we clwoee. twice the leisure ffcrrcadineand wntioir, which tm enjovi r'"""" '""Z'l th was iioin a deep sense or tins .i. ti wa iiuiii a ueep seuati ui ui Micai wsnt, in 11 me word Hovthkbw was engraftRd on the name of.thia pe-. nodicalT ind not with an deviiru to nourieh local pre judices or to advocate uppoed local interests -i Far -L fmrnrany such thought, it is the Editor's fervent wwh, W see the NoTth wd uTfi'toun lorever, in tne silken Hands et mutual kindness and af fection. Far. from meditating hostility to tbe North, be has already drawn, and be hopes hereafter to draw, much of his choicest matter thence: and happy indeed . will he deem himself, should bis pages, by making each -region knew.. the other belter, contribute irt. any essen tial degree to dispel the lowering c.'ouds that now 1 threaten the peace of both, and tobrighteu and strength en the ssered ties of fraternal love. The Kutrruna I jtxsakt MtssissoEa has now com pleted-its sot'RTa vdume. How fr t has acted out th ideas here uttered, is not for the Editor to eav. IHe ' believeia, howerer, that it falls noi farther short of them, than human Weakueaauiually makes I'roctict fall short DecemWr, ISIM, -"- . - -' ' '. ' . ; aeea'Kt r.vi.bt oxmiiirmwmmnd tneedi.v. -a t r ,rvrst v r - - .. .-.a, tt,,. . .. . jaTAr .asw- 1. in trencral. tliat thev hive lust 'rsreited thni win. ply d" FALL & WINTER OOtJDS, comprising aU uiosl every article usually kept in this sectioii of coun try, which they offer upon the usual terms, cheap lor , Cash, or to punctual dealers upon a credit of twelve montna. , Just received a choice selection of the best IIS r ;.' " ' ! with a gnod supply of ' ' all of which they will Jtspose tjf upon the most favora ble terms. C & B. tender their thanks to their friends and rrmtomers, and bope by strict aitenlioti to businc,L in mem a connnuanee ot me jimc. , , .- :- - - Salishnry, Dec. 1, ":K ' " tf . JETcw Goods, Just received and for sale, wholesale or retail, the fol lowing articles: k - .. ,.., - Ofifl ,c't" jverponl Salt, largo sixes, v "'W 10 hhds. Supar. ' 1 v 2 do. N. Orleans Molawca. " : .r; ' J cask Rieis. ' 20 boxes bent bunch Rn'isene. rsK-T X. W.eaaki Cheese, -. " fttl boxes olaas. 8 bv 10. ' 1 . RtlOlbs. Putty. ' '"75 keg w1ntela J." I bid, Dutch Madder. 12 Mill Sawa, " "; It) cniMi cut do. . . . . - . V-- .')0 botiles Rowan's Tonic Mixtnre!. ' . - - v v J. i w; MURPHY. Salisbury, Dec 20, !.... . - 1SoUccf flMIE amall house situated on the corner of Main str. " 4 k directly Ojipiwite VS m. C'hmhen, H-q .and ftr!y oppmstte the bianch of the Cape Fear Rank !U.,thiaTpwnr.: bervtofiiro known ass (eKnelfmait'ing Shop, may atill- i known as such ; and theSubsrrtberUltes plessitre ' J in announcing to hie friends and the public, that he is prepared to eirente rvery Variety of work in his line I (at a very reduced frke.. The eubMcriber will keep Constantly on band, nady made, a small supply of t ftclstt:adt; fiurraus Talks, sc.; and will, wheu it i conver)ien, take Country produce, Plank and Scamlm in eAcl)ane tor work. . Dec. St- To the Cilieiti of Salisbury. v rl,j IE undersigned having determined toonen a Scjiool for boys in thi place, on the It of March next elicit the ptroiiao of his friend and the citizens' generally. " T. PHILLIPS ALI.KX. ; iCJJl) Q LTD V Jr y ... ,- l The following is an extract from a forthcoming work of Dr, I'eiers, the discoverer of the cck bratiHl w Vege Uble Anti-Itilioue 1'ills." " - , " mHai.th, wealth, and enjoyment, are the three prime objects of life. The two former are only sought as a means to obtain the latter. 'Man aeeks for wealth -ss a means of enjoyment. But vsin is ueh pursuit without the possession of health.. Without bodily vigor : and strength, neitlier the physical nor the mental nei ther the inner nor the outward man is capable of any achievement, whether of wealth or of enjoyment ' 3f ns sane in, corpiri sano a (ound mind m a sound ' body is the M!0lul QL'M,riliL affv efllcienl eflbrt m tlie"attaTnmehl of human coda.' Ttlit minil ma v be active, but if the bod t be feeble, then S V lie tbe muui eekivete little pui awe.- Enjoy menV lrrrtr-jTltog. there; and the finest laid plsnsare. rendered abortive by the shattered condition of our tenement of clay, But' say thirl a ma n could obtain wealth that he could ; , acquire the gold of Ophir, and bring home all the trVa. ; sure .of the minea of Colcooda, yetwilhoiit bealth,' where would'be bis.hsppinesa? lie w6uld be roisera- ' ble in the midst of bis irold and his diamonds ; he would bine a war in wretchedness and despairs ami he would exclaim with the wise; man of bid, " All is vanity and vexation of spirit r .His limbs are racked with pain, , his foodj hi stomach if oppreueed With naysea, and he lurnssicneningaway at me nouiuicsoi a munincBiii rru vidence. He would give all ho is worfh riay ,"eir the . wor!d,ifliehad it-fortheprsbuthea'thyman'iiappetite. -" Please giveme," said a hungry wretch.to wealthy, fieble man "Please give me sixpence to buy me a morsel of find ; I am almost atarved P : I would give a thousand dollars for your appetite," said the rich man, as he handed the hungry orje dollar. Of so much importance is health to the enjoyment of ..life U'-t-rr -r-11-; rU-A ..L But whereto, methinks I "bear the reader ask, sub- ervrihis homily on so pfain and hirknied a subject T Uo we not all know the value ot health I , Uo we not . all attend to jt aa one of Uie chief, if not the chieftW concerna of our mortal existence 1 , Do we not employ the means in attain and preeerve ill Do we not lay . out money do we not fee physicians do we not follow their advice do we not swaljow their orescnplions J Trie most true - gentle reader; thou dost all things, we dare air, and more, i Ktill, we cannot believe our t)0lftily 01 teaJih to bfl.a together unoecesaryAs ia I morals, so in physic is.it requteite to have " line upon lino, arid precept upon nreceotn Men in health forjret that they may be sick ; and men in sickness do not all wavseiuD ov the mast mdicious means to attain healtn. . .1 . : - -i r . Ilf . II 1 pursue me rieni roao 10 neaiin. ivw, i anow oi some i people who are alwaya dosing themselves with physic,-- and running to the doctors and spothecagea every day ot their live. Tbcv take, 1 verily believe, a cart load ot drugs jn a year, andxRl titey.Jf.6Jl"Uvcll afti'-r aIL-. i") you Know me reasoni . ., Why, yes, in my opinion, there are two reasons. In the first place, they lake too much medicine, and in the second, they do not take the right kind. I need to make the same mistake. But lately that -w to nay for two or three yeara past I've hit upon a better plan.' I take ut. relerse Vegelablo Bilious fills, and 1 derive more benefit trom one dollar laid out in them, than 1 used in paying fifty in any former pursuit of health, besides sa- vinga world of nausea knd distrust in swallowipjr an en ormous quantity of medicines. Do you know Dr. Peters? . )ery'Weii.:4-:-'-.-,:,:.7 v; w? ,;5S-' t'---sl. -.And have yon ever taken his medicine !'. ii:-- 41 .i s a m a - . i nae; i were a Diocaneaa cise. . ' " Tbey tell me he is none of your quacks, who un dertake to mend and regulate the human machine, - wunout so muca aa knowing ot w.lat parte it consists, and how they are put tojrether.' They say he under stands anatomy and physiology, 4 think ye eH tfieui f ana is as laminar wiin Dotany and cneimairy as I am -'. wnn uie roan to mill. . . VoiriTeurhtTnfbrhjedT-DrTPeier ia"no cmmric lla.doe a aot.undartaJte wUt4t4oenev understand. - Ue-wae jcgulaxlyJred to the healing LUW9,.jjaa'.- Biwni veanr in me acnnimnnn or snowinnirer on iisoi.. - rvoted bttrwJr Oiftltudy Juinatt inMnaN llie i .1. . .... ......... -t. ..7... : oisensea to wmcti it is sunjeel, and now he is applying nis acquisitions to tne reiiet ot aunenng numaniiy. tie does not put torth the absurd claim so otten ad vanced by the inventors of parnt nostrums namely, that of curing all diseases with a single. prescription I Such a pretence he would deem about as difficult to awallowr as-to-lte the new biim of -tfMse-who ptrt rt" lortn. j nere is no such medicine. I here is not. and never was, a panacea for all disease. The vwrrBi,B ii.ioi e nua pretend to no such miracle. But what, is infinitely better, i hey effect whatever they undertake. . They keep the word of promise to tfce stomach, and tho Tnma am wnicn mey maae 10 ine ear nn eve. .Aod that iudoed ia no alieht tecommendeticm. Kor arc the complainu to which these Pills are adnpted few nor ir between. I he disorders arising from a morbid state ot the Bile are,-unfortunately, many, distressing and fatal. A huge proportion of all the fevert, espe cially at the South and in the marshy d'wtricts, are owing to this cause, from the distressing ague and fe- ver, which almost shakes asunder lifo and limb, lo tha, : featful "Yellow Jack," which seldom quits his victim -without asundcrmg and body aa he lake his leave. Conversant from his previous practice, with disease, r in alt its form s which originates of the disorder of the Bile, Dr. Peters was 6m led to employ his knowledge and experience irt the preparation of a medicine -which-tlxjiild prove efrVadoiwIrnhu large" class of dScsies, which should should relieve the aching ani dizxy he.id.. andrresture the nauseated and bathing stomach, it the " mme nine mi ii prevented tliose more ratal enecU ,.,J,:r jurtidaratioa.to-4he purpase, tlte Vegetable- Bilww Pills, which he 'ra happy to say, from long experience and the abundant testimony of those who have employed them bare answered, more than answered his most an guine expectations. , ' " : , " uuiuin im urrevron. wun iniiru care ana a - It is not h own r"Tff Wflrrtim that ton ard catlsT upon I to believe. It is not tlie ipse dixit of any singte man Ibouah h was aa treat as Gafrn or Hrouncratea that yon are to pin your faith Uon. Neither al- ; though it is wid in the sacred volume, that "by the. ; month of two or three witnesses shall all things be es--' ,,l,lh4!fN4,"-r "t WlX ...jKlicsciko wIL whuUh. wilyl "A cloiid of wltnwl', is. before you. They are too numerous ro beesdy evbdied tliey are tou' . intelligent to -he earehwly heard.; they are too respec table to be slijhtly regjrdtil. ; , i Believing the souLaneou testimony of those wlmee v ejtporwoe m ne Wi,f ot the truth they assert Dr. Peters has thrown together in the following psaes, a few of the many hnndieds of testimonials received from every quarter when hi pillshave come into use. .They . sr left to speak for themselves. ; Tbey are the words f those who "speak, whit they do know, and testify , what they'have seen and experienced." - (KTl!ecri'fiiJandenq'iiretiirl,etrrAr-Efetiih!ePi!ls; 1 they are fold in Salifhurv by J,im M orpliy ; in Ix'nrrton J. P. .Mahry and in'Clmrlotte t y Wi!moA: Um!, of whom they can be bad at the S. V.'rk -holocale priu ?. ' rpUK irlCK are nil M Oih woiiderfitl Me. i:',S.IMM, i,i a v 1 t. 1 !. A. Wm. J. Alcxiiuili-i K. Mira K..r IViiii' tit! c,i. ('In. J, Aldnd're, J ' r. iti, .Margaret Anderson,, Mih. Eliztthcih j; L r.rnK.h Trofk, . jClmrlen Lucns, 'Boht, V,. Love, Miss Nunry lJr,,;.. Hiiniel Linlanh, Thoa. F. L)werv, NV'm. J- Ixive, " ' . Sam'l. Linn, Patience Iwig, or .Humphrey I.insu-r M. Tobias Movers, John W. Moycra, 2;.SamI, Mann, Henry Mi!htN """ Ka ilia n, M organ, J, m George Miller, : , ,John II. McClain. Janii'B Brown, ' Jih. I.rown, Horace II. Board, -Ebenexer Burkheud, MiaC. IVard, .Mrs. Amelia Ballard, 3, Jacob Beaver, (, ' AuHtin Hiadriliaw, Henry Ilnwinger I'aul Beaver, Susan Bulling, - Elizabeth Bolin, " Mrs. Sarah How, . John Barringer, . -,'" c: , Mfa. MarrCliambera, Andrew Lrantord, .; Jease A. Clcmmomv W infield Klutta, . ' , Wm. II. Currelon, Carter Crittendou John CTement, , ; David t;urrvl 1 ' Dr. W. 1 Moultri in. R.r. JTcClain. ; Mis Scota Meliia. ; ; John"Mcecly," JglioJIcIfoiL. - i: -. 1', 1 B. ParsonsL. John Parker, ..' , Jacob Prnpxt, :, Wm. Peouigcr, -"' R. ::. . Noah Roberts, Peter Rough, ; ; Joim Rosatnao, 1 I , Wm. Rough, ' - : Wm. Ibibertsop, . Conrad, D. F. Caldwell, U Adam Casper, ' ' ' d. : Mr. Mary Int' ;r , Ilemy-Doland, 2 . Wm. G. Davis, ' , ' .."'' E. ,;. f'" Robt L Eilmonda, V" Allen Egner, ,'. " James tlusli, Jnarriet Stcele,. Albert R. Elliottc, - T.Jorkner, 4 v i Mrs. Aancy aani'ii !.HeTlJF!t.Berjt.yiriimv G. Wm. H. Scarboro',!!' Warren Green," f .; " David Gardiner, -John Goodman, John Graham, Dr. Jaa. & Gilliam,' U. Rachel Ann Hampton, Guy Hill, ; ; ,, :,' Henry Sechler, James Sloan, . Joseph Scott, . Suan Swink, . Leonard Swink, :V, . T. Rev. II. II. Tippc'i, I. W. Taylor, a, Dr. Roht 8. Trowr,. Moee Thomait, u t Henderson, Winiaiiisoo 5. Harris, John Ileadener, Richard Harris," .i- Wm. Taylor.r- .r W m. J. Tuincr, . . Burgee Thomas. . V. , - George Vice, w, ' Aaron Woolworth, ' ; Mrs." Elizabeth WihV-, r-P.'llt-WeHa;'-?1-:-' James Williams, or ) . -Georije Good ma nt , ( -. Nosh' Wyatt-.. "s. Mm, Ann Wilson. A, Iauiri'Wilhelmr;': ' RD. Hngusnin, . Solomon Ilielick. -''. Thos. T. Hunt, , U, Wm. Hornbarger, . ; David Hunt, - - - Wm. Harn,v ' Pit tea I isefcetf Preston Harrv. (Jasper lloldstiouser, John llartman, ;; - Mrs. JVar.cy Hall, 2, Kindle Jacobs, : Thoe. W omaek, ' . Nathan Johnston, : " Y. John Joeey, or) ' Philip" yoaste, Sen. Peter Jorey, ) , -H.-)VrCt)XN0R7P. lr LIST OF LETTERS, REMAINING In the Post Office at Lexington, k January, WKr: " . A. . . J7" - Benj. Albertson, .: JohnJjmler, ' ' '.v . B. James Bryant, Casper Bringlo, John Ing, Long, Jacob Bierlv. M. tieorne Bier v.- - : . Wm. McKorv. .. . ...... - - M Wm. McRory, William Butler, 0. Bryan, Geradus Me Dona Id, -' William McCarn, Mrs. Penny Mallard, R. Joseph Rice, 8. . Lewis Rowrra, . ' . James Hluder, "Lkwrenee Sescrwr, Jacob Clodfelter, . - - ' D. NJ..P. DouUiet Daniol Dclap," Jewe Holmee, Mictauineiltict-. John Hednck, JohnP.IL-dtick,- . Philmllednek, William Hill, John Weodly, I.- Henry Wa Iser, i Jacob Walwr, -'-Jolin ard. M. ROUNSAVILLF, P. V. Ixingfon, N. C - aait ; Thomas - VosVct, v T NFORMS bi friend and ihe -p!i.. pi; J -"Hut he lias taken the' House. fornix rlr fitioccupied by Col. Wm. F. Kelly, ia -Xts'-; town of Mkville, Davie countr. " th vmw of keeping PRIVATE EN TERTALYVIM'. The House ia roomy and comfortable and in tbe t ness jnrt of the village. The subscriber pln1 U best exfrtirms ro' render wtUfaction to all wlw irt call on him.-Hii TABLE will at all tunes b" ? plied with the best the country afTords,and bis fc' stocked with tbe choice Liquors. Hi Stable in extensive and safe, will be well supplied with ? i Provender, and attended by a first rate Himtlrr. MockwviHe, Feb. 2. ISH .... ,. i ; "Wanted Imraedi.nfelf. A GOOD Journeyman Tailor, of industrionsbs-' to whom constant employment, and gool ; ill I . - r r ' liOlfl' win jk given. ' .... . I. i, i im Concord, Nl C, ianuary 10, 1W9. '-' -"X -T S the demand for Mulberry Tree ' if. much prealer than fHn be s'lppiK"1. "MWJ"-Jv' Hiibacrlfier liaa cone.hii ed to iUu 5f !' ':,'i-An J ' his Stock intended for his own use. 1! J are ui inn ; enurne",Wrus AWxr,"so extensively eu.ti ted in Daly and Franc; and which wriior up b ' Silk Culfare adm, make the beat kind of Silk. B 1 - ot the e.;ond Veaf 's growth, they are large enw:; ...... r.n DC trinspanteil, whuhiiiay save two jears flew v payntTlr1SlTf Wiing In' engage in tbcTniitnew-"' " I Ibave tti ft. snare can be delivered at anr time N't' J Uiis ana the 1st of Mireh. and unoo toruui much I" 1 than the Neri hern prices. Letters addrnsKod to n-5 Davidson College, post paid, will be prompt! to.. . - Z!- - - . K II MOIUU. , -wi.!arregen)ixiis3.T '"'' tr. NFAV FASHIONS, FOR FALL &.' VINTp. '; nOIMCE. IS. I5TAKP, RESPECTFULLY irdbrms his frien.ii ami : public, that ho still tarries on the TAH-1 1NU BCSINKSS at his old stand oti main s -f m-xt dwir to the Apothecary Store. lb' ' ready to execute the orders' of his cuatum' tkand iiuinnoif not surpassed by nny vti1!" iii t!ie western part of llie'State. II" it jo ' nti!:ir rereit of tlie Intent ; .on.loti nnd N('w FASHI0N'8,a:i.I prepared to nccomimx!- ta?'.ra of the fashimiiiblu at nil tinn-. frT f l ti.'vr firmenl j i.f nil kitl.l nitt'!!1' pn.inptly ; nn.1 the llil't' to Colli., -v ! Intent l-n-i lions Lirtil-!" bed n' .iiol, nnd iiilruijttodi .' I r,t I',- r f r b 'I" i V .if ! Ir oil X !!:. tiesj bent ii I W iii a i'ii-' ', in- VB !. ' i I on red need terdw, tiMiicrit and ' STl . A T,,K tl"'o,!i.!.rr,l H,)r,e LATH (iieine ft liir'i i -sl !l!iI.J. jS.i!i-!;iiry, .'j'i. 1. ,1.1 ll.U p i ion im pitiMie patronage. ru'.n viini it io: I.r S,il si 'tl enmity. A' C. .IV i"if', - p i'i C.i'oiiy -Apnl-Hv A. ... VI. v, ( V '.yy;'uU Joy Sae Vctc. i I .1 ll.C tl.1, z in.,' s.n at. tie; urv. N. C. r.,r n u. i.u. a tf o i.,t 0.r..f," l'h'r.tn Ir I-O.l -rn;tt' - Cott. ?-';5iJ.lli('' s,:- at the r' ( ,.ii , i (' ,1 i..l t.'.nit-l e 1-HUiMii'j, I I-1' t JNO. YOl'iVC. n (irivr . 1 A 'A ".".. UI. i li'iu Iiioiie. ft i if A n c-