! r .1 . I i: I i I i v,- t I', 4 II t I , ? r fin. t I i ' i ii !. ,.,! ' - II. J.O ' i-'A I')" I I ';' t .f tii- tr. 'il tiitu.ii, ' It cvuM ' if fc'lth 'il!i;U (l.i:;iiS 'T I'l, V. h benight C'TiJ V I ''f ii: i.iry h;'i.-.ulii!i.ii ill i' ii'.M'iiy. till. J: 1 1' ,1 f.. "'' ' " K tXj'iriti;;, it h l popular Pro'idcat' w hiM b-u-l :I.o lit nurri'iM. Ill l.iekin" to the tu- n - a and i-urea-ung corruptions ol r. i ii -"ti.ii ln.:irt and ftru !i (,t s'ntesiritin might ' l l'ene, that a union .f money ;d uI i j i-ver ff.t hi.p'.-sible who then could t:.-j IV- i '. Mt unl (ho bank cortli!fifd't who ! .'ire r a,iii Mi vrii-ir;iiii-t the tf4Ufir'.f .'Mrs rod ivc.iljh? n-id who doe not see Ihnt, ffiy -nf t!i- ftH-aiif.! character, would iaSe the ' f ur present Government T ' .,;Vr t'f t a hank" ofjarge capital, .'r c!i;f !vr"(t by the General or State, Govern , n i i Ut.-.-ucy to : cuTveritral$ !i trade rfii no) North'- : c niiiirv . ill .particular.-point..' I l!. commercial pro-perity ' of our -M-iiir-n; t,tt If ) M wi:i 1 (' ' f-r-.I ' ":fni'.j"t" it : t ill ,'fli r 1 ii i . : . . ; i ( Miiiii'i'M II M I V"ll"'"rVV HUM i inn r!wi:i I-i th trader and merchant .1 .'oi Il iv.'nt! I I; th Kiey of the ba'ik, i .ter tho ini er'ry 'if I Mat secMion, where" iu :i:.t!!f'f it-inl tit., fjri'l lwnl focliity;, wtni'J J irr! ico thciij t.) 'corrHl.Jfr the, uDspcrilv. tf r ii c.tv (,ir r.tij :i im i U' tici(t..r jirit K.tutht m mercininn nhouli! h;;l!(Ki of our iil,T mii fcrifi i J net1 c wifio of ftirci"t) rfcichn. .' ' . .. i ti . . . .i... .. ji i..if mill in iiHiun in iii.iyi i HI'.,- jil-iajl' nil VI i'e, hi the.' cMlf jjljcrof jij. !criir'.j .f ft "o;i!o will ut . . ) t.ir c i iiiti'-rc -;'i..l t!..!t ih- i: 'v I i..,i',.( ..... ".iJ. . IJut wIumi cirfiiinnint'C r ri'li c:tnn-)t Iw f!iony:l if tlio old v !, f il.ii.nl .y-tth-J lubiM mi oer i.iii.HM'M i ( ci'pithf,' wnuld'Trnilcr the :! 1 f i ni !M!;o:i) ro I htctlinre u;!u fir : Tin: iiii ich.:iM of i'io S aiih Iiavo . t :;.i!i''i t.f t!i"ir own tii'crit, jwtd Brscu i : r t' !i ; :i dlrr-ct tra lo nith ctlwr vT i ft hi i;S !!! ; wi.m!J ti !in!i C'lvcriipd by Ncr y,, "U i. ; .'li. k:inJ!)' i-.-v,H!h-H-inlort y foiitiavcu"! that n Iowa Invdrnbly In cnniR mi iiniKirlanL 1, U". 1 i-i thn I il ls , fl 1 i-l I . ..'; (.11 " ! i..-i, t'.'-y : -M'.'u i-j!ia..i-?kai.d tire iu !'.' J i.Mt is -if.ir:ii ;.;... T: li.uik mid nil tin; uli.'iirn of tin; (innrral (In m riiiiii'iit Sru of b'-,s t-oijccru tn us, than tlio B'ila ii:i2 oi'ii-itioa w liii.h U-vii thrust imaM country' ' j by tlio N"itlirn Abolitonistit. Tlies pcojilo d. i nirtiiM-o nhvfts m rh) in iid and jniiHlice to niah : tho f)io.( opprubiuu epithet are etini on th cili- r rfiiwcftho SoHjtlii, and every, tiioun in token, so- crc tly and opt.nly; to i xciie the slave and 10 lerri- ' fy th fiiatf r, M.iny pnwcrful prewe Rre nt their' C'oiiiiunnd soiim able and eloquent men are in their " r.uiks ih iisjirwj of -paper, Iwoks, nnd pirlurei are daily isiitd to infl ime thn public niiud ; and ns , homnierca hetwpen thn ijiiei''i entirely .tiinv".-: tricujd, nnt nil cm tniyerwithoul hindrance, and l lie i'oi-l Ufljeh it open alike to the vehicles of poi.. oil and tho roeiwen'go'rs of truth,"Tf li'ubviuua.tltat, Without tlio stricti'it vigilance, the. black rrmy, at ' mie unexpected ir imnnt, be driven to tnadneus. lint lhert met arc .not content with firing at a dis. -tance their eninc (.if dMtructIon j'they dmy po. titiouCourrert to abolinh slavery in the district of J Culuaihiii, and iC thk) be attairirdvthH Cool. unimtrioiic nor 1 1( i:s,f will rewound with their frenzied ebullition. Wafed W Waxhington, in the midst of . alavo -jHtptilntiori and encouraged hr, the example and (nunten;incei)f the Geneml Government, these in. -cea;irie would be o active and daring th'it no thina; trould atein the current of folly and fanaticism. ' .Tbn wftft iisit tho North for the pnrpoie tif tra ding, ore let fo bolieye that thi excitement iacon. fined to few peroonnof ihs:ure character! but the merchant, who are benefttied by Southern coin morce; are interented ttkerp bur eyca closed, in oid-ir th;il the intertourw of (hfi section may not bd interniptod. The politicians too, who are con nected with prouiinent tnmirrthe North,"8re anx--. ioui ti keep down alarm and beguile u into ecu ' j rity, for foae that our people will fly frorn the sup.'. port ot ttuwo ntenuores, which are known to be iden tified, with Northern intcreiits. " Six years ago, the firrt " Anli Slavery Society" was forme in the City of Now York now miiijiunircdAturejprc4--throoghThrfree'Siuitiii, eniijjed in thflking prose. lytcK, collecting furuw, and (JiKtrihnting books and ' pnniphh'H. Influential preachers of the "Gospel, j'J ioff o high reputation for piety aiwt knowledge", deVote tli'ir real and t ilent.to tha promotion ol the canV Tlio seminaries of learning have soejeiie,. w here, pwfewnre and students Unite their eflorta Bg iiiistthe eiice of the South even the school, books are filled with libels on ouchacejnji'jikA. Ktrtnttwrn'ltf ofder thitf IKo InMn' generaiion may come to tho duties of life with settled opinions and prejudicrsA The ounilier tf memlicrt of Congress," .l .1 tJ-itc.. ju.fam uf)viH'y wmCT Tiouinuni, i aany iiicruiinin, and if they )iq seefctly aid the fanatips, or con--hive at their fjpgx L$$4 lOLthe -list, the "plirty"Vnf liftt "be coute nintiblet- Feilotr-eitizent, t r iiHVtt travelleif.at the North, ( have '.associated . with all chi:8 of people, I have endeavored tobo- ' come acaiinintcd with the real state of (bines, and faults benefits, whilst Ijmp'ore yon not tole deceived. .JW,. - The connexion f tin's subject with politics, is at .. onco thu stroiiiTciit proof of what 1 amwrand the . worst siftn ot the tinie4. H the number of the v ii if. -. . . " ii ...i'.L kT.i..i lij . aooiiiiimiiis were nm.iu, boo inu iiorm inoniugniy Wrtwid, both -V hie" fliid" Domor.raTsn would I Ireat them with contempt ;but in Massaohuttt t nil.j -i i wtrihf of rrtur 'attention, h jhith parties court tlie.fiiiatii ; , in Maine and New ; tn rem) t!w tloneral tovernieiit. . f)j. ' Uampghire Jhpy are opponed td' the M Dpiiwente f i io v -ir, thJifivB beoa ifK.rtwo 'u Yi to bo their Lwutenant-tfOVernorV eud in PennavU. vuria the Whig caiutiftate for lvernor was an avowed AboIitionit. Ihead are Ucts which can. 1 not be denied, , .;.,:; y v '- ' ' When Mr. Van Uurcn was inaugi) rated, he de.--tlacil .- hlnwtTf tl- unomprtHniinu opponent rf DUMU)Cjthe, 2h,CUtpTitoni15 ffiought prudent -to stifle tho petitions and tueoiorials on thsgbjecr (rtiil ?Irr rjtlJri of Virginia iiitrodueed a rcioluiion jTiny rtievn-w'te-lamtWtfiriS ther action thereon scveaUy-H iueMb.-4f4He i.Hi-oof Representatives voted against this fcso. v lution, of whini nhie'or ten were supporters ofhe -Adiuinitfatinnrnd the ret were it opponents, ntt a single " Whia" from the North totinc in the au finnative."' Do the I2th of Deeetnlwr, 18H8, MfjV J niorrTon, in new iittinptiiiif , pretiui'U ,IO, OUrXJ iV .r i., ,M r-i, .I" ;,'!;: :I ' .f. In ! I- 1 II it iiit-n t i u.".iini i'.i . etf'!i,,ncy, I ut e.iuiiary i nr.ii.Min-1 ived iKitions. 1 li t I comHIi'il t tfive ' i - i S. W, ,S Wl.ti I nut C! . r iio eotjtrnl I r l-ivrin and ii.1 'rn ft l- V l'4l' Would cf-lit of the'eouutrvt who court'. fi.'4.R.H''ivettrjf-ervv4. rry 1.1 lis own chnnii' In t til the Union, whoso mer- . ' -'re i ri'it n ( - i In xt n ,t fi!f tU-il 1r.ikii1.'Tnhiiie'iio')ei) eu r ii-!vnt.t2.-s iii cou-eij'tence of haviti! the ; n .1 if I'n: rtpiiiil of iit-iti an iiutilution were i '.!,!"! thro'ig'i Urn Srutesi, and governed-by, .11 i n!i''ii.iimore eoually .. .I.'.ic -I power-would ho areally-dimrHishod. -,'.: i i f tha Sooii iiii;t!it tliwi' hojie for sue-' i fi .ii! riviliy, nivi even tho si-nporls ' h In, i xv nil 1 r iii;i tlieir lowly lii ud", tnwrna. i,t a ii uti.Mi of th it lyje, which -HUT, own, -MI.4 my Mijipi-it, mill kUil lake anot!;ef tipjiortumty ot -.I tin the re;is ms. v It it prohahle thai oine of those, who wore w ith in in 11-17, w ill y(. dinti.fied with llid view pro. aented in tln j-aper. i'or thes entlein-n I hall ever .'entertain. Hie warmest esteem, and I itrct that wo heuld dilF r in the tlihteist degree j but iu the performance of lejmlativo duliesan honest ilian ciiiiunrindule his private feelings.-. -. ! on!. I not KtHlain lienerul Jachsoii in bis disre- g ird of the coordinate branches of the Govern- men, or in the prostitution of Ins office to Hie d. "n (, favorites and sycophants and I have, al ways ftnreHntdLbi''h admiration f.ir Mr. May, any even orjjed his chtfn to the I'residcncy but whiW iir. an uurcn keep w it Inn the limits ot ni on. stitmional po er, and swin.Nr ditipoiied to athipt a policy tlntx i just to theSub, and honorable to, himself, ii would be the height of folly to make war on linn, hi order to e cvato a parly, trmn wnicn i differ ciDientiafly, and many of whose niember are deeply IioVtite to (he inlereiita of my own conntitu- enta.'.. Ai for (he diivellinc of i''iiorancc,'and Ihe tHfcitniattinjof - tnaliCe 1" jshair'ehdeavbr io bi"r them with patience and dignity.. 4In the search af ter r nth, I may frequently err, end sometimes be forced In change iny npininns ? but proudly con- seiou (had Jiavo na other object than the wellare of my country, I cheerfully submit to the justice and candor of a liberal community., m "- . Your obedient servant, ( ,,' . CII. MILES SI1EPAUD. Vabihmomn, Pccember 20, 183. . , i 'TWENTV-FIFfVcONGRESS '- - - THIRD SCfelON. " ' - . - "IN SENATE,'.' . , - Monday, Jdnvary H, 1839. . NORTirXJTtROCTN. 'I e i,i!-Btil 1 !;1VW tl l y t'l l'i u-ida xvar, Ilio. puU'kuuJ !' ry, nt, I t!,'i reinovnt of the Aborigine j vi'dofiiici MiiNij'iii, 5uV iudt " ''' r;ri-"J, (i system ofxtrav.i(tnee ,!il !. ! at Was.hionion, which, if con. ! y sift th.-; dm raster of the iloVl I n. i leeniioes of lh oeoii'e. DuF heap and ... r tl.e re ihi ir order. ' The iK'aker haid (hat wan a queti-.n fir tl.e coitei-!c:ati'W of tho lfHi.e. The re..lutioi.., ha- v'wj Ix'en presented, were now on (ho t-'peaker's - (aide, miliject to tlie order of the llou.-e. Oil rnopon of Mr. Ilarriwiti, Reunited. That the Select Committee on steam- boats be Instructed to inquire into the expediency of so amending the act reuiating stcandviats and , other vessels iroeIlcd by steam, so as Jo rcq-uie all eninepTs, Ulore they hall be allowed to act as utich, to be exiuuiiied by a competent board of per- , sons appointed for that purpose, who, upon being, found quulified, .shall obtaiu a certificate to that eiiect.' . .- .-..v. -.LX. That thev further inouirt into the expediency, , also, of requiring all pilots of etairrtVaM flnd oth." er vessels propelled by atcain, to be examined in 1 like manner, and if found quulitied.upon suet) ex- animation, hull also obtain a certificate of a q'lah- fica lions. 'rt : ::! r, ,Tliat they further .inquiret"ito the propwety ,of ainending aaid act aa as to prohibit any person from acting as enptainxjr commander of any a team- hoaf, until he shall have served at least two years ' in said busiuewt ; also, iiito the expediency f re quiring every applicant, iietore examtnatuw, to , bring forward testimonial of hi sober, moral, and tndimtrioua'habita.' ' .'. 'Z '..--.'. '.3.. On motion of Mr. Crabbe, . -J "i -Ilt$oIted, '.That the Committee on (he Poa( 0f-;; fice nnd I'ost Koads be instructed to inquire into the expediency of providing by law, for continuing the present mail faeilitiesof the United States. : Rcsnhed, That the Pofitmaster Genorallw in-, si rue ted to reporf to thi House what amount of funds, in addition to the proceeds of the Post Of- ' tu!e Department, wili.be. necessary to cbntinuer during the present year, the mail (acilitiea on the present establishment, of that Department i and also . to report to this House, what reduction in said mail 1 mail fhcilities he has ordered, and whether such . i- .- t .. . i u rouueuons nave oeen general in any pnn oi ine rOLU riONS OF. THE IWJSUTURBiaLJjynjpjj tifopoTrioir'ttrArtaeniOeilieretoT- , i co;Vc!i.!i'd for a . y'.i.i i-hiMim-iit ; they" fl'lTlliillL tlio V'twrn , -taey. .i4'--!i'!prerai"' V.li ta it i" '.it :e ol c iiwti4ucl.o.i. ivhie.h will swerii -.Vtiyihc li-ntt-.ti.ns i f the X! iiis! 1 1 VI'u. m, and "de ;'sd" the ..vi i-il-i i.i.Trt cnrp.irati.w; On the .tuer hand, lii'iff v, !i i iV-r h .t l it -on mora lhan ' ,.,,1.1 t.,. ..J......I i. I ..:.. . . .. , - 1 ..--.iT -(("ii mini y , i -rcxi t,,,, ..,. nc., liiun,,...,,! Ii rrT.H i Lhy experience that extensive painrTlbodv cerlnin rewdui'ioiM on the subject of he pAw n enj-iiio to i tit ci tneir pnrp-Mteii. - i.iier nt'itsy have actuated the fiien1 of dotnrn .n jimnuf.K :i net. The pronN;riiy of litis branch f iodx-try, u c.itued by tlntter tevted hn foreign ' .,!! th-i l.ij'i.-r the imji-st the 'more 'Lcnofit ao . l) t.'ii: niantifaetiirer, and he clamors for -, r u ;.i., ui.d heary evpeudiliire. We say ;t tU : u,;J i a (sxoit the. a-rriculturul ptminit i' r.nirminity, niid that the Government ha i r .'a t fixer oot dm fit tho cxie nso uf nmitli r ; 1, ;! S .:, s ' 1 !r, !,.,. oHMi tl their OWll ill" ' i, i!i a i: I ' Mitutiim is forgotten, and ev-'- i -Ii nil ! i ive s.'.liCi'ni) is welcomed, be i ii nuke lit a nei-e-.ary. " Il.it wiih all ;;'rt, lite vitt..vi-,Muc of ihs-GnvoinifeM - I o t l.cep pace with the . u -dimi ' if the .;eii i'.Mirer, anj i.-rv v ,,uac m fl.itnr were . i isl vi the Trea-;;i. v ,'T, a.i.lili could n-1 i . by l'. 's '.- c-.-r :l ! er of the General Government, and for 1he pur pose ot otspit ing (he " AlMiliiioo papers," with which the llotwo wii to: be flooded t iltey-etfirm tint control of the Plates over their domestic insti. tutimttt, and rebuke, n o proper spirit, the agitators," who wUh (o U4 this Gnvernment ss a lever to ef fect their designs on tho Sou them country. Seven ty -eight memlier voted l gainst" flie last clauto of tliu lat resolution, ordering the petitions and me. mnrials ef the fanatics lo be laid on the table, " without being printed, readHT-terred ;M of these nine or .ten were " Democrats,' end the rest were " Whiga," not a sinnle opponent of Mr. Van Buren, from the North, voting in the affirmative. Tho Abolitionist and their friends were '-eply offended at the pat-mge of these resolution thoso ivllrt Wnlnit f.t ihlfl U'nA Ol It. n, kl itm.l !. tt.M uilnb.' IH , '". .... v.jii n.iu fit ni'ii irra. i, iin Villi,, I th:c iiii'ii 'iVee'iMMiTofi Utljtfago, nd denounced irjhn puppcn oTiilnve-- expend-ij 'in ''the' pahtic hol lers, whilst they, who voted again! them, were aejatuuu intiuigtt-tJte irutms thefTwrmrtit iiwf.5 ty and frt di-tcuneion. I am fur from saying that nil the Northern Whii are favamblo , to the schemes of thee tni-guiiled people j but Mr. Van Huron ttavingearly taken ground against them, and i i tho bank", and ;-tt enntrihute'd to 'A t'- A reckh f fjv'lf- e 1 in nur ttto dis u-r T of ravineni "ihi friends in Congress having voted wiih. the South 1 1 .1 .l .i .i.. .... .IH" e t i , , v. .ftJ .lrjMii nunrn nuns t; ig-TOiwiiTi ajuurned, and thnt the people Mr. Drown said he rose to present to the Senate certain resolutions which had been adopted by the General Assembly t)t ihe State iif-Nrth Caroline, at their late session, expressive of their views and opinions in regard to some of the important mea sures ana questions m puotic policy, wincn nave been, and now are, pending before the country. . - He then proceeded at some length to state the ,M-4r-tmMinr vi im'Twiiiiiiiiiiis miu inci uturni (hey would have on hie course, after lie had eon eluded. '; - yX.r-L- "" -' L - "- Xbp.zSlBQSt prwenlid,hia icwJftire-4t toe resoiuitons, ana ine course ne n-ii it nisnuiy to purmto in remtion to them. , , -Mr. Clay of KentuckyTnadff' sbrho "iremarls"bn! the resolutions aim the view of tlio Senator lrt)m North Carolina, and was replied (0 by Mr Browti . The Senate look up, as the special order, the bill to provide for the graduation nnd reduction of the pwh 'tf ihe iwUieii'-Vf the motion of Mr. Rives to postpone the bill inde finitely ' ' - ' ; J ; fter some remarks from Messrs. Webster and Morris, the question vaa taken.. and the motion ol indefinite postponemcjit was lost yeas 23, nays 27. , Mr. Clay of Alabama submltteo an ameuament lo make the operations of the bill commence on the first of May, 1S39, Instead of December, 183?$ which wa agreed to.-" rt. "' ." X' -. M r.' Morris offered a tuostitute to the" H1K by wsy of amendment, to strike-out aie-rthe enacting clause, and insert a new bill, containing two ace- lions) the first providing for the absolute ccssioo of all the land that have been twenty years in the market to the states in which they he, to dispose -of them to such mariner; and.ar such price, a lite LegwUiuftJ sntt rateit"trmf IT. ink projier ; and the second iirtior jlhnt a like, cejwion shalrbe roadrtjL &rtMlM4lB It diiy of January f each in the roarfcet. ; ; :- " ' -After femark"frrrm M.rr Mrlff lup'norr thi amendment, and from Mr. Clay of Alabama In reply,"' '. . '. ; ,'..'.' 5,:''C On motion by Mr. Southard, The Senate adjourned -; ,' ' ' ; JIUUSE. OF- JiEPRESKNT ATI V ES,";-;"' Mr. Sherrod Williams offered the following re solutions j -,, :e-:t " '- .. .' " '. ' Retohcd, That it was (he intention of the fra nwra of the. L'euslituUoii, ami Ite espertntiorr nf the people, that the Congress of the United States hooJJ make and enact law for the general good and wellare of (he nation, and to promote the pros- I'cimj uu iihhiiv vi inn pinipio t nuu wncn'on, inteed)f niakmgand enacting la ws for (he gene ral good and wellare ot Uie nntKm, and to promote the happiness of the people, the Congress of the United Slates seems to be assembled far the pur pone of ob!artiin power tor those who are out, and of retaining tk fur lho"e who are in office; thereby contravening (he grca( object and intemioa of (he framersof the (vinatitution and the just expecta tion of the people?,; ihorcfore,' . ' v: . Be it rt wired. That we proceed lo the despatcB of ihe puhlic aodpilvate buiiitiiaif4hetMfon:erid the people, by enactiig such laws as will redound hi t!vn. teat iuUiresU Aif 4le-rttonf wt wthDr Trtii- fae of Siich hills for privoto claimant a justice and right demand. " . . " - " ' ' Resoleed, further If itis intended not to act upon Ihe public ami private business for which wB were assembled, hut only to remain here for the purpose of making speeches, tin; CP"grCr miu1 I- i- l '" r -eim I t:l nr . 1 i-i ; ., , nil V .ii.nl H lit:iong '!nt C..i!e did li.iiliurserj of ti.t; p,r..c i,. ,.v exit ; who are Ill9 l-!au!:e f d ; tin. c itimi.-i, tho. length 1 1' tiu.e II. ej tho caiiiei which h-d to tlietn : and t committee liao power to send, fur papers.'1 5 . 1 ' ' !' "'i T an, mi, i, , ..il ! lW-.i Ti Ay f r wealth, and ;t!i rain," when they though) ) of pririiy. . -i ot evit. v The land Los .V siins? nh'im's and cor- - ! 1 ..,! I. it out a tix.M I r eiiTtion'-ermg p irpv ew Ii-ivd leen bribed to Wiiltmil extended to the dillerent Stales respectively. Un motion of Mr. Cheatham, . ':,: t Resolved, That the Committee on the Post Of-. fice and Post Roads be instructed -to inquire Jnto Ihe expediency of ao amending (he law in relation , to the franking privileges of members of Congress, J: a lo curtail the privilege to sixty days before and after the rise of each session of Congress ; nnd further, to inquire into the expediency of curtail- . m end litniting-lhe exercise of ihe franking privi ileges or the vanous ouicers of the executive De parlments. ..: '....-. -r'r Resoleed, That the Committee on the" Post Of- fice and Post Roads be instructed to inquire into H rite xptitencyrtr eaDii8iiinga. postrpuie to. j IlsTille;in""ricount'y Carolina. A t Z. On motion of Mr. Shepperd, ' . . " ', v V - V : Resolved, That the Committee on Revolutiona ry Pensions be Instructed to inquire into the expe. dieney-of establishmg"B pension oencyrSaienv iiiiiii varuiiiia, .. . . - - .v; On motion of Mr. McKay,-- X- ""''' - X Resolred, That the Committee ot) the Tost Of. ' fica and Poet Roads be instructed to inquire into l the expedience of pefinlnihg agricultural public. f.dni. in tjno magazine, pamphlet, or other form, to -heednyeyed by mail (reeWpoatsge, or chargeable with newspaper postage only. ZXXu- un motion ol nr. Hopkins, ..... , - - -Reitdced, That a SelccfCommittce be appoint." ed to inquire into the expediency and practwabili. -ly of divorcing by law the patronage of the Fed eral Government, in alt its departments, from the . public prewi by prohibiting in future any officer . thereof, in h'hi official capacity, from employing any -comluetor ff avjpol it rca-joorj jt jsrwaw eywaycotnteSuwlih such joonial, to execute any poHo-ot tbe-pubuQriii(ing ; ; aod-that-the aid tomrniilebtiattthorjwd: MdirMruilciloTieir, port by bill'thereqn,.pr ithomise". Mr. Dromgoole submitted the following resolu-- UUMvwbtch tmder he; rule lies over one' day ; Ketolred, that the rule of this House be ao mended as to substitute the eied voce vote of the members in all cases-itrVbicb the ballot ia at pre sont required. v A - ; v . " AnAnl to divide the Counties iutoSch'Kil D;. !r;( , fat other purposes. Ue it enacted by the General AnsrmUti ...- r 7xr.-.t . . i .-. ... . utiur vi nurin nueiiiu, una if it Hcrthy t., bif the authority of the same,' That it s,a (B1 , duty of the shenilof the several countu-g f.-, Slate,' wheq jhey adverline Jhe next tf,.-,.' ', members of Cong reus, to give n6fice,"nt 'lV limc,ty public advertisement in every el. (;t J.;i etnet, that ah election w ill he held to ectsrl.i;.,V voice of the ople upon, the subject of Cm Schools $ and all who are in favor of rai; ii! i taxation one dollar for every two dollars pro (o be furnished out of the Literary Fund, "r establishment of Common Schools in each r ) ' -dwtriot,-will-dejiosiite iheir vole with iti 'fSchool' writien m it j thoe opposed lo it, Vote " no school upon their tkket ; and ail vote for members of tho Uouho of Commons ' be entitled to yo'.e And. it shall be the duty of,. pcill-keeprs to count, the voles given at each i ciiKt for school or no school, and to returp V same lo the Sherilf, ' vVhii'alinll count together j'" the voles; and if a mujority shall be found in f;. vor of school; it shall be the duty of the shenfl ; furnish a certificate of the aime to the next (k (y Cmirt of bis County aud any sherifl faili,,., ,jj comply with the requisitions of thi act, shall X for all the penalties imposed 1y law for failing h discharge his duty in any election for members Assembly. -V ,i V" '"'v ; II. lit it further enacted, Th)t the sever.,! Courts of Pleas and Quarter Semions in each co ml ty of (he State of North Carolina shall, in mdi county a ahull determine to acisept these tcrnn, o; tho first Court thai may happen after auch tleon la majority of the Just icea of luch county mi. present, proceea to eioct not Jess Minn five, nor mutt than ten persons, as nupcrintendenls of Common " ScFools, for auch county ; and iriVich election hall bfl necessary tot a choice,' that each of tho peraons elected shall receive a mnjorUy or the ii of all.the.Justices prtsent. . III. Be it further enacted, Thnt laid supr-rm. lnd?ot8,.0rji,Biaj(irity,f them, thaHWeot witbia i reasonable time thereafter, and shall have pi.wr to choose one .of their '.number' a. chairman, s: ! to school district, for the purpose of establWiit-j Common Schools,-containing not more than m rones aquareT.out oavtng regard to the Dunih"r t: the white children in each, so tat as thev can as certain (he tame i Provided, nevertheless, that n greater number of. school district shall be taid x,T io any county (ban shall be equal to one for every ) rnileaquare, of iuhabited (erritoryin ta'l ' county,' ' '. ':":' ." , IV, Be it further tnacted. That said t!perir. tondents shall number the district, and make re turn thereof to Ihe first County Court in their mo ral counties,; which shall ba held after tha fimt Hay of January, one thoursand eight hundred and forty ; and it shall bo the duty ol said superintendent, ia making their return, to designate, as clt as they may, the natural boundaries and promiiteut ohjeru of the boundary of said 'districts. ; ; and it shall U the duty of said court to cause such return lo Is recorded in the Register's office of said county. V. Be it further ' enacted, That the oforcsa j boards of superintendents iu each county, after com pleting the. divisions as aforesaid, shall appoint nnt less than three, nor more than si x wheal emmiftt.- mewt irreaChTdtslicV wl"d"oiy it haH be to a? iist.said superiutenilonts in at matters pertaimi ; to the'establishment of schools fur their rcw-ctnt vmrrerai - hiliatic, whilst, tlio V bigs have received (heir thanks and praises, it is not unrensnimble lo con chide that one parly is iiiuchsiHiiidertlmnlheoiher. I, however, only state the fact j il becomes you to ' make the comment in iitic,auuchMyY'--7-,""J,a" r.l-It k seid-lhnt -put) t V il wu hiu"il not put loo nvjch fiith in parties " nu politicians. I have seen enough to inake me " distrust those who are strunclinff for power and of- tjf peojile hnve l-en lice. We must adhere to our principles ; we must keep akHif from those cotitesl, whose reul( is to clivato men and divnk' the SMiilsf victory. If the ufavc-hotdiug State bu true to themselves, they ' can give law to the Government ; but if our puhliq men b divided itito factions, and permit the great -doelrineH (if tho Constitution In be sunk in a mero scr.iiul le for ihe " lonvrs and fishes," 0uf influence will Ita ol, nnd our propi'rty will be sucrilieed. . - -Tho prereding remark unf dd my political prin-" Viph, nnd indicate tisi course llml I hall porue on , tin) bill. for the establishment f the ' Independent-' Tt.;r.5ry," if it coKtain ih se afe guards, which I f'.':c;n c-..tia to 'ern.aneiit iucie. Under its 1 pr. .xi ::;:, 1 ' v it.ve pitr iti.ree v.1 be' loo limn if t!,- ;..xe;..(i.'-i t v.er.e-t.ii"d wiih the bnnka: it te;.: .- i t iiiwh Ihe. j.ul.hc evjH'iiihiures i- . , - . . -, v, r f r l'r t.oi i-cv? ary ' ' ' f-rixai'.'teii'!, o( hyMeritieii ' v he true, i;it to c hargfl the :, t'i- x iio'o enme. In inl;o a ; i . tr.n ! .1, nnd U";1hi!o.':;ili. ' ' -. e. Ti ycd Ihe Miicio.il him-1"- : ! ;.fiier;iniciit, who l.nve in i ' i. of i-itatce, v, !io bavole n .-! "'i I expenditures, nfi-d.''rvi" ; i '.'Mir'-. A pore man may fulj , 1 h y arty will herem? ri ' ' ' : l ej j ortuoily J and ho ', fir honest TT -tef4, iind iu : ' . Hi l -t t'. ixii ti) k'.-p ' , ; -, I fi-.nv o u;i I'l f vei v -rlicr" : ' ' '! and iit'ra-'ttv". 1 - f, , . ,,. " ' x- ;:.-i should hereafter eht memlicrti lo Cong re6 who will work more and talk less. y . , , Mr, Mct'luru moved that Ihe resolutions be Injd on the Jabb.,,,-. fry Mr. Ail tms demnnded the question of elmsider ation. This, Mr. A. said, he would not have done, if there w as iml a preredenl of a decision 1.11 week upon a petition o.lered by bimeir, refusing the re eeption of that petition on ihe ground that it whs durcpectful in the. Ilotioc. ' It that petition wn iHirecixeclful to the Itooe, ,lhese reoIu!l'ln8 lie mtintained, wera much mote .'. Therefore it was that he ake.f the q iestion of considcraiiim.. Mr. S. Wiih una (amidt same cotifusiou) was nnderstiKMi . tleity that tho re ilulioiu-wcru tliv rt-tpeeifid lo the.HoiH?, an I to say that ho held Itiip.-;. II rstnihle to any gentleman who consid ered himself aggrieved by them. , ..... Mr. Duiic.'.n and JlcClu'ro .ro-ie at,the "ahic time (i make smite remark, ihe I liter geiuioitnin ex- pressing Iiiine;f de.4iro(tt in explain the rcayxit for tlje mi linn .. . - . IN SENATE, ''Ui ' :i' XX. ; ,v.:. X - -, '. v-. t -.Tuesday, jMuiarf, 1 5,-1630.'.' V TheScnate took up ihe bill V provide for Ihe T graduation and reduction of the price of the public - laud, the question being on the amendment ottered by Mr. .Morns. - . ' V . AHcr some remark from Mr. Walker, - Mr. Morria withdrew his "amendment, with ihe consent of lite Senate, titid offered another amend ment lo the bill providing that w hen the public land in any of (he new States shall be so far sold out, that there shall remain the quantity of two millions of acres, that then the same shall be ceded to such State in absolute properly, to be difposed , of in such manner, and upon mieh terms, a the auihoritioi of such Slate may direct. ' After a debate in which Messrs. Morris, South. ,8.rd.i, .') uV Allou, -took -ps tuTXX-X Mr. Bayard moved that the Senate adjourn j which HwHt-srwTejectdyetftf ZoX:, . After a debate, in- which Messrs Lyon and Southard took part, tho question was taken on Mr. Morris's amendment; which wa rejoctedveai. IMtya M7',"!'' ' ' Mr. Ruggles then moved that the Senate ad- journ I which moii"q wj deririfd in the tnnlm yeas l, nays 28. i ; - , 7-- ' . - Mr, rallmadge. thea moved en adjournment; wnicn motion was carried yeas 25, nays 23, . .Ann so me senate adjourned- ' Till! v t n"t 1 it. I vXi .0 ha.l iteeie. !i'r a,u, ihe rj.? :.;.'iil,!f, ai.tl i W, 1 t'te 4 rJplTSE OF REPRF.SF.NTAT1VES. " i V - , : ' THHrtJau, January 17, lc:)0. -The Iliuse resumed tho cwwidoralion of Mr. Camhrelcng' motion to raise e detect committee, to investigate the defalcations of Samuel Sxvnitwout, the question being on niotimi losinke from the modified resolution the pro;oition to raiso said commiiiee by Imllot.. ''.. - - . - Afier some debate Mr. Kennedy, demanded the yens aud nay 5 which v. ere not ordered. Tlie resolutinn, as follows, w ere then agreed to J " lludeej. That the communication from h Preaident of ihe United States, . f the Mih of IH-cemler,l-:H, relating to the tHa'.catlon . i the late ColltTlor of the poT vf N . w York, except m. nmcl. as rela'es ton inoiliiii-atiiin of tho revenue, law," be' ri h.-rn-d lo a M-b.-cl cmicitiee f nine me r.h. f, to u npiiouucj i v tho ii..i,se tv liullol, xx i. . 1 11 1 . ' . . . 1; Mian ue io imj'iue into the cnti.-i's a the late (l.l'i' -a'ioe t.f 1'." . .t .,- I-, 1 ; I r-y,York o-vl . :. r 1'. . t';. , Mtjon f consijeration ad il.a n.iti a ilM 1 1 il;l',i!, provi'! r ncert .'Mil e C.j.y ex't nt of e ni Nf t t'v v : .th.t l.f XX i'H I r . .s ,u 1'. II, In, '."T ll,;'re!l i ...boa, !l - ! 1 1 .1. lr Be T further enacted. That if ntf pers-a wlioehaU be thtisappotnted to gerte as superiuh S ent shal, refuse or neglect to do so after having oc- cepled said appointment, he shall forfeit and p y the sure of fifty dollnrs, to be recovered by actn-it of debt in aey court of record in this State; au I such penalty, when recovered to. rPH'jL-O" ''''!'', tothC'PndontinrJircctorsof the Literary Fuui, and to be appropriated lo the. Literary rund ; vi i shall do Ihe auty o the County Attorney for t; ( state lo pioseeute suit in all such (jafca fir f behall of the President and Director of ihe Li rarv Board. - - - - - VUrBe it further enacted, That in but cot in ly where a majority of the voles have been I f common schools, and a certificate of the samel lieen furnished by the sherifl to the s,.id ii;m,: tendeuts of common schools, kghall be tho duly -i the superintendents to transmit the same, with a certificate of the number of school ditrict in He r respective countios, to the President of Ihe Litoia- ry Board. : 7 . '.VIII. Be it further enacted, Tlint in every cu '' (y in the State, where (he vote shall he iu favor cf common schools, it shall be the duly of the 1 Gainly Courts, at the first term that shall tiopn 1. after Ihe first MiwJay" irr Janoary. nno th'Hi ! eight hundred and forty, q nmj 'rJly of the Jij-' 1 ' bctng' pfc1icnt7fo"lovy a tax to the n mount ofiweu ty dollars for each district in said county i 11 " sain manner that other counly tax" are uoxv le vied for other county purpone, to be paid ovrr i" Ihe'school.coniniitlee of tho repecti ve ilil ricts, up on the certificato of tho chairman of board of .pgrintendPLl" "" ";,"" .. 1 IX. Be it further1 enacted, That forty doll ' out of the hell income of the hierarv fund fr I ' year 01m thousand eiht hundred and thirly-m. 1 .JSrPJWpriad to oaVo district- m Kti'l """ ;' ilee where the Vote shull be in favor cf the c- fishment of common achmds, which shall bo paid ' .. the Public Treasurer, Upon the warrant of i!k, j vernor, Upon thu certificate of the chairman ol 1 1,: board of supeiintemlenH ol said countie, tl.at tax es have been lev'ed In the amount of iwepity d ' hir fir each :Ihmi district la iheirrespecMvc C'U" lie, and that schi' 4 houses have been creeled 1 ' each di.iirict miflieicnt to accommothtte t leat f i .v scholar. - . -.., X. Ik it further enacted, That every cur winch hhall refuso of neglect to levy the lax, 1 build the Seh'M.I hiise helnu pp'Tificd.'tiha.i - 1 any time liert-uftei bo entitled . receive the t ' 1 1 d' 11 r herthy appprtad t iVaeh di-triet, - jromnlyin; iith iho tt-rnH hernit spec, lied. ! XI. IU it farther e.i.ut.-J, That if in lakii 5 ' -JieXl' f'eiiMH .!' lliP I'll. toil Stat:, (VeS'i-H r