! i ft i n i 1 r I (! ' ' ' A iiiihiiC'i IKi'-S 1)101'':, r IiV turn i , fiiim the ' OoverniiM'i.lr !" '' - j . ul.ilt! there mid if is l'H;!i! """ . t. ....,..!. en, m,. I. In i.lil.'lill hllsllii nil is foifunaie .enough, to 111 ii' gui.ro.no .Court. wi a very !,:.. -oiue -Hint in fee. wlll(5 cJily pay s 1 memher i '"!'' on Under such circumstances, a sent in f.w'is eert;inly a post of wt bother it ;,m!e "f '""",r '8 ra,llt,r "lorC l'ICJti",mlj!e- 'c'1 ,) Mesengtr, , vts. One of the front 'rooms in the new build i Bank of tlie United Slates, in Wall street, K b.Tn'VeBle'1 Tor 8 fernrorpnrTlsr SlOTO J.ef nmim and there is another tenant ready to take I .t the samo prim U" tUe first ,s!wuW Iw inclined lo witWraw. ; Tba.wif if room -together const i lu,i,, the office, measure in the wholey something Uewxtocn feet by five and thirty. At the name rate fat ,,IB rfl"' '"a "h cart or Hl,,ft wag Ln the better position riglif in front .There fugreat rush for stores and oflices in lhe most jcntial positions, and advances of twenty-five lo a hundred per cent are paid on the prices of hist Ln ,1" rny" previous year. Rents in Wall street . ,mund the3xchange arc much higher than evr Mbre. if we except Hie 'momentary riwh caused ky lue great fire. A'.- Y. Jaut.of Commerce. S cxheb states; hjint-coinage' in im Tne Director of tho Mint, Dr. Pattrsin, has rwide Vis" annual report Cf flie bjierations of the Mint snd its branches for the year 1 838, fro'ni which we extract the following particulars,' viz s . ' t . ,1 ooxo. "' 1. Whole" amount of gold coinage is &l,t)09, Jltf, of which Ihete was coined w At Philadelphia, - ' 81 ,022,51 5?'-' : TharlottP, N-V. 84 105 ' . Baiiiowga, Ga. 1 02,91 5 , , ' v , VNew Orlcanv " - i wiie. V , , i '' ' i' ' .U. $1,809,595 . , .1 J l i,:,,l '. 141111 . ' . ... VL JSr1 rSjSHpJeccs were in ht If eagles and - 47,030 pio worft-in- lartetf eaglea. Of the bullion deposited.lhere was supplied from the minei of the United Stales . . . r 'At Philadelphia, f.171 ,700 ' 4 ' - Charlotte, y . ,'ia7,(KH " DuhUefla, , " ' 135,700 New Orleans' . ,; , - v-7fl0 , ' ; V Total native bullion, 435,100. . : SILVER, -2JTi whole amount of silvnrcomfd i5f2,33 "tm -am' TBwaajr.'wa'. 23 of which the whole was coined at Philade.l ' phia, except 40,243 in dimes at New Orleans, the other branch mints being not yet authorized to eoiri '.silver, the bill which passed the Senate (d'nutho riie them to coin silver change, having not parsed (he House of Representati ves, and being qw in : the Senate.; " : ; ..y. OV-'-: ' Of the silver coineil at the mint in Phifadclpljia, .tore was -. 1 "-.- A -V -V To Qf dTla ' r l,773,000 -i - '. misfters,. ? -'; 20,000 ;; .':;. :';, iVlimest - 109,250 f ;' . half dimes, :: 112,750 : ':2,293,(M)0 - Add' dimes at New Oilcan, 40,243 ''..y w-:., :.L;y 2,333,243 - : .'"'From tills it will. bo seen that tho total coinage of the mint ahd brancher,nrgold and sflver, i 4,142,838. Besiilea this, the copper coinage inhumed to-$03,702 i making a totality of 4,- We are glid to see ft larger portion than usual lot Ite siu.er..coiuaj(i .ia-uiwaia-of- tweMy-fivW, and five cents, and we Wft.glaiL to.ay. tjbJa wmtonortne Odvernmetn to naetffat cemage 1ticTciiiedli"n(irthe cmiritry Ts supplleS, so flint the fc "lost intrepid- cIuiHipieidunpiaelefvwlM If Jrived of all jpretext f.r .ii ,.r!cw 0mtssi()fjL.t)f..Uii3 "ptilentiai stutf in the event of another catastro hr irtheitgaTT-Tr-T-.-rr: r"y ; .'"'Ws are'glail afso lo see that tlie Director of the Hint looks to great coinage this year, -all the branches being now ready for work, and the laws prjvimng tor ample supplies or hutlinn to heep " them all employed. . The year 1 839 will show bat the mints can do, and the extension of the ceirmge or silver change-to the North1 Carolina iid Georgia branches will complete their capacity fur usefuloees. Globe. " ' , m i- - : -: '' ?' Tfrom Mcxictv V flips from tho New Orleans Bee, and Loiiisianinn 'contain some additional itoms of intelligence from Mexico, received by way of Havana. i N . -. . The Diario of Havana, of the ldih January, con , in news, from tha city of Mextco-of the 21st Do ember, arinounciug the tippointment of Don, Ma ! M0,"lrut M.P.rosl iz .Ufl ! bo ,iLnist9r..of.AlicLi Wory He had jaken the required oath, snd en tered upon the discharge of his functions. 1 h appears from flieo dates that the .Mexicans - re triving to force the Frencjj to evacuate Ve ra Cruz by meins of starvation. Tlie Admiral (ml rUeo 1 note lo the comnuuidcr of. the.,camp at iotoo Lizardo, itiftrming him that he would per- . ilindividuala to come into the town from the conn. '7 in order to sell their cattle and provisions to the J";t, snd thai they woiih bo paid in hard money. The Mexican commander Refused lo secede to this , "f, and laid it bef.re lb Goverwmo. --Tho Mj. 5ter of War wrote the following letter on the sub- J't to the Maiienn inT.fpr. whnot nnmi is fXin An l'cilalabar . ? - ,L!,..;;';A ''.."',"", , Oepabtmest of-Wab am or ths Masiml - Sjgt l fis vfl'KaH" the honor to 1 ,TI... . . . . 1 . '"-nty no rresidi-nt the reipiest address to you I K. ,1 - . ...... . . '. . I .1 .--"".HIl'IIIUI., ,U HU J I T. IIV I, IIIU.l ie COmnmnder fit Urn ! reneli trirrjile Xeren e, m Excellency approves ytHu' conduct in thi af- pirf because, the nition being af war with the 1 rench Government, no succor can be furnished to e enemy, ; I also liave order to recommend thrt J'W exercwo the utmost vigilance that our unjust "ivsder receiye, lieiiher at Vera Cruz nor, at any "ther point, provisions, water, and no kind of sue whatever.- God and Liberty-- f -.' : ... - .. . , - - - Tonsr.L.- i - Msxtco, December 21, TS33.: A Trut JTiji Snr.- We have just learnt from wurca of unrjuesiHinnllo veracity, thai a young kj by the name of Jl'tnlrr, lining some miles aliove mis, did actually, a few days tetck, haiil from the. d,'ptli of the fnther of rivers, a- ninninioib cat finh 'fihing 210 lbs. It ia.a litllo atrance tliat, iii "'is instance of piscatoryadventure.thc nVh weighed IlOHlis. more tliain'te Iml whocau-ht .Urakl 'i-'vi-r 1 ; !.',, C.: N. ,:,,!' . ., , ! Ii ie received the jlerahl i.l Ti, From this . r o i ini'- fie a.-l. iSIXTCEN l.VDlA.NS CAPTUH F.D. . , ' . tr. Aioikum;, January CL Wc li,arii by tho arrival ot an, officer of the ar my from Tort Cutler, last evening, (hat a detach ment three coinp-imes of dragoons, under Capt.-j- lAoya j. Ieall, loll 1 ort Lutieroti a scout of seven dus, and returned on the 21tt, having catured sixteen Indiuiw. Wlien near the A ha rw.p ka Lake, he. di.yer an Indian trait hen he fu lowed up until ho lost it, and halted.' . In a trfiorl '"TlfJifl" lie TieifJi ride, and on looking up heaw a turkey fall from a tree about a hundred and fifty 'arils-distant. Ilia men Wer. inatanllyjtxtHiiiied, -and urged rapidly forward, when he succeoiled in capturing the aixO'cn Indians, two Incn, two Ik,s, . and the rest women and children. -' -... - THE WESTERN CAROLINIAN TncjisDAv Eveshnb; Febbuabv 14, 1639. y Gen. IIavriso!! has written t tetter in answer to one communicating Ins nomination tr tho Pre., siduncy by the. Anti-Masonic Convention held a few months ago in Philadelphia : ' ho proceeds to ' lay down at some length, the rules which should -....m..w.,..v.. ....va-w m wiiaim. Executive Office, and pronHscTfllall be would . j.tiiclly.oaforiula.4tiein. . Vi - The General is certainly now in the field, hi , name has been hoisted by many of the Whig pa. pers in tho North and West, who express their de termination to come to the conflict o bannered, and sustain his cause against any ari l all oppotsi . liuh. Present signs and past occurrences indicate that the friends of Sir. Webster in' N.'v England will advocate the cause of Gen. U&rriaoo in pre ifrr?m:eAttHyiirTmjiitir-eiRrt . he is not expected to enter the lists. As the Atlas" a Whig pajwr tit influence in v Massachwtts some timo since ileclared, the Ge neral seems to oe considered there ar the only f.vailoUoJ!Lof ihe Qufty-, - -' Verily tlie old North State must be considered abrojul, in tlieso latter days as in a deplorable con ,' dition it we may judge by the kind solicitude lately manifested tri sme very dirintcrctted acts, it ; would srsem that she is looked upon as literally in- opt conxilii. A short time since an honorable Se. nator so commiserated this destitution, that unso liciled, ho elected hmiself the champion of her .cause, as he called it, that is, he meant (he clause. 'oltTin'Wa'jrltyibrihe'Iast' Legislature j more re - cently we observe that a Baltimore paper has given out a nomination (or the next Congressional can. .rVaajIth have had of the fact that the whiga of Mr. Charles r A . i.iy ii i : fihenardV District intend q brin nnf In'mrrtllJftulucranff einihenrei ColuwiiiTt "Tothartlcman;:Mryil'fhea1Tt " genilemaiifl who introduced the Resolutions off Io st ruction" into the last Legislature, and made Tbir is- fnfornrarlon- to ust"wc 'a re - hor ehle' To j -yiay whetticr the-wtngr of -that Distt Icrseht'oiQd "liave (Tie nomination made or announced ; Or wheth er it is the result of another " Baltimore Conveo .t ion,"" or originated solely in the benevolent dosire of 4lw Editor to help out bis whig friends in this ' 'tegion ; ly''i-;;1;,; - -; .v'-'' - :-: V Consistency frtf.".Ve have noticed in sove- raIof the National Whig papers lately, of New York and some farther South, a change of tonejo "wards Mr. Callioiin ; rtievTiavc suddenly become - marvellously charitable, and express their belief that he is honest in his opinions, and though mis taken at presocl in his views, their Confidence io bTs patriotism is unshaken, and wind up by many kind wishes for his return from error, into the fold of his (their) party ( It is JbuLjiyery,hoft.iimft since these same gentlemen were pouring out the vml 'of their wrath, and uttering, in tl bitterness of -. disappointed rage, the harshest revilings, branding him as " traitor," recreant," utterly false, and unworthy of trnst; hut while these thunders of their. wmiticiatHMi8 aim beHowtngs of rageare yctsatrtd: iug, lot they are converted into sod notes (hat 'm come " o'er the ear like the sweet South," they now ; roar you as gently as any sucking dove from denouncing a a fulse traitor, to commendjng as an 'ItBWThUt tftUltiRrin piitri.4 f 1 fiero is consisten- T ey wuh vengeance. Mr. Calhoun has not changed . his views a ainglti sbado ; if his position and con 1' . . .': .ut,:i r.rrr:;,..rru "-iTZlt r'-.. Il rehensible when he first declared, them,"! W me r . . . . . . , it unmeasured abuse, they dre equally obnoxnius ' - - ' - now; or wh it now light bus broke upon (hem to . change their view of his character so entirety I They are. n'eopolitio as usual and decidedly awkward in mar.tiVring J every State.Righlsitian knows that there isWv affinity between the two parties, and if they Ao for deceiving, they ought v to las more cautious, and lake gradual steps in , " lurning a sotnerrt " from (SecMtion to praises. - What we intended to remark wax, the degree of . cm.fnlence which ought to be placed in the repre s"titatiori of men who wilt aswrt one thing (o day and maintain just the reverse rse to-morrow; it is cal . culating too largely on the gullablo credulity honest 'men to s.ippos'i thai such orx'n contradic-; 4.-,. jar4 . -f . tions will have arjV other effoct on their judgment','' Of fl.nr we continue Isst week's priwe; tho stock is i " . r .i ' v i. t t;,.,tu .,,,1. n l., t oi, t e'X'iewfiat.reduee-J by shipments the presenrjTeek. than to make them distrust entirely such hot and . J .,, ...r hdeC0L u.1 Iju e Cold" blowers.'" Their conduct cert aii'ily proves one '.( iwo things, either that tVy arc t.ompet.nt" 1 1 1 lately in thf tr.m id ii of business itniiy hills li.ivp lieeri ru vi ed of a 'public and private nutme. The bill fur ilia armed uecua'ii'ai tuf Tlorida-ins been defeated in the Secate, though it wa cxpccteJ that the vote would Le reconsidered... ,v Theedirtof Mr. .Viwiifer before the Kentucky Ijelslature, in Ikyorof the propwiion bef ire them to grant banking privileges to the Charleston and. 1 v incinnaiu tun Koad, ii KfKiken ol by the Ken tucky ppera in terms of the highest commendatiou. The proposition waa. strongly f'ptwenl, and it was considered a doubtful whether or not it w old be granted. .' ' . fn! of the 4ih Division N. C. Militia, fecwtly held in the llth Brigade (Genl. Alien') was for Gent. Allen 77 ; for Maj.EJHtyll ; for Genl. Bryan 9 VOtOdr ,. ,,.,,,4.,.,..,, ' i n i i ...i i i mi i "i -ii im i i ii ii - PORTttAlT-;PAINTlS'0. X From an advertisement io another column it will be seen that our citizens have now an opportunity, such as docs not frequently occur in the back coun try, of having their portraits painted.'3r.3lir tag comes to us with a distinguished character in his profession ; be has, not yet completed any ef fort here, but has been, we are assured by many who have seen them, eminently successful in his executions elsewhere. His pofewioiial distinction entitles him to more than ordinary regard. ! Alabama. From a table of (he Cens is inie Marion (Ala.) Herald, we fmd te population of this Mate to be 01U,4sU inhabitants f of nse 293,650 are whites 214,989 are Slaves; and 1 ,832 are free negroes. A Ths Amebic ah Phkexolooical Joi'tt. Tbis periMlical has reached its Iburth lumber, which we have received ; apart from its particular t,r, u ...g...y .uwixouo6, .as a wora nr .1 , : L . i Tt science and -intellectual philosophy,- and whether t the doctrine which it advocates is true or not, it contains many views which must be interesting and iustructive-to the enoiiring nMooV-.-sr-rr- It is afHirded In ainrrln ubsnriliera ol iha Inor e ti-' nt'Jnr". r-.ir pr ce of .(2.)-Th Prospectus oTthe worlTWar- puUisliedw."! Speaking of Phrenology remind us to inform our readers that any of them who desire (o test the truth of the doctrine by experimental investigation, can bo gratified in having their craniologicul do velopemcnts expbjined,J)y-JJr- JJji, tfio geo tlcman whose professional advertisement we re. ferred to above,) who is a disciple of that school aoJ f. firm believer jn the doctrine. , ;' ',.....-- .vv-i " ' . . y--. . t Tlie Hon. C isles J, ColcoVk died at his its. idence in Charleston on Saturday evening Ut. . . JcJgt Colcbek, during nearly his whole life, bore ati active anil prominent part in the affair of the State. He . was successively a distinguished member of the Legislature Speaker of the House of UeprescDtatives Judge of.lhe Circuit Court of law -judge ol tne court or Appeals- loosplc. uimis mcrrbcr of the Nullilioation Convention of i $32 and for the last eight or nintf years Presi-. mm tua-ikaftK t 4ae- state oi iyniift. usroti lie died at an advanced age, after a long career of "TrJfos. The speciur committee of the Texian Congress appointed fir tne purpose fC determining LMrmMJP!P2L fbijeariffive branch.! MdJbejireaJ aationaj seal shall hereafJtr bear those emblems together will! the words Re public of Texas ;n and that the national standard shall consist of a blue perpendicular stripe, with a ttar of five points in the centte,'ad two horizontal stripes ofequal breadth, the upper stripe white, the lower red. 76. , , y ".-' . ; . . . Faixcbs' REcmiaTbe attention ofour read ers is directed to the reduction io the terms of this taliiiUa. wL The table of contents of the Jam ary number i given below. , ' Original Comasnstrsioas. On tbe cultivation of corn. uuiuvauon, product, ami ol owotiKorn. Esssy oo VeeeuMe 1'hyatokry, by Frotcssr Armstrong. L'liap. 1. Do. 1L Statement of the cultivation sad product of a field.of corn. Remarks oo I'duntylvani tarmers. Oo Ae prop n lion of silk-worm. Legisls- tmo for sirteiflture. I'mjressof lri Perrins's scheme of jattuiucing iiopicsl pla uts:; Letter from Ch iet J ORr itee Marshall. iskinle"ot.fc-l'rincen. No IL Es timate snd ramarksoo th profit ot improving land and ; tarrmng. Progress of the rooms uultiesuli trade, and prospect ot future prices. Liming. Eiloct of lime as manure. Monthly commercial re tort. ' . 1 " Si Ifctioni. E.lrticUltwl9iIn;tethe,sgrictji!tUri Lrl4:iuiy!bXj?ieiwickiibuig- fcrent km la J restmeoi ol mo Dorse, rooa. nign priced live-stock. Grcit ruta-bsg emp. Mixing soils. Urealcoro crop. Cultivation snd product of a field of eorm Growth of thn multicsulis mulberry in New England.--(teorirs Henry Wslker. Method of ascer taming the weight of catUo while livioa. Account of Tlie "shirt-lKrn feter." Sales of Dntlwm cattle. The Rohn potto.-Croa-fecundatioii of plants. Bread without yesst or lesven. Manufacture of brooms in 1 itWHinwn U11- lu ohpcis mi si-hNinii csion. cauully lalianagcmcnUrFoU acrounl of He plan. expenses sod profit of a pigffery on s large scale. Ke- view of Essays oo ths niton I history ot peat, two dolphV TreatW on UsMcHing, re-publivlnd entire. A sUlemeut of practical silk business. On the several claims to tlie merit of having first introduced the mo rug muHicautis. County agricultural reports. Import ance.of sericulture. Mulberry fever. , , .' . - J Wior flVrrespmesc.) 1 V , FATKTTEviLts, Febrosiy 0, 139. , The. present week business pre.nU but little of any inturcrt. J .a weJ liS oceq pisposco oi si oeocr prices this week than lat several sales msde st $1 45; we auote H i-5 s I 45. The prices of last week are folly maintained in cotton, U a 13. but little in this week. Several Lads of wbikey W tins week, snd sold - ; at CO fJl et ; but little com coming in, price froitt n .'i: . r it,l -,l,.l l id. nut. jn T,,ark t ; e notice of msnulsctured at 15 a I5 cp.nts ivtn wajonjt- r h i .rt. -1 Ml ' wiih b.it Mo. 'ri le", Ka!t, Iron, ie. 1 i i,i "ij.t, n.ni'r ll,-,i;. r in U:v, ,t' t'l'y jj (..,!, K!.fr, r, C ' (,'T inerl.mitA In t;i;s Lmii u-l ih tlni iiiti-nor, anieeir wliieliarc II. i l,iei'!irey, T. iinj- (.;ms, I.'tn, M;i niit ift ur in i ( oinp'iny. a'ichae l'roi4, J. V V. Mnrjiliy, J. M. Ooon, Unit' Factnry, VtoU-wi I'liitlips, II f'arrigau, Khiii.1 & .Nwtlle, ll. .V. Liudsav, J, & W..l!nrn,aiid otliert 7 Imparted, Tue.sJv 5:h invt, sicsmer Henrietta i lib s'Kiut ;!"( barrels flour, 4il ra.xks tlix il, I Mi burs wheat, roltim, feather, larJ, butter, onis, Ac. Also, oo the Gtil iiist., Ixwt Moserger with 7" barrel flour, and 175 balesVnttoDtUli thiinM-d hy uierclietits tiere. 1 n Ileunet a with boats l'oMt-lkiv. rel.in.md UJI - ':'Jy 111 JU IK BM UIB. ,M MpWHNHHr ..rnt. hsvin, 1.5,HlWks ..U eoffee. V, - mlaties and stitrar. potatoes, dry euvti, iron. fee. &e, lor merchsots henrvnd fiir KUricb!!, IVss V Bif-r, ."; II ll 1,1...... irn-i..!,,! . in the couutry. ; ;, 4 UNITED IN WEDIjOCK, i In this County, on the I'ith iiwtant, by tho Kev. - Samuet Kothrock. Mr. JOHN RCNDLLMAN toMi " NANCY BROWN. lollajirsx County, on Tuesday the2!)ih ok., H T. Brownlow. fiw.. Mr. JOI I.V'IL-MtTEPOTTo'T Ttrvl -etttrtlli,-t(rMt!a- CAUOLINRV;" M."ALTOS;I ilaiighmr of tho Ute Gen L John Alston of that conntr. In JUnJc';ji!i County, on the 7th intDt, hy I Mac Kesrns, Ko , Mr. WILLIAM .S"IHUT w Miss.V BAH LUTHEtt All in tavor ot Inter nil Improve- '. ment .. . .''-" '": Io DavHlson County, fm the '31st ultimo, by Alfred fi.nith, F-q, Mr. DAVID OWEN to Mia ELIZA SMITH. -'- ;; ;' , ..'.;.- : .'- DEPARTED THIS LIFfl In Dsvidmm f!iHintv,on Wednesls the Ol PHILIP FRANK, Kin a very worthy' snd Gth mutant. much cs- rnedin7ged"53 years, . He ws taken very suddenly ill, on Sunday ever.injr, oa his rotnra home from a Visit in the neighborhood, snd wss Cund Sbxjut dark speechless on the door step of Mr. Jacob Iledrick, s nesr neighbor. Here he was taken in, a Physician called, but in viin, he lingered liutil Wednesday morninjj when ha- died, leaving s large and worthy family to Is ment thew; loss. (Oun. 1 xFs a To Tvatcllcrs. -ITinEj-travclIing (community are respectfully infirm. - 1 4UscnbcTisTmwnnu1ii TecITrom iiloljfb by way of PiUboro' Ind At.horoW Salisbury, in small Northern made Coaches of the first order ; leavmj Ralaiih on Mondays snd 1 hursdsys at 10 A.M.. arrivtnT -irr HshfnTT next iSav at 10 P. "Rt H Lesvin J Kotisbury on Tiiesdsy and Fridays at 2 "A. llL, arriving in Raleigh next days st 10 f. M., , HkJi'irse are good, and drivers prticulsrly esrelul .ecomnlMiJO J N. H. Seats secured at tlie Mansion Hotel. .npfB iHiibwriber oirvreTiisKTrwcn to tlie Cititensof' IiA". SslistHirv in his profession. He may be found st the Mana'on Ilotelr;T ." " k : Balibnry, Feb, 14, 1S39. V J, r. All ITAli .; . if Xlic Siiiaincr Session of the ...... ',' - wjp-CjtZZZ-'--. : - .. w-Mteill, sVyvtmoMM AK -f Hk ff 1tf 4k ':-.vW ' " 1I1U VVIIIIUl'dVli VII VUV IU W 'SVII .'' - . TERMS OF. TUITION 'raL0:jferj!Pik Second, da. da, 15 50' 10 50" io oo French, l-Temtmgf c va. "TiniirMat: AVorsted Work: Em y " 'i. ,r:. brmdery Ac, te., r; '- . y ' it 00 i Music, tier session. " " "" ' 25 00 Tt'rtrd in rexjwtsble families, can be bad t e'-'it 8. D. NVE IIUTCinSOiy, lrmcipal.r 1 y JS, IV J'srents ami Uusniisns flinpowwi to pawonit "lha Academv. are reBnectftlllv solicited to' cater Hielf dsoghters snd wards as near tlie commencement of the term s possible. -t , -No doductioo will Ixi msde for absence fer entrance except on accounlof sickness, . . - s-- - - " J -1 February 14, 139. s s ' " 7i-4t i ,f. j 1 ,m 4. ,-,,.,-r. f 1. 1. ii ill 1 ill -- - 11 v OctaVvowa on Uic.TccVAi. rJa rriHE Ijsdie snd gentlemen of SslisbJry i " 7? - and its vicinity, are respectfully mforro . . ! "" d that Dr. Bcbtiabo,' Surgeon Dcutist, will psy them a profewional visit about the 15th instsnL - Dr. B. intends to visit Salisbury, Lexington, Greens , borough, Statesvillctnd Concord every few months for several years to tome. February 14, 139. ' J tf; iioctTt. j. rowixii, , ; . (Sarpeon Dentist) - ' j-WTILL be absent from Salisbury, tot, a. Xew-weeka, -peramii from the murtry-desirmff-to tme epe ' rations ncrformcd on their Teeth, will be attended to immediately on bis return, by leaving their names at !lhe Mansion Hotel. " Jebruary lUlWO. " 7t-tf, .. "liriLLsUnd theeoI f'Sfc V v suing Sea sou at iSAUSBURV Salisbury, Feb. 14, l&U ', ' . 4t ' - ' i: IN MdcksVILLlI DAVIE COlLSTYy -. THOMAS FOSTER INFORMS th pubfie Hist he hssXmiovcd froni iis former aland, to , his now buildings on the public ' souare, in the Town of MocksvilK wT.ere he will con tinue to keep a IKIUSE OF ENTLRTAIML.f. Hi House is roomy snd commodious; attached to . which are six comfortable OfTices fi.r gentlemen of the tl.r. all convenient to the Court House. The sulwcn- ber pledges Kimself to ths most diligent jm-r'ion, to - jrive satisfaction Ui such ss msy enll on him. His Ts- blc. Bar snd Ktsble are" provided in-me oe msnner thai the country will aflbrd snd bis scmnta are fsill. , ful snd pnwipt. y 4 , . v, - Feb. 14, H-tf ' ' . ': ' .m.jV .. ... ..." "" tu',(llli,r'1.-r-. it -. Vi TT k P If Ollr A U -.a . .. s L,i. .kV k . tt . .. r f,w 5, .in .w .;; .nr. Ill.t UTS - f ted to tUe rurm-ii-m tf -3r!V ; tii frti!,nj ( , cliuniicid htrn-.nw ai itns tu-vf tfh,.m popi tave x-u-pied st-o,fli.r-Ert CVy; tit 'Swufcjjy kuratKHi of t!;n .Sxadetur, t ceAt t:i 6i sar? -eii i on of tlie ur roond ji; tiimuji atMOtM temiitl tto eontileiictf .!' .obtntaftif a".(Usr wii.,irBtwotj. - '" .- lanu-MctioM siiil 1 5r-t a !S tiid arsnenvs wi.tnVy tautit is w it f.'Kc. ; . imt(T.fia lf inJ vej Mco(niia wtr-t - n, c laiciiicai - .jr,,.-r , The AcfJew at ,.3xl a t'.e pii JWint'-ifrum dun tlue tiirmef rl.u -. The iK;iiKe:iie yea ie4iiii.!ii Ujfj i3 S- . iw of J oicnntj eacfe, i m ,Weaa4f mn tl'ien will li'i a vcIk.is' 2 T.t m til oimvi branelni of IflisA o.a l?it; oa'ln u;!ief branches 12 .i'Kt, .uj ta the Lu-piii"? t)i) per aiuuiu p y-' s We at tbe mi t tinrh wemimk --. , A ,. CvATd CAS lie iltUI 4t fTl) Cl SW SFwifOt ALYt.X IKiWARIX, r.t-rrsT ii. dim,' U tlJJvy A L't'NL JP. " 4.T.ISVX ( HAS Iau2 fr mjm m vw.,Xi r4 aopienijf Tree. and Budvs" ti H jt-ji. liui . I st-wiui:Ii.-ara wm'al WW'xe'4Cliary in"U:U,ii sj deiire.r,"" as try sy ht vMrmmn it$m4 1 3. Rora&iYItlE. Lexmrtaa.X.CrV14.1SSL - tf - . I ottrfh anJ Ust t'allt ffIE anJerr.jTWii & sfiwr ro'fiuve Imh 6feJ ta X'-4'ua oa wil of INe Vt vttit CiKu-n an in y tray, te eotne f ratfj ami pt It m out tin ijh-.. tioa for iis 1 t.1 ss.1 fu.a df.'ao-iimjer i is weces wiUe'Fe pFtatMsgz ke ks ,.tv with a ;ieoi ntny,ad Ja.TWy mS'imr tt!Mt a if.e tow wtd rHlSSsy Jibe Cr;"miih f U'j A. r, tp- tocs. Mwli Unfl in ii fjtm mui makt p-rmrt t i ss Jfcsw5i)e ttrriivm mtL. Tm Aju t.'tir nVj w,II be onJ li vwiSit J ci C R ic. K VV iicvier, h bum 4e siitmiwsi s V1 --' ' 1 ''i, -.-I:'-- "".. " V tfIlX2' CCRN3, T. Kalaiarj, DooenAnT. Io. '-.-' n. f c. ii. Avniu:i4r. , W-f 1110. s Co. 1 i ssartaieaft.' i srteaf a C'.'f ' Hike 4wr ta wK.s.f t 6 tt:vwi gwaertl'y, ist IVy I? wwu' f :a !--'' , " ' 6 et- Mat J-T"i,I mr..i. -i. if Dye-SluIi, ir i col Iatrv: aa , v To l-acc C ; ? JSi - v. . -. ., loreibT V ? ,? . f-, f rt.vcr A " r.sr Ji- ri.w rt t'ff . is f Knee, sri3 k ytm-S -. T . rri.i'.. , 1,'U t. MJ. J J a rwr v s4 vi psiste.1 : Jti;iUiotii cirf K unmi"M ll.aul iU r.a iwoia 4 &m sfn. s4 the surTuumitn . . . . a . . I . . u:.. C.-ulry kr te y Ucral awtntuife ihef fca bere- lottire fcertol s ssv, frs-i ibtow o u smess hoys s sswrsi o sslt!si8C s tlW- sanft. and sosy caf! oo o.Uwl CWWsl Veeiei''-I m '.m a -1 nnpMi4 etj Je. ww ual M ew-os oa4 -i-" -' r part to rue sa-u-fw j?. . .. Asf ais w siImtt Ss.ftis0 p,..-it.i:J ui.i:e. ... 2.. ., 1 . bad oietBbsiMeT.auusiaiicii- a.-'-- 1 N. It Al orfa feaa o f J.rectc! t- e;e tn Salisbury a k isrtso',.',f anEk e-. Jseosry it te3L ,f To Owners ot Ms. JL-Milk If hk Kit t fr-teh be'? -r Cm Willi The wJ farm ' Kimfis - J siewtfuuii .. to ki irosa Ww? iW n- oer. -Tbe rsraf ss s waiwO if oe opmui -sy to fimri A feUMur, ooal C caarm mors m no rsbboif of ifee oirroe ' . ..V . . ..... S ,r nM mt,.r . J UullX.17 lii-S SW.i'il ilJyim. - Cf OOptTS JWBi. . . - . . v c . r - Any peixn oriu.j mm smt iw ie,y, my wbi4a sme ce mtrt, W !. x sflpL.-stasK f wit .v. ia a short fc H SAc.Vr si Mrk-KiHe, lii Co. N. C I tlaik tt lU sxcevu J30 f jr the IVf-f ' -e f""! ""- of MarlwwU ownBM-'r io tft wiywwl po die, sad are lri.'y f't" ..... t . IJRO'J 1KS to f.i fXrf.oo'yl.e tune, f r wtk-k JSwsr 'J I r" e-lff E. Ule, Nfrrtws, or lit l rfJPmI tscun'y. (T Ft timber fwi-acwissak. r 4 r.-;ic amy kd Lai, bv Kirj Ir. Aciti,ISslulxrj., ... . rt-hriur 7. ta ' U - jasV cVicc. THOSE wWm iW n-a AaJt.-rwo E. Fwr, 4aeeael is h3.411. s jnnsmt tli claims by Ms; Court, s'. Vjo rt4i i W sa mo miihl ma k py(if-rt swiUtsiiie i:?f; n!tionl. or tnetr a,-, count sal fKAes'.a3 m fZ.K4 . tSo bji'-U of sa ,;!. cer Lf etVUoa.' " - ' 'Tt- Crr - I .' - : ' B. Xt"RA.U.'i s fj1iAwry.rVT.1r. ;..';; u 1 I.L penrm 1.rI V- i."?-e Eate t.f .Mm Sf! 'v-f, jrt "sti? 'wiijui "i Seem:e.tii, sre h ; , . hy notified W eao f 'i'f ntret: ... : j &rtUet tle'isy. L 1 lULLX, AJ.-yV. -