Oil the 11 .! .iliM.II.l, ..-4 i..: TJtl fi rtJ B SllWute for Mr.. rights ml more cvc- i" nuiiifV in the hands of tu. 1 ' ' ..- j .if -prs and out id the Government ; the auunii. rides r.r tt, d-iViif? of. the revenues of inie imv iovernment in banks, Cm the 15th, "a substitute was proposej by Mr. rtrndtn for the bill, previously offered by him, U prevent the interference of oGice-holJcrs in elec ; lie substitute exempts from the penalties of 'lha bill, !! postrjUstcrs whose salaries do not ex- . d two hundred dollars. lathe lGth,a resolution was agreed to in the Senate, directing the Secretary of the. Treasury to rrnort t the commencement ot-oest Congress, ill the facts and intornuitToa relative to the.exe'cu- jjju deposite act of 1-38 : the amount of money and time when deposited in each Mate, ih banks in each State, and amount in each bank the description of funds received by each and all, 0( the investments or deposition made by each jte of the monies received. The bill for the armed occupation and settlement f Florida passed its third reading. IoBeHstta of RepreswrrtattvesJ onihe 1 4th; a if port was made from the Select Committee on the public Unds that they deem it inexpedient to lake jurtber-action on the subject of (he public lands at this session. A motion was made by Mr.. Robertson to" reom- nil the subject to. the Committee with instructions lo report an amendment, embracing a proposition (rf the semi-annual distribution of the proceeds of I les amongst the States in the ratio of their F ede. n oumbers. - ; . - - x. .1.. tOrU tUm Ifmifeal fka. I. Ill . - -- ' - I HQ IIJU I -III, IOT l.mV IU & I Vli extend the act auihorreing the issue of Tren- Wry notes' Jhat is, providing for the iseoe of the remaining balance authorized by the act passed -fast scssiojt. We regret to learn from the. last number of the Soitheix Litciakt JouisAiwhich, by the wit; we think, was one of tb very best since its commencement that its short and struggling ei- istence has closed " It is now no more ; discontin- aed for want of 'paying "M patrojiai.Thrlast number, was, as we said, a very good one, contain- 1ngora choice pieces,; and if it has gone the way of ail earth! thing, though cut down Hy, k u a consulatioo to its friends that it bore ap manfully, and at last died honorably and " gracefully." And JOalifled another dIrt lo sustain i5oithe re literary peikxlkal, and develop Southern talenU - 7 Job IIexpeiiso!! (Whig) has been elected by lbs Legislature of Mississippi, United Stales Sena- tea1 jar six years front the 4tb of March next, by I majority of 5 rotes over William (Van Buren.) The press and types of the late " North Caro lina Journal " have been purchased by Mr. II. L. llalmrt who has issued Prospectus lor a new pa per in Fa) ctteville, under the title of " The North (Wisiua," to' be commenced as soon as the It aaired arrangements are made. The paper will support the administration. . .. " ijUTllERN UTEILRY MESSENGER. Front a hasty examination, which is all we have yet been able to give it, I he last number of this pe nodical seems fully to sustain the high rank here- kfcre attained amongst the literary journals of the .day. It contains a tasteful and pleasing variety, is till be seen by the fable of contents given be- Soathcrn Literary IcMcuscr, FOR FEBRUARY. " oaioiAL raoaa aaTR-ua.. Ji CTviUoos on the III IIe.lt h of American men ahowinz. that tbev sufter much more from ill health than those of other countries, and the tancts of causes tendimr to deteriorate the stsn-l Bute of oar coantrv is less favorable to robust health than that of Europe, being more variable Il whect io greater aod ioreMlde victrei- tuJesof temperature; that animal food is no in considerable source of ill hethht that the prac tice of using hot mileavened bresd is highly inju - rious; that all classes are aficient in the daily practice of ablutions, and that our national habits seeds a thorough reformation in this respect ; tha t a system of dress for females could hardly be'de !da which, in soiim respects, woold more infal- liUy produce disease, au6t ring and death, tlun ; - the one now in vogue; that the awst proline sjarce of ill health to females is the want of pro - sr l stiflicrent excrct ifl Ihe open ahrthat the habit of confioinr Uiem within doors, to the f!"a ,nd i"ewedible injury of their health, if begun a early childhood ; that the whole tcknol fyten, aa generally adopted in this coon try, with "tard lo the very young of both sexes, is absurd -advicioosj and- shootd bsrrefoiWied nhal Ihere a soch thin; as enjoying perfect, robust, vigo ...,Fm healih, without exeeewe ' and wtrhonr exef . in the open air; that the body, as well aa the Owd, reij-iires rest, recreation,' and change, d.c ; .. Jf llarvef LtmUy, Jdr IX, Wahieton dry. i -1 Carrente-Calainosities, to the Edrtur of the Mee : enjer, with numeroos poetical selections, oa va- riwMsabjecls. Christmas Day, New Year's Day, , By James F. Otis. - R!lfrt!f,n.rT B.i;n,lt..j,.. - fi-rrllrrfr-TTi h'lfiuctory. Recolloctions I-Pue Plea of la- ' cy.cc " .- - . . . b3''"-a Poem ; by C. VI. Everest. Notice of wis new work, with extracts. J"8yLAddressiXuUcfddrew V , ered by Ule Rev. R. IL Morrwoo, at his inaugo ? r10 Pfeswlent, and an address delivered by jwv. P. J. Sparrow, A. Jl at hU inauguration a rnessor ot Lamrusges in Davidson College, . Carolina, Aosrnst 2, 1S34L t !lff"w lwo eniiiled New Views of , f ylm. WO iryieian,! and publiied , IV, ICavYir and XIL of the Mesengr. " " rtChaoters,k Patrick Pedant, School-Mas-w Chapter I, the Introduction; Chapterll.the , UU-fieWSclwd; Cnapter 111. Alfcctatiiin ; Chap. . wrIV, Antiuiti.t,&e. . " iragtomical Hwtory of the Lovers of Hamper Lorv-min. Upiod fiont Blackweoira , Winburgh Magixme, for 119. ftZT. Aaecdtes, political nd nnscellaneons, wl.SH to lTflt drawn from the porwrulio of aa officer of the Empire, and translated from the ench i fc the Messeneer, by a jBtIeman in Pa f Msngin inlsM; a PautieGilt; Mar- " j!!?!c M- Psrcevalde Grandmaiaon and hit Jaef, aa Ad vanceiuent without Iutriirue. eVc la fWK',ndd-) i - . .. - T ,WLit? Su,P"" Twenty Five Years since. tt t JT-- A' 'i f South Carolina. r Te tit Vm,ll-UK- M.,lt.it.iwr A hu'norocs tkcttb; by Li t..e i ! J T, r,., i t, Vlitof II IUT 11-1' ,.v ! i ty K in; 'Ollif . niv.hu to Jmi.Hni;,', Ky. 13. Tim C.py lU.k, No, V. furmilirs ()f Cri-nt M;n, ( 1 1) lip Continued.) Tli X.-vv World : Df- Patrick Henry; llyporfHT. clumdiia i Diet. tc. : fljrton. Miltnn. A c 11. Difference in DiHKition Socrates, Ovid, Cardi- l de R?tz, and fa sua An extract. 15. Letter from Multa. . Prince Puckler Musksw ; his srrivil at Malts ; brirf sketch of his lite ; re coption by the Knjjlish ; notice of his Tuiti Frutii." liy an American at Malta. 13. Vdasco, a Tragedy ; by Epea SargcnU Notice of this new work, with extract , .. 17. A Comparison fire, water, and air; lovemoney, "Sndfi.tr. An extract 1S. Knowledge. Froinjjlcntal Pliilosophj.aacw , - work, bv llobert Mud ieT" oviuiNAi. rorravT -Ml Youth. It Eli..' T iW. The Steainboai Neptune. By Mrs. L. II Si- gourneyt. 21. Tim Guitar. (Sefected.) , " " . 2iL I Have Breathed Thy Name. By Eycria. . 2:1. The Greek Captive, i By Eceria. 21 Winter. By D. ". ; , , 25. The Pilgrim Amid the Ruins of Rome By John ; C M-Cabe. ' J. 2& Tbi Grave. From1 the fiermaiTof Salis. By J. I M., Washington City. , ' - -27. To Vircinia. Bv J T. I. " r - 2i.ThaJ)eath ufaladiiuBy IwriesM. .Deem. xy. 1 1 five iheestui. . . ,. U , L ..'.I J- JI.L J1H i ' . Fditot$ Corrtupondenct.) Fatettivilli, February 10, 1B39. Since wrkin j you on the '16th, Cotton has advanced considerably and. sales have been made at from Vl to 141, daring the week. Leaf iotsicco has sold at $10 per hundred, and even a small advance oa that tor rood . migni ne ooiainea; corn and meal bnnjrftl readily ; flaxseod 1 -25- 1 -atrpeats 5tr a tTflourj6 60 a 7 00 (7 5lor inspected ;) bacon 10 ; beef Sflard 11 $ salt per sack 2 50 a 2 73, coarve do., owing to late arrivals 60 a 75 j suar DJ.a 10, for fair; molasses -ur leans , ditto, common article a 3 ; cof fee 121 a 13 : iron. English 5 a 5. ditto Swede M a fl. There is water sumcient for steam boats in the Cape Fear river at present. " Arrived, Friday 22d, steamer Henrietta. Cant. Rush. with boats Nelson, Diligence and Messenger in tow, with dry goods, groceries, salLJatratc- tor sundry merchants in this ton,nd for IWwick & McKeozie, ' J. & W. Murohy, James Oorsett & Sons, Davis &, Rhodes, V. Cobb, Professor MitcheUJPry.ii' Phillips ttttZxwsrtmtfffiix 8. McLane, M. Vogler, Cress Sl ftper, 8. Lorin?, A. IL Marsh, F. J. Hill, E. WingSte, Comn Si Clarke, fVe, McAdoo &. Scott, and others, in the interior. . Dcpartcdr ISilv boat Post-Boy, wiih floor end o Hon Selcclioii Coinmiinlc.ntril. THEvFAMILY BIBLE." How painfully pleasing the fond recollection -Of yrotbtulcOTnexicttSintf TftnW JWJien blest with parental advice and aneclton, " Surrounded with mercies with peace front on high. I still view the chairs of my sire and my mother, The scats of their ofTsprinir as ranged on each hand. And thai rirhest of books which exccll'd every other, -That family Bible that lay on the stand : X The old fashioned Bible, the dear blessed Bible, N The family Bible, that lay on the stand. , The Bible, the volume of God's Inspiration, - - At morn and at evening could yield ns delight ; And the prsyer of our sir was a sweet invocation, For mercy by dsv and for safety through niirht ' Our hymns of thanksgiving with harmony swelling, All warm trom the Heart ot a family band, . Half raised, us from earth to that rapturous dwelling, Described in the Bible that lay on the stand ; Thst richest of books, which excell'd every other The family Bible, that lay on the stand. Ye seeoes of tranquility, long have we parted, " My bupes almost gone, and my parents no more", . In sorrow and sadness I live broken hearted, And wander unknown oil a far distant shore, Yet how can I doubt a dear Si v fours protection, Forgetful of gifts from his bounteous hand ; Oh I let me with patience receive his correction . And flunk ot the Bible that lay on the stand : That richest of books, whichexce The tauuly Uible, that lay on the stamt Blest Bible, the light and the guide to the stranger, Willi 4hee4 eem circled by parents and friends,"" Tby kind admonitions shall guide me from danger, " un Ihee my last lingering hope then depends. Hope wakens to vigor and rises to glory, '. . ' I love to belaid the inviaible lano, ' . . 1! For refuge fey hold on" the hopes set before inie, . Aeveai'd in the Bible that lay on the sUnd : The old fashioned Bible, the dear blessed Bible, ti.. u.i- n,i.i ,i,., u .i.n.i Flail risinir the briirhtest and beat of the morninir. The star which has guided my parents safo home; . . A sesm of thy glory my pathway adorning. Shall scalier the darkness and brighten my gloom. As Eastern sages to worship the stranger, . In ecstacy hastened to Canaan's fair land, . I'll bow to adore him, but not in a manger, - - ica gecn jo the Bible that by on the stand : The old fashioned Bible, the dear blessed Bible, 1 Tho family Bible, that hy on the stand. ... Though age snd misfortune press hard on my feelings, 1 11 nee in the Bible and trust In the Lord, . jToughdarkness should cover his mercitul dealings,' ; aly soul is still checr'd by his heavenly word. And now from things earthly my soul is removing, . 1 soon shall sliout glory with heaven's bright band J la rapture of jny be forever adoring, The God of ths Bible that lay on the stand : 7 Tbe old fashioned Bible, the dear biassed Bibbv The family Bible, that lay en the stand. . . ' 'A new way of evring Intemperance. Tho tat lor's wile, got a goin as bad as any on 'env but bnivel s ooolv - rmicB- truK-ner -oq it. Ye sew he put nietic iu't. She wasJ fjpoTi "S'tft.then. So she went to Merrick s shop, and Kdd him bis gin didut agree witn ner, and got -wonve brwfvlvi enivel wniened nee nwtinns, ami she'd no sooner cot into the house, than, unbe . known to her, he put a metio into that. So she went to Merrick agin, and told hint his brandy LaarKcdluir jcsUa WdJM Ihe.gia did,'jSa jslio gatl a little Jnnnky ; and twasn t in the houne liair an ' hour afore Suivcl had a metio in that too. , She got, that way, to think sperrct wasit t jest the thing for her stomach, but she never suspceied the least thing about the metic. About a mouth trier. a dozen wimmin, maybe more, kiin to spend the art'nooo at Miss Snivel's house. So ye see, as she had the good stuff by her, and couldn't make no use out herself, on account of heMiklnr weak lc inach, and as most oit Vm was ailin somehow, and took a k-etle now and then, as a inedn, she treat ed 'era all, and was as liberal with it, as if 'twas o' no more vully than rain waTce Some on 'em took and some on em inoic brnnoy, aim some on em took Jimaky. But didn't make a nute o diucr which iwas iney ioh. ti soi em i. chatterin like ah powcsd for about half an hour, Tljin. nnn arter another, ihcv betrsn lo feel a loctle '1- U" a i ..- i. j a ,i , t'i..' Iii,ii,',', t f J Il't.ry Itoimer, lK I).. I'r. , , College, Lexington, Va. C'i.i squally t and, at last, they got a coin every one on ! " yc for , s) ,,a11 happy to receive appli W iL,h iim R,m shvs I.b nevitr hwr'd tell cations, pod paid H travelling and local agencies, . em- bich a time Nnvel sas he never beetaiUl tJ0fen er,cUcJ All communicaUiius must on. tie was a wormn in nis snap ai iu oegmn.n o'ot. .So, when be heir d the first now, he per ned. ' through the key-hole, and he said he thought ho J should 'a dH s laugbinj. ' Fo he ran back- tntu;; Wjl, f-r t' ..r tl.rV .1 i t Mnllliilil, Uli I , .. r ii . . . i . . " ...' .i ..I n il i w.oik cuiun nui a pair o ri;.;t:in'mai sni:ii;s If I 1.1.1,1 i . , .i i r eincrai i weczer , utii ne i;i'iiit(i so,4tiiit lie jfiiii!t the breeches, ami cut 'cm ly ruisiakn, arter I arm n i L'l-'af'Hi s tivasire, to that the iiiiuul ciuld' g't into 'em at no rate arter ihey was iniidi' Up ; and bem of a briM yuller, they wouldu I a bin the tiling fur a mimlor no how. So, e see'. twas a toilo loss.' 'But the eend o' the joke wasn't like to come out so pleasant. Several on Vm had narrer squeak on it, and old Miss Hawks een most wrenched herself to dearti. But Iho IkjsI o' tho hull I'm agoin to tell ye. Not a soul on 'em ever suspected the least trick ; and Merrick got i i 1 1 . i . . sicn a oau name lor scum liquor mat waso l pirn vino, that he lost a'most all his einlom jn our town aMeririat7SiiivcttT:oiift)uiidedly scart. for. arter while, he thuught 'lwas sich a good storv he couldn't keep it to himself no how j so he told it round to one and another and at last it got to Squire ProiikJ eartant the. squire told Snivel, that if old Miss Ilawkst who as ailin a long spell, should happen to pop oir afore the year was out 'iwoufd be manslarter, as sure as fate, llowsnmesever, the old woman's a livin yet ; but she han't taken a drop sence that day. A number on 'em hasn't. So cood's come out on't arter all. 1 reckon there's a good many folks, that don Hike the name p tukin siterret, now the Temperance Society has cot sich headway t and yctjhey like drop i wclj. enough. loa; so reckon they gets ailin, and sends; for the doc tor a purpose." ; ; Sjvcimenof the " Sublime 'and Beautiful,"- I he following is an extract of a speech' delivered in Boston by Rev. Nathaniel Col ver, at a recent meeting of the Massachusetts Anti slavery Society What may not such. eloquence effect ? AVb 1'ori Journal of Commerce. "I know there is a great difficulty in correcting public sentiment ; but 1 think I see the way. The niotter lies before my mind in the image of a great cask, lull of public sentiment. I Lis public seuti ment has become corrupt and tainted, and the only purifier is truth and righteousness. The District of Columbia is the bung-hole, and John Quincy Adams stands with his great pitcher full of truth Taiid righteousness toiweetcn the caskrThe slave. holders are afraid, and have got Athcrton to make ahung jQd.Bltin thn hnlit. Bui here eomen i t hole-hr the North end, and Stnnton drives the truth in with his forcing pump, ana n ne men ai tvasningion will only keep kicking lbejwaktJ..wiU-.snnii dimisavitawlf- through the whole mass, and the country will be saved. CLASSIFICATION OF MAGISTRATES. . At the request of sevcrat of our friends, we insert the following Act, for a copy of which we are in debted to the politeness nfjhe editor f tho" Ilf'ai. ter, who prints the Laws of the last session. Rat Standard. ..' As Act authcrisin? the Justices o4" the Peace, in cer tain Counties in this State, to class themselves for holding the Courts of Pleas and Quarter Sessions. 1. Be U enacted by the General Astembly of the otate of'Ivertk Laroltna, ana u is hereby en- uted by the authority of the tumt, I hat front and afteiuhe passage of this Act, a majority of the Justice, in the- following counties, viz : Beaufort Wayne, Greene, Granville, Hertford, Yancey, Da vidson, Rowan, and Macon, shall and may have power to form their entire magistracy into classes of five or five and six Justices each, as said major ity may see ht, three of whom shall be sulhcient for holding the County Courts in their respective wiint's. . . ...... , -r ry 2. Be it further enacted, That aftef the clas sification aforesaid is made, tickets of each class so formed shall be deposited in a bot, and at the time of drawing a Jury for the succeeding Court, j one ticket of Justices shall be drawn for holding (he Court, and it shall be the duty of the Sherinl by -himself or Deputy, to notify tho Justices so arawn, mat tne auiy oi noiuing said un uevoives np)ft-th6iiwM'"is'sa 3JLnd be tl. further snaeUd, .That any Jus- lice ot Xusuces TieT --rT,r i,-.ri.mT Tnr-w i anat nsAis Ia iiA saA . s-niast ntn iinnn llasa I f sar- ka s sari I exercise all the power and authority vested in Ihera ny iuw, as tuny anu cncctuaiiy as tnougn tnis Act had never been passed. j j lU:ad three limes and ratified in General Assem bly, this 4th day of January, A. U., 1 630. W1LU A. UK A HAM, Sp. II. C. r' s are .- - A. JOXNEB, Op. P R O S P E fc.T.UJ3 - ' or TUB ' - A monthly Alagatine, tmbellukti with Steel portrait!. ON the first of January, 1339, was commenced the second volume ot the American Museum of lite rature and the Arts. This Magazine is a depository of papers ia the varioua departmen'aof Literature, bci ence, and the Arts, calculated Hike to Instruct, prpnt and please the reader,-As utility is 4le ehsrseiewttc oi the age, the Museum contains articles of solid inter- pt-t upon Science, Literature, Hiatory, Biography, snd mora is. - ieicwi snu inerary cnucisms, so unporiani in this publishing age, occupy a prominent place in the I r I - n : I I . .:.:! ; . work. It, also, contains short reviews or the entire work? pf .distinguished American authors, stomps oied- bv port nils emrraved on steel, I he solidity of. the wnrk .it ties :siich as graceful essays, interesting and aiiiustng tales, criticisms upon the fine arts, legends, sketches ot .j.. .... - . ... .. ' . . .... travel, literary and scientific intelligence, andoyetry of. u rioi uiuii. The very favorable reception which the work has met from the press and the public, hss justified the pro prietors in making liberal arrangements lor contribu tions to the second volume ; and they have accordingly msae Isige additions tu'Uii'ir mm nl.TTgniar contrisu tor In ihe Jsnusry number will be found original paprrrB from the following popular writers: Kev. Ur. lfc-alev, Kev. J. U. alorris, Key. J. It Clinch, David Hotlmait, Emi W, G. hiinnw, Charles WeiffThoinpsoTirTTCTlofljn' A. Poe, Professor r ishcr ot the University of Mary land, Professor Foremsn, W. B. Tappsn, Mrs. Sigonr ney, Miss II. F, Gould, Mrs, Emma C. Embury. Be sides these, msny other writeis4d knownsbiliiy have, contributed to the work, and will continue to awl us.' ' In this number is the commencement of a scri -s of " Italian Sketches," by gentleman ot taste snd scho larship who has been sojourning io that classic country Besides these, the future numbers of the Museum will contain articles from dintinguinhcd European writers, although we are fr more aaxintis to receive assistance from, and encourage, native talent. - Plat vs. Portia its on steel, by a distinguished sttist, similar to that of Washington Irving in the Sep lember number, and of J. F. Cooper in the January number, will continue to embellish the work. . T E RM S .Tub Amkbicas Miskvm ia printed on good paper, with new type, and makes two volumes s vear. of more than 500 pages each. Price per an- ! num, payalle in advance foiir copies will do sent u nA djrpcted to ,hfl , . , 'Jbavi;w. Mrsm greatly needed. - BROOKS & SNOrxiRASS, -" , Editors and Proprietors. too tov Won. S1' lUH uriilcrsi'' ned will opctrliM H.'bn-d in this htt, , the 4 'Ji tit' Man:h, and lie r.-.;:n.-.ts oil. .Mmiilnr parents or gtinrdians v. tio inti'!. I to Fiil lx .j , to i nii'r them a early in itio Stw-ion aa y w m oriit-r lo en able him to llirm his clnst-i-s periiiaiieutly. The cliar'ea for tuition will bo the same as usual in ot it-r institu tions. ' . " The undersigned aluo ofTors his a.itanr s to persons wishing, to animre a knowlfJije of th j French bin guare, or of Uie Natural icumeos, am-lo such he would give instruction either prinU'ly r in a thm. T. PHILLIPS ALLE.W Saliwlury, Feb. 2 M- tf CrptlE undersigned Citizens of Rowan, Davidson, and Montgomery Counties, respectfully reqtHMt ths Pout masters, and other cilitcns interested on mail route (NO. 2iW) or th" route leadmc from Mount Lebanon in Davidson, to Lawrenceville in Montfoine- rv, and osca once per week, to meet at Ur. J. M. Worth's, nesr the Narrows of .the Yadkin, on Monday the 4th of March, for the purpose of changing said routw, or so improving it as to meet the wishes of Uie 1 ublic. . ROWAN. ''t II. C. Jonej, B. Austin, II. V. Connor, D. A. Davis. .RxW,Jfngt Cjuwtll , , u .:. I inngie. MONTGOMERY. , -Eli Harris, , Eii wsrd Burrage, James L Gaines, XV m. Stokes, Son'r,'. Thoa. 9. Bright, m. Stokes, Jr. DAVIDSON. Travers Dsn'ul, Johd Ssunders. Police. LL persons indebted to the Subscriber for Beef, &e. are requested to make immediate payhiehtpis fur- ther indulgence lliau Uie 25th of March, positively can not beiven. . v .. HENRY SMITH, . Feh28.1S3tt. . : ;3 gt BissoVuVion. JTHHIIS day the Copartnersliip of Wheeler &. Burns J waB dissolved bv the consent of parties; all per sons nuieDiod to me rmn will make payment as soon as Dossible verbum tal. The Anothecsrv slion will be under the control of C B. L C. K. Wheeler, by ue-attenwon-wtit wr ptvenr- AVf IKKLEIl d BURN? Salisbury, 8d December, 1839. if C, .-.11. M Cs-lUWUlimAUl HAVING entered into a Co-, partnership in the n Druggist IIuhineuM, - take pies sure in announcing to the eitieens generally, that they will keep constantly on .hand frosh and general assortment of .Drugs,'- - Medicines, -jJPjalnts, Dye.StuiTs, Sargical Inttrumenti, Snuii; Tobacco, Cigars, r;r: SPIRITS, WINKS, dLc," ' tofcther witha'-splnndid aseortinent of FAXC Y'KR- TICLE8 tit of which they Will settMen'oN tf not dtenper than any other Druggiil or Mtrchantt in the male. " N. B. All orders from a distance, whore reference ...k given, will be promptly attended to. - : Salisbury, Dec. 3, 18. :-r- - tf HAS on hand for sale a q'isntity of superior Tress an3" Bmls,of-tlie Morus Multicaulis, which are warranted lo be genuine. Early applicaiion is desired,. as Uiey may be otherwise disposed of. ;., ' M. ROUNSAVH.LE. Lexington, N. C. FeN 14, ltlO. . tf Look at Tins. - -a- OUMMER will bo coming before long, VI at n.l ennS iwuiauta ai PS nnl ttnt aaiiA.l K rj I SS S-SS1ISBSf SJ IIU JUUI IIUUKI SS I lllt ivt milllvJU tir4 TitWii fVantii it")iTTnst TirTtriTn r i thank Uie citizens of this place, and the surrounding t?;piitrjBjtte have here tnfnrs'hs9BilnaB.'A(i nn ma. mnt n m. silrint attnntinn tr Kn. f-AfMV--tMS MI..1SV,T'-Jlttlli' .'TVj.'k.VJV.:'J.'4.. inn , t - w-a- .' ' f - ainnsM, nope io mem a continuance oi uie same. 1 will aay.tft-all who desire to have psinrinr done, and may call on me, that it shall be executed in Uie most improved stylo, and that no pains shall be spared on my .part to give saiiidiction. - Any one wishing to, have painting done, will ajwayt find me in Salisbury, Unless necessarily absent on busi- . ness, - IL IL RAINEY. i i ,JiL B-AU ordore IVom-a disUnesrdireeted to-mehrp- Salislmry will be punctually attended to. January 21, l30. .tf To Owners ot MVUs. THE Subscriber has an imprpvtd patent Spindle tor Mills, by which, a mill will do much, better than with Ihe usual form of Spindlea. It is so constructed as to keep from healing or killing tho meal In any man. ner. The runner is so confined by the Spindle ss al ways to preserve its balance, snd of. course there is no rubbing of Ihe atones. .--. . . I think, by this improved Spindle, the same water will do at least one-third more business, and the meal --of superior julUy Anv nersuo wishifie to use one of tbee Spindles, . may obtain one or more, by making application, (with in a short time) to the Subscriber al Mocksyille, Davie Co. N. C. I think the probable cost will not exceed fcK) lor the Patent and Spindle ready for use. CL Wis. F. Kelly and Tne FosteY.in theTicinity of Mocksville, have recently tried the improved Spip. L M. GILBERT February 7, 1939. tf IJROM 1,000, to 3,000 Dollars wanted, on time, f!r . which Security will be given, either on Real Es tate, Negroes, or the b"t of Personal Hocunty. ' (yj For lurilmr pariicuUm, rwfowice may be had by calling on Ur. Aulm, BaTIabury. " February 7, WJ. JJEW i:STAIILISIIIi:XT, IN MOCKSVILLE, DAVIE COUNTY. TH0MASF0STEII . INFORMS Uie public that he has removed fronHna . former stand, to his new buildings on tho iiublio square, in tho Town of Mocksville, where ho will con tinue to In! a HOUSE OF ENTERTAINMENT. His House is roomy and commodious attached to Ywhich are six comfortable Oflicos for getrtfeinen of the Bar, st) convenienUo the Court llouce. The sebscri bor pMges himself to tho moat diligent exertions, to give satisfaction to such ss may call on him. Jlis Ta ble, Bar and Stables are provided ill Uie beet manner that Die country will all'urd, and his servants ire failb- ful and prompt. . ' - ' Feb. It, KtO. " r - Tt tf - I tt persons indebted to 'tho 1tsle'of John Shaver, IV dee'd.. snd whose notes have become duo, sre here by notifii'd to come forward snd mnke payment w ithout ii " -v oift Linill'V .!...'. lanner ouiry. .o.m t u.-iui , . av ttiiyWy, N.C, Feb.?, liW, if J l J.J 1 I , Will commence on the 1 1th of March. TERMS OF TUITION. - First Claw, pet session, "" fl.'i M ..Ktteonrtp da , Jo, 111 50 10 tHI French, Oricntsl Teintiiig, .," . Wax Floweis, Lamp Mali Worsted Work.Xm- -"bidery, Aclc, - 5 00 Music, per set ion, 25 (!0 Board in respectable families, can be had at einl.t and nine dollars per month. " S. D. NYE HUTCHISON, Principal. N. B. Parents snd Guardians disDosed to naimiuvi the Academy, are respectfully solicited to enter their laughters and wards as near the commencement of tho term as possible. ' K,.. No deduction will be made for abeence after cnsVance except on account ofakknoss.. -, - ...-- . February 14, 1H3U. . 74 4t J '' ' vim To Travellers. piIE travelling community are respectfully inform. eu iuai me bubscriber is now running bis line di rect from Raleigh by way of Pilboro' and Ashboro' to Salisbury, in small Northern made Coaches of the first order; leaving Raleigh on Mondays and Thursday at iu a. ai., arriving in naiisoury next nays at 111 1'. Al. leaving Salisbury on Tnesdsys and Fridays at 2 A. W., ' arriving in Raleigh next days si 10 P. M. His horses are good, and drivers particularly'careftil and accommodating. JOEL McLEAN. Feb. 12, ISM). tf N. B. Seals secured at the Mansion Hotel. "HcathTTactr -JIUllUIKATH-TRAer, -CTmtninr " f ? L hundrwl Acres of Laud, situswNl about VjV miles East of Lexingto. Davkkou to. .slsaw on the road leading Irutn L'Ttgtim to rWiiuulle is now olTored Ibr Sale. There are about 1 00 acres improved, snd 500 in Wood and Timber. ; . The Tract is located m a very .---r : r.c'". ''- HHALTTT RS320IT. and is peculiarly sdapteiT U farming; . It has on it a Mn Orcliard, and a good Meadow. And iiidu. f pendent of those adyanuges, the prospect fl.r (Jold, is unijuestionable, as one or two - have already been opened, and some very rich ore ex. -traded from them. The celebrated Conrad Gold Mine, is situated a few hundred yards south of it ; snd according to the direc tion of .the Veins of that Mine, they must necessarily . pass through a part of this Tract. , Any person wishing to view the premises or got a ndye minute description, will call on Rigdon Vads wolkh, In Ixington,-who wrill give Ihe desiroa infor. ' matien : or any person wishing tocoutracl for the same, will call on Dr. Austin, Salisbury ; or address a Letter to Uie Subscriber, Trenton Post Office, Jones Co. N.U - - : - WM. iL HEATH. - Fsb.21,1839. . If. . " Hawawa ..'"i';.;.C:;L:. IROM ihe Subsvrjbrr nn the 11th innUnt, an Inden' Apprentrco to" the ttlsrkwilihm(rffiinieS8,Tjr the name of MARTIN FREEZE. Said Freeze is be tween nineteen snd 20 years of tfor tolerably stout built, black hair, snd about 5 feet 6 inches high. All persons are hereby cautioned not to Lsrbor or employ id boy as l will put the law in torco against those of fending. The reward of a rusty horse-shoe nail, with no thatiks, will be given for his delivery to me in Row an county, N.C. ' THOS. ek'ATWELL. Kowan cd. reb. Zl. ISiiJ. - at CLOCK IIEAD" IV ILL stand thecn--1 vstting-Wcsson- it " SALISBURY. ' AMO .. MOCKSVILLE. For nirther particulars ftJJce.,lia.nd-bdl--. , JOHN JONES, 4t Salisbury, Feb. 14,1930. A New Confectionary - . (raoai abis; ' . WOULD respectfully inform the Cit izens of Salisbury and Its Vicini ty, that he has established a CONFEC TIONARY, few doors casl of the Court House, in Salisbury, whcie ha intends to keep conslaully on hand, all L tt ,fiK cS Candiet, Fruit, - Cordials, - Spirits, Sigari, rh, Ate, : - . - . - Caket, t -Crackere, Kuisloi, Mr. R. would respectfully inform tho Public that he intends opening a -v ' . , , RESTAURATEUR, after lite Pariwan Stylo) in which he wdl fake great pleasure in accommodating his friends with s fine cup of French Cofloc, and a va riety of Dishes too numerous Id meulion, .Salisbury, Feb. 21, 1S30. tf rpHE firm of WARMOTII At CIBSON, has been renewed, and is now in full operation as heretofore, and prepared to execute all Jobs in tiie CAlUUAGIt" MAK1NU ; business. Any work In their lino (constructing or re- pairing,) will be thankfully received, and doiie with punctuality and despswn. - 1 . . nr. nifvlTt II AII.IIUIU Concord, Feb. 21, 133a " GIBSON, v tf DOCT'. T. J. roWLGK, ' . (Surgeon DcntUt) WILL be absent from Salinbury for a fw week,-, persons from the Country desiring to have opo ralbns performed On their Teeth, will bo attended to Immediately on hi! return, by leaving their names at the Manama Hotel. ' ' February 14, tf l LL persons indebtwl to ths Subscribers, cither by l Nolo or Book account on the 20th day of April next, ara most rcnpcctfully informed that suit will bo voniineiiced upn them unless prcvioubly arranged. We trust our friends will take no exception to this course, as necessity compels ua to the measure without, discrimination.- r WHEELER L BURNH. L Salisbury, Feb. 21, 1S31. t " Jrv 1 i FRJSHi 1S.AJ V

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