-THK P0 BBS N"T lUCMW ATM To THE l'.Xm:t XriTI-tf BV TflK CONK 'l iTTIo, Noli t'HOHIlil'liat FV IT TO Til R H r.ltfcS, A HE KIWKU Villi TO Til It t VH S RKSrtrTtVKI.V, OR 10 TIIK PEOIXE. AmtJiltrntt l Ike Cflttti ,. -1 U AlJStIN C. 1 FlSliliH, EDITORS AM) PROl'MM'OUS. TERMS OF CAUOLIMAX - Wmtori Cir-dinis is p ibiisrwd every Tinas- st p , Dills' I"' anau-u it piH in advance, or V loUW"d Fifty Cents if not paid before the ex otrtiiMofllirw m-mui-.'.;' ": " ., -Naiwpel will ba discmtinueJ uml nil- arrearages rpiiJ. a'alessat tho discretion of the Editors J and a Luro w notify tl,a Elltor of. 'sh 10 discontinue,, t'the end 'of i yes'i "will ba considered as a ne oii '. jverti!innU will be conspicuously" and correctly iarftU'l. al oni dollar per snuire for the first insertion, t,xl 25 ci!'.s tir each Coatinumc". , Court ni Judicial i'jvertweunmM will b charged i per cent more than .hntv.v oricei' Adjjditctioiv rd 3:U por cehCtrom - Advertisements sent in lor publication, must nave mo 'number of tiinos marked on them, or they will be insur tal till Crb)d, tnd charged for accordingly. - . letters addressed to the FJitors on business must be pttifwl, or they will nut ba attended to. ' .. ; : JfVsfli (he Knickerbocker. . " . ' ,. EASrGaN LANbaA TALE or YESTERDAY. j'hew are certain people in ihi world, who, let Ju wind bin wheresoever- ft may, are; forever nruoibliiiif. ' Urateful for nothing, the more that is duce for'lhom (bo mora is etpocled. Half sup 7 pressed imiitennga, if the bounty fills in tbo b-ast ' ihort of tbutr expectations, constitute their staple re piymeiit- Of fhi class w .Bob ..Morris a teiiive of ISlueville, Riwdo Island.7 Bob was a fir- , 'mer bv trade, and could, if he bad chosen, have ha pyop'ity, uy a Bte.my iipmicaiioii . ' . II tt hi. anilti in ira. 1 miir. annl iu iwrt. U wanted money it is true, but his aspira lion was tlmt it might come suddenly and iu one Iminieri! hi in'Mher, before her death, bavins: T-"rreww, i'X',"'S " """ji h ; ould, U-or9 pi'iny years, ride, iu hu carriage, the possessor of an immense fortune. To sum up alt, v Mob was idie.ana envioas to his oetglibors : pros. :fpsri(y.-litilelliwkid4 lht if Jia had. speut (ha ma -irf yeSTfat iiis ird-which ho had losr nrpwst jug siktgniuibling, uuder :Jie porticrf(ite-(imfrtt ' be might have been as well 6fT as any around him, ami have stood a good chance of belonging to the honorable bidy of.the select ntea of BliieviUo, J U:w 4ttutr colJ night, in Dtfcomber la-rK'h was seated over a scanty fire in his miserable shsn. "Ty, wfiicfi a i' iMiTnaiie Tiiidi.ir J ha J "perrnltieil tiitulo " occupy, rent Ireejl The wiiids whistled .tbrougU ' the wide cracks in the sides of (he hovel, and its inmate set shivering with cold, his tfioughlsas usu- ilfef!m lo bwown bard ikle. , M Ub I now co,ld i is?" mutlered Bob,1is (eetli chattel mg; " I shan t sleep a single wink to-itight Twcwd'-wnded strange bif-8nw folkrrs rontons sifh silver gjnj his jit tliuir uutiHis, and others with claihs and pad-bicks on their ancles. - foe re is Ur sfgsoOTbils pltMixbiag Jt.wiMk. iur ,the frost out of the gnmnd, stumbled upon n a coal) mine. Hli fortune's cut and dried for him, wiili- hi saying bol, And here, am I, as gmd a km as my neighbors, no bettor oil in the world at ' thirty years of ago,ihan I Was wheo I started.' I chl bow very cold I 1 he cracks in (bis but ar so wide that the wind plays' w hide and seek" ik.. .,,i. ... .. i ..r !.. uuuuit Dili, uull'j4aiii;j,jvjiwjii.auiiiTO ""tdhdlofdii are drfiadliil close w ith their nurses fww. i-dnvs. - To be Sure. 1 don't nav him anv rent, but rrhfnljhinkrhelpa'atieCfHifd tf..WiM.1ifte7tdlhRe;n .tot iiouao cornioruoie, aim Keen n inTepair. in ijifkhnal cold ! If the old woman's pmphecv eun't turn up soon, I shall stand but a little chance --. -being able to"-pnToT ItTTftloheV" "I niuf Tiave Low cau I get ill -J'll go out upon Iba .highway ...MjoQ some ouei&AoJ -hh t - that iwitlirr 1 might possibly swing for it, w hicb would makx it a. -Wo, ru " - ... ' " Here the cogitations of our hero were interrupt i by a loud double rap against the boards which -wed-itm TTtrpcfKi-tH' a' dwrr"rTTw' , . "Knock a ay P eoniiuned B!),'lii the snme jnutlermg tone, but without Mirring an inch, VsomO ' traveller, 1 suppon!, who wants a direction to tho tiveru. Let Mm find it bimstdf j I won't Jxi, bis ymdije!" . v. ..vr ::: .'.A-.-'V .V; Again and sgain was the knock'ng repented, nn. hi the "uutsiJo barbarian," desgainng of obtain r I'admiKsiun by ix acoable means, gave ihe door, or J"tiier tlni board, a furioos kick, which burst i; in. ullillo!" exclaimed the intruder, a tall stoot '!LJUCiippfjl-tO-Xh& throat in a slwgg , J;rry( as Ins eye rested upon ISob, anting quite 'otupoHlly lcfore Ihe firo-ptuce. S ( ", 1 -"Hallo, your-lfl" replied Bob, scaning-biui Jjiia no weuoriw glance. "Why tlie. dc ildiduV .yourvopeo t'h lio C - Wmntrnew coinof. , - .... . , Becaiise I didn't choose (0. What's vour bu JP$ .bete. T1!J. i i " Pn-ci mis liule to do .with yon," was the reply. . ."Ii'K.k yan here, I wautto sleep here to-nigW, uad illing to piy you for it. ' If you like it,' well and .-P""d; if not, vou can do the other tliina; for tim' su p I don't tsnlge this night- ;Th it's all " string tii'-.sirnngiT "pushed' Boa wit oi ft. and binmiii2 4iiti it hit iictfl bc''an ery do iVrntoly to ptAo the dying embers of the fire. 'x)b iiirilrfiiilu i!..rniiiiid h rirt l him hv dtrcr 'mm bis preiniss, but a st'coii! look a: his bizv and . S'Uscle, convinced him that tie 'plight come otf i ..I'd best . in svieh nn .attempt, tfwnllowmg hi mtnv-thFiTtlirfrjite graled a- reluctant wlcorafv" r " Wbat's your name !"aked Bob. ' " w mnfcaU. 1110 Jo Jeiikiii", if you choose, 0 u.ay let it alone," was the reply, v . " 1 ny,n continued the stranger, after a pame of " ,ew iiiuulps, tlunng which time he had been vainly 1 endeavnriiig to make a blnza from the vcau- .V " what .liavu vou ftot to drink I", , "Pi enty of waicr in tho spring," answered Jtiirn " Oil, there is, is there I' said'Jenkin-i, with Ihe I'rof a (n ni (( HVin nn inipnrlant fact lis 1 just w"n'diw.s.,t.,' There. Imlf dollar;- let's have m ittu,, Wing sudden.":. ' - : W-icic as thr-iylit Bob clutched the piecj if -.. VT' lw 'l 'w loiiretl his guest might, change hisi " aiij in an incredibly short space T tunc, he i : lurched jutt, lrit) bfir-rcH)m of the Red Lion. j " I want a q-rart of brandy wid be, raiding I'tis "... jw-aJ an hih ! tiny in tlni ro-.m. ' " j . "l d,iic r-died Boniface, with a wink to ermn i.t .... t. f.. 1' -. - ' ..1.. :.. ... - .... 1' lit l!,e ! 1 . 1 l - ' r r iiii tt a tavern: "I never knew t!n ; 1 a in, to bt sure," replied bo, planning die half dollar. . ' " "llillo!" exchimod Boniface, with the utmost surprise, ".where da you r.uso that 1 I'm afraid ymj didn't coma bom-aily' by that money; Bob. ' ' . Oil, no, no !" en the lalrdW.1 j your money is good, Air. Morris. ' Who says I have evor turmjJ ' a customer away J" . i , , ; ; " Bob pockotud hi cliange without a word ol com mmit, and taking ku j-i, lurucd-his fice toward homo. Uro.it a l)is coustHrpalion, up.ia fiiitormg his hovel, at tbdmg Ijia visitor upou U point of '. spiriting up the only tabbt .hu bwnojl in llio world., '"lldll' hprej cried hp,' seeing. dowiLpn uselJ and catching bold of one b-g of the table, what the cn;ut-o rei you about! ' ... :-' ,.: ".Don't you see V' answered Jenkins, wrenching nfl the top ; " I'm breaking up this old table for Iu f I, You shatt liave'iihij fjro at all eveuts. Douce (ake it man do you suppose I am going to frotze I" ; Huk rosolutoly delended bis property, but all in vain. 1'iece afer piece was broken tti, and thrown on (o the firo iu upae of all he could do ; and witlij a tear in his rye lie beheld the coiillngialidiiol Ins xcuVpuw-Uwo. ' Ad now, my boy," Raid Jenkins,, " I'll make your fortune in Eastern Lniids." - - ; , 7 Bob's cars were wide open-to. receive any Ihing relating to fortune so, forgetting his grievances at once, he helped to empty the jtigf. brandy, nnd (lieu sal hi ui down un attentive listener to what fell from the lipS of Ins guest, liay light Jouud ' tbem in the same posi ion ; but a neighbor bapiH-n ing In cnl) in ths liu(3-4twe-ttei aim-use, found it empty. Bub and his visitorwere amongejmss. lug. Numberless were (he conjectures as !o what . bad become of the former ; no one. of course, know .- iiig that be bad absconded in company with any I body Tlieinaodlord 7f the Red: LiiuT rejiiiHed," with additions nnd variations, the story that tiob bad entered his house the evening previous, bought a 'qiiarCof, briiidy aud pid lor a w the spot, thmgjvliicb bad never kfore Jinppeucd Ubm the inoiiKirv of the oldet inhabitant ; and for which ho alter getting it safely; jaJus pmasesMuih- that a hv exjiected to leave (he world (ha( night, he had de termined bis last hours should be merry ones. As " (his was, the mos( exaggerated story (hat was manu .faCLtued.aC.JKiibV jcxpoiwe, it-was dwned barely possible, and finally firmly believed, by and and all. -SataA- hd--wmucs(ioimbly' claimetrfannpynaBd" transported the victun to tlw inlernnl regionsr"" ;,Tho bos( story, however, soon wears out : and so It chanced with the late.of Bob's abduction. . At first it engro-.se I (he lea table conversation of icvery gossip in the ViIlagQ,: 1 beq it was declared insipid by the more fashionable circles. . The mid. die- classes ilillawed (lie-exain4er till sK-lsst-tlie- lowest lab.irers forgut-(he'sulij-ict, or only men tioned U as a roiiicinbraiicu nl by -gone days. - - once, on a not July atteruoim, a snpero carriage rattled through the turn pike gate of Hluevilie, and urove up to sue wgn oi me ui'U iji-m. rrosemiy there descended from it ft man dressed id (ho ex : (reurn of fashion, Who, after eyeing bis ciflablish . irient with evident sati.fuction, turned to the house. .. i Hare John, Tom, Dwk I where are you all f JJiyVlli.uu.uuacijaiinia.iiuiuioiu,.! r-- :; Lwdlord raidt,li.iftr pous air:, , , . , . .. J .. . iMWWSWfMfWWS WWHf-.'i- V. " Yes, sir." . . '. fv Hay and oals,'tbe best." TIs, Bit." r ' Order supper immediately " " ;Yes sir'-' S5:K rrrr V n And if it oin't done in the best manner, I'll ' liorso whip you !" ".,' - "; ' . Y'es, sir yes," sir 5" and the landlord bustled bwhv to execute bisurders. Supper was announced, TOTdthrrtanger, futgittrg an'idjttriin'grciofCi6iu' , iiK-nced devouring tiie various dishes with hearty gusto. . . , . u Wjiat are yiu looking at, landlord V said tlie sfraoger, pausing a moment to take breath.. ,7 At j-uh, ir.";" :-;-:;;'. .1 ; " At -me " Why, what do you see in me to at tract your attention I . ' ' ; ' , ;, " Ain't j-tiuJoj inusl be Bob Morrisf " u R jb- rt FnimorriH, Ksnuire, it" you please. I am no long.er the, plum B b Morris; cal mo so 4ii.-lU4iirow youxHitif.4ha-wmduw. I re r inadfi a. f irtune within six months; three hundred ' tliouMind dollars, all in eastern laud." Iloll on to your-eye's landlord, or you'll lose 'em they' arc inll" out "of Vour head alreudviJKeeu still about ( it- W 4bepuwm if it gn-L Vyond von, I'll. .fit 4 answer fr your lile!. . ,- A way wtnl Bonifncei just as Hob desired, nod ioiu. 11 10 a iiviio'i, uiimwi wnvi ihj.iii'mi iy cn-cy ; this neighbor (old it to anolher, who, in his : turn, told it to a d vm others ; and b--f ore aun-"et itras known iu every Iihi-.o in Blueville that Bob. Morris had returned an Iwpiire and as rich as a ,. Jew. i : ' -.. . . '. , . l.-i.slahtiy.iovnaiio'ii upon puisTgreon, am oaner. were bdYat I lie " lied Lion," addressed to Robert FiiznMirris, F.-q-nre, requesting the honor j,f his company. Cnwds flocked around the tnv erri; the-Li m Wis never, so patromz mI. II(?nd ubovfi hem! appi-ared at the window of ihe dining- room, whrreinjiie rich man was seated. ' The law. " yeriiiT-1 justitre of the f eniT-.-eirme-m'sr tripping errc ' aitothor up as they entered the bar-room in thir bssto In pay their resm-cts. , That evening Bib f passed" si Justice," WonnwitiidV: ' T7 . ' Have you any land for wilol inquired lh". Jus j tirf, as Boh su mmed op proliis that had ac .cruod In linn friMirwie speculation. " "1 believe 1 Ime a f-w lots,'' replied Mr, t iix Worn, stowiy, i mo Mtiin time uiawjiir iiinf from bis KK;ket: "Here is a plan of the city of V Guile 11, M line. L t lifly threj is ti:;tli-i k.-d. Co.tie, I'll sell jiwi thai : V:gl't in ih'T'-n'ic of (ie ci;.v and j i-t uiiero the 1! t - f lit Gcoi ) 'United ' North- ini.-rica litstern U i'l Ui-.ul u'-u IVrwat J- 1 1 .... .1 ... ' . .1 :.. 1 ' iiig C impativ will tie I k-I," - 1 - ,'. - v But is "ihe road finished!'' interrupted the "jnsiieel ... ".. . - u Not q-iiie," nnswerr-d ? -Ii.wit'i a i-!--1!! r;!i ; -' " when I ief, i!u-e inooihs , tl.-re wn t b.ll in tm lower hu.t x'of (ho MatiM G" -e' l - th5 (iirorooKitioji r.f t!i! conipiriv,.. fV l.r- time it bas p:is.-il : and tiie tr rk has uteioniit'uiiy e ti cemtii'iireil and . " SALISBURY, N. C, 91 ARCH - "MPs jrosrs the Justice, " the bill might havp been dtleuted." " No such thing !" rejilied 1! jU, fiercely.'"' '".Is my word go jd (or.iiothiug 1" - ' ' Oh, no, no pry go on, dir." ,1 ; " 1 will read, you," continued. M.rj, FX'Ziitorris, producing a newspaper, ' a short paragropli. from tlio Galium Republican Banner nod Independent Tower of Freedom.". . . ." The city of Uullem is pleasantly situated, 'ip on the banks of Nowhere river, within half a mile of ilit- extensive water works of tiie Dnilod Sintos Calico StaniiMiig, and North A mericun Cloth l)ye- iug Compnny, which are now under consideration, ud which fill iM,lMtiK M-(bMttn'r fe yafXcrdUki lo.llwswlM:iiMaettMitiid'rrth their I'he pruposed canal of the enterprising .Water Couijmny, uniting (be waters of tho :. Lawrence and I lie Atlantic Ocean, will pass directly across ine iioruiufu uounaary line, near wncre tue great turn-pike empties in. The city itself is beautifully laid out in squares, and even now eoti'taitwnpwards of (en dwelling boue8, together with a meeting, house in progress of erection. A, splendid hotel is ulso coutempluted, (o stand on the Vacant ground next the corner lot, offered for snb by the editor -of 4bi pressiun. In short, wo venture to predict, that at no-distant' day, Gullctn" will become the greatest coiuiuerciai mart f the east Tbs c-.uVs are or VhHis. The conleniplaled canal, 'the proptwed raijroad, combined wuh the exteimive water works, cannot fail 10 reuder Gullem a city of ihegrtntesl iniK)rtance and first rank." , : ; ; t".' ' Now, my dear sir,"id Dob," tifilJing; up Ihe tpppf, liarfliiiik ou oTfuiy-thiee t directly n "?cenireorLlahi ngtoaJsuarepuositotJM! fvtstt-rn Moonshine uauk, which will undoubtedly tc imm, as soon as (lie company is (ormnJ. .ISow is your chance.-! ask but five hundred dollars: niiy-iour soiu lor inousaua. Do you think I tan sell it lit profit r innuired the justice.. ' . ' ; ' ' j ? Treble your mime v jo six weeks ! W'rifsVit till the railrond, the can il, and thewater-Tir1isgct going, and the lot will sell itself for eight or ten iluiwreiiiKU!xUJfi(Jl ituwajiUsfcit wtu .oa iva tiat ia 'minXfi if r toy (be i,.nHi" '. - 44 1 w ill,"1 replied Bob, unhesitatingly Then, sir, I'll give you an answer lo-morrow." M r. Fifzmori is loiiR up hTsTaTJTndTslMhg iTfe justice good night, repaired (o the.f' Red Lion," wuere, oeiore no went io oea, ne sirucx n uorgmn wir&llie landlord for a small strip of Gullem, at the rate of 'hundred dollars an acre, balf (o be paid rash on (be nail, and the remainder in bond and mortgage, at one and two-years- Tlio next day Blueville was all alive with specu lutioii in eastorn binds. A special meeting was beMrSHiti it iivas oted unstjirrrotwly, torrrvest-the surplus revenue of (he parish in tiullctn house lots, through the agency ot uouert r itziiuirris, r.sq Justin WWawood beoglif-kHtbn.-nnd hmg before noon, every inch of ground, house lots, und hero, was all sold, the purcl.asors paying cash upon the spot. K many deeds could not bo made out at once ; the Iowa crier therefore circulated notice, far and oejrJJbjil-iHrly'irMoiiday. morn mg, Jba ooe4 would be readyift oelirery. ;lt iwaa lhea Saturday.. ..Things pasaad ittetljf !; til hunday Httornoon, wheo Bob suddenly ordered bis horses lo be put before bis carriage, and tilling Bouifsee 4m- wm ein-oHly- to -drive Jiuje . dis;, jjal&'lulLVcuu'iii ryu,! jiTtn tiis i:a I riagclud (hen drove oft", apparently for a ride. ' llu kept on, until Blueville had long been lost in (he distance, when he stopjicd by the side of a thick lump of trees, and giving 11 low whistle, amnnnppeirE.d, whom be immediately recogoiied as Mr. Joe Jen kins. ----- , - '-' -- '. j.i' - -;''.""'.' '' Aha !" exclaimed Jeiik'tns, "haw did you moke out." - - : l, " First Tate 1" exclaimed Bob, producing several bags ottlmrars; The spoils were then divided, each receiving se ven hundred dollars id specie.' r; '",". ; ,, Vl And now,"wid Jenkins, we must make our selves scarce. 1 Take tip the reins, Bob, tnd crack away. Bob did so, and a tew hours sulliccd to car ry tbem. far enough from Blueville. vl . Great was the dismay depicted upon the counte nances of all concerned in Gullem lanuV ben ihey mthered ab.xit the M Red Lion " 611 Monday morn ing, upon i'oing inf irmed by the landlord Dial BJlj had a ecoud time absconded. . : . hri"-tonhcr." exclaimed Justice Worm- wood, " my five hundred dollars and lot fiEiy-three are gone with fum. I'he p irish fund bas "one to tbc devil !" growl ed the oafish clerk. - ' " '' : 1 rdndl'iltri f ay TiT? Ka'rd, atiiarcWeTojiiy fifiy. dollars!" tchoed Bouif.ee, of tho "Hod ; " Well, wo always pjcdic'ed bow he'd turn out!" said a uniiiler, who hud been secretly envious, thut they were not able to b iy lots in uullem 1 Ins then, is the re msoii why I'lueville never got ahead. 1'his htllo circuinslaiice imt a dainiwr Idior is an outlawed personage there; and to this day, is intiabiiahls cannot hear Ihe name of" Eas tern Lauds," without involuutarily gnashing their tenth;, :u" v:- r They sw'akof tho a,bve transition but seldom, J and invariably as " dead shave. l'EARIA A century ago, J'curlt and tlie Pearl Fuirriet Were a m;itier of no small importaoee to the com merce of the world. Tnry were found in various farts of the world, but more abundantly iu the East ndies tlian ei ,ewn re." 'i bis branch of l.rad is yet prosecuted, though le?s exttnsivety than for- j !.. -, . . - , ' j . Toe Pearl is found in a testaceous fish reacm-. J blmg an wyster and is uf Ihieo or fiwr timesits I size. " TVy are. throughout the whole substance f of tha oysicr in the heart, tim oval that covers it, (liie i-ircuhr nntwdes thai luruiiuate. in tbo stu? jin.ich: and, in g.jneraU m all the flealiy and htuscU-1 Hons parts.- Apparently, they are formed of a dis-j .,mo t-f the li-1 out of jniro extravasatod out of umk-11 ves-i-ls, and lodged; among the inembranei, The Vahie'i f parls C(hims1s chiefly in the lustre r isnii ciuimeM-ot t(ie coiorw iucd jowewsis cau 100 v-a'rr. lhr.re are some, whom) Water, is wtiite. which sr.Mnost esteeued fV Euroiwan; olhoril itre 1 ti-'V j.-Uow. aiMLfrmm' black, lead-odor, cVc.. 7, 1839. pa w w m m Jenrs, and noimMiinen (ho wliite will turn jtliow and SjmuI in 40 or 00 years. .' . Tlify are found per- , fectly pulislicd in tlio aliy-- of tbo sen. Tnine of tue l(irgtl sizt., am culled jtarugont, and Clio pstra's w.ia of, (his clita, ond wa wortli i-'iV'UU sterling. FliioJiaiw hud (wnrlsand t-t a bih value ojkiii them, before tbo tlmcovory of Airiiiricu, and iba Sjianiard found ihum m sbuiulanco ; but their water was generally smoky, bv reason of tho . firo oed in ojwuuig the sbi-ll. ' IudiaiHase extremely expert u( diving for, these oyster, and will soiiwiiniifs desct-tid 3D. o.r. 4(1 loot, ti.id remiuii under water lor a length of time, that aiipoar i ft- activ.ty iu that element The pearl ousters are usually found attnehod 10 rocks, and it require some exertion of strength to remove them ; somctimes'the diver has a rope fus- ' tcuod about bis body, the other end oi which is held by a person io the boat, who assists the diver in raising himself (o (he surface of the water. Tho light :n the water is so g real that the direr can . see nearly as well as on land ; and when he per ceives a shark inviting his ucipiaiiiim.ee, Ins bod -cUifonco is io joyle ths. watur, vintil- bo cau inuks good his retreat. ' And it is surprising to-wiltwa the courage of these poor savages in plunging into the set, where sharks are so extretndy plenty, and eficn seen.'- Yet such is their dexterity and ad dress in the' water, that they rarely gel caught by (bat monster ; and somo profess to believe that the . shark will llee from (be Indian and dreads dti en- coutiter. Htlk-it'ro'ccr, .y - 1 ixriuaipiXARii:iEaiTANaE ' -,- ;-V?: -,v SOUTH WALKS. v We extract, tho following from an excellent ar ticie iuihe Jast tluarterly Review. . Tbo eflect bl Europesn colomfation -opon the native black truws bas been, as in most other new countries, an itiiorious ne. They are unable to -fesistjhe (D,iiiptaiion tf. spirit's with Iwhkh the white men supply them prolusoly ) they are averse to labor, and seldom continue in an affneultuml servieei.I hey a.re,bowover,exceUtuit morksiuen, and are sometime employed as conxlabUs in aid of the police, 011 account of the acuieness of sight and of scent with wicb they hunt and trace down -fugitives. ". Ao instance of litis keenness'ts asid by Mr. Martin to buve Occurred during his stay in iNe-w South Wales, under the fbirowing extraordins - ary circumstances -t " A settler on Ihacreat wejiern road was miss ing from bis srca liru). ' Hi convict overseer . gave out that be had gonuufl privately lo Knglan J T and left the property inhis lcarot This was thought extraordinary as the settler was not in difficulties, ' and was a steady, prudent man ; the aflair, howev er, was aTuiosf ltrgotteo, whonl, one jiiturday night, another settlor was reluming with bis horse and ' cart from market' Ou arrivnic St imrl of llm oncaoii tlie road sideTSeaf the ArnV'of InraTisI-nT neigbbor!jie thought he saw. him iiilmg on the fence ; luinicdiuicly the farmer polled up bis niaroi hailed his Inend, end receiving no answer, got out -of the cart, went towards the fe nee, His neigh bor (as he- plainly apjiearcd la be;' quilted the fence, and crossed the iield towards a v pond in tho direction of bis home, nvtiich it was supposed he -r-'tf!i7l itiiarfift;t "r'ttia fcr.vtt-iI.i-in.ti-iT- u-m-iTO- .muuutcd bis cart, tad proceodod lunne- T'lie next ar;,: morning he went to his neighbor s cottage, cxpt cl. Mmbul Jie sa y Ito werMerTwho r-4eugbed at Thtf-slwyy -and tsaid- that hWTrjJtrtCfJ' as , 1... u.'. : - 1.. . r 1.... .1 a . uy oui uiiiu near me snurvs-oi i.niauu. , , -The-circumstiinco was air inpxphcatjtcf Itial i6 fanner went to tho nearest justico of the peace, (I - tbiftlt it was-llte Penmn- bench,) relntcrj the -pres ceding circumstances, and alJed that he feared . foul play bad taken place. . A native black, who . was (and, I believe, sull is) attached to the station as constable, wits sent with some of the nionuted 'Ijce.aiii.ac.tpnipaniiuLtiid.i where the latter thought he saw, the evening before, his deceased Inend. .Tbo spot was poiuted out to the black, witjiout showing bun the direction which ' the lost person aparently look after quilting the . fence. . On close insiectton, a part of I lie upper . rail was observed to be discolored ; it was scraped . with a knife by the black w.ho next smelt at it and . tailed it. Immediately after he crossed tbo fence, . and took a straight direction fur the pond near the '.collage ; un itseurtjic) was a scum, which be look up in a leaf, and, after tasting and smelling, be de--boMdjtlo bgJLwhjte man's fat." Several limes, somewhat nfi er the manner of a bloodhound, he co-irsed round the lake j, at last be darted mto the neighboring thicket, and baked at a place contain ing some luose decayed brushwood. 0,i leinoving vi liwa- llM sWa-ibe-rsmrod-of 4tn-nnket- iti' lo Ihe earth, smelt at it, and then desired tho spec- tut.kl-d Irt Alt lliOro Inutitlllu .rt.,l'i.uM l.b.u.i. irom tue cottage, and. the body 61 the settler was -found, with Ins skull fractuied, and presenting ev ery indication of having been some tuna immersed in water. The overseer, who was in possession of Ihe property of the deceased, and who bad inven ted the story of bis departure fur f.iigiHnd, WHS coiiimiilud o jail, and tried for murder, The" foregoing circumstantial evidence formed the main proofs. Il-i w is IooihI )6Uy,euitinceil lo death, and .proceeded 10 the scalfdd protesting bis innocence Here, however, bis hardihood forsook bim; be acknowledged Ihe murder of his late noisier ; thai he came .behind, bun when be ...was cn-ssing lhc i'- tdorrtical .rail wr-whieb Ihe-lartfler'fawietr-.hir aarart the deceased, and, with oun blo-.v ou tho hoa l, killed, him dragged lite bo ly to d.e pond, mid 1 Ihre w it iiilbui , after, Horn;iiys look .it out .again, and buriod it where if was HjuoJ .,- Mather 7f. lie had the greatest readiness at a jhjO or repurtee; and iiwny instances of these, and ot his aureus! to hum or, aro si ill related. A few of thorn will divu nn idea of bis maimer t ' Af ter his trial, ha was ,tentui)Cd lo confinement iu : bis house, and a guard was plated over bun. - Tbis was done for a short lime, and then the guard ... was removed. ..... Uu some lurther complaint, sen tinel was again plttu-d over him - He was soon freed, and no turlber noticed. In speaking of these tra:waeii(ni, lie said "lie. hid one a guarded, re guar led, ait-i ttureiraed. Directly opiKsuto to ' his houe, still Hiiiuding at the a'h'le ot Nassiiu tire jt, wlije!i was' f irioerly witbout pave-itentt there was a vijry bi-1, slouch in wet weather. It bap pened One dty tlisl two of ibo 'svdeclmen who bad tiie eire 01 th" s. t -?n, .drivm-r in .a clim-iv i NO . XXVIU. OF VOi.. XI v (AU mom nv.v:Ar;;.v;.Tv;7.) mud to exirirate their vi-6icie.'ii. t,.s ci out, and ipakmg a veiy rt.ijxt!ul bow, e j'i 1, " G. -llcmen, I have often coinjiiuiiMsl to )ou of ti,i n,,, siinco wiitioul any nttentmii b.-ing ( hid to u; t- ! I atu very Lippy lo.we jou stirring iu ii,,s u.nu.r '' now."- Iu the year I?do, uki txuaoido-ary ob.-cuiity pervddi-d iiieatin.u-p'u ie, 011 a pjrtca. r day, which is bIws)S designated as "ihecirk d.iv." Tho darkness, though jktrhiipj not ;i, r tU; wlui hiipsns lot one d;ij i r tsui, London -J.:, -X every, year, from au uai..i'.:.ili.,ii 1'4'iog orsu --ol.c, exciieuBstoiiishiiieiU ailllig peopl'J Ul-i'UnllM' d to a clear atmosphere, audj to some timid n.toos a grnsl (JeatOf atu'iffii;'A ijiJy Wiw''as"a' iK-t.U.r cf die Doctor, thoug! ubve ihij jper,tri'u'u.tt.-i herself, yet sent her son, a ynungdad, n',i i.:t c,n. plimenlK lo him, to kiiowiif he could acccnim f,r ihe uncommon appelant er of the il.ry. Ih an swer was,. ,MMy dear,'lu will eue v ur com- plinieulsioyotir nmtnnm, indlcii i-i I kui as imu li in the dark as be is." A ttr fr...m LoiJ-i:i ut 00 -ht out 3U0 sla-et lamps for, .lie town u -Bw:m. " Jt Chanced thai 011 tiie rune day 1 li-milo in-uh.r. who wis a new light, with Vwrak n.ir.d and wl.i. wng wonw is llui was tw -ry pk-of, t n)k :d t see him. Wm!,iu' to w-t ill of the vin. ..,,. asked, with a tone, calculate! tu evciie curioMtv. if slieard4hoM4s.'Oar iw, mar LW-;ofl whatDcm?" " Why, three hun.!red new i,g!,!s have corns over in Ihe hip thi ariived Ibis mom. iug from London j end tho lt;tmen have h ly ordered the,,, 0 I put in ir ,.; uiiuieJuiKly." 111a visiter at Micejiurned.awaj in great ma-iv tii iuas7e furrier inuolfies.' AVpTrin with'iios"" disiK'Mivn. la sarcasm must stuncft4iMs x mn-e b r -.- soil lo retorts of the same deeripiou, as ucr-.iion-ly bapppened to bim. , Having pid his addre- AS uimuccessfully to a lady who att-rrds n.arn. J a geiilleuiau by iia.b4 f Q.m-y , iJ(.- Dort ineeiiiig her said "So, madam, itapriiis ji 1 prefer a Quincy to a B)les." - -,'ir if tin 10 bad been any thing woiso iliaa h,W, God wunM -iut baveallliclod Jub wuh tbem.' Um)o Puirr, was used to say ho was shove fdsc rejKirts ;'iiid, it' they were true, bo -had more n-ss-si u bo -;gry' with himself tbaa with ihe rt later." ipriuxr ' . "Ho that administers either correction orre.. .tuiw. uuui inv iiriett:-iit Jwtf-f-H-ir, IS tl.l- oietome jusi anjcu:iing rolurt, rJiysiciuu, thyself." .4itoywoii. ; - . ; . u The mind that doe not ran upon a level, is al-V waysin danger of beiiig'overlurned." Jlril r M The nieek. andthe" geuile are more exrcllei t than the passionate,' be they ever so greal or evor so prospcrous.V'i ,4a'i'riot(i... i-L-- U-. He that it stow to atiger li hotter lliao tbe niigli ty and be (bat ruletb bis apirit, luau be lost lak wb t,tay JVpr. xvi. : ..w. "Some nwu are not only angry at tr'.fl.-s, hit are enraged at what ought to prtHluce btu grat'i ludu and ploasure' AnanymMt. . , M lie that is soon aivry with auolhcr, ha jut rt-asoQ to De angry w itn himself. ' Aiionymvus. ' ' 111' lllt ll.ufU 111 llm '.it-i'l I,. n... . :..nnua rostoth in the bosom of fvmls. r. 1. ; . .' i-dispule is like an ie.q-.ie, liAr-e in du.y"'tuaJ. It'raisrth iiriaRh durst in theeresof -SUB 4UHMIiStIMMljy 4iM.V"U.'Mt.-MHUia-.MSSVaM. )'i',r:i m'.l iVZ nit i ,l Tii' ..1'. . " - Ilh t V ..) . you plesse.' h uitamf ijari ef -iktiwv.-'- lhc tWoxiotttwsi'or'ingerriike Uiat of the grai, shews us to others, but hides us from our- elves i-we sniuro- our -own- r 111 in i h K IS ,! '". .f" the word wheo we too eagerly delend it." JJrr. C. CMmU Many Tkitigt, N " . " Anger- is a aword with two edges, it wounds tha persons whom it strikes, aod those wbi us.- it t iiie iittlsr -ff u smisv taHy"" " When wo consider" the tuscep'ibiliiv of l'i youthful nn ud to receive Impression, and the bale care that is taken, br avast majority of thns who are the guardians of tlie infant mm I, to i.t.j ji t a pro)er influenci- when die, impression is mosi 1 ay. ly made, we ought rather to wonder t vintm and morality, than at die vtee an l wU ke.iues of Ihe world. 1 hero are but few v. ho do but a -rcc with the Poet, that - . Just is tlie twig is lent die tree'a inclined,' but bow few (here are who trouble lie .u-U t j give the twig (he proper diret;l!ia.TTbere is 'iw- 11 me when the mind is so susceptible of imprcs sum as. in' infancy, and yvt with a vast luajonty thera u nojuue jUteaj&ejtuMi. more wskeftd. I is then without prejudice, uee from false ihioci- nles and erroneous oninionu. and well A-JouLi it I lor many if it could remain hu But ihu miod was never formed to be iiiactirc.' Tiie first n.il.u-uee that is brought to bear utMn it, u-.ally makes a deep and abiding impressn. 7 How eay would it be, in all cases, to give la it a direction ilut !mi!4 lead lo virtue, to UM fulncss hiuTIo hsi;noes : b-.it ow-ffftfrr- d'n-s 1 rtiaticr," (0Tf:rq 1 ;irytrn..,t-" guardian, give la it an iniwlse wuieh bears it ou 10 Vice, to wretchedness, and to inun.-rj ; ,A Will EitallUKeJ Sgs:c.--k(wr ar q oinn- kniw'ed of bis si!-, nothing sortlxtu iliy ijs' the firmer in the-r nrofiiablu IiiIj nr. s-t a mn'A ren. taied--irt'-werttBaii7d. Wir''"Inii" 'sf - tern be ever so iniperf-.r.L.yjtiiti- t;-t!ar t'i.i-i no sjsleni at all.W iiiiont rfgala'i wcm of d n business bis p!ari aiii itArucrto:ij are evei b'lUi ing; bis furee always at a stand 'wit 0 ut per- ticular instructimis ; Ins gr-ir ts out of p;ice; bu tools lost, and every tliinj rdimi.-.g lo couus, n; Kas' be is ever present a id twr giving iai'trui;?;.'!-. Much time is thus I. st tr, I ii..-iny th.: ; u-t i-y.-e, sod done wrong, in the inexflicuWd c,i.,Lui n ic soiling from want , oi 8 We'd di. -. J lyfl'-n, W ttb a -svstem well nn iTHt''si, by b !h ru;i it r and strvii,it 4 he- work g o on m,vfhlv, tue s-;m k is regularly and well W, every tiai eiluui, r.hcs. !, axe and hoe. ibas jts plitce, ani til tbiis are tak.-o care of in a proper manner. $ju. CutiiejJo!.- , Vartnip jAtivri are stiid to be j-Vi .-.n.is..Tl.':i is very likely, a the root of tho d j-arsusp, Ue n which tho esculent was obtain? J by culture-, i a deadly uoioru'i' ith;ii er recently fp-'f ivc! into the Philadelphia Jt-.s,ital, v-b-i sere x-. ' -' ! t 1 1.- ....' rf - .. ... ,,.'., - Cvv, 1 . t i '.v ( r i

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