"'Jin, "1, Arfu lr J. AUSTIN-& F. FKSIIER, '. EDITORs'aXD PROPRIETORS. . - j S NO. XXXlX. OF VOL XIX ( XO. FROM CQUUEXCI:MEXT ;.) SAI JSKUIIY, N, C, MAlieil II, 1839. -Tin; ron'rus yi'T nnwiTCM TOTiie inn tatv.$ bv tup. t oNsrm tiox, jinn PHoiitum:imv it to the arms, are hksehvku to tmk. .1 irES hesVei rivrtv, oh to the vr.ovir.. Aim ntlmt ntito the Cou ti:r,ms ofcaKOliman. - ' The r Western .Cswliuuo is publinhed every Truaa- 1o "X"lar and Fifty Cnw if not paid hefufc this ex piration of three tootitli. ? . . No Pr wilf dwcontinu" wul II arrce ire twtJi uulw st the discretion oi' the Editors; and a 'fiilurc w notify- Editors pf 10 discontinue1, " ' it the end 01' year, will be coinsiflercd as 3 new en- BtreUlfliL-i' " - ' . ' .' , ' , Advertisements will be conspicuously and correctly jtwertcd, t one dollar per square fur the fin insertion, nd 25 flpiilt fi each continuance. Gfortsn" Judicial (jvertiseuicnla will be.chargea1 25 per ceHtTiiiore llwn almve prices, A deduction ot 231 per rit from the regular prices'will be made to yearly edvertiiri.- Advertisements sent in ior puoucsiion, umm oaveine number ot time marked '6o iliem, or they will be inser- "..ii;nrt.BriM PTmrrrPlT JiirSrrnrninP'ir- jeU I" "u.-.t I?" --- ' bettrr addressed to the Editors on business mud be 3tl S C E L L A IV II O US. ; ' From A Xtw l'crl Mirror. ; T1IOUGHTS p.V UVYER. ; ' v , .i:::U-lAi.;-.r;jat' theoikikc a, tki.: " In a late paper, headed a Lecturfor the Law. yets" I ventured a few philosophical retTiftui on ' that itile'li'Tiit and unrlul class of our fellow citi- zen, fcii I took the libefiy to show liow one of their body, would act, supposing uweus Moral Wurid lo be true Several other ideas have furred to me uport the same subject Id which, as I do not mean to be rery prolii, I .invitr'the read- rr'isuei.ti'Hi, nor do I tfeprti rt flereary'lo'niake any spol"gy to the fraternity, as I know that, skil ful as tbey are in discerning reasons rat father side, ihey-will find argumeunV in my favour a plenty iflliey ishtodo so. r - , A, "The .nominal purpae of a Court of Justice is to sci k lh rfa jJjui I question whether tlie truth ) is ewf ta ther places more attacked, uneered at, . brow-bt'Jlcn, ridiculed, and put nut of countenance. It is. the tntth w hich very Hiejji.Jhit.jni..lin4tit j bi interest to coi.el. It is truth jhnt ivery one ' i afruni of. I-vi n the party mot unequivoeally m other aiui., hat it may seem to contradict bis own; iaail all the lawyers, and even the jmle, seem as ; much on the watch lo slop the witness s inou'.h, er fjt.inutet .rley hayC'.leeff lo trmkt Jitm- come there to oei it. I n me, one or the most ridiculous things in the world is, a wit net's upon Hie stand, trying (poor fellow !) to pive in his tes timony. I lo is, we will suppose, nt in the slight- . rs.' deijiee interested in either of the parties, and doubtlcis, wishes them both tied tigoiher by the utxll.'aiid dropped olfthe Mern of one of the. North , river steamhouts. lie comes into courCnojt volun- " larily, but drajred if Jio resist?, by two or three somln mii'Mers of he law, who, from the mere '-' bet of his"being presumed to know something ah-jut lie pcnility) huL. lUUtk t tteiiii-l owtitled to Sreat him as if he had been lroii(;ht p for robbing atKn roostr lie is forced from nf buins or his muflients for the jHirposo of sjieakin; ihe truth, ud tie Sovardiy resolves to Icll the u bole story as toon as possible, and get rid of tlie thing. He thinks ha knows the worst. He thinks the loss of limef and the awkartbicsa of spakin Tor Tlie ffrst , ti'iieol hii life in psUic.are the extent of his uf4 fcrmg't " t nsuspectinx victim ! He no sooner mmts the stand, than he finds himself at pn-w the .eeitf rs-of a c4 rele-f-emie,-in4 liAWnty i"pi. "tioo not Teatlfmlilre thitrf pfttohrf Irifcf Irii iirtf jsartrr. oiop, ir. y Second Lavyer. Daa't hi(errupf 'tli witness. jj I Atra Lnwyrr. 1 he witness m ouriV"" , fourts Lawyer (Fiercely' and tudignautly,) we want the tact. 'i't,TT-Lu iofijaitneas tell Lis aUtv- II,-:. t . .. . l iruim. i was going cown Jiaiaeu. unc,waere Fird wtrwer.-We don't, want to know where "you live, sir. " ; -- ;-" ' Strond Larger. That is a part of his testimony. Third ' La.tr iy er. You can lake" the w itness into your owa hinds wlcn we arc dime with him; at iwent he u ours. , 'J-t , ' r-.'r-i ( W it oe turns pale. ' .' " Fourth Laxryer. (SarcasticaHj.) Veiy well, nr. . ' - Vnf.-GpntJern,, I you Wl; ,jt J,,,,. , Out of the AldermenS- Officer, keep order. OJUer, (in a tone of thunder, and With a scowl .m?r9 "'an oriental despotism upon the picta--Ws, who aiuf "making any noise iual they know ot) J-S'leiien I " Mii.I va9 going down Maiden-land, where flPride, as I said before, when yi said before; sir. . :v;' Laic$rt l brzJ. ,.:U.:-L- Tiiri Lawyer. (Starting to his feet.) I do . ..oiL.t-: - V -r ;"-r'- - r".-; r--- ": Fourth Lawyrr. appeil to his honour, the J'l-se, iu protect me from the im:rtinence cf this iness. ' .- - " , "irr wanes must , , OJsctr (Looking st tle aulience a gam, and in of thunder) fVr.te J" J - - ; r Judet. Gentlemen, il serins to mc that the b-st l-.l. -,- ;-J! 1-fte t -the tnthrwin let lhwitnw-p4 aa i will call hmr tu order if he wanders from " AilyWitncss.! . ." , . :,; . . ; , " 'tcM.-YiHir honour. 1 i -,. i Tell the plain flic? of this assault tell oe jury h,,ty0U knoTrTrttrttrcjiieriiber you ,rLtajl'k llie-tfvt'h, the a hole tr.:th, and "itng but llie-truthir'n4M y our voice turn y.nr III III. is jury. "VThat do you know of iIim atl.iir T Tim i for wretch riininicirM atnin. " Tli Tint l, third, and fuupb td3ercontiuiiinto lir swamd htm al.lhe; wh.lej.k a' pa'rccl of - -"jus nMiug lor the clolhes some unhappy ' So f .r is he from inning a chnrjcj to i v "J thmg. - At k-icth heil!ered out of his nv.,i-kc,lufri"l,ter-d. realty deniruis ol u iiini t!ia truth. 1 rt 0,)"0 ",ri0 tncoaistp.Tcv : some trit!iii2. or n f I paradox nrc-mm'ed f.r'at imre, and to ev. -. fiiT)'l.tiiHt -a tf ItTT tit 9 ""en. tf(n cmih s the en et oinuiion. '"""nod by tliirtv ears'ofr.milar dnyrr, , i . pr;ic!ire, i. '"w ar tipoo" oue'trrnililii'S snd a'riadv '."";''' K-thsfs i.-iow. ih-.;s v Uy. Thin comes the laugh of juiigoa$(L.jury-,- the ma-tour of aMnnishmeiH fruri the crowd, that a pcriou could be found degraded ami bane enough to any that the defendant wore u little rimrd-hut,n " W hen he ackmiwledged oubi.qiit!iitly off his gurtnl lliat te'to&-trtaterabtg large ; riw.'Theu the poor fellow; eore all over, and . not quite sure that be will riot himself be sent to the States' prison, at ten years hard labour, for perjury, before the week - haa Tolled away, although he is the Mdy person in t cmirt who does not, in a greaier or lew degree, inci it that punishment, is dnrtitisned to a bench, a few yard oft, where be ia obliged to remain to ' hear the lawyers, in tbeir address to the jury, tear his character to pieoes with fine turns of rhetorick and yet finer gesticulatwiia.. jniost important discoveries, eom erninff light and --Wkatr getittemew-eif hwjwry wyfthr flrsTgraVitMidn7wero Wuf'iiawdenT."" Ilis theory 'JawJe u'",",r,M yp.-.'m .?! J.hf. .?Irt wJ. ekrriineiita.-wi;. light were, sujpgosted by Ihe tempi, "what dues tb next iWjp,u thia Mr.lp bubbles of a child ; arid on gravitation, by 'the KogSS,tay t Geiitkmieo bt coes lorward umJcri fall of an apple as he sat in the orchard. And it the most peculiar circuoislam-es. A dark mystery j was by hastily scratching on a stone memorandum shrouds hi, motive, which I shall not emlearour j of some articles brought him from the washwer- to altogether dissolve. 15 Jt he con.es forward, and ile takes his place upon that witness aland, with the open the avowed, the undisguised, the unaflec. ted, the determined IIarlimliOnttT enl, the injured Mr. Swipee.this foul and unnatural asmtult and battery. You saw him, gentlemen, hen 1 croM examined him, tremble under my eye you saw him hesitate and turn pale at my voice." (The first lawyer, very probably, has a voice that vwould intimidate, a bear.? " You heard hirn statin mer and take back his words, and say he did ' md recohct. Is this, gentlemen f the jury, an ho ned wfuless tThe language of iruS ni pluiu ana simple it requires no previous calculation. . If 1 ask )outf you siw the sun set to-day, you answer yes, or no you doNiot hesitate, you do not trem ble. You do not say, ''yes, I. did, and in the very next Irealh7 iio7I did nfiuT You do not at first tell me, 1 walked ten mitcseterday, J was all day in bed. (Here one of the jurqrs puts his nose by that of another, anJ utters something in apnr . bation ij lUu argument, and -4 he otncf m nods cia head &ud -Uks at flho-Hker as mucli, as to aay, " there is no use in trying to elude the saga- "'ciTiThir had much better have told the truth. 1 Now, gen- . tlumen, what does this witness' say ! He commen ced by. telling $oa, gentlemen, that he lived in maidon-Lano, that he was gmng Home on the day when this ridiculous and unnatural assault is said have taken place that he saw a crowd, that he an proached, that be saw Mr. Swipes, my client, the defendant in this action, como up to the plaintiff, Mr. W'ilkins, and' give him, Wilkinvthe "! plaintiff, a blow with a bludgeon. , But, gentlemen, when I come ttf sift this plausible story, t you , heard him eoiiv(x-ftland contraiirt himself. ' " hat sort of a hat had Mr. Swipes on VJ A btick one.' Oi what breadth was the rim tv About an inch. , lie thought, doubtless, th 1 he wus to have " everything- his'Tiwh" way; Tiir i brouglirhpVin Ihe stand to confront him, tlie halter, who made and old the hat, and w ho proves lo you that the rim was broad. You cannot morally doubt that fjie bat worn. on that day, by bwiiies, was a broad biitnmed hat ; all the witnesses for the defendant swear it, and even Mr. Hoggs himself, when close ly questioned, acknowledged that it stiaf have been a broad-brimmed hat. ; Next; gentlemen the pantaloons. What colour were Mr. b wipes pan Saloons ! fUfack, said this Mr. Bogg Gene--, rnen : I-haw-Trodnced hrserwntaloowTrrrmTrt; .i ney. nsre been wmthetf neyww tw pnsatMMy o 4iojoUXVhirf" Ws "theretT-Yoi' and salt. - A cry of admiration throughout-the court room. The officer cries order The poor witness unfor tunately occupies a- conspicuous seat, and all eyes are fixed upon him with the most virtuous indigna- -r tion. - lit W eakwinir at what-saertftee- he -canl . . . i i i wuia up nii Diismes, unu go ami seine in rven- a'withermg look at .Boggi, goes on.,., ., ,, ,t: " fTurtlierroore, gentlemen, I asked this witness to describe the bludgeon. He could not. Had it ivory or gold no the handle 1 . He could not tell. Wa therea ferule upon the end I Did not know. Was tt heavyl Yes. Had he ever handled it ! No. How could he tyll the weight of a thing which he had' never handled,!" ( Another but of admiration.) - " Was be personalW acquainted with Mr.Swipvs t " No. Ha bad ever seeq hi in before ? No. ' Since T No. Could he not tell wjiolher he bad an aquiline nose or nl T No Washe not a friend of Mr. IWilkins t Yes. Had lie nnf expressed an opi'uion . iip.in this caj t - Ye s, he Imdaaid the soundrel -Tjnght-trj-haTartepoTishamed ti" himself. Was Mr. Wilkms hat knocked of! ? fo.. But, before he left Ihe stand, he said he saw thehlood on the "topof ttwpbwnMPe heifowtwdtWww the " top of his head, unless the bat had beed, knocked Oil rV?-- rV-T --.-: tt - - -- - Another buz. The witness here roae aqd said, " Mr. Wilkina took it off to thoie me." OJicer. Silence, there I . Judge. W iiness, you must not interrupt the . o.m-- -l i have had vmtr torn on the wtand. You then had ihe opportunity to say whateveryou pleased. If you are again guilty of so great an , indecorum I khall be obliged to cpuirnit you. ' Wtiuessi stanls stupid. - -' . - Ojjice r. " Sil duwnl!!(in iim f indignant rcmiiiraTJ.rtliKS1 'Sits TRWm'iTieT.rl-sc'dwIa " at him ai if h would snap bis head off.) ; "' I shall m.t follow the learned gentleman further, I only "npjH?ar to every witiiCss" that has ever liecfi bhAit'lit into a court if justice, a hether he has not ' fjjnd it i fien the most difficult place in tie world lo tell the truth in, and whether, when the truth wa at length told, there ever were so manv at tempts made to mystify il ? Whether so much f ' what every one present knew in his heart to lie the truth, could anywhere eta lirdijiberatc!y njreted. and whether, when this poor, belaboured, - nmtilaied, unhappy trvth, au murli lemandedr wa'sj at length produced, tt d d not have such an aspect, "so di'gnised that its own mother iniglit titt have --known it?- ' ' -"'" -"-"-,, . X' ' v : -, , .. ,. . Ma'iv f the mwl imieirlant discoveries in the Lr'V V rVM of science have leen the teiilts ff neeideof. anil' rare works, I was kindly invited to an mtm T wo little Uiysofa spectaih- maker in Holland, ; led psr'icifmtmn ib all the benefits of Ibis noble in while their father wns at ilmtier; chanced to lock stitiition. Availing mVMitf uf tlib kiutlnfw.i'f the nt a di-tant steeple, thr'.mgh'lwo rye glssswi lr-d directors, I -snt. alHiiit-three hours daily at tho Ijefi-rceaeh oth-r. Tl j found the steeple brought. 'hull, which with an hour al noim, and about three cnrU ui-srer t ban o-aiul to the hp windows. .. Tlwy ..in t'.io evening, ttudc .up the portion of the day told their Cither onTuariiturnTrtiid "ffiecircu instance led him to a course of expemnctitH, which ended in tho Telescope. So the shipwrecked sailors once collected some sea-weeds on the sand, and niiido a llrjsto warm their shivering fingers, and cook a scanty meal. ' When the fire went out they, found that till alkali of these Weeds continued with the sand, and farmed glass, tho basis of all our dinCov. eries in slMjiomy, and absolutely necessary to otir enjoyment." In the days when every astnno mer was an' astrologer, and.cvery chemist a seeker after the philosophers stone, sonw monks careless ly, mixing their materials, bv accident invented gunpowder, which has dona" so much to 'diminish the barbarities of war. ; Sir. Isaac Newton's two j woman's that tho idea of lithography first presen ted itself to the niind of Senfeldcn Frbra a-speeeti of GoVernor EvBrrttr of Masiiaelmset si a meeting of the Trionds oi education, in Bristol county.4 ..-,.'. .. i t , It is a great mislake to suppose Tit' is necessary to be a professional man, in order to have loisure lo indulge a taste for reading. Far otherwise, I believe the mechanic, the engineer, the huslmnd man, the trader, have quite as much leisure as the average of men in. tho 'learned professions. I .the 'learned professions knnwTffrrfeerrirawly-engagtj 4rnhcsediHernl callings of actual life, whose minds are well stored with various useful knowledge acquired from books. There would be more such men. if education in our common schools were, as jt Well might be, of a higher order ; and it common school libraries, well furnishd, were itif reduced into ctery district, as I trust in due lime they will be. It is surpris ing, sir, how much may be effectej, even under the most unfavorable circumstances for the improve ment of the mind, by a person tesohiolv bent mt the acquisition of knowledge, i A letter hni lately oto putinto ray tiandsvtwrln ceptember, so interesting in itself, and so strongly illustrative of this point, that I will read a portion of.it 1vt hough it was written, t am sure, without the least ,view lo publicity.- - . - f-. " I was the youngest," says the writer, "of ma ny brethrenand icy parents were poor. My means of education were limited lo the advantage of a direct schooland those again were circum scribed by my father's death, which deprived me, at the age of fifteen, ofHliose scanty opportunities which l. had previously enjoyed. A few months after his decease, I apprenticed myself to a black smith in tny native. viUage-'rhji he 1 earned an indomilalde taste for reading, wiikh I bad previ ously acquired through the Hiediunvyf the society HbTary f alt the historical work -in -which 4 had at that time iieruscd. " At the expiration of a little more than half my apprenticeship, I suddenly con ceived the idea of studving Latin. 'Tliroughvthe assistance of my elder brother, who had ItLmsW obtained a collegiate education by his own exer-1 lions, I completed ny Virgil during the evenings of one w inter. A fie r some ttitui devoted to Cice ro and a Tew other Latin authors, 1 commenced the Greek. At this lime it was necessary that 1 Jiuuld-deyoto every hour Qt4KUjjrjtmtrtp(: 4remift"tMlu4xf.4By.apprcn A cwrioa my urcijt rsramcrjfl jnynajianu ofwfr tmrida HKmot, when 1 was 4itmg-ome targe iroiif whan I-could place my bo4ropen bfir me against the chimney of my forge, and go through with Jvpto, iupteit, tuptti, unperceived by my feU low apprentices, and, to my confusion of face, with adetrimental effect lo the charge in' my fire. At evening, 1 sat down unassisted and alone to the Ihadof 4Iomorvtwerty books -ef which measured my progress in that language during the evenings noihcrwintcr, , I next turned to the nioderu lan guages, and was much gratified to learn that my knowledge of the Latin furnished me with a key to the literature of tho languages of Europe. :' This circumstance gave a new impulse to. the desire of acquainting myself with the philosophy, derivation, and affinity of the different European tongues. I could not be reconciled to submit my sell in theSe investigations to a few hours aAer the arduous labors of the duy. I therefore laid down my hammer and went to New Haven, where I re4 cited to native teachers in- French, Spanish, uer man, and Italian.' I returned at the expiration of two years to theforgebriugiiigwith me such, books in thoge languages asl could procure. When I had read these books through, 1 commenced the. Hebrew with an awakened desire offxsmimng an other field; and by assiduous application 1 was en- JUttd m a fatw wek to. read this -.languago-wUh such facility that I allotted il lo myself as a task to read two chapters in the Ik-brew 'Bible before breakfast each morning i this nnd an hour at noon being all the time that I could dovote to myself during the day. After becoming somewhat famil iar with this language, I looked around me for the means of initiating myself into tho fields of orien. liaVliierature, and lojny deep regret and cqpearn, 1 found mv progress in this direction hedged up by the want of requisite books.. 1 immediately began to devisoviucans of obviating this obstacle; and. after manv" plans, I concluded to seek a place as a" nilr onlmt4iameLhip .bound JaEurope.Jhinkj ing in this way lo have ojiportunilies of collecting at different portssueh works in the modern and orients! languages a. I found wcessary for this ob ject. I left the f irgXsnd my native place to car. ry this plan into execution. I travelled on foot lo Boston, a distance of more than a hundred miles, to find some vessel bound Tof Europe," In this 1 was diappointed, and while revolving in my miijd what steps to take, areidcntly heard of the Amer ican intiquarian Society in Worcester.. Iinime? diatelv Is-ut my stetis towards this nlac C, . I visi ted the Hall of the American Anliqnariao Society, an 1 found here, to my infinite gratification, such collection .of ancient, modern, and oriental lanv guaiips fis I never before conceived to be collected ' in any place ; ami, air, von may imagine with what i . r ..... .1." f ... r..,.J u.. ........ sninimeins oi gratiiuoo i. was cucciea, " " evincing a desire to examine soma of these rich which 1. fippjopriuted to my studies, i!o-resl being occujiied in arduous monu.il lalmr. -Through the fHcililies aflonled by this-institution, I havo Iieen able to add .so much to my previous acqiiuintnnce with the ancient. modern, and oriental languages, ns to be. able lo n ad upwards uffij)go( theiivwith more or h as fHrilny." ' Plrusi, Mr,. IVasioViif, I shall be' pardoned by the ingenious author of litis latter and the goulle. man to w honi it is addronsed, for the liberty which ? I have taken, unexper.ted,-Iiiirr sure, by botfr of them, in thus pinking il public. Il discloses a re solute purpose of improvement, (under obstacles and difficulties of no ordinnry kind,) wlitch excites my admiration, I may sav my veoerution. It is .rnoilgu iQmlui, for education hung his head in shame. THE GRAND DUKE AND THELJEW. BOJUNCB or REM, MFE. The follow ing singular story, which wns current among the English residents in Petersburg, at the coronal ion. of Ihe present Cuiperur of Uussia, has ,cen narrated to us by a person newly arrived from luai pan.oUufi.oauimtjj In the early part of the yearUSSlS, an English gentleman fnim Akmetcht iu tlw Crintea, having occasion to travel to France on business of import ance, directed his. course by way of Warsaw, in Polund. About an hour after bis arrival in that city, he quitted the tavern in wljicff he hud been taking retreshnienlj to lake a walk; through the streets. While sauntering in front ofono of the public 'iUiugsii&meJ.jvj - .01 a graveaspect and courteous dcmcunnr.jlltcr a mutual exchange of civilities, they gut into, aeon-.-. versaiion, during which, with the characteristic frankness of an Englishman, he tolj the. stranger r wlio ho was, where from, and whilber be was go 1 ingThe otheri in the most friendly., manner, jo. vitcd hi'm to share the hospitalities of his house, till such time as he found it convenient to resume "lis journyaMiddingwiih;fdlliif iOas' not "; tniprobuble tut he might visit the "Jrimea himself in the course of that year, when, perhaps, he might 'YeiTFfi'llsThiiljir Wfurn7"'TTe"' mvilSlion'" as iiCi cepted, and lie was conducted tq a-irjrtcne' id mnn-' sion, elegaut without, and rich .and commodious within. !.'.' "... , - ;, iiJ''"'' li Iealit : or jtle- prH :f j lm Pttle, produced uiihoundod confidence (in the pari of the " 1 Englishman. -MTha latter hnd a small box of jewels of great value, which he had carried about his per son from the time of bis leaving homo- finding that mods of conveyance both hazardous and inconve nient in a (own, he requeued his munificent host to deposit it in a place of security till ho should be ready to go away.. ' At the expiration of three tjaya, " ho pn-pared Tir hfs departure, and on asking for his . ' box, how. was be aninaed. When the old gcullemfin, wi'li a countenance exhibiiint? (he utmost surprise. --repKedT-what-'twe T -"'Why; the' small box tif jewels I gave yoiuto keep for me." " My dear sir, you must surely be mistaken t I never, renlly,saw or heard of such a box." The Englishman was petrified. ; Aftar recuvcring himself a little, fie re quested ho would cull his wilo, she having been present when he received it. Sue came, and on ing questioned, answered jn exact 'urfisrornvilh ,hehusband expressed the same, surprise and . bencvotcntly endeavored lo persuade tor distracted truest trrat:rtwaatrwmhttlktemttiitmrW .gle Jceuuga w;rror,,asUH at wjitejtrs -lOui put up an-1 arrival at W ariawi ere rtfr-retoled hnrmyslehorjs Btwyr'nrMl lraflied that his iniquitous "lost was the richest Jew in l o. J land." He was advise-d, without delay, to state the ense to Ihe irand Ujike, who fortuimluly at tliat lim, happened to lw atHVarsaw. . . 'i He accordingly waited on him ; nnd, with little I . iiiuimujy, wa nuiiiiiinu aiifluuieuen. - ua uritiiiy laid down the case, and Constantino, 41 with a gree- .dy ear devoured -up bis discourse." Coostaniioe expressed his astonishinqnt told fHm he knew the Jew, having had extensive money truhsactions with him that he hnd .always been rcss:ctalile, and of an unblemished diameter, "j jlowevcr.lid added, 44 1 will use every legitimate means to unveil the mystery." So saying, he callecj on omr gentle- ;"menwho were to dino with biirrthaf dayend despatched a messenger with a note to the Jew, rn 'I. questinglirs presence. Aaronobeyed birsummons. 41 Have you no recollection of-having received a box of jewels from Ihe hand of this gentleman f - said the Duke. " Never, my lord, was the reply. 4'Slrango, indeed ! "Are you perfectly conscimts,", turning to tho Iwiglishinan. " ' Quito certain, my lord." Then addressing himself to the Jew.r- This is a very singular case, and I feci it my du ly to use singular mean to ascertain the truth is ,yuur. wife at ho rrw t!LXJPJ'iywl XW continued Constatitine, ". here is a' sheet of paper, -and here is a pen, proceed to write a note to your wifo in such terms as I shall dictate." ' Aaron lift- ed the pen. " 44 No w," said thissec3nd SoFomon, . commence Ly saying, all is discovered I There is no resource left but deliver up the box. I have . owned thof.ict in the presence of ihe t'raiid Poke." A tremor shook the frame of tho Israelite, and the pert dropjiod from bis fingers. But instantly reco vering himself, be exclaimed, 44 that is impossible, I my lord, that would be dircclly! implicating my self.' " I give you my word of honor," said Con- .s;aiitige jn pLreacocccCe very ona m tua. room, that what you write shall never bo used as an in strument against you, farther than the effect it pro-.- duces -on your.-wife, - If you are innocent, yon 1 have nothing la fear but if you persist in not wri ting it, I will hold it as a proof of your guilt." .With a trembling hand tho terrified Jew wrote out tho note, folded it up, en! as be was desired, sealed it with bis own signature 'Two officers "were despatched with it to tho house, and when 'Sarah gtiSaced over its contents, she swooned and sunk lo Ihe ground. The box was delivered uj and restored to, its owner and the Jew suffered tho punishment his villainy deserved. He was sent to Siberia. . , . v " TiinODOSIA ; OH. I.OVK, TREACHERY AND f, "KSHAIU. - -;', MiHtnplia 1'acha reputed to bo tho ablest of fill .Ihe puhtic -otlniers of Turkey, has just delivered Micadonia from a formidable band of brigands, who have infi vti- l tlie coontry for upwards of four yean. .The fn'M'ti he t0'4 are loo siiienlar oollo be menlioned. H.ivhe.j V;int thai a y.'umij Arabi, . an givl, bf.rin I'm tmuiv if riieod-Wa Mutia fc'a- mik,'rtiding at Mielnik.a townoa .lhe. iiuni,. , f Gnwco, had secret communications wi:h i; robbers, Mustiijilm, hnd her watched andqnei.n.i Imt ciitild not ohtair) aiiy dinclwures., lie tin n i a gaged oneofliis lieutctianti,nitied linm l a ou,:; man of penonal beauty, lo go'nml endeavor to pi , her afli'ctio'i.:. This officer. succeeded to such a ilegree'thnt she 'became warmly altncLed to him, and informed him that licr real rjjine ua's i'uvloxi;i Theresa Cernndaxi, and that she wns a niece of lh chief of the briaaJi, '.'Michael ,Gri;gori6 Ger run'daxi, whose triKips amounted to between l,4(J0 and ifiOQ men. .She painted in gluvin;tterms the chnfmas of their errant and adyenlurous life, and ur;ed Isnmel to iom ilicin. ' Ho Dreteiulod h then learnt further from her that her untlftQuld hold gnneral muster of his ban4 in tletober 28lb,lu the forect'of I'heloi-. diw. : All this'Imoal communicated to Mmtnpha, but in order In avert 'suspicion, wont with his fair one to the'rendcWus. ... The wily Mustnpha col lected his troops, Wrotiuded the assembled free, hooters, and as'therufuscd lo surrcmler, attacked them with all his forces. The greater .nnmber of the brignnds fell on th, spot,' preferring ileal h ou " thn fiuhl Irt pkitturn nn.1 tart i.trtr.ini.-.i.u t,..r.iL... A few escaped for a moment, but thev were after. ' ' iwwviwibp sv'tt TTfi lit' SI PT:ilHTI U in the citadel rf 'f hpsiwIonKti, - Amon tho dead were (omul the chivf, Gertnnlnxi, whose head was doeo by a stroke from a iae.'nnd the young ' ' ' - " iiiiu y ti -vie lift- - i i i ii : ' at t " M tea oy a.niusKet ouii. oiusiapna cut oil the, hciuis of all the killed, and has paraded them in triumph UirtHighlthe luwa-The.- wretcUed- Uudoaia, -on discovering Slre t reachery of. herloYerhaa- falle,u into a state of complete almmlonmentand is be. lieved to have entirely lost, her sens-es. .Musfnpha has tiikcn,bor into his own palace, and ordered that every care "er deplorable condition Venuires shall be lavished on her. ; .V...: . .a. . XM igriGVa. J'irJIr your Seed Corn. Seed corn should be se lected from tho stalks in tho FuII.The Hadeu corn, about which so much fuss is beiiVg made, U nothing more llinn corn thus affected for a long w ries of years,. wbero two or more cars grow iijwm a stalk. By selecting your seed thus, you will soon bavu the' Baden earn." Perhaps tho si, i f tho pnr itm ainntlness of th n.li llm ktiMite A soundness of groins should be made so object of . . i. .1 .t i e ...o. u""-ii cure as mu iiumilht oi ea-i un a nunn. . ...- -. - - uy tiiKing care to bring corn lo maturity Q soon as it is ripe enough to save, you may bavo early corn, and tiec rcrw. ; , ; f Avrrnivrj ivtTit nnTTrv mc? , r.nr.-ur ... ICorrcjponiiff uce of tlie Farmer' Register .' ... illWil Iwlr rnWvof. iomeunTfliiflL vmi IC.WCtil able and" veritable gentfenien o Halifax county, th-oarkWefleciot twwimd rare mnnure, lis exhibited by en experiment in that county, a few years since. , The manure above alluded to, is only rare as lo the manner of its application, for in old, Virginia it very much abounded), "The txperi ment was as follows: A gentloman cut down tho Erne-growth wtichtrad covered a piece of land, ex-" nusted and turned out of cultivation by his father or grand-father. A is usiial, he suffered thi Jogs and brusli to lie upon tho .bind, the first summer. In the full and winter succeeding, ho commenced his nrenarations for a cron of corn, bv runuinr' two strokes with a large I wo-nor so plough iti tho mm furrow,'nne turning to the right, and ouo to tin: left.. This trench thus made, wus filled with tho logs and brush of tho pine trees next convenient to it, which cleared tt place for the second furrow ; and so on, until ibis l"g snd brush material was nil consumed. With this preparation ho pawed over half the land. 1 he balance was simnlv UtiNhed with, the same two-horse plough, and well manure! from tho stable and farm-pen. Tho crop grown on the bed manured m the lull with pum logs and I.m.I. u,,). .. nJJ ll.a l.n.t M,...t ..C ll.' t.i., t.,.1 UIUOII, UUI UIMJltlW .iT-'-U UI.4UV WH, was unusually rich in its growth, and heavy in it? production, rhe owner of the corn wns induced, from its remarkably . luxuriant appearance, t.puJIt,., up ono of the logdi!riug tho growing of the crop, o see how it wn? ihnt such vigor was i ppnrtej to it ho found ilia courtllom numlicr of littlo thread. like roots, w hich mniniy coiitiiouto to lite supply or the vegetable, lo have perforated tho water-soaked and partly decayed lrunk and limbs of tlio pino trees, buried leuw. ' , flerrrM rrivtrtrrrr rrtr tmntr. trjnt' Trentrrrprt rr !rp in its general diffusion through nur Itnt, nnd in its practical .good fleets, ns demomtrated ahove, huh fair lo rival ihe txwislod mart-beds f lncr Vir ginia.; and that which has been legardcdas an in dication of poverty and decay in our Ian 'h, tiny he mauotiio iiHiruineni 01 moir resioraiiou uoj re covery. : ; r V. . Vour uuedu:t.t M rv.-.iJ, 4. ... . , T. CAlUUNfiTOX; W here corn is fed out to cattle and other donn. lie. animal, it is tnurh thubest, where practical! to grind it with Ihe rob. "Outs are more bencficiul to horde's if gmu:i 1 ; and hay, if chopped line. Dry wood will product) on a trmdi-rnte r-timat.', twice as much heat aa-the samo amount of gieo wood ; and saves much trouble in kindling firei .-. cold mornings. To proven! its burning auy tun rapidly, Ihe sticks should l lure. To suppose that green wood will actually cnue more beat in hurtling than dry, is nhifnl. : . . ' To remove too from door stop, throw-on !t ; it will calm the ice' to' er o k uhl "l-e'i-iuio Im. r, when it ma v ho' easily 'remove-.!. j"nll sliouM be reguhirly fed t r; tt'e 'both ht winter ninl suiimicr. . Tle'y will m er eat t.... much if it ' plaeed c,ii!isi:ot'y i.n them wlier; they ca:t ott.on v m ti mo' -.i t t-.e w y -- neT Vr. ,.