'1' 1 1 ':' v ) I !K I.' . TIIC KUI.V , ' . I of Tin : tn wh?n m th Maj'tfic fj.tc Icre wk i rtt-ie iecf ! Ho answer no!, but swifter ep-ds li way. I v l'a!iiif'e' with our,picaJ win the l ! t tky. 1 My to fa die: 0 thou, wWe w '. rj 'I i i -i a of y'T-s nr.d ii-ii ,!? w.-.fi .-.t; - , Mip heave sigh, atone lit -n f fr.-T, " .And, tuldin,'d0wrwsrd eti!s Vr sf ji rj ft. I now ttroceded, mi a!id llymzliifil erfiwn, .- - W'lifi) rcrn in ii-fn'Ci o'er tit rn.'.l tn I see Oblivion tta'k froin atone to nse.; Al) tliiiUV I iried, ttan known! say whit design 1 JIj checked my further pcech with tullfii toe, 1 care rtitt wh-e it was.il now it mme.' , ;: , ,. ; LIFE. jl". :. Y . : ; - . J ti ll thc-c," M4 the old mas, wbat is l.te : A pulf of irmitjW wtnr bfire.tb wml, f .ike vend bark, i tn-d um tlw f )f pain and plogurp. by tlii wivenag brwh Of pi. ton . Tbey ar wi'nda that dftvc it on, Bat wJy to.dcttructkni and desir,. ; , l inry : J,?ir!!i .ttoiatcate "Mur (;1iruma kva not frrneat J and the heart U haunttn) by dim mcnxrwa hr!t left ' liy pant I:lic'rty. , Hence Ao eipin For vaitt apirm -btfw tlt bll thr Ojind -With bitter UioujIiU fur tiiorowa xknrtf.m VAiuirrv A 'on'vti ,1'i;b. A Vouni sentlf-rean at Chic- as- lift Lul, wwi. ,: HMrt..t .a.fetr,,,hr?yy..a wha1 1 her to d' b'r the marriage till an important la 5Ui) of hr .fjitiicr was rriiW. The lad insisting n prompt acti'w the diiiUtrt$teJ lover said, ! can have the refusal ol you fix nxinthi, cur! I ? . A ch!ebrotd roprr, intcrvling to pi to a roaskfd cort'ilied an ncquaintanre in rtit rliarartrr ha should. (!wiuie luiiiM'lf. ' do s4icr,'jrrpHd hid fricnd.M' tuid jour uioht intimate fnend ool kno w y'u. . Tropic wliPfl pointing !)t,lhj fdtilts of otW are apt to forget tltiat others way at ihe eae irjUM -A4- " We!!, pood byf, said a man to hi friend b lived at a distance, tf yi should mm any here m the iwihborlioixi of my house Iwiih jou would - Parallel 'of fhr. Stiff. Man is Rtrrw ilTo- rnnrn i brainiliil. wvlao in darinf tod cuntident ,Vpinnti i difliiloiit and f!fls't,l''ASv- M"0 isir?i , in aciiun -W-iinan at ht!M,v Man tails to c- , vincCf- iJiriiiaio (wrwjrtoe ana please. Man has a rtifijcd hrart Woman a. ijifl. ani tetidrr one. Man prsvonts nn(rv Wwtmit rrjwss it, Man bos science Woman tatte. Miii ha ju.l?ntent Wonmh scnMbility. Man is a &ig uf justice W uirmn of. tn;y. -r - r - . r A ,New-York pnper inrntion an Minimis trick of a wn to get a enki s;iit oiw uitM at lite JV lional whea ih houne as (u'.l. 1! pokrd hi h;ad in al a b)"dr and sung out that "Jntm Huiiib's lwtt ia fire V. Abvut fiAv.Viio bur t'nj l,ir !L-i of that t.afi iiif:anly lu k Vp their litis and Mrf 14 uiQR-riitt di.tn(nsj, when the joker who hid caused all tire flair tjuietly 'poffed liiiu (inn vi ineir acais. . . , r " Ilavo yj ever ween V snail f aled a wa to a iteraMi tint remarkable fur spetd. fes,n Ti you rnu-.l have met hitri, for it is imntsisible frjo to have overtaken one. ' - ... r-T- . Are you guiltyrr iwt piilty " rtid the cfcrl of afrai ni to a priM)er tl.e ittt.er day ; " aod suie now, said Vat, . w hat are yo put there fur, bul TTOITHWI llial.oul. . v - rnie.-A eour.lrv spolbecBry iid trit Jt-f iknmo w a . Uwt.. jwl i H4fWwKer sart iii'jf ?aa "emintry wmtmfi twnmwtM.i inttn Ad old gentleman frffirTTore witli a y oung lidy named Page. In a ball room, l.e lady dnpped her glove ; itistantly be took it up, and bis add waa, hi presenting it . - . If fntrn t;or jou take the b?Uef C, 'l'lu'q gloct oukci far, wbtcbj dtvote to thee. , Hit answrr was, . 'J'. ,-. ' , " ' And if frJm talU yob UketbeletW "-'-.Tticn Pugt Bisk pi age, tad that won't do (br itc. Why dues your oose in Cidd weather become eg'.ni:hhs T When-it ia a little reddih. tkniie noses are vrgctabkiQ all weat'icr. - Tbe? mo turn ups Y A C(VKit"oa. As 6re, w ater, anjtir, are the thrt' ere! p f msgrted to in. tuechauical pe: rati'Mi s! aualgfo H thee, the three impelling paeis of moral wJcAiact are, lave, mo.-y, a:td tear. Xiirt From a oMwrKr. It is well known, jro!.;tiIy, to nMr4 f ir r" k rs, ''? F-rntejlj ptvi. p!e ft-arrd t.i touch the carcase of a deed mad 4., fir fear of Leeoniin rabid. W did rv krtw however that there was worb a jet rut record at tti'f.tbrtv1ft,tt try. the tfitf if ff IV.nfei McK cantile Journal from a ppcr publkhted in that city jil l?l---AVo? Brawn. ltujtUt MjM."'June 10.The UuoJ of ibe mad dof, inentiisied in our Usl, hicb was kiJW in the chamber of a house in tbe'halfr Village, j-ii'jf .1 to lie about a quart, wa taken up and bo ri'd abo'it f ur feet from a hrgr jvar tree, in full trea was completely wu'ierfd to the higest brao c'tej , and contmuts to witlwr as Cit an ti it were cut down. "In digging tb bole, wotoe of the wntall rixit ware cut td, which enabled th pve to mingle wjt!i the ssipf.aod ronvey it deadly io2a ' t-ucL'' tin my part cf ti c trtT-y--- iVt-ic Not the riiwa miMes, dear rwi!er" but t'i' 'tnfitiei.of Del f ll.iw, iiut.ber fl. This nu.n-!-r f, oiler all, is not without poetry and ru. nance. I iil. cd, sometimes he is a very comical rlivraing Lhancter, and ap;n ar to cLliht ia perf trrnirtg balf a drztn purts in cce piece on thh same slJe. It msy be kn'twn to every learned Thtbin that oil the products of the il"! 9 procure the same reult by sdViitiuii of the coiultinatioiii. Tor io- stance s 'J' 1) y a; o f! 9 9 1 ' li 27-. 3G: - 4i 54 , 0;j . 72 . H AdJ .:p riny of the hUvc resuhs and it witl.f ro ure t'i j priiitilive nmnlCr D. , 1 , - .. it n.:: '-1 !- I y li.! tra;.- , . l-'-fitinin" Rt .N't. 9 IS O. r- 1 U l tiirullr;'l k' t .1 If I .: ! - ' 1 ) ft. .it .the ptvJurls r f-rsred on t.f the figures; aTr ii-rruwc tsry tu.U : SU 1?,72, t7, Ac. " tii.o rent cUarsetnit win can . , !, iu .1 t f ,A amd b.i-i'K erJ u-; ; v t- , r'tcri'v. f; ,Hn the i! g ,. ,,r:.,ry c i. jj"p-U', were re- iv i.d the tf.ea fjf'.li-uiiinj w vu. . ' ' ' : , , T:. f,.". - w- ctrn to fwp-tt tin" srrond '-! itf-tif i n wi -m;c'v.I of it pnh ari-l brrv.ty : " Th r.f osr i iM-ie ; I'm fiiirei form tr i date are I-5-! 6; the two 6ri4 fiiir are iV j tj-itisy 4 I n-r ; rch Iq figures e-.vmb.w-d mile moe.tlie fairmukeei:hti.'n, whirh tsro comlxi! wvA nl"; the product ia 10,524, ,Wj fisSre adl-d t tgether make eighteen. S-H a r jrt'i' Vtf"! rre tv recur. .Y. V. Student. Ti IK" .MARKETS. AT S USPl'RY-March 11, im Con, . . . . I') a lij pM",-.'. . braady, aj'!, : ' WMt j Nad, . . , Picb, Boo ikitjSi . . . ft: .3-la .41. 73 10 ) 12 BcUtr..- v; . - 10 121 jusar.browa, 11 a CKsa, tife,.; , . ; 'ora, . . . 12 a -13 Halt. a 12i . "a CO Tobacco, lYaibera, . . . flMir, . . . .37 a 40 Wht.(bu.-4iel).10ila0(NI a 6"sl. Wbifkey,. . . 4 a fill 71 naxnerd. . Licsred OJ, pr. gal 1 12J Eggs pr. dot. ) a 10 lUoua, Ul. Batter, 10r4 "Vails, cut. cut. .-. 71 w. b Sht, . . ltfa li 1 2o J 22 a 21 12 a 16 1 a I 75 a WO wruu Beeswax,. Oats, Kice, Ho jar, . a w ,550 a 625 V3ee,. , Cottnn, . . 10 a 121 Cera, Slt. JJ2. a avi nowrcoeiitry, .& a Nl Stel, American, 10 a 121 i too, ... a a w Enrfi-b, 00 a U Lard. . . . 124 a 13 German, Tallow, 12 a 14 Ltwtber, sole, . 22 a 25 1U .121 4f Jd.i. we, ,--tl--ir-Tewf' tWO (Iriwa,' . ; 30 a 621 Tobacco, m.'nJ. 10 a 5 8 the demaaJ lor Mulberry Trees is L . moch prealef than eaoAe aupplicil, the JI .-tiubfeenber hi concluded Joj!tpu of part or hn Stuck tnttrnted tor own u. Tbey -arrv4 ui rewu Attu Alf, so eiitenatvely chtva d in IuTt and Franc; and which writera upon the St'.k CnHure almtt, make Ibe bfst kind of Silk, fcing al ibe aKMvf jMrVpraw'tET'tne rar 'liripe eaougb to be lrwp;nt4, wtiirn way aae two year ol7 t'i nrt f t!iue wi-hft'j t rnjjaje in the iinw. What ravw W fparwrww bedettvvrd at say tiraw bt4we mis sad thai M of Mucb, and spun Unaa mncb luwt-r tbaw ilw Niii.rrw price Letters addred t wtw at Datidiua CutlcTe, pud patj, will be promptly attfiKlcd to. K. !L MOUUiSoN. :-g-l-a- -m, -r -r 1 ,..-,, rn, .U. I i, i - Mitt' KSTAHLISiniCXT, IN MOCKSVI LLK, DA VI E-COI'NTl. - !!; rTII03IASTF0STER INFORMH the pwblie that he bas removed from hi 1 (jfort suatt, to km new buddings en the poblvi square, hi Ute Town of MKkvill, w tiw he will ro- tiBue to keep a IttM.SK ttr K.M KK TAIXMEN T. Ilia llooae is roomy and omin.l oua ; attacliei to wbick'are ex eomloruUe CKIicew M (rent let nen of the Bar, all ennreatent Wthe Court Houe. The aubscri- be !eter Hriudf u lite nwt dilirent eartNn, to fiie aWctiu U Such as may cH ud him. 11 Ta Imc. Cm and Subies ara wAtvsJed ia the bet manner tltl the country wia ard, and bis servant are faith nil and pffar?. : z "r"Zr---.. . r FekH, 1-s.m. 74- tf The .olrtl ltii.irtrr Horse, CLOCIC HEAD, WILL stand tleen- suing Seaaun at sAtrsBtrRT" Fiir Arther pun fculsrs 't-w-bsntr-btl1s. JOHN JON ;:. 4t SkL4ry,.K 14,1 Heath Tracti - r 1 II IK IIHTH TRACT. codUinm six . bnnt'ied Acre of Land, sitiwtrd about V I sa c ks F.-irt of Ixineton, ItavidHon t gatai tLe to4 leaoinj rrwn Lexington to l t rttev die h oow" onVretj f -r S le. ' . . Tlwre are abowt liSJ acres improved, and 500 in WoWamiTiKber. V . The Tract n bxated in a very ... . V, i4 ' wrfawt - ' and is prco!.r!y adapted to uminth. has on it a f aa Orchard. anJ a good Meadow. And,inde pewdewt i these advantages, the prubpell tur UoU, t bloealiuoaUe, aw one or two . - .OL YEI.V9, bare already be opened, and some very rick art ex Uwettfd fcw UnsCi. - ' r - 1e felesraled ("warsd (?" .Wis. situated a few bnarett yards south of it ; ars" according to lb diree. tiow of the Vein of that M me, they urn Becewartly pass througb a part ol Ibis Tract x. . Art prru wtJUtT to view, lbs premite pet s ifiore Ui oe "Cescriptw,' wilt call on Riudnii AVads wrtb,ia Lexingtoii, wbo will give the tieire2 in&tr. OMtwi ; or any person w ibinjr to contract ibr the name. Will ca'l p IV. Aoud. hhury ; or addmw a litei to tte Subscriber, 1renti Port tKSce, Jones Gfc N C. M. L lISATll. rA2i.is. tf The 'Thrto t.brel Ilore: If arrived at his lnd c i... 1 ' .11 f liorcwHiiiain, anq win sP be exhibited to all those k m"Jp Mtl w e bim. ' ,-'"'i"1' - -- -tat . , . urn JHson win o-giHW the Kxhef February, and Huron Tha 15th T Jufv7 For (.rther particulas vtTi see DsnJ Diii. "". " R. W. LONfi. M aio Hornl, SaliAory, Fefi. 7. l$ A To Travellers. A ftHE tnrf!!.r.j cTnmunity are rfpertfuny Snfimn. ed that the Subscriber ia now riumuii? bis line dt. pert from RaS ii'-i bv way of IMi-boro ami Ashboro' to Sa!fcury, in Northern made Ctwches of the first errft-r b'avtn; Raleigh en Moiulaysand Tbnrwlayaat 10 A. M-. arruir iu Sili.-boiy nest tlavs at M l M. Iran-j Sai 'ytnry ou Tnesdy and Frulayaat A. M.k arriirT in lU'e jrb n'l days at ltt J. IK , 11. tvrTi rr r-rii, and driver pntkularlr enrrlul andaee-r.'f.N'mf.- " JOEL Mctl'AN, r. 1:. t 1 u ' " if .'. t a t .. .. i .ii;sL''''-lftk'-"' 9 j. uoiLDsnovsrji - I'Kt'Ti I LLV mf')rmi In- fii-niU urn! 1 imblir. that h is siill at rm i.liJ in!"iin-m n. , STON1X I'TTINCs, seven mili-s South of S.tluslmry, and fW-ut J a mile frotn the old CiiHrlostou Roiid, where lie is prepar ed to acconiiuodntetboie wir-hin work in his line. He now I.h on lmnd"amHor wile, a good supply of MILESTONES, of vuriousji'si.dj)rices, from tweiity-fivtf t thirty.illHra fipair, of the beat grit andworkmatitdiip ;mt VVJN IK'VV SILLS, from 12 to 2.5tj UOOli-Sl l.Lti from 62 to8!J; DOOR KTlirs l.50; ROUUii lillLDING KOCKS from f.l'ty to seveniy.five rcuu TO MK STONES from tlOto f 15; (JOLU (up shaft) GRINDERS ' $20 a piece. The Sub-criber hopes by close n'ttention to busi.J . ne,;and his determination to furnish none but the1 beat '"article, and on .reduced terms, to merit and " receive a liberal portion of public patronage. - " R-wan County April 13 38. ' : :f 12m - KEW FASHION'S, FOR FALL A, WINTER, uoicit i: ii. iji:ai:d, RLSPhCTrt LLY mlorins his munos and thejp frwn the following wpular wr niihl. llml bs Htill r.arriea on the TArL01Cr7v. i)r. Bai.kIbv.-' lleVJ(i. M public. ING BUSINESS at his old stand on mum street, 'heTtrTToTtr "lo" "llie Mnecnry Store, lie is ever ready to execute the orders of his cuntomeri in a style and manner not surpassed by any workman in the western part of. the State He is in the re gular receipt of the latest Londtraiid'New York FASHIONS, and prepared to accointiiodute.the tastes of the lashionable at all times. (fcSr Cutting garments of all kinds attended to prtmptly ; and the latest lashiona fariiished at all Oinjes Jo-couiitry-JlailorSfJiiidist tactions giveaJn cutting. i , Sulishury, Jan. Ir18:i8fc I TAILORING BUSmi 0. 27 ?r!33i RESPECTFULLY ukea thi method to inlorm bis tritndi and eustdmers tn Concord aiid its vicinitv. that he Still continue to carry on the above brauch ol t hir old star m tJoncnrd. Snutti ot the storet il Messrs. JF 4 C. Pbiler, where he. will be found - at pl times, ready to . .1.. . , : . . - . - . I - iit, make or Ilxeetile, ' 1 any work in his line. His long etpenenee mlhe BusMf wess, thepams hei rrowr takingto receive Hie turlktl fathtuik from Philadelphia and New York, enables bim to say. that the work done at his Shop, shall be ol the -' Begi Workmahshltj. ' " iJ-JL B.jJLi will -also teba Aent) much ap prtved, ey4em if ilTr4lJt!Bt(c!pt)iij, to any one who wMhe msUiiction in bis tystem ot cutting. i iOPAL...Varnjsb, English patent Ja. pan Yarnisli, Cabinet Siring, Black Varnish fir Harness Makors, Copal Var nish for Carriage makers, Japan used fur painting fiir Cabinet makers, suing for Cabinet makers, made and sold, whole sale or retail, Y JBy C. C. HARRISON. Statesville, Nov. 1, 183S.: 0m- nIIE Subscriber wishes to inform his customers and the public generally, that ho still carries and is ever ready to execute, in a very superior manner, all descriptions of work in his line. . Gold- Orindert, jiI-A'onr; 1ndm and Door, till, Do6r tiep$ and Tomb-Hones, am executed in a, very tare atyle. His grit for MiH-Stones is very rxd.---Ml4iijipa .alsojiega to inform Hie public. laYTie can execute Eiigravings of various kinds- He will Engrave marble-slabs neatly, and granite tHnb-aioii! coo. btLrl exwuttd. if dc'riml.rilis Ijaf jifeSBTi a 1 a1WaTtr1)e isrjtrabteod e eco Persons wwjiing to have work done in the above line, will do well-la,cll al the residence of Mr Philips, seven miles south of Salisbury. ENOCH E. PHILLIPS. - Agist 4, r l3S. ; tf COTTON YARN. Y'pil Public are in- fctrmtxl thaLlbe Leiu tngUm Cotton Manufactory is now in lull operation. and can supply all demands fir COTTON YARN of a quality equal to any manufactured in the State. J. o. CAIRNES, Agent. Orders from a distance will be punctually at tendetl tt by addressing the Aient as above. "Lexington, January 17, 150. tf Y Goods. JAC03 VVLXECOFF-ii-Co- I ESPECTFULLY inform their customers and . 1 1 frienil in gennmt, that they have just received at their old aland at Strrewalt'a mill, Cabarrus county, 10 miles iNoriii-west ot loncoru, a new supply ot 'irialFau I comDrisini? almost everv article usually krbt in this rw 1 r ... i : ftttQ of country, which tbey oiler at the usual terms "Cheaper than eer for cah,nr tojtunctual dealpr im i "' creltt of fwele mouths. We return on' sincere thanks ' to our customers for the liberal patrons ee we have re ceived, and hops, by strict attention to business, to me rit the snmo. - v , - . . .. - . , JanuarTS.l'Lv .''-J- -Jll-stf -r. OLD CASTINGS WANTED. . rE will purchase, any amount of pld Castings that v I may be brought to us; uch as old cotton screws. old milbgearmg, old pots, ovrns, mortars, Ac., and will pay on cent pr pounil. Salisbury, Sept 6, 1833. CRESS &. BlXlER, tf fl t 1 8 u Writier having "purchased tTiis ti au riab.i.-riineiit and bttd it in a style J 1 1 1 1 " accuiiinitiuBiiun 01 1 raveuers and nCii'iJ B-wrders, is now prepared for their recen- . uta muui nut aiwaya imj lurniMieu It ! Dl ....11 1 V- e. : 1 t With the best the market can afford; bis BAR with a good aupply of choice Liquors; his ur.ua shall always tie kept 111 One order ; ami bis Sta ble (which are very extensive) are well supplied with Provender of the first quality, and attended by ggod and faithtbl hostlers. . , He hopes, by trict attention to the business, m per- on, 10 give anusraciHtn 10 an who may lavor tnin with their patruoage. And he onlv asks a fait and trial. . , . ANDREW CAlDCLLlGil.. . Lexington, N. C, Feb. 21, KtO. - . , U i Goellcke'i Matchless Sanathe. .4 QUANTITY of the above valuable Medicine on V band, and toe sale M the IW-Othce at ("ountv 1 t . ... u r - iJlie, 1'dYIO tvVUIUJi.l. v., - . By JOHN L'LNN, A?..t . .- Siiiin. - ;;-.5.;-tK. 1 a . 1 i; ( ) S " . (' T I hl, T(IK , .. . .4 HoiAy-'l-'A' ;'".'. 4 ,s'"' -""I ON the first of Jauuary.lSJO, was comnieneed the aecond volume ot tl.e American Museum of Liter rature and the Arts. . ThisjMgii!.inc w depie.lory of pa'pers in the various depurtmen's oi-uieraiuie, cw; cuce, and lbs Arts, calculated alike to instruct, ptobt ...A nl,.a the reader. ' Aa utility w the, characteristic ot the age, the Museum coiiUina article ot solid mter- ert upon Kcience, Literature, llintory, Biograpby, arid , Morals. ' Reviews and literary criticimnH, so important in tbia publishing age,.xcc'ipT a pr.imnewt jilacc W JJie., wwk;lt, slA contains sliort reviews of tli6 entire work of distinguished American authors, accompanied by portrutH engraved on steel. ' The solidity of the work is relieved by lighter arti clessuch as graceful ewoys, inlnresting and amusing -.. liklsMi rr it ! iriM itntiti th fine artsJetn'nds. bketcbea ot travel, literary and scientific, intelligence, and poetry of . a iiiperiororder."1 ' The very iavorable reception which the work baa ' met from the prewi and the public, liaa justified the pro-, prietor in luaking liberal arrangeiiienujjor contribu lions to the second volume j and they have'accordmKly made large additions to their corps of regular contribu-; tors. , in the January nuruoer win pe luunu oiqibi ipuiar writers; , - orris, Rev. J.U Clinch, David Hoffman, Esq., W. G. SimmV' Charles wat ThonTpnrrrioftind,-1i7T.jra ftr -fiosr-rrofussor. i wher ot the University or-iuary laud, Prtr Fureuiaii,.W.B1.Tapp, Mr. -rfyj-MnbiH. F.Gould, Mrs. Emma C: Embury. Be sides these, many other writei o known ability have , contributed to the work, and will continue to aid Us. In this number is the cprnmenceme'nt of a scri ps of "Italian Sketches," by a gentleman ot taste snd scho larship who ha been sojodrnmg in that classic country v Besides these, the future minibtysot the Museum wilt ' Contain articles from dibtinguished European writers, ntltiTiioihVeSrff 'larniltriraii:rdimoEftV&"ViiiSlMnC'a fmm: and MemiMim. native talenL r PfcATaa. PortraiU on steel, by a distinguished ailist, similar to that of Wishington Irving in the Sep teniber mmibfr, and of J. F. Cooper in the January number, will continue tn embellish the work. - v. TERMS .The fiumchn Mcskiim is printed on mmd rwnrr. with ni tvno. ana makes two volumes a year, of morethan 5(MJ pagfes eacb. Price per an num, pryafle in anvance. four copies win ve sent cntr vewr tor15.-We shall he hanprtoTeeer ervee cations, post paid, for, travelling and local i agencies, ..i - .. f " - " - , 1 it . witli" references en ciosea. All .communications must Uf pott paid,'ini directed to the editori ' . 5. , 'I 'n 1 it ct a wri liuiitfo a 1 1 nniifj i.A .; . . ! BROOKS A, SNOIX3RASS., Editors and Proprietor"? SfpHB nnderngned wilt open bis Kchoot hi this ptace,"" on Monday, the 4th of March, add he request parents or guardians who intend to send boya, to enter, them as early in the Session a possible, in order to en able him to form hi classes permanently .- Tlte charges for tuition will be the same aa usual in other institu tions. i " . - The undersigned also offers his assistance to persons wishing to acquire a - kiwwledge pf the French Inn- gunge, or of the Natural Sciences, and to such he would give instruction either privately or in a class. . - T PIIII.I IPSl At lKV T. PHILLIPS ALLEN. Salisbury, Feb. H 19.19. tf T VLL persons indebted toJ.be Siibscrilier for Beef, S:c. are requested to make immediate payment, as fur-, ther mdulgeuce tbaa the So.lb of March, positively can not bo given. HENRY SMITH. . n Pet as, im. v .3t - t; 1 rpHIS day the Copartnership of. Wheeler 4t B.irns --L was'dissolved by tlie consent'of parties; all per- sons. indebted to the Firm will make payment as soon as possible verbim salt The Apothecary shop, will beiirrder the control vf C. B. &, CTK. Wheeler, by whom due attention will be given. ' r-- -WHF.F.I.Klt- A BUB&ifcraiid how the are Dut torethcr-Thev sa he under Salisbury, 3d December, 1833. tf - '. l.1 -i' . U. i sV. li.- 11 i:Vil.l1 il. IUt. na take pleasure in announcing to the citiiens generally, that they will keep constantly on hand a f fresh and general assortment of - 1 Drugs, Medicines, PaintSj T Dy e.8tnftV Stcrglcai" Iouments, gnuJi; Tobacco, Cigars, SPIRITS, WINES, dus., ' r trtrrcther with a splendid aseortmeht of FAXCY. R:-TCtES-al! of which they will sell as rAeap.'if not cheaper than any other Druggitt ot Merchant in the . State. v ' ,, . - . - , N. B. All orders from-a distance, where reference i given, will be promptly attended to. . . . Salisbury, Dec 3, 1S3H. tf ; liOov at TVus. wUMMER will be coming before long O and your- housea are not vet painted paiutaaiMl oil are cbean, and labor costs almost nolhmo. 1 thank the citizens of this place, and the surrounding country for tlie very liberal patronage they have htre t.rtore bestowed on me, and bya strict attention to bu , sinem, nnpe 10 merit a continuance ptlbCJame I will say tb all wlio desire fo have oaintinir done. and may call on ine, that ilJball be executed 10 the aiot -- J unproved style, and that no pains shall be spared on my . Any one wishing to have painting done, will always find me in Salisbury, unless necessarily absent on busi ness. V . . t IL H. RA1NEY. li .tit - All rtlers from a distaneei'directed' to me ih U.l ...Ml I . II , . . . mnsuurjr wnj oe punciuaiiy aiiunueu 10.' January 24, 18o0. - " tf 1 ' VP Oxvucrs otLMVU. : . 'pilESuUscribfrbasao impwved patent Spindle for --, Mills, by which, a mill will dn mncb better than with the usual form of Spindle. It I an constructed at to kepp from heat in r killing the meal in any nian-H "ner.- I he runner is so confiiied by the Suindle aa al- " 1 wsys u preserve it balance, and ot course there is no rubbing of the stones. -.-: '- . I think, by thi improved Spindle, the same water will dtrat leest -mte-titrrd moreitiwtnesarwnd ib j ofirtiirstr quality - Any P,;?o.n wusliir.g to use one or thee Spirulles, may obtain one or more, by making application, (with in a short time) to the Subscriber at Moeksville, Davie Co. N. C. I think the probable cost will pot exceed $:50 lw the IStpnt and Spindle ready for use; ' Col. Win. F. Kelly and Tlios. Foster, in the vicinity of Moeksville, have reeently tried the improved Spin die, aud are highly pleased with it... -. - , t M. GILBERT. February 7, l ' '- tf rottrlli nntl lamt AU I i f PHE onderigned. bgain appeal td those indebted "fo ' I. him on account of the Western Carolinian in any way, to come forward and piy. U is out of (he quo. ' lion for him to wait or be put off any longer hi neces aitie'se'pnsing be has waited years, with a grei! many, and further ioflu'jrcnce other than the low will ' allow, cannot be'gtven. it' settlement is dm mnde in tho present or enuiig i,ufli. . J. W. IlAMFTON Jan. 3, 1S30. ' 11 tr. ii-irV WtvYTivwU' Tot ttac Wcic. The following is an extract from a fbrihcofnm i ,-t of Dr. Petri, thediscoveier of the Celubratul ""v table Anti-Bilious Tills." ' " :" : .... "-' " Health,; wealtb, and enjoyment, aro the t).-, prime objects' of lite. The two former are only m,",hx as a means to obtwin the latter. - Man seeks tur a a means of enjoyment. But vain it ,uch without the pi'tssesaion of health. Without boilily ,, '.' and strength, neither the physical nor the tnenul-nj ther the inner nhjf the outward man in capably ol lir achieveiiicttt, whether of wealth or of enjoytocnti Meni sans in corp tre sane a sound mind to , unl body is the jins qua non the absolute reijmmte any efficient effort in the attainment of human eiid&! Tile mind may be active, but if tlic body be feeble, th is tiiemmd aelivee little purpose-njoymcnl 0.4" there and the finest laid plans ere Tendered ainl)e y ne'itaereo;'WHew 01 ,ur luiiemeni o clay. 1 ,, But say that a man could obtain wealth thai be cJ acquire the gold of Ophir, and biing home all the tnt. sure ttf tlie mines of Gulconda, yet wilhoat halik where would bo his happiness! lie woiild be luwn, ble in the midst of his gold and bis diamonds; bet, pine away in. wretchedness and rienpair; aud be wani" exclaim with the wise man of old, All is van,ty , vexation of spirit !" His limbs are racked wuh :,. and he cannot rest f-his appetite ia gone, and lie. kwta,... "bia.foodi his rtnniaeh is oppressed with nausea. and i - turnssipkeningaway atthebodnliesof aniuniuceinPro.: videuce.' 7 He would give all he w wonh-nay, ft, l world.if he had il-forthepoor,but hea'tliy inan'sappet.t , l "Please give me," rtid hungry wrctch.tosvrojlth.,. feeble man " Please give me sixpence to buy me , i morsel ot tool j J am almost starved t , - . -, v " I would give a thousand dollars: for your Uppeti'.e.' said the rich man, is he handed the hungry one a dollar, UfAijuuch-importance ia.hfiaJthJoj.lie CDjuyjucn of life!'-. ' ' .. ',-':''.. -.. " "Tlar Whemii, metinkjrt hear the cudcr 6VS serve this homily joii so plain and hacknied a subject! Do we not all know the value of health! Do as ant all atioiMfWit as one of the chif, if not tli cluoijt CQiiccrns of our amrtal existence 1 Do we not eoipU the meaps to attain and preserve it 1 Do we nut ia out money do. we notjee physicians do we outMLi their advice do we not swallow hvif preecriptwruii -Trda-rmosl fruiTgvllTB rpfferTiTwtt dvst tVt tbiorj, we dare aiy, and more. Sull,. we cannot believeiw homily on health to be altogether unnecessary. iU j, morals, so in physic is it requisite to have u line t(Mi line, and precept jon jirecept - Men in healtii fo- that they may be sick ; and men iu sWkuess do noui! wavsemulov tha most ludicious means to attain hcuiib. j, Very tnte.'JKittor men do not as you say, altji 1 pursuo Uie right jrpad to health, . jNuW, I know ol . t people who are always doling themselves with phjttc, I and running to the doctors and apothecaries every day ot thoir lives. . 1 bey take, I verily believe, a cart m of drugs In a year, and yet they are not well after ill , Do you know J.he reason ! . ; ' Why, yes,' in my opinion, there are two reason. In -the first place, they lake too much medicine, and is tin second, they do hot take the n;ht kind. : 1 used to nuk J the same jnisuike. But lately that is to say fuf U. i.or tliree year past I've ti'14 upou a better plan, jute 1 Dr. Peters' Vegetable Bilious' Fills, and I derive otn ocnehtjrom one dot. irjojd yuuiJa lhcuvt-h4iilxiui payingTifty in any former pursuit of benlth, besidw ving a world of pausea auddisgusl in swallowing m en ormous quantity of medicines. Dy you know Dr. Peters! Very well. " And have yon ever taken his rjicdicine !" M I hae I wore a blockhead elso . 'They tell me he is none of your quacks, who us deruike to mend and regulate the' human machine, wunuui so mucn as snowing 01 wnnt pans 11 ctmsisu, stands anatomy and phvsiolfliry, I think you call tliem; atii jijwiftmuiaiL.KitLbtJiny a 1 li- with the roadto railL" . . . .. ..v.. .j. . voted himseit to the studv ot tho human txaioe, aini tii diseases to which it is suojeet, and mtw be m ppljit his acquisition to the relief of suffering huiiatiitf He dues, not put forth the absurd claim so often (vinced by the..inventoftpf.palenk.fostruma nauI.. "hliat br curing all disease with a single ptescriptioa! oueti a pretence he- would dectn'about asdimcuitt swallow, as to take the nostrums of those who put it fortli. Titers is no such medicine. There iaool.tiw never, was, a panacea Utr all diseaceS. -The bstu-- Bii.ioi a pills pretend to no such miracle. ' But wtat is iiiBni'ely better, iheycllect wiiatever they nnderta.. Tht-y keop the word of promise to tte stomach, atid prima via which they make to the ear and eve. -And that indeed is no slight recommendation. are the complaints low Inch these Pills arc adapted ft nor far between. - The disorders arising from a wm elate of the Bile are, unfortunately, many, distressing, and fatal. A lar'giL proportion of all tLe fevert, ear-.' cially at the South and iu the marshy district?, owing to this cause, from tlie distressing ague and f ver, which ahnobt shakes asunder life and limb, to tfee fearful " Yellow Jack," which seldom quits bis victim without asdniering soul and body as he takes b-tlctv&L C"onyersanUxyro. his previous pwetice, with dist in all its tormi.-whrch origtnntrs of the disorder of the Bile. Dr. lort was hjt Ted to employ hi kdt. lcY and experience in the nrenarmioa of a medicine aluf should prure efficaciuua iu this large class of dise.v wiiicwsiwortfaticfltd'retiewtm! actitflg ana otttjiw and restore the aaoseated and loji thing sloroach, at tf same time that it prevented those more fatal eft- which are so apt to follow from their imprudent ticgl; "Fof this purptse tie prepared, 'with mfich care and just adaptation to . tbo purpose, tin) Vegetable Bi!"- Pills, winch lie U happy to say, from long txpertencs andlhesbundant tesiiinony ofthotse wbo htve einpU1) tliein have answered, more than answered biin,a '4WvfSBVMft4,stB)V It is not his own mere ijurtu.n that vou are t- " opon to believe. It is not tlie ipsw dixit of taj man thougb he was as great aa Galen or lliriW1' "-that you are. Jo pin- your feitb-upoii.i-lBC,"Jf' thou!i it is said irrtlieceacred volume that "by" mouth of two or three witnesses shall all tiling lablished are yiw to believe in so smell nll'n only ! ' A cloud of, witnesKCs" is before yon.' sre too,Buinerwis to be-eatly overlooked p tbey re intelligent to bo carelessly heard ; they are too fiH!C. tuble to tie slightly regarded. " , "v ' ' " . Believing the spontaneous-testimony of tlw8 expeytence U the bcai of the truth they assert -Peters h thrown together In the following P01 few or the many bumliedsof teMiiHonialsroucivsd''1 every quatior when bis pills have come into use, - J "! are leit 10 f ieak for themselves. They are the ww of those who "sppak what tbey do know, aud tcti.7 what they have seen and eipfrieuced." , ; fr Be careful and enqnire for Peters' V'geta ble t they are sold in Salisbury by John Murphy; in Lex"'-" ' by J. P. Mabry ; and m Charlotte by Williams uf w hom they can be bad at the S.jriheW T 1 IK SICK. arnYnll taking this wonderful dk ine which 'is RstiHiibhin.' Lofoje, anu rira with its ought cures. - ' . n ForSHb at the IWOilice, F.Wrw. vai" eovatytS, C.i ' , ' A.v.stl IT !: ,f - - :v -