aO i'. 'W -Tltt'tOWKItS NOT nELEO.VTKtl TO TUB t'NIIKIl ST.4.TKS V TMR t'OXSTI TUT10N, SOK rROHlttlTRD BV1 IT TO TUB STATES, ARB RESERVED TO THE IrE R ESPECTIVI L, 0 10 ISt t l ij 1,1- Jl JWa-J.WCA M. 1 I C, j ." ; V V 1 n"" j' n ' i 1 ; 1 'N 1 Ik U tike I Kilt ICS- ti Hue, iu, jder iem; iric i-SsP iU4 tlOt llttS Mi tot take. N'jf dft inj -, ire o tfce ictiai f the lci--e allhe Bio tnJl rienrt Sin?1 .f-a' 1-yU. bee iiimtwr Tlicj arst1 t 1T. - TIk7 ' tcsUt . price i.l M-' J An p AUSTIN ,VC. F. FISHER, l SALISBUItY, N. C, MARCH 21, 183a NO. XL, OF VOL. XIX. (.V. fZv OM COMMEXCEHEST i79.) irJwi.tin.i-gjv'n..i'i,vr.-M.-ia ',' TERMS OF CAROLINIAN. ,'; The Western Carolinian is puhlistted every Tmus at Two HtiUr pr annum if. paid ia advance, or Two Pollswsnd Fifty Cents if not paid before the ex piration oHIiree.montlis. - ' ; ; ' Nu paper Will be discontinued uoul all arrearages ire paid, unlt'BS at the discretion of. the Editors ; and a failure to notify llie Editor of" a wish to discontinue, it the end of i year, Will bo considered as a new cn- m- bo conspicuously and eorfWtly :. ...t .t one dollar nor wiuatc for tlie first insertion, j - Sir each contiiiuHnci. A Courtund Judicial li.HiwnMitt will be chawed 26' per cent more than (lie jbove prices, A deduction t0$i per cent from J Advertisements sent in fbrpublicsTirmrmtttrt have tt)e number ot times marked on them or ihey will be inner ' ted till forbid, and charged for accordingly. , ,:, " - I 1 ... .1.. I.K. ...... k..,.,..o n.not K fott poiJ, ot they will not be attended ; ; jyllfSCIjlJiANEOUS. Ettractfrom " Htfrner ArurtJe,'' or the AJventurti "JITTaS adventurk trinidada Hj Lie caloric; norm attacked, none seemed to fear an other. I sa several poisonous snakes, that were overtaken by the Unites on the oanks of the pool, turo round, and with stupid ragej attempt to fight with thi fire. A they felt it burn thejr extremi. ties, they erected tlteir ; ''slender forms, opened thiSif wide juws, elevated their baneful fangs, and darted ot the fkrnesf in a few moments tfiey werf reduced to black cinders. ' - ' , . " v ;'" : - As the cnflngratipn spread its pyramidical arms above the steaming and muddy waters my 'situa tion wntntiuost ins ipportahlo ; yet I thauked Prov. idence for my duliverencs; It was true I, was in JPiVlMtiwy JbutJuXLiBilca-awurtd we tajrd a hettn AUflngLb. Hia.wuidt wiuch was blowing with vio lence, remitted, and shortly afterwards died away ' the flames shot up in a vertical direction, and mv aching eyes were blessed with the appearance of j . the cloudy sky. 1 lie fire now burned with a stea. ' dy roar for about five minutes, when another breeze sent the flumes over the yellow lake I stooped -uniill my chin touched the water, to avoid the Jieat f finally, I ducked my head underneath for a second to cool it, when the wind lulled, and I, with rnr-handrslrtteed wnieroveMheitead of tnv nroun; --4ng4ir8e 'Hie fire1 slnckened, and in abut half nn hour alter I ba'd taken refuge in tho porenniiil lake, it had burned out, But the surface of the , earth was calcined like a brick, and too hot to be -pnsffid 0 wr by thejitot of any aninml. - If the fain did nol full, I had the uncomfortable prpitpect -of siM!ii(ling many hours in my present situation, and markable palmists trees, which grow in a row; here, : with my prsuttLotnpany of reptiles T who, al- . rt i ..?II "J .i t . . i . - i ...... fastyootTyc9BCTos'tiie-aTarinai nnn votr- wtirjr- tnougn mtw at prncn witn-ncjjneirrorsrglit -ecwvel)lun poiuUrfjana a Su Hefifl-YBOorrTecomiitence nosuiities. , , . . em mou'oiutol, which teruiinati s in the plains. I made nty horse wade its way to where stood Here the difficulty of the route commences. -You the branchless trunk of an old crooked savanna ; have 1o forco-"V"ur way tnrouKn 'he fot-tatl trt-e, whichptcing In tlie niTduTe pra and the tusk rushes, which will cover your, j escaped burning. I buckled the bridle to this tree useful books and a supporKT A''Hic--fM which brings at his dir tke m-mf.jn vLkIi gives him the history its srii. ttatia a, lir. r mer as this will fulfj fcis duties t Iti etmttj aal Lis fellow men, and is the -iiaffnrt atoi ii iiidepeodent .among the best tfat Just in Time.K young physician having" tried in vain to get into practice, at last fell upon the fol lowing expedient to set the ball to rolling. " He sprang upon his horse once a day, and drove at lull speed through the village. Aftef an absence ot an hour he would return, and carry with him some ot hif instrunieiita thinking if. he could im press his neighbors with the opinion that he had practice, they would begin to place confidence in his ability. A wag, who more than suspected the deceit which he was practising determined to know the truth. He accordingly kept his-horse in readi ness, and the next time that thedoctqrgallopfid by his" doflr7 Sprang BSIiisysleed and placeii him. self on the younff centleman's trail. Ttie r do for saw the man following at his heels, but did not, at first, evince any uneasiness. At lenirth. however. he thought it advisable to turn downs narrow lane. un(i jHle i the sinsoqascVwerslan. If sUHnfiesJ 'mrtttuentaa superiwrs, and we but their aent, he Mpowiil to dittingtiUh between tlie ;iT:ci j! an I the B.iifical ttcU of the officer, as J.j'sul.ject t!.f txmerti pensf restraints, without interfering i!'i the. krter, said t!tat it would in praetk render i:i elective the aJmitteJ riht of the iioveniuieut t junii x officers for the abuse of their ollki J psrfc. It may he , but Utile or no evil can re-soil.- W aat!r detect of n!it thus Guverunw! t swy EiW umfer, in such ca, is am; Ix.niHJe v; 'fty t1iwyiwee'ol the Sues, .which t m tiimtteil Control er the eWctra( ri-hisl f i tifuewV whether officers of litis (Jeriitiwnt or wt. Orchard Cro. This rassn ar".i t "f sep t cultivated on sccoiiiit w its nrxipw tosrteeL; Horses, cows, and sheejsest ft-rrit--A it. Wi valuable on account of ,t ecI3i aftrt-SeJl. Is lof seed, which s not easily hate. sL'ltse l-u"TBTw P""'? tmereroaui u.S ttu.1 hardy gra found WgbJy mU n sb lam u.v .t. ' ...a ,k; u. . rti ' j .ju rt i election be impaired. e musr sol f.r. t comes sarly, is soon maturei. sl tmtmt jwt1 fclatw '"j FVle $ - ... - ' . . . . . nnJitiiMir and untl hut Ihpir meot ; ' 'S Cail you please direc mo to tho road acVow?"v ihmiiredl. ' . ' ''-; '' ' ' A . : CertaititvrM said Dnimlow. Pass through . yooder caniico (small pluntation,) and then keepUn a northward, direction uiilil you ciime to four ra nclf and horse ; hut steer by the mountain in a di tect lino, for tibmrt three miles opd a half, and yotr : will cormroift at Jho: i'ttrony, which you inay easiJ 'Jp swim, and gel to St. Joseph. I would, howev er, advise you to borrow or uuy a ruttass, as you juay mctt wilji snakes in ihe wajr. . I would lend .ou-mitio, bul l svaot -it.,wyeU; laving io--survey. in the woods to-morrow. ; i ou can tiuy a cutlass of any or the free people almut here. - r w .! . i.i f t - : ' J -.1 I inaniicu nun iiir nis minuie uireciiim nnu u- 't-..TT i ,----" ". -'""' i"" '. i j.. Vice, w e separaleJ, and I nowenterea a aense. amss of vegelationf the liko of wlireh-i never be held. The inundations of the Carony, the im- dense fertility of lU land, and the intertropical Hin,' produced a growth of rushes each thicker than iniausarm, and from tilleen to eighteen leei in leight. " These grew so close, that : it was with jifat lator rfly horse could force bis way through tbera. The difficulty of our progress bjscame so i reat, that recollecting Brumlow's love for quiz- . jfJas lrtjo rcmTn;)fvwever,'f still pro- Kcded at the rate of a mile an hour, hoping every minute ta come to where the vegctution was less Vgunt ic and dense." Having, crossed from Alta . Iiracla to Essequiho, I feK nshmned of turning back from a journey of four or five miles ; for 1 knew by the form of the hills, of which I sometimes got - t. - . - "'1 . ....... "i- t glimpse, that every Inoonous step me norse mane bwtight mo nearer to St.;Joseplv;..jriio.,.poor beast fairly groaned Ouder nil exertion amid the. tongti tusk ruslies. which aeeme J to prow taller and taller : rinfs lieixeriecf wiTh ssioiiWimrrira urentTrambf offallow-deerush past mo, for those animals ne -wheri tnrnlieriin-TTinirtartr .Jirvrr .iifV7I tHma wmfe V-lemwt -past while I went to reconnoitre, in order to ascertain ; where I could most" conveiiiently throw water on : iie cah'iued erili, to get room w myself and horse on terra firma, until the rain or dew of evening -should aumcienjjy cool the ground . to allow our pacing over. ' I had not left the horne a minute be. -..fore it ottered mmghMd cutlass, atidi ran to its aid. ' I found that an enor mous mncka well, or boa constrictor, of about twen ty five feet in-length.lind cauiiht the nor heasf in ; its fold ; a part of the reptile was knotted around tho old tree, ana two coils were about the beast. .The serpent had passed, his body between the fore legs of the horse, and was in the act of seizing it by the throat, whn a thrust from my cutlass pierced its eye, and entered fight into his head. i he fury of the mackawell was now turned on me it elongated Its bodrso Jthat six or seven feet of its jieck were clear of the bore, which, however, it showed no disposition to rlinnul9h.ri It raised its '"" head above me, its double onguo quivered in, i mouth,- the jaws opened until (hey seemed to be dis located, and it breathed on cie with, its infernal breath, the odor ot which is unlike aught else I ever smelt. It hesitated to lower its head for the attack I stooped into the water ;' it also stooped, until itideinir if within reach of my arm, I rose and made a cut at it. which divided its lower iV Tlie boa now turned from me ; I made a blow at Ihd part Which was" coiled round (he tree, and di vidod the tail from the rest ot its bodv.v I hi lieemetTiJ twa" roTrp-xJe graceT"tt"ppeared to lose all power ; its bleeding head felt into the water, "and ihjLWHJTnrsff-iUered wrtemHhing -ber The pursuer followed on like an evil genius'; but the doctor was not discouraged, as another road lay a short distance ahead of him down which he turned. The other kept close at. his heels, and the doctorgrer impatieiit to Tetarti holrteTThere was no house by the way, at which he could afford anypretext for stopping. . In' the" mean time his saddle bags"Were with bim, find he was" otherwise equipped for business, so that he could not return, in the lace or his neigt bor, wuhoutexposing the secrets of the trade in the most palfahle manner. JiVery bound of his steed earned bun farther from bis home; and the shndes of night began to . fall on hill and tower. Still the sound of horse's hoofs were thundering in his rear, and he was driven to Cais-wif send r but just as ha turued the angle of a wood he heard1 a low moan. A man lay prostrate near the fence of a meadow, and blood gushed from fearful wound in his arm. He had cut an artery with his scythe, and was in danger of immediate issotution. The young doctor sprang fnlm his horse and stanched the wound. Bandages, were pplied and I his life saved. 'The pursuer had also throw a tiimse If from hfa ctan tiea tne last uauuuge, ne looaeu up in nis nice and said How lucky neighbor, that 1' was" able j ri ve jusX .in time A he-woiKlermg speetator-wat silent --with awe-, and after assi'ting the wounded man home, he told uch a miraculous tale to the wondering villagers, as secured to the ; young physician, a reputation not only for skill, but also for super natural prescience. Thus did the merest accident contribute more to' his advancement than, years of studious toil could have done ; and the impertinent curiosity of a wag gish neighbor, opened for him a path to business whicn the mos( innuentiai patronage migtu never have been ableto provide for him. . ; "f.. i.jj.. .i i j t . i t . a -snil that is the rwht in ouestioo be abused, or tho or iiHJUi-r, u Milium ucrianair .-wssix icwiarw ,-. , j . '. , ' . X-Farmtr'B dfciarf. ' I frttaum ,f impaired, it is they, and cot jei o mmt srwiniT sutkr, lti wn, ot course, 3 45wfftifoTt naie;:K' reciion; yef 1 heard no dog bnrk, nor any sound sf ichaJo. "An alco (wiltTdog) or two, and se "veral facoims bounded pssf, but seemed nol in the pursuit pf the, sgout.cBV-AgaiiCas.jnyJiorse pro McJedThs put his hoof on a tortoise j the slow an imal drew his short legs and small head into its Vfnugh shell, over which a wagon might have pass- I d without cracking it; and no sooner was the n,..v iifu itu iiiu luriulDU, lliuii i . Trrern a snort and a'trTonn,-t" beiTTOe1iee J from -rtie airanininz convuisioos.oi. mo ser item, sun'msii they" were still about il uutil 1 divided one of the coils near the saddle with my cutjass, and the rep- , tile's severed body fell writhing into the water i A welmehowerof rem such-es occurs occasionally in Trinidad during thd dry season now full ; the burning earth absorbed it, while hissed and sent up clouds of steam. 1 got my horie.ou of tlie, pool, but be was too much ex hausted to carry me: 1 therefore led him to the iv nv in tlin aamn itirai-ti.m tdnt the number of 1 " fitrmiv river, where I LathMl him and mvself. tto Animals were coin". " A flock of nuank, or mush- " ing into the water with "my muddled clothes. BO;., and several In pes, now ruhod by, grunting I Crossing tho Carony, I came to the plantation of Ma q.ftki'ig. -Presently a large tiger est, follow, f- (he Worthy Cardn de -, a gentlemaii born in w by six or eii?hl kittens rau oust nm and I now (Jrenada, of noble r reneh blmtd, whose father to . . " . . .... -i . ..... -.. ... .1 . . . i .. . perceived a liirne Ima. Constrictor gliding among ..the right side ol the civil war oi tnat isianq mat " is to say ,1 he side that was eventually succesMu When he that evening found that I was a country man' of his, hospitality was warm it the extreme. ' This was fortunate; for my savanna adventure, and the broiling and stewing which I got in the muddy 1 - lake, bronchi wi a .light inflHmiimttiry lever, whirh I confined nie to the house of the worihy Uarou fn tli rualies.-1 grmped ny eutlass, and-di-mounted I wo' tend myself trom the enormous reptile ; out it on, followed by several other snakes; it wither wished to, attack nor avoid me. . What wld all this meant - Was I in my propersenses, pr .were all the animals of thewland at peace with ch other, and ahHil to meet id irrand QjbsressT I "remounted my horse, who, to my amazement, snowed m the track ot the unre boa. ana, al though tlie fetor berist1 was-jndl, it olonged" for- I i atr Vi Vt jtufar of the evil and tlie remedy REMARKS OF MB- CAlWX, ttT tfc slicy of iBe SwU'-&riianJs it. thev may - 1 - il ,.-..T--y i- I3-Sn;ifft Cnrfi?i'an. on fkf Hit is ny( af l i,iftri"-'' pf "JM -wwfTTnl'y pieuse pn we ieie- mtter oj ctrtum littoral ttpwm t aditemn - - ,Cvt,.c, i..u X . 1. t j , ,m irn inn thvir en!nil nf inrtiii'iwp in '!r . ,M- f 1 T"" tm ; and; if H be wrcerv, to W them e- pcditical skhoul wbtck regsroa Oli a ymt ne Ote . r k, - , ' - ,, . patronage Of wis Gn.erStia. .ri til tl f the njfht of sot rage; To taose who are less its patrdbape the better, eonuMftociV m, si 5Uti' reted aud eemprtrnt to joe jecu for whicVi the Gwvenumtfl wns wutM1. TUa'f ai set on tkte subject than we are, I am f r leay. thinking, I fiavt made n KiUnokl mm al taj an-, tire ieiw as U what ought to be done, ami ance, ! uie w iweive s wtpms jtm, -jtwbh bum ta appuctton t the remeor. t.ntcrtnininjr tti- not for its object, VJecify m jnd.TwJy. Wggf ' rvi, La m fcfeWHtr tkrFlff.(-yTFff t niT F 1 my mind Va uppirthi Bill, otirwttirtel wcf . 7 , - v 4 , iU object Aug WduTtoutltUre tecP PJ. ,. I shall, witltout further, reresrli, -eBcteel , tejss- zmt C tlienrare otners suCcictitfy derisive, to com consider f pel a t wUhholil myVipi-ort, were it p issiblo to - This bill proposes tuifict tLe ftesaJH f fii-l rtniBie th toostitutioiia otj etioo. So far froci mission, on ftlajrgtfeltH thjiafLoersief .m-C1iaw: wsrfrkie the sHronae uf toe- President, sbou'.-I ver"nment, who hatl U csmii&iB. ieMns-a 4a4-st-sr!iW'fir i-Bmnfff v :r, " 'Tfffrwii Irt now the either of tlie Geucral w "SifctGi"1! nmwwjtft wtf fc-1 al'most an!imitei power nf rem'iii; the oi7t:er f t' oat alMinftushlhg'IsdiMrVi llriJr!ZcasS aioil Hal. ki Gasierament power, Ue abuse of -hii-! w.ehrrteTatJ 4,iiO"fesslbeccitotwnainiW3 oo the. r-art f ,t? c c! a:r.! rr t That, again, involves a pnr, avs4 w3 swse yiasv whtb tfM mover af this bill belongs on the grouu.! ral question : has this Gsmwranw b me. .W , tat st was ea4cu!ad to iocrcae uo4t,!y, the un to interfere with tbedetforJ risJfVjtewNif e aoii jnf.w w-e of J.haf,j4e pwlnictit vf tLts Go-crU- of tlie states l r Maiiessv-.vis tMt m the remcmy ttas-Diij irntjw ' T.ihertv will not descend to a neonle. a rteonlc ' .. , j,. .. . I..A . J - - rnust ""rais'e i.icniselvea to liberty ; it is otesning that must be earned before it caft be enjoyed. That nation cannot be free where reform is a common hack, th it is dismissed with a kick the has brought the rider to his place K That nation cannot be free, where parties are but diflerent roads,"; leading to one common destination, plunder, i hat nation cannot be tree, where the rulers will not loci forllhe A.. In considering this general no, i 'hkl - some, m the first pi see, wtiat SMtte ua 4V-M-, it belongs to the Slates erparaidlf ta ictmiat who shall, and who shall sk, eeere tVe tijAf rf suflragS j t1t sfxxtad, Jkrt lWftitSfte. in like manner, to regulate, tlml rig i ii4t pass all laws that oiay be secessarf ss' wnsse afes free exercise, on the woe kaaJ, d M fmenl i , abuse on the othej-. -, I et &4mr t tion, attlch oo one in ibe lesst aner.M t v institutions, or familiar eiia 'ibe cnwtirssir3, mi venture to question, that as (t i riftwurere rws eerncd, thi$ rtif hdont wtUtj Ce ti 5Svfir the entire txcluvim ef iht Gncrat Gjrwwctt. which can ia na wise tcedi er sseer&es nX at, without transcending the Imilf cfTe Thus far, there eaa be i ASiwsife f ?-.' people, until they are .obliged 1o feel with But i iuzea o,ay be sW as ojt ef ii ti the people, and hen H is too late. - 1 hat nation t- cfn cannot be free, that is bought by its'own consent ; afld-vld-agAiwtit j-her4i..tua-rQguothaL iA an rnei is kept hi countenance by the rogue that is in rufllfisr and -m hereifrom brgh to-lnwjlmnnrhea ... L-t,.wKr.'.':!Tt-Yi'"T.V'IT.' " tO"tiw iaceyr-ujcre. is-uoiutitjj iumi uj ??tr. tma'i ind'flothiiig contempttbie but povertyt ' wtere both patriot snd plnceniari, DercciviDg ihar'tiHthoy can do every thing, are prepared to do every thing for' money, t hat nation cannot be free, where the fernmeoTj which brings op lie iqawtfi,li ft iW right to make it penal for vm t stst lielmtl' power la. contnil r&Jijlwiut&xii&xl V cutevu i te ptit restrictions on iue re mv,i sewsrf T serj rever.. To make ft fV !.'.,, as st s now tlte right of the PreKi'lent to rrti rr, and as iischaryeg thus hih duty he i ma iiVi'.o sll jViit witaout fiaiit awn or appeal. The fu e n Hi a. ruMJ woiilil b Mrhi-ivi !v in Iii li.i': !. ietbr charge with, tW oflS-nce of o:p"in f 1 esi'wjrrw'f foe admim.itrition. t tin : v f t V ' - - . ' . S te iurr!ii fwart, dukibt how the law w..uul la stucweki t I it Bft eertain, tluil it wou'.d ha i?" 2' riiypairced saicat ail otTtatrs who si.ou!.l v ii tare ta oppoe.JtiO either in. lite icJutal or i i Cwii'eWs witk rumtipnir Uug inJulonce a.,. I tit toward tlwwe hfiippArted bint 1 A tn jfce stew, wilmt prulongir.g t)e diM-union. w ill ifreifc.- SlumlJ'. there be a Presn'-'ut of iich ex atVeil virtue amb! pfwiutisrw as to tonka no iitHr.i M'iuo "le'tww frigid aid I, t'n: Lw would be perfwetiy useless ; buVif ont, it woulJ be mude the fteortenOTti.yg rcmwai ct alt.irn'r fnay "" for instance, make it rjewif ia t clV!!fyty.fftc foWlssiBS ;r '3!1XK''t ;&&l lscfi J JX VU ljciokli the toover of. the bill.taa. 4 this propo-itinn is nut k-sscViirthiistvs;-! a vi-", a seems n aw, o ougnt loiaae we yery henever the uwvernajent isr a saani: f rwstie rwnc, aoa inwwa m mauig u iub uuiy with power, which may be ttsea to tie tary ite( ib rrewilenf to- remove, he wtght to imwvsc lenr"SV"f eJfi"ltres sticks te it-trsrclow as-thetow6rsl"br tfte " ft aet w seatnctintM ass tlie power of rcmoverr to divet curse of Elislix to his servant Gchazi : where ru lers ask not what recommends a man, but who f and where those who want a rogue, hare no occa sion (o make, btil. to choose. 111. hope there is oo nation like this under heaven ; but if there were, these are the things that, however great site might be, would keep such a nation from liberty, and lib erty from her. These are the things that would Such a nation could begin to feci only by tearing alt that she deserved, and finish by sudor- ing aU that she feared, y The woes of human Ufa, are relative. The ' r i- L l:U irusing eiwriiooe waiefr eished vney "' y 'fkT'urHi Inimaf was covered with feam.' ' A breeze "ook the heads of the aizaritic rusheb.-. What Oft'ild those roaring and cracking sounds mean M that emokc, too t -Gracious heavens 1 the trntft flashed on my mind tho savanna had been tonfire!,. . ,; ' ... '.., t My suHiiicion at onrq pointed to Sinithson, and IHS ri?ht in nie' e.n y"8," T furn;ard. t"W. twelve days. My fine Creole galloway took a cold, and. died two days after our escape from the fire. of iVoAcotr. In Nephen it i tnci fnii rrT ii re.a, The flii'ht of th-various lowing paragr.iph relating lo the character of this extraordinary oecfl !, ? . . . ' . - Russia is mttclnasifi ffrwndllL.doea not stand liefore us covered with' crcat men's-deeds. A few centuries ago, it was overrun by wandering tribes of barbarians I but what is there in those animals was at Ii explained; thoy were rushing from Ihe de fing element - Il-tjies of "encape amidst this Temeiwo mass of inflamnmblo-vcgeiaMc; matter t Miot jyet I spurred iny liorse. It was rioed the poor animal seemed instinetly - to know "r danger befure I did. and plunged through the .-neii with ail -the-strength-tiff-was iiu-ter of, U-J "g the same route as the rest or the animals. "o. on, gttod steed ! If the conflagration, which hjars and cracks with a denfoning sound in .our rt catches us before we get from amongst these pursed rushes, we shall be reduced to cinders in kw seconds. - I closed mv eyes,-on account of M stroke which Mlled onw:arcl, and which nearly ed me. .Tho flumes pursued u on the wings ind; Uit, roercrful. Providence, 1 see a Jnanca of deliverance .before me I The rushes urease in siz, and the gnmnd becomes humid ,nP diivomirtg clement pursues us. W e wer vcd I A few. depurate plunges of tlie horse r'?ht us mto a niudJy perremiial hike, to which a 'he aniniRls of the savanna had sped, or were i nog, liar we t n five, tf'conds . luter, the I'M.ruig ti crnckhrii ttim s would have eaucht us ; 11 as, my horse plunged into. the middlo of the l'L Whirl, ,..' I ..T.I. 'l. - .1- n I'uiii'-u niuji Biiiumis itiiu-iit-riHsois, 111c "r'! 1..J...I.. . I .1 I iifti '"":, pif-a over our neiiug ironune snu-s n'''' I oisitiounled stooJ to my bteast in "T -t!cr,hicU'ste'tmeI front i4ie heat -the Tauda which stands forth on, tne pages of history, . crowrted with the glory of their ancient dissds, that for extrsortliimry daring, for terrible suhlimtty Bnd undaunted patriotism, exceeds the burning of Moscow.- Neither Marathon, nor Thermopylae, nor the battle of the Horatii, nor the defence of Cocles, nor the devotion of the Wecil can virtd when tune slidil cover wuu usoim ana quiei --.dories that bold and extraordinary deed, the burn ins of Moscow will be regarded, as outstripping all that we read of Grecian or Roman patriotism, and the name of the Russian governor, Kostop- ' cmn. if it be not to I.mii a name to band down to il posterity, will never be forgotten," - The oor pittance of seventy years is not worth being a villian for. What mailer is it if your iieiglilior lies in a splendid tomb T Sleep you' with innoeenee. Look behind through the track of - time ! a vast desert lies open in retrospect J through -this desert have your fathers journeyed 5 wearied with tears" and sorrows they sink from the walks "of man. You must leave them where ihey fall; and you are to go a little, further, where you will find eternal rest. '.Whatever you may have to en counter between tho cradle ami the grave, every moment is biir with innmoesiilile evunts which ; come not in iii;re'iion,.biit1)iiri;!:ing forcibly from a -revolving' and unknown rao-ie, fly ot-er the orb with diversifn d intlueure. Uhiir, , Imi ili riirht. tmt tl. l it in is b:l H Ktescof I k rtttfv M . rlace llieoCice boulers, with Sits abuse, as far as prsctica'i'e. Dj it sstsst hpdbtf jetarly snUnes, berpoJ the reach ofthe lx borne in mind that a citie aeltCTtwe f"r, they ild, ia a short hnie, 1 one in beeeming Federal tsSirr.' Ttker:Ta4 tout "ir3 icictive as'tliW inrp'ropoie to'iiimke ment must, arrordinglytaVe sgcol care, n suV t&eok .Taeur voice, I promi, would thei te jecting him to penalues,for tbeatotf , sroxof It rui at ekcteioa, or Uwir perj.,ns I powers, that it does oot interfere ist stay wsr sikif swsit aa trf soils his orivat'e richls as a otitea. oi wiadi are, sel Eat rpp"W the immediate ol jret of t!. !-..! sc- force upon such tl nation first, a government of ". haa been stated, under the sxisMsssMft et sJaeiwieiJesW, tai the otTice holders w,! - red -r-expedients ; secondly, of difficulty ; and lastly, of States. Put oo'eurJi care as tWio '-r 'im iwfsktiy stient snd fitsinse. it might even thrn be danger. 8uch a nation could begin to feci only by . bill or the substitute ftrvyesed ty rsatssier. es twu.1! "Vtlr it wouM nme say di uiuuttoii n ther oiake any otstiuruue eusu we asMr us i u kiu.iw-w w ptnnsgoer erer-ejus. u pjfuial S(f prirelr meM f At tj-tr at st'ar, a.tiei. jret t :f( seduce tUe iiiiaeots of the ciT.ce Tbe broadest and twaa cif rimcmtc tkrM .are &t They wju!J became the most in-i'n,,"-used, comtre betiding ani satiertnj al a4s eaot fe-rtino of the eor.i!rmntty r as Li as elect ioi.s sailor springs from bis warm oouch to limb the p,er s iu-imom. if aa t&an ibmU twy saiiM. sini, the m k-n P-rtf i kl'e cors lC icy topmast al midnight without a murmur ; while cxn(TH j M- ea.w MT f rtsst--",'-r "U rue ia'lrnpnrtawre. The stru?- .i L .. I. .. . - ,.l.n. C tk. ..I , I t. . frl .1 t . -' . . , , ;ita ricn nimtiinui cumj-iaiuB .-.M.jj g,dentt who was a candidate ie3rtAaa, av j g . t,t power netwcen lite ins aiui me outs woo..i which disturbs -bis evening's repose. In the time j. favormMa or .urfaroraWe. er M W?t aai mn aiate in tie leatK, iu vknce r intensify, br of peace, we announce the breaking of lw" mijuiuu ulnliBu l lnVsiiTsiiiiiiBi. all sai,ar1iiii1in l-nd'TNi sm i)ni"iic.imrTiiifjf r.f iT.b hnll-n mfhr- a melancholy eyent' if patrona, the atak contended ftr, of the slaughter of our neighbors and thiusands of I, II. as eertainlv as tf be Lai Krxv r4 1"" . iU reru.a mxinuun-hed. Uuih sid. s, t!,eo i:i of bisoflklal power to beat Aroa" j a .the VsJa !M-e ef power, wroulJ turn from the i m dom of election. ; That a bill, ctfAssajsitj; swea J stse anii s.lent borfy of iiicumhents, and court t!,o broad and Indiaeriorioatst imwiwAaajfjsiiewBSs t5 ' !. .el te acttre corps, that p;uitcd to auppldnt powers of Congressand etAUles ta tit tyt t W ; t'laii ; a;il t"te result would be, aa annual wtp electoral rights of tbe cttireo, fce'J snder t2 aa- j ef f fcrrwr, after every election, to make room thority of his Slate, and guaraotjed hj lie seesit k iwrl tSa? totter, and tLat ott ahichever Vt of speech to all, is toe clear, after bat kes fceest wooii be row ion. m'ah a seneance. The wheel said, to require additional iQuslratialw It CBflsf ereati font r -und with surh velocity that any thin pass without the enlarging tl asm sf tW Gsv t liSe sfabte ;tte m f jptilicy would be impoanLla. . vernmenl by He aWitlgsteot i lite' rUs i ivt tetnporjrj omipinf, that mfjht-be ihrowa .;i;in " , "''.'""'' " t iat aks) Mr tlie whirl, would seize the nto-jtcoti But, it may Ve. jt iilini1i list Ihesa nrr asVtinT,-amTrTfhriTiitr-fitf'liri Tirtube, before he.mi'l.t where tne irovernmeni itas f!5?"H"a.iB uumxs .K.Mjwii - - tm T5trr, nenallies fitr acts of a nriesiie cbsjr,'wr f ewfk 'i owg'tt be cIVJ J :! ! fo:ior,not less cor- the eonstitulion lias "ien it im rref'Til, , Snri ao i ririn? tha oo' illu. 1 . -devotedly is tbe fed, and i's hpat lSaaa,n rtp.. these) decite f.!.jectis, I cannot give toy instances rferred lo-4abe dMOAasi, caao4 a ' v?jrt t the ball ; hut 1. wish it to ba distinctly denied: but aU An:h eases aie 'AtflwrssAtJ fr laniiersteod that Mwuhhuldiiigit, I nei;!i-r retract dei ts of Travel in Turkey Russia, cVc. is the fol-Ube enemy, wa clasp our hands aud shout " glorious victory l". r A Furwl Xi'e and DufiM. If we were ever envious, it was of the farmer, the intelligent, in dependent farmer, who owned bis' hind, his house mud burns i who was fmo "from" dohu and whnse family was growing up prosperoubly around him. We have seen such a farmer'; and, in truth, we know of do man so happy, and no business so per manently profitable, none that" makes Hie owners so independent. An independent farmer has his house to live in ; it is. Ins own, he has earned it by rtre iatKrinfis ow filled willi weproduc barns with the stock reared and the hay raised upon his farm--. Ilia cellars are filled-with the oecessKies Bii4 luxuries of life. Alnnsd every' thing necessa ry to feed him and his family grows around him. He may raise liis own porki fatten and kill his own sheep, eat his own poultry and his own eggs, live upon his own homemade bresd, weave his own cloth, raise his own wool, knit his own stockings through the agency of Jiis wife and daughters, makeltis own butter and cheese in short, live and dress comfortably without going ofl his Own holinstead. Thii is no fiction, and it is the fact that the farmer is the : most independent man in tho community. ..,.'.' '. ' : , "; P.ut in order to bo happy, and to mane nis me that under rotisideraUon by Itoes toe urae to wmxlitj any sentm nt 1 have etpreea in re! t- mislaken. In all of then,tieas prHtwVis! set,;.twsj t &e patrooageef wis I hava in tho first place, such as Vre incwBalA8 wk ieuted eer since the comns-ncement of this di. the ofTtrial duties enjoined j as ia Aetstst'til !V epia, the report t made as chairman of a sd.ict proliihiii'mtdommwartMtpisw 13.1, and wLic'a his articjes similar to those tlwit are aaade Ifasr esUodl .. Iee so Crrj-iently referred ta in d-b i'c by thw duty to purchase, ia order ta preretafra! ret tV ets tie cv-M siile of the ehamtieT, and I t s ! -public," "And in tbe next, the arts ft .1?! iV' actmng wlikh I wtsiklomit, if I had uowH c'raw yolved only civil rih", slwgig ta rV .r it, tot at'icH, whkfv tioio and le'lfctioo wfi!d lo an' iwliyidiia!, and not ptJitieaj'rtfWa.stiwsi Wr !V.v ' d-4f M a-.ld, to atrengtlicH the grounds I then to him as a fcitizen. The fcrmtr te v.f 'jit'J at iuw '."Tuere is not a aentenre in it mcn ti- .,.,rl .s U ouiyht to be. he must be intelligent- . pleasure, without dredjc :- - .It iU m,.n. ol knowltMl.rn. esicwllvl ler he cannot aurrender itUcrt u-.r i. Xjv xrt5-iu ll inj.-wi'iii " ... v. - -i-i - r i' , . , grare,.Matvc Ii tL stewa I bavepreseotcJ cn the p rt:ftt nos! thni hind of knowledne which relates to his own profewtion, - H must use the means which God Ima niven him i 10 be haiipy himself snd contribute to the pef and comfort of those around. In jus tico to hiini' lf; he will employ bis v'oi""S in t'' and eitintr up a wcrel trust Wfl'l ia tt.-a, if tie ', . . t ml At here, Mr. Presideiiti ter State of which be is a !, f (t'l f :,& m$ a fir a this bill is concert;' - good ; nor ran this G'vemT rWattJ if x. g-nerat q-teoa of phtrona-e is at der, without trariNrf-o.:-; i'.t ytmi-n i'-'i"."" J, i:T; urt.Scr e;:r sytem rt fi, r; . 'i ' -r - ' ' -" ' ..." .."'" - ' ;'.;itff n:y rs ; but as tlie i times on? of