. . . ' -". . X - '. -I i.'-.re at h j iwr-rpnrt) to it. ,!.;'' 1 .', e l i T'.ifj' ';, p,,tf.HI " ()! Hx' '.(.; I 1 h-..U U lu L-i tuli.iLi.iiy -,) , .. ' 'r.;.t ;u s.Hiree the ru.il, aai! hi l ijic I i 1; is ihtf ooiv Way I'lut will li' t id lh': .. 1 pi"u l'!'!.i.ei''U. Too maio sou revs of potr-m-tj fiuv U f mid .in power the reerrii, jir,d : o ex;-od;hirescf tivGomrnment ; uwlth fr$t r ! luieittiry ttt-ptitwardi iti reduction, it to re .Yi.r the pi'tr(r of ihi (ionrntt.tiit within the jiU liiss 2rtserbtil by the VoruUtLtitm. Kv. ty t'ttp(iin of iU- powers hvyotid, would bung! w.t'iiu its control subjects ticvVr inienbd to be. ptiiced there, followed by increased (wSfoaagliiiil augiieweJ expenditure Hud revonue. ' .'.-.-' We. must i?i the next place xAe care, "t to call the eekaj WiJpowcf of the Govwoment into 6ct.oa beyond the limit whictt thoeoramoirintereji 'aoiple mean at hU thvposal to rear up the system - - I . . ;. .......... fl 1 J ' ' i I. AC 'll- J. I l. l... li.ay render DeCery, nor to prtfett intfi iiR-aiM of Aw$ what it was neer iciteni d by the Omititu. tion we thould atf rtr right to di. Of wit the i n.-ce of power and infltieiicpfetefiiiofi vC the j-ier tW "eriiWut hupctvtd-j frur.Uce ' thn ntt frtHtfuiand dangi'rn, of which our politi cal hntfy furn:iheii many eiampleo, lwp;ciallr' in T&miwiLe rwMiej tho After restricting the powcra of the Gnvernwiit within proper lifiMta, the neit iiiijHiraiit aiep wouM be to bri2 diiwn the income and etiKdiiure to tie snikl'ctit practkuhlo amount. It is a tiriinurv Dium, undrr our, to'ciillccfycn'niTre' W;yTl,htr"CTetrti(iirT)f the sytem, and th;e "?tnption of- than m neceary to ThiTecoiioitiical "and coihittiu (local watita of tlid Oovernmetil., " haveVin Ltt, on rL'ht to collect a cent more. N vhiiwcHi tifnd more powerfully io M-rupt puhfif and private Bwra:m, or to HXTtraae toe patronage w ine io verume nt; than an exceniive or ur'plus'ieveiiue, 91 recent and sad eajerterice has abundantly proved. yor a i' mptrttii toTewrtct me exK'n.mure within the iticome. It in, in Rict, indnienalle Id a restricted retenue, tbe incj'ae of tli firmer rn'jrt, ta the end, Tcad to an increase of, the latter. Xir n.-wt a.i e,ict admioWtrition, and a riid ac coufiMbihty,' iff erery departrfient of the Govern. BXiU,-W l!ecU-Jl-7U. an. fin;? hp "'out effi. rieni me-jdsnf keeping dowii pntrwig tind cor rupt iurt, 1 welt. the revenue and exptrnditurefi, jiat the ojfitis ia among ih tuosl prolific aourc of both ' -.' . f, t ;,',--," It is tho atid.th'js only, l lint we can rttduce f fcctaally tbe patr niage of the Government, to tlw I- .m atD'Tunt coijent with the din;h;tre f the but rnporisiiit duties, wu which U ihitig';i, 'thaler it, h4t the Cotwtitutiun .intended jt kluwtl.li'iLJC.llLB'M.M (jI,MVhiiiieut,liisili-' tai-d br fbv .Stute. Hi ttnstr iiiiSuaTliecurnfralut t.-.'r ieffeet proeetion of their lilmrtv and irati-! c( i.ll.tv. It h tiio way piMiittd out by r Jtlloriionaiid j t.is avci .tes frtNo Virginia actioo!,. wtocli aaillias hot been diatingnisbed m pnMiorlion to hjs enn- evi-r bti distinguished for its jealous .position to .......... r h .it.. .1 . : .... i... ...1 nienfs so f'eqotly referred to ti this discussion t!;e tYporTio the irgima ihihrture, 00 the slisn arid wdttioit law, m Uw ear 03. ; ' TjI there isoml ever h is been, from the first, n ; jihT and opp-! whool, hat regarded patriwi- i witb a very dillerent eye, tiot as a ban but as aa eiBKtiiti'l ingft'dusiU, wtiliut'it btch the G iverii' fifi.t b i-iiprcfiea!ne : and wtt.we tittdmi fvVV'fah-;i.iisli. ta Its- JjVojt, ma mure pvttptlULl war, ol J!,:,,il.t!iidarniirsJl and ot luxttion and n ivi tjws i" s-it1y , ibrough their interest, at milts- jntio'i, Hn-ir crres Will f rever rennond thtotighiiot f t!tible to its tipport. - f wo caunol lake lessons i ll eonhneut. - U'if-eas'ihe umloo bias of pobbo in to this ftaool on tbe q'lfstiou of reduction ofjoftifers is boundej by known salarioivaod persona I vtlriHi t we rnaii at Jeast. Jt-nrn, what : is of vast i!i.p ru.ice to b?t kii3wii,"how aud by what meaus Una siSi'jil bis reared up a system, which has add ed tfy i the (viwer and patMiaeof tho Go veru.noat, bey nd what was coiituuipl.tted 4)y ils frs uers a to alt rm its wrt and' best fncuds for its fate. Viit Ibe.. vw-'wof fiiriiishing this iulor- matioo, so iidiioa Jv connected, with tbu object of iieHiwira, t pnjpoiej o givo unci nun fystein. W-1-' . , w y v ' - t - Hmmitl.itt .I'm liuir M n.i.ui iuiux) ilistin. ' t-fiU!l.4 m rjtf rmlrtM-nt hitftnrv ". tin ilKfk TlArli.jM 6 v j....,-. ........... . lype ioJ imp.'rs.m.itioo of the. National or roderal scuool, (I use1 party names with reluctunce, and only for t'te s.ike of brevity,) as J ilorsou is ol the S TjW Itrgttrr Krrdirmi'iicWdr '4V w4otoJ4.w hyJll?diMjJkite riK-u f e'.ouii'nl taleu(,''ardttol patriotism, .gnat Im4Jir-ss, kil l coirjitehenstv and sjs'.e.natic under. UuZ- Tiiey ut buthwiou whufix.-diw.ukia. oIct far aliead, and converged all their pow era toa.-.'U' iti accomplishment. ?.Tbe ditlcrence bftset u t!i'iu is, IVal" jiflcrwm h-ifTTiiore genius, II iioiU tti tii-rn abilities ; the former leaned mere M the s;Je of bbi rty, and his reat rival more to that of power. - I hey both h ive impressed them SvUcs dimply ou tbe movements of llw Govern metit, but, as yet, lb inlton Ut more o than Jef tlrsiw, tiiough the iinpres!iou of the latter W dt;S. tiacd in the cu.1, at 1 trust, to prove the more du rab'eof the two.. .- ' -. - " It hi trt ri ih. Hhl furtiine of thu "ochoul of which Mr. Jdlurj is the had, lo embody their prucipl? and doctrine tit wniten dt-euo..tT (tlw t report reb rred to, and the Vrrginia and Rtshtucky routitHiis) which ra th acknowledged Creed of -tit pariy, Attl iay . al all Uuatia, bu cfcrred to, Ui order t "eriaiii what tliey are iu tacU Tha op posite sih-xit bas k-ft iionucu wriucn and ackiiowl t id c rrc J.uf tbe Ji clariiiTonaiid acts of its great kaJ.:r kave lit?le doubt at lo ei her it principles cr Joctrioes. In tracing them, a narrative of Ins li'j and acts need not be given. It wot Fsmce to say, that he futercd early in life into the rtny of t!i revulution, and became a iiieii:twr.of the mill fi i.i!v i.f 'hnctin, vh ?,jcrti'tet h rmued sod retained to the lust. He nextppearod ni th convention which framed the Constitution, Vr, vita bis usual boUirc.M, he adv.atcd a i'r-i'itni and cjeonw far life-, and lb kj(WioiuHl, tv tiitsGitverniiieiit. ofthe Governors of t tiu Siales. w ith a veto tsa Stale Jaw, f le'se biild measuies fwting, bp retired from t io Convention, it ts siid, 1 1 J. .piit J lb JT tf.erw tr i-i, on ni.re msfirF rtii-c t, .n, Lccaine the aeal-.m and able atlvocata of t!i auip'.ian of tb'Ji'o etitirt.n. t He' saw, as he ta 04?.t, ia a acdviiw of (Jovernuient, which con. Hrred the U;itf!uu;.i (oer i f taxing aud declaring war,!!)!,.-! uituadudaTiU'rceiif jiower uireso lu:e ml a!-!o b.iod; b-.ice hii dechiriifeffl, 'Ihjt tLixtgH ihu Govcrnln.-nt wm weak " i if it urgiiniM ti n, tt woult,-w!iea put in acti ni, fi-iJ, t!m 'mean if s.i. ti iftui itietf; a profound red etion, proving th.u h clearly -aw bo t make it, in practice, what Li tnovenwnti.Vii the cotweuikiu !i.td.j'.nl-d to occornii'i'-ii in ir nrgstitz.iti.m. "Nrr fms he left it i l d.Vt, a to what were- tne rocaus on. w Inch he rrhed lo mtx( his obj-cl. We all rcolh'ct the fa--5 n-. rt.ifv tf tne elder Adsms, that the M llri I.'i. tki.--tiiutiKdcortf to. iU jtrl:nrt.4i-im-i.-j faii ! f i f it.it corraji'ttouV was Hio"wi'N.-.st iod L t tv. r f, r - 1 Lv 'man ; and 11 umHoo reply. il. .t the Divu :i Coo-titu'ion, fieed from corruption, would bo itr'-.iuLj!t' v. . V " -'. t t ev t , but, wilh its corruption, Ms'.' I. i o rent.zt wlml J ' ' i-i i.?t h'. J to jifviit. Hither of these n)n of Li-L-r i,.in was w mii i,l u rf n'is r him. LiUi' !.! a:. J c-'n.'iv!u;rB wind he acted I ii.i"--,'it.i.ul much regard to individual.- II- 'f u;i, by C'riiiiiiui, mi'iK tiiiiiif fir iiMirtt ciw hi, fuel c'i.-ijiniiciis, j that, policy, which sys tcmitirnilv favored -the great mid powerful clas' of icieiv, with the view of binding tiie,.i, through Iheir interest to the" support of tbe Government. This tu the single object of hi policy, and ro .1' which h kindly arid resolutely adhered, through out liiscareer, but which," Whether suited or not to : . ihe BritUli system of 0 wrrimiMit, w, aajfim b shown, uuiiuiigi'iiiiil and ibingoroua to our. , . Afserliie Constitution was adopted, he was placed at jh. hca i of the Tre-tsary Dipart incut, a p-isition ' wiiicti gave full scope tu bis abilities, nd placed f, piedilated. Well niid nkilfuJIy did he uie them. Him firt uieiure wna the a W'ion of the fnuflwg nysterti, oij the Rritib mJeif and n thm (he two kchooU, which have ever einCo, under one furrrt or .auuthci!utiihid'iheKiuiitry it, aa the Government emlu'ea, came into cM;flict.'.'.TIiey were both in fivor of keeping the public faith, but diltercd a to the ickIo of aami' tu b aiHU!iid.' , The Dolicv of Hamilton prevailed., Tlie aownint assumed w i auniit $30,000,000, a vast wiiii for a country o imiwverishod, and with a population K'lHiHidemble, as we ' then hail. Urge a delii, gnvc a decided and powerful, tin. pulio to I tin i ivcriitni'iii, in Ihe direction in which it baa niuce cHitiiiued to move, almoMt constantly. 1 his wua fallowed by a ironiture adopted on his nwn reN)!Mtbilityr and in ihe face of the law, but which, Uintah ; at thetyne tt ettracted little atien. tion or opoiimtion, has proved the most powerful of Ml '.the' mean employed in rearing up and maintain ing his favorite system. I refer to the-Treasury order diicting. the receipt of bank notes in the dues of the Government, and which was Ihe first link of thut uocoimtitutiofial and unholy alliance be tween thin Government and the banks, that has" bcerxiuIiuai'ilJ) jtuclt. c'iinat.rfHi comcqueiicea-Wl, I baye, .M- President, been accused 'of extrava ganci in asserting that this unholy cnnneKion with the pjper ytein, walw great and primary cause of almost jevery departure from the principles'of. lUCMwiitiiteni, anj of t)ie dangers to winch tho Government has been exmisod. . I am happy to iTiave; jt in nJ' jviwer to showthat I dQ. Dot stand K.I..J.. ;.. ,.;. i !... been .aitr v'ted by one of tbi j iuiyials of this city, to a pairiphh't containing tin ;wiieontimHit, pub lislied at far WW aail01i:.th.autbox.olr.which " was one of the frofoundt and purest itatesnien (o whom our country h;ii ever itm'Tr1IiiuT'.wTiu! jnent tile-it .id arVicnt imt riot ism. -' lit coiifiriitotioil " NiM-lU laroliiM uthu- mo f Mr. .Sf a anok to read a pnraarnph 1 .fcen Irb in the iamphlet,'wbicb contains v Mnfm.iundiifi.M n auu I hv Avr iu.i m . refer'nfe to th point in qoeiioii. -rt . Ir. stranok read as follows! fuviding. and banking systems are InHissolobly coftoec'ted with every1 comuiercinl and .political question, by an interest generally at enmity with tlio coiomou goml. ' In the greil cases of peace and iHit free holders are hardlv, if nt alt, distineuisliuble from tho uijijonal inierest.' One oh-ervutinins ad duced in' proof of thiijdtKlrine. Vaput fraud know, i.i thii rtmiivtiih'of lil-rty when, oppressed, it viidtr an iiHpnl.ie to tirrneVten itself by allianect trith Irsjsintirecorruption v'uh,CL military force. 1. and trith imilur fortign tytem$.'if with BrU -tain can lie luni"d by it to great account. Id case jm victory, a military apparatus, united to it by ) will be m hand. Ini-wi of defeat, naiier will Con t - w nrirffj antrnrr n vrrrTr ir wtfg Juiauaiiui-ur-. I liftliah. ytHn.lit MpbJicrosu a; legislative pnjvr jnrrto with ihe "-management of such a wart ; If it does, no prophetic sjiint is rio- ; l-PUMirv tr. r.Lf1.ill lli'il nnmif will Kn kurM.rt mutli .-v.x.. ... .... ,11... W... ..V .' " . V. UVU liberty, from the same design with which moun- joiitii of Ulyii'ima. Tim next nrivemout be made was the boniest of lL wh;-.iuwk... Tho 4W.ioo of tltt.-tllurnitteol -with tfio ire system wu not yet complete. eentral control was wanting, in order to give to it unity olfaction, and a full development of its jiower ind influence. Tins be w-oihl bi a ealional bank, with acnpiTnl of $ll,tHHt,tKKl, to be composed prm ripnllv i-f the stock held by the public creditors; thus binding more strongly to the fiovcni'iient that already powerful class, by giving them, .through its aiency t ifirre iwl jirofit and a decided control over the currency, exchanges, and the businesslransac. lion of the country. Oa the qu-tioii of charier ing the bank, the great bittle w.x fought bt'tween the lW') school. . Tho conies! wa wr and obsii. wale, but viejory ollLnkltdy dockwdtkkor of tlio --J National Federal school. - " " H The leader of "that scliooj wa not content with tfia trreal acbtviiiuts.,.llM bold-,kod ardoot . mind wa not of b'nijiet to ktoji short of the end at which be aimed. l.UJ P' Lfliovemejit was.to.eiza on the money pi.wer, and b put forth ablo repirts. in w hicJi he asm rted Ihe broad principle, that ym gross was uiuler no other constitutional restriction in the uh of the publhTln oneyif but the general welfare, and that it might be appropriated to any purpose whatever, believed to be calculate J to pro. mote the iTneral intererr and as freely to the nh ject not enuniersted, a those that were specified in the Constitution. To this he added another and perhaps more dangerous aiwMioii of power j that the (Hxing power, winch w granted eKnrewl lo rakorekkats-HigUt W -fiiM hhmt I tor the . encouragement of inaiiul.ictures, or any other branch of inlolry which Congress might choose i to fo-ter ; and thus it was, in tact.perveriod fiom a revenue to a penal power, ihrough which the entire capital aodiudustry of ihe Union migl t be controlled, t t'ong-res was not prepared at that early Stage, lo Pillow so bold a lead, but the seed was sown by a skilful band, 10 sprout wll-u the proer season arrived. ; ,Whea fie retired from office, no controlling mind was -!l to perfect the ivstem which be. had com menced with such cmisumnlale skill and auccess ; and shortly after, under the administration of, the elder Auxins, the nheo and aeditian acts, and the qiMi war "Willi France, "n it was call-d, Pillowed i he violent pnl prcripitote measures of U'si.aaga cious, and powerful minds, and which in their re- sctei exjK'lleJ ihi-iraoiliorsfroni power, unJ raised ivuiu?'ni..tv "v I it-Btn;in-j " HaYii iiiii iii as a reformer j but," wilh' ttis most " ardent desire aod the highest Capficity to efll-ct a refoi uiaiiori. In; c.vild d littlo to clian.-io tho direc tun which bis rn il b id impres-u'd at ihe outset on (- political in ii-huta. .civvmiv, in b-ed, was in - . 1 -. i i . i'..-1 -, eitinmiished. The t barter of the 'United States I lUi.k'had still Iwif i's ter-n I'' fin, and tin: up dj banks and b.ink notes in th li -1 .traiiswii.ms ol Government t;oi takcu'too string a bold to be m-x-r.siuled at uueu. In Die uvuiitinie, the agitation called by the gigantic conflict between France and England" reached our-distant and peacebil thort s, and the Adioinistratiou wu almost exclusively oc cupied in eflorts ly prevent aggressions on our rights, and pieserve our neutrality. To eir'tliat, every expedient was atl-mpted ; negotiation, em hargijBonUmfjirHatmii; and non-iutercoie, but in H' r..tl'.4i!'. nVul o.vrrh if. nil hones ot car ev.n ;o th ,(lL ...mieomlated liv Jcflorso.fi when he came into nower failed . B . . . , .. ' . J . When peace arrived, the cHiiilry was deeply in debt. Capital and industry had taken new direc lions in eonm-qilenceiif tjie long interruptionof our loreign commerce, and the public attention was completely diverted Ironi the question which had brough into conflict the two great political schools, and which had.ao long divided the country. The season had now arrived when t he seed which had been jo.kty"ulyowed Uy Hamilton, asbaa been-afared, lieijan to irerininate, and aoon shot forth with the most vigorous growth. Duties came to trimpoaed srithmitTee ney uppnmrtated without reference Aa the granted powers. I arili followiHj tanlf in rapid succession, carrying in their train a profusion of expenditures on harbors, roads, canuls.ensions, and a host of others-, comprehending objecla of alnviaUevery dd scription. Jn such rapid succivsion did the protec tive duties follow, that in 182?-in the abort space , of twelve years after the termination of the late : war, they reached the enormous amount of nearly one-half of the acarezate value of the entire im ports, after deducting the re shipments Beyoqd this jKiint. tho system never auVaoced, and fortu- uatelv for Ihe countrv it did not. Had it Boutin- ued its progress a lew year longer the enormous patronage which it placed at the dinposal of the Cbief Magistrate would have terminated our forrn of Government by enabling him to nominate bis Buccegsor; or brphjngingtho" country into a revo- luiioii to be followed by uJiuin or diispotisin, aa was foretold would be the conwquenco in the re port to theXegislature of Vijginia, so ofteo referred to, if the system it' reprobated were carried out in practice.' But, happily, with the larifT of 1H2H, tlio r-aclKicornnMiiid,-aiid baa boon ever since progressinr. How, or by whom it was coiuibenced, and has been urged forward to the present point, ibis is iu4-tlio.prrtpepjxxadiufl toiiatBi,...M J.pro- port! now is to trace -its progress, and mark tne point at which it has arrived'' (, ' ' The first ktiip of this retrograde movement was the overthrow of the administration of the younger aTnrlTfaW-?C ciples and doctrines of the FeJeral national school, and 00 fiem ha placed thn hop of tiiatntaining his ..elevation. For the truth of this assertion, I appeall 4o bis HMMHfl addmrend: two Ilouses ai tbe openings of the annual sessions t 'i. - -"... "-r . - ', t and in ex tui bm administration irorn nower was. 01 course, a prvlimiuary ana in-nsjieiwanie siepiowarus ; the fCstoratioii ol tho principles and doctrine ot ; inose enumerated, wilt be indisiunable to place the eppowite schotil j ami fwrionatcly this was ef. ithe new States, as. far aa the public, domain is con-. fueled by-a decided majority at the expiration of Icerned, in a condition aa indepetidant of the Gov--his first teroi. ' ; ' " ' ernment as the old. It is as much due to them, as The next leb 'was'.he 6naf discharge of llie fniul i is iudispensible to RceompHsh )he great object in ed debt ; nod bV ihi important step, at so early a , view. The Public domain within these slates, is friend, now; unfortunately no more the amiable, ; Government. It is difficult to estimate the vast the talented, the patriotic Lowndes the author of' addition it make to its power and patronage, and that simple, but cfficiivexoieasure,the sinking fund! the controlling and corrupting 'influence which it act, pa;d shortly after Uicter late war. '. , through that, the strong impulse it may receive in But. the most formidable of all tho obstacles- , a wrong direction. T" i removed, there can the source of the vast and corrupting surplus, with : be no assurance of a successful and afe steerage, its. host ut extravaguit and uncouditioiial expendi- s even if .every other sinister influence should be re- tu res, the protective tarip, stijl remaittcd jnjmt force. and ohstructod any farther procrcssin the! ro-action thai had commenced. Bv what debided fTiiris5jrio' A .it .i 'I ...i,.r. 1. iu Qiitniii iii'vu inn uu una un iniw mt m aj..... iii- j . wumg ncai .uu thicisui onv wnoousirck noiil. sftrtiWenttr-WY;-trmi -fW-i-Hig' ad-4espirat.i4)f ('tr lwf7n-who sVr.uggGibc'iTlii IiKiiniiie actV.wVicb'.a'bindoned--1ho -prutecti wriiKf Timrryotti'M'ceo! iti Wti'itek'jftiSiii 'fto ciple, and has, I trust, cloM-d forovor, what ha proved i ir tin Government a vaost prolific source of power, patrouniie, nndjorruption The next' step in the progress, was the over t'Fro wlir "tho" Baiik "of TtilS trrttod ttr4-th tmH tre and soul or the paper system a step that may , age has run her, and bring her triumphantlv into -justly be regarded as JiiAiufefior. ft...uy ot)ier.iti.her destine jw.rt,, with honor, tq yourself nni safe ihe wholn eerie. That was followed by ihe depo-1 ty to thoso on board. Take , then your grounil " site act of '3, which transferred to tliMreasurie i boldly f-avow your object diwdoseyour measures ; , of the Spates the vast surplus, which continued to and let the people see clearly that-you intend . flow in upiMi u, notwithstanding the great reduction j what Jefferson designed to do. but, from adverse under the ctnnproinisi net. This decisive measure i circumstances, .could not accomplish to reverse -:-dislnirlhened our aurcbarg'xl. Treasury, and has j the measure originating in principle and policy fireed on this Government the necessity of re. ; ancongenial to our political system to divest the Irenehmenl and economy, and thereby has greatly strengthened and accelerated tho re action. So necessary is the reduction of the income to reform, that I am disposed to regard it, as a political niac in! in free States, that an imjKiverished Treasury, once in a generation, at least, is almost indipensa- bla to, too prcaavatiun uf thi:tr..inUl ut ioiia..and . libertvr., -.j .... , . , The next stagff in UiO progress, wa the suspen f Aha .connexion, between. I heGovemmfiut and the banks,' in consqueucc of tbe suspension of spe cie pay meiil. This f ocwsionjfT-rded an opportu inty to strike the first blow against that illegitimate and unholy alliance. - It wa given decidedly, bold ly, and vigorously, but1ill with only partial sue, cess,' The interest in favor. of ntaintainiug the connexion wa loo powerful to be overconw at once ; but though not broken, the tie is greasy weakened, and nothing now i wwnlmg to seyr trvef ihi fatal knot, but to follow Up what has already been done by jere?ermg and enerselic blow. . rhi H tho pent to which the reaction has al ready. roucbad and the q'lestioo now lobe con- waWkliMt-Ut.wtutt,fkiiiit . aiil oiLta JaairgcaVaud what are the intermediate obstacle to be over comet I am for myself prepared to answer. I have no-coocealotenl. -My-im is fixed. - Il is no less than to turn back the Government to where it commenced it opperatioti in HO; toohliter ate all the intermediate menures originating in the peculiar principle and policy of the school lo twhkh I atn ojiposed, and which' experience ha proved so dangerous and uncongenial to our sys tem ; to lake a fresh start a new departure, on the Slate Right republican track, a wa intended by the framer of llie Constitution. That is the point at which I have aimed for more than twelve years, and toward which I have persisted, -during the whole period, to' urge my way, iu defiiiiieeof oppo. sing difficulties, dangers, and discouragements, and from which nothing shall drive (whito iti jsibiie life) till tha object at which I aim is accomplished. Bv fuflhe hioslTormidiblfi difficu'tie are nlreudv 4 surmounted. '- Those that remain aro comDirative. ly insignificant. ' . '' ..., - " - Among these, the iwwt imporlatit and difficulty by far, is, to separate the Government from the banks hut which, after the blows the "connexion I n rAce-ived, will require ti t rioch ovoe ibao un Ibuodution ''of V-!,"tfl 3's!c,u WlI! b':m achi 'i'i. i w In rarrtf OUT. ill 1110 revii-nm. 01 urn laritr, w Inch mut lake pl.iite at the next or succeed-v mg kc.i..n, the provisions of the compromiae ad, that there nhall be no doty l.ud hot wlwt may be necessary to the economical and cotihtitutioual wailts of the Government. Should this be accom plished, there will be an end to tho protective sys tem, with all Ihe evil that followed and must ever follow in 11s train. . Nor can I believe, after what we h,ve experienced, and whnthas been said do ling this session, inarrnere win no miyj.iwuiwio.c d-flkuliy in electing an 'object so, intimately con 7.... J ..a.. anil IrillKlllllIll w ol the I uion HavinT freed the Government' Irorn l ie papt;r and protective systems, the next step in importance is to Hit a final atop to internal improvements, the constmctioh : and,. iinprovcmBiit -of harbors and the extravagant waste on which we are pl.iad to call the pension intern, but which has departed from every principle .'justly belonging to such a system. No. government was ever before burden ed with an cxpendtture o absurd atid Hmstrius It confounds all distinctions between the deserving and -undeserving, arid yearly dfaws millions from adio4ihexca8urx.jvitnou anyjusi ciaun 00 in puuuo bounty" and ou2ht.t0.te botbarrestedw A single step more bg the. (iovernment to the: destined point ; 1 mean a thorougn retorma tionjn the administrative department of the gov ernmentr I doubt not but that every branch needs' reform. -There are doubtless, humefoua demlca tiona in addition to I bono, brought to light. The fault has been more in that system (n bmf nara live of which I have given) thari. those who have been charged with the administration of lhrGor eminent. For yeanf money was as dirt. The Treasury was oppressed "with it, and the only sol icit uJe was how .to get clear of what was consiu. ered a useless burden. Ileifco the Vast increase of expenditures; llonco the loose and inattentive administration of our fiscal concern; hence the heavy defalcations. . Nor are these remarks con fined to4lie-xecutivedenartmeuLofllie Govsm-l meiitj they apply to all, Xn the two houses of Coti2rss as to other 6rai1cnesTuTn1ie'reis longer aur)l us. The Treasury is exhaustod, and j the work ofretrenchment, economy, and accounta bility is forced, on us. Reform in Ihe fiscal action of thu Gcvertuhent can no longer betlelayed, and I : rejoice that suclf sthe fact. Economy and ac countability are virtue belonging to frse and pop , ulargovernments,'und.)with)ut which they cannot king endure. TTie asserth when applied to this Government; arid hence the prominent Jilace they tecupyxin the ctccd of the State Rights and Rejublican school.' Ilavingnaketr-lhese step-bqr-'meTtorerlif- prominence originating in the principles or policy of tlie haiioiihl f- Federal "school will become ob Uterated, and the Government will have been point ot original departure when it may be jml,on ns neiv iraca. i o iruara blmiiisi a la se steera'TV a . . " . ..... S oitjrcuiicr, ouo imporvini measure, in auouion to i wwea ft would be presumptions in me, Mr. President, to advise those who are charired with the adminis- irikau MtnulJ k... it.. -C... i. ...i. , ture that has ever occurcd since the establishment i ot the l-ederol Government. By beizing it you may bring the vessel of Stale to a posilion. where she may take a new tack, and thereby escape all; - the - rdtoabi aod -bfeakerai wmoHs-whioh a.4aleatcer. Government of all undue patronage and s'nflucnee to restrict il to thefew great object intended by. the Constitution in a word, to give a complete a cendancy lo the good old Virginia school over its antagonist, which time and experience has proved to be foreign to our vstem of Government and you rnay jmnt wilh confidence. t their, support wiiuoui I'siKing onjany oUie- nwans of success. Should they take ucba course at this" propitious Biouicnt.-ourfrtje and happytinstitfrtionsliwy perpeiuateu tor generation; but u a different, snort wsii be their duration. ' - y-; . .Oii this questson of patronageIciZjiieljdidljV coocliiMion, that according lo my conception, the great and leading error in Hamilton and his achool v originated in a mistake a to the analopv between our and llie Britidb ystein of Government. - If we were to judge by their outward form, there ir indeed, a MriHif)J HflJllfffT? lrftajfr thnm in-tnnn- particular; but if we look within, at their snirit - - - J- - " - - - and genius, never were I wit frw Gnvprnmpni. en perfectly dissimilar. They are, in fact, the very oppoitea.Of all froo eovernnieiit that ever W l-wtd no, I -will enlarge the jmpositinwie)f all gw;" vernmentsthnt ever existed, free or despotic, the British Government can bear Ihe largest amniint of patronage the greatest exaction and Vessure on the people, without changing it character, or running into revolution;' -The greater, in fact, its patronage, tbe' Wronger it is, till the pressure be. gios to crush theinass of population with its so. perincunibetit weight. But directly the. opposite I the case with. ours. Of all government that ever existed, it can aland under the. least paN ronage, in proportion to the population and wealth of the country, without changing its character, or nazaruing a revolution. I have not made these assertion livhtlv. Tlmn . iUm.,.Ii r ....t. fc, .reflection, and can be sustained by conclusive rea. . . . .-. .., iui.u . . . . .- - - wms orawn uom the nature of the two govern ments? but this U not the projer occasion to dU cus the snbject.I i ; - ' , Lowell divided in Decemlier last 40 per cent on their capital of j, 500,000, .liesides' reserving a surplus .d 100,000, for Ihe purchase of new ma flunery. The Company nm ie no liivid.ind in H37 but rrrvrd thrjr- pn.fits s me, t L')3 l.i-s, they " "", 1 ' 1 : t . . 1 1 . l J II!!!! THE WESTEliX CAUOLIMw t. MAt s 33 v a Tnr" Tui'ksdav Eveniso, Mabcii 21, 1839, The Junior Editor of thit paper vill be aif,( from the State for several months after thi$ irC(j The Penniyhanta Legislature and the hai. ! W'eubstMOrtfy our late accounts, the existence of , I considerable excitement in Pennsylvania linsi ,1 4 BinkcThecirettnrstanees- wliieh jr ye-Tie'tqr1r ,e - these, in. January Jast, the Legislature of that i?ia ' passed an act authorizing a loin of l.KikiO, for iu .: f .."f. 1 .- pruwcuiiou ui wuim ui i.uiwiiai tuiprovcrnOQt n l!u fcute. , Notice was accordingly given by the 8ecrMtrv of Slate, in pursuance (HF thetct, that proTyisaltforiu loon would be received uuiil aiettaintlay; butcotiira-J "ij to il) calculation not i smlwbid was offered, llorc. - hi jiiuic, aii. twwiw iwvov.i4 Uj ,iaw wui'W UQTV UPcg fll aJt pFoiiipOyind BgFTjntfikeirp' tyrthr-capitsttsTf atI -banks of Philadelphia, such being Ihe fuct, it u On timre exiraordinary that ift the present instanc not t dollar was oflered it isjo strange that we" are led (o inquire what cause could have produced iti Wby, jt; seems that this state of thing Ima been "Brought ' about by a combijutios qf the lurger institutioirt nj,. Ui United Sukcsjkink at tlieirhead;" and the ul ja of the comiiinalion is to force the Legislature into cor and produce 'pol if icol effect ui'Tfuj'Slalc The whole matter, We aro not 'urp. is'cd to.we, h been the occasion of no little excitement at Ilsrriaburg, , and, iu fact, throughout the Slate. The Governor ki sent to. tho legislature avery spijiied message on tU subject, iu which. he ay that the State ownrstodi j these bank to the amount of $iIW,00, and yet can. not obtain one dollar to meet its emergencies. The" fact ia, every honest citizen of the country, wke m:L is not warped by psrty prejudice', must fuel indignant , at the conduct of the United Slates Jhnk io its mv JcHt issumjrtions tiou,1or"se vera! years past, bus pursued a course of us Uwful, and dangerous interference is regards the trad, currency nd "politics of Tlie country, whicfi cujlit tr Spcnjhe eyes of all candidjiieri, and turn .them aiuia ii, . .i oui.ii uiauiiiiuiii tiiswtuiious, wuicn, irom ttitt very nature, and immense power of corruption, always maintain a atruggle witli;. if they do not prevail v:, v and control the civil government. 1 ' - " " '-' lie following is an extract frorn the Meiyagau'CDC' Pirtei;tolie Pennsylvania Legislkterer- - -y ' '; Howong the repreeentativea of t free people will iubiiiit to a tate of things, niauifeatly brought aenst iy a couibinatiori among the institutions of I heir owncna- oom n nrior we vcigminre w ocjerrrune; tratm're certainly, a manifest impropriety a pormitting the neyed resonrccjof tho Commonwealth to be tiBed to Lei owu tfijurv. : Khe owoa of the capital stock of Hit .Jknkof-4?eiins)lvaoia-a,to0 shares, IfKHI.-amonn'mr - uimr r.kiu, w - -. - , ,,UlJ0,W 5,23d share in the PhiladelpnXBank, at ltX, ' ..:.-'--. V' S-J3,3i 1,708 share in the Farmers' and Mechanics' Bank, at ieVi(l. " . - - - . , - - 5.,jrr Aiiwiuilliug ill the whole W "" - ana wntcti aro believed to be worth a considerable a vance. -" . . ; , '..;'. 'X .- . . . .. . . . . rv cnCTgemcnts which it had no hand in contractin3.ini find itself mbsrWBed in its outset for want of luf 'WWeWThe M MAiaaJic,,ftbaitaii to! . atemhly directe.1 toiiechorgo the' public fikbilitit,iii" maintain unsullied, the public faith. If, in its effoil so to do, difficulties are in'erposod by altompts attorn binafion among moneyed men and moneyed instiiutiom, they most assua-dly will discover that, so lout(lie .ExecuUvarwwiar.j:emajji.ia,tJi9.ban now placed, they sin 11 never control cither WpoTiiMT or fiscal operation :.but that tbiU irrest Commoriwet!:ll muwana wiirri8ewprrorT0 ffn Such ItiempK " All experience gtx;s to show that the evils anticipa ted by many of the best aiid most 'aagncious "alatnHa4' from the grants of corporkte powers to oioncyal int tutions, have been more than realized, and li.w!d oionifcli u to be cautious in continuing to aia&eeucii., unrestricted grants. ' . -' ; 1 : .-- With no desire to create distnist or alarm, 1 wwl but feel that il is the" misuse and abuse of the pr thus committed lo such inktitutionatlut have more tl once led to tho ernbanaksmonts in the momentary cin cenisot tlifl couutry.' I csnnot close this cnniraunict tion without appealing to this Legislature, and ralK upon them by every principle of patriotism totakew11 action in this matter aa will enable the State to vindi cate her character and credit, and .to take immtw measures for separating the Slate from all connect., with a eet of institutions that have so repejitedly tl' '. ippaiMlCSUhft Jiitexie64atwiM4if.iN. fvUMdM which no relianco can be placed when the exitfwta the State may require a call tfinp them. . . . dayid r. porter- Executive Chauiber, ilarch 7, Ib-'JD. ... , . . ' Hon'.' Eli More of 2V. y.-A short time'prt to the delivery of Mr, Clay' speech in the Senate, abolition, which has been so highly lanJed, nd general' ly appro md. .Ifr. Eli Moon, on tba occasion Qf prwnt- log a memorial from citizens of the District, reii.--ing against any interferenc widi their inetituti n M proceeding to.dcclare bis views en the subj-ct, bid ri prevented front, doing- so, by tb inlorforonce of ThDitljKfen'br'Sabtti CarVitiiVCwho contended thi ? expresbions of the kind would be an infringeincitt the resoluliorw introduced by .Mr. Atberton and tabid Jitig the agitation of Uie subject f 1hi was, f as we kiTuw, right.enough ; ami under llie eircuii',,!i1 Mr. Moore did iiot deliver his speech, but g u"!l" that be should publish it as .intended to be dt'hr " This he accordingly did. We have received a cfT these remark, and fiud io them a clear and trium)' .hint Vindu-ftl im rA 'ft. IP SlnnOu. .ii.Lta'' lllA srTUlT rnt ingenious,' and strung, and the condemnation of sto 1 lioil fanatrcisro bold and rebuking. Hoiwr o honor is due." If MrvC!ay deserves tin pra hava been - bestowed in no stmrinV measn r,re, iw e r 1 t. - ' -: ti f . -ir r r:- l z . ' iriii ttii ahnHlmn. umimlls Afr." Moore. . man, and as such at leaat equally entitled ooor t,"!';' oucht to receive a proportionate meed of appUos asinucb too, as bis w as the prior expression. - , iT All tlie information of any importance wlW have from the forth-saster(i Dorner, w extracts given this week It wiil be' secft lro'"' that t!i- lielligorent parties reu.ain pretty dju' jxnt wi'iliout any very dajigeious proi- t of lC" It is iiio.-f pro! t'.-l I! ' V

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