j a en 5ir. CnHiMii!'-!! I'-.: I to i .i,.r..m-r I' . i e ... j. .,, I 1,1.. u-iionit Ifis vcy sblo proportion, ami f-h;m!il n':u'V t' . t,e htUt p'irl of it, when- I.:! gives tilt; hiMory ul L&ivernimnl for some years pfi-t, and pr.mtN mil it,- luntry if Mr. "an " u,en hisuccuMor. whosoever m,v bo; itmuH pursue theermrsQ imlicaied by Mr Calhoun. " ' . .(, - ' jjito Mr.'Crittondcu'd Bill on whictf tlice remarks, 're deliver d, vp regard it as-one of the boldest at irii Dis ever made in linn country against the liberty of ft. i lie Alien snu OTOiuuii low ui mio eiuei uxnlljvt tho irnr-lnu " wiw m nur mi. gjH,.WUIVM" . v e 'i " "T" Dion, scarcely as Dim. io on unapproves more man ve iu the interference of Federal office- holders in elec ta, auch conduct should always be denounrcdjnd the offenders held up to public' indignation, but as earnestly as we deprecate this evil, and great as it as VirwJIy Congress hss no right to apply ft remedy by iftlroiucin: t much, grealcri .that iB, py violating the fiirfit erf speech, and the freedom of opinion;' pnvi Icwsdearly bought and sacred to every freeman; the i. tuj-iiil boa4 of republicanism, and the most certain "trimranly'iif Tt exMeiice ; priwIegeB'lnaTTd restrict,'! oujj be a direct subversion of the Constitution. It taiioot be denied that under Gen, Jackson's admiuistra- 'tioO t!ia v'' complained of became very common, par Icularly in tl Isrge cities; but in our view, the only safe corrective is, by public opinion. . Itis an evil that jever existed to any great extent before Gen. Jackson's tiuii and e m?t telieve tnat 'l prevails to anygrest estent under the present adininist rat ion. But whenever i Wrnnt-sT-t-of men-may gt -trrto ptrver, trhcheithrr encniira,re or tolerate such conduct in .federal officers, the only sure, and safe way to check the practice, will be to rally public opinion against it, and render it odi ous mi! unpopular. Congress cannot legislate on the subject without .'endangering freedom of opinion and liberty of speech, rights too hardly won by the best tloud of our jrcfatber-t9-be quietly u.crcudered by - their children! ', AGrtal Work.--The Rail-Road from Lonoom to fjTBKPaOi has been recently completed, and is now in operation. -The distance between the two places is sbonl 2!M mile,'nd is travollcd over in flevtn hmtrt, including H itoppatres on the way.' Not many yesrj igolt required ahnoiit s many days to travel that dis tance as it now takes hours. Wonderful, indeed, are tlie -achievements of steam dire'd by tho genius of. man, and yet, great as is its power in the annihilation ef space, it is altogether insufficient, to satisfy thede msiuia of the prceit go sheud genj-ratioii,. who. require, lad have originated a mode.ior .lhe tranfitqission of in- telhgence from distant points, by.jnenns of electricity, which is correctly described by the common expression fix i maximum comparison of velocity, " as quick as the 'TSlaing"we tcRt to the Eluclre ilgneti -Tele graph, as it is. called, of Protettsor Morse, an account of1 which our readers will perhaps ecollect ss given soma time since. . By. means of this lightning post-ri-iiajilui eatimated tu convex ft despatch of 45 letters fTDiinnte, the distance of 1(K) miles. " A Lead Mint) has beco lately diecovered in Cabarrus county, pear the Rpwn linp, about 13 miles from Jhis f'jet, on the Lands of Mr'. McMarkin. V have seen of tin Ores, and find them to be of tlie Carbonate of lead : some of tho specimens are rich "with (lis "MetairIIow extensive the lode or Vein may k, it w difficult to say, as it has only boon penetrated in two places, the one about 8 font, and the other 00. These workings'are by no means extensive enough to jmnounce upon the character of 'the Ores, at valpe of K4e discovery. We believe, however, from present ap pearances and the surrounding indications, that the pros pect ia worthy of a more extensive examination. i Tub Cottoji Chop or,18:l8. It is now pretty sure Nhancertainfd th.it the. Cotton Crop of .th,e,4nit..sf.tisni). meww is beuevesf hQtvr, that the surplus ol I theeros5 lS37 added to the crop of IMS will bej sufficioiil fo stfpply the demand 6f .the present year. . W have just read letter from an intelligent commis a merchant In N. tJflcons;- who my s at is believed .JfcAtliatpometicJ the next crop begins tocoine into market "r This rise .-Iwever -wili not twnefiHhe' Phinters muchy-as most , 8 til -of them w ill bite sold thtcotton, but it will fc great advantage to tlmee w he may have the article hand, the J. S. Bank for instance, which generally manages to toy cheap, and sell high. " '!,v ' . . A new Pnst-OtTice has been establixhed in Randolph Cwnty, ori the rosd leading from Salisbury to Raleigh; the name of Raysvdle, and Tresly Ruy, Esq , ap ycatad Post mauler. . ; The past year has been unusually prolific in the. pro duction of newspapers snd periodicals, and it the exis- bsct of a great number of both is a blesairg, our eoun t7 certainly may be Considered e peculiarly fsvored. - ftu,tMjT0!t AVfiKLt' CHRO?lICt1S,,' the prpspeettiP 9 which we some time siiice gave ; , it is published by A. 4. BrowrvEilitor The number, jued speaks e!l bt the ability, and industry of the Editor.', His salutatory to the.pBblic. i. written in i styla we tither and although we take it, from this, that our politi- faitlis may not be exactly similar, yet we give the Uironicle a cordial greeting, nod desire to be accounted in Oie number o its well-wishers. f i , I . Void .1inc. We are pleased to learn by a gentle- from Charlotte, that the Gold Mines in Sleekier. :-.V'J county, ire nowjn more succes?ful and profitable ...CwatioB than for fcotiw length of -time past - '- ri . ) k ; F.ditor$ Cartrpotulenee . FAvsTrtviixa, March W, " e have nothing of sny in.pfirtance to write you. Aton has decliheil durintr the week at least one to , a hall cents; we quote ilO to-1:) ss extremes, and . wyers are not anxious to take Iwld at present prices, ex- ' S oau -G0; bacon 1(1 i lard 10 a .11 ; whiskey 'in. ' """"cea ft Jj icamersw a .occawai yt "now in. ; ,- . . ,. . - Arrived. March litlntMiMr IlimnKtfs .'Cant. Itiml ' t Nclnon in low, with dry goods, groceries, silt, iron ... r-uuuvy iiiirrwinii in wiwii, anti muti ior ;tiuii!, I. II. Craig, J. 31. llaleoinli, A. Hunt, Lexm- ,; "ninartiirmc t'oinpnny, Unit &i (Jo., UrPM & U fr. McAdno &. twnlt, Smith & Ramus v, Uonry A. Unrtm, y, j. u.u, pflllCe & Uullan.l, RkG.U Mai'iu. '""iingLompanylOov. Uuij Icy, ana others iu the in li.-riri .......... . . ....... . r .. .... .... , lfiirtetL oa Monde r fie 11th," boat Post BiifwOh '.u,'.n.iF u.Kicco.acc; Ami, on Tutila!rtuanker lJpnrirrta.snd, on Friiiny, " .VUw with tobacco, flmrr, ciUnri, A c. i. r,t are jut in t Vi!nnn'M,iv levins aii'p r fitif-r - "-.ii-Tiirjii i..!,,-. JiltltJ. Ulfll 11. IJlWr' L. i Ml! i- r j-i.ua i. A'lir'ht, Jno. I'. Tiov, f j'tii tin' rem" r, ii.- :)t a 1 9 J ii t Coiirl nf t ' Til!'! Milt' C.'.ii tmt in -i h!'i a si! t in if( curit rttoraivjci' in uti'iiut-r i-irii.1. j tti Tt. -hi'T us tlkcil up to (i 'n C.'y, ).! !,. j i-t b Siiprenitf Com i t W'Uii; oculi'd by that tribunal. Tl.e il-omri o.-iJ.' w, Crsl a corporation crt"i;ed by onu'of Hie Suti. can d i.i any other Stnto soeh aets .in the iniilihi-r of sue'i n-r-pornUori in their individual ca(vicity liave auniliubtid right to dik, .. , ' The parlies trv tM q-tesiion involved wero, The Bank of tht t'nilfd Statrt ofprltant, it m. i. -Primrose. AxwickH ilisKf , The March o nnniberof this pe - to be steadily at- f rixlicul has coinn to hand. It sooms I tsinimr-n liiirh liiArnrv r huri.i-i.ir VvU;.. I -.1 i. . sure to examine it, except cursorily, we give the lajle of contents. "Observer" No. 2. Imim been received, bul too late for insertion this week. LATEST' FROM MAINE." Tflft Ttnulnn aiuiiorj f,.r.lt, . ..:"... ..f . vouiaiuru in ii'iiorn iroiu ciioir currir)(ieiils !(; Maine, the sul)tiiuce of which will Im bund in" ll.e annexed suuimurv, prepared to our hand- ia the New York Stur;' , ' Vertml intelligence front Bangor. giv,es as a ru mor, that Sir. Jiiliu Harvey has sent two compa nies to f irtify Mi'irs Hill, two miles within the Wis puted .territory, and to plant there the British stan dard ," '.'if .- ' !i limley tin i.,i . s;' ':i'if M. !.i''t Thn'. . 'I . ei t . . i'ltwducHtg irrekvaot nuiticr. pusSeJ to the lm Kjgirrflfljuiittt-&uA4WJrrnTrr':.i ir'A r r"-trr i ..... gives the Hilornrntiiw m pimmivjead K imiwi limn Vijl -P aj ViOtxs- VVtTTI tTT 1 .ICn X 71: " .17" - - " . , n : r i7 Ti j , 7. Mo the nuin tmmt autnie, to avit, the- trJt:itititori vidette ttxpress from Ho ton with deimtchesfioiii ..,, . ' , -in.i- . . cii. (tuusMuu lur uuti 'uinit;io, inni o r. Jo'iu n . i,J .,..ii.. ,u. 't at.... ii .. .v; u.,i ?vtn . ,n,MH ,H ..man. a.. j ftT rpniilnra ' llm aimm i.nrrn.r..nl..nl St....! inn is w u uiii uib onus oi iiiaine, ami -west ni u.e j " 1 boundary line letter from ttits tti-tM&tvrfTt:.r . - l j. . T - - .... i Aiet;erda.ti cj of llioOih iiHunh, . says "I have just conversed with a gwitlernnri direCT' from Ilou(tofi, who had good opportunity for jtadg--. ing whrt giverit tt"hi opiition that there' will" U no blood sited, notwithstanding all the pneperations on both aides, and that tho men on the other tud - of the i line ;are ; decidedly adverse to s war. G-v-ernor Harvey, It is thought, ismiwl his proclai'nlt turn unadvisedly, and would gladly eao.ipe the ef fects and results of it, and timt it wae produced uo on jreat misaireliciisiwi.ef the, el'ilo. of things at that time." A letfer from Major Kirby, commanding the U. S. garrison at Unulton, confirms the previ-ms ru mor that bir. Joint Harvey was withdrawing the British Iroopa from the frontier . , '' Several companies of Ueiu Hodsdon's division had taken up a position at the niotHh of the.Presque Islo, a stream that flows into the Aroostook, ten miles above the location Col. Jarvia .bad chiwn. K ino niore companies were to follow to le Presqtae lslo on Monday. The troops at Uoultoii are in fine di8cipline,""partictilarly the Dexter and Bangor rifle companies, at4 the.lLngor voluntoers and ar tillery. They practice target firing four hours a ' day hd'twi'KlmrklU. " ' 't Mr, Botsford passed th tough B tngor on the Ofb from Washington, with despatches fur Sir. John Harvey. Ho apoke unfavorably xf the prospect id peace. . ' "- . ..v . . . . - The Atlas (says the Oxford and Cumberland Di visions were at Augusta on the 10th, their orders to march to the frontier having been couttftrmaihl ded. " The messagd f Governor r airfield to tlie legislature would, it is mid, be eot on the 1 1 lhJ General Scott was still at Auguxtn, to leave for Houlton on Tuesday, lie exjR'cjs to have an ui- icfview itimTSifrydhiHnrvTjyT-- C5". It i,rf orrtedr in- tkn "rrrr, wys Xfarivw rrrtt"Siur:uwi'Mivr;)..4i iuaiii. .tw,i4:r;4ui' r rewuved A letter, from Sir- Juba Ilsrsey. m wlwci ' . . ' lie states that he will withdraw his troops agree; bly ito the protocol. This ia credited. T.VBLE OK CONTENTS OP THE AMERICAN OBIUINAI, PArEKS. ' Histnrv. By Jared Sparks, A Moral. Bv J . Evan NnoritrrnBS. J:lBrly Literature of the Germans. Profetor Smith, Tho 1'ioneer ot rennsylvarua. Uy rrotLssor Barber, Inscription fur an Album, - To Alelhea, - .''. . " ". ' . ." . E. Plunbus Ununi. JBy David Hoffman,, ' - Lines, . . - Phrenology. By L A. Wilmer: Epistle 1, "-The Mtuilent'e Diarv. By F. Rasly, 1). I)., . Antique Cameoa. No. ft ; Cupid, - - - . -' Htanias, written in Drjection, ... . -. .. " HandelV'A Novelette from tho German of f. yen. I5y Mrs.E.F.Ellet,., - - . - - Reminiscences of Switaorlond. By R. M, Valh, - -The Hills, -The 8-s, Th-ky,-Ity - J.-41keHr-Je- The South-Sea Islanders: A I'rize Pwem in three JJPV. Pj . N. A . Biooki . Part 1 JCopuJrooi - the Sodthern Churcnmsn,") ; - Rydrl Deck. By Edward Quillman: (England) Ktmcarciies ot rmygioi hud; no. iu. Aiy Ut; is like the Bummer Rosep -w- . - . MTBBAtT KOTICfS. "Mrs, Phflp's Fimiliar lictufes On Chemistry, . EilnH's Trsvels in AuU), Riisia, and .TurkeyT-. Reese's Discourses on the Sabbath, , , - ( . .' . . Life of Rev. Chas. Jacobs,- ... . . . "Tim lhas been received; itcrmtains the following articles: Utility of. Phrenology. Fallacy of some common ob- ,o,.i. .irt Phrenoloirv,- Two letrers adilrrrd ' A . .P ' p ilr .L- f lit. MnJ V7 1) omarba am f Ii a rttai. iht! i si t t. - adequate exerewe of Ue MentaUkgaiw. -By An lrrw . jvf edging in the Trtoctrlr MtinSed . ,Coi.ibc, M. D. Application of Phrenology to aelf-cul-, m,f ,)y CltmNiIKln1,, Wlth mtmihf ma-mfactu. ture. Phrenology m New York. j h' f;rt,,b hat-we watt ereSt dvamture MitctlUiny. lVathorBronssais. rhrcnoiojricaisc-j om thr, , , grM pj1Cetlr fuel account to ciety m Buffalo, N. Y. Mr. Combt's Leclurus in Phil- jerp ,j,e mMr wheel fron freezing is equal to ' adelpbia. - ; , -. 'lour (net account arid water rehu In the tcsid pia.w, frrun freezing tliey are sraree of atr during Patent TailorU Sheart. Mt R-x-hus iti-inlsch, j the winu r. ?JJy. They have to pay interest upon . an ingenious cutler, of this citv, lias just received ! tVir slock f rottow hid in, in Notcniljer to the ' a patent from Waslungtoii Cr a valuable improve- 1 . 'r-:f.. 11.. ;...r....r...w.r.. nmtu III iillioi. Biiaia.;. &iib iii', vr.ii, .ii, t'Jii gists iii constructing the shi srs w(th certain m ' t protuberances of swellings on he sid. of the Ikjwh, in ofdeMo fill the hand, and give the cotter a more complete command over the instrument. -The handle is so mane as to give thc.ir.lJcr the greatest pjvtaible-control of the khe:tr iti irs.ejtiiu ahriirw lief. . . . - j greatest toe to IhcWl- Mr. ILcVilshis i iaen j , have Vii .n ayvrrJ pr-nw to Sacrifice their tion "The Concave, Comex lljr t-'ipars." We pn.peny T.r the na il of kn-iwle.fge. Indeed, the have a patrtiow biO-re tis, and we hive wrnrwlt; e::j.0t;j eaier p-.wee1 iwi ned ale, a, with scetia niore'.lie.mtifiil spcejmen of rutiery -f iin? 00 ai res t.f larA s.l I Sir S7,W)0 la 4 year. Your trnrt. The fini-.li iinJ polish are erj'inl ( t!fw .'.f.ir- n wrks and t).? e'"n4oo of tho Jame riv-r a i-i. T. Wp ho"; t'lfl i 1. ti :,:''.- r-" r tv. d, v." tfi i t-i i f r- tlc va' v 'iu'1 rf. 1 T..p Ch.ircl.ca-Ci i T--1! "op I". tn.il Ik l"if th" -jir"-!.'" t'.-Kt i f . i , vum i.?" Aw jf'i u t, oi) nx :)' sv i i Jiy'f.'M, ., J l !,.;e !:.' ii, in vi !hi;. "'i- I f- r tj P fnli Jtj-i.I.i!. Jq'r.; 0i:.I li.r s!. Uf a, J irinS - ".i.iij Jtwipji-11. l(otjt', Vi. C. Ff.- tun", i' J F . . HvhU '.!, K-!l'r. Fr.n.i t!;e j'iry Ii-I 't.f i.:iiiis, it .s, s:cr tniuo t lh,ii i.u! iTrt jortr rM h errpii''U-fi. tj . A'l adi'HK.n ii lt f 1 2 niiiu a s tl 1 1) ..irj':!-:. d ' " . on -ii!ier hi.lt! .i,ou7! stne alien. it-S , and ?;: ia , upi!y the d ftriew y f the carmel. 'I Im jurors WeiT iheu wora or uiTjnnl, a::d their -xU re as follows: .... ''ir!s Wagner, Mater M. Errlj , 1L C ll'-LtuAJU, J -hn R i'ks; t.V lWrmgtotf, .s. P,rtl,.r, " :.J'i!ij:"rniiiu, -L. 'i'jand.iV, -(iejr Mi ke. '"CJl'afrt, K-K.-MrPTst VIr. RainljiIi,counfcI ir tr iUisii;Ii, then op ened the casn in a stwerh, in irt'-t he incorpora t(Sd a bnef history tif the truutdi in t'ie I'ltbjie riim Church ai.d advened to points tu wbh es tiniiMiy would be1 a.id'Ked. lie livh p?viwited va ri'ws docufirfuis whi h wiHiUi U lufisied on as ev idence. On Weddi-Miiiy inoroin, the r-otiiHel fur the OefijiidJints, snjjxing that Sir. Randall was ,i, iw,,,,. ( n r' : ..T-! I it liat ,,M '. claim-d by the I taK.n.T-k, shuuhl bna2 ... ' lere still under rxumi- nati.rf. arut .r ,t..;.-..... ,l nn.l.. lu. ,.l,i .,,.,1 ivf.a at tt v a ui ti;u uati u blaiw3. ..... rf ......... RUUIi Tnc Judges of the Supreme Court find it neces sary, as well fiir the aceoinanntatiori of those w ho have Deration to attend the Oiurt,- W for" the MR cieut discharge of their own duties, to e.-taUnh ami pubhsli the following Rrtcs: All applicants for admicm lt the Bar ipirsl.pre sent thejiist Ives for exainiuaiiuu duniig the first w ven days of the Tf rin. -- All causes whieh shall be docketled before the eighth day of tha Term, shall stand Cjr trial in the coursn of that Term. Appeals,- permitted to- be docketled after the first seven tiavs of the Term, shall be tried or eimtinutid at that Term at (lie option of the Apix llec. In all irtiiercaiisr'abr.Hight up after-. wjnJs, tttht'Tiarty .will be eutuW U a cttotinuance - 1 tie Court will not call cau-s for trial before the h day nf the Tnn, but will enter u(io the trial of any cause, in the mean time, which the par ties' or their roonpd m b Ammia (o trv. . Xn tlie eighth 6s f ( he Term, the Court will call over the caleodar of all the causes, and lhn, j hut afifrwurde, by the grnertJ coaierit of the Bar, a precedence may he given to causes, in which gentlemen attending from a distance are concerned, ovffr 'cau"-i wn any 'if ti i 'Jt i-l'siT 7 B'-iOi nines' iL chnnge, bejna demand sliji-t to t!ii change wily, the Court will prtrceed regularly with the docket, first - wtthr tl: State, oet the luHy, atid mially the Law icket.- . Whoo causes ere calM for trial by the Court, they imint be then either argued, sulmjitted or con tinued, except iindet.fpecial aii'l wculiar, crcum stances to be iiown to the Cmrr, and except that Equity causes ui.de1 a JRulejbf RnCreo may bi bvjtt fu a reanable time fiir the coming iu of Reports and tlte Cling awl arguing of Exceptions. The qui?! uf WaTttsfboxoogJi was jTisturbeJ on 1iJeeTenitgeif the 21.- Felrwefv bv-i arrival st liiUi place Jifjhe ea?ase E- P. ileXiw Xef- I . - ' . ...... ...... ... . .... .'... -1 Iwtiwe ias the i-owt rr "trarrr penrrratcj s Ir up the wafers iXtlns Xi.ie We underhand no sefi'- mis obstacles obstructed the pssssge of the bwt. We hope tle enterprising owners may be richly re. warded for their exertions. The McNair, although badiy adapted fur the experiment, ha penetrated rWriVr-tip- 44ewiMtH lie.. Xjrjuid..4hc .locust-, tharu.au.iiiLrr :eauiboa Cml ius bcea built. W ilixtngton Adrrrtiatr. We are happy to learn by a letter from Colom bia, d ried March 5th, that oar aoooonrrment, nn the authority of Mier from tlvat place, f the death of Dr. CeorKt, was preawtnra. Dr. C'J p- er on the .ut, was Hiiut only alive, but in much better spirits than would be imagined under ibe circum.-tauci a cf the case Char, jtfercvrj- PETERSBURO MANLTACTURES. . Extract of Intr frtm Pelertburf, lo th EJilor ef . the A'icAstostf lquirr, 4i4 - u Our Cott'Mi manufactures commenced with one tntliwjo tkwsi'anr4le, eepitai wrtjHfcutmud dollars twelve years since ; another followed in about four years, eepittl 1 1 00,000 two tbonsartd spitMlles, earb v( th- bae increased- by doubling tis-ir ourober tfepindles, and the RrA increased its (aral fGO.OQQ more, and lb othr 50,000 1 their profits up to this time have been about SO per cent , a var." .Three year i:ic another null wan erec I ltd with ftkir thoesand atiiiidles ; to which ia added I a paper mill, capital 230,000. ,Io the course of each with eapt'a! of 1150,000 and running four tiioufliid opiiKlies, aid there is now water power ' n V? V .gentlemen w speetatioo at r ; 30,000, only mi emtgti tltorted fur the necessa- I - fe'n 1 last of the wiotpr, and then to pay interest 0ki the etpensee neeesmiy totuake into doth. , 4tbly The ports betag frz n up, they cannot seek a mar feet, althonah-the gwrds tnar be Wghi Sthly These causes pxeemsirilv increase the ann'tont of capital, ami llienbydiiniuidi the profits. I la lieve 'this mi detent .to. convince youliatniarmf.u'lures The rhith pnn nit well. f "! D-n,- - r , .V, ,r, ", -.!,! Ti-i i, t.f 1., ),. .h, at a I.i.' t.t .t'Le CifUit ('t!rt, ''t Vli'eh lu wesid L t!.1' lb'l.i-M'i '!i''-'-1'iH !'! h 'le-if 0 t- i lii -r t i s i:e , r ii iu.---l to i"I.( i!." 'p-i imi i.r'th" i-t Tii-r wtiiiii,t ci -ttij'iy i:- w.ih t'rju's -if ('! ivi!.''-.ifr ; " 1 Ml il a vi'wiii r t- n p'T'ii !i." ll fill I t "if. t.'ie rtlilij I mI.-t "'t! iie the iv it t'it (.,(,1 t t..e ter.ii s-i'v-i-ri'u'd f.ir, nr piiv nptlio uraruet, lfi bmiiJ fir 'ti.tr pr." v , Tli 'i!e a i tiiij.irtjiil prinrij;!?. (Jr mi I'm (hi V yttt!imaii of this count v, .in" Kf.elv .iMeiiffij oil f'.nn the eonnfton trfi 'imH pt'.i .r no', (jirde.liiM) wtiirltwu iiar hiu"'y ex tullod us a mind oifj and for Imroiiv. 'Tins "MJ t a vsili:ilile Jisrovery.a t':e t,nt iri, if'ooi i!tif. ii"U. m: th'it ch'i bo pirienroil to anv e.xlt ut in the J?H!lirin country. Wiltninglim Cronide. ..... i Itifgbnting.-For the first tune in onr life- and we hopp it may blhe hiat--we jestcrd iy suw ..two- fi,ul4 f.iti.Hwhly f lrtd one -of litem- w white, apparently the daughter of a snh-tnnlisl Kh. spt funtier,, and tlm other, " black at Iht Jack of civtt wflikmg arm in nrni thrtiiinh Mi'k, redrr -Knnrrier snd -WnTlnrtgton sirertTt"wnril' ; lhe-,.Mj'rlborj' Chape). Wh;4 am p pomitKi to. ' , , v Dmon Sentinel, Latrr Verbal LiteUigfncC.-'c have just ' leanied from tho passengors who arriVr.d by the Meamb t from Boston this morning, fhiit it.tvns ported, as tlmy were leaving the citv, that Sir John Harvey had issued orders to the Dritisli for L,L?!!.Ltyraw terrtirv jl'lie -ynmor wtraTrcrhrttf in Bii?rrin.AV V-A,eeT-J04J .UMTEU IN WEDLOCK, la thisCoontv, on the I4th instant, by AUcn R.itd, Eq , Mr, JACOB s"lAX)P, Sen.; to Miss LEAH PA IHL In Iredell Coiinty, on the 7th inctant, by A. Itnby, 1H . Mdj. JAMtlH P tlOHUV toMisE.'M. JOII.N- JUA, daughter or Cyrus Jolrnwon, K. Police. TN' piirsunnce of authoritv. in me ve.itod bv the last .X.WiH and Testftnent of THOMAJ? 11,'IE.YJVJJ snail exiwse to puhiic sale, the Iract of Land of which the said Thomas thml sented,. lying in the county of Rowan, on second Creek, about eight.mi.ee North of lishurj.supp'iwd to contain three hundred and thirty " flvs.acni There it a " Comfortable jV Dwelling," ' . on the premises, and cleared Land suflie'tentforiiurtir fivo hands to work, arid thf ii-nring and out buildings are in sood repair. There laueksva-siifficient 'ouaiiiifv , of Alesdiiw biniL a pnrt of which is in i good state of cusiivaiinn. v .The sale will tike placo on the premisei on the 2J 1 -ifai nf Aprit:lti. A" credit of twelve moitths-wtU be given the puahr will be required to give bond . and security. ... . JAMES OWENS, Kx'f. March 21, 119. - SJw - -ifcixasisrayKo I'HE Subscrihe'r having located ffimscTfin the t 1 of Cimcord, would now ofTbr his services to town the rublic. as an ' Omauiriital sid algn ltitr. " H flatters himsclfrthlt his long experience in the above limine, and the specimen of work he ha executed in his line, will be a sufRcieiil recoinmRtidiitiop. " - ; lie will also atteniLto any call made ori htm in the HOUSE PAINTING BUSINESS, ami i.ritklent be can give saliofactioiJb all wlfo may ... employ hiinr r :-.:.r . The Public is rsspectflillv" requested to call uid en courage him,slie is determined to execute all Work - comwiltp to him m the best possible manner. Q$ Also, Psmting snd Trimming all kinds of Ca . .xiacaoaa,. A-qn, .nt-j tu ess and cthwi--.. -r-rr-rr-r -3-.- J - W.--R A l.E V. XSncnrN. C, Marct..?U lJi. A .MEETING -of. tho. Jlawan Couoty . Temperance eieiy, win be Held at the nonse or Mr. lis watt Lenta, on Monday the 1st day of April next, at II o'clock, A. M. Addresses ihsy be expected. ? SAM'L LEMLY, Pres. R. &.C. T. 8, March 21, l?3a ,.; ;:J.,:,-.,,, . tm :'.'.' rpiIE tSubscriber having disposed of his property inl tne town of SiJisbury it his become inditpnnsa. bly necesMary thsthisnot-saDd scctmnts,soiTie r)f which are of kmg standing, should le settled. Those indebted t fiira are therefore requested to tome forward and set le the same without delay. ; Eight likely Negroes for J3!e. ,. : .. -T. A. 1IA0CB. , N. B, Pf:i-ms calling to snttle in ihi aUt-nceot i(0 Sur-Msi.ls-rwill sctlis with A. W. Pclton, who is his eutboriwx. sgent. - . T. A. H, . jmubury, N. C, March 21, 1339. ' . if . ST o iT oko A ir; rK-rboni. indebted to the Subscribers, either bv Note or Book account on the 2tttli day of April f e--f!iie;-iiipcflr(y rttsTi!ir:iir te commenced upon them unless prevkiuslv arranged, . - We trust our fru-ads wilt take no eiception to thi course, as necessity compels uto tlm niHSieire without discrtiVination. WiiEELER &. BCKiNS. .Salisbury, Feb. 81, 1830. tf 1U8T RECEIVED AND FOR SALE, 200 Plough .Moulds, Bar tjcollep and Tire Iron, , '.,., v m bis. Bupsrtine t lour, t '-. ' 40 bo. mountain Irish Pittaioes, IX) bu.lterd tirsns Syl, . . . fJXK) lbs. !singU)n Cotton Yarns, ,...J.riK)Jhs...B!irJU;iiJ..,.I; , ,. ,......-.,...,.. 10 kegs Powder, - ... 10 doa. superior Weeding Hoes, ' "-75 kegs White Lead (ground in Oil,) " . T 8 cks rfice, 25 bhds, 'Molasses, " Sugar, CoBi.c, Nai!s, and Ralf, by 1. &. W. MURPHY. -Salisbury, Feb! 2. Pi.TO. ' niawffaBSQ . K, HIRCKIIEAD . G. UTZMAN, . having entered iiito Copartnership ill the' TINNING AND COPPERSMITH - IITOUI.O rwpectfully annoiinee to thir friends and If th public generally, tint l is their inteiilmu to keep Cofis-'.unily on hand and for rale, s large and cx tciimve asmirtiiicnl of " ' ." rV AVYc, Govvc,v SVVs, kt. a'lJ, in short, a!iiiirt every srtirle in the nlve bianch--an tnat ran bn manufactured in this country. ' ' TheirSlioo inKilnateton Main-ntri'.-', w wwn Mows. "Tr"t 15" 'er, and J. & W. Mutiiy's stor"s. ' M tt l-.,t-.T fi,.-,i .Is.'t .n o t" r " -o-k w.'l b" Xr: ," .... . "... ' j W . ',(11 )l j Si 1- I Tho follow iHtf s un extract from tl liinhcoiioii,.' worl of Ir IVti-rs, the iltMivercr of tiio cdttiraicd V( table AiiU-H:lio(W Pilih.;.!.. " ''lh:i,ni, wsii, and enjounnit, are tlio thhi priuioi!j)di,Ui id' 1.l'. The two li as a means to oblaiiuliJ.iUrr. Alao m-clos for v,ia!ili a a iiu-uhs i)f.efij"j'8icit, JUil vmn is such pinnni wiflmui the jiuMtiiin (if hralth. iiJiout btniilv vijur and stririigth, n.iitlii'r thy phys fa) nor the iikmiIhI ri ther tho mnor nor the outward man is capable ot rh achiovi'iiiont, whether of wealth .or of- fiijoyment. Mvh n in ttrftr- tun -a nonnd tinnd in s wim I body is the line qua nun the tttolute requioile- for any efficient e flint in tlie attainment ot huniatt cihIh. Tlie mmd may be active, but if the body bi f cblo, tin a is tlie mind active lolilllu pur)OHo. Kiijoyiiu-nl is not there; and the finest laid plans are ,rejnJcr"l aboiUio by the thanered cdlulilum of our teneiiu-nt of elny.- . But say llmts man could obtain viealth that lnroi!i acquire the gold of Oiilurand bi lug home all tne ticu sores of'tho mint's o liolcoi'uta, yet without healili, where would be hit hsppmcttL l'f would ho init'ra ble jn tit? siid't nf hwi(o!iUiid his tiiainoin.'s; tu- wotilj ptiMt-awsy 4n-weteheiiHMiM"ipftir ". !:-. wn.'i -exclaim with tho whc mat) nf old. "All u vmnty aid vckLion'ol pint!" His limbs are racked with pun, and tie cannot rest ; his oppt'ttie ik pone, and ho lotthes hiif'tboil; b,is stooi'icll is oppressod Willi nsuw-a, sml ho lurassickeiiuigawayatlhH bountiosofa muiiiticfiit I'io videncu. lie would givs ail tie is worth miy, H the world, if he had M-for the poor, but hea'tiiy innK;ijH'U. ""PIi;auc givpino,''iid a hongry wretch, loa u ci.lihy, feeble ni'iii " Please 'give ims sixpence to buy uiu a .UWsdd'Jtiad.MlJll.WtUiarve .... . ' " 1 would give a thousand dollars for your ap;eti'.o," said the rich man, as bo handed the hungry our a dul'ar. Of so much iiiiportunce is lioaltli to the enjoyment of lifof :;..:- ' . But whereto, methlnks I hear tho reader onk, biiIi- srrves this linnnly on an plain and hacknifd a suhjiul ! l)o we not. all know the value of health 1 Do ve not all attend to ijt as one of tho chief, if not the thieHfit CHicerns ol our mortal uxistenee t Ukwa not iTpUy , the" means; to attain "and preiwrve Ul- lo we not lay out mf)ny do we not fee physicians do we not follow,, their advice do we not wa flow thoir nrescriptmnsl Trtirlot trum gmtle reader, thoortritll ttfm;' " we dare sty, and more, ikill, wo cannot believe our homily on heaitTi Ui b alurgi'tfier ui)iioci siary. As m morals, so In physic is U requisite to have 41 line i pou line, And precept ji port pfecepU" Men in health (wrget that they may be sick; and men in sickness do n-.)t ail way ui ploy -Uta -roost jtwtcious uifens to auuin ii' hiio. Vory true; Doctor mea do not as jon say, always pursue the right rosd l hoallh. Nw, I know ot whuo people who are always dosing thenmolves with physic, and running to the doctors' and apolhecories every day ol their Uvea. They take, I verily believe, a cart load." of drills in I yesr. tndyrt thfy are not well after nil. Io you know the rcaaun! v . XVhy, yea, In iny opinion, there art two reasons, la the first place, tHey take too much medicine, and in the second., they do not take the ri ht kind. I umhIIo iimko IhnsaiiielnTbWyS'tllunftujy tliat'lis'Ui iiy fo'r iW ' or itiree years past I've hit npona bmur plan, .It'ake Dr. Peters's Vegetable B.Iiuus Pills, and I derive moiJ benefit fnsn one doli ir laid out in them, than J u.-ed i't paying fifty iu any iiwter pursuit of heM'h, bt i.tcs m ving a world of imuoa and dihgtiHt in swallowing an en ornions quantity of uitdicincs. Do you knov Ji. Pt tuo 1 very well. - ' And have you over oikm his medicitio !'f "1 hivej 1 were a bhicknoad clxe." ' They tell me he is eonef vmir oiiaekri, v,ho un dortake to-4notrdUnd regulate 4 Ihihiuii niachinc. witlwut so much as knowing of what parts tt eousixts. and how they, are put together. They say he undor srends anirtomy and physifjiocryj' hrtitnii -jWtlietn-j anu is asismiiiHr wiut uotuuy auu micmisiry as 4 aiu wit'h tho road'W mnT. ' ' " . Ymi are rurhf iiitiifmi'd ; T)t. Ppfr.ni t tin rmnirlf ' lie-dues not umlcrtake wht he does not omlerstand. lie, wasb'uJaxlyai.Jo..'Jia.iualjng art.. lie has. spent years in thescquisitiwiof kuowlcilge; he Imvile- voted hunsflt to the sturiv of the human rramo, anJ the diseases to Which it is subject, and now be it apply u.g ms acquisitions to me tenet or sunenng uuinsnity. lie does not put forth the absurd claim so oiu-a ad- yUCCdJH-,llie invnftlini44'4teit oatvoms hSHielv, - that ofjiuri Such" a p'reience Tie vyuU7 ileeiu about as diiiucuit to swallow, as to take the nostrums of those, who put It forth, There" ia no sneh medicine. There m n"t, and neves was, a punscim tor slldiiases, Tho VKf.mstB aiuoia mlijs pieumd to no such mirttcle. liif i.:,t is iiitiniiMiy better, theyeff.ectwnatevor tliey undertiikd. Tlwy keep the word pi' promise to tbstoniHc.h. and tho prima ia which they make to the ear ami ,,. . ying tnai indotd is no sliirht reoHi)iiHitiiitMii. ,.ir r the complaints to which these Pills nrv adupd-d few ntf far botaeen. The disorders arisiei' ftum a tiinnMii state of the Bile are, unfortunately, umny, ilis;restin ino talal. A large proportion of all w.e levorv, ei-i,e. cuiliy at Hie &.Mrth and in the inarshy'districts, are owing to this cause, from tho dmtmtsiiig jua and fe. ver, which almost ehnkra asunder l.fo and limb, to tho uvurful " Yellow Jack," wtcu "seldom quits his vn.tyn wttiioiit aiuuuormg soul hint body as he ink his leave. rMMwejisnrirainiw in all its torrnl, which originates of the disorder of the HiSe.' Dr. Peters was hM Isd to smnlov his kiiowlmtja ' aud experience in tho preparation of a modivine which should prove efficacious in this lare clas of diseases, winch should should relieve the schnie ami il.i.'v head. and ikWrw-tl nauseated and loathing 'stomach, it the same time that H pjventcd those mora fatal uthVisj which arp aospt totolluwfrom their imprudent nfglect, For this purpose he prepared, with much csro and a iust adaptation to the purpose, tho Vegetable B.lifm Pills, which be is Ixappv to sav, Xrom long cxperwucc aim on; nun ui. i:i: i u'aiuuony oi moi; woo nnc i.i., i ) i mem nave answered, more than suxworoo tiismtMMi) guine'etpctstiHis, -. v r It is not his own mere assertion that you are cH''J upon to believe, ti not the iw dixit of any m BjaiiBrtlhaaghim, . tut. a.grct. aj Wilcn ot J I i ppn; u . ;, that you are to pm your faith upon. .-lSuitiier al tlwogh it' is said in the sscrd volume that 44 by the mouth of two or three wi'nesws almll all things be es tablished" arc youio beiu ve in so iiill a number' Onlyl "A cloud of witneuM's1 is before you. They irj too numerous to b i-.,!v ovet looked ; thy are too intelligent to be csrelewly lif ard; they are too fe -j-, tahleto be elightly Epgarded. Believing tho spontaneous testimony of Hum !: experience it. the biwt of the truth they acrt. Dr. Peters has thrown together in. tJio following pages, a few of the iiisny hundieds of testimonials received trom every quarter when hi pills have come Into iws. They are left to speak pi themselves, ' They are the words of th. who M s)eak what they do know, and testify what they have seen and experienced." - $3 llf careful snd eiiquire for Peter' Vcetable I'll Is, thty are sold ipSalinbiiry by John Murphy in Lexintou by J. P. Alabryi snd in Charlotte by Willi ins Si it yd, of hum they can be had at the N. Vor k w hi. lew le prices. ,far.Lickr,s a:s'A's i ir. - rpilC tICK are all'tukiiigtl.is w. inWfol Mo. dicine which is aroiutlitnj r.urc'e,atid Att"?--j rif ' with if s mighty cures. For Silo nt tl.o Po-tOTuT, Ak'' "i.-ri, . ''.' coinfi;, X, C i l . I F.' - a-.! A