Jul, AL or ii k. JL jit-; t no! tutir f..r w lien 1 r(i! a I .li I a "iiic'v urchin 1 1 17 ! wh;it are j ('i rt.cng j ;t,, I :n lioU-ring .' was tin' quick ri:trt . '"."" ivtr celehintcld muhfir. " wilt -wmii- ? ! .ill. whir h! Anyt.1.gl..ut;rf,,7iV" '. .".:.: T. - v. ,7 j ii iic io jj r a i'lmi me.jn uiaiiriiHii wns once j ferment mat is now siriiionen ni nenurinesi iron 1 r ujilit Ui -'f.irf'ihe inuiHir.'U-x'f.ir iHurfyiii six j iiT pint, on" tho western s'lore of the Cnspian, hits . wives. The inHi'iflr ' tc .asked liiiu how he rould ! great a didance to-mnrch.liack to Mucow so harden Viljiiin ' ' PieHiyourworidtin," eas Paddy, " I was trying to got a good one," ' A rtn Lorn from tho country stepped into ft wtiai-rw, w virw lh beauts, birds, and crruiriff . ll.iC H. cn?,rSnt,-d, amm,K wbteh an nuranj! ,,,, i, , ,.,' . i. -tl. a s. iI m! . I "w' H'lMt'ti wi 1 r r. iuvrr.riipr niKfiii Litis miiiiiiii. iijir i r,fl-r.f ti,.- hunrtu mc,m. J.mnthan did nut like . .... " - - -- - - . ihiiiiirBRdr-wrtdifiif-oiriririFmii pre y d Iiiii cor.ffiupt for it thu s PoriliTpnwili lift's tm m-jre human ajveics th.tu I be!" Yto- .4 (Jutlbil Paragroi'h.' Ttie Hultrnwre Ameri can sayt Ibat the fuljow in droll paragraph firni!i the con-.lusi' n of k Ictt jr from a merchant in New, OrluHtw to his frimjd in that city. Itatluicks trotig ly of tlifi shop s " . '' : Ihfi mnrkct liereircfent8 little of intcrcBt.- I1CI1I is teav J frii-arnw g.i oil rciuly iinliu looks thn? tar Htirk in the baittis of hoidftrsj Tcathm liht siiick j 'txKttt and hid liiMie'Wd ttiis weekt r.iu'iitrHbVtjilklobriakJvroand.ath'oded with con- Kiiit-rnhlc r)fer?iii(in; nrgr" run off frm-lyl whin ktiy hkuly to gVdoft n considerably towards Christ fftiis."- " - -f : ;:. ;v.;,"-'4 '. , Lxlraurdinarf Cure. The Red Lako (Jazotte nwitiiioiis tlm( am-niraordtnary cave has latrdy btcn' discnvpied near art tipper branch of (ho Clipp!wa m r (linrict of Huron) Which Conutatitly einitsa (.'iirrnt of upmu air of mch'an eiiraordiimry if f,..,.m----r-..f-jT,T-:t..j; :t : :::-i:rr, r..- " 1 pun u, 11. 111 M.init-r II linjHmiuin jiir mjj uih t j ui r. U'li a' shirmore reniarkabl"dog' will r.nh in wiih ;rc;ii avidity; but as 'srcwi lis tln-y barn entered thpf-mr op f igtitfiif howjiti' aijd cipiti!;, w liklt.KrdiJfiJlvrdjcs.owav. in the distance t.it ali js fjuir-t. No di'is evur'said tn return. Tim CitPf'i !lllltain Argus pivcsthe Cillnwmsr do fcinpfmn -t a ibx sirr's Ikus5, hji one of tha tribe: ' Onfl 1it 'was finVjr w lth"ittnr i'irjTii'lJtsi Ths whrr jprci'J w ith skins of sartdtits , . Hried ptimpliins twer hi-ud wrre airunor, 1 , aAyicro.4iiiisiMM,w phxrfv kni-; 3narsvi.?tK j rn"s jnacca atmve ine uotr TLrc d,r iro tn'tliM tinoii the flixir: V.'hi're bait' s faiien ilfswii;rKiu.' ' ' WhU iniihh snd milk, tin cups srtrt spiions j Ji-em muok inchnwt to iiibit thetr olacpsr h Shnrt, Ihe iWiic;iJ i fjfq. , .... ''. . ;I With apfciraciis of a UmWtr's bfo.- -r-i iW(W.A little lawyer ''appnoring as evidence in oho of the Courts. va saked bva (rio intic! p.min. s"!iir what profi wiim bo waa of, baviiii roplind bo sua an-ttornv vY-. laiiui-7" Ku;,t n,;r H why I tran rmt yu in my pocket !.. Verv like ly yon 1118)7 rejoined the other, " and f y.om do, yon will buvo more Uw in your pockrt thau you - A J'orulnf Valhcy. -The pon has sotd. .r;? ..'.'KJ ilJkeirce'iit.icJioediTJibtlaJ. re!t error, (isr jnnt as thti twig's inclined, the trtt i i it V." .' -'--i ::..:- y - .': . O.ai Co,1r;pcIi',ut editor cUarctBrK(tinr With !o that lisoj'pouetiijg uii oxteusiva whoh tule deslct ifl thd M:ih! articln.' " ; ' ' "'' j Klnm p Duty. -Zl'ho mmp ddty .on receipts was .S icriildii : ' i ' ' ' " - " That tsH' ni 'fairim me " vf '' riteu out r' toipu, lord NorUi rjhes, ; t . ;-;r """For thoheyou noversee.'' : lmifoin-UtiHt is a rich drapery thrown around all tut iit'hii-s it is Ihe poetry of our lip, any of iijr actliiljji aM act laiLtoimLbituiiuuir.i IIu. IlmJ. .. ...f:Qyu JjUtosseett au.loiwe rblett m bmnty; Ctyi'tn. It is iMipposod that (Jipslea took tlmir rise i i 1571, w hile Sclim was auitling tiw gowne 1.)' ut u i,ir lit. Ureal nuiutiors ol l ie ancient in. I, it, Ml. . llJl-nm Inln lU ..,.L .1.:... .!.T...1..'.I'..:: t I'i'-x Mod V tut. i. w iim urnri is aiitr ilinilis U1la '.n.", I'roiu which thoy aiuckud Ihe v olthe Nile, and plundered what n ' i' .i m tht tr way. Sclim and bis oftirers jmt. cr:vi th-it it wouia be aroatterofgreat difliuuliy t j rtii..ve tbowt nmuraders, b it lhetn at liberty io unit fiift com.rry, which thoy did in irreat nui. I -is, ami their p Htenty is known nil 'over Furobe t y the nantii of f.'j'. Many, ortheinhowe-vcr, ire iiicornoratcd with, and adopted the toanm-rs I' tro rwoii e amnm whom vtv roi.I..,! .4 . - . . 4, ' . V tiirhng up ihe wrung Trre. Ao exclmntra ..4'; Ui.iur. tli wiiHtttwtotva -vhtinia (Iir a'ti hour, very much to tha sntiid'artion of a watchman on the opp-widi hiJa of thi 'street, but .iKi.llnuic.tL to theirs when tho Cbulcy told them " nobwh Herd . Kry AJ,H i . firmer .".going cot hU fru g'oiii.rj et a null, Iwrrowed a b.i of one ol his m'o'iihf.rs. Ilia poor man was u.iuehow or f i kn k J iiit.i the wat?rby the w ilvf-w heel ''! b"" T rnt-TTttn nun. irri du.wiiej: inij when t;u: iiel.im:holy news w w bronchi to his n-iie, i9 rxcliiined, " mv grncious ! what a fuss theic U U flow abiiut that lag." ' T ..: . r TM .X- - . . I ....... .J .. . ..a !. l'T7 s Uy..vEs, ! WH.JllcrJ ifjn mentions a tiistresrnij r'sirt to lhee(Ixt that tha ct tiiro f t!m iIun.il i f (tvn lal. uisi baa sunk fir below the tide lr vr. This effect i supposed to I. .i.c Oi'-.ti proi'iica by some volcanic action hav. iii;f a connection wish ti e tale sarthqnako at Mar tin. -jiio. Us jijtloiipo is divided1 by aertvk runnine t.cirlv thritil) tl.s eeutro 4" the island, one aide ( which i a limestone formation, nn.t.liie other volcanic, S:me Tery celfl.rRt,t.p!uf,iiicn8, with extensive buildings, onr.f jjrcul. Vaiuo, are id tit b'i complete! subtiMJrgd," ' , y Cro'ss ciuv.rtttion is often the instinctive re. s-tireo of d ill l'i IkiWs, M bring down tfr men to l.'.eir i n I'.'vt I. '- . ' i A C'H"i a'i.I stirring ll.irj it is for mat mt with diin.'u'iitis. Rime wlipj say, that it ir:iM' r f.,r h orMs t .j draw .over a hi'ty cwntry m B '. klit of d.u.i' w .'f l...; V" ft k iii-.i-V' a w'.ry tit'"", ') '.. ' ' I i i ' H . i! I I,,,, t:ad-..!1v,ty,,.i.t t .'. ,v t'.a i,.-t i, to i ..; ,,,, r. Si r i; ,, r t jj'it I. , , ! 1. 1 :!! ti !y !' 1, ('. r'.i, u i o. .M:l!ii li :el I' I 7 !-fl!i:l, l -ill! li')- H p I r irried lour riiinafn nun . tiny . . ! i .4 !! dfl f (J ( 'oil ;imi inouif ; fiio Ims ikw'wii the r;t lllll iif I'olilllJ, dll'l llH Hrlvaill il j, a f,.w mile of the cnpitnl of rf.ved.-n, from wticii Peter the rir-ii mounted the throne, ' nf-r if" iitn-r wus distant tlirs nutnlrett utm. ; i.t " . .1, . -i ...... .1.- t ... -..l....l t... rAC f. ........ l' out me tb-uia toward Mm, and the... nme distance t ward-i'-the capital of Persia. , 1 he onward to Aris:k on the Indus, undja actually far. ther (rtmlAJeufans, .their froiu Lahore, the , pptti't5flKet"k. (.The batsllidnsofthe 'Russian'. l .1.. :...4.ij n.,.:,. . ). 1 . . , . , . "W' f HC war, ihjher.ww.a. nW Jo MI UU lHinPII'v H'llll" mnni'H.v - caiitai ! IVIIti, attd that, therefore, from Xhoir v . Ti OOninUlillliJU linn 1117 innmw iiia icurnn 111 'nrum. mir Lnn nj ifrp a , citMiflnne in KnwP " 1 irsm 1", fmo -VR"5 . , . , -, rftpi'l ofllindoKtan. Vrogreti of RuuiaAn the rpiH3day the Copartnerhip. of VVhMfr &. Uiirn? ; I wms dolveil by tlie consent of psrties; all per iiiiodbtod u the Firm wilt inske psyment as soon ss possible wlium tat. The ApotlK-cary shop will, he unuVr the contr d of C. Si. C. K. VVheel.cjj by Hhom due suention win tie iriven. . . . . WHrXLCtt L BURNS. ' Sulmbury, 3d Ducetnber, lH : . - ; tf- I AVf.VO entered into a Co. 1 1 partnership in the lrii!rril ' ItiikiiiPM. tsko oUtssure in snnounCinir to tbc citizens gonorally, that they will keip canstHiitly on band a weii ana jfflprni aaorimcni ot . -Drgr--l! Medicines, -(-Paints, tauirr- : Tobacco, .. . Cigars t, ' ' SPIRITS, VVIMCS, &,c . tnamUvr with a splendid assortment of FANCY All- TlCLtiS -all of which "ihey Wtlf wlla ekenp, if not dittipci thitu my other DrugguU or MtrchaiU in Ihe St B. All orders from a diabince, where reference is given, will bcprimiptly attended to. . Salwhury. Dec 3. 1"W, . .l.tf . ; 'tJ co.tton yaun. L pltrTOmlrre JWtoJ.' .sj-t- formedthstlhff yrv tn !( Inn Cotton Mtnufacftify'w now in full uueraUuiv and can siinolv sll demands for I O l'TO.V VAltN ,JC n iiiutilu imiml tn anv-ifinutiRirtliril in tlm HimIa - ZSX IZ i 4 ' " V e ' -'y'". t. .."llii-., . '" - .'I mnu aij'i'Jfe.C; .CTKyi jjjili-r-r OT ( rdcrs from a distance will be punctually at tended lo, by addressing the Agcntjis above. - --Jlxinnbift Jitnuary-iT.'l'Syi). - -.2 (( DU. BERNARD, Surgeon Dentwt, baa arrived at Mulihbury, and taken an otlice at the Mansion Ho. tl, where no will remain until the 15th inst,- Persona w ho need the services of s Dentist, are respectfully in vited to cotihiiit him at their earliest convenience. ?aSryTraru -'Surgeon Dn tist) V 17 ILL be sbxent from Salinbury for a ew weeks, I T , ' piTHona from the Country deoirinf; to tiave ojw- , rations performed on their teeth, will be attended to immediately on his return, by leaving their no mes at the Muiimoii Ifo'el, ' ' . .. . r enruary n, .- n it - 4 TV ? l "." will ie craning netore long, mt -a -sua yu iurtj -ate 4H.4tt.iW I thnnk the citizens of this n ace. and liia. -tutunm4uu - tolore beotowed on me, and liy a strict attention lo bu- st ttnwr hop to-tmt'"Crmt mttanre-nf thr samwr I will any. to all who desire to bave paintinff done. and may call on me, that it nli.ll be executed in the must 11 unproved style, and that no pains shall be spared on my part to give satisfaction. Any one wishing to have paintin? done, will always nittfrm ro-Sa'tnrburyrtjnte N. B. All orders from a distance, directed to mo in Salisbury will be punctually attendid to, "January i4. ,.' ,: " t ' tf - . rVOvnm ot WXm. , : r1IIK Subeibi'r has an unproved patrnt Spimllfiitt Milk by wliicli. a uiill will do much better than with the usual form of "Spindles It is so constructed us to keep fVom hrathg or killing the meal in any man. flerV" The runner is o cuufined by the Spindle as al ways to preserve its balance, snd oi course there is no rublMnsr of the stones. j f think, ly this firiproved rprndie, tho same water will do at least one-third more business, and the meat ' of superior quality, ' . '.,." AVperson wf.gTdusc"6ri0 of theW fcpTnilles, may obtain one or mor, by mkn? snplicstion, (wtth-ia-a jiort trmc) In th iWritter at MockiviIla,lla ie"' iNir N7lr"1 "think "the probable cost will not exceed AKMor the Patent and. 'Spindle ready for use. C1. H'ro. F, Kelly ami The. Fter, in the vicinity of IvrksvilUs have reeenily tried tlie improved Spin dle, aol are highly pleased with it, , - ' V ' V -.'L.'MrfilLBERT. ' Tehriiary T, 19. .''''; . tf - ' ; . I'vurth mid lat Call r rilllE under)jned eai'a appeals to thooe indebted to .- bim n vMinl 4' th VViMf-m Carnlintsn in anv - ' way, to ramie Tor ward snd pay. It is out of the ques- tioo fitr him to wait bt be-put off any longer i his neces sities ere prewinjr: be. has waited yearsrwith (rrest many, and further indurireoce oilier thin the law will allow. Cannot be fiven. if ki'ttlement i lint lumln in ri.a -." . .. . ... .............. tZT"' ' r ! J,- .y.jA'.fl 1 . New; ConJctUonavyrr r r. , r. 0 7 12 0 1 (won raat r 7Zi!JS2 VOULD reectfiilly rabrm tboCit- -'i iz.-nsof Salismny and its Vicini- i.V- PIUCKnJ ty. that ' 5 llf.f 'i'lONA WiH" W J Cwrl 1 . MXti ;.., i. pruoij tf. tit t,P hiieubtudid (:oyy.i TIONARY, e-few dwra east of the House, in Salisbury, where be lutenda to keep toftttaully, 00 hand, all , ' kinds of A ' Canditi, , . Cordia!t, ' Fruit,' .' "lnwcs,".. .'' .- ' jV'-r,. ', , Spirit, Ctikrt, . , ''" ' . t tirhrt, , , OaeLert, 7.... .'I' 'J..,Fiht 1 ':. .,7.1 Iv liatax, . i.......':.:-.-Ur-- .-u r ' Cidi r, $ c. 3!.'.1' Wiwld rc stp--trj7Iy .inform the Tublie timt he" ttHeir! i-ttljl a k ' -. -- i 1 .' IX H3T A li R ATEUR, (aHer the ren-i-,ii Style) n wim !t tie w iil inko great pleasure in secoimiiivhting t., r(ff).:i wuh a i"n eur of French CoftW, sod a ya- r...'..fit I 1 n niin. v to t.H-nlw.n, ' v. ! low v:N 1 jS.V'.,r. I .rvrt.r Scv; I I IT.CTFrf.LY ii.iiirins bts fni.no and lh nolilii- that bi ,till carries on lh i .viuwu- JNG i'.ilftlXKS.i nt bis old stand on nwmstrfft, iirxt door to ihVApiiiWary Htorc. Ho is ever roady lo' execute the orders of his custoniers-ju nle and .manner norsTjrjmedrby any workinah.allilj pd tt.e iof ikrcli,' and upon terw much lower in the western part of thd Slate.: He is in the re. j ,mn the tWhern prices adilrfed to me t tjular reeeiot of tho latest London and New-York FASHIONS, and prepared to accommodate the tastes of the lasbiotmUe at all times ; OCT CuttiiK 'garments of alt kinds Btlended to prcmptly ; and the latest riishiol'is farbwlifd at all times to country tailors, and instructions given iu; cutling. - (FalisUiry, Jan.'l, 1S3S. TAILORING BUSINESS, UKSnXTFULLY takes tins metlKid to inform bis Iriends snd custner'in Concord and itsivicinity, ,(tttat he still continues, to carry on tho above branch ol uusineiis si nt? oia smno in oncowi, ooowi oi uie nwc 'ot Alnss'rs- J. F. 4. C. 1'h iler, Where ,he will be foun at all times, ready to T . r-r- t:t, make or ricculc, anv work imhis line . Ilislonaexperience inthe.Busi' neHs, thfrptins he is now takiri( to receive the earliHt faht(m (rum Philadelphia snd New York, enables him to earrthui the work done at bis Shop, shall be ot the AND " , Best Workmanship. . B. Ho will also teach fas A.'enO tlie much np. proved system of T. Oliver of Philadelphia, .to any one wlio wishes instruction in his t-ysteiu ol cutUnjr. Csicord, Non, !W, IBA ... :- . . li JpOPAL Varnish,. English patent. Ja. rs Vy . l,niJi Cah'mni Silinff ltlx.ll Tarnish fur Harness Makers, Copal Var nit.li for Carriage makers, Japan (IsCdfoT painting for" CabineT niiTers Sizing for Cabinet makers, madu and sold, whole I. salo or retail, . . 1. - ' . "By C. a HARRISON. StMesvjlle, Nov. 1, l&tl8. m IMIE Siilwcriber wishes to iuform hts customers and the public generally, that he still carries ontlio . rauns- ,iiiiiiif, ,im. and ja f yerready to jtiecute, in a very superior maimer, all descriptions of work Tn ItTsTineV T' Votd-drtnderi, Mill-Stones, Yind(ne and )oor. itUii'Door -WfwancT "Tomfr'afoaraWxeWlcd In"' a very rare stv le. Ilis grit for Millstones is very good. BIr. Philms also hews to inlorm the public that he caii execute Engravings of various kinds- He will Engrave marble-slaiia neatly, and granite tomb-stones can be well executed if desired. His charges ahalLalways be .reTtSoinible, and BS ttcepm inodatiiig aa pusaiWe'.7""'. ... ., I'yrsous .wishing to have work done in the above line, will do well to cull at tho residence i of Mr. riiiirps, seven "riiWa a"iiWTir Bausliitrf . .... . . ENOCH E. PHILLIPS. August 24, lrj"?. " : tf - NoVxcc." VLL persons iddebted to thej4iil)scrilH'r for B"ef, 4c, are requeiled to muke immediate payment, as fur. ther indulgejicVilhaii the "rth of Mitrch, positively can not octfiven. ' IIKMIT B.villll. . FcKSS, 13fl. "'- k 3k '' : k IjaT .1 1 "T ' J 1 HSPI?f.t.Y-lnr.irlnTtrf-cilMt,itncfi-JnJ gewraktbat jtbeyjrtavr jttst iweived at their ld stand at Stirewalt's null, Cabarma county, 10 limes iorin-wei 01 ioncoru, a new suppiym . , l'nll and Winter dioodti ; comprising almost every article usually k' pt id this sec tion of country, which they oiler at the usual terms Cheaper thsnevcrCir cash, or to punctual dealers on credit bTrwcTve inonrtB. V5retunroursTncere thank"n to ourcustomers for thelibersl patronaee we have re ceived, and hope, by strict attention to business, to me rit the sune. , . jMiuary a, Wl ' - - tf. ."" : prospectus ...-.-i rtr THE""""" "" A monthly Maratine, embellished with Steel Portrait!, ON the first of January, 13.30,. was commenced the 'secmd volume of the American Museum of . Lite rature and the Aria, - Thw Magazine is a depository of papers in the vsrusrs departftien's of Literature, Sci ence, and the Arts, calculated alike to instruct, profit am) pl!aie the reader.-r As utility is tbe xbaracterislic of the affe, the Museum contains articles of solid inter Lest..uuou- ScieiuavLUeratureJlistoryBwffnipljyi ;and .iiiTui.t. iieviuws anu niurary cuncism, so important in this publishing ige, occupy a prominent place in the work. It, also, contains short reviews of the entire works of dihlmeuinhed American autliors, accompanied by portr it engraved on sleek . , - Tbe solidity of tbe -work is relieved by lijrhter arti cles such as graceful csrays, interesting and amiitiin tah criticisms up-in the flue arts, legends, sketches ol travel, literary and Scientific intelligence, and poetry of a superior order. The very favorable reception which the work has mci irnm ino prrys ana nie pnniir. na jiunn.i ma pr, prietors in making liberal arrangements for contribu tions to the second volume ; snd they have accordingly made large additions to their corps of regular contribu tors. In the January number will be nmnd original pipers from tha CjIIuwW popular write : - "J Clinch, iWViif Imirman, Fjq W.'CT.'Simms, Charles W est I iKimpson, T. R. Holland, H. T. i ui-kerman, E. A. Pee, Profesrior Fisher ot the University of Mary land, Professor Foreman, W. UTappan, Jlfrs. Sigonr ncy, .Miss JUF. Gould, Mrs. Emma C Euihory. bV sides these, many other writcisol known ability have contributed to the work, and will continue to aid us la this number is the commencement of a seri a of "listen Sketches," by a gentleman ot tate snd scho Inrdup who has been sojourning in (list clinic country Besides Ihese.'the future numbers ot tho Museum will Cisitaio articles Irom dixtinguished Europeaa writers,- although we are far more anxious to rccine aitance from, anh encourssje, native talent. 1'iatta rorttaits on steel, by a-diidinsniabad at tist, similar to that e41Vail!mgtonrvMiiri ltit.Si) tenibirr uuniber.and of TTY- t'wper in the January numher, will continu to embellish the work. .': I T K R M 8 , Thr Ankrhms -Mtawsi forintad oa gout nauui,-wiHi new ye,-mi makes two volumes a year, of more than 5WI pp?es esch. Price fCt per an num, myatbim advance.- Fonr copies will -be'sent one year for $1 We shnll be happy to receive apnli catHinis put paid, for travelling amTloral ajoncies, with r lerentts enclosed. All communications' must be jhki pnd, and directed to tlie editors.'. 'J shmli.i.no Aorvra jr.ully needed. ; BUOOKi& SN()nc,RASJ5,''"r i S ti,f dt'iiisiid H.r. MulUi iiy TrffB is . imii-h (Ti'iit'T than cun ! wijipli. tt, tho J SiihwrilsT has -concluded lUr-o of rl Ot it'! M'tCK HUt'IMll'U UT III.- 'w ll um:. . i im j kit.. c,x .viiiiaii'ili riiltitft- an: ot in; i""ru" ' . ' V . J ... h.V in Italy snd I'rancp; and which writers upon the S.Ik Culture admit, nmkfi the best kind nfhilk. Horn? -,d tho-wennd year's prowth, they are lr?o enough to, be transplanted, which may save two-years delay on the , f tiirw.'wu.liin? to ina-asje in the business.. V nat I hsve to spareran be .delivered at any time, brtween limn mo 'i Y' . t ... , .'- i I' rtafklaon College, post psul, will . ! "'. iv. ii. aiuHHi"".'. . PavMson College, Dee. 2.", 1. . ... tf .SUXV. 13STABLISII31KXT, IN M0CK8VILLE, DAVIE COUNTY. TH05IAS FOSTERS fNFORMS the public that be has removed from Irii JL former stand, to Ins new Dunning on me puuuo in thwTftWO of M,cJisv4lUv whwa 4w will con. tiuue to keep a IJUU3S OF ENTERTAINMENT. v ilis House is roomy and commodious; attached to which are six comforttble OlKces for gentlemen of the Bar, all convenient to tlie Court House. The stibscri-; ber pledges himwlf to the nus diligent exertions, to ( pivo satisfacti'Xi to such aa may call on bim. J)Ls Ta blc, Bar and Stables are" provided in the best manner that the country ill afford, and his servams are laith' ful and prompt. , ' ; i Feb. U. l:t!. ;':-.' 7Wtf; ' '' eath'i'ract; rf. ". flMIR HEATH, TRACT, containing -.if - ',.--,? hundred Acres of Land, situated about k1i six miles East of Lexington, Davidnon Co. JBhb on tho. load leading from Lexington to f'ayeTujviu'e now offered for Sale. ; ... There are about "100 acres ""improved," and 500 in 'Wood'snd Timber. ", " . "" . " ; The Tract is located in a very and is peculiarly adapted to farming. It has on it a frwf Tan Orchard, and a cood Meadow, lAnd ipd,e. . Juis. penuem 01 tneae auvauiages, ins, proapeti lor (joldf 10 unquestionable, aaone or two ' ' have already been opened, and, sjorte'yery ficaoreex traded trmn inenv r The celebrated Conrad Gttld aline, is situated a few hundred yards south of it; and accordintr to the direct rmss throutrh a part of this Tract .1 r nAny person wtahmirio yiew-theiiremige-or- pet a- okt niiniila description, will call on Rigdon Wads- worth, tn Lexibgtoa, who wilt give the desired infor mation : or any person wishing to contract for the samo. win call on it. auhiiii, ouimuury , or iiiureHa a u'lier to the Spbecriber, Trenton Post Office, Jones Coi N. C. W&l. ll. llUATli. Feb. 21, 1839. ' tf Tlie TInroush-I)rcd Ilorwe' EjilTZ-3, Has arrived at his stand Vl 1 111 uue cououioii, auu win V be exhibited to all those whu may call to sec btra. ' His Season will begin on Tlba.l5tli'of Fbrnsry,' and entf on tbe 15th of July. , For farther particulars see hand-bills. -" ' R. W. LONG. .JkLuuuaa-IIoTKL, SaliJwry, Felv7, K)9. -.. rpillwetliwimritj 7ft'iStllaaSd reel from Rsleieh by .way of Pitsboro' and Ashhoro to Salifbtrry,-in rall lfcrTheTn-madgT(cL("of llie firet order; leaving Raleigh on Mondays and Th'ursdnysat 10 A. M., arriving in Salinbury next ilaya at 10 P. M. Leaving Salisbury on Tuesdays and Fridays at 2 A, M., arriving tn Kaietgh next days at 10 f. M. i' iu.,t .mm 0 His horses are good, and drivers particularly earefplJ nm ProF,r!ion SPJ!&.C&Ehlil,Mf .W gnrtycortytf MTCyojloiesTfisccpt jtoL L. wJikh. JaaLj0. jnd JL. tea. 12, tfl). - - - ' tf N. B. Seats secured, at the Msnsion Hotel. VIUDHO XT' 11013 SU. 1 'HUE SiibscriVier having purchased this 1. Establishment aud fitted it in a style t .1 . ' . . 1 . . . rr, ,. . t a I ior uio aruominouauoa 01 1 ravel lers ano fk-TitviJ Boarders, is now preiiared for their recen- . lion, ilis 1'ABLE will always be furnished . . With the best the market -can afford; his BAR with a good supply of choice I jquors; bis ' BEDS shall always bekept iu fine order; and bis Sta. ties (which are very extem-ive) ire well tnpplied with Provender of the first quality, and attended by good ami fitithfiil hostlers; : 7 " He hopes, by strict attention lo the businesvln per n, to give satisfacttow to all hoji faorh.ijq wjjji -rtieirrtrfiffSgrfr"AnTie atid'tiriat"" " ANDREW CALDCLEUGH. . Lexington. N. C, Feb. 21, iai9. - - 1"J - GociickVs Matchless Sanative. - 4 - QUANTITY bribe above vI1iab!o" toedidnerT i band, and fiir sale at tho Post-Ollice at County ' Una, Davie County, N. C, "" " , 7 . By JOHN LUNN, Agent . '- . - .lifim. 'J. IIOULDSllOl'SER - ' ' " 1 1 F.srE(TTFU LLY informs his'fricmia'and ihe: public, that he is still at his old business of . seven miles Siaith of Snlisburv, and about a mile from tlje old Charleston Uond, where he is prepar. Pi lo accommodate those wishing work in his. line.; He now Ims on hand and for aajo, a good supple of ' M I LL-STONES, of various sizes and prices, from iwenty-five f j thirty dollara a pair, uf t tin Lest grit nndworkmsosbip ; also WINDOW SILLS, from ' li to 8,r)f); iKKfR-FILLSfriim 2 to $:); lH)OR STEPS $1.50; ROUGH WILDING UOCKS from filly to,vci.ly.five ccntj ; 'TOMB STONES.' from $10 to SIS; GOLD (up shaft) G RENDERS tj 20 a piece. . ,v t he StiWriber horgs by closfl.aUentiiiMa Im4. new, url hisdelcrminalion to furnish none hut tho best article, ami on reduced terms, to merrt and rcivea libertil ntiniiiBTif niiUirTimiT...w.o - Ivnwan Ounty April 13 38. 2ni It ,' to&tW D..l!ar wanted , on time, f ,t ..whir I) See-inly, will Li piveo, fi!tlirr m pvP, tato, Aerws, nr. llie bl of Pernl Seeqri'r v-j imivwr iiriiciiiar4, n tererico Biti? I by calling cm 15r. A 11 -.tin, Salisbury! " '" ii 1.,.. r,.ii,.. l . . 1 ... - be bad,- KUiiAL i:t.:o.)Mi,sT, VT a Convention wmch m-l m ;;V,tuiinro lllll ol IK-Ceiuls.T last, OTiiiMMjd f .,' bi'r of gentlemen from v-rions ptirti of the (j. tnitruifhed lor th-:r public services, twtrini.j, Hi i, - practical 'ietciliyence, the blowing r(-sulut,lrii' iiuanimousty adopted, after full 'discussion, in thee,. of which a great'inasg.ol facta and valuable ,f lion, was-clicited."' ,". , . ' -' ' -J "'' ' -exovprf, That it is the deliberate .opinion o f Convention, that Silk may ba grown lu all the l "! Statos, not only tor domestic purpoen, but ti , 77 ble article ol commercial txpurt--thereby givimr ! active employment to American' labor, and reii,.r,' sent out of it for, the purchase of silken goods, llrxoloed, That a National Silk Journal might toU established under the auspices of llie Exectitivj fj,"k hilltce, and all tho funds ovef aiid alwve the nmn said paper ought to be devoted io the advancement ot' the Silk cause in the United States. Under the latter resolution the subscriber h be solicited to assume the editorial superiuieiidonce of fa Journal pbltsUd by tlw -Society And now, nj, M thq least abatement of itmt fondness (not to my passing fiir rnrsl life, nnd all its OursUitB which nn.i,,,.,, : , ' - ti - ,---,nt(i . eighteen years since to issue the first number tS n . 1 old Amencan;-Farnier, he ibutjo0.happy.wi1,.e - once inure ins oiu ineuus anu correspondents, promi todeserye new ones by the most assiduous endeavors (not incompatible with strict attention to hi official i -tics) braccelerata the growth and progress of wlm is convinceu is uemiueu iu uiwiiio a greai Branca d national industry, bringing into active exercise ni,, of Uienow unproductive laboring power of the cam. try, giving comfort to me wmow ana me orpien, by f. feriufr them suitable and remunerating employment. snd making, jn pie aggregate, a large addition to tin' won 1 in anu prosperity 01 our oeioveu union. i hnmrri rsou. nnn pvfrv iinntr rniitiiieLii ... 1 . production, and.all improvements in machinery forju proaralion and manufacture,' will constitute tliecdi design und aim of the Journal, yet for iic rnkeuf ijirntv ble and useful variety, a considerable portion of 11$ paes will be dedicated to the justly popular and ! drod subjects oe Agriculture, Ilorlu ulture, mi Umt snd Domestic Economy. . Hence the adjunctive title "-Rural Economist." " :t - -JB.-SKfNNKtt"" ' The Journal of tho American Silk Society will C piibljsied monthly, in pamphlet fiirin. . Ilmh rnii,,ur will contain thirty-two p-tges, printed on nejypoaiH) nnnsome p;iper, witn a printeii coiortu covef..; .7 All persoiis friendly to the objects of the Journal wi please collect at. once and transmit tlie lubscripiim " money of those who may feel disposed to patroniie it, TsRiii Two dollara a' year, or.aix cooies for tf0 dollars, always to be paid before the work is icntl ,.AU sulisc'riptions to bepin with the firstjiumber ol the vto, and" !diw casSlVtlt the 'Work be st" lp any subbcriitt longer than it'sball hJKe been puUl fivrVl " . " ' All commuhications to be addressed, ' poalmij, Iti iBEOSmW(iiWresmlirtgHemHar Ciety. ."V- - .... ": !" 7' V-V -...-All .Ilditora-of papmra who- may fazitit to see M added to the list of American Staples, snd who sift have the kindness to give this prospectus a. few lni: lions, will be entitled to a copy of the Journal. V. February," t'SSQZ'T.' 'ripfZ CONDITIONS OF THE FARMERS' REGlSTtR For .Yot. 'Vli. Prices still more reduced fur ptiHdmil or advonred payments. ' : . " . L THE FARMERS' REGISTER is published n monthly numbers, of 6t Iarge octavo pagr:l"cTrii;tiif neatly covered, at $') a year, payable in. advance. Or, for k5 may be purchased two topiet of the same cir- root or tur incoming -.vol uuui if .ordered a ndpiii for, . in advance, (or al the time of niajmig the suharnption.) in eufrenl monoy.tasdeseribed below,) and without? or deduction for postage, or any other charge to tl publisher. IL Subscribers now on the list, who have already paid the regular subscription price of ft5 in the manner above required, for a single copy, shall have the prnf- lege, upon sending a post paid order, ot having a se cond .copy of tbe .same volume, sent to any ui - scrioer, without mrther clinrre, for that volume, Hi. A like privilege will be allowed to cvcrtM sub scriber who baa pot yet paid, but who shall do , H JlMUkficfefjelhii uinej thus inellcct reducing to half price la coif if the work, to treru subscriber, old or.neie. trfio swv the volume; as jtis not .desicncd...tjU- permit any jufe.. 8C nut ion debt, or. payment, to be made tor less tiiin . And if an" order is sent for two copies, without compli ance wiiu 1110 conditions annexen, only one win oe acin V. The price of back volumes, as '-heretofore, is 3 for one alone, 10 f jr any three together, and io te be furnished only as part of a full aeL" ', VI. All mail payments must be made in nlt, " rnecf, of par value in I'irirtniii, or of a City and cif-fffyibank of the Slate in Which the subscrittf resides." - , , - . ' VII. The risk of loss of payments fir subscnpliiM, sent tree of pnstage,' which liave ben pppcriy (' uiitted to 'lie mail, or to lbs howls of a 1 ponlmi jut, 11 assumed by the editor. ' v ' " ' , ".VIM, All letters to the editor in regard to tlie Far mers' Register must be post-paid except aucb as cut tain articles for publication .. 4 IX.' If a subscription is not directed to bedi'ontic before the href uumber ofjho. next yohime has published, it will be taken as a continuance tor sno'lirt year. Subscriptions must commence With the b r hing" or'some one volume,"and will fldl be taken for H llian a vear's nnblieatien :.: r scriber, for the year, are fully incurred as soon as t first number of the volume is issued ; and after uw time, no discontinuance of a subscription will be Pr milted. Not will a subscription be discoiitinnwl (ir,,lJ earlier notice, while any thing thereou remain lue unless at the option of the editor. " 1 - ' : ' 7 .' EDMUND RUFF1N. '; 7EJilnrand Proprielor, Petersbnrg, Va. - OLD CASTINGS WANTED. tlTE will purcbaae, any amount of old Casting 'K'' t"msy bit CfefTglii io5ri sucT; as 6IJ clmi umrr old mill.genring, old pots, ovens, mortars, &cHinH pay one cent per pound. . , CRENS 4t mJ" 1 Sattsbnry,- Kept 6, 133. " tf- ; v TjIK markkts. . AT SAUSBUR Y. ... ... .... .".i-..ii . March L Hacon, - . Brandy, apple, . . " peach. Butter, : .7 Cotton, irt seed, - ? clean. , 10 a 12J Molassee.V ." . none ! Nails, t) , a a . none lOnts, , , ' . 10 a J'Jl Sugar, brow n, M) ' . loaf, . J'J a i 13 Salt, 10 a lSiTallowv -. ... . 3d a . ll . 18 a - 1; CufTee,. , .10 I- Corn. .' .'. ' rjltT, .!....; 7 8 s .it Feathers, 7 .. 37 a 40 W1uit, (bu'shel).10l a Flour, , . COO a BTHH Whiskey,.' . . W i W Flaxseed,.-,.".'; 75 7 7 , " ' .. " " Linseed Oil, pr. gal. $1 1?. Eggs pr. doi. ! T - AT CHERAW,!,.; Bacon, lb. j Ifla.l't , Il'it'or, ; 7. , , lj a Beeswax, .... " .-ZZ a 1'4 liiili'e, t .7- .12i a 10 Cotton, M a l- Cmt, . . 7-s I'X'i' Flour, fc1iiiutry, .CM a Miti Iron. -.' -. . ft a tH U-.I, 7 . . .175 a 1 I I,i :i'!ier, mtli 2 a -Mot i .;, . . . 4 , a .' r- : -. . ti i- " Fehroary 20i .Nails, cut, 1 7 wrought, . Outs, ", . . Rice, . Suear,. ., . wo. a lili 15 ; , a O" , 10 a 17 ;!-'. a e ,1 'tit. Steed, American, 10 e 1 rer!i-:i, (lerioan, Tallow, . f a, . . ( ,!vl;u 1 .11,, al