-thr rmimNff ni.i.r.i: 7f n to hie I'mt i statis ny thr rnsmTiTiojr, nok ikohimtki) iiy it to thk states, ark rlkkkvkd to thr -i tk Bi.ri:i nv KLV, or to tub i'i:oi't.K. Amendment to the. Conxtiturinn, Article X. ' a1 Austin &' (J. f, risiiiiii EDITORS AMD PIWI'RIHTOIIS. ) j NO. XLI, OK VOI, XIX. SALISBURY, N. C, MARCH 23, 1839. - - " ; OF CA llpLINI AX. y 1 ''ri,6 Vieri t'nroliniiyVi publish.-.! every Tmiw. at Two DoUaVs per swuwvif paid ln "advance, or ' to U",1,r ""J ',,(y CenU lf Ul P'J lK:'i're t!' " i ration Hi" "".- ... j Nortwr will bo discontinued until nil arrearages J' i theiliacretion of the Editors; ami i ITS f1 . LVIit.Ar.1 i.f UMrih Irt iti.tf!nntintlP. tuhirow nu"7 - 7, t Uie end r 4 J,t'ar' w,!Pe -cu'll)t;reu 8 ne e"' 1 Ad'vrfuOTnefiU will be conspicuously and correctly "SS-f tc37l dollar pcrQare-rbr the first insertion; )i 23 cent for csch Cutttiiuisiicp. - Court and Judicial uonuuita will be ctiarireu pr cent more wan the.ibuiM"c AJeduciH.n.tt 33J per cent froni Ad'ertweraeiit sent in for publication, inusr fuve the - numbi-r ot times marked on tlwm, or they will be ioser. '-'ca liH Ptrbul, and chargHl- for accordingly. , -: - ,eJ 1,11 forma, aim cimr, . r LelWK sdilrcwert ma timr on ousmoss mu u prt jwiJ, or they will pot.be" attwndwJ to. : , .lILSCKLLAXKOtS.; Trum thijftio Yotk Sunday Vciei. , ' nThV- X)UX CLOClw-V Jim the gotit Ihen-tkeg'oetf&ame years ro there cam to this. country a laniily tvom lig- o . i . j ' . r .1 f l . . .1 land, whicb setllea on inajipw part 01 mis jsiauu, 'and oeiied a public house.xAmong tneir cnatiies va anoM cl'icK.wnicniiiey prweq morvioriis.age thaiiita actual .JaJjWj althwjbud told the hours for uais' on years wiin mo mo i coitimcnuuuie u dcluy. This clock is now situnted in one oi tht "nrivaio parlors ol llio house, and niuny Xtiine has solcniiily antique exterior. - . A few davs sihee,' alxKit dusk, a couide of mad ; ' wna drove ud "to" the dKr of the hotel, scaled in Ii"ht and beautiful wagon, drawn, by a sunerD bay r.. Thev ioranL' out ordered the osiler to . m iimv atttiuliou to the nninifal4 and to stable, him L ' ". - , . I. I,. ...I - .1.. .. t . IT of IliefJlglll. i.muroig tuc umvi, uiny iiwu mi I gluu ol wine apiece, wiiiouineo a cigar, hug ui in his nower. . i here was a winsome Jook in the coiiiitcflatice tf ihe elder a tmght miark hng in t is eves which occasionally he hall closed in a style, tbat cavo him he air of a koowma one, and a ...jrfight.gu'iifing-tif-'thM'ffliritfiTti nf the- mmtUt.4bttt thowed his ability to epj'y, while his wlmle fle jwanor made every acute observer sure of his abili ty to perpetrate a joke. Nw and then, when bis lips parted and he ran his fingers through his hoir with a languid exprewou, it was evident he was eager to be at work in his voculiow thwtof a prac 3carjoker ! - 7l'h other was a dapper young man, 'although dilTorent in appearance, yet with fuatures which indicated tliut his-mind was well fitted to be rsqrcessfai w a nd r 17 . f ua or gravely delivered witlicwm was-frequenlly ' wurked oil .with an air of philowiphy or unconcern Unit gate him at once tlm credit of being a first rale wit. Supper on the table, these two Yankees were not as dull as a couple- generally will bo pi table, but made mirth and laughter and wit their j:atnpaMons,atid os W ine in his parti-colored flower ed robes presided, there was a " ft out" fit for a nnnce and hisss(cialcs1LjrjiE. Jankflta-ata. audi srank and were right rncrrv, when the old fannlv tedrhirrettrrrdhrrrd- astr hammin-tbe bell struck one, two, three, four, five, Aix, seven, igltt, qitiej tefl, levtitulwfiljw! is.Tbeeldjtt loid -in the fable" a ioyK5iiiKiI ind then Inurhed Hit,jiesu'tilvvwakwMg U waivf er, who was just (iOZinv by Ihe window-sill, ' " What in the name of Momus are you laugh ingatl" asked the dapper Yankee, as he cast his es now over' and around' hims lf to ascertnin where the zest of the jiikJWdmalid. Thg. - "ddcr1i"iked"sfyly,"an(l pawning laziiv, jriowly Trieu" lira foreTi applied " : k gracefully to his nose. The duppcr man under w"d the hmU . . .. . .. , . .-- f Oho! 1 understand 110 you dnu'l come over tniscliiKi! waiter, anot'ier bottloof chautp.iigne." The servant left tlie room arid our heroes luclming tutmselves over the table held hn conversation m a low tone, when the cider f the two raised his oice, and with nn oil1 of satisfaction exclaimed "Clucks always go il! - ; Tlirn bmh cautiuuxly rose from their chairs, and wvanring to the-clock, turned the key of the door, nj lo4ed wMihvlheL-elder hi a Imif. iiKjuiriiig, Iwll decided 'maimer saving--.' "' 1 , Won't it r ; . " ' : ; ''- The waiter was on the stairs, and (hey returned 'I botk scokiilig the waiter, as "he entered, for "'g o Inzy on If is erfaud. . ' . ' , , Uavitig eard the chick strike one, they were '"Q tu4lw4r bols,-whef-thyilked irr-a sub ."M tune, ftnJ litmlly sunk to sleep. - In the morn they e early op find ordered, their horse be harnessed and brought to the door. Descend the bar-room, they a'iked for their III', and uh becoming promptitude paid over the amount r" ma tiar-keeiwf. i h-.ter fwrcetvin th ';-l!urd tliruogh the w indow, placed his nrins up n ir, and iu a serious tone, iumiired of the bar- "'Per if he would dispose of the old clock. Tho ?"ug man hesitated lie. kuew not what 'to' 'en lt;r' The old clock seemed to him u'b a mise P'e of furniture thnt ho hud an iniorension -j imgttf nyvn be Tiis Ss'KIs-empT.Tvei'sTvt.r - Could hot comprehend whf suchapdrmhou!d m Wr.Ii t bideuus article' .While he wa at !"ptn,g to "reply, the good uatared landlord en red, and ihe questioa was referred lo him for an with tn purclmse that oil cl.rk upstairs!' ' ngrr lighted a cigar, aud cu" hrs eve over "ie colu,,,,,, ibo.Siiu.ky '.Morning News", whu b upon the isbte.-- Ti . : im tart H," g;tiJ i),e Yankee, I ooco wun a ",'r,'(J "Miara with a rl-wk like Jhntr,:. . t TI u . 1 1 v. . . . . .... i.iviii- 1 i.iv J'(lllt(t . 'ir.r i.imit . a. IK.. I..r..ll...l v "w ll"'re w:19 -"e l 4,1 tt mm 1, ""int'ig i!io pe-Miuiiim 1 r so ').. . .'. ' ' 44 p mi' uie re ne go;. i.f Lim I rfl alue he clock, except us a heir lm, ! is dnt he aay V .:. . ' ; . - uH'ct (hat it might p,m-t ihe mn ; 44 feiiavo hie head at once!" interrupted the doc- , -J'anii, lywarii'j etmir,";ind be filifd'wi'tt-ioj. 7 tor, while the lady saiTlTioto a chair., . - v . ?d almost invotuniarily, the three ascended " Here she goes there she goes!" firtl.eluit .'''"m hich ewiiained it. - 'i f -time criea tlss landlord, u re clock itrvck tht ' " You did T You could 'ut walk it out of nie. I'll bet you fifty, dollars I can do it on the spot V -" , Dtme !." cried the Y'ai.kce. The clock struck eight, and with his hack tolbe table, and the door, the landlord popped into a chair'":'... ''".., ' W--.--.. . 44 Here she goes, there ahe goes !" and, his finger waved in a cure, his eyes fully fixed on the pen dulum. The Yankees behind htm interrupted 44 Where) the; money I, Plank the money." Jbe ianutora waMot to lowin thst-ways His forefinger slowly and surely went with the pcndu In m, and his left disengaged his purse from his pocket, which he threw behind upon the table. All ghalll deposite the money in the hands of the bar-keeper 1 ' ,.. . Hm ,b oes. there she iroes CL was the oulv answer. One of the Yankees left the rwm. V T,he JanJ lord Jioard him po down stairs; but he was not to b disiurbed by that trick. , . . mPa'Ht!ritty1hTkeepr entered, an-I toucfimg hurt upon the shoulder, asked -' , . tjrre-v w jeray V-WMrifiFvou doingl" ( Here she goes, there she goes !" he rcfporiued. his hand waving the forefinger as before. "L The barkeeper rushed down stairs : he called one of the neighbors and asked him to go up. They anceoded, and the neighbor seizing him gen lly iiy the collar in un implorittg voice, eitl " Mr. B , do not sit here. Come, come jjawjq Htftirs, what taw po8sf,srywToBirherel'' ' Here she goes, there she goes !" was the sole reply, and lit solemn face and the-slowly moving i linger settled (he matter, lie vat mud " " He is inad," whisptred the friend in a low voice. " e must Ro lor the doctor. The landlord was not to be duped ; he was not to be deceived, although the whole town came to interrupt himi You had better call Up his wifo !" added the friend.' - '. r - Here she goes, tliere she goes !" repeated the In a minute his wjle eotered,Jiill4f agony of soul. V My dear, she kindly said, " look on me. It is your wife who speaks! Here she goes, there she goes !" and his hand --Hffifnied-iTo- rltothitiwife:"ohf"hf"'toT;8ho' would slay,' and he thought she was determined to conspire against him and make him lose the wager. She wept and she continued " What cause have you for this? Why do you sol Has your wife" . u Here aje g(i;s, there she goes !" and his finger seemed to be tracing her airy progress, for any hmg she could ascertain to the contrary. " My dear," she Still continued, thinkingjhanhe Tlioti'gtinr his erind,rwhom lie loudly loved, would tend - to- restore himv 44 shall 1 -call " up your daughter t" " i- " Here she goes, thert she goes !" the landlord again repeated, bis eyes becoming more and more fixed and glazed, from the" steadiness of the gaze. A slight smile, which had great effect upoo. the .piinds of those present,. played upoti his face, as he thought of the many unsuccessful resorts to win him from his porprwe, aud of hiy success in ba filing them. The physician entered. He stood by the lideTjf the busy Tnartfile looked bim in silence; shook his hettd,rattHo ibe-anttous; mquiryof his "yCtntS!ttH Thelewer peraona here... the ltnthemaidH"' " , ', 41 Here she goes, there klie goes!" yet again, again in haridory with the wavering finger, issued from the lips of the landlord." 44 A consultation, I tbinkwill lie necessary i iil .ilia.. plieiciaita --W"tlr'- juu " toirlti V- -ms ' ; ;", , - " The kind neighbor buttoned up his coat an orTTJr; ghlwr buttoned up and bar- ' ried from I fie room. In a few minutes Dr. W medical geialeman, entered. ms, with another, 44 Thii is a sorry sight," said he to tho Doctor preMit. - --' - , 'Indeed it is, sir," was the reply. "It is a sud den attack, one ( the" 44 Here she oca, there she goes I" was tho sole " reply. ."--- " " ' " ' ' , - The physicians stepcd into a corner and con suited together. . ' . Will you be go'Hl enough lo run for a barlterl e mu-it have his head shaved and blistered, said .-Dr.W -ms.- 44 Ah ! poor, dear husband," said the lady I ...war iio iM-ver wii 4Km hi nwmwTifT7"? . -. ai i Here site goes, there she goes 1" said the land lord, wiih a lntle mote emphasis, and with a more nervous yet determined waving of hi linger tncm- - cert with the pendulum; for the minute hand was 1 - near ff fwr Irf that point which was to put filly dollars into bis pocket, if the hand arrived at. it without his sollenng himself to be interrupted. . The wife in a low, bewailing lone continued her -utterances ' jr.pf hin d,iughtcr". 44 Here she goes, there she goes I" almost shout- ed the landlord, at the minute hand advanced to the desired jmint. -r . y , . , --The bsrlier arriyed t he-was Bslurally a talks live man, and wbii the docto ma'Ursome casual remaik, rifljeiing iirMm lheOjiiaJify of the inwtja ieiirfr wjisbou , h Ahs 1m I iM, Monsieur, ym. say' wry bal razor ires beautiful eh? Iook-loik very fiiJb, - Wot she J" :' ' ...;.". .-" " 44 Here she goes, there sli goes!" screamed the InndlorJ, his hand waving on on, and his face - 1'iulieriiiif a smile, and bis whole frame in readiness lo be couvul-ed Willi j iv. - ' flu! birlier was smasid. 44 Here she goes, there slio g'sf he rrsp,mded in the best English he cnulJ use "Yaref vara shutl I begin! Vat hour of niiir, and he sprang frinn Ins seat m an ec : Stacy of dtiiht, scn!4ifiiag at -the top of his Voice , as he hipM;U aiNni me rom . -..V-"l,'Ui-u, il ! I'e won it HJ - . '-' What t"said tlie bar keeer. - 44 What 1" echoed the di.ctors. 4'Whult" re-oclio'd the wife.-' ' Why. the wafr fifty dollars i" Cut cast in l.UevCf arou'id tiie r,""". ''l i"-"-" men who induced him to wach the clock, he asked ihe bar-keeKir -. ".'. ""," here are those vouug men who supped here last night 1 eh, quick:, where are they 1" 14 They went away in their wagmi noary arr tiour ago, sir;!" was the reply. " ' ' Ihe truth flashed like a thunderbolt through bis mind. Theythad tiikeii hit pocket-book With the one Hundred and seven collars inerein, ami ae caniped a c.ouple of swindling harpers, with wji to-bactr"itremt1rhen6torvirTri( tongues in the neighborhood where this! atluir 00 curred, and the facts are not otherwise than here set down j" burwej,fgrtjatthejvort in endeavoring to overiaKe ;rie rascnis,was inrown from his owo wagon, and so severely injured as to be confined to his room at the present moment, where lie cau watch the pendulum of his clock at bis leisure. ' : ; On Sublttrancout and Ominoui Sounds.-iT Jolm ilersohell has lately-considered this subject, and conjectures that the noises of INucoos m Arn- bis miiy be owing to"rtigBiibTc r ra neous p rtiduc I ion ol steam, by the generation and condensation ol which, under certain circumrlauces Bounds are well known to be produced. " ( lie also remarks, that wherever extensive sub terraneous caverns exist, communicating with each other, or with the atmosphere, by means of small orifices, cpnside.rablo ma v occasion currents of air to pass through these apertures, withnrufficteTnToeTly for producing so norous vibrations. The sounds described by Hum boldt, as heard at sunrise by those who sleep on cerfar6granite r6cks7"on :ihe banks of the OrtnocoT may be explained 00 this principle. r ' The sounds produced at sunrise by the statue of Memiion, and Ihe twang, like the breaking ol a string, heard by the French naturalists to proceed from, a granite mountain at Carnac, are viewed by him as referable toadifIerentcaue,viz: 'fopyo metric expansions and contractions of Ihe helero- , g wiwius.ui ate rial, tf wbicLlhe stilu-and.mouotaiu coiisistji. Similar sw'ifld and from the same cause, are emitted, when heat is applied to any connected piece of machinery ; and Ihe snapping often heard in the bars of a grate aflords a familiar example of th is phenomenon.- The following amusing account of an ominous sound is given by Gardner, in his book on the 4 Mu sic of Nature :' 44 n one of the baronial castles of the Worth, which has been uninhabited for years, there were heard at times such extraordinary noises as to confirm the opinion among the country 10- plo that the place was haunted. An old story was current, that an heir apparent had been murdered by an uncle that he might possess the estate. This wicked nran,- however, after erijfijrng'it for a'time was so annoyed bj, the ouids in the castle, that he retired with an uneasy conscience from the domum and died in Fiance. T 4 Not many years a 23, the property descended to branch of the female line (one of the heroes of Waterloo) who, nothing daunted, was determined to make thiscastlo his place of residence. As the noises were a subject of real terror to his tenantry e formed the resolution of sleeping in the castle on the night he tooRpos-esHionTtfl ordcfTd do away bjiw..jW'jKtUmut Could be found execot one occupied by a 61 gar dener and his wife in the western tumUaud.be or. tferedKtff wrr iBta"thsataiQO iroired to-the gloomy -abode, ; lca yirrrbisTieryanT It the village inn, and dismissing the antiquated pair to take lodgings at a farm hard by. It was one of those nights which are checkered w ith occasiona L'leamsof moonshine and darkness, when the clouds a re -rw w iitsh -wirrd" He slept wcllJor th .first two hours, and was then awakened bypi" low tMuUmful sound fliaT ran through the apartments. I his warned bun to be up and accoutred. He descended the turrets stairs with a brilliant light, winch, on coming to ihe ground floor, cast 'a gigantic shadow of himself on the high embattled walls. Here lie stood aim lis tened, when presently a hollow moan ran through the Corridor, and died awav. This was followed by one of a higher key, which directed his footsteps with more certainty to Ihe spot. Pursuing the sound, he found himself m the hall of his ancestors, and, vaulting upon the large oaken table, set down his lump, and, fulding his cloak about him, deter mined trr wait for-the-appearance of aH"lh5t"war terrible ....... The nisht which had been slormy, became sud denly at ill. Ihe dark fli!.Utigduud.y me nonzon, ana ine moou iu!iuuaiu uer invcry hghl through the chinks of Ihe moulderirtg pile. As our liero had spoilt tlie morning in tne cnase, Morpheus came unbidden, and he fell asleep upon lb table. Hi dnanv was short ; for. close ujm him issued forth the horrid groan : arazed, he started up, end sprang at the unseen voice, fixing with a powerlul blow, bis ioludo steel 10 the arras, I he blade was l int, and held him to the spot. At this moment. Ihe moon shot a ray that illuminHied Ihe hall, and showed that, U timd llie waving (0IJ1 there lay the cause concealed. II 1 sword he left sud 10 the turret retraced his steps. .J. When, morning came, a welcome crowd, greet ing, askedjf hebndtiictThebostrrys,Ti. plied the knight ; 44 doad as a d6r-nail . behind the screen he lies, where my- wordirar'piirned'bTm- fast ; bring the wrenching bar, and we II, haul the disturber out." With such a leader, aiid broad day lo boot, the valiant Ihiong tore down the screen, where 1 he sword wus fixed, when lo I 10 a recess lay the fragments of a chapel organ, and the square wooden .trunks, made for hallowed sounds, were used as props to stay the work w hen the ball was coated round with oak. The wondering clowns now lauahetl aloud at the mysterious, voice. N i was the northern blast that found its way through Ihe crannies of the wall to Ihe groaning pi;s than alarmed the country rounn for a century. Ldin burgh JYrer i'nttojtmfticat Journal.-- ' " Arcpcrace. tfis 1 breccpl as good "io "com merce as'in iheiretie philosophy, to make the best of ill fortune, and in evsry instance gel all that we j. can. If there isselJorn any good so perfect as not to have iu alloy of illso is fbere' as sildom any disappointment so complete, as to leave no hook of hope. It is a enm that we have lenna-d from experience, that if half tbe time and natural vigor which i usually consumed in lamenting a miMor- mody, there are few disappointments which wil'nnt adniit0talleviation. ' I Discontent.-" How Universal it i! we never. et knew the man 'who could ay,"I am contended.'' Go whero you will, among rich or poor, the man of compeUnce or the man who earns his bread by : the daily sweat of his brow, you hear the sound ol . .mourning the voice of complaint. The. oilier ajrwe stood by a ci"PTr7Vrrii4(T5ying, riief ry tune around the cask" ah,' said he, " mine is a hard lot forever trotting round like a dog, driving at a boop VI lejjtijio sighedji)liu:likmUuT.4U one 01 live 1101 uays, as lie wtpeu tne uro he .vrped he drops of per. spiral 101 trom Ins brow, while the red , hoi iron glowed on hi anvil " this'is life with a ueugence molting and frying one self over a burning firo." "Oh that, I was a carpenter, ejaculated a shoe maker, as he bent over his lap stone, ,'4 here am 1 day after day, wearing my soul away in making soles for others, cooped up in a little 7 by 0 room." "Heigh ho! I am sick of-ibis out door work," exclaims the carpenter, broiling under a swelter, ing sun, or exposed to the inclemencies of tho weather; 44 if.I were only a tailor !" 44 This is loo bad," perpetually cries the tailor, 4lo be compelled to tit perched, up here, plying ihe needle, all the time ; would that mine was a more active lile. 44 Last day of grace, Hanks won't pay, what shall I do!", grumbles the merchant, 44 1 had rather be a Iruct horse, dogj any th mg f Happy fellow I gtoaa-th6 lawyer, as ho scratches bis head over some dry musty record, 14 1 had rather hammer stone than cudgel my brains on this tedious ques tion." And so.lbrough-ttli-ihtt-iamifWaiiws of so ciety, all are complaining of their condition, finding " fault with lueir peculiar railing. If 1 were only this or mat, or trie oiner, 1 snouia do coiiieut, is the universal cry, any thing bqt what 1 aid. So wags the" world, so it has waited, andao-it will wag, - rSiPS"hrjQon.tuti;jiUU. xilKjuuLaglc- Tuesday lust was a very disagreeable dayry 1 he wind blew a burtiCum;, the snow filled the air and the weatTier was Immensely cold. A. young man saw au eagle alight, near the barn, in which he watwrfe jitith vision streets, apparently fatigued and seeking shelter from the storm, he threw a little stipk at the royal bird, and as that did not startle him, con. ceived the bold jdea of taking him alive. With no other arms than those with which nature had provided him,--advaftccd-toward. the eaglo, which immediately attacked him, striking at him with its beak, wings and talons. The young man defended himself with his fists, and the battle las Jed. fox., led i.Mje(L miQ!Mc.s,.wheq.Abucagla,.fly. ofl a short distance and alighted. Aaui the youth advanced, and aiiain the Teazle altacMd bimrwilti ihe same re3utru lro7c78ilirjTiTii was rcpall'Ta number of tunes. V ' The contest lasted three hours and a half,' and the eacle was finally secured without injury', and brought to the city. It was a bald eagle of large size, measuring nine feet from tho tip of one wing to that of the other. The young man is wounded in severer pieces by the ctuwr or thfl eagle; ami re. ceived many severe blows from its beak and wings, ;liumbeof'tim rose in the air to a considerable height,-and then - better biirWrrehe-auccee(rea trllSttpturing him, they wore nearly a mile" and a half from the ptaco where tie contest commenced, and he was ' nearly exhausted from protracted exertion. Ho' says he would not willingly risk a similar battle, -r JltrffalrMercvryrp" - ; : "7" . A true Incident.- When Mr. Canibreleng mov. ed, in Saturday night's setting, that ihe House go into a committee 61' the. whole on the stare of the Union to take up certain appropriation bills. Mr. Chambers asked lo withdarw Ihe motion to enable him ( M r. C) to make a statement ; and M r J Canibreleng having withdrawn bis motion, Mr. Chambers said the statement hewmhed to make, related to a matter atlocting himself, in some de gree, and he would therefore barely submit it lo the House to do in the matter what might seem right and proper, tie said he had for some weeks I past, and during the last session, been waylaid about the rotuuda aud on the stairs aim passage ol tlwCapilol by Wot buiigry,sUrvsd.luokuigmaa, a who met him at every turn, and the vision of whose - gbastff l-batnitebim'SiWTn hiBbotttSf te .' This man had been one of tho real laboring meu ; a sub contractor who had macadamized the beautiful avenue immediately in front of the capitol during a period of deep calamity and distress in J the (aty; When the cholera pre'vailed.r Tbe sujHjr. iiiteudunt of the work having reserved tho right to abrogate the contract tor any delay or susjieusioii of tbe work, refused to permit the contractor to suspend it, but sent physicians among the laborers tQ ftilvi- M"'"' '" worlt fnrly 10 llio luutuu, or lute in the evening, and not to work tin ru at a iiy Iihio. Disease, death, and alarm dispened ihe greater part of ihe operative force, the contractor was ruined, and the sub contractor was involved id all the worst consequences of the failure, and in debt for a great pari of the labor. t 7 , " Ho hail repeatedly been imprisoned fir-debt, and acpnratcd from an interesting faintly for want of bread lo feed them i diseaso had iollowca, and tne man was now, and bad len, for many months, here Molicning iulice at the hands of tho Govern lucut, in a stale of actual sullcring for thecomlorti of life, while this Government 'owed bun upward of five thousand dollars, which for years he has k been beunintt for ves Uuing for iustice for he is broken in spirit, and. Buffering' has al niwt mado him mad. Tbe Senate (Mr. C said) had at last pawed a bill for Ins relief, and this day while tlie llooso wss in sossion, the Coinrmliie "over wliich he liaSiHe bonor to preside (and it hieh honor to preside over that commitie, wash for f " ITtey earned Uuiir daily bread, had exaniuied the bill and ordered him lo ask leave to report il without smeuduicul, und-Bf-k a departure lrui all Ihe rules 1 which .ineht obsi met its coiimiilnieut to a coin. Imiltee of ihe who!e;niid he would even awktliat it -r should go lo the committee of. tho whole ou the r state of the union. ., - - ' -.- Mr-1'. begpd lenve to dd that lie liad sine doubt whether this man, bad 'not to-d.iy enmnuiud the committee of claims emerged from their i the piwr fellow," as usual, was in waiting ct tV-i door in tear and tremlilmg, aud on being ltd ! il conimitteo had decided to recommend toll 10 Hon-' lo pas hi bill, and (hat every etlurt would bo ma lo gel through, his sallow face lurried p:ie as d- iitli' and tho fountains of his eyes overflowed, and the nienibers of the coinmittee, without exleptinn, though not greatly give,n lo ihe 44 melting mood," j' ineiihe poor -fellow's -mvlignifttd rxprrssion cf reeling.; lie, uiitoruuate man, again gaw m pros pect his suffering wife and little ones osw bltd around him, and himself freed from theTihim-er oi' whfc,lt,r it g,,mil(, 0 ,1()t f- ' ( The good feeling of the House wa manifested by a general cry of "leave, leave." The bill wa afterwards specially tnknn up in committee, rewi.. ieo 10 tne jiouso, and niter 4 0 clock m tlie mora- ing.) 'AaionI Intelligencer. ;.'--"""".:" ". ,; ""'" .':' ';.' . - 1 1 u - - Rmnt of Carthager-W 6 trMy have" liow Jig! f on Ihe history of Hannibal and ancient Carthage, ri llieme ol such interest m ihe Roman won. Tho indefatigabli8ir Greenville Temjdo u employed six months in executing excavations in the iictgh bbjhood of thdaitn i-f Carthago, Btid his Inlmuri liavebeen rewarded by a variety of inlcrostiisg discoverier.Iii the ruins of the temple of Juno Ccelestisat Gauitty, the protecting divinity oft'uf thage, be found about 7 UU etitiw, dilll rent' ailic'ea of glass, and eartrknware utensils. "Jtut tlw n. t remarkablo and unexpected of his di.scoveris been that of a villa do the sea shore, and 15 feet undor grouudr-Hght xtmmby'rs Tiave'bc-weniirK-" ly cleared, and their firm and decorations prse that the house behrngVAlo some distingbiMhed p( r sonae. The walls are Valnted. and ihd vestiiinln is paved in suiidr mosaiclin the stvle as ihosn of Pompeii and Hurculaneum, and "representing a va riety of objocis, su di aa inariue divinities -of.'- tomb sexes, fishes of dillercnt sieoies,"mrihe nTaids, a vessi-l with woinen dsncinir on the di ck, nnd mr'. tnondiwHyTTrWTtlil (, irea, tig'T-s leoparus, zoras, bears, gazeileSj herons, and oihcr bird. In the diflcrent chambcre were found ve. ral human skoletoiWj snppiwed to bi the remaim of w"rr.!t,r.1 Hil'u durmg the storoimg.of the villa, -z in another botisu fair Greenville has alio dist'ov. . ered various interesting mosaics, representing glad- laiors coiunating with animals in the, arena, wnh the name of each combatant written over his bead. in another part are men breaking in young hor'nes. It is to be hoped that Sir Grenvilla will pjWUli full particulars of bis liiterelih"g diHcomu;:;. VgncYitYAva. '.- Frcm the Farmert' Advocate. -r-tumiONSTO FAR MBBSL 'Z. J J er eu)iiy!iiMifcand.Uie source 01 whichlhcvttiil depeiid, aiid fTonv which tneyinust all be measota"" bly supplied, is really in a deplorable condition, of which UiideniabU proofs are plainly prewuting themselves to the view of every observing individ ual, in the evident deterioration of ourjaudsj.'llii;. -wiyTitne'lleluVwblcl'Huialew years ago, were capable of producing 30 0 40 bushels of corn to tlw-BJtftt,-nuwT swtb the-samo torerwiHot-Trti. duce half that quantity, and . indeed many fields, which not more than twenty yeurs ago wsre forest land, are 4 iw abandoned as ucIcsh, thrown out in. to common, washed iuld gullies, and not even fit for pasturage. "Now these are facts, which no candid man who has been acquainted ii! our i,. ricultural career for the above gientioi.ej ti,.-; , will attempt lo deny. 1 We are required to cultivate the soil, in .,i ! r to procure the indispensable necerfc .f hi'ej but we read in the fable, that the Loy found tan. e of regret, that he had killed bis goose which laid him golden eggs, in order to obtain sudden rich ; and if we are not irroisl mistaken, many fiirux ri Auce regreitodanJ uuiiy mortt.wiU Iihvo cao refieel, whn too late, on the course tiny have In trt"n in culti i vStirig fhtfli-m wfiereby they bavcTc'v " hautted fertility, and rendered them unproductive and useless; when, had they have pursued a judi, ciuus course, instead of exhausting they ought hai a improved their tortilo properties, and in tlm mean lime realized much greater profits than they huvo' hitherto done, with tbe Mind exertions. , Tho next injury will perhaps be, iu tchnt man ner can we cultivate our lands, so as (o improve their fortilitiy, and at the si;no lime realize great- proUU m iiU--Utu-MtiW-tri(.Ht-" For successful tflorls in pursuit of theso desira ble objects, we wimlJ recommend t!ie follow iu rules. .- . '.. : ,': '.' . '" " - First. Cultivate loss ground. We have a!m. t universally w itncsseu in our estimation, a com : eraUe curtailment of clear prvfiWfcoccastoucJ ty . over cropiug t so that 4be performance of the hi- bor could neither ix1 "'' mil tior so timcii executed, both of which wo consider very 'essential to the far mer. . ' - Secondly. What yoj undertnke, do 'well : 44 What is wfitti doing at all, Is worth doing well." Our farmers loo generally sutler quite .nous los ses, by perfuming their work in a slovenly mainii r. Thirdly. Cultivate more extensively Root crops, and Artificial Grasses. It is next toun iuipoi!i,!f ty for a farmer to accumulate wealth withoi.t these auxiliaries, or a heavy ; tat upon b nh In omstitujjon andisi)iljond Joftfifti:Dupjii .b.s morals. ! - ; -." " Foutthly. Observe tlie rtrictc:;t .economy, it collecliiig and preserving inanures, and .applying them to tho soil, so as to obtain the gre.iti st p,-'-bo beiii I'nt. We generally see this prime .source, 'of Wealth most shamefully ueVl. tejj and yet Ih'wi who iiiost neglect Iheir mainne, are the very t vr sons we hear making thu loudest complaints of tt.cir lack of ineam tu vaike manure. ; ( Fifthly.- Adopt a aysicmatie rutatien of c: "; in audi or'er tha,t the saiiie. ki;..- of :'r:iiu n--. : -

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