r l ! I : '.Mi " T i 1 Ttrs i 'i vnrn 1'Kiiniiiin:!) by it to tub tr u is ,uk ti-i km : 7 T i e 1 1 ?' t 1 : ::iv, ok r r rt tri.c .1 .it.i.;'Vjj fa t'tf Con.'Uutio.i, Ar. 15- NO. XLIII, OF VOJ, m:;. (.YO. 77? 0?t Co MM ;;.v ( ; ;; Vi ', -1 . S A li lSIj UIl Y, iV. Jl, A PI U L I 1, 1631). EBtTOWi AM) PROPSinTOKH. 1 J tmt: eovi .. " if ' TERMS ' OF. CAUOLI.M N. k Vrt"rn Carolinian pubW.Nl nr Tn n if pud in i-iiarn if Two IXi.a . . . 1 ... , .... . ... - I 9:riuon of tiiwe mouili!. , .'. " 'o kt WJlf-.be discontinued niuil all i!rtrr 'tTg pjitj;. unless at the Jwcretioa -nf the JiMt 4 fluluro ui notify the Editor of wick to akwhMwr, t the end of a year, will be ontkrei tui new 2. friliellt. Advertisements will be ean.spkumw'y aits' ctmfZy .a. arils' . . .1 j..t ' Aii . : j ; tjiB 0uv prices. , A Je,uiKiiH h h trr m inwi tij trj'itar prices will be made lo yri,v dtrtam, j Advertisement scot in lor pubitfauao, wm Maei nuriier ot time marked on them, or they wi!3 t iawt- ted till fiirhul, nd chflrpoj fitr'accordtagly . . f U'ttem di!r'wd to the EJitur oa bistBeat tsMflie wt jmhiX, or Uiey will not o ltnIca lu, rniTT R..rF.S over the N-tlk-W? (" JL mrnce oil Tufulay lU '21 kt vf Maf, ti WMAdrOe 5 tour Jay. -. . e .j - t'irtt Dm.- Sweepstake C thre tmt olJ naTlf tw! j iad fillies, intle healii entrance wuf f sfeju T Icntajicn until eenmr befiire the nr-. 1 SMandf- 'y.-Aociau:i furte, .i.twBe lz -teTenT-tJrmjrr Kirti i-Ananciatioa Pur, f'2X) o HnaS; free Hor-etry thmf exoe, tfce WTttserewtbej pcedinif day. - " ' . '., " ' - j ffrurfk J3njf. Puree, 100, aiWpf et Sim casfjxaoe -lial jite mifiwy of tlie week mile feeite KawsJCia ; tr tor any tiling Entrance on each m the pun Jy will I W irr! enttoa tlie amooril intakewJjj( lv aM k(-i5, H . tenimeiaeacb caiwthaaetlti.t7wfnw -in ' Tito track wll.be put nj gmi cwniitKm. and tir " Aasocittion proinisea tire tricte4 artcntKjn In nrdre. I .' - BV THE MAXAGEiia' ? V lAst ot icVicrs I CHAINING io the Poat-OlW at SalbAerr, K. C, j . JLtlT4iWir. Joiia or Pcpt Jj',' itlexaader Agnetv " ' : . . Pfullipa Allen. IVaah KayWr. , 3 -j i Luarles J. AJUk,:uri, Sim Elixabetb Ailco, 3, B John BlackwellJeri v n J5m'l. Battiret, , V Su.'anial Boydsiv . "iscob Beaeri" - r Conrorf Bicbere, ' '" Cmstain' Boston, ' ' Ctitrlre Luc5. " . , Rjbert fi, Unrt,"-TT- Tiiomsa F. Lw y, , Re. Uea W. Liinjrljarae, Clemaaoaa Ltwr, t!!y Mitche!, . . InneJ Minbemrft IV. V. L. Mtui".M, , Ket TbooiM JJutiun, Suful Craigty (;30on Canada, I Jaco l.urrelr, . j Clerk uf Suur Court. I .Vairew Cranfanl, "' Jr.e Maris, " j Xeh Hutjra, " H!r. Al.l!aE, 1 .ia. fnilni.ua 11 rs. Hannah Caldwell. . Jii.a iwA..-Mawas57'rr- Hi Mry irr Cowan, -r. fta Clarv, " .mam vronjru, v u wmT. Davklson, E " "--fiowtrfcCinvmCs; lanwa EUiay- kliir Eagle, ieob Fmley, Wffl. Fulis, ' " 1 ' aa I 1 . T ' Ed ward' JI iN'alrV Jainea Oarerm, Itenrv Prnc, U m L"iia. i 'iuur, Iluu-y iUn. ' Ailni Kmii n, ; truL Charles fccwi. JwA P.iik, r'ulenwider, i 7- Farkuer. ' - -' Wrren freiA Je.L Glanso, ' Win. Bjhenwjrt. .' U'ui Rutter. Jnqh Sawyer.. Airs. Aancv Jcuitl, Si ilsrMret or ETizabciiGoorire liiwJhiel. JJrid Gardiier, - alias Sarah sMnrf, Michael SurewaiV T sT.'O.TstTii.lt ,. Jnha Tcaid, . SacitTarBer, 11. Tirpet Wm. Thrift. An Grain m 'i . ,; ... I SSia. Eluabetli Glieen, H- w Sarah How, j TsmT.-'Huct, AtHtnr W j! MutUitw l$,ard, 1 &Hrtmr."''nWim7Jft),t: Clcnsw iludwf!. - A. Turrenee. " " " Jliaio llains . Jacob Trautwwn. - - -,." P. Uonderson, II. Rev. Ailart A. Ti4Vt ; "rUith- Hannah TiyW, UI-'; V" Mr faiaaheti tVinkaaa, f" Hammnjs, ' : ;.' VViiiiam Walton, Ha-'ket. Mtos Uosa3ii WesTer. 2Uhew Juneju.. . ... rLX"SVor ' II-," ri'i,Lu.'tii i". k. April 4, isnn. I5?Ir,T,Q. sT,r TiTWCVT ' aJ - fwirt -CJ Is-lkViTa rV T , r.-aALisuniT, frmf t 1 t - V 12 a r.'I'Molawes.;.-. HI a IJi Xaiis . . . .X21a a . Sia . Ua 1 . in seed, r . d,;,,n- ,."r''- .. . MJl. ! Sugir.hroBii, li 11 a 13 loaf, . . I- a i-"j l altoir," 40 T.-Js.rn, 37 ft!.'i) a (;l i Wvlnt. (ku-hcl).I( (t 4". i SI 1VS. r.c'-'r. 'a C, IU ILHAWV., Mrii 'h I'-J.'. '"n, ,!'''r. . 1 a v: . l.j a . -:: ;,t .l-:.j3'i .Mal." . " " I '' Vt ' ' . J .' i a ! 1 . i '.. ". 5") t 1 Nu'is, 1 at. wro.1 ;)(. n-N . . K ; . . I Si '..'II,.- -. :s : .3 r"t, . juaMted, ill one dollar per jur tor the fir iwefiiiO. J lli'll 'i Cf'IKS IOT cticii cuiuuiusucr. vmn am swr. a nif nut wiii o caaiiroo a t owamic . ' i" 1 , . 1 ! ' s i . I ' lis 51 . ' : '. 1 j '7 ' Miscellaneous. J.....;..-..; .. sanrtn. , ' AblMwti tit peculiar customs which distingu'wli ii-e l.ibkui d Nvftii 'America, have coutriUuXud u . AcceaeKkO i.iterot tu Western history, ihe cjsMj ef tkte freseru gupulittioa wbu cluun a Uttia ueivtty, t but tmprtectly cquaimei lata" taring period Bot'tsevfdi'Og halfw eeu- lar , tj fivrtwU etviliutioo has auvauced with Muaaaitm i jHiitv , tud (Ue perils ik1 hanuihip wtoca l-e eaiy euiignct wo called 00 tu endure, uMWftinMl i.Htea.w reUit -asuoitv ud-1 si i: ,Twmt ti iteuiksB dtiWroyer, haai lull but italt uuntLer ut' thW hardy l'io- xuktao m tact xtaU number ut thojMt hardy trr, reruless wt - thr iusiou-wv4ger d-t-'tJ -J rrjt Ibtir nuttible LatiUtiotiai il) the l'ore.tt ot tse knife W est." Ib'tiite ilial uiemorJkble eph, a tJlaiei iBcreuble ret,hitHi biu ta.kefl' place 1 . Tie n& imm lut beeit iitMiM.'iae4 of his exten- litttdts Uaun'ui nwa; bxa; tudet coil- viuAgz Kive beei euiiveriea 11110 aoorum ! tii,ul ti utrjte fureU whither he Va wubt to re j air attlniaieuce, have, a it' by tuaVtc, fcsca 'ibUiaiucphiBeJ-''iut richly cuituied blaul tika. ' l bete ifii opiilew edj now rears her lofty 1 rotiewa ta r uiie, to.-ugi cJerturdeHiaga 4 tmt ftvfftmtnt, wfeatt cUiiim to uwniictK-u are cwABtarte mtti jhe peril ibey have bra. ct. itc try ti on Qu:tt iae utwtue ol our tmn tmikm-toj traniicuij, waa'Teuderud aumuH muccvaMuw a caue-oraae or vast uimeu auu, Kt wkxli ih tagitive buuier wua orten eo ptOexi b rcWet to ehkU tue pursuit of bia auhtle foe.. ' . -' . . m..nMmtij. mmndtdiHtJiiM. celw-rfi,r,f "M'.8aU Wf' ! Htl?'r,u near Lcimgloo, Uommrwm iu.ere wbictt, trout time tu time weanrrj tejjojjuiaieti The;. iteUleuieuu; obliged tiisa Ikt ticiien mttnm i4' prtdectton against the in ceny nf aaaagea. A Bum be r of lortreasee Jkat n lie appeLUtiua 4 Mock-Ilauten, were erec ika JUt JUmb i 1 irima 4lMiwtf ttWMee tnrew w-tne wall U-waca, tLta twin tint CMtu.ttuicJiiugtt lheix tiJkiv Hie nauca eiponure lo the tire ot tbe auMilauta. A aried paui j cwiled Tttagert, axid coniMwed of men it-jBentUbi beairnif had aecured to Iheui tbe eon fiJbteae id the ptojiijt, were a Lao employed to nutke ittbrwogi theeavtroont each etf tikaMCM, lo kwtw, tt Mgibie, tu moveinenta of' the Iaa!aas, aaJ to wdf ase the tuhaoiUuiU of their ap. ruac, ao tat each staoo iLibl uiaka iiiinMjdul lAeaanj trwue oa wtvun thU irduoue tml fespon. fcUe c"srg tteawhed, no otte im mure luahiuiMy tad acttWy jfef.Ketl la tbo periloue dune, it im ,TA t-o JoKlirTriLf witoae bituily had nearly es tee wutcrtrU bj tlie aavae hu-L lluuter kaJ f-mtu(t eervcti m etercn ludiitd campaigiu tai it. JL:iamm.m,o& waa aignally dUrtmuwhed It fcerj kwJ akiit 10 liMluii wurlkre. Tw lUilara.ij ol a cooi ami ituperturbable tem peraaweivl, at tie ptotiect of at. iudian akirrmab, -tW aM WMudl doaA bi'a.aiilv cheek, axid hia dark rfAs bim wuk einer Muiuuiuja- mhiLa In ccmtat in a nu4 ttjr bespoke deep riiJ'iwjirtaiiii iwirttif reeogc. m-r faitfwftf, jaajfurrriiig-ttuV. Uiteu had the najawfurrriiigtuV.aiMl the red war- tabar Wrrd luward lue luduui race. k '. . . lKih2.Ie tmn of ninety-three and Pnur. the pet la itci, u lae present akelcn, we reler, .eia..MJSiOtaB . .. r . . . I , lory nwinif on:e; acd although uo general .nvabe &e white were either killed or luiidu fttMHuef aniie engaged m eultwatwj their lj:ids. Tie ur, wbackt now became almost uurverwl, ftWjiraia.Vi'" trtljueiiwiJ "Iheir ajtrtculturaJi otiera- ! b, Vij itrKii, iittimitLiird by feartul aiitictpa- ; VamA, fkK lieijife op to jjlooiu and decpoudfti I ey. It wa.4 at thu ensu that the eorpe of bold and rt.l:e w.jwJmuui, Lt mhuut we have already al- k&xl, nskver ti detiotnicatiou of ranger t, resolved i w ra wAttm. lOKwe wu DarMriena, wua by a new i-u iup aoccc-M au douij naa neieiuiore lit mertsi ttoa. 1 ' 'V v.' 1e party i eooMsting of HunteraX'apt. Lion, the Uii-r u aaif Liu ov Missouri,, win. Liun, fiMk Jdfac, 1 kcns Pftace.apd three others whose wt3KS are do. trCoHected, having procured, a plen. -tihsl swyyry 4 wmfooiHrfo,-Ac.F -directed -thetr cxxa-Ks dMa tte bauks of ln Ohio, towards the 4U.iifciwctt lu savages were kaownenvwlly tm j-rr-J iuUj Um toteuor, alter binding uo the Kor:cl aocrr. V hea abnul seven ituleii below lite iVI., tbe attentioo of one ot'tlie parts wa sr- Cut oT' mtraatrtlifiarr proportioos, at a shortxdis uoue ftvso tbe ONtrgia ot the river ; bui supposing A to bit ie irck ol sooie gtgutie Sreter iu quest of faie, i BKVy poiuied it out to bis compau- ihet ail tne sen leu had not -f-fcHM cwrby Jfte Itsfijn 1 atrocities from earning '"i'oeuSsw it m ieir rihe.'r , ,.' ',T.... . I"- tb p1tulM'n inspection of Hunter, lit ctearaatjiice asauud a more 1110- I e.'--m aoeet; for with the knowledge he had acqiunaJ vf liidian b&btts, ha readily perceived llie errr JL bts ks experienced comrade. " l)i ye tut :d se, scraping away the leaven, " llial is t tie cJunt f ihtt li.ui.io to tie the moccaiu str.g arowial tow aucke, and never to wear it umir Vc lr, a we pw!- titer oaf It this track the ia-fm, f l!e rin w wanting. This Shuuld eici-r usp:Kxi. ati't cause us to befla the a..;t, 'f taw k terUi'u! tiut llie track of a white , fj-ii h su.r.ciiat sceptical friend,! ' t. I .i,ti xt-oi .1 hardly vtiiiure hero alone, and us. Vi i;'er tr.i ars cisc.emiwe. . - , trfc tho w:i.!sin.in inie(tiHidy' "replied T.':.A im t.iry are such fools as to be trailed . t .11 lt a .ri t .! bifih L-t ti trace t:- u.-'-k t t s- ver, and we s'.n'.l perh.itrf tins ' see " ..t t,v '-." .t',.e.ir.!prr."e'j' hrl. tlficvfrd tu'liie "i'K" -i;r, tfiets p:ecmvcl a. tiuuiber of .-(. ... . .:- t : i.-'4 in a,n Ir'ruio dir.'ctnm, aT id III' .1 . 1 V it i the rosvih that a iure Wk c.nwe, cun l'uily coltnd with bru1 and leaves to protect it from the raja of the un,j au'l perhnpa to conical it from View, Tint dis. iciviify proied beyond a doubt the correctness if Hunter's Bpirelifision, It was difiicu't to ch-ler-j nuiie . whether " the uuiiiber of savages eictedej their party, but without arriving'! aoy aicfituFs' coftcluxiim relative tu a timtter which they conJ. ered of little uuMirtaiice, they replied, at all haz ards, to check tbe career of tlio hiIiuomui derwil ets, Who, but a short time previous, bad pread ter ror and det'olutiori throughout the laiid. ' j ! he ttvailfa Tii c ti cliaiice 'TiaTlve,ii"1lBc3i was p'tiuicd out by Hunter, who, from fats kill and experience in the Indian n.VnJe of warfare, was chosen Captain : at his suggestion, the tneu re l 1,8 a,nl)u,, a wwveniwu 0,8JiUtf, auu Bwaii 1110 return tn 111c wtvaes. 11 wu cx-. plicitiy undtnlood by etch HKJiriiiu.il, tlmt hesiivuld ; not hra until the Judiaila bad Itft the stiore to their ; - -- ; - - ' - cauoe, and that t-ach nu should designate the parJ ticular Indian xr his ana, so that two wi"t i'ht ; not be exjiended on a single iudividual. Jnich nas ' the prehiiiitmry ajrreerueui, to which ail prounsed 1 strict adherence. "" I , e must, for the present, take k-ave of our stur- s dy pioneers, to give a brief, account of a migratory j band of isliawiieea, who, having sallied torib Iron j their wigwams oa the borders of the Wabash, and! made their way to what is oow the Indiana shore, constructed the large canoe referred K in Lkh I , . . . r . . . . . iuey iihu croMscq 10 rVentucky, leaving their fcj saddles and baggage oa tbe opposite side, fiitir j uesiKti iu tins expedition was eviuentlv more loM-J laft iUau to massacre 4r tltey siiccoedcct 10 car ry log otT ten horses from Mu V lAck, about twelve miles distaut from the place at which ibey bad landed, whnut disturbing the wagoners lo nhoiu they belonged, who were quietly sleeping in t'oeir wagons., the wagoners bad been employed to and having passed safely through their journey to the Lick, were ko ttosely''ranTi'Jii',t)iB''Afniajuf. ilorpheus, as" (o titi.wholly unconscious if the loss tliey had sunlained1, and tbe jeopardy jq winch their lives had been phiced during tbe night. ' -The wuecwis of Uos ixpedtttou, tttdno?d' tlie vagea to return wil houtju'rlher aggression. Fcar iug, if they should delay for the purpo9Blfconi pleting their triumph by lhovnasncre of those ia the vicuiity of the jLick, that they might be pur sued, they hastened with accelerated eteps to tbe pl hich they had landed. Tbe ron was ri sing auove toe tos 01 tne trees aug atniimg glo riously tiooo tbe calm and unrufUed osoui ot the placid stream, as they apprcwefc partfcraTaTt tWwdheeosfurneof war, and com.iwiukdby a chief whose cruelty and" daring was welt known to tbe settlers. Alter a short council, the bor?e were taken to the edge of the river, and the duioe being immediately lauiicd4 was occupied by yen warriors, who led the horses into the ater on each side of it. ' The chief and one other Indian, who were leli on. the slture, puslted tbe boat out into, the current, Miid then tlie warriors, -certain of ttcir booty, caused the woods to resound with liteir ter rific wur-cry. At that histanl tbe sharp reports ol iH.my rifles were heard in rapid auocessioti lo echo from hilt to hill, nod the next moment, th canoe uoniea on me sunace 01 tue river a useless wreca : By this fire alt the savages in tbe boat and rue of ihiiwe, on rbore ,wcre killed. The chicCm ho sufvivKJnkMn reeiwd hte fligMd-rawwUwbeiiftwrdeaaewJbaf, which projected into, the rter, hojMng if ,he could reach the extreme pint to rtect hm escape by .. .t.. m r I t u:- wiiiim running at ins lup ui iii npcvn, iuut.i i gtmhM;thim4 le'ftteharged mthe geerl W ley on the shore, without nieasurtog the quantity ol powder, or uiug a patch to secure the ball. Wbon they had run some distance on the bur, the chit f, presuniiiig thai liia pursuer galued ou hitn, iaa a sudden halt, nd pushing his fool into the. naud to get a firm basi-s stood until Hunter had appruncb ed within thirty strides, Thry both then raid their rifles, and thoso who' beheld the combat from tbe shore assert, that they oeer saw men take longer and more deliberate ana ia ibooiug at a target than did the red and" white man at each oth er. During the interval. Hunter's comrades, not iieitig able to approach in tune to render any aid, were watching the result of tbe conflict with to tem and fearful anxiety. At length the simulta neous reports of their rifles dispeld the fears of the party,. 1 ney had the mlul satisUcttoo ot iu-lhe aavafall, hils .thebravw woWao Bj .1.. . .sl-J nuoa nmi ia me pfuurn na nau lanen . un mi w j u.u.. I lie bottom of his powuer born had been earned away by his antagooial's hall, and that the knots upon the-front ol bis huuting-aturt bad likewise) bTfer.''lTTre MrffW 'this HnmixlT aT the field of action, and cordially greeted tho Cp- iiovapt Inm for bis bold achievement, which had oearlyT cost hun his life' 1 liey then approached the dying Shawnee, who, still holding 10 bis sinewy a 1 am his half.drawn knife, aad iiainrina wiiis fiendish grimaces Ins victorious enemies, sritb a! CiiiiulsnB sliiig'grg ferotlred-fmr WtT The horns j on the succeeding day were nwtnfed to the right- tut owners, very much to thetr surprise and gran-1 hcatHm. . '' '' ' ! Hunter continued in the capacity of a ranger to guard the seltleniont until the increase of popula tion "rendered such precaution unnecessary, after which he retired to New Madrid, on the MiMMip pi, where he lived esteemed by all who knew Li.n. He retained his extraordinary vigor with astoo .Khintf tetmcity Until a few days previous to bis .l..n,k u.'lii,.ti !AnrUlfi0.i itl llll illtllf .ittiril fit bis age. . . ' - ' ( His mm. Mr. David Hunter, when on a viit lot our city not I0114 misje, wa greatly surprise! all ih nrraiin of this 'renciamtrfl by an old settler ; , and was truly clad to learn the circumstances con nected with tho powder-horn, of which ho observed his father during ins life fsik especial csrej but . never rmcc iiit.ni.ited lo bhi or to any of the fundi ' 1 . 1 n I . t i t . . the manner in lii:H the bottom naa ucrn on.kt-ii S ifh was (ho character' of Joseph Hunter, ls i- turn hi r':luteni to hw owii a livemifm, yt t ever wi'.lir.g to rndir ample justice Iu the twerrt oil other, nt l it may he said him as Of i'lvilj U'limi!, hatkwoodiuiafi of Krnii) ' j Ti' true, lie k!,rvk fioin n.fn rw ot h s t n Iul iux'J Ajr.iri b.ii.irtj i,',i'vr P-r amth;i aere Vi 't were fcwef buo.-s and more vase. , The uioarvvK uce os' en limiu-a I ilwt f"i fnr!ti ea yrM D'tr be plcw d,., Bit uee be met iUe iodnidujl man . llcsioaej li.m-rJt as kin 1 as mortal tin." , . , " - ' IJL'jfAN II lTLitf. , This'Jiie is a ferereJ o.eiatiafv in j at.Ue of tw leuce, aiivj! man is a re.t'ess creature. Rtr his rank, or stmn, ir circumtancewwhat they nay, it m:tcr at; there retrain ever ait object utiat mm$tm Wh' Ms fyresafcTTir wTiitSliis peart vera wua lOMiuuie crivin-. So loii a .-- -r - - -;- 9 a j - .. ...rtv ,.6 , and whe 4aiotSJ, b,.ir tea is it 0m.fr a.-de as the ove toy ot Vchndtj3;nendor aiidat3oenco nut cnrtnkt hi ftiijv With rntwi liin.'K 0r.1l. iieii a.iti:tj'nuy ftiug iut golden halo around his broar riltULare nut envefoii him m her etvuium -r- . ... 7 . "- 1 - y 1 J of Wjctioos ; eTery oVpartnieW 5f nature- end of art our be nueackiM bA the elements .of bappi ne, anJ titea (torn all of tnem he may turn away ; h"i'ir. weary, atck al aoWI With nnsutistted as- ' prritfwdh, ; Who Lu not ia the bcautL'utVnr dreams of ex- Ste4 fa sry when he hat cast te the reins of inugisation, and f -T a trkf KasntVhas permitted Li tbw.ghu a:tJ tceiings Hurealrkiiied to revel ia tlie lairy real tm of tlie ideal of tho Nvorld who at wch ail boor, La.s not tnced out upii hii mind's ' tablet tbe out lines of a scheme of happincrHt which be may oever ei joy, ani, 10 conception, suihmooed up paradise ot tit. ot w&ica this eanh knows Who in fancy has sot spread out lo his' y is fields than erer, even in- boyhood's ton greener fields than ever, even in- boyiood'i hour, be has frolicked , on bathed hit fevered lips. in fiesLcr fountains than ever Ushedfrorn the 1. rock, and traced aJbovw bint bluer skies and richer sunlight thao ever caitnpKd earth? . Ah, couU we eee the thooghta nf the heart of 1 he varied multitude, ahicb, in the bunding scenes ZLfci&fijXihxat!ug u&uul us-eould wLZ trace mi the uiitohl emoinxia which agitata tlie onsets) secrecies of their Wkxds, how many a wild and bitter Iking should we there find rankling, - wUkb tii Ltamy eyera-dl ebe.'kt wild the sunney bp, bad oeier revealed I W bat iiiitneaka. U iungmg LJyfeax intense soliciiude t. what fo terish avpiratioo! what fearful Urn-boding ! w hat remorseful meditation ! what wild hopes ami wUh es should we iwA there behold! rd Ibis t j and, as lite features of ihe hu " man face are tbe aam in every countenance r so are the feature of tbe human heart in every breast. meum, or swniual extateoce, can ir ever in this uacuuru...uriu. .urn uutniw. -4 uo oujccis around at are denttned to gratify thfl mere demamls of our pIivsMrai organization. T Ia the wide reach ing circle of 'created things, tliere is houjhl to (BUk"iffSier'isTi " crivui 'iifsf "the' 'aottf. The KpkanloM'of b pe Ihe Boreal mockery of antici pate.! futurity ah! how Ibey azitate the annatis- tmumxtt. when ciwttraMtd witb tne emptmesa of r-aii!y I here is wttnnt ns a name, wbirh tbe m.ijr watrrsgof ibis life cannot assuage ! There is aiikpira(ioa of the snrit, for which the things of earth are too mean ! a longing fur immortality of an existence beyood tbe bourne oT the present, whicj if we would, we cannot away "wl(hr"'77 AUaaaartbeve tis iif'osWrnettd fceliny never to. be. calmed! Aeey wiaseirrtwoweelH att.tied ? Iii l!eloucInig and baovfol krngnnge - of the German tmjThtn m a reall- lyrsrkicSwbwa ewiUy, atid eieewd andittnfy atl tiaijp. bemjpsjdfcC.Ji . I will record in ibis place " says Ur. Flint io his Travels io America, a narrative that impies sed me tieejljll ws.l faifP Janj of Jhe, ca. esof extreme misery and ovsolarioa that are of : ten w it oew4 oa the-?t wiippi rt ver. I n t he Sabbath 8cbool at New Madrid, we received three children, a bo were introduced to that place under the follow it ig circumstance. A man was descend ing tbe river with these three children in his pi rwugwe. He and bis children had lareled en a de sert island on a bitter snowy evening in December. There w but two bus, and ttiese at a little Prairie oppoaita the isUnd, within a great dislanca. lie waotrd snore whiskey although he ha J been drinking law freely, agatnsi the punuation of his cbiUrea be left Ibetn, lo Ciosa over to theso hott 'sn and renew bis supply. Tbe wind blew high, .and tbe us r was rwghi-NothrrrgcntiH dissuade hi-w from ibis ihrsrHis eUemnt. He told them kesWud rtrrw lint wight, tie left themm tears, aid evpased to the pittwas peltings'of the storm aad rsrted on bis ramose. The children saw the b-at h hef-,v,rlei, l a.jb.a,cse4AlJ-..1Wg8r tW'maa was crowned. These forlorn beings were left without any oth er, covering than their own scanty dress, for he Kad imkm bis blankets with bint. 'lVy neither bad fire nor shelter, and no other food tlmt un- eixikri pokswd torn It srwwed fimnnd - rtirht chwed ow ihem in tbiv situation. Thn el- d wss-a-prlf aLx y eaK.bat jretn a rk lUyjhrewd and acute lor ber age. The ut-xt was a girl of four aol tbe our-aesl a fry of t wo. It was all tmg lo bear ber describe er desolation of heart, as the set her;f to exan,i:n ber resources. Jihe male Ihem W creep tojether snd drew their fc't uikJ. r tlne'tr ciolhcs. fcue covered lliem with kwvrs snd rtnehes, snd thus they pned tlie first night. In Ihe looming the youn'r clilr n wept Ntftlv with cold and bupjrer. The pork slio cut iMo S1 pwres. then powvlcd them to mo 'it, -t:ing them an example. Then she 'mad ttt ie'urn to chewing com and pork. . It wouM ix'.n a if Irov'ilerce had a special eye to li.Pi-i ch.l.ireo, f x in thecouro of Ilia day somo laJii'. h'i?4 oa the Idsnd and fxmd them, and a? t;,ry were coming op to New- Madrid, took them with ihe '.a. ." ' ' ' . ,: ..; ; . OSF. MI.rTKTOl.ATi:. ' ? A I'aut.f.J wotr.'n w is cos, d to die nn a sr..-.:l-M.' 11 r ' ?i, i r l- ' - and reputed -i . ' I . t' I. . 1 .! . , ktti.-.- ) 1 r(e ri'-fi t to'h'ituoes, krenral ar-r.;'.;' tlir..siO bad t" f-r ler par !-.; I." Wki; li'y I ' ;i L: -ii !.-r r i '.' - Jwi''.i .". ...."I rti;, ' .-r . .. ',c:a..!V Lie. Ihe ft ! t 't..' i jiHe.'it i in . i. a . , v-..... 'lU-lit.H 'the ,! ... !: t I.. ,l -. riieappi'i-.le.ldiy h is Cuino rr r.i.!- rca t' futal put ; the hur when she mu tt din dra w 1 1 The li.it ray of hp bxi expired, h,.n f.r i 1 s distance, a nst'.isi-n.-r romt1 he tll-i hkc h, . liiiy over the plain. II comes he cm.s. s. i) , the fj'at hotuf hdscri'rne before .him the fatal bh. is struck the-life bhwd iiiinglcs with the when low! tli messengpr arnvcJ,' (!)( jur-iou i , in his hand 1 hut he came enr wiau.'v tot lute. Sinner you are under iit.-ic-o of il.-ntb. .11' that bclievmh tint is ' comK'ini.cd alrfa.ly. .Th- h'iuiMjStltitm.ii rapullji 4raiii ncirr !; . ', day that puwses, brin'a lh.it tt time nu.t il.iy r. .ii - u. I, .;n .. . t .... . m uihi upr.ii on ypur eyes. tlie K,( ' , nas pnrtion in ins heart and hurnl. lint lie wi,: ! be iii.p.ired of to grant this Looa fur voo. bib. you bve perhaps the dav of Krac lingers. Tr- : k.... .1 . ' 1 .1 . . . f n w jiiai cionirci una .tne nicnt w oeMiair h 1:11111 in. riir s:iui may ue.snveu. 1 iw par don may . bogrnntcd. j Your rjit, pressed now, may prevail. Hut soon the fatal Jliwir, tho hour rf death mut come. Yon aru Mryichcd tipnii a bt'! of piiin Di.teso has luid m iron liuml on you, and now is feeling for your heart -tfin, "-A -tm.-' rucnt morn, m& yo ie mt-rf rrercvs rf ach; '" The voice of friendship shouts in your rar, btsi'i't'i ing you lo pmy. You turn a dymjj eye to bcavwi. Y'ou raiso nn expiring voice, to God. But the e :- v . ..1 1 . I 'tt no ihiis inn voice Ci')KeM the lilo ilmu toi)-. You are one minntn too kite." "0!i sinner, now is the accei tid tiling To dav ia the day of salvation: . ; . , ; -,. "Bj wiee to-iliy, ,', y w ...,TjiadBayaeft---'r-"" Wei SED, POTATOES, liirTiiftMW&r"!' VT , V Ukah Sik I htivo made a Binall cxprriment on potatoes this season, hut may Im useful, I fe fectcd a Lushuiof yery sntnjl onr And p!nni d thorn in seven drilled rows eleven, rods long, the ground in fine. ordert ridged, and tvcll cultivated dui .i the growth. . Another bushel of large! fixe, I pi on I od one hall in one row,iiijle along side, of tho othoi, then cut the other half into three n four pioer each, and planted in Iwo rowi j tho land and culu vation all the same.' " TT"h BllreitouVoutli iTia( we 1taveftum:"rd, Kn'". de it unnecessary lo spenk of the amount s( the yield, except comparatively. - , -,Tbe two-rows of cut seed preJuced threo bs? kets lull The one row of uncut produced two an, a half baskets. full, and the seven rows of small seed produced fourlern baskets fi.H. But niarl;, like the seed was tho crop. The vinos of tlio SinaH seed were very smsll pind!in? vinen. and tli rrrrr:1 .fT . . 1 -r- 1 moors t;ro iiKewiso. i uii vines ol tin uncuL.. showed th-rrinkest:gf()vtH,'but tiitj dillorcnce in jnraUi:M. 'foWstWas iflot'iuiichlii Ta vrnr'th'd'uucui. , ."Ci!"".'. tTifftj"s1ieJ ;''i3iiShVJ, '""ot.J, .jTijWtilCtw Viwir stnt . Ono bushel, of hmall seed produced fiturieen bush. . els of small potatoes half a tushoj of large sti d duced two and h.iif busholsof Jargo fiiiw . and.,.., lialHkluaTreroTlarge. seefi, cuF, phuitod upon two seventh of tho ground, produced three bushels of targetmcs.-" 1 ne seej, wnrn 1 piantea it, was worth cents a' bushel the crop whi:n dug, wns worth :!7 to 5!t ceuts a busht 4he cost of seed- in-cash ruw of" small sued . lOj cents the worlh of the pr;'!rt .... . . rf It'.. I.. (S a t w . . ( J tt-IIK JUM sevcu IOIU in niolH'V nrni 1 1 ;. 1:1 n sure. . 1 he cost of tiio Uncut t td ,T one row the wortn,.of tho prodm t . worth 11 cents more per hii-di I 1 i , ones, making th'ree and one thir l i I and live in measure. The cut m :e.l r 1 1 : to 11 1 lo the row, and the product worth '. ' c king four fold in nnwy, and i'.: 1 i i 1 ' If the experiment is a fair cmcri m t . opinion tipon, the result show., to n v 1 following data ! . 1. 1 lfsoed is high, ground plenty, unj tne cn- wanted lor stuck; plant small seed. "."If "seod is 'pVulyVgrimiid "plenty, and tin) rp;i out cutting.. - i- - - v- 7 - If seed is scarce, ground plvr.ty, nnd the crp wanted for family and liittmi swj iilmt I.u'e j;cd, aud cut tiujio.. A :u I .. r.i, l.t- itt,,.ycuu.ii j . sioos! The a rows, ai alnivo staiJ,. 11 rod Jong ri at tha rate of 7S Io tho urre, ti.reo f" t 8ju;t Tho large uncut potatoes were pLiihd nt ilm rnle of 39 (MxiieU to the acre; tha product 1. "1. TI1.1 trirttsTTTut Wf r 0 J iToinr rr.o-f.ito-.in ' j't;;-. to tho acre; the product 117., lho sum.II were plant"..) at th.) ruQ.pf U-buabcls to.tl.c a tlie prmlucl 1 .". For my-own jrt, I sh i'i or ihe luturo plant luriie potatoes whole. 1 s , like yours and your cm ri spoii-letu s opimoi; a..-l cxpcriuituis. Your fi i ial, Lal-e C.'Jl, . i).'t. 13, Ibm. Jlcmarlit Tho conductor ill at present only renmrk,- Hint the choice between ml and unent potatoes, should depend gnmewli.it, he i!.n.' n;i. oO the kind of p Ma toe phiuted. .mic kinds I; ,;v hg but few eyes, may advunl neou!y be ! a :t' i' bote t while other kinds lutv ins many evi .. n - tho Bohan, forty fiild, X :., ro l,wt plantnl iufts or pieces. Wo have Counted 47 eyes in a B.di m, all of which, it io prennineil, would grow,iin I rlis 47 stalks to ji hill. It will at ouch lie Tr-eiveT, that ti.ste.iii of pro.lnrii:,; io s.zc like tho ,., .-,!, pr,. geriy must necissrily !; in ill, both f-r ant of I.K'd and ant of room, . 1 1 Ihi-. en', e veiiiur : 1 ! lii kiv, if Ihe tuber w h rut int i.' planted separate, the vain.' t( '', 1'. twenty filtl' greKft-r t if ' wai pLuiied in a sinlo l.i.l. V. strong ea-e, the better tu il'.n '1 H.v s!,,,,l ,. ,t,r. v.,. k. . I .''I .1 eacS t W.aiM ! pe!;ituc' me 1 n t; ''-!xi','--- -V ' ' '.. . I ' . .L''" I 1 . - .. .. ,. lire fTu h'l ti, !'" ' tri.! j,.' a t - en !' built vj un .s C;.:. ; ; tr" ' f

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