:..!' " iri N"f:'j i'hl.-. : :, I f s t !; i ! !; - i,t I 1 t '.,1, i -.1 I ' fc" b -(!,.)!.-: i- ;., I'i'j I; ;S 8U:d ''It J clt it, ,.t i h ("i i 1 1 -.2 Wool, .J i 1 il 0 W:.l w: pp,.C.b:eto the t.:r n!er only l t"9 then "?!: r t!.: j-.xtract from a rxpcr.T Hi !.! EtMALImrnt fH'rt' Wor.a A;V- e;"rr lo Ihi North or Europe. Thu ihe tsO.OOO j.::rif, mid the grow.. 11 W; W f $-srrfiom North Carolina, coat for tranpor Mr I!u ,f Wn.m of .ytt f l .Vr. UI, $500,000, hct wooU be saved, if li.anu- Jiw,:H,r,a J-,. Jry 1, J,H -r- - fM:tured ,h, An eaUhnwf.t at Lowrll, ; ... , '. , v.. ! pttrn.' vt '.teacl,.toili, tfxiwtto'nff -4H ba!eii iih e!l tac niaTi.ii ti rW-.tit-M A r.j. ei rr(wa?!j for tranp.rtatwn, S3,750 whih raciyiHi;', e aurtu nly xjf-ui oi;iiAtt 14 tb b s ck-ar gain to a wmil.tr ealIirhmcrit in purchttrt- arlu--t tiinmiiV-iappd in nara'4 N"irJitanjJm 2J. Another advantage in our t The .V ith, out o( .r wu raw tuainiln. t.or it thai iheTultua here would he delivered in Vi iule untit f ihm of ihi?.. k ltacvii-n the fei. CA4i tikrn from the gin ia in the beet !L'' 'riTi r',HT1 jfartur-rl.,r :VvMaif Jbrttpiimirf;. IWtiiea, are ahouW aave the nc T ifi iirtivnJual hj tuj me thaae hozgtng, an4 wasta(eHiri'r whichr.Mr. -iln, -h "ia eitpetjrfituiei'. preajpf i!,viiib;iiCMW ImlSio f Fett.i!le, eaiimalKt equal to ten wawwr or tah'T, fiwwt tccb tt bnk t pett e. ta r Cttnur.' nt rl tsir.krwp icy. The rtowtk u i;diiy iaMto . Aw4her raw material wanted in Manu- a Htat! or a eommuiiii) . ' ', . ' farynr of Ckt(s, Wot. ------ In Mittin aknit to aiw-liiirie wrcit!j'-irt;i!! TJ tmn'ittee entertais the opinion, that fhe first slrp in ti ador-t mtif m stent tljil rtiaUe rSimai4and at of JS'urih-Carohna, are well.adap- us to buy h-ortd J1 mff", -tUi ! irale u n supply, witntn nor ivc, iurw'wiMp', ln-.tte waterii MMrt,rt-igataM, are en revsitice. And hro, we retimkilat m tstF-u tete tracraaf Iap4 well auited lr the purpose of cm os, it iall the xiore, la-n.-r buy fT I'm- fann. TliU aame M true of the middle and f''X'tlltg JStrlkJii.iilaUa.iicrTC fc1i I'i- i awwittct a e-oftrf tohtk th wtounlaiooua paf ta ot rje it throuch the Nonlu ro l'ite, aod toe pr4iia tf . r .1 . . . j .. 1 . .1 ....... j j . . '1 uiui irauc, wnuiiirr ouiwarja or wvua,art luattl - ly n,aJe at the North. Jut how i tUis 1 tpuiikul revolution to b acc oiripbhcd I We wfiOfuiinf - ly ariFHi-i by intriKloctn tlie Maflufuw iog Sya teni iulo our own iaie, and firraiu2, at rM, u, the xtei.t of our vu wauta. Me utunhcr. Id - !cnd of cndii'goii at iftvat ciintilraoia tim, our ra ivatrnal, con wit n inw ttul i 1. jii', au'l in tltat laie, bring it ruto n;irU , la j thiiit. ay, our want i f c.aviptiioo i.l nut W o r-1 vm-ly dii, lor it i! cod a sbot l m-oA dj '; U),u.0 nr(h of the fabric, thm it ! t lO.Goo! f t!.o rnv ii.nicual, and, of c!.r, tiimr 1 le ti fi H as it will U:divJkMm a Urgrr str.miut. " A orta Carolina, during gfod eron Ttar. is es-1 'jina'f 'd to havo shipped t the North and Irpe,l V.,tuih ocrbaaiiwtaiidjbiiT il li.-i.xi, fO,()U1l La lea of emotion. Kich'v thnaud hales, at $30 per1 -.hole, amount to Ir.'.lOOOO. Hot 80,000 bales, thus worih .tlO" mjbe t j.v 'jalewTionciiiveiii'o'itttoaLrare iocnavd i'l , value fjuf-fmd. wiiith .UJ . Joake the rtiiu U . JfiM.mO, or f 7,2(K),tW) more iLea.w.e oU. 1iitfetHr t.? t!MfU ITiJ T7 """"" 1 jyTr I, ,-, - a Affttn it in rct tht ht e rtiavaratowitirjte,' ll .a! ilie pi.up!e.. --N ot lbCaruUW aaaijulj jCuc. mime, in cotton n.afiufactorvs of sjhious lcjcri t r lions, ooo-fourth i f the enp lii-riM !rxn' the Kt.'.ia eqmiltoSO.OltO bales. If , t J.wi tin-o jiki-J luctiireu pay u lir bur e0,fiUO bak, ly V-iieg jmu" h wwls.i wanted for doilieWlW W- I ho buck, 1 four oart' raw "ma -riRj,"0,C09' taf JBtftcnBfl&al' "lorVItur' of 'cotton bos ntish'd "us Hie irijnufftctureJstrtlc, ix'taiiiirg, ft tbeir truuh, f:om irtrue hi:er,"arid caujeif us to neglect andtbe'usp.ofacnuilic.poweill!! fwHainingm) tiu.,'etr. ' ' . . "ft,f)')0;lifi!ef j wbichr when crov"ertcii."cciidingS,Fru rteut eafcnlitiimvit eaiimatcd-that to tbe ndmittod rule, will bring tbewi t7,'-0,CtiO. I iKere are, at this time, in Pennsylvania, about three " Nbar lftfi t"W loaleiinl'las w rUiiTU 'ojaujgt tmr Toil ourwlvcs, Ibis immense suto would be made by our! bens. vIsi several ofMhe New England States, own citiscono, and woilld diOosc wealth and procrvj there araw.er witl larger in proportion to their ty BiiKiug all claasca.: As it liow .is,-.: we kMi it. nod the profits are enjoyed by Old a;d New Eng. land.' U.. Hut tlxf profits arising from the proceai of con verting the rn innterml, are itot tlacontv adviola- ri.di.l 111 1 m.Im. A -t Hra a. .Yt . )iiXe'ii'io "X-itt "t"o"",ir4TTIie ana lurn 11 into ooer pur-it's, it win cnovert i mm ium 11 Him .icr purwins. i wi rnnven 1 ara gic fri-anmiw untny c.-, aci.rtHiij . . f .k. u.aI4, . :(- pany tnrougn to neaa. i ne volunteers Killed in ih Ku.m Jii..i.JUm.u.;itt. -1 ..il.. ' - - .; 11 -i... .. ri:JXaww,t.(Hiw.u.4., .,y..., .... r , . ia the bosom. oi tbs.cwwuiMiy giao the producls of tljo .Tarmtj. ., - -To wootomiMiy bimf . f-ood .mmttmamnuimt edition, these neichhnrbuod markets are n4 em,. (UrrbaiTrNoW. Ca , iivfij.-tUoir.4toortiee-w wtealcutsbte - Tbe iti- troduction of tlie niaiiufaclurnigsytieiw wou d gnejof employ merit at home to our people, ind airtl ttutl tt(f-?-ot-eio;fatiirt,y-tHco Wartog 4I ouc jmjciu- luti ju, ojr wealth and enterprire, aod leaving thus !;! remnin behind, pour and dipiri:Ml.. It woukl Ltiil.l up fluri--hitig villages in tue iotcri r r t )p 11 ouri.-niiig tit ' .'J initre, not oolv l be bfiVMCAT, W L moral i!:..t,.iiitel!u:tual cuuditiosM4 ocr ciMfe-. This is notiMTulatirfu tbe wroe cause, wader tmilflr e iT'ir!-"-i'i' will a!as pr.uca thejbinred to at Irani ten mtbionsof dollari. ' Inaddj. 4io; ...!.!-). man:.".- turn fn-l n 1 M 1.' '' .iv t f , 1 .', in .' ! ' W ,i i ii . 1 .' f! - -t I. k to the wViavr! their ; nod f iiiiliihrrni, and you j V and rrteri!:2 p'r. ' e (oioi to tle iMitl Lvw-i t.ti t h. Si yearn y its p-eot ! t:t -db the diiiog f nan. .0 e lave ben t!.ere eir;e, t,,i r.f ,eat !,J roiiiii Vi.-ui b-nij -, i.'. iiii.n ot 6.0(H) mil', Ti Vtl.il it afi'tiui cl.i( to 1 .r pul.lic wrniii, u4 raid. f; 1 1',.; vJueation of the children " 'LnTk ". a'o" tw . 'I- .... ... . - -awaan-., i- i a'mi-f. . i ; UK-,-h Jiity anda J 1 r places tu. the New Coj'a:! ar4 the "St!u ni it m here litis y-rm i d.ffii.j wciitii nyl jr j'.ity, aud iinpro;p tte RWfiljiroai are tvrry Tear luipirtrd from abroad into c 'I a M : . i:u"y. i North lVrotiii.iioi.ldb' her citia:iiA"''""r'-"'''" l)A, it io..y lc akerl, ate lie ai"-o".4.-i7y:csf" r "bViiw th se, th raw nteridl of various other f'ur S-:.i.e MK-ii t. n rr ndT prrttierVf. the ihiro-! articWa aerew-ity anJ cnu firt, may he found to tin. tiii:i of il.ti4 n! (u aiMKig uf We aniler,:lh giatet abundance, in Varus parts of the tut v a iv. '1 In- b.-.i'.d of atur it !r eiiito ininl S-'ate; but the Cornruiitee are limited by time and -" L'zbr-.: r-:r:Ty.tU;et?Trff'-farm frm refargt-g any further this ru ut ' -n :h? epi u.tiicsting braixh of the subject. " '- U tl ll : i f .UM. t!itr 1 . .. 1 . . -1 . . . . . ' . .1 .. . " rte i:e" 1 ' u 1 if i, 'tali) l'iMiii:ernin u loe diner I..1...I. i,r T , ,,, .! il ll R7f t : ft to le if i- v i '- f nvr 1 '; ,! Iri4 wiib 'l i rv . ti.p ti. , i turo " "5 , i. ; 1 i. , I! anui-ietu.'ifi ' c j'abif Iiinfr If; 1. Toe raw nwtteri-il ( tit i w ire fihiii a''--!. -the artK-Jp:, 2. Tie iocr re. ry t ciie tt.i.xi To the' l-i-etitiicry, cu p.oy cd w tstar.oift. . 1 . ' ' a I f.fi'i sir, nt ptiee thai wi.'l a&jr4 pn.!T. IVniHipiis, cheap,! g-.wj q jably a-i alua 4. '.int. 5. t 1 i:V ll- r: nod i 1. 7! R..-.V Mi r.Mt.. t i ' - ii N. r,!. t i- 1 i i t , .rn ( t ! it I : t Irui'P .V I: .III It- (,r hi 8si-'! a tt N' r'ii 'I i.-i -, the ! M -. i Ct".ti, nt pr to I If fiorln, low :;.".!, in l"'j.rt'?! !v4 iiik it up in f;i!etie!j. ! Tin r w-rul, then, abound in North Caro- a,- Lr.r it pa t h id, iilt"iit the expeim4 fu:v-fmn.o. Tt adv!uitac of having the r-iwl j'r-iterlil en t,;;e rot, are touch morriportnrrt t'an t f rt itay appear. First, the expense of i trsiortatixi is sated. ' Thi is equal, oo ao aver. l per rent, on the present prices, or to 2 ; crtu p-r lb. per bale, on all shipments, M t tV raising f Sheep, and th. growing of S'ate. fu bunvalled for extensive ranges of . . Ti : .' J( L.. . ine am Kilunam prum. 1 ne opioioo i ueiu uv J inse, thai tKMihenV climate i better adapted to ' We (mvinj of fine woothan the aouth. If o, we jluvw aitrli a climate in oyr mountain tu produce w.J lna aU-y, while he eastern and middle ; part of the iiie wll produce wool of the coarser !urt. ' the tn-ii-e of raisins; Shet, North-Carolina L to r j ireprtaiii 'adva7eVpvcr tbeNorth7 en Slate. 1st. Toe prtc of land. 2d. The cUmsiM. : . . . ' North of (he Susoehanna, lands range at a i.iw.h kiher rice than tn this Btate. Ooe th'- Isanti jiars ia':'fyWtlt'Cr'Hlbatlt;flirchMu:it ! more eitettive Mieep walk, than ten thousand will coinmana in New-lWIand, Ne-York or Fm I ranis. In ihe Nwttera State, aheep rerjutre to ws week is as -m' as is necearr. . 1 liere, they Rtwt be fed with stiecokot egetaUe and other eipeu-tre f!: while liere, a cheaper food will ahs-verr or at nt, a lea quantity of exfiensive e"rfahW and grata. Ia addition to this, the se er.v 44 thecitirMtearth Nortli7eriaIrc4' m careEAaiteritmn to he paid to ttoyungj than is ottTKsarT here. 1 All theoe thu g considered, it is ! evident iii&t e CAnjP-ise sheep at least 35 or 40 r rent, cheaper i ban ibey ran be raised at the Norta. biiherlo, but few iheep have been rawd ia N.tlb Carolina. We scarcely grow 'a extent of lerriiory. '..,... .v li is not suiinixed that any oT these States are over-tided with sheep; on tl)e contrary,' they are c rable cf uxrse-iw-their number tu a much J creater esteot. There are about frty million of .Ka - Mk in fiiMt Rntnm am tMIVUr ard five rortb-i,arotum as many snecn, accoroins wKi-nhiiopo-every-en jtuar: are?-;T il fwswd woi acb t 415 cent .ir .pouod ! would produce f 2J25O.0UO, while our whole cotton NewrtKeeuhiwHwuiW oton require the Vat .il; it eilwusi the WuMKand requires uKichlu-j bor while "the rauo.f ol sheep give value to hiMifirotTitAtprtbrarj wonMWt 6VU productive of prefil to the farmer. Further, it rrq'ores but Kltle labor, and that of tlie lihtet liuL . ' , ". ) - r" ijirnl 1 But air." ltMiail f semliiig abroad the nine ruo!4a podiJ wool,' w re we lo manufacture it 1M0 rbtb at bocce, then Us value would be err- tM to ail thiff, the molt 00 wmild lie a great source of prtfit. Ir would enpply the place nf pork iu a roiM - ieraW degree, ai d be a more beallhv and lew etpetwiye fJ. The naaure produced by the 's!rfep too, wxilJ warty, if not Wholly, pay tlie ex. prr of keeping ihew- ' Ia additioQ to Cot too and wool, we rti&j , aUd irutt ore, as a raw ooitcrral abounding in our tvate. Inlaof tbi ere, inexhaustible in quantity, ot a wiprnor fpuiM) , abound in various parts. la iW--WeternlMlioo of IhirFtate, h may IbeKiuiMr . ... ri . i M nM vef y mauc-i . 4oon oord y j anfl 'oat Nee Rirr. a- kcaied extensive beds of B"d quality . Noiwitbstaodiog ibis, large quantities of II.. w ATt a rowrK. "." . i ". , - (t - ., r . V .1. I:." Tl- .1. I ii I, nan .'rti' nnii!a. a 110 rihhii A(iU4-:wg rav-jifi.a ; the tonall rivera ami large CiPidSal! furjii"i pevr-fadieg supplies nf thq fi. , Kt watrr pwrrm Ait'erica. Murhoi this power :'. , -m 1'i.nl in that rare of country, where the cotton gross well, and i evternuvelv cultivated i and high , er up, near, aod in the n.untrt.i, there isnohnut lo this power. " If Uifg thus abomlant, it must ifxever rtmeio rl.er. while at tbe North it is dear. a . ' . . MirLAM .1 Jl ..K1..I.I 'u t . u. O I .1 .1 I , . v....i. - ".' .... : 1. ..v.i. .1. . -n'iiii 11 1 r. n ..ii. m .fit 1 12 r f IS.i't'O, cieo iiu.re: here, it may be bad. i rn fctifab.eiiu4'i' f r iKie tcnth of that Biiiount. ; IIen in ihe lt'efo section of our .Suite, this spe. iri f-f nowcr rtat l e nmmiiilict. - When iIuvm erfwi f L!r," '.i!taii.vkeet Slid other, fit d-aow ', !", f tit'j tintviooif tbe water, will i'tir' r -H j.-Tota' i- srjes f..r Mi'N and Miniifjcturiii2 t r Hi" 1.1 nt ot inmate, i... r. it a''viiitae which our 1 1 H the NY.rth. On the t -n, vo I ,n e a!i l!,;it can lie. nr. l,itr i-4 1...- L 1.1 mi id j.r..f.t, or to !.. (Mlt:li-. i'U loc oithrr.f"!tf '--'I J- . , ... i p . v ! " p.ij.t.l iii'ii ..nc . ' 1 lit if si f:f''ii "foist itako.. If it were wi, wneo H price ol cotton Mi!-- d from 15 it, 20 n !! r lo. it i c.-rtaii;,y not mt nowj xince the great lull in price in that and , other ataph.'M. - li e have two ppedc H Jntmr ir mte tntior ara black labor.-: As to trAi' Uhor,me hazard oothmg in any in", that it is cheaper in North Carolina ihao it is at the North. ' Mr'. Thomas Maey a very intelligent Manu fiieturer, who has bw-o i eighteen y ears engaged in the buiiness, gives the following asjthe lowest prices ever known in bis neighborhood, viz: For boys snd girls, under 12 years, per week $1 CO For do - - 15 Ho - 1 50 for- -do r.r W do - - -:- -. ': .--2 W !n the Flannel Factories at Aroesbury, Mj chu'tts the wags for foni8lcs;ir50, ceiil per day, , and of males one dollar. The wages of irbi of 14 years old nt Lowell, average more than $1 p week " ami their board. ....;::;-; ";r T,. ', t-.; ' According to a statement taken frorajhe Patter ' soti riifeUig!ncerilltere are employeJ at live Fa'tter son Factory, 381 then, 388 women and 696 girl and' boys. The average wages of tbewhole is .$152 -per year, or nearly S3 per week. ! 7 JJoW lei any otitj f ompart 1 1hee prices with sirn ilur . labour in the interior of North-Carolina, aod he will at once come to the coocluooo that labor is cheaper her than at the north. Indeed Iabr rers of the south can alWaya aflord to lake lower .j-'' .,- . t .t . : wages, as they require log fuel and clothing than in New England. The species of labor that baa 4B-ligB- at- th aouth,. i that oi male adults; wlnle that of female and children, ' has always -been low. '' -Mr. Donaldson who owns a Cotton Factory at iayetteville, and another at the Falls of Tar Riv- er a gentleman who has visited the Notbern Es tablishments and those-of England, and who is well acquainted with the subject, gives it io the Committee as his decided spioion, that Factory la. hour it cheaper here than, either in Uld or New . . . " , ' ':..'..'i-.. IV. PBOvistoNa. , , ; Tlie soil and climate of North-Carolina ara wc4J suited to all the productions of all the twees 'J"irie. "iuT life" .djni4i'fiie . . 00" igricaUuf"'." 'Ib tbi respect it unites advantage over the state either farther north or south, w e occupy a sort ol mid die ground where the staples and products of the 7. north, and aouihlmeeirio aocwl Droiimit "io the i -ame rich fields. As we recede from the sea-board iowBrda ihe western oart of the State, we rfra 1 coiltntly ,9pepdingt audit kkaowjB lhit :cliBtcinl?SorAXrolMJ wmne4 depoyis as much on all nude a on latitude- Thus in th tipper regions of the State, we bare a cli maie audfovospto to lb growth of aJiibejimftll grains and all the vegetables necessa- ri a for fhe 'oinfortt of life. Iink-cd "there ii bo Eart of the stale where Ihey t!o not grow welL 'uroish but market (or article of this descrip tion, and they will anon be ptoduced ber4n the greatest qirantities and at the cheapest rate.. Tbe same may be said of botchers meat.- Particularly . of boef and mutton, Idr ,a word, then, ao ir a the mnniifacturlng cstablisainenls depend on sup plies of provisions, abundant and cheap, North Carolina can furuiah them. iS-y -x. -r ,AVwCJ.tMATr.,IIEAtTH The rigor of the New, Eiigln4 climate ia a drawback on tbe profits of manufactortoj;. 1st. I rfnmro. more iliol thera lo keen ih. MiahluiK. t....i. rAmfortuhli. and for ih'.. nf-iU Uvea' than here. 2nd, Tlie operative bare to more thickly and expensively cklied: And W. The streams uften freeze np and 1u North Carolina we have' a milder climate ; our streams but seldom freeze. Iu point of Dealt h- swamps in tlie east are drained, the same may be "anticipated of thai section." , VI. skill akv capital. TnTireae two requisitoe, North-Cnrolina ackoowb ta-herdeficienev r -Bot- thev are wjoTI that ran be supplied they are elements that may be erea- K ated. for skill we must in the beginning, be in. sysiem once take root among as and experience will Creole skill at home. ben nianulactorie ""Cfe fiit iriiroducedtnln New England, the wan! of knowledge and skill in the business mas as anucb felt there, as we bow foet it here. ' lodced they labored undergreater disadvantages than we do ; for they had to import their superintendant and - mechanics from Europe, while we have them near er at home. . They found it difikuit, owing to the law of great Uritian, to get out from that country suitable and qualified persons; while we shall find no difficulty in procuring such person from the Norlb. -' . ' As to capita.1, owing to the pursuits of our peo ple, it is hatd to be commanded, here. . The wealth of our citizens eousist in property not easily con verted into money; la lands and negroes.. We "n can fiiid"amongus but TcwwiiHj who are able tn command -virher-ttie wta4er'tTmji futKls necessa rv lo put manufactories into oppra . lion ; and therefore, for capital as for skill,' we rnust be in wrri rneasure dependant on, the Nothi ,.ern StHtes.jnd iti certain, when the monicd and - enterprising men of ihe North fully understood how profitable the business may be pursued here, I bey will be the first to embark in it. But if, from pre judice, or from a want of a know ledge of the so- penor advaa'agci enjoyed hurri, thai shiUil.1 nq U the case, then there is yet a way bv wh'ch capi- ' tal in sufficient amount may be collected, H5 Sj?e forward thesjsterm What on or two, or a few ""TfiJiviiliiaTs canwS eflecTniaj f aecvmpllshed ly the I'nion of many persons. Companies may be formed in eery county in the State, enmpoeed of 1 uiuiviauais, eacn coniriouung a amau amount, which in the aggregate, w ill make sums suRkirnt to carry through Ihe object. It is a fact, well known, that the manufnetoring system was first principally introduced and est&blicbed in New Eng I land, by the means of incorporate eomp-inies. Thus, we see during a single eioo of the Maasa. chusetts Legislature that eight manufnetoring coro pnnie were incorporated, some with large capitals, and in none of the States at tho North are tppli. cBiions 01 mis nature ever rriu-a. 1 ne " iniia "llagnzine." in a very able article 00 tho resources our conniry, rrn.ari, 011 11 us sutrv:: ... Uy what secret the Americans contrive 10 noder con- cerns under Ihe nisnngement of companies of this sort profitable, would be worth enquirirg; for it is evident from the gradual snd continued crowth of establishment- of this kind, t!,at they ere not unprofitable. Seeing 'that lliey do propr-r, com - parties of this description are ol the b.ghi st irr.j-or. - tar.ee in a country l.fc Arntica, Th'htaih increnes rapidly, it is lo mwh uiividd, I v ..u-, 4 111.111111 1 no cqoi.i pnniiiofi 01 pri ;) y a- .;! a '-, :. ' : ..rr.i.t.-i i.f w ..; itrtry i"--t'r-t I - f Hi Mill t ' l 1, 1 a mi -2 a" -1 t'rv. ,.' ' B ,'1 i-u mi H I'OI- w!t.,t(-.i 10 v:m b-u-U f owuerf, ut pi.Aed ly r ti .."." ; ' AootUr pj"sb iw fo.r incorjxitioiii of ,l,ff k;t-.,l is, that in this way large capital tiiay bo . c.cfntr.i!ed, and larg cap.ti.l will .botlJ op large estbVHbnien's. Lar-"riabhshni-ots always hiake. greater pM'i ha '"'vl '"''' among otiitr r a--km, brt-auae ti-y can atTiird to procure greater ki!J and belter "roaTSmrnL . Thus, some fcm yean ago; btf .re thAla'e protection, the M allliam Factory, whxb had an imroensa eapital, divnled 40per"ceot. profits, while tlie amaller establish, roeots compUioed of making nothing. Toknure sucre?, in our F'ate, therefore, the first establish ment ought to be commenced 00 a scale of conaid- erable eitei.t, and then ihey could aTrd to procure -the best ibanager that the Notbern Stoles can furnish. -'- ' We wish not by this remark, to convey the idea that small establishment cannot be made profit. blc. " Oa the contrary, these are the one that w ill do most to improve the general toodition of tlie rommuoity ", : ?M "V, The Committee have thus at greater length than they could wish, presented their views on the poiky introducing b Manufactoring System into Nort j Carolioa. They firwdy beliera that it is the only course that will relieve our people Irom the evils that now a hetily presa on them We have nearly reached tbe lowest point of depression, and it is time for 7 reaction 4o begin. Our habits .-... : . and prejudice are against manofaetoriog, but- we -must yield to the frce of thmg, and profit by the bdical ion of . nature. JThe policy that retts the change, i unwise and suicidal. Nothing else can restore us. 1 Let the Manofj ctortng System but take root a mong us, and it will soon flourish like a vrgorouV pla;it hi it aativa soil : It will become our great, est meana of weatlh and prosperity ; it will change tbe course of trade, and, in a great measure, make us independent of Europe and tbe North. . Nature bas. node u. fer jiruidcrjenUent o tbern thabey-ate of- us. 'Thrf t fscture'our raw material, but they cannot produce it. We can ratae it aod manufacture it too. Such are our superior advantage, that we may antici pate the time, when the manufactured articlo of the South, will be shipped: to the North, and sold in their market cheaper than ibeirowa fabrics, and when the course of trade and dillereoce of ex- yfhange .will turn 10 our favor. The Committee, at tin time .are Jiot aware that it w wit bin the puers of this General Assembly,, by any legisla tive act, to forward the introduction of the system the granting of incorporation lo companies for man. ofacloring purposes as often as suitable application may be made. AU vl tea it rttptrifulli) tubmiited, ,;lARLra FlatlKRCh'ni- " FromOtSL Augutti lInuU March lltk. ' The following is what we leam from the best source of the receot depredations in Middle Flori da. . . . . -. Oa Ihe night of Monday, tlie 10th ult a party supposed to be five jjv number, attacked the dwell ing of Sir. WhiU, l M east of Tallahaase and three miW south of Mr. bite, Mr. hue nephew, and a aegro, and departed' w iibout committing a ny robbery. i u F rda night a party supposed to .be eight in i nu.ober, atUcked robbed, and burned, tbe dwelling irfPid--i are m. , . fi". ' m0raer,D 11 u. .'ivranxij man ;uutiuj - i m aiiaiiaasco volunteer were surprised by the Indian io a ham- sneeapwevheaii,lweer who shot . Br--tb. s a .a a a a three waggons in the employ of Government,-, ba Wed with hay and eats, wereatiwek) nlhe- W; ems road eubt Aile abote Magnolia, and about ihree.Jnilcsiacttnf.tJMLlHt MiMiu.vK'dL jtb. wzryrm were burned, and four persoos mur- deretl. By"lhs"tioi a laire"Wjdy oTv'iIuntesrs were 10 tbe field why scouted as fur as Ihe Oeilu, without finding funb signs of Indiana, except .trail Isadiag into t h swamp;. "" The whole affair appear to amount to this. A band of Indians, probably not exceeding a dojen, (many d-rtteos were reported ky lovers of the rnar veHous) crossed the St. Marks, end in one week killed twelve persona, wounded three, destroyed one house, and two public waggons, all "almost within sight of Ihe Capitol of Florida. ' Tbey, did not go into I aliahassre ; poiUy they bad beard of the bad accomodaiiona for si ranger. Plunder Ihey could not carry away, and as to money, there is none there bat I own Bank, which might go at as great a discount in the Everglades as ebjewhere. From fir to last there must have been near five hundred tolunleer ia chase daily armed with pistols, bowie knives, double barreled guns, and all sort of murderous weapons. They had M glory eooub" for one fortnight Sorx.e of thcra iode i whole dav on horse back, which is distrestiins- to heitKf - lrmrhWed break iast uotill supper time, with no subsbtteoce whatever, except barn and bread, and tbe contents - ol a nquor iiaiki--.M.-.--.?- "rmx"ntss; Middle: Flirid lias received 'k mournful knon. of the calto ilies to which the East bas been long exposed. If men borrid n-.assacrea ran be per petrated in ibe midst of a thickly settled country, what must have been, or is now, the condition of our sparse and cew-paigtivcly uiiuiutcited populg1-'- lion? We aJ .tcd in oar List that the house of James RiZ, Emi- at Pic4Tata, had been dWroyed by fire, ne uatnage wejnmersiana, n.s been mucti great, er than our firwt out ice would indicate alt of the fence and eight ol the buildings on the place have been consumed. , ' , The dwelling and out housrs, and the remainder t of tbe fences on Ihe pUntation of Philip Weedham '-"q- 00 ine 1 tcoiaia road aomil li miles Irom this city, were burnt a few days since. Until within a short timipist flu place hi been occupied as a military post. These ciHitligratiotja are thought to' lie the work of irjeendiaries v . . . ' Ct-T Our ifitr$. We believe at no neiuld inee the discovery of the Aline ia thi vimuity have tlie miners found more profitable returns for thi ir jla'oor aid capital than at the pres- nt lime. The id of the commumtr, at this time, mostly liene. fated by the mnies are ih fanners wl.o own Iho j mines, who at eW m-m of tho year lorn ; tbir anerfion to tl nii-x -on their own bin I, and j are amply rrpn-l f. r th.-i'r tune an 1 trubli We ! uivNtarl f4....r, Mr. riR.f, bro't t-i j the M.nt list .ek,-l0 ,.r 12 r..u;w..f bulimn,. olu UineJ from an i.,,t,,idera!.l iH.rtion of ore. ' We are ' grst;w d t l-im tS..-it . elf.ri-4 -of t'.e o rs ;i:c po-i t ! , ,v (..oflhe THE WKSTEIIN CAllQUxiAv a a a; a a a v rivyT" : ; TutJBSDAT EvEMSO, A PHIL ll', l$2 TUB AEPOllTS OF THU-'COMMITTEE h in 1 i-o 1 1 We have received the reports of the mn,W and of the mirtorifa of the Committee appointed to investigate , the Swartwout, and other dafulcati a, 1 They maker a boot tf '283 page; altngether M: ' voluminous for our weekly sheet. 'To publish Hie : wbole would fill up everal euccessive numler9-.! We notice, that aome of the whig pn tiers are ' publishing the report of the majority, and the Dj. mocratic papers the report of the minority. These reports, we find differ considerably, and to act fair, ly it fltiikes us, the paper that publish on report ought likewise to publish the other, so that n108 who reaa might ee both aide, and judge for them. s elveer-t .'r. . We have looked into both reports, but r have not Jieeo able to gj" half through either. We have however eoen enough to satisfy us that 8art wout, Price, and others, are very great rogues, and have run away with their pocket wull stuffed sith tbe public money If they only had left th mo. ney, their running away was a thing well enon V for K tSTftorajlj" certain they never were fit fur tbe office they hold. They were appointed in the- ' palmy day of the . "old Roman." One lhin ''.' sincerely wishj that Levi Woodbitht would a! take it into his bead to ran away-f-iwomdw" U ' would leave tbe money behind for we really ind truly believe that this man is morally, and intellec tually unfit for the Treasury lTtepartment. Report say Mr. Van uren i l aiiasingjy lircd ofhim. If 0, why don't, he turn him out and be done wltii k! 0r,,if 4Q. .i9 afraidoo ship him, why not do fer Emperor of Rome use to do in siiriilar'casei send hjm into honorable exile- -that is, send hia special. minister to England or to Belgium,--ofv even to CstanjjnopleanyWbre to get ;id & hiroT Ihe Tact is, we are all tired of hiinit! whigs are tired of him ; the Dumocrats are bred -of him, and there i no mistake Io it, we the 'Its Republicans are aicli tndtjr;d of him ; ao that Mr. " Vao Buren will(greatly oblige the whole ol ut by speedily domsornething; with JLevtWoodburyr -' A XalionaJ Baa:. It i amusing to notkt ttoaLXlis politiciaar,M..vory4iart of. tbe country : are falling off from a national Bank " . Whether " this change has taken place on the principle that-..' M rat always deaort a sinking hip," or, wlietkr il.be. from a discovery that the country will te able to got on very well without th Bahk. U it riotfjfwtcrssyBl the wus"wliatmayfl cao henodoubt about the fact, that thev are !l giving up the Bunk. We see from the " Conw;. ticut Times," that several of the Bank papers in' now hoist the motto No National Biik."--'V( arelruly gTadio see thisor ailhouch7wliar 4alway eondemned, and still condemn tsnn. Jac!!.; i aw7c!tmntowa States .Jliiyk, J$l w e'quanylx)6 of 'that B iuk.ind hope never to see another similar one in this cou where rlsfruit were gathered, and enjoyed, ahaB we ' le Sn"h who have foil its seorge conlimie to cTingtj it T But,"the best part of the ne ' yet to come. When Mr. Clay mado his able aa-ti-abolit6n speech in Congress, It was then jocose ly wjd at. Washington City, that his next wove would bo to abandon thu Bank. What was tLco jwo8cIy aaid, has now turned out to be even trut It is now understood that Mr. Guy haj written 1 letter to a friend of his in Mississippi, in which ts for the present tnlirtlg abandant a national BmI. We nre truly glad of this, and hope that all hi friends, in tho South at lenst, will follow this j& clou example. - We bono Mr. Clav will now sooa fgs",'J?J.ll. PJ1 Bpublicao principli'i aa laid down 10 bia speech in the Senate of the United States in J81 Jt where he not only opposed a re charter of Ihe Bank, but denounced it aJ uncowli tutional, and hostile to liberty. - ' " ' v . y Xickolag Bicfitf. Tbi famous gcntlemari b', resigned the Presidency of the United Stales Bank suddenly, and uuctpecludly to most people. ll hour by a visit to Europe- with his family. rar! of fiis family, alrcndy resiu'e'inl.ivfirpool, imI it i' said, hnve made tlWiands in "the Commission k" sincss, all the Cotton purchased up.bjr the nn having been shipped lo their house", We way if hope, that tlie Institution over which Mr. Bid"' has so long, and so ably presided, will henceforth retire .from the field of polities, and also from l!t field of cotton, and tobacco speculation, and conk-8 itself , solely lo ilia legitimate pursuits of banking la this way, it may be useful to trade, and enter prize, but as political and speculating maclm,! was a sore evil on the country. . A Mr. Dc.nlap, not much known t fime, ha been chosen-President of tho II, ink in place of BiJJle. . It is said, tho appointment is a judiff'-'' one, and gives geueral satisfaction in I'loia f. 'i1'13' Mr. Puddle' 'letter of rf si TUution will be ("'Ur in npother column. , , Ct Ar. O.ir Cornnns.-tr-r ncjlti.-te-l ta Z' cre-bt lo tho " I'ln. iien!!,; Oli-crvt r," f r tbe c- b'.xrd . 1 .... ie 1 f lhe Cei.-. N Art P'l.li lied ill :r I I per. -It reotniT-f no t.t: I ! -ir to iii!-t,e ( tl.'a-ll'i:-.!'-' p III .t; it well lb- eru -t ..T f t

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