. ry er er be in in' 1 v- wd.1 iU lrlb ... i i an- ose-' wve Leo- rut. ft I lie hii woo : laid lited "tt-" ni- -It rart it i , i bu- no iJJ! U(h ith nter- ;.C,it ,b ' Mr. ',-3. l.l -IIT, -N. Y., '! I' f 'A 'i 1-A'mO, ,...,.! i..hi,i. , i. tl, '.. the 6Vrn wmiU 1 e ipnto w illing to occupy tho r),.,i,:oii(ial chair, but we presume that (lie people aienot over-onxiou for another military liro. t , L, 7iirri', however, is openly in the field, t,dif agrees ,rt ru" there will bn a brace of itiBtn.' How tunny more candidates there yet may no one can foresee. No douty the people will t lyne a chance of selecting frtmi aome half a i y n of them. Scott, we think, now makes the 'f'Jt. f c ourselves, we intend to stand unc.ommit- f. . .1 ' .11 ... ...i .u. r . CO UllllI limy urn in urn, uu uku in or mu jt one of the- whole, -that is, if we can find out ch is the bebt. The Maine Troubles.- It will be seen from the (ioing Mtt of Gen, Scott, that the Main difii pilWi have been amicably adjusted for the present, ind of course, all danger of war, lias pawed away. Tbe cou ree of Ihe"" Ad i nifiistral ion on ihisquent ion, ks been prudent and wise, and merits the meed of prai from all who wished to aee war a?ertcd. The British" Minister, Mr, Fox, has also acted a very judicious part' in the aflair, and no doubt will rfceive the approbation of his Government ; . Ilid Quarters, Eastern Division, U.-S. Army,' ,; ' fkvavsm Me, March 21, lt&tt. I'The nnderaigned.a Major General in tho Army rfllie United States, being specially charged with umtiininB the peace and saloly of their entire North. xmd Eastern frontiers, bavins cause to apprehend k collision of arms between the proximate torces of JieW UrUnswiCK nu mio Kuaia ui imbiuc, u ma j7ipu mI Ternlurf which is claimed by blhr has life honor: s the sincere desire of the United States to preserve tin relations o( peace and amity with Great Britian telitions which might be much endangered by such ntnwtrd collision to invite from His Excellency, Ma- k General Sir John Ilervey, Lieutenant Governor, Stc., Tlwt it is -not the intention of the Lieutensntnoyer W of Her Driiuinc Majesty Province ot ivew liruns ick. under the expected renewal of negotiations be jwd the Cabinets of London and Washington on the Kbiect of the said dimmlcd territory, witliout renewed instructions to mat eneci irom nis uovernment, to seen intake Military possession of that territory, or to seek, by Military force, to expel therefrom tbejjrned Cjy.il poc, or the troops of Maine. ' . ' " . Should the undersigned have the honor to be favored mil such a declaration or assurance to be by him com nSnicated to His Excellency the Governor ol the Slate 4 Maine, the undersigned does not in the least doubt that he would be immediately and fully authorized by WGuvwrnof ol Maine to eommunrca te to Hir Em'N fcnrr, the Lieutenant Governor of KeW Brunswick a corresponding specihe declarauoa, to tnts ,e,lleeu- - Tint in the hope of a speedy and satisfactory settle Dt by nermtiation, between the Government of the Ended States and Great Britain of the principal or Vnxhry question between the State of Maine and the Primes ot New urunswick, it is not the intention A the Uovernor - rn Maine, without " renewed n ttroctwns from the Legislature of the State to at tempt to disturb, by arms, the said Province, in the awtssicn of the Madawaska settlement, or to attempt to interrupt the usual communications between -that Protinc e and her Msiesty's Upper Provinces ; and tint k willing, in the mean time, to leave the question of fuseseton and jurisdiction as tliey at present stand ; Hat U, Great Britain holding, in fact, possession of a Mrt of ssid territory, and the. Government of Maine .iteming her right to such possession ; and -the State of Hsine holding . io fact, powession of another portion of ttic same territory, to which her right is denied by Set Britain. . i- ' ' . , With this understanding, the Governor of Maine nil, without unnecessary delay, withdraw the miliary force of the Slate from , the said disputed twilory tei avtng-only -under-- Lmfr-Agt!flt"ii innll .;;! " ,l. r-.iw.j " ,i l toll cmpowe,lfl .protect the Umbef recently flit an1 In nrovunt diift liH riAnrakHal lrnai . ' - I . w f ; "- -V,,.-.. .1 ,Jto,inr(Kal tstuaiM.4bAJegowfrfrM coarecter have been through the undersigned, in-1 indersigned, in ttrwiMrieparr; ft removed, and rmnd)lVf6Hi6iwj1baycenaKQ wstot ie controversy will be at once removed, and flnie'allowejitthe Uiiitbd Stales and' Great Britian sett le amieahle. the creat. oucation of Lmit4 J ue uiiucrsiiicd bas muoh olcasure hi renewing JSJUul4icellnicy Bf John Ilaryeyrthe'BssUrarice hit ancient considtratidn and respect.' WIN FIELD. SCO IT. APPROPRIATIONS OF- THE LAST SESSION Li ;LiPFCONGRESS. It appears from an official statement, that the frwpriations mado by the last tession of Congress w Ihe year 18.19, amounts to the enormous sum 33 millions of dollars. -This at the first glance, startling, and looks as if the Government was in k high road to ruin.. , A nearer view, however, fovi that it is not quite as bad as we af first tup. rd. Bv examinina the official list, we discover tat nearly halfo( this sum fqrfha no part of the ylaf enpenses of the Government, but is made f items of extraordinary expenditure, to called, caotri distinction to tbe ordinary annua char f!,.,n Govcrnrnent. . For example, iq this sum, included an appropriation of ten millions of do." ,r"ol)0 used, if necessaryln repolliiig" ariTinvat tf Maine-rBut llie'danger of war has now S"VBover, and the money will not bo required. jtarjtem, is up wa rds of se " mi llions, tor the office Department. This sum is wholly mis. out r.f .oi. .: J :',i.l T - . ".int7, n paiu urci iiu mu , luuvuijr, impropriated back again by way of checVof depart 1 i"y "i - t( from the ordinary revenues of the country. flier item is, the appropriation for carrying flonda war f'-A not her, for removing the wet, and supporting tbctn forgone year, ' w of these appropriations, we trust, will be S8" renewed; so that, deducting thse sums m il fbtal amountnd it will leave the regulsr Vitare at from 18 to 20 millions. This, to be - -uiicining oeiier man it nas occn curing " previous years, but the rum is too large M believe that this novcrnment ouuht not ' 'i'-rid more than 14 of 15 millions annually at 1 . "'ttl0t,and the people ought never to rest eat- j Ul"il the exnenses are brought down to this i " - I j ;nj. Truth and justice however, should , ' 111 Pft mn ... I 1 J . ..I ,1. ," , Mu. iiim'r mat it ooes noi.nuoiiy aepena xia ttive to make this Ri roBM. He can 1 bc-Mire by exercising his influence, - reliirrj mainly depends on Comirks ; tnakcy-ihe npjiroprintiun, and there is eh''re tli" evil must 1 nrrfs'il, Wq ' ol t!i"ii members of Cin;;rcM e.' lidiiie' .s h-l), ii'i 11 liie !-inii, nr v. re$ i'i ) ! in their cirrul.irs, nuil," n (ichiiiciit slid rcfunii, vho t Ii.' -l iij; ' ..I I I hi thiS III vii' -k' , I A.' r !' ;! st'ty t '.-. Ii t.'.iy wiiiil, I i nyi l'i r. A'nt in I HI''--!imii iii.iie in ilio people, inn! ; i tl.-t r uiti n ti:m to tlii'ir Iri'iinmtn (IniVs, them wou'd he creator prosperity in the cmiiitry, iiml more polui. cal iiitej-rity in the government. ' ' ' Gin. Bryan $ rt mgntttioif.W ore rerjue.-jted to state, s-tys the Itutherforilton (iazetle, tltnt the Command of the 10th Brigade, N. C, Militia is .now VMcunt, by the resignation of Gen. E. Bryan. - : The Whig members of the Virginia Ltt'gislature held meeting in Richmond, on the Vb'h March. " After duo deliberation, the meeting come io the conclusion that it wq$ inexpedient at that time, to dmignalt who they would lupport for the next Preidencp. In this niatier, the .Virginians are a li'tlo more cautious than were the Whig momboraJ of our Legislature. , Rapii TrateUln'g.fivoen myi pass from Augusta to New York, a distance of 910 miles, in about 00 hours, or less than Tour days. A. soon v , as the Wilminnton and Hoanoake ilail-Koad is all f completed, the same rout will ta-Weiy in 80 ' hours. ' ..; ' ; ' " . " , Connecticut Elections.-The Wbigs haVo car ried Connecticut throughout. EWsworth't mojori tv orer E.8enatorifci,-forttwrnor;'ii'-.bo4ilc "ori-. , n - , ... . Vyadkinat VVnkesbnro, where, if it terminates, it W 2,i 00 votetk fhe Congressional majority is about Ujv, th0 o tlte inountainnua region of Jhftaame- Wardens of the Poor. At an election held jn "ihisTowrirAprirTstV 1850; the following gentle men were duly elected Wardens of the Poor, for the County of Rowan, for the ensuinff three years : Isaao Burns, John Kerns, John Coughennur, Danl. II. Cress, Jas. C, VfcConnaugheyj JrViliiani Bar -l?aur.juid k f wtMlofJJddshftt!)cn. z The Iludsuft River N. Y.' hai' been navigable - for Boale as high op as tha city 1 of Hudson for several dava. but a few miles heluw Alhunv. npor ... -i.. t. s ii. j .1- , j ' lH" u""--'.u8 " ' wo o. 01 tne ; Cabinet-maker of Tennessee, and has ken used for River has been so blocked up by ice, as td throw the I some years in the Treasury Department, tf the person water back and create a new channel on the' east! fho "" "ticlo wiU only shew Mr.; VB. Aa- n u u k- A., '.w.-r' Tttntwd w,Uwul o"'! h 'fi- v . , - V" T " vv.vvA.fw. .""wsafhfl histriends, the article can be bad tor nothing, win reiurn duck io tne original oea, on tne re mo. J yj of jhfl ice oti:oiitiouo..o .occupy its present ' chantibu" '.1' ' - - - ' .-. .. Observer,' No. -3., ia received, and snail ap. . . - ' i .. . r pear next week, , . '' .. . ::. ....L' if.'-- - it "o B .? Ukitw States, j .Lil':. Urcn S '.At a meeting of Uie Board bf Directors of the Bank of Uie United blatcs, held at their banking house this j morning after the iirdmary business of the day .waiTmaiy others, think if a test wss made in old Rowan of : COinplelfiOr-NrclioIas Biddle, Esq PresidebL COlllinuni-. ihu hiimi'iaii. tha Writ nf m smertinn wnuld bn . csted to the Ajard his intention of resienina- his plsce in the institution, and took leave of his Colleagues in a onoi Tiitniicuiry, umit mi ncH wiiy oynis usua4 lencity ' of expression, but singularly characterised by an elc-; qnent -pathos, which was wholly lrresmtihls among Xh.: ; oiu anu trieu iricnua, nis teiiow isoorera lor uie last Upon Mr. Biddle's withdraws!, the following letter from him to tlis Lfirectors, wss presented end resd. " To Ike Board of Directors of ihe Bank fthe V. 8, . - 'I Gentlemen I execute a purpose which, ss you are aware, have long meditated, and which i intimated toUw stochuohicrs at tiioir nwt- meeting, unrjer - the now niiriCT-um 01 reuring imm uie aireeiioii m me h i. 0w more Uian twenty years since 1 en." ... . . tered Uie service. I hey hsve oeen vesrs ot intense la- tered the service. They hsve been yesrs of intense la- fe, niiTer )A ch,ne in groceries Domour last ntmta. relaxation and repose which approaching sge snd pre - 1. riire " the tnonT appropriate : mohienl at which I could be best relaxation and repose which approaching age snd pre- ppropriste tnomenl st wlncli I could be best sparedTbut hnjieTWi Wheneveniiave anaghV the tirement I so oiuch.oeedd, smne'diffic&lly in which ihyVryicejwss deemed useful, .always inteiTosed,3qi,.iflr.niarliclJs wsHiupple4 with-greees tjtre !dstii3C3oioiuc-e'ii4aw.fr dissentions connected wiih the Bank for the )asT ten yesrs hsve ceased all its extraordinary cjlorti for the protection of our national interests sre ha'ppily ended and the Bank has returned toils aecustomed. chana;Ij...of .mechaala from the country baw baon 4a this wekr oiousiiiess in peace, i wr inererore witnaraw at lenirth without incoovenkhce, and I doit more resdi- Aly, because I leavyibe auairs of the institution in a state of greet prosperity, and in the hands of able direc- , tors and oftoeta. , ".'." A--""- - -' This seperation from friends with whom I have been so long and so agreeably associated, is among tha most pninful acts of my life; and I pray you lo accept , it parting, my sincere wishes for the perrons! welfare of yon all. . N. BIDDLE, President Pbiladclphis, March 29, 1839." -. - : - - - lro, T,,lt wswrsas CASOUHUB. -.'f . A aa u. ' -TT A.. Messrs. Editors : In my first communication I in advertency committed a very considerable error, by mis placing a single word. I stated that the County of Da vie contained 17 square miles, whon I ought lo have - said 17 miles square. There is a great difference be ' tween 17 suusre miles snd 17 miles qure. With this correction, 1, will i)ow proceed to finuUi wy.fibwwvaUons in Divio Cuiuly. - - Io addition to the Water Powers described in my for nicr communication, l uiay add tbe following: (ol. V Wm. t Kelly's, oft Boa f Creek i Joba.Vauefua im! Joseph Hall's, on the Soulti Yadkin ; John Loin's on "J)uichinau Creek; Joseph Haines' at Fulton; George Sheck aud Nathan Chatlin's on,smaller streams. - Two or three of the above are most e'xtelloal powera. At the junction of the South Yadkin, with the mam strei h, is a beautiful elevstion nf grmmd. wherf tJin tew o ol Clinton was Iocs ted hut unlike Palmyra, or Balbec, no monument is left to point where it once stood. Tbe towa has disappeared and the cotton weed and tbe coin-stalk wave over its departed glories ' "" But 1 forbear Of dvertmg- to the trracr that tried men's purses, and exhibited,) forcibly, the folly of " by . gone days." I trust, however, that those follies are past, and that better times await good old North Caro lina; when wisdom and etpmence will guide her iu lure efforts in the plsns of Internal Improvement; when the East and Ihe West, forgetting sectiuosl feelings and , selfish considerations, will unite in the lUil Road, by which the productions of esch may bs exchanged, uiu ; toally and profitably, for the other. ; - - ' . It is time that the old North tiute should begin to es timate Die talue "f Rail Roads and the facilities which . ihey ofler. The lime wss when the people doubted the policy, but that day ia part. Tbe enlightened wisdom v of Uie hlale has dispelled the cloud tint hung over thi question, and adopti.1 the' policy. The Improvement . ball is in motion, and we are persuaded that tho enter ' priw of the citato will never suffer it to stop until the ' obi'tt ha accomplished. . l'he queitiiin then is, not so much on the expdtenryj of the ma'ure, ss where shall we commence !i whieu , of the plans remmmended by the Convention of ;t8, snj vjinjti.in.Ml ty the I'i.-lature, (ihull wo curry into - cf.A.t Ci-sl 1- W hich will iieial r;il. until t. ! pr,-pnri- " ly, wwith, 'id Inp-mifia of the p"op!j ! ' The snwt-r is readyI think it is the Yadkin and Ci;e Fear Rid K'led. Tlii is Hi' (i"k in t:i prcit iliain of Iitr;.al j Imnrm-enient whu:li i.j to cotirn.-i.t the ri-wmrei-s nf ihe! AVuittUU tke lli.U- .Tli4!wl. h.il 1 1 . i :' ,- ii. i: ' i , - i- . !" r t ' f i i.-.', .. . r . f , . , i r i .!, ' ' ('. .( i. -i ( !. , , ' ,.! t. . I y-!:, ' ! :. ''!; M i, u' ii i. 1 1 1, 8 1. -i k:..v ! v ! I.. t ,; n!i rj.f.-, v, .; (r r-l.tx -r ! 'Crr tl.-t nl' r i : no ln'f.iiiij.'.i -I Mil lit. It is ill t'.i'.n llii'll I'. I tlivi ii,.';- t;t Hint I will cnll ymir nltenn-m ( a rmite tl r n Unl U.m-I, wl'i.'ti in n ii:illfij by hhv citli.T, in the Yv- -rn pirt i.f North Carolina ; I r I't-r particularly to' the whirh iliviili's the walorii of the Yadkin. This RiiIl'P eiHiiiiM-nrcS at Clinton, or the fork of the liivcr, nosm' tliriiiieli ttie Ii'iio leiij'Ui ot j;avie In a North-wt d.reethtn, a dtnnceof 2 miles, and in its fmirw, separates the waters which run into the main Yadkin from those which fall into Ihe South Fork. At some places, this Jlide is very narrow, as at Mock ville, in otheis, it spreads out and becomes quite a plain, That portion of it whidh nature designed for Rail Und purposes, remain uninterruptedly iho sam, having at no one point any considerable elevation or declination which 'niiffht require any material graduation., - . Afier paiwinif the Davie line, it'tontinncs nesrly Uie same direction for 10 miles, wln it terminates near a spur of the Fox nob, about ii miles above llamptonville, in Surry. A valley herelntervenes which pursues the direct line to Wilkosbofo', on a perfect level, for 6 miles. Here the route is sgain interrupted by JJ or 4 small streams, for the distance of 3 miles, when it again falls into a Valley, formed by the Brushy moon. Uina, which) w both sWee, pretent t magnificent ap pears nee. - The mute pursues this valley for 12 miles further, when it arrives in sight of the town of Wilkesboro, to gain which, it is only necessary to ascrjnd the banks of k vrtiivii Cub Creek ,f Brsnch o! the Yadkin and Faycttcvillo Rail R4 be ever constructed to Wilkes or its vicinity, this, no doubt, will be the most favorable route. The obstacles are fewer than any other yet pointed nut, and the line more direct In its course from the divorcing point, it will pass through the rich County ot Dsvie, a part of Iredell, nd Sorry, and penetrate the rich tslley of lite" Would ibis State, parts of Tennessee and parts of Virginia. V htt a glorious, consummstion this would be; it would brinff the shores of the Atlantic, with all their pearly riches, w i thin two or three daysof the fertile and May the day soon arrive when we shall see this object srcomnlished, and Die State redeemed fror beautiful regions ot the Alleghany mountains. great from the demded epithet of ?Old Rip Yin Winkle ;, , .OBSERVER. " P01 7T1K WESTESJt CalOLIXIAR.l - Messks. Eorroaa; IoWrve inyoiirpapertfiatsome one advertisua A second handed Secretary (cheap) is wanted. - Mr, Van Buren, I am told, has such, a piece of fumi tore to di-pose of, doe-cheap. , It wssade bv the old and thanks to the donee. A"-. m n roa thi wurraas caaouMxa.li ! ;Mtsa.' Eorroas: I ootwedia the Watchman of the 1 29trV ultimo, a considerable hulofv uoon the circular of , the Hon. Abr.ham Rencher. ' . That Paper asaerta that tlie wbigs in thie region of icnuntry ar unanimously in favour or Wr. Kencher s 4tej0,Tto.CongTemI at tbe request of msny of tha ot of old Kflwsn bcrr leave to inform lha Public throuirh the medium of your Taper, that the Editor of the Watchman is much mteUkeB.. I for one: with nmspH ouere. would A nt be woll fcir the Editcw of tha Watchman to consult the freemen of this psrt of the District oerure be trtcs upon bimselt the reaponsi bility of apetking so unanimously in their behalf the Pi,-m 4 to prnr ktWfywj thwCjLstittition, should prove the palladium ol Truth. A VVlilU. Editors' Correspondence. FaTrrraviLLa, April A, J"j39. f- Business baa been pretty fur this week; flour has come in rreetyrnd"Baretnoay7iarne;- pne .louiauu ss es lesi moacco iv ror passes , bscoo 9 a 101 ; lard 10 a 11; flitter (scarce) 15 a m.1 . . . v ' 20: oats 50 s MiJttirilto.w.lxJ1 20: oatoSUaM: tions. tSuga.f, ftW. C o ll.coR molasses, New Orleat tions. Suirar, New OrloiovSl aiUvPofla Jluaaad Orbsios,8, eofiee, Cinu 1,12113; rice Ms 13) molasses. New Orleans, 40 a 4 V do. t'uba and. Jlaru- re-iflkir3ija 40twk saltt2 50 a 2 til salt, cearse. bushel 75 cents, . . - ; ; Spring Goods, and our market will aflrd to merchants -from the country a very good opportunity of making a j very oretty selection for the Sprinff trade. A number : and oa tne wiioie we anticipate we wiiida lair oust- neas m oor place this Sprinjr; " Von will discover by the freight list annexed that a Very large quantity of goods for the interior country sre coming out through this place at the present. The facility with which goods are brought up the Cape Fear at present prevents any dolsy sfter goods resch Wilmington. .. - We understand from the latest Raleigh newt, that Gov. Dudley and Ex-Governor Swsin, E. L Winslow, snd Wm. II. Haywood, bad associated themselves for the purpose of procuring tbe subscription of the stock of the Fayettevillo and Western Rail-Road good. Arrived,. April 1, ateamnr Henrietta, Capt. Rush, with baits Nelson, Diligenqn, and Messenger in tow, with full cargo, freight sundry merchants here, and also for J. Newlin, J. & W. Murphy, E.McCallum, J. IVi. Worth, T. A. McRieves, Reaves tt Co., Wm. F. Walts & Co., Stockton & Huggins, C. I). Wallace, J. Wiscmsn 8i Co., A. H. Lindsay, A. Hart, Riedman &. Rauusiy, J. Mtlwer, M.it G. Hart, Henley V Son, K Si D. Bowman, E. W Oghurn, G. Brooks, William H. .But la in, Jd-SloanGlitokersoo, P losheck, Cave ii Holland, A. J. Hill. J Sunley. Judith Ellis, J. llinthaw, F. Y.Hng, J. A Young & Co, Grfgo W. Browji, Ltah Si Brothers, Daniel Freeman, Cow les 61 VVikxut, and others f th kMriofcsi ttrt--.-.-. !- -." Ipsrted,.April 3, steamer Henrietta, with new boat Benjamin Rush in tow, with cotton, flour, cotton yarn, Ac. Also, on 5th, boat Diligence, with Cotton, (lour, &.e., &c. ' ... (Jur river hi Sn very good order for boating jatjhe pfeent time. : Southern Literary Jlejisenseiy ' Da, T. W. WHITE, EJUor and Proprietor. ; CONTEXTS OF THE MARCIL NUMBER. - orioisal raosa aaneLcs. 1. Frarments of a Journal Excursion t lsuter- brunneo in Swiixerland; the valley of Sarnam; lake off Lucerne; the Drunig mountains ot tho oiierisndt; view from tha summit of the Righi; the unfortunate valley ofGoldau and the Romberg chapejof William Tell; the spot where the tyrant tieslcr was killed; meeting with an old friend and acquaintance; interes ting history of Iird de Vaux ; Henry Montague; Mary Leslie ; Olivia de Tracy; excursion on the lake; the storm; providential roue of the party; Montntrue's sdveniiira in the ganlon j the apparition ; death of Oliv ia ; extrsiirdmarv slide of the mountsinj srrivsl st Lu cerne mvKterloiit diwipisrsnce'of friend; hero, and the b.-tiUfliI valley. By a Virginian Lady. . . , .. '2. Home as Found; by the author of 1 Homeward Bound," "The Pioneers," tc Rtview of thia hew work, with cxtracUT- .. - X Ginfosaions of a -Novel Reader, ilufluenre of nov el reailinjon tho mind ; Ihst'indiilgerfce in it will en ..rvto lb min i and de-lr-v its tU-i for hi'dirr and more Hniid atuinmiits; that the exilement of novel i r, ' t sk'M .a'T A f Wdwi.b'S it Ivavrs i.t I ; ' hi i - fi liillr'i t!.n ei r... t' TH 1 ! I. gmiriil t , 4. '!!,. man l ! s - ,,r , f:.-e, r- r ! ih- 1. ..ry, - i ! h ii.!m!.i,. s Vf f,' t Mi:-', s'i.1 tru-t .!, ,-i ul ins niur.iii.iu, li.' cui!'.! ot rin-i:1 ! , . :i I.-.. t-inluUiT' d lui .i;.t !.!.'. l'y a'Vir- lirin.iii. I'. t A Ta!, in ve;i chapt. rs. TUu wh hien: the disiMnlrd : tl.e voonj painter, &c. I!v a Y (j i ) IT L-iiiy ot v ir'"ina, , 5. Noti s of a Tour fVoin Virginia to Tennessee, in 1he month? of July and Auui, KW; lV Kev. lh-nrj Uufliier, l, D., t'rekident ol Wahhinalon Colle-'e, irjcttm, Va. l.'hapter HI-From liouisvill.- ta(West -Tenticse!. (To bo continued.) " ' . tf. The llndgewstir Treatises. On the power, wis dom and goodness of toJ,is tiiaiiilexied in the creation of animala, anil in their hintory, habits, and instinct. Bv Rev. Wm. Kirbv. M. A.. F. 1L Rector of Ilir. ham. Notice cf this work, with extracts: by a citizerrt ui ii); in in. 7. A (iood Resolve. An extract. B. Currente-Calamoisitieti, JVo. IH; To the Editor of tbe Menieiiger, from the author Of" 'J be '1 ree AriicU ; with numerous poetical extract, on various sulgects, tsstetuiiy arranged, liy James r. Uti. 9. Recollections of a Retired .Lawyer. Recollec tions Nvil ; liyncbV law. t 111 JaniM &lf-lli,M.ll.' Fju, ' k,l ITnrl'Krtitrm. Va -a Notice of sn " Address delivered before the Alumni As sociation of the Collece of New Jersey," with extracts. 11: Notice to the reviewer ol New Views of the A)lsr System." ' '. '- ; , , fw ..oiNMivti, rorraY.. t"-i'-'-j.- v: : 12. Sur Les Etats Onb D' Ametique; a poem, pro sentcd to ))r, Franklin while Mm inter from the United States to Franco. ' 13. 1 Have not Lived in Vain. By the author of the "AmreeU." Dickinson College. 14. 'Hie Discarded. Tl5VTo the Rose. 'By If. M. SL " 1 " " " ' 18. Sonnet By Uermion. New York. - IT.- A Motliers Evening Thoughts. By Mrs. L II. oijrourncy. . . w l'i To a Idy, with a Bouquet By Park Benjnmin. New Yorkr February ' " ,.r.f 19. The Idiot Buy. By Miss E. II. Stockton, Phils- dolphia. .'v..';, ; ,'.."".'- ; " .' - - ,' lOKTENTS OF COVKR. A'.. Title end Contents of Messenger, page 1 ; To Rea ders and Corresooudants. List of Agents.' and Condi- tions of the Messenirer, psire 2; Payments made since iwements page 4 .".. CAPE FEAR -AND 'WESTERN' RAIL ROAD. . We have forborne to copy the' annunciation, first mode we believe at F ayetteville, that Gover nor Swam had been placed at the head of this en terprize, because we know it to be premature. We have now the pleasure to state however, that rlie board of Internal Improvement have adopted efficient measures to secure the earliest piudeut and practicable demonstration in favor of tins great B"WorBr,ant thariticse' Ldfl i'ndnieuwHrily Tiiyulvea nf t rmnA i n I a linnm an tKa AritamimliAn fC lt is j iwnivumiu v'lfsiia ..its- u vi gsttt-s.nwii va AUniversity. -Raleiek Reeister , . . r:. a ;a,L: : ' -At; Medical Board of "Army Surgoon? u lo be at JCew York on the 15th of May, for the purpose of examining applicants for appointments in the medical staff of Ihe Arm v. 1 UNITED IN WEDLOCK. .. .""lit this County: on The 4m"TnsUn.t. bfSncriIr. Kn, Fq., Mr. JOILVR." TTIOR3T to Mies JANE TROTT. A v . ' . i Ou the 9th instant, about half pail 0 o'clock. A. M at the store of Messrs. Cress 6i lWcr of this olacs, by Ii; W. Long, Fq , Mr. HARVEY BLUSTER to Mias 8AJIA11 MKNESA (AH iwtif fwBchorjtl and -Cotton Factories. A , -.: " - DEPARTED THIS LIFE. T- .1 -'-! .... .. . . ... MARY CLARY. Aged 93 years. , V u inn vn-imir ui, Ull A UWI1. on iUQ t UI lOHUIHl. SirM, . r... . . . 9 . .m In this County, on the 1st instant, of a" nulmonsrrt " J! ti l Iff 1 niintl n Mi k i m.rt -. . . ' uimmw, rare. D. L.IZ..1 OJi 1 1 1 r L.t,.Ul.Ut WHO Ol Kobt. --f-Fleniiiigv Eeqm-thT 45tlr7ear of hcriTrr Mr. . Fleraimr was a member of lb Methodisr 'Enincoosl Church, apd gayesvidpnee that her peace was made mortality. (Comm. UstyTircless,y di:tlio inih ult, Mrs., MARX: H1LI jconson w wr. mmuet nut. . Mic was an mUiliigent and worthv member nf the Sorictv nf Fnoiwl - A- In this Town, on the 6th inst, ROBJJMjp.Jjn&nl --on or-TflOBTA: iragrre.i j uus nas a woruiv citizen been called noon, within a few days, by the over-ruling band of Providence, to resign to the tixnb, not only a son, but an amiable and i auecuonaie wire. efflHE undersigned wish to contract with some suit- - able person to erect in the vicinity of f?Ii4ury Brick building to be owd ss a Steam Cotton Factory, of the following dimeuaions : fO) feet long, 40 wide in the clear, exclusive of the cngiua House, Hires stories high, rock foundation. Wsll to be of sufhcient iluck news to insure stability; roof ot tin. . . ... - Persons wishing to undertake, are requeste I to mke immediate application in person or by h'tters, to either ofHifl undorsigned, ss a contract will be ilowd slwut . tlie 15th May. Proponals msy also be made for fur nishing materials, and for erecting the building sepa rately. - - - M. CHAMBERS, Presdt. , imiau ij, tivwtii, j Juni MiarnT, Directors. x D. A- Davis, -Salisbury; April 11,1839." 4t REMAINING in Uie Post-Officeat Lexington N. C, April trim " .- , ""T t r'r a- T: Phillip Allen, "-""Jarties Iwdofi, Beldon Arm ld. Mary Ich, ... ' , Martin B. Brainard," Jacob Bierly, Sen. (Stephen Brinkly, . t .George Myers, Alexander Michsel, Daniel Malhcrly, Ann Urinkly, Elizabeth More, Alex, or LcwtyCriTcr; irimrHf.ufrr James Cameron, John Richard, Andrew Crouse, JohB Collet, - : Joseph Iavis, . Michael Happen, Kamuel Frost, Miss 8. Graham, ,A. J. IIsm!cti '' April 11, iho. Matthew r'kecn, : James Bvnieegood, .A Ihivid Bwinj, . ; ... A,-; ' William Trotter, peter M. Wood?, .A ' '; Aaron Wommack, p Mrs. Mary Wen. M. ROUNSAVILLi; P. M. - .tt f Police " THE Rubfcribers havn just received at their store,' . in Miliedgevdle, N. C, a large assortment of Dry GoOda, Groceries, Hats, Donnet, Shoes, Glass, Crockery, and Tin Ware,i All of which will bo sold low fr cssh, w unrlerwntlen psper. ' BURRAGE Si I)FUN. MilWgevillc, Montgomery County, t .'.r '.... : jApiJ u im ' if- l-oflickc's .NanntiiT. . rjIlC Sub.cfil'r having ri'ceivej sn A;;r icy tj y u JL tho above Medicine, and also, the Medicine, new offers it for sile at the Mutod prieei. ; jo. r.ru IIAINIA ' 'Fulion, March 25,' " OLD CA.STINfirf WANTIt). il.rni ireha.-e. any ain..u;.t fT old IVi i'i J ta muv in- hri.oj -ill lo it- ; vi o doitl c.i'": n rcv.ty ci!,l liu'.l ;''riH ,', lit.) p.- w i -. ii.--rtsr, K r . ' -..! t t .1 I' ill' 1 1 3' i Ir.u-.'. i.:i,' fi. !,,(. nn iv r- 1 1 e.l il.at li ii f 1" r I i fi.Mi, ll0..ffi tv wiy .f I r.- S'i wiry, in Hum.t .NortiH-ro ma.1 IA orili-r ; lesvin;.' Itile-tt on Muu.:;.y and 't'Li.r lt A. M., arriviuij in S'aii !.,uy m-'xt (;nys at I V. Lraviiijf Snlitmr cm Tueilnya ami I'mi'iysat .1. '! , arriving' in Ui!ei'h uexi ihiv si 1-1 1'. M.. 1 ' His hurt are gmnl, and lnv..'rs i:rtio.,'-irty cir. ' ; and accommodating. Jt.'1'L Mrl.K SN. rvn. vz, i-.y.i. , N. R feita 6tH;iin d at llm M id ion 1I..-1. C- ' " m'wmti RESIT.CTFULLY takes, this method to i:.!,lf, fricnils sod customers in t'pnrotd and i vicinity, that he still coin nines to carry on the ahme braucii of rkinesn at hi old stand in Luncord,' South of the store ot Messrs I. &. 11 phihr, where ho wilj be f.m:: at all riinei, fiaJy A t:l, inaLe or r.xcititc, any Work in his lirieV His long experience in the 1 w- ness, uie pains lie is nn tiikiii-r to r nn tlierarfwaf futhions from Philadelphia ami New York, ciidhh.- him to say, that the work done at his Shi, shall he of the .4NO ... Best AVorkinauthip. N. B. lie Will also teach (as A 'ent) the much an- proved system of T. Oliver of Philadelphia, to any ono mini wixiii's inwrueimn in nis rvstem ot cutttn". Conciird, Nof.'Si), lsi. THIS day Wie Copartnership of Wheeler & linns ; was d.nsolved by the ennxent of jmrties ; all per sons uidi Uod to the Firm will umke payment as mnn as poiiihleer(itirisot The ApUliecary shop will be under the control af u H. ii C, K. W heeler, by whrra due attenUon will bo given." ' V : ' - A- Nlir.lXr.!l i. DI'ltNS. Salisbury, 3d Dt4ceniWr, lf .H, If r ffAVlNG entered iulo atV . , f - ffft I partnership in the take pleasure in announcing lo the ciliren , K-"J generally, Jhat they will keep constantly u liniij a : ' rrean ana general assortment ot j- Drugs, Medicines," "r: Talats, Dye-Staffs, Surgical Instruments, l fEaufl; 'i, . Tobacco, : Cigars, "' ; r-spmrra. wini-, &e,,'.,.j tojretlier with a splendid awortment of FA&VY AK T1CLE8 alt of which they will s.-ll as cheap, if not ckeitpet then say otAer DruggUt or Mrrchanti in lLa Slate, . . - ,. . . , - ' N. B. AH orders from a distance, where Hfercnco ia givcn.will be promptly altcruled to.. - Salisbury,-Oec. 3, 18;) j. if LAEWljPQSRSao . n BincKiiEitJ-jmrtrrzMAS, baring entered HiUtopartnerKUii mi the TINNING AND COrPEItsailTII ITTOUIJ) roepeclfully announce to ttiefr friends and 1 1. ..the public tcnerily, ihat il is-lhcir iuteuliun to keep constantly otr band and tbrtwle, a Jafe Bui cx . - , tenaite assortment 0 ..WOTO, VOWViCV OUUS, ivt. I i, 1 . , , , , I .1J m AI.n- l,nn, Mugtrv mrtm Irt in llirt bIu.ua l.r.ri. I.- yid, in short, almost every article in the shoi es that can be manufactured ia this country. es Tbeirtfoop issituated on Main-ttrce, LS'.voon Messrs." Cres ti Borer's, and J. St W. Murphy's atures. ' r zX7Wrvtfam ft wi . rfftsm-s for work will pa f iinc.-- tuslly attended lo. yjjabbttrjAlMcLZ. ASaa-..- a-tf.. r THE Subsc'filiecJiaviiijj locatul himaelf in the town f Concord, would uow offer his t rvices to tlie Publiu. a .r - - .- '"OrnlirtelilalliiiaSlsis" r'aiiU lie flatters bimsclf Uiat bit long experience in tho above Business, knd the specimens ot work be has executed inhis line, Will be a sufficient recommendation. He Will tttfb attend to any call mads on iiim in t'.n ilOUSE-TAINTINO -BUL-IMECC, and U confident be can givesatiefaction to ail w ho may eniploy him. . The Public is' respectfully rcq'ie.c-J lo c '! r ! n). rourags him, ss he wdleiuiinod tn execute v - -'i Committed to him in the bent pos- '.ie n.-ini' r. OCT Also, Psinting a ad Trmim z alt k: tt Car risgos,done with nostness and do-; ' u. 1. v. i: r "V. . Concord, N. C March 21, 1AA .: V A New .CowItcW- a v. . 7 7 0 0 ...-1 (rao yOULDre-pectfu"v n. ' m C'.t- izrna of fcUludswy ai.d i-w h-hu. tv. tbst ho hasestahli-ii'id a fU.Nn.C- tlONARV, a fv iIoms e t ! t'.e CMirl lloie, in Kalrhnry, w l."in h iuU'liJ tO'k.0! O L-.'i. ;.ii;!' V 10 1. kinds of CanJic4 -Fruiir - Cakes, Craclcrs, Raisins, - Jl . 'j'ii'.'S, . Ai i'ii r.f, 7A, Mr, intonds opening a RCSTAURATLUR, (after Hie Pur A , in which he will t-.l great pleasure in . hisfiienda with a fix euf of I'retflt OA; a rxty of Dikhes ton liiriii roiis lo iiii'iitioii, Nilishiiry, Feb. 21, l:t . a if J cst ii!;cKivi;D and m t sAi.i; . .' )0 I'unijjlt M.kiLIs, ilir JSooIlep and Tire Ir i, ,n,0()0 l,s. 'astins (nrted.) ' Vt bis. ihm-i lisi Flour, "' 41 bu. iiMiuiitain Iii'i Potatoes, J!0 bu. Iiefd lirarSee,l, A ? C,t! W Ihs. Ieiinptoa Cot ton uitH, -A lKMj. I!ir Lead, It) kens Powder, It) dmt. superior Wtc.Iin 1!" 7. kc?s White InJ (;roii!vl - ; ' H rasks Rwt, "-.' 'i"i I.I..U Jh At-. :(..', , ' ' urar, tV.Ue. N-ii!--. si " " ly J. A W. FilL-bury, IVh. Ch, l-:-0. MUl A1V. mi mi W - W i. f ANTFAUU'RI A; "ANY, . v l A i ? J tl r, ! 1 ..le.-a to emp". v I..- . m r -A r. ,.,! i ! ,. - f iuuA 1 1 ( tl," .r l',u tofy ii ii: i ii-, Vi i-j'-rn, w . ..... v ' - I C . ' ' ' '' ' ' - - t'."T r.t i..r mi -e ... , YVi a I hi o'u:e , A t I I.