I I 44 . r- - 6 V v. ? - . . . POETIC I :REa. t'ri,m the Albany Iui!y AJuriittr: T.'E bible.. , Am " IVouduian sara that Tree , S-'fptic, vnarC that book, -f ' Touch not a ttnyltf leaf,' -on it mi look , With rye ol ' unU-liur; .'T ruy forefstlw-r' May -" lii the tmur of a-oiiy ; 4 Sttptic, go li t way, Ar.d It: I Unit Jd b-jk be. . That, grind olj b-sk Df ifr, f ".Fur ci-niurie has at.vl, L'.iliurui'J mul tlitj Mr it, When tho earth Ss-a drunk with LIixxJ ; And w'jln'st t'joti harm il now; ,, -,i And h;ive it Iriitli lorgotf . t-'ct-jitii, forbear thy Urn, - hand shall burn it not. It very name recall- ri itff"hotty-fifrtirs lit 'will When in my (rmiiliru,l h,!' I Iwaid it tale oT trjith I've seen ina white bitr floC " A . O'er that volume he .read ; , B it thai was bHijr ,", ' . And ihu guild ,l(i man is ilea J. My dear ir rafulfinjlht r, to - When I Was but buy, I've seen her eye of blue .- . .. Weep oVr it Nni nf j iy ; Their Imwi linger Mill, . ' Ami dear tliey are to rue; , td'-lrtie. Crrim Uiy w il.l, -. ' Gu, let that old book be. ,' ' I5ILUT!KUI. KX TRACT, itm otnr it(?riiet' OiaihriTrwIien fio iay Of earlier unMiiiie vtiiniiier on our WaV". V lieu Kirt with kins, and aorroud the foil Of care that nun that funim tluu the A , Hi. i ,r .1 ... . . . ' " u ii 'in-rwi tic, iii rciTW)4cipi) cn;n hi link whith kail iu with voimtr druain i'f.'ti. t)a thoiilU. an awu-t we t.i.ii;iiJyWy'w iiw. i im !I the Innivtfvt ruMuna it review?, -Mflnrn Kfiliiul warli iii,:m,l.ii (., I.a,-Iu,...r rtng iTOf7-ipnfiif.TjTiTi-Mi VARICTY. ... . .Thh lunungo of (lowers i. a elegitnt mi aimiie. nent, Unit we clod a lew of llmim-M inti;rHi in f llw prtdts of Firi, anJ the vmhleui of Uiuul y in . J Cunn ,ya'rr Tiiii l Hit, -i'it ia! J'j A oyer Hmi cmico printer, i nmde.ttio mnbloin ol 4 ; cuiuiilnv, iiice it kuve o perumnfciil a 1(11111011 Ilia purt cloUi. . - i : , ... .' : lr-i'it-lltoit thy W.11rirffs!rife -t U-auty-i Idiiu o reyfu4t cotjuiUy ra 4 UUt - i(inii mi a MfcoixJ day . - Lvurogt ThtHlack iar. Thr poptar ja (WHM-HHM 10 ll.'rCllle-, 111 CIHlW'UIKM-e ol In. (Jo I II111 T ! ! I - airojni V4CU.4, iu a a-ltiuiKiU wliBitj the9 tree u met. - 7 ' .' . --t - - t,an, trom riina tmn.(ii(inl toeii nunlti tin em - kV'ii by whii h y ouriji IVraidu liiiikea a llij!.! timV if iii aitarhnmiti """" ""Mi oltlli1f ill "lit :'U:uutyj tl.it(tmsfiritr gruff' ttil Howisf eftpaae our nutico hy, 11 unuuiiia car rtn-; j f it ho cyctutiicn, nllhtiij,'ft il enpaml il petal tu an tijtriglit iliriH'tiiitj, devr rear it head ti tht win. 0to K niii'li 'church bu' cludicatcd thi ft-iwor i' Hnnt IvinrrtuhK-' t Ihwilitf v ", TliH plnntywr prrmtrlirnl lr i plinbthty, it tb hiot Bpplicahle y iiiliol ol do ciRv. , . ir, .-v ... i ' Durub'diiiiUa"icoW. or CtrrntL tift.'W i: f niuilu ilio tviC uf-iWai M! f.T-.'i LmiI of (WfUiv. ' Thin plant i uodKdt.iJ tit Suiut . from whence this tx autifnl nhr jh w iirigmally t triMiifhl, iivi -the I lc us the ciubl'tui the I f. . v aaltep, aajM ! 1 r the iwerolfcr' ty hi WHv ' tr,e it ne lliailj r her. " -t I'upiHiig th Question. W ha. atrnne lliina Kt-trMimtii!!ti tti it ot'nu'itul girt io uttirr tray . 10 a trietiu ol our " a vear ajo, wl tiat-uo" een - ftach other manv a stnum had rulri tl tt 4 coir a , Ttwrngini hniw, bn'ppiness, and pprelmtice irr.w to- . . . ' . 1 1 - . I eooii, without lliu ctyiiijuuice of tho ot mr ; and .- r . . . jiowware iiu itt,iiu,ler.,.Ourfeii,laa)., iuuked.au luvelv, ho could not he!p pruaaiug he r deliculA cheek " !iu ak'd her if he had miuht to do' with lli Tiappine of ho future. " You ate in ' ml in dieaaii ol" III uuuiinir dn," n-nln-d he. 'l'hey aro lu lrt UMiriuJ at C'luistiu uj, Wo cm si li-r this nun of the uonlest pojrjiiug of the que lion' ever henrd f, lli.injjli, by the w;iy, w Hunk it wirjht to bavtt lnyt(iui in leap yesr. - An elder) v iimidru J idv, with a pride nb.vB tV- 1ng tlfiH'Htkut UMM) Weatliilt-r eilions retired daily Ju lief cbauilaxfu pcay lorik- cujuAirtauiei wininotuncy, . which she ulaa eso'.ainrd in the? ' t.hl!illlw.J'HltW-l''-tql. hal I Jiteau . I moan four liuti.lred a year, paid uiiaiterly." , . . ,'. V '.- ' Mumadt Lxtrjiordmarti. O.nhe T h uli. at riftj i mrw M-tr-AilH lrtti)(lt.y, IJWI J.- i IHSIuptitt to !. It M nut Uie llw (tail ul SUV Silirfio almost eqimls Mm loi mrria'i, wlifh or e-inic- j tittup made pffore the n-iflie are waiHd. . A -point atffru,....ThoVeninrr..IailVi:,iiit. O'JU .U.iuuul, ,!.-.( iNil.intirU, ilet itii IIih.ii V llli.u-. ts..iw u'lvm tlmt where a, (dy and vTiitlotrnin ' arc riJiug, the gititljutis) proper piacu 1 un tin light. .. " ' - '" . . "... l.i., f the Haltui-.t.ro p-wt, h-i wrilten a ,.. ' little eiiliint'iit.il song, ami athiptod it tw the nrr of Yatittoe Io!.HIe.l'l If cninitipncei , ,"vWu Uiu uvu!ng star was shining.' , , - ' i i'hjhi . tt'tt, T,.m LT.,.i-. U'lri tM,''Tt ,r ' , 'V,.!i, luu) inthiytymiy 1 hy, I ifard I)rCuip G;ivt .iu' over, ul dvinir eunrliti..n !" . . . . -' Ntit Iwt No jih)i.itiail ha jjiten tne up lipt ils me iliut jjicut tp tho riittt:iA- ! " J WMtMler this etiild uW lo sh ef.,'' naid an iinxi'Ki mother to a Cmwle, frwuiL " W ell, I tiunt, rt iiiu the Irnly ; It face i tw duty it tant ahut its eytW' ' . : " v y Pojwljfion of rtoriJiir Inm'ctaf Viumiui.N cation frtim the Acting Governmctd, Kloridu,. jUaie that the Jat rensos of thai teiritdry -itvtj a TuIatioa of 4x,r.'3 sou!. , - " - i v. . 1 . . - , j .r TIieTunowiiii? is an extract from a forthcoming work J of til. Peter, 'tie discoverer of Uie ctlconitwJ 'Vtjfa J Uoie Anlr-liiliou Piii."' . ' - ' J " Hbu-tm, wwiltli, utl enjoyinciit ire" the tlir. i pri-ohjtttu'uf'.lile. Tiie twloriuer rV only orrJlit i tu k (iieiiiiM tu iiuUih lh Utkr. Mao ntvi.ii fur wi.-aith luckii of enjvyiitWit. JJul vim u uth puuuil I witlwuit Uie pom'hSRMi of beiilh' Witimut Uudiljf vBr tiwJ trenyth, lie i liar the phywdl nor t; iJieuUi iiti , tmi Hit) luutif.nor llni uulanJ litsii l cuixibiu ot ny 1 Mnt$ iuiiu U cufy,Tt iut iiouu'i muid hi Kiun I ; buily 1 tin tiitt tfun. mm'U9 bsoluto reijiiuiite for ! tny L'lticienl etlifil in ktUilimuui U liwiiaft ciiiV i Tliti iniiiti may lecljVK,ut if the xiy be liable, then i In tne uniiiJ active ki IitilNiurpuH.'.. Uiijoyiuwii i' nut tht ri.'; and the tiiiuat kid pim are rnut:nl aUirUvo I lint uy l;.st a maa cuuiJ oUUUieallU llmt bu could . cuire iKu-jiuid of UjHiir, and bung home all tiie tic j nit: of thy' iniUe of Uolcotwia, veV without health, A J wnere wuJid be iua Imppii.cw ! lio wyulil bo .in,;ru- pmeaAay m wretcii(nJiit:i tiid devpair; Vl he woo.J exclaim with the wise loan of old, "Ail i Vanity ao1" vt-xaiKio nt )iril. Urft imiuM are mcKca wuu miii, and h: caintot rti-t ; bin aiitKUle i iroue, and uiMoulhua inoli!j hi"liu(,ij ia o()jiri.'ocd with oauwa, and ho luruaticaeiiinif ariiUK.'Uiiinueol niumncnil Jfo ndenec."" lie wwttTgive ail he i worth iiajr!l w trhl,d holmf u-fciriim imMut hea't j "I'lcaM- (ivciiii-," mud I hungry retch, loa wtviithy, , leeblo iiuit "Vipaae give me x;efcce to buy uio uiofiM ol IikjiI : I am uiurwt fturvrul ... " 1 would (;iv t, Miil.itiil dUr tor yyur appeliU," ami IkiUli uttUittM'iit'iAheJiMnljt Vh! loJlaL-j,I t ab linu.ii llilpo, lunC'J i ii..iU to ti.e cnj-'yiiicut ' U?- w4tf f tr"rt Wk- l-lwar-OiiejuulcX-ail. aub -.. wtvim tuia hoiiiily on o plain and hacknied a aubjeel I Jo we not all tiito lire vrtlue ot' iM-tnUi ! ilo tve 001 ail aiuiiiil to it a 0110 of tiie c.net, if not the chieleat c mcvrim ot our mortal tkmleiiue I lo we Hot employ tiie iiieail to attain inl iifietrio'll ! ""1W Ww-liot tty 01. 1 tiii.iiey do we wot lee pliysie.an do we riot lollow their adticu-ruo we nol.al1uw Utei prcacriplioiiti ! 'iric ui.tru4 - teuUe t5id.r, luvi ilojtait tiuug-i.. .. we dare avy, and more, rilill, wu canuut believe our ' hoiiiily on heltli to tie altogether uuuoceary. Asm ImoTamt wm yUyna u It riuunUi U. June. M una Lpou. inua, i4 j4MyV u)ii pruot fl." .Wen ui Ik- I Ji Ui, gel nut tliey ioy be aak V aixi uieii 111 aickuua do Uot a.l Very limv Uictor ntfco 00 uot a )ou aayaUa "p'-iMiJ ffie f rmiiITff'hnhT- fis-w, 1 tnow-o a-jtue -pi-op!e woo are alway dom theiiiache witii phymc, ainj 'ruiiiiiiig tu the doctor and polhetarie every day .Jk'ltiiyrjL. JL1J. JaiBl xexujt clir,. n Kt ol liiuji 111 a year, and yet li.ey are hut Wuii alter all.' ilw yk-uwai-tiHi raw! - - - - . . , , VV ny, y m, 111 my op.inon, there are two reason. In the hi it' place, In-' ie too umcii imMiciiie, ami 111 the eco.id, iiii y oo nut lake the rihl kind. 1 uA-d to make Hie Mine luurtak. ' 'Hut .Jqtelj tli'.l la tij nay f r two of threa yeai st 1 ve bupiii a botuir pTaiiu Ttake br. Peima'a Vegetable tJiiiou Piilj, and i derive mure beuelit I mm out tkiu.ir U.d out lu them, than 1 ued 111 puymj tiny to auy or.uur pur-iu.t of he.li)t, bvaiueaaa- V.iiig a world of paiinoa aim tlagiut 111 w,toWjigaii jn- JiULuUfcUUHil It iiti.-tii . ni.ii.. h nl iii "' "' Viiy Weil. : '. . '''. ''-A" : Aiid h'-wts. 00 -Ksr iiiai' hvriiyfl nrm 'Sirrr-; ,MI have;-! vtsie a biocaiiead eM)." . -"They toll me he 1 none of your piack, who 1111. ilurtuke Uj inciul and rvuUlu the iiumau iiienint-, williout'wj ur.Kh a knowing of vv.mt part it Cotuitt-, and how Uicy ie put t.ieuwr. Tiie aay he uiHlei tamintutiy airs trttyRojfyf i Unua you tali thun; ud. 1 a.lii.iliaf ltu buUui ud vCmumUJ a I am wilh l he toad to mill.", . VoU ai tiiriil lidoruiciL. Dr. Pettis m nu emuitic tie ilia lint MiiUertakeS1ir'ruWViuruiiJeriniiiU. lie wa reL'Hlariv bred lu Ute healing aTL -llo hui n oTT'noCT1u?er"'Ti37iam7T town imrwelt u aMiuy of 4iihm4 tramo, wiiilXim'" Ha 'iuuftuA i55t lottli ''ihtf absurd claim m often ad vauced by the inventor of paWut not.ruiii nmuely, Sucii a oreteuceTie wouid tli cui auout as Uilliouit to callow, a U) take the ouMruma of Hk -mi who put it lortn. i'ltere 1 00 atich' imincinu. 'J'Uere w uot, and iicvi'f w , paimova bit all Uitwea.7'hejlikfi'C,rtialJi ui.iol ni.u (iieteiMi tu UuMibh i.i iiclii. UjI wul u iiiJm'ely Ocltor, mey vllval wnatovvr they uudcitakc. l'lu y keep the word of promise bJlLetinuci,ud luu prtma ia -hK'h tft'y tualtv to iho ear and e) e. . Aiid tlmt ItHlred ta bo alight recuuiinemlattoa. Nor " e.npinii to whtcu uie IMi. are adapuii iw 'a.blt WfW- T,w J"""'1-'" wmfc' ffoui ainmbid. .1..IW..I tl.it It.iV, dr.. ittilnrliinnii.ltf. iii.tv. il,t r.,ui.r 1 ;. , , , ' ,. , ';.." and iuUi. A urL'e wrouoriioil ot al! tl.o levers, d-uo- cul!y M uiu ,uU, and itt the marf,y dittr.cu, are Lwma Wlio. cauau, from U. Uist.-e-mg ague and h I ver, wiucu almmt siisKim asunder 1.1b and widb, to jno 1 ftj-.rl'ul " Yellow Jack," w tr.ca. svMuui quit til victim fftlliout aiutitleruig soul and body a Flu luke hisk-avu. fun v Kant liuiu nu preumt.i practice, with diseaM!, in all it Mm 1, WUivu or. filiate. u l.'io dMorder of the liile, lr. Pt.-ler Wa lir.-l ivd lu euiploy hi knowtetlge and cxpvajeiice 111 the preratiou ot a medicine ivhitu should prove etKcaciou lu On talge clna oi disease wliitli aliouid stHHild relieve the acinng and dizi-y head, and restire the ;mocaled iniJ loatliiiig kUn.ich, at the same lime tlul it preveuM tuose more lalal etiet-U Wtfirfi an-oap-to ail low t roor their Hitpfwdfiit in.gtTt- FT Una tMironse lie iireuaretl witn mucli ctre and a jii.l ya j. in 40 the )myoti, Uo.Vtf(;ilabl..iUinLU PilU, w Incn be 1 hsppy My ) Ifuui lung, experkuco j'l llieabuiiutmt l.iiunmy ..t umsu who luvo em ployed 'them have answered, more tuan answered lliamiv sau- 1 UUi tiiirfi. . . 'njn though be w as great as Galeu or llip.ieruti-s , tnal you are to pm your faith upon. Neiuierai-" tkama it is -said m the sacred volume that "By the mtwHw-wtwu in tini g un i m.irrn r riTn?WTT ia.ihcU are luu tu uuiie-vn n. - aiusil .u..l..r jotily ! " A cloud of witiMssee t eeur jrou. They ,fv' t' tuioteruu tu be easily overlooked ; tliey are too j intel'ent to-lie-tka-lessty neard; U117 are too foipec fxK.utl:v tow ,ue lfllU Ul.y. tsw;rU r P.Hn.jws lufwwa ttyetmr in tnu tiilh.iiig page, a ! tow o Uie UMiiy huii4ttjds of tettimonikls received ttotn K-very quarter wbtSi hi puUWecuue into uu. They are loll to iek fiirwitniiscies. They are the wonls tnftlaaa -Ih "upoak ht they do know.aud testily ..i, ,k. i,., -,... .,.... :..i . 1 ... 1 V. ... hum lA. I lUII.1. . jj:7 Ik- carelul and empiiieiot PelerVetablr Pill. they ate sold uidalnluty by Jttna ilurpliy ; iu Ltxiii.jUjo by "J. P. Mabty;and in Cuariotu? by illiamstl. B-yd, of w hotn liiey ran be Ii id al Uie N. York w liolewle price. PIIF. SICK are all taking Ihts. wonderful Me diciuo which is asioniiiliiin; l"uiMpe, and Ante-' rira with it mighty cure. rFof Sale at the rl O&ce' Full jolrn, irtdeW eounfy, .V. C. ' - " " . . -. ; - - r By JNO. YOUNG, Agent. MOOCSVILLE,, D.VV1C COUNTY. tIiomas foster INFORMS the public that he baa removed from hi. fiinuer au,. to hi newbuiidiiiiji 011 the public Mtiare, n ihTown ot AUUvill.', where Do will con tm .e.to keep a UOUSU OF KNTtllTAlXiitT. Ufa Houe'ia nVHfry.knd cowiuodiou ; atuched to which areaiku.iiolorl.bie Ollice for genlleincu of the Bar, att o.iivi-u.-irt to Uie Court lloUae. The aub-cri-ber pk-dh'i- (yiiiaelf w Ihe oiosl dilih'el encrtknis, to jive iatiif.i:tiu to such as my call 011 Mih Hi t,',,., Rj.T knd 3iblf ro pmvidedm the -bet nHr I l w .. ,!l kuT:.,.l N...I luri wlyailU itrfl tkllh lllli. inc. vwiivj Rill luutaiH. ' - - tul amt-promi.. ' . Feb. itletl IjtTlL-XZt- Heath Tract. 0fg T'lK UKATII TUACT, contaiuui-r atk ' . kuitilred Acre of Lad,'!uaied about aix. Mite Kaat of liiiglon, Uavklnon Co. . . JLaaw '" ''' '""I ieailiug Jrom Xt.Jtin-jt.jri 'to aVftu-tio 1 HOW otltied for.Nilc. there are about tH 'acre improved,' and 500. in Wood and Ti'uuuf. 'rt Tuu Triici t located in a Wy - -' , Mdualau-. aiwKis pf-cuiiarry-adtrpted in-forming .kirtrrw it- a v . ai Orcrlurd, ind a good Meadow. And uuie ,C LI - "vMiieot of theae advintaes, the prospect fur tiWfi, i uii.pjoiiiiiable, a one or two GOLD VLI.YS -r have alredy..kfen opened, and Softie very ricA ore ex tracted Irot'i'iriil. ' The CfKfuiled Conrad Gold MiXe, ia situated a few hundred yanlaoouth of it; aod according to the dirvc Uoii ot the Vein of that Aline, they luust dvccaearily pan throcigh a part ol tin Tract . Any persorr wwhinff -to Tirr-the-pirtnip?r cT'wct a uiuceiiiiiiu!e.ieeriptioii, will call on Higdon Wad, worth, in lA'Xiiijoii, who will give tho deireu infor- n ition ; or any peraoti wimiiiij tu contract lor trie Mine, ,111 call on 1 Jr. Austin, fwluMiury ; or ailurea a letter to e KubbWiiier, I leiitoa Post tHhce, Jones fcr. a.t. v . , WM. .1. UUATU. -Tiie- -Ttraiislti.hreil I orc J ah arrived at his stand in fine condition, and will be exhibited to all those wlio may call to see' turn. Hn Htaabn wilt bpjjin on the 10th -of February, and 1 end on the 15th of July. . . .. .. For farther, parlkulata "Jit -pee liawl-fciUa.-- 4 K A R. W. LONG. oiftferfLTlf1lory '.SC U L I'T U 1 1 1 . -J-.-HOetBSHWSt!'- ! f ESPF.CTFULLY inform his friendu and the t itiil.lip .ihnt hn ttt at ill at hii uhl Kni stA.mx urrix .-vti miles Sitith of aisiryanahmt simile frittrt the old CtiarTeSton Roail, wtierq hTispropar. ert to nccntiiitiiHlute those wishing work in his line, lie. nowr ha mi ham) and forule, a cood sunplv l MJLLrSTONES, of various size and prieea, from'1 SnU;mhpTW 12 to 2.J; DU)U-SIII,S from 9i tn8U: l)(X)K STEPSiI.50j ROUGH WILDING ROCKS from fifty to seveniv-live cenu ; TOMH S'FO.NF.8 from 610 iu 1.V, GOLD (up ahult) GRIXDKRS $ hi a iierJ -1 1 Tho .Subscriber hp by clo attention to biwi nes. Mini hisdcti-riiiiiiHiiou to furnish none hut tUn liest Hnicle, ami fn reduriid Terms, to merit utid ree.ete 11 lila'rii! porljgu of public. paUouagn. -t rum IT April Pn Varnish, Cafcinet Sitinr.'lflact -TrJritn?w Ma ttrr, 'GrpaTVaf: audi lor CarnagamaUr JajMu used hx paintirtjf Cm- Vabinet makers. Sizine for I Cmiitnahm.-iradc-and TkWrwhol aula retail, h '..By U. C. HARRISON, StatcavdlcXo:!. 1-ilfl 6m io at TUis. . . ... 1,1 ' . r 1 a MM wv.-ilJlr.ii. in no coinuig Dotore ion", ''Tl. J -J snd;yotir lKHies are not yet painted r unto sim oil are cheap, and labor covt almost itothinu. tliaokoliu citizen f Una place, and the urrountiug country ftv the very liberal palrouage ihcy hnve here- Inlore bestowed ou i.i',.aiul by a strict attention to bu siness, hopfi tp'iiion I contiiiuance of the smhe. ' ; I willsuy to all wao uusira to hfve iiainluig tlone, ami may call on ni', fiat itshnll be execute! in Uiu irot-t unproved atjle, and tkut no piins ilia 11 be tpircd ou my prl to (five ttlniatlKn. ,'. Any "no wishiuf to have pahitiiir done, wilt always fio.l 1110 in Stlisborr, Unless iiceespanlv aWnt nn hiisi i.e. '. II. JLJtAlNEYr N. 0. All ord.ru from a distance, directod-io me iu Salisbury will be piuctualty ultchdcd to. " - ' ' January '.il, IK. " - : tf jt; 1 a. 1 'fH At mid Mi3 I 'PSIK Sulwcnb-ihassn immnJ plet 8p,ndUU,r eftIf I un. 1... 11 ...11 1. ' u u ...i. in the worst CI .cmnmi vwfH, wa -wiirwt wusutt wevvoauwn wrth tbtim.tfrjmomn(tle4 -r.isd cow as to kei-p from . a in- irr killing the meal in any nikn - ner. Tho nmiwr '.. conhrnid hr the-SpirKh las al wts Ui IWicrve It aaUnee. and of Coiirao Uicra is mi , I think, by Una Improved Spindle, the same waHr will do at least on-liiird more bitsincss. and tiie meal id sneriir quality. J Any pirnum wishit!; to 11 tn one of thesf Spiodltfn, rnfflrTi3inTinrrtrrnr mism amiirifmn. f in a in limej to llu-' tStiiiseriocr at Mucksvillerivio Co. N. C I tlnuk die .prubable.eust will not exceed ijkJO lor the Patent aad Spimlle ready fur use. Ctd. Win. F; Kolly and Tim. Foster, in the vicinity -..M,k?L,'.'''t have rwitlj tried the niiptvedtpih tile, tutl are HgUg pleasod with it, 'ZZ- L. M. G1LJ1I.IM. February ,7, 139. Uo Joke: 4 LL persons indt Wcl ia the Subscribi-ra, either by . ioteur UwK acctHiut on the jnh day of April next, are lnoai resu..-cU'u'lT informed that suit will be coiimienced Upon thorn unles prev lotisly arranged.,, ' We trust tmr frieuds will take lio.cxcepttojl lo this course, a necessity coiupol us to the mrashre witAout discruninaUon. WHEELER & BUUNS. iSaJisbu. Feb, 21, V?!1, . . tf ; 4 second handed secretary (cheap is lV pi at . , K .-"--Tills wanlwl.' Ap- II IS OFFICE. fpHE Root in Uie rear of Mr. Fraley's Tailor Shop, I. firiiierlv occupied hy l)r Powe, i now to rent. Inquire at this Office. , ApnH, 1?9. ins; unm uimta. A CK.N'I'KA-HT. '"' ", VI.Iz in.tii.tiH, troiii the remote,,! i;es, have lint! ship, but CoiuuiUu. only found'. dot Uio way to Ameriea. I!et re the lulieol M great iHaiiioii ua. igator, people were only eiiabled to paiiule aixiul the ahore. Jual o wiLh the L1I0 Medicines.' It 1 but two thutt year siuce ( tiral ventured upon ail unknown ecean, and 1 uitcovered the 'preciou object 1 wa in' aearch ot--heultk N'egeUiile uiedicuie were mdeed kivown when I commenced toy ercb, but their uae wa not. llv tiie use ot tlietn, I have not only - parted tiuiu the dejecU-d mvulld, to the halo, hearty and active man ol.J h.niPi. but cwnDarativcly makingvl uave-renewed my youtli. . 1 liiUs uil cotilideii.e in my Owii ex-' oeriouce, advie with uT-Jellow-cituena. Doca the reader want proof Uiot the VEulTABLK LIFK MK JlClNM r witablo to tin own-case ! - I haveotr 318 " at my ollicrat)7, Broadway, Jtiuutlreda of lellur, Irorti wmie ol the niut ropecUbio citiiteu ot Una my native -'littjrurninryfctTdi A tiOOU VXiliTABLH WKUlflAB. :; Puraou w'horfe coudtitutiouii have been nearly ruined bt the " all-uilallible" mineral preparation of me day, ; Will bear ine wilnew,, tlmt tho tiie Medicine; and audi only, aie tliu true coufe toperuianenlgdod health. JOiLN MOFfAT.. . General remurkt nUitive to ' Moffat" t ' life Pills and thd-nti litltus. s Thee medicine have low beeu known and appro, ciated, for their extraordinary and hiiuiodiale power of restoring perlect health, to person auflernig under nearly every kind ol' disease to winch the buiuautrauie ' 1 liable. In many hundred of certificated instances, they have even rescued sulfcier Ironi the very "verge of an un timely grave, alter all the deceptive nostrums ,of tiie day hod utterly tailed ; and lu many IhoUaatiu they have peruiatriiilly secured Ilia! umtorui enjoyment of health, without which lile itself is but a pauial' bles sing. iSi'gresl, indeed, hi their ellicacy invariably and iiilinHlily proved, tout it has1 appeared scaiu'ly liu than miraculous tu those ho were uiiacuuaiiilod w ith iiM-JbiMUiuyiJueophicat: j)tniciplwupurt..lw they are compounded, ami upon whicii lUey coiisoipjoiil Iv act-.. It was lu llieir inamtest and sensible action iu ouril'vinir the tuntis and ciianuek of hie, and en dowing them with reuewed tone and vigor, that thryJ were indebted-lor tneit iiuinu, wntcu w as ncatoweu up on thein at the spuntaueous request of several individual uiu- livta tU'V have ou.iuu.ly saved The proprietor rejoices in the opportunity afforded by thu Ulil VCTaiil dilliiaiou 01 iue uaily press, lor placing ins V'KGCT ABLB LIFE PILLS wiUim the knowledge and reach of every nwivuiuanrthexomirmtHtyr- -t4t- like the host ol pernicious .quackeries, which buaht of vi'ii-iable iiiLTedienta, Jhe Lite Piil are purely and toiily vegtmblv, and contain neither Mercury, Aiiti- uiony, fseulc, nor any oilier mineral, in uuy tuini Whatever, 'l'liey are eut.rely coinpoaed ol extrucls Ironi rare and powerful nlaiiU, the virtue of which. tlkiugh king known to several Iiidiaii tribes, and recent. ly to soine eiiiiiiem piiariuuceutiui cneiuiais, are alto eether unknown to the ignorant pretender to medical science i-and. wore, never -tKJMiMbiu.iiiMtMjWJM,laj pity ellKOKf a coniouialioii. . .. . Their first operatiou is tu loosen Ironi the coals of the st miffc bra mf bowel; tin f ku mve -amt null ' ties constantly settling around llieni; and to retnove the h;irdmed la-ce wh.ch collect in Uie convolutions of the small intestine. Other uiedicuie only partially , cleanse tlittae.aiiJ kaye sucU.coili.xled luksso behMf, as tu produce habitual omtivunussy w ith all its traiu'of evilt, or auJden dlarrluca, with ll imminent dangers. Tliur tact is well known to all regular anatomist, who examine the jiitmkn boweli slier death : and hence thu prejudice of tlieoe well intornied men against the quack medicine of the a je. Tho second ctl'ect of the V LGi ZAiilX- LIFE PILLS is tu cleanse the kidney and lha bjaddciv.ud by ILis imana,Ilha.liver-audUic lungs, the healthful action of which entirely depend upon the regularity of tiie urinary organs,., i'hu blood, which (lake iu red color fVotn Uio agency of the liver and tho Vmtfp iK-iura it (mihm mt lbs liuait, being thus puribud bVTtheiri, and oourialied by food coming frum clean iWh, course freely tlirutigk llJB.-VemrDCW.a.tirc- : ry part of lha Ijatedi, and triumphautly iiiuuuts Ihe buu. ncr ofhealth in thu biootiiing cheek. TJie (flowing are among tho Uistrosing variety of , human diseases, to which the Vegetable Lllo PilU are well known, to be inllilliblo: VrvPlby'''urtiughlycTcansi"ng tiie firsKnd se- cynd loinchvaud creatiug.a flow of pure healthy bile, uislead of the .ilo and acrid kind ; r'latulencv. Pal- wtatioihof tire Heart, tjost of Appetite, Tleart-buriH and t nan -at lie, ttiisilefisijieaBj-llI'leiiipir, Aiixicly; ranffuor and Melanclaily, wh'ich are the eeneral vn,ia..ini.i' b'mi "atTTi' T7aWlT5iBTMVaTTty- 'eajisiug "Uio. whole. lwigUrT V" Uil i i-of tKe'alwve ' Va1iwtMedieB tne tmcfettnci with a aohi-Vt broccaa. and juthuic.fi.. ienee, an vioieiii purges leae the boWCIS Cfo U(ff y--y-rrtramli-rrolera. .ro tc.- the ..p, ration in some case'sud tiie ttiorouglt jj.yil 01 sii iinesuiiai ;oui)i(yi;v.ij;us iti oinvf .. oo . 1,11 E FILLS have been kuowu bt cure Kheuinatisui permanently in three weeks, and Gout in half that time, by removing local mrlaiuinatioti from tho tniiscles and fgauient of the yimt. lrnMies of all kmila by tree nif aol strefiglheuiug the kidneyau(l Jiladdc;. Uu'y ojiernle most delightfully on these important organs, and hence have ever been found a certain remedy lor thri worst casesof Gravel. Also. Worms, bv disludirW UI' .. . , ... .. ... ., T... fuuH thu turntniM of the bowels thu slimy nutter which the; cieature adhere; Asthma and Coiisump-N lion, by relieving the air vessels of tiie lungs from Ihe mucus, which even slight colds will occasion, which, if not removed, kucouiu hardened, and produce those dreadful diseases, hcurvy, Ulcers, aud Inveterate Sure, by the period purity which these Life Pill give to tho blood, and ail loo huiuura; ticorOulic Hruptunw, and Hid (xiuiplfxiouh, by Uieir aitt-rsilvo effect upon the fluids (list iet-d the skin, the mot bid state of which occasion all Kmptivo couiplauits, Sallow, ClouUy, and oilier dioagreeabia Couipiexiuna Tiie use of these Pills, for a very short time, will etfoct 'an entire cure of Salt rheu.n. Kiysipula, aud k striking improvement in the Clearncwof tiio.sk ill,: Common Cold and Influ enza, w ill always bo curd by one d.se,or by two, eveu csm'S. Plies, as a remedy lor tin most r ,. ,., ' - rt 1- - -V--- sua ooHnaie naiaoy, mu vegeiaottr uio ! ,lU Ut','r,"B " d'l",'ct "1"J '"P1ts- recoQ.ineii.latioii. ! 't " weUknoan to hundred iu Uu eity, that Uie Pro- .""" ru, w" "imseu auucieu anu ttiai ne tniM in vain a.ery reuieoy ptmenwa with' in Uiu . whole compose of Uie Materia Modica. lie. however, at length, tried the medicine which he now oiler to tlw pdblic, and he was cured iu a very short tune, alter Ins reevsrery had been pronounced nut only - it(iru!H!ili,f tut ttbiilmciy iiupusriiutp, 6y auy lm.md means. Ihrei tioM far Vt. The Propriety of tiie VEGE TABLE LIFE PILLS docs nut follow the base aud ' mercenary prattiee of the qtiackiwuf the day, m atfnr si rtj-persons tu talW .Ikiir VWipX'Hagti fliiautiliea." NuT" good uilicinec4 possibly Semi required. These Pill are tu be taken at bed tune every night, for a week or lortti.ght, according to Uie obstinacy of the disease. Thu uua! duio i Itotn i to 5, according lo the coosti-... tut ion pf the person. Very deheato persons shuuld be gin with but two, and increase as the nature uf tliecate may reqiitie : those niore robust, or of very tosiive ha bit, may begin with ;t, ami tiicmse to 4, or even 5 Pills, and they- will etfect a sufficiently liappy chance to guide I l.A n.. I t ,n lk... I',.,ll,... 'ti... b.ll.. ...... ... I ma iit,ii, iu un;u miurei ue s uvsr r nissuiiieviiiiea oeasma sickness a Ad vomiting, t!ouj;h very seldom, nn- Ictu the stouiacb u very foul; this, however, may be considered a favorable symptom, as the patient will una niuieeu si once rnevea, ino oy persuverknee will soon recover. ..They usually operate' wiUiiii 10 or 13 hours, and never give pkin, uiiIcm the bowel are very much encumbered. '! hey timv bo utter) by the most' delicate females under any cucumstaacee. Il is, how ever, recooimeuded, Uiat Uae hi later periods of preg. uancy should lake but one at a time, aud tints continue -to keep the bowels open r and even two may bo taken a iarnar.iiji n.in! i.u uiinn ti,vA m : r. . . : "jr.. "'Lftive secretion of A ". f circulatiun. Uromli which thu ttlit'i;" the putiMitw Very c.tiie. One tu tiuii ot wwo tubie-snKiii lull of water, may i.' mr nilttol ill Uie-ti4ksvii; io.w.i,.ii.?,JU,l "1 : two hours till it o(eiati.-s, lor a chad lrouw,,' ' yeaisol agciialU pill Hi:.: Iioiii hvtf to u ."- Jilt. PlHL.MX irn.tKSu so call,, they ihusts tho pu-ver of rvslonug tiie expini l 'V of lieallh, to 8 gloWltlg Vigor llirougtiout tii V' ' tib.f, a the Piiuuix 1 said to be restored to ; the slnaio( lUown UiBooluuon. The Ptntun fc" are entirely yegetablo. computed of,rocU lumm . ceruvui puns oi uie wesiern couiury, Whica a,j . lily cure Fever and' Agues of all kin-,it li.il t.i i.rAilii-.ili- Hnlir.tiv u!l Ihit ,.j'i .-li. t .... . . , . . r- ..' ili . - - j " - -i ii-r. ... . iin,i.-iif M.M...r it., ui 11. 1. iiu.u.1 l..u-1'rliil rru,. . uon pi xjiooti louio i.ieau ; never un in u,e inctdeut w young female: and wilt bo tLuitd remedy in ail cases .of nervou debility, and of tiro moot impaired' Coiistilutiohs. A a fen,,, T 1 Chronic and lullaimuatory Kheuinulisiu, ibe the Piiceiux JiitUit will- be demonstrated by tfcj "1 a Binghj bottle.'T,rre uuul dose of these baJ? a wine glass lull, in walor or winu, and tins qillr may bo taken twuor tlitue tune a day, aixxit y, 1 hour before ineals, or a le quantity may be hi" 14 all tiine. lo those who uiu allt.cted with imi, atler meals, theso Bitterrwill prove invaluable,!,, very greatly increase tho actum of the, princ, stouiacii todiscuargb into the bowel whatever sive. Thus uuligestioi I easily and ipeedily ttu ipitetile restored, and the mouiiis of the absorticDt seis being cleansed, nuirilioii is fucil'itated, and tftr. ot body and energy ot niinu aro nip nappy ruU For far.herVrtteoWw '' MOFFA'i 'S LIFE Hi -7 ud i'PULNJl.X BIT'l F.1UJ, apply at'Xir. MofkVT iNo. at7 Broadway, New York, where the Fillip ubtaliied tor 25 cents, i0 cetils, or $1 H.r Uix ; i:4 Bitter tor 1 or ifi per bottle. (IvT KduieroiBctrt. Iicatt-s of ihe woudertul edicacy of uolh, uuy be 1.4 inspected. . " in some obstinate and complicated caea of cht and iiirtainuialory Kheumatisui, Liver Complaieu, ver and Aguo, Uyspepa'a. raisyv I uus nijtiriwii thcTTIMrXifieTCuTyT tl uHiTneT hJ oJler dirtaaea 0; a. staudinir, it may be found 'ritsceasary tu take twis,, pia I'lliauiLilw.i'ucuuix. jUUler, Uie vUe, leconitneiided. l -' . , ti. Ii These PilUehd the Hitters will fit:; cury out of the system hithti'tely faster than ti- preparatronrot sarsaparnls. aud arc a ceruintfanij lor tho ruohiiiif of blood to Uie head, or all violent m. aclies, tic douleurcux, &c. - All per)iil who dijied toaptipleayf ihyr&c-rtKurd rrewte 14 out the Lite Fills or the llnti-rs. tiir nn iIiwh . 1. will save life. They equalize tho circulation iii, blood, draw all pressure innii Uio head, restore py, rationV-Aud-ikuw.juO.vory. ..n'tl'iifiiyjsjsd tlie'skio. . , '. ""- : -."T IMPORTANT NOTICE I'erson using the Lftb Medicines, are adviscdiyai' ti e Pill at night, in atidicient quantities to dpcrjrjitai ur three tune on tiie bowel in the course of the w, day. Also, take a Utble-spuoul'u'l of the Hitters tuiu hour belore each meal. For thnee of a delicate iq leebled constitutioa, half the quantity may bu suS.s: (t7 French, German, and Spanish direct torn, en is obtained on application at. Uifl office, 07 Broiiwir, (7 A Iiucial deuuciioli mane 10 timse wimiuivm to soil again.- AJl po( fuid tellers wll recent dtate atleution, ThWbove Medicines mayl)e lad d Messrs. Cress & Dogcrln this Tcira who are Aengts for the same. Salisbury, Murch 'JS, 11!). 6a Blew JACOB WIN ECOFF &. , UF.iil'KCTFUU.Y infurin . their" cuowfttK friends in genera!, that they Imve just Kivii thwr old stand at Htirewalt'a null, Cabarrna eti!,l ;..ri . .' .i :.- :-"-i r- , . ..,. ' uulea Norlli-wesi"of CutKoril,' a 'lie w si'i ip1 y of l'.ill mi. I 11 ittlf I:wwl comprising almost every article usual I V0uJ Wtt; tion of country, which they. oiler; anctual dealui Cheaper than ever for cash, ontiirn our sincere tlia... credit of twelve inouthH..Jbrel patronage we have re To our customers forotltct attention to busiucia, lo ci ccived, and boue - : - - .- : --. - - rit the twiay 1R,TQ. - . -. tf Jano ' 1 ' "- ' iss, and jiilhoiWttk.---4- K-TaouV antHor-eete at ine .rtaOHU&c at i TirvW rmiitv: v.r;. vVonxir-lsait .. 3ii. rfyliilrilrukU rl! 1M1E uodersigned ooin appeals to those iniJeoteJ ! . , liiui an acciiuut oi Uie VVestern Carol..-vi'I' way. to come forward and pay. Il l out 01 1 - tinu f.r htm to wait or be putotfanr longer: hatsv. jiitie ore pressing : he ha waited years, witb pa many, aud lurtlier induiguico other thau the ! ' allow .caiitlot be. atveivif outiicuieiit is not made islu present or ensuing month. J. V. HAMPTO.N. Jan. 3, 1S.TJ. ' tf- J ' T I LL be offered ibrt"aTe'tn the hiphest bidrr IT late dwelling of JOHN TURNER,' tyck K -fhurpJay tke 2-"A April ntit, alMie Iflnds that belong to said di c'd , (the iluwer rite excepted,) consisting of about EICiiT t tired Acre. The said Laud are in lour diUeriuUn-'-one trac lying on the water of tio South-YauU joiiing Hie, lands of John Lutkiy and other; 1. three tractsiljoining each other, Philip Hice, Uet HeaUimao aSd olhere, iiicluding the valuable i- known by tiie name of Turner's .Mill. - A roaaoimbUicretlit and due attendance will by tfta heirs. , II. IL'RXU Ru an Co , N. fj March 2S. lCTr J ,.,JUlWny,pat Mills previous to lli da of sale, can be sctuni"' by calling on the Nubriberat tlifl Mills. A Warmer )n avVcA. FiRSNRATE" BX k rccooimcndd, (none ullwr need apply J".; ccnatant emulov at the SALlSBuRi iJU-" bkliabury. April -U It: JtL Notice. rpiIE Subscriber having (lifprmd of lii P'?fL JL the town of Salisbury, it has become w? bly necMsary thai hmnotrskndsecwnlii-wnsol are iiflong staniruig, should ieaeUU-u..iJiCST"', lira are Uieretbre retiuestod to come forwani1 ts bini are Uieretore reii tie the same witliout deluy. Eight likely Negrotii for fca!o. T. A. HAGUE ts'l w. u. rersnns catling to kiuo in ine sw- j Subscriber will settle with A. W. Peluihv aiiUiorized igent .... ' f j ' Salisbury, N. C, March-21, fii:S,-J- MufratVPiifriuHl Uittcr T II IE"' LIFE GIVING TILLS AND BITTERS, so celebrated, ad so oiucfi the afflicted in every part of tho country, a1 ceived andjbr sale ijhe Siibcr.lK:rs , r ClttSS i LOGER,"1' P. 13. See sdyertiseun-iit April

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