4 IV" !. v jfn, tt.w'inet .,lnntFrr luil of nre ii"juh-"i q tx'v t I greater 'f-urtt-ber. Tt md i kv M. TIktiw, a rn-re rf equsliy lit" u"'v, al "o i Wad i ted tv the ru'iufe f aJi-worc 43 vr,.r4 h,' hfe. : - -.- - TN Slorw Mt&'xih'M it profr?c4 ii,H great rapitJi'jr i aT tta rr.Vr) and n.idd'e '!. by tli W ;! made: The gnHiod; being suitably prepared tins ix I r, dir.--i ti" a portion of il lattcral vit, i fn.ieji hmz ,t,z?.y in the fur row ; the. tvt i 'acid a a sjit.bte Huji and trodden bxrd, I'uewWe to?4 iiw Im i r.tfr.f4th an a inch in . I cf -i;.tnM?, nteVnd -Cif"tj K, 4muri and ...knsas. Or perhaps Charles- with the frns x-ttry Utrl swapper eye', jtnn h l havn share. : However' thia maybe," thooH wi5i V produced, !t!ifni ft' r by j Congee, after great deliberation, determined that . ... . - V - - -. - . - - ... ... . t . t . . ,. . r -i I . I . uuimo. . r frxn urn rtr. rwsa tnwt( "Man ahjndinr, een Url"r tr-. ty reacts the wr face. tree hi:lierio Lx.aa w frwij itrd mt rapiJIy. , .' v '' v ' ' '1 HaiaMaai , ' ' t"rm tie Sill Greutr. Tl Silk (Wot u l atlrn.J'-l w.ofe ' risk lhaci orJtcirjr art Z 'w..it, jrh. Uy O'Jl umtca. Tie mttt Vrrt kata i't p . par aftd -raw VuU tb wifathr in- ! dry, warm or rxLl. Tlii lrv w w ( SUI4e t b injurrj ly U Viaey arruitta h Ljcb fum rnp ara eteweJ. Ti mk vhtrH ran bo nad the - ftrat aMsarw-r f:tt pSahnBj.mol; enwan pr-. denrs aod a!!, prwM rka f-"nu, itd rania bit heip, and prK f ih pr itiii i f the . "' 3JuittutUtiA. a aJ.JlniaI C'jifniirt thai iy le rdie4 an. aud lUal witl c..i.je h7fnbW tinaw tr a V'Z wvgrfwt is the de. . fii)d f iHt, t siriMMtlry to beauppiiej. Tbot hat th ailli rul'rwt f aotirre of retemift iatnW;rihaiy yrarawU Ue evImaiMjL lte MiMiH u.U--aui ft two r tur'-e ear, and w? ee"" kw re!rarj if .f l.ihJ per c,, jllm Uj' rneral order, announcing rent, oajhe j capital tutr.. .Tn protMetn-li rftfo arr:mwiiwr.t U wbkh Ihe military fiwr t4 W Iht r iS -uJwd-hp t ,7e fu witn.!wwn Trnm the'diiuted terri , ut onward 5' jtHEe cum cUnr; alHie cVf 2v:i7i.I gUini neriiiia4nri tH the (nititli'aud tof-T -1-iiani. ia kt. it : In fnaW tiaffl by.m&Hog, ad-nce ocr d r cwrffy furfoe. Uf itital la lladn tirflrtiftlal ltrM rl aTI I it If ' r laafaal (lff.t4 5 Vi'b eaa calcuU tin; rkHe anXrotn- fort that , in.apre'J nter txtr brmd rr (ub'i, wlkn, tastead of au mi TPIk'" 'na4" "KHk-fkriew of - tother rnjufie -ckalt' Mr0rifjf "Sn'r-pfy 'wii T but eiport jH. 1' 'artpeV. We are 1 product aa are that tSr m . ro an.1 . few wwl. ln W Mtnmli" elanate, and .he Ig of our panpte are i-lr !asied to wfTf fcii. we krh . r- 1 .I!..?' ..?.rfrt t reiVESrvbfl ts?r-lSMHl wwrMBt.4fSrr' other. "Muny peiwont wh- pot xr a wne lock, at tended Niitk a U artiou the rilJ Ftcniliej when n trtt ranwewtl'tiitti tlen concerning the an ! k rultun bTi"j now beror.i aUe ewoiker in The wwia tKufr-rmry ; ant riKwHito brnca 4 imfuMry take i a in out anl, we 7mU ciiiSClarouF. telrea with thfajTrt-eabJe rrflcctiua ibat we have frwrly ajdctJ iae rtwerprie. . . ! -'. Great tim Sa!e f tStt'tirte ) r ,Vf tit uta 1 lit. ljiiii aa it n;V auitar, tWf ha Jr a.-vJ'o r tvl h-lxi'K iHIMt aar.iiwai ncn uMmwi j.4,UUw irt t A if useif aa it war appear", to bttvwntf'lhn anurfee of intnjroae r.attnowl weHS. atd re-r lmgnaalron trN tary t-o u fur t!- anicUi '4 raw auk, in an anmuitf fur etcetdioj "ir apmw id the oiMftMared ar. iiclo. Thn fterd-r ti--k pi cc at KrtuiUii.-' aiK-tiin rtn. ' I hethr.ifkssif arrhrwfwery ereitt. ( '..w t U e W ti b vrtaenH by the rreal d-mimttioo n thu s . sn roirrtining f,r a " ii,i?fVi'';ttrtHr nttr a 'Wic hr-tf- largs) ap-ciroew r- 11 at ?'J a S arnl some hiMMl'ns iW fa m rti rwrnsiTrnrad at ft't .VI tn l . per Iroe, and li uL-r utKt.txJJ at $1 20 down MJksUhli44 rviits eax it, in parc-l of i to 4 ami th en'ire 'i k. cawiui2 tit a"jul 15 tfJU urn., rj-nl, W-l an4 nwuaerert, awl Bkn " i"ein very muu in jured during th .j;rit irrat.ttiou, tmad will- mj aud tMtu-u!. prcbsrrL .V. Y.Ee. Star, 7)e,'Ae .V.. .VJVs. rvvw ah cr resret. lb de!1! sf llxi kih. NiUt, late of !. - thit city, wU J.-pft4 iii W yeJjjuwrfcttSrk the third orlnunh ttcridehl of the kind iHalJiaa .1 al 2 vVlwck. al W;:wit'fl, U're ha hat-fa-siJcdlhappened within fitly years. The ho-t fire tuok (Lr ire Hn pMi in a rii kxl of b titb-; fUce in K'7, ami the new nU'o was re-const mc- ; A tlie enli.or and p-r.r"-tr f Ni' K'sii-'er, tlie ! ted 111 119'. A roller containing .60 jewelt id , tfcwwd ewmlcd auamsrH iw Ibe t.iriwin. of- HUliireat value," n.id Inert lost daring the fire, and the ' . tooulryitM nf ir;jrhir:g the hrji tre-rl extwt of j Government had rerjuired all the Ambassadors to pasaieg ernut of catirsial r al imrtancn. j have the lnxtfae oj'eveiy traveller exaniiiied be- ' Z' - The swrrrs f re l'-rkan Sjrip,3i jrha, f ,ie h aving the city, in the hope of finding it. lie attr.tw?ed to Bh iritrfol in a g.rei,ir df-jre j . .' v. ' ihia In HrV: NiVs.-r-Jjf."iwor .-ttirriViiS. The health office report for ihe city if rhjla- " , . - (fc'e'phi, C r the year XW, states that there ueYo Drtruft'-tt Fur ml aIa-Th ex'etii during ihnt period 7,70 births, and 3,412 do.ith.C--7 . rattlwhrwi.t at I!.!, U toi:iiif t. le. Uainard, Curtis eV Co, wa dest roy i d b ra ear It jTstenLy eonng e-mttij $34 ). . The fire (uiafflmM in li frame badJing ft!y fi-el Yftm 'T f.f t.wy a; 4 wis rw ibe wwrfc 4 awsrH trTrrl-ei there WfiaiMMJOVpayaUu. u Jlirr,m'Jt mnrtJlfruf'irr.V learq that a irM dttrnctivw in occurred at ll-moon KniHr- iif li.r." r?3 kss rhanibe witrrer4 the Hml M bxtff Ci-wsi'r's ese Vh. sperfrt ewi die rcxriufri"rj, w ith afl t?ir rsiO;nian.l appur fenanrra. The ah ," . MnfIJ htd jwt arrived, and had dichrgl her cri.i4S, P-'rtly ,ii the iliwm l f m lum .i.r., 1 ii.i lot ! estiryatVl at from UM.tKM u f t j),(H'.rr. 1 o raoc tH.wjd- 4?(ro ml "ia a! 1 1 fc. "roarrrd the anrftre f li- IUi m ht 4 wu CZatvLitLiadand of ut. some o the latter being from one to hi thf mm nt;v Urs,w'4 4pvs,id Lay was al deiroe4 If w the yirmrnr, ibtitfgn bmI near the Wfea'e Vo'opwt)' IxvMina. Wt art tmi ioC rd'tbe namet of lite ownerf, C tht) trpomM tdlttt tV " Aim" 35ua'w4jp, a r- ba-a at 'Athena, Apposal IjJvoa, st rutMam 1 if t;e. All -i,i-poaej t be the ; iifinw't i . .4.'oojr T4r. '- ' ::.-v. ,"" Dfrntl Gtu. KlfJrj. The f TI it -m Lrt-ii4rr-fiu tunwrri tbe drain u( (J-?o. fl rix-'r V?. K?p Jey, at his p5ai,tr'Si in that purislynn thi 2 1 i.'i-. Il had I1'' dranprnj j" iuu,y m.inrli.:. tieti. Kiplef' wis -ry ac.ti and e.Tu:e-'it otHcer k ..4h Nortbtra fj jiitkr 4 "iJtH- li wr. tod at the lime of hit d-staj mmiber ftmiiriiM. Owing to Wad fcw'Vi, howeref-. He di l nt rciipv lut teat in L'sre. iU w.tt alau a eu.Ur of ihe preceding 24 h) I ore. " ' , ' 2 ; ' HmM ijrJ.ian.-V fwdefrt t Vnw. art itsf'ittatT h thatiL U A femi(t, Eojfi larer, arrtred there on tl.e l;th.,ad that I lie stir- jey .f t5lurtJiit.P!i?X bre i prrgrt. - - The fi ar of hostility to t'.ts work by the pr-w-em Ibal be, seem lo be verified. Order, we barn, have been received from .Washington lo susfstid a portion of the work, and tndiecharjje part of the, workmen, incompliance iih .which, about forty f the. workinen and laborer were diniiaed on Mon day U', and tit here will have ii , follow, (t i mid that out of I be appropriation of ,150,000 " fT Arsenals." Coogrest not having specified the mcunl fi r each. ot.lv 20,000 have been aim-d to this w.rk by the r pirtiiienij :hj reiiiiHMi .130,000 beinir epulied to lb two other Arsenal. Arswnal H t tamirucHiin. Ol Hie .irPKHUUw, hi!d be lootle. m jorf) Larolm, becaufj ol tlie j l. i r ...... ..I . l....A I trmrai wwitioo, bihi in n r'KinijiMi y i'i Biniii i ti"- i rf timlirrol tne very b!al kind wr public pyrpo-, i' Vtran(i irmi22ilt the advanMt. cmf. tyn with water navigation and a cliuap ai d healthy fwmify. We trgt it i not to be pt-rrniiied liithe Eiecuilve to art awlttTilitef CwuIreMi, hut that at the iiett atitonrConirea will niak a d:ffioite appror riatiorNur precutiog ihi work, . lhfit ih fund deigned for it may not l '! trtscted fol tht uw a either Miwain or t harltnton. . yaytltttillt Dbt'tttf. Frtai IMifax Vi hae receivr-J lU'ifat r- per to lhe-21 int.' The protincii Leg watiire wa aiiil in aeiion. Mr. Stewart had introduced arr.ittin in ihe Leni-lafive.CViticil depreca ting lxrd Durham' plan for a union of the colo- Thw wopi'ion ' dVlMted al hMiir'h. Mr. fctew art ntaintaioed that thein.inn -pmpnwdY wi7oW,-tf ifti. rflir ttliiHvft Ihnt nrnvinre in the Vor t,ency . , p rBt,, tiw province frv'm itie .j,, ,..,,,, - . - !'tate.w (;,r(.M f U t,rvi,i, to relntii to their ,),;lt w 1,1 ju , 11, Ti,nea. J(iot r t a i JUiv ,CAe--Ther JJoatoo Cotumcrcitil sa.f J: .Xftff IJewiT frttra the 8011th" induce a lo liiii.'a tm J'lhtt C t'tiHi.oun.'of South C'ar-' i r 0 i - -f 1 t. .. . . .. ' .1 .. t ... j u:..v,.ii l.'l..J PHU rrr', ,'n5ra"0- "T . T J-" 'V"" "'u ,-M Uf JU',,T", ""t'- wh,I'U d T r n? "C" - M r.rZ.af .he :wai: ia CoB delerniinetl man, at)d tint) 'who lovea hi country ami her republican tnlitntina with the Jieart of a tpdtnor. He will do honor, to u abroad and ue- 1 1 . femf with aisrml ability, in every emergency, ihe " . t ' -1, -... e i.L "iitrji iif Majatayit afflallheiw tt the whole eomitry. Tim Northeaalern Banidary Question rmiM net be etit runted to abler hauds. If Mr. Vrhter does not receive the app intmcut, we hfe Ir. Calhoun B'av. .Fiftat ConMtantinople: dreadful confligra lion has rh-atroytd Ihe Vaier'a alnce, cslled the cMtbttiiM Porte, and which iticlutled the diUcrent tr.tfiK itreurml at an nrlv hour on the 21"t Jatitl- "'I' ary, arid hi a Tew To mi rs Iho pihico was butnt i fhe eniund. T The greater port of the archiven, . which were cVpoitid in the subterranean apart--menu, were saved, bnl almkt all the paper re ru lining in I'm otiiee were deitroyed. The loas otmi.I iiy 4H 4Jt4ier l rjuiuuueu ai ocnfiv ! t'",0NO,tMlO 1 pjaaire. hen the flaniot' were I .1- II -L.- I .11 .1... ...ik 4 nrl percrnv-!1, mo 1 n "n mm nu 111c nuuiniiucr fit-i r .1 :. I ..... .. .1... . ..r n,.... ' I l'hliiimruck or iri'in 0T1T10 aiililiine PiSVeTHa pf9iii4JKt.!i prrsooera weye aet at iinerty. . . A mriiKt'-the numlwr was a noloriiwi WMr late- tireWniirewTiW Um h4- no, UL- iv vcrai 4' thnne individuals, uiatuad f prViiuig liy lrwT.pimrfaniryrappt.e to th-n-r 4 rutfities to oe a mm eonfme'1. ii'H it wa etippoC'i that mofl wf I'ueui aftrrward changco! their mii.d and oVcided upoii qoitHig the couitiry,-- 'I ks offi cers id" the .Sublima Pirte hn been provisionally transferred to tin pahico of the fjeraskier, Thia ,"Of tho births 3 92 were males, and d,7U? hitiaie of theycailuf 2,'GD were mulen, and 2,493 lu- ir.lom .Vintf Sfift..K seiiih-mnn. of DuCldo has jost iswialikur.i tsv-l trwil inlorvitl at thft ratu i if fit if nttL lHranHtr:AW.t.ring ir rhaiser will have 14 war, S4 rfuvs and 20 hour ... . . . a a .. t to pay in, at. the rate of $-,7C0 per annum. I -.- IJHtJ n t jintatn Pell, irf the ilavre packet Plica, arrived al New-York, reports that on the 31t March, in lot. 44, 4 long. 4", he fell in with L'ze q-i-ilitiea id" ice, in fields and bergs, it,,- r .t tn f-reiir ev'rnt iinrt tbe rstler t mmin. I i uo.is dimensHsia. He ran Saithward tMI miles J and VVevtard Kit miles through tliese 6eUls and two hutJiCvl fiOt'm htyhl. Adam Ikfiddt, who wat ap(K)iiited bv- Wash, inztnn, chief rrmier nf tlm United Stales, mint, atd rmtimd in otiiee by each tuecessivt President hat resigned his Mlualnai. ' -- A gen!?einnn 1 en'ioned to us yesterday a fict lilostrative ot' tlie magnitude of niercautite oiir aions in thi" ri'f the present spring. A mer chant in Mtrkct a-'rect informed him that the pur. ehset tor Jho Swilh and West were heavy that iv-eking Ivixim rniil.l no he hid in suilicient qnanti tic Id neir upilv the doman l, and tlmt encrsje. mettu were nad for tome weeks ahead I He ad-d'-d, BsVremarkshlo fact, that airnjle mechanics did a h'ti'iM in this lint amounting in whiio int lances, to fi.1"en twenty, and even thirty, iHihi saud dollars in the year! That the hooping " of rs xi t aloof BfJordiil .ronstant and pnitshte em- plorment to noinewms indtHtrioua men. ami that urje tmnt were made ... .1. -1 1. -i-.t - M.ia i.rancU i . ... w We confi:ts our astonishment was not a i. t ex. cited at the detail of lliean fit ts, to remnrkal to t-t, W wr ar ibal ah ,uiiprecM6rtiedly' rg! buin? wui iIoim iii the dry 'good 1 we thi Spring we r-r nut fully ippn'H ;f 'he e- . tent until informed hv jli have th mcaiiH . of knowing Evening Star, - , 1 l,,itht yutwnal Oiitte,, , HOItltlBLE MA?ACftri ". In thr following accnui't of a maomcfc of the crew ana pn.iiB.ert oi i uri.ni '"i'r v,v i,am""f Mr. and .Mr. David), of North t ar ohn, with their "'thrprdanffhtrr-r--gM aiu'xiti iltfl victims .,Thi,iHfl!ncholjr fm t de serf to la iiarticularly ptjitiled out, lent llm no tice ol iiiPir ruio, uiwitr a general iieao oi luirm- pcore. 'ah'iuM'nol meet, nromplly, the eye of their fneiHl al the Houih. - .Another Tircunmtatice con- -.i ., ' ' ,t.. nrrieil w ill! Ilia ina.sacrB wo caniHi wiu iiHra' tinar wilh cominetiU We riiean he tlni'hd lie- roim ekliihilfd' by the Governor of Samm in bringitif the piraltea to jiwtire, At Ihe ketsiieal m-nl iif hn f; he hetned a detarhmcnt of Hoop, m 1 iL3 ij..j-.Jt hi - -Tf-T-- entered their envern amid a discharge oriiM:,Rtf- irv, an-l miutned a fierce conflict. JSuch a dis- plHj- of braveiy aud official chivalry, made too, in timliratioti of Arnfcrii?an j.adica, disnonorcti onn murdered m old blood, certainly deserve tome adiniritii! reeoi'iiili(Mi beyond the formal gratitude of mi r Consul in Greece. The ' Ijegialutnra' if the Htnte to which the victim U'longeil ahould mn a viite of thank to ihe Governor of Samoa, wilh a twird wiitahly inncrihed. The act would do tlie State Imoor abroad, and be of advantage in awaiting to eftirpalu ihe proverbial piracy Ml the WhipplfigQ. in.thua cimjprritig a mark ol dutinc tion bearing all Ihe " enchauliiit'iit or oTsTanTe; '' TA the y. Jam. n. On Ihe tOth of Noyemher last, the Turkish ft;hooner, Cherknj Shergf, (The Prophet' Man lie,) anchored in the hnv ol rutraa, 11 crew consist mg of Ca)t. Said, of Votiria, and tiine 01 hern. The yewel carried, beaidta, , i(jht paajienger, a (Jormin anlHinary, M. IIiNosoiiifT, Mr. and Mra. DAtot"!f of Carolma, wtrhthrtr three-daughter. and twrj yowijj Turkx, AMalluh and lluinen twin (ciin of the AiiU of kari. The eari)cotiiat ed of Cashmere shawls, Oriental trinketii, Circaa- emn embroidervr and othrr-Taluable arfidetj On tlie evening of the 12lh, the crew and pastengera returned on boa ntwMl oiUne 1 -It H at la wn the vcwcl wa to anil. I lie Phi ran tiahermen perceiv ed, by the ach'Htner' huhm, that aho waa lailini' thouh they did not hear the cun'tomary aignal gun hre. " Some hourt alter, whon the aim wa above tne horizon, a (ew finhernien, eprcading their nets on the hore,- encried a tnaR'atnigghng amidt tlie waves. Two of them rowed to hin aasistHiice, and arfTflTma lo- ative-liim,-"'tie. ;.wa - a V.oulb "direaSrTlinrie'rkP. wa horrible: he waa fuinting, and the blood waa eusliing from a large recent wound in hi head. He was convoyed afieechleaa, to a cabin, where e ary attention was. paid him. The fishermen con- ;ncluf n wr8PKed t hat otlwr pornon ling at-na wi bceu proceeded with their boats in various di rcction. They thorlly espied the carcate of a vessel, which was soon thrown on the" coast. It was the Cherkaj Schergf. The scene she present ed wan horrible : on the deck which, was stream ing with blood, lay the alroriotin(y mangled Corps ea of the rapiain and It other persons. - Cehiw, in one of hf sabjns, were- extended 4he lifeless bodies of Mrs, Davidson and her three .trtiivtiteii; ihe state ef'tbeir corpee revealed that the "flit irrfno44-iwc. itad precei dctl their. daadful woundn. The ship s inasta and oars had been demolished hv axes, ami her whole cargo hud been pluiulereJ. The r occurrence wa forthwith reported 10 the Governor of Patras, and tie poor yont h saved By I lie tishe rmen waa carried foah hospj.. lai. r.very nuwinj, ni ui-ahvi iu o-i pmpviiuiorn of this attricimracarcagr wasai first fruttless. All that was ascertained was, that .on the evening be- iireaVitoltorri'.th; Ivdtmd xftttrnvwHrnit bewH5"f?rfMlOTjltel alimrt the4wy-4l'aiai-wa..rM lrew were fimnd -on Ihe shore. At length, the jf ouiigrXhiliiilah-whome- IwheHrrefir-had-aavwd, recovored enough to declare-the followmfft The eh'jwier.iraJjMMMweJy JvALa . JIa,v.ofjPirj ihe fa was calm, the pasenj;er ami a part of the crew ljadrelired In the cabin wheo a fearful tu mult was suddenly heard. " ' Fifteen rnlliHn,, armed witlj dnggers and yatag hans, had b-Mirdi.-d Ihe vestel, and before any resis tance c'oiild be attempted, masaoc.rend or threw overbtard every iul on deck. Abdnlltih had be- . 1 . . 1 .1 r 1 ' I .1.... t. ..... .L: belli tlie tioatij HI His onaiier, mm i si innnniH . . , . . jt . i ifin, t ,fi EK-fiiiiiv rruiwurv fc'lii.Hll ivillliniur a drsrraU' defenco, when ihe ctit ti tatghani' - -. - . r- enst htm into the ten. AlwHllnh added, , liial on tho dav he arrived at Patras, he had been wiih hit brother and lha caplain into the cotioe-house, and that ho thiH)hl h'iTiad seen there two men whiittl he had since teen again on the awful night' of the I2lh ol November. 1 he youth tnrther iated, that thn captain' hud a long talk bnfore tlio two mou of tho richness of his cargo, and that on the next day, on the owner of tlie cofr-e-hnuse being anked who those stranger were," he hsd replied that they wore old soldiers of Hydra, living quietly at thoir home ' The coHW-hotise keeper waa then que, ti.mad. A I first he denied all, but stilisequently avowed that the two men had cmivrrwd with Ah daiUh hikJ the enptain, addinji that he knew noth ing of what they iiiighl havo doCCi but the pres. I ..1 uhA Ins at' xl a h.kinit. al 1 l.u . .BH.sn prisoiied, when his wiOjalnrmed at the conseqoem ces which her rim-band' conrenlment might entail,' disclosed lli?JictjliJtthe ; two J?lpirinuijnd;yidir al.re,0.eirge Diomndi and Alexander lihaikim, two of the most formidable pirntea of Sumos, and" Ihnt Iheir stronghold was near the Cavern of Phi. loctetes. Th" woman protested her huabsnd wax emliUwrt, aud that hit only relations with them were those ol a Inriil-liip formed while serving to- j yet her ill .the Greek insurrection. Upon these circumstance being rnnmiuiiicnted to the Gover nor of amos, he hastened with 300 infantry and 00 horse to the Cvern"nf Philoctetet, which "he caused tn be siirrtsitidnr. He in person, with fifty picked men, rntrired the den. Scarcely hadjie entered Us dark vaults, when he had to sustain I discharge of ntukftry. After t sanguinary strug gle, which obscurity rendered still more horrible, lha fire of die pirate band was silenced. Fifteen of them had turn slain, one only cnptun-il, and the remainder had escaped by an aperture whiclv tl(e Governor not having detected, had not been watched and guarded. Young Abdallah on being confronted with the prisoner, identifrnd h;m at one of the nien he had met at Pairs. .After much hesitation, the cofiVe houte keepr avowed that the vtllian was no other than Alexander Glnukoa, the lieutenant of lha brig cornmanded by Gtorgo l)h madi. An English manufacturer, residing near Turin, it said to have invented t new silk mill? the me. rhattinn of which is so extremely simple, that" il fju.-'k- .t,.J 1... -l.:tJ -..l sjij "7 ...... ' ; j-i j-i VM'n -j. . ,. ....,.. v.. 10. - made by the old mill in the tame period, and " a much superior qnnlityi Gal. Meengrr. THE WESTERN CAROLINIAN Thiiksia Evesiso, Ark-ib 19, 1933., -Dbtercerii, 3, shall nppea r iff our rtf xf.-j CHEROKEE ''COM M ISSIONER A few day ago, we had "the pleasure of falling in company with Mj. John C. Mulltiy, Stcretary -L. , k. jitihs Cheroke e Board vf Commitnonert ; he --p r-tW-rr--it-it-Lfc l"-"y to H al,ingtoiiCTty wirhliiW wa krand-" piipcr for the purpoae of wttling Up the busineat of the Comrn'iHsion. , A., - , '- It wilt be recollected that this Board wn appoint. ed under ihe Cherokee, Treaty of 1835 'fl, to value the projierty of the Indinna and act lie with them previous to their removal tojhe Wet.sThei Board consisted of Mewara. Kennedy, of Tennessee, Wilim, of N. C, and Liddell, ofGn., with Ma Mvllay of .?tmre' Secrfary. The dutiea of the Doaid were very arduous and their lubor im mense ; but, to Iheir-'great cte,lrJSVnsrmt'Z plWhed the whole busineaa, and tent on their So- reta ry-tA-ma k a JwiaJ. iettlcment., T T , . JlujMullay wao good s to permit us lo have a curanry view of the book, and from this inspec tion, we could not but notice the neatness, fidelity, and accuracy with which he had perTormed his part of the dutyt We obtained from Ihem the follqwing atalement,- which will, dmibtleasjjojri. tereiiting to.our cilizena, particularly to thoae in the upper Counliea JV'e btlicva it ii correct to a cent u A ttatemeat ol the amount allowed, and paid under :tho Proviaions of the Treaty betwern the- U. -fifatea ami the ineroaee nation 01 Indiana, or, iSOO U. Amount allowed for valuations, spoliations, claim against the Nation far lefal services, die, resin va tion to the Territory, ceded by the Treaty ot IMOk and upon Ui0 Territory ceded in VS35 fl, in all, t . v . tmm 10 Of the above amount there wss paldT " " fen n 111 iiio niiHsimippi, in suvancea "to 'Indiana; aiwTtn "the payment ofT - .' "(Mi'lam Sent West, in May and N'ovember, 1837, aud April, 1-3V - . ; - 'Zli&rA IO '"""J Mating, v,- ' ' ; 1.074,523 2A Leaving a balance due tn imlivBuaU of tlie Cherokee Nation, of. . , 67417 023 ,TheVitmington-AdvTrtiser tif,lhrrT2th inst., state Mpsy-ihe wilhorny.nr ltotteHirtMd,-iix:h' With the season STj(tarfnryKhier-wm-eM. that Uwnf dated Newbero, April,. flth, that ihord ' J aU.flattire in; loveliness, I havo alwsy associated fe" had been a severe blow oh Ihe cnaat.and that aevo-, 4 Wee of innocence and porityj It may be ttmpxrel tal fessels were amhre. Among the number, were - titn B of.infiinry, when t! fcce i tinged r v.L r:ii. . . tth fniile of. hopcf ajidohspo-iia are ctw,J t. ",w u " if and lho other tadened vith Pry Good, name ( UIIKIIOWU. . ' - , . . t TAe Nev York City ffiontThe 'result &: . , , . , , not known. Up to the morning of Ihe third day, 1 r. 1 - the l-ourter d Enqr. .tales, that 30,336 vote, had been inRen, being niq jesr than tnervToto rmnng (he same day. la-it Spring. . -;'V Several .IwUtlua. had .,l)t;cji. fjitgh btillhej tenae local excitement prevailed lhTooghrJm'theerty4rPIn, ""r' "owonM ", ""P1 Pr"e-;:.xi,.--ciBesmwv.milrm,. , ,- , imive- ajiT prcicnr'frjnyriumrjifmirraiii mta .u'x The BrooHin Charter Election-he 1 Chayter TnmtortiritRiiftti triumph of. the- Whjgs. Out of 19 Aldermenvl3 're'Whire,'-sn'fr.V(t-pura eight in numher.all elected by an average majority' of 30 votes. . ' j '., . Mr. Woodbury. A correspniiJeut suggests, in , i-.1 . tv c , - to England, that he be sent to the " Red Sea."- A to ourselves we have no particular choice iu the a matter, so that we gel rid of him as Secretary of the, Treasury, we care no much where he ia sent, whether to the Rfd, or to the Blach Sea or -to - any where else j and we have no doubt Mr." Van Huron and the Democrat themselves, a!o bo well satisfied. ' ' """' Mr. Van Bum's ritit fo the South. We nve a correspondence which has taken plnce between a company ol gentlemen of Warren County, and Mr. Van Duron, that he has deferred his visit tn the South (orjbe presmrfr. He had contemplated - I . rt . 7 1 of business it the Scat of Government compel him to put it oil. ' - Davit Superior Conrt. The Superior Cmir ef Davie County is this week in Session, Judge Satk, presiding. The Ducket it Mid tn be large one for so tmaB a CiHiniy, and il it topnosed that Ihe busineat will occupy the Court until Friday even ing, 0 pefhaps until Saturday. There It no im poriantlcs.se on thn State docket. The Court it held in the netf Courthous?, which, however, Ia not yet entirely finished. n; ' . Virginia Eleetlont.Tt general electlona in Virginia, lake place on the 3d week in Mty. A moat animated contest it now going on between tho two parties. Mr. Rives cuts quite a figure in the contest, and we suppose he takes much interest in it, inasmuch as hit pojiiical fateliangs nn lire result. Coth part mm appear sanguine oTaucCTM. Judging from all that we aee, it appears to us thai tlit, result it extremely doubtful. " roa thb watrua rtaoixsu. ' Mcstaa. Eorroat: I tskt th liberty informing the pobbe thruuirh the medium ot fmit Dtnr. that tho PWamftitrir liter Drack it imdorgo ng a tbnriMigh repair, .. I 11 V- . 1 . - . 1 . . . ramwjwurrm.itme wt iu commr; Kiirinir nuees, sn.l that there areaix or eieht tine y.mnj lawaet j a (BIHing nPX,aiKl I mum tn lha 1 rr.ui n J -fr MuinltM 1 efjdosicned to run on thi course. : v"., - I Grotbmen better versed ia matters of this tori than niysetf, wt tlist the prueperl for fit.e" tpnit wls r;,,, uiore inviting than at Una tnn.. j- -jThe-l'tlt lawn wersi.p-wtponas urtil , a matter ol course, many of our ISiirkt n, LnJ. in the contitry wre-iliMtipomted, i)tJt as-ure ti,e,n if as well t ottier iniorefleu, tnsi tiicre will be M m. 1, l n in iho mattpr tfit tim", ihey will poitivi'.u . place a advertised in Miy. - A CI mix Tlie following communication on Fprinc, ' w learn it one of the first eflort of a young fejy tf thia place. The iuhjict ia interenting, particular, ly at lhiaett of th year.- We nocd aay Botfi, ing of it merits, they ajeak for themselves, fi ' inv auiinrxra it, uauii-j, miu4M9-Hvrra 01 D'lrtip. we commend its perusal. We hopo often to hea, from our fair correspondent 5 - ; . , . rot thk waarras caboi isuh . "Airs, irernal an. : Breathing the smell of Held and grove, attu ' , The trembling leaves, the anitcri.) fan, . ' Knit with the Uraces, and the hours in dtnee, - bd on the eternal Spring." I'arudtte Lout, 6. 1 J " fepring may, wniTprouircort;ioieBa liTati pflrwrity.""' lay claim to the title ot being tne mont delighiful m son of the y ear. . It has two grano" pre-requiit tomai, gool thi claim, via! youth and novelty. These tw , qualitie have peculiar chsrm,nd lha mind t irreei.1 I lahty led to admire, and dwell with placid satUActio on iheir pwiicuUr merit In this delightful ramagf tlie year, all nature teems to burnt into new lfe,ani ( animated with new deire influenced by lha fa.. . nial ry ol the feturoing tun. "The inanimate err. -lion put on it gayest apparel, and vegetation it tmj-. , : cd in it gayest livory ; , .' .1 J .--.' J-- - SwccTBi5taTllSWf dresB in Hvinj green, j and ilieir beautihil appearance invites to recreation ami fpleasttref he taU -Oak, (tlr pride of our . wotdlaad f j rear forth rta towering top toward heaven, apparent); conscious of standing majestically pre-eminent svhila I the tlirub and underwood content) for excellence in tie 1 gaudines of their foliage "S the enamelled meadows m I bespangled with manya gay 0ower, and the mterisj South-VVestwindWowj , 1 the (wvllinir buiU to expand, and display their btfJci, beautiea : We may with propriety say, that ' Slwnw f in all hi glory -was not arrayed like one of these". The feathered rsctaeems animated with the apit.t. 4of giving and receiving plettwei they have no toil r labour to undergo, neither have they any care but tliu of their young brood, over which they seem Jo wi'idi with a pleasing anxiety. With wbut tender Sulicituda do they atiead to the wants ot their young, and hot tsaiduowly do they provide tit their sfety I '.. ; '' Even we oursclve. eniov, m a very high dcgrw.tU ' nehcenteffects of Springi stjd 151 lit vivifying pow " hi hoth la Sixty and ailnd Tour sytomibrcea up the effects of the nrecedin? winter, rehres into a nl'ii. ing (angour) under too returning warmth, every Im tneut of feature become more eiprestive ; a p-i!nr brilliancy ddfiue iuelf over the whole 'eutintedaaiHe f ' tlie powers of the mind become more energetic, partita .ijarly those" of the softer kind, but perhaps not so csM t of profound thought aa in tlie depth of srinterfaaa tin evem wnicn nsppen si mis acaaon, are remcmorre-i with pleanure, leaving a placid serenity on the metwn, H UkelfiB' wuste of csrrot past and ploasing to tbt rul.' ;;raf,, K.,l,. Mr-.r nnelnwlnj b the .W. of dwippiintmetit '- Poet have' generally agreed ai calling this the season of love ; "tbo creation teen b -j . " ' . s Ji tnd' the .torn.. of wiatet ehange to soolhtrrg breezes. If there be any time wWa t f- . ,, " - .... . '.. .... - we are more than usually susceptible of this gnl-M 1 1 ,ltf llu,e;U be-at such a time, when rmr keaits syiftprthize iff ill th plaasure ol toral virtue 'A unbhnnUhed siiplicity.' Bui tlie Rpring 4 like ynart, which quickly-' passes y sod is ucceedcd y tin imrt ,u,nmeroT lite; knr.wiirsrwa Jiacnlui tbt Hit- Vfjfiof tlope.'ajvt luxuriata.jfl .Uutlvnajloyedljiap;'!., thd disgust. ' MALyiXA In our last paper we published the f itlnw'ui r wte mflhirarirjtT,- but owbfg -mitaka by. tlie Fort-, man, who, in altering the Form to give place r other mattc'r inadvertcu'ly placed 'a, part of it on, anotfior columii.afief the proof.had bcencorrerteX The error wa not discovered until the most of the pipers were atTuctTtrfT. - Ta corrt'cl the error, iJ U'lieving the Rail Road Route pointed out by ilx; writer, to be of a highly impoi taol character, again insert it in thia weeks' puper - ; i roa TBt WBTTEXX CAtOU.HAS.J ( ' . BO. IL ' V. ' : , Mmsub EniToaa: In my 8rst commnoicaiiofl I advertent'y coinmiltr4aieiycnnaidenMerftr,ty m!--placing a aingle word. I stated that the County of I vin contained 17 square milea, when I ot'iHit to hf asid 17 mile square. There is great difference bf tweea 17 square mile nd 17 mile squire. Willi correctusi, I will now proceed to Saiali my obteini: inlMvietonnty. v -.-- - , In addition to tho Water Power deribed ia j t' mer commnnicauon, I may tdd !ie Jollowing A Wm. F." Kelly's, on Bear Creek rJohirVirretMio I. T ifMeph 4hH"iwlrre-,tioutr' YarfkmiJiiUiiu! Dutchman tee;rJ.ieph llimr'at rirltoai i.err Sueek and Nathan Chuin' ooller stream ' Two or three of the above are most excellent now tiluiWiiclionof aaefiouUil'aekui with the v ttream, it t. beautiful flavatioa of ground, where l town ot Cftnfoa wis located ; but unlike j'airoy. " lulbeej no monument ta lett to point where it stond. Th hwn bs dirappeared and the rottot lv',' ml ilit nit stalk m m lis departed gluti., Bul I Ka-bear of advertine lo. the limes that I'f men' purses, and exhibited,!! (brclbly, tlie follyof gone dayt." I trim, however, Ijist those fotlirt f past, and tliat better timet iwait good oU isoria v iina; when wisdom and experienct will guide ture effort in Ihe plans of Internal ImprovenieBti " tne Ms and the VVett, fiirsrettint aectioial veiw, selfish considerations will units in the Rd H-"' which the produetiona of etch may be exebang' " tostly and pnifitably, K.r the other. ' " . It ta time that Ihenld North State tireid IriS ''" timale tlie value of Rail RcmAt and the fieihties tf . ihey offer. The time s when the peopfi dmiW,1 . policy, but thai day it psst Tlie enligHuned of the State his dispelled the cloud that hung' question, and adopted the polu-y. Ths Impmv ball is in mo'inn, and we are persuaded that t rj prire of the State will never fuller it to tu-p on"1 " object be secnmplihed. - 1' ; ' - , Thn quest km thorl w, not to muchnn the ejtrp of the measure, ia abere hill.we commerieeT of the plans recoonnmtied by the Oaivent!"o 1,1 and tanetioned hi the Legislature, ahsll werr? effect first I Which will inrd redound bi the pPP rf ty, wealth, and happiness of the people f "p , j it ready I think it is the Yflkia and Di ft" k" , Road. ,Tki it (At link in the greaPthsin ln ' ,' lnprovemeat which is to enonoel the reir , ' Wrat with Ibe East. Then why ahould the peop e ta'e! Why not art al one I 7 r " .. It it Irne the pmulla nlmoot may bait, the 4 s ,. . . i ...r- -A-jW

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