I ,-,(, , virions wi.bholt fhirmeans f.r a lime, but ! Mlnt't K'U iuut,l HMMILSIlt, Ut hmil r-'llt 51 JrUie. high-minded, ami Public spirited Wh roliian, iww, ". - Will GVr rMJt orjUUIWT wn Ol emu-; It w in connection wihi uus utijoci ternnie. .. . .. L lecoinpU!""'""- . j wju Ml your attention to route for a Kail Horn), which ii unequalled by any other, in Hie Wertern part of North Carolimt;-! refer purticularly to tht Ridge ,V.ch divide! tiie W(er of ,he VtJkiit ' -.ri .:. n ..lira iimmencou it Clinton, or the lurk of the rri ... Hi, I ii n:.. n.uo throuVh th wholo length lof Davie in I ; wurih.wt direction, distance of !4 miles, and in its - ,nnw. svperate the water which run into the mam --Yadkin from those which fait into the Soatli k" At pisci, thi R'de it very narrow, it Mocks- ; ,!. jn other it spreads out ind become qu te t plaiti. ..-k.. oortionof it which ntture designed Jr Rail Road -ufpoges, remains uninterruptedly tlitf'ftme; having-at. o outpoint ,ny considerable elevation or declination which mlg'11 require ""7 ww iwutum. . Alter pawing the Davie line, ft eontinte,near!y the ; -tarti direction wr 1" mi leu, when it terminate! netr a .,,. iha Fox nob, about 8 mile ibuve Hamplonville, gmry. A villey bera intervenca which pursue tht direct line to Wilkesboro', on a perfect level, for 6 mile)!. Here tha. route ia again interrupted by 3 or 4 jn,,)! streams, for the distance of 3 milet, when it "....mTattrlnlotr Valley, td.b theJhukrjn0ua; , tn, which, on both aide, preient a magnifies nt ap- ; . jhe ronte pursue, thi valley fir 12 mile further, it arrive in eiiflit of tlie town of Wilkesboro', to , min which, it ia only necessary to ascond Hie bank of . Cubvrtea. ,-- , n - - if Branch of the Yadkintnd Fayetteville Rail Road ' ko ever eonetnicted to Wilketboro' or it vicinity, tl.i", A.ihL will m the mojt favorable route. The obst. elea art fewer than any other yet pointed out, and the r,nm more direct. In ilaeourae from the diveririnir point. " it will P" tbroush tho richt?oontr'f Dvie, a part of Iredell, ami Surry, anu peneuaw mm ncn vauey M iuu . Vulkio at Wilkeeborts', where-if it terminitea, itwotiM the. pnwiicja cfje moiiniainoua region or una v State, parts of Tenneafee and parte 6T VIfginia. . ,V "' What a slorioua consummation thia would be; U "wouU brtnu the ahoreaof the Atlantic, with, all their pearly rivhea, within two or three day not tne rertile and boantiful re'Mona of the Alleehany innontnina Un the dav anon arrive when we shall ace thin jreit 6biect accomplished, and the Htatt rmWrned from the opprobrious epithet of Old Rip Yum JVinar." ' ; . . QuauuvEO. by NVwYurk, tVum Xti'J to l-'.'ij, auJ emLniced in thi last tabli', li ne lit cu fi' k'i'm' J. . Virutia hna vrar di bt i.f f 31.1,13' 17, cwitru U-.l ri i. -BOTWlsWrtniit-fomirt'tfrhf ::irf'To!titniriaTy ' dtiit of tl'J3,7U VI, which are n.. inr-Unliii. " , I X York Gaulle. Ntv pKLMa, Marcl 27. U'e learn that, toward the clMe tf the. t isi week, the United State mail, the atape aitd it driver, torethe r -with four horses, were loet in the j tt6tppLJktt.-Crt)aa L4WGGffekf4t"ffMTe-eajt Alontgomery "After heavy raiua, 'he rich boitnra thiougti which Line.Crek rOns, ia generally over flowed to b considerable dinlaiice, and thn usual mode of crowing it in a aciC4a.-atn(ted with Ann get and ditlrCuUy. BuWquent wurch- nisy laJ ' to the recovery of I lie mail ba, but they will be in a condition not the input aVairable. From PnlwH't DuUf AJvtrtwrr. , TEXAM We -have rewived by steam Packet Cuba, which The Hading Springs. :"T Tt i ill? - INFORMS ha friewtis and the piiUic that be ia nw enlarging his KUbluhment at tt.a r Ilcalin? Spring, in Datdn County, ind nuking arioia improvementa fur Die tutlr aeyotumoiliitiun of ill who miv call on 40:nult eaM rhitn,iurl'Tlirii lit kitenda to open Ina btHiw en the Crtt of July, and will spare no paint to rendrr bis cutrtomerj eay and comfortable,' He will have more rooms than during the taut (Summer, they will be betttr fitted up, and bia table shall be abundant ly tupftlfrd.witb the sett the ounty iflorda. . The Healing pring-a of Davidson, are known to be as fine CaivaisaTt water as ever flowed out of tho eartu They bata long been Celebrated fur the healmjf and inviporiiins effettaof the w iter, Hundreds of in valulswho have VMited tliem, cin rear tratimnny to tlie.r 1 1 RA LTH-R ESTO RING' QUA LITI ES. Ttiese 8prinpa are situate four mile Eart of the Yadkin River, in the midtt of the avMintaiini hern tiie ir is piire,'nd retrewiin. Hiey are eistsnt iron arrived hero yetterday. The iliutioti Telecnpli f-JIarch2S4llil O&MltiiLjAiiSUamistJhS re-if4' "bury about IS mileivand trom Iiexinffton about ! J Ant of J j( tiers 1 1 E.M A.1.XlN0jnj.b9.riE.-3?eH Ut!& C, 11 Aril 1, isr.t. ' " T, Phillips Aib-n," SfWon Arn. W, Muriiii R Bfninsr.t, Jjci.b B t rlr, Kett ... Stc)!ion Drtiik!-, Anu BiinWy, AUx or Lfwi Criticr; TameatV Andrew Oiuse, Mrt Collet, JiMrpb Dttia, Michifl Dnppen,' 8a mud r'rg--, Mifa S. Oraham A. ) Hiinltt, - y .. April 11, Ja.w tHkkin, Mary Leach, . tieiwfe Hyera, Aliiif M'-c!iI, ' llnnu-l ,Mther!r, Elizabeth Mare, Itanitl Nukjh, . " . John Richard. atUiew f keen. Jarw SieftxiJ, . Iavid Sir,t, . William Trer. Peter M.Woa-l,-; Aama tVntnoMck, ' Mrt. JUsry Ve. . ROUNSAVILU; P. II, .'..'"an.. ; . T.ia Sulmcriber fluttera himsolf that those who msy honor Dm with their company next Summer, when they reave ahall hive no ei use lu be d.wat.ficd riilit r wuh the waters, or with biuiell. - Hit clurpes shall, in all Ciixea, be moderate. WILLIAM IIARRIA Apra -r&. ' "; t - '..........; U AVE jutt received and lor .' ' ' .2 bh.Ja fxA Ml ? , ' . 'r . 10 do. Grasa Beithrti. . (V S A a. fimolied Rifle RarreK. :, f. " SD0wTU:i5pua'C'toiu' Pei.y. flut-Ankcr Bidtinf Uoibaod Screen-wire. upplied by the Re J River iSow hnvi jcsouTOTtrrt tlte pabme. ; ; - ' EJitor Currfiponiience. ..l.'k... .i.L . ptarrTtvru.E, April 13, VW. 'z'. Biiainntsi dull; tittle produce coming in; all the Winona Irom tne country are loading witn goods, a jaree oWntity of which are now beine received and , . forwarded Ut tlie country. 'The last arrivala brought lit tie else than raids for merchant in the interior. The priceaof lat week art the as tne of the. present, only ' ti)e article of nails, on which ait advance is now ob- ", tamed of i ent, ay turn cornea in vparmglv and ' meet arewly market at $!, store price $1 It) a I a) i-ilaar, aaauoted last week, &.i 50, 0 ttl, 6 .fit). . ,; ". ;- A matting ws's bad of Ihe eitiiOtta of tbt town lhi - afternoon, to take into consideration tho subject of the ' Towa, Corporation subscribing fir a certain amount of ST attek to the FayetteviHe m Wetr -Bail llmL A ; fommitiee a as appointed toaaceftaiiitome facts respect- iing tbe meaue,id report to the next, meeting, wbuo a-' jaaM.defiaiM fwosewlingt wW be bad. . 1 ? You will tee bv the annexed that the (teamer "Cot. b?n Plant" it again on our river, to remain hero 'tis . mid. -Our rivtr m in good order; t.m raciniirs tor get tin? gondi nil never were better than at present ' ' Exchange on the Northern cities 1 per cent premium. Arrived. Thursday 1 1th, steamer Otton Plant, with " boat Ciasj.'oiv in tow," with freight for"siiodry merchant " nt town, tar the Uuitcd iSutea .Atdenal, and for sundrjt merchant in the interior, which nut having freight liaU . wi annul name. ' . " " '; H ? ' ' . , t - Also, on Fiiday, P. M 12th, steamer HcnrielU, with 1 ' Cipt, Rh, wiih new boat "R njnvn Rd.'i w tiw, having full freiaM fjTin 'U ur su.-ilty im-rclnmu in town snd fir J. &i VV. Mnrphv, Hmniwck A. Woolen, C. It. 4. C. K. Wh Inr,- Rev. A. S niih, A. Sl i. tlih 'in,lAfk St- IJmthetrsJ. tlea, L Honths Geo ; WY Johnson, t'onrsd & DuulhiW J. Conrad, 41. &, I. Yi Ecclet, I.elima'n 2t ('a, Itouthit & Nelson;E. XcCaW lum, Joseph II. Siceluir, I Offiih 8. Uick.7, t Ca, H. J Cowsn, J.&.K. Sloan, G. II. &. W. Brrto Drook. N. a Taylyf.E. it W. Ogburn.JI.&JX Bow man, W. It. Brituin. T. IL McRor,Stockioii 3l tlo ..t giiw, W; FrAVatt. t Ca, IL Lindwiy, II. A. A'lam ; llenlv &. Son. J. Vinemn.C. I. Wallace. J. & V, . limlsay, J. Aik.'n. 4. 1 1, 'Tb.ninor, Knight Si W'elih, I ,.( Jiama, J. &. A. C. Blum, II. Slock, M. U-.tiniithj, I, jy, '"llmitki Riick-fiib" C n'd mhert 'i'ihe JnterMr2-: - 4&JarVM,, lura v Netrni,ertriftt Tme, with fiopr and1obaceo'fir J. ft.ljjtlefiole.'tieorgff . McNiell, Jtjniel Johnson, Hall 4. Jolinson, of this place. , Tlie country between t'ae (JuaJalupe Ind the Gilerado in rapidly filling up with furni. .Many emigrant arrive daily. The wtllcii enta evtertii beyond Gnrizile, and tho people of that territory i are choosing new site for towns and tillnge. A beautiful apecimin of native gold was found in the mountain about 150 mile north-west of IWmr. - Slwatitt and tulpbortt of iron- waalbund nn the bank of Rio. Frio The last mentioned ore was found in lare quantities, and waa at Grt supposed to be ailver oro. A dinner was given to General Hamilton, of 8. Ur the ir conn-in receive tlie enconragement winch the water, and bia attention so well deitrve. . -V fll'S.-FISHER, v JAS. R. IXIIKiE, R lJG, " ' April IA lc3!). J.0. U IIESDERSON, R. NACNAMARA, JUNIUS S.NEED, SAM'L. HARURAVE. public. The Redlander of Ntcogdochee puhlishe the incipient prrcerdinct of the trial which took place in that town, of 9 Mexicans, accused id4 having in the Month of August !at, raised their arm agaiu4 the republic, ami of bating excited th savage hoa tilitie. , .- ";" ; "1 : ' , ..' It appear that the trail between New Orleans I 'Wi have alwsv esteemed the Healing Sprinen' andTexa.bv wav of the Sabine ia rabdlv increas-lf Duviilam to be very fine Cslybeate water. They inc. Mt if tho peoplfj in the eastern part of I 1ve celebrated tor many years tor their strength 'iv i..: ,1..:. L.i- 'n eninir, and invijoraHni? qualitic. These Sprirtrt art Merchant ef Nacofrd-vchea. who lormerlv were 1 " " .r"- . " ' :rV77ZrZr,Vt.-m,,f 'I" . .r . t 1 n 1 net k iwrn inn ntiri ran rii,atiai ni a a a irt- v iau to aee tUt Mr. ISarru ia nttinjr up the EtrtWishment ttH wo h'ip (iff 'Will ner R. tjri m'it be pJ pa J eirrrj. mh.Ii 14 ccs :m an tic Sr -Hillifitn. . IX. It SiilHrriplHHi i.1 not directed to be dnw onlitiuf t a) the first number of the' tte tolulnf bat n ffWwfw.fi it wtll e taken a toiimiw am4htt,- tear. ri&cr'Ftiu mifc rmnmence with the begin- BHig nt wwrt on t.)lu u, mj w til not bo tak'.-n lur li.s that a year's pi.U'raiien. A. The mn'nl i4 csliun of tht puLiilivr and ub cnber, C II year, are fully torurred at tnon ss tiie nta nutitw ol the votum i uoe,l ; and atttr tht time, bo JiennliiHinct of a Mitwcription W(Jl be per eiitfcni Am will a ubteriptM4i be discontinued ft r any er'r rutfice, while any thing tlierton remain due' Bj lltM tKi.orjtbe tditne; . , Ei)J:UM RUFFIN, - - rJitand Profirictpr, Petersburg, V. 'Sew VafeVnons, tot Sptmg & I ESPKCTH' LLY idurro bi friesioa and the public, that lie still carnea on the TAILOR ING IH INFJSA at bia old Hand on roton street, ..He i fvrt ready to execute ,lhe order of hi cuMomer ia a Zi . I.. .J nrj a,,i,M,ift titt MtfMfkinu TfeeifrruWTrrhe gular receipt if the latett Loadtiq and New Voik FASHIONS, and prepared to axxommodate the tastes of the LubiooaUe at all time. ' x OCT Cuttinz tarmenta of alf hind attended to promptly ini the latest. Fashiont famished at all lime to counirr lauors, ana 1 rue 1 row jfi-a w cutting.. istiimiry, aei. 1, ic jw, . or tub . ,.. T A month!) .Udgttiae, $mUL'itAfJ with Sttrl 1'urlraitl. ON tiie first of Jmuary, 183 ws eomnvencetl the seenDJ vutume of l American Alueeilin r("Ijlr ratarvaad tht Arm. Tb's M.igaiineis deptwiuiry of psper i tho ssriuoa tioptrtmen of Literature, -fici-race, and tbt Arts, calculated altkt to instruct, profit XBtHsxJtnirrXMAa tjtxMne; cbaraeteriatie ' vi uic sgF, 11. mmira cotuina s motes 01 unu (tiien tat upon Scienct, luterature, llutory, Biography, and Moral - Review rrd literary criticism, so important ia tbia publishing age, eccnpy prominent Jilart in tha work. - It, abas cxiuin abort revn w of the entire wol k of distuiguisbed Aintncaa author, accompsnnd ky pnrtnita eegraved on atetb Tbt tulidity of lb work it relieved by lighter irti clrt each at graceful essay, mtererfing and amwing laic, criticisms anon tht fine art, legend, aketchei of travel, litt-rtfy and ack-nnfic intelligence, and poetry of a saperwt otoer. ', ,', ' - The tert favorablt recrtrtion which the work h snet trot te pre ind tbt public, Im justified the pro fvieUir ia making lib, rl arrargenveni for contrihu- , 'PlIE umlcrmgwji wish to contract with aome iuit, A able per sua terect in tho vicinity of Saliebury a Brick buiidine to be'tv-od as a .Steam Cotton Fjctory, luiltliltni, nt wi .,., .... -,i n. ... . ... , . ! .,- rvJ- iai. ,, ij k . t.w weiwiowioguimcnaioum ouieei iong,u wiuemmu Crolnar-tbe 18th, which wan attended byt,,. , . ,inJ, iiZi: thr unriri large and wpccuble concourse of citizen. Gen. hil!hi mk foundation. Wall V be of .ufficient thick Foote, Cot. Butler, and Col. White, were present. Gen. II. and Col. White have been authorised to negotiate a loan. for the Republic. ' nest to insure stability : roof of tin. Person wirhing to undertake ate requested to make immediate anil infirm in nprann nr hv lyttora. to either of the onderaigned, is contract will boHloed aboutUiH, Door-tltf ami Temb-oiir, are executed in 'Pill! Subscriber Uhca to inform hit contomer iid the public generally, fhat he still carriet joo the 4... nn.!... -- ' biubic w. iaiisas mm j and is ever ready H execute, laf a ery supem r manlier, !l description of work in bit line. UoU lirindtTl, Jim-oronea, w iM"t ana ioor. 4 t'NITED IN WEDLOCK, . V m'. ,k J", J" liA weck,;ia Montgomey (County. Mr3vlLlI3rX'J--- tV 1111 l.fTlTSP - ,:.t : t - : . - r n- W. Ct IA M BtJlS, rrcedt MORGAN U Mm BCTII AN Y DEl-VOTUE, wid ow of the late Dr. Henry Dulamuthe of lleoderscn. " 1, , I'U AaiLO 1 111a u . Ia this County ,on the Oth inst, Mr. MILTON COLE, after an illneas of Uiree weeks, aged abimt 25'yeT;'" ..To Carpenler" Some ton .or a dozen Carpenter, capable of doing common plain work, of sober jndnstxiou habit, might find employment and . liberal wage in tht otHgbboniood of Fayettet ille, N. C. pril 1.1, IS30.- -.--r1 3 -BricIr:3IasoiiryT will entitle bim to a shut of public patronage, ' He would refer gentlemen wishing work done in hi Line of Bunnoss, to the r emtls Academv and the Dew , fipro Cl , 7 'DEBTS OF THE SEVERAL STATES. , The following table prepared by Mr. Flags, v.. We Comjiii roller, irrlhe'"Albafiy' Argn?,ihowthe- total amount of stock isaund, and authorized to be v issued by eighteen' States, which have retorted to . thi mode of raimnc money. Where IhoreMrns . from tlie financial officer f any State did not kfford alt the inf irmation which wi desired, the ':'" Slate law have beon examined to ascertain the ex- ' f tent oT the authorized loan, t " Maine, - - r-. t V Mancliuett, New York, ; - Ftnnsylvania, " t t -jr." MarylaDd,-." ...Virginia, . ' -Booth Carolina, Alnbama, ' , . Louisrana, ? '( Tennessee, A Kentuckv, Ohio, .' .! Indiana, "v .-, ; - . ll iwourii -- ' WMBIItippt, , ., - x yr X ttnnsa ' ' Michigan, . T-; - jlftothe ahova he d.led"llie " amonnl deprwited by' th . ihe eeveral b'latea for safe beeping. - ", - - " . . - ivwore 00 ! . 4,200,000 00 1S,-26J,406 84 27,306,7DO 00 1I,4!,0H0 37 6,002,089 00 5,753,670 12 10,900 000 00 .. 23,733,000 00 7,14,100 60 7,300,000 00 '-, 0,101,000 00 '11,890,000 00 1,600,000 00 j; . ,500,fM0 00 7,lH)U,tW Wi "S.OOftOOO 00 " 5,340,000 00 1170,800,179 35 ,101,644 07 rnaici the aggregato debt an me btate, enrtmg , . . " - end authorised, xz 196.907,fi24 $i ' T1 ''bj1 Cr which the above loant were an thoriird are thus clastified ia a aecond tableV " . for hanking, w canal, For tail nvirla. ' , For .turnpike and1 M'Adam- . - ltd roadf,- ?,; ; ; ' . - For misce'laneoui otjocti, ' rnHK SUBSCRIBER living near Lex ingtan, DsviJ, . A eon Coonty, take this method to inform tiie Pob Iiq ihst h will ntr into contract with any Person;- persnna, either jn DsviOsom Rowan, or Cabarrus (xnia " ties, Who Wtok hous!S, factorie. or any oUmw kind of bliWm rectel f UrvcW, V-barid Uieoi at Cheap, at ' durable, and ia a" good aiylu aa any workman hi Jfchi . country. . . ;.?:' -v -r. ; ' " I lie will sl), mould and bum tht Brick, if wanted. ' lit trust that hi king eiperieoce in , - , JkJOULOLNG AND LAVINU BRICK. Trom L Cow., ) Jon Mi'bpht, Direetors.. AT Davit, Salisbury, April II, 1S39. 4t t EMAtMNG in the Pott-Oflka at BaJishury; N. C. II. April 1, lJa ' V- ; . A R- IL Alcjuuvler, Alexander Agner, PbWirt Alrew,-- Charles J. AldriJgn, Nathan Johnson, Jybn or Peter Josey, K Nob Kayler, 1. Mis Elizabeth Aiien5." Charle Lucas, " ;. i, junn u.'tcKwwiitrfrf.'iO(iis.i t. lowery, i Sam L B-it'irct, -. ri. Rev. Ue, W. Ltnguorne, Nihsntr( Borden. - , t,'!emmon Iar, Jacob Beaver,.. . ,f fbarit Lyerly, t.uq.roal JJuettV5s333CTi-i. a very rare atyK Hi grU Itr Mill-tooea it very mxxh Mr. I'hihpaaUaa pee u niHrm uw puoitc that he can eaocute Erigravingi of rariotw kiraJW lit willJgreve trurWe-tlab neatly, and rranile tomb atone can be well executed 11 ocxtreo. 1111 chargwehirtl afwaytetwornTbvP,-iiwaot tnodtting a poatible. . . . I Porwata wishing to hare work dorve in the above line, will dewell to cair at the residence of Mr, riulin. acred uulc tnuth rf SalUbor. " V - X-ENOCH F- PlIILLirS. -Augii 24. 1S3V . . ' ' -'tf " "7"' V f PJHSixU WrtnfI!Bl, rf Wbetter at Born X wis distulved bjTCiHcaumtt'iAmti pr? Chrutain Boston, ' .-C" ... Saml Craige, Canot Cauaday, ' -j Jacob Correll, . Cleik of Suyr. Conrt, Andrew Crauford, , Carter (-iitinton, - :b work. i. JJKII!!." ? l"ea8e leaeMra. Lvdi Cotort, LLM -Tm eUl ' Sally Jilitchel, . Daniel M iaenlieiracr, Dr. W. UMoultree, Rev. Jhoniaa Mason, James Martin, s Joseph Minge, Mr. Mittag, Forest Monroe, ravJIuutlUliMsJl MiavMfJ Maju.3 , 'Mia Scota Mchis, rtird aCftt o:oT:tXi: ahsdj be eirnctuallj. attended to. DavMson, April 18, 1SS9. ROBERT COXr -tf . - .'. .(fVoai ftrft.) ; - II AS the pleanire to ttatn, that bia limf looked for IX EATABLES AND pRINKA BLE-S " frooi Charleston, have arrived; and' that'he will now take great pletsurt in waiting upon has hienut at bia RESTAURATEUR when called on. 'Among Kit article wbicb lias just come to band,. he names tlie following : - ' Cod Fish, x-r- ' Orange," Lemons, Raitiot, Almond, Herring, Mackerel,1-Sardine, ' Sweet Cracker, Anthewane, Sugar ii Colfec, Limo Juice, Newark Cider, f Imon Syrup, Albany A hi, ami Wihea and Liquon ' of the bra qualities, ttndoftkt latttt importation. Salisbnry, April K 1BI. tf ViAt Police flllE Subtcriber, in conformity to reeeiH instruction I. icceived from tbe North Carolina Gold Mine Com ' pany, takes this method to inform those interested, ttial biiroaftcr aU persona found trespassing upon the follow Tng Tracul of Land, hetooging to said Company, eitot- tH-ta ItetaaW Vmutf .wU -kt-eiwwifuiisl uiotdui - to tht strict letter ef U10 Lew. . - JOI1X WARD, Agent ' ' Davidson, April 1 im , Tract, No 1 Containing 8fW acres, lying on the four mils branch. 1. , . 2 Containing 902 acre, lying on tho wa- 1 , ten of the Flat Swamp. ' . i Ctwtiinina fl.M autev litng en Lick $32,610,000 60,20151 ; 42,87 1,094' 'If I C1S,958 8,474,64 ,il" ' T. ; ' -.' , ' fl70,"0,177 A tlurj table abowa the amount of Stork iaxacd nd authonztd to be iwued b the thove Statee in ja'h period five year, frtim 9'20,to 1833( aod '" 1 833 to, 1933, which was aa follows f front 1820 to 1925, '112,790,723 " 1W5 in 1 sr.0, . - 1 3,879,699 1W io'1935, : V 40,0(52.769 ... , lS35oJ8M,(ay3lyer)l07,223,909 Abj fi urflii'liwn and haif ef dollar iatued Creek. Flat Stamp, tod Ydkin River. " 4 Containing l.fiTiO, lying on Flat Swamp . M ' . 8 Cuotautiuf Vm. ymg on Ijrk L reek. Jv- 7 CouUiiouig 1.412, lymg on Fist Swmnp. "i S Containing IHW, lying on Lick Creek ' 1 S Contaiiung flOllyihg on Lick Cretik. 10 ConUiomg l.HTT cret,)jmg 00 Lkl - Creek and Flat Swamp, T- 12- Conumieg, i;KI, Irmg en Lick Creek. " 12 Containing 117, located on foor milt branch tod Jacob Creek, adjoining the laa mine. Malriu IViuale Aradf my. ' THIS IS TO GIVE v .- NOTICE, that tbe annual easmination of ihe pupils uf tbi imtttntion will not be public at bcreto&r. ' V Br order of tbe BOARD OF TRCSTEEH. ; Salem. Stoke Co . X. C. April K Xk (fit 1 To JI.taoHsj and IlrlcL .tlatrrt,' ' ' jTME piL'BSCRIBERS RE wanting 100.000 ttrirkt, and will receivf pro pastlt tor imking the tame, dire.;t"d at thi place.' The toil Sir makini; iht Bnckt as gond, aad tiirra it Tioiber inabuni'anct nniluUily at the puce.aud th eah will be ready lcn Uit JAt m rompieted.,, . Will alsorecene fpiwals fbr pirtiing op the same. by ibe WMX , FULTO. &TEAM,MILL CX Wtdcteero 'April lu, 1 , 4? JobW.Moier,- . iMvid AJarlin, : JobtCkrtf Adam bawpefi ---tztt William Cranford. --:. D :: Swt Dwidsew,"-"" Henry Do, ind, E Robert L Edmonds, Jsme Ellis, JuhhEagTe?,"" F Jacob FraJey, Wo. Ful -Jacob Fulk, Jaoub Fuknwidcr, T. Forkner, Wirrrn Green, Jmmu L Ulasco, John Ceeoe. . Mina Marjrarct or EiizabethOeora Kmithdesl, Edward MtN'airT " WametOwetwv-i ... ' P . Henry Pence, Francis Penny, Mist Eliu Pharr, --tlenry Piewv R Adam Roteman, . - ('apt. L'barlot Row, Henry Ridenbour, 2, Wbu RtlHrtvn, , Wm. Butter. : -' S , , Joseph Sawyer, Mrs. Nancy Smith, . James bkan, ..L tf)iotTr" trtvra- x t - r- (jartner, M. David (Jardner, u yv 2 Win. Gray, . .. , John Graham. Mrs. Elirabelh Gheen, Mrs. Sarah' How, , CoLTbo.T. Huot, Abram Hill. Matthew Howard, Win. A. Hornbarjjer, Mm Ellcnor Hudson, William llarn, - - -Dr.P. Hemkrvliy- Henfy TLn, William IL WcnrboionghA Wellington eimitri, - - Mm Samh Shrii, , Mxliael Blirwwalt, . . . O. O. Tirrh,2, V :: John Todil; . , Bsm'l. Turner, "If. Tipnet, " Wm. 'iTinft. Win: Taylor, . A. Torrence, Jacob Trout mT son indebtod 0 tbt Firm will matt, paftumt as ooa a ossible nbm . The ApobT she tnH r . . m taw -rw VL'S. sis' a avtv bt lUMler.tne control stuaai. u awrsrr, j Salibury, 3d December, 13L, , , c. n c c. ik. wiiiaKiaiiTi; UAVING entered into a CV pstnersbip ia tbt Druggist nuInr, tkb Dliiuure to tnoonneinr tntbe cttierj generally, that they will keep eoattantly on band a jrghaod generat aiwortmenl of Dnizavl Z Mediciaci, a - ralau, made br2t aiblitiont te their corps of regular contriru. ton. la tbt January number will be bmnd origmul paper from tht following popular writfcra: . '. Re. Dv. B.tley, Rev. J. O. Morri-, Ret. J. tl Clinch, David Hoffman. Esq, VV. i. Simm Cbsrle 1 West Tbnoipme.T. R. Hflan.l, H. T. Tufkrrmin, R. .t Put, Profeasor Fibber il tbt Ciiiveisity of Mary- - land, Prcfrssor Foreman, W. B. Tappan, Mr. Bonr. oey, Mue" IL F, GtoU, Mm. Emma C Embnry.-Be. ' ndrt these, many otaer writei of known ability btve cc!trird:bitb wk la this number is the commencement of a eri:t of "Italian Ske tenet, by a gentleman ol taste and srhn lanbit who has been toimirnirr m that cbtssie country BesaJr UtH0. tne luturt number ol Ut aiuscum wilt contain article Irom ditin;uihed European writers, although wt art far more aatiooa it receive aasiauuco nvsn, o4 tncourage, native talent. Plati rortrait no ateel,,CT a uiHtin(uikiieU aitivt, ttmilar to that of Waiinjrton Irvirg in tha Sep Tembrt BUinber, lod of J. F. Cooper in the January umber, will continue to embollisH the work. 1 -.IT BRMS .Tw Aawrcw Mcct:si if printed on . good paper, with new type, ana makes two volumej ..-.-year, of saort than 5)0 psgrt each. Price 5 per an iauna. pavartt m tJVance. rour copie whi ee teni - font Tr 1 V -V VtH kr-hatfr to reeivt-apeU catine, wosf atii, fur travelling and local igcnciet) wrtn reirrrncr enciotea. nti comniuiiiuiiiuiis mwt , bt if fid. and directed to th? tilitor. I aavuuio A o sirs firstly neeocNi. - JJilOOKS dt SNOHC.il ASS . i1- EOttorssod Pmpidtura. ", .. JOCUNAL o thi AMERjCAN SILK SOCIETI. . ( - ax . . . . f .' ' : RUBIUJSmilT, . : - - IT a Conveotloo tr1 icb -met it Biltimore.Dn th ll:h of Pecembef last, composed of a prtat num ber of tentlemeti frnm vanoot part of the Union, t)i i i itiT'T puimw Tfm,rypawiitnn--4 - practical totcliigcnca, tne SHiowing rctuiuiioii wcro aaaMmmstly ad)ted, after lull diactusvin, in Uie courw) of which a fmt saaw of facts and valuable nifirnia- lum w a-licited."-; -r--fr Rrmtlttd. Ttat it it the de!iberetpink 4 Una Coavmuoo, tbt Silk may bt grown m all tbe UoiUd ' 8tatea, wot only for domeatie purpoaet, but a vilna ' bit arucfa of tornmrrciul txport l'iercby giving ao active tmptiiynKiit to American labor, and retaining . MtltfOM or aollart n mr eutirytioai art aoHuaiiy -rot out of it fir the pureba of silken glA " Rrulttdt That a Jiationat Silk Journal otu;ht o bo : eaatilihed nnder ; the "twjiietti oTtlit KecoUvtXSmT mittee; and 4t the Wiswls svur ami tiwt in unppm-bt- t-fibor with tolendid oleat U TAUCY A R Tt-'LES-all of abicb they wdl tell ma clef, if tot raetper tkm rnrnj tfAtr Druggl&MMncltMaU iJkt Mnlt ... ' N. B.' All order from a Jirtance, where reference it given, will be promptly attended la " ' Salisbury, Dec , 1 - " if a 4 sum tagU to Jm dyxJM to lb advaottiutnt tf.-r tfit SJb caune id tbt Lbitto Statr.- - Ret, Tidwy Tippcy ... . .'Ilaunali Tavlor. - ,i ... V i ii.'i tr v John lleadinger,' Mra Elinheth Wilfiama, Ahrasri llammoos, "'. WilLam Walton, " Patoo Ilatket,, Miss Suaaonsb Weaver. - J Y Matthew Jonc. WK'L.. Philip Vw. - Apr1i4.13ir; ; . u)ctrx Trees. ' 4 fi IhtrdetnSnd fbr Mulberry Tree it t ' V much gteatnr thin cad be upplicd,tbe Sobscnber hi concluded to dispone of part - 'lasakk of hi Stock intended M hit own usn. They are of the genuine Marut All,m extensively cultiv. ted in Italy and Prance; and which write upon the Silk Culture admit, make tilt best kind of Silk. Hemg of the trcond year's growth, they art large enough to be InnrplanWd, wbicb may save two years delay un tbt rirt of those wishing engijre in the buainesa. What havt to spare can bt delivered at any timt between thi and the 1st of Mirrh, and upon term much lower than the Northern price, letter addressed to me at 'Dsvidtuo College, pott paid, will be pmmptly attotvled ta ' R. H. MORRISON. Da V jiltnn College. D;c. 2. 1K ' tf THE Subscriber havt iiw received at their atore, in Milledgenlle. N. C., a large assortment l Dry Goodf, Groceries, I lata. Bonnets, Shoes, GIass, Crockery, aud Tiu Ware, All of which will be sold low f eh, or underwritten paper. BURRAGE dt LOFJJ.V. . .Milledgcville, Montgomery Coutrfy, - . r -, Apni ii, 119. , tr . I est RECEIVED axdto;uaij: : . 'joo ivjgk MouiJs T ; t" Bar Seol't p lod Tire Iron, 6,fltkl- lb.-t.'ilHn!ns (ld,) . 20 bk Superfine Hour, , V 4l bu. mountain Iruh iHiUtoes, , m bu. herd Graai Seat, f , 6.0iM lb. leiinOa Cotton Vtrot, - , 11X1 lb. Bar Lead, , . ... - 10 ket, s Powdtc, . .t , , 10 do. supersur Wetilisig I loet, s 7- k sl W but Lead (gruwtj ia Od.) "J el caks Riot, 2.' bhda. M.da-tetr--" Sujar, Coffee, Naibt. and Salt. C . J bfl.it W. MCRPlir. Sslisbury, Feb. 2 1-vQ. : CONDITIONS OF THE FARMEttiT RBGLSTEB For VoL 17. Frires tviQ awr rrdmtxd fir fumcimtd tr Jmnc4 payment t. I, THE FARUEftJi REGISTER ta fob) -bed w vipildy ,pt'i.her, of 6 Urt ocUva page each, and neatly covered t '4T a ietr.'pajabkia'aJianee. "W, in i-i may be pnrchawd (ss csftr of the saoaa ctr rtnt or forthcoming volume, if at ordered aad paid fur hi advance, (or at the tuae tf oakmz the HrHtnJ in current money, (as described t low,) asd wKbaul kw or deduction m pottage, at any otarr Uitrgt me publisher. x . IL Subtcribrre now on the list, wVi have already paLl Iha wpnlar a.aaTTpiioa prCf ef tW m e ewnter Uodt the latter taottitiA'Bi vbtcritt har.bces suliciUkl ta assume theeditotwliBXerrtite'iil'.iict of the Joarwaf mWiafced bt tbe Societf. .And now, wilb not 4sjleaa aUlscuimtWiUtfooJaountl 10. y jn;"nl,.l.. for rural life, and all Mt purauit which prompted bi.u cutlet years since to issue the first 1 cumber of tho old American r armrr, be I But too nsppy vi samii oac tart bit old friend aad torr spondunta, proriaing In aVarrre aew one b Iht anmt uaiduou endeavor i4 Mwompatihrrwifb trnct artrtrtiotte btcialdu.- ibovt required, fit t tingle enpy, shall bate the prm Irge, uptm sending I fsl waid trder, ef having a t eond copy of tbe tame vnluue, scat to any arav ub scnlirr, w ilbotil further diarj, fur thai tulame, "Iff"" A lilt privilege wi",l b allowed to evryold tob cribrr who has not yet paid, but who tha 11 do sn, at above. b-Ga the lasue of tbe 4th Bomber of the 7lb vol- umt; thus ia efRt ttdmrnw It Ati tt-arw fa (tat t "-r It rsery $ubTrUr, mU tr larar, wat tvty cAnne tW of lit rr. Vi. Ifbowevtr, no nn lata eat) enry it ordered, tlw tuhkcripttti price wiH Mitt be, a ttevet,ji, $5 tilt volmne; a it is ikjtdesitwd to permit any sob strip) ma d bt. t psyntX to be made fur losf tbta fA. And if an order it aetrt for two cnpt -twtbowt eutnptt anre with the eomlitioM annexed, only otm :d be arat. V. Tbe price of back volunvw, aa h-re'iXrr, i $." fir on slooe. H for any thre kitf.-r. and ia tbt im pmportion (Vl,5l irnlt eatb, f any num ber of volume, except vo). L, wlich at tt ffl, and to be furnislied oo'y a part of a f-j'l sec VI. All ttatf pttral aaattt bt twatV in aWrt, tr rktck, tffnr lu m Vlrginit, or of a (V'y ed stt ci piyig bank A tbe Ssata in whxh tht subscriber reside. VII. Th rik of lot of ptrmtott fU'swbscriptiont, tent free of pnt:r, wbw-b a ben pmprrly enta- nutted to 'bt mail, o to Ui baiMU of a. pmuntaier, at tmmtd bv tbt whtar. Vlll. Ue) to acrehrit tht growth and progress of what be at convitM-ed m dottned to becouit great Braucn ol nttioral mdualry, bruising into icUt eiercist mnch of tht now unproductive laboring power of tlit eoum- -try, grvmg eomfiirt to tbe widow and (be orpUn.hy oft : fbnng thera tuiubte and remunerating employ metit ; . and making, in the aggregate, a large audition w hiu wealth aad prosperity if our beloved L'nivn. , Though Bilk, and, every thing connected wjlh it -pivahictra, aad alt improvement in machinery for it pnparatmo and manufacture, will const ttuttliid ckirf dntf and tm of the Journtl, yet for .bt taktof agwca- . bit ind useful variety, a coosidc rab't poition of ita pafe witl be dedicated to tbt bittly popular ind kin dred subjects r Agrieultmrt, llnticMllurt, ind Rural ltd Domntit Cnrntmy. Ilcnco the adjunctive title - Rural ronomrrt. J. S. SKIN NEIL ' Tbe Journal ol the American Silk Society will bo puMithed monthly, in pamphlet form. Each number will conta,a thirty-two pages, printed on ntw type and htaJtome paper, with a printed colored cover. Aft perwoa friendly to iiielj,cta of the Journal will V pleats eidleiLJLPnc, tm transmit the aubscriptknTT tMMtaasf.iMt wbainag fad dit 'ETJSwJirT; Tutt-Tvo doiiars a year, or ait copiet lur Un , tVaart, tlwty to bt paid be toft tbtvtror k it sent All subtrripttwt to begin with the 5rst number of tho year, sad re to east wMl the-wwt b tent to any tubacr iber kwgrr than it shall have been paid -r. ' All mtmenication to be tddretstd, pninM, tJ Gtsp B. Samt, Cwrtstwidiiig StcrtUr j to iht So " ciety.' . . ,:. Alt Editor pf pa per a whaVsy d'ift as Kiilt . added to the law of American Staples, and wbo will havt tht kiadnesa to give tht prospectu a frw inset iU bt totaled to a copy of Uie Jour tut, February, 15331 , .. ... ' . V U I C 11 H C li tt tt V.tt T AT SAUSBURY-Apr'il ll, HW. "' - tra ..Kit flscoo, Butter, . .' , Caier, ... Cotton, ia eed, clt-aD, Coffee,, i , "' ; Corn, , . , , leathetw,. Hur, . . Flajueed,. XI 121 lOalVl 'ja 35 W 12 13 Ifla l Ala 7a 11 a Ha Molatse,. , Nails, . . . . Oau, . '. . Sucr,brown, kf, Halt,- ; . , TaJlow, . .. Tobarco, . . CW ." Wliftt,(bbel;.l(W a otx 19 WJllnltey,. . . nv Linwd Oil, pr. gah $ 12 L Fpgt or. dot. ft S 10 S3 . Vi 10 alJI 3 ST.IITTXHCt.- FANCY AND ORNA JlErirAL JOB PRINTING, -gold, siltcr tt copper Ilron? inff, s . .: All letter tothe editor in icyvr the Fas.' N'j 4nt(. , Til IS on l( . ..v..--. .'.-:-

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