it.- k- 4- i POETIC ;;.-' W from Ike KnasniU H'giiur. v "LET ME." ' ' I ne'er on thl lip li momerit have gui'd ; )tut tiitHiMivd temptalHjii b"M'l mn ; ' And I've ifmii'-'ht, i the dear little rubles yon raid. IIow delightful twoiiid te it you d Ut m. Tlicn be not eo aiijry for what 1 have dnno. .tint any that ytm e?yw W lr?et me; They were M f.f temptation t poiitinir lo.siiun, And I thought you eouU not but & j . . When yourltpwiiha whisper ctmecloaeTliyiny cheek, . Oh ! think how bewitching it met me;-- - And plain I the eye of Ventw could pik, Your eye seemed to say you 'would fcf wv Then forgive the tranfjrreiwitm, tnd bid me remain, tor in trulh, if yoo go, you II regret me i . Tben.'oh, let m try the trani-grcWioritgain, ' And I'll do !I you vib it you kt me. J- If kiM b M,K.'"u, no ti-m'jti(f my li, Thtt tlimunu wjft wtj timet yiu, . i ' I vow by the nectar tht Jupitrr (, On c'ruiq cmditHmt I'll lei ijp i. fytii twrtr by my clilrmt llint yu'i1 ever Le true, 'And that no other dtmil (hill fi yem, . My the turi thatfuil rtm-ud li&l euirnut of b'iie2 .- l', ir perhtpa, ir tU Iti you. If not orggi j t paw urn i i,tinn to i!J ' Tlit rnutm ill tin nrluM fitfatt Pot t(Ti'm uiiulln-d, nft, fervent tnd mild, , , 1 lajj L .t it(t L Itititi iiii' -'-'' l.wtt.i I il lit tr i i r-4- , Ai lontcWis in Autumn Wf ' As a true withwit its lev, As a shirt without its slutvnii, " ' - . Surbsre hacliel"T. AffyllshnSs withmrt a h'-sl, As j'kcs t Jsnpfi'd al.Vn ihey're mJ, As eiicu'iibiirs without a bul, . " ' . , , hficll, s rc, hs diOMi As tliin;'4'it1iave rw biMim-M Ii't- As mconittucen, ttt rlor, i Burn nrt bnrh-lnrii. - Wht flj: at -KHitrfil M.ter'-rii' As tinpi burn for hinjii.-r bo.irs, -As butriillitv on fivor'd Unwerc, "' , tiucii are married tm-n. Thwe ppr'irih their functioim liijh ; Tliny hr their fruit, arid tbcfl lii.-y die, Aivi'little fiuils come by and by, " .....Mudicrimaitil.wi tlrl as thiW m the bh i,. Frmn e vwy jnrilpii-lwjd are enit. And hvlo oil J.'.rv tvl.n st lust. ' - -r Tlicn Tlwmns, rhsnjje thnt gtrb like kkm, Vonr bnttitlly raner bfguf, Aid fly, and swvar'tisasin. To be a bvchelor. variety: lAtet 3 rfv 'Dm- latent enmt ij nhnre i.f unind is liml of mi Io t a clf ' who llimitsht fie" w'ai -mffi-ir n4 ilid i4 -find wit 4tt-W!v -h.44 W bad pii-wcd down lo bt. Linim with ileiieon's wifb, and was Ihro apprehend.! Iv Urn shi-rifT in comiianv Willi (lit; ik-ncrui, ahii r.:tiici( lr Ora m n' - tiHrtr - Ivrd Yty, brother, pour librrlin in my 'mae. rrw flrrvosfwHrAwr. 11iia' turTne has turned a horso-whipjied wilii rmt of dnrT (Kin iiilci. and a' eh-rvnian wit ofdiiiirti tilto priiori. Ukie ago DemHTuti , . , h , . . , 1 Imwis a volume uf good advice in the follow, i'lypifhy cilract 8 .' . r J- -:- A UuttHfti Matter, Oil nn n himiueiis mainn biaiiVs hours, mitvvftn Ifwinesm, tratisni't voiir ti-- - sima a id;'TTlw nirj' orir'Kisihf i in or Jui Ju give him time to fundi Ins uutiiif so. - "A- trrnirjant trdr -hiniftriiig.niiSTs1ii' leveil St'ttWIlwnf -ja tlie tcplj.v .,v.... . " Y What tuun is ninl ,L! v ti PftMiv iIh ta w....n l-Y-.-"ir - -- " - -t -i--V '.W IA-i J..t H MU, , ; tUXIj . miy r AM iiiHf, to (mi mire. hut u a lady's iiitiat iiilcrfcatinjj ago? " IKr riinrri-nc A Jvkt not Dry. A hanly Sfumm who p. CieJ ne ef Ihe n-rent shipwrtH'ks npoti our ennt w-a4.ej by -tirhMr1i(rrKf TT-7r"vni""iii" - wavea dished over liini." lie rejiiiud, "wet ma dam; verv act."; . ' The etlitof n( ih;Tallahnvre t'loridino ia, or Ma wen, a right oiimblr and printout hmlv, n'ecor niii ww uvv-itini hi uv3 Qiattor. lie save ... be act out oa hit editorial careor on lite nrmenrn- mitf il prmeiplo. : HjniahlisJwJ Kimlf" .... iIk. K-nne. H heneeerM saw the (tarty mi itlT ' hirh tlnwcrcsiures adhere; Asthma and Cvnump rido of hint in iT'eil f his servioa he jiimiwd J titm. by rolieving Uie air uwclnof Uie lungs IVom tlw ami li'iit hul;mijr Hand l hen rr-iH-fl lull com irtabie eiertere u jrttm nflTITait. T"" LxamtiMtioit in tlrammqr itt' at 'fuktnaht Hentinarf f, Young iMitu ly Mist, wlut jiart vf speech it the purvm of the piri.h ; , I Suppose lie it a ciia'a'irfio Msdim. A eonjuarjioo, Slwa? what kind of a coujunc ; .lion f . ' 'r',- A ropulmtine eoywtttiim, Mnrlarn. .... . Why copulative eoiilmn'.ti.MiT -- llecause be " coutiects like ernes, hnl lilie IIow dura 'he "editnoei i;ii .,.. P' " -lie omter P.vrfli, fciiri'T whWr hich I take tit lS, tfail both am in the nm7hr ; Very well, hoar dm-t he "connect like luixxts T " Tlie partiet to be united are, I aupp,., U,th in a tvonj to be murried, and aro thus in " hU l X iiut linw dirt he "chinned like tens-sr : , It" both are H-tirooi, at Ihe tinf ia? the- curcmft. : . y of I'"1 immediately umti-d, as I piesume ia .'.. .. alwaj t the case, then bath are at that time, iu U .. peeeret rrsjar ; ami tliua he ."cotinetla likeUtwi a," - - . )ik. auclt' av.copuUliy ciMijnctjoiL pooiiect - like gerhlera! -.. - ; J ,' No, Madam, that is not according tn the niloa ; of Cupid's grammar. Ilia nib ia, that V"cfu lativo coiijunctmna cotihoct unlike jterKlora, nr rath. : er contrary gi iiilera 111 tt U, nusculine anj foin. iuine, never the 'nrutur.?. . - - Very well indeed, .Miss, your naminatinn does . you much credit; you may pa. You are enti. - hrd to the degree of IhiMortst of Arf. You ha!l have huh.tud whan you ere niarrii-d. Think yon, M tdain 8,404 I'ut. DOOT. T. J, l OUMill, " (3 jrjr?oa Dentist) ; llTILLba alHnt ftojn Pt'i.bury W a Tew'weekii, T pcrsotit frojt tbo Country desiring to have ohv rations ptitormed on their Teeth, will be attended ti immed-ately on his return, by Uaviiii their tiamce at lb Maiistno Hotel. i - ' February 11, ! "CO, i . r 7tf THU iiOOIl S.l.TI.iniTAA. aCONTRASTv VIX nations, from the remotest sges, have hud ships, bul CwLuu.bos only lound out Hit! ny to Amenta. Bel re the ti t1 " pn'h iHijUjr, p..-oule were nnW fiik'ititl lo pddio annul Uie Hiofu. Jtut so with tbe'Liie. .Vlvdiciues. il i but two tliort years nncc I tiiat ventured upon an unknown ocesti, slid I U'scuvrcd Uie pr-ctoes v-skI I se in sMtrcU i4- health. ', VrgeUlile uiediciiies wcie indeed known when 1 O'HiHii'MiceJ my KiaH, but Uifir use w as not. J By Hie u of tlinn, 1 have not only passed from toe - dcjrcted invalid, to the hale, hearty tnd active man vl, hut comparatively speaking, 1 lave renewed i my youth. I can Utile," Willi exilideutt io my owu x , uuiwuce. "tdvwfl HU hit t-luw-citu"n. Iin the reailur wiiiit orw tl.l Um VKiiETABLIi LIKE JiE- 1J I CI N ES mi e uilulit n Ui ow . ! -1 bu hi on hl it my orticB, 307. IJi.otdwty, hundrd or ielir, Iroin ouioof tli'iTriitiiWe citwfiiot native 'land, voluntarily orWted m twittimoiiy of Die virtue of I'Jtwa v.tiM! eoiitiiutioii have been nearly ruined by Hit; 11 ml'ii;lihlB " mineral preparttKWt ot lh !. villi bear me mintaa, that Lite WeaiCliiCN aim aucli oiilv, are the true coure to pTniicul good bealili. Gaural rtmarlt rrhitit to Mfufl Lie "( , vndj'liitmr llilltri. Thee med!Ciri(.havf lon(.been known and appre-, eiiUt), for their extraordinary and iimiiediaa powera ; of ntuinoii vifoei lieaHli, to persona iuircriii uudur 'nenrly every kuxul Uice to wiiictl Uiu huiuau Iraiue j us liable. In runny hundreds of certificated irwUncea, thty have even ri:f:ud millurer Iroin the very vre U' ail uu Uiuely grave, a,ti-r ail Uie-deceptinj nuairuuia of Die my-terTmnrty lailcdv and to- intny tlwuoanda they Hle iN'riiimi milv necured liml umturui niijoymeiil ol -riiealtll. )ltWHit,lllClllife'IPirtfW Tt i'wiiitOIS? land iiitUmly proved, that it tuui appeared caroelytea j linn miraculous to Uio who were uiiwuusiWjiuL WKii Ube beaulilully philuayphical priiiCiploa ujmi wbwa 1 they are couijiouiidcd, amfupou whicli tbey corwtqucnt ' ty act. U a4oilieir niamient.sud svus.ibh) action in j purifying the srings and clianueui of lile, and i'll idowing them1 Willi renewed tout and vigor, thai thry Acre indebted tor Uioir iiaum, wincu wat ueauiwea up on thaui ai Uwtjyijajffwsjpyg urmoc irni nicy panrpuviooniy , The proprietor rejoices in tlie opjxirtinity, alTonlod bv Ibe univemsl Uilin.ioii ot tlie duly press, luT placing his VKtiK'l AULE Lli'E VILLH williiu UitknomedjaM snd rraxlt ot ercrv imiivnitiarm -the umnuily.-lji i like trie fjrsrr of pfniicHHif qiisM-flica.ooaaL.uij ' . ,.r.. .1". vc' talile mgrediMlU, Uie Lilif J'Uls art purely and oty nt)(Huhle, and conuw iieiinmr .Morcury, a mi- uhh,). a, any oiiur ''7.t :iieor.. 1 bev in eitt.relv coiuuiwed ot exlracui jmmh -A powtrful pUiX U, iuhaW bC wbich, though W Ituown lridu and recent-, .4M.W,.-,h.rihtmritiP. alu.- , Vitj I ; .. i ....i .. .hi ta MIIHflOWII U itt.J IgHUtWl. nbHU. W '.MW.MM. jt'ieiice jaud were 'never before admmiiilered m so haji inlu .ttu.fii!iiiiu a eoniHinatUin. A , Y 1 " i stomach and bowels, the Various tniwrities and crudi ties coiiKtaiitlv settling a round tliem; and to remove the bardettud fu.'Cs wbicb collect in the convolutions of the small inlcstint-a- . Other medicinca only purlially cleanse Uiest', and ieaye such collected nitMCS behind, as to produce habitusl coslivencss, wah all its train of evil-, or sudiieil diarrliaa, Hli lis imminent dangers. This tact urwell known to- all regular snatotmats, who exainiiiothe human bnwels stler death: end li':nce tlie pn-jisiiet f.4btiMi Well intormtd uieu against His qusck imiiit'uiei of the age. "'I'hf second elloclol the VEU1 TA41U", lii E. 11 )s to cleanse the ksineys and the blsiider, spd by U is means, the live anrttrm twigsr Uie heftllbliil S'.Ikio uf'whicii enlwuly dependiT'uion the ngulnnty of the. urinary, orgiu. The bloud,.wbicb In km IN red rulor from iih) axencv of the livnr and the T - ttingw I mm m n-paima mmr m-m v,WiHa-l by tuemand nourished by feud coming from a clean -auwttlt, 'u re.i trvely 4hKigh Ui iim, renews eve ry piii of the system, sndlriuiuphsntly iuocit Uie ban ner of Ties 1t h m Uie blooming envek. - -.; - . The fiillowing are among the distnsing variety of liniiian diseaaes, bi which the Vegetablp Lite Pills are well known to be infallible 5 . ! . . L. Ifyptptii, by4lhmmgliTelcaiiijig Uie Cruland c cofld stoiiiavlis, and creating a Dw ol pure healthy bile, iiMU'sd of tiie aiale and acsid kmd i Flnlulncv. i'al- nraiiou oi uie umri, ixwaoi ,iuH)tite, uarj-biHii, aud I II' iil-aclie, Uiili-ssueas, Ill-teiniier.'uxiety, Laut'iioi1 Mta.'Wyr lwck-arix-tlia., getiwUarntmiiut nsb.Zi: ;ii-l:i. i.ti. , .'. .l lengtbTofl i uie iuu-iiiiie witu a solvent pMct'ba, sou w itiioni vhkt linre, stl vareat prmlteve-thtwWMtvwititT .. m ... d vj .iii.u nr wmi'iBiiiia me niont-il, snd by promoting Uie digwtive socrt'Uoii of Uiu mucus iiieuibraue. Fevers of all kinds, by restoring the blotsl to a' regular circulstsHi, Uirungh winch the process of torpiratk0 in kumfr cases, and Ihe lltoroosh wlwtwovot-wH- wiwrttnal wtwtrectwnt wwttmr."Jt'hir UFE FIL1J3 have been kwv.ii ui cure Ulieumatisiti permam-nilyn tluce works, and Gout in ball that Inuo, by reimiving local lufliini iiatmii from the iiiiidclfs mid hgaineuta the lrowi ol all kinds, by free ing kiid aUeiijliu'tung tbe klii')s and bladdor; tiny ipi'mie most dultglitiully on theve imporUtti nrgsuv aim nonce nave ever uevii Mind a cerum reuu-uy. tur Iku u.ihj i.j.M..r Cr.M.t " It... W. ....... .1.. I..f.-r-. frmn lb .turning ut the bowels the slunv mmlnr to mucus, which even slight colds Ml uccamon, winch, it LUol. wiOV'd.!Co,iies hanleiii-d ' and produces thotu dreadful dimsea, scurvy, L leers, and Inveterate Mores, by tbe perfect purity which tlicse l.ilo Pills give to the blond, and ail the humors ; Scorbutic Erupiioiis, and Bad Compkxuuia, y lheiiiltrativ elfect upon the fluids that feed the akin, Uie ami bid state of which occasions srhViJuiplive complaints. Sallow, Cloudy, and other dinagreeabl. Complexions The -use ot thene Pills, for a very short tune, will effect an entile cure of Salt rhftiiu. Erysipelas, and a striking. improvement in Uie Clearness of the skin. Common Cuius and liirln euu, w ill always be Cured by one dont'.or bv two, eveu "TirftM'BirfTtT-as-' retiieiiy TT?nWr aftisrt ("nlairi-ATiitf ao vtistliMfetiMladT liSiwt3bIe7Llif&" It ia well kuiiwn lo huwlrwls iu this city, that the Pro prietor ol these mvslusblH 1'illa, was lilmsult tliliUtd with this romplsinl Ii upwards of thirty-five years, and that be Ined in vain at cry remedy prescribed wiUi ia the w hole etsnpks of the Materia Medica. lie. finwpypr. nt bnrh, trnvt M.n mi.-infl tLl,..-h I... .u. oifera to tlin public, and he was curHl in a very sliort lime, after bis recovery had been priHHHiiiced not only . 1 I l I . .1.. ' ininvuauic, out ausutuu'iy niiuosMuiti, oy any numau meant. ' Dntdton. For I'se-The Proprietor of the VEGE T.3LF:.L1FE 1'lLl.S does uot MIow lU Use and merccanry pricWce a : Uie quacks of the day, in adv i. sing penwns to Ukt bis Pills in large qtutntiUoa. No giaid motlvrine can posaibty Sesorequired. These Pills sre to be taken at bed time' every night, fir a week or tortn:gtit, affording lo the olsttmacy of tht disease.-- Tbe uual dose ta from t to 5 aVcordicg lo the coosti tutnai of the person. Very delicate persons should be gin with but two, and incr,ft', the nature of the ciro. miy require ; Uiose nam robust, or of very cositv ha bit, may begin with 3, and increiae to 4, or even 5 Pills, anj tbey will effect a sullicieully happy change to guide the put lent in ihetr further use ' These pillaswietitne occasion sickness and vomiting, tlnxih very seldom, an lest tht atomaeb w very fiml 5 this, however, msy be Hisidered a favorable aympbMn, aa ihe patient will pod iimsetf at onoe relieved, aud by perseverance will soon recover. ' Theyusuallv om-raUi'w ihin 1(1 or 1 J hours, and never gaejwiin, unless the bevels are very HKb-er.cuwbred- Tay may bt taken by the morf delicate females under any circuiuKtaneea. ( It is, how erer, recommended, Utat those hi later periods of preg nancy slKiuld lake but one at a rime, and tl.tu Continue kep tlie tvwfW opce-jnd erea fvn!tnair be taken lime tlie'iiatn iit is very ewt.vo. Quit p"l ' t;oil'ot two lull of ttaUflr, may be given U dot-a tea-Mioon full tMi T in ,iii". f tw houraliiil -t wwrtatoai t,.chtld.touw.itt,il.Itite-4 vearaof age. hall a pill and from Lvo to ten, one pil. THE I'lKEMX UlT'l'ElUS, are io called. b;ue , tl" the twverof ntonng Uie exi-irmg : . . ..a Lit kt it ! ot lifullll, wa Ijiiivfing vigor uironi;""" w v...... t,..n. liie I'lKkmx'i Kt to he to lile li,(o ' t'ij asliea of i'uion diwluiioii. The I'lia-nix Iilturs are eulirely vegeUble. couipurtd ol ro.U found wily m ccrUiii prt-a ol the western OMiulry, hicli will uilaiu bly cure Fevert and Agues of all. kiii'is; nil never 1,1 l criiilicale eutiielv all the tiTuCU of Mercury, iti- - fimUdy atuuer thuu lU luoet. puwcrtul. prejwralKina of I Hirna'iar.lla. tna will immediately cure un; tiou ot IlluoU to tlw Uuad ; uever f ni m the aicknew inr'irfiHii ui vouuff females: and will be tbund certain renituy III til ui ucrou i. ., j , t - f the u.(t impured conrtitutious. A a renwdy lor I The f .llowwg i M es4 oX , Chronic and lutUtmmaiory Hheuioatini, th el!ii.acy of';0f .Dr, ptf ew, tb wpoiwrrf lie Jcilssl-ege- tlie 1'humix iiilters will be dnwiiirled by. ths ut of , table 'AnU-Bihutts Fills." . I'l.a ,,l thi.a b.Ui-rs ishall a .wine trlids full in water or wme, aud ttiis' quaotity i way be ukeu two or luree :viines a oay, aoouv nan u hour beture mealu, or less quantity may lie taken at all times. , To U""e who art alDicted with imligi.trtioB n..r aU.'tliiM! BiltiTu will orove hivajuabie. as thev ! n. ii.-iu tliem l pertorin Uieir functions, aim enameme aUmisch-loTliKraTge into Uie bovAils whatever is otfen- sive. Thus indigestion Is eity snd soeeoity reinoveu, apjKitite rwto'red, and Uie.raoutlis of th absorbent vta wl beinL' rlea ned. nutrition is facilitaUHt, iud strength ol body nod energjrof mind are ihe nsppy results. Fur fer.her rwrticiilars of MOFFAT'S L1F 1'ILLS, . and I'l'tM.t UUTElUipply at MrMofl'ai's office J .No. 'Ml llroadwsy, New York, where tht Fills can be j obtaiuod tor & cents, 5U cents, or 1 Kir box ; and the 1 Bitters tor I or fa P' bottle. . r um rous cerii hcates of ttio wondeUHj fctticatcy ot both, may be there StKClClI. ill 1 simim uhstioatt and ouiphcated ait of chronic !lT':ali3:tn, ispii-iny,-litesv- UtjuttmUvS ..the ass of (Hcrcury, quinine, and other dwtnwi of Ipug l sUiiding, it may be kiund uecesnary bike both tlie Ijle Fills and thu llimiix Bitters, m'tht doses, before tucommended. N. ft These Pills ami Bitters will got all incr- eury : but of tilt systew mfinitely taster than the beat preparationt of 8raparilla, snd are a certain remedy tin- the rushing ut blood to tlie head, or all violent beau- im& to ajiiipTesy, palsy, tie., shouItT uever be inUPj out the Ijte fills or Uie iiiiters, tor one dose in time will savt itfu.. 1 hey equalize the circulation of the , blood, draw all prewure from Uid head, restore pertpt- ,rtuii, and Uirow ott evtry uupurily by -tlie pores ol .Uujiui. IMPORTANT NOTICE. Vensws using the Life Medico areadvised totake .... . . 7. . " '"b'"M .mc.enrqMji.i.Hiw u. operate .wo '? ?"ll, "S-J. - u"-'-- 'W""i' i""" hotir betort each moal, r or thuse ot a delicate or eo- t'ev'jlod cousi.tuiMi, hall tlie quantity.. may be auUkient. it t. i. n . i ..:. !. .1: .t..- L iutrm instil un tiplicaiion at the uflice, :tt7 Broadway. 03? A luVial deduction made to Uiosc who purchase to sell again. - All potl paid letters will receive imme diate atU'iition. N;; The above Medlcinei may be had of Uleurs. Creaa V Boger, in thi To wiv who are Aengla for the ame , 8s liabury i' Merer 36, 11.10, ZVII 6m TVTanTTr Goods. aa w war A- UWUUi vr ; JACOU vvl.MX'OFF &. Co.' UESPFtrTFULLir tnform Uieir cnetomert tod trietids in . ! j i..l.t .Jiuiiruld stand at Sure wait 'ntiHtlTroeoefy,itf nines torui-wesi ol tncord, a uew supply ot l'all Hitd U inter mhm; coiupth'ing almost every article usually kptin this sec tion uf country, which they otlcr at the usual termt I ht'Docr than ever for csn, or to punctual dealers tin a . credit l twele inonlhi'. We return our sincere thanks to out customers tor Uie liberal patruuaee we have rt- '"'' ""''fjj1 JlllCLgHilJU) himinfftf! to nw- . rt thu same. ; " January 8, J ' tf I tiCTTrrT oTTIie alxive aruableTttelcarrt nsntj'-BiiM -Bir-ete-r tne-stmice-'et vwumy ---L.,tie4;l,yjenntyf rytWw '' I oiirtJi and lit I Ijall ! rHR umlersigned again appeals lo tlnwe "indebted to JL' him on aeeuunt ot Uie Western Carolinian in v -wayrweome ttirwirdand; pay. Ir i 0WTr"TAetrriea.T , ilioii lor him to wail ot be put oil anv longer ; Ins neces-slln-i art prmwmg; he has waited years, with a pres' many, and .farther imlulgenoe other than the law will allow, cannot be given, if sett lenient is it'it mode io tlie - preniiil or emtuing u.onlli. J. W. HAMPTON. " J4iwa, l:ia , . . tf NoVvcc. UrILL be offi wd for Kale to the biifhest bidcr at the htfl dwelling of JOHN Tl'ttNER, dee'd., tm Tkurtiluy the Xiik if April nert, U4ie Land that webm to said deC'd1the wtloWI dowel rite ekcepted,) consisting of about EIGHT b'jiv- drt-d Acres. .The ssid Lsndsare in lour dill'ereitt iracla; one trad .lying i Uie waters ut Lie otllnsukln ad - j-.i'iifig the lainlstif John Lutkoy and others; Uie other (ire tracts adjoining each other, Philip Kice, ilrfkiab llealhman and othw, including the valuable AI ill, know u by tlio name oi' Tumor Mills. A ressonahle credit aud due attendance will be srivee by the heirs. 1L 'TURN Ell.' Rowan Co , Ki C March 2S, 15!. u It Anv hrrson wkhinf? tn vim m..I I ... .1- ... -Mrffs preirirnr-lhe dynf iaie,csil bv accoinm !Wrd .by callitig eu Ui; KubHiribj'r.siiha MUlav JU..T. A FlRdT-RATE BARBER, who can come wn roeiMiimendd, (noue oilier need appIO can have coiiitaiil emoUiy st Ihe -. -SAI,I.-IWH V HO I'FL aaliAbur), s(jlil 4, 1N3J. ;3IollUtVPilIs and Bitters. - flMIE LIFE GIVIXGPH.I.S AND PIKEXIX BITTERH, so celobratedt and o.oiucb usgd by , the alllicted tn every part of ihe country, ia now re . eeived aud for sale by tlie Subscriber. . , .' CRESS- ti ROGER, A rente. P. S. See advertiscwwit. Apul 4. IS), 'tl tBs r: mtrw - To Travelers. tPHE travellinir community are respectfully inform. ed that the tJubscribcr it now runninrr his line di rect ftoia Raleigh by way of IMshoro' and Ashboro to ptalueiury, in amen northern made Coaches ol the first order ; leaving Ralegh 'ittf Uondaya and Thursdaya at 1 A M., arriving in Ns!i,bury jk at bays at ltt IS'M. lvmg Jalisbury on Tuflys ami Fridays at 2 A. M Thriving it Raleigh pxt day at W P. M". His borsea are gwid, and drivers particularly careful and accommodating. JOEL McLEAN. Feb. PJ, ISM. , . - ; It , v . B Nte'tifnre af tbe MtirVW VrtoX. '-'-- t.ini iinh. and ecKn-TOnn. ! mmra prime ybjecis of hie. The Imw iwaser w oij as a means ui ooiait u mmm s as s means uf eriiytwrnt BsA nim ss suck prw vmtriout the puBseswue W i:Jsl Itoiily iiy sr and streumk neither the ah-c3 V taall wrv Isjirtttei Mens wmTTcW mesA aataa n touoj body is the sis sat amaj 3 aisijstte rtumMM anv efficient eflort ta the arat f artuaisi saiis. Tlie mind may becUvo,Hit if fcasJt be tccW, Vtx Utiie mind actire to littk sre. Eetwaats au there;, and the fine Uid a4tttti rnwmJ ai.K by tbUUea4cuedjXiof an But say Mist smtcjidciiiSi acquire tlie gold of Opaur, ! Mi ussswrM t easy. : aa UuiaecwiUI mx asssasr alt last trea sura of tlie uuftfcs cf Gulcaida. jl si bcaUa, whr would be hi iafpiaei! 1 imisa aasiera- lie WZ&'in&iiil fcspiM.ail m'WWmmAJVimSr' pine away in wrtclje4ues a4 aosi a auusU " exclaim with the m me rasaf M. "Ait a maty antf vexaUon ot spuitr' Uit-iJ9aa-i. rnca pica gum, and he caanot rent; bis appdUte Upm. tmt be hutium bit food; bissurtncliisr!-et ansa auf,ao! a tunissickeniiiga way altU ksaatuestfa ewsat&cail Prei Vldonrt. lie would git ait is swank-?, t thsr world,if be had A-for tbe pww.M lMlfcj ana'sapyctitav. " Please rive me." tsjd a imzpi arm&,la wealtky. feeble man "Plomse gw ate scxeos lo ayi morw! of fiwd ; I am alowst mnW ' v would rrve a tbdoand ataUan Kt ysa ajsjetiW.c. - said the i rich BtaasVebaisaBaaTy aast atutUr. t Of so much MiiiMrU&ce at esel aw U eajMOKBt of life! . But whereto, Bctkks I keat ti rewJrf a.sib serves this bonuiy csa aw piaai and iarfcaaral a aoejrct ! Doweoot allluKiw tlie fef teaJUi! Ite all attend to it at coe af Uie cbw af aul ta elkietest cmcorns of wr aata-ut exjstewoet Iks we A smpj. the means m attaisi mat pm.rn it? UawcaNalwj out wonev do we ot fee nbycesaaw ' slsareamfctW their advice e me awl near aanacriftussavs, - Tjne-ioiiiU!Be.-tik.re4 we dare aiy, aud matr.- ittaM, ate caamtt bttwae wt " homily ea health to be aHcetiaee awaaswssesary. Ae morala, so m ptiyaie m ax reqewite at astvw - iim a peat line, and precept epoa wreo-(-" M aa awlch fcrjvt thttttcrftitay'fceir; ways euipn um mvm "ii mm um k,iu. . Very tree, Iluctor mm w bsI aa yaw avy.Slweyw pursue the rig -it tuad U swi'ii. Xjw, 1 aawsa et stcb people wub are always damnf tbuawrSieai iO pKjw,' and running to tbe euctars ai apr-ietannca ctcry dajr ot their livea. .They ttke,l rniT jbeisersya can miu ot drugs io a year, and jet tity r Cut elJI af.rt aU. IV) yoa bauw tbe feasoa I Why, yea, in iny opuntji, therein ! RtanM. la mm J x the fiivl nine, tiwy aJt toe aswew wsoor.ial m econd, ihcraWaKAUkeairartit4KiJ. . I sesbatt tberiiestiiiitakePatJaifiiytitf. isrtsua orTliree'yearS past I've tiatgwaa kttvrinx. lmkm ... Ot. Peters'a Yetdatde Biiues fiiumtmi I rn aiucw benefit fruis m iuliiu lui wi aa ttaasa, tkm I smsi aa , paying fifty u say (traser wrMul at iot&A, brsntea aav ving a World of naesea atsf &mgat a ewVJaw mz a -' wiinusiyiVntiiyiJ cii-ctcauk l'Iu iT- -wri! "-:ery T- . i "And base yen ever t&isa a.a awMirais j l bavf; I wnree bkcibcatl ease." . ' . M Tbey Veil ane be is awe wf yMr ajweis, w!W an dertoke to m.d .wi ralaSc tSK baotaa assrhsw, without to asucb as k.wwa pt w'ial pari at cwisariia, and how lifer are jset itHerC Taief see be aster " stands saskJttiy ead piiyWogy, I thmt ya caSCaciav and it as familiajrantl) antacy aaa caKaswPy aa I am with the mad W aaili. . - x V'iu are rifht iiieaael. , Dc, Peters ancnpoTte, He. does pot .nd?ukej1tjtr ta ant ik,v3aet:.xtainljj .ttaLtK M..tbgayarg- .aay.tavar- spejrtyeark.ia I be acsisUKW at kwwsy; he aas ew- voted himseil le tbeKusd; iuWi i iss a tnase, sat taev discaiea la usaeee(,aasl aww Israa a?irir"" -tie domnnt vm -fart w atsanvifCTitsar-ssj -m? f that of coring ail euteaaes mca a aaatjtsj sattenptssa i Such a prettoe be staatid aWsa eowst ae tJfccoU at swallow, aa lo talne the sMsxrasasi at" iVm win pot it There ,kj never was, a iwaaoes it iail sUsaaatsL Tee tfc.rt tau aiijora riiu wretertl to.Mmk sawfatir. kif wlsm is mtiuitvly Utstusr, eU-j tiect m taTjnrt !Sy ilrj it. Th'y Jtnep the word of jermiise te tcMncb, mat tbe prim et whirb tny-se to jjhe car east eye - And that iudnusl ia aw stitft wnnsaufait'iilsa. Nor are tho compla mil to tlrira Umae arc asapfe-at srw o Ut Tee 4wsiir ansHsg arasa a aswsfetw ite of tbe Bile are, cufrnuiBsigjT. saaury,' aStnessta f and iktaL A large vt mil tee trtm, stje ciaily at the totk avttd ta lic aasrStiiy ansunces are ow uig to tiiMLcatwe, from li siittntsiuac awd ! ver, wuk'S au4 sswke avamerr i e at itiUW H Itte 1 frVrfuT " Veiiw Imd, m uxm snaMs mm. nctina M I wiiluut asuHOVrmg aai bsijy as he saLetbn ieaie. CtHivenant trna his aum jncTxr, wiU (araur, ia all Us fcifeii. wkieawtf msVtsf ilW tMiMktaf af tse rtik Ik. Peer at as krrt tat U eistisy ka tawwWiija and experience is tbr e7erUssi f a saaatisriasj wftiea should prove cffiftriuut, j Sua "tug cSaas sf stiueasi.s. wbick sbosld shM rr-aevlW sjeanavg aasl atozy beast. and restore the aaauswtcl awd ka3kss etaaaaefc. at the same l.nie liil it fremAcaf tlissw.saarc av al ct&ct which t re m spt te H (mm -xrar aaajewortai awartctt. . ' thw tmrmnmm Smi wwiwufiM- at'Sh iws tmwm m nnorsi twlba ywssei Vfaiaie Miwoa -f fi ' bieb-ke ia luufy its ferna hm sopurBeastc : ana xtte ameeaa tmisiMsij'sa sms assaof 4 tiifia have ami er tasre thssi masvwwat fcataiaMas- guu-e 1 It u ia air warn swere antsutl Oat rsi are called spo tn tolr- ti srat ike awe dUxsiat eiiy sinij: lust you am fm j-naar tsa afwsx. - uar al ia Cie sacRsl eaicsae Ibat. -ai lbs) thou is said axNith of tw tar Utrl w.isM-ssea saaJI aJ tlse be ea ubliboS"re ywa m arbrre aa aa saaU a auwiaat alyr "ArWsl siumw'aMmtca. TSry art toe asueruiWU Weakly sHvaasisl ; lacy ate luw intelligent to be cspi-Vpy axard; tat art tsv lpe, table te be tliewByrt';'aiaisl BelievHig toe syoauae-at mtiaseey at lams whswe rxperieuce s tbe beet af Cm Brata ib aaattt. Dr. Peters bu tiirawa topfOier an ta IjlWm aaea, a few of the artsy weadiedsef teattansaaaw arretted twea every quarter wbea krfiateiecMBat satoak. Tbey are led ta apeak t tiiemej, .Tfcey arc tat ward uf Uie wba " apeak lt iy aV Lvn, aad leattlj what they have eera aad exy"stsiM j, (Bcerf!eidesiqwrWP Uie? are add ra Ail airtrj aw 12 amyAiy ; aa LeawsFtria by J. P. Uabry; and wOsarlatja ay iiLstaa4 if wbomrhey can be bd ai X. T.k a Vsmals ar:ea. i o rut kr. saxIti xeTz. PIIK FlCK are a!J blsae iht wwVf&C 3ei. dn ir.e wWh s arfeskst llaroc, tU AaV rira wnu, us auy v-re -.- . . For Sale at iae ft-tXSc. A.irra, btitU coumtf,X.C. ' ' ----.- . . P JNO. lOUSG.Ag : 'i:ui:sTAni4i.sii3ii:vr ' ? 4 .11 IN MtKKSVILl.C, DAVIE COlWry; vTHOMASFOSTEItV INFOa.Ma tl.e public thtt he has removed fr,n , ner Stand, li his new buildings ou tin; r, ' ) ;iwre, is the Town of MocksviiUi, h t u c ' to, aeep a llUL'SE OF.FA'TEUFAl.N.v,!;,',' Ilia H. is roomy snd comrnod :w ; attachd i which are su cot;ilLrUhi Olfices for gfnileim-u (, 9 ffar. all convert uhU to tlie Court Houml 'I'be "' ber pledget himself tht ranA diligent exeriuln. gmJV pftwiwuwi wwkii mm mmy matt tm mm. H4S ale, Bu and IStables am provided in the best num. that the country will afford, and his servants are tijT tui ami prompt. J retk. 14, . 71-tf atsstws. HE HEATH TRAC'J', conuir.nw i i J, hundred Acres of Lund, situatr d al,i oo in iota leading Jrou. Uxiiu-Iob ,. f yatufvkilt now otTerea for Sale. - - There art about 1UU acret improved, and ftm V Wooa) ead Timber. ' . The Tract-talneated in a ery .. v III mI laKfiW,!,. ana! is peculiarly adapted loftmuiinf. k lias on it a S aa.irchard, and t g.jud Meadow. ' And ujJc pendent of Uie advauUiget, tl.a .prospt-a Uoisf, at unquesiKMiaoip, as one or two - , fcave alreadj been otiitJ, and atiwjtrjjry erf uacMw'iniua uwub. . ,. . The celebrated Conrad GM Mine, i situated a & auodred yards south of it; acd according to thejiftx.. i9 .oTihTeih oFWaT ' past through a part ot this Tract;. - ' ,? , Any person wiubin to view the preniiet'a or gtv mora minute description, wilt call on ltigdoit VSad. worth, in Lexington, who wdt five tbe. desired "uiiut. ; rnHuM ; or any person wishing to contract lor the umr til call on Ik. Aoirtio, Salisbury ; or address a lir ta the Subscriber, Trenton Post Ofiice, jonea Cu N.f. YaL.l, 11EATU. Thorouelt-ltrrd IIuim; LXiTL-2, Hts arrived t d' aUui in tine conditjoii, and i'J be eihibned to aH tW who may call to s:a nut; Ilia H'savn will begin i ' the 15th of February, ti j end on the 1.1th ot July For farther partialis see balld-billl i,. R. W. Lf).G. Maaetoa Hotrl, SaLsbury, FeK 7, lH-ia . . :-" -j. iiocLD.viou$Eie . flESrECTtl'LLx' ibforme hit fnenrfa and jl.e public, that be is at ill at bit obi business of stoxix i;'ri'i(i, eww nritet wttf"fSultslury; and ahout a n,I!t fmm tlie old Charteston Road, where Jie is prcpar- tf Irt ttfimmfif4tit llifMaa mitliimi t I.:., t ... 1 ...-wu .laiini nun ill UIJ., hat eo hand end tV talet a pood snnnly n? HiLL-i FONLa,tt varbus sizea and Uriels, fn i twtntf tr t:J h t rtjto Hn rt a pair, nf h lt f i aaJworknwnship also VINIm)V felL'LVrU' r!tof-;.5T: DOOR FILLS from l fn ).t: MM STtrrf tt.SO; ROUGH Df'i LDI.N'Cj lU)t! front ffv tn scyrnty-tive conUf TOMM STOM J, fro-w fib u 51,3 ; (j'QLD (up tJbaU).CULW;i:i t :i at piece. . 1 rtw Stiliarrilier hopt by close attention ttj h eaavAod hutdetenuiiintiou'tQ furuish uune hut ti beet article, and on reduced terms, to merit $rx receive liberal portion ofpqblie patropnge, ' fc.wivn "Csa'aty April lit - :I3. ' Urn f E-Varnisb,- English patent Ji. '? til Varnish for Harness Makers. Cooal Vir- vt.lla nish Rr Carriage makers, Japonjucd ta,., . pimting .jt lgabuiot fMah.iwvKttmf I-- Cabinet irrakrnvtnaidff'ihllSold," Aliule' :' rttail;IHi.ilZ- v -' f n 11 n'mtviv - NliooW at Tns. : tJ M MER wiU be crinnng before long, t and. vour bouses are not vol uointes ' uwiow S4u ou are cueity, jnu la 1. or cost aliiHt oolfiiii;. I ttuinlt the tituens of tlunjjlacc, and the turrounJim; ' enuutry tur Uie very liberal pstrouitge they have hen totiire bestuwedon me, iud by a strict aueulioo to bu-srorasj-fcope to menra eornmiaace'tif the sWne,'7"";' I will say to ail who desire to ha"e, psinlmg don", and saay cull est m,Uwt it shall beexcciivd in the rt nspumd aty !, and thai ee paint shall be glared ea j port to ptnj MtMtaeuutv , ! v - --. - Aey one wsdmig 10 have psinting done, will al) knal ate aa oauiaoury, euleas aeceasartly absri.1 on P",--aess. v- - tl IE RAl.NEY. x. - N. il A3 Drilera front a ditUnai, dweeWd iu k " tielisbery wilt be ponctually kttcaded lo. . ' January St. tsiy. , ' : U rl?o Ownet8jotrMUs. r P HE Subscriber haa an swprotW patsnt, SpinJU W A- Mills, by wbich, a will will do, much betut t"tu with the asoal torm of Kotndiea. It ia so constrocid I ftni hrul'mg wr kiilttigtlm meal in anj .'.' m.i. mrm lyiunri mm M WOOUUCU tiy lllOapllll. IV - wayt w preserve iu balance, and of Course Uiere w w robbing of the stenea. - . " " f'Wtfwteyla'fi'nfm wt4 hmst eoe-Utird more business, aud the . rf Jtrperior qtnltty..,.,,....,..' .. , - Any person wishir.g to use one of tlipe Spiw- assy ebtam one er more, by Riakiiig applical'on,(i;a aa a short time) to Uie Subscriber at .Wkvi!le, la" C N. C. I think the probable et will nut cd t.i hw in mni ane tsninHb renlr tori VuL W to. f. hMt aud Tbtsv Foster, in the '( af Mockaville, have recently tried Uie Wiproved die, ami are highly pleasvd arth it. . V- ; 2 . ' . , . L. M. CllltfRT. -FeWasry 1, KSfc- i - ' -- tf - : - LL persons indebted to tbe Subscribers, tiih 1?. " Pwia er Book aeeuunt on Uie ;SHh day of 'Pf:l' eeat, are anost ttspitulty mlormed thai autt will & ewjcnced upon tttna ui.jt'ss prevKmsly arrangiHl. We trust eur frieiale will lake mo exoepiioa fc1 11 " course, at necessity compels ot to the measure wid disarimination. WUEELEU .V Bt'K " StdHbary. FefaiSi; mfc ... : v 5 ' M GorluLc'g Snnritivr. ' ' ' r"piIE 8urriber batiag teceivi d sti Ag''ncy 10 JL the above ilod cine, and alsoi the Medicuie, up otftirt it tul sale at the stated prices. ' ' : ' -,' - t.JiEril lIAIXb- . I f ulton, March ', 1S3& t ,i - 4 UrE wifl purchase, bny aovmnt ol'olJ Ce- 9 may be brought to us, mcIi a old or tt o wj aU antll-geanng, old pots, oven.-, mortars, a-c-.a;- BV an eenl uraSnl 4 I'Hi'-SH A- IU il.'Ll- The IS' I sW - ss IksAafl h - L3 if r-jngiw I,f X3J- ' s. . 5,aj , . , - - t. ilaibury,rpt6, t y 4 , 1- - ...... ril.."i:.." . ;...""ii.:..Jtii-;,

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