i I 1 I.' 'L: I --- I I . . - I- f 1- J RECKt'S. LIFT.. . - . i W. f) CHI ANT. Oli Lou! I breathe th-o III the broeye, 4 fed thee bounrfing m nty veins, I we Unse in these stretching Ifiw, These flowers, tin tili rock's .mossy train. This itream of odor flowing by, From clover fi4! and elmnps of pine, This music tliruiiog all th sky, - From ll the morning bird, tie tli.n". ' Then f.;i't with joy this little one, ' 'J hat leap and shine beside me here, - Mfiere lwrl titf whitf.rileUf run ;r ' Through the dark wood like frighted deer.' Ah I must thy minify Breath, tint wake - ' Insect im! bird, and flower and tree. From the dark trodden dust, and make. Their da Jy gladness pa from me ; . Paes, pulae. by pulse, till o'er-itie ground --Tiieaelrmb now strong, shall creep with pain, And Una fair world of ightnd sound .liitwa jading uiui.iught fi , ' , The, thinge, oh Life! thou qnickenesf, all Strive upwards toward the broad bright iky, Upward and outward, sod tln-y fair " Back to earth's burom when tin y die. All that have borne the touch of death. All that ehall live, lie mingled ahr ninlh that veil of blooin and breatli,. J hat living tone twut earth and air. There li tnf chamber dark and atili The atom trampled by toy At Thfre wait, lofik-ti plate I lill 1'iTtue sweoi a.ir aiid aaiieiiiutt aw set. - Well, I liave lui my turn, have been lUiaed from tlw-darknta of the clod, And for gbiriouii'lW(n;iit aeen i'he brlghtneaa of iiiy akifU of (Jod; And" knew, ihejtgbl wHbio my bfeaaf, Though wavering fu'Bthe and dim, The power, the will, that never real And canuol die, wore ail lioui him. Ic.f4iiUrlkM.iliatib Toaet Ukw IroMTJliji Jov,V- . Wilt aetk my grave at .Sahhartreye, . " "And weep and matter Wer above,. ' Tiiy little heart will anon be hejel, And being aliall be bliaa tdl thou 'v To younger form of life imwl yield The fnM fiU'rt with beauty ,noW..... Vlieo we defend to dust a pi in, ' here aliall tha final d' llinj.be r:.':: Uf .HmmutuI atUTalLib ineinor r fl7fit :,v fly love rur thee and tmrio w ing VAltlETY. There i mail lit Baltimore 'who i m I'at that If lukea hi in lwenty-lir hours to turn round. Aud a nmo iu New , Orrcnii m tuin that ho get his Umrrl for iiolliin -lot lundl tdy not knowing that lie boarda with her. : And mioiher mini iu Mi iippi wli, i inriiil! liat ! riot .pay j-( fix hia head Leiuif coiuudertiil out Jii!iiiuu! jui r aaya an oxchina pj;r. IV. u dua l vouch for 4U JTWo,. ' ' ; ' Character of iO'rnlhmqii.X lavryrvtt a circuit town m ImldKii, drpiI a iu pouua Mot under tha table wliilo?jlawiii at cards at in inn, i1Ih diJ ritJ cove( lua jyt-a until Tie wn ("ing to wwvmit ttren municitffli'riMltetf r-lrr Teaching the room iTT.gfrfa'loCTTrrtT.a .1 , r7T?TZZrv know what you wait! air, ym bstvV Utt amni'iliing v ... , :- - .' t ' Y I have lot a left pouiul n'WuT.1"-4 Well wr, 1 nave iouhu uvumi ne re u 1. -- xniiKH, 11 iy yiMiu air, hcre'a a overoign ftr you.'' ' "Iwurt no re. ward for Using hotieitt ;" but. looking At liim with a knowing prin 7" wa't it bicky that iiwi if tin? irVirftotfii'.futinit.,.'. ... lx r;..,' ' ! ' poirrre ! v- """"" n :' KrRixcrxst" rorrrRY." The eilitor of lljo CinciimatrNoWa Im hud bin aga4witla a........ ...a -. i. ..r e Htniji mm (nun ipiiiis win uiv uq vi '"'11 j ' Wh istica nit 'nw,i mg arm gr ''. ; Along tlie dalo, and through the vain ". " ' I ia echoed loud anJ hmf ; - ' -The farmer' tlockaare roving fiw, .And on the budding shrubbery, .'. - i rHwaponjo's Cowiiea ' ' " Bruwso. 1 ' And the martin have returned and-fonnd ..'' t A welcome at our house j - . . . And the little ntggera run around . ' . Diveiled ul their trmwea." . - -" A tradesman wrote to a hard customer a ful- - low "Sir, yonr .hill for dry good hu been aiondinj BvloiigJimc by j'.'Uhng jo will much -' oblige, " imira, Ac. i . 8. ; To which lie recH'ved llie following lnroii! re- ply " Mr. tj ,Vh- Ibe bill yiti ajieak of i tired of standing, let U ait down. . Yr.ur A;c. G. I..' " -'Aw $iihjtlfaf flrTniftrrTTf ia sun! i hat on tlie li"t iiijjhl ol lue ain.iou n t,oiir ML.Ir. f'un f nil nrct'letitiilly stumbleil and Ivll ai-f(.ll length on the ll or." V' line he was jliu situ.iteij Mr njwi. loy of N. l'.,itiwbdoui, M. Mr. Sje'iiHoi, n member Iihi (he. lliMtr," The Imhiww ciiiihj near laogliing ;r liilo hi. ufnri Vouricr. JlfurcA of Initllctt.kn old acbool-ninsier, w ho -r iMtmlly -lieurd - lii-rlaimc(-)--week-throij;li" Watt'e "Scripture llintory, nnd aAerward asked -. tlieni auch l'K.ti(His aa suggested llieinsrlve to , 1ii mind, one day desired a ymmg urchin fo fell Z "liim who Joiae aT" The 1kv "briskly n jiUed - ' tbo flower of Dumblnme air!" - noble Frtm-hmtn.- fiurtn liie retreat of the 1 Pafrrnte alter the battle isi' Windsur tai h i'U . instant, aoldier had, iu snuie way, got seperated from hi company, ''anil being holly pursued by the British ireops, to ik, ref'iy iu Ihe humble dwellitig tift Frenclitnan, irhtrh happened to i nt hand. - it was early in the nutrmiig t llio l'rciichuiau bud risen, but bis wile hitifnot. The soldier lirtrti ) y asked .v s ' - ' ,' A re -yott fetii 1"-- r- u Oue, MmsuJurrl,, naid ihe FretK'tiHinri, f you I'atriot tooT .- , ., ..-, . Yc.n , -C. v ; 't., . r The whole smiled Freiiclitnan, in a fwinklinj', rlapped a woman's tiighfcap on Ihe sol'iei's head, and hurried him into bud with his wire, who was in Ihe sonio room. The clothes wr scarcely . adjusted, ere the British entered in pursuit, but weeing only ftro roavn in bed, nnd the Frenchmnn tip, they asked fr ih ebei thejr had seen euter n moment beiore. . the frenchman pointed lo , the bush through lhebick dMorr athL awiy they went, pell-nieil, in chnso of the rebel, who, by the aid of his noble hint and a e imm, was sn in mf. ly on American ail lhtrmtPmi, Tin: ;ooii kajj akita.'W. , -A" CONTRAST. - VLL nations, from the remotest ijea, have bad ship, but Columbus only found out the way to .America. Iter re the time ol the great K5n1t1i1.l1 navigator, people , were only enabled Ui paddle about the iliores. Jiil wi with the. Lilt- M'dicinea. It n but two r hurt years since I first vintiirid upon .an unknown ocean, and I discovered the precious object I was in search of--hritilh, Vegetable medicine were indeed known when I commenced my search, but their uw was not. I!y the uce of them, I have? not only paused front the dejected invalid, to ihu liile, hearty and active man of business, but comparatively speaking,. I. have renewed my youth, I can thu., with eofifiHeix e in my own ex-neri'-nee, advice with my fellow-ciien. IVxw the reader Want proof (hat the YftirXAIlLl'.I.IFti ME-.1 DICINF.X ate auitable to hi own cafe! I haveon file at my office, 3(17, Briidway, hundreds of letters, Iroin sortie uf trie miet respectable cttneps ol tin my nattye ; bind, voluntarily offered" in testimony of the virUiea of A VWCTAP.LK MEDICJAE. I'erMMia wiM eonatitutiona have been nearly ruined by the "all infallible" mineral preparationa of the day, will bear me witnew, lliat 4j Life Medicine, and auch only, are the true courae to permanent grind health. . JOHN MOFFAT. Central remarli rrhtitt to Mnfat't Life Pill '". -ami Pkttm IlHhw 1 Jheae medicine hate long been known and appre ciated, for their extraordinary and iniinediate power of reaiornii; perfect health, to pemona aullentijf under nearly every kind of diaeaae to which the buuiao frame a liaMe. . . - ' la many hundred of certificated inatancea, they have even mcued antferer from the very veriro of an trn- timely grave, alter all the deceptive poKtruma of the tiny hid. utterly tailed; and in many tiiouaanda tuey "have perinantntly aeeured that uniform- enjoyment of health, without which life ilaelf i but partial ble- aijig. wo great, iiMieea, naa tneir erocacy uivariaoij J and infallibly iwe3Tlfia1airifed taffielrt than miractiloua to thwie who were unacquainted with the beaulifuirjr phikmophical principlea ,upon which they are emnKMiniled, and upon which they conaequont Iv act. It waa to their nianiteat and aenaible action in rpunfying tlt tpring and channel of life, and en dowing them with renewed- tone and vigor, that they were indebted for their name, which waa hentowed up on themauheapontaneoua requeatof eeverul individual i whoe hveathey have obviounly aaveu. ' ,. I The pfo(fiet'r rejoice in Um oppitunity a fiord od i by Ilia universal dilliiMrm ot ttje daily pret, fijf pl&cing fhw VJKTABI.K UFUl'lLLe) within 1 the know Wif ( awl reach of every individual in the community. Uu- like the hokt of (terniciou qnackeriea, which boaat of I Vegetable ingredient, the Lta Pill are purely and . ! itlly vtjfHatAe, and contain neither Mercury, Antv ' hioiij, Arsenic, nor any other mineral, in any form J whatrver. Tbey are ent.rely conipoaed of .exl'racti " from rare and powerful plant, the virtue of which, T;' ;Ttliou(?b long known toveralindiahtrtbrii ind icrnt : 'ijLtaaowe entinent-pbarinaccutical ebeinjeut, rewlto- .' ' ffetbernlHKw to the ignorant pretender to medical' I4.iue and were never before atlmirrirtcred ra so bap ' I heir brat operation m to looacn from the coat ol the atvnuch and bow, tlie vf wtia tmiHiraiva and-ruoi--: tie coimtantlr aettling around'them; and to remove tile ruroeiieq lu.'ces wnicn cuiiecLin me convolution 01 the amall ioteatiiies; Other mcdicinea only partially cleanae thev, and lea ye euch collected mame bohmd, aa U) produce habitual caetiveneaa, with all lta train of evilr, or fudden diarrhra, withilaimiuinentdangera. 'I'lii fact i well known to all regular anatomiat, who examine tho tinman bnweNwfterdeath: and hence the prejudice of tlicweU uifornitid men against the Uunck ttteliriiuof thcage. Thoaecond effect of the VMJE. TA HI X LIFE PILLS iato cleans the kidney aud -the bladder', and by p 1 men na, the liver and the lunga, the healthful action of which entirely depend upon the regularity of the urinary organ. The blood, which lake rta rerf enter from the agency of the liver and the lungs befora it pawies into the heart, being thus purified ' bv them, and nounshod by food coming from a alean Mh.m4rwH freely th(glrihe vein, renew IVfVf )" Wioui. ner of health in the blaouting cheek. Tbe followinr ire among the distressing variety of twidHM-4u,wuieh.Uia.Yuetu. well knowu to. be iiitailitiio ; , . ,, Dyntffiia, by thoroughly cleansing tlie first and se cond stomachs, and creating a flow of .price hee It hy bile, loataad of tho ataJe and acrid kind; Flatulency, Pal pitation of the Ilea n, Lose of Appetite, llearl-buru, and J Uead-cher ReaUosaneas, Ill-temper, Anxiety, Languor. and Melanrtioiy, whtcb are the general symptom of l)vpeuia, will vanish, aa a natural consenuenee of its I tire interttnpi mTOJTncnil'bV.le Ienirtfi i.r tire interttnra with t solvent BTwei'ynd".,w ' , . , . . - . Vh tftrdavr-Tfiifrrtia'a aYitl TlkileraTyiiriovTnftKiS' anarpatriu nuiua oy which uicne cuuipiamu are ore- sMmed, and ey promoting the digestive secretion of-the v mucus membrane. Fever of all 'tiiids,.brcslurii.g the blood to a regular circulation, through which the process of perspiration in some esaea, and (be tboxough . solution of all iplestinal obstructiiHi in other. The Ut L PILLH have been known to core Klieumatisin permanently in three weeka, and flout in half that time, by removing local inflammation from the nnt-fle and Mgiment ot the jiHnta, liropiei of all kind, by free ing and strengthening the kidneys and bladder ; they operate moat delightfullyon these, important, organs. and nenct nave ever been fouud a certain remedy lor thewomt case of Gravel. Also, Worm, bv diliaJLfinir from the turnings of the bowel the slimy matter to whica Uie cralir ltiere v Aisn and ionmn tion, by relieving the air vessels of tne lung from the mucus, which evan slight cold will necasiou. which, if not removed, become hardened, and produce tboee dreadful diseases. Scurvr,- Ulcers, and Inveterate Sores, by the perfect purity w hich these Life Pills give lo llm blood, and all lb humor j Scorbutic fnpUon, and Bad Coniptexiona, By tlieir alterative elfi-ct upon the frnmV that reed tbe km,- the mm bid WatPtif-whictr oecaaiiNia an eruptive complaints, isalHivr, i;kMidy, and ollter- diiiir(aluu.. tiUiujU4ui 4.ii- UMi ot these PilK for a-vorjLaliorf time, w ill etTeet an enriif cue of Malt i lietmi. Krysirs-las, and a striking improvement in the Clearness ol the skiu. (omnion Colo and lntln tma. will alvrayi be curod b'one door, or by tro.cvco m the worst csmi. Piles, aa a remedy tor this most distressing and obstinate- malady, the vegetable Life Pill deserve a distinct and emphatic, recouiuicmlatioii. It is well known to hundreds ia this city, that the Pro poewrr thfWTarrrabte'f'tlr. waa hiiirsetf btflrclrt with tin complaint fur upward of thirty-five year, and that be Iriod in vain a very remedy prescribed with in the whole compuas of Uia klateria Medina. He. however, at length, tru-d the medicine which t-e now offers to tlie public, and be was cured in a very -short time, alter ii recovery naa been pronounced not only iniprnUiHilt1, hut ibitimpfynnpogviblri, by my finmafl't menus, s Direction fW fV The Propr'trtor of the VFX5R TAbli; UFK PIU.S doe not billow the base and aiunwoary piixlic ul ihwqiwckaof the day, in advi sing persons to Iske his Pills in targe quantities. No good medicine ap'poNifbTy" V so required " These'Tiit" are to be token at bed tints every mglit. for a .week or fortnight, according to tlie ou-tmacy of the disease.- TM u-niit dore I friim S lb 15, accordiftgWttie consth' lutitin of the.peraon. Very delicate pcrnn should be gin with but two, and increase aa the nature of thecsee may require i those more robust, or of very costiva ha bit, may begin with 3 and increase'to 4, or even 5 Pills, and they will efleet a snfhciently happy change to guide' the patient in their further use. These Pillssomeume occasion sickness and vomiting, though very seldom, un less the stomach ia very foul j this, however, may oe considered a favorable symptom, as the patient will find himself at once rejieved, and by perseverance will soon recover. They usually operate within H) or la bour, and never give pain, unless ih bowels are very much CLCiimbered. They mav be taken bv the mod ueiicaie lemaie anuer any itireiiiiwlances. hi, how ever, recommended, that those in later periods of oreifi .I .. - . paney (bmild take hut one at a time, and ll.ua continue u keep Ibe bowel open i and even two may bo taken l,erelhe"AfVer;t la very crMne. One p4 'h ,on of twj ta!e-?p.,na full of water, tiny be smen ui an infant in the following d.en-a fa-;-"'" til'l two houra till it orrt f c.i!4 from f e U five voir of a'-e.'half a pi!l-and from five W ten, onc pol TliH' PlUfcXlX WTTKHS, are. to called, because .aa ttu nnpr if reitorimrtlie expiring ember irf health, to a gl.rttti vtnr thrmitjb'xrt tit .titu.i jtSoivM the IHwrnti i as id to.be- reire4 to I1M1 -the ashea of ita own dilution. The FI.imi B-"''" ? are entirely vegetable. comp.ed of tt J (senain reirwof tlie western Couniry, which will mtaiji hlyl.fcure Fever and Ague of a II. kind; "H - fi.il to eradicate entiroly all the effect of Mercury, in-' finitely Mier than the mut powerful preparatiou at ; Sarsanarilla. and witl immediately curtf the delermma- -tion of" Blood to the Head ; never fail in ! ckrie . .m ul. nt to vonn? funule; arid will be ftn a certain remedy in all ca.e of rWvoua debility and wvaknwa j tuSowiag m an extract from a Jurthcoming work of the mobt impaired eooatilution. A a remedy fr-f cier, tae rfL-cerer of tue celtbrattd " Vege !..,.... m..A I, . rt. 1, j-. HliMimatiam. the elEtacfof ,.;.i -,. o p,i, llll.l.l. I .ll.n.lrHl-V J --v - - Ui inwiHix Kittyra wUl te'dBraurntrated by the j inle botllo.- The Mial Joae of inm ".new Tprime objecu of Kte. . The two (unuer are ooiy aoogui a wine glasa full, in wafer or wine, aid tin quantity . M t mtMM M thrUtter. Map aeek 6 wealth may be takeo two or three tuuea a day, alwut kalf ar!,, , mtm of euj-jment- But vain w aucb pursuit hour before meal, or a leaauantitj may be Uken at .Vm. pmwmiun of bealtn. Without bodily vigor all time-. To tbnee who are afflicted with inJigertjoa inli t(ng,b unet the priymcal aor the menUl oi after.meal, theae Bitter will prove invaluable, a tbey J ue(, tim outwjnl man m capable of any very greatly increeae the actioa of the prmcipal vwee- j ,CQje;reaJiCalt btiher of wealtb or of enj)ymeni. ra, help them to perform their functwiaandeiiabletlie-) tmn aound mind in a aouni auimacb to diacUrgo rote the bo we J whaton-er toffe-, jxlitll luu M the absolute requunW hit live. Tbu indigestion i eaaily and peedily removed, ! nf ,r)CK.Dl gj , the attainment ot human eod. anoritllBTeSlflml,' B(t tflllrwtnhi rf trre alma bent e l-lHSjTaj yw tigtrrr.'ttnTt the bntfr be feeble, then- tfela being, cleanaed, sutriUoo i facilitated, and regih ; u Uie vlMj KU,e u, ltUe purpuae. Luyoient la not of body and energy of mind are tlie bappy result. 1 llietti u)t Und plan are rendered abortive For tariher particular of MOFFATS JJFK TIIJ-H, . he j,, cuada) of our tenement of clay, and FltE.MX BITTERS, apply at Mr. Moffat'aodice, ju.BcquWobtaio weaitu Uiathecould No. 3fl7 Broadway, New York, where the Pill can be i te-ulre & opbir, and bung borne all the tiea obtained for 2-3 cent. 60 cent, or 1 per box ; and Ibe , ma mu)a Oolcooda, yet without health, Dittera lor f 1 or $1 per bottle. (XT Nunvrou cerU- i wbere m be b bappine ! if e would be tuMera ficatea of tlie wondeiful fcflicacy of both, tuy be there j in the muaa of hiagotd ami bi uiamund; be would tnwecred. -, ;. . ) pi(Mt la wreu:uJne and deapair; and he would ' In amne obstinate and eotnplicated cae of chronic -eJI(.'4lla ,1, (j wtm sian of old, AU vanity and and inflammatorv Kheumatim. IJver iloaudairit, Fe- t ri 1" Id limb are racked with Dam. VflF BBfl rtfTTIO. lIVgHLTI I. ritNT. I I imum mum, 1.1 ' ' ': j" .L. A. ..!... atanding, it may be found necemajry to take both the j Lite Ikiia and the I'menix Uiltera, in tne amen oemre tHleooe, would give ail be w worth nay, all the recommended. " ' ' , ' worU.tf bebad it-fur Ute poor, but bea'lny man'ilpneuie. , N. B Theae Pill and the Bitwa will get all mer- -fieaae fiveme," aatd a hungry wretcb,toa wealthy, cury out of tlie ayrtoia infinitely Gutter than tbe best fj, mut ."FJeawe give me aucpeuce to buy me a prcjia ration of Sawaparilla, and are a certain rewedy mitnei of fijod ; 1 am aiuwat aurved !" for tho rushing of blood to tlie head, or all violent head- j j Boay w , tnotuand dollar foe .your appetite ache, tic douleureux. Six. All periam who are pre- j nHl4he lajta hinded ike hungry one a dollar, disposed to apoplexy, palsy, &c., aliould never be with- (j, M mat HapMrtance w health to the enjoyment f out the Life Piila or the Bitter, for one dose jn timely - - ' . will save life.Tbey-eqttalie the eircuhrttoiHff -the-j Bof-.io; metbsnlui 1 bear the reader auk, ul Mnodiitraw ill preaww trow the bead, restore fVgr,fttg bomiiy ew aojrfaiai and fcaefcftied I'Mibjee I ration, aqd throw off every impurity by the pnreaof rj w, ji fcoo the value of health ! Doe6ot the akin.. :- alfattead lb at a owe of the chief, if not the chiefemt ;, . , J.. J concern of oat aortal exutenee ! Do w not employ 7IAIP0RTANT KOTICIi 'V:---iiirieeiie to attain and preaerve HT ' lo ol fay"" Person using the Life Medicine7ere advised to take , ny-do we not fee phyieiai-do not follow the Pill at night, in .uflkient quantttie. tooperate two if J4iriliOH)mlhtiowida.iJi4iiejae M jiftj day-AUo, takebleoonfbt of the; Brttm bxlf wtrV Tt "!" (,el'e' bouTbcfbre-eacb meal. For those of a delicate or e M'ly " beaitb to be altogether unoeceT r.-Aa m -feeblcd cotwuution.liall Ihe qaantitf may be SMmcamL moral. JN.jjc .ma to have - me i Vpon -- . llia, and precept spun preeepL" ilea iu health forget r A liberal dcJuction tfiade io Ueett-aiav.U-el j.idbjuer will.rcmeimii diate attention. - . - - ' I ..-'X- - ' 1 - " ; v.j The above Medicines may be had of Messrs. Cress ck. Doger, in this Town, who are Aengts for the same. Salisbury. March SH, 129, dm. V E BIKCKIIEAD J gVuTZMAN; ' having entered into Copartnership in the TINNING AND COPPERSMITIlu the pumiceuumani, um n wnsjti iaujwv. keep coiiKUutly ou band . and Jur aale, a large and. ex- tensive aworlment ol o vex 1 rvvvr UIV, VV1IUVI Utl0 and, in alinrt, almost every article in the above branch es that can be mBufaeturd in tbweouotrr. J- ,-. ............ - r . . , v ... .. TheirSlimiHHktedee.Main xr.'S.b"weeiiMaMr.l CriK &, IViger's, and J. & W. Murphy' Morea. ' N.-H.- Order frorrr-e distance l work wdl be panc- tually attended In. . : . , ' . ,-caitabuiy, Alarcn rIUE Subscriber having locate himself in the Iowa - ' of Cimcord, would now oiler hw service to the Ornamental and Sign Painter. lie flatter himself that bis king experience in the above Business, and tlie specimens' ot work be ba executed in hi line, will be a turliciont rrcomnieiiJation. - '' He' will alao attend to auy call made on him in th HOUSE PAINTIXO BUSINESS, and is confident lut ein give satisfaction to all who may employ hnn. .' .' . v "" - The Public n rospecffulty requested to rail and en eonrage him, aa be ia determined to execute all wok commttteo to him mine best possible manner. (Cr Alao, Painting and Trimming all kind of Cat ris.'es, done With neatness and despatch.' J. W. RAIXEV. Concord. N: C, Marcb 21. fW. - if """ " " -'im-J i-.-i-n b . . , fL Z,Zli mnr o.rfo .i. u i-l n .1 rpiIE RACES over the SalUnir- Coorsr va i.l com- f dm,B? W ? f M'1ai ""T -"'"fT-" ' H t .1.-. . .ral .rbweer.kerirU.reerear4dcaad7 h u ewn men that vod are and fillies, mile heats -entrance $71, hair forfeit To be kept open until evening before tlie race? " Second Day. AsatKiauoq Purer, fl."j( mile heal free for sny thing; - " -t ' Taire! ;ur-AssneTation'"ruMe," ItyiO two eole nca iree mr any mmy, tier a ttip winner on t-h- preceding day.- T "u7--' 'ar? m . .i i- r unit .u.i .. .i. . . free far any thing. ' t F?VT- '."t"'?!8 mrra.in miw ae reo, aui ny no mean. , ,.e!rT, UirownT together in the Allowing pea, a loss. The track will be put in riod condition, and the i t j- ,k- ... k " , - AiationjomUea the strict .uentm. to order. ; ltLtil.? BY THE N.aAUKItAn!!lrSlTt Anvil A 110 .tt i - - . IVoticc. . CTRAYKD frern tlie Sabribr, livings mile NortV O west of tUlUburv, two Hone ; one. a Urt bUck, W W near or about 16 band hich. or sereavearaaU. hi some white on one of hi bind feet, a small lumpoa hw nci. I ne other a tnrrel, 3 yeara old. some white no one of hi hind freta long tail, no other marks recol lected, e-xcept the marks of the gear. -r Said Horse are making iheir way west ; the; passed Mr. Vond's, in Iredell County, on tlie ltb lost. Aar perlr wr,t,n to Uh, Subscriber, shall ...T - ' v.1 , i.!,. - Rowan Conn'y, N.C., April 2-S l-vC. - tf .t- MWC nriMIM -Jfca,til mcHh, a.id rtjoymeot are the throe ana Be cannot re; mm apuia -1 v, .. ... m.v T'lvrt iuWii.wia -T7mrTjfrzii :i,i, g ,, ,M toroaackeiiiri g away at tbebotmtieaot amuoificeul Pro- tow aavKC-oo a.a.Kiw u.r PnH" ' jjw Pf to,beaIt.h", W."w 1 V10 peopto wno are aiwayaoowug iueuwive wiui ynjuc, f and runninj to the doctor aud apothecaries ever day i-tof lieu- luu. Tbey take, I veniy believe, a cart load L dfug io , yMff ,re weU ,tlef ,1L Do von know the reason? . L Why, yea, ia nyr opuiion, there are two reasons. In the oral puce, tbej lake too siucn raeuicuie, ana m tne aecond, they do not take the rtrbl kind. - 1 used to make tae asme mwuke. But laWly tbai-a-to-aay iutJ.wa or three years past I've hit upon a holier plan. I take Ur. Peters Vegetable JSuiotM ruis, and t derive more benefit trma ooedou -r laal out in them, than I used in payiag ltr is any torincr puniiit of kecith, beaides sa- v io'' a world of iuca and diagual ia swallowing an en- orinviiaquaninjiot otcoicmea. vojo aow w. t t-'terx: have; 1 were a btock.iH.ad else. nf M'UKWv mm .Vt mrawtUi ho 0 II dertake to mend and regulate the bowan tacmwi. .!W!lrf, knowiog of what partaA conatata, iml now urej are ui uieuicr. aukj hj iic uuuer ataod anatomy and physiology, I think you call tJlein and a aa faotilavr with botany and chemistry as 1 am I wnb tb road to milL- - -- - -Voa are n"hi mlonned- Dr. Patera is ao emoiric e doe not undertake what he doe Dot undersund. Ue waa -regalarly bred to the .healing art 11a baa spent years in Ibe acquisition of knowledge; be uaade- amsseH to Ibe iwoy-wMbe- bum mater the susaus towuifca it-iaaubjeft, and now Jie a applying . tm acaaaQOWie! -v?a mlu aiwa nut fuUutto. Uia aaxitrf tuumni.Uiiia.iil.: vaaoed by tbe wseptorsof patoat-neat rum oauuiiyr. that of coring all disease with a single picscription ! Such a pretaacc be would deem sbuol aauilhtult to swallow, aa to take tbe auetrame of those ho put it lurt. There m do such medicine. There is not, and never wa,a panacea for ail diseases. . Tbe iwrruii sums hum preten to no och miracle. Uot w bat s aufiar'ely better, they efleet wuatever they undertake. Tbey keep the word uf promise to the stouweh, and the prim a which they make to the esr and eye. And that indeed is no slight recommendation. Nor are the complaint to wbicb thete PliU are adapted fyw nor far beta een. The diaiirdcra ariing from a morbid Mate ef the Bile are, nntnrtunaiely, many, distressing and CtuL A targe proportion of ail tLe levers, epe ciaily al tbe Sjotu aod in the maniby district, are owing to this nose, from the distressing ague and fe ver, aharh alrauit sbakea asunder life aod fiuib. to the t'eirtul " Vel'ow Jack," which seldom quits l.is victim without aaondering jo1 and body as he uke hat leave. I Conversant fmn bis previotH practice, with duaease, UA.C 11 Sl'C,;' forms which originate ol 'the disorder uf the lia.ts. Dr. Peter w at led to employ bw knowledge 4 etMal lft pM'VWR9aay Ma) ayaMMkafAwtfts 4 4k At9(4t0Ht9 "W hfClf m"' I sbouril prove efRcaeioo in tha large cla of diseaat.'. wuica afaooid should reiMrve Uie achtrig and duzy head. jsame line that it prevented those mure fatal eflccl j which are ao apt to follow frota their itnprudeni neglect. i iut a-jifMiihio fa the porpuse, the tegrtabie Oiltou rU wkscb be t bappy to ay, frotn bwg eipenence j tnd .he.to.KUo, temi oy of Ue who have emploved he auawered, more tbaq annwet cd his moirtwu. "I ffmJfft rfslrinTrlt Mllfaal 1 upoai to believe. It ia not the. ipsa dixit of any aingle cuan though be wa as great as Galen or Hippocrates that ywa arw lo ptm your faitk upon. Neither al tbootb. it KaatdLio the sacred volume that . by Ui nyjutbof two or three witnesee shall all thinga bq e-' abiawwdtare Ill Ml .111.11 .IP ! i- m . -uj J . : i. . M., J " -1 uivto i wwn job, auev re too nameron to be eastlv oerhked : tbev are too" Uble to he tligbUy regarded. , - nmrv-a hvirorlisruutir Aera-rt. br: ! - . uj an uiw worn of those who "speak what they do know, and testify what tb7 bare seea and experienced. ', -- CO" Becareful and enquire for Peters' Vegetable Pilla, , tbey arsstJd ua&IisbarT b Jobn Murrthv: in Lenmrtrm ' i J: r 3,, ; "" " Wkttle by illi.m &. Bd, . . J J - . "- at the . 1 ork wholesale prare. t prare. ' AurnstSl, W ly DOCT. T. J. l'OWLLK,. (Surtreon Dentist) f VJ KFnt from Salisbury for a few weeks, iff eersnns from tbe tnmJ Jrfy retorn, Ly kav.ng U.eir n.mew.t i wnr nivnri no-rt. . - - ,- j Fcbnnry II, 13, - - 7(j(f., M:V. IISTAIIUMI'II f fid ) IN M0CK5SVILLK, HWli: COl Niy, TH0MASF0STKIl NFOllMS the public that he bus reii,VM) ff,-B , , former stand, to hi new buildings on the jtiarc, m thq town ot fll kRvine, aiierf. h nue to fceep a jhiljm. tr r..tt.mAl, .: Hit lloue i rianny and coniiiodii j ana-.,, '. which are six comfortable Office for gentlemrn of Bar, all convenient to tne tvonrtjinuse,". J be aw- ber pledge himself to 1ho mo4 diligent exer'u,,," ivc. oatinlaetion in sucli aa may can on oiui. ua 7,. ie. Bar and Stable are irovided in the beut ." tliat the country will afford, and hi aeivsnu (re . ful and prompt. . ( . Feb. 14. 1WL . 7i5f Heath Tract. fi ,r1,K HEATI1 TRACT, containing hundred Af res of Lnd, wluited almm Vjv a" miie cato Uixingion, Havidaoa Ca. iJi on tins- road leading 'froin Lexinjtoa ie ayellevitie i now offered for SSale. , , There are about 100 acre unproved, and 50 i Wood and Timber. Tho Tract vr located mw-veij 1 ' nd is peculiarly adapted to furming. It balsa ( . an IJrcnard, and a good Jieaoow. - And uiic V pendent of llieae advantagec, the prospect I Hold, is tinqucstionable, aa one or two . have already been opened, and aorue very ricj rt ex tracted from them. The celebrated Conrai CM Mine, it littniod t fi hundred yanls aonth of it ; ard according to tbe daw. tion of the Vein of that Mine, they inusjt necemw 'j , L , ,, Tl A'riV pefnoB ntuhing to view the proroWor g4 ( more minute description, will call jta lligdon Wads worth, in Irngton,wbo will give the oesirea ' nii tion : or any person wishing to contract for the samp, will call od Dr. Auxtin, Salisbu ; or address a Let'pf to tlie Subscriber, Trenton Post Office, Jones Ca X , -.,..L -,: W.M. it UEATI1. Feb. 21. iam . ' , r tf . liook at Vvis? SUM MER will be coming before U Irid' VotiF houses are not yet "pewit: painlaamioil are cheap, and labor coslsalinobt no'Lu- thank the citizens of this place, and the surrooik...-- country for the very liberal patrouage they have hue. totore bestowed on me, and by a strict attention to Bu siness, hope to merit k continuance of the same. 1 will aay to all who desire to nave painting dust, nd-way-call-en-me, that it shall be executed in lite bmsi (n proved style, and lhat jto pains shall be spared oas pan to give satitfiiclion. ', - ; . Any one wadntig to havepalntmg drmr will alws-j find mq iq Salisbury, un I es necessarily abpetit on i'm new. '.. . ... - II. H. RALNEV. "SZZKSirTiSikacM, directed tu-eic a Salisbury will be punctually attended to. - fanuiry Vi; lt3a. -c -r, - v--rrrJf JXo Owners ot MVUs2 . . THE Subscriber baa an improrrd prntml SpinJvld .j Mills, by which, a mill will do much better Uaa with the usual form of fpindloa. It .ia so construe1 a to keep from healing or killing tbe meal aa any sua ner. ; Tbe runner ia so confined by tbe Spindle at si - , I way to preserve ita balance, and of courne there is as rtiDoing 01 uie suaiea. ' ; . - I lliltik, by this improved bptrnJlo, the same will do at least one-third inure butuiiens, aud the ant: of superior quality. -",-;-,.'; -a. ,.. Any person wihitr to use one of Uisbs bpiec - may pbtainpnq or-more, by kmg apptreatmn, -in a abort time) to the tiuincriiier al Mocksvilie, i, . Co. N. C I think the probable eoat will not ei-.c IJ.KI ftr 1I13 Pstpnt nd trrraflcTrady""lirjise. t'oL V m. F. Kelly and Tbo. FoMter, io tlie vkinh of MocUville, hae recently tried tlie improved Sfna- uie, ana a;eniifiy pieaaea Willi tt. ' - r:.7r . February 7, lTD. , 'i '":.;"-.-;,..-.-tf ;'" '4 LL persona indebted , to the Subscriber, either Is "iV Note or Book account on tlie iSHh daf of next, are most fespeclfully inliirmed M'SLWLy'l comVucuct-u'uiioii" UieirS Viile"preV loualv slrrsnffeJT f We tru4- mn friorMto -will talta.no, axceptiuc lo Lr : cbM'ik'iifiCijt to' nrf 'hJeawre'' IrsenmtTtation." -rSalriberyrFete l,-irt3tf-.- "tf-" (aoelit-ke'M Sanative. - rpilE Subscriber having received an Agency le st.1 - A- -the abote Medicine; and -afsn, thw Medionr, ss offers it toe sale It I he stated prices. . - J .. JOSEPH -HAIMS. Fulton, March 23, 1S39. . . - . tf Goelicke's Matchless Sanative. I QUANTITY of tlie above valuable ilciici i a. hand, and fur sale at, the Pusl-Oilice at Ccnr-i I.iw, DeJvie Ooontr, y.N.cV By J DUN UUSX, Agral . -.i. ..3 iourlh and laist Call! flMIE undersigned gia appealato thuse iodtket ' m. him on account ot the Western aroJmaa s1' way, to come forward and pay. It is out of tbe eu tino for him to wait or be put off any longer : hi acce mlies are pressing : be ha watted years, with r marryr end hirtner tnrtrJIjrBnce otJier Uian ( the h -allow, caunot be given, if settlement ia not ande ir t present or ensaiug moatk J. VV. lLilP'fOX. 4 FIRST-RATE BARBER, who can or i' a. rccoiuineuded, (none other need apply.) ct bw constant employ at the SALISBURY 1101XU Halisbury, April 4,1-slH. ; , . -'0 ritllC IJFE fit VINO PILLS AND A IHITKRa. so celebrated, and so muca e tlie.aitlicted in every part of the counuy, at rs cuved aud for aalu bv Ibe SoWrihin. . cnr.33 r.vynrn. .r P. !l . See adverliax-inent. April 4, ".Vi. 1 rA.MTACTURING ttVFAN- lAMmil -Vu .mitij .J irtrt. LWft their Factnrv aa Hpiunera, Weasr 1 Nuue uut.tliosc of food elutrttlet nd arf'T- cation to be made to J. (i. CAlR-Ns, A.-- Leiington, March lS3a " tf T Carpenter sme ten or Carpenters, capable id doing common plain I sober industrious habit, might 6d empky' lilieral wage in the neighborhood of F&yctten'1--April 13, WW. 31 .. (;or.i.i( iii; s.i..iTii- "fpilK SICX are all taking this womiei du-ine w hich is astonishing Kurvii,"" rica with it mighty cure. .. rowily, M. C. . " " . r.i JNdCToiMi. ' Oft

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