I "dW t-?6 b3 f,-:-..,:. I. ' IT . :"i ' from t ' Ihrm .!'' I!' j'trtrr. Tin; pi-mcn. " Wbstike ito old tnuo Jrp-L . ',' '-. hat ti;! tbe Mctx-n tab ..! el?:i .! , 1 F'frtj't . . " Wlt f:tf i'titw ;: im t'le gnaw, ' Oitjiji'aiiiU !);t we do w.tVmt? . The k-rt of cure iUiite ' ; . .1 Th PWh. , What make 1'ie tfre and turkryi grow. What ,k- Uui thicken mt and cm, What make It ton! a&d adter r! "V i '.. -i Tm PWju,.-. " Whit 'mk.th tawrn keeper thrive, Wll ma ft Vtm nmbuto tctwat awl xi ve. 1 VV bat keeps tfa ttir s.l a:. ! '. v Te IVrru ... The pVigli'a t.'isng la make & pan' -To rr tw wit t rrrwaT" t What should w tuilo )a liw awi t- " : : . i " ', ..' lfc plough. ' j When on t) batik of river J?yx, . ,'Nmho f .' are oVi by foidm,,.. . '...' ', -r v Wtiat would .. aavd Uu-at fiw thai hi ! "If" ' ' -'A., The Pf-jug. T - ..,'" I'CKMt RICHARD. ' Bladen.burf W. - v. -v ' ' '; " :L.i'rom A PtMll'tnl M'itrmrrti. f -.-:: MAlr fl.VT. ,- HilciUr writ htmt grits c ar rt iii i . .'. . . : r Junctinju Symphit rf. ', l! SliT-Dy Joyftrf nJ !fene, ' Arrayed to foV.- M lively prwn. i v. And d. tk-d with wianf a kwvefy rl iwer "lutwined bj all bright Fancy " power. ' VVbn !' Ui li't'a warbier yn "Hh nmW H-I!y diVioc, j " llteo to bid lb )1im H't ' ' .' 1'or acen'avt gaiety ptefwre. O! ti c SJitara blit'ie aM fr Attired rt)iiejip4 be BTny,.' " t'oioa f tUj ! u citms t'W wt wt!li roe I .et Flura'a gift b acVfcTeJ IJmre, It every ftiarttt and ftvry crc Vum to beautify; tb jUbk?fj.5t-r WrtSi varied ft rtiJ tbVIt tmft, liet my rir leindam b afne4, " jnHieii of innoeence and nnrib -J)f b"atr and ff n-t wtwtii. X Jet Mfierr. 'brMijfjtfMcfjuiad.- 1 And free fmtw evry jforrlid.ejire.. " In Catwre'a ea.itaiiun tin re At rmrw jhi:il&SJuit4 .tLe call Tramtporimjt ntirtli mfiir ttjeiu aiC ' "- An! xaiit bit n-rriint-itihe4JuiB mtrfS"fii"iS(aTvns(id frow. ' VVbeB pwdib'nlir, A f and xirjiritf ,, Wwa May-Iiy vanish a t; tv-ir eje. t Tht-f fwrtti escb in w -tun tbeo. .'f ; , That Mir-Djy-iui.o wA ene a'.je. I.SK.-.IT. VAIUKTY: . j ! r ' p"r .m ,, i ' ...-L 1 L ... .. . . . ,l...rr ,nmnT.,ni,,W! pLrwiu4 rarauiac ., aiirrnoie cmc-niiMj; i ir iwn.o fariKji i anan; mng. itiC chpit-mater Itilline, b iihkm; bid f ur i firtKif titttfjnf Winj iJisl.iWj Rurrie4 to lr,'dWak to in- ad and rjpjlate the huiuaa i fhacbine " Wifl'MW' . - ,.-.....,.,..... "uialarWaa&" airiaaSwi aatafaaaT W arlaii Isicatwaartaa, - . Wliilfl B.lfinga'comfwsitioo were Ui tU c-vitth an. how they are ajt fcsMiier. They say be andr ; f,,,irpUr,,v.eeUra umall ineohn frurn their le, O -m t4 the, al j lua ahop id B.iMiHi, pr.j-cttd a v'-Uiard ulu tbei prtreet, lie.inni oft ei'rrf-y nKt. Ihe mmpM loni-1 jWiftj nx I a m f,9.hz4i T,aal fawlp,iaiMa.).wiil. aiw aoytaflTwai sA mmVWJM tiuoa wfit day, in wbitla bectL,!ed tn beat 4ln I HftJt h 'pra'rfirai halire Ilia j.ri-vSiltiVij rt.vuia ; H5d bfted the iKkleM 'lsrilerYMftJwariL, a the bearer of bis imfijrnaiit j Ae, w according ly provide J hiinwlf with cifip.'e dl-Mri afmci. metia of the feline npee, anJ with a taH vaf a'mwf CoxlUae tied iIkib tagmhefr' by it veiterrsit pemw i....:l Tt . i i , . i ed.t in.J..ghtloth mf of artKm, ami thre hi hunhmia hero tlie r-J-ndmj ponrut, in ii n ninnrirr nut i rr iron, amrrn, mm ciawa, ' qi ine two ra rairwj m nmiaci iiim . nri w iiin i npi, wh-le their tnvertrd cttreme were b- VI ia j ttrieable bf the airing ahov. m-iy V inia (ind, imnal deter "able rfoH era the conpr)'Nfir, . rompriaing a'l aori d variation awwinf eVf .v f, bitinf rtrii, ar-ittin j "af-vr-ifM, a pcratrH- ing W:wMrVip-whieh-rJtinarit ontil win, when the pavaer-bv trer pretel with ihi mlw!iieva i'.Uiftrati'fl "X bc. wor.li jtsjaon f!i, twra Isp-sHt-ImJ laubaittt asuedenarg mil tvj s he.wi.ea bio Icava the owner r"0 sleppetj foith ami reinored b,jhf 0riit rr-wa hia prevawa ttic, with disoase, , text klid CwnmeflUrY -' - ' - J 7An e'Jerlv lad etpr her rer-f tn W yotifig hmiianJ that aho w aa nlder Jhaa h. ' Mr ilear, aaiJ trie husband, ' make no apujoa I wiah you were twice as old aa yoaj are. A wratem'Iil'tr wantajbv know wfe!Vx.jh; Tawifrtfeiitly r-nacleJ sim4 tlie carrvmc "f . rmlt;J weaikwa, aiTlr to J'5?it wh carnr w?' in ineir poeitei. Jiw irtfinr.-;-'i JTr;ii!n?r"c'cNiT'At an A4 Woman. tho other "ajsa am nrff her - ' I n'a at ina adverting of a rvarr or. J . i. Vrt Wm r'e.twt.VHbwaMrtaGilorHipp week alter w,vf tnre I Sra his) t rdVi t!it vou are to p. vour fsitii iipoo.. NeuUer al- tvd if be waa in tho ntaat patftKM awa tkal ever wet U ffrrr rniM rrave tnf tf --i t.yK f..,- x . . . - . . r ievv Ptim-a a rn we1nf a rprp,Nt fhar.kiohil A eluaU wriMM1 w bor vi. Tbev liasarea wfto ha gives) her , health ami .ir.t in nne. - Tt Dettw than U diatortci apino or a-rtic -cheek. JiTtfHirt Wight tuliar ,. . - . e v i tllVry Afy if rn pk . TV r nH wcrv cooai'leral.le wariatinli in the i!tw of wa?rant woter," Mill one 1 Sf r 1j anotVr, - r 1mw t that ton et lwv ovular r woting f Warun, ' .r V- . 1 T. i - an I only ooo JT y, y.m to. ww ml, H. w,Mt ' w lfrd " MW mr last thrftnn that IUII Trie riM. ansrafena ,itnUnr$t coavvf he wjted in mil HKra-rd.-. 7av... ; X rt..t s r tl it;j- 'X , m J p J. iiiifinv I'liniinp syanKa , . of a negm praying, oms) down O Ia4, tm " y tuW ho kkknig ami prancing." , 4 . " lAte. f iwla tt," said one u i iciiii-ttl tvair a lewiya auire.--' Ixrv i ii thil hnntetjr - W.huAO Lave lU ele lrJr - Whys. he) it i accolln t tiia'nrTai hij d-mn'by St. Taul, to tbn-por ail lltuy are trn,erei ao tv tn ...J plain, aft Jhing ar r4ir" . . ' ilrnrrnl t TV tfloif a tret fro a fcjrthencnin? wof k . 'ftaM Aott-kiinau Pilb." Hei.th, mtitliK aiwi Wjmmt. are Uie tbw jmW object ef liK The two Snef are imly ari?lit wim lo MM.i the inr. iUo feck in wealth a avntna of eo'j'nruL Bit tain ruch purMiit ttfiMit t!i awaufMunuf health. Willwxit Miljr pir wt ttn!th,Bitlt th pbyweal aor fie mental wt-; tht th un m V; outward Rtan w eapll t anjr ' Uraa au u Mrnn ino a aiHind mind in a auuru km ia carvir aa aJv a the aia th bbwlute, reqouiite-b ant ii-ieiir tf X m the tummeot of human end. Tiia aii4 stay beeti but rf the bmfjr be freble, then "t tim mmA active to litlf porpoatt. fcoj jyiiwnt .a not tlrr; af Hie fiiwa Ian pHana are retntered abortive ay i afcattered eiJitKi of bur tneinent of clay. ,6at my nt a nwo ocuifdotKaid weallh Hut liecMild n.,ir th ir-Jd ut Opiur, and biiii)( liome all tlie lra avrca Ult mm f ..tiutamd, yet withijut beattbjl KtK-re u:4 be bat bappineMi? Jte mU be miw ra bi in mui-t iJ b..ul ami htf flwtmn'iHif i he wimiIiI jptoe a air m wrrtdirdimw and deapair; aiitf he would eiciMi witb Umi "mme man "ioToMt "Ail wlaTylwl exatwe of aptm!" II limba are racked with f". VmTGe cawx rSfTlji ppetile la aiJbeToatHea baifcud; h atonncb ta opyraMed with nanea,and h . . . . . L . 1 1. A ih i J ft Hiiimlus.i.l I'prk kUkkm. He wtMle fi ail be M worth nay, all the orUUf be had M-forU puur.bul bea'Uiy maa'.appetite. -Ptea-r gtitme," aaal a Iutngry retch. to wwillby, (nrbk'aaaa riaae five me ewpence to buy oie a uturael of C ud ; f an airnoat aurved ." I would irrve a tmaaaiid dollara fir year a?petie," aid the rich awe.be baded the hungry ewe a dollar. f m jaocii tmaortinO m hearth to Uie enjiiyua'tit H X& ' "7" "" . ' ' -- 8 wkfctta, aMthnka I hear the reader ak. eub ertee taw boonly oe aw plain and hacknied a aubject ! I), we all aoow the raiue of health ! Uo we not iaa.ano4fa.tt thr Bwwaw to altaia and jprtwerve it? Jbi we not lay ct tioty 4t e awl fc phytic tana do we not follow Uwir ai ice do a out aailuw lbe oreacriptwnat - are dare av, aa4 atore. ' lutl, w caniwt believe our tii!y oa hn-aitb W he altngvttver nliet..iry. Aa iq , nayaia. po M awyaic it rttet ve tme ipoir that they may be auk ; and men in wrkuerai do n4 all war. iuijVuf Be aaoat jialxkiua niiw'to attain health. i- Very trwe, IJwtof te do wot aa you aayalwaye pocMte Ue iifut luad U ativ rtJ, I aaw ol aome idiua.hifjula wiing tjlWliillii WUh-yMe,..- IVI runtiiiig it ..ora ana apo.wxarK.-a every oay jl. uXK tl 4aa, fverny tn'iteirp, a ran mat) A eroa in a fear, add yet they are nut wvll a!kf ail. Whv, te. w w apiBivn, I , I be re art two reaanna. la I tfie hH ptace, titey take b moch medicme, awl M the . aecMnd, uwy K out taae iLe right kind. I ad to make. ' the at u.ux' - But (wtHy Umt m to my h two ' mm tear wjt I've bit upon a belter ulan. ltake - ! IV. tVtaWf jtUWe Uiliuua fiila, and I derive more aeoent trna one tUm r laJI nut w them, than I ued in I wrist; atty ta any Jiir.ntrr putwirt of IutJui, brauiea m- atwp; wprdf atxttea and dap- wawailowmj; an cn ,-. .c tollcn ,i, me.liri.ie V - . jpj wvre a Mucalwed ei. : Thv u?U me he is un of yoer fl'iacka, who Bit ft j. ,m y, ,rcrtxrt. mbirnW. Dr. Peter ao empiriev U out wujenake wtut he doe not understand. u,U4a '"" i-p)-repirf wf wdVrtnjr btxrmnity: - He eir not pwt lurUt the abMird claim so often ad- i MP wkt4 ay-4b palant aoirums namely, thai . aunag ail wnn a aurgie (NescriptMi i buck a poK. uce be would ovem abuut aa diitkuit to awaltow. to tako Ills tvwtruinaol Ump wlwi put it fcaTtsv iWa i so socb mdicioif. Tbera u out, aud.. Iwenrr via. a nanacea l all dineaee. The tBittiiu j rnVeTy ertect .....er t.7 umlertaae. f- th anird at uruu.a lo tb alooMcb, and Uh frum which Itwy oaaae Ut ill ear sou eye. JimiAtmt wdewl an alight reCMiiupendauoo. Nor ' ar th tOwptaiBt to which Uhmc Pill ax adtpk! tew aor vr riven. The dnurtter arwmg from a morbid statr Of the Bi are, BnlMrtowafc-ir nwny, diatremng and fiL A laiye pwpnrtKKi of; ail tt-9 fevers, epe-, cialiy at tha KjuUi au m the ownny dwUtcta. are Wio to thai ea Ae, n an th dwlrewmg ague and fo vr, wh;rh ai( viiIh a.nnuer .e aiWjunW to iae fctlVil k'elrar Jack," wmch sbUoib quiu bis vtctint lwno minimum urn. kn,rrqi ww nd nprfieoce in the prep ration ot a aiedicine which. hooW prove efficacutts in this laitra class of dueaaea, warh stMPiid biiou'mI relieve the aching and diuy bead, aoat rtwtur tbe nanieated and bathing atomach, at'the -same time thjt it ifevetited thne omit taut ettect . M"w aVv T-v SJ bbjm Hin aa.w l w.i-.- -j h pp a whh r aoapt to Mkiw from tfwirjmpradentiieglw:Lli 1 . Uia purpii he prepare., with much care aud a edaputioa to th purpose, the Vegetable Bilious Prtt, hw-tpe-i p?y y, (rmm l7mf espenenco mJ lhaiitdant tepamtunvoi liHwe who have midovi4 ittm tim aamemt. Mnretivu answered nil ovpJmuii. i "T TPBfm,0,,: " ,. 7'' . '" , I l w. .P.H Lmojm mm anpiirtm thai von ire emlliJ te h nm,th iom Jtxkt'or ., .. i thou-W w aaai m the awcred uni tltal - by lira "U... .L.-nVrf iJu.!t .1! thm.tp h, rortiwt. jar to aamerwaB a baeatly overlonkeJ ; "they ar t. itlipeot be rWly hxrd; Uwy ar loo repw. tahUi.k.tht' frPit, - : ,. , j. -i a: 1. . - I IMirvm tn) ptpwrlaaeooa tptunoriy of tnoaemnnae i eapenewo iathr hnsi of the truth they aaarrt. Dt. '. haa thrown tugnher ia th followtag page, a $ fc""of " hfded of tertunomala receive trota . M7S'rter whra bw p.11, re conn into -. They .are Wft aasaMrpk p7 tlx upptiiaA. They are thpwird rf lW ma . k wf-. ' : I wk,, .Sp7 hare aad rxLncV ' f ' , (CT Keeareh.1 andeotpnrelbr Petera-jftiblc Pill, , stbrya-ew-U la.-MlwtHcy by Jo Murptiy"', m txinu. 1-1. MaVy ; and ia Charbnte by Wiilama 1 Bwd, iwpp7MaBjdMraie.loTkwhid itiieyi price.- MA.VlFACTUBIXr. a)3.r.XY. moitrm n emptor fit, or si fnort. repoeciaaie uiunmoi (uk to wnrk in their Factory a Soiituertk Wearm. &. . X f ri . .-ai.aa N.pa au tho tf g4 ttmnrtrr r.ptd app (i Appli-- cat.tobeir-.li.. J. (.. CAIRNS, Ageou Ungt., March t!S it f .. ' I . "' X Tin: ci'ttoii - Ml.iKiTA:: ' ; , A CONTRACT.1' VI.L nations I""" the f'nwtf iifK. have h! liip. but t'ulimiliiw only EmhmI out Uie y to Amf'rica, 1 iM re Una ti'" Uw Vr0l Sitlnn naiL'tor, ptopie lvt sniv toaUii'J Ui (uiltiie about th sfiorea,, .Jn so w,m the'Life Md-iiiiMu It i. but t burt year. mrwe I fiot venturpil iiixin an unknown ocean, and I diHCovw! the prcwl ohject I waa'ifi aearch ot-- hen lew.,",- my rth.W their use h not. ...u ,.1 ih Uy me uj ih mnn, uitq umj . j ih iurm, uitq inn uinf i"- . invalxl, to th. bale, heart t and act.Tenian- of but. con:wrat.vly apeakiW, I have renewed 1 ,. 1 cw'thmi wvlb confide,, a in my owfi ex- di-pvted buine, hit ywilh. with mt fi.llow-riti7.eim. iViea the U,1r want proof that Ui"VWiKTABt'B IJFK ME IIC'I.Nrt are wiitabb to hia own caee! 1 have on tile at olliee. T7. Broad waf . huodreda of letter, from me "fifw nun repecU-tle ciliono( thi my native lnod. vrtltintartly otr. red in teatimony of the virtue of ( a A U0UJ VBUETABlJi MKWCIXK. Persona wbue pwwtiiwtKjni have been Bjrany rum br tlie"all''uifalliide"nlineral preparattoiia of the nay, I wilt bear nie witne-a. that Uie Life Medicine, and ! auch onlv , are tlie true course to permanent mod health. ; wiun"'' 'j . . i ifoTV. ;V PiUt (.ena-al rrrmrli rtlahi to Moffat t Life I til . and Phni Ditttrt. Thew medicines hae Ions been known and appre ciated, for Wieir extraordinaryand immediate powers ! d" retrinir oerfmH health. u persona autTennij under I nearlv everv kind ol diw.-ase to which Uie human traiue . . . is liable. 1 la manv hundntU of certificated intanrPH, thoy have even rescued wtlerers trom the tery terge of in un-1 Bitters lor fl or per bottle. Wumerous certi timely grave, after all the deceptive nimiruma of- tW bcates of the wondeiiul elticucy of both, may be there . day bad utterly itirhnJ , Tnrito-TiTnhnnPW.nnyn have uerman r.ilv secured that uintbrm enjoyment of health, without which lite itself ta but a partial bk-a- and inflHmniatory Rheumatism, Liver Coniplainta, Ffa anit;. Ve great, nuleid, has their elfiuacy invarobryer'anugue7"Dygptr)gia, Palsy, Piiea, injuries Irom " an4 infallibly proved, that it has appeared acarcely leM the use of Mercury, quinine, and other dise.es o!' Jong lhaniniiraculous Uithrwie who were unacquainted with standing, it may be found necessary to take both the (the beautifully philuaoplucal principle upon winch they areconipoamtiil, sou upon winch they consequeui-; ly act. it was io weir iiieuiresi ano aensioie aciiun in purify'ttur the sprincra and channels "bf lite, and en-; dowing (hem with renewed tone and vigor, that they J preparations of arsaparilla, and are a certain remedy were indebted for tf.eir oarnc, which was bestowed up- tor Uie rusH(n? (rf t0 Uie ,ead,orall violent head on them at Uitf(mUiiieou reqtiest.ol several individual aehea, tic douleureux, &c;-AH persona who ire pre-" wno nveamey nave ooviousiy aavea. . -Tbrfirrtrnnetw rejoicw tntlie opportunify airorifeir M'" ? b V P,,c'n i his VKOKTABIA UI E I'lLI J within the knowjedge and reach of every individ.ial m the community. Un- ... ..wvx r. .... . ........ .... . VetriaWr in reihViililbe jlPillgar jpirely and, r l.lipft tlw hwt itt Mimiii.dii.uurVffriM vhMh hrMM w "r'y o'K'iahle, and conUiio neither ftiercury, 'Anil- iihiiiv. Arwmc, nor any other mineral, in any tuna whatever. Tliey are ent.r5ly. j0tnpoBed .ijf- extract txi'in jare and ooweirful 'plaalaw- the jirtueaj.of- which, thoojjh iwtf tmiwrswerat ttnJmntnoe,no reeerrM ly to some eminent pbarmaceotical chemists, are alto- ZTSFXS 1 I in. . r. i' 1.. rii.- 1W first operation ta to loosen from the coats oftlie st.anach and bowekUie various- iuipuritiea and crudi-l" rZ-. - fi ,7""" T , .ill He. constantly Rlti.ug around them; and to remove. JRJ?.0" the hsrdened fiece. which collect in the eVolutioMof'iAJJi t' Uut irn Tnt:tr"Otl'r in'icin - 7 4 use Oiap,ailoay)-n6H-eollwted tnaHBca behind, as tg produce habitual coWiveness, with all its train of, ne BDOVe raeatCUieS mflj DC n&a Ol -evil, or ruihlendifTha-a, with its imminent dingers. 1 MeBtr. Crest 6t Boeei. In thil Town. ' 4Thmtct wweii known "Jf examine Hie nummi oiiweii urr uutun. boh iirnuo inu ul . . . ru.. M , ,. prejudice of tliesc well uformcd men igainst the quack P"'1"1'1 a"fch V Bm inedicmea of tbe spe, Tbeaecond cflectof the VKUK-1 mnfTm nP TflP PMiurrtb nfrtTPi) ' TABIi; UFB PILU ta to cleat.se tlie kidneys and I L", 8 .KLGISTLR the bla-ider, and by U mvatw. Uie lifer and the lungs', to0- VIL, Jf,?M mon rrdaer I Ffnclttat : thelieaUbM-ajaitn of which.fnlirely dependl upoTnfie"'""' mHt ffrntnlt,' r " V " reinilsntf of the iirinarr orirans. The blood, which I- I. THE FARMERS' REGISTER is aublished in takes its red color froiri tlje agerfcy of the liver and lie' ( i ' . 7 . ' " . ,i i ...... : n . I inngs 9:iore n, pine lino vire nyaiU-iieing iiiuspunuiiL;!'''! V"r"c( fJ rem, (jui hi aovanre. rrf bv them, and aouruhea by kki commir trom clean . ptomach, coursciiTreely ibroughUie veina, renews eve-1 n OTflpf the Bmt''tn.'and tntunplisntly mounts the ban nerpfpealin m 'Ilia woormnyT:ncpx.'r"-r - The tollowinc are among the .listressmg-varioti of lffiifi'duaa.'fa which the Vegetable L.ie Pill. ireiH" wc..k,-,wBtooem....ib.e; ' ! lhjiprpsta, by thoroughly cleansing the first ind ae-. ennd i si'xuncha, aivl creauiijr iiwt.rad of tlie stale and acrid kind j flatulency, ral-j I li, adcbe. IsiiajimiH ui uie iitTit liurw an ni'iA,tuti iitoi w-truiu. aaiiu !, Resile! JIJ4e BcMiTSr b'ich" are the ganufal syiuptoina of, ayppepNv woi-pwiipih mm my wniniiKimiww ii enri yfwsa. by cleaiwbw ti Whole. JbagiJi ihe wimiBe wh a aid It'iiccf all Violent pirgea leave Uie bVwelscodtive witli-' io two days. Unrrlm a and Cholera, by removing tin faharp-acrid ftui.y-wfcierirBe-e.lam stotvil, sou by promoting the digestive aocretion ot the mneiia membrane. Fever of alf kind, by restoir,g tbe blood to a regular ctrttilntion, through wlficb th I. LI - I.. I...: .1 . .1. u.u.fll. meeaaef pjtefpnilioin autne cases, and thethdroogh (Pilution of all intestinal ooatructtoo in others.' The LIFE I'lLlJS have been known ui cure KJieiiiiiatimi permanently in three weeks, auil Gout in hail" that timet . . . l.l ..!...: O.. . ah... . I nj lenx'vuijr hp.i inn iiiniouKn num mo umiplicv anu ligaments of the joint, IJropslea of all kinds, by tree- in.' ami strengthening the kalneyi ind bladder, tbeyl operate most deliglitmlly on tliese imrtant orgaus, and hence have ever Dew. found a certain remedy lor de-paying bank of the State in which the subscriber Inn worst cses of (iravi L Also, Worms, by disltalging I resni.ra.v- from th turnings 4 tls bowels the alimy mutter tol - VII. The rifk oflosa of pivmenta for sulrlptiorMir" which these creatures adhere J Anhm and Couaump. . sent freo of postage, which have been properly com lion, by relieving tlie air etwls of the lung from tne j muted tn he mail, or to the bind' or a postmaster, i m'tcup, which even slight cojds will occasion, which, if assumed by Uie editor, t.'. , : . ' ' , ' . not remnved, becomes hardened, and produces Uiosc VIII. All letters to the edifot la wtfard totUFar-dr4b-liviaaea. - Scurvy,- Ulcer, anu Inveterate Jlaors' Kegisirr mut be piwl-paid except such aa cor. Sore, by the perfect purity winch tliese Life Pills giva to the blood, and ill the humors ; Scorbutic Eruptions, sad Bad Complrxiona, by their alterative effect tipon Um fluid tliat ted Uie skin, tbe inoibid stale of which occasion al! Eruptive cumplainta, Sallow, Cloudy, and other disagreeable Complexion The ose of these Pills, for a very short time, will effect aa tntue cure of Salt rbvum. Erysipelas, and a striking improvement in the Ciearnejp' tit Hie rirtn'. Common Cold nj tiifln eitu, will always be cured by one dose, or by two, even 10 the woe case. Ptle,i a remedy for '-his most difeiitig''i)dl "oKfiiiSTe ; malady, Iha.Vegetable Lite ilrf,WM,!,ll'5t JJ,tLcJOl)tifc,r I It Ii well known to hulidreils in this city, that the Pro prietor mi these mvaliMblo Pills, wis hiimelf atllicted with this cumpliint fur upward of tbirty-tiva years, snd'that b fitd ia vain a very reined prpMcribed with in th whole compsa of the Materia Medica. Me, imwevpr, at leneth, triad the medicine which he now ofTcra In the public, and b waa cured ia-a very Ihi tune, afll'l IlllTltCovery had beCQ proniMiiiccd not ouly impMbable, bill absolutely iinptu nble, by any humm means. Direcffmi For fit. Tlia Proprietor of the VEGE TABLHUCK PlUl dwar-wt l-HIo the ha and marceuary prattle oi the quacks of the day, in advi nn persons to take hi Pill in large quantities. No goul medicine car possibly be ao required These Pill re to be tsken it bed time every night, for a w eek or Srtn:ght, sreordin? to the obrtnwcy of Uie disease.' The anal dose ia tram '2 to 3, according to tlie count i rntion nf toe peraon. Very delicate nersona should be gin with but two, am) increase aa the oatur of theearc nwy require ! those more robust, or of very costive ha bit, may be in with 3, and inciwue to 4, or even 5 Pill, and they will etK'Ct a suuVientty happy change to guide tlie pttent in tbeir further nae. These PilUaometiiDe ofcswoo sickness and vomiting, thoush very seldom, no te the atomach ta very foul ; this, however, rony be amsMereu a Hvoraoi yniptom, ia th patient will find himself at once relieved, and br neracveranca will anon recover. 1 liey usually operate: within 10 or 12 hour, an never giy pam, antesatlie bowel are very ..k - L... i IV . . . , . ' much encumbered. . lli m h iiIim i Hi nni delicate fenaal and m, nn,m.n.. Ii i , everrwenmnded. that thosa in later ponod of preg. nancy stnokitike but one at a time, ind thai continue M keep the bowels opo.o; and even two may be taken j is. m . ' ' ticre the (ii)l,i'iit in ir'-ry rrwtiv. One ji'll in a lii UXI lit' Uo Uililr-Hwiis full V" "'"J1 bfHril an infant in the fuiluwinj.r (J.iwit a tea-c.n full every Uo hourn (ill it oiciu ; It a'chilij Irom one t) five yraraof a'?c, tct tf a pill am! CriMn five to ln, one pill. THK l'lHEMX ili n KIW, are calle-l, uecmwi . they p.i'ii tlie pirvfrof rvaiuring llie pj(pirin cinufra ot health, to a glowiiiff i);or lliroiihout tlie conntitu -hon, in Uie I'lianu w saiu to be riwiort-d to tioui the asliea of iuow dumolution. The I'hceuili. Uittvra are mlirely vegetable. comKved of roota hHind iwly in cvruui imrla ol Uie weaiern coumry, wrucn win mnyiK My cure Frera and Ague, of all kin.la; will i.evM ta.l hi wniiieai entire v a U lite ellerta of Alercury, in-N e timt.;y aooner than tli uk1 powerhil pretratMa of JSarsanlla, and will immeiliately cure the deUrrnuna- tion ot Ulodd to tlo Head f never fail m the a.cknes. . . . . ' incident to young t'emAlea: and will be found a certain . remedy io all canea'of nervoua di bility aod tpeaknesa of the niOHt impaired contilutHHia.' Aa a remedy for Chronic and Inflammatory Rheumatism, tbe efficacy of the I'hUMiix Billera. will be demonstrated by the Utw of iinKle bottle. The usual dose of Uieae b.ttnw la hall, V B1" . wine, and tiiia quamiiy. "lay oe taaen iwo or inree iiiuea a oay, auouv nan .u nour oetore nieaia, or a leaaquamuy may oe waeii all times. To thoae whe are alHicted with inuigeatton , after nieala, tliene Bitter will prove invaluable, aa they aTr " "' ra,.hclp litem to pcrlorin their functions, and ensblethe- atomach to discharge into Uie Dowels whatever laonen. j apatite restored, and the nioullis of Uie absorbent vea- : at is oeing cieanaeu, nuirmun miactuiaieu, anu arenin of body and energy of mind are Uie happy resulta. For fanher particulara of MOFFAT'S LIFE FILLS, and frlEMX Ml 11 LU.S, apply at Air. Mortal's ottiee, . I. ..i . r i .... . . l no. dururotuway, iiew iora, wnere me ruia can oe obtained tor centa, Ml conus orl per box i and the . .. . . . i , . !ln aoine obntjnate and complicated caeea of chronic" Lite Pills and the l'lianix Bitters, in the doe before recommended. .. '"J " "' w B.Tie6d PiJJa and the Bitters will get all nier-. Cllr, out f .h. anum infiniM fater th.n th herf diiposed to apoplexy, palsy, 4,cv, should never be with- out Jjte m,ol U)fJ BlU(jril ti)r one d(ae in tn0 will save ire. They equahw the circulate of, the hlont dnlw ,rnm ik. head, m.iom .oi. - MlWB aiMi Uirow orl' everv iniDunlr br the oorea tif .1 t . . ' - ' ' tuiijn ., ..... IMPORTANT NOTICE. Person using the Lif e Medicines, a re advised to take the Pills at night, In sufficient nuantitie to operate two 6f Jhse .'ijiies op Ute .bgwvJ w. Ilw course .oj iha oet day. Abo, Uke a table-spoonful of the Bitters half au 1 k .t Mul V... il ... . . constitution, half the quantity maybeici , ..- . .... . ... aMMlllll. OT French, Germans-end Spanish directions, can be .,VT, '., .. on, 1,' .- . " ' . " . are Aenets for .the same. . 7 , monthly numbers, of 04 larga octava pagoa ch, and y ..,.). . . . . i . i mr aw may oepiirciMwir fomfiajJie miLft. rent or furthcoming volyine, if so ordered arid paid lor j pVatlvkiftef (or at the time of miking the subscr.iitioo,) hawmm i n. ....,. .,i, , . .,. m,Utf f"ucunB Vt"T oth.r ctmrge to tlie - ..' . ,, " . hlU SSJ above required, for a aingle copy, shall have the privi. iiiwiil 0wt'uf1iavihi a "'" cond copy of the aame volume, sent to any new aub- Lriuajr. WIUMJUL lUrillKf cuariT. lltr mil T.llllliin. . aenber wbohat not yet mid. but who shall jln an. aa ... raoove, tftdt tne issue 01 Uie 1th number Ot the 7th Voji "iunieiUiuamtleetmrnrrnfffn halftrlfrh? ehirr'tAK''!fr'r!Z r .ti, icJU a-f caw) to i of (tit nfer. i IV. If however, no more than one conv ia nrdcred.- thr'Sblwcrfplioa" price will still be, as heretofore, $3 the volume; aa it i not deaioned to permit any aub 7. triptioo debt, or pnymonMobe made for lees than 5. . i :r . . . ; . . . nixt ii an orner is seni rur two copies, without complu.l nee witbthe conditions annexed, only one will be aent for one alone, (111 for any three together, and io tne skme proportion (if;t,."ii cents for each, for any num- , k .- .. 1" 1 .. . . f . . .... I I . . . . . . ... j ner oi volume, except Vol, I., which la ai $0, and to : i be furniphed only aa part of a full set. -VI. AU mnil tmvwnU ataal be mmlt i rci.qiMir ue in Virini, or of a CVaand sue- niin articles Pw publication,' v ia. It i subscription m not directed tobedurontihued befire ihejirst number ot tlia ne volume his been publisheil.lt w ill be In ken an i com inns nee for another year. Siibacrtptiona tnust commence with the begin- . uing of gome one volume, and wiM not be token for leaa : than ejear'a ptiblfcatien."-T " " ' V A. I he mutual obligations of the Dublishcr and cub. . penber, f r Uie year, are fully incurred as anon a the rirnt number uf Uie vol nine ia ieaoed; and after that liuie, nu.diPCfmlinuaoce ol". a aubseriniiiHi -wilt he iwr milted. , Not will a subscripUon be discontinued fitrany oaaiiJI b..isaa. .JLJa. uh 'L.kptt.auiut.w..ii-oiia ."viv' tTy tbmjf ThtfCbtt rolh'iTii due uulcss at the option of the editor. ' ' " EDMUND RUFFIN, Editor and Proprietor, Peterbtirg, Va. nIIK SllhsfrilllT. ia.Cuilf.J-iuily toronsnl iw'riirlinns 1 1. leceivetf from the North Carolina Gold Mme Com pany, take thi method to intorm those interested, that -brreaftor all persons foond trepnsing upoo the followr. In. TmkI. iif I .al k..l. la. . .... . ppnum I" win jl KllllTiqTailU. tet tn iwthrm t.otfnty, wiII be prosvcuU-d according to tha strict letter of the Law. - JOHN WARD, Agent. ' : Davidson, April 19, im . u v'-V'. i.r3! '-- Tract, No 1 Containing acre, lying on the foul mile branch. . 2 Containing IKI2 acres, lying on tlie wa- i tera of the Flat iswamp. ".I,..' 3 Containing 8.HII0 actvM, Iving on Lick Creek, Flat Swamp, and Vsilkin River, 4 Containing I.ICiH, lying on Flat Swamp , fl Containing liU7. lying on Lick Creek. 1 - 7 Containing l,4Ii lying on Flat Swmap. " ' 8 Containing IKPO, lying on ljrk Creek 8 Containing fHH, lying on Lick Creek, i 10 Containing l.W acres, lying on Lick ("reek and Flat Swsmp . " l-tntainmg,l;Ck3, lying nn lick Crek. - li-Coniainmg 1,317, located on f .air mile branch and Jacob Creek, adjoining the ld mine. X arrauls lor &ae cxc, Th tc IN,J I NFORMS In? frieiida, and the p-.tMir, ttui lu is n, enlarging bin Kttiblnlim(-iit t llm in PaviilooriHountv, and iiinkm?vnriniw imnroven: fiirllte fiettfr acciinmo'lHtiiin if all who iny fa) him miring tne eniMiinj irm. uc his house on the lirotof July, and mi liitfni! tn n.v. fturij no t.( r-p Jo remlpr Ins cus'omers ea!v ana rnmwrtii!),... ),. i, ,. Ii&y niore rnnms limn during the lunt um'ticr, tir, ill be btttT fitted up, and bis table shall be hiinutui. ly anpplicd'witli the beat tlm county a9n!s. '' ' The Healinj Springs o Davidniu, are knoHntobs aa fine Cai.ybkti water aa ever flowed rut of t-fl earth. They he long boon celebrated lor the li"a!w,i, and invigorating .eirt-cls of the water, ilutidrediiof i valids who have vvited them, can Nar leftimonv to their llEALTH-RtoTOKlNG QUALIT1KS. Thene Hprinea are Mtuato four unlet faat of the Vidkin River, in the miditpf the mmintaina where tha air is cool, pure, and refreshm. They are distant from Salisbury about 14 inilwt, and from ixington about 15 ww-i pane raaus leaein irotn cn piaeer 'lie Subscriber flattera himself that those who mv honor him with their company next "trimmer, whea they leave shall have no cause to-be ditined either wiih the waters, or with hiinwlf. His' chafes shall. in ail eaiiefi, be moderate. WILLIAM IlAtlRld. April tr, fwa. - ' x W'w have always esteemed the Healing Itprine of Davidson to be very fine Calybetite water. 'Tin have been celebrated tor many years for their strength. enin, and invignrating qualities. These Kpringa are laiatfid. inohe, midst, ot a range rf-coiwdwiMe mcain- tains where the air i pure and pleasant V are glad to ee UiaL Mr. Harris js fitting tip UieLEstablulinient fctr the eeeommlatton-t -vwitora, and" we hope be" wflT receive the encmiragement which the waters, and his attentions so well deserve. : ' ' CH'S. FISHER,. JXO. I HENDERSON', JJa. K. IIUIJUB, 1 K. !H AUWAS1AKA, R. W, IJNO, .JUNIUS HNKED, J. McCLF.LLA.ND, BAM'L. 11ARGRAVE. April 18, im. . V : ; ' tf Hi'm&TM? CRAIVSIRED by tlie AHCRICA. TBe Champion of America, Winner ' " OF THE GREAT MATCH RACE, The Aorth n-rtiii. ihc Soutii, ; 1MIE tlwrongh-breil horse, LATH, bred by Col. Wade - Hampton, of South Carolina, will maka hi Cni Season at Salisbury and Concord, fdiridmp hi tmw -equally,) commencing on the' 1 "Mb Manb, and ferine nating on the 15lh of July. , ' ... , i fcttflis. irji, if paid within the teaaon, orhetwiie will be charged ; $-Kl to insure, the money to be paid ao eoon as it is ascertained the. Mare ia in Inel, or the wrntxT'y thangtt 'wnrrt. fnd W Witts tn th Groom. . ' . I Marea sent front a distance, will be well attended to. and fed with grain tiW cen'a per daf . ; A good lot wiu.ne lurnisneo tuose that wish it, gratia; but, tn instamwiin Jwrwproaible fof sccuiaiilar rca-. K. W. LO.i. ; Kaltifbti.ry,Airil3)B3a'' tf , I CERTIFY, tint. Lath was bred by me, and that he was toalded in the Snng of il was got by Godolphin, hisdam, Pocahootaa,by birArcby; biagran. dam, Young Lottery, also by Sir Arcby, out of Colonel Singleton's celebratod Lottery, bjibe imported Bedford, otit-ot-thff-1mpdfled mare. Anvillina; (lolnhja got by Eclipatr; iiiii: dam KyTphy'Ha'pheatKm, out of Lottery by imported Bedford, it l.uWmn waa. got ' tit'tbA'lmpoirted Boxxard. oul of the dam of bir pllUPlT;;pEllK,RMAS LATH ia a fine bay. without white." hrut .1 jnchea high. With good buna and capital sctien.- At year old, he won Uie produce stake at Ixilunibia, 2 mile neat, oeating ftir. Jaylor'a filly, Daisy, and tJaptaia Sinn'acult, Conventioii, nine When paying torteit. Two week tterwal,he woo the Jockey-club pnie, 3 mile heats, at Anguma, beating Kite, and distancing Uli Brd- r At. .Charjeaton b3 . bcatun by .Uofc. Hopper fur (lie Jx-key4Jlub pur, 3 mile beaU ; being very much amiss, be waa drawn alter Uie first heat. Al 4 years bid, be won Uie Jockcy-CIub jmre, 4 mile heats, at Camden, beating Sir Kenneth and Dorabttls,' at 9 beat, losing Uie first in cumin-nce of" bolting when aeveral lengths in advance ot the field, jnl belore ho reached Uie judge' stand, and getting entangled amongst the ci mages, he auatauivd an injury wbicb occasioned bis withurawsl lioin Uie Turf. - LA'I'll wss a race horse of tin first class, which be evinced in his trills wub Biy Mam, Charlotte Kmer, and Kitty Hotli, aad in (punt of blond, hu is inlenor to ounv whether miperted or nativei Hi cotntitulioa m robust, having never beeu aick, and bia temper good. His colonr, form, and action, stunk for thenu.elv.a. In I word, Lath unite in himself ai many cljim to jmbi.c palronage. ai my young Stallion tli-it I know. . SV. IIAAIPTON. Willwood, Jan32, Isia From the above certificate of Col Hampton, w1 bred am bad LATH trained for the Turf, it v. ill be acen that he considered him a Race horse of lb first class, not only from the races he liaa tiienlHMied as hiving run pohltcry, but fmm private tea I tie ha wade wrttr nor ewhtcn art now on the Tgrt. und runniiy with cin-.. tiifiiraiile auc'ciV," "It'will iW b "observed by his Cer tificate, tl"t he coivpidered- Lath of the parent blood not to be eurppwd by any horse imported or native. I consider it entirely unnecessary Ui aUCmpt ta irlo- Kun minor lor uis periormantej on the 1 urt or aa to hia Mood, sjtice in every repect ha i so well st- leweo. um wm remark, that Lath Jiaa ol only de GuMil lftM pur Woort, but hsj CWn? Jrolil itiicl, txirfi" ire, pTndire, dam, and grandam, that are of th run ning blood. I or HMlance, hia aire Uodolphui, made hu fiNir mile in 7 minute and 50 seciaids : hi ersndwt. ... . a .... - .... ' . r .. - pv X ..n, niuiiuan w;iiiwr so w til laown'at Ul iorth u -Souih, made bis Utne iq the great match race, the Nortti agaiiwt tbe South, frill,!) aside, in 7 tuw. aud 37 sf c; which he woo with considerable eclat, and which gw ed bun the memorable name of Uie Champion ul tho, North j hia dam, waa sired by the renowned Sir Arcl,.f whose repoiatwo aa a racer, ins., stand unquestioned both in England and Ainciic. The grandam of LUi. Old Lottery, bred by I lie gr.rat Southern Amateur of borsra, Col. R. Singleton, of outb Carolina, hai pro duced more hne race Iwrxe than any other mare n the L'nioa Th'ia it will be seen tint tnere is united iu Lath two of the best studs ol the South, Hampton's and Si.iploton'a, ctomd will) G.-n. Coles of tba North. 'J'lic public is now presented with such ao opporW ty of improving Uia bijud of that nonle and iwinl i1. inal, tim horse, a very rarely occurs in this sect"i country.' . It W. 1- -otlitLc,i SaiMlivc. fP!IE SnWribcr having received an Agency to-o M. tm above Medicine, and also, the Modcmi ofll-rs it for sale at the Mated prices. , JOSEPH IIAIXE.-? Ful'-tn, MarrhW.I'W). rf V kl, j'vw .ml I rI til t lb HltllU !id I i. t i -

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