CAMOMMAK. THE TE I KRS NOT DFLFG ATTn TO THE rXIVED STATES BT THE CONSTITVTION, XilR rBOHIRlTF.D BV IT TO THE STATE, AlE SWCIVLO TO THE M ITE BC.rEi.TIVtXr, 0 TO THE PEOPtS. Amcndmtntt to the Conttitution, Article X.- niB pow B AUSTIN & K FISIIEU, I'dilorM and Proprietors. NO. II, OF VOL. XX. (Whole 'IW. 09tl.) SALISBURY, N. JUNE 28, 1839. WES .. TERMS OF CAROLINIAN., . " TM Western 43twoltrtin--is-ptitlisiied every Fsr at Two I.illn per annum ,if paid in advance, nr To IWirt and Fifty Cent if not paid beforu the ex- . pirtHonoftlirocinonth ' ' 'Nufnix'r will discontinued until an arrears t;es .,e mill, unless thediscretion of the Editors; and a faiisrc to notify the Editors of a wish to discontinue, at tlx) end of a' yew, will bo considered aa a new en- Mjement V --', , . ., Advertisements will be conspicuously and correctly and 2o ceuta for "ch continuance. Cnurt and Judicial Mf(iTtiwi'""'''1' w'U be charged 2-r per cwitniore Mian the abrtve prices. A nouueuon m o.ij per rni irum tj,e rpjtilir price will be made to yearly adveitna-r. Advertisements sent in for publication, iniiht have I lie nii'mbur o tinioii marked on them, or they will be intwr tod till forbid, and charged for accordingly. Letters addressed to the Editors on business must lr; put paiil, or they will not be attended to- Attention "-"Salisbury ( J ua nis. TrOU sro hereby commands! 1 to parade in tho Town of Salisbury on the 4tli of July next, etpiipt in the uniform of the Com pany, at 9. o'clock, A. M., with even round of cartridge. By order ol the Captain. JOHN H. WEANT, O. S. Salisbury, June 81, 1839. 2t Yaua)c iauvV aii MlUs. flHK Subscribers wishing to wll the above real Es 1 tatc, take this method ot informing the Public 'that "thfy now offer for sale that valuable tract of hind; con- -tamm 'i seres,-tyrog m Hie-tounty o) lsvnim,on the Vadkin: Rivqr, and on the mam road leading from Lexington to Fulton and Mocksville. On the premi ses is t. SAW AS ! ti K I sT ill I Mi , twss, with'thrw large .Still and vessels newly titled tip. ! TIUmJ. flUudiiii.wutf rjjo. t4i- tca m tfre midst of a Grain growinj? nrlirhborhood. The purchaser can have possession this Fall. Any person wishing to view the premises or contract for the same will please call on the Siil'scribi-rs livintr near the premises. RF.BECf'A CkOMP, THOMAS CRUMP. ' Davidson Con'ntr, Ji. C, ) June 21, : 139. 1:101 THOMAS SANDKOUD, ' COMMISSION . AM) 5, i oi;v Ai;uiA(i iiirjccii axt, lifjrr to- ewrivK. L. & W. JViwuow',': 'i .. ,.. .ffnnnf & t!r-v"-.- . Vmiwovuii A. R, N il VVVitailoaj C J. Omeu-I, . JogfTH KER, CimTia & 41 TROVES, June 2t. jm -r- 3m fAKEN iixp,and committed to the Jail X of Rowan coujity the 15th instAiii, - a -neero-aiaa.whdb.caUa. huuacif. TOJU. - alfot y ears ol s; 1 1 9 shj a ttie ai tr"oniisIe'U eyeta nijiiroS, that hVbelj ve la uiiurod. Uiat lie belongs pay duress and take linn away, or he wll be dealt wilt'is'flielaw'dnn''-- -JOHN H llARDIE,sAy. f - Bricki Masonrjv rnilE KLB-SCR1BER living near Lington, David; A aon County, takes this method to inform the I'ub-' liC (Jul he will enter into contract with any Person, or persona, either in l)VKlon, Kowan.or -atMitua Voun iw, who w tsh houses, factories, or any ot hjr kind of buildings erected of Brick, lo build them as clienp, as durable, and in u good stylo asjny workman in this Country. . - : - lie will also, mould ami burn the Drick, if wanted. II trusts that his long experience in MOULDING AND LAVING BRICK, will entitle him to a share of public patronage. He would refer gentlemen wishing work done in hi Line of Business, to the Female Academy and the n-w tire proif Clerk's dlWe in Salisbury, as specimens ol his wmk. N. B Tlifsw wishing work done, will please leare word at tho .(iflii-o of tha Wnstwrn Carohman, and it shall be punctually attended lo. ROBERT. HavuTson, April H, . " if To Travellers. fUT, travellinlr conimnnily are repectfully inform ed lliat the Subscriber is now running his line di Jttt from Raleigh by way of Pitshoro' and Asldjoro' to Wwbury, j imj Nthern made Coaches of the first nrdcr; leaving Raleigh on Mondays arid Thurs.1avs at m.. arriving in allst)ury next tiays at It) l M I D i n O . I 1 M. . in ...... T'."' natisoiiry on i nemiays and r rmaysaiz a M..! -'"VS 10 ItalcitfU nextdavs at 1 V. M. IMUP. UP,) V,. I .1,, .r(!r.ilr!L- .rol,. nd ewinmoilMing. JOEL McLEAN. eb- 12. IW. It B. Seat, wk;!, ot the Mansion Hotel. Wraniiino- P'tn'or X'O i "rrii-'o, - J' VW- fpiIE Subscribers have, just received- Isrce assort-! . - "aenlrf Imsnd colnrerl WRAPPING piei; --m.-t wuii a ,r?fl nintity n PASTE BOARD, ichtboy offer al wholesale or retail, .-w - , C.B. 4, C.K. WHEELER. ne7. l-m. w ,t tf IsoclirLc'ti ianalivr. XlLSl!l"rT'h,,, by,nt received an Agency to sell the above Medicine, and also, tha Medicine, now Wer " fr sale at the stated prices. P ., .. JOSEPH HAINES, ulton, March 2, 139. tf HffiiTTFills and Hitters T ifnS GIVIN'G 1ILLS AND WKEXIX tU .m . VKS" twlebrsted, snd so much usd by ceivL c TP wrt ""'T. now re P r ' e . ' CRESS &. ROGER, AfenU . ISN r1Asftta'.a I at .i.l WamwU tot sao eroI r i sV all M A CAl'ITAL JUDGE OF HORSE-FLEHH. Z', -.' ,.".- " ANBC'lWfB. ; , ,kx, Wheo I waa a younjj maQ that is toaaoung cr tlmii I am now, though I don't want lo m fur an old one yet -I often thought myaelf wide awake, when 1 wis really nnpiiin. . Abovu all thini;i,1 iiiiuiiied lti;U 1 had a very pretty -kH4d" of norw-u-ti. iiiut i was men uiuun oi a riiwr, but, when 1 got a liorne, 1 regularly studied the - Hiiiom-I. HuaineiM kejt nwratlior clone at I lie desk, nnd it waa only on a iSundny 1 could tnke a ride) 1 wmitetl confidence at firm, nod the dillicully was in getting astride at iho livery viable, just Ron . nobody liuppeiied to lo kiokinu; aal look muny an excursion beforu I couliVayateumticnlly recollect , which Hide of, the liorsu lu)(ht lo inouut. Oltoa iliiiiIiI 1 fiuiveritfi nn iliq ype of lhe ro:idit and the weuilier with iheigroom utte yard, not liking to confess my ignorance, till.he would ask nie ag;in nnd again if 1 was ready!" Tiien gruduiiily op pmncliing the head of the animal, 1 watohed which side the fellow inclined to, for fear should innke a mistake and got laughed at. Ouce I purposely left my whip in the viable and sondmg-tlie man for it, niudo a desperate spring, a lliejaddle, cotitri vuig to precipitate myself over the beast's shoulder into a green puddle before he returned. Well, Ibis is nothing lo do with my atnry. ' It is little use to tell you of all the tumbles I had. 1 In limeM be came a leller horseman v. as seldom on the wrfHig side of the road, and cotstd put my bund in my pocket to pay a turnpike without my ateed running away with me and bolting the toll.' When 1 was takon uk partiierhip4tt llsilbun'r-ypu Jknow the old shop, gentlemen I married Mrs. Iliggiha, my present wile that is; so I thought, as 1 lived at Pentonville, it niighl bo as well lo buy a nag; and now, remember, f imagined mvst! a pretty good j iiiflgeri erWmly-wrrnwfcer having ridden ' some fifty or sixty stemls in my lime, rait ke ping exactly io ine same livery aiaute, lor l onnn loiinu the groom rather impertinent, Mid fancied they migtji be inclined lo play me some trick by giving ni a vicious animal. WeJI, as I was saying, 1 mnde op my mind to keep a nag, and, of course, it ' was well to bave a nice uuiot beast : so 1 advor- tised, " Wanted, a Imrse for an elder! gentle man," though I was barely five. and-twenty; but ..then, though remarkably fond of riding,! was not : going to put my sen on a aklttwhjroung thing only - lit for jockey. " I had many answers to my ad. " verlilnjenf, u you may suppose. Such an assort inent as I had lo choose from! " I was rather abashed wben aoinoorthe knowinff coves nsked me if I wanted the horse for myself j Iwl J Bwore .fit faiilbr.iny grahd-father...,. Than ueh a ehanei - f ter-ewy aninml had one would hre thought rp..J.,.tT)eje Wlui a pi rl ru a r hrd n f ins Umft (m tiul n .mm g:iMitiiiiii b ii.tim;. m us cciuuratea croav- . breed betweeu a lamb and an arm-chair," for gen tlotiHss and comfint, "was nothing tb those invalua ble cobs. . Actually fatigued withlhe 'grearvafie if that was each day offered lo my choice, 1 a: length pitched uporra.bay gelding with two "white -bigs and a sjx.t of the same-complexion' right be tweon it eyes. This horse was a. most trartahlo creature.; at loaat. sosaid the denier 1 bought tt ''. Trbm7 iie was sure my grand father would be- ile- uiu i'iiiii:hiiii (uui up you auiiiinoi uticome an any pace aiif m ywm;"iMin TiUf iT yoii- are for a quiet ride, you can hardly cot him to' put vun f arora lhe tther HVlf fml ry. in-the tiin.-s mat a not doubieU locked ; and as to mount. ig.f."?3f.t why lhe old tmbleinao, ahut owiie,dJttm Iast,iiffid10 hCTff hiin1roiihnii( to his lied-room nnd ride him down stairs." Of .course, I did nut uenrvH un me man s smrj', necause it is pretty well undnrstood that when you buy a horse you got a w lies into tho bargain; hut' I was very we! Ll: ll .. . i ... pleased with my purchase, and rod him to Pen lonViJIe. I suppose jhe creature thought it. was for a quieV" pwe" thai morning in truth, it wasn't much irore than a walk I got him to, and I was suddenly struck with the idea that lie was rather old. The only vivacity the animal showed was in shying at anything that hnppennd to startle it. Then, after mnfeing two or three ll binders, it would come to a dead hhit. . Ki last wearrivedat Dattle hridge. . SmM thir tv years ago, in that interesting locality, there was a murmuring slreiirl, wWh rinplcd over a bed of murdered kittens and deceased cats and dojrsj T TUiner curiously interspersed with broken crockery. "en, tie re my steed came la a stand ; pass be would not ; and when I belabored with "T5ysfick7 WcAiuweiMed' a fora nmont whictt, biwt " I crmtinued my etercrse over his shwl!erOuW certainly have taken me back to Holbojn. In the midst of my dilTtCulty, a good natured old Irishman, w ho kept an apple stall by the road side, came to my assistance. ;?!And your hcfOor's gut a bid haste of it, said he, pulling off his coat as if - h was guug to fight ; " I jist do that, your honor, to save me jicket from being lore, for it ugly large teeth the baste ha.M With this remark, he -pit' hold nr the tiri.Hi, anil cmnuu m ml imtl with all his might... His precaution- in taking oil his co-it showed exlraortliiiary foresight, so far as the preservation of his ragged garment was cn- f,trmft. tiul a tr.rrililn LilA llul lirilltt hhiia liim l " K,)' now ! nru'1 )'"u '"f .bhickguard tu-hejuai Kih . vouFtwlJi nviict In my fl-h ? Is it hmc you take me lo he I for you couldn't graze, vfiu old divil, you couldn't., -Your lung tooJlt-wouidu't leH yon. Ialdy was right enough ; ihe jockey had dono me.. Cut I must muke short of a long story. The apple-stall proprietor and I got the beast past the water, lie by putting ana 1 uy mmsmng. i gave the poor fdlow half a crown, and he assured me that he d be proud and delighted to be bit thai same way, any day 1 was passing, for (lie likes.-1 Wouldu I it be a bite for his children, six mother leas orphans, and a sup for himself to my honor's good health. Mr.'Higgins gavean imitation of the I'atlander with great accuracy, throwing into it a slight flash or lhe lorkshira dialect ; an inge nious contrivance, supposed by some ninnies to give I rnucn loice to me delineation ol a true Irishman, The company Iisving charged, their glasses, the landlord taking equal care lo perform that opera tion in another sense, tha equestrian continued: -1 got home id Mrs, If. fate that ertming', for 1 had - dined ro town, and, arymr gentUimnrr are aWare; , Jist much lime on the road. . My only r'-grei after wards i was, that.l. had pit return till after niglit-faH fur mywife uid'ortttnately got sight ol the bestrode. 1 never sjent tuch' am uncixn fortable evening in my life. Aod i this the horse "you were to get agiforfta dnre rre out on Sundays! Very well, M; ltt you'te aaved your money one way, in During that 4d thing q and now you may cave it id another, for no gig do 1 want, to go about 'in a torse showing ihoe awkward lung teeth and that great patch of Whjt oiTlfia Toreliea37 Tike 'ilSlMZtsitS.ctmfmi tome ugly ragged hools jVcn qtijB ashamed to see yng ride it, lul, alone bcuig drawn all over -the country by, such a brtile." tMt. Ilggin aaid this arid much; more, for the too cousicd herself a judge of horse-flesh, as her pmia f.;i nti hi own estate in Hertfordshire, aud tdie hau, pooy of Imt oo bclore she could recuJlect.- J .a quite putwrt, n fA ftm tlin eiavt lirtui antra m w aaA mis 1 hku ivi inv ui.i nniv 'm immi i reled. TUi boy after beddui, rWwo any jcwQr tmiTrrnnrhtnie elwthautperb wy appnwr . -w(ra we ruavru poiaior. j Ihirif.. thee.arera not rfoim irtKimrh I niuslhai butter wa salt, and she roairiu'.f ed tlat t was frtA, or should not have been m .Jhkea in by a honae.: 'dealer, , Then came on ar 4 very pertinent re. j mark about not being able i drire out ukeotner people, and about aome pfmuw( her acquaintance who had been foolish enough to marry a maa who could not keep hit wife out oft he dirt of the roads. Thnrsl ia nn it opnlhnHn. iti dtrflliiKr rm a rnalri moniul squabble, it makes anVdVrWnf disagree-1 hie. .1 went to bed aick of ipy horse my wife, I my very eiitence.'.-Tbe firM news I had neat f morning was that I bad bceJtid of one of tbej inc.injbmnce t-not my wile, lor she waMuruier-, ing brnr. ?T M I need not inform; but o. my horse. The boy Swore tnat no noo sec urea inc naote, auu vuauci . . . 1 1 . -I . LI.' I 1 .1 1 the beast had (Le knack of undoing fosteuing. as tha jockey iufoimCil mei iKtoU'Jkvl Irotaasd. ! die. and bridle, and horse-doth jroinff with btro, 1 1 iprjoiid he wasiwlerrsM r H. sard, rerwa:- for my neighbor's steed, whidh she declared was "realty a decent one." I 8td wslhingto save words : hot jictermined after Ukfast to find out the scoundrel who had sold ate tbe animal, and abuse him while ti? merits of the j.'orchaee were fresh in mv trtemru v. Of Coarse, be was BOt to be heard of; perhaps he .'ind rauunted the old horse snd the two rips had gone utf together. - hal bo as it might, I was thirty poinds out of oj pouk ol, and still in want of an'eldoriy tenilemaurb. Mrs. II. insisted, a I was sucJi bl jockey that she if see my next claice before the bar. gain wa struck ! sihI in- the eoume of a wcvk, be ving again advertised, for I vrould not lrua ?hose msrally Btaldo keepers, I was whited upon by a avea ! dy -looking cUorly ma-o, who s-xired ox Is ha bay gvlding, price thirty-five pooads ; it was my highest figure.,. - . ' . , - " v . Tho next morning Mrs. H; came to town by lb stage, and I took her to sea She animal. R looked very knowingly at it. M Opeai the twouth, said Mrs. II. "Ah l' there are the marks what my pa used to show me iu say pony wbea 1 Cved a the farm the liorse is young. - i'ea,'ma'am, j said the old gentleman, M I m a farmer myself, im 1 like toseea ladyJtKiwaomemingof hoiae-flpsn. nt1SJai to it, replied the respecubie aencultanst. - l.toe tImIsssm svvjj as I thought, to" be saliafied.' The coat was as smooth as velvet, jrentlernen, and sr beautiful bay cofcsr ;- the hoot were Vack nd ihiilihg. 'aoJ not a wiitte spot about tun the teeth, unlike those which bad bn. rnet fn pacKfttrt urtx&Mti- snd bearing, as Mrs. il. declared, tbe right marL. rho bargain was struck my wife returned to Pen tonville per stage; and I, that evening, booght anotlier saddle and bridle wherewith to nde home my new purchase. H Gentlemen, but that yew all know I am hoik a capital judge of horse flesh, and that I don't mind a laugh at wy youthful iuexpe. rieoce, I should not venture to tell lbs rest of my story. All rode along, I thought it a rery strange coincidence that the paces of my svrsraf horse should be exactly like thane of tbe last. The ani mal bad the same habit of starting, jumping, rather than running, a few yards, and tbaa halting ; nai i no aevu is me matter I said 1 to mystlf; is it my manner ol ridiug that won't tut the horst ?'i"nt:CreUin Aer,lb'1 fishioo,-! Beared HtlOtv. uriuge mere sat me irmhraao at bis stall. We had continued our acquaintance, and be knew the loss I liadT usTaTued" in" his of J "aiitagom. " TW new bean wa now toeing up its bead, ngrtin' iuU.ot biteand the sirearrr te-VWi k-T - . . - ' a3 - . 1 he man stood aghast and no wonder. TboasH not naturally superstitions, even I wasbeginoing to think that every animal I rode was bewitched. " Have you bought; him you, honor Pi." Yes, Pat, said I, "and be hsnged to him." ' Shall I lay hold of u head and drat him east the water, ss I did the foit you'd tbe luck Uru? and sure this must be brother lo that same, and it's a hat ral dread ibey have f Hattle-hndr.' 1 assenledlo Paddy' pmiwsal. and this time. without taking o(i bia coat, he approached tbe beast. . It mil it have been mad, 1 do belseVe, for no sooner did the Irishiuao got the wretch p te the stream, than 1 was flung from the saddle, and went to the dogi, cats, and kittens under tha bridge, while the brutes teeth fastened on Pal's arm. The poor fellow roared out lustily, but didn't let go us nuiu on me artuie. . "It's tha same bursa, stntirely, sir: I know it by the. bite, though they've been film hi teeth and doctoring him. Jist look at bis head, too, and his leys! they're beu staining Vm. Oh! ain't I up lo the tricks of thint jockeys ? wasn't I sta ble boy merlf to the biggest roue io all Ire. landf - ' "V ; V. ' ' . , I got out of the ditch into which I Kad bee thrown; and lhe horse, after a good cudgelling, underwent our united jiivesAigatioa. It was plaua enough 1 bad been, done doubly door. I im- mediately returned to the public bow, where the respectable farmer" put up, accompanied by Iai j and a constable. The fcllow waa " gone into the country." I sold my five-and-thiny pounds pur- j . - - - a chase for nine. 4 Mrs. II. has never since beted. r her judgment' iti horse-flesb i snd many the fimcTa I've stopped oti the top of a 'sge coach, : nesr Pat's stall, has he ked me who I was gng 1 IO boy .anrttljer lnrTand whetW it wooidn't bei a well, tf 1 u fir getting a proper baste, to make qui!f sure that the " ould un" mat dral. There, Agn;leme5, ,open coofewion is good for tbe Kj!. I oVxit pretend to be wber limn ray Beigliburs, and 1 ahould like tu see a jockey do me note ! and with these aajpcioua remarks -ended 51r. IIigir nanative. - ', ' - --Ardtort-n eWeiHheerwtt'etmirrrT-Tnri ' raa darkened hi well dressed man, of modeal and vnaasuiuing iniea, who re(juwtel food for his "horse; and the extra services ol a noiiier, inas much a the beast had beee hardly driven. The ' lran?er had much the appearance of an inielli- geot Wmer of moderate meant, who, though lib eral perhapa wasoever profuae. After (o be ...of ki hone, he entered the bar. - fOHI. J j ;- . Voa fcto. the landlord, . r,t.;g ... tw, p-yjy 'l-l bite. My ltaioea m er ur"fot, so any thiug will serve my turn fur the present. , Svrcely a moment had ebpsed after his order was issued, era the jingling of a small bell sum rooard hio lo tbe duuug room ; which ia Ordina ry place, would bave been termed no more than a bed room." The fere placed beforehim, allbughlsoleiiiil ia iUeilWl' thoughts connected wiih it, a cold bite, M be had ordered, in tha strict seiwe of the term, w yet meager in the extreme. Tbe remain ol a cold dub. of potatoes and boiled pork, and a gtase of water, were all that had been ap propriated to bU use. t '. - ' . Sara I low mx a fes. haay niorscU, he again pre. v seated biusseti before the bar and' demanded his ' , , lUf fof your aiouer,' said Boniface, , ,aYern blll r K,, Cl . i hiva had. tha char" ia an isaposilioa. A.ntlii.l.JDeal.'. mhI the, landlord, snd that ' It is. a saiallsuui to liunfrel almut,' obrvcdl Ttlte! rtrareiieVr "but "I prefer To boTirred" w'a'nrttiP lf nianarrk ; -.-, ' , ''iK ; A meal H a meaV. again etarned the landlord; iq a surly snanner; ' we always charge that, w bo ther a suaa eat mora or lea, good or bail.' ' - Perceiving aitercatwu to be useless, the stran ger paid the Ull, called for hU horse and rode away with the mu tie red exclamation that he would - aumetime have an adequate revenge. , ; ( If destinat'ioa was about fiileen miles distant. I Abet transactiug bis bumne, be was about star " Ik7 tha west day eq bis retuiii. He had man. tMjoid the rircumiUne to a friend, and that per atm "ZmeifSliiXlSSTMitia vraii iwlorious for its - extfaTaaV r.brgCl' but that he could find him a -mfl h4 c&Jd ,"hi the landlord 'a maxi, a meal 7. , ir hrma&xAttrtinty;te? FlCyr artung out, out svawttor was mlrWaced le tm en..-0. -ho had 8v!,oed M ",cr ,0 is tiee ia tb! eoteruinmeov employer. He eras to U ped b,, dmner ,od jowrney. Tif i?dveuturer was 'fcwte. K"oJ hu asored kllow. of a wag, f shrewd, lie was wlb niosl inOorngiWe, glutton.'' Eating and' te.'Ung Urge stories sw empkrymeota. lie wa ur?miatey m entira H rr lojncjw' iwjKiJ .nnh -htm m. mt I aitt nav'TOf IU :r.:.r- eTar'.a Mr. Joca. ', . -A-msTMite ain'1 Tbe kutdlord siared, but wsued bis orders to iuo eeeepants. rf f ue kitchen. : Tbcyequired sow1" hitle kme to comply with tbe orders. 1 lie Iuim. land and Jooes soon made themselves old acquaiu- Ubces.' ' ' '. ' Rathet a red face that of yours landlord,' said 4 Jooes. I ha veal soeo any thing that looked, like spring before ; fine bfoasoms, sir." Yew are rather a t rooked charectervM r. Jones.' . Rjlher, sir ; ' but eo quite so crooked as a tree I once knew. - ll was the tallest butternut I aver . saw. Standing close lo U one day in a tliumkr stnrsa, I saw a squirrel oa one of the tnpmusd branches. The lightning struck the same branch afauut three above him the squirrel started the - lightning had lo follow the grain, and the squirrel went straight down. So confounded crooked was that tree sir, I hat the squirrel, by my watch gut to the buttoia precisely ttirew , minutes before the JighUiioj. - 0- ' ..., i--TWu'.. 1 --.I-:-- t m , M 1 ,, A lie ! I roe, sir, true as any story ever was. 1 sr s v 'u irro-ntriTprrvsr .aiWfis aw that-treeeet stown and maaVynto'p"' Woo! you lake something T 3 - - . da..- ! si .Att.A:.T''Vitj- ' -4'' - ,- -,' - w "7 -- -jr crooked were them rails that every lime lhe hogs got out ibey found themselves in tbe pasture agsia P Before Jones hsd time to relate anotlier story, the bell rang for dinner. TheJurkey was there, flanked oa ooe sule by a huge dTsh of potatoes, and oa tbe other by cnodiments of various, kinds. I will l bank you, said Mr. Jone to the damsel ia waning, ' to cook me a few slice of beef, 1 am tbi. ' : -. Tlie girl withdraw in amazement, white Jones made a must vigorous attack upon the fowl, whioh rapidly disappeared before his advamse.. Wings, bg,end body were soon transformed into a skef. clue, and heaped into af large pile beside his plate. The vegetabfr too, had sensibly dimuiisbud, ami be bad jttst bid has hand on an apple pie of un common dimensions, when the girl made her ap pearance with the beeC ' "v 9 Thank yoe, said Jones, have the goodness now to cook me some pork steaks, rather rare, aud bang sne a ptai of pickles. 1 have a very strong appetite. . " . - . Tbe girl uiaappeared, and ones foil to again, but with tow alacrity than before. He managed, however, to devour tbe beer pit tt the girl came in With the pork, the pick tea having io Iho mean time beea ealen. - - 4 Now, Mm. Ill trouble you for sortie fresh fish. Have jou aay V ': ....,.... " . ' While the girt had gone to enquire for this, the Uod'tord, bo bad beeo apprized.of the aad havoc wbica bad beesj mads aroortf bis viaods, entered the roocn. ' At this juncture, of affairs, the girl came hack with lhe "mtelligeoc illisl Ihsy had n Thing but pickled salmon. . , . . , . Jones had already stufled hjinsclf lo' peplcilt, ' audio have aaved hi life, could scarcely have . swallowed another morsel. The .landlord hatmc heard the hut order thought best to till up as cheap ai possible. v ,-" " 1rr-,". . f Won't you have some cider, Mi. Jmiesf ' V ' No sir, mo 1 thank you. I always makes it a rule in eating, never to drink anything uutil I get jurt about half through. . J.O -jud U vm1 Jif , y oull eal a ouCf -h ansa aw i home. Quit now, aud you are welcome to wtut you have eaien. - . " Well, a meal is 4 meal t but I presume I cao obtain mure at the next Uvcrn. Tell Vm they need not cook, lhe salmon. I'll lake you at yuur. oiler.' ;., -"":: :" Y . ; . . m knowledire J ail the circum. .. stances connected with the case, and that after- . wards he was particularly careful iu aclectin oh- ji-cta upou whom to exercise his abavnig pruj-en-silies, ' . i ' , . ' '' .', ' 4- THE GRAVE-YARD. ' What singular feelings rush upa us, whoa en gaged m a silent, serious Contemplation of that bums of the dead the grave-yard., 1 be subject, more solemn still. , A feeling of horror and suiier sttlious dread comos over us; we fear we know not what ; the memory ot tbe past is brought be fore us ; we seem to hold communion w ith 4be spiuts of tbe departed. The warrior, lhe hvro, the stateiiiauk'lhe politician, seem to rise in all . their glory befoie us. We view them through tle vista ol' relnMpeclion. , Fame echoes their deeds we linten, and foel convinced I hey yet exist; we cast our rye upon their tomb, and find them living duty "fif our "re ine iiihiancro.- 1 fiti there7su r round, ed by solitude, we can give full scope lo the imagination-, tut loose the ruins of fancy, think of the past, the pratseolyawd Hae tuturs look arouod usw behold bought but the marble slab erected finiie' Tilie iiiory oT hi ni" w hooe" jfenuii itsv'uucT aiii" mated with lite with Uiotaut sptnls.aud through whose veins onpe roeandureJ lhe crunsoo hdo bave long ago crumbled, uniting dust with dust. We hear nought but the murmuring flow of the rivulet the gentle breathiug of a thousand tephj rs. The moon shines sweetly over our heads ; tbe eve ning star, bright in it everlasiiug beauty, looks down upou us, from its borne of blue. On tbe wa ving gruM, glitter tha dowy globules of the eight. seeming, hy their brilliancy, to mimi lite more respleialaut lustra of the tires of heaven.' A . sweet and soothing influence breathes around tbe ' dwellings of the dead." How loTejrislherstT Itoside the tomb of the venerable old man, you see reposing, in its everlasting slumber; the smiting tu ' rant which: but fntefy, formed the muihef l-iV the fkllmr's prido-s eye, Isws weich wiared " celestial fire, is dim ; tha lip, from which flowed ' irresistiblo eloquence, is ct&ed forever. , Tbe . Ihoughts which came fast crowding on the brum " of the bhilosophor, sleeps the sleep of forgetful - nese.' No cotdlicling paions agitate him; bass" h- dead alike to annihilatioo, to glory, aud to houor. . TIjut we aro obliged lo render to that great and --' glorious being, who first endowed them, our. talents, . our capacities, our good and noble, is well as our r-5 JtolMiur qualitiesbJjiJH fltgtlt , -i years beg uu, ; bave, auruig eack aucewsmva mme, - nay; 44r,B fhMlii reodef iUMiV" ssisss vwus.nioiw way , yat 7- T- bans have two same auinmons belore the BnaJ duk lailuiuui id" world, "Thus, "as thp long Nraia of aires elide aw " lual hreatha will share the same 4ka4in tha ihft -DtimZ of 4C the-- r-uatron rSiiiic'yWM'" fJ innocence, will each bw Plac m tenl lls of death." -The (, ravs-yare naa kj lcn favorite resort tbe len.'"'"'"" of all my Iks, silO wbaps lhe lime is not l:r oisjspi aaea it will' be my fal iug p!w. after hort bul tedious pilgrinl'fc A. LONDON EATING pOVSKkshqiiOTt' While upon the Jerco.V P"er auhjetf, if may not be amiss to mention an Wh"luMI circumstance which took place in an eating b.Hie iu town, poor Frenchman (it waa in the Winter) catered merely for the purpose of warming hixmW at (he fire ; he waa ' iu loo great distress to ttu of any Mtdulgence in the good things there awukiuj" Uf profusion, save such as might be euhsled by his of foctory nerv. While eneaired in rubbing Ins half-starved, bony hand ttrforeni-poxh Jn uiaaiur ot tne bouse came up and said . - " n nai will you take " 44 What vou nlaasal" " We have soma very nice roast turkey and Mil eage ; will you like that t ' ; " I tank you, I sail tike him vera mooch.' M Sit down here, snd I will bring it to you." Tie Frenchman was accordingly ushered into a box, and the turkey and dressings placed before him. Of whatever he wa asked lo partake, he psriook. He ate hmmiifillyt.anft washnd il diuaa' with some good wine. Poor follow J be had tv4 known such a meal before for many long day The proprietor thought he had a good customer; his mortification and disappoiutuieul were satease, - when, on presenting bistnllthe hreochmaa satdi " " I have no money, sare." No money V ' .s ...' " Then what the devil did yon come iuto my house, and order such a dinner for 7" Pardon, you mistake; I come hereto warm myself you come lo me and ask me if 1 will take nothing 1 ny 44 tank you r" you say 44 what villi -you taks!" 1 respond 44 What you please;" yoe bring me de turkey, de sausage, de tart, de pud ding, de cheese, awl de wine j I no ask you for derm you sak mewiH I -fake, and 1 cao no refuse. The master of the house, who was something f a humorist, and who waa also struck with lb -Frenchman's gaunt and poverty stricken figure, suffered him tu depart. But great was bis astoa- isbment at seeing, a short time afterwards, aooth. er Frenchman entered, who, upon being asked what he would take, likewise replied, what you please." UK, oh," exclaimed the landlord, 44 1 forimva thentlasur hsnusss Ita su aa oririiait i Isut " . yW feu0Wf ar8 t mere copyist, 1 shall kick yea JUu the street," which ha did accordingly. It ap. J'' a dowo pounds of that then. :" pearcd that the poor premier irenchmsa had met ....... 4 . - t ,. i- L-r- '