MX THE WESTERN JDAROmiAN r ,S A a 2 8 S3 IT a i ' Fbidav. Morjiixo, JcfE 2, IS.'W. To Couui:roNi)KSti!. We .have received acv rrul communications, lately from friends in the l"'eventh District, which we must decline. NVe -tlivew cannot under any rditifrrt-citTutw Ki.tiices admit into our columns communications containing w flcclions of a personal nature. It'is Millie ieiitly disagreeable to be forced intp personal ilies in our own District. 7 'Hie Eleventh District has two papers of opposite politics nllnrding to ei tlirr side ample means of publicity, this being the case we feel no inclination nor should wo bo jusli fill m diking any part in the context. One of the ci'iniiiiiiiications is without a responsible name, this cut.!d ii'it be admitted Bny-bow. THE CAUCUS ADDRESS. v This wonderful production has at last made its nppcarancc. Front the exertion niJ preparation which precoded and brought it forth, we expected to see at least a plausible showing of their case ; Din ii mi lurui-u uui sucu & luupreu yiioiuiiig, i tfmt we were a little surprised at its weakness, even emanating from the source it didJ We intended to make a hhort review " of it, but there U 60 tpcagre a display of any thing but sldng, and mere assertion iu its contsnts, that wo should b "Wotrconteut to leavo St without comment to sis retired and natural death, if, wo had not been lion-ajifUyLBHlltta,,ffhfelil,rrqiHfct- a ,likt,wturii.iim. Jfeiuf!Kf-.MflLJ'v coiiitiiitted tlieir uwual "TiHini J(rFK calciitutTu hty and ignorance of honest men,' who have the pri.sumption, generally, to think and acl for lliem. stives, without much regard. io Xhe uicUting or dtrs of such at they aib,.. ..... '. Thec self-elected directort of the District and its affairs, have not beno contented with issuing ljur appuiiuuicnt of Or. Henderson, to Congress, and attacking Mr. Ftsher, buj jhey must step out ai their way and indirectly aesail ut with onwar ranted and unprovoked metiducity. . We will here take the occasion to say a Word in regard to our " tl3Ul'i.1""ifer-riwiBrrtvhieh any man J" commou sue so might understand and-appreciate, w have heretofore jvilrajjiod from taking auy vjoluut part MM- ' k lt . . .. ... . - uuurcss oihi or ine. r.our m iuu mumtr who hss reoently -resumed his-duties it uearly rulated to one of the Candidates, and as the Editor of the Wutchinan had a like reason to restrain an " " interference in the" contest ( he being nearly allied to tho other Candidate,) we bad thought it well that -j.,-. .i)utli papers ahould refrain from a participntion, ea. tecially- as any interference of ours was uune- i- essePV"-and inettiUid ... (ui..-T had i deter nilmjjida JuoutaeritotBrrit-- ..Iriaaa, eu IjicictttiFjr jila Mi-;t9"i'r Irijiii3 ohjjypi, -. .-cuiuprcuMiaujie.. iy aucu jm .uitiuixvmig.4'uuuuvcj hord -vni rdrTtot regw ,--49 s-oHieit ,U a himself; but since we are attacked over the eigna ture of moro respectable names we shall exercise , no furilitt, fi i bearance in cxposiug the game they are trying to play 08, In our eaTngslvtllnliB aJdress of the v cui-w Wicrs and altogether in auv isu hereof er with thein, we shall not be guilty of the harshness oi telling them that they lit, but w ill go on and with the utmost resrmct prove that they do so. ' - ! The " A JJressw opens witli an assertion of their ignorance 'f Mr. r where "opinions on aomo the nurrt important political measures of the day.' Now what will this bo considered, when it is known that Mr. Fisher, in public speeches iu dillcrcnt . parts iXahu. District aud iii his private eoHveraa- tions, openly proclaimed his s-iititiients, as express cd iu his Address ktely issued t This they do not pretend to deny.and further, when it is known that .4io of the prominent signers of this " Ad csT" "prevwus!- jrroesse(IHis salTsIaclion' of Mf. .iWwrX 'H'uitsafwr conyersa.U'n witk bim "thee-are- liwtfcfwd -yetiiaA.ilaya aiWiids ti.e Caucus was. held, and it. is proclaimed that Mr. Fisher had not expressed himself. How do t.bese. Uiinga Jnok-OtigutUcrl . Well, after a bold flight to the " Polar Star" the " Address" comes down and declares Dr. Hender son to be the man they have appointed ; next they i'o to th- wibjet of the CuriTiirv. and handle it in a niijvt eem)lary maimer for some time then touching on the Adinmist ration, on both these two points Mr. Fisher etpresscd himself quite as d'ci3e"Jly as iTieyllo, so' that Xt iliefr expression? are intended aa reasons for opposing him, tlieir la bor lulls to tho ground. ifter a superlative fl.Mir- ish in the way of warning, they go on to ask what claims Mr. Fisher hat upon the suffrages of the Ihtirict : this is an inquiry one mighi suppose they would not have urged strenuously, considering who it is tiul they h.ive appointed to claim them j aud his claims."' la the winding up, they gn again ever their, previous assertiona of Mr. Fhhers opinions being concealed, because he had not on ehVriujr, issued a circular; and then follows their covert attack on this pnver, calling it under the control if Mr.'Fishcr. Such wilful and detilierate fnlw Ii'MI ia degrading to the propagntors,-r per haps we (Jl them wrong in one way, they may not ho atile to understand how an independent course riii be pursued. We muit request of ihein to judge fit next time hy e-mie other than Ibcir own atan- t.ards j we are accustomed to think and act for oursclve ami hereby rnforrn them that aiicli a thing can le, althougri they mtf not of their own know .it. v.Tlii paper it uuJer the cii trol of its Editors, and no man nor act of nicn bo sides,4 and these Caucus-hMert may find that the Editor are quite able to return lliem ' men , sure for measure" even to the running over. " I'.mvkksitv or Virgivi i. We have received a J' Catalogue of the Olficnr and Students" in this natilution, from which we learn that the nutybej of Students is 47, viz : from Virginia 101 ; Ala bama 23; Smith Carolina 22 j liOuixiana 10; Mississippi J ; Ceorgia 7 ; ; North Carolina 3; Tennessee 2; Pennsylvania 3; Kentucky !); Ma ryland t ; Ohio 1 ; District of Columbia 2 ; Flori- da 2.. '. ' " ' . i i " . . 1 - ' . . j r: Communications. Missa Fditoss: The Editor of ihe Watchman ill his last ptiorr undertakes to reviowkMr. Fisher'a Ail. eYsm, and -wsauaaure-tutttiaJly. rmJasaea iadusa.ia a "spin! ot periect Isimesmt;" but it mil soon be seen that this is a very shallow pretence. , y , r lie begins by assejling that Mr. Fisher, mid at l?x ington," that between Van Bttrt n Hid Cloy he had no choice."" The IMitor "of the Watchman was no! there, and, of course, speaks from report; oK from fan cy, in cither esse, Mr. Fisher has declared!) eer turn to be untrue, that ho made oee of ao such ex preseion. He did say, like the most of those who were Iwtaniug to him, he never had voed titf either Van B'iren or Clay, and should he ever be under the oeces sity of choosing between them, it wimld be a olwice of ev ils, or a bitter pill at best. At Jlocksyille, Mr. Ffh. er's remarks were, in eulwtance, preaisuly what Wand printed in his Address. -;. - S But how is- this The KdiW of (he Watchman for some weeks has been gronmng out for Mr. Father's publication ; holding out the idea thai speeches wore not the thing, that there was nothing lika a Circular. Now, when the Circular comes, bvbold he is fur goiiig back, and commenting on the speeches. He even said, that Mr. Fisher wan liwing ground by not coming out 'With a Circular. Xow, if ho really had thought that Mr. Fixher was looniiip jround by not publishiuir a Cir- eulsr, he would have been the InsHnsn to trish to see the Circular come out. He his "be.n trying every scheme to injure Mr. Fisher, and he hardly would have advised bim to come nut when bis not coming out was injuring him. I merely stale this to show the incotibia-tt-iiry of the man. ; ',7? " . ". Blithe wished Mr. Firher to come out, amlnowwheQ the Address is out, he is not sutishod, but. goes back Iq perverting and inisrepresentmir his speeches, , out lei us now come to tho Sub- rteury. . Among other .r?inirJto.oiMjwlie,taal that this scheme Drat originated with ihe Wbis party. i and he- pwvea'hts esserfmrr' by m emact "from 'thw- ,, Journals ot Congressi lie does not mmitiou tins either to favor the scheme, nr to censure any nt those wlio - voted tor it or against it,--but to aliow tlie inconsistco. yjgtiparjUfliii.4U - prove wttal JMr. -rwlier ben Mid. but tie erairs in h. L eMer Whuj vote of 3-1 in favor of thescbemS, which only goes 40 strengthen air. r isiicr s assertion hoping thereby to turn atujntion from the real question, and pervert the argument, lint lot us ruilow nun up, ana expo?s 11 is attempt to deceive. lie says" that it ui well known parlia mentary practice for tnetnbcrli tQ vote, for questions of mere enquiry, wknout any pupoe ot voting for the principle suggested, in the proposition! Now, if ho means any tbiiiff by,this, it ui to say, that 'Mr. Robert son's motion was Sir k mctttMumnljL. lionliijion of enoiury in sl:ays direutmir a committee to tnqmt whether certain things are 10 and so, and simply re port the ft5ts but a motion to re-commit a bill to a committee with Mfmetiena-to do a certain speoifie thing, is very difTerent fsorrr an .nnquiry. Mr. llobeit. orrNi rhotiorr wssr In tti( .idf -aV'twyinmit tlie", ,im tjiiiuilttee ot nsys niWT Muaiis, mtlH lt ttrttvlvmt so to amend the Mute as to dispense witb the agency or instrumentality of Banks in the fiscal opera-, tiona of the Goveanmcntl What can be more plain 1 Hare was no tiufwrt, but inttrucliuiit to bring in the Sub-Treasury seheme- Of course;, all wha were lor the scheme voted for the motion as tho Wbigsdai, and all wbo were again it voted against the motion as the Van Buret) men did. . No. man,i.!f ..raudot or if common., sense, can look at it in any other Jight than this, and, cUjiiis-fair -ileuling JIliUK iuhurs,vgi,va A a.iUlL'rcnt "j - , by Uirn. Hut this is not an : he T"t lnMffiLxi.t"- umiuiLhut ajOiaal tkliaf niiDtc.Ihe hrarnace ' Ale. Fuher. ami ttjsm eomtjimtfe o it, as if he hotculyXHvhOip iioU twn from-tU Jwwiwi. owda Jr -Mr-Fher, and ttwa eompar That wnh the ftillowirrg wtinh -thir tair dcah 'imr tHor gives ss tlie qimtauaii?- s-air. nootTuinn moved to re-commit the bill then under consideration with iiufmeriiMii to report the bewi practical plan of ; MSiduftiiig the Arcal concerns of the Government with I . out the sid 1 inomeJ oorjioration," and after quoting tlie wivrdtHefw-aa tosayttbia was iak.j. mo tion for instruction so to amend Uie bill, as stated by " Mr. Fwher, but to "rejK.rt" "a '," or scheme. Now, I assert, that the E lilor of the Watrhman has falsely quoted both the Journal and Mr. Fuller. Mr. Robertson's motion wss in the very words quoted by Mr. Ffher, and neither Mr. Ilobrin nr Mr. FUh'ir, has ued the words quoted by Mr. Jones. This ta a matter of no consequence so fur as Uie question is con . ccrnod. but I make these remarks to show the " perfect spirit of tairnnsh," on which this man has acted, and no doubt will continue to act tit order to gel his brother-in-law elected, if he can. ' But while 1 have this Kditor ft hand, I will expose another ot his little mistakes; no doubt, they are all . mere mmlnkrt. "Mr! Fixhor in his i Address say," 1 think the treat objection to the system is the specie paving feature." - Mr. Jones replies to Una by saying" fiow, be it re membered, that the Sub Tressyry as proposed by the Administration, and as it pass d the Senate, has no such festure in it" Here, MrFjJior and Mr. Jones are at "points, and end or the other nrtjwiccflvicte! of a mttttiikr. The Snb-Tressiiry Bilt thaffrfe4 nwst debate io rtrrwiswd tmtat the one intialucdl by Mr. Wright, chairman of the Committee, early in the session ot tn I he ra section of this Bill contains the specie feature. Mr. t,'amWteos'ill in theothe thruse else-contain it 1 the Bill at tho extra session was introduced without it hiil h an amenflioeol it wss added. Not only so, but this fmlnrt has been attacked over and over ariiQ in the Watchman, and by all the pa 11 . . . .l: i. ' v.. 1.. ...i. ii.h..... oppesen 10 ine reurin. . mnj wo t.autu". 111 then Adilrew ..i . i 1 - t.. f iii'vii nil j v culsting, brings forward Uiia as the prominent objection to the Bill. "One currency for tho people, and an other for the Government," i quite a standing expres- aian, and,yetlbut writer .tries to quiDhio so tn.weax- en whit Sit. r isher has soul on this eunjeci, anu inn, ma'ea thsl this feature is of no1mpdrfflsee7 " It is truly pitiful to see such nncandid, disingenions, labored nmiaciise.' tf it wss wH to expose TM motives ef tlie writer, tbe subjoct would not be worth tlie no- lira f iriven'iL x I will nnv take a short notice of another part of this unfsir Kditnr's comuienls on what Mr. Fisher ssys mtn,t lofl Presulfrttial bImiumi. II finds prent fault b!caiub Mr. Fshot eiyt if Die election sliould go to Congress and he he there, die wilt vote as the people kri vmml. Now I know tliat Mr. Jmies belrmes to tiis . . nrt that does not be'ieve the people capable of judeiinr for '.hemclves, but lie ought tj recollect ' thai Mr. Fwher never wjaild hold with tlie cetcs par tv:he believes that tlie prxiple are capable ot M"ig-7 ftir lh 'rnxolvea. How can he ii., m'r.-fl ii.. innMMi irm-s lo the House, except Kv .rfin .i. ... n,n rw..lp had noted s few weeks beCirel '- j his finger marks Ux plainly tie bnstsken. .Swsim Aa to what be says about voting the way the District ssys bo d.i't know the suthtW every tcly that totes, is sll merely thrown io to mislead. He must : knows the man and his manneecs thut it is know it is amavf in principle. If the people voted fbl " . f , : .u-w. h tw.! tiuur 11,. m,Dlv,u Cirreas ' .... Our eortwpnndont baa, wa-nl, hit the flail on ""audit tn be riled hv the vote of the Dialrict 1 but otebs tenrra! Tkkft. snd evert man votes for elecfots.. The 15 thsl gel Uie highrtit vote are elected, and they all ryte for the man fjr rident whom the majority f the people; all the vat are put together, end whoever has s majority of the wbolo gtie the vote of the State, Last ilcrtii'it, Mr A. Henderson was one of tlie Vsn Buftii candidate tr elector, n mnioruy oi me .insirici m winch he live! voted against Van Buren, and yet nobody ever expect ed Mr. Henderson to give bis vote contrarv to what lie did do. If he had done so a!) parties w.Vi'd have teu sored him, becaii it would have been jlvmrt in t;: lueo oi uie msjuriiy. it uisy sun ,v,r. J.iin-s, ami otlier caucus men to disregard the will of Hie mijority in electors, bet no good Republican will do it. Auother view a to h taken oi this subject still stronger If poesible. Wlieaever the rrcsi.lential elec tion devolves on Uie House of Repre.iitaiives, tlwu thfi meniboraof Congrewa beoouie biju icps tUtnu timebe iuj. and ought to vote as Uia eluciom votrd thsl were ehoma by Uw people ;th vote it tiken bv Sttw. esch State jiving only one vote, and so1 rely as each State in Congress gives but one vote, the principles of Republicanism require that that vote should be lot the man whom tho people of tit State had vntod tor. Mr. Clsy should rcatl b),coine a Candidate, which he is not yet, fut the next I VmJent, and North Carolina sliould give mirity fit hint, would not Mr. ., .,iL. ' r ' ... m ..,i. Carolina U. give MrTClay Hm y,5- ths State 1 VeXT;,! ...,t m it.... .la j u,'..i..:. ...i.i u.. c.m I here -is no cha and It they did out do tt, tie Watchman would be full of Censure, and justly too, irsmst tliein fr a year at- terwar ts. u is a bad rub itir doe nit work both ways, For one, I tnipe snoerelrr-thfr tftnte witt ct against Msrtin van Buren, but no matter how it goes, in my opinion, every honeat member of Conirress- will try to carry out the will and wishes of the ma jority. io man is nt to go to (xingreM who will go there and set bimselt up against the will and wi.-hes ut a majori ty or tne people ; M way do in a tAct.xs, hut it never ! J- r . - f win uo ill oncrm, .-.'..., I have a tew more words te snv to this tnnlul Fdilor of the VVatc'iman, but as I hire slremlv emended my remarks farthr than I exptclt',1, 1 w now iiuatiioue -V- : y ' r'vK(J CAL'CU.MANu tlaiHD PntTABa- V iliA llifirmntin rd iha ruwv.ila oi'lvie county, will you ly st good as to give a phce in your pper to the lol lowing paragrapb Irom tlisl dirty shert published in Ashbnrn' rilled the " Southern Citi- ten. 11 is well known that tho Cito which was held irt Ashbiiro'made a Wrg3inwith B. Svvsjtn, the publisher ot tint scandalous paper, to send out every week a. certain quantity, of extra uumbers of, his pub lit at too filled with abuss and ties gaiost' Charles Fisher, they acreeinff to pay htm an amount of wasrs for his dirty work. Where this hireling is known, b:s filth produces no enccL Nut here ht htt paragTaph tnsi t wish in people 01 Jiavie to ace l We understand a tellow by the name of Wilson, the Other day at Mieksville, having exhausted hisargument and eave Col, Giles .W, Pearson two or three of. ha OHiet effectual stabs. But his kmf'e, Itke hs eatrse nd argument, fell siiort.;, lis was incapable vf dotug nrneh damage." J'., ' 4 Nowy -what could -be a more- barefaced, tklse inta. reatoacutaXion tban tbu.-..Tbe Jiffiiix bcUccttljuUvpJ Wilson and "Coh G. W, IVarsoo," was witnessed by numoer or persons and they cu ait -attust that .the H CoL" was wholly to blniu. The facts are Tfiesu ; he eamo op te wljjWe Mr. Wilson was enitsed in con venation wilb several men, and obtruded liiinmll on the company, Wilaou rt;qaesu(( him not to talk pott tics, tur said he, "vou know we' cshmtl asree." ' The i-oi. persikted however, ann alter soma warm words between Ihem.Tstruca Nt. Wilsocrwith 1 large aticl he hod in bis hand. V. Wilson wasst the time whit ling a stick with a snmll Inil'e, and whea llio,"(.'o ILdjtcJLJhiLJidra the knife; the "Col" fell buck, and, Hfverul persons stepping ia between thein'W his stick In the retreat, Mr. Wilson seized it op,' and made 'at him; but Ihe Col called "iuslly 60 ill e 'byo-stan'ders not to let Wilson 'auike hue witkiluii hig tiokf",Ji at los Wilnoir.- So it tmoVd. -JTfie ttt'r was wholly to blame for the difBouIly, as i yet iwe what the "duty sheot" says atsmt it. Bui pray Messrs Kditors, hnw cornea O. W. Foarson" to be "Colnnel." body in these parts eve heard "of tit prornotinn untill w see it announced in the Sonhefiv CTirn. '"TRere" was" at fir-ta good deal of M'iecture how he waa mails: "Colonel, some supraW that CoL Flnek bad given hue a ciNnmismoo, mime tsod toseesiiit it mm way and some another, but aft all, it turns out that the WSS' nmritrrHpffWraTffffi f reus out of the- (kwI e Ihe fd,.lwl-Uu hav. Congress tumcA.3ir.lo, makferCobttels; B.-fore long f ,uuijom waioajL expect to leaauuie of the .uihcrL'JdiiU ....... epitua - vtist we Know Ot, tinouoeen U rX.,1W ' J" TflW a A Masisite. Acants St Fisir.a: A writer in the ktt Watchman, over the atonair of " One ef the People," make the assertion that UieWcstcrn Carolinian, while waa its ostensible Editor, really owued and eili- ted by air., Cha'rlea'TlheVri6'v"a candnsrd'foTXorl-' areas in your District. Iniiuations of this kind have frequently been made in tje same vehicle, and from the same source, ss I Delict;' hut tliit is the hrat out right charge of the kind I Rre acen. The aiwrtion is not only Julie, bnt the aukir of it iiVs with wicked snd malicious intent To (jure Mr, Fihjrr'a eloctimj is the toe object of this eaunniator. Tho only con nection Mr, Fither.eaer hi with Jhe pnpet wliile I owned it, was aa one of insecurities fir tlie purchase money, and 1 believe the su)or ut tlie fiilehod in the WsUhmsQ knew Una to bete fact at tie time of wri ting his piece. US. W. HAMPTON. . "Catawba Springs, Jane 1 18bU - :. u Mts. Avsria 3l Fisier Evorr weekseenaide- rable number of a paper are Ashhoro', called Ihe Southern Citizen, is senii'o Davidson Count r. cot to tubscribers for it has feaf any here I ut free irraua, to whoever will restt.' It is reported. and r.e donbt is true, thsl the txtactnttiacribsd the 4uiiy(e pay fur these rrapeis, sad bid Swaim, the publwiter. to abase Mr. fishersand prwall thtiehesn 4rCTit f m sail ai.-A urn await j tntnrum sssnaaatewa.M-4- low, without character or arithing elcil at home. I have just got hold of one of Im free gutis" spers, and find ia it, what he calls (extract of a letter from Davidsoa Now lermts itfuyou t tin confident Tliere is no man to Davidson who Hi Id write sni-k a letter; it ia intended to deceive the ppls of Rundoljih Coun ty. I wish yon to publish iu your paper, in order that the people of Davalaon njr ace at hat tbeste Cau cus characters say about tbeland .v'mI calculations itter muke mi them. Tun in Ha ami rys, im liai soon Mr. Fishur'a Aduren, a yet he cues on culling him a tSub-l reasury man am ho like. Io man of bniiM An Ihi. 1hi. 1 1. A n.'p.n., .-. ...,.... . . ..m. x .i . ... .. . . . , ,. .. - me imiowin? exiian ai iimer rrorrr irarrrramrp ... .. ..... I... k. r LAJUUVJ. nmu mmuuiai vy.Jk I ill i luj .ininn-aiiiin. But as it is from a geotlemiof iindnuhttl candur. whose vocation leads turn to ri much ainontr thi b. pie, we esnrsit withhold frotnr readers the kfurma tioa it containa: " - t" H ' I write in much haste, wmild giv you anno knowledge of tlie elate of pui s in jMvNlmn, Mr? 1'i-her will find but lew mef his creed but tew Sub-Treaiurya Whigs at the lot bx iu the fcstcrn part of lhCMiiiy. " It the peopleare pleasedtl. Dr. Henderson, the FiSteni part of Davidson ( witjie vxeenlion of a tew ultra Van Buren men) will urtmjy tote f r bim. a - a Half the Ctty iiwy safely be put down for Henderson."'.. - , . 1 notice in the same paper sher piece fij'mvl A Farmer of Davidson." 'llwre no man in Dsvidson timnty that would write s.ih fl but there is one in ' llowsn capab.e of it, and that ( is it bears- we? the besd'm biiwpinibl of thrit.;rVliTlic but not 15 desiring to bepersonsl, we omi, with the admonitii.o to tlie said rarmertit ; m. liowan is recognised without much dil!ty. Li. t Rowan, that he 'are. , Jl ho can't make better e .rtsiUn that, I would dv-u. h;m to nX'.ci atioiuu witb h;s proper siwature. Mirers Correspondence. f Favbttevilli!, June 23. 1"nW Fince writin? you on the 15th, we have had b llo hiiMiu ; this is alwara a dulTeeseou and peculiar ly no at pi&MMit;. but huli trade rfny kiud from Ihe country, No sulea of cotton lb week that have come under .our nUji-rvation ; it is impuanble at present to my wnai ne anicie is worta hfe With any defrre ot Currectin'sa an evik'iit deehue is. however, certain. Corn briiigs readily l K) a 1 13 from wag : bicon 11 a 1 soin c lance lots tVnm wajyiw I-.' J; store prices $ 11: oau55a62; lard Us Ui: fliinr, (of which the aupply still com mus gnod.) . 5 i. a 0 2.x vThe accounts appear to ba fanoratile , fro'n- all quarters lor-a phnttful harvttt j . Weather still contitaiiM dra aiut Ik mm L. ,!' f Weather still continues dry and Ike river low onlr1 a-.. . . ' J' the liffhter clnas ef boet can come-trp-ta this p'ate ha led on tne present water. 1 here bis bera an irrv- val of two or three of toeCottno rianlVligh'enidis nngine prcjeui ween orm''iiif moMiy giuus me ' present week bringing mostly gvuit fir lite ' We hrve-wv frwrM ir ttww tlwjm. ' change io the prfcos ol groceries since oor No Variation in exchange from 01 " iVitAoJisrA. It is estimated that httween three and lotlr tlvousand mombers have been a,bh-d to the i Methodist Church in lndianna within s aKHiibs. The revivals have been very cxtenaivA and are! still progressing., -At Kuh villa I'.'U iHVcd Uie 1 A FratriciJeX few day t since, two UroiVsrrs . in Lincoln county ; Mo. of the name of Fluiuiiier.i I gt excited in a family quarrel, and in an unguar tu iimiiirtiii, no ui ioi-iii airurn iuooukt ocao a pitchfork. - Voth of them had wives, who were spectators of this bloody tradegy (7. $. (Jai. ' Gen. MjM-omh's treaty with the Seminales doee not work peacefully. The Indiana most have made a menial reservation, dxdepting the ocrasiotiat use 4f Tomahawk ami Seal fiiog KuiiV. C.erl Ma ponib is too fat aivd goil iiaiured aud pjhte to deal ith aivagaa.w CharhttoH Mercury. UIS1TEU JJi,.,WEDLOCIL,..- "ln 1u'taTTuw'i(iliirnaie',20tD' Instant, 1y TrrTae" BunuC Fq- Ut. ALLEN CRUSE to Miss LYDIA MOWKY. 5 ' LITER STILL. Villi ' ju-FwceTvTnjf and opeuuig a Tivih aoppTyof MtJici'ift, fsml, Oifs, ItyMnfo Hpnit. TW larco, tf-e., wliKir, dd tu Uieir rnar aiocx on taaud, make tlieir assortment comolete. . - They now have it in their "cr W supply all orders 1'by.ieiaos, Netctiam raweta, . wgw.i . uirronwrnun- wiui7, iw ; 1 mont in Uie State. Salisbury, June 7, . if I UST JifciClUVKW AXO iXilL (SALE, . " 3i5 kegs Nails, assorted sixes, - .. ..:t KHI keg White lrad,Y bsrsTire Iron, 1J I sad ipctice wide. 200 bottles SnufT. x ' . 6 pieere llet Anchor fcihing Clctha 2.IKK) lbs. bar Lead. -. &Kllhs. Loaf Supr. , 00 boxes H by )) Whidow Glsse. r aukj, is srosa. .vajbhdijRnrr., ft esaks Kice, hy j. m w. wuRriir: v iiwc MOCKSVILLE, DAVIE COCNTT TII0MAS-F0STR----J INFORMS the public that he has removed from bis , former stand, to his new buildings on tbe public square, in the Towa of Mnckhvilln, hr he will coo , tmuo to keep a UUUSli OF LNTLRTAINMENT. Ilia House is roomy and coimnudaus; attached tc , which are six comfurtuble Olficee for gentletnea of tine Bir, all convenient to the Court Hour. Tltn-tob-cn-brr pledges himself 10 the mrast diligent eternntia. In ' give satisfaction to such as may call on bun." II Ta ble, Oar and Stables are provided in the bo- nisnnrt that tlie errantry will afford, and his teivsnu are futh (y! and prompt. ' ; ' Fon. 14, isnt. ..7411' ... Heath Tract. tPH rilHB HEATH TRACT, ctmumint n liuudtvd Acmkf Ind. uia.lavsi i!nMi vjf air miles Ksst of Lexmgan, itarioana Cal an the toad leading from Leitufloa to Faveuuville smew otfaiwd fur iiale. . i .; There are about KKJ seres improved, and 5(XI Wood and Thm'u-M- """"""" " atttrcet stecsi-e tw-tarT"" ""- and ia peculiarly adapted to urmiar. It bason rt a Mr- an Orchard, and a ginst Meadow. And Inde- pendent of tlnae sdvanuges, U.s pneprvt tor , W, ia unquestionable, a one or two r vi:i., have already been opened, and some very rick are ea- tmetit from them. Tne celebrated t oorad b'ifJ Mt, u silustv4 a few j hundred ysrds south of it; aed according tojbe dirr- tion of the Veins of that Mine, they must oeceasanly mm tnrojlirn a pari m mis iracs. . pass through a part ol this 1 net. , - ,. i . " nnj a ...... t.rinlinfl. lt n If,.. A- W..1. , more juiuuta dt script im, wilLcalLcnUigdoiLYad last. During the last three da)s Uie stock ot gauds ami " ". a lurth. umI ot , . ) groceries of a boose chaoging sies Diosiatiet'of, his IbihsetA J. W. IlAMFl'ON. j am-lj.m . .t, ' way 31. 1"Wjfc i last. a. ...M.v-afit iav4r a aa sar.. sa h aa aa.aa a.taaiesn-.i. i ; A. .5, .f ,.lZ.. s a.3 f aa - a m.- 'm. a r w a as, a -mm m - -m. - a r --" rn its ----- r . . !. 1 . 1 t ir. .7-li J" 1 C iiHtioot or anvpnaai wbdiing to colltrartUtll.,Wwa,.Mf", f" SIM rInlcr. will call on Dr. AiiHtin, B-lherr t or addr a ltr bw foe; npnce m lh at. ... it. vh.ilw.r. Trntnn V.mA ttffu iv. v c t n"''1' ead ihe sfeaiawaa at work be has executed M. iL IIFTH. Feb. 21, 1.T0. if Spring Vasonl. JCSf IIKCKIVED FROM NEW YORK. PHIL ADKLPHIA, LONDON AM) PARIS, tbe t Spring Faction for 139, 7 bv the Bubiicrilier. who ia ernnsri la rut and wiVr clothing in the nutt fathionehlt and dtrmblt sTje, and j warranted to fit. He. aim, koeus a rood awortmeatot Cloths, Casiirwres and Vestingt ot tlie first qualities,) r selected by biinaelf in tlw New York Msrket,aIlof whtctl bo will sell low fiirCssh. N. B. lie still eeniinoes wtesch tbe sit of Cutting parmenls on the nwMtaprmoed plauaof the best 1 ailors in New York and Philadelphis. . . &2T Cutting for ieusiiMiieta done on the abort- no ""Vice, and orilers from a ditsnce atteiidwd io with dr. spsth. (D" Ilia slvojk will b Bhd id Mr. Cowwa's Urge brick building. '.MiNJ. F.W.U;V. , Salisbury, Msy 5, im . .. tJ BOLTING CLOTUS; 1 1 AN V. cm (Had, a4 taltud kervmg a supply of the'"" 1 beMLncbor Clamp EilUit Cloths, comprwag all tbe vwnoue No est ass ttue regMM of country Where all W sflsa Iba article caa be sup piied 1a quantities to suit awUsn, east ea reasonable . term. ' !' N y Woe Wire ( Sieeos, Sifters, &e, kept coosUnU . ly oe LsaL ' , - " HALL JOHNSON. - - Mm w iiisovir. FayettetiUe, May 17, lrSHl tf i i CATAWBA j BPIUXCS. ' ' rTviE Pw r Mt EstabtiSh. s a . a . Ik . . k. - . r. ah. V CosK9ltiaa of mtwlids aaai ail wbo any drsir lent ixtmnt iwanrr retreat Ample preparauooa base efl oa ifewHi nertmn w .11 fte ia 10 ren- "-" " -i"i tmrn. -t rrt lmsi-arl raenwr Ttueih-I Sor the lAwwI aationage beatowrw vpt bim (V-- TKm P. 1 ..r mmA lk &u,tl. Cmm. and settd their acrci,ts to the Pout-Muter, Catawba ! wgs fur UyML J. W. H. TIIJLiUl3CKinEllSL VRE o rectnvieg at thnr old SumL at Stirewah'a Mol, a Caariit a new asl Crests svipply of ' Spriog and fcuramer Cioodv The fUkrwiagartlea are ansoag the ktcsTimvala :' 1 700 Iba avf Sugar, l,0fO d.w CotW, 3 khdsv MokllMCS, " 60 iMbf-Ia Sut, AVajeCcrss BraJf , Dv Sielrx Powder, te., titl UV4 wUtrk mil be awid bw ch, or bt punctual dV.Wso.TuM. . JACtJB WLNECOFP L Ctt Miv If. JnTI 1 aaiy Y m .-: jt. M. G. J. DOUGLASv- lf AVtI lurateJ kurswCI in SaliMa.-v,' 1 1 rvAwrcthstTt trwilr-ra law pfjfnswrMl srr t ice U iu etum, and tbuae el the sorrwiodinf rwio- liy lira etora ta at im warn taimrty otsatitad Ii. jsu JtjwtsetfV where he may be tuuad at all limes wpt srtea.aiif)tss prffesiwiaf eutrm "" '--talsAwy. ajt t, lek -. - tf DK. Ml VMH K UIM.IAA, (IUtIss located hitaaelf in tistrory,) 1) LSl'LLTlX Li.! efirrs Vie servioss ia the tsnoue traartaet of hmytvfrmmn, U tbe cttueas ef tbe Village, aad tbe sastBsteaiag cofcairy. He kepra (font kts eip-nrwcr-aad aatviag atietKioa to the dutsaa el k prticaiua, is be ak'e Io render general sat adaption. IU ece is at Ma). V.'am. ft CraatVd'a Hotel, where be eaay ae fuoad at atl Unsea. wbca M absent ea pro fnwMHal bta A ' Ssy7.1n. A - i.isk -rnua InVVVrU m,1 Im rumr Morw ton. '' 1. ..R. r- -. - . mmiMn in Ii mi tm jmwm jmS mM 1II.1 I . . riHiUaisSeiiarecaewead labor a ttwost aotbing. thank tbe cituewt of tins place, aiwt- the surroaaJiasr , enootry M tbe aery hbrrsl patreeagt they bate ber- loture aratoaae m sue, and ky a strict aiteotiea to a aea ttm te mct& 1 conlffluance of tbe earned i I will say to ail who desire to hate awintine- don. and easy can ea aae, tnt itaball keexecuted in the anoat imatoses stiks. aad that ao pains shall ee spared oa my part togTeUt4aiuaV' ".' Aar ease waataf to have f mUnt alone, will always f ir - .is.i4oia m. ,, T il 1L RAI.NEY. N. R ' All mierm fmm diec. dirretarf ki m in jT-V" nri?rlPiitiig punlitswl thri -1 1 : ! 4 a. JtUtUa ias IsumI at ia a atyle O ill fU tbe accomrmdatjoa of TraveHeta aad ir iiwn m mam pfivm pjr uicir racy llis tabu, aa tlasys oa rwaishee bis BAR with a good supply ef choice Liqonrs; his BU)S aball always s krpt m tae enter ; aad has Sta bias (which are very eaien-ive) are well supplied with Provendar ef ihe bratqnalily, aod attended by good sad faithful hMt!ra. He hopex, by strict attention to the VnMoess, fa per. sea, to give satssfactiosi to all wbo may fbror kna with their patronage., And he only tska a call and trial. ANDREW CALDCLCFGH. Ujingt.?5.C.Fea.5LlSfflL 12 OnevLundreJ dollars Reward. I AN AWAY Stolem Croaa tbe Siiliscriber.athitit 19 I m-ip'htpHVI atd!att girt, about eigataea yea -tf are. Jit asase ss Ysrgvn, aod was knogbt ar CiMtijtist lle, Y. She rosy be knows by ker feet, barni; ka4 brr toes by frnt Awy y-ra wae assy lake ep sast grrf aod huge bet m wmrm ysd as tiat I get act agaia, aball bare fifty aVJtara reward; aad at arouebt to aae, aball be entitled i W the abore tasnud ot one tAastrad aWiars. If be waa. 'iiaKiiMig9lpmtibbAiUm&&gkutmfc aay white aaafi.easl a or loey be c-mvrcted of tbe sarae. -"Wm vwae aui'tiuw4iBiiiwt,iwtwiiwtiw !J. 1. IV,, ft! f -t Cerae.! I til. Cknter cml, 9 C I 1,. T twin i. ' la . . tr aw ii a. aoatv - - - -- - - - Tfae Ctaarionaa-illo Adteniswr, trill please insert tbe above once a week tor four weeks, and forward the account lo tbe KnhM-ribrt ai Ctrmell JIill, P. Q Cnca tsr dUTcl, S Candtca. Any iDformaikia by a line te the Subset ber, wiU be tLaalrslly received and band- , Br fr iliiai7,J,aS,f(Q mnr- . . . ..j ll. 1. .i. . i ' B ' nTiw Din rwrair Dimvii m uie town .r,. . - i frUzZL -. " ""- um a bis luae, wiil be a avtScieat recosansradstioe. He a iff alia stu-vt tvi any call made oa bim in tbe IIOUC rADOTXO BUSINESS, d as conf-xst be caa ttte aaudacuoa to all who mar The Pub resyecful!r rei'te-I U tail and ea. courage htaa, as be m dMetansw! to tcrCute all Work comwttad la a:m ia the ant pua:hle manner. OCT Alv fa.:tg aod Trvnming all kinds of Cal riagee,eoae wilb awtoeea aad despatch. J. W. RAINEY. . CcaKord, t March 2L 1-5 if , WYtntml Ttvirrvsxl lotnlar ' ICU,-. XllllUCUiaitlJ, i M.ortwa fooa workraea j ' goa PkwCsr wbicha hi to arnke abuol MJO Oa- beral ance will be riven by the Subscriber, hviog Kr mile fcsat of Ssltsixiry. -- N. B. A asaa with a Cuatdy caa be sccoauBodale aub a botwe-ic if arceaaari. DAVTD WISE. App!y at the Office of the Wcstera Carohuiaa, or to the Bubcriber. . ' ' " l e 7, ! t x - ' -".!a?,By'ina;- TtVT .

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