1 r tg-Tn-r,r . ,. ' ... I POETIC " l' ;'"' J RECESS. l-i ft. y " TIIE DYING HUSBAND. bi an a. rrrrHRiM. Dcarcal, I'm dying 1 bend ihee down One little mownl by my M, And lot the shadow of thy hair - Fail gen1!y"iji my aching-head. " it ' Oh! raisa ma up and let 'me feel. Once more the beatings f l)y heart, And firct thy lips again to mine Bciore in midnight deatbwe part. Nsy, tremble not, but fold me, cb. Pillowed upon thy own oVst breast, . I lain Would lot my strtififlirigisoul Pats forth to it eternal feat Ehe stoop, end on hor bornting nearf, Hit drooping liead i restingnoV, " ' While while and trembling ruiyrk, part ' T--ThtdmrrfcTrfte And there unon hi cold white fiontA . Willi vniy'rjng hp tbe kiss u grWn i - -And pressed a if 'twould drew bun tick Hack from the very gate id hcaen. .There, like a Av'mtr bird, bii soul Lay pjnlili? out iti qiiiv'ring lift-; ' Ami mill hie almost jifelew tnni . , Clung fondly to ik pale young w,fi. One look h give her, end it teemed, .Antngel had from heaven some - ' ' fcj ! ! . hul ai t aa tMiaaiIaraai 'i'bo troubled fbunUiii of his love. . - A holy smtle came o'er his face, As mixm-hghl ghiiriii! ovr snow; , ()ne airurglina breath one fa ml embrace, , And liti.les lie is lying now. - ,.1'he a'.lting snn, wth gold'.n liaht,, i. " Wits flooding all. the room and bed, . ' Enlotdiiig, with bi pinions bright, The fainting wife, the marble dead. , VAiiuyrY - RULM OP -TllRGOasjl'INO CLL'If. Any rnenllx-r of the aor-iety who ahull ho con-TJcrtjnf-'wvwrf iimrr f if hiii Htt.n.-bujjii.'? 'b'"' HftliT "l- b" cndlml Iriiio Jha sof.iiily 'wilh: out a hearing. - - - ' No tnenibor alial) sit down to Lis own table until he has ascertained to a certainty, what Ins neigh. hots within three tloora of either side of hi housn V" have to eatirwhether they .jmvc paid for Ihe eaiiM, h$-fr-mtM-4l'f X1t-i'-flrY -tor itr- Every mernlxir who shall ee two or three per- " .i t . .1. . II' l A t ' O wwi piifrmrfif in rniivprnilion. fill, ill lilfirn liimsMi ! between them iinlil lie hns heard all they huvu to sa) , " antr rprt the ame aewirdinglyi - ; Kvcry inember wlio sliiill si:e a gentlemitn visil- , . ins a ttidy-mnre thnn twice, xhiill rirculnln the newe - - x - -- that thty are pning U be wiwried; and ouid mem Lere anriirihwith required to rjmrt all iimwier of things hIkviI l ho geiillimisn to the l.oly, arid ditto - abixit the Ifidy to the geritleiiiNn. ,Tli' will hrenk vp many inutchen, and allord much good gossip." An Utfhj CuHfomcr.-'h few ! aitire, a lady of no prepMMi;sHiig nnpearitH'e, went into one of uftuf JUiiUiAiilB itvTcv; i;i I' n aid way, and after ot at-1 . . ' 1 injt dowiiitho yoonif man lo the lowest price lor a 4m-Cfi. of.g tod, (ifpK.it jraylli: olri'lJLrt Jifify. 1 customer r " Yea, rqiiuum, said I ho young men, ----Kthe nwtient I averiw-fir-sr-tnoiitlru;i - A Cutting Hrdy Almritulle divine, for tlie lncfit of the country wliere he reaided, roinmen-l-eJa largo catiMway aii'SshalMamrc'ilayrver looking the vvork, a certain hubleiimn piis-ed by M' ii .i.!o . l L V i. - CM, ooi:ior, . S"i ; inHOMioiouMii; jour itiins and chnrilv, 1 don't l.iku this to U the high Hi? to heaven." -Very tiuo, hiv lord," roiifinl HiOi'ior, Ttif ifTlTia'lt l.sli'julJrTiave wondered to tfteet your 1ordhti he nV. fiinef ne .innif r.inpemr Un i"i, med an edict luutf-jrt( gYtn.h'iiittpte anre, llmra is souietiiing cxceuiinii:v compli- Vtllerim.' Ku'rniiti; a ri-k fr iiotbtog," as 4li-lighiwwM'.iwf-w4-w4i. lor's (xx ket of twoXcoiiuiiuiiicalioiis iind u piece of rejected tioet ty II. mil ) that a vitiate- without a Mnekrnilh' ahop, iiiighl lo he very rWiral, tor it will nevir bo troubled with ri or orWry." " A peicripl'nm " Iicc,lescribe a hat!" M Yt s, sir I A hut is an aniinul about o big iu a stopiwe with Iudin rubber wWattnd slme-Miring tail seen best wtth his eyes sliul, and lutes like the ' . A ttuinoroiii Citm'gnoxxernare'i'lttl in Eng Itind (hejKMijde ar" lavdinOio .jrtroiij. ("IfjUiC " thul washes llieit fiuudB at nine (Wr the cof fee, tea. end auger of bieokhist ; t nooikfor the ' powder that whitena heir hernia ; nt diiinerXfr ihe aalt tbat eerm their inent ; in lhe evening tfsr the ; porter which cheers their spirits; nil day lonjkfnr the light thul enters ihetr windowa ; and at ni - for the candles "which lights them to. bed. t , , deed in aocitity ,. av .utiplnuiit lhxtHwu ln . poetry it en from a deucicncy m power and a restleesnefia of retenMon I in ooivors-iiion, ifom . inaeiisihiliiy to the Graces, Irom art intercourse N 4 . : - with Lad company, and a midinterpruLiium of -. better... ... - Aa ihero ar tome Hiwvpm wliifh yrni - lin(!rf i amoll hut alightly to pxtrnet all tlml is plenwnt in tlioui ami wliti-U, ii ou Ou ullierwiw, iml whtl i uiiiiitiiMiai uri'oxiiHis wi lucre are aonio men .with whom a alight nrquainUinee is quite anllicieiit to draw wit all that la agrccatiie -a more mlimato ne would he uiHn,tiractoijr ami unsafe. lt whv4faiMonntJMiinI lnly is g"nerally jio- - TlrxtT ' "is yow nW, dTwmblmy, armiliTig "hvpiv. lite, of whom .you slvuul.nlewArc. Them's our ; : iitimctits. .- . - , . . . . . - . Ills nn'mrrasitrJ t jjentWmn meeting .on of, hit friend who wa'i iii.Jvent, cxpreied . great concern for hi emWraMrm-ut.. Yon am mistaken, iv rleac ir,!t was the reply r-'ti not LUit mv ertitilort who r twJarrjr'."t "i- i7i'tfmrt,m,rif.--V'li hat not felt the hitler- tie of awaking (rem dr:Min, which hiivo given hack happioesi, that never Bguln can be our?- When dear, fiiiViiliar voices", hushed in tljo tilenco .of denlli, hive auaiu toundud in enr eart, and lips, ', Ihul are now mouldering in the grave, have again S" tiniledon, mil bUsased us. Muro. " ' Rather 'Tftff.Gomlnrii and man, accorJing to 6tilpN a fireek plnlotupher, ol the Megartc et. were two ewitia!!y dillerent thing, enly, Mr. Milpo aa riKht aeuaiuw teiiow. ana catue io mfMt happy conclnsion. UNEXAMPLED MAMMOTH r"M!E following dotal la. of e Scum or A 1inr.av, -1- tube drawn in December next, warrant ue m di-clnring it to be unparalhtUd in the history of Ixltc nra. J'niii to tbe amount have' never before been of- lered to Hie public. It is true there are many blanks, but on the other hand, the extremely ow charge of iU per "Tick-t "that value ih1 NunVber oi tbe Cp ,iui, and the revival of the good old custom ol tear ratilnm tlia( entry ptiie thai be drawn and fold, will, ." we ae sure, give Universal salnd'notion, end especially, 1 to the ii hundred pritt hold it, .- . CQ" To Hume disposed la adventure, we recommend 1 early application being made Ui tin lir Tickets-when' j tlie Pnzes are all eold, Bisiike only, remain the" first I buyers have the brat chance. We therefore emplmti--(tally ay ertav hot! but at orico remit and (ruit I mil to n your orders, which shall always receive our ,1 immediate attention. .., Lctteri to be audrcssed and ap plication! made to '-. ' SYLVESTER &. CO., ' I'V) BaoauwAV, New Yokk. $700,000!!!:' $500,000!!! $23,000 !! : 0 Prizes of - - $20,000 !! 2 Prizes of $15,000!! '3 Prizes of -' ; $10,000 !! raud lteal Ilntnte and Hank Mocli OF PROPERTY SITUATED IN NEW ORLEANS, The liiciitut nd mot Maqnifiicent Scheme - tver pre tented to the I'Mic in 1 - TbU or any other Country.. : i Tickets only $20 j A'lth'irid by aTn act of the Legislative Asse'miily of Flondaaiid under the directions of the Con'iiuis- siuiTTTi acting under tbe same. I'ftt b drawnxat Jacksonville, Florida, iJoc, 1, 19. I I - EClLMIDTdi HAMILTON, Mungera. .SYLVKaiLM ik Co, liO Broadway, New York, , oulu Agent. . No comt'irlqtion Xuiioerg III' IU0,(H)0 Tickets,. frornvV'o. I. Howards, in aucccssion. The Oeedsuf Uio l'roWrty ana the aitxk transferred in truat to the Coinmiwio'hers appointed by the said act of ihu legislature of Florida, tor the security of the , I rr. ,,. I'Uu..Ai widiWi it.aucbiiiv.4i04Mi, joa... Magazine street; 1,(11 teet, 1 1 inches on i Nu:bei strcet; l'Jt teet, 6 inches, on (iravmr struct Rciitd at about ;J7,(K)0 pr. annum, and valued at .$700,000 I Prize City Hotel, VU ft, ou (omuton str.-. 1 W ft. 6 in. on Camp street -Reiited at fAVkfJvalA at --500,00. 1 Priae Duelling House, (adjoining the Ar- . cade,) No. 10, VI tL 7 iru.froift " oo liie Naictiea sir. Rented at ;. ' . .:. - lHOO-valued at 1 Pr'r.o Ditto, (adjoining the Arcade,) Niv 'It, It, Iront on Malchea str. SiOJXK) . r . - .Kld al lXikiUm aowo-i 1 Prize Ditto, (adjoining the Arcade,) No. ;'- A. 20.0UO v. -j. a). 2a IL trout on Natchea atr. Itemed It f!!,9iU vaiucd at" 1 Priio Ditto, No, X, Aofth-east corner f -.:lUfjt (' ft. front on Basin; ami 40 ft. on' ; Franklin air. by 17 ft deep in ' " , , vJ'uitJimoiia8atjcRcnUid.jL ' 1, 51 Hi -valued at ; 20,000 1 Prize Ditto, No, 21, South-went corner of ; , j llaiij aiidt'usUmi-hmoatr.;3! H 7 in. on BiKin,:),' II. 7 in. on Franklitu 1J3 R. llHiiudccp u- - - - tront of Custom-houser atreet Rented al l,5tH valued at J20JT00 ' irtr. bv l-j7l. 1 1 in deco Ken- ' 1 1'r.xb-mTJi am& Uital liaiitetadtiltX)- "" ii, ;.gb i...atlHitth,f,ommerct-ltr,f 100 each;1" 9,W0'n each. - : 1,'MNItt- LK) ditto, City Bank; ijdOO each, ll),tHMJ ' i Khhlto, ditio,-a100jiLli, 10.1KH1 I Itttt-ditiA'nTorttiHtT'iich; ro;iKxr I " hi) ditto, Exchange Bunk, ,UK) each, 5,000 " 51) ditto, ditto, ditto, jittMl inch, 5,IH0 ' i ditto, tlaa Liglil IWnk, UH) each, 'i.500 W ditto, ditto, ditto. fcllMI each, , V',500 "' 1.1 ditto, Mechanic's iV Traders', AlOOeach, ' .' 1,.X) I 1 JO tfj dittr ditto, ditto, -1(X) each, . 100 each 10 s.iares lmmiana Ntsie Bguk, - - 0100 eac each i'r.xo M,000, ' S0.000 10 M each V sliares of rnltK) oach, each Prizo .' 'AH), ol ihe Gits Light Ba..kr ' 2,000 aoo each 1 share of a)l(HJ, of the Bank of IiuMiaiia, liO.OOO JIIO " each 1 share of 100, of the-New Or bans Bunk, .'-M.OOOJ uion Bank of Florida, 1 ' " , 15,000 000 Prises. " ftl,5(tO.IKH) . Ticket $i20::::.'o Chart's.' The whole of the Tickets, with their Numbers, as : also those containing the I'rizes, will be examined and .sealed by the Commniiiinerf appointed undi-r the Act, prt'vions to their being put into the wheels. One wheel wvl contain tins whole of the.iYumbft, ui! other will; rnntain Rix IU sorid Pauw,' and lim 8 Hit dOO Nuin hers that shall bn drawn out, will be eirtitled (o such Paizi as may be drawn to its number, and the fortu nate holder of such Prizo will have such property 3 IrausfurriHl to thitm bniniiliaU ly after tli Drawing, untneurnbrrrd, mud without any tlrjuctwn! June 7, im. - 6-m Attr Foundni. I Iriii Xemtry at ny ' mill on the South-Yadkin river (rmerlv Pearsomi) in Davie county; wht-re we are prertd In make al kind oi cas'.fngs such the (unuing works of Fulton or -woollen tkcturiet, cotton gins, grist and' saw ihills, thrashinff machines, wind ini'lliS pliiniijr ..bliicWuJireuos, iru4 -Wvalis, rxillH-s, dram's drtvirig wlieclt, ami, in iiort, every thing eli-o 1M ia usually made al iron found nos. . We are also . preps red kr ''atrwiiiif shafts Ac ; and for finitdiing and -fitting tipalt.kind of machinery in Ihjslineol busnhns. I have employed Jacob WavmBieiKa, formerly of ' Bflltiimire,. a very skdlul Machinist, to superintend and manage my establishinenl. Mr. VVaynoMiurg hs worked all his life, io establishmeou of this .kind, and is distinguished tor his skill as a Machiin't, and Mill-" Vright 'lle will elan make calculations Ii water wheels, mill-gearing, Ac; and when the machinery ia obtained from oa, he will attend tn putting it Dp. , Our : price are those of similar ethfihment at the North. OCT Order addressed either to Jacob VVaynesburg or mysell, at BaUbury, will bn promptlv attended to, - - i ' - CllAttLEd FISHER ' Salwbnry.'May 21, 119.. . ' . - . tf Goellcke's Matchlesar anatie. QUANTITY Tf thlw vahtable Medicine on iV hand, and Urr, D,,ie County. N.C., . at.-.-- . - .-.JtyJOIlN LUJJN, Ajrent., ,. ' 1 .. - Wliu. . TAIL0IUNG1)USINESS. t RESPECTFULLY takes thin method to inlurm hm trietida and euntomtr in Concord and its vicinity, h,.i ho nMiiiniiM in rsrrr on the above branch ol Buiinesa at his old (tand in Concord, South of the store ,. Mi.m. J. P. 4. t:. IMiifer. Where be w ill be fouud at all limes, reuily lo Cut make or Tirculc, t lis Innir experience in the Dii" neW, lift pain ho ia now taking to receiee the tarUtit faMunn from FhilaiUdphia and Ne York, enables h.m to m, that the work done at his Hle.p, ehall beot the Eeat Workmanahip. N. B. He will alab teach (at A'ont) .the muck f proved nystern of T. Oliver ol Philadelphia, id any one who wishes instruction in Ins i.ystemol cutting, Concord, No. tW, lesyi . ' EM? M laLi&iiiEaaiyJiieviiicA: The Champion of America, Winner OF THE GREAT MATCH RACE, . The aorth ag;aiikNt Ihe .South, . . - ' J-30,000 Asioit rnllE thorough-bred horse, LATH, bred by tol. waiie L Hampton, of South Carolina, will make Ins first Season at Salisbury and Concord, (dividing bis time equally,) commencing on the loth March, and termi nating on the 15th of July. I ' TERMS. fA), trpaul within the season, o'herwiae will be charged ; !.30 to insure, thu money to be paid to soon as -it ia ascertained the Mare is in toal, or. the prttpcrty change owntri, and 50 cents to the Groom. - ' '., Mares tent from a distance, will be. well attended to, and fed-witlt -grain tr;30-ee per dayfA"giieeHlH will be furnished those that wish it, gratis; but, in no instance will I be -responsible tor accidents or escapes. i HI imi i Salisbury. April 25, 130. . ti ; I CERTIFY, tliat' Lath was bred by tnejand ihat he waa ItMlded in the Spring of lKtf. lie was got by TOoftflfltrfnTlBfd da.mioung Lottery, also by tsir Arcby, out ot Colonel Singleton's celebrated Lottery, by Ihe imported Bedford, out of the imDorted mare Anvulina : Uodomtitn waj got by Eclipse; his dam Sylph; by Itaphestion, out of Jittery by imports Beatoru,. Upnestioo was got by the imported Buzzard, out of the dam of fcir Arcby.-" " : - - DESCRIPTION," PERFORMANCE, &c ' LATH ia a fine bay, without white, 15 hands 3 inches high, with good bone and capital action. ' At 3 years old, lie won the produce stake at thiamins, 2 mile heals, beating Mr. 'laylor'e filly, Daisy, and Captain Hrwinn's colt. Convention, mn&.otheta-Baymg larhut nr.--JC.--Z..i.. I .1.. I L. I'LL 3 tuilo heats, at Augusta, beating Kite, and distancing bihck litra. -Arrianexton, ne was Beaton oy uoo Hopper lor U Jockey-Club purse, 3 mile beau ; being very muck) ainiut be wssi drawn alter thffftrst heat -At 4 yenrs old, he iron the Jockey-Club purse, 4 mile beats, at Camden, boating Bi; Kenneth and Dorabella, at 3 4ieats, losing the first in consequence of bolting SFeit IapveraT fengtlui fu advirice of the field, jiiiit before he resetted the' judge'a aland, and getting euungled amongst he carriages, he sustained an injury which 'occasioned his withdrawal from the Turf. LA'Ht wasa rie hurrf the Ant clave, which be evinced in hit trials' with Bay Maria, Charlotte Rntee, and Kitty ltetiiraiid in point of blood, be ia interior to nous. liet jitparted.ir.iiaUia..lL couLiiuUoni ' robust, having never been inclj, and his temjierjrfiwd. ffia'colcirTorih'aiiclioii, apeat "Iortlieiii8olveerlrn I tifdi JUth-umto h hiuMeUlaa-BMuiy claiiunUi public jvuoiMtue,auy.yQua2,auUu)n.ihati.Juw -i;-::r5r.;::vV HAMPTONS" jiwii.iv22a33i : - -;- From tltit above certificate of Col. Hampton, who kcd.aai.lwd. LA.TH trained lor tlieTurfcit jII be seen that he considered him a Race horse of the first class. not only from the races he has mentioned sa h-ving run publicly, but from private trials he haeNmsde with hor - h wtrn-h ra nw nn ilm Turf, mil running with ron. ng sidcrable success.-.-It will also be observed oy hit Cer tificate, that he considered Lath of tbe purest blood ; not to be surpassed by any horse imported or native, I consider it entirely unnecessary to attempt to eulo- giso I .a tli, eitlier Ur his nfrUinnaucoa on Uie Tun or as to his blood, since in every repecl he is so well at- tested. . uul wU remark, Dial Lath haa not only tie- scmided Iroin pure blood, but has Come from stock, both sire, grandoirc, dam, and greodain, that are of the run ning blood, tur iniitaace, hta sire Undolphin, made liis liHir mile in 7 minutes and 50 seconds; his grandsire, the American Eclrpse, so wtll known at tint North and South, made bia time in the great match race, the North against the Houth, $",10,000 aside, in 7 min. and 37 tec.; which he won with considerable eclat, and which gain ed the memorable name of the Champion of the North ; hta dam, was sired by the renowned Sir Arcby, wIkwo reputation ta a racer, &c , atanda unquestioned both in England and America. The erandam of Lath. Old Lottery, bn d by thegriat Soul hern Amateur of home, (Jot. R.,irigleton, of South Carolina, has Br(. docl more im rac. horses than any other,. macskiaJ. the union, ima w will be seen that-there rt antW in Iath too Uie best etudsoi th South, Humptou't and Sinitletoira," crosrt-d With tJeu.' Coles eT the North. The public is now presented with tnch sn opportuni ty or improving me mood ot mat noble and ukoIiiI ani mal, the JunJs, as very rarely occurs iu this w-othm of country. -, ... r . , : . R. W. K 'Vo Owners ot Mitts. imsr-awi? iiuff wf Nmmiir (in -aw Mills, by which, a mill will do nmch'bttter than with the mnn) form of Spindle. . It ia so eoiihtructed a lo kvp from heating or killing the moal in any man ner. The runner is sn eonfiiiod by the Sunulle as al ways to jwwrv balance, md cd'coarmWrei "no" wrrnr qfthfttonfc...- . I ttimk,by Un improved Ppindlo, thr nine ler will do at losnt onp-tbitd mote buamoss, and the meal of superior quality. t': - - . Any person wisliir.g to ue one of thee Spin.lieii, may obtain en or more, by making applicntion, (with in a short lime) to tho thihscriher at Mockfiville, Davie CorN. C I think the probable o4 will not exceed ;W br the Patcht and Spindle ready for ue. '. Cof. VVm. F. Kelly and The, FoPter.in thn Vlcmity of Jlocksville, have recently tried the improved Spin dle, and are highly pleased with it. ' ' ', v V; '-" L M. GILBERT. ; Februar; 7. li ' ' : '. . tf Moffat's' Pills anil Hitters rJMlE LIFE GIVING PILLS AND PIKIlNIX BITTERS, so celebrated, and to much mmi h the flliete in every part of ihe country, is now re- ceincu ana tor snie ay the Mitwcntwr . CRESS & ROGER, Agent. P. R. See adrertisenvent. April 4, 39. ti V wtiviiVs tor &tc Actc r: JOHN C. PALMER, has another new supply ef gold and silver -Lever Watches, v '.. i-rr plain EnL'lifh and French, do., polJ I Fob Chins and Keys, Breart I'm, T4; i - i I Fmger Rings,silver Butter Knives, U Hencils, (patimt and plain,) Tooth- ruaHISCiTTi? - 1'icks, r ub Cham, hpf-ctitcles ana Tbimbks, Steel and Gilt t oh ttama and Keys. Also,-a very fine, and large aseortment ol Raanra, pocket and peo-knive,by dill.-rent .Mann wcinre, w.io other article oeuaiiy oy jmnmnjn be sold very low U eaA, or only six n.ontns eredit, al ter which lime. Interest will be charged.. fl- Work done faithfully and punctually Salisbury, May la.TJ. tf Gu: er Goods. LX1IIJ SPRINGS : 'SH ANKLE; AVE inst received fromJS'ew York and Philadel-. ii --i - . . suiia.tjitengivorim.e.?i! SPRING & SUMMER GOODS, Dry dotuU, Hrdare, Tinware, Crock ery, GROCERIES, Drug and Me- v 44Cnet, uye-&tujj, 1 Hunt unci Oil, Bool and Shoes, t Saddlery cVc, cVc. In short, their Stock combines almost every article needed by the t'urner, Mechanic, or tire Faihionaiile of the town or country. -. '" N: B. 'Itiev will sell lowlbr'cii'lu or uj um dealer on time ; or" in exchange for country Produce. -Concord, May 24th, 119. t hCLXP-lLKING. IlE Subscriber wiahee to inform hia costomera A and the public generally, that ho atill carries "" ll,e Mone Cutting RuiiiCM, ami it ever ready lo execute, in a yer aupermr manner, all description of work in his line. " tloMMrinden.Mill-Stmei.Wind&evidDoor. ith, l)jor itttpt and Tomb-ttohei, art. executed w -a very rare style. , Ilia grit for Mill-Stone it very jjooiL Mr. l'liilips alw.JtogtJejtilorrq.the4ttiijiri that he can cxeculo hnravings ol vajious kinds Ue will Hngravu.mf-lhs-slalt neatly, and granite trffiiKstotieH cuu.be well executed it. ilcsir od. .r charge shall always be re ago liable, and as accoin modal in r as possible. Persona winning to have work done in the above line, will do well to call al the residotice of Mr. Philips, seven inilet south of Salisburf . ' ENOCH . PHILLIPS". August 24, 1833.- 'Ml- Is. . . w. - SVXW0W' lH03m - i nottcR ii. niiw, Respectfully; inform hi rriennt ami the public, that be atill came on the TAILOR INCi BUSINE&S at hit old stand on main street, next door to the Apothocary Store. He it ever ready lo execute the order of hit customer in a tlyle tnd manner not surpassed by any workman in the western part of the State. ' He is in the re- fEufaTTWPfprw the latest London and New-York r ASH ION 3, and prepared' to accommodate the tastes of lit fashionable at all lima. . V- OCT Cutting garments of all kinds attended to. pirrflyarwl Um lot r.t ash ion fjrnishnd. at all times to country tailors, and instruction given in cutting. - ;' Salisbury, Jan. 1, 1839. 7 A W)cr Yratc(V. t FIRST-RATE BARBER, who can come well 1 recommended, (nono other need apply,) can have konrtint employee the SALISBURY HOTEL Salisbury, April 4, 15J9. tf . . TH15-?t0 w.i.ti ntTJtxr ..A-COXTRAST. 4. U-naUikfrbm thtrreTnolestagesv-liavehadshirisy--i but Cotiimbos only found out tbe way lo America. tiish nofiffalor, people wero only enabled to paddle about the shore Just so with the Lilo Medicines. It i but two thort tear nee 1 first vcnliited-upo4-an unknown ocean, and I discovered llio prt clou's btj'cT T a'a frieafcb"' of- - i , v eKCUD10J nieaicme were indeed known 1 ,,t''' 1 ccmunencei my search, but their use was noL f y the ose ol them, 1 have- not only passed froni the dejected invalid, to the hale, hearty and active man of business, but comparatively speaking, 1 have renewed my youth. I can thus, with confidence in my own ex perience, advise with my fellow-citizens. IWs the) reader wsnt proof that Uie VEGETABLE LIFE ME DICINES ere suitable to hi own easel 1 have on (ile at my otlice, 307, Broadway, hundreds of letter, from -some of the moat respectable citizens ol Un my native land, voluntarily offered in testimony of the virtues of A OOOD VEGETABLE AlEDlClNEi Persona whose constitutions have been narly ruined by the all infallible" mineral preparations of lLa day, will bear me witness, that the lalu Medicines, and such only", are the true course to permanent good health. . 101 IN - MOFFAT. General remarh ret a tit to Moffaf$ Life PilU and Pkanix Bitttrt. " . " "These medicine have long been known and appre ciated, for their Extraordinary and immediate powers I if f.i.tiirinA.' nA.rofll 1. n. 1,1. 1 1 . itaMnn. a..fR.KM .. J .. . ... -.. -lll., w VVIWII. .UlirilllK UllUCr wrlyTeeH ttetohtltnn j liable." ":-'' - .h-w4m k , In rnanv hundred of certificated instsneetLthev have even rescued snfTercrs from the terj verge of an un timely grave, after all Uie deceptive nostrum of the day had utterly railed ; and to mtny tlioosand they have permanently secured that uniform enjoyment of health, wiUimit which life itfdf is but a partial bles sing. Bo great, indeed haa their efficacy invariably and infallibly proved, that it ha appeared scarcely lea nan nvmcwioti to m-wno were unacquainted witfr the bvautilully philusopbicnl prineiplo opon which they are conipomidtiil, and upon which they consequent-, ly act. It was to their manilent aul sensible action in" purifying the r-pnng end cbanni'ts of lifii, and en d."isiz Ihtn.with renewed tone and li?or. Uim ? liL-ro uidcbudtir Utuir name, avltich was bestowed up on un. ioiines)oiunoous request ol several individuals whose lives Uipj have obviously laved. "; Tlie proprietor rejoice in the opportunity aftorded by the univerral dilliiinn ol Uie daily press, for plkcmr his VEtiETABLE LIFE PILU3 within the knowledge snd reach of every individual in the cimtminity. Un- like the host ol pernicious nnackeries, which boast oi vegetable ingredient, the Life Pills are purely and seWywjr'eiaiidcontain-ncitlicr-Mercury, Anil mony, Arsenic, nor any other mineral, in any form " whatever. , They arc entirely composed of extraet Irwn rare and powerful plants, Ihe virtue of. which, though long known to several 'ndiantribea, and recent- -ly to tome eminent ptmrmaceutkal cbemista, are alto gether unknown to Uie ignorant pretender to medical ' science ; and were hever before adraiuistercd in to hsp pily efiiiaeiout a combination. . :.; . Their first opemiion is to loosen from Uie coaU of the tomach and bowels, th anou impur'uiet and crudi. t!eVconiBUni r lU"s ,rou"11 "'fmpd to remove the hardj-ned Ta-ce. which collect in the convolution.of the email mtestine. Other medicine only partiallr Cleanse the, and leayearrch cdlectcd maaseahind, Mterm)dne tabrtoletivenes, with ill it tram of " evil, or tmoMen diarrha-a, with iu imminent danger.- This fact ia well known to all regular anatom,.,. , .1... I l,ui..l. ft .O...L "llllO VZailllUO IOC IMMItnil UCaLli: ), tlpUfg prejudice of these well informed men against the urn 1 medlcineli of thu age. The second ell'cci of the V ii i TABLE LIFE PlLLS is to cleans the kulne the bluddcr, and by tbia means, the liver and ilie"iun the healthful a-;tion of which entirely depend, uu J' regularity of the urinary organs. The blood, take its red color from the a jenty of the liver im 5 lungs belure it pic iutd the heart, being Ihuapunki by them, and nourmhed by lood coming tv, J cj stomach, cour6 freely through the cm, reae, ry part of the svstein,and inumphantly immnu tbt ner of bealih in the blooming check. , "The.fol lowing are among, the diatiewing variit.j huriian disaoes, to which the Vegetable Llis Viiu , well known to be infallible , Vjjpild, hy thoroughly clean)iing'the lint 'Ki cotld tUMufcba, and creating a llowot pure healihK,i. ' inatead Hi the stale and acrid kind; FlutuW. u.7 mution of the Heart, Lot of Appetite, Heart-burn m Head-ache, Resilessnaas Ill-temper, Anxiety, J,,,, and lelanclioly, which are the general muimmd I u. 1 1 1 (..niuli K . M Hillnrul - ' I ralt-jmi, Will ,bicii, mm m imui.i VUOnUenCC Of h cure, Lomivcncss, oy cicansi.ig uie whole hupk j the intestines with a solvent procest, and without v. lencc, an vioieiu puj;c icQ um uvweisconivsig, .in.iwdDmrlaAAod-4Mdef, ey-renwriiij tt," luiorp acnu nuius vj nuivu unm vuuipiamui ire octj. fvond, and by promising the digestive aecrctioB of 0 miifjia membrane, t'evert of U kinds, by retiofa." tbe blood to a regular circulation, through wluck process of perspiration in tome cases, and the liiorood solution of all intestinal obstructions in others, tit LIFE JP1LLS have been known to We Rlieunauii permanently in three weeks, and Gout in hnlf that time by "removing local iiilluniination from the tiiUHChea aai ligaments of ihe jomu. .. Dropsie of all kinds, fcj ftt. ing anu airengiuening iro amour anu uiaecer; tktv operate mobt deliglitiully on these imporumt orgsna, andlictrcirbaVeever been -teend a certain reniatr fc- .t ..... It I' I A K! .1 . . f . me worsr cases ui uravei. rvoto, v urms, oy auHodnw from the tuiuingsoi the bowels tbe slimy matter t which these creatures adhere ; Asthma and Conttmt, tioo, by relieving the air vessels of the lungs tton t mucus, which even alight colds will occasion, wlotl,( not removed, becomos hardened, and' produce! uxt dreadful diseases. Scurvy, Ulcers, and luveknte Oores, by the perfect purity which these Lite PUisgif to the blood, ami all Uie humors; Scorbutic ErujtUusv and Bad Complex ions, by their alterative eUucl oji the fluids that feed the skin, the moibid state of h4 occasiona all Eruptive complaint, Sallow, Cloudy, tni other disagreeable Complexion. The use ot Uteat Pills, for a very abort time, will elTuct an cnUiccureiif Salt rheum. Eryaipclan, and a striking improvemcatit tire Clearrreas of the krrr.?ommon Cold and kin. anaayjull always be cujeifry una dose, or by ta,evn in the worst cabes. - riles, as a remedy lor Urn am distressing and.bjUnat-rnala.dythei'.tggtj,i)iq U Pills deserve a distinct and cmpliatie recommeniliua. It ia well known to hundreds in tins city, thai UV prietorof theso invaluable Pilla, waa hnimelf alltiai with this complaint for upward of thirty-five jtut, and that ho tried in vain avery remedy prescribed i.i in the whole eompase of the Materia Medics.- h ho'we'verT'aTlfhgtli, tried fle' meuTcihb' whidi it offers to the public, and he was cured in a very al.it time, after his recover? had been pronounced oat ou 1 tucaiui - v.- - -i . . -: - Direction For Use. The Proprietor of tli VECl ' TABLE LIFE PILLS doe not tullow the but ui mercenary practice -of the quacks of the day, H sing persbiM to take bit Pills in large qtianuuea lb gooil medicine can possibly be so required. TbtssPi are to be taken at bed tune every night, for a week fortnight, avuording to the obstinacy of Uie diaoasv Th usual dose it trom 2 to 5. accordieir to tha tobb tution of the person. Very delicate persons hoalk J gin with but two, and increase as tbe nature of thee may require : those more robust, or of very cosftV ' bit, may begin with 3, and increase1 lb 4, or ereo &F-4 and they will effel-t a auflicicntly happy change to p ' the patient in their farther use. The Pillssomfires occasion sickness and vomiting, mougb very seliiwi, a les th stomach a very foul ; this, hownstt nr considered favorable symptom, -the- fatw w find bimaell at once relieved, and by perseverance w soon recover. They usunlly operate within 10 at 1. hours, and never give pain, unless the bowels ere vert much encumbered. They may be taken by A a delicate females under any circumstance. lta,W-1 ever, recommended, that those in later pinodi f preg- nancy should lake but one at a time, and Uiiucootia to keep the bowels open : and even two may be te where Ihe patient is very costive. One pill id I ii lion of two uble-spoons full of water, mar b (hat an infant in the fullowmg- dsmm a teg-spooafeli iw Iwo houra liU a oporaicn.fut aUUd lxoi.ooe. Je years of age, half a pill and from five toea, onett ,-; Tlifi PilOiX-rTER-arw TVed.tei lliey poeeLSS Uie power of restoring the (xpirijij of helth,10 glowlnf vior tbruihiHit tin cmalb tionria lliePhaihix is said to be restored to life m the ashes of Its own diasolutmn," Tbe Phojoix &at ! ere entirely vegetable, compared of root found ot.') ' certain parts ot the westera country, which will My cure Fdveft aridTAgue ofall kidda ;v will a fad to eradicate entirely all the effect of Alercurj mutely eooner than tha mott powertul prcparatmai Sars na nil, and will immediately cure the deujnnf tion ol Blood lo the Head ; never fail in the skIo" incident to young femalee: and will be found I cert: remedy in all case of nervous debility and fb of tin most impaired cooslitulione. ' At a reawe'; fc Chronic and Inflammatory Rheumatism, tli etsurr the Phcenix Bitter will be demonstrated by the tse a tingle bottle. Tbe usual dose of these tutors a wine glass full, in water or wine, and that may be taken two or three timet a day, about bii'1 hour before meals, or a less quantity may be Uta 1 all timet. To those who are adhcled with inJif" after meals, Uum UiltoM will prove mvaloabi,! very greatly increase Uie action of Uie principal ' ra, help them to perform their function, snd enaU stomach to dischargo into the bowels whatever at:' ive. ihua indigestion w easily and speedily nw" appetite restored, snd the mouth of Uie absorbed : aula being cleansed, nutrition it facilitated, and rwC ol body and energy of mind are Uie heppy rcl-f !.'. K.r k. Mrfi...l. t' Ulll'CllKl llt'ld PILL- : and PPtENIX BITTERS, apply at Mr. MomiH v mct n..,.j..,.. w... v'u '.u ,k oau aB I . n , M. ft . lobUuied aeeolAO.ceoiAO! per Iwi unwn " W "un,wTI. , " mmWW V- , J lie tee of Uie woudeiful efficacy of both, msy at " inspected. - - - ; - In arxne obstinate and complicated caset and inflammatory Rheumatism, Livur Compln-'1 umm 1 1.. . , I I. I.l. tnntnSitS and Ague, Dyspepsia, Ply, Pikjt, My""' j ose of Mercury, quinine, tnd other drteasw j ding, it may be toond oeceasary to Uk i Pilla and Uie Phuima Bitters, in lb dtcei" . 1110 ase sund Life Tfefii'niiioK.tiiT: B These Pill and the Bitters will Cury out of tho system infinitely lister Una $ j preparation or Srspnll, and are certai" tor Uie rusliing ol bho.l lo Uie need, or all nolctt ac!iea, ticdoglcurcui,Ax. All persona "B0V,J; dicDOHcd to snnnlnrv. nnlur- . ahruilil nevtt out Uia Uie I' i II at or Out Bitters, foe on &a will save life. They equalize the circulate . . blood, draw all pressure trorn the bead, restore JP" r ration, and ihrow oil' every impurity by Iht P" 1 ( the akin. ... -.. - t : .' ,' : '! - IMPORTANT NOTICE. ' . t Person osing the Life Medicinea.areadr , the Pilla at night, in smficient quantities P'',Klff f . . . a i ... i . .1... .m nt tM ( day. Also, Uka a table-spoonful of the toW hour before each meek For Owe of a delic" fecbled constitution, bait iheqtladtity ma b"uS -:.'- - - -w , . ., ' ' h nrm r. .4 c...;.k Ilrctioaa0 obtained bn application tt the clbce, 367 Broed I ' ft7" A liberal deduction made to Uw wbdPl to sell again. All post paid letter will recci'' diate attention. 1 1L. .Ll. t j .: k tiaj tf P OW iw aiaivo .ueuicines nut ar Cresi 4'-VVt,fi". Towq, Jjoji j for the imiiio. i i 8Irbory, March 5Srim '"'.'" f A-

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