lo think if pit,lo that wmic hi .rue hud b..t u laid f"f him, though ry( r whiTcfore, he, Mas uimblo I j conjecture. 7 a l.i tlua uncertainty, lie almol determined to do , ,.-'-r Uih i iitnii to soma uthor Hilit, mill hi the , iih i iiUiii revived at b-ai to it for tho first u;i." . ctam glimpse of light which moment might 'jnl.iij Iw a favoraliU; for hi High! llie T( '-.U-. . Ill Uncommon atreiifrtb enabled lum In Mono back to h dune(,n, but h m almt . ii Miuad ax lie arrived at the proji-ctinc; utoiia .uuclt-r .. , hi window, where he remained waiting like a cut f ai the and of a gutter., In a short time I ho Tint 'fun beams of the morning broke, and be I boo per i:HveJ a ha tnovi d the u.ti. prd ..kirk ward d , t n , -T Inrwards, a trifl.og interval of some hundred 1 MHrffiily , ( between tha lust ki.nt i.f it. noil llie ! swew rorhi oi Hie precipice. ' '. ! tn, on i Mtla l oiuniaiKlciit " aai'J Ilia Clieva J 'f wiifi the eootfif Hi:it characif'rued feiin,.M I : " " . bav th hunor lo bo your iom oldiwif, vury huitt- y "v . ' '.h.ram."- IJavuij rrft-ctwrf for nine iii(wt ' t'j' 'v'' ''i'ly "eitol, plan f U iomiihl it b'I Ifl re fti'fi hia o il. , lie plnctj ulijCompletidy crunhfd'hiJ ahattc-rcd U pieces. hi clutli.'s on bia Wd li fl (hi ord milniiie atlach' ' Tha lorward paafrtWr car w niti VP " .-d to tlm bar, Id r-iKoiira"1 1'ifl ub-a ofbi fill, u.'n) .:..'it.. . i.:... -i.' i -i . in"y.-vvK,mi 'fillli B IIIIHI Iim IWftf, flfl , jjaiicuio-4i.arvni7t ihB-trfniTmrii'iH jailor, ,with ona of the irmt barn lie bad tawii .fl in j T ", " l, ino tumkfy afjT'nw i rno atanon, rahr ! Mr. blotto wa thrown bickwarda, anJ both hit 1,"J,;cr ba:iw.ii !ni it-i-i d custom, (nipaiiHtii io en- J b-ija being caught Mween the two cars, W'ftacrush-i, r ;ir itlo ('! ol ih projmrty of Urn dttfuin t Kd and mangled in lha moat abm-king naiiimr iltt tfH-iitd Ihe dir with a car bh wbiatbj twit Many "f 'the other paswitigflrg were more or Mf im()rm.r had bo arrived at proper distancf, than hurl, but none iiiigtrouxiy. ,. Mr. Sieele waaextn Cfanctairt Rpjibwl lap if the iron btr witb audi ! fWomkil i.rriofl mid om-tieal iuirtire i hia 6r. (Mil of jnqtMtieft' that the traitor' &II aa 'if lot dtud without u(term-; a word - im CirVuTIRr airima the body with ihe s,kill fP h'ttp iul tli:r,v4rei4l bimwlf in (he floiha of.lurjr to amputate both if the lega of the aufloring fct? vnhin, iniitnti'dHia wallu jiiiil, ihaiika lo ibV.niin. Hu aurvivod oidv till abait 0 o'clock on . arltiwaa i4 fhef hour, agd the droy irftifient !hm . . 41. tiiu uniiiectitn Hiilniain, d'tud hia'eacuiif. . ' V "I - --a - ""-:;' ' in. ... .- j . n , V H " V... r- . '..... l e .1.. vl 'nr. -I..'. 1 -U.t'vfro.o 'Hjiiaton lo the Hll, inalanl. . The Cu bu chiii'l' jiilo GjlveMloit ttiu k iiiion tlio brcalrra p'a'i n BMl(-froihri;rranoit""w'Byraiu . aiuie Jbifn burjftl jii the aand. Klia waa omler' ydiiifijouf Captain J'hilipa who had ll Rjioiin!il to'lill tjia 'plm:e of t'ant. 'araoti. The insurant I v 1m:il O fl ), th HHanil dollar. I jt ptwiijera wrreall gotoffwitli mtich ditrnjiilty, tKmliig tho iiolo iifiiH-ir bigj(:ijM, ' Aa atiempi Uto bemailc l thu unwind, ,jr ' J ' '-y 2.& i. hmL imiutceh JtLalC 1 1 m ?in of-tlw 1.itrmtimniinof Ilia nim.kres toward the 'Tea-! "rT',w ,acM.U' m71'-rtftffrTia:iM,Uigy7,,,g been fullilled, it baa len j-ranted. tftjLCompiuj Mt th- h id taken iit ice Irtta jUm-liidiawa rMl.-n avanribiat.irilrcnr 'abX'a. .' iv-. .t I iimiw 011 initio tuvi-r.iu wich the hiriner Inat sfwl of their tiuinber.. Tho jetiti tif invadinjr Mexico iul carrjin-t the war into tlie enemv'a carrvma the war into the enemv a roontry, ia aaHiHiT 1tJ'r.Ttaa.. An altuck urn ryiva-Auwa wuuiii aqtto sit liiMWa im iu:rta an mat cawm. . . . - ; ,: ; ; -x , . -. . i v 7 r' 7. 'm. 77 7; . ' Tritfir of IJainUn .. atiiempnl hiu iwX Ircn'ba r rn'riiVd by Iho Mtirvbtbonq vettry, is cimi wuion ! If catml Iw iiiaoV, tho' dutma of Hanporta. -' villi lh .Klueiiul .paving of Oxllirj airjH-t,' tion to accrue to tha Uovermiicnl ahasll bo one per niUjirfo' jive the rea.i! sooie idea of tits. tm. f'cent. - - . ' iTM-ihe Ira lite in the sirens". Lomfom Tho fot-'w 3- Th navigation of the rivetrtiagrte, io can. ' , l.muui 'l-m ,i'm ui. Lu. Miuiu.JLmA .ll.,AA m ts. i oM. slwll mit be 4olemiofed.--'''t' ' .ilednoaibtv. the Mih of Jinuarv.m ail in the "irthiiijf uutilTwelvo Mt nielli, pasa.nl by ihe Pail-! P;X ,en lr b-aa loll thaa thoa if other na sbwwn. 4lrtlemrif?a twn wheel enrrniiwa; fVTtwvMb'at4a prio- tW tttftv- r (our wheel, M)l ommbufimH, fi'il two wb"rtand i This privelego shall continue fifty years,. 73'ifmir wlii'id harknev earr'tagpa, 91 stn Coach-i tbo completion f -the work for which ait 1- '. .'wintlrnw total. 551i U? fMfm m. ).!? ho, company ahall befin llieir opcrationa in , uf,-tno Fiih o'f jaumiry, tha toiaf ta 4751, out of tlireayeara from tho data of the contract fuibng lo - vbkl 1213 were oimlm-. On Tacbiy,lho 22d T comply itb ihia condition, lliey aliall pay 3,000 ofihr same inimib,.bv.NvmRtt atr!Ctbe..ulali.pnalt)r ta'tUBiato.---' r v- is stated to be !) 13. On tho SCtli of lniry, by twowlw c-'f fotrr wi nl liidrsiHu . : - - jHlifi tftdnlacc, tsntwni)atliKlinuw niUarutw at Msti&v 1 "PM-' eattaLabait biiflua 4ba. mHiawty.'aaM - ' ""Bui lis TaTTio morning r'giiiiaiHn's two hrrcar 'ba Republic; IT7 X v ,t43waX.i(iMaii4.dra. 33 blii.ata.tid.t't b.jwedii:.; CutUtant4 aunilr rtH to''t 3?t, --1 g4wMnniiulHjr of i'otleiieu' fair vheel carrni'eaAaiid hackney ' Jj-mtwheol do. appear tn have p.i; i on tha .Tueeyj . rtiiv, tho number ot ilia tormar on mat tiny being JV1 i, aoJ tT Iho lutter ' r- .., . dancing Ummi the end of one of tho ynrdn in a man nrr truly nitraculoiis. without having hold ol any of the riggittj; by hia hands, until be suddenly (e ovrrbonnl, aa I and some others had anttcipatod hH ho roost. No timo was lost itt attrmptinj to . rescue him, but in vain, as no trace of lum euulJ bn discovered,1. But whila wa wore rogrtiinf hia fate, we ppree-vpd him as jnilileuly daitciug at the Anher end of the dock fr it aemed iht ho had not alipped off, hut thrown bimaelf piirpow ly into . the sa, and had swam to a rniisidorahla ditnoe aedefw iter, t This apniiivo foal 'fitralli'd t iny iniml the dealcrity of the am'kmtGrtktio. diving, , then, during the 'ija of Syracnsa, tho Athenians ewam under water, an sawed away lha pil" with which Ihe harbor wa. blocked up. bv Eiiter's tJourMi!. y ' ' ' .. -TAa h$tf Mr-Jrv. Itird- at Charle' ':T'Mt,Hiit Carritinaronthe 17il InMattr-Mr. gre-. J ,s.n"ThoiuSaTTirtrifl vnttiii'aronirs ff jo.-5ifrTT su.,.at.pitit 4tt thtf!2f Kymrr,depiitflTnf Ivn . Dorlone.Tranee, on the lOih f August' A. l. 1750, and fled with an etJr niaiitonsi-dcr tn Lon . 7s " dial, in 1701, lo j itii the Rev. Ir, Gilbert, who ; - ,-- f - with hia congregation, had also beon cdmprll:d to .4.. ocek an aiyluin from' tho perefirtton whiih thry "' ""endured in their native land.7Thi eontrrrgatitwi . . . . 7. of exiles conaiatcd of nearly one l.ointf d i.wivt.f r j " " " ala; at ui by a kiml Provnli'iice, ility arrived here ; " 7 in aaftty on the Uih -f April, 17G1, where ihe , 1 '7 . auhjei't of ibis nolioe b w avir aioce redided. - Al ' 'i " a"n aatly peficKpof tlie Rnvotutioniry aTtpj;!, Jr. 7XT.-re4umeJ tw hia nWtwtminiiypnfotney whrnTtneeving ?t Rev." M,l;wft)W4 chuttff ii"i!wTl4 be anfll'red a pSinful dojenfimi from his family for $7t .1 - n 1.:. T. a, ..... -.'.....I niriui nirrv r.. i, u 1 1 ,i.itf t iiv .4,ciiMiru by tbe British flet in the' Chesapeake, whfii-e be remained some time a nrhamr, At lon-jih, beinit ii , , .Ctchstiged, be returned lo t.liarleston, and imme. uiaiety joinu uie ir"qn 01 uen-nrn i ins auopieu cnutury, was at the btltle of Fort Mmilirie, ami afterwards wiih tJenl. Marion to the clusfl of the war. CarIfoa OJerwr. . ' ' In the Ilockin Valley, Ohio, a well has hem dHank to tbe great dnpih of aix.humlred feet, lor tbe purpiHif of obtaining ing anil water. The object ofthe; ,(uiorptixing innivjonnis nns neen rutty Bccouipiisiiiiti ; .'a jnpply ot water having been reached of a strength j ''. tst'liiuji requires lut forty 'ihret gallons to make a' Jajsticlof salt f Cftf npoftds. The wster riaea . ..j:.:i.-ii 1 .-i, i- spontaneously lo the surface, and flows at the rate ' . " if 4000 to 6000 pillions for day. Thhj new well L ' : v . 1 v ',,' ., 1' ' ', ' - v ! f -1 - ' -' ' i.-r ' ih iii the virility A Hi it cm .l end woiln-d hy Mfjwra, Wmi a'd Vjnioti fur guiii jar a-t 4mertc'a uij( AJrrrtivr. itf. -A p,i'inf;r who was on Imard of thn N York mid I'liilauVI-, phia Ii.nl lioad curs Ht llie limn of tl.o l.ilitl acci dent on tsatii r! iy ni'lit lasl, of l.n Ii aoine men lion tms been mudu mi ll.i; I'lnladulpliia pjjtcr ha isi-d l u lra following particular : The I rum was goin Ht the linw at tho ralu of Hi least -0 union per hour ; it -waa between 9 and 10 o'clock in lh evening, and throe milt-a this side of Bristol, The rail oil thin part of tt road are erv hrtdlv laid, knit f!u urnl-i.. r.imimr nut imr - " T. ;' I ft " tlif end of tin- r uls j the cud ihuii springs up, and f.irms what in n.ltwt l.c the Ii hfuiif. which fiFrma one of t!ie worit iMiiilileoh slruciuxis In the car who la. , buch ua the cae in th prrijfiiit tiwtaiic , . v - ' e . . . ; , Th locoiwoti in coming M conlact with'thfi olmrnctioti waa thrown tiff the track nod Ufm-t, tho bsrjage car which followed next, were 'ftflumentiL which catiiit deiireaaion m the rear ; V . . . ... .'. . . . t aom WWi vmwmxl I'll WO.v4lJVJ0ie JJia.'UIJB'W- !of the paswiora, wa lat)fliig.- The footboard of tha nel car, caught ooii thYif the foremost one, and driven fiirward with iirful impfitut.. rated a aoon aa potwihtfl and carnt-d on to llrutol, whera thrre nhvaiciana were tailed, but who war unable to atford htm any relief. Aa aoon aa any JniidjifaiaxuuldrtiatJ'hiUideliihia. Dn M(M-Jri tan. waa callod. and on arrivin he found it necea. Sunday eusfitijr, which tinm afilirded him tlw nmi. jawhidy connotation of buldinc-adifu to hia wife tW - wbo - m lie waa recently marwd) and an aged mother, tne reehnge or whom can be better inia gim;d than dnwrilied. ' Mr. Steele waa a inerchunt ' of J'tiiludi lphia, and bight reflected in the pom; nmtillv. ' ...' ; Mrmart alalra that m Ibo opinion of 1 .0 ! pacii)K'ra and the cilizeoa gonorally, the Rail. road-Comiiany- ia nr tho-brffh!nflPerr"CUliiabtiS for their neglect to ke-p the road in pmper repair,' but I hut im blame wbnlcver ia aitribulahle to the etij'ttH'eM or coodnntora i of tho car in rtlation tK jhti melancholv afn;f;f. XL'ewrilla CANAL .VCftOSij TUB WHilW OF PANAMA. ' Tlie Ri'publMroN'ew Grenuda baa granted to a Company tha pnvilpge of making a canal, rail rad un .hi. ,...in'- ii ... .i mmfd; Tuadpvai thta-wtBrmrarrla IS - waa accorded in CoU Chat lea ,f (j.iHdalouiie. ;B0W u Kuria?, w and makim ili u Tho agent ,of Ihiaptunpany ia ilh tho vmiw of rairfioittbo moana. ,,d nokmi iU m.ruii.- ft ..JwiJt - , Tj,e cmid.li.a.a of iho coutract.aro conchy tlieae t' - ' ' ' " x -'n.. -- . 1 110 iiiivroiarinq cnnitnui iitiieatkm tniiot terihi-X of Puiiania. . It may rtijato at otio end, 111 tlo lowu a canal, a rail-road, or macadamiad nmd, V y?9 .minor tbo.New Grenadiaw Hagahall il " "'Q of bo term of this privilege, (KF- f mabinf this canaT, urider the present contract, wi j inunia-1 emtari(-tw-iirh euterpriw-trnit rtf-an f Increasiui value io the stock, in the pn-sntit ca, tj stock, mftat diminish in value every Hay, ainco . if hiuat become the property of tlie fc'taKi at tlio end of fitly years. 7, . v,v ' T " ' : J;.'-. i-. cious advicaj ia copied froas too rewdolion adopted ." at a public meeting of tha citizens of Woijoaockot, Althoun;li calculnti-d for thf .uiecidian of Rhtaie Is land, it will anwer equally well tor any other htate 1 ., . ' : . . Whurena it is curreutly reported that, in one of ottr nrijjliboriiig villages, H a iiuin made during the la year tl.Vlti by minding his own business, and t.VMJ liy lolling other people's alono" thortfora - Uetoittd, That we rrcnmnx'nd t eomo of the gnixLpuipUj iu ooe villa ( try the Tperiment-,- am piily aa aairee of emolument to themselves, but of atttikfacliou to their ueighbors. Proieet$ fifthr nrr Cror.. Th drmigbt still continues, and Ihe soil w drying up wih tlie op- presmve heet. IJom nr atmnit a tmsr faitureririi cotton Ix-ginsto look yellow. Wherpterhepjiii;(g!i M l'il iii "Ihe fit Js, a thick cloud of dust marks na t'(Hck"7: It ii B0 neJiftfl tbre montba sitice a bow? pf of 8rty crtdqinca haa ralTeTuiiTlie part' t the wmflfjt we rta' iBd wtmi mat rain' in town, but they have not extended very far. From the tt'icarniK;e of the corn fields the crop pflihst necessary article of provision will fall far abort of being sufficient to supply the wanis of tho raiiera, ' and if. this drought ciiiiei"lKe'eillon crop will be one of the shortest thai haa ever been iiiu.lc Xari..4ooiirta ftiot ia Atr llitprn. Several , memliers of Yale College', and Mhera, principally ' young men from the S,uth. brobn up aa abolnioli " veu, a ww oays since, ny making a muae, aiut pelting the speaker (Gerril 8miih, F--q.,) with, rgB. ?'veral of. the guilty pernns were arrested. ami 1 fined in the pitiful eurn of s)U ! . We are bapny to ileirn, however, that further proceeding are In be . 111 m ciru cnoriH, nnu 11 mi me raouny oi 1 aio iiitego nave ea'iietl one ot the offi'mlera, a young man from MiMiippi, and aiopioiidcd another. Y. Y. Uhtrrrer. " V- , '. ' -' ' -' 7 '' , rieaure ia asbsnow ; wealth is'tanity, ami four- ; er a prgeant but Knowh'djje is extmic in ri joy. mrnt, perennial in fame, untimitrd iu space, and i':..c:.: J . - I .. .1. . r . ' iiuiniip ih nurauoii, in tne pertormatico Ol in sa crrd office, il fears ,00 darcer,"kfpare no Tjenset t omits mseaertion. It scales the mountain, lools ntto the eolcano, divea into the ocean, perforates t tho earth, enriehes the nlobe, explorre sea and " II T fond, contemplates tl ' , , " - . '-. ' ,. 1 tne tumaoi, aaccnas to tne suo lnr.cf no .l ir to fmo! f.r it p'np no hfa. ena tw exn!ti:d tr lis ri Qth. i U Clinton., A nfw route hat just trcn estblihil lx-lft"" Net V. k Mid Uutr.lo. which ii!.a great rxjxidi. turn l Iravellir, It is by ntcamliont to Alhany, them e by railroafla to I'tina, llwitco by canjo boat o, (kwt.f.oon Lakn Ontario, t)i-uce by, iiliinloat (o Lfwir-tim, and ihciR-e by railroad to P'jll.ilo. Tho lime occupied i two days, and three. pighta. 1'iom IkeSt. Augusttnt Sew, June 23. .FMtRID.t ' ," ilraiunt JWm.Two men. were killed by Indiane, mar Kurt Cro. and tiit-ir tofltrupa cot out. A ort of moutitij niro were procidin2 (mm t (posit, when they came up tof lrty of Iiuliaiw. The ) rNnt diplyd white flj? and advanced, when the Iriilimw wlutrd thrm by tlriiiw killing llie aer gcant'a hore. T1m litila occurrcncea are ncarce -worth a rolatKjti tut a we ate chroniclers of evnia, we rcaird ih-MH Itshuw bow very peaceable our former eneinic r num. . t . , , , fjinili.-ll'ii atatod in the Montreal Gazette, that the Bulliilo convict ahipv which, baa been engaged in England lo convey the iimurgi-anti from Canmla io.uue or the penal colonic, u divtly expected at UucDec. A areratnrl howw-HUbafray baa:aceiVedns!rHc(ions, to rke the Doaary prpraliont for equipping the convicti for their voyage. It it alao alaird that the convict veax) will have an eacort of the 51 regiment oq board, and that her destination n New tiouth Walea. The cmifiwiion of one of the culprit, prove that the diwirou conflagration at Albany, noma, tune aince, wai kindled bf three boy a to decide 'a bet of terr '.which ensrme of I certain three would reach tlie fire l ,,rN ' ' cwroyeq uwusanuH, w reurea maiKa poor lamity liouseleaa. THE WESTERN CAROLINIAN --v Pkiia Moastso; Jixr lV 1S3D. r TUEJOURTH DP JULY. i . , . 1-. '. . jf . " Tltia Juliileo of our National Independence, we are gratified to aay, was celebrated in our Town, a manner more amiable than it baa -been for l)ino wre pa Taud it U right arid-fitting that it fr.esbthft xewembra oco .f--wmtwtlcedvand'rB".' kindlea in tho breast of every freeman the tacred fire of patriotism", which should never be suffered to grow cold. For moo cannot listen. -on tlmf day to a recital of the noble deeds of thrir fathers, of their resistance to tyranny, and Ibeir pledge of all that i held doar by man, in the cause of liberty, 'ixjd not feel that they too have a duty riot so peri- lou, but none the less sacred to discharge, io guard. ing w ith jfatous watchlulncsa against anyjeitcwMch tociits on tbat bbaaj bought heritSgeTbequeathed to .1 1 . -I.J a ; I I I iiirm. 11 ia a prouu uay wnicn Americana snouiu never' we'urv iii oWrvliiffa'iIairwfHcb otie"oftfie actnra aaidt should lecolebratefl tboucelurth and as the birth day of au indeiiidonce, great and clo rious : and so long as It is prhed, so long will its About 10 o'clock, a large cm-otwapf citiicns aasenibleil at tlio Methodiat Church, and there forming in procrsion, moved, preceded by the mili tary, lo the Presbyterian Church, where the Te . mi.. SikTily approptuua remarks, the aubstaoca f whitb he has luruiHhnd by n(iiil, and we give bo low ; was delivered by Bt nTOX Cb aioe, Rq., in speak- ing of the merits of which, wo merely repeat the expressed opinion of many of the large assemblage, who listened with attention: we considered it an off irl h ijyc iWoJ ii'Hr.": bly suited to tho occasion, R-licttou in elocution, expressive in aentiment, and choice diction After the OratiiMi, a large company partook of a dinner provided by Col. Long and Mr. J. Junes, which passed otT with the utrooM harmony and good fueling;." Col. Macnamara f rc-ide-l on the oc casion. number of ineMs were drank, the most of which, (all that we could, obtain,) are given bcluw. v - RrlJLAk TOA55T7 1. The day we eth brate : May the annual re- turn of lha birth-day of nor Natitainl lmlvncndeiico ever find us free, hoppv, and projieroua people. 1 S. ike t'tttnoti of IBs I he most of that he- Trrractrof -rnn-Tirc"CiTrie,Bnd TTiisTcwTone retii s .&EJ. f?t. presiiif. Jft Uietr-dcsiiucd home j but - - 1 uoir isnin siisn iiv accus so suuiune, !Jrb'gbXerbjr"IKo wear of tiuie.t i. Ta"a VectiriifwT'tfladf warrrMaTThe l-spirtt-wbifb it tnbit imMe eveli''Awrictin'; sod " its principles enduro till unto aliall bo no more,'! . .,' " ' 'i--, i: George IJ'ajsiaoa ; The father of his country. . . ; ':.v. : ;" "5. fit Confitulionofte United Staffs t May we adhere closely lo Ihe principles then-io contain J til. and Iransmil In poilsriry eut1 llt,m'Ji1)ll xahed our honor wutiic anj our frecdmi vn imptXtrrd. " 6. Tury yptVt 1 Msy its influence V banished when wo men for the erie-of 'iajTimawlpiMwslroni- Brittah terannyr 7. Tac sojeAs of Kin $ Mountain t The tnns of Virginia and Csrdina, there tntiaht lha world that 110 postilion, however at ronn, can protect the want.m and cruel oppressor from le joat vengance of injured and determined men. ' 8. iVorfA Carolina'1 Foremost in .issuing our right to ftedoiri.-i-she will ever bo found fust in it defence?"'" m; T- -'" --v. -ti -t , JQ. Union , f the Suite. 7 "' 7 v IO.' Tbe Unitrrsity of Xort Varotimi : The legislative halls of, the States and of the Nation bear witness tn what she hss done : Iler present government ffiyea nnr mee of whnt alio will do. - "11, Mecklenbm-gJhrhiriit'mnof Indi-pendrnre : A historical fact witncsiied by men w hose teati mooy ennnoi be overturned tv ridicule or nawa paper .paragraph. - , '. '' H. The Internal Imirorrmrnt of iYtwti faro. lia Tjioogh oflen repulsed and disappointed at mm iliti doon ti ourJVlilutCi e will si.A t-;J ta to llie L'ood bone of final ucce. 13. nffwi fj " A miniaiering ancl tbou. , voLL'.NTi:i:;t toasts. - - Cut. 11. Mdcnauuira. Woman i Naturt'a nmsier-picce in proxpnrity, weak, ctinfidtnjj s-oin adversitv, firm, reaoluio, noble. JU ArchiUld llemkrttm, Lti. The Reader of tire I;iy, Gen. T. G. Polk l Ho will take with him to llie land of hi adoption the beat wnsnesoi hia lellow citizens, for hi future hapjimfnaaud oros- periiy. Itg llurton Crmgt, Faq- Oiir friend a tnan, G-n. T. G. I'olk.- sAiiia tiietid be1; d and tnwna- aiieiidwir- ed birnscir to ua by hia ocittl qualitiea an ri'i-N. en and mait'.iate, we respect him for bia jmbbc'" auiril ami hia natriutiam. lie ia uoui io naicm , let u tender bitn a bumnfr,and our warmest ili ea for hia prosperity anq happiness in llie bind ujf bis atlopttoti. , - : ; , Attar ItiUt toast waa read and drank, fien'l. folk wk and said 'I'hat ha waa pra titled at tlie aiariiOwtation of good feel intt expreased towards "him by bis fnenca at the Table. On tha we of leaving tl Stat tor " new hquie, it afforded htm much pleasure to know tr at he uwgmed tha coo GJence of those who bad Ion? and iiiti- mataly known him. toaeparating trom tnrm ne KuaL byM h(fthliigorti(e!neroua seutiiiMmU or kindly frH-. inga which boupd bun to his friends; and wberever ba dear in hia recollection, a. eitixen ot the one and a - flee of the other, and havmj been frequently houorea by (ho confidence of both; he could not part with ilium or the Shite without feelings of wgrct But b m it, that to many of our people are leaving the cond cTd north Stale j that haa tha proad JiitintluMuf nsrr . speaking th language of imepandence! Would tbi y hesitate to believe - could they doubt, hut tint it sprung 1' iL. l.l .... I. ,1 . I... t,. lluiu 111c Ulircinuic puuuj vi kwbc wiiuiu itivj w ilm ljfilture? Coiitcnt wjth their ippointHient. and seeking for re-appointment, most of thcia are repard- lessot tho good of Ihe Htate or the real interests of their pwn constituents. A liberaf system of lotPtwal : Improvement can alone stay the torrent of ermprau, , and ass irieod 10 the nest iniereai 01 me oimr, mm would vole fur no man, w'm would nut uncooditasnally pledife hinmdf, for an approprialioa oe the must liberal terms' to Intornal IinprovemcnL With the. facilities afforded by rail-ruadaor Turnpikes, this would be one the finest portions of the Htate to live in but without them, your rich soil yields you wotliinjr, and your iuuor hi wanted in vain, Jo conclusion be ottered : . - The County of Rwan.-DistinguialieJ alike by tbtr feTttlrtyTif :hor tail ajrf-ttte ffliriiiig iutggrtlj W Iter populutinrt. ' ' ' . ' jKy Col R. XV. tony. La Fayetlq: The gal lalU Frenchman who left, at an caily age, all tlie branrlwhmonts iith which"T.waa"Burimdod io Kta7own,'iiinyIapJ,buiJ blood the (He id liberty in this our Mesaed country. ' By Vnpt. (ko. M. ilVlinf. Union and Lllwny now and forevnrone and inseparable. ; P IArui. Utxidtai llWua.-Tbe b of Jn. ijWrthei&Tita rhtCtt our forcCilbcrabufiailie 1 bonds ttd fetter which had lieen cii "iPW"Tbm "ilfi ui' 0 r clu m TJl ! f u saiTv't; al' f aaa - -m(iep-it-rrt -people 1 may it never ceased to'' be revered Ly tbe latent posterity. " ''. rTNv - By Henry i)ih. Tbe Salisbury flards:' May they increase io number aa (hat ei thrj bave im proved in military luetics. "a " X By Rufut Rcid, Esq., tf Jrtdtl!. The ieto- ry of Baron Uocalb. , " 7 By B. Avtiin. The Constitution cf the CuiteiX Slates : The palladium of our liberties and the tet- book for all Republics and future generations. ' By Gin. T. O. I'M Free Schooler TU firwt step to make free moo, and the solid foundatioa of free Institutions. , By G. A. STilkr, ofMocl$nllt7TAKiiiUXk,i Tlie bry;litot gem in a Nation's Treasury. By Cajt. jamft Owtn. Gen. Washington Tho hero of the Revolution and the Cither of but By Dr. hillmn. North Carolina; The amnt of Internal Improvement which U now beg inning to animate her citizens, may ii rapidly jro m outit by means of rail-roada ft has eatablisbed a Lowell ihe midst of our Western hills. . , " l'.Bjy AAlBnintr.--:-, 'The Star-spa a led BatHier: oh! long msf it wave, 1 " ftJl iwcnfi Lioeriy ....-a- as a mtten or uoerty 4ioa and-Ti'iiuo'wK i-Tbo ftrmeat wi Hart -of-ttw- m'fHtniii''Piffm'?&"''LonfTtray' By Cot. M.' Thompton, of S. C Tha day we celfbrata: Contrated by the bliatduflbouaanda; msy jt ever be celebrated in tlie name spirtt which actuated the heroes of that memorable ejoch. Re- , amiance to oppression, emtw from what quarter it mav. " ' ' X patriotic tit en of Rowan t May they eror enjoy the'libcrty banded down to them by their noble ancestors. By John H. Mac a antra. The meuiory of Na thaniel Macon. - - - -fc v '- . By Lrieit Beard. May North Carolina, rank among llie first Stales in tho luiort for Internal Improvement, v ," '. ; . .7 " J'y J. J). Eailon.'Tlw memory of Ale lander Tolk, Esq:; I of the Mecklenburg IX-claratioo of la dependence. . . , , Hy H . Polk The University of North, Cara - miraliin.ciWe'PreiliienVnavldXSwajo; May pnwpcrity attend them. ' ' n- a L i;ku n..i,i...n w t n..: v. tl- t' J1 t-um VUHIRTt f 11H lilTff; a IffV vildier and statesman ; hia memory lives to the af-fl-etiwis of North Caroliiiinns. - ' By TZol. k. TSticnimTi ra-Ci vil and Tleliiriwis iHOonytMtie natural right or man; the surest mat wiauu ronuunea h is a stave.. - - - ..IleAy'u.Jaeie. Th lreiT' of Nathaniel Manwjt . , - - , - Hy lVnle W. HimptoH-,tf Lrx'mgfoniit.t Carolina: Flow but aure.' '."-' - By Dr. B. AaariNorth Carolmaj RaiW bohind Ihe Rgn m which ws live m lutotnal La- provenicnt, but always able end wiUuu la u-v b, r - i' ., : BS IFw. . lLvjf. of taNa.'- The Ladieunf Salisbury : May their paths be in the sunshine, atiu may their pure hearts ever lw unrmMcimia rn .11. tsho over w'upylh'btgh RafioJilA tha CuofedVra""' ij. iu which im pun'Mi-on nun iiuciiiencc ui tier i X v,- - ciiir.ens sci justly entitle her. ' - -. . - jewita thai awed dwa, . Its. fwwM. w By ftwif HW.tofi. A hard trotting horse, a 5 jfrtenos bat' Wa in'- t wt -porcupine saddle, and a long journey to tbe one. 1 puiut io ihe' Hiairin, u f. r 'u-1 1 ' " inies 01 ireedom. " " v . - - - - By Gift. Weant We will ak nothing but what is clearly right, atnf will aulgnil lo iKwhing wrong. - v;." . - 4; . B Mn ). W. I1t(m. Tlie Eagle of Liber ty : May it never aicken or die in Jbe land of a M'aslnnton, while ibis day continues to be tele btated. ; ." .. . B Lieut. O: ITiWaoa- ' "Here's s health to trim lover wherever tl.ey be, " May tliey squire all obj-ctiotw, and finally agrre Tu a union which death can alone nullify. 7 AoJ that ton, belore the next 4ia ol July." - By Col. Jlf. rHompion, of C The survi ving Soldiers of ihe Revol'itiim : Honorvd relic of it u : t ii't : t 1 iLrir i.itutfu--w j l!y C. i! I i 9tin burn t j lit t" lest and bi-l ufu'.i i-.t l cotileuifii lijiiu nr. I UtfUCU ill tillCUCr., M'.IS m lifi'- J.jj t j the jmrtura b itud sue i.w-..,LUi, ,. lljf San. . It . Jaiui.. 3,..m p-uiicnce ix the rqn;R i V, ,,,,,, m J' 1 Our lulir klk Stt'K llirail'L C x '"'.', tt-ct the'ao! Sl lu tuilU, uie ,:njt fun e Ilkb in iitc iinxun iu u.isj'. ,:,r i ; ,111 f'f niu J Lu.( i. ,,, 'L,- ...... ..... - i " 't . .. j ... Tbe 41rtWft) j Bt list a204iraia4ti 4iwfc.pt 1 lerred to, tW, tuaie ksTcwe aaaoin 'ia . ' v Utai' ladefaaidnact: sN . VawwittwB tor astaoiiisi'awr lm iir ;tnBfe..i; Jiu fw ii-4.tl, y aaeaagr : 311-3 5.-. v trloea mu aiiora use maw nut sue i'Un. ITJM AlUiiT MMUmmi l.y jll.r- .y . tkioify ti.H, ll U-. km, im c-pUt kuur, be teiis Urns ttmsUiwm ime. ceie toe ii0iOTuMBti. aua itauiM. er atid awl totitTiaoe ansBouL Tw 'msr t bis coontry jkiauitA iui u.Unr 1w1t4.au aj aiatan ' bcr Lrmtst rl i her aiwatifi. mom. 'Ut ca Ibe aaudicJ apira. af fumimaiim ee (tt,-; around nun, tie fiwfc. Xut - ma sacrat. atman lr eroua. As aecuauiaiAu jj jaA.msmmmmm. la Uie future, the pucre m km miit&mati,mu& tt ele ot bai duiif at uiuiji, tut imi .sifauiint.A; he becotues a sun; .if a aouug uwa. t Mi- xj iaaea k ne narrow iminn.or'air saun-r stranu,.,,, ;; I preaent srcnti, tie ;aiw liidK..w) mm mrnmtm. milk Ihe tiiiMrtum tuaHmut iut aauazii mm , every t&A fur the titutt .( iia cumta a- mur geaeraiMBsa. ineauiJttrioi udilirwij surveys tiie aassniBauia ad aieair aar ata. numm fret totub, aisi .aa xnennaCiu; Justi ui iun .j- bluest attumpt, art pUaii eltqwmst'm 11 ';.-. , tue glury of uoesltark, anil arpoti lir jaKtsi, frasads f tmr wwsrttv, aaasuty aHiiuii tu. brate A by UC Strat affs.inii anati Etur t B- !l; fcy aaoata and jucgi. anih lynwwss w .. pvus. ta ar:oitiaC itaiknuut'lu. ie!-ta der ta keep treaa aa our .scaiioaiuai; liw aaeala awd oid rmiuw dfaur lane omw-t-'" "" . auUe deed ana aaerai; cu"earli: at w m f. Orator at tbe lay: and taa' .rirtrnfu iiK i. . joiiana;"--: . Ai liTETXTWC- llluiA jhkim fLr-fuf't e- and wa ate a-jny to kuum, as nssi tbal tbe CdjHs; sf fle Mtukwa Cun' ; Swatra, baa harm hmtd ly liar Cluurrw - that met si Aa'AortT, la JiB Am jpwe , a i. Lmds of kadcr autfl akstar fj-Lr, t - .tfl the fcloctkaa awe. i-ye Sunl...ii".i3 a r every twk eaonaas aa Kuci,;. ' s other y.aces ia Ibe lfii-ic1ir iinBsawjM. V.. nteutioa tijs to ldt tbe enj3uT c Dintric , geaanqilly lnow him & mm n-ttv. naaagc litr.n).-- 2'irat Zms CmwassisiiwiL-n Hnv ' are lo vote, aitd lues binti jsnu. sui t publtsbcr f tbe Qiac,"" 5a cirs sa S,-,r pbua. aaa iMmeal oes,ba Hit ar inn : inith, aad art aat it. ... - .--Nt- Aawog ol bee snran vmi 1i,,jaiwi,u,:.. icttoot, to wyuTc mi. t mum aw "- tiosi of arrysfwr laifgusT m mite 3if m7 . Jlatbe CbssjBsduaVni'Jlaascujw.-. "ajeSrw-to'!i -iTf ,U'U"ll i?7ZZr: ' " " ' mn iimi mj. uiisonran wi.Intr ". cmlvsapt sol fidaculr ttjwrfs J mJuf.S. T ttaaetai parut-via t-?arir-nr f'-., ' ' ta great V-Stba, bad lias pa afato- n.g tf the kind tbat we'inmi tmamsmm m tmrrmwrnafr: - v - M e dostrc ir "Zs. Ti-li-e 7r .. m we would rt is gnv tn 1- its tifrubdorn) aveaasiif awe inm iJi-a. 4 Wy bakWu. ' ; " " ; , x,Ve sail ia our Ija W 3 duJkios tB tbe etrar.-r 4T lit? Ci.. wav. -v i lluud; rsja a-as a Tor J wmt w . 1 lJtfnl imfnmatxtil hf.' m'-j t aaeqt ; the areni f tsxm -Jie 7 I. . " , "- " " 1 t,ri'llM "ke 2 3 mr.r.r ww a a , avt - . ,t tocky, Xew TuTk.au msr ;a?w Stnie--- T" I fair faferewce fru.-a lu."it3o, m o':t. 'i- ' . 4 tilled H tip rt)-ctRiim".Tr;il!i;c! X J . p - - Pw4neS Mbmmfm-l-mr 1 aanhat swe srastU j.fxe ur'jw k,-. - CwjreihiittaB wastoaui'rwt n !r,-:i a 7" A oei,so4 ibal ml ttw im,nr -,, un a..7- -.. liaaof tifcMi E: ii i . 4 5-b -" : " . .- w i" 4jj our v - il. BI -ifeopW kmw ii. Tw V a9 wtif!w.;u to tbir tsMweai s-j to u'..-r -umr - -r ! the 'S hnrmnrn j ,; 'tt;i't...i j ..7 L.m, i jyolvefnarJ;.?, tK n ...... -.';rrw pnfi reuco far wra tt:;.,- - im: " jit ; Cwy. .Tiiits will aat d.j. T.? p. .,. ...it'5' ability and qaUfiMUB i -.nwit s.rri- j . 1 .. nu nut to u ati:,.-r-It iatVwtf tlerr - . tort. iThe rrrsilf-n-T ,:r ' 77 . coors in I if Citrwr ar !:;. .' ' wnsaH conenru, arbm tHimwesi ' hick cliaa be afleau i a t";.Tin.r ' " matter iu wbarb s'nethW ,c.-- 7 ow tw Jo thaa assy' aats-earr'T ' caae of tbe kcti ws' V'--'Vm; tr- ii i 1 :.