5' :n.-.--tU ,!;:, anJiu-n Mr. I Y'-T I a d. , Ui J 30 Cuns:-;;-r it UufJ, a iwepuimcan, injtet an:''i,rjl, ti ....! att'-e Sittto lu!cf. 'nets I; is c .-V to XUtlt tor IV. li'Mj IrTTM! 8 ticn , j, oilier ''nuby-eM, when it W known trmt he Las . itreiy TariJ" man, and did as we ar in .rnrd several years -H'see, act-jid'y come down Surry Count r, where he then live i, to meet jtjv f'mlxt at Brwfe-hnuiws). mnd make, a speech . a hitn w vor f ,tiB TriL ' S.tr' tc Ef. and iJf.i. J3 Lord id tui. T v ' i"t''l to Jperirtr Curt prao- j :,irij ii-iioo of tli"? Is ijirume CuurL . , ..-. w IV .i VJi- e. new Pwh office bas lwi ' ctlubiistictt iu Uu County af the mtr uf Mr Da- wi f ml, td be caijei Cxktilk awl-Mr. Fraly! t a"'"tiwuiteiT Pu.tf"3farffcf.'""i.': ' ! : ' ' . " i SlSLLASCUnLX CASUALTY. H j are cu. p to rm:orJ, aJ aw oramtj KtliOij w paitv u ocrurTcuce or an mcctaem,i w!i:ci ha t!!(M.f our Cammiinity wah gloom; dia- " tr!tBff ia i' audJunes,' anit ovt;rh)lqiiig ilb,j ' "xptijinchaiy f egret fur the sa Ctte ef tma aa yig, j. I On V'?' eiinewiay. Vyi!ni(iav. . aornii,r Mt Maar Malka-. (Wghwr of Cuf. laeitiuaart jf ur tnn, tKutetl o UJietwck fwriiiing one of a party, to ! iirr 6itnr plUnisiiii ; had "proceeded Iwt al iIufcmcHt w'ltgjKr Ivirse talt fright in mme .'wr; eeamc? oumanag'ib)ls, and despite tbeet artiuwa of th gisattemwi t'tfiig- with her whaee - krs rw say and threw birh after runuing uie (i.jtuiica, turtied int ti'.a wucithv aud ta jua struck tier antt a tree andlwrw her. 4-. .'Sii 'w.is Liken tip, but aiW revivinjj a lUnpmm m.iati aiiimwr oeutit. iua o;ow agan t.a tree, was ou her chesf, -which produced a coo- rrm temiuiutiiij her !Xhtence. . j.Tluft saddoa calamity ,hiaia!lca with tPrrihle -wmjirtipoH hir-bvrBa-Ted ftmity'7;antfw1iitef well; titinwr tii unavailing Crua of word to console the bUemesa of such afinftiim, we giva but an expre " iodto our o'u, aa well antbe fitting of many, iu itahrrworthiioymj truly; that otw more nom-'vJt UirWm K. t, eundimf w lunaiiMwr kiiawh; mail:?eteil In kiii3rra oT WertYprntle 4!W iiurfou4 ui manner to every one, ehe ir'Eie'uiuvrsire:-tee'a and reaard ol" ll wka' Tt.T?' Uwv It is a griuvojia thing lolie. borne, yet w'liie tha alH eted relatives tiruf friendi are betiding ivf 5er jmve wirh tears of billet, ngret (yr their j own berrova neut, they should rcmen i W it i a chitti 'ii not ta be lamented; since he ! h t twny in the puritv of eaxJv exiaetice. i , ... . . - , - 'io th- mihk una waa yet ahoutltia tLmt-wwiwU of visiity aud strife, ta region wbr the troubled! "pUitma of thia lift are humect into a n'wae glnri-f hjpfiy, ui e'i''jring Ciiwer. ' . L - ud tua waarfTE t aoi.xiji. .tTffiisas. Finrr-R it I wa gT"d deal mirprHed TT'm.lVnj thf 'S:ireeP'of ,Tdf' ComiuTtieeTiiS." ttiti).l b t!i .Uilwfit Caocua. to find the rwrnea j - one tu'prewmaJt-wer itwwifc-irMitimcn ana w.-na a.wd to it, m our county had 4 the honor i. J of t r-presentanon in tUragust hady., X was. . :r.,r-,,i.,H,f frv P,,.t utit irvxihli t.uil if "-. .I - it'etniiieJ to End ert. if poeetbln Whether itevi ayrlnmatit or ant. ejciaflv aa aifeXBat - r.wf'x.'iiv p'roi.al rtifeetieo upon Mr. FadWj !-nJi.'!.U.' tiukuut 4 CKt befiet. - Tha el 1 .TM . I :ri!v.rt-ir n wy.'iweatwtif tiioyyttig'iw: "u 4T.1t iW vihus I want In know whether it ia ao ;ra.t. '. ' Ccttizf of Davidson. In j"wtt to the rtKjtiri? of onr Daviflinii 0r n puii i, w-ioa what w kf.ee it frre the art umh-mry, tW'..lict. fcaW wrntw to tbe.lvu,i? Liewfi: "Smtbrni Citiaet;'telhn him that a. if.wij -TtviYf thaTSctatlns pqrt" of trmt eV uT.yi, a. id that hA ntver autlto.icd hh name to be tt -to it. ' ."..""rNy r.'.'i A r u.! tr. BnrmnteL the ether ffent'ema fiii'i; wi a .axed a r-preijeuag liie pw-t est .iii r -he"!-ir-:j, W5 are inf from aimiW ihiWV . ! Y s".rr :! .it lit: tja ducUiuw itm'umiuthorisnd ::.nYL " ... - ,,. r.n, ,1f pltyei; and nery twaima-j .oor o.uu ,e, BUCUa n:,7 -Tlw rt tijemaetww una eaily mk j :' rjimsi'iilty " U attj-repre-irirtie Wt nea, ) it tiunr paifs of tli diaSrict, b'rt preand tntoj awnon.y, i.ir name, gr,. , ":-1 Yj LU ua paxUciovituiu iu tint work, and J -ie aut nre .U r " .-. v I f .i ui r,,e mm ' ' - . ; n'- t Km a.Mot his will . B A ' J t .1 . vtr w-. V'tir veriHett lUaii in the cnodnct j ert3in-re ,-' wiah k a uim lU pNj4;- . .- r.r i..v U, .-nH.wmal d.strict. ; .iy at .. t, ia orirr u u'j'in Mr. i'lsiier. wall N-ine; a V-m C.ireu wan. Li .iinLbi eitHT mflrMrT$ (tie iYo.'" it, aaa c w '"I tbetn in i.auie , ,.;,r i t t;iey will mtt in ow'sing Uw charge, i he was 3 &ibTrt'a!irv innn I he dom" Y.!) tfieui to pr.j!M-) tbeW ati'itniv ! - i., i. 'l.i t ,e r, if th -v .!J ftersi-4 in attempting -.: ,v wiiv this? - 1 it he- .' ' f ? N. Kit it is l c 1 !a Lc..i l..tu ay !.. ; . v. c.i v-i) menus 1'iev resnri to IY . TYy c. . 1 t'icif a . "of get Mr., Fedmr ti i ivpju'ieari eoti:ns, mi sit"t im t people ; m t'rsmg to s ! cam's f ir t'-.n pep!e .( cue iate, i f to pe.ijd rd nn-itherj and in i -1 '.C m eoJinj f.r Presideol, to vote j "i" tmih; anct wwkIt nrtimia Cr argu- - j TVy am determined ta tlm.k C tliem- r"i t; "r- they pteMe, B ,r !f t ic r's leadirs. ' with-rtnudin!: K r &mc wmwreaai heardLIt-fftml'ilener: am) it iaj 1 -imp. T. Tum TH.if yiwWi; , xntVnr wcrmtWI ot theJSaturaJ Brulge pf Virginia the. Na- ; mir JUT M U i meliuithol v wlkLctMi. t mv 1 : itmm, JLTfaiSWrnn I. A Mebao. SL "J Tu"n,,11' m '? lbe 1I,,U Mountain, Ac, 5 ar- I mT,J' " ' " r 7 a ",Lt' "ff arwuXlB. JS.nsamn.1. A &,m Sf. W.Aieaam- ' CliarJeeten; the negro mek-Jy; the aea voyage., tv ttw memory of tba departed, that tribute which a U. MriEne. .miii JU,uin iw ino.- Ol Beoaaddt loat overboard; Jodilir erief for the Ue ' I,.i.;.i.,urv Hi uni iUi;,a X. 3. J in miun.."n ,in.r :;,, johuh; 'bruitH' Shy tlll SI JttT't J 411l-r'i 'd twt iir-i:iiuuiiirt:-,s ;il Temperance icmwr ru iiaf b I""'- it W ..Wl.'U'.li hi tan tiie. 'Jul Iheuil of tlii! t l'ict tir.1 '.ova, awl ngve timfi; m,k m". 'v rtf iluiKriiunwil bv iit tUc nii, mis nu,t 5.!Vi!fc:: !;!M c!J ji'Jiii) j'Hir ocitMv ami tU CHiiiuai -:a m.tu iVih trimi tiunr rtumVai utt :u,be Uitr 40i- Wiait k!j;u1 m tit Tt?ni-T81T traU-'- fl:tr wai;: -. hliuU tlili Hid llif BHifiiKf mm feiiur Jut vCkIb wfi.ch ha bom Um nien! mimmf i- ihki afi hup WIuhm CTwituriv butU i'tr tiiue nii mipu( "NJ-iifi uu!i tfm Tf?mL)riic8 Wtflliut'iaa iMiiltMM: Ji oiimMuiimr mututra uml antlM i - m Ruieitt mria, a grwe I3lir iiiiliuliuvvn'l iraifict ttif! n in I wc Ktiimttii(; Ju8 Lituintwrane rtrw,, aim ruL ir-pett; id, jiic U8iflA4untijsJ-ii niiK)!y uirw ii; iimuiulit-ii t'r(iitizii,iKiil mmifptt tl.rnt -wniiw iff murinujic jmtniHnn and. urn-tut ojen. TA iiilst wniilc feme m nuUiiif acmiaaijoit rjvnat tlmw ui .lullnw ociMiiiv. tluare mill n),ni(jmiX mfcmj mat 'ilwjfrtf anUnn nrirw woHtMrw Ilitiiu viiik ui) MKjKgttUi?f nlt tiimii. a in the pnmraoe -m vmu. . gm msi,r cpmiidm&Mi and aaa j ill nil njB !ihiui ruitL hur sjiareut1 uiae, wnttnhnt. ! i w.tna!,mtr numjjn !W!8.TOf ta moan uf I It tua hinB miraninliii ihify tu, d:mie R.w of our; niemmrnriiar WMMinjg anr atnn&iUoiu and: reenrdtnjf ', tin uemii toi tuiKVBi, uiit'UM!uniut!f nun (Mir aneiHty irrtm'iiiip,BiiC iiuwriiimuiim' ! limnlntd and eiglity J2MJL FILtlEY;. Sua.. 3ui J2d t?Jt. . - ' , tuUTrr-TTuummuiii 3bs4i Ikam.ot'aaMiiniaivoiitl uyntg fmoumj atnir w m- jnratiea oominff in, corn from woj'M'triMj fl E1J a 1 t"a fruit atom I 2T; M) nnm finur Imt wmaua. wmriii madtr ac titer nulla in town Jiiom WMjMintammrjtc f&Madiu aanntti mid in oni iimriur. yitt. 3tBaulttruiiiiiimowv. Tlivaupply of bacon enpeimi lr -hr !iimm andt thrrfmii advance may be antiRijaaeiJ .tf drum WTim fct t ; e4 'hi4"t' wiOt!!iiifi: an audli tfrrim; wairTiiiiaatnn roc f it if imti aunu arHninup ihttCqimiatiiMiih. wing ti) She 'tnwy kuiuf diti Hi lirr two day ' ff li.W mttn'k.tium- Ik anuili MitMinlkmC v ilr in thn tout i . ' J.. ' .. im '.t . ' . ' Ili!nmwni'llV.lJl.ll-w mmJit mnm n,Drl.,n. 1 !t nunOtm iH Our (inmhauUt in Cuwn ind (!r Laafa JL CalLm; (ttlttfi. ink. Miimtmrr, Richmond MafnitafflnTincCau, lirtwsmnii Siuiuftuturiuir Col A. i Tiie a"iawittwiihnin;aiMBI -ttilo'ckiek M-j-a waroamnn wttinrerf an Kwd&eer,rfflui.JJ,cnl r "Meuwimve 1 a toot and miK-limui ntf :h BTmlmt Statwr Araermt; the Rev. Ourg an2 Hurnr gvetiiHt of til aibxena af thq 4owa mi djpramjf tnimry.vTand! haHi5r pmea-dad Nf""J nnture; the Jwaa; letlera miscarried; through Darwin ntl iiflujr aowmto. tiia new 3t;tluxlit i -"dltl' "ftter to the atu.lent,-lrom London aaloundiiig churciualieWUniUuBrii)iwitmn,ot'liHlewnilaiic!i wvtion; the atudent'a grief, despair, Ate. v. -ao read to r-,Tlina. X. Ctonrnmand the Nntiona? I , " Po"" f'c of new aud intereallpg UcUretiim id Unmuemumini ttw Vhmnl Biu". E..a6. tor which aa ttdnauui wu dhliuareif ftr Jim. W Evaiia. Tq, of lh Iihmiw-ImC n ay m lnaaCoff it vu aa T"w,( ni Aiitrwwaswe have jnnmnni UNHU uin HMTKHRHilft. kits a il ymivviliv ! an,.tmrr 1U.JL 7i,-ui! ... ajwttavilli the ecraHioa, iHirhnrnmil C uimneaJa. at amnbtn ot tery ! atf'1n8 nrimriinr gieemaf aiuam; and aatriotie I -toiniT'e T'oininMreaiMliBJWaawMaeMB.aacelWd. ,. iMW. JMuttHteUMtoMI dawn tateae by ttiir wtizemr, avaa umaniR ana wcllMiminjt itlie wniila mr tmr wibjnct of waa cbafadlmvBiciif ttln man plaiv lumbi. and w -XKawpaoiamWiaAa aHuiMiimiaa at! Uiff tilymt f na wincn am mmms. u.ih: mini; wiucn na endeavored mw atranply t annwawirm ttie- pmipln of Cape Fear, no n-winaiir im iiir miam n. M'timsuie mui iuin ""umo 7 1Km.1Bm Jinae conipluujJj imiuur pnaexaflat ttiatiC Hiew will np t tlienaiuliar,eiOTiHvltoih.thi. W?rt nil tl.r tinniili .J .in... f .... r... m liimr - ;2 f lonkTb awtaiii'"A'tt" iniitont awjxwn.ttia' aU'toHaitraiir in m arfHP- ?!riijaBBw.AlMiH .... 1 ... M ' M .-. I. . . .''it.. -tbe 7?rUi eur..f iHrafs.ait.iii a !.iiiliil i1Iiimmo aav. enl tuoiulaf idimntuu, jT u. vJ LU?1HCJ (i.L?, oniwurt atf Jertj Caites.!t of lina uuy v CalB at North Caroliua.) aua imilliiir iirniK uf ti ICUtturaof the Na tuirial amoHin'enoat.KiraiK' wihentt Qia otlinr Chbir of that JuMTOai auil m Sue )uuuir ftWhlua of Ui Haieigh r atUUmijT HH1 1 JtC XJ gianiT, T . "' and emigrmec 1illiikr.iiuin-T with, nwr surviving tliia- Iwad and hnr liina lnuaj ciiiuiUHii. m tlie year L7!f vevidMl i'lwmliMpua mirtli ZlUh.aidi thtt eainiumlur at iita Jillnpueuuig iMau. nft Rue But at year; m Jturtti Vrfwuluia, .V ... . .. . . .. - 4 uete wiw wmi jnm.Ui vtmanjay Lrm the rtuiair rAn bnini VwIiwetK and Galva. m. n f V 1- rmm tun; attuuoitnr 3kuaniuMm hns tUiiwHton and B- 1 . 1 ti a .. ' 1. . 1. .1. . - L ,7 ;77, "7'? - TU rripninrng r(tto attwimt rtnUirnnrtMia w. - fvMmxKmnA w'aumiiaiad: w-hiU occupy a nnd ikail t inm. TT" Iwehimdi Bait g"m In llooetwn n puri'lufw arn-uui mwtumty articleav - ""T Y p' T ' Y i on. ,m n .irj .nr. a. . - 1 nij-rrtwrnienns miiA-iits rim (wtrt of aa. t ?ruSwA.51",,"f,! ii r Mr- u . -. ut uMtFML,inui In im' uiyMtiin ua Uie Cumrmio. j ..... IM 1 III Mil... ! III MhhHM M.' j HK ti avuiifl ifriiiite-ir ttt- Bmn rutaiuc ol .uveion. I .... yjjj fetttnufV g" 3.ttrog'io:ftn st;Uif tint an eaprees nrrrwee ntert wnifc ftimiliyme nun nie CheTire "hsff faiMnuMit jenr tfm iiMiie. detee- mimrd tojiiwte mat m im tiwop mh amy at - ttttwii ti...iidaT.Sti l weHWiHem w'H.ep,;, tiro.. i . aoe ot . Jmjiw aiets fuU La K!i'u::i.u.m: wm.i ftiiw esrry tint , Yirdm- lin.J'fi "ft. T : Jf"ijtf. w,lju, e.f Tetirniiikai'Jniin HsVaV V'.ile'niinii'ilsw. hns; " e-fymn..; i-r -m!i,: wnn re tVrokeea. A emiwiHun i.d (i."m.. i-nr a the couutiee m a.-tj ;iimrtH:r urfu enn-ewmtmn ef '?lrad e:a'l 2 wud&m UnmttH wan In s-!iiUe pt ii"iioi.ini! on- m n--r. .11 im 'iy in I i ' JiiH' to sittitimrbU' sm &m ir!t u lusiiii Thr rirtftnrBwrrr '( rS-'TtB- lemr Uie oilier fwe.Uin. Woiii"!'i?-'V .."fc- wbiw!ui been j aasnK.iff iu tue nuiHutii'ueH ir fioi f wnw- bemeti nr epicur" wmr dhruineil; uf, wd!r "tie ancient . friend t'imvt. we iilKir-ni' trout Willi. gatiwi euek be- ' tientii t.i T-in. iTV-smii 'j-sjiiithmr staifc eniiie along! itii s iohHiu.a mrf! ami hwi-n. X pnpesition j tie- a f'irttt twt.iweii -Jt aus.t nntt Wumtm was male by ..f rid. f.w.M.n ...1 i. .......ti..t irf Htirh irninrwlitN ! : Tue W f tbt e.r-fc .P sninei-lL and aa the inint I 1 the iob!r bat! sub Wis Bimirh wis youe at! !ViTnF, br,R , . P"8' "w,t 10 nd ry miMiwwiiu.dai ttuiw wnc. Tia battle was j 'RjeJsJjtSA halt ha.la high, letleye nut, 8 white lHft. miwovBt.-omft - ,nnnr siwl if dM bihrter was feet, blaae in his &ce. The above reward Will be gi mipwrtmbie in toe ii-r aut annnrmist. and ao . the apprehenwon of ud D.re, at Jacksoo Uill, nolur v3.W ha mmm wnh jeeswe Jutiy tlisn ! Dandsoa Coun'y, N. C , 7inrnTl.C - JIliruv.tMHnii!tumirtw . , JLKt.ailAI AJUfcKIUA.. .t'jfirx.ce3alB.i5 waeaf agwt g; .atiindwd 4 AallI..I3Tif.r. 2 . Y. Y Y " - Y.i3:Y U.!w;r, v-hcrca cliantJecr Wu So erejrjll'u'n tl,t he made not the aJ.gbltat c&rt to crow .V. l urk Com. AdaH U.STT, ; T " three Cfoon a arrested in Georr im !b 11 li mat., for liur!-stea!iiig..-Jo!io Grace, Wduaiii Grace, and i-aii). liraca, CONTENTS OF, , 77s Southern lihrrvy AJi smnger, A '4, 0 Fid. 5. . OHWIJIU, 103 itfrKlKil. Catatepeer. Ar extrioriJiniry ctar, exhiUitfid in tha pernio ol't yooiijjlmly of thi eoumry, tlie ferity ut'wtutb uioy im fully relin) on, however euriou ami HUdinDrrlwiwibl Ik 4iiriui nil inwn lt " -J-VMI, , iJ MIV14- br at tha medical prufeiMl . . .-. A Slrn Lfaf tnwa t Jijicliclor't Npt Btiok. The olwW-VenurliipfwnUr)ptiia; Uiekei tha taltewd poem ; tha iMK'hdor'l anger, hi revenue, antj advice to lover; marnace Of hit twect-htMirt the otoUifr ot twelve cbildrea ; tha bacheW of tortj-fivei (iacted.) ; VCbriatopher Stirsliatl'a ttemembrancor: by William Diioo,.vJr. jif. I'btladelpbia. Notice of thia iiew and mtti)r work. . .. tec and a mioi rcliir. : , ' 1 Clucauoo. AXinqiury into the righl method ofad. op, and to arenirttp'aij tha ficultmi of the mind; what Uioao taculli are; fhbeat mean or uiilouliiig ana niengwieomg uioae mcumes, He. , uy ivative VirsriniaU ' . X Tha Victim of Love. A tale of "1Mrone timca." - The two ettidenta of William and Mary.,; battle with the Indian; doteat of the wbitca; capture and escape of thir commander; arrival at JVillminsbnrgrifie bri. dal ateue; flight ut the waitderer; grave of the ruile. . Letter from JUalia. Upra IIihiks at Malta;Vir Thoa. Maitland; Uod Pave the King; Misumloratahd-'l ing tx-twpen (XHosra ol tiie English Army and AtwrU Warol OfflcCT, fcc ttf H-Auwiitan 'iiw at1 Malta. Tfibute to the Memory ol"LE L" with a ket:h of her lite and clmracU'r, mim tbe pO ot Mr. 8. C Hall, and a true history ot her caae by Mr. Tboma K. Holland. By J. C M.. . , " Lfcturvaeti phrenology am' Iti Application, No. 11; LMiiivereu in IVew York by Ueorire (Jombe, of bdiii' bur!?, the firat living proteaaor ol I'hrenohy ; now nn a visit to mm country, (..optod trum the Iw lork er. lobe continued. The Lover'a Taliwtan. or the Spirit Bride. A Tale Tha atory of M re. B- $ the orphan of the village ; fkmily youtbtui pMiy-f wte-yomi -roher wrmiiu in tlm tfitlnivn lha. iriluririout rtrui(adii. Mltrit DTldc, 4t By Ml, fh ba Blllith. ' ' Judith Bonaaddu A Tate. Tbe atudunfa departure from home v aeeneam the South jatudont'a return ;nw Wf.cq'ntance ; jhuui. and bit Itentaddii aiadent tiinllinj dulihta; Uie atudent'a deptrlnre from Phila dolphia and arrival at home iq tlie aionntaina of Vir- uttla WM' " Piract: Currente-'Calainositieti; To the Editrr. No. VII. By Jamea F. ti. Containing a June-day in the VVaotllanda, with review of Bryant, Pereival, and the Uowiita; accompanied, by ccokiua extmcU. ' T. . mclrefieu, by E lijsuiwer. . fnHice otthia new plJi. "th a rariety of extracts. oaioiNat prrav. Sonnet Tarlrmnjimtir,, ,Writtea in nee Albtxn. To-M. -The origin oflJia Myrtle., y C. PkCT t- n.... n.. now VJL w. lfc 1 -11- X r 1 v itii .... 1 araieuli, Io, L and iNa IL By Lewie St Alaur, A Remembrance. B E. A. 8. X WheifWttl tbvf TeaseT'tunata EdmunJ Law, Eaq. h (Te the Printer. (Selected.) . TABLE OF CONTEXTS . FAO.HCUS' REUHTEJi, AO. 6, VOL VII ORMHKAI. COMMDNICATIONa. Esuay on Vegetable Ptivsioloirv fconiinued'i chan. Hturiieationa iu regard In k" iT.r die pi JtT", c ha p? "x,7 Biigijeiitioiia in regard to bujifiinjr fc:nc.M d Jf bute,;ti!v.(iUk-.W., Sxtureaiorfcedinjaiiu apiiinuiir. flleaauromcntof eran- . -ii . .'. . - r.2 - .. anea and cora cribi; elimnto ontalvVeiid of the Piiil- mi'iM aftf vafR y eoOmitSfc uf Virmis: CounW antimatea ltt''"iwUctraU)Uie tropical plant acheni Companion of mulberry and ailk eatimatea. .The "mirl uuticator": not the " veronica anaealli'! nor the " ve ronica beccabunga." Remarks on the vegetable king dom. The maintDoth " silk-weruia' egi;a, and the grounds of choice amooir ditforont kinls Comparative - j.-- S ' uuikiiu. tui.uuoui iu-imii Proirreas of tilk-culture in Virginia. Tho mulberr I: crop, and prices. Su in of crop, Limingr Usage orange seeds. Culture of Uie potato. On liuie a manure.- Price of Durham cutle. To cure etrir-nuckiniz dues. - Man. ajremunt of bees. GnekO aa barometers. Manufacture of choeae Irom potatoes. Perfect aiiculturn adverse to tettcea; new berbace plants.) Method of caumig anblMge to head during winter. Saving green peas. History of the improved Dorhatn short-horned breed ot cattle. No. I, No, 'i Tba law incorporating the " Tmuical Plant Comuanv. end addreaa In thf tnenda " Trical flanl Company." and add of the etiturprise. Englmh (or common) turnips, Po- ruaiicals often a tree t thve. who do not read Uiem. LPlsntioif seed ends of potatoes; Comparative nutritive pinut-s of roots, lien coops, ismo making, bheep tii:s. , LBre tor gruhe in lieaU ol slieep. I'rmiiDg. .vw sioue of Breaking oxen. Iluttnndry in V binT, GiJwornuEJF-.l4n miltwuo-t ll ,L.i..nuwii ui uie iir-nuu ui nri'nu'a. xL-cilins 01 M.m r .1.. Ilk -..J.t:ii--IV.l!.-.f llimn cmorc. . Progress of a.llwmlture In U.e Be.ghborbpwi -of J'htladephiaYTto-tiMofy- ol liui. practiaed m Louduua couoty JnialA t EMAINlNG in Ihn Post-OJice at Lexington, SLr .N. C, July 1,1338. -- -Y .... Albert G. Allen. John J. Burnet Lewis ltaker! rr,.jerjc, Billini-s. George Uodaorth. John llurk. ?r. V. n,;..l.l.., T..1.. ..i-t frtrT ff. Tonml, Voleotme II Hodge D.ivin, Jamei Ellia, r .rv, Eathnr. Jmenh Farahee. J.ieoh t.a.ChmL epW, Ephrsim H-Hi-h, John Hilton, Peter , Hedt irk, aVor., Ge.rge Hlrtck, senr., Ehzalrth jij,,,. widow, Jane I laden," Miss Martha M. i fill, M r. Ledfwl, Ihiniel Lmnrd, JoiiBthan Mills, Daniel Mutherly', John W. Rarie, Iieonsrd lUrris, Peter Michnel.'jonntlian Jiillcr, IKmiel Noah, Ja cob Rapec, John Richard, Peter Sink, Alexander Shonf, Jotl Phillis, John Tow, J. Davidson, Tai lor, Veedhain Temple., George Workman, Wm. adsworth, J. T.' Vestal HI. ROUNSAVILLE, P M. July 12,193'J. St' Aorc7;.$i, IU1WAUD. . 4 QTOLE.N fiom the Subscriber, on 'i i-Of P Monday nielit'tb 1st Mietant, a r ZaIh of Isdtcrs V? HMAINING in'llie IWOtlice at Suliabury, on til? lt. J.ily, l:i:. Ikury AlU'ii'ii, R. l, Alexamlor, 2, IFcnry l.akor, Dr. Ii L. UchII, J.irl Ilrown, iMitir., Win. r.arr, Mixa Ellen I'axtcr, 1h. A. IVini:ird,.Mia Jnc C. Hyprn, Hiram WYCiaort or G. I'liili, George Cuniior, Georna Crotsrr, Josi'ph Cowan, Heim William t'luwfiifd, l'i. ?, CuiiMiiin, Jncob Casper, Rev. Alu janJi-r CJiamlilit-s John L. Car- on, John Laslinin, Mra. Il.ii.iiuh Caldwell, Clerk of the Superior Court, II. Dycimatt, C'hhrlua Utinn, Thomaa EstiH, Mm Suauii iiliiott, 'rxi'imnd Ma gic, Jamea Eilif, John UormiM'lkor Kltcr I5eer. tary of Fulton Lodge,. Williiun Talks, NonU W, ) Fry, Jacob FiU, John Foator, Sidney. J. Fltunming, Eliiltli Gheeu, Dr. Sam'l, Green," John GJtdimr, li. S. Gorman, Warren Green, Able GraliHm, Zcl pha Graham, Clmrlea Hurris, Mm Elemler Hud ; ami, Geo. S. Uuli, Joseph Hull, Daniid Uornlmrgiir, ' Nancy Hull, Uev. Ahel llogol, Awiph Hill, I'lea aunt ijeuderaoa, Rev. L. S. Ivei, Julm June, Gen. r Jtmnaenj- ffcibrram 1;Jntre!C'lH'ttfeir Jm'ieu; II. CJonea, S, John Rr Kennedy, Henry or IVter ivoon, iianmry ivcui r, joiin iverns, sir, i.iiaa- , ' with C. kermtrly, Noah Kayler,2, hliznlieth Kri der, MattltevT B. Locke, Clemons La near, Mime M. Lyster, 2, Rev. Gen. W, Lanchorne, John Single, Mason Lodge, Mra. Martha McLaughlin, ( John McCatee, Thuinaa More, Dr. N. McCullum, Edward Menair, Jiimee Martin, Rev. l liouma Ma- r"n, Rnrhael .McCoimeigliey, Guorgn Miller, Mii Margaret Numan, Eli Noe, Capt. Jamea Owen, Peter Peeler, Atnua Pelton, Heriry rence,' Jame KH. I'lednqr John E. Patterson, Jacob Pool, Miaa K!r,a rimrr, William Peninipr, lUm. Richmond earvm, I)aid RwOV. or John Rhiiehcr. !tfu jlry Rttjiertson, Col. Thona Ruekir, John Rose. man, Cajvt. Charlca Ro, Henry Ridenliour, 2, Mary SmitIV; .Jonaa or Elizabeth Swisher, Jolin bhaver, Z, John ijiflord, bnrub Slmru.M ra. Cntha rina Smith, MicliK'l SiUk, Nirliulaa Hhnping, Hannah Taylor, Wilthim Thrift, Capt. M. Thomp. on, Samuel Turner, A.xTorrunce, A. F.' Woolly, Miaa Jane M. Wilion, Tima Wmnck, "Jona than Young. II. W, CONNOR, P. M , July 12, 1839; Y Y 3t .. THE Ruhecribor W a ainall 'dark eolorod lOpket Book, with a tweuty dullat note in. it ort .lie r Clieraw Batik, and a twenty-five Cent bill from rimmthc rey a factory ; alan a tx dollar note ainej by Hubert , Hiile!i;t6si aij Jt& ltotngfa tri?alisbiiry,lt tY -. or between there and Abram Arey'i on tlie 4Ui or Gift ' ot July, issy. . .. ' ,. , : .s:.--. , ". The above reward will be aud to any one who will , deliver the said book and content to me. :-v,i,.lln..iMil.l.-: ?WM-.-imnrfcy Commission and forwarding ,;:;yy , vii'usiiAisft?;";-- -" ; ; - ' , WiiJti.vroN N, CV Beftr lo """-' Y :v;Y.-:. Y; MoKars. E. L. oj IV. Winalow.V ' 1 Y ',n "W9k' " " . . Yarhroii;h Ae Ray, Y ... ;Y E.W. Wilkingi, Y i . . , C. J. Orrell, . Y i-Yw Y Juaepfi BakeriY-Y-Y- FayettevitUt At U.toMI. r TifnoSr, IS3UT 3in flMIK Subscriber wishing to sell the above real Ks- A-tatCi takef hi method ot inSirmmg the liiblle that Y they now offer for sale that raluable tract of land; eon. taming K acres, lying in iba County of Davutaun on the V'adkin Riveraud on the main road loading from xinMonjJautift aiid .iliirkvilfaiJJna4'tfenrt'- aes is a j .. JIW AaJ) CRIST nu.hi Als"a Fwtillery calculated to do ah exienaive liual. JjMilW SUJUnd Woaw4 newly fWny 1 he Und ia welUuited for raising grain, and aitua- i a "Distillery ' calculated to do ah ealenaive hash ted tmho mttEr-f X grijnWOWbii oaihburliood; ?i;YTha purchasor.ean aea poaeMrieerthtt! Fall. Any same will please calf en tho H'ib-enber livinir near tue prommea, . ' kkiiw.;a uuu.Mi', ' " - THOMAS CRUMP. -Davidson Count. N.C,f t. . v v- . , iai j-a. . . Jmie VI, 1K31. , I - J Y M" ; i'a " ' l r" ' rrJrr-: u riCK iti asonry. f I1IIE SUB.-JCRIBER li vine near Ijxiiiirlon. X son Coimty, Ukea lliii method to inform tho Pub- lie that lie will enter into contract with any Portion, or persons, either In Davidam, Rowao.gr Cabarrua Coun. ties, who wish honses, factories, rr any other kind of building erected ot Uriel, M build them at Cheap, a durable, and in as good stylo aa toy workman in Una country. . . . He will also, monld and burn the Crick, if waniud. lie tmi that his long experience m . AiOULDING AND LAVING BRICK, ' will entitle him to Lilian ot public patromtg. -' He would refer gentlemen wudiiug work done in bis f Line of Buniness, to the Female Academy and the new fire proof Clerk' office in Salisbury, aa ajiecituons ol his work. ' """ - N. B. Tlioa wiidiiii work done, will please lease wmd at the otlicef tbe We-rtern Carolmian, and il , shall be punctually attended to, , .--.l .-.--. R0BCRT - COX,"- tstTwbw.; Ap.;i it, ia. - - - tf . i4:i.(.wi.-!M,'i rarri er&j tmw rat a. f PUR iravofTinc community art reapoctfully infiirm ' - cd that the Hulwcriber is now running his line dl rect from Raleigh be way of Pitdboro' and Ashlioro' to HA.Iibury, in i'liall Nortliern made Coaehe of the first order ; leaving Raleigh on Monday and ThurinJaya at l!LilJU.MxmoJiLg r. at. Leaving Salmbury on Tuesdays and 1'ndayaat 'i A. M. iiriMiiM w.-.t -.ir.Wori Wr, ,.r"rTi;;7.M' . arriviiiir in Hjieieti nextdavaal lit f. M, and aeomtniirtitnig. ' , JUJ'.l, .Vtl.h.A.N. Feb. ta, m - - - - tt - : K,B. KetsH:nredatlte Mansion Hinl.-- Mofiat'si Pills arid Bitters : fllllR 1.11'K GIVING PILLS AND P1KENIX - B1T1KRS. art eefebhted. end so mucil ued by Uie alllict'-d in every part of til country, m now ro ceived and for sale be the Hubrcribors .:: CRESS St B0(;K, Agent.-. . !. a See ilvertii-ini;nwAprd 4, 'W, tt, . " - .cmvetattCar.oVitc.';;-.' ' flIIB Sertii-Anniiat meeting of the Cabarrus County ' A Tempctanco Society will be lickl in the Irwby terian ChuiCh in the town of Concord on TUurod.ii 2."hh of July, it bcinj the Thursday aAcr Uie July Court In said County. . , YX':' '. . The Rav, I). A- Penitk will sddrea parents; the ' Rev. P. A. Siroosl tho youn.snd Gen. Paul Bvnnvor the membera of the Temperance Kociety en tlieir du ties connected with Uie temperance reform.. The citi. sens of the County are, respectfully, aud yet earnestly ' sal icited to attend. .! a! icited to attend. JA3. E, MORRISON. fW 0" v ft' Ut i .... 4 Hi: m l. .!dl, Ill flow rvt'uivi ng ut their olJ Ktsnd.atHtirewiiU'a Ul Cubur new and tiwh aupply o ' v mm a.jCv J Nl'ihis he summer Wood , ' The folluwinff art i:l.a are aanMig tha latest arrival J 7 1.700 Ilia, of Suaar,,, ' : : 1,000 do. Ccfi., f ; ;,.,; ' - 3 lilida.' Molaaej m -f ' ; CO Umliela Suit, . ' . 1 . i Wines, Copniao Hrandy, Dye Stotlsi, Toadur, Ic.lfV " all ol whuh mil bo wld low for caah, or to piim tuj , d 'a!. rsnnTime. JACOB WINUCOFF As CO. May lSat. '.. . j t g.ly ', tj" .' 1 ; CATAWBA f.'A GPIilNGS. l, " ' f SIIP, public are inforined that the above Ktablislt-; M. wet will be kept open tlii rAesuon, flr the ac- ., ' "eetnKodatioa of iuvalida and ill wbo'WAv dWaire'"' ''""'-" a plcrfit Summer retreat Aiiiplo prparatkma liave . ;", . been made, and renewed excriioua will be given to ren. ' r "t eVr 4'eH iArtitm,-'rtiiit nf Hwmknr-irr eAem.Y-- - Thaiikfiil Tor the lihenl m.ti-non irw lwtulnu,iMt lituin turn v 1 the lat Soanoa, the Sabaertber wrttwla i further trial oi .Jlt"' ma twiki,miiu - ,1 J. W. HAMPTON. - Catawba Sprioga, Lincoln co,, N. C, I ! ' , . .- f . y Mayan i3; H : ."' ! (r Tho Fayetlev.ille Obnerver, and the Sooth Caro-, iiimn, will nubliaii the above to theainniiut of:k each. and wnd their account! to the Pt-Mo-rter, Catawba Hptinga, for payment ' ., W. IK . HpHB Siiliaeribcr having received an Agency to aettj Y v f A the above Medicine, and tlau, the kleuicinn, new '. ; . ottern it tur aalt at the elated pneea. ' A V . v .... B 0 L T I rL 0 T II S; UK'U on hand, end intend ke'ping a nippl? of tlie ht Anchor Stnmn llnltinw Clothn. compriinj all the vurwui No, used ia ttiH rcuioii of , eountry.Whcre all who wish the article cad be imp. plied hi quantities to luit purcliaaor, and oil roaaon&blo terms, ; -uo '".ii'"' Wove Wire for Screen, Sifters, 4.c., kipt eonataot ; Ty oil 1iuT." llA hit & JOHNSON. x;Y ' HKrr ol Ha not ST. , - Fayetteville, May It, K19. ', tf ill! XJ.M M"f'.!l w ill be eoinmg bebire kittg, ) MM f..'j.t w auu Timr noust'i are ib vei iiaonea i v , - riiuisjiiHiuil are cheap, and labor coattalntoMt nothiifjt. ft ; thank i eitiMiM of this place, and the .surrounding ' - ' 1 country tolhe very liberal tronage Uiey have hera , i Hiturt bcatqiye on wo, j4 by ji alMUrmitJa to-vrrrr:-.:. aimws, hnpe to merit a continuance of the aams, .1 -- T will any to ai.who deaire to have paiiitin? done. . ' and may call on mathst Kahall beexeested in the most xr r-j Impnived ityle, and that no pains almll be ajvired un my ' . prt to give Mtiafaetioa. .- , , " : Any one wishing to' bite painting done, will a1wy Y Y find me In Salisbury, unlusa iiecennly abMnnt en bus, v . neaa ' ' y .11.1I. RALNEY... .1- - ' N, B... All ordore from a dietanen. directed to me in - : Palmbnry will be punclually attend u to, , tf Ha t pilB Rubserilwr having purcbaacd thia F?ti!!'l- witablwlimeut and tlit'-d HJ.:5atJtt- i a for tlie accommodation ol 1 revellers tua i JJ Bnardera, m now prepared for their recepY Y r j " tien.-Hi TABLE will ainaye be furnished 'rf - r "a With, tba-best th maike t cait ttflbrd --Y! . his BAR witb a good aupply of choice Liquors j hi BEDS shall al wa UUpt in fine order ; snd bis Hit' blue (which are very exU'iiuve) are well supplied with Provender.of the lirnt quality, and attended by eood and fi t b fid hostlers. : - Ho hopes, by strict attontion to the butiaesa, in per.- son, to gua aatudaction to all who may bvor him wiUi tHvir pairunagn. Auil he etilv ai-ka a cH and trial. ' iAtKfc, W fcJALUttitStHJ-Ir. Lexington. 61. C., Feb. 3L 1SCQ, - . W FUAaS,IIP;llH!D: fllHKSubMriberJiaviiig lucatod binwolf in the town Public. T 'K -41 r ti a men I a I hi ml e Slstt -Pa in If n He tlsUera himsetf that huLkmgeaperienc in the above Buxinees, and the apcotmrna ot work ha baa executed in hie line, will be a aiiflicienl recommendation. ' He will a1it attend to any call niaileenbim in the HOUSE PAINTINO BUSINESS, .and iscuntitUml saw cive eato.(ivtiue to all who mar" employ him. . ' -: t - ' ' The Publio ia respectfully reqneatod to call and sit - courage hiui, a be is duterminJd to execute all work ' , euminittcd to him in the bert possible manner, i ;J , w DO" Alo, Pamiiii! and Trimming all kind of Cat" ' riagca, dune Willi uualimsa and despateb. . " ; Y J. W. RAINEV. , Coneord. N.C. March 21. im -.-. - tf - - " ' y uVAVt oUcc. ; TIIC Siibacriber, in conformity to recent instructions irceivcd from tlie Norlli Carolina Gold Mm Com- pany, lakri thin method to Inlorm thine hiterested, that hereatter all perwrtia found Ireepaiwiiig upon the fiillow- ' 4 in i? Traeta of Land, blonging to aeid Company,' aitua ted io flavidHHi County, will be prosecuted a coord ing to the strict letter of Uie U. JOHN WARD, Agent i '. Davidson, April 19, ISaa ' ; " U t y: y;'Y LandsVv' Tract, T?o I Containing acres lying on the lour mile branch. '"' . ContatninpK)3 sct; lying on i lLo p-T , tut pi lua tMtawamp... 3 t'ontaining 3,H) acres, lying eq Lick T t reek, hut bwanip, and. Yi'lkm itiver. I Containing V,tV0, lyins on Flat Swamp , flCoritaioiii GU7, lying pn lick Creek, ' '' 7 Containing 1,412. lying on Plat Swmap. 11 -hi'- 8-j;0ntaining WK), lying en Lick CreckAjLY " , 9 Cordsimng (HH, lying on Lick Crek. 10 Containing I.HU7 acres, Ijinj on Lkk ' freck and Flat Sa-anm " , YT. T I'.'-CootaMiinff, l.iiVI, 1 v nicr en Lick Creek. " li ConUainmg 1,3(7,. located, 0". .foiir mi!.e.., Yl.4.Y.. rantVaiiil Jacob Creek, idioiuing the Iad min. - " , .,1 iiUi-u.h ... a . ii. rnU'lk f I A Y j jt received and lot aslu,- -. . n -v'2 hint, good Kugar. . 't , .... .;j : .... ,, llldofctirsss Kevthes.' , Y ii dot Gmsiwd Rifle Barrel", ,. -J . a.OPU lb. Suo Gdton, Salem FacUiry. ' " '. Uet-Anknr Bulling Clothaand Hcrrcn-wire. -' Hsli diurv, Atril H, '44. " ; tt -" " 1 1 1 1 ' 1 " ' . . - Wrapping Paper," &c. . '- f PI1K Sulwcriher have jnat receivi-d a larjro aaaort- mem of brown and colored WRAPPING paper; together with a larcro quantity ot PASTE BOARD, -sim.li they iifTtf at wltolwale or rctaiL ' . Cait C. K. WHEELER. "June 7, ltW. . tf . Iolifr. riVJE IREDELL t'OVM'Y Temprr.net Snririf wilt hold their aunual meeting at TaNr Church, -on tho f.rat Wedneadsy in August neat By order of the Society, i -j' -. - r MILTON CAMPRnJUSac. V ,A,.i;F.ci:MAXi . ... -y--