i- ! I.t-r to evert thoc (;-ciiihiiii powers which were the delight .f brilliant circles, nod who will over reai,with enthusiasm, I Ik happy evening i:ispi in li!sir-ritri Jo her strain in tltu moon-lit I. .ills of (!i0 Alhauibra. geoitrey crayon. General lnldVince. UttambtHit Lav .The owner of (lie steamboat, New Haven were tried io 1h Circuit Court of New York, fr an infringement of the act f (Vn. gress, f',r M-mig ro'pet instead of -tron chain for steering; ami the jury returned a wdict against them of ff'iOO in favor of the United Ststes, being Ihe penalty li-cd by the ;n t, A similar verdict Han given in the case of the steamboat I'Mividenee. Rolh rases wilt be t:ii r. i d up to tli; Supi. me Court al Wa-diinton, ., ' " .' ;"' ,' ,;.'',, - vj" Strain l'ri:: tttt. According to the Army and Navy ('iirniixle f the I3il' instant, the proct-eii. .rigs of tlio Ln.uil'fif otiici;r. builders, nod engi neers, lately held it Washington have' been op proved by the departV''-'. Two steam frigate nr to be tfnmedftrety" wAtrif lifted, "iiiiff'at "New Turk," the oilier at Pliiladtlj.hia. .They arc to bo of lli'i unit size and model, and at nearly alike in every respect an possible xcepl Ihe engine. Oue of thm is to he fitted wif(i two inclined engine i.f ten feet atr'ghe ; the other is to havo vertical engines of the same power ol seven ieet stroke. ""' ) The' hull of each is lo lx f ttiu following dr, " incasioria : ' . . . - . ' . ' ' ' Length between perpendicular, 2-0 fee", Double beam, , '' 30 , .' ', Depth of umld, ' " " ' 03,. Tonago, cusfoio house measurement 1(150 " . . 1 v ' ' ' ' i " - " ( A" Jette trout Alexandria, liTCgypt, of" tTiO IC1I1 '.)lr. says: - " ' Foreigner daily arnva from Ine" Red -Sua, from Europe. The ywituny through lhedoerl will (Km bo performed 'l,n ull the convenience of 'r.nropejin travelling. A "oyage from IJonibay to 'tt'wQ will ortly t 1 party of pleawire. 'li jeur eijlit Hundred l'.nroeani!i4crijed the ikcrt, aod xicxt year.tliin ritiiiiliei will probnbly I ruble- regular Iwi;lili coacb line will aliort'y Iki eg- tiiWubrd totwiiCMT AIcYnndri.rn'll?ucatniT the . :o(irnn of a few yetir, the oWrl will be traversed by oiiitiilHiswt and wagjjona.; 1 ; ry' C'htvrinff proipects in Miiiippi.-Vt!tirnl with Rrel plcawire, by nccoiintii front Viekihnrg to the lOth, and from C'dutnl,iit to tbe 'Oh, that lticre Bave beerj licavy and very , ..opportune rain, mid that 1I10 Cotton crop are now more promising thiiii evefkiwwn. Tha bloonn ar( ,iijt(,utiiua . iiutjMt m nnuwiat aisse and much wiriier thnn com mon. v From every part of tl:e-Ptiiterfrm mirth mil emt iMiHiippt, enprriidly from L'twnduit 'n A , It lL..rt.U AM.. l..lll'H.A.M..U. 4Top. , that Mitxiwippi, with hor great ntupto', inrty jnn count oft Winjr relieved from all jioftuni. vary emhnrrBineni. -The MnMiieuppiiti highland lull f bfoitti drying aa aetive boiiw. -;: Tlie New York ftveiiin Font mention a elitgn. ', lir Tiicl in n'l.tti.in to n lijht house in CI)milaiiuo county New York that In lijrlit i riiantained by ! (natural pn ktng from a rock. The P'at mY! 1 , . " The light b'm.-ie at n.ireelona, in ClMiit'inonA 'flwtjr, New York t li'ghM br nvrtKVlfbirli B,".LJll-2 '-'ll-'i t M-rtpne liom fiwrv in tho roeks near t h shore. . . 1 1 "Tho tsii-'ily f.a never1 fiifirig. cue, and m TinlA muii a- 1 .1 1 1 e.pial 'it to pirr. "A r id- reservoir hdiy.lnn ' Jrttcd ;?yef7 nnrrrnf thd fi!rnre in ihfi fook; ' !XJt'iULl)Jh3. gin 'i -avtXieuM't,4fc'!lt . Itouse, ;T0..llfilo-Adi.ttrt-su finin'kirf1hirrr there are gat stream mmjlar to thoe at Portliind or Ilwifcelona, iu tlm neighborhood of FriMlotiia, a l w miles from J!u reeling and that the supply obiaincd from thorn has been used for lighting Ihitt --4"Uuialung il!.!ii"JJbitJi'W hnve anjr knowledge rf tlie fsot a'jove flenmnerf. It is cerfiiltiTyciiri-." ons that gus of pure a ipiality should i-u Irottl ; thewrtlijn.i!.tch 3p.mntitic rad:fct'iuclr.BVfciigtl -jfi(,n ,.,.,. 'i..i.i.k i,rir ;r,;-.r r.i.:i.::r.t. 1::- - rr .hwo in U.dhwawrttmr''rhff xmnparrf-.twa ' " 1 sum t " SVUI t i sit months of IW. ;uu lf'Tt.-' - . - Fnreigi Con 't wise.' l.iV,'.-5 4 01-5 " 4.709. : I:i In is;ti) Ehowing an incres-w in the t'.tnl of arrivals of lS.I'iovor thosn of 134 of 714 vc;!, au jan in. cres c over 1 3T v( 3.1 1 1. v . , . It will bo olervcd (hat fir every foreign arrival (lurit'l fho lat ml months there have been no less than 'w'M.'y cnafit.ie rsrriviilrs, nr.i) of Ihe latter Kr tiupi tune lentil have been veMe'inomployed in the transportation of iiiiibracite cotl from Philadelphia to other port. Hero is n domestic Commerce in a single item tyliicli is of it.lf sufficient to su1aiu t An innnt? ol the emmty poor hnuo by ihe 11a 'no of Harlow hit become suddenly rich by the derision of the Courf of Chancery giving him a tit,.) to )ino of the property on Mam atrect, lying between the MaiMKHi House and Ihe little Unliable en ek. Another instanct of fortune't agnries is the fact, 1h.1I an i'ultgent young marr, a Journeyman rabinef niak"rf .who died three yaigoH"--jrtyh , rind at the i;xieiisof a dimtant relaiive in thi city . A. Jetiet ha Umi rewved- wtthirr tftty of TWO in j (pining wheiln-r he Wft a willr a recent bLarv )m V' tit left him, or bit heirs, fortune of JlOd !U)!). Vffuh KrpiMeait. e.- The Hon. " AiursTiJiH F4tni Cuttov, one of ' ... ... .1: .1 A .. . 1 1 . 'itii iikbi (iisiMjjmuru ciM.'m, tneu at 111 fMidenee in Athens 00 the 21st ult after a vei w j -TTmrn rrerHtfnrTsr-1 IsTHaf f ,r ltanyears"J-i'Iii' r f the Western Cireuit of thsit State, and 111 1.TJ he was chosen a reprcsenmtive in Congress. lis was a native of Virginia, 'where be w Wn in the year 17', but cmne early io lifo b, f,eor"iii nnrtv.rinimnfrltmtlftrrirtidimtes rnii"s TTenA l.'niversitvr lie was distinguished fir liit wml jn,,,,y-''i 'Iw lop fas' if approached tliosurface it ipialilies.'for n nviog wit, and correct literary Wa.ri? Kr"',,u1,y ""ri " v,,r, the lop, and 'I'tndtrttHt MffM n T. ' , Cot. William Alstona revolutionary soldier, one of tb must wenltbv men in. this state, and father i Joseph Alston, a former Govtrnor of South Caroli. iiied recently h Charleston at the ago of 1. lb. W'o e t'mt somo ol our bretlircn of ihe press .a;e inelnwd lo do us tho honor overinueh, inauri o 1. .iij tint the opinion w have expressed on, Ihe n!.;- el of 'lie next presub niia! election indicate Ihe i" sjif M r. Callioini on liial question. We know ! '! ingtf Mr. Caihuuu'a opinion mi iho inject, e;t what may by ppsnibility bo inferred from ' i j 11'1,'if i. nu erlies. Forail that we have tatd, r ' oe I - ir !' e resonibiliiy, hnvingheld nocen- dulladon on the mil'it, with Mi. (.',; . j;i ur (u,y one else. . With tbat.ib-uiiig'iiUied e'rijiii'inaii, e have, in (jencriil, (iliOub '"t rtUitytt,) i.ki i ui i-.1 on political queKtums, but tlie Mnntuuer is !' .1: in del of no man' opinion tut our own. lb. The Juice of the (Vc; 1: a hh win f. An ori. entnl traveller writing l'r the New York (lerver, (iirnilii- a rcfi-Kjii, which we huvo riot tx fore met with, why the juiee id the priiiewa and still i thought aueh a IIi -miii'j in I'aleMtne. Ilesiiyi ' It is one of the cheapest uiid tafct article of fixnf, Li-ing boiled (l.mn to the coriniiitency of tbick mo. Ie. Wine i q'lile a minor object in the culti vation of the vine. Grajie ruiiiw, and lb" other article jtiHt deitcribeij eaten with bread, form a lar:e part of the diet of the penwuit. . The name of the article in Arabic vtdtbt which i the word ued in lb bre in the expreiioo translated " flow-: ti will ii'iilli and h-jtiey.' With Ibie fart beforv on, we ecu the benevolence ami iuntbiCe of the Ouity in hi introducing tiia people ii.lo a land where therape wan exceedingly fruitful, for more than 00 the ordinary belief tbot it only furniched wine in abundaticv for undue and detructive buetatiuu.!'-. - ' . Mr. Vennimnro Cooper, t driving a whole-sale bujinei in the way of libel auita Ife lifts bad . three editor under the hatclie and k probably remly to dinpitseof a many more in iho name way. In the lamt .Cooperittown (Otega county Ilepn4iliT ran, there i a paragripd which atate, that the (Jrand Jury of tlf eouniyVhnd pint found bill for libel at the iimtizMlion cf .Mr. Cooper again! , Mr. Webb, editor if the ('ourif r and ICmpiirer, Mr. Weed, editor of the llwny Kvening Journal, and, j Htid Mr. Pellet, editor of the Chenango Telegraph Mr Cooper, it it clear, ia a ditneron man lo hand4ej-and tho'tnrtnrcndTirt)peaK-lrhim ac cording to hi deaerN, should deal with him a the ,. tdild and gentiemanly Mr. Effingham. JV. J".'.., , ' " " - . ': -V . ' We are auihurincd to atate that the) Bank tf . Hamburg ha declared a dividend of (en dollar and f fty cents per share, payable 011 or aflerlhe '. 7to tntilaiil, being mn por ceut for the last ix ' month, and fifteen per cent actual ditbli nd ; in all ?1 per pent on the present cnpital of $:J0(),0(0.-- 'FJie new Stock hotders7cofnc Ttil6theoiiJeroJiiIv " 1W Making the capital then 8500,000. , The 2(hi,000 new Stick i payaUp.Nyt.itljn-'..' Khtiir-A ilitviia 'jStnfinrt .-. .. ..".: YfrUrVy. We do not know. when our prido and personal character waa so -much rtjiajnst week, whertwa wfftS asiie,il by a suliscriber, alter . our pM)r hafi been issued, to give him primkly a true stiemvil of the Virginia elections. ; Tbi tt( icst lit traae, ao he Saul," lhit; te tiiight learU the result of the flection ; " for I tee you and tho' .Sentinel make statements as ftr apart at the east is from the west, ami,, know it i the custom of eililor 4a bold out falfov-liehts to ths itentde.'W H When we forget that truth and falsehood are anti podes when we lose sight of honor 'and a good name then it will be lini,for any man to innuiro P r'mitt tg if .we did not tell a 1 lie puhfaljfc,.'tJ are aware that thonptninti is prevalent that editors hold out false lights" to tho neSonlc Irtl we claim 1 uo kindred with sucli spirits 5 they are not broth; r editorsi'Latid we botie the p'uWic will jimke that' discrimination hereafter, whichhe r.harectefs - of the flUrfcmijl newspnptr of n jriy jenia.l.-- t Jr.r:.i.. j -.: , V,.r. I , r V. .li n,:l mint 1 nr tivinrri-v. Iimhio- rimnnnttifi- you fy'iiie across tutietified hypocrite In thV live : . I .".V. T . ISjaCitCiiJUjUill ediloia of being tiara bot;aiiat)i.4 sSmC have ho regard for truth. C'udt: O. OrVua," I Remarkable TWai. On the passage of tho1 Ship Anaxmder, from New Orleans to Near York, a young lad about fourteen years, from' a natural ly froltcksorrie and mischievous disposition, be came so ir.iuhlesome in his pranks, (hat it was Tftrratrwjl hythef'nptain if thtyTrtircTmtinttel5- that he would confine him in a water cask. Our trotirig-rtef took no heed howeverr and ut his next titHovwreTit wh ewHn,Jswt it It w a s henTje't'nfr-"' leaTfrw'rlargMimig-hrteTnTtn !"'7r"' '1"1 " 'v'"'-,"v Ju.A L .t. .... iJL.A rv,..,..,t n. thoM. ua ls)at(L.Iartuniit(ly the cn'k struck biing up, andHoo led aUair thirty hours, - when it was thrown 011011 the Iwauh' at Catte at. Cla ilera tiwi boy madli)MMati-tCK t . trteiite him'If from his prison- withiait success, and in despair gave up to die, Some cows howev er strolling on the beach, a ero attracted to the esk, and in walking s round it, one of the number it Uiiug tiy lime, switched her tail into tho bung hole, w hie ft the lad grasped with a desperate re. . oluiioii, . Tho cow bellowed and set off tor lite, and -afier tunning tome two hundred yords..WiUithsv. rank, struck it against a log on ; the beach, and,, knocked it, as we say, into a cock'd hat. . The boy thus' providentially' released, was discovered by .some fishermen on the Point and taken into A pa lachicola, where a small collection being made for him, h wa enaMed to proeed Nurthiiy Tfi8 way of Columbus. Sf. Jotfph Timri, . ,' 4 Rtgio of Spring$.Ai the village oi East Liberty, in Logsn county, Ohio, there are nume- rou fountain wells and spring, a short description of which may, perhnp; to the phikianphic mind, be a matter of amu.mement and interest, Eat Lib- something of anrlevatedatarion, Ij'lnjf tli me eastern pan 01 tnat county, between the lieail . wiiter of .MiIIcreek.,tid iHirby, which streams" emjy into the Swiiti at least fcrtl 0iQjyHir4,,!MMi . here their sources are nearly together. As wete- fore said, the site of the village is cpnsidorahly c.l - . - evufed, yel it U ou the very frontier of an exton sive. plain, eastward, southeast, northeast x'Po U10 southwest, the country is generally undulating and " finity of Mad fiwr it is considerably hilly. trwTOT T""r ynrt rwxr n -wrir ymnriig in inc vu lue by Mr. John Malh'ma, to thtuJepth of thirty ' three or thirty. fair feet, when a large stream of water Isirst within a lyw feet from the bottom iif the well and such' was the rapidity ' of its'" flow,"". lei thsrt' thfO' ToioTrtPS ' (T filMif (fie well still coiiiimtes lo rise in a li rjjo stream. SiiWq'iently there havo been six or seven oilier well du In vsrious parts of the town, and ll of which nw-o and (an in Ihe amo maimer of thefirt one descriled j nod indeed every .well dug in tho vicinity is a fouuiuiiw ''lm method of walling' them wells i to throw in stoun promiscuously, until they fill them nearly to thetqp, and from ihenee commence the wall. Thus we can hsve a delightful streum of Cold water in eTcry citiyen' doot yard. .Rut I will mention another phenome non. Jfn Ihe early pnri of May last, about a r, mr !er of a mile above 'he town, on the bank of tl o Oitcr crcok, larjje spring spoutincousty burst's out " in a place where there bad Iwon no water ran, ex cept.a little oozing mil of the hanks. The spring tent Ur'h muddy-water f r some days, but al length .;. ;ir ; a 1 i urn:,' the p;Cje:itnry --u u i Iioiiijiiied fulne, Siii'ke. ir y tu fti tniill mliiaii.d ill the ilinila d tb it i f s.io Hie cidx "nit b.'an to tmd their diiinM-h-d iii forre, hot attriUite it to dry weather. Thi ?;riii,, Iniieert wa Ioiiim! to incicane in fullm-i, and a larger, atream to from it, notwithMfatiding the long and ittcrcai.ing drought. Hut on b'nldi'jig a dam and rawing t ie head"of the pii.i ulfiul three feet, all the well in the town were found lo raise niinnlianeoiisly and to (bjw itb their usual vlor. UJIruuttiiite Cm, A iVri' ;h ud. Ten dullam will I paid by the editor of inu Watuhman of the South to the author of the fust amirnred hymn, not etceeJing ix alanaw. wlne,h siiall e written for the approach j inff aemi.centunmal celebration ol tlie organtzaiion ' r . , ,, , ,:. of. the Oetjern! A.Hembly of the, freabyWrwo Churcl. .n the Uotted fetate, f AmeiK Manu. neriiiiH to be f irwardod. fret uftxistast. before the finrt day of rfept. next, to tho Rev. Dr. Baxter and (Mlium, at Prince Edward C. II, Va., who arthe judge ia the caw. All AI3S. 1J remain at"the dispnwtl of the editor.-;- ttnmmucnnwgm w coma rr in . . eu envcbiiie the oanie of the author. r.unorr. uieieii j.. to the object will cooler a tivor by .giving the above one insertion.1 '7 from tl pultun Cvtiriir. - TO TUB PEOl'LB OF MAh'SACHt'f'ETTS, t U known that my oame has been presented ti the public, by a meeting of member of the lVgilf'ure of the State, as a candidate for the of fice of President of the United gietee, at tbo ensu. ing election. As it ha been en pec led that a con vt tiiinu would be holdcn iu the autumn of thisyear, iompasAdj'CikkgAljrLljro verat Mates, i j have hiihuito thought proper not to anticipate, in any way, the results of the convention. 4 Uut J am now out )o the country, uot to return, probably, mueli earlier than the period fixed for the meeting of the convention, and I do not know what events may occur in Iho meautimo which, il l were a) hoiiie, might dtnwmd iininediateatinntiwn frH me. I desire, mofoveri to act no part which may tend to prevent a cordial and effective union among those wliose object, I trust, is to maintain uniiiiimired the C'on.lilulioa of the country, and 10 uphold all its great inioaests by a wtso, prudent, and patriotic aditiiuistratioti of the (.oyemiient.Tiiewjotisid erniions have induced to withdraw my name as a enndtduto for tha 'office ol IVesident ut the next eleetion. A m D VNIEL WEBSTER. ' . Iiopdon, June 12, lSaf.'" ... "ft! & OUR" UNIVERSITY. - ..We eive soma further account: of lha IcaJLna in- ci-lcuts at the late Commencemenl with' which we were wt furmshed at our last publication, and for which we are chiefly iudqbtcd tu Ihe "Register" tP.Sa(iraityiialrw'iOT I he publieexerciscs, which commenced on Mon day, the 21th Alt., were continued on each day till the evening of I hursday On Monday evening the following TOung gentlemen, selected from,,' the Freshman Lhisa, uectftiuifcd.,oa Iho subjects tueCi Cod, vizi , ., ".. : - 'i Polor Hutmes, (Southampton, Va.,) 'jTrimble on the Amendment 10 tho Constitution."' -- Ituliert Camplell, (Marengo, Ala.,) " Mar low on Statu Sovereignly."!.. .- . " WilJism M, Harrow, (Edeuton,) on tho Metem psychosis. Thomas J. MoriseySampsbn county,) ' Mene- -gfltllfl PliMir Ih-fsnllnrs," AshljfJV. Speight. .('kk;lma,Ala.,)Jli;! UiriskV Yin. dication of the Rights of Man. 7 William V. Martin," (iilizjbeih City,) 'Clay oq tlie new Army uiU."- v . John II. Smith, (Granvillo county,) on the Su Pblime and I'cautiful. O i Tuesdjy eveninc, there wat a declamation 29nJ'y..thfHowin Cmr. Winiam J. Clark,' ( Raleigh) Eulogy ou Captain NilMoiet little Fxaiu.i M. Pearson tAosoa County -Kennedr: it 1,' cone llm-cd .iop!y t'a town. I ' (l.uii'ai'is iiMotsrAiijionr4atior j z : - - - J . .ll?In00 ouicigii,; on.reniaie i-a- ucaljhu. Jixeiih NorcottGrecnvrilIe,rFrcntice on the cent Defalcations. V' : ":' - recent Wftlrsnr FV-tto-f Tar4.foughr) -iVytoti-on the Removal of the IJeiKMUet!: I John "". Cameron, (Modre,) 011 the " Somtnum DtMium ' " On WeduesdaV mornini? ai iO o'clock, the An nual Address was pronounced before the two Lit urary 'Souiotit by the lion, RedfoTd Rrown ; and al 4 u clix:k m Ihe uftcrnoon tho address to Ihe AI tTmrri of the University was delivered lo Hugh M tiue-n. r.so. IJoth Addresses are roken of in 1 lie iin'hest- lerins. . . 1 Oa Weitnesday evening, the following setttatives of the two Literary Societies duhv ormmal ?ipiicls, viii Francit 11. lltwkt, (Washington,) on the iuflu-M once of Literature on the destiny of Man. , John A- Lillington, (W tlmington,) on the tend encr of Revolutions. David A. R.irnes, (Northampton county,) on l opulnr l.iliicntnm. . Calvin II. Wiley, (Guilford County,) on durability of our Pulitieal liistitulions. Is' Wjlljt'IirIcLcod, (Johnstone cuttfy,) on Slav erv Iham W. Garroit,(Nyake county.) on the Lit iiralufe iif io i'tiiiil Siate---- " These OnitUnsV were-highty creditable to the ,,ulpeAkw sMtCvted Uta hearty- appliftsfr of lb audience, v hursday was cnmoocement dov, and Ihe ful lowing ai the orJer of the Exercises, viz 1 , Prayer.N . ' Oration On tha olficioua inlorference of Gov ernment by JarvU Ruxtnn, (layetieville.) , Oratinu ou tho iiiflucuce of JS.ii.'ivo sipmmi indi vidual happwe by 1-wHiis I. Fehee,(Cjantitek -MllllV.A ' . " - Oraiinn On ,1b itidtssoluble connection be tween Libeny and Lswby .Walter A. Iluske, (Fayettevillu.) ,4 is ' , .:, , ,,' , liratinn on the tendency of our Govcrnmenl to Democracy by John N.' Batksdale, Rcthcrf.ird, Tennessee.) ; . v i . ' '- .; ' , v Oration On North Carolina and Thomas Jef ferson by -Thomas D. Meares, (Wilmington.) -Oration oo the liberty of the Press bv Isaac N. Titlett, (Camden connty.) , v, , " v Valedictory Oralioo by Alpheus Jonee, (Wake county.) :.; n-jt:.-, .-' , ''.-; ,,.. , Report un tho Public examination. i ,'1 wt i Degrees conferred, ' ,vA . ,s-..-,.,. Prayer, ..i -i. ; Tiie Oration delivered on this occasion by the .N-nnrs exhihi'r l an uuuuil degree of talent, and ivenre (,. .tiy ui them of liigb moral and inte" ''tuul at tainiiieut Tley gave inurk'.'d cvidencD of bav. in U'vn well iinight, end of hnving niimU tho- roujtiiy ilKmht, : I bv the luborou study of a UiU ". lie eeuiM their nevernl p; I t! betnsr iirenar',l t act we !I .1 on the pre.-it th'-atr" (it lite. ' The S'liior Cln cot.i.i.iteJ of C. .'I. Avery, r.'irke, Johu T. H.irksd lie, of lltitbnrfojd, leiin., V. F. I'.rovn, of CuKwell, J irvi P.iuton, of Fav eMeville, Uichard S. Dmiuell, i.f Craven, J)euui . U. Fertib.-ti, of Curriiuek, J. L. fl.idley, of Nash, ville, Tina., James II, ll:iden, of Chatham, Walscr A. Ilu.-.ky of Favettcille, Alpheim Jouex, of Wake, AruiiC. McXeitl, of Robeuon, Thnmaa I). Meare of Wilmington, Oud Ific N. Tilh tt, of Cuimteii 00 each ol whom the Degree of Cach jehu of art was conlerred .' Tho fir,! dintinetion iii cholarshn whs award- r - , . , . f, i - ,CU H rtll'lll'Ull rfOlie llirj s'-l.mr i ii"' Neifh, Mft , j )Bm1oiI) U, . p0t)licl L I)ni,ni, a FefpbW). V ., " The Honorary Dearoo 'of Master of Arts was conferred 011 the following geutleniim,. Alumni of the Institution, viz t Jame W. Osborne, of Char ' lott, IIoury I.,Too)h of Washington, Ralph 1 II. Ur,u-t.Mitif Cliapn'l Ifi..." JjftH CXSmith, of-Fay- (,. , ' 1 Rot(fir(u 0f (iranvib. W,l. tium PjlJond, of Rertie, JohnJrahana TuH,M. D. of Kiiu'ston, John A. Downy, M. D. of Granville Rolwrt A. Kzell, of Northampton, ReVv. Whi' N. iMebane, lev. Thomat Jones, Kov. John C Hamp Ion ; end on the Ilev. Drury I.ue,y, of tins '-ily.; "The Degree of D. D. was conferred on fltta Rev." George W. Ereeman, Rector of Cbtisl Chnrch in this City," and on the Rev. Alexander Wil-on,? l'l iiieipal of the Culdwoll Institute, Greeusborodgh. Guilford county , t I . . t . . h After rrmf'nirinn llifl Detrrens. an Addreit waa delivered by the President Governor Swain, chief- "I r 1 i'w v it my r -i - -v, ... Lf"eI',y,v ipnrtjofl of the fair act, who graced lit scene wilh tlieir presence, was unusually large It is gralilyiug lo perceive that eseh succeeding year imparts to this interesting celebration it frosh degree of attraction a circumstance indicative of antioiproved.joih3 tif leeliiigv wbick prumiaut the most auspicious results to. the State, , r t f f THE WESTERN CAROLINIAN 70 Correspondents. We acknowledge the res cript of several chmmunications and lately a letter from Haudoljdi giving some particulars of the past r. lifo and Conduct of the hireling publisher of the , Ashltoro' paper they are deservedly excruiating ; but the subject is so small, that it seems to os very -much like impaleing a fly." We are reluctant (0 ' trouble our readers wilh such nutter ifitcua-Ju avoided, and therefore withholTICeni from.publica- (ion for the present- ; , . Political contest very frequently produce high excitements, and are sometimes carried to a vio- lent extent, at such times especially, a mau's public life and chtmicter are co'nsidercd-and justly so, as they lwayOHght to be, open to discussion and tree frjTTXamrnatioirptnd dose ecrminyrefibrng 4ar4 get for bis opponent to fire at but sJt'JiSk - eaeHmmTncricT iriijnT oncoming o van- Tgirht - foT - - w'aftwn: eiftof ltie people-, fur .'nUb'tlii M.'privilcgJj-sBtWe,' Wittock i:MAi aM .wiiiiot j legitimate ground tf-pnffl with mahcious-ari't standVroOT Citargea, his domes- " tic relations, invading the sanctity of privato life taeeniplish iids i-coiU-jtv wbich aro-esclu sively of a poiitical nature, and ooglit to be no maintained. Such conduct can bo accounted fur only in one of two ways: as being either the re- -suit of vindictive malice, seeking to gratify pri. ' vale animosity by such 'means as hsnorable' and 'l high-minded men would hold in acorn ; or as the . desperate resort of parlizin feeling, seeking tosus lain t weak cause, not by fuir and right exertions which cannot elfect tfio purpose, but by ay means whatever. " ' ." " " :" ""v Th-ronduet-of many nf thr flppnsitlon eSle-""1 ciallv of Bomonf its b-srfor. tnvrarda Mr. Fishir. . has been marked witfia decree of unfairness and ilhVrality JoSpcak mildly .which we have never seen egunll'ed in maitest of this kind. At first, '.. thiyoVjiotied him on the groumf of his political opinion,-rhis preference for Van Ruren and the Sub Treasury when, he-hadaa .clearly iiuswered - - -. - j !'i,"?51.0J'j',cIi(ttithat no n;ottld wilftjlly misuu-'t dcrstnd,ntid thoy-yeresilewed on these pwintstthey . ihcaUktt Ji JUiw.reMma aiioVikoiH. htm Wntise' "he rcfn to corns bu n71if ptedge1iin)soirDtifon. Idiiioually lallem-y ClaV; withmH werve ad ri- tirely; at if slavish dovotiiXi tn men is injt destrue- . tive of a iheronce lo jyrinnplei, " , -i Tliejonjy piissible relaiiMi.tht. a, Keprpgentalivo in C';mi;rP!jl rWlltl ilafg lo,in" Presidential elecliou would be to give his vote itv tas tlm election de- volved on tlie House, and then, what has. Ids privato i preftrenrr-j to do with U ? Every manv of Repub- out the will 01 a niajiniiy of tho State I.e. repre sents, by giving his vote to determine her one vttci at, the majority in the State had voted So Mr. v Fisher has declared that he would act, if the no cessity occurred. And in this case what nnltefs it who ho privately prefers T His opponeuts not beina able to find any thing llint would bo objec tionable to the people of . tho" District though doubtless nmcb that is so to aome of then in tho past political course, or prcserii principles of Mr. Fisher, are silent 00 his public life and character; and turn to assail hi private concerns In diiio - this, besides; many tdandoroiu tales, adipted to pro" duce efikt in tho dim-rent part of the District where they are secretly promulgated, tin y have taken up, and are industriously niisrepresentin land ent.rcly r-nerlfng i',e f,Kt of ,;, rom.ert,e,, ?rt. - iih a claim iu Mis-.it-(aw Iniliiins. To infirm tli'j publi irtipufations yv hloh the-in-r men had ulii jjim! n; t lo '' 1 1 I! .'!.r ! a r'.uu a::d fill l'M'r hiii 1.1 (C I Who' r.. tiiu;,i'4i ai, I i.ite-'.'.it in tins n itter. I I) tiiN I.: I.", Jeatinii h give a iu..i.iofi 01 (tie orojui of tl;u:;ia 1111 itnte, all. I their nature, ua well ui t!eir p((.w ... su-taini'J by lacts and prunf ; now. ,-f these liicts aro pn teuded I') be denied, but tU Editor of the Watchman taken up the subject, anj in a spirit of tiny ilang but fair dealing, fliej lro:n the facts therein Coiituiiicd, and parades rq port made before tho claim hoi uiiJorstoud, r,j makes know n his intention lo produce hereafter a report niadu by Mr. Rlack a Senator "rom Missis. sippi, which samp report Mr. Fisher has mentioned in hi publication having beea compounded of newspaper slung and garbled .trash, and, which has been since proven to be false in many hniot. i'ir .-1 ' . 1 ... . . 1:. .. t . .1 Ann tor worn uues me iiinor pruuuee inese tltinc r-- -- " r " w ireaays, itTlili. r'papert "our objiiSIoa is aotta Iho justice 6f these" claims we freely .admit that many of. these people have been badly used by th Government," -if he docs not question their 'jut. tice, for what is he, puhlisliing liilso slatorncnis and reports concerning thciu ! If ho wishes to give tha, truth, and tho vhole truth as every consciclitinus witness is bound to do, why doef he nut go for ilw fuels' to the report and documents of the CotnnaV '. siouers, able and resjionsible men appointed by Congress lo investigate the" whole matter, which j!!ylMft4.'tLtcii aSsisted hy-7 I he United States Attorney? ,' In all the examina-. , lions which they made, the result was a full aed j- ' tririmpnarit establishment of tbo justice of the claims, t s so iliut the claimants now ark no iiror from Coo- gross, '.but demand a right whicli they can main ' lain io taw. . ,s .w' . The Editor of the Watchman display ignorance 1 ? of the facta, or wilfully misrepresents in saying, thalJhcroJs Shy jjiiportaut aclioo yet lo 'be had in --'-Congress on these claims the 'appointing Conimi sioners to investigate and decide on their justice, was; ho must acej;-! decisive action, sincethoir r&T" port will be fully credited and acted on by Con gress without hesitation. All the remarks of the Watchmatt aro mitncientty answered by Mri" Fish"' Cr's publication itself ;e have, referred to the matter more to call attention to the kind of objec ttons tirgcd arin,C else 'hcya re a'sptcimcn of "the "tllibe ritpi h Fur," and we leave it to unprejudiced men to say, whothcr ftonoruo?e arts. Used lo defeat his election. hut as MVIf.f.v'f'P"'"- o'..- . 1 generally tno case, tncir eitoris 01 tuts kind nave recoiled upon their own heads tbey have reck- Measly assailed the private and uniinpeaVhed char 'aeler of Mr. Fisher, but their darts' striking harrn. teaaljrtipoi."h 1 m phavo" fail Jti ba'ck tuwl"'ii'c ret.! themsalves. The friends ol Dr. Henderson a gaiust whom personally we have nothing to say, fir we shall nut instate the example of Air friend in as sailing private character after Tailing in all theirx. ItHemiltS to COflvkH-Mfr JWlOltf -lUif l,t iierm. N sistencyi firidingat tljeit ; caucus dictation wouU not Command the support of frcenicu, as they n. peeled it would, ilnill objections on the groun. 6r7rtfcl)fc, anrrmakiv tlioir Issues on private. questions of a'ponronal najure. Irtliis thti waf to discuss before Freemen tlje meritt'and qua!' fications of candidates for a legislation ! - Is it not an insult on. "lie understandings of honest, and un prejudiiied men toauppose "bat theirj idgments ami auffiage can be controlled by such smiflling arts! tThe SupporlofTremneula neTther !ol1imnn-' such : aa ,c.o!)eejrtcd.flltaiika jpn-private character s. weejaiuit'iiii.jauusa ot hirelioga--4lectiiig, a capable, honest, and poliiicaliv-fiound Thww are tho points, and they are .eonsidercdand, 3eciilq 'be, rrjuif, nitfy iths'iiodjng y 'hich nifT bo made to cull nttcntion from them, and force false - ; " Mexico :and texas : " , II has lieen aome time rumored that Mexico in tended, now that her,hotbe difficulties are settler), to invade TestjiaLaie New Orleans pnpers men- tioq there plion of intelligence of a mora difiniio cljarticter, and saiii to be entitled to credit that the Mexicans aro makins" Dreoaratiiais lo" enter Fexas from the Western border, they are lo ren dezvous on ihe Brains, and from thenco proceed tO lwei'p the country wnging 5 war of extermina tion and desftucfion without regard to sgc or sex; the main army to consistof 8,000 men, supported by cavalry 011 either side, making in all. a force of not lest than 1 2,000 men, the w holo to be com manded by Dustamente, and An caw of hi defeat, Santa Anna is lo lulie tho field at the head of 10, 000 trmos. No-ouartci-STinrf -iiiHVCal fiithije H ..- (.. --.....,.v.,r. .tll.ll.7V.I..y.ii?-'."-..- fc7fcTfi"e watch-wo7d7 ; The cnmpain is to com "fi.euce early in the Fall. . . , " - - It is slated m w Western-p-tpcr, the Arkarns isazW,ttitVWetkiiMrnasoieouht?4;i.ei. okee chiefs, has been lately killed in tho WeM i be was way-laid and abut while on his return from Council1 "' ' - ... 1 -:" ' CO" A suggpfition for the prveniion of the ex plosion of steam hollers has been recently made by ; i gcnilemuo of the name of .Vu'uyflr, who is re--preVilled to .be.oiieol tho niost rxperieoeed an' iiilet'ieiirsteauiboat capraios on the Western waters.- His plan is this : To make a hole half nn inch in diameter in the top of each llufl of tiie heif er,' a convenient 'distance from thi after end, in sert n composition ptuj, that will not melt at te temperature of steam of l-IO lbs. pressure- W"!ienevrr fho waler gels leto.v fho top of l ftuef,"or the steairj-ii raised above that presjure, the plug will U-c waf, 8:d make a noiso that will givo warning i.f tlio darter. , The metallic co:ti position Mr. Sag'.r says is known lo every clc mist, andjiii. been introdueed, Into Frunoe anJ other parts of r.urojie for U10 nliove purjvwc. A . " 1 ' ""S mio of ('no N. Or leaps ners mention ihe ,J' cnrreiK-e of R'-Vfraf case of veil ev fever, t Asiatic clwilera in th" 'v; whieh had terme fV.i"v. . ' 7 - 1 4. ' 1

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