west MAN i i -TPf. POWERS NOT OCLKOATED TO THR UNITtO STATES HV THE CONSTITUTION, SOR fKOIIIBlTEO BIT IT TO TUB STATUS, ARE RESERVED TO TUB Si tU9 RE-IMICTIVELV, OK TO TUB PEOPLE. Amendment to tie Canxttivtion, Article X.- 1 f - ! tWJg'ttyWMtWWW - TM-MS Oi CAROLINIAN,-- .:' - " 7L Vcitt. wliiwin. ..j-pullfh!u:t. every Fiu I Two IV4!an per amem i paid in ai1vuce, trr 1 l!!r and Fifty ("cuts jf nut paid bel'jre tho ex- t 'imtkia of tltrr wonlh , ' -. " - .,-'; iNopapt lll k tf.scotitmti-'il until all arrears" are tl tlwdwcretiofl oflh E-lilurs f jnut a tin,? n neiYy the Editors ( wish to discontinue t! tte end of a year, will bo considered as a new tt- jUvrttsement Wl" '"N foa'piciinuslj and correctly 'jirvf?, t Kljo"ar per sciaru fur the first insertion, ST eeel Ext eoc'u continuance. Court and Judicial ,;!':igtntK wi fuA win noretan tk U prices- A tfeuuctioa i li.ij per cent rroiu tt rat price will, be made to yeurly advertiser. .Viverti'eriifii's sent in for publication, must have the n nafcor ot time marked on them, or they will be iiihw ItJ ti! t-rtjl.AU' eiiargnd ft Accordingly. ,. - Lrtu-r ii.'J '-r:d to the Editor on business units be put fail, or they will not b alteadcd to. 'i '! j -jabu'I' . . .. .: n. austix ;& a f. FisiiEit, IMtr and Proprietors. ' i SLXGClJa ANO 'AMUSINO STORV. " curieiM incuktit lately cccurrtd in our tmmV. . at iseifthbof hood. A gentleman," bo bus a vib ' jj vr tl, dreamt that a certain number would ; ' be a iize in tte kitter.' The-morning alit bis i"mm -which was only week previous tuthe., ttiawicf ol the krttery, he wrote note to lusckrk " lu kie biui to bey tbe tiiket iiiiiiiciliulcIyTTiijd ,bittnily t- !d niaoy ot bis lU ighbours and ac s;auttlanmr his drennv the iiuuiber, and tf bis switt f tLslir (wlT. Dsmg ijierjr' fcllat) - w o, ail (H heard ot tlie circuiiistuncA were am ' ;:wi!tat kis ilram should be realacd; 4)i(tt ttl ir ' ' rini siUu!uen-ji, the aumber was diuWn a' viry F . i .i t . r - . UTt pirw. kl pnonn,s numerous pariyjiijrii ' sari aiii peaiftritr em.rnjeif by-Tfis guueii.un m wmtHii .sollied !rth from Naples, w ith musical kstru&cftis, colours rtjiivg, and a banner gaily de. crttil,w which the lucky number .was' inscribed, ' ' tart aUo i he amount of the prize. -In this inanticr . ,'- -is ek4 U the hbutMaj f Mr j anoI t 'J;jiiuct4 iae j'J t4 in!UIyvwtbkKut:Wiiial& I t ks I t say, pred a ceiK ral hilarity through tho : I iAe- '".l.Thls jnuggiott - way jyth'wtHl hy,vrrg-;.T ""tw'fcwt'AcVi.wmtaiic'c'sT " congratu- 1 ' Ja( lts Ciuiiate ner ot the prize. Ketrej.li. aveut in sbutukikca were served out on tho Inwn fj the TAUat.is atvd aniaris: and a collation in the salle m vuiTigtr was t (ltrei( lo the IriciidT SuCU'wnt wine el an u.;'erior quality not being' ir 'IU cellar, the best wis copiously supplied, in the 2taewitT-Miuuei by ihe euod.rtuita I the bust. ;lne bealth w ilie winner ot tne prmi was j aj.4mli muy mwWJM9 vl .. .1, .;:.l b n.trln.n t.r till. ttf1llirfll 1 to ifee etMs4ta.wtUun.uf the newly acquired , Wtttlib r. grrert. The Btwa spreal7aiMr"lTie-. ' pleasure grtondji, t f Mr. . ' become literally; 6d w:tt vtMtors of all clasps when in the midst of Ihe peroral rvytteieg-s Ilie tH-rwh bnd been -a week before dtuted to purchsse the, ticket sr. " liisil, Tfith tuuxC AO JuetttL atuLttn lipniie.'lbal .. J . Xhp ! llus aoJucky wtht bad, iu the pressure of more Jhan nrtitnary buxKiess, forgoittn to buy the tickei ! and thought not of it until luformed of its J. irt Jrawft t4rizeThlyi0 "mvt of Mr. 7 tv be.rrrore caKty-inwjiiie ; t'usa deAcnbeil, when he saw ihkwheel of fortune,'. J wi;ci had MUAvdat ho.uW,diiveu la thill of Rlh . . . L I . V J.... ..t Al. nthrr: wno UJVins cearu i iuj n:am vi mi. rsMefli tademte txhafiwd the tardert)fthCjfltcatu.-a.4: t -r, s neaily emptied hrs cellar tand thusrwled k the a&'tr U it.ft lofery.- Ntsejrwnrie-jjeiVe-s! I atkhrted to Ihi Six-cies of amb!m; as are the atkhrted to thi pciea of gambi .li';trs. AIL j:L.j''.s.m.jj ms.n.; it. more -or-. but the tower orn give" wy "to "it wuh evtra ' orfInary recklessness. Every dream, encounter incknl. or accident has tte own part cular sin a-j enn brt. rlie b t. ljuuI in a Imuk-ub Hhe4 tlie romcriuii i ibe bnvers ot nciiets, - and of which eseiy h osfjiss a copy. The death " tf a friend, however lamerdnl, itfors In a pnrticu.. - hr romfcer, which the- mpurner for,ts m-t to sc- ewre, tf it cow ii eot joneiton with erniiw Cirtu-"1 A , aate lisn ; the even out of inif'irtum-s arid 31iC . Imoa lh NeapUilanA seek to draw some reeou. - fW." doe freqiicut d.-appoiutnieol mem f lo correct their eagerness fur (lie. lottery.. Ihey J aiwiys di-e-wer some satisfsctuty rea.iu J'r hav ing 1 ' ru; i tl. priz ; n4 b-pe t lv irrw liirtuiiHie j the nei ti-re. Vlf Ultr la j!a!g, lj the Cunt- I " 'UTtf KtsJUi.- ' A STORY FOS OUR OWN TIMi:-?. - A steerable ohl'Dutchoiiri, afer having occu jl :Lth 4uM lie C.lh priiciptcii!f HUtc. wHrtrrepat hnnrr,nd tiavmgwmni a tire fortune m lbs1 iiksM iMiexceptiinal'te nisiK ! IT- FTj T?3'' T'rnied tne re.auon or. i'.g .10 rJi.. ; -jurat In !3y tranquilly ai hii Counrj-seat. ". Ik. I b. f-r mtpe he w'.edto taiiejeave afhisj 'istiii iiido'w.extiij aiidi'coioiity'iuVMi.Ui.ieia till to a least at his b-ioe. " ".'. ' . I Tfce who txpecaj anei-t suirptuiWis re- ' . fast, wt much urpT:s rm fnlcrinf the enlin . r'io Ibt-ro a too;; eaken table, b-tn ly diver-, were w-rtJ do wisidcn plnew, wuh sailed herrtrtg, rrsbrtAd aud b. U. r, willi sviue.vboeso and enroled ' milk. . Wor!e v , file d willi rnmll feer, were -.'. iw.d t'Mui t-r - x'H 4 lite, Mts t serve them- -".TiT ITU t vrvii'ie'oJJitv t T ffjfl'old'gent'Ii iiinii"" cit.ii ecrct n;urniurie;s anuHij the company t . tot, oat of rcip.:t f r his ag ail "wmJih; instead " of shAwg dfcjcoe.fenl, Ihey pretewled to ichsh their , - fragM Lre; and wB"of tfr-m even complimented ' ?ao apuQ.Ihe c r.Uliiy of tU good. -M times . kwh LJ l.n iwht l i reiir.'iel i uirrt. Tlie old whi w fr- Jowil hv I'iU (eigrvd saiifac-. tn-n dul out i-!; t i cwrry liie. joke faiili'-r but at a sigrval w!.kh i.e g ap, s-m-e set faot s, habited as . euue.'r -won.cn, eo'errd, tMoginjf the w cmv.I ser-' vwe. A wl.re e',.Ah so- eet iii'il the f "arsn blue one, and stre tn mtvr flates renljced tl wooden wies,. I'eil .f n bri thv were s. fvi.l ii'l, i rii rt aerrins auo rn---. wiih L- s d lron brrs.l, frth . i . ... . . ,i .1... n If-. C.!i. r.-.l -ft.'ni? beer. At this iint't. f c. J e!i3n , the secret UiUmersci aed ! the po r l:e :r,itjiHo on the parl.;f tlie old TTTjin-tecanie-i w pie;,-.- and the ,V.rf with a ti rtil ep- JlstIy bad th.y tiiee. to la .te this second rvwe svfwnj'jry (aw a b it'- r et.tt r, fi-Howed tyr - lW31tlIIBlll 'aaWWOTt-BSi WWiWSiisainaVaW half a dozen servant iu briltiuul. livery bringing tho third. .-. .' ,; ... . .. A superb table 'if mahogany, covered with alx-nu-tiful (Knvereil cluth, ri'pUcwl the imk'o one. A idc bord iiiinii iliaK-ly coverH uiili tb'n rich'Hit pl!e d ioiiurjxicliifin mxl tli guuMa clinrmtid Ht t' if?hn.jf fr ifuKiniiol rare Aiidex quisnie iiM'fltl Tbc iri(t didiciuu witie were free ly (jiwmJ armiiHi, whjle a tiitliHliii cipwt was beard in an aiijomnijf rotui', Tonais were drank, nii'l all pi- merry. ' ISut tlio giNid rdd man per iM'iviug th'U Ins prt-Bftnca hindered the puMts from ttmj thprrwlvmiTT xa thmr nitl jin'row triidw." drrswj I tit! in tliiw ; J ( give vou timuks Imlicn nnd jiOniilenien, fur Itie fivor wliicb you have crnttd mo. it ta time Hint 1 lmn(n retirei myselt, and ; , i leave you to your liberty. -. Hut before the Iwll coni; ' i i nicnce, which I have ordered to bo prepared for ! thowwho love h; dnm-e, permit, mo to aronnint you with tho desert that J prntiosod to myself in I i4HviHVW4jMlllM ','. J ITiuvc "wisTiecT.iTierefcy tw Rive you an idea iifnuriimtrtirin j Itep'ubhc. Our ancestors roeello heir hi(h state,; n . " ii . . ... .1. . - l : . i. . . ... ano acanireo uocriv. rinnra. aim eowrr, uv iivtns : ' in Ilia iiiijal manner which you aw in Ihe firist ser- J vice. Our father presem,' these great blessings t I wily by living in tlm simple manner of which the i III ! ttlil'IV IlfUllSSi-a it n npvil IIIU I hasretracHdan intake. If it is per- I nwn, who is about to leave you, and i ilvs yiiu, to Speak elenrly what ho! seconii service wilted to an old hi. who tenderly loves you, to speak elenrly thinks, I niut ay, I fraf that the extravagant pro i Ibskm which you rnay have remarked lu the last service, tu.d which is the prtsenl style oi living-. J.,K.;- ..,. - ,ki ...,..; k.- TtmTcrf bv-thrr sweats I have iransiiiitled In usTy their industry and w ise I atIininiKtratioii.iaof" Cvur'nr. - -i, v BURIAL OF VI.VO GIRL. Tlio following Ihrilling ejcVrptjon of the Hin doo burial of a Iiviol' girl, in theNiimh of a dead I " She was cr.nsrm.enttr. now folly persuaded thol he waT3ea.trtrnnmtr -tn .ih..uii..i.id.b. jtii.;.- lis. ij v lin s-"i J'at. mm ny iw vn i sa. m mv; ric$ in the same yrave with him, was to her a mat. 1 ter ot frioicmir rufticr lliau of trier.. ' ror tipr lentb had no fears, since the object of her attach- fmen4wws m- trior f-aud-slie ibercliire-cheer fully resigned ber:l to the fate Hint awaited her, , rbat very afternoon the beautiful 1'nrtah was placed in a hacknev, with the corpse of the onto yowiij Voughat w rapped in a cerement. The doom injjavTwrtrTheiHhef lover, . . . c . . . .'... protHMincee agentst Iter was JhatJUift Wmuld oa tw- in I licitaeighbiirhotid of the mountain village where her father dwell, and in which she was born. The persona who accompanied her had sufficient com passion to alrtf Jier Iq pass a few houra with her disconsolate psretrr, 'previously Ho being consigned to thflt onlbJlllredJu, lljjeption of wiejiir. t:he passed the night under the parental roof, and in the morning eurly, accomiianied bp those that had 4been appointed to conduct the interment of the iniinju iu vAivita,a mo hiiwi uvtit y av i VII 11 II UCtin, is I "v" 'J'M 9'J li'v iiuvw W Tt t" . , . . . way T nlchrltwasrattbo-fbot of a JrAvrwieTwIiffi' M.mir, enn risii.g among a duster of amall hills, lifted ils proud head to the clouds, and seemed to stand there-amomtmcnt of the irtiipendiaiB' exercise of! Omnipotent power. - I he body rfioiihal had .e-.r- kt; -.i;.;....i. r.Z .:'.!.' -,.. i'bf xf," whichr'tliouuh concealed from siglit,' was siiii nmtnsome 10 a mom oeticaio aense,ii.ajfe. bjl. Ihe-cefement- bywhiert- i wirretivrbipcd""TJ5 (Mr ty aWy -aawiuuuL olTieiaT oii horseltiteki wh had tl.hare M con ducting the melancholy business, attended, on ei ther side, by a man armed. ; 1 1.e innocent maul en followed bi'tween Iwo persons, likewise armed, L wliii'tiiiiTli;11Tier F'siioel for tier sorrows, norenm passion fo her ciMiditimi. Ilavimi arriveo insight o! the hill's lao wh'u'h hsd heeu fixed upon as tho scene of cruel puiihiiicntthe party n-ached. a rudn wooden bridge, thrown over a gully' proseut. nig a frightful aspect of turbulence, and danger-, j It had a Bteep.WtviularchaiuH.lurouah which the moinilain current pourod with rightful imSl posity, occasionally impeded in its precipitous de scent by projecting masses of rocks and other inv ediim nis collected thre in Ihe more temperate tea sen of ihe year, when during the prevalence P'f U,'nPM,T- t',tt!. portion! p Ihe bilLt9.Afc seofd from ti!ir parent masses, ana thrown into ihe watercourses, then neaily drvor only changed In shallow or hinre acntle streams. - The biidgi cmisistnd o( a sinyle wide plank -of u?ak, ab-ut half root in thickness, and nearly Iwo lift wido.su-Hained tinder one end by licanis inser- in the mfwm1i(tes--of :ie?4nwYrifrM-fmraiff etl.Ttual siipKirt to a rudo fabric secured on the W.c'rtdrij v r . .r .i . j ir . i . (A ,,, l,,tke,U.t.u.neo:..tIyd lint prucimmoii passi-ii.iner iiinurn'o ii. ted at every sterr. "Mxriutnlln's father accoiupatijed her to fho gully, "d then turned homoword. from a sce'tw nf distress which he iad not ihe fiMtituJn lo eococuter. "After a silent march of about two ho HV lllf Virfilll il'l'l ' 'g'""-'"" reirliCil Ihn fil.li.fl intermeiit. In -a small hollow Hween Iho two r.s ks, a kirge rk-ep hi.lo had been dug, about three f.-1 square Upon jbe brinlj was placi d tho Corpse, of Yihal, in a state of sitkeiVuig o'mumissiluai, r i l t..... -. ti,. i.oj Uvanced to tho si leol the pit wMhoiit snru- din" ft tear, and strewing soiiiol ll.iwers ovef ibet coqe, exptc-ied her sit inaction arihw prtvu.get of being laid beside him in death,' whom she hadi" A t l.-i.ioh I I ii- '. i... . I....I. Ml.a l.n.l Iwutn il.Miiiii'n litf i c .. ii.. I...... i in i.i.. ii:ivmrt eortniierea me ore. i " cZZZ ; al. l.; U. cere Cn S . h North AWm..a.e:l to,,,,, ; 3t pr-s-eed. . Her manner wa, aoteimi, tin,' red b au e great coat, they wore .he . .Red U. " " 1 . . . . . i .1... :...:,.. ..' I .is coinonnv nurnli-red about . eiahtv I m ni e t nhi:io!r a r m ei iiaiy n':i"i"""'i"" - , j ... ... i t tTJvM spint of nation which young -ren ; many of thorn ot the first JamiLes, , II r,, heir's who are born lo die. ' that part of i he c?n,r, ; among them, a uephew, rl ... . k -.tTer the and a ao of tho lUiuiain. - I At leeein oeriurin" ai .j - ; i Zl X 7ll H rV Wy of her U-ngwhesurrenred to,. Mexican torcej." , 'ii M,y'M . . . ., ' . ,. i t,ria.irjir.ta in S .and the other officer of l-aomna - .. . . . . n,r ;i,i it lal a havin ei'ain scattered wiuie flowers uilo ll,i lain iniiin , ti, I ilescenilei into the dreary chamber ot cleat n. Iter d ess con iUd of a tight vest or colored silk " un- lr rtowmg drapery thin wH.ttr talicrr, 7 T i ...uli ' . u.M L.uj n ikt'i wiia itiw ct iuiw inv " i'm-v"'- i SALISBURY, N, C, JULY 20, tiinert'd Biid polislii'J with (Juld, : I pou ln r -v it P (itic wore thin Iwitglci and rndi;t ol'buirulo's born. Tbo tips of hr ti'iiln were nightly tiiw:tnrcd with bennn. Ilriviti" been lowered into rhe vnult, ilio. sealed herst'lr ti(oit A projecting fedy, purpiiwly left in th beid wall 'of tbfl ifiav, wi.l pliieCil tlie'' cbrsn up m her ktw-ei. .' At the bottom of.tb pit a horizontal opt-ning bad beun du; tn inltHit-tlie-dtad body, ia that its (g wetfl forced i into the hole, and iu head n'ated oo tho lap tf its living compnnirtn.; A few b.nnlHx rers now crossed above the latU'r' lit-ad, and fixed firnd't in theido of theTirr-itporr trtiwij-stijiider bfams ttitj brttneher Tf wer thrown, and a canopy. b'uir tlnu lornicd, which prevented the .earth fro fullii in, the in- nocent irl wasMhua ccMUiitfiietl to a liviiia hkmhji- chre, without one'txpresHion of -aympn'.hy tjj,, her borrihlu doonr.A i'tie soil, from wliich tii nn had. caused to exhale every., "particle of moisture, h liahtly Airewed.wilh Ihe bandaHis, nt rince cover Vermukien K'll i' yittiin to her fate, and returned . i . t -.. .! ... . . i y I . . . 1 r to uie cumiou wnere mev onuouueeu inn coiiiino. tjon of their mission. I'ponhcariiisif.thocoitnteri. '! leit sovereign expressed his satisfuclrijn wiil an J I ... e .' .. :.il T. oath little becoiniuj; Ihe tips of a aaitit, but a limn. "Mill Ai ' l i"m nv si w fi"'"" ly bibe rendered his heaiejs deaf to so . unjust ifiit ble a profjnatioiii" j ,' u' " , , ' ' " X, " TEN UPON BLEVE.'" ' . -. , . ,' . )v so'" ""J J'fH- Frewti n.Kii, . As an oil set, we now t-iveoua of, turns upi.il the sule of a horse, and al'ii, like that, has its scene away South: i - ") ' '," Slon. Jarvais, the Frenchman, had a rteeiljfor ?neVwTuchT6Ycwiniw " one ver fine lianr. nialle one horse elojranl exlraordinare.'" ; h -', " IIuw old do you call him !" "asked the purchaser How old?" said tho ..Frenchman-" Vy, sare, he is soineijien Itke Uif voh t It ve a." " . Not older T - H' ,m.h ' Mmr. 1 Hl y "" ' " your h!"" ' -' , ' -. ""m y sVthwsfwte- 4iwiwiOTWwiKmress!wt ,tue noheal you uvec do ssjgho tie borse. He is no more as vat I tell you. . ' 'y ' . Tho horse was purchased, nndor the full belief that he-was no more than ten or eleven years old. Bill ilie new owneF wiii; f sTri)TtiiTiOn5rwiirds told by a iailue of horse flesh, (list lie had got tnoii- strously biilen Vy the Fienchiuan in regard to the age of tha steed, 'W",rh was at least twiqo as tild r as ho had purchased him for. ; L'pon tins ho weul, iu a great fury, to the French.. man, and exclaimed : ' V: 1 , . Confound your Jying Trench .tongue I that horse ia twice as eld as vnu said." ' . ' 4 ' "Sare," exclaimed; Moni..Jahais, with, well; feigned astonish ment,. i '"vS--" ". ' .'a. KrJ I'll sare yen, yoo lying, smooth tongucd prounorei.., " Me. ha I Me one ecoundrall ! Vat, fit; you accuse me, sare 1 ha T You is one lie .yourself , yoo is one grund impudence. Be gar I you come - I' ll 11 eat no two Frenchntcn just like you at one meal.' " Dfablo I- Vat you eaty me yoo one diable I You one savage one vlld animat bf life he ga7 P" u There's no use in all that, Munaeer. You're t3LtJtrojuai-.,Mi..iiMiAJiMinM woo." .uiiiikiikii " Vie garT o 'tis no such thing 'tis no bull and . l. .i.: .; I...M I T6clT7"val1ir rjme Jw-Ho you do. horse Sare4y on i "Whatr 3- TTTiIVt one mistake, sare one orand mistake-- t sav nothini! at all vat about a bull aniI"coek. I sell him you one horsofor one horse, Mon Hitju." . . " But Vou cheated me in his ago. The lioisw," -HnTtlimTfediTiTylnmruieu if not ; twenty-one years old. "Out I oui ilal is de azghe yos, sare, dat is vat I call him " ' . The devil it is" Y'i told" me he- was ten or eleven. , "-..-" - " No i sare, f hot tell you he ton or eleven. lat is one grand mistake, sare. I) if leetlo ford yoo put iu, me m put him dere. Mo say de horse ten vpon fktt H - ;.' " Well, what ' the diriereiice'' ' " " I)iflcre,'v.e 1 Be gar t Vouooe Anijlishe Ameri catss, and yoo not know the d flerenee belih one AfigTish otMOr he rra jrbpntrhrtw rr Me no Anglishe latt, sare, dare one grand differ-, ence 1h; I wish "tie "I wo leetle'tntd."";'". " I know there's adifC-reoce," replied tlj'e pur chaser, ' but you qicant lo chont mo in the age of the horse you meant I JiuuIJ liiKlerstaud . you UhuUia-a4udot tlosea - Sare," returned Ihe Frenchman coolly, " dare tir-reTs-in"keeV grwttd-mi i tie liorso no as ten i'iu;o -jui i r tie liorso he was ten eluven 'Jai is varum on twentr. " " T" '.-V Bui you meant t deceive 1116," aniJ the pur- cha'wfr-jug i y - JWeivy you 1 . M n l)ieu ! Me decetvy you aie Amencsni Yankee, vat elieal de diable. Be .. ii . . . e ...... ... II I ear.- iWei-H nm noee ht a v"" "n "i . do twenty ; nvi no can poseebie cheaty you. Be jiar ; lis no de tart vl you put de imrse aiore j de holiest aaghee tif tlie k-rs i sot I telly you J ten npon eleven land, ! pirj you find him so..,. " 1 'rum Iht I'tterriitiTf ( la.) Inttlltg wr. " .' TIIE'RUD ROVERS. - : I turn, j the war in Texss.'among the ninncrous rsm-d uy This company had ihe ill fortune lo be with Fan- corns, were uecuictiiy npptsjeii u tlio surriiier,4 corji", " i,.., havinir no con idence in the Mexican good faith, """' "f.r , But Fanning w as revised, and when he coininu.,,- cted W ilut..Capimn b-.ni.d annwmlirrr officers, shed tears. Their fate is well known t..l.inlur fT.i.t.r.fli.li'll ' thnm h. 1 4 fMlA 1839. wero quartered, uiwlxr viriiu jneU nH; hi ne time, it i Asidthey vtera to h con.lui.ted to V pano, it aiaMrt, Iu ba Viimm'a kbipied tuck to t'.i' Uiiiied $utea at diinther time, it wui jjiveu o., that they were mendy Roino it fur the purpu l diiVuijf cattle into the -r. T..ey liad,h!ei'or, prouei;iifd but u i.!ku1 drUaiiee, wU'-u thy rei:eieil onlr?H (in 8pani .lv,) to hah, on the si.la nf brush fence, and liett to come to thy right about, so as t stand with theif backs to the Mexican hue, whw h wan about rpml ill mtmlMsr, and was formed just on the other aidu of tho fence. ' There were abwt four' tuiidrei In" each fine, and they iitood about three feet apart. . I he word was then given to ftrc, and nearly all of Futiimig'a corps were manured in a moment, ami amohg lheu, ttift Conipany of i Hed Kover. VrUs cunuot portray, tlio Human iniaglualioii can hardly conjure ur, Ihe horrors ol such n arone. , Amoiiir the slain was a sonol Cap- tuin S the Captain hiioself had been left in ! J 13 - 1 4. nAiail- s.:- ".i .y. T liecwsary, auJ kis nephew had lawn prevent- J .... .,.. l.u ..lM.n .4 ....! u ii.tfl his own holicitations. hu supikwin they werB to mi- turn home on pi role Fariiiiii" receiveil the inelaticholy distinction of being shot alone. Ha was an alumnus of the Col lege trf Nassau Hall, New Jersey ; it has ln.en said that ho was inteuicrate Jbws a bravo man, and met his end like a soldier. , . Tbctw is Sitid to have ainViMed a jealuusy be tween him and Houston, and a want of concert, aiming1 wishing fo fii-ht, as vulgarly expressed, ' mi bw own bookv 1 be error in J exuswas, tu.it 'UiTiwviiral Isslies of triMips were not in communt Cation',nnd Ihus, several detaehnienis were cut oil in dt:inih The so mo error, however, was commit- tea iiy 1 1 io enemy. A On the return of Captain S ta AltliaiTia.and his arrival at T '. ' the" i"uplt of that town crowded around ntm. lo shake Jiands, and welcome him, as one arisen from the dead. He looked very pale and emaciated, ud it was said that ho 'bore iwirksof Ihe Mexte-m relters on tits anc,isJiy summary accouul bl ins auvemurca, u. a inenrou, hat. iijle.rjftk!g rij .r..r..ii.il'.n nt tlm liV.rt nrrimie1 1i relense himlt!imiv.mejJls..itoL.lu IHUT Att etlW AiteMtrr-riUt'winfnii.-ii.-as'r: yVV'-fwV: Oil parole, but aillioill) trequemiy oppil"U io lor in" I nociissary passports, the coinmuudaut repcatoilly ) phobia ol Ihe day ( our wciKnesscs cost us a itiou put him o(T,lVom lima to tiino.uiitilat length, worn and times more regret and shame than our fanltA. out with Ihe agonies of suspense, Ihe "aptain sent How. youth makes its wWius hopes, and ill. !..(. .l iA .1. l. ,..,! onmiiiniulmu Mil vnil hfine pi'.rl ninties !" - . will not irfaut ine tlie upsspons, tana me oui,anui .... ...it slusd ine, and you are welcome to all ihe credit it will bring you." This produced n favorable"cHect oh the ollicer.aiid he acroed to rrant him passport tosotnotown iu tho wluriur of tLat country , wbichvl lweve4 wea imK40jbJs.laiCAcwinioul great ripie from the Indians on tha wuy,- ' .: .'. At ibis conjuncture, caino the news of Ihe battle of Sari Jacinto, which created a sudden" panio at the Fort, as when a stone is hurled by some im chevioua hand, at a hornets nest ileiiendiiiB from lte-rmi!h eftmwtnrlnee-Tbe frrt-wir rrar-f-of flareriry'nrmaii wountiod anu pnsoners a e . Captain B then with a fellow prisoner- concerted a plan of escape. They nrinod themsidves "cap a-pie," each wiih a rifWrwlxtwie -krrindjirfacJS of pTsf wtHit to Ihe stables, "and took each a fine horsn, ready caparisoiied, and put off." During tho day timeJibcy Juried in Ihe tall graaa iif-Uie prairies, oein -the woods. -and Iravelled all niuht, and in 4 this way, alter enduring- extraordinary p'tvation iwTirirwami's'm. -------r 1 . '. . ... i . the nlace of his residence, by a mililary-cacott.- a cannon was mrsnite.'err tt Radrotvd car, and firmt, over mile, to the place of destination. Ortarrt- mgwt-ehirowTf trjwrir"l1ta iplUTifiYve oul wwirTwrwe, trrwr-icminrTrrrTrrBnammiinem his wife and children. It was ssul lie bore all with composure until his little enn'eame up and cla4 -Itim-by- the 4tnee he-tnrrr-was-fiittT"h1 shw trars. " . ' . . i ."v - . . ; Painful retnrn! of hi compnny, who had ao Intel v marched awav with him, full of hope'and xiocliHiotis, not one returned with hirn Nsarly all of them had fallen, not iu tho, rage of battle, and ihe shouts of victory, but massacred in cold bloial, immolated in a Mexican hecatomblCC. ' - AIOTHEGMS. - y :,.... rT (ii t The lsinented Mrs, Mcl.sts, or ! K 1, 'though mostly known ss s iss'terts d if played, perhaps, mure in- tn!ecfual power inj;e prr!t W'tlting tli'lU in her pou. try. lo supsiri tins opinion, nsva wiociu m iui lowing apnlhepm equsllinfj, if not surpassing those of Rochi fouesutt N, Y, LU. G'lteite.y --- -. 't Nothing circulates so rapidly as a secret." Illnsioy are Ihe magic of real life, and the for feit of future pain is paid for present pleasure.' 4, AVe are reproached with forgetting nthrrs rye foracl ourselve a ihisisand times more.. We re- hear, are, and tmiJ, often atcu ratelv i not so Willi what wo felt that is fninl and . i iairiy , . ...i. .u... n. liol. sl of all our faculties. The imsffinafive gotls of the Grecian are do. ihronedthe warlike dciUcsuf tho Scimdiruivian fean d no longer but we have cet op a new set of idols in their place, and we call the in Appearances. ' "Wh'itH ffilv lh;if"o" fnryt's ne's-LhildLJi thoughts their originality would produce such an eflW-1. Property managed I II is curious 10 niiscrvo, 1 that by IHr the roost useful part of our know led,re j ia acquired unconsciously.. Wo romembur fearn j ing to rend and write, but we" do not remember how we Irnnsl totulkfto.Jistvuiiitub.rstVc, The first thought that a child willnlly cnncenl is an epoch one of life's most impoiiaiil and yet who can red 1 1 ill" - Know ledge, when only the possession of a few, has al'iiost always been turned to iniquitous pur noses." - - o g.,rprise are like misfortune or herrii'gs they rarely eomb -single. J , u Habit are the petrifactions of the feelitiffs." lmainatioii is to love what iras is to tlie bat- ,Kn that which raises it from earth." 4 . "Lovo is followed by disappoint uie.nl, admira tion by nrmification, and obligation by ingrati ...,i,. . . ; " Inchnaiion never wanH an excuso and if one won't do, there are a dozen otlors soon I miikI. Ltlie tho 'cards which form a" child's plaything palaco, our pleasures are, nieoly balanced ouo iijon tho other. NO. VI. OF VOL. XX. .: ..' (YUoie ?io. oo a.) " The plpmore of chune i opiovd to t hot of habit and if we love bfl thai to which we are ac en t. oned, we like bt that -which is new.' . , . " Small tvi!s timkc the wrt pait tf treat onof : ii is so nun h c waxier to rtiil.ire inforluno than to Li'.ir an tiM,oiiV,iiieiice.,' ' ". ."" J ( ' " KNppnO'ictt te.icln , it i true . but nh' never-ti-aelifw iiiVnne. Kaon cvntit brtns its h sMm, and the JeiiRon is reniembeiej ; but tho sumo event never occur ii ;ain. . , . - L , " A palrint mi hl take bis best lesw-ii of dUin. leresteduess from femiojuo alluclion." 1 ""." Advice nem tully ittK'j ftijtnto so'nio very tow.. crful argument to bo taken.''. , .' ' Iluw much is there iu one miiuilc, vilien wn reflect that that one miuutoextenils oyer the wotld!" " Alas, ir the vanity ol hnmuii eiijv muni ! we gw weary of even oiir own icffcction." , "What a fouudaliou mortiliod vanity is for philo.so by ! IT" IT... .1 1. :rt't ""AlTi'iitio'nts alvi'ftva iituaittif id a'cn'rauitiuiccs tlTrw'e Ure of nittii.' - " The ridiculous is niepiorj's most adhesive . plaftyr.!-. . "-',"' "f " Tha old proverb, applied to fire and watfir, . may, with equal trulh, be applied to the imnjina. , lion it is a good sorvant, but a bad master." . , l, " The Janus of Jove's vear may have two faces, Iwt they look only bo eacW other." " x': , ; " In the tnoral, as in the physical world, the violent is never tho l.istiiigtha tree forced into unnatural luxuriance of blo.-uum, bear them and dies. '. v - V" ..-'.- ; ' ...JtOrief afier all, 1; lik emnking in a damp country -.what was at firit a neccsdity bocomea ' aAerwardw an indulgence." , '' "Tho history of most lires may be briefly com. irehenled --under"- three beads our- foliiea, nair faults, and mt niisfiirttnies.''- , ."" ". "Thore is nothing so easy as le be wise fr others; a species wf.prndrgiiliiy, by the bye,, fur such wisdom is wholly waed." - '' , ' . Alwavs be as witty as you can with yo.ir part. ingh'iw-ymirlasf'.HjH'rch UlUo otto (oiufiubcreiL'lU Nothing appeals to me wahsitrti as placing - 0,",rt em!r'uin ofour i -..I !..i. ... : - i - nr i tmiiiiiniujj.n 'ji;"i ; V. . ;!i u u. .'.-.t... ..u a. ..r .......1. ..um ..... ti-.ll . - - um uw pr iv vi juui-;uin.jj , ..,.. ntavAwa liwiU (nrwnr I There ii wisdoni in, even he oxaggeration of" . , grief there is little cause to fear we should feci ' iotrtmtL" "X'l'LZr: 'UTir" ;.'. " 'j.-: " 'lite dilr('JU!e between oodand. uad intcn- .- - ttons is tnis r innt goon iinumivns nin si vuiy ui-.-, , - islWtory in thombclves, that it really seem a . ? work of sitiiererogatioo Id carry them into execu tion f wheteas, evil Onus bavOa h '.-llesmein lh.it can Oaly be satisfied by action and, to tho ehamO .J r L 5 1I I ., .,, -t,,l,1,r,-r-n;t--rT-5 r - fttw-Wit mdrj.injrxJtcrt!iir?t-1 " The bitterest cup has its one dri of I.nm y." " We appreciate no pleasures unit -s wo are ec,; easionally debarred from them. Ucstniiut 'i llie 7rn1ifi.l ru L'tijoyin-coJi 1 ire found in an unru'W monvuriff tent ly 4 Puhliu Lenlutui, I'miihul of JuJat, to lh nm-ttr'!-.--M K "ii .i..i4k. . ..... .-......m. f-'-TliByii'fcM ki l.i tl.ru. -J l-i-t".. t nrm if.ym,: .- " llatTharacttr, whoihaine is Jesii-t rhrist. 1 ho b5Tta7na"riS.rslei;rnllH I follower adorr himna ihe" immediate tpnng'of'tha 1m-"" r " oiutlakUoJile-ie owduwwd- without! It smpaml.- -Med jrirliie a to call back (he dead from their "' g ra es, anir itT'Iieal evo rylM of disees -with-' word or louch. Ilia person is tall and elegtatly . shimcdhjAasoecl-auHablo, revsronh, llw haif - flows in those beautiful shade winch no united co lors can match, falling on hi shoulders, and part- ns" ing on the crown of his head, like tho head dress of the sect of the Naznrites. His forehead is smooth sod large, his cheek' without sp"'. save fliat of a lovely red j hi nose and mouth are formed wiih exipiisite symmetry, his head is thick and sniititblo to the hair of his head, reaching a hull) lieluw his chin and parting in the middle hke a fork, liis eyes are bright, ch ar, and serene, lie rebukes with majesty, counsels with mildness, an I invites with the mo tender persuasive languago. His whole address whether in wurd or deed, bein ; elegantrgra, and strictly chararteristic of so ri olttd a luing ! No man has seen him lan;:h ; but the whole world be hold him weep frequently J find ' so persuasive srrt his tears that nnny j .in in ayni. sithy with linn. Ho is vefy nesif,., temperate atid.wie. Iii short whatever. this mmou ..i may turti out in the etidr hatwn a,t prent e mm for excdl'-nt'tieauty and' divine performs, every -way.iucitiMjii tho chiMten of nico. - : - - ars-akihg of ihe Bedouin Arabs - .. - ' ' The sons of Ishmaol have ever lieen the same, mhtibittmrf the-tles-rt, de-piing -Phe dwellers . under a roof, wanderers and wild mu from their birth, with their hands against every nan, ami eve. nV-hwrernrrrst-thtTTn 1 here t t-'-""i ne; twocu pa,' says the lledouiit, when ho meals in tlio desert one of a trilic, by some individual of which an ancestor of hi-town'was killed, perhaps a hun dred ynan bef re. And then Ihey craw their swords, and a new account" of blood is opined, In be lwuJ.'jd dowp in legacy to thoir children. ' 1 liy aunt wai,ia thy pmy;,' t-ava tfi ITcu Kiiii, when ho meets the stranger travelling through the wild d.e main. 'Tho desert is ours, and every man who passes over it must pay us tribute.' 1,1 To get 3Li!c .S'i; without irjrr'ml the tVo . Il is well known, (hat in the iisiMe-nwrta of proru ring sapJiy cashing or boring theatres, and after wards plugging tlie hole, tho tree will t.ficr awhile lie detrovel by rot, commencing at the place of in jury and extending to the oilier parts.- As there may bo some trees which the owners wish to pre serve, and nt tho sumo tune gi l Iho sap, we will mention Iho follow ing mode, wiiielt is said to lo practised in Kentucky wiih suc-c-s. On t!. ground at the" root, a'oJ select on" or tw o teu.k r roots, andciitliilg oft' the ends, rau-cthem sulficieut ly to let tin'! liquor rin into the receiver. It w.l - f A

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