- f-:r 1 J .-.. to a i i.o'A';:i from .the Athenian acropolis, - j iry aire (hsm, - . - rir-.! wither! lW! t.y tin re thr-d, Thine tr-h.r "n' a d' tint air ; ' No "ni b-te ir.ivei the (!.!, ,, A, i'! weir. lj y, "Toe Hie jnic!" ,r."'il lo fin Si III tim-hmo ahrp, WW- dewy AHi t4irrc..rt!i bee, Or -tiir.j t iry windiw peepf Yi t l'O 1 !;!,' tilWIU tO lillWS. '" . fo ll u WW r.ru'ilej nur'iirid, w ts?r A 'lt'j men, w liiw birth .wa Freedom', r tc ; , 'i'hi-i' nu,l mtvivo llicr trop!iim;, t!o;ro ' v The t )m:b- of Jitiitjf pjdt, rupwe ' . IiJ'irnul it t.finur high, .A nit l)f (tixii 't rny awe-oiroek 11 " ' ' ..Who relic. tJnw3t in dul they he, . : XtpV llift pfido of (briner dny " 1 , ' ' '-- Prize !, ia rementbrane.n of apt, , . , , ' - AVkii tiiiicwofn image haunts tun. td; . JVf who marked, and e'er (rryT4 ' i ,'"b tri)jilii-n of that glonnna lull yV'n,0tw.i!ttliiV-v,l. d'pri.h', rf.if-',"",""" But wion tn pvni, like llm I m er , fiirtin'from the dml tint irew the ' AT iw momim-nt if human power. V' . .. .''I.' f' ' The lMt ii;, v Whit'j as a uMto anil on a duky n, ' VVtir.n lilf li linruori.'a cImiiIi'J and lull' free, " Fifti''ri'' bi'lwn ti lna ayo and tbu alr. W Mi ' lywpmw VA1UBY. THE DITER UlTTENr ; ';, A t-' ww-M 'n orw ufijn? maikft clcrU, w tiuf jlii uloi. a i.otij; tiio coontry wagonx-, scale in liHiiii, cainO-lij'nii a jirutui tlin bod a lare q jiidiity ,f bnttor for aalt dono up it) nic little t l','ioid lijiirtil oil with irity of imttorn aiid -,, ' .- r.'amppi. -. Tiif iiirinuf ullio' lirtedotiefcI"lhluiiiii if - ,. from tii luli a,nd fxiin. hia aliinitiw Lalanco iu .4- li. h.uf drijpe-it iH lb rcr opfKigitn a, biwi' i 5 .ful puoud wtinlit, which qnii:Uy sunk, and ttm hut ' , Itr "Jutid.'J il.n beiuo,". It kt? in iIip j J'., pofif,himij",Ijai)..ott aull iha : clerk turtjed ajin . f!mi) Ttml, until thirty lunn, adjudged thurt of ' v-'5'if hid gone u grwnjia ttm hroad ot the jioot . i; Tim ciicimiiamo hmf hem mar!y fiirgoticn'ky X J 0 dav ngu, in pnwmg along w'---.4lwi in W-hVrfiu ihr cttoio up.itntTiu uulit- tuimte btitHT man..'.' .,. . . s . ,r ffit,HnT?nTi?iTerk"jo.;7et,rirp ifiLMWJiJHil.eillif ly ptjutiil of btilter aorno s .. -r-'r-XnTiti not," re lied tlia inan nf giraw.- ',' Yen but y-u arn." - "i ".-"r J. Xv.kut t am not I ny." , :- ; "Ya bid 1 repeal i u urc.".- . - , Ttir.-i r-t7.FlA", 84 ,110 ,1)0 '"atler, I'll Let Vu fivlol. . i .A:- larv yf,u rteircr. took ttiirtyiMJuudaof huttfr from ' .: . ' rt2 nt ore liitit'." - . -, X '" Ao l jhq money wn pintel. ... ' .. - , snya fho hnilor ninn, " ( coni incp yoo tlmt juit binu lint, tliey were an you nttsortt'd , '.- purwfir, not jMinndii, hot merely lump !'' ' ' j " :. ."Taliff'ltw THicyV"xutaiiiied the 'rTerlc-nilie turned on his heijnijJuappi'arod.aiiiid ahoula of '; , .;,. . ,... S nail P. rt'ent.'i I will civ give you mv head,'' f ju'luimi'i! 'Hr4iii liT"'MniiMpiiiii, 3'iFcvMy word i-f the ti-ryl have ndatod Ik-toil r w" "I aceept your ofi'iir," aaid thfl preidynt i priaenta . nftii.iH ulu atreutlirit the bond 'of iiicudahip, im'JLg wsui&i t tJ iu;r fi i i 'Lrm t - - ; i he-Tvrf of IlttltU'Hrvngritt lhnth, The WKudftfja .jHanaim jo.un.r.-.ro'ttn Mt.urjOQlb&jul. Iaiog itl-Jttthti"rTiltitt"CTjnr1rt ci;)rmuliwK..JIJ,';? -.4dtM.m,ly-coneyH "hirtj ttiithcr und llowfid n.kim. aungia. itw ay- iv uml ihein, g wkk.r tflic. ; : ratiniyXIktiij poCMiun of the olher..Ji wntoli hi ruovemoriii. Aftfrn;iriaiDiDr Sit- auiiui .liine iu. 'cuW Tyi Li " pi uoii hotiao," hfi aroiMW'd Irnin hit uinar aiiu iratcing rmnxi in ?sM)nftiLn.1pt.l,U4.,tU4.Bt.' ic'Miffiieo, exi ImiiK'd, "Ami dead " Corluin h'" rejoined hi aopulchrul' friund. "How loni huve I Iwn licro!" In nsltml, "About three ypia-.t," wa ttm annwer. And how hifig huve you LeifO' hcrdl", ht aiin inijuired. 'Vfc'even . ears," respoi.dul hi cmnpnuin. V'ej, n you have been dr;id longer than I have,! aupM, vott Lnow tho beat phicn to tomikins; to drink . SiiiJity ULtrntHfr Visiter. . - .-. ' A perAm' who had drunk (no much the other , fiihl in New Ofti-au, wna pliir.od befwre Kwordar ImUIwiii iif Hint city the bdiowinj; morning. " You were drunk Lai night," said tm Recorder. " You're rijiht fur once," n.ii-1 tho prixmt r.; ' " l.aiiall Mind you fur thirty day,'; anid the lie- "' ' " Olt don'l," aaitl liiTpri-miier. , , -.'"M I i ill," citJ tho ltecordor. "' I " . , "..", ' I'm a printer,"- a-iid iho prisoner. '. - . " Are you," aid the Recorder. " lam so,"iaiJ the prtMefi,iLVo mniud rm .f'.ii- Aw VI'. ! 9 W r,t&iuwMy.4Jiflw4 " Wit von did," said the Heoonler. llow i!iJ you Ii!;e (hat ham?" asked the prla- .w:ri , . . , . And lli! w h,c 1 ' asked the primmer A' That was better yet," i.H tl,e Hecnrder. : : - " And Iho" fulisit nu conip'tiiiH'utury to you V ai-t .'IJ jh prwoner, with a untile'.- i-.V f-' -,: " Tlmt win hr;trr t nTI " n.ii.t 1 know who wrvde thai toast," id tha prtaon- r , "You may .go," aaid ihe recivrder. - -' ' " 'ly Cum 1a up," a (lie rirtuur" aaid yen heaaw tlie cmwa nt work in hi field. A ' IJL-. '"" Tim way tlm ptioplo of. Japan " aettln difler- m:c.H " i decidedly rot.l. - If a mnn there receives ifli-nco or injury, he ijuielly rail imon Ihe egrtM ir, j hinpf his knife ihlo hia biet, pulN it out, haiioa it to hi lali!i"i aJvrmry de-Mring lion, al the aame lime, ti ri'liiin tho t'oiiipiimmil. Wiui ' excruciating politiic ! ' A r - A New Orl ranKjiaper. I'iroi.-lir the foiloviiiig la untiful countct t " . --'.- . - V . , " A mn ran bo more make hiuielf a poet, " No m.iro'o a fbec c!m.ike jief a gut. A A "i nttenwi enipWed o Iriiihmun to' trim a o jtnber of fruit tc; who Wwit oof in tlm tuorn ng and rrtiminj ri rmon waaXasked Whether he tiad coii'plctoj hii work. NoX wa hia reply, but ho hnj cut Ihem all dowu anXwu oiii" to .tiiio thcui ia the nwrmnj. i i I A i! i. In- l.i-ri- : . ,11 ,nl t ri.d t ; UIU i :.. r- i iiuiituituUiy won! I nrciit tm row lul a p ift. lull ri -iiiri c, wl.ut hone, li;it convolution 'uu!J tli'-ru Le i ft ui !.'iiiiti tlie tt jjoiir ,(' fortuim, Ide (i.iiii if truuMtd existence, uiul llic ii j i-iirc iif ti,iiitkiiiJ. fyrakiitg on't mifii.i-N'thirt i Vnoto silly tliHiitliO (ilcrihuie mio fx;ijio lake in " nfx'ukin ttivir iiiiiuls." A mrm of thi :n;ikd cay s fiil! t! itig fr tin? mete bieisora .f naying il, tiit0 lj('liaviir, full us iniidcriit, inilit i. ie jir-i Hale rvud 1, 1 f . -ii.l, or mndo Li Lriuue. The iiifliK-Dcc of a kokI inan cm h h not ot lnulh ;i i he, a the visililu ayiit, U rumnvtj, but llc lilit !..'.:,! ;.!.., ...Pi.:,.... t.. ...ii I mim iiiii j.-tjM.f, ui mi caiiitti mm i.:ii)aiil aiiu mu ni'r..l i ll nit-ilia 1)f tliia te'urli! will long !nw the traces df ilmir vigor ami njrity ; junt ui itio wtn-1 torn ky, aitur tlio mm inut nVti.l Lciuy the glowing tracoa if tliodf)arte4 orb..";"- Vg Owners ot Ms. j;K KdWriber U'H an tmjnfiuJ patent Sjiindlr fur Mk th Hmni mf nrftiMtfri wirifirrtrr .Villi, by' .which, a unii wiilido. mucn i'it r tunn k to Ji from k-almit i.r killinff tl.a meal in any maiiJ- nor. ; l Ue rinmT m m conniwd by tha rimil!(i aa aj wy to prrfrvQ ila Mancfvfldjj;o4irsd there ia no nibbing of tlie atonr-a. A" ' ' J. ':' ' ' '' -i I think, bytliw imprwd-HplBjIis thr. asmc water wit) ilo m li'itet wiHtJirrd niurii busua-an, and the meal of npcrtur quality. . i..- Any puraofl wishir.g it mn one of thS Hpiridlfs, miy nlifiiii one or jiihfri by iokiri)r tpplicafiuo, (w itli. 1 n. . t U'.irt lu i) In Ihftjniibarriiatrat Hntlmilla, Co. A. L. I liiiuk the probaUe ciwt will not exceed M It tho furcnt ahd JSiimille ready f(,r use. : :. liili Wm, r, Kelly tid I Ko; frwtttr, m tho vicmtty of Mockvilh; have recently fried the iuinroved tfpin die, and are hitthh iileustd with ju ' ' . U M. GILBERT. Pebrtwr 7,1-." - - - ' tf ..: V ' List of Lcllers ZTt iniAINi.NG In the Pi Oftico at r3e.linhury, 3' on iho 1st. Julv. 18.'t'J. - . n Ileiirv Alhr;L'hl. R..H. Alexander. 2. HNiry Jlakor, Dr. IJ-, rrt;all, Jacob Urown, wmr.'VVhj liarr, Wiaa .fcllnn JJaxter, Vt- A. r.erinird, .til' Jano Ci J!yi;r,iJiraiH U',Con.irt or G.l'hihpw, Geiir Cupper, Gwrgo Jrolmr, Joseph Cowan, f .Hire V iltiarn' lii awforuV WJ'..i.t4iwiuuttrJcb Caiier, Jt;v. Aleaadder Chatnhli, John u. Car- inn, John Caihinn, Mr. II uttinh Caldwell, Clerk of lh Buwrior Court, II. Uycnnatt, Chhrlea Dunn, Thoma F.tiu, Miaa Huhhu ill'iott, Samuel Ea glc, Jatiiea Elli",. John Ilnrninelker Kller, Pc-cre. ry of '-IVItnn Lodge, Witliatft" fulk'a, ;.Noah Vf, r ry, Jacob I'll!!, John roatcr, Sidney J.'r li'mrntti -Vr'1KtAfmiXMii IL a.ijurmttn, Warren Greeny Able Graham, Jel plia (JrHham, Clwfki llurrii, Mian Elonder llud Luii.Guo. S. Huli, Joseph Hall, Daniel ilornbargcr, Nancy Hall, Ucv. JLbclllugcl, Aaptvlll), flea- anul Jleiulernon, Kf. U H. Ivea, John Jane a,. Geo. Jfiitiin,. Solomon . tT, Johca, Soawoll Jooea, 2,11, C June, 3, Juhu lL Kennedy; Ilourv'or I'eltr Koiin, IJarlwry Krdl -r, Jolm Korns, Alra. Eliza- btu''C Kenmsrly, Noah Kay ler.2, Elizabeth Kri- dnr, Matthew Jl. kotke, Cleiiioiis Lanfar, M"w Al. Lyiter, He." ueo, W. Lanyhorue, .uliu Sinclo, Maiai, l.odKf.'Mra Mariha McLau(hlin, John. IcCatcf, Thoinaa More, Dr, N. McCnlluin, EJward. Menair, Jjtnea Martin, Rnv. Thnmaa Ma son, Raclioel McContieijJIiey, George Miller, Mia M.; ..... i'i: v n.... r t ; I'eter Peeler, Auxis Pelton, Jlotiry - IVm), James 'lNwtf-r,-iihtH? firtTCTirwrIWoWTW,'tMis3' I'narhon, David -lined, VI. nr Jhti Uenchfr, Mar jary Roliertaon, Col. Thoimaa Rutker, John Ron. man, lt. (hartt;i Ilonnlleory llideiihnur, 2, Mnry Smith, Jona or KlinU'tli Swialier, John 'hnver, 2, John t'ltluid, itr.ih fhiir,Mra. Cashn rine Smith, Michael bwink, Nichola Blmpini;, ! IMVll!v Taylor, NV illiaia Thrifty Capt. ALThoii.t4': mt lnmel -TnrtnTT-ArTofrencPv Arfr Wnoltyrp ALaa.Jam SI., AUiiu..TWua VV ,.mek.' Jmp ;."' ComralRsion and' forwarding . . Refer 0 ; , - - -, Mcaar. E. L. dc W. Wiiwlo,") A"Ar' J"'in Huske A: Son, Yarhmiigh cV RayV ;r-: : CT. lUy ; ' :. E. W. Wilkmgs ('. J. Orroll, " "Josi'jih .Thiker," f'urii AiMy rove f, Jitiie?l,i8atL . ; . Faytttce'dle. 3 n ; Hrlck 3!asonnv rpiE SUalRlliER living near Lixmgtrm,"l)avi.l - - arm (,'nuntv: tnkia ihi nuthmt in iiiC.rni the Pub. lie tliath" W4l4 ter4ieimtrat wrtb" any rVon,w pernais cither in IWa.'Hin, Rowan, or Cabarrus toun tic, who wtfh houMe, lactone, or any other kind nl'i miiiiiingaercctea ol liricK, lu build Uium as cheap, aa durable, and An aa juoj style aa any workman iu tin emintry. " . . .. ,- , He will bx, mmttd and- btrra the Brkkttf "wsnted: UArHt tU -fwir fwng tw'w.W',mn' MOULDING AND LAYING BRICK, A , will rntillo hint tu a ahare of public patronage. ' ' He would refer geuilemen wiahmg work done in h Line ot IWimieiw, to the I emale Academ and tleVyew i,'trr ttetty meslk -Sluibury; aa apeciiiieui'of III WOfg, - . . -.- ' , I ' H; R Tlioa wishing work done, will please leave word at the ofhAo of the Western Carolinian, and it hall be punctually attended to. '"'. r, . : 4-,V.RT- Ihvidnon, April lM"ri30. .-''-, - , tf lasl ot icVVcrs V- TT EMVlNINGm Ihe PcWoifico at Ixington, 'C'iLC.lA.lrm&- - .'..Albert f. Allen, Jolin J. II timet, Lewla Baker, Frederick Billing, Geiirge lknhworth, John Bork hart, Mr. Mary Brmklo, John Cornish, Jami T. C.mnely, Volentine n.ilo Davia, Jainej Elli B irh.iru Esther, Jiwph I'ttnbeo, Jacob Gi!,Ch. U. Hiiegtmon, Jacob Uaga, Yolcutino ILie,Chri Ilepler, EphraTm Hough, John Ihlton, Peter Ileilrh-k.aoiif., .G..nrgn ILdrick, aenr., Elizabeth Uediiik, widow, J.nrn H;Hh:ii,.,Mtss Martha M. Hull, Mr. Ledi'ord.D.Hiud Iomiard, Jonathan Mill, Ditntcl Matherly, John VV. lUrie, Leonard Harris, Pelr Michael, Jon ithan Miller, Daniel N'ouh, Ja rli Ra per, John Rnhard, Peter Sink, AUixamkr fi!iif, Joel Phillip, Johti ToW, J. D.ividmm, Tai lor, Veeilhant Temiilea, George AYorknnint Won Wndswonh, J. T. Veatal. A" - J M. ROC.N'AVILLE, V. M. July Ht l93'J., . ' . 3, i'fu.'Y it Old 'k i i. a tiijy kim l il" that i ever, and that a li"Hi r I.iif I mill!' ot thin. If vm vv 'HI e;ir;ii, ho ii ITi; lAil J. O fnr. triviiir-r cl tJ-at t!.n H . reel fimn lUii-i i t; iiri!'T : .f ' ; i i r miiiiutiilv r it.-wcf!"!i:!y iiifiinn. U-r w ruiuiiif.' a ,!'- v m,v of l'iiW ami A.itKm to; -" " 9l.mlyiaiMl1l.ur,kT. al 10 A. M , mi m r hi Silittiiiry tn xt i.iy it vt '. ai. iii i- -Hu;y tin ami Frui'iysst 2 A. M.! arnvini; m it ili iyti next daT" "t f - " . Jim horv-j rn i' ..!, nd rifiiM ptrli. 'irly rnrcfu! rl ccf.ioiiKhtiiijr. ; JOEL .UcU'.AX. l. 12. l-'iX : - If . N.TJ t- in b rurfd at t'ie Miiwioo IIottiL r.STAULISIUli:XT, IS MOCK6VILLC, DA VI K COUNTY. fl'IIAf I C I'ACTPO 1 1 IIU.ll Al) 1 JO 1 Jill ' 1 NI1JHM.S lb- public that be removed frivn 4faj 1 r,mt w...l, ... lo now building on lint public i 4uare, in tliu Town of Mockavill''. wlicfn h" will c-on- - Tit(nr tricot) a I IOCS K OFXNTLll rAIN-Vl-Nl. Urn Houw is roomy ami oinimidMi attachejl to J which are iyeomfort ible Ofik for gentlemen of the Bar, all convenient U the Court lhue. The mbecri ' her pledgen hipm-lf to the m4 diltient cxertiona, to nuMiini'acti.Mi to such aa may cull on hi in. -11 is Ta r bio, Car and HaW'' are pwlded iu the aost' manner . that tlm oamlry will afford, anj hit tcivanta are faith tut and prompt, 1 ' ' !f " ' ;.,Fch.H,lM),: ' 74-r. Tt 01IN C PALMER, t another VJttf'X Lerer Watches, t - '. . 4fy ilain Eo(,'lh and French, do., sold f rVU,f 4 fof, Chatna and Kyr Uruaat 1'ina, i'p.''1 ) i Kinjo-r Uingt, ailvor Ih r Puncili", (patent and pi liiia piek, Fob Cliaiim, Spi Cutter Kwvow, olaJn.) loolh- paBSIKEJaiiiJ'l'icU Fob Cbaiw, Bpeclaclua and Thimble, tcc and Gill Fob Chaina and Keys. , . . AUs a very 6nu and h-me aortiiient of Rnitort, pocket and peu-kniTtia, by dillurent Miiiiufnciurer) with otliur artitliaiiayally Kapt-fey Jt-weleri, all whteh will be aold yery low for ftitk, or only wx montlia credit, f- lur winch bine, interest will 6 clwrped. i Wotk ilniw) fuithrully and punctually. . .- N , KalLbury, May WfX , tf i)Rri;:.B."iioH:L.sr IfAVI.NG located himnell in Kalibbury, il 1 reK'CttuIly tinderi hb profeaional aer- vicua to its Citizens, and thuxe ol tlie aurrmimlmg cwin lr , II, uflirta ia at the room tnrmtrlY ntcunidd bv lit. ' R I. BicUell where it may lie found at all tuno Taiissmy, ssay s,-4&du . -- n Heathy Tract. 1IIB IJEATfl TR.VCT, coirtainin? six ti,initrl ArriKfif 1 Jklul. Kltilntfid AtwHlt yJ ait mil F.itt of I? i nir ton, Davidiwu Co. ea . the .. toad, lcadma Jtoui . Lemielou lo Faeaville is. now enx-red tor le. V . There are about UK) acre! iuiprufcd.aud fUO in . Wood and Timber. ' A --The Tract m loeated in a very and i peculiarly ailapled In forming, ll baan il a I . an (Jrcnard, anu a good Meadow. : aou Kjdo. t JL Demlant of these adyantatres, the prospect lor "-ff'oi, amuaueatumablei aa-one or two'. '" J j have already been opened, and vaome Very rift pre ex Uairfria tJicwi-- '' ' Tho ceh'bratud Conrad G'oM Jlf inc. ia aitaalcd a few liiiniTfed yarn atKltTroTWT'aed aecwinognfa'IBe'iiluw lain ol the Vein of tfwt N me, they must neceuriiy nana through a part ot thia Trnct. . . ; .. Any pcrnoD ihinff to view the premieea or gel a moru uiiuuto dencriptton,; will ca.ll ou.iiigdou. Wads-.; ,tf.l. .., ...... ml... u-.il (inn lli .lir.w. inl., " nntion : or any pehwi Wuhins to contract for the same. -will call on Dr. Amain, S-ilisbury ; or addroaa a letter "U T "T WM. il. - ft1ir nialiaaa! MiTfi ADELI'UIA, LG.MtOM AND PAIli.S,U.e ,. . - ' " ' '. " nfi jr- fitnliitHIM lop- I KWj .. l 'i ' .. i . - i i- . . . Tratd 1. v i.-4j,ilf . ;., .i .i u. ... I. ...a i -it. 1 1. a . i -1 r , ' ' r mi mi i t iirumnm-iu .n inn .rmv., riumill!; li. u ir inu.i f.flii wrtir ,,ivuujuwi u , ,uii warranted ti fji. lis. alskeep9agooifawiorimentol!'ime Pl(,a call on tho Subscribera living near I Venmnaof the fi rat quilitiee, : premiso - . ' REBIUX'A CRUMP, , ...:-. ........ ii r ..i ... l' THOM AS rmiHP Cloths OHriitcrm tnd seli'ctfiJby bimsclfin tlie New Vork Murket,iil.of wl.icti : li A a. ill aawi HiUf Cif I Ttill '. -- - i ' - N.ll UastiUcouUuucstotcchthoartofCiittin?t , narmrnmofl the nin-t approved plahsof t'.ie 1m.-1 Tailwra ; In New York and Ph.i Mielphia. - :- ' 00 Cutting ft.r cu-itomeia done m the shortest no-L...r, . .,, ( lice, ami onlerx from fwioee atiiilt-tn With r?r. 1 i.i.VTl.iA, apath.OO- His klaip wiil U; fmnd in MK CowanVj L lail'e brick building. -;, -. . (ilairy, May 2, 110. KENJ. F. I RA LEY. tl. aA f w- Fmmky. . . III A VP Iste'y comjUitPil andTput iooporaiion a large Iron imnir t ii mill on Hie Suiiili- Yadkin Niar - SiTTneTlrP!trna1iTT pteared to make all a.tuds of C1n'lp ueh as the running work nf eolton or' w.mllen factorie, cotton gtni, gnrt and aaw iiiiU. ltirjj-Uin machine, wind ..,L I.l.l .,.,,1 ,.,. .., ft- ntt,. . dnnns driving' w berj , and jnjdgt "115 Cta o-Iialirmad altrim iionj "prinvd fciTTrJi! klu'Rs,e.; ai and for finifbme and fittiiifupall kind of niiiinery m this line of btimea. I have taiptoyrd "Jactis VVMwaia, tormnly ofl Bdliawrt!. a vr akdlol Alaclimisr. to ooennleiid : t 1.. ... 1.U J. ... tl. k - !'rw..tnrT-J","rrrtmr";-rTr, women an m me m tvianiijniueni? o mis fcnai, ana :. .1 j u.A 1..1,;. .i,:i...,m.i,.;j ..a m 11 1 du4inguikht-d "r hi akul aaasilachmist, Mil Mill- Wright, IU will alau'make catcuUtkma tor .whrvia, mill-iri-artny, Act and when the machinery fc oataiued 11 mu ua, iwi wilt aiiemi tnwatw n n.- trnr;,; .ca areliHiso ol kiuiihr vijuiieliiia'ntn at llie.iSnrth. C3T Order addrcaaed rither to Juroh Vynehur2 or mysi'lf, at ylibury, will b pronipttv irttmrt- d tfi. CHARLllS riSHEll. SaUsbory, May 24, lA:a. - . : tf - - IJj'AIR cah prirea will be given fa- Nrproea. Apply - at Wapr Wm. 1. Crawford' Ilottl, Rlibury, N. r, -,' .- . -., . " May 17. 1.1 .A ' ;: ;.'' . "'"". tf . I'lUc Heath Tract, t v rpilF. bo TRACT of LAND advert itd in anoiher part of thiiper, w still - . for sale; ' and any one wpdimg to purr hi se ran, by paying two or three hundred dollar down, have tlie chance to pay the balance on any reawnable time. . .. . R AUSTIN, Agent, f aTifboTy, July S, r$!X tf A AV atraTAU.tot eac Acre. rr fr I ii.lm hi Itis li li mn tii.'.l Ihi; biihlic, tlitit lie mill citrricn vn tlia TAiLOIl. i v(. !!;t j;s at lii'i "Mi! t,tm! n:i mmn stwit. ,,' r.,i.;Jr .ia ;..f.: . stvlemiii iimriiior nut uri;i"-il by nny. workman in" the western part if llio f-mto. fie i in tli) r gtilwr rwipt of the ImU'sI Lftidon ami X'nw York FASHIONS, and jireparifl to accouiriiodula tin tauten if the laliioiiablo at all time.. CT Dulling garment of ail kii!i attended-to promptly j and the luteal ,r Bullion fdniishcd at all limen to couulry tailor!", and iastnifltions piven in cultins.1 l ilinlwr', Jan. 1, 139. IHons, Soucchci HAVING rccoive.lt now upply of GROCERIK, taKca iiere in aynij iu nia rricooa aim .me public, thai thet Can now ret baroama indcd fir cali ?.( " kin,, V' h" ' ! ' f H fan aJ Cundlw, prn,nj;ea 'a . Lcmona, .- Raiaitiii, , ' ' Alnttaids, . " Sweet Prackers, :: .Newark Cider, 'A, Leinon Syrup, ' ' A 'Vinea 8 rid t .. llcrriiifj, ; .Mackerel, '. Fnrrfine, . Ancheamna, Lime Jnire, Albany Alu, Lupiora of tho it tl qualities, and of the latent importations. KalinlMiry, JnneS, lM). ' tf LATER STILL. ;Y6 I RE hwl receiving and openitii a freh aupply of 71 Mulkvies, Paints, (hit, Dy(luf, "Spirit', To- bocev, q-e., which, added to heir tormer stock on hid, make tlieir awortnientconinletp,.,'-- --r .. . They now have i' in their power to wpp'y all orilera from I'tivtioiin. Merchant. PuinU'ru. &.c, ttiroiii;liiwl the aurrounding country, aa low aa any other ettubluh- 4iiuit in tlm hteto 1 - alu.bury, June 7, Sd. ' if. ' i lav)ei? ..avVci. ' FIRST-RATE BARRER, who can enmo well tL-wiiotnjJd, (uooe other need apply.) enn have constant employ at the SALISIit'RV HOTEL Salisbury, Apra 4, IbS'X , '. ,, A y If ' (Having located himself in Salisbury,) RESPECTFULLY offer hi aervice in the virioua brnncbe of hi profession, to the citisenrof tlie Village', and the surrounding country. He hope from his experience and untirinj attention to the .uutiea of hi profeaaion, to be able to render general sa'adaclion. Ilia office. is at Maj. Wm. O. Crawford' Hotel, where he may be found at all tiroes, when nut absent-on pro le nine I gutiea. - - mU. ---f ' May H.lSaa , -:.-C. ... A .... tf NOTICE 10 REWARDS r STOLES fioinihaSubneribor, on Monday nipht the lat instanf, a britjht eorrel horre, abotrt, J5 a.nd half hands Inch, letl eye out. A white lect, tilaxo in hi fuco. .Hnie above reward will be giv- en Sir the apprehomiion of aaid ljwrae( t . kauajlill DavidaonNTJouu'V, N. C - ' '- ' ' A -JEREJilAll ADDERTUN - July 12. to. - '. - - " tf V auaA aaA aiA M'vWs. 'ItHE SuBcribcraiihing to aell the above real E 1 late, take thia method of informing the Public Uiat V;-uous, tor Svv r -u . ... --r,pt t&ix&iSjf "H "itilera, ia una y lion. irrt'J:-1 . - if IJS5iJOTei rtt-TLCit"- lefaftrbetiiwtfteavr,co&'' tho Yimtn"Ktrr,r,"tni;Bn tmr'TrmTn-Tttiitwiing twwi a.Bca .1 B: "-- 4V:'ifcrfw-i" "wii .if"ttP.W"W i 1 nn uml la ru niiieu lor fisiii nim, nnti w siiua- 4 d 'the-imds of rraiwfriwwmc wewdtborhood. L.1 L ' The -fitiieluiiier ran-hiv nnMWMiinn f hn Pill wAnv oetin witlimiT to view the orenfwcaor contract fur the . . - - - e r - - " - i - - ... ..... . - . i . . THOMAS CRUJ1P. Daviilsm Conhlv, . C, '."-":-..,, V ."-- A.Jgnc21, Vm., -- cr 'ivii -'- - ' - UtlOUiU'S , 1'lllS UnU '. lilttOI'S GIVING PILLS AND- PIIfE.VI.X ao celohnted, and so much uaed by the aina:led in every part of Ihe country, ia now re- Ccucd and lor aale by the Mnhccribera - ' '.'- , CRE3S Si BOGER,' Agenta. P. S. AKee dvortiiement.--April 4, ':i'J. It - run stii?iCRinKii 1 RE now receiving at their old Stand, al Stirewalt'a (a- Mill, in Cabarrua, a new and l'reli supply of I "- 1 ,700 tba-of Sttar. i ; ; " ' A J ,(500 da." ' ColT 'e v ' .. , 3 u,, Mlaas -V.; y T ' ' .-"' V. ,,..', c ,. ' ' ' - i -.- .-- n issiVV.WWIll t!.-.-nmw "Tm .ne. G.miac Brandv, lire So.fM.l'owder. Aa .Ac. ; . - l ,. . . 4 , . . , all of Which will Iw sold In fiir cash, nrl punctila . , T- ncm ivi'i.vivfr t, r-n Kri - - . , ', C0' - ' ?" A 1 ' 't'i '.ji. "l'. .''yr'Irl; HAVE jtiat received fll)m Niy York and" Phito-let . . phiaaaejiU'nuive-awioeKnetit-nf 1 " " SPRING & SUMMER GOODS, - : co?;sT:.-riNU or" r... .' Dry (J.md, Hardware, Tinware, Crock- t ery.GRPCERlES.DniganiiiiMe- ' - - ' dicinea, Dye-Sttitl, Painta and ' ' Oil. Boot and -Shues, ,'".', ! , ' .Saddlery, Aic, A;c. , In hflf, their Slock compri ahnn-t every article tidied by ttm Far-nvr, Mechanic, or the FaskiontthUt 01 tiie ton or Coontry. , .. ', ' - N. R. They will sell low for ca-.li, or to pnnc'tual doa'crs on time ; or in exchange for country Produce, i voncoru, ji iy -un, INI'J.- ,.. -'- tf . , ' ' otlirkcN, Smnatlvp. - nll'C Sulwrribi'r having received an Agency to soil a. the above Medicine, and aUi, tlia Medicine, now ouera 11 loraaie at UieUtcd price. , . Fulton, March 2S, IrZi tf CATAWUA f VW. p-ildir i"! ifl'rti,i jj, mi-lit ih ' C'lT. v ..It li'il.l . a nl-1. .'thi ,i'!i!nvr r.'tr '.it I lh! t!m ;,' !"! IWS. An.tiie ot "i,J t'i'cii in oil', nipj lenew--! xertuMp. ft-.jt i . , .... ii. lii-r full t-;.'.:'-.Clii)n. 7'. nuKiif li. ,' ; Tii.uikf ;l liir tin" hN'r.il jmSi i;n. h. -itJ A . . i . , the H-t S-a-m, the S:i!i.-cri!"-r l.t-it (ir.h.'i t bid Kstnbluu1oietit,. ,J- VV. IIAMP .- Ctal-a Sprie;4,I,'t:.!:r to., iV r , l ' Miy 'M, 1S39. ( U OJ-The Fay.-llevilleUllrt-rKr,idtile S,UL (' . liiiidii. will pnbNh Imi above It tin; nitiontit off.' ' am) K'Ih) Hii-ir sci n.mt to llm Pout-Master i ,'!" iptin; lor .iy -lent. . 1 j 'j' l' VI CL'ilMEit will b coming beWc ' tf-;-.'-A k and your ruw ar out yet pa;, , runt and oil arocbeai,aud Itilmr costs almnut ao-i'.'' thank tho citizen of tow phce.'iwd the atirrw', country fur tho- yery hlxirul rmtronapn they jwv ", - totore besimved on me, and by atrirt atteDtion to'-' ainf'iw, hope to merit a continuance at tie wdm., 1 will nay lo all Who duire In have pahiiuif i ... and mey call (mine, that it aha II be executed in improved stylo, and tljat no pnin shall 'be apwedoi, v', pari to giee eat'iAtaction, 'i .jr... . ' Any ot it VlslJuif Id" fiaWpamflBg iirifie7wi'?,'.J.,, . find me in Saliabdry, 0u1om neceiirily klit-ent ei. ' , -- ..- t-;-'-. :'. ..-. i II. il. juiv ' - N. li. All nrdera fnjtn a.diatanre, directed tuUl, . Snlibiiry will V punetuaUy attended to. . January 'VI, iW. . .--'' tf rweiiftferf C4hw Ilia TAUI.K id alwaya be Tumiahed - - With the best the market can .afford; hi RAW. w'th.a pood 'futijily of choice Lkmon,- i ! . i-if u l. 11 1 L I. . ... e. . . . i 'y , ii.uo Hiiau ttinnv uh kujii. m una omer j and bm Su blea (which are very cxteu-ive) Ire well aupp)id Provender of the first quality, and attendod U wl - and &ithfu! rmathrre- : vv ; -' -; ' ' w , j Ha hopes, by atrjet at'enlion to tha hiiainew, in w. ana, 40 give aktinfactmn to all who' may (aror him j ' their patmtiage. tAiid he only aaW'acalt and tr(f '" If - " a ANDREW CALDCLELCS! 1sxington, N. C, Fi b. 21, vm. -. ; i2 rpiIE Suhseriljer having located hinwlf in the to- I- of Owtwd, would now Dflbf.bil crvice tu PidiliCj-as an-- L.,i!V. V OruaiiirnLtt ami sin Tair.; tie Unit ra hm'solf lllut hi lonjr experience ia tlwji Bunineea, and tbe apeciinoiw of work he ha ex. , in hi line, willow a witlicient ri'cuinmetHlatina. ijt.IIa wlli 'itlio atUm.T-1" any calf made on him ;. :. HOUSE PAINTING BUBINrri yjum. r . , -. ilia I'uunc ia rwpecwpiiy Tequeatfi o call J .courage him, ri he w etor;xined to execute all - committed to him In the! bent ptible tuannar. - 1 OCT Also, Painting and Trimming all kinds o( C V riagea, done with neatnesa and dwpatch, , ,; .-. -;"'- - i. W. KAl.M.l . Concord, March 21, H'4). - : - - tf a VvavAVc Notice. '-. v THE Subscriber, in conformity to recent Instrn1; f eecived fVom the North Carolina Gold Mine l - i . pany, takea thia method to inform those interew. i :. hereaiuir all perarmatound tresfpnaauig upon the' ing Trncta of Land, belonging to aaid Coinpanj, -s il ted in JHviiln County, will be prnccuUd im:?.: ; to the atrkC Ititer of iho Ijiw.' - ' ' ".. -, ".' , A JOHN VVARQ. Amiil I-Dan'aliwn; April 18, lk " .: Tract, No 'I containing .883 acre, lying on t!i fcu - mne erancn.- 9 contaming 002 acres, lying on tlie ler of the Flat Swamp. 3 crTmainina. 3,X1 aertw, lying m LA ereek, Flat (Swamp, and Yadkia U,rer 4- iUjnig,llBjlt Sar "C coutiuiin'gi;07. lying on Uck ct't 7 containing 1.412, lying on Flat $vr 8 conn ininrfltX. IV ii' on Tick crwi ... JI.-sOiutjiiuiwtf--fttMynrg'tn Ltrff"tft-- r " t IU oaitamiiig l,h7 aercf lymj on 1 ..-ik-wit-aeonBiimrtfr, 1,-vw, ivmg Cij Lick c-"- - ltc6"hfSiuinat' '141?. located on kNir Baota..tii)j Jac fti'!ilj? ! rnnvT-WTi ojiuif ,w; . wyuu3Xj . HAVE j -t received and for aale, ' rrl fltirtargnrdSngnTi'--Jfc-7 - -' 10 dog. Gms the. '" : " A .' - '-fdoz. finished RiRe Barrel," -'''"" 8,0txj Ih. rtpiHi Cotton, Salem Farbiry. - Hrf-Anker Uniting Clntliiand ttcreenur A Salisbury, April IH, 4i , U Vnipping Vpapcr.T. fPlIE SobiX-ribera have jtt.-it received a la rcci ' " nit nt of browa and colored WKAPPIMi f " - ojrwlier with a large quantity of PASTE bVA. . which they ofur at wholewle or retail, ' A " A' - - ' - C. B. & C. K. WIIEEI C - June 7 I niW. ' ' j- 1 ;'. ' ' tf '.' "-'-;; v- A'--..' IVoliT. I i! ': '' A ' ' ' rjVlK IREDELL V()i:.T ' 7V.tthv .v Will fioM their annual meeting tl Tr (''?'' : r.o the first Wcdnesdiy-in Angtut-aextr BywJ?t me wxitty. - MILTON CAMrCELL, ? '. " V ".tin June 7. l.'V). IT AVRou IvairjiK, and intend kt'enhij a anpp'y K ,t Jl .be-v, Anchor rTtamp 'EolttE Clc:i- compriiiing all the Vanou Not", used id tn f- country. Wlmre ail who wh the arfcl" ciO " 'plietl in quantities to suit purchasers and on fei1'1--termn. ': t ' vu "' ' x Wove Wiiyf Sercfji3.Sr.ii -". Iy oa hand,- . , HALL ft. J 01 IN ON'. ''...'. "-','':."" r.wr pi havwh,t Fayeitcville, May 17, lf0s ' tf fPIlE SuWrilier wishea to inform iiis cu5l"r ... and the puhlie eeiH-iailv , that ho aliil fJ ou Ihe Mimic ::tti!itj IlHi.!'S aiid is ever ready t irxectite; 01 a very w;- in.nini'r, all !--(-1 ,i .t. .hi i I mnk in in" u"e. (int.! I, r'")d, n f,.MJl-Sim II 'ii Jew an' ntlt, ArV' aitil Tothli xtonrn, nW cct a very ran- n'Uc. ; IL giit !';r Mili-.smn i-1 ood. Mr. I'hiiijw nl I t- -v to inform th" 1' . tlil, li iMtiA-xocute Eiigruving!i of ai iou ' He will En'aravu iii!trhli;-'ii'a tienily, and tomb Mtu.ii s enn he well evi 'w;. il If dcired. ' charges tli.ill a,ty he rcn-emahle, d" at ' tnodating aa poaiihl). . ' A . ' A ' IVramia wishinr; to Invo work d"f m lne ; me, will do -well I'l cn'l as !'! re-t " Phifips, tcii mike 'tli i4. ri-u.l'' rt . ,. - ENOCH E. I'UlLM "I'm '- ,; Xry?' Hnb;rib.r haviiijf purel,, ',; ., f "-'SlJ jfJ ,l.-Ktabliahineutand fitted it in tu I 'i ii .. for the acefliiiftiiuhitinn AT Tn..n... ' . 1 J

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